#should i have a lb tag or is that being too ambitious
itsza · 2 years
by yourself????
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Let's go wide and predictable... Tell me about the different WoD incarnations for Shaw. :>
OK SO First thing I am glad you are also a nerd for this so I don’t don’t to explain all these terms. Secondly wow I need to be better about tagging/organizing, I couldn’t find all the other posts on this I was SURE I wrote. SO HERE’S A BIG FAT POST, RIP YOUR EYES
VAMPIRE Lasombra: This is the clan I typically default to in answers for him AS YOU HAVE NOTICED. I mean, they’re dark aristocrats who are all about Social Darwinish, preying on the weak, and the strong reigning. They primarily enforce this subtly through political games, but they have NO PROBLEM throwing an elegant Potence-backed punch. While one would think that these proud predators demanding sniveling obedience---and one would, in a way, be right---they certainly don’t RESPECT it, and it can even induce violent rage in them. Fits Shaw to a T. Sure, the Catholicism/Church control and Spanish origins and attraction to the sea and Abyss mysticism aren’t for him, but hey, he fits the outlook of the Clan perfectly aside from the religious aspects, and no one fits EVERY stereotype of a clan anyway.  Most Lasombra are Sabbat, and he could be too, but he would be in it for personal power, not true belief in being the Sword of Caine. I can equally easily see him going antitribu for the political power and stability of the Camarilla.  My other choices for him are VENTURE which is pretty obvious, but also Gangrel, which sounds counterintuitive but I HAVE A REALLY GOOD ARGUEMENT FOR IT! WEREWOLF Shadow Lord. Total Shadow Lord for pretty much all the same reasons as Lasombra. Like just LOOK AT THIS QUOTE: “ The Shadow Lords are a fictional tribe of Garou (werewolves) in White Wolf Game Studio’s Werewolf: The Apocalypse role-playing game.   […]  The Shadow Lords’ lives are like a daily game of chess and a constant struggle for power […] Shadow Lords respect power and condemn weakness, any cub who’s not strong enough in their eyes is banished from the tribe [… ] None of the other tribes like them very much, or at all, but even the ones who hate them most don’t question their ability to get things done. […] perhaps the largest camp, the Lords of the Summit tend to be the stereotypical Shadow Lords - power-hungry, manipulative, ambitious, and arrogant. This by no means makes them less dangerous foes.” And like. . . .they focus on political and intellectual power FIRST, and that sort of character is typically physically weak. But as with the Lasombra, nope, the Shadow Lords had bodily power too; they’re described as looking more like over-muscled pit bulls in lupine form than wolves. So....yeah, that’s perfect. Because Shaw does fight “smart” first, he ideally never touches his opponent, but when he has to? BOY CAN HE PULVERIZE. So, Shadow Lord Shaw is a Homid, probably an Ahroun but maybe a Philodox, and he has a lot of Glass Walkers following him as well as fellow Shadow Lords; he finds great use in their technological talents and ability to adapt to an urban environment and OWN it (rather than just SURVIVE in its fringes like a Bone Gnawer, as he sees it) and they organize themselves in a corporate-like structure where he takes a natural lead.  While the Shadow Lords are stereotypically/traditionally Eastern European, they can be of any race today. Shaw’s dad is English, but since we never see his mom in canon, for this version I’m saying his mom was a great big Eastern European Shadow Lord, and that’s why he never knew her, because the Garou aren’t typically raising their own young. He’s just. . . .big brutal wolf boy. And has like a billion puppies/Kinfolk kids. I DREW HIM FERA Ok, so I picked a BUNCH of Fera for Shaw, and you know why? I could. Literally just because I could. I don’t have a DM to tell me no! I even picked extinct ones, BECAUSE I WANTED TO! Cat-wise, I like him as a Khan or a Khara. Are the Khara extinct? Yes. Do they really suit him, the way they’re described less as warriors and more just secret-gatherers? Not at all. I picked them because I just like the idea of him turning into a massive, massive black smilodon. Because I think it’s cool and I don’t have to respect canon here. He can be the last of the Khara and not fit them at all if I say so. And hey, he LOOKS like a prehistoric man already! As for the Khan. . . .of the extant Bastet, the Simba and Khan fit him best. And if I am being honest? The Simba probably are a better fit for him. And I’m fine with that. I’m fine with Shaw as a big ol werelion with a black mane. But I also just really, really like the Khan. And as I have made clear, I am running this show. So my first choice for him that isn’t a Shadow Lord, is a Khan. They’re most typically Indian, Chinese, or (due to breeding with colonizers in India) English, so he could be one of the English Khan, and hey, fighting the Wyrm gives him a good outlet for. . . himself. Their human forms are also typically tall and HUGE, upwards of 300 lbs, and they’ve sired some of the most beautiful kittens and powerful bloodlines. T “ The Simba may declare themselves