#shoutout to my boyfriend like love you bby <3
berryliciousjam · 4 months
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💐Biggest Fan and Biggest Star💐
Me and @/AngurrSkurrr from Twitter collabed on this piece: We made individual sketches, then he did the refinement of sketches and lineart, while I did the color, rendering and final touches💖. Do follow my boyfriend if you have the time btw! >:3c. Hope yall love it and thank you 🫶💐
Fun Fact: This was conceptualized on our first day of hyperfixating on the ship so we are relieved that we finished this. 👍💗
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koushou · 4 years
Could we get uuh,,, Todoroki x f!reader who is insecure abt their looks bc they look more "boyish" than most girls? 😳 As much as I love being an androgynous queen, I get insecure sometimes, esp when it comes to guys liking me
this is my first ask im 😳💕💕
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pairing : todoroki shoto x f!reader {fluff}
warnings : none really, like the teeniest suggestive ending, just todoroki being like the best bf ugh 😩
a/n : thank you so much for requesting anon!! i tried my best, im so sorry if it isn’t exactly what you wanted but shoutout to all the androgynous queens you’re amazing !! <3 (also can you tell im terrible at titles pls)
shopping mall dates with your friends were always something you looked forward to, shoto knew this well. so why had you come back to the dorms empty-handed?
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The familiar ringtone playing from your phone woke you up from your slumber, as bright sunlight shone through your windows where the curtains did poor job of providing you with any coverage. You opened your eyes and would’ve immediately shut them if not for the music still coming from your phone on your nightstand.
Swinging a hand blindly over, you felt the cool screen of your device and brought it close to your face, as an all too familiar contact name displayed on the top of the screen.
Grumbling slightly, you pressed the answer button and brought it up to your ear.
“Y/N!! Are you still sleeping??” You almost wanted to hang up right then and there from the cheery girl’s voice ringing into your ear. 
“Mina, it’s-” You glanced over at your alarm clock on the same nightstand, “-literally 9 in the morning, what do you want-”
“Come on! You remember we have another shopping day today, right??” 
You rubbed your eyes and rolled over in bed on your side, away from the blinding light illuminating through the glass windows.
Shopping dates with your girlfriends in Class 1-A took place almost every weekend, something you always looked forward to. Hero training was stressful, everyone was always striving to further improve and expand their quirks and skill, almost never having time for any sort of break. 
Truthfully, you had forgotten about your planned day with the girls today, since it had been a pretty tough week, with work piling up on top of one another, heck, you were barely keeping up your grades. 
“Oh...right.” You ran your fingers through your somewhat messy, medium-length hair, attempting to comb it slightly and getting rid of the small knots that had been formed in your sleep.
“Hey, don’t tell me you forgot - anyways, we’re meeting up downstairs at 10, so see you later!!” 
“Yeah, alright.” 
Quiet beeps signaling the end of your short call with Mina, you sighed and wondered how the alien girl managed to stay so hyper in the morning, not that you were surprised anymore. 
Sitting up in bed, you let out a yawn and stretched out your body, excited for the day to come. 
On some days, you just wanted to sleep in and have a day all to yourself in the comfort of your small dorm room, but these shopping sprees with the girls always took your mind off any troubles on your mind.
Throwing your blanket to the side lazily, you get up from your bed and groggily made your way to the bathroom, phone still in hand. Flicking on the light switch, you cringed at the sudden brightness.
A notification noise sounded from your phone, a smile spreading across your face as soon as you saw who the sender was - your one and only white and red haired boyfriend.
Unlocking your phone, you were met by a few text messages from your lover.
shouu <33 : good morning love, have you woken up yet?
shouu <33 : you’re going out today with the others right? i wish you could come and be with me, but i hope you have fun.💗
Your heart could not handle this level of cuteness in the morning.
Turning on the water to get ready for your morning shower, you typed out a reply to your boyfriend.
                                                             good morning shouto 🥺 i just woke upp
                      imy so much as well, i promise i’ll be with you when i get back!!💕
You stripped off your clothes and hopped into the shower, the water more on the warm side, exactly how you liked it.
After about 20 minutes, you stepped out with a towel wrapped around your torso, the cool air hitting your legs, making you shiver slightly. You made your way over to your closet in the corner of your room, picking out what clothes to wear.
It was scorching hot out, and you were feeling lazy, so a simple black t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts seemed like a good choice.
The time was about 9:40 when you had finished brushing your teeth and mindlessly slapping on some sunscreen, you didn’t want to become tan, after all.
Internally crying, you shoved your wallet with your credit card inside your small purse you usually brought when you went shopping, making a note to yourself to cut down a bit on your purchases. 
You knew that promise was going to go out the window as soon as you step foot in a store, but hey, you always felt better after coming back to the dorms with bags of clothing in your hands.
Deciding to head down to the common room earlier to grab a quick snack to eat, you received another message from your phone.
shouu <33 : i’ll be waiting for you, love.
shouu <33 : are you sure you don’t want to use my father’s credit card? i don’t think he would really care if it gets maxed out, you know.
You giggled at your boyfriend’s message even though you knew he was being 100% serious.
                                                                                   shou...bby, i cant do that-
shouu <33 : alright then, be safe and text me when you get there, okay?
                                                                                                            i will! ily <33
shouu <33 : i love you too :)
When you reached the common room, you were met by pink, black, green, and brown haired girls.
“Y/N!! Good morning!!”
“Good morning, Y/N.”
“Hey Y/N-chan, ribbit.”
“Oh hey Y/N!”
You smile at your energetic friends, Mina, Momo, Tsu and Uraraka, who were all lounging on the couches. 
“Good morning, guys.”
