#shoto todoroki oc
hanahaki270 · 6 months
♡ Sharing a Dorm ♡
Synopsis ┊Your dorm is going under renovation and you need to find a place to crash in for a while. Luckily a certain someone offers you to stay in theirs for the time being.
Characters ┊Katsuki Bakugou, Shoto Todoroki, Izuku Midoriya.
A/N ┊beginner Writer here, these were harder to think of than I thought ngl. If you have any requests please send them to me, I'm open to do different characters and also different anime's!
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Katsuki Bakugou
❥ By no means whatsoever does he offer his dorm out of the kindness of his heart. He just got pissed off of seeing you sleeping on the couch in the commons area every morning, and accidentally stepping on your blanket or pillows. After stepping on your blanket once more he grabs your shit and puts it in his dorm and acts like he's bothered by this but really he doesn't mind at all.
❥ Makes you sleep on the floor for the first two nights until you convince him to share the bed. He's reluctant at first but then allows it as long as you stay on your side of the bed. Do you really though?
❥ Expect to sleep earlier and get your sleep schedule in check because his dorm, his rules, lights are off at ten pm sharp with no exceptions.
❥ Also expect your grades to go up. While he's your roommate he's going to make you don't slack off on your studies.
❥ When he wakes up in the morning and notices your head resting on his chest he gets somewhat annoyed but secretly likes it. he's willing to get behind on his strict schedule and let you rest on him a little longer. but just a little.
❥ Demands you now be his training partner but is careful to not get carried away. You're strong, but he still doesn't want to run the risk of hurting you. therefore, he always keeps Aid kits in the bathroom just in case you do get any scratches, even if they're minor.
❥ Constantly threatening to kick you out over every little thing but actually has no intention of doing so. He won't admit it but he enjoys your company. "I swear if I see one more sock lying around I'm grabbing your shit and throwing it out."
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Shoto Todoroki
❥ "Why don't you sleep with me." he said boldly unaware of how his sentence had more than one connotation to it. I mean you need help and as your friend he's more than willing to help you out. plus he has the biggest dorm compared to everyone else, if anything he's the most suitable to offer his help he thought.
❥ Asks you what temperature you prefer to sleep in so he can use his quirk to either make the room colder or warmer depending on your preference. and ALWAYS makes sure to make both sides of your pillows cold.
❥ When he's out visiting his mother you make sure the place is clean (though it usually is since he tends to be on the neater side) and prepare some soba for him as a token of your appreciation. After a couple of times he starts to look forward for it and got saddened the one day you forgot.
❥ In return he made sure not turn on the lights when getting ready in the morning as to not wake you up. Part of it was for a selfish reason though, he thought it was cute how you slept soundly on his bed.
❥ Speaking about sleep; During the night he would find himself cozying up next to you, not on purpose though. He just felt comfort in your presence and he realized you felt the same way when you also moved closer to him during the night.
❥ Leaves out coffee for you in the mornings since you tend to stay up late on nights and wake up always running late to your classes.
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Izuku Midoriya
❥ Overheard you talking to Tsuyu and Uraraka about how you need a place to sleep in and walked over to offer his help without a second thought. You already spend most of your time in his dorm room during the day to share notes anyways. The only difference would just be you spending the night.
❥ Offers for you to sleep in his bed while he sleeps on the floor. After you refuse to let him sleep on the floor he shyly agrees to share the bed with you constantly asking you if you're okay with it.
❥ Midoriya stays up late at night writing in his notebook and murmuring thoughts to himself. You persuade him to go to bed and leave his worries for the following day. he deeply apologizes for the burden kind of embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry! was I keeping you up? I'll go to bed in a few minutes don't worry."
❥ Always invites you to go out with him whenever he leaves the dorm, even if it's something as simple as going to the gas station to get some snacks.
❥ he loves to talk your ear off geeking out about the knowledge he knows about the top heroes and their quirks. When he notices he got carried away he gets all types of flustered but even then he doesn't get the sense of being judged.
❥ Since he's constantly getting injured and going to see Recovery girl he always comes back exhausted. regardless, his stubborn ass still tries to go out on missions and push himself to the limits. he get's frustrated when you don't let him do so and force him to rest and leave his chores to you. But he loves you for it.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
older brother touya au, endeavor is still an asshole, shouto interacts w his siblings lol, bby shouto, hyper active kinda rough reader (you tackle shouto), shouto and touya have an unspecified age gap but i was thinkin like 10 years (so touya is 17 and shou is 7), just a liiiil bit angsty but mostly fluffy, lemme know if i missed sum else !
