#shoutout cynthia my art history professor she's a real one
phonydiaries · 11 months
Art History Pieces that Remind me of Lies of P
this is fully self-indulgent content that nobody asked for but as an enormous art history nerd I just needed to shout into the void about it
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Bernini's David
I mean, as a little guy constantly battling enormous guys, P's just very biblical David coded in general but something about his posture here, like the way he's winding up...i don't know. Love it. Love this sculpture so much. There's like a million statues of David and this one isn't as famous as Michelangelo's, but it's my favorite. Honorable mention for Donatello's version of David as well, but I wasn't sure about posting brass sculpture peen on tumblr dot gov.
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Caravaggio's Boy with Fruit Basket
ngl this one is more related to the Andrew Garfield recreation of this painting where he's putting his entire pussy into it but NEways! I don't have a ton to say about this one besides pretty boy <3 and also that I love baroque paintings; the lighting always looks so welcoming and warm and I want to live in them forever.
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Michelangelo's Madonna Pieta
I mean OBVIOUSLY we've all seen the Madonna Pieta imagery in-game but I got so so so so so hype seeing it in the game trailer because in all my art history classes this was one of my absolute favorite pieces we looked at. The biblical context behind it is so fucking gutwrenchingly sad and the fact that the blessed mother is proportionally huge compared to christ (like if this were to scale, she'd be about 7 feet tall) is so cool to me. Enormous holy woman cradling her dead child... I could say so much about it, but I'll spare you the essay. I just love this sculpture so fucking much. seeing it in-person someday is on my bucket list.
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The Sacrifice of Isaac - Lorenzo Ghiberti and Filippo Brunelleschi
These two bronze reliefs were actually made as part of a competition, so both of the artists depicted the same biblical scene of Abraham in the process of sacrificing his son Isaac and then being stopped by angels. The top image by Lorenzo Ghiberti I think was the winner? which I was always kinda miffed about, I liked Brunelleschi's piece a lot better because Isaac looks so fearful and almost like he's trying to break his bonds; his father looks more frenzied and ruthless and the angel's hand is literally pulling his arm away because the blade has already made contact with Isaac's neck like- I don't know I really love that we're witnessing the absolute highest moment of tension in the scene. So. Gepetto Bad. Bad old man. Be nice to your fucking son. That's my P related thought about this piece.
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