Mina lets out a whine, “Where is Jirou? That girl is almost always never on time-”
“What’s that, Mina?”
A voice from behind the girls spoke, causing everyone to jump and turn at the same time. 
“O-oh good morning Jirou-”
The purple haired girl stood behind the couches, and your eyes scanned over her outfit. A white, loose short sleeve hung around her shoulders, paired with some black shorts. A simple outfit, yet she made it look so much more appealing.
She charged towards Mina, who was now desperately hiding behind Uraraka. It was then that you finally took notice of the other girls’ outfits, and suddenly became all too aware of your own.
Mina, with a pink shirt tucked into her jeans, a black belt as a finishing touch. Her curves showing perfectly, all in the right places. You would expect her pink hair to be messy and puffy, but it was tamed, neatly brushed, and reminded you of soft cotton candy. 
A cropped maroon top, with black jeans, complementing Momo’s smooth, black hair which was put up in a lower pony tail than usual. Her gentle features sure to attract admirers wherever she went. The way her dark bangs framed her face, the way her smile was bright, genuine - an appearance of a true, proper lady. 
You glanced down at your own outfit, trying to smooth out wrinkles in your own shirt. No genius was required to see that you obviously stood out in your group of feminine friends, you being the only female with short hair and a different style.
It wasn’t that you hated the way you looked, but it made you think sometimes that you weren’t as attractive or liked as much, compared to your friends.
“Well then,” Uraraka clasped her hands together, interrupting your thoughts, and grinned. “Shall we get going?” 
You all cheered, getting up and ready to head to the shopping mall. 
Mina locked her arms in yours and dragged you out of the doors, grinning at you while the other girls trailed behind.
“Come on old ladies! We’re gonna max out our cards!!” She yelled at the sky once you were outside, the hot summer air hitting your skin immediately. 
“Hey, who’re you calling an old lady?!” You smacked Mina’s arm, making her stick her tongue out at you.
“Fine, whoever gets there last is an old lady!!” 
Your pink haired friend takes off toward the mall which was located about 20 minutes away from your school, with you laughing and running after her, followed by your other female friends.
The negative thoughts you had on your mind previously vanished as you all ran after one another, not giving a care in the world to the questioning looks passersby shot your ways. Spending time with your friends always somehow managed to brighten your mood, regardless of whether they knew how you were feeling or not. 
And your love for them could never be put into words.
6 girls arrived at the Misako Mall, panting, out of breath as they bought water from a vending machine.
“Oh-” You pant, fumbling with the buttons on the machine, inserting a few coins in and watching as the bottle falls to the bottom. 
“Ura-ha..ha...Uraraka, you’re an old...ha...lady!” Mina teased the gravity-quirked girl in between breaths.
“Yo-you’re so mean, ha, Mina,” Uraraka coughed, sputtering as she practically shoved the water bottle down her throat, drinking half of the bottle in a few seconds.
“Slow down - ribbit - Ochaco-chan,” Tsu patted the said girl’s back, making sure she didn’t choke.
“Well, guys, where do you want to go first?” Momo spoke up, after you guys rested a bit on the benches in the lobby. 
“I kind of wanted to check out the accessories in that shop we passed earlier,” Jirou scratched the back of her neck awkwardly, nodding towards a shop near the entrance of the mall.
You all turned to look at the store she was talking about, not surprised to see the exterior of the shop decorated in dark, emo-style accessories - exactly Jirou’s style.
“I want to go there too - ribbit,” Tsu nodded in agreement, this time shocking the group, since Tsu had always seemed to be into more cuter accessories. 
“I was actually interested in that one over there,” Momo tapped her chin thoughtfully, gesturing towards a high-class looking store on the second floor of the mall. 
“That looks nice! I really like that white dress they have in the front,” Uraraka stared dreamily at the level above you guys, and an idea popped into your head.
“Why don’t we split into pairs? That way, we can all check out the stores we want to and meet up back here when we’re all done!” Your suggestion earned approving nods from the rest, all of you agreeing to text in the groupchat you had when you were finished in your stores.  
Tsu and Jirou, Momo and Uraraka, and you and Mina walked off into different directions of the mall, chatting excitedly.
You and Mina decided to first go into a casual-styled store filled with jeans, tops, jackets, etc. 
Walking into the store, a friendly cashier at the counter greeted you guys, who you both smiled back at.
Thankful for the cool air conditioner providing a contrast to the burning weather outside, you scanned the racks for anything that caught your eye.
“Oh! Y/N look here!” You turned to where your pink friend had ran to, spotting her a few aisles down.
Making your way towards her, she holds up a light pink, off the shoulder top decorated with small flowers and a lace ribbon in her hands eagerly.
“Do you think this would look good on me? I really like the color!” She beams at you, holding the clothing item up to herself, admiring it in a tall mirror nearby. 
You study it for a second, before smiling back at her and nodding excitedly in agreement.
“It suits your skin color so well too! You should go try it on!”
“You think so??” She grins at you happily as you chuckle back in response. 
“You should pick out some clothes first, then we can go to the changing rooms together!”
“Okay, let me look around a bit more!” You walk off to the other side of the store, studying any clothes that may peak your interest. 
A striped red, orange, and white button-up shirt catches your eye, hanging on one of the racks. You take it and hold it up to your torso, satisfied with the way it looked. 
Keeping it around your arm to try on later, you decide to pick out a few more clothes to try on to avoid making multiple trips to the changing room. Just as you were about to turn around and continue your search for more clothes, you felt a figure approach behind you. 
“Hey, uh, sorry to bother you but I thought you were really pretty, and I was wondering if I could get your number?”