nobility, but the weretigers fit the title. Regal hunters and warriors, these Bastet evoke the respect the lions demand. From the snowy mountains of Asia to the cities of India, the weretigers hunt the spawn of Asura and defend the last of their Kin. They’re solid, dependable, smart and strong. Their weaknesses, such as they are, come from being too trusting or too sure of themselves. Khan are straightforward and action-oriented, not clever schemers. Whatever a Khan does, he does full-tilt — fighting, romancing, hunting, studying, even contemplating. These Bastet throw themselves into all tasks with vigor and passion, and their bodies, in any form, bristle with vitality. Most Khan love company; though few of them can stand the presence of another of their kind for long, they often enjoy companions. And who would deny a tiger’s friendship? It’s said the Khan were brought forth to battle demons, and many of them take that charge literally. Vampires, Asura and fomori have few enemies more relentless than a tiger. Perhaps that’s why the Khan have been brought to the verge of extinction: They made too many of the wrong kind of enemies.” “ The tribe’s traditional cultures stress honor and obedience. The treachery of Nagda was worsened by the stain it put on the tigers’ pride. While solitary in nature, most Khan establish protectorates where they defend a given family or land against corruption. The fact that “defense” occasionally includes killing certain people doesn’t detract from the tribal purpose. The Kahn were created to war against demons. Those who court the darkness must die “ “ While many Khan tend to be bad-tempered and aggressive, others love company of all kinds (and are powerful enough to demand respect). “ So, is that ALL Shaw? No. He’d be a particularly nasty, scheming Khan, in fact, a little unusual for his breed. But that’s hardly unheard of. After all, the famous English Khan named Lord Clouster “had cobras for a heart; he tossed his own kuasha beneath the wheels of a train, fed his wife to a suttee fire by pretending to be dead, then killed his children when he found they did not carry the Changing Touch.” And another Khan, the Indian sultan Nagda, got into a feud with another Khan and “ taken over by his rage, the Sultan Nagda betrayed his race and used a tribal secret. During an eclipse, his assassins struck all over Asia, slaying nearly 100 Khan and many Kinfolk outright.” So, Khan can be bad too.  But not as bad as the Simba. “ “The Lords of Sunlight.” That’s what they call themselves. Like the blazing mane around the heads of their kings, werelions liken themselves to the sun. All things have a place and an order and rebels must be reminded of this fact. The real fact, of course, is that the other tribes dislike the lions; the Simba may call themselves “Lords of Sunlight,” but many other cats give them another name: “The Dark Kings,” an unflattering comparison to the Khan. The Simba aren’t villains; they’re magnificent lords, slayers of demons. Things are simply out of order. When the balance is  restored, when the humans know their place and the cities become graveyards, the lions will be proven right. The demons of the modern age can be traced to the end of the Impergium and the laxity of the Changing Breeds. The Simba mean to put things in order, and if that requires bloodshed, so be it. Warfare is the sport of kings” “ Werelions value strength and order. Despite their bloody reputation, Simba adore their loved ones, and watch their Kinolk closely. Children and kittens are raised within the pride and must constantly prove themselves to survive. “ “ Each pride has one Mtolo (“father”), or dominant male, and several Kirii (“wives”) and Anwana (“young hunters”). Small prides defer to larger ones, and may owe allegiance to a Chakuva (“High King”) like Black Tooth. “ So, Simba are very patriarchal, very hierarchal, and want to run everyone else and feel they’re entitled to do so by birthright,  and the more I talk the LESS it sounds like Shaw actually? Like don’t get me wrong, he’s proud and power-hungry AS YOU KNOW, but what sets him apart from Apocalypse or Magneto or Xavier is that Shaw has never sought to have mutantkind follow him. He has his own ideologies, but he has never sought to lead others or enforce it on them. So really, the Simba mentality of “we should be in charge because it’s us” DOESN’T work for him, nor does the idea of being entitled to do so, as Shaw’s “power first” mentality is all about EARNING your position, not deserving it automatically. It’s all very Fabian though! So I’ll leave that here as a bonus for you instead of going back and deleting it lol. yEAH HE’S A BAD KHAN, BASICALLY And his Pyrio, no matter what cat type he is, would be Night.  