#shouji x you
frickingnerd · 7 months
poly relationship with shoji & tokoyami
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pairing: fumikage tokoyami x gn!reader x mezo shoji
tags: polyamorous, fluff, light spoilers for shoji's backstory, tokoyami & shoji supportive friendship, physical affection
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tokoyami and shoji both had clear similarities, like their mutant quirks or their desire to become a hero, but when it comes to showing their affection, they're quite different
shoji and tokoyami both care a lot about you, but shoji struggles to be affectionate towards you, at the start of your relationship
he struggles to fully open up to you, despite how close the two of you are. he's worried that you wouldn't like him if you got to see all of him. the biggest example being his face…
affection comes much more naturally to tokoyami however! he's the type to write you poems, buy you flowers and hold your hand when you're walking to class together
there isn't a lot of jealousy between the three of you, but shoji envies tokoyami for how easy affection seems to come to him
as much as you try to assure shoji that you love him no matter what, it's tokoyami who manages to get shoji to open up and confess why he struggles so much
after that point, shoji manages to open up more. he occasionally holds your hand in public and when it's just the three of you, he'll even take off his mask…
while shoji and tokoyami aren't dating each other, they are very close friends and only want the best for each other!
they would never fight over your love, as they are mature enough to talk about any problems that might come up
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n1ght0f-nyx · 2 months
mha boys asking you out 3/3
warnings/tags: cliffhanger, more fanon way of acting than canon ngl, i dont think there are warnings other than that- feel free to dm me if you notice a common warning that could affect someone characters: tamaki amajiki, koji koda, fumikage tokoyami, mezo shouji, hanta sero, tenya iida,yuga aoyama, shinsou, mirio togata, surprise guest at the end!! words: 2183
tamaki amajiki
I was sitting in the school courtyard, enjoying a rare moment of peace between classes, when I noticed Tamaki Amajiki standing a few feet away. He was fidgeting with the hem of his jacket, his gaze flickering between the ground and me. I had always admired Tamaki from afar—the way he carried himself with quiet strength, his incredible quirk, and his humble nature. But seeing him like this, so clearly nervous, made me curious.
"Hey, Tamaki," I greeted with a smile, trying to ease whatever was on his mind.
He looked up at me, his cheeks tinged with a light blush. "H-Hey, Y/N," he stammered, his voice barely above a whisper.
I patted the empty spot next to me, inviting him to sit down. He hesitated for a moment before slowly lowering himself onto the bench, keeping a respectful distance. There was a moment of awkward silence as he seemed to gather his thoughts. I could tell something was bothering him, so I decided to gently nudge him.
"Is everything okay?" I asked, trying to catch his eyes.
He nodded quickly but then shook his head, as if he couldn’t decide which was the right answer. "I…I wanted to ask you something," he finally said, his voice so soft that I had to lean in a bit to hear him properly.
My heart skipped a beat. Tamaki was notoriously shy, so whatever he was about to say must have taken a lot of courage. I kept my expression calm, not wanting to add any pressure. "You can ask me anything, Tamaki."
He took a deep breath, his hands clenching and unclenching in his lap. "I…I was wondering…if maybe…if you would want to go out with me…sometime?" His words tumbled out in a rush, and he immediately looked away, as if bracing himself for my response. koji koda
I was standing by the school's entrance, waiting for the bell to ring, when I noticed Koji Koda quietly approaching. He always seemed so gentle, like he belonged more in a field of flowers than in a class of future heroes. Despite his large frame, he had a calming presence, and his love for animals was something I admired.
He hesitated a few steps away from me, his hands fidgeting nervously. I smiled at him, trying to put him at ease. "Hey, Koji. What's up?"
His face turned a soft shade of pink as he glanced at me, then quickly looked away, his eyes focusing on the ground. He took a deep breath and fiddled with his fingers "hiy/nwouldyouliketograblunchwithme?" he squeaked Fumikagi Tokoyami
One afternoon, I found myself alone in one of the quieter hallways at U.A. High. The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows along the walls. I was lost in thought when I noticed a familiar dark figure approaching.
"Y/N," Tokoyami's deep voice called out, breaking the silence. I turned to face him, surprised to see him standing so close. Dark Shadow hovered beside him, a curious glint in its eyes.
"Hey, toko..hi dark shadow" I greeted, trying to keep my voice steady. There was always something about his presence that made me a little nervous, in a good way.
He hesitated for a moment, his sharp gaze dropping to the floor before meeting mine again. "There's something I...we..mneed to ask you."