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touya knows his little brother shouto is kinda weird.
he rarely ever sees him happy, or with any sort of emotion on his face for that matter. he has little habits that he hates not being able to follow and he's incredibly nit picky about them. he doesn't outwardly emote but that doesn't mean he couldn't be bratty when he wanted to be, cus he is but that's also about super specific weird stuff like what he wants to have for dinner (which always ends up being cold soba anyways).
he's also not much of a talker. he's a little shy, but he also just doesn't like talking. it's impossible to miss the huge red scar around his eye, he doesn't like to play outside and roughhouse like touya did when he was his age and he still doesn't have any friends at school. shouto never seemed to be bothered by it, though touya assumes that his peers might find him weird too.
except they better not, because touya's the only one who can call his brother weird. and deep down, he worries a little for him.
until he comes back home from school, his sweater is tucked out and there's a dirt stain on it. his hair is messy and his backpack is haphazardly closed, his little notebooks propped inside and his pencil case threatening to fall out.
natsuo, the one charged to pick him up that day, sheepishly scratches at his neck "he won't tell me what happened to him." he explains as touya practically charges towards shouto, he doesn't look hurt, so his older brother roughly turns him around to check his bag.
" but i told you what happened, natsu-nii."
"you don't have to lie, shouto--"
"what happened to you ?" touya cuts in, looking inside his brothers bag to check if nothing was missing, it looks intact from what he can tell.
"i played with my friend." shouto says simply, like that explains why he looked like he'd just walked through a hurricane. touya already knows he's gonna get an earful about this from his father. he inwardly groans.
"you sure your friend didn't just mug you ?" he flips his brother around and shouto's little arms flail as he does, unbothered by his brother's rough treatment. he tilts his head, touya sighs.
"bully you, i mean."
shouto's eyes widen, then he hurriedly shakes his head, denying him ever getting bullied and simply claiming he was playing. touya shares a look with natsuo, who looks just as unconvinced as him at his brothers words.
"who's this friend of yours, shou ?"
"yn ?" both brothers say at the same time. shouto nods and touya catches a small little glint in his eyes as he looks back at him "she's really nice."
"this doesn't seem nice. you look like you got robbed." touya furrows his brows, sneering at his brothers dirty shirt. he starts dragging the youngest toward the bathroom. hopefully he'd be fully clean before their father got home and he wouldn't have to get in trouble. for god knows what reason. enji todoroki would probably find a way to place the blame on him, something about how he should've been the one to pick him up or gotten there earlier he guesses.
"yn likes to play games where you move around a lot." is what he offers as explanation. touya hums absentmindedly as he ushers his brother into the bathroom, deciding on how he should deal with his youngest brother's first ever bully. because of the age gap he doubts the kid is any smaller than his brother is, so he thinks he'll probably just try to scare off whoever this yn is.
"how 'bout i pick you up from school tomorrow and i can meet yn. that sound good ?" and shouto excitedly nods at the idea, gushing about how funny and nice you are and that you share your snacks with him. it's weird how fondly he talks about his bully, but touya knows his brother's always been a little weird, he probably has no idea what's happening to him. the thought makes him frown just a bit harder.
the next day after school, touya is already at the gates before they've even opened ready to scare the pants off of his brothers harasser. he sees shouto walking out of the gates with a few other kids, alone. the little boy perks up once he sees him and sends him a high wave, which touya returns with one of his own lazier one's.
"where's your friend ?" he tries his best not the spit the word too venomously, shouto doesn't seem to notice.
"yn is coming. her bag isn't closing well, so she told me to go ahead without her." he explains, reaching for his brother's hand absentmindedly.
touya is about to respond when he hears yelling. yelling that gets closer and closer to them until he notices too late that a little person is rushing towards his brother. before he can pull him out of the way the person has jumped onto shouto and knocked the both of them onto the ground. and touya watches flabbergasted as his younger brother does not look surprised at all, like shit like this just happened every tuesday. his mouth falls open when the little girl that had charged into his brother excitedly starts hopping slightly on top of him.
"shouto !"
"hi, yn."
touya is going to fucking lose his mind.
you get closer to shouto's face still sitting on him, touya assumes to make sure he could hear you even thought he doubts he couldn't before. " i thought ya left without me, i couldn't see you !"
shouto shakes his head, still on the floor "i said i would wait for you." he says seriously. and you practically beam, nudging your cheek to his and rubbing it against his affectionately. shouto doesn't seem fazed by it, but he definitely doesn't seem angry.
you don't seem like a bully, at least.
you finally realise you're not alone, looking up at touya strangely "who're you ?" you ask bluntly. shouto responds before he could. "touya- nii's my older brother, he's the one i wanted to show you."
you don't seem like a bully, especially not when you immediately turn to shouto the moment he opens his mouth, holding onto every word you hear. your eyes widen looking between touya and him, "that's your brother ?!" shouto nods proudly. you finally get off of him allowing shouto to get up too.