Each Bastet has a “Pyrio” meaning a classification of their general personality and what fields they’re likely to pursue and be talented in. “Like the Dark Father Cahlash, the favor of the Night indicates a sinister or hidden nature. Most Bastet with this Pryio tend to withdraw from others, concentrating on their own business unless interrupted. Although they might not be actively malignant, they have short tempers and quiet ways, and fiercely guard their privacy. Night Bastet prefer occupations such as assassin, scholar, scientist and dark mystic. In the wilderness, the Night cats are hidden hunters and man-eaters, with nasty dispositions and an eerie reputations. These are the cats whose deeds are told around campfires for years to come. If you’ve got a disposition toward the Night, activities that cause others discomfort, reinforce your private space or protect some valuable secret from outsiders can refresh your Willpower.” So yeah. Shaw is a night kitty.  Rats are not the type that fit him the MOST, but I drew him as a RATKIN WARRIOR anyway. Because rats. Also while I drew him as a Warrior, he could also be an Engineer or a Plague Lord (specifically sylphyllis; every Plague Lord contracts with a disease spirit and embodies its most horrific symptoms and I just love the idea of this hideous terrifying syph-ridden Shaw) And hey, he can get into the “culling humanity” and “survive so that you may breed” deal! Most wererats also have very little kindness towards the weak either, despite being the underdogs of the Fera themselves. Likewise, hyenas aren’t the breed that fit him the most but I kinda dig the idea of him as an Ajaba? Their role was choosers of the slain, tasked with culling the sick, dying, and unfit. They were called rainmakers because of the tears their task brought to others, and they did not spare even their own. Then, the Simba came to their lands, and enacted genocide against them. They left Africa and spread across the globe, now breeding indiscriminately to survive and can be any race. What holds them together now first isn’t any duty, but the desire to simply stay alive. And both those things---culling weakness, and being knocked off his pedestal and now forced to fight for scraps in the shadows to survive---seem fitting for Shaw. The philosophy is obviously what he’s always had, and the degraded position reflects where he currently is in canon. He’s not usually the underdog, but he is here---but doubtlessly a brutal one, the Fera equivalent of a gang leader, recruiting  Also they’re matriarchal and I kinda like the idea of him having to deal with that, as....that kind of fits too? Shaw was the only MAN of note in the Hellfire Club. All the other most iconic, powerful, threatening members were women, and Shaw’s never really had a chance (or tried to fuck with) any of them. He’s USED to being around a ton of badass ladies who are calling the shots, that’s just TUESDAY for him.   Finally---FINALLY-- I could see him as the odd human-born Rokea. A Great White, of course. Again, it was probably his mother who was the Fera, some monstrous creature who came on land and mated with his human father, only to spawn this boy while still out of the water. All Rokea are ugly in their human state, but Shaw looks better than most due to being born on land and as a human, and he is also able to move through---and thrive---in human society. Since he is seen as a Betweener---one of the Rokea who “betrays” the Sea by living on land instead---stepping into what should be his natural habitat is always risky for him, as other Rokea WILL kill Betweeners on sight. And the single-minded nature of sharks leaves little room for explaining oneself.  Oh did I say finally SURPRISE I HAVE ONE MORE. The peaceful, matchmaking, extinct Apis don’t really fit SHAW aT ALL, and they’re EXTINCT, but I love the idea of him turning into a HUGE BLACK BULL. So here’s my explanation. The deal with the Apis is that when their numbers reached the single digits, a last handful of young Apis called Last Hope went into the Deep Umbra and haven’t been seen since. The “hook” in the 20th anniversary Changing Breeds book for their return is that maybe they finally came out the Umbra and back to the physical world. My idea is that he and HAVEN are mebers of Last Hope who have re-emerged in modern times to bring back their kind---something that rests entirely on SHAW’S shoulders, since Haven’s womb was cursed by the Wyrm. So it’s up to him to just breed with as many women and cows as possible. So he’s got an excuse! And as for why he’s so un-Apis, my explanation is that the trauma of their species being wiped out and the time that was allowed to fester in them during their long sleep in the Deep Umbra, drove Haven and Shaw to two extremes of Apis behavior. Haven took on the gentle caretaker side to the extreme, becoming so pacifistic she can’t fight or defend herself. Shaw went the other end, becoming so enraged and resentful that he’s become more like a bloodthirsty predator himself.  Eventually, they both fall to madness after re-emerging, but in the opposite ways that everyone expect. It’s the sweet gentle Haven who ends up Frenzying other of control in a berserker rage, rampaging across the city in massive bovine form, causing untold death and destruction until she’s put down. . . .while the cruel violent Shaw falls to a “cow version of Harano” sinking into a depression so profound he goes catatonic up until Haven’s own loss of sanity, at which point he throws himself on her horn. The story ends with the last of the Apis truly dead, but with a new hope for the species living on in Shaw’s children, who are showing signs of being Kinfolk or Apis themselves.
