#shout out to my friend finn for providing the screen shot
Fluttershy number 1 victory royale yeah fortnite she bout to get down
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All the Yays on the board right now, just fluttered Tomato Town
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tommyspeakycap · 4 years
Uncle Charlie and the Shelby sis?
omg i love this idea !!!!
I actually think that little Shelby would be quite close to Charlie so here’s a sweet blurb! (set in 1920 - so moving towards end of season 1. i also made up charlie’s war history as we don’t know much about it)
“Fucking, shitty, stupid bastard-”
When you hear the sound of the voice cutting in likely to chastise you for your use of explicit choice language while you were practically beating the shit of the hay you were shovelling for the horses, you turn around to face him. He see’s that you look rather flustered, face a bit red as you blow a sigh past your lips and shove your hair back out of your face. “Sorry, uncle Charlie.”
“Mhm,” he nods his head, “And what’ve your brothers done this time eh?” You sigh again with some sort of disgruntled huff afterwards to display your clear irritation with the behaviour of who Charlie assumed would most likely be Tommy, Arthur at a push but very unlikely to be John. John annoyed you a lot, he knew, but never tended to make you genuinely angry. At least, never angry enough to switch off the sunshine and rainbows girl who sang and hummed while shovelling hay and horse shit.
“Tommy’s being a fucking idiot. Again.” You bite harshly.
“Sorry, Charlie.”
He shakes his head at you with the very slightest of smiles. “And how’s that? What’s he done?” Your uncle grabs the spair shovel from where it was leaning against the barn door so as to join you in your cleaning of the stables. Charlie can sense the anger that had built in you from Tommy’s seemingly incessant enforcement of all sorts of new and more restrictive rules for the members of the family - especially you and slightly Ada - since he had started to try expand the business into the race tracks. He doubts this time will be any different from the last three times you’ve complained about him in the last week.
“Finn’s 11 and he gets to go with them to the races sometimes, but i’m nearly 17 and i can’t even step out the house without an escort when the boys aren’t in Small Heath. It’s so unfair!” You rant almost desperately. The frustration is clearly heard in your words, and Charlie was no fool to picking up on your feelings by the way you spoke and acted. Charlie very, very much understands your brothers desires to keep you safe; you’re his favourite if he’s totally honest. So he’s incredibly protective himself, he felt quite a sense of fatherly responsibility for you.
Charlie had gone to fight in France for around a year and a half. That definitely did a number on him, but he was transferred home after being shot. It was then that he was appointed a post on the home front as a farmer and some kind of war horse breeder and trainer because he was so good with animals. As a result, it had become his job to look after you during the years of the war that your brothers were away. Polly did your breakfasts and dinner and would make sure you were well looked after, but Charlie took you out to the farm during the day where he would make packed lunches. You would get to pick vegetables, train the sheep dogs, collect wool and the likes of that sort of work. He knew that since you were 12, had you stayed hanging around the factories in Small Heath, you might’ve ended up having to work in one, so brought you to work with him instead. It had brought you extremely close to your uncle.
It’s why now, it was his scrap yard you went to when Tommy and the rest of the family were getting to you. He would often find you there, felt like a sixth sense of some sort that he would just get a feeling you were there - if he hadn’t heard you shouting or singing. Most commonly your troubles were caused by or at least had some distant correlation to Tommy and something he had done. The head of the family does of course think through his decisions and what they’re impact will be, but the one mistake Thomas tends to make when he thinks abouts these impacts is what appears to always affect you.
And that is, that he looks for direct danger. He overthinks and spends nights riddled with fear that his plan will bring harm to those he loves. He fears Billy Kimber will come to try and take from Tommy what he holds most dear in retaliation if he doesn’t act exactly the right way. He fails to look at less direct impacts. He sees your protection escorts as keeping you from being harmed and sees keeping you in the house constantly as ensuring he knows that you’re safe, always. He doesn’t see you missing out on your youth or missing your friends or feeling threatening and anxious at the fact you’re always either in house arrest or practically with a fucking protection detail. He never thinks like that and Charlie knows that is what gets to you so much, because you just see that as he being malicious and not thinking about what’s best for you at all.
“Sometimes i just wish we were normal y’know?” The change in tone of your voice from red hot anger to a timid quite mumble tells Charlie that you’re hurting more than you may ever let on in words. “Just miss my life.” You lament lowly, dropping the shovel and instead opting to drop yourself down on a nearby haybale.