A voice made you turn around, and you were met by a man who looked a bit older than you. 
He was standing right in front of you now, his eyes staring at...the top of your head?
You cleared your throat awkwardly, not expecting the sudden question. 
“Oh! Thank you, but I have a boyfriend already, I’m sorry-”
The man’s eyes finally focus on your face, before laughing at you.
Wait, what?
You furrowed your eyebrows at the still laughing man, who looked down at you like you were a mere piece of dirt below him.
“I’m not talking to you, you’re not even pretty?” He scoffed when you gaped at him. 
“I’m talking to the hottie behind you,” He grinned and stared past you to whoever was standing there.
You slowly turned around, expecting to see some random stranger behind you, but you were met by a puff of familiar pink hair.
“O-oh, Mina...” You mumbled, not wanting to make eye contact with your friend, disheartened from the man’s words.
You were never one to get bothered by anyone’s words, especially not from a stranger, but this one hit you differently.
“What did you say to my friend?! You wanna repeat that, huh?!” Mina yelled at the man, steam almost emitting out of her pink ears. 
“Woah, calm down, pinkie, I just wanted to get your number - I didn’t know she was your friend.” He chuckled, and glanced at you again.
“Just saying, you could do so much better.” It was like bullets, the man’s words, aimed straight at your heart.
Storming up to the man, Mina slapped him directly on his face, leaving both of you in shock.
“Say that again, I dare you!!” You ushered Mina away from the furious man despite her protests of wanting to beat him up.
“Hmph, who does he think he is?!” You stopped walking when you guys were a good distance from the stranger.
You bit your lip, trying to suppress your emotions and not make a fool of yourself in a public space.
“It’s fine, I-I don’t really care,” Sighing, you gave Mina a small unconvincing smile, which she saw right through.
“Are you okay, Y/N? Don’t listen to him! He’s just blind,” She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. 
You chuckled softly, trying to change the subject, “I’m fine, come on, let’s go try on our clothes.” 
Mina sighed, eyeing the one top you had on your arm. “You only have one shirt? Don’t you want to try on more?” 
You scanned the racks around you guys, randomly picking a pair of black plaid pants, flashing your friend another smile. 
“It’s okay, there’s not much I like here,” You grabbed her arm and led her into the changing rooms, chuckling at her pile of clothes hanging over her arm. 
“You sure got a lot, Mina.”
“Their clothes are really nice!!” 
Mina and you went into rooms besides each other, and you could hear the girl squealing while trying on her clothing.
Instead of trying on your clothes immediately, you slumped against the white door, taking a deep breath, the man’s comments still on your mind.
You’re not even pretty.
You could do so much better.
Wrapping your arms around your torso, you looked in the mirror on the wall across you, taking in your appearance.
There were few things about you that would seem appealing to any man, and you should’ve gotten over the stares people give you wherever you go by now, but it was hard.
It really was.
Of course people would be attracted to Mina first, or anyone in your friend group, for that matter. She was outgoing, kind, bright, and feminine. 
Tears poking at the corners of your eyes, you quickly wiped them away with the back of your hand before they fell. 
Why couldn’t people just accept who you were?
Why couldn’t people accept the fact that you were happy in your own body, and that you loved yourself the way you were?
The common stereotype that all females had to be feminine, had to be proper, you were tired of it.
A loud knock from the other side of the door you were leaning against sounded, and you jumped a little, before hearing your friend’s cheery voice. 
“Y/N! Are you finished? I want to show you the top!”
“Oh- One second!”
Quickly tidying up your appearance to get rid of any hints of your silent breakdown, you unlocked the door and looked over Mina.
You were right.
The light pink color of the top really did complement her skin color well, her slender shoulders were exposed, and the lacey ribbon around the collarbone area of her shirt gave it a finishing touch.
Gasping, you admired how good it looked on her, while she giggled and jumped excitedly in place.
“It looks so beautiful on you Mina!!” You gave her a small hug, giggling along. “It’s like it was made for you!”
“Thanks!! What about your clothes?” She nodded towards your top and pants still sitting in the changing room, untouched.
You coughed, “Oh- uh give me a second, I still need to try on the top,” She nodded and pushed you back into the room eagerly.
“Show me when you’re done!”
You nodded and smiled back at her before walking back into the room and locking the door behind you.
You had already lost all interest in shopping today, but reluctantly changed into the striped button-up shirt, looking at yourself in the mirror. 
It was okay, nothing really special, and you certainly wouldn’t be spared any second glances from anyone. Not that you cared, you were already in a happy and healthy relationship with Shoto.
A thought suddenly popped into your mind. 
What did Shoto think about your appearance? Coming from a rich family, it was only natural that he would be into proper, feminine females. 
Why was he even dating you? Does he actually mean it every time he calls you beautiful?
Maybe you should change your hairstyle. Or the way you dressed. Maybe then, Shoto would love you.
Maybe then, he would think you’re beautiful.
Running your hand through your short strands of hair, you suddenly didn’t want to be here anymore.
You wished you were in the safety of your dorm, under the blankets where no one would have to look at you.
You were probably an eyesore, walking around everyday at school, getting judgmental looks from left to right.
Shaking your head, you tried to push those thoughts to the back of your mind, straightening yourself back up.
Unlocking the door again, wanting to get this day over with, you were met by a excited Mina as she looked over at you. You noticed that she had changed back to her own shirt.
“You look great Y/N!!” She hopped excitedly over to you as she admired your top.
You shrugged, glancing down at your top. “I mean, it’s okay, I guess.” 
She raised her eyebrows at your response, asking worriedly, “Do you not like it?” 
“Not really, it’s kind of plain.” Sighing, you picked at the sleeves and wrinkles of the shirt. 