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sininensalo-a · 7 years
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━━ take a seat and REPOST this detailed little bio with criteria to introduce the world to your muse.     no reblog karma or tagging ━  if you see this on your dash, feel free to partake in it!
Minä tulen milloin minulle sopii. Ehkä en tule ollenkaan, ehkä menen aivan toiselle suunnalle.
🌿 ━ B A S I C S .
NAME: Jaakko Heikki Järvinen → officially Suomen tasavalta / Republiken Finland / Republic of Finland. Or Suomi/Finland, simple as that.  NICKNAME(S): Jaakki, Jaakka, Jaska, Muumipappa. AGE: Physically he’s around 25 years of age, his real age is unknown due to vague dating of the past, probably around 1800-ish, give or take a century. Probably less than that though. GENDER:  Cis male, masculine appearing. NATIONALITY:  Finnish.
🌿 ━ A P P E A R A N C E .
EYE COLOR: His eyes are blue and one would call them icy [ LF-01 ] has it not been for a certain warm vibe they send out. They’re not hollow, neither are they two voids embed in their sockets. They’re tired but certainly not washed out of feelings or emotions. His eyes truly are the mirror of his soul, deep and enshrouded with a mist of ambiguity and yet if you’re familiar with him it’s unnecessary to ask him how he’s doing – you can read it all in them. HAIR COLOR: It’s not platinum blond, neither is it blond of dark hue. It’s somewhere in the middle [ or “Beeline Honey” here if you require a full name ]. It’s a color very pleasant to the eye, reminiscing the fields scattered all over the country. HAIRSTYLE: To put it simple, it’s messy. It’s most usual to see him with his hair parted in the middle of his forehead and running down a cascade of split ends, grim reminders of his famous and somewhat magnificent dreads he wore in the late 70s until early 90s and the fact that he’s perpetually at odds with probably every single hairdresser on this planet. It’s just not easy to trust someone with a sharp object in hand working around your neck. HEIGHT: He’s not short but he’s not the tallest either. He stands at 178 cm (or 5′10″). It’s not difficult for taller people to underestimate him and his abilities to wreck some shit despite not having several inches more in his height number. This has been a fair warning. WEIGHT: Last time he checked it was something around 90-92 kg (198-202 lbs). He just cannot deny himself something good to eat every now and then and this beer is just a bit too tempting to say no to it. BUILD: Because of the reasons stated above Jaakko is chubby and his cheeks are pudgy. Sometimes he feels a bit self-conscious about his appearance but it does not happen often enough for him to particularly care. He likes to joke that he’s as round and soft as a Moomin and he’s honestly not too far from being right.  TATTOO(S): His most prominent ones would be a bear on his right arm and a piece of forest on his left leg. He also has two smaller tattoos, a ‘sisu’ written on his left wrist and a Snufkin on inner left forearm. Jaakko’s not planning on getting any more tattoos. SCAR(S): This is a touchy topic for him and confronted about his scars he’ll withdraw into himself and just leer at the asker if they’re not close enough to him (but those are familiar with the meanings and reasons behind his scars so no conversation about them should occur). There’s one on the central side of his chest, leaning a bit towards left side, just about where his heart is. This one tells a tale of losing Karelia in Winter War. The other looks more terrible and represents the loss of Petsamo, or Finland’s Left Arm, to Soviet Union in the aftermath of Continuation War. It’s a long and writhing around his left shoulder – just where the arm connects with the corpus – scar that resembles the loss of his entire arm for several years to come. On the side of his neck there is also an ugly scar he bears after having been shot in artery what caused instant death on the battlefield (also during Continuation War). If one is a careful watcher they might also notice a shot scar on his left calf during Civil War of 1918.