Charlie signs not in annoyance or anger, but in a kind of sympathetic way as he leans himself on his shovel and turns to face your direction. “I know you do, love. Think we all do these days. Missing your brother eh?” Charlie tries to ask you as softly as he can despite having a generally grumpy, grumbling voice. The question marks another change in your demeanour as he immediately notes that your shoulders slump and you begin clenching your jaw to try not to get all upset.
You just nod in response.
“Mhm,” Charlie hums, moving to sit on the hay bale next to you, “Though so.” He pulls you into his side and feels you shaking a little with a few small sniffles to tell him your were crying. It breaks his heart and he know it would shatter Tommy’s if he knew. He had known for weeks that part of your rage and irritation was a smoke screen for the painful fact that you just missed your brother. You missed being little and holding his hand, having him play games with you and look after you, spend time with you and have genuine, actual conversations that weren’t two minutes long, arguments or about business and rules. You were still young and the four years you’d spent without them, plus the trauma you’d gone through in your life, meant that you missed and relied upon them a lot more than most would. Your hurting heart just longed for your big brother to make all things right again, just like he used to.
Things were so much more complicated now than they were before, you knew that. But it didn’t stop the hurt, it only just made it more painful.
“Listen, hey, listen,” Charlie comforts, “It’s alright. I’ll have words with that brother of your eh?” He feels you nod your head. “Yes please.” You whisper, sniffling again.
A silence falls between you as it often does, a bubble created where you could feels your feelings and your uncle would do all that he could in his limited power to move whatever kind of mountains you needed moving so you could feel better again. It was damn near his very top priority that you were provided with a better childhood and better young adult-hood than what he was able to give the Tommy, Arthur and John.
But it just so happened that Charlie Strong made a promise to the woman he loved - your mother. The woman you were so very like. He felt it his duty to protect you like a daughter because that is what your mother would have wanted. He promised to look after you and in doing so he recognised what your brothers often didn’t. Your physical well-being wasn’t everything. Of the same importance he wanted, just as the rest of the family did, for you to be safe, happy and loved in an emotional sense. They did love you, all of them. So much it was painful and so much that it was enough to do you a lifetime; they just had such a bad way of showing it.
Charlie decided it was time now to give your older brothers a wake up call. It was time they learned how to love you in a way you understood. Killing for you and keeping you bubble wrap didn’t tell you they loved you, they had to show you in a true way. They had to tell you and hold you just like he had learned to do to show his care and love for you. He had to change to accommodate how you experienced love, so he did just that; he changed.
Charlie was determined and he held a level of authority with the boys he practically raised. So starting with Tommy, he was going to enforce that same change in order to make sure you knew just how fucking loved you were in that family.
And for Charlie Strong, all of the fighting, the pushing and the moving of seemingly unmovable mountains was worth in to no end when you mumbled, “I love you, uncle Charlie.” Against his shoulder while he hugged you tight.
“Yeah yeah, Shelby,” he sniggers, pressing a kiss on top of your head, “I love you too.”
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buns-and-books-blog · 7 years
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Dr. Derek “McDreamy” Shepherd is Not Actually that Dreamy
At one point or another, we all fell for McDreamy. Let’s just all admit it now. 
No one can blame us; Derek was the almost-perfect guy fans wanted (minus the bit with hiding the fact about Addison during season one) for themselves and for Meredith. And I can’t be the only one who was sighing out of happiness when the on-screen couple got together and then married. Yayyy
Now here are the top three reasons why I recently started to not like him as much. 
From the start and in the middle of the series, Derek knew that Meredith wasn’t the typical woman; she came from a broken family and was, as we say, “dark and twisty.” And that’s fine. No one can expect all women to be happy and sunshines and rainbows. At one point, we all had our own “dark and twisty” moment; it’s called a balance in life. 
So I will start off by saying props to Derek for catering to marrying Meredith on a Post-It note rather than the traditional church wedding that Izzy had planned that Meredith didn’t really want. 
I’ll put this disclaimer right here before we go any further: All relationships have their ups and downs, the good and bad, the laughs and fights. I’m not oblivious to this reality.
1. Derek Led Meredith On
Oh yeah, we’re going all the way back to the end of season one and throughout season two. 