I felt my heart skip a beat. "Sure, what is it?"
"I… find myself drawn to your presence, like a moth to the flame," he began, his words measured and deliberate. "You bring a lightness that contrasts with the shadows that often surround me. I… admire that."
My cheeks flushed at his words. I had never heard him speak so openly before. "Thank you, Tokoyami. That means a lot."
Dark Shadow nudged him playfully, causing Tokoyami to huff in mild annoyance. "What I'm trying to say is… would you be interested in going out with me? Perhaps, to explore the darkness together?" mezo shoji
The day had been unusually quiet, the kind of quiet that makes you feel like something unexpected is bound to happen. I was packing up my things after class, lost in my thoughts, when I noticed Mezo Shoji standing a few feet away from me. He’s always been a bit of a mystery, with his calm demeanor and the way he hides his emotions behind that mask of his. But today, there was something different about him.
“Hey, Y/N,” Shoji’s voice came out slightly muffled, but still gentle. I looked up, meeting his gaze—or at least what I could see of it. His eyes were focused on me, a certain determination in them that I wasn’t used to seeing.
“Hey, Shoji. What’s up?” I asked, curious. He wasn’t the type to strike up random conversations, so I knew this had to be important.
He hesitated for a moment, shifting his weight from one foot to the other. His tentacle arms twitched slightly, as if he was trying to decide what to do with them. Finally, he let out a soft sigh, gathering his courage. “I was wondering… if you’d like to hang out sometime. Just the two of us.” hanta sero
It was a typical afternoon at U.A. High, and I was making my way down the hall when I noticed Hanta Sero leaning casually against a locker. His usual laid-back smile was in place, but there was something different in his eyes—like he was up to something. I raised an eyebrow as I approached.
“Hey, Sero,” I greeted him, trying to keep my voice casual. “What’s up?”
“Hey,” he said, pushing off the locker and standing up straight. “I was hoping I’d run into you.”
I chuckled. “Well, you found me. What’s on your mind?”
Sero scratched the back of his neck, looking slightly nervous, which was rare for him. “So, there’s this new café that opened up downtown. They’re supposed to have some killer sweets, and I know you’re into that stuff…”
My heart skipped a beat as I realized where this might be going. “Yeah, I do have a bit of a sweet tooth,” I said, trying to sound nonchalant.
“Right, so I was thinking…” He paused, glancing away for a moment before locking eyes with me again. “Would you want to check it out with me? Like, this weekend? Just the two of us?” tenya iida
The bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, and I gathered my things, ready to head home. As I reached the door of the classroom, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Turning around, I saw Tenya Iida standing there, his usual serious expression slightly softened.
"Y/N," he began, adjusting his glasses with that characteristic sharp motion. "Could I have a moment of your time?"
"Sure, what's up?" I asked, curious about what could be on his mind.
He hesitated for a second, something I wasn't used to seeing from him. Tenya was always so confident, so decisive. But now, it seemed like he was carefully choosing his words. "I wanted to speak with you about something important," he said, his voice steady despite the nervousness I could sense beneath it.
I nodded, encouraging him to continue.
"I admire your dedication and the way you handle yourself in challenging situations," he said, his tone sincere. "You have a sense of responsibility that I respect greatly. Because of this, I’ve been thinking… perhaps we could spend more time together, outside of our usual school activities."
My heart skipped a beat as his words sank in. "Are you… asking me out, Tenya?" I asked, feeling a mix of surprise and excitement.
"Yes, that’s exactly what I’m doing," he confirmed, a small but determind smile appearing on his face. "I believe we could be a good match, and I’d like to get to know you better. What do you think?"
Yuga Aoyama
I was heading back to the dorms when I noticed a familiar sparkle out of the corner of my eye. Yuga Aoyama was standing by the fountain, his usual confident smile in place, and something about the way he was looking at me made my heart skip a beat.
"Ah, mon ami!" he called out, waving dramatically. "You shine as brightly as the sun today!"
I couldn’t help but smile at his usual flair. "Hey, Aoyama. What’s up?"
He sauntered over, hands behind his back, clearly hiding something. His eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and nervousness, which was unusual for him. "I’ve been meaning to ask you something, something très important."
My curiosity piqued. "What is it?"
With a flourish, Aoyama revealed a small, beautifully wrapped box from behind his back. "For you, mon étoile," he said, presenting it to me with a dazzling grin.
I took the box, feeling a little flustered. "What’s this for?"