"coool !" you exclaim, but then you quickly turn towards shouto " but you're cooler, shouto !" shouto's eyes widen, before he almost bashfully looks away, claiming that his touya-nii is was way cooler than him. touya has never seen his brother this expressive before. it might not be much for others, and if he were anybody else he'd think so too. but even the fact his brows raise when you speak and he actually engages in conversation with you, as short as he keeps it, is surprising.
but from that small interaction, he can assume that you're not a bully. and he understands why his brother looked like he got jumped yesterday.
you're so much more different then him though, it's weird. you're hyper and giggly and chatty. you jump around and you can't seem to pull yourself away from shouto, who really doesn't seem unhappy although you're a bit rough about it. it’s like you’re glued to him.
shouto who barely even talks to his family talks to easily with you, even though you start the conversation all the time. shouto who only ever eats cold soba gleams at your promise to bring more snacks to share with him, like you apparently do every day. and shouto who touya barely ever sees emote, smiles when you tell him something funny. he can't tell wether his little brother smiles because he actually finds what you said funny or because you do. but whatever it is, it's making him happy.
touya is so shocked simply staring at his brother interact with another human being that he fails to use the little 'leave my brother alone if you know what's good for you.' speech he'd practiced the night before and suddenly you have to go. waving at him and shouto (not before hugging him with all your might first), who sadly waves back as he watches you leave. though he cheers up just a bit when with a last wave you tell him that you'll see him tomorrow.
touya, despite not having said a word feels incredibly tired, so he starts pulling his brother along home with him.
"so..that was your friend."
shouto nods "yn." he says.
"yn." touya parrots, eyes drifting from his brother to the road ahead of him. "she's kinda weird, huh ?"
at that, shouto's eyebrows furrow hard and he furiously shakes his head, tugging at his brother’s hand "no. she's nice." he corrects adamantly. touya stares at his brother, before looking away again "right.." he sighs "well, she seems to like you a lot."
his little brother nods again, a faint smile forms on his face "cus the people in class are mean to her. cus she's new and they say she's weird, but i don't think she is." he rambles, he actually rambles, touya blinks. he doesn't think he's ever been more surprised than he's been today. "yeah ?" is all he utters.
"yeah. people think i'm weird too, but yn says she thinks i'm cool." touya's eyes soften at his brothers words. he raises his arm up so his little brother is slightly lifted in the air. "course you're cool, you're my little brother." smiling softly to himself when shouto giggles.
touya knows that his little brother is weird, but he doesn't have to be worried anymore. cus it seems you like him, that you think he's cool and that you're weird too, in your own way. shouto keeps coming back home with dirty clothes and messy hair after that, but with happy and satisfied eyes and little candies he shares with his siblings that he made them promise to keep a secret. and he thinks his little brother will be fine, as weird as he is.
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l0veizz · 3 months
dating my hero academia boys !!
bakugo: he cooks for you, cuts your steak, and washes your dishes. he loves to play with your hair when cuddling. working out together is a must. LOVES being called names like babe, handsome, pretty boy, my love, etc but will never admit to it. cuddling and making out is his favoriteee! will literally stare at you for hours if he was able to. loves when you come to spend a night at his dorm. knows all of your fast food or restaurant orders by heart and what you get from the gas station. his mom shows you baby pictures of him 24/7 and he gets super mad. very loyal, will never even THINK about having another woman.
denki: he’s literally obsessed with everything about you. compliments 24/7. ur his wallpaper and lock screen. he takes millions of pictures of you. he post you ever single day. he brags to everyone about you. he LOVES cuddling. he loves making you laugh and seeing you smile.
kirishima: he lets you diy his hair when needed. he will do absolutely anything to hear your laugh, he loves it. he will let you paint his nails and do his makeup. on your birthday he will do everything he can to make it the best day ever, tons of gifts, a surprise party, etc! breakfast in bed at least 3 times a week. always matches your energy.
deku: the sweetest boy ever. super shy but it’s adorable. his mom LOVES YOU! when he’s training with all might you’re top of his discussion, all might has gotten tired of it. you guys got moved away from each other in class for giggling so much. makes sure you’re always happy!
sero: if you’re sitting next to him his hand WILL be on your thigh. 🍃 buddy. can make you laugh in any situation. the best at giving advice. very jealous and overprotective.
dabi: his “secret”. madly in love with you but is confused why. (if you have piercings) he literally loves them. had his eyes on you way before y’all even started dating. loves making out or simple kisses. very gentle with you.
todoroki: very caring. dry texter. extremely clingy and touchy, in a cute way ofc! buys you random gifts and says “i thought you’d like this.” helps you study. loves your cooking skills.