They’re his relatively fresh scars, otherwise he’s covered in more or less faded ones, products of endless wars conducted on his territories in the past. He’s not certain where each of them comes from anymore, there’s too many, especially on his back and sides. There’s also several cut scars on his hands, he practiced the knife game on his hands very intensely. PIERCING(S): He wears them only occasionally but he has at least one eyebrow piercing and an industrial in right ear, alongside a few helix piercings on both ear flakes [ here’s a picture with explanations in case anyone needs it ]. There’s at least one pair in his upper lobe, too. He used to wear a lip piercing as well but he sort of forgot and he’d have to re-pierce it if he wanted to wear it again. PREFERRED FASHION: A disaster. He’s actually quite happy with his thrift store clothes, only slightly modified by his Finnish sister figure or human friend so they fit him better or embrace his personal style and taste a bit better. He’s either wearing checkered shirts with jeans, black band shirts or your local grandpa sweaters. All together with just tragic socks someone should get rid of immediately. And crocs. Jaakko can dress properly when he has to but it’s always an adventure as well. There’s this one suit he has but it could as well pass for a part of a museal exhibition. TYPICALLY SMELLS LIKE: It’s usually his aftershave, soap he uses during morning shower and cologne – if he doesn’t forget about it. His natural smell could be described as this earthy smell that lingers in the air after the tempest in a birch forest; smell of fields of grain rippling in the wind;  freshly baked crispy rye bread; tint of licorice, sea salt with faint alcoholic breeze accenting the whole. OTHER: He has several moles on his body, not too many, and mostly located on his neck and back. His right arm is stronger and longer a bit than left one which gets weary much faster than its right equivalent. His eyebrows are rather thick but not overly so, he’s more likely to be seen with some facial hair than with none at all. He enjoys simple jewelry and wears pendants such as Ukko’s hammer or a bear claw pendant.
🌿 ━ P E R S O N A L I T Y .
POSITIVE TRAITS: || ambitious || alert || benevolent || caring || clever || conscientious || considerate || courageous || discreet || dutiful || earnest || educated || efficient || eloquent || faithful || focused || genuine || hard-working || helpful || insightful || intelligent || loyal || meticulous || painstaking || patient || reliable || scrupulous || understanding || well-rounded || NEUTRAL TRAITS: || disciplined || forthright || humble || independent || invulnerable || leisurely || manly™ || modest ||  observant || orderly || private || protective || secretive || self-critical || self-denying || sensitive || self-conscious || shrewd || shy || steadfast || upright || venturesome ||  NEGATIVE TRAITS: || aloof || anxious || asocial || clumsy || coarse || destructive || difficult || escapist || gloomy || hesitant || irascible || melancholic || moody || offhand || paranoid || petty || pugnacious || restrained || stubborn || sullen || tactless ||  LIKES: sauna, alcohol (beer!), Moomins, coffee, rye bread, hockey, hunting, sailing, swimming, walks in the forest, bears, dogs, firearm, metal music, licorice, chocolate, berries, mushrooms, herbs, books, alcohol (vodka!), sun, singing, playing various instruments, woods, bonfires, baking, stormy weather, old comedies, black humor, gardening, card games, knife song game, LOTR, sea, lakes, beaches, sweets, mämmi. DISLIKES: Ivan, mosquitoes, scorching weather, Too Much Snow, losing in hockey, nosy people, public speaking, narrow/cramped spaces, constrained movement, being mistaken for a Russian/Swede, small talk, awkward situations, effusiveness, poorly made horrors, being underestimated, being sick, hangovers, politics, crowds, mämmi. PHOBIAS / FEARS: Being ignored/forgotten by those he cares for/loves, being ruled over by someone again, hospitals, osmophobia (hypersensitivity to smells causing aversion to odors). HABITS: Drinking issues away, swearing, sauna time each evening, cleaning up the entire house on Saturdays, keeping a journal, shooting range time once a week, arms workout three times a week, walking his dog at least once a day (otherwise the dog’s in the garden). 🌿 ━ R E L A T I O N S H I P S .
SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Pretty much (demi)bisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Demiromantic. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. This one Estonian is really cute though.
🌿 ━ H E A L T H .
CHRONIC CONDITIONS: His entire left arm isn’t as strong as his right one. Fortunately he’s right-handed and therefore doesn’t use left hand too often. When he absolutely has to, however, the inequality in distribution of strength is quite visible. If this counts in here he also suffers from clinical depression. ADDICTIONS: Caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, salmiakki.   ALLERGIES: N/A
🌿 ━ H O M E .
PLACE OF RESIDENCE: Helsinki/Helsingfors as of late due to his current occupation. He’d be more than happy to leave elsewhere however. METHOD OF TRANSPORTATION: Preferably a car, public transportation when he absolutely has to; trains, planes, boats/ferries. PETS: A mixed breed dog Musti. 