"Open it and see," he encouraged, his eyes never leaving mine.
I carefully unwrapped the box, revealing a delicate silver necklace with a tiny star charm. It was simple yet elegant, just like him. My breath caught as I looked up at him, trying to process what this meant.
"Aoyama… it’s beautiful. But why…?"
He took a step closer, his usual bravado softened by a sincerity I hadn’t seen before. "Because, my dear, I think you and I… we could make the most magnifique couple. You bring light into my life, and I wish to do the same for you. Would you do me the honor of going out with me?" Hitoshi Shinso
I tried to ignore the way my heart skipped a beat at the sight of him. Shinsou and I had become closer over the past few months, sharing late-night study sessions and quiet conversations about everything and nothing. Still, I couldn't quite decipher the look in his eyes whenever he caught me staring. Was it curiosity? Or something more?
“Hey,” he said, pushing himself off the wall and walking toward me. His voice, low and smooth, sent a shiver down my spine. “Got a minute?”
“Of course,” I replied, trying to keep my voice steady as I smiled up at him. “What’s up?”
Shinsou hesitated, his usual confident demeanor faltering for a moment as he scratched the back of his neck. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you,” he began, his eyes locking onto mine. “I’ve been thinking about it for a while, actually.”
I felt my breath catch, anticipation and nerves swirling in my chest. “What is it?”
He took a deep breath, his gaze never leaving mine. “Would you… like to go out with me sometime? Just the two of us?” mirio togata
I couldn't help but notice how bright the day seemed when Mirio Togata approached me after training. His ever-present smile made the sun seem a little less important, and I couldn't help but smile back as he waved enthusiastically.
"Hey there!" Mirio greeted me, his voice full of energy as usual. "How’s training been for you?"
I laughed a little, brushing some sweat off my forehead. "Tough, but you know how it is. How about you? Still making it look easy?"
Mirio chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "I try, but you know, it’s not always as easy as it looks." There was a brief pause before he continued, his tone softening just a bit. "Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask you something."
I blinked, surprised by the sudden shift in his tone. "Yeah? What is it?"
Mirio took a deep breath, his smile never fading but his eyes showing a hint of nervousness. "I was wondering… would you like to go out with me sometime? Like, on a date?"
For a moment, I could hardly believe what I was hearing. Mirio, the ever-positive, ever-smiling hero, was asking me out? My heart skipped a beat, and I could feel my face heating up. "A date?" I repeated, just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming.
He nodded, still smiling but now with a bit of that famous Mirio determination. "Yeah, I really like spending time with you, and I thought… well, maybe you’d like to spend some more time together, outside of training." mineta my love <3333
I was walking through the halls of U.A., trying to shake off the exhaustion of the day's training. Just as I turned the corner, I nearly bumped into Minoru Mineta. His eyes widened when he saw me, and a mischievous grin crept onto his face. I knew that look all too well.
"Hey, Y/N~" he said, his voice laced with that familiar lisp. "I've been wanting to, uh, athk you thomething for a while now."
I raised an eyebrow, half-expecting whatever he had to say to be one of his usual pervy comments. "What is it, Mineta?"
He took a step closer, his small stature making him seem less threatening and more…well, awkward. "You know, you're, like, really hot," he started, his eyes shamelessly wandering up and down. "And I think we'd make a thuper cute couple. Tho, how about you go out with me, huh?" ew...
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koishiro · 6 months
Dating Mezou Shouji <3
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byrdisdawyrd2 · 2 years
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suvidrache · 3 months
Hi can I please request HCs for Tokoyami, Shoji, and Midoriya with an s/o who is really into horror movies? Thanks!
Love Of Horror
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 171 | Read it on AO3 | Tag List
Featuring: Tokoyami, Mezo, and Midoriya.
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Tokoyami loves dark things. Any and all darkness, he loves it all.
He isn't too bothered by your love of horror. In fact, he would enjoy some of the horror movies with you.
Whether it's watching them or, if you're into it, pointing out how some of the “dead” actors are still breathing, he's fine with it either way.
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You'd be surprised to know that Mezo isn't too fond of horror movies. It's the blood, and people are getting hurt. If you like them, that's totally okay! It's your choice. Just know that he won't exactly watch them. If he does, he'll just cover his eyes at the parts that he doesn't want to see and uncover them when that scene is done.
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Midoriya doesn't like horror. He will cover his eyes and lean into you to hide from the scary and gross bits. Liking horror is your choice. However, he doesn't exactly want to watch it, but he doesn't want to be rude and leave you to watch it alone.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @117s-girl, @dahlias-love, @ssbptigers, @lazyboikat
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quirkfics · 2 years
Can I request shoji with 12 please?