“Oh,” Mina pursed her lips together, cocking her head to the side. “That’s alright, then. What about the pants?”
Truth was, you had forgotten to try on the pants while you were inside, and you didn’t want to risk purchasing something you weren’t sure would look good on you.
“Oh-uh, I didn’t like that one too much either,” You glanced back at the item still hanging in the changing room.
“Oh no,” Mina pouted. “Are you going to buy anything?”
Biting your lip, you shook your head. “Guess not.”
It wasn’t really that you didn’t want to buy anything, you just thought that at this point, it didn’t matter what you wore.
Because, you weren’t as feminine as other girls.
"Give me a second to change back, and we can go to another store.” She looked like she was about to say something, but decided to close her mouth and nodded instead.
The remaining time you spent with Mina was just her jumping around stores excitedly and you mindlessly staring at clothes you wouldn’t ever buy.
It was about 2 in the afternoon when you all decided to meet back up, ready to head back to school.
You realized that you hadn’t bought a single item in the past 4 hours spent in wandering around the mall. 
“Y/N! Did you not buy anything?” Momo asks worriedly as you and Mina approach the other two pairs in the lobby.
You shook your head at the tall girl, sighing, “Nothing really caught my eye today.”
“Oh, we can walk around a bit more together if you’d like!” Uraraka offers, holding a large bag in her own hands.
You smiled at her words, shaking your head again. “No, it’s alright! I’m sure we’re all tired, let’s head back.” 
“Gosh, this weird man came up to us earlier and had the audacity to call our little Y/N here unattractive??! And then proceeded to ask for my number??” Mina huffed, clenching her fists dramatically at the memory.
You chuckled awkwardly. “Mina, you didn’t have to slap the poor man.”
“Poor man? By the sounds of it, he hasn’t learned his lesson yet.” Jirou speaks up, cracking her knuckles, eyes darkening. “Where is he?”
You laughed. “Jirou-”
“Oh dear, that’s terrible.” Momo patted your shoulder. “You’re very beautiful, Y/N, you know that?” 
You smiled at the kind girl, letting out a deep breath. 
“I understand where he’s coming from, though...” You mumbled quietly.
“Did you say something, Y/N?” Uraraka asks from next to you.
Shaking your head quickly, you link your arms with the brown haired girl, grinning at everyone. “Let’s head back now!”
Pushing open the large glass doors, you were met once again by the humid air, the sun’s rays burning down on your exposed skin.
The girls chattered happily about their new purchases, peeking inside the others’ bags and taking a couple out to show.
Even though you walked in the middle of Uraraka and Momo, you couldn’t help but feel left out, not having any new clothing to wear.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nudged Momo, making her turn around and look at you.
“Hey Yaomomo, what’d you get?”
She smiled and opened her bag for you to peek inside, and you almost had to close your eyes from the amount of bling inside,
Bling, meaning dresses decorated in gems, with a few jewelry pieces and other accessories. Of course, there were a couple casual wear on the bottom of the bag.
“Oh, I’m not even surprised anymore,” You pretended to huff at Momo, turning the other way.
“You’re so classy and fancy, Yaomomo, are you trying to flex your class on me?” 
She laughed, slapping your back lightly. “Oh sorry, I just can’t help that I’m so rich and proper.” 
You tensed up at her words. Of course, you knew she was being sarcastic, but her use of words hit the same spot in you again as earlier. 
“Hey guys...” Mina starts, wiggling her eyebrows.
“What?” An ominous feeling settles in all of your stomachs. 
“Last one to the dorms is an old lady!” 
All of you groan, watching as the pink alien girl takes off once again, having no choice but to follow behind.
6 girls arrived back at the dorm building, panting once again. 
“Mina- ha, I swear to - god,” You breathe out, pants coming from all six of you.
Mina just giggles at you as you all arrive back in the common room. Your classmates are sprawled out in different places throughout the room, and their heads all perk up simultaneously at the new arrivals. 
Bakugou were surrounded by Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero, as always, trying his best to swat them away. 
Tokoyami and Aoyama were chatting in the kitchen, while Iida, Midoriya and Shoto hung around the TV, watching whatever movie was put on.
Ojiro, Koda, Shoji, and Sato were nowhere to be seen, you guessed they were up in their own rooms. 
“Oh, hey guys! Welcome back!” A certain red-head’s voice chirped from the middle of the room, flashing you all his big smile.
“Hey Kirishima!” Mina smiled back at the boy before making her way up to her own room to organize her newly bought items. 
Momo, Tsu, Jirou, and Uraraka followed after her, while you made your way over to where your boyfriend was on one of the other couches. 
“Hey, love.” Shoto smiles at you softly as he opens his arms for you to give him a hug. 
“Hey Sho,” You happily accept your place in his arms, tired from the long day you had. “I missed you.” 
“I missed you as well,” He plants a small kiss on the top of your head. He was about to say something else before a realization dawns on him.
“Love, did you not buy anything?” You gulp, afraid that your boyfriend would see through your feelings and ask you what was wrong.
“Oh- uh, I just didn’t feel like anything caught my eye today!” You shrug, hoping that he would accept your answer and move on.
Of course, Shoto could be dense at times, but he is everything but stupid.
He always knew how you adored these little shopping sprees with your girls, and never once had you arrived back empty handed. On top of that, your vibe just seemed a bit...off.
“Can we go to your room and cuddle? I’m a little tired,” You look up at him, to which he responded by giving you a small kiss and chuckling.
“Of course, let’s go, love.” 
After saying goodbye to Iida and Midoriya, you both made your way to Shoto’s dorm, immediately flopping down on the bed after stepping inside.