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shinso x reader
thoughts about how shinso would act in a relationship. same premise as the kirishima ver.
inspired by backburner
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hitoshi shinso, who’s facetimes with you always run late into the night. you ramble on about your day while he hums in response, knowing that you know he’s not the talkative type. he never asks “how was your day?” he always says “tell me about your day.” because he really, truly wants to hear about your day. you could have cured a disease or simply just gotten out of bed, and he’d still want to hear every single detail simply because its from you.
hitoshi shinso, who loves to cook. only you're aware of it, because he doesn't always like sharing personal details with others, but you never complained- it just means more for you. you're always the first person that gets to try his food, though he claims you're not a very good critic. but you can't help it, everything he makes tastes so good. and with every compliment you shower him in, he'll hit you with a 'yeah, yeah, whatever.' and then next moment, make you more so you can always stay fed during long days at UA and long hours during hero-training. its his silent way of telling you he loves you.
hitoshi shinso, whose cats love you more than they love him. he has three triplets, a black british short hair, a siamese, and a grey ragdoll- pepper, lexi, and mustache- he absolutely hates the last name, but he had just adopted the kitten and you named it for its white streak right below its nose. he'll deny it forever, but he gets pouty and huffs in annoyance whenever he sees the cats run to you, even after he's fed and taken care of them for all of their lives. but he also cant deny the way his heart skips a beat whenever he seems them cuddled up with you on his bed, wearing one of his big t-shirts. it softens his heart in a way that nothing else does- your love fills his heart more strongly and more passionately than anything does.
hitoshi shinso, who is the closed-off, funny but quiet dickhead of his friend group. he's known for his out-of-pocket roasts at the right times and his nonchalant nature that contrasts with the loud, spunkiness of his multicolored-haired friends. but with you, he softens. the few times he's brought you along with him to movie night or training sessions, you've softened his heart enough for the love in him to seep out towards others as well. whenever you crack a joke, make someone else at the table smile, and draw laughs and happiness from their chests, a blush blooms across his cheeks. obviously, he fell for you, how could he not?
hitoshi shinso, who's favorite activity with you is your sunday-ritual. you'll wake up together, either in the same bed or over the phone, and bike down to the coast. you'll bug him about wearing a helmet, but he always complains that it ruins your hair. he'd never admit that its because he thinks you're absolutely adorable when you dote on him. afterwards he'll share a smoothie with you- he hates all the flavors except for mixed berry, which is the one he always insists on getting. he hates the the overpricing for what the product actually is, but loves the smile it puts on your face after a tiring bike-ride. and afterwards, you two will go back to either his of your place. his place if your parents aren't home, and his place when his parents are home, and binge watch a long t.v show of your choosing. he'll always complain that its stupid, poorly written or drawn out, but get pouty whenever you watch an episode without him. it's the one thing he looks forwards to at the end of a long week, drawn out with endless studies, training, and burnout. you're his safe place, and he needs it more than he'll admit.
hitoshi shinso, who somehow remembers every tiny detail about you. his mind works like gears, arranging formulas and deciphering codes, but the intellect of his mind makes you its priority. he remembers the way you pick your nails and cuticles when you have anxiety, and how placing his warm palm over yours soothes some of those thoughts. he remembers how prefer to tie your hair back during training but how you somehow always forget a hair tie- and he knows how you always give him a peck on his cheek once he shows off the one he's been keeping on his wrist for you. he remembers how you can't sleep without your nightly calls, and how he needs to hear your voice before he drifts of too- maybe more than you need it. he remembers the first day you met, the first thing he said to you, the first time he ever felt love for you. he remembers all of it and keeps it embedded in his heart. hitoshi shinso may seem like he hates everyone, but the one exception to that is you. and he'll remember that forever.
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blondieeu · 3 months
"Black wives are for grown folk." todoroki s.
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to me, shoto screams the “black wives are for grown folk” thing going on right now.
shoto first understood it while attending a jazz themed party that was thrown by the agency for someone’s quirk. when he saw you in the corner of the room he knew he needed to come up to you with his best game, come up respectful.
"excuse me ma'am? you look timeless in that dress."
he's older now, in his early 30’s and he’s killing it as #3 hero. his rebellious face is long gone and he’s accomplished so much in the past twenty years, as well as being married!
i can see him being married to a dark skinned woman who knows how to handle herself well, independence being so sexy to him. she’s got this beautiful fro that covers half her face and she’s always wearing a pretty maroon colored lipstick.
and he takes you outttttt, since you've been with him you've visited france, nigeria, rome, the bahamas, trinidad and tobago, bora bora, the whole europe in general, one time he even took you to puerto rico!
whenever the two of you go out onto the red carpet for pictures, he's got a hand around your waist that's unmoving and even from time to time fixing your fro since over the years of being together you taught him how to do your hair.
if someone talks to his wife a certain way, he's very quick to correct them or even scold them because "a women with such beauty shouldn't be spoken to so casually and should be treated with respect." as he says. even if it's the reporters, interviewers, shoto wouldn't even have cared if it was his father.
"so todoroki, with your career at its peak whats something you and your woman-"
"my wife."
"um, yeah sorry. your wife, are looking forward to?"