"You don't want to see me," Shoji assures you, matter-of-fact and sad. There's a scuttling noise, echoing in the darkness, that sends chills down your spine, but you won't let that deter you. You already know, as much as he's done to hide it, what he is.
"Shoji, I come here every other day to spend time with you! And I'm not an idiot, you know. Local legends-"
Shoiji's inhale is despairing, but the sound only spurs you on.
"I've known for ages! I've known, and I'm still here, I still want to be with you, legs and teeth and-"
"Why didn't you tell me that you knew?"
"..I wanted you to trust me enough to tell me."
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heretherebedork · 1 year
We went from hesitation and fear to realization...
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To even more realization...
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To an attempt at real honesty...
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And to the final, real openness that proves that Minato needs Shin at his side more than anything or anyone else...
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Only to be met with open arms, unlimited acceptance, love and support despite his own fears.
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And the final, true relief of being accepted for who you are, who you love and who you choose.
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@absolutebl Look, we finally got the actual growth we've been waiting for from Minato!
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
The fastest meta ever on this LOVELY show, Minato Shouji's Coin Laundry/Minato's Laundromat, season 2, episode 5:
I watched this on the early side, my time, to wallow in the GLORY of the referential appearance of Takeda Kouhei (who played Nozue in Old Fashion Cupcake, woop woop!) as Shin's teacher, Kirihara-sensei. Quick hit thoughts!
Everybody be trippin'. I think my heart goes to Asuka in this episode. He just wants a moment with his boyfriend -- and boyfriend Shu just DOESN'T know, at all, how to reciprocate. Pain points.
I like to see the trust conflict between Minato and Shin as a natural outgrowth of their relationship, but Minato, my man, the tape! I hope that he will connect his hesitation in the relationship in part to Shin's trust issues -- that if Minato could open up more and be more emotionally connected to Shin, that Shin may not have these trust issues, even while Minato sees Sakuma at the high school.
That's a minor quibble for the development of communication that's clearly happening between them both. Do I think their communication issues are in part related to their age gap? Clearly not, lol, because of the more equitable maturity levels they have between the two of them -- and I like how THAT is illuminated more in this episode than ever before. And their need to grow their maturity TOGETHER, as a couple, is what's now getting the magnifying glass.
This episode also gave us another little gift by way of reference to another popular Japanese BL -- one that's also centered around food. The dorama version of What Did You Eat Yesterday? did not spend a ton of time on Shiro making hamburgers as an apology to Kenji for a tiff they had -- but the WDYEY? manga did spend a whole chapter on hamburgers as an apology, and I'm OBSESSED (of course! food!) with that reference. We see food being a central part of bringing Minato and Shin together every night anyway, and just -- my heart twinkles that ML2 is connecting these themes across multiple BLs. Hopefully we get HINTS from those other BLs as to where Minato and Shin land in future episodes.
I love this sweet show. I love seeing the growing pains, of Minato and Shin's individual and coupled growth. It's treating this growth with empathy and a touch of comedy, and it's just a perfect balance. And we get more Takeda next week, YAY!
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pondphuwin · 8 months
minato's magic cheering up spell for shin, achi's memory erasing pen for karan. silly little nonsense rituals done just to make the person they like smile.
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sketchedboba · 1 year
Doodle board!! Minor spoilers for Chapter 2
Slowly getting back into MHA characters...not the anime tho
I had fun doing this!
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scarefox · 1 year
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aw of course he's being cute again :)
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Minato was complaining that the previous one was too cute so Shin made it more mature now. Better? lol
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frickingnerd · 27 days
dating mezo shoji
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pairing: mezou shouji x gn!reader
tags: friends to lovers, wholesome fluff, flustered!shoji, bits of jealousy, protective boyfriend!shoji, established relationship
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shoji and you were friends for a while before you started dating! he could only fall for a person he trusts afterall, as looks alone aren't enough for him!
he doesn't have any dating experience, but shoji has a good idea about what a relationship is supposed to look like, based on books or movies!
shoji isn’t that good at expressing his feelings. he likes to think he is, but once he has to get out the right words, he often freezes up and needs some time to get across what he feels for you
shoji is usually pretty confident, unless it's about his face. he'd take a while to take off his mask and trust you. and hopefully, you'll still love him, no matter how he looks!
he also blushes a lot, but it's so hard to see because of the mask! shoji always pretends to be tough, but people can't see he's actually a softie because of that mask
he carries you around whenever given the chance! bridal style, piggy back, all of it! he has so many arms and he knows how to use them well!
shoji is more jealous than you'd expect at first. due to his insecurities, he worries you'd leave him for someone else and he can get a bit clingy as a result
he's a really protective and sweet boyfriend. he always makes sure you are safe and he would rather fight your battles
shoji can be quite scary when angry. so once someone hurts you, he goes into protector mode! he's been hurt so many times and the last thing he wants is for you to be hurt as well!