Shoto laughed softly at your eagerness, wasting no time and following in after, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing you flush against his chest.
The warmth and vanilla scent of your boyfriend was enough to calm you down and get rid of any past bad thoughts you were having earlier that day.
You felt him bury his face inside your hair, inhaling softly your shampoo from this morning. Normally, you would’ve swooned at the action, but it somehow made you feel uneasy. Insecure.
Shriveling away a little from his body, you were met by a very confused Shoto staring back at you.
You bit your lip, not sure how to explain why you seemed uncomfortable.
“I-,uh, Shoto?” Your eyes made contact with his as he hummed in response. You decided it was now or never.
“Do you...think I’m pretty?” Biting your lip anxiously as you awaited his answer.
Confusion flashed through your boyfriend’s face. What kind of a question was that?
That was what he wanted to ask, until he noticed the tears forming in your eyes, and worriedly sat up, bringing you with him.
“Of course I think you’re pretty. You’re beautiful, darling.” 
Not convinced, you sniffle before asking again, “Really?”
He furrows his eyebrows together, lifting you up and onto his lap so you were straddling him now, both of you in a sitting position.
“Did something happen, love? Why are you asking me these questions?” He reaches up to wipe a stray tear that had slipped its way through your eyes with his thumb. 
“No reason-” You started, but your boyfriend’s piercing gaze told you he wouldn’t take that as an answer.
Taking a deep breath, you avoided his eyes as you began to speak.
“Today, when we were at the mall, a man came up to me, called me pretty, and asked for my number-”
Shoto raises his eyebrows, to which you wave away quickly.
“-I thought he was talking to me, but turns out he was speaking to Mina, who had been standing behind me. He then called me-” You cleared your throat, a bit anxious for your boyfriend’s reaction. 
“He said that I wasn’t pretty, and that Mina could do so much better than being friends with someone like me...” Your voice trails off as you felt Shoto’s grip on your waist tighten.
“He...what?” You could’ve sworn you saw flames flicker behind Shoto’s eyes, his left and right hands heating and cooling on your sides without thinking, to which you yelped a little, surprised by the temperature change.
His eyes softened, looking down at your waist and rubbing it softly. “Oh- I’m sorry, love, I did not mean to hurt you.”
You shake your head, smiling at him. “You didn’t hurt me at all, Shoto.”
He exhales deeply, looking into your eyes. “Baby, you’re the most beautiful, kind, amazing girl I’ve ever met in my life. Don’t ever listen to what anyone else says, you’re absolutely perfect the way you are.”
Shoto plants a deep kiss on your lips, tears threatening to spill over at his touching words.
When you pull away, there’s still a lingering thought in the back of your mind. 
“Don’t you ever wish - that you had a more...you know...” You rubbed your eyes, sniffling as the first few tears made their ways down your cheeks.
Shoto tilts his head to the side as he pulls you closer to his body, rubbing soothing circles on your lower back. 
“A what, love?”
“You know, a more...feminine...girlfriend?”
You nervously glance at him, waiting for his response. 
There’s silence for a moment, and your heart drops. 
“Who ever said that girls have to be feminine?” 
You directly look into his eyes for the first time that evening, confusion plastered on your face.
Shoto has a soft and loving, but firm expression as he speaks. 
“I don’t care if you dress, or appear differently than other girls. There is no “correct” way to look if you are a certain gender. You’re absolutely beautiful no matter what you do, or wear.” He leans forward to peck your lips once again.
“But...when I look at someone like Yaomomo, she’s just - so much more attractive and proper than someone like me...”
Shoto sighs, tilting your chin down to look at him.
“Proper? What’s not proper about you, Y/N? Your hair? Your clothing choices? Baby, you could wear a trash bag, have long hair - or even shave your head bald, I’d still fall in love with you all over again.” 
You giggle a little, making him chuckle, seeing that he successfully cheered you up a bit.
“I mean it, Y/N. I love you, and I’ll continue loving you, forever. Please don’t ever feel like you have to compare yourself to other girls, because you’ll always be the prettiest girl in my heart.”
Your heart felt like it was on the verge of bursting as you leant forward, kissing your boyfriend deeply. It was like all your emotions were expressed through that kiss. It was almost as if Shoto’s loving words washed away every single insecurity that has ever passed your mind in your whole life.
“Thank you so much, Shoto. I love you, so, so much.” You both grin as you placed your foreheads together, noses brushing against each other. 
“I want you to say it, love. Tell me you love yourself, and that you’re beautiful.” 
Your face heated up from the request, placing your hands on Shoto’s shoulders and trying to push him away, only to have your wrists caught by his strong hands as he leaned closer. 
“Come on, Y/N, I’m waiting,” he smirks at your flustered expression. 
You pouted a bit, before taking a deep breath, embarrassed from Shoto’s intense stare.
“I-uh- I love myself the way I am, and...I’m beautiful.” You squealed and cover your face with your hands after finishing your sentence, not used to those words coming out of your mouth.
A laugh escapes Shoto as he pries your hands away from your face, placing a kiss on your nose. 
“That’s right, love. What do you say we go shopping tomorrow, just me and you?” 
Your eyes brightened at the idea, and Shoto could feel butterflies flooding his stomach. 
“Yes!! I’d love that, Shoto,” You threw your arms around your boyfriend’s neck, burying your face into his hair.
He chuckles in response, leaning back and studying your face for a moment, making you confused.
Then, he takes your arms and pushes you back until your back is pressed against the bed, pinning them above you. His body hovers over yours, as his knee sneakily moves up to place itself between your thighs.
“But right now, let me show you just how beautiful you are, darling.”