Everything was going so well with Meredith and Derek, the dynamic was building up between them, he was being such a sweetheart to her. But since this is a TV drama, a wrench had to be thrown when things were going well, right?
I was a single, never-been-in-a-relationship twenty year-old when I binge-watched the series for the first time. So when Addison showed up, I was downright pissed and frustrated. How dare you mess with my canon couple!? 
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But now that I’ve been in a relationship for five years and currently engaged, I’ve become more angry at Derek than anyone in the show. Two wrongs don’t make a right; two people cheating on each other doesn’t solve the fucking problem. 
If Meredith was just a one-night stand, fine. There would be no need to disclose that he was married to a smart and beautiful OBGYN who had slept with his best friend. 
But that wasn’t the case. 
It was turning serious between Meredith and Derek. And then Meredith gets slapped in the face when she finds out that she’s been sleeping with, working with, and getting serious with a guy who was already married. 
IT DOESN’T MATTER that he was currently estranged from Addison, who--during season one--I will assume was in Boston. The fact is that he was still married to her, papers and all. And just because she cheated on him did not make him striking up a side relationship with Meredith okay. It’s a childish reaction.  
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Meredith gets a second slap in the face when Derek changes his mind to leave Addison for her and chooses to stay in the marriage with Addison, even after telling Derek in so many words that she loves him. She really thought they were getting somewhere serious to the point where she pretty much begs him, “Pick me. Choose me. Love me.”
Meredith, I am so sorry that this piece of crap had made you grovel like this. 
And remember that very last moment we see Finn in “Grey’s Anatomy” after Meredith picks the now-divorced Derek (A LITTLE LATE, BRO) over him, he tells Meredith, “He’s gonna hurt you again.” 
And he was right.
2. Derek Abandoned Meredith with Zola
Remember when Derek was talking about having kids with Meredith and Meredith eventually agrees that she also wants kids? She got the fertility shots, the pills, the legs-in-the-air, everything that she could possibly do to increase her chances of getting pregnant despite her “hostile uterus.” Despite this, she wasn’t able to get pregnant right on the get-go, and Derek was the supportive partner through all this. 
Now, let’s skip to when they meet adorable baby Zola and agree that they feel strongly about adopting her. And they planned everything for bringing her home. 
It would have been a no brainer for an adoption agency to choose Meredith and Derek as good parents; they were both doctors, obviously educated, loved Zola to bits, and could provide Zola with everything she could ever need. 
Then let’s skip to Meredith messing with Derek’s Alzheimer’s Trial and blacklisting him from the FDA. 
Long story short, she fucked up. Enough said. 
Oh he had every right to be angry with her; she let her emotions and personal life mix and interfere with her professional life. It didn’t matter when Meredith said that what she did wouldn’t affect the outcome of the trial; she screwed with the results which made the trial invalid right away. 
But that didn’t give him the right to leave her with Zola when the agency gave the couple temporary custody of her, the daughter whom they were hell-bent on raising together. Mind you, he gave her the idea to adopt her because he wanted it. And now he disappears when they finally get the OK to take her home. Ignores his wife’s calls and messages. 
He didn’t even want to communicate with her the day after Zola spent the night with just Meredith. He just brushed past her with Zola, like a divorced couple switching off parenting duties. 
Oh, and the kicker is when Meredith and Derek give different stories to the agent in charge of Zola of how they were doing overall. Derek asked why Meredith would give a different and untrue statement to the agent. Gee, I don’t know; maybe because you didn’t want to discuss what you were going to freaking say to the agent because you had been avoiding your wife completely when she was trying to talk to you.
And let’s also not forget that Derek wanted Meredith, his own wife, fired from the hospital. No, Derek, the world is not all black and white. She ruined your trial, okay, she apologized and was honest about why she did it. She tried to save your friend’s wife and keep you blame-free. YOU wanted to ruin her entire CAREER. (And this is why I advise people to not work in the same vicinity as their partners)
So when it came to light that Derek was angry that Meredith didn’t know how to accept a punishment, she said that the consequence of what she did would be for her to give up pursuing neurosurgery as her specialty. And that was enough for him. 
Moreso than trying to raise an infant together despite their differences whom they lose temporary custody of because of their lack of communication. *cough* I wonder why *cough*
3. Derek Thinks His Career is More Important Than Meredith’s
This happened twice. Twice.
Every time Derek gets an offer to work at a prestigious facility, he basically demands Meredith that they move.