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geekygirl24 · 10 months
BL Prompts - Chapter 49 Links
Prompt from MisTResShawnie: Even though Li Cheng reassured Mu Ren that their love was their business and no one else's, he still attempts to give Mu Ren the space he needs in public so he wouldn't become uncomfortable. Mu Ren starts to think he is pulling away because of his regret for choosing him and not Mei Fang. That is until he overhears a conversation between Li Cheng and Xing Si (you can decide the course of the conversation that puts Mu Ren at ease). Thanks as always 😃 https://archiveofourown.org/works/46255276/chapters/131257678
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Prompt from GuadaPandy000: Jaeyoung x Sangwoo: I had seen so much ff about Sangwoo been insecure about be enough for Jaeyoung, so I want it on reverse! Jaeyoung feeling he's not the boyfriend Sangwoo deserves or something like that https://archiveofourown.org/works/46231810/chapters/131306809
Prompt from Wingufan545: But could I prompt something from Minato Shouji Coin Laundry? Would love to see some sort of cute proposal scene between Akira and Shin. You can choose who proposes. Please and thank you ♥️ https://archiveofourown.org/works/46179736/chapters/131365669
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suvidrache · 3 months
For the summer event, hot tub w/ Shoji please?
Warm You Up
age in bio when interacting. minors do not interact.
Word Count: 1,131 | Read it on AO3 | Masterlist | Tag List
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Mezo avoided being naked in public at all costs. Sure, he wasn't completely naked. He had clothing on. His bits and pieces were covered, but it didn't make him any less uncomfortable walking around without a mask. He refused, and he did all that he could to avoid any situation that required the loss of his mask. He did it all throughout his time in school, and it continued into his adult life. He wasn't going to terrify another person with his looks again. He knew how horrifying he looked. It took him years to overcome his fear and show you his looks. He knew fully that you would leave him once you saw him, but you didn't. You stayed, and you never once judged him for his appearance. In fact, you had complimented him, and it left him blushing.
It was summer, and you wanted to go for a swim. You knew well enough that Mezo wouldn't join. He wanted to, but he wouldn't. Water and his mask wouldn't go well together. Taking the mask off wasn't an option. So, you came up with the best solution that you could think of.
“Mezo.” You said as you stepped into the room that he was in.
He blinked and looked over at you. He was only slightly concerned that you had called him by his first name rather than the nickname that you had given him.
“Yes, love?”
“I want you to come with me.” You smiled happily as you took his hand.
He looked at you and followed after you as you led him to the bedroom.
“You should change into this.” You gestured to the swimsuit you had laid out on the bed for him.
He blinked and rubbed the back of his head in a nervous gesture. He walked over, picked up the outfit, and stepped into the bathroom to change. You stepped out of your clothing, and your swimsuit lay beneath it all.
When he finished and stepped out, he hesitated for a moment. He was surprised by how quickly you had changed, but he made no remark about it. He was nervous about what you had planned. You knew him well, and he knew you wouldn't do anything that he didn't like or was uncomfortable with. However, the situation was strange, and you weren't exactly explaining anything, not that he questioned it, so you couldn't answer the questions that he didn't ask. He looked at you, and you stepped closer, taking his hand in your own, and you began to lead him to another part of the house.
Inside the room was a pool and a hot tub. He looked around. There wasn't anything else in the room. No one would see either of you inside the room. He smiled slightly. You had found a way for him to swim without being seen by anyone. He could swim without his mask.
“Let's go swimming, unless you want to sit in the hot tub.” You asked as you looked up at him.
He blinked and looked at you. For a moment, you thought that he wasn't going to answer, or maybe he hadn't heard your question.
“The hot tub is fine. How did you manage all this?”
“It wasn't hard.”
“How did you do all of this without me noticing?”
“I waited until you were busy.” You said with a smile.
He smiled back. “I like the idea. Thank you.”
It would be the first time in many years that Mezo stepped foot inside a body of water.