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vintagedolan · 4 years
mint chocolate
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you’ve been in love with ethan since the early days of your childhood friendship, but what happens when it’s too late to tell him?
word count: 5k
warnings/tags: fluffy fluff lets go ladies
also shoutout to @gloriousgrant​ for this request, ily bby!!
feel free to send in requests! and check out my masterlist if you wanna :)
An elephant’s memory. That’s what your mom had always said - you had an elephant’s memory. Never forgot a detail, a friend, a face. Which is why you could still remember the first halloween party you ever got invited to, all the way back in preschool, as clearly as you could remember what you had for breakfast yesterday.
You didn’t remember the party though, but that was because you didn’t go. It had been a simple decision once you’d found out from eavesdropping on the mom gossip that only 33 of the 35 kids from your class had gotten the cute personalized invitations in the mail. 
Your four year old self said it best - “If etee and gray aren’t going, I’s not going.”
You didn’t realize until you were older that you words had made Lisa cry, overwhelmed and grateful that her boys had a friend at school when everyone seemed to be against them. So, she’d decided to make it the best halloween that she possibly could for her kids, and for you. 
And thus, over way too much sugary candy, smores, trick or treating and the watchful eyes of your mom and Lisa, the trio was born on Halloween night, 2004.
The three of you held strong through elementary school - sat next to each other until the teacher separated you for talking too much, shared your lunches every day. Lisa would even send an extra piece of candy on Friday’s for you in Ethan’s lunch - little pieces of mint chocolate that they kept at the salon for clients. Recess was always your favorite time, because the boys were wild, always finding something more fun than the playground equipment, like trees to climb or hills to roll down. You were fine with that - there were too many kids on the playground anyways. And when little scrawny David tried to kiss you at the top of the slide Ethan shoved him down, getting himself time out for the next three days.
You sat with him in the mulch every day until he was allowed to play again. 
Middle school was where the bumps in the road came along. Grayson went, in his mother’s words, ‘girl crazy’, and in his brother’s words, he ‘became a player’. Turns out, middle school girls don’t trust their boyfriends to have girl best friends, and Grayson fell into the trap, desperate to people please and get a date to the dance. Every time he broke up with them he’d come back, apologize, want to be your friend again, and you let him, because you loved him, even if he was a dick sometimes. 
Ethan was another story. Sure, he had a few 6th grade girlfriends who constituted an after school hug as a date, but the first negative thing they said about you had him bounding down the hallway to your locker to reassure you that he was, once again, a ‘single pringle’.
With Grayson off having Lisa drive him and the girl of the month to the fro-yo shop twice a week, it left space for you and Ethan to get even closer than you already were. You took stupid pictures on his families computer, edited them to high heaven with the strongest contrast and put stupidly fonted “<3″ and “bffz foreva” all around your faces, set them as your blackberry backgrounds. You watched movie reruns and renamed the characters and talked about how Ethan wanted to be an actor someday. You played hide and seek in the Dolan’s backyard, always giving away your hiding spot when one of you got too spooked and ran to the other one. You were allowed to spend the night if you stayed in the living room, which meant you took the couch, Ethan took the floor, and usually Grayson ended up curled up in the recliner, wanting to be a part of the fun once he got home and realized he was missing out. 
Things got worse in 8th grade. The bullying was incessant with the boys growing popularity on vine, and since the three of you were always seen as a unit of sorts, you got pulled into it. There were so many jeers in the hallways that you couldn’t keep track of them. The trio reunited, Grayson clinging to you as one of the few friends he could trust. It became texts of ‘lets eat lunch by the band room, no one will bother us over there’ and ‘hey, I heard Jillian earlier, u ok?” snuck under science room tables. You got suspended for punching a guy who wouldn’t shut his mouth about Ethan in September - your parents were pissed but you didn’t care - no one was going to fuck with your friends. 
Your reprieves were after school when you could hang out like you always had... well, after they got done with football or lacrosse or wrestling practice. They’d come home sweaty, smelling like gym mats, texting you to come over. If your mom couldn’t take you over Lisa would come pick you up - even Cameron got you a few times, acting like it was a chore but secretly glad that her brothers had someone, anyone, to rely on. You went to every single one of their games and matches, wrote 47 and 8 on your cheeks in face paint and yelled as loud as you could, ate celebratory ice cream with them when they won. 
Things got, somehow, even worse freshman year of high school. The bullying was even more intense, with threats posed against both of them, and against you. Ethan got secretive for the first time in his entire friendship with you. One minute he was even more clingy than usual, and the next day he was quiet and distant. It took you calling him out on it one night for him to finally fess up.
And it was those four painful words that made you realize that you were in love with Ethan Dolan.
“We’re moving to LA.”
You cried. Ethan cried. Grayson cried. Lisa cried. 
But you dried your tears, put on a brave face, told him how proud you were of him, of both of them. They were chasing their dreams, making it happen for themselves in a way that you could only admire. What type of friend would you be if you tried to hold them back?
You made the most of the last month that they were still in New Jersey, hanging out every minute that you could, helping them look at apartments in LA online, watching them film videos for their channel, supporting them every step of the way. 
You lost track of how many times you had to reassure Ethan that you’d be fine in high school without him, even if it wasn’t true. He’d told you over and over to just pretend like you weren’t friends with them anymore - anything to get the bullying to stop. You told him no way in hell. 
You stayed the night at the Dolan’s house in October, the night before they got on the plane to move out. It was fun, an early halloween celebration of sorts, mixed with a going away party that had you laughing as much as it had you crying. 
The real kicker came around midnight, after Grayson had fallen asleep in the chair that he was much too big for now, and you and Ethan were left in the silence. 