The first instance is when Meredith has an offer from the Brigham in Boston and Derek gets an offer to work at Harvard University. His eyes light up when he says he could be working with some of the world’s most brilliant minds and teaching them. 
But Meredith’s career is just starting by becoming a first-year fellow. Derek’s career had been going on for years. If she wants to stay and accept the fellowship for Seattle Grace, then it’s her decision. Not yours, Derek. Remember, before they take off in the plane that ultimately crashes, Derek firmly tells her, “We are leaving,” when she wanted to stay. This is her moment to grow into the brilliant surgeon we all know she would become. Sometimes working for a prestigious facility isn’t everything. Cristina left to work at Mayo, and she even ended up coming back to Seattle Grace. 
The second instance is when Derek gets that offer to lead the research at the NIH in Washington, D.C. 
Meredith had already been working on her portal veins project up to this point because Derek had pretty much promised her that he would take a step back so she can focus on her research and shine. 
But now that POTUS wants Derek to move to Washington, D.C. so he can lead the research team, he expects Meredith to simply pack up and move across the country with him where she’ll have a job as a general surgeon in the area. It’s just as Meredith said when they were arguing about moving: her mother’s career was taking off was important for her, so whenever she moved for her job, she had to find something for Thatcher to do. It is a stark parallel to what Derek’s doing.
He even admits and shouts at her that his job to lead the research at the NIH is more important than her job to practice general surgery and continue with her own research. 
Boy, please.
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And I’d like to give credit to Cristina who wisened Meredith up when she told her that Derek is not the sun, that Meredith is. That Meredith’s career and opinions in matters are just as important as Derek’s. 
Also, in relation to reason #2 above, when Derek leaves Meredith and moves to D.C., not once has the kids gone to visit their dad to take care of nor spend time with them. Derek even said to Amelia when he finally comes back that he basically didn’t want to watch his kids grow up on a computer screen. 
You had all that time apart, and not once did it occur to you to take the kids for the weekend? 
With Derek gone, though, Meredith became this confident, strong, independent women who is both an excellent and brilliant general surgeon and a loving and caring mother. For once she followed her own decision without his influence, and look at how far she has come. 
Aside from bashing on Derek...
He had to grow up quickly at a young age when his father was killed in front of him; the fact that his father was killed by robbers have also contributed to his whole “seeing the world in black and white” and has made him less able to see things in gray the way Meredith does. He took on the role of the man of the house for his four sisters and mother. That could have potentially led to him being very authoritative in a “my way or the high way” kind of mentality that had always stuck with him, especially moreso since he was Chief of Neurosurgery; his opinions held a lot of weight and power, contributing to that authoritative personality that he already has. But that is not the mentality you bring into a relationship, and I, personally, do not condone it. 
I’ll be honest; I was really sad when Derek died when I first watched the episode. But after rewatching the series multiple times and actually seeing Derek’s character, I’m not that bummed out as I once was. 
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kandrakelsier · 8 years
Fandom Fic Rec
Alrighty, so this is apparently a thing, and I’ve been meaning to do recs for a while so... here’s a long list of my favorite fanfiction works, with links to each of them. I recommend all of them.
Hanover Chronicles-Katriona_Subasa (@agronadb​)
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka No Ken, Fire Emblem 6- Fuuin No Tsurugi
A series of four fics, spanning just over a thousand years of history in the Fire Emblem world of Elibe. This series is one of my favorites; the characters are well developed, there are little tie-ins and easter eggs between fics, the writing style (particularly the dialogue) feels super realistic, and the pacing is excellent. Also would like to point out that the series is approaching 1 million words, so if you start, you’ll have plenty of material to keep you going, particularly since the last fic is still in progress.
Fandom: Star Wars
A series of time-travel fix-it fics where Obi-Wan is sent back in time after his duel with Darth Vader on the Death Star. The humor is great; imagine Qui-Gon trying to deal with two Obi-Wans at once. There’s also cameos from characters in the True EU, which was fun to see, and some great philosophizing about the nature of the Force. Lots of good meta, and overall just very well written.
Messenger-HundredHanded (@hundred-handed​)
Fandom: Overwatch
An Ancient Greek AU. Angela travels with Reinhardt as he tries to take down Talon, and Fareeha is a bodyguard. Very clean writing; you can tell a lot of research went into this one. No character feels out of place, even if the entire thing takes place in Greece, and the names are absolutely brilliant. Good fic, good pairing.