🌿 ━ W O R K  &&  E D U C A T I O N.
JOB: History lecturer at the University of Helsinki.      SCHOOLING: PhD in History, MD in Agriculture. SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Finnish, Swedish, Russian, German, English, Estonian, (understanding of) most Finnic languages, Northern Sámi. SKILLS: Good at problems solving, perseverance & motivation, genuine devotion to work, ingenuity.
🌿 ━ R A N D O M .
QUIRKS: Clearing throat, nervous lips licking and fiddling with fingers, playing with hair, sticking post-it-notes everywhere in his house so he doesn’t forget to do some things he’s probably bound to forget, usually chores, doodling idly while talking on the phone. HANDEDNESS: Right-handed.  RELIGION: eh Technically speaking he’s a Lutheran. Not exactly practicing but he tries to show up in the church every now and then. THEME SONG(S): Journey Man. BOSS BATTLE MUSIC: Darude - Sandstorm (I’m dead serious)
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jesusvasser · 7 years
Six Wild Supercars and Other Fantastic Creations at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show
We found the some of the wildest rides at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show. Here’s our top six finds from this year’s show floor in Switzerland.
1. Corbellati Missile. When you think of the fastest cars on Earth, you think Bugatti, Koenigsegg, and of course Corbellati. Who? Never heard of Corbellati? Neither have we, but the privately funded Italian startup is aiming its Missile (points for originality) at being the world’s fastest supercar with a terminal velocity of 500 kmh, or 310 miles per hour.
Motivation for the Missile is provided from a race-sourced, twin-turbo 9.0-liter V-8 with a paltry 1,800 horsepower. The car’s chassis is carbon fiber, as is its body. It’s the dream of the Corbellati family, and it’s just that, a dream. But hey, why not dream big?
2. Techart GrandGT Supreme. We’re already big fans of the Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo, and the Techart GrandGT Supreme takes an already killer machine to the proverbial next level thanks to a number of exterior enhancements, power upgrades, and a handcrafted interior.
The car on the stand at Geneva looked mean decked out in its Racing Green livery, black, five-spoke 22-inch rims, and titanium and carbon exhaust system. The German outfit also boosts up the already potent Panamera Turbo’s engine output to roughly 640 hp and 664 lb-ft of torque. We’ll take our Sport Turismo with these supreme toppings anytime.
3. Flying Huntsman 6X6 Civilian Carrier by Kahn Design. We’re suckers for anything with six wheels, and when we walked by this coach built monster based on a Land Rover Defender 110 sitting on the Geneva show floor, we stopped dead. Created by the folks at Kahn Design, the Flying Huntsman is a concept vehicle that’s been designed to be eminently capable as well as luxuriously appointed and is the ultimate in Kahn’s Chelsea Truck Company line of modded Defenders.
Kahn’s engineering team added the third axle, creating a two front-wheel and four rear-wheel configuration, using 18-inch Huntsman wheels shod with Cooper Tire LTZ 275/55/20 rubber (Cooper is an official sponsor of the concept). It deploys a heavy-duty Hi-Lo ratio drive system and locking differentials, and the suspension and braking system are among the components that have been reworked.
The Flying Huntsman’s exterior is shod in a shade called Volcanic Rock, and it features several unique touches—front and rear wings and venting done in composite, and a unique front end treatment with LED headlamps, and a redone front bumper treatment.
Kahn is known for its top tier interior trim work, and the Flying Huntsman has nine seats done up in quilted leather. The steering wheel is chrome, and the rear of the vehicle has a full panoramic roof aft of the B-pillar.
The Flying Huntsman is designed to be a conversion for a Defender 110 (they already offer a pickup 6×6) but you’re going to want the optional 6.2-liter V-8 with 430 hp. If you want Kahn to build you one, it will set you back about $350,000.
4. Speedback Silverstone Edition by David Brown Automotive.
David Brown is a small British outfit of about 30 employees that has been busy creating automotive dreams of its namesake. The company’s signature car is its Speedback GT, which is designed to harken back to Britain’s golden era of 1960s GT touring cars. The company has also recently branched out into making its Mini Remastered line of Mini recreations from a similar era.
The Speedback GT is a British restomod, with a look and feel designed to evoke a bygone era, but with all of the modern conveniences of today’s vehicles. David Brown says 7,200 man-hours goes into each Speedback GT. At the Geneva show, the man himself unveiled the ultimate version of the car called the Silverstone Edition of which only 10 will be made. It features a unique Silverstone trim kit and power upgrade that has been created as a nod to the famed British track and airfield of the same name.