“I’m gonna miss you. So much. I don’t know what life looks like without you,” you admitted with teary eyes, toying with his fingers.
“I’m gonna miss you more. But I’ll always be here to visit, and it’ll be just like old times.”
You doubted that, but you weren’t going to say it. The thought of not seeing him everyday, having him so far away, surrounded by new people, new girls - it put a lump in your throat that you couldn’t quite get the words “I’m in love with you” around. You’d realized that it was more than just friendship for you as soon as he told you he was leaving - but you couldn’t bring yourself to put that on him when he already felt guilty enough for leaving you behind.
So you just nodded at his promises of flying you out to LA when they got enough money, showing you all around California, tried to believe him when he said you were always going to be his number one, and fell asleep against his chest. 
You rode with them to the airport, held their hands the whole way in the backseat and kept your head held high as you hugged them and sent them through security.
You sobbed the whole way home. Even after you managed to pull yourself together a little bit, when you got that made it, miss you already text that signaled they had landed that night, a whole new wave of tears made their appearance. 
You knew it would be hard, but you didn’t realize just how lonely you were going to be without both of them, but especially Ethan at your side. 
But there was a silver lining.
It was in those next few months that you realized that Ethan always kept his promises. He facetimed you whenever he could, showed you around their apartment, asked you to explain how to make mac and cheese cause he was ‘gonna starve’. He sent you pictures of everywhere cool he visited in LA, even sent you postcards sometimes just for fun. And when he came to visit a month later he stopped at your house first, knocking incessantly until you opened the door and threw your arms around him. Once the tears had stopped - the ones you let flow and the ones he blinked back, he reached into his bag and pulled something out.
“Look what I found in the airport in LA. Your favorite.” He placed the mint chocolate bar in your hands with a grin, proud of himself for putting such a big smile on your face. 
And so, the tradition began. 
Every time he came back to New Jersey he was on your doorstep, and every time he brought you one of those little chocolate bars. It didn’t matter that he was home to see his family, because any time you brought it up he’d wave you off, reassure you that ‘you are family bub’, making you fall more and more in love with him every time. 
When he had the money, he flew you out to California, showed you all his favorite places. He took you to the beach, on hikes, made sure you got the full cali experience with him at your side.
There were times over the years where he visited less, or visited more. But It didn’t matter if it’d been a week or 3 months since you’d seen him - the butterflies were all the same when you saw him again. 
You were sure to catch up each time you reunited, going down the list of everything you might of missed, even if you still talked every day. It went like so:
One: how’s the channel going? To which he would ask “how’s school?”
Two: any new friends? He’d ask the same.
And then came question number three, your least favorite:
Got a girlfriend?
You’d wait with bated breath every time, sighing out in secret relief when he’d say “nah, don’t have time” or “no, LA girls are weird”. And then you’d go on with whatever you had planned that day, whether it was just hanging around your old Jersey stomping grounds or sit in your room, and eventually your apartment when you moved out, heart a bit lighter.
Maybe that’s why it hurt so bad on his last visit when he’d hesitated on that question, looked down at his hands.
The most painful four words you’d been told changed that afternoon, when he finally answered.
“Yeah, I do actually.” 
You’d always known it was going to happen eventually - you’d been preparing for it in the back of your mind for a while now. You saw the comments on every post he made, the replies to his tweets, thousands and thousands of adoring girls, and it only grew every single day. Maybe it had been dumb to think that he’d ever realize just how in love with him you were, dumb to think that maybe, maybe, he saw you that way too. 
So, you put on your brave face, forced that smile to spread over your face and ran through the motions.
“Really?! What, since when?!” had never sounded faker than when they came out of your mouth, laced with false enthusiasm. 
And you listened to him tell you all about her, Allison, a girl he’d met at an LA party that he didn’t want to go to. You nodded at the right times, smiled and asked questions you didn’t care to know the answers to. 
You secretly wished hearts made a noise when they broke - maybe it would have stopped the conversation, saved you from having to see his face light up when he said her name, the blush that spread across his cheeks when he told you about his first date with her. 
Three months passed - and you’d be lying if you said you didn’t run at least part of that conversation through your head every day since you had it. It was nice that Ethan wasn’t the type to put his relationship out to the public - a front row seat would only make it worse, you were sure. 
You decided it was time to try, to really try to find someone that wasn’t Ethan. Sure, you’d talked to people in the past, but you’d never gone all in when trying to find someone to be with, because, well, there was really only one on your mind anyways. 
Which was why it was weird to answer one of Ethan’s usual what’re you up to this week texts with not much, work, hanging out with my parents, got a date tomorrow night. You all still working on the candle launch stuff?
At his kitchen counter in LA, Ethan frowned as he read it. Date.
“What?” Grayson asked, reading his twin’s face as he washed the pans from dinner.
“Y/N’s going on a date.” 
“Huh. Well, good for her,” he shrugged, looking down at the water running over his hands, eyes flickering up to Ethan’s face, trying to figure out if he should say what he’s thinking. Fuck it, if he gets pissed he gets pissed. “How do you feel about that?”
That got Ethan’s attention off his phone screen.
“How do I feel about that? What’s that supposed to mean?” The defensiveness in his tone had Gray tensing up a bit.
“It’s just a question bro.” 
“I have a girlfriend Grayson.” 
Grayson stopped scrubbing, annoyed at his brother’s tone. He’d tried to be supportive, loving - but he was getting tired of Ethan complaining about his relationship woes and not doing anything about it. 
“Yeah, who you said you wanted to break up with twice last week, for the record. And you’re the one that brought up Y/N, not me,” he pointed out, knowing that if he was already gonna piss his brother off, he might as well say everything he wanted to say. 