Beneath the Stars-StarlightWalking 
Fandom: LOTR
A finished fic covering the travels and life of Tauriel after the Hobbit and through the War of the Ring. Really fleshes out the brief relationship between Tauriel and Kili. Provides a lovely conclusion to her story, which was more or less left hanging at the end of the movie. Shout out to TolkienGuardians for always posting updates on this so I could go read new chapters. 
Fandom: Star Wars
A canon divergent fic covering the Clone Wars, where Ahsoka wasn’t expelled from the Jedi Order and instead was promoted to a unique position. Proceeding relatively slowly, but has a lot of material, and each one is well done. Covers battle, politics, and slices of life, which very few other sources do. Contains a whole bunch of fics, so pick your poison.
Love, Life, and Peril-LiamReyes
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka No Ken
A unique take on the story of FE7, involving a tactician with a checkered past. This is an older fic that is progressing slowly, but is well written, with enough AU tossed in to keep the story fresh. The background adds a nice twist to the story, and some character deaths are left out, which I think makes the fic much better,
A Fresh Cup of Coffee-Lydia_Rogue (@marykay91​)
Fandom: RWBY
Hoo boy. Another favorite fic of mine, involving the formation and adventures of Team CFVY (You know, the ones that got maybe ten minutes of screen time?). Super well done, and covers some serious issues within the show that the actual series does not (Racism, Ableism, etc). Bonus points for having the team be in a super cute poly relationship, and for fully fleshing out the most badass team on the show.
Overwatch Emergency Communication Channel-ArcaneAdagio 
Fandom: Overwatch
This is... a legendary crackfic. Just, imaging the entire Overwatch team on a chat server during day to day life. Absolutely hilarious, and the format is great. Lots of pairings, lots of shenanigans. 
It's Basically Discord-Hanzo Shimada (Ubercharge)
Fandom: Overwatch
Same as the last one, another crack chatlog fic. This one starts in the days of Overwatch before the fall, so you get to see some of the interactions between the old soldiers when they were still young and snarky.
Reaping Dragons-MegsBlackFire 
Fandom: Overwatch
A series featuring genderbent Reyes and Hanzo, and covering their recruitment into Overwatch before the fall. McHanzo and Reaper76 feature prominently, and there’s plenty of OC characters to help flesh out the story. Well written, and ongoing through the current storyline of Overwatch (Whatever that is Blizzard’s timeline is so messed up)
The Young Never Sleep-CerealMilk (@cerealwatch​)
Fandom: Overwatch
A much, much darker fic, but one that I thoroughly enjoyed. Details D.Va’s life and current status in Overwatch, and explores how being a child soldier who’s been fighting omnics for years might fuck you up a bit. Lots of triggers, read the description before you start. Goes a lot into recovery and in how D.Va deals with life and death, and doesn’t treat her like a child. Basically the anti-gremlin D.Va; Hana Song and D.Va are very much not the same person here. 
Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts-Unpretty (@unpretty​)
Fandom: DC
Ah yes, another legendary series of fics. You’ve probably seen at least one of these floating around. Covers a wide range of topics, mostly Batman related, but all of them are well written, and most are hilarious. Hard to sum up this one since there’s so many fics, but all of them are worth a read.
The Stars Our Destination-CommanderRoastedWolf 
Fandom: Overwatch
A fantasy AU centering around Pharmercy, with Pharah as knight and Mercy as priest. Gorgeous worldbuilding and character development, and I love how other characters are portrayed. Ongoing, updates fairly slowly.
Imagine the Ocean-Damkianna
Fandom: AtLA
An Avatar AU where Katara is the Avatar, instead of Aang. Supremely well written, and adds touches of details to the original that improve the already incredible story. A few OCs provide some nice contrasting points of view.
Kingdom of Rust-Colms (@kelsiers​)
Fandom: Cosmere
Ah yes, this was a fun one. Wayne and Marasi go do shooty-shooty stabby-stabby detective work. I love this one because the writing style is so similar to Sanderson’s; the dialogue is spot on, and the plot fits right in with canon. Love the characterization of Marasi, who I at least feel is slightly underdeveloped in canon. 
Fandom: Overwatch/Pacific Rim
A crossover fic with Angela as a Jaeger pilot. Has both Pharmercy and Gency, and most of the other characters make appearances at one point or another. This one is plenty long, and the style/viewpoint of the writing is unique and makes for an interesting read.