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blondieeu xx
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keitoart · 23 days
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And this is the completed commission heh😎😎😎
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jayfey-anime · 2 months
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Part 1/3
My fave part of dabi is his smile, they draw it so good
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lebbys-world · 5 months
Reality Check
Todoroki x gn!reader; pro-hero!au, some slightly graphic description of injury/death, angst to comfort, facing the realities of putting yourself in danger everyday
notes: i know this is a comfort blog, but i am a such a sucker for angst + esp in regards to how corrupt the superhuman society of mha is. so no relationship angst here !! just some good 'ol facing reality head-on with the love of your life !!
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Your throat was searing with a burning pain, lungs overwhelmed as the cool metal of a knife passed across the skin covering your trachea.
The shock hits you instantly, yet the world feels as if it’s suddenly in slow motion.
One second, you were being held up by a villain, beaten and bruised, convincing yourself you’d make it out of there just fine.
The next moment, there was that burning sensation, and the villain holding you up lets go, forcing your weak body to fall helplessly onto the ground.
It hits you the moment your body slammed against the ground.
You realize what happened in that moment, but somehow your brain can't string together the thought fully.
You can barely move.
You can barely speak.
You’re desperate to talk, to say something, but the only thing that comes out of your mouth is choked noises and blood.
Tears start streaming down your face, the overwhelming emotions only continuing to cut off your scarce breaths.
Your vision starts to become blurry, and you can feel your senses starting to numb.
The once booming screams and explosions now sounded so far away that you could barely register them.
You feel someone run over to you, lifting you slightly off the ground, trying to ask you something that you can't quite make out.
A cold hand is placed on your face.
Why is the hand wet?
That’s right.
That’s the same hand that must have picked you up.
That hand must be covered in your own blood.
You’re dying, after all.
You wish you could clearly see the face of the person holding you so dearly, or hear the pleading words of reassurance coming out of their mouth. 
But everything was such a haze.
Your senses nulled.
All you hoped was that Shoto was still okay.
. . .
You jolted upwards, your breaths staggered, sweat dripping off your brow.
Your eyes took a moment to adjust to the dark room, as the adrenaline continued rushing through your veins.
The visions that had just flooded your head suddenly disappeared, but you could still feel the agony of them weighing down on your chest.
From your sudden movement, you had woken up your husband next to you.
“Hey love, take a deep breath. Everything’s alright.”
He slowly sat up next to you, putting his arm comfortingly on your back as he continued to calm you down.
“Nightmare, hm?”
“...Yeah.” You answered, leaning into his touch.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Mmm… not yet.”
“That’s okay.” He pulls you into his embrace, “we can talk about it later.”
You were used to nightmares stemming from work, but you'd never had one that felt quite this realistic.
Even though you were awake, safe in your home, in your own bed, your husband next to you, you just couldn't shake the sinking feeling the dream had left you with.
As Pro-Heroes, this sort of fate could be your reality someday.
That was something you had to face when you took on the job, but only on nights like these did the severity of it ever really hit you.
That fate could befall you someday.
You could die out there someday.
Or even worse, Shoto could.
At that thought, you held him tighter.
“Can we just stay like this for a little longer?” You asked into his chest.
“For however long you need.”
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all fictional works are for entertainment purposes only. all rights to characters, media, references, and other third party materials belong to their respective owners. do not repurpose, modify, copy, or repost my work to other sites without permission. © @lebbys-world 2024.
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https-milo · 4 months
the baker's daughter - masterlist
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synopsis Y/n L/n works at a small bakery owned by her parents. One day, a pro hero in training shows up asking for 400 cupcakes.
eventual friends to lovers
i - 400 cupcakes ii - a wild todoroki! iii - lunch! vi - v - anddd more!
brought to you by : https-milo 2024
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zeke-best · 2 years
"You are on your own kid, you always have been"
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Bakugo: So… you’re icyhot and Dabi’s cousin??
Shell: Yep
Bakugo: And you came all the way here, to UA, to become a hero, just to kick Dabi in the ankles really hard?
Shell: Mhm
Bakugo: Because he pulled your hair when you were five?
Shell: Yessir
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athynathens · 9 months
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── : 𝐒𝐌𝐔𝐓 ❧
surprise, princess
in which you got surprised with your husband’s appearance on set. pro hero! bakugo katsuki x actress! you/reader
lust for you
in which you caught the eye of a certain band member. drummer! bakugo katsuki x college student! you/reader
── : 𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐅𝐅 𐙚
coming soon
in which this oneshot is coming soon ;)
── : 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐈 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ✧˚ · .
coming soon :)
in which this smutty mini story will be coming soon firefighter au!
── : 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 ⋆˙⟡ ☽
the worlds in between
in which amphyr domino [m-free • do-mi-no] stumbled across a student named bakugo katsuki. student hero! bakugo katsuki x fairy! amphyr domino
this story will be a crossover between boku no hero academia and winx club.
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
fem reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, reader gets into a fight, this fits into the weirdo! shouto ficlet i wrote, older bro touya au, shouto's scar, kindaaa non neurotypical shouto hinted if you squint lol, shouto n reader are lil misfits, lemme know if i missed sum else !