He sat down in the hot tub, and you sat down next to him. The cold air in the room was a stark contrast to the hot water. You were almost cold. You moved closer to Mezo and laid your head on his shoulder. He moved and wrapped his arms around you.
“It's kind of cold here.” You said as you looked over at him.
“I could make it warmer.” He suggested as he looked at you.
You were slightly surprised by his remark. Mezo wasn't one to make sexual remarks like that. Then again, he was probably just suggesting that he get out and change the temperature for you.
“Or you could make me warmer.” You teased him.
Mezo's face lit up a bright red. He only slightly wished that he had his mask right now. He looked away, and then he looked back at you.
“Do you really want to?” He asked.
“Yes, I do.”
The corner of his lip lifted up into a smile.
“Come here.” He said quietly, but loud enough that you heard him just as easily.
You felt your face heat up as you moved your legs onto either side of his. He didn't know what he was doing. He didn't know what to say. His eyes met yours. He was nervous about what to do next. Slowly, he moved his hand between your legs, and he began to stroke/rub you. You let out a moan and began to rock your hips back and forth. He felt himself harden, and he looked away for a brief moment as he continued to move faster. You continued to thrust your hips against him, letting out moans as you did. Your hand slid down his body and into his swim trunks. You took his hardened length and began to stroke him. He let out a quiet moan. You both continued to stroke each other until both of you had cum. His face was still as bright red as it was before anything had happened. You moved away and began to remove your swimsuit. His eyes watched you. He looked away. He felt his heart hammer in his chest. He swore you would have heard it, but you didn't. He moved and took his swim trunks off. He moved back to his spot.
“What do you want to do?” He asked as he looked at you, confused. He had never gone this far before.
“Just stay there, and I'll take it from here.” You said as you moved back onto his lap. He was still hard.
His eyes searched your face but found nothing but joy. You lined him up with your hole and slid him into you. Your hands are resting on his shoulders. His hands instinctively rested on your hips.
“Are you ready?” You asked him. 
Slowly, you began to move your hips up and down. He let out another small moan. You began to move your hips faster and harder. He thrust up into you, and you let out a moan. His face blushed even more than it had before. You continued going harder and faster. His hands helped you in case you needed them. His hips occasionally thrust up into you.
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© SUVIDRACHE — do not copy, translate, modify, or plagiarize my work. reblogs are appreciated!
Tag List: @eli-chris, @ssbptigers, @lazyboikat
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heartofjasmina · 4 months
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🌸 Masterlist 🌸
♡ Writing Tag ♡
My Hero (BNHA)
Glorious (All Might x glory hole)
Gardening!AU (Pro Hero!Bakugou x gardener reader)
Gardening AU HCs
Gardening AU 3
Gardening AU 4
Pro Hero!Deku x superfan reader
Breeding Instincts (Multi character: Daichi, Kirishima, Deku, Bakugou, Iwaizumi)
Alpha Bakugou and Omega son
Katsuki praises you when you need it most
Spanking w/ Todoroki
Dom Amajiki 2
Mommy dom x Amajiki
Anal freak Deku
Anal freak Deku 2
Iida and perv little sis (incest tw)
Pro Hero!Deku x bitch reader at high school reunion
Fashion designer Bakugou
Bakugou x bitch reader fluff
Duke!Bakguou x virgin reader
Glassblower Bakugou
Dilf!Bakugou x Todoroki's daughter
Dilf!Bakugou x Todoroki's daughter pt 2
Deaf!Bakugou 2
Deaf!Bakguou 3
Shouto and Dabi x reader (incest tw)
Professional chef!Bakugou
Dom nerd!Izuku x seven minutes of heaven
Pirate King!Aizawa
Pirate King!Aizawa x Princess reader
Daddy Dom!Kirishima x tantrum throwing reader
Cookbook author!Bakugou
Kiribaku x reader
Bimbo girlfriend Denki
Bimbo Denki 2
Big Bro Gamer Denki
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff 2
Iida x slut reader
Iida x bitch reader
Tokoyami x high protocol
DILF All Might
Proffessional Violinist Bakugou
Kirishima's breeder balls
Bakugou x sleepy gf
Bakugou x anxious reader
Underground fighter!Kirishima
Bakugou x crybaby reader
Kirishima x little reader subspace
Professional chef!Bakugou 2