The car has unique tan leather seating with a special broguing done to the leather and Silverstone badge in the headrests. Outside, several special touches have been added to the bodywork, the rims and livery are unique to the car, and its 5.0-liter V-8 has been boosted to over 600 horsepower.
If an Aston Martin DB5 is far too much for your bank account to handle, then you may want to look into this hand built machine with a distinct British pedigree.
  5. Metallica Drummer Nicko McBrain’s Jaguar XJ6 Don’t let its deep mauve metallic paint fool you. Though I was initially drawn to Nicko McBrain’s 34 year-old XJ6 because of the hue he refers to as “infinite purple,” what really stopped me dead in my tracks at the Jaguar stand were the sedan’s inscrutably honed details. There are the wheel arches, which are subtly flared and enlarged; the signature twin fuel fillers, which now sit flusher against the body; flavorless door handles which have been replaced with elegant Series II grips… I could go on.
Turns out no fewer than 4,000 of the car’s parts were altered, requiring a staggering 3,500 man-hours of labor. Though it bears no physical or resemblance to a supercar, maybe that’s the counter intuitive appeal of this dramatically reworked XJ6: the delight lies all in those carefully executed details, and that extraordinary level of obsessiveness is what makes this restomod a winner. That an OEM can rival Singer Reimagined in terms of fetishistically executed restomods speaks to how Jaguar values its past. All automakers should be so willing, and we should all be so lucky to have such inspirational donor cars.
—Basem Wasef
6. McLaren / Richard Mille RM 11-03
Geneva is all about boys and their toys, and the next sexiest thing to a stonking hypercar here is six-figure wrist candy. The latest revolving door of watch/car partnerships is the mashup between McLaren and Richard Mille, the high-dollar watchmaker fresh off a year-and-a-half long fling with Aston Martin. Their first lovechild is the RM 11-03, packing a kaleidoscope of psychedelic finishes whose intricacies are best observed through a loupe.
From intertwined carbon and silica filaments to a variable geometry rotor, the watch is a miniaturized compendium of advanced, low friction materials and meticulously engineered movements… sounds familiar, eh? If you’re looking at the $290,000 McLaren’s 720S, the inspiration behind the RM 11-03, you’re right on the money: these are two technically ambitious brands linked by their fondness for advanced construction and OCD attention to detail. But that teensy wristwatch packs a stupendous financial density with its $191,500 price tag, making it two-thirds the value of the 720S, only packed into an infinitesimally smaller space. Even more astounding? Production will be limited to 500 units, a number that would theoretically generate $95 million in gross revenue. Kind of takes your breath away, doesn’t it?
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eddiejpoplar · 7 years
Six Wild Supercars and Other Fantastic Creations at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show
We found the some of the wildest rides at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show. Here’s our top six finds from this year’s show floor in Switzerland.
1. Corbellati Missile. When you think of the fastest cars on Earth, you think Bugatti, Koenigsegg, and of course Corbellati. Who? Never heard of Corbellati? Neither have we, but the privately funded Italian startup is aiming its Missile (points for originality) at being the world’s fastest supercar with a terminal velocity of 500 kmh, or 310 miles per hour.
Motivation for the Missile is provided from a race-sourced, twin-turbo 9.0-liter V-8 with a paltry 1,800 horsepower. The car’s chassis is carbon fiber, as is its body. It’s the dream of the Corbellati family, and it’s just that, a dream. But hey, why not dream big?
2. Techart GrandGT Supreme. We’re already big fans of the Porsche Panamera Sport Turismo, and the Techart GrandGT Supreme takes an already killer machine to the proverbial next level thanks to a number of exterior enhancements, power upgrades, and a handcrafted interior.
The car on the stand at Geneva looked mean decked out in its Racing Green livery, black, five-spoke 22-inch rims, and titanium and carbon exhaust system. The German outfit also boosts up the already potent Panamera Turbo’s engine output to roughly 640 hp and 664 lb-ft of torque. We’ll take our Sport Turismo with these supreme toppings anytime.
3. Flying Huntsman 6X6 Civilian Carrier by Kahn Design. We’re suckers for anything with six wheels, and when we walked by this coach built monster based on a Land Rover Defender 110 sitting on the Geneva show floor, we stopped dead. Created by the folks at Kahn Design, the Flying Huntsman is a concept vehicle that’s been designed to be eminently capable as well as luxuriously appointed and is the ultimate in Kahn’s Chelsea Truck Company line of modded Defenders.