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"can i help you, young man ?"
"i hurt my knee."
you're laying in the nurses office when a familiar voice hits your ears.
"oh really ?" no verbal response but you assume there's a nod because the nurse continues "what happened ?" she sounds skeptical.
"i fell." the person, a boy, replies. the nurse sighs, complaining to herself about kids these days coming to the nurses office for every little thing. you're still pretending to be asleep, not wanting to go back to class yet because you know your classmates won't leave you alone. your face is turned away as you hear the office door shut and soon after there's shuffling in the bed next to you.
your eyes snap open and you turn to see a scarred boy looking right at you, blinking slowly.
"shouto !"
"hi." he answers simply. unmoving, he lays on his stomach. after getting over your shock you copy him. "what're you doing here ?" you ask. your friend blinks in response.
"i hurt my knee."
you look at him incredulously "what are you really doing here ?"
shouto lays quietly simply staring at you. he has a habit of doing that, you've heard your classmates call it weird, but you like when he looks at you. his eyes are pretty. his gaze trails off towards the sheets, "i wanted to come see you." he admits. your eyes widen and you feel your ears burn. shouto doesn't seem affected by his confession, his face as deadpan as it usually is.
"everyone is talking about you in class." your nose scrunches up at his words, huffing with a scowl. "what're they saying ?"
"that you won."
that makes your scowl shrink a bit. your eyebrows raise and you shuffle a bit on the bed and hum. shouto only stares. he isn't much of a talker. you've noticed it's because he just doesn't realise that you're supposed to keep making conversation when you're talking with someone. your classmate mahoro says it makes things awkward, but shouto has such kind eyes when he looks at you, you don't mind. and sometimes, you don't really feel like talking either.
"you didn't have to do that you know." is what he says after a while, you blink at him like you'd already forgotten and he continues. "you didn't have to push tanaka like that, it wasn't a big deal."
tanaka, just the mention of the boy's name is enough to make your scowl return full force.
he's one of your classmates that keeps making jokes that all his other friends laugh at that aren't even funny. he doesn't bother you much, but he's kind of a bully and he makes a face whenever you end up on his team for dodgeball. he makes sure you see it too.
you don't care about him much, because he doesn't bother you. but he bothers shouto. you think he does so because shouto doesn't care to confront him about it so he thinks he's stupid. but shouto's the smartest in your class. today though, he went too far and it made you mad, so you shoved him and he'd shoved you back and suddenly you were surrounded by a group of kids screaming in your ears. your face stung from where he'd hit you and then a teacher was pulling you away from him. then you'd ended up here.
shouto hadn't been coming to school for a bit a while ago and when he did come back he had a huge bandage over his left eye. you'd tried to ask him about it but he never told you. so you never pried, but you heard the (not so quiet) whispers from your classmates and shouto who never seemed like he cared, furrowed his brows and slightly clenched his fists underneath your shared desk whenever he'd hear them. and it got worse when he took the bandage off, revealing a big red blotchy scar.
shouto doesn't usually mind what people think, but he'd asked you if he looked ugly and you assured him that you thought he looked super cool. (you'd never seen his eyes so wide and shiny, so pretty.)
tanaka had disagreed with you though. he opened his big mouth and told shouto he looked better with his bandage on. and you'd snapped. you hated that stupid bandage because it'd make his usual face so gloomy. because you only got to see one of his kind eyes and you loved looking at both.
and so, here you were.
"he had it comin', he made fun of you !" you scowl, shouto's brows furrow the slightest bit as well, mildly irritated. "but you got in trouble."
"well, he made fun of you !" you repeat. you both stay unmoving, laying on your stomach while the nurse is out on lunch break. shouto's lips move up into a pout and for the first time ever you hear him huff.
"i wasn't mad about it. i was fine." he insists, his eyes drift towards his fingers picking at his sheets. "you got hurt because of me, and i don't like that." he mumbles sadly. his cheek smushed against the hard pillow makes him look like a little puppy. you hear your heart in your ears.
"well, i didn't just do it for you," you try, "tanaka's always pickin' on everyone, so i taught him a lesson." you huff. you believed you sounded convincing, but shouto looks anything but convinced. others can't see it well, but you can.
"but everyone's gonna think you did it for me. and they're gonna call you weird again," shouto grips and pulls at the white sheets, you're worried they'll rip off and he'll get in trouble. "even though you're not."
you don't care, you'd been called weird plenty of times at your old school. but shouto's bothered for you and your heart beats in your ears "do you think i'm weird ?" shouto quickly shakes his head, as best he can in the position he's in. your chest feels warm and you smile.
"then i don't care what everyone thinks."
the sound of sheets crinkling stops, and shouto stares at you again. he sits up to instead go sit down on your bed. you bring your legs closer to yourself to make space for him.