Once There Was-Peradi 
Fandom: Star Wars
A series that examines the fall of the First Order from within, inspired by the actions of Finn when he dared to break off and become a traitor. Written almost like poetry, this one strikes deep and is a good read for fans of Star Wars from any era; it applied regardless.
In Loco Pirates-IzzyTheHutt 
Fandom: Star Wars
So what if Hondo (Yes, that Weequay pirate with impeccable business sense and a great sense of humor) ran into Luke Skywalker and then sold helped him reconnect with his father? Good stuff. Definitely AU, but so far everything is believable. Does some great character analysis of Darth Vader and Palpatine as well.
Fandom: TF2
A TF2 fandom? In 2017? Yep. An AU where the fem!mercs end up in the canon universe, and the two teams join forces to take down Grey Mann. A fun read, with all the characters behaving about as you’d expect them to when confronted with themselves. Lots of adorable couples too.
Wayward Son-Gunlord500 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka No Ken
Hoo boy. This fic. Over a million words across (I believe) six years and almost eighty chapters. In universe, it covers a few hundred years, following the story of a single enigmatic man as he lives, fights, loves, and dies. Very interesting backstory on one of the most mysterious characters in the canon, and contains loads upon loads of philosophy and religion that I, at least, found very useful.
The Last Red Shoulder-Gunlord500
Fandom: Fire Emblem 6-Fuuin No Tsurugi
In the same universe as the above, covering a side story about corruption and a horrifyingly evil artifact. Same praise as the above, basically, and well worth the read. Would recommend reading Wayward Son at least to about chapter 50ish first though, as there is some backstory that you’ll be better off knowing.
Six Shots to Go-CourierNinetyTwo 
Fandom: RWBY
Another CFVY fic, covering all six possible pairings in the team. Each one is explored in detail, and seems true to the characters from what we know of them. Overall, a cute fic (I think there might be some NSFW in this one, careful)
Silly: In Defense of Parvati Patil-DirgeWithoutMusic 
Fandom: Harry Potter
A look into life after the books, focusing on Pavarti and how she deals with the trauma of going through a full blown war before the age of eighteen. Fills in the gaps that JK Rowling left behind, and offers a much more realistic view of what life would be like after seeing your friends die.
Sealed In Silence-MorriganFearn 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
A look into the life of the Eight Heroes, focused around Bramimond, the Dark Druid. It’s told as a series of small interactions between Bramimond and the other heroes. An older fic, but it has aged well.
The Dusk of Our Revolution-LittleGreenBudgie 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
An AU where Matthew is trying to escape the Black Fang gang; a well written side fic that covers one of my rarepairs from this ancient fandom. Each of the Four Fangs makes an appearance as well, as do other characters, and the whole thing fits neatly into the new setting.
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
A quick meeting between Matthew and Leila. This is the rarepair I mentioned above, but it’s cute, and this little fic covers their interaction very well, I think.
End of An Era: Unholy Alliance-LordHippoman 
Fandom: League of Legends
The League falls to a combined assault from the Void, Noxus, and the Shadow Isles. An older fic that I read back when I played League super regularly, but it’s a good read overall.
Another Hope-Rose of the Nile
Fandom: Assassin’s Creed IV
This beautiful fic is another time travel fic, where Edward is sent back in time after the events of AC4. Knowing what he does, he tries to fix his mistakes. This one made me happy mainly because of the pairing and improved character development, and is a great read for anyone who loved Kiddway as much as I did.
Deep Breaths-CrimsonNoble
Fandom: League of Legends
An AU fic with Riven and Irelia. Basic Cop and Gang fic, with each of the major factions being a different gang member. Older fic, but done well, with interesting perspective shifts and descriptions.
More Than Words-Kitten Kisses 
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
Sadly, this fic was taken down, but you should be able to email the author for a copy. A post game fic where Hector and Farina get back together. Very fluffy and angsty; poor Farina doesn’t catch a break in this one, but it all turns out lovely.
The Ice Girl-Meelu the Bold
Fandom: Fire Emblem 7-Rekka no Ken
Linus and Lloyd save Nino when she’s abducted by faeries; bit of a strange premise, but it leads to some classic puzzling and hack and slash action. Very old fic, but a good read.
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