ProHero!Bakugou x nightmares
Bakugou x bitch gf
Bakugou x bitch reader 2
Big Bro Izuku (incest tw)
Facefucking x Tokoyami
Daddy Dom Bakugou fluff
Bakugou x stoner bitch reader
Deku x bimbo reader (tutoring)
All Might and his fans
Bakugou and gf!reader at Megan Thee Stallion Concert
All Might x stepdaugther!reader (stepcest tw)
Kirishima x regressed reader
Pro hero!Shouji x reader
Tokoyami x corruption kink
Tokoyami x fucking machine on reader
Shigaraki x chubby reader
Ushijima x bitch reader
Ushijima x loudmouth gf!reader
Ushijima x anal
Daddy Dom Ushijima
Giant!Ushijima 1
Giant!Ushijima 2
Giant Ushijima 3 (op)
Ushijima x bimbo reader
personal assistant!Iwaizumi x boss lady!reader
Dom!Daichi pays attention
Dom!Iwaizumi x inexperienced reader
Dom!reader x Ushijima
Dom!Ushijima x bitch little sister!reader (incest tw)
Nanami x babygirl reader
Big Bro Suguru
Sukuna and his desperate little sis
Blue Lock
Bimbo!reader x Isagi
Bachira x bimbo gf
Kuroko's Basketball (KNB)
Aomine x tutor!reader
Murasakibara x reader
658 notes · View notes
dira333 · 19 days
Part of a Family - Shouto Todoroki x Reader
Don't look at me, I'm in my Baby Era - tagging @shoulmate
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You’re not surprised to find a warm weight settled against your ribcage when you wake up, the golden morning light drawing patterns into white hair.
“Hey love,” you drag a hand through the mess. “Couldn’t sleep?”
Your son grumbles something under his breath, his hold tightening.
One look at the other side of your bed - empty and perfectly made - tells you everything you need to know.
“Did Papa wake you when he left?” You don’t miss the sniffle, no matter how well it’s hidden.
“So you found him gone when you came in this morning,” you guess, rubbing a comforting circle over his back. “Did you know he always checks in on you before he leaves?”
“Doesn’t matter,” Shouji whines, “Didn’t see him..”
“Neither was I. We can’t always be awake when he has to leave. Sometimes I think it’s better we’re asleep. You know we often make him late.”
You let your fingertips dance over the soft skin at his sides, smile when he fights the giggles trying to spill out of him.
“How about we make breakfast, huh? We can make Papa a Bento Box too. You wanna bring him his Lunch?”
Shouji considers it for a second before nodding. But he’s not that eager to get out of bed yet, climbing into your lap the moment you sit up.
You sigh, but you let him, curl your arms around his small body as he sinks into your embrace.
Shouji’s small for his age, and almost an exact replica of his father. Only the sides are reversed, leaving his hair white on the left side instead of his right. 
It’s no wonder that Shouto’s family is obsessed with him, no doubt trying to right some wrongs of the past.
“Momma?” Shouji asks, snuggled into you. “Can I get freckles?”
“Freckles?” You blink. “Why?”
“Can I?”
“I don’t know. Your Papa doesn’t have any. But we can draw some on if you want some for today.”
“You can draw them on?” He asks, astonished by this possibility. “Can I look like Uncle Deku?”
You laugh, swaying him left to right. “Sure. But I draw a line at green hair.”
He giggles as you pepper his head with kisses, blow raspberries against his cheeks.
“That tickles!”
“Look!” Shouji points at the banner across the street. “Uncle Tsuki!”
You nod, taking in the giant version of Hero Dynamight. “What do you think of his suit?”
“‘s ugly,” Shouji comments, sucking on his thumb. You’re trying to make him stop it, but so far to no avail. “Too much orange.”
“Hm? What colors do you like?”
“Blue, like Papa’s suit.” He thinks for a moment. “Purple’s nice too.”
“Yeah?” You brush a hand through his hair, mix up the white and red. “You like Purple? Do you know someone who wears purple?”
“Uncle Toshi,” he counts on his fingers. “Uncle…” You can tell he’s searching for the name. “Noru?”
“You mean Minoru? Yeah, he wears purple too… Now, do you wanna take my hand as we cross the street?”
He grabs it, his small fingers curling around yours. “Can we get ice cream, Momma?” 
So he has noticed the little ice cream cart sitting at the corner. 
“Maybe on our way back. We’re eating Lunch with Papa first.”
You watch as he bites his lip, considering it.
“But I want ice cream now.”
“I know Honey. Up…” You let him hop up onto the sidewalk. “But if we get ice cream now, we’re going to be late for Lunch. Papa’s waiting for us. And what will he say if we come in eating ice cream?”