"i still don't want you to get hurt, even if it's not just for me." his pretty eyes, one surrounded by red zero on you " i don't like it."
shouto never seemed picky to you. except when it came to his lunch (which was always cold soba) and the order in which he started his day at school (first he changes his shoes, then he takes off his jacket and then went to sit in his seat. exactly like this every day.)
he never told you he particularly liked or disliked anything, usually always shrugging. but he said he doesn't like seeing you hurt. it had made him panic when people started pushing him away to see the fight and he couldn't see you anymore. your classmates were talking about you and he didn't like it. the nurse stood in his way and he didn't like it because she kept him away from you for longer.
he does not like tanaka because he'd punched you in the cheek, your cheek that rises up like the sun when you smile at him.
i don't like when you get hurt, he says. i don't want you to hurt because of me, he thinks. you've got a bandaid on your cheek where you'd gotten punched, but you grin and your cheek rises like the sun, shouto hears his heart in his ears.
you hold out your pinky and promise him you won't do it anymore. holding onto your pinky is comfortable and even after promising he doesn't let go. not even when the nurse checks up on you and scolds you when you shamelessly tell her why you'd landed in her office. he doesn't let go in the hallways even when others are looking. they'll think you're weird for hanging out with him, but you told him you didn't care, and shouto feels like he's floating.
( he only lets go when you get to the principal's office. but he ignores the teacher who passed by and told him to get to class and wraps his pinky right back around yours when you walk back out. your smile is pretty like the sun.)
one time, touya-nii had called you weird, and touya-nii is always right. but this time shouto knows he's wrong. because your smile doesn't dim despite the bandaid on your cheek and you only look at him when you get back to class, despite the people calling for you, your pinky stays tightly wrapped around his, only moving so you can readjust and hold it better.
touya is clearly wrong, and shouto knows you're the nicest person in the world.
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itzkingbo · 2 months
୨⎯ "suffering from boredom" BNHA smau texts w/ my OC .ೃ࿐ Emi Fujikawa
[part two , oc list , request post]
[includes: katsuki bakugou, izuku midoriya, eijiro kirishima, & shouto todoroki]
[warnings: curse words, nicknames, use of an oc]
[this smau is age appropriate! there is nothing more than friends being nice!]
- K. Bakugou
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- I. Midoriya
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- E. Kirishima
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- S. Todoroki
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a/n: goooooood evening dear readers :) heres a little test smau post. this was mostly to test the waters and see how this works out. its also just to establish my dear Emi's friendships with a few of the boys! i hope you enjoyed :D if you have some prompts youd like to see for my dears or y/n do let me know!
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shouto tdrk x reader
how he’d act in a relationship
same premise as the kirishima, shinso, izuku, and touya ver.
inspired by snow on the beach
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shouto todoroki, who didn’t think love had a significant place in his life. who obviously felt love, from his friends, his siblings, his mom- but never the kind of love that made his heart thump out of his chest. not until he met you, that is.
shouto todoroki, who can’t get the day he first met you out of his head. it was a few moons ago, yet it replays like an award winning movie in his mind. but could anyone blame him? time stopped when he saw you. like specks of lights dancing around him. he mistakenly thought that he simply was seeing stars, dazed from the presence of you. he can’t help but wonder all the times you’ve passed by unbeknownst to him, and why it took him this long to find you.
shouto todoroki, who’s life had been emotionally abusive. his dreams at night, his waking moments, his mind, his hands, and his scars never allow him to fully escape from the past. so it makes sense just why he was so enthralled with you. he genuinely thought your quirk was the ability to stop time, the way you took the demons of his past and hushed them, allowing shouto a few moments of blissful refuge. he doesn’t understand it, but he isn’t complaining.
shouto todoroki, who doesn’t understand why you want him. who thinks that the prospect of you ever returning his feelings is impossible. who thinks its crazy, insane, uncanny, unnatural, otherworldly and fucking beautiful when you tell him you love him. he knows a lot of things, fire and ice, pain and love, mothers and fathers, life and death, but his favourite is you and him. even if it made no sense to him.
shouto todoroki, who maybe isn’t the most conversational type at times. who tilts his head adorably when you tell him a joke that flies over his head. who barley uses the class group chat, or his siblings group chat that he adds you too. who tries for you, sending emoji’s or (quite random) gifs when words fail him. he’s trying, and you love him for it.
shouto todoroki, who knows more about emotions than he lets on. who is your comfort person. who asks if you want advice for just someone for listen. who holds you while you cry, kisses your forehead and rubs circles on your back. who sits with you, holding your hand while he explains his point of view on things. who is always on your side, always knows what to say, and is always there for you.
shouto todoroki, who doesn’t understand how handsome he is. who is aware of his reputation for being the most handsome guy of 1-A, yet is so dense its adorable. who didn’t really care about what we wore until he started dating you. who suddenly feels confident in his looks, never denying the pink that blooms on his cheeks when you compliment him. who just wants to look his best for you.