Kahn’s engineering team added the third axle, creating a two front-wheel and four rear-wheel configuration, using 18-inch Huntsman wheels shod with Cooper Tire LTZ 275/55/20 rubber (Cooper is an official sponsor of the concept). It deploys a heavy-duty Hi-Lo ratio drive system and locking differentials, and the suspension and braking system are among the components that have been reworked.
The Flying Huntsman’s exterior is shod in a shade called Volcanic Rock, and it features several unique touches—front and rear wings and venting done in composite, and a unique front end treatment with LED headlamps, and a redone front bumper treatment.
Kahn is known for its top tier interior trim work, and the Flying Huntsman has nine seats done up in quilted leather. The steering wheel is chrome, and the rear of the vehicle has a full panoramic roof aft of the B-pillar.
The Flying Huntsman is designed to be a conversion for a Defender 110 (they already offer a pickup 6×6) but you’re going to want the optional 6.2-liter V-8 with 430 hp. If you want Kahn to build you one, it will set you back about $350,000.
4. Speedback Silverstone Edition by David Brown Automotive.
David Brown is a small British outfit of about 30 employees that has been busy creating automotive dreams of its namesake. The company’s signature car is its Speedback GT, which is designed to harken back to Britain’s golden era of 1960s GT touring cars. The company has also recently branched out into making its Mini Remastered line of Mini recreations from a similar era.
The Speedback GT is a British restomod, with a look and feel designed to evoke a bygone era, but with all of the modern conveniences of today’s vehicles. David Brown says 7,200 man-hours goes into each Speedback GT. At the Geneva show, the man himself unveiled the ultimate version of the car called the Silverstone Edition of which only 10 will be made. It features a unique Silverstone trim kit and power upgrade that has been created as a nod to the famed British track and airfield of the same name.
The car has unique tan leather seating with a special broguing done to the leather and Silverstone badge in the headrests. Outside, several special touches have been added to the bodywork, the rims and livery are unique to the car, and its 5.0-liter V-8 has been boosted to over 600 horsepower.
If an Aston Martin DB5 is far too much for your bank account to handle, then you may want to look into this hand built machine with a distinct British pedigree.
  5. Metallica Drummer Nicko McBrain’s Jaguar XJ6 Don’t let its deep mauve metallic paint fool you. Though I was initially drawn to Nicko McBrain’s 34 year-old XJ6 because of the hue he refers to as “infinite purple,” what really stopped me dead in my tracks at the Jaguar stand were the sedan’s inscrutably honed details. There are the wheel arches, which are subtly flared and enlarged; the signature twin fuel fillers, which now sit flusher against the body; flavorless door handles which have been replaced with elegant Series II grips… I could go on.
Turns out no fewer than 4,000 of the car’s parts were altered, requiring a staggering 3,500 man-hours of labor. Though it bears no physical or resemblance to a supercar, maybe that’s the counter intuitive appeal of this dramatically reworked XJ6: the delight lies all in those carefully executed details, and that extraordinary level of obsessiveness is what makes this restomod a winner. That an OEM can rival Singer Reimagined in terms of fetishistically executed restomods speaks to how Jaguar values its past. All automakers should be so willing, and we should all be so lucky to have such inspirational donor cars.
—Basem Wasef
6. McLaren / Richard Mille RM 11-03
Geneva is all about boys and their toys, and the next sexiest thing to a stonking hypercar here is six-figure wrist candy. The latest revolving door of watch/car partnerships is the mashup between McLaren and Richard Mille, the high-dollar watchmaker fresh off a year-and-a-half long fling with Aston Martin. Their first lovechild is the RM 11-03, packing a kaleidoscope of psychedelic finishes whose intricacies are best observed through a loupe.
From intertwined carbon and silica filaments to a variable geometry rotor, the watch is a miniaturized compendium of advanced, low friction materials and meticulously engineered movements… sounds familiar, eh? If you’re looking at the $290,000 McLaren’s 720S, the inspiration behind the RM 11-03, you’re right on the money: these are two technically ambitious brands linked by their fondness for advanced construction and OCD attention to detail. But that teensy wristwatch packs a stupendous financial density with its $191,500 price tag, making it two-thirds the value of the 720S, only packed into an infinitesimally smaller space. Even more astounding? Production will be limited to 500 units, a number that would theoretically generate $95 million in gross revenue. Kind of takes your breath away, doesn’t it?
The post Six Wild Supercars and Other Fantastic Creations at the 2018 Geneva Motor Show appeared first on Automobile Magazine.
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