“None for me?” Shouji asks, his eyes big and round.
“Yep. None for me. But we can ask him if we can come out and get ice cream together. Is that an idea?”
“Yeah,” he nods. “Papa can make the ice cream stay cold longer.”
“That he can do.”
“Look, I don’t have-” Shouto stops midsentence as he spots you in the doorway, the frustration on his face washing away. “I’ll call you back in an hour. Thank you.”
You doubt the person on the other end could get any word in before he ends the call, getting up from his chair.
“What are you guys doing here?” He asks. His smile is warm, and as always, a little tentative. It’s been years but he still doubs sometimes that this is all real.
“We made Lunch!” Shouji declares, pointing at the bag over your shoulder. “I cut the sausage!”
“You did? Amazing!” With one swift motion Shouto has picked him up, hoisting him up so that he’s sitting comfortably in his arms. “Hey there, Shouji. Couldn’t get my Good Morning Kiss today.”
“I was asleep!” Shouji points out, leaning in to press his lips against his Father’s cheeks. “Missed you.”
“Missed you too. Think I can give Momma a Good Morning Kiss too?”
“Yeah,” Shouji nods and waits until his Father has leaned in to kiss you to burst out with the news.
“I’m Uncle Deku now.”
“You are?” Shouto leans back a little to squint at him. “How?”
“I got freckles!” Shouji points at the little dots covering his nose and cheeks. “Momma made me Uncle Deku!”
“Are you as strong as him too?!”
“Yes!” And you watch, chuckling to yourself, as little Shouji proudly flexes his small bicep.
It’s a show, watching them interact. 
Most of the times it’s hard to tell who loves who more. Shouto his son or Shouji his father.
“Oh,” Shouji blinks up at his Dad. “Can we get ice cream?”
You clear your throat and Shouto blinks an apologetic smile in your direction. “But Lunch first.”
Shouji’s sitting on the ground in front of you, explaining to a flock of disinterested doves that he’s got a lot of Uncles and Aunts and all of them are Heroes.
“There’s Uncle Tsuki, he makes boom. Uncle Jirou makes himself hard, like… like a door! Unkle Denki fights with Ele-Ele- with Ticity. Uncle Tenya is funny, because he’s really fast. But he’s very strict, he never lets me eat ice cream before Lunch! Aunty Chako makes me float! All the way up until I touch the ceiling! And Aunty Tsuyu pulls me back with her tongue, it’s sticky and wet and it tickles…”
“Can we have another one?” Shouto asks, right in the middle of that, his hand curled around yours, his thigh pressed against yours. If you could sit any closer - without sitting on his lap - you probably would. 
“Another one?” You ask, pretending not to understand. Shouji’s too lost in his monologue to listen.
“Another kid? He’s getting bigger by the minute. Soon we’ll have to Quirk-Train him. Then he’s off to school. I can even take a day off per week if you need it.”
“Stop,” you ask, your voice soft. You reach out to cradle his face in your hands, watch him lean into the touch with that vulernable look in his eyes.
Shouto’s learned to ask for things, but that doesn’t mean he excepts to get them just like that.
“I’m already pregnant.”
You watch as it dawns on him, little by little and then all at once.
His lips are on yours before you know it, half-cold and half-hot, meeting right in the middle. His kisses are burning though, elated and anxious, almost forgetting where you are.
“Papa?” Shouji asks in the middle of that, pulling you apart with his confused voice. “Momma?”
“Everything’s okay,” you explain, pulling him up onto your lap. “Papa’s a little excited, that’>s all.”
“About what?”
“About you being a big brother.”
“A big brother?” He considers that for a moment. “What’s that?”
“Like Uncle Natsuo,” Shouto explains, his voice thick with emotion. “Or Touya. They’re my big brothers.”
“Oh,” Shouji blinks. “Okay.”
And Shouto laughs, carefree and open, pulling Shouji onto his lap instead.
“More than okay,” he promises. “It will be great.”
- - -
“Momma?” Shouji asks, leaning into you. “Why is her face so weird.”
“She didn’t have much space in there,” you explain, pointing at your belly with your free hand as you cradle the little girl in your other arm. “So she was a little squished in. It will smooth out soon.”
“Oh, okay.” He leans in further, one curious finger booping the tiny nose.
“Hi Shouko,” Shouji whispers. “I’m your big brother.”
Should I make this part of the Baby Series? Where you can ask for more updates?
Part two is up Baby Series
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