shouto todoroki, who is physically incapable of finding you unattractive. who will call you beautiful when you’ve just woken up with pimple patches. when you’re all sweaty from a workout. when you’re bruised from training too hard or sobbing over some dumb drama. who thinks you’re stunning when you’re you.
shouto todoroki, whose nicknames for you are beautiful, love, darling, gorgeous, or just your name.
shouto todoroki, who opens up to you. who tells you about his past, his father, his oldest brother… who expects you to turn away in disgust. who considers just hiding away all his traumas, afraid to lose what he has with you. who watches in absolute, starstruck awe when you love him anyway.
speaking of his past… shouto todoroki, who defends you with his life. who absolutely does not care what his father thinks of you. who speaks of you like you are the creator of the universe itself when his family asks about you. who assures the people around him of his love for you, that he’s found someone who makes him happy.
shouto todoroki, who is a gentlemen in a world of boys. who leans down when you’re talking to him so you can speak in his ear. who always drives no matter what. who pays for your everything before you can protest. who zips up your clothes, buttons up your jackets, holds your bags and sleeps on the outer end of the bed. who knows everything you deserve and stops at nothing to be that for you.
shouto todoroki, can’t even speak when he’s around you. he won’t dare to jinx it, and he’s scared of wishing it. who hopes that despite how foreign and strange love may feel, that you truly are the one. who prays that you’re what he deserves, and that he can he everything you deserve and more. who’s smile lights up like a contest when you text him. who can’t be dishonest about how hard and how beautiful he’s fallen for you. who wonders if this can be a real thing. can it?
shouto todoroki, who falls for you like snow on the beach. who knows its weird, and that it shouldn’t happen, and loves you more for it. who would fall for you again, and again, and again, simply because its you.
bakugou version next!
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arbiterofsecrets · 4 months
we finished our banquet around 2 days ago <3
this is a lil drabble of what i think the characters after the text did with you/your oc during prom (inspired heavily by me and my gf's moments during the banquet)
warning(s): tooth rotting fluff, words, a lot of 'em, reader x character, oc x character, not edited, i did this at 1AM, CHARACTERS ARE BELOW THE LAST DIVIDER
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panic sets in at the thought of your partner not being able to make it in time for the entrance. that's when they walk in the lobby with the biggest dorkiest smile, their steps light and swift. their goal was to get to you first, to ease the panic that they knew has wafted throughout your body, through your hand that has been relentlessly checking your phone that's expecting a message from them, and through your anxious tapping foot.
you scold them lightly for arriving at such a time, and they could only chuckle and smile while apologizing. it took no effort to forgive them, of course. not when they looked splendid. their clothing perfectly tailored onto them. it didn't matter if they rented, had it adjusted, or made it themselves. they looked wonderful, they stole the lingering stares, just like they stole yours. they held your hand, theirs warm and comforting your cold, numb one.
here comes the cotillion. you two dance with practiced steps along with your other partnered friends and batchmates. funny how you gaze at each other with knowing smiles, yet turn to face opposite directions out of the fluttering feeling lingering in both your chests. there were a few wrinkled steps that could have been executed better, but you were both having fun nonetheless.
the floor was free to dance for couples of both the juniors and seniors. your batch specifically announcing the songs, and encouraging anyone and everyone to reach the dance floor with a partner.
with newfound confidence, you stand up. your hand reached out to your partner, a soft toothy grin plastered on your face. as if expected, they grab your hand with firm assurance and haste.
your acquainted batchmates and familiar friends of your relationship woo's and wow's were heard and echoed throughout the banquet hall. the teachers only smirk at the nearby table with a, "i knew it" face.
your arm wrapped around them, their's around yours. you both hug each other's body. the coldness of the air conditioning slowly fading with the ribboning warmth circling around your bodies. each step made was simple as you turn and swirl. the monitor in the middle of the hall taking a favorite in you two as whoever is handling the camera keeps switching to you both every other second.
the music seeps into both your ears, the familiar native language turns into honey as you hear the words that you start to quietly sing to the sweetheart view in front of you. the lyrics of the want and need to dance with your partner slowly, and even until the music stops, you would sing acapella into their ear.
at the time of rest, you hold each other's hands. laughing and smiling—the glimmer in the eyes of you two viewed by outsiders are like strips of the milky way painting itself in. as the others look at you both, you only see each other.
with each love song that plays, another dance is ignited between you two. as a promise was kept the first night you two had confessed, "every love song is a confession from me to you."
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character(s): shoto todoroki, izuku midoriya, eijirou kirishima, yaoyorozu momo, hanta sero, hitoshi shinsou—bnha; yuuji itadori, yuuta okkotsu—jjk; sal fisher—sally face; miles morales, gwen stacy, pavitr prabhakar—atsv; koshi sugawara, atsumu miya—hq
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