“You never liked Allison,” Ethan snapped.
“Fuckin facts, cause she’s manipulative and fake.”
“No she isn’t.” He threw Grayson a glare, pressing his hands together until his knuckles popped.
“If you actually believed that you would have hit back with an actual argument just now. I mean jesus Ethan, she told you you couldn’t go back to see Y/N for god’s sake. That used to be your fuckin’ dealbreaker back in the day, why would you put up with that shit now?” 
“I didn’t put up with it, I told her it wasn’t negotiable and I went to Jersey anyways!” He was yelling now, hands gripping the edge of the counter.
“Yeah, and then she gave you the silent treatment for a week when you got back like a fuckin’ six year old. That’s some middle school shit and you know it E. You don’t have to put up with that, you can find somebody who treats you better.” 
“Will you fucking stop Grayson?” He threw his hands in the air, exasperated. “I’ve got enough shit going on right now, I don’t need you in my head too.” 
“Fine. But friends don’t get jealous when their friends go on dates, especially not when that friend is across the fucking country. Just so you know.” He watched his brother put his face in his hands and felt that familiar pang in heart that made him add a “I’ll be in my room if you wanna talk about it” before he walked out.
Grayson had mastered the art of keeping tabs on Ethan without him knowing. So even from his room he heard him leave, and based on how long he sat in the driveway with the car running, he knew exactly where he was going.
So, he wasn’t fully surprised when Ethan came into his room three hours later without knocking and laid down on his bed next to him without a word, staring up at the ceiling.
“So.” Ethan repeated. 
“Did you uh...”
“Break up with her?”
“Yeah, I did.” 
“Cool. How’d she take it.”
“About exactly how you'd expect.”
“Ugly sobbing?”
“So much ugly sobbing.” 
“Sounds on brand.”
The conversation faded into silence, only the hum of the fan spinning in the corner filling the room. Grayson let it go on for a few minutes before he spoke up again.
“You goin’ back to Jersey?”
Ethan perked up at that one, sitting up slightly and turning so he could look at his brother. He quirked an eyebrow, waiting for the explanation. 
“C’mon bro. You can’t act like Y/N doesn’t have anything to do with this. I mean, you should have dropped Allison a while ago, but it’s not a coincidence that the idea of Y/N going on a date was what made you do it now. You should just tell her how you feel. Put it all on the table.”
He pondered that for a minute, staring up at the white ceiling.
“I hate sharing a brain with you, you fuck,” were the words he eventually chose, rolling over and pulling out his phone. Grayson smirked when he saw what he searched - American Airlines.
“Not my fault we split into two goops.”
Ethan typed in the flight plan he’d done more than any other - LAX -> EWR. 4 hours and 56 minute, like usual. There was one leaving in just over an hour and a half, and the knot that formed in his stomach was all too familiar. It came around every time he waited on the doorstep of her apartment in New Jersey, waited for her to show up at the door with that bright smile that had never changed, never wavered. He’d do anything to have her smiling like that all the time.
“Maybe I shouldn’t do this.” 
Grayson’s brows furrowed, knitting together above his eyes. “What?”
“What if she gets mad that I ruined her date. I don’t wanna fuck that up for her. She could be happy with the guy.” The words tasted like metal on his tongue. 
“Oh c’mon Ethan. She’s only dating somebody because you’re dating somebody. Well, were, I guess.”
“You don’t know that. You don’t know how she feels about me.”
“You’re forgetting that I’ve been her friend for just as long as you have. You just gotta trust me on this bro. It’s not a coincidence that she starts going on dates when you tell her you’ve got a girl.”
“So many coincidences,” Ethan huffed.
“So many not coincidences,” Grayson corrected, raising his eyebrows and waiting for him to give in. 
“Am I just supposed to show up at her house? I’m not gonna get to Jersey until-” he did the time change math that was second nature by now “- shit, like 2am? That’s kinda sus.”
“Right, because showing up at her house isn’t the first thing you do every time we go home anyways.” Grayson rolled his eyes. “What time’s the flight?” 
“In like an hour and a half.”
“We can make it, just pack a bag real quick, I’ll start the car up.”
“Okay. Okay.” Ethan nodded, standing up and waiting for a minute before he fully decided that holy shit, he was finally gonna do this, and then he was running down the hall towards his room.
“And don’t wear shorts! Put on some fuckin’ pants and look decent at least!” Grayson called after him with a grin.
“I can dress myself bro, fuck off!” 
It turns out, Ludacris mode on a tesla comes in handy when you’re trying not to miss a flight. They sped all the way to LAX, barely time for a hug and a “text me when you get there” before Ethan was running through TSA precheck and barely making the last boarding call of Flight 8333. He took the numbers as a sign that he was doing the right thing, that everything was going to work out.
The nerves really hit when he got settled in his seat on the plane, tattooed thigh bouncing on the floor, covered by his Louis pants. His shoes didn’t match the outfit very well, but there was nothing he could do about it now. He hadn’t had much time to do anything but run through the terminals - he hoped he didn’t stink, didn’t forget anything.
Fuck. The chocolate. 
He twitched in his seat, ready to run back out and head to that little convenience store where the manager knew his name, knew he was only there to get a diet root beer for the flight and a mint chocolate bar. But it was no use - the place was probably closed, and it wasn’t like he could get off the plane anyways.
So he put his headphones in, turned on his playlist and closed his eyes as they started to taxi down the runway, praying that maybe he could sleep. Behind his eyelids, memories of you played like a mixture between a slideshow and a movie - little snippets and still images of times he had committed to memory, swore he would never forget.  
You, with your toes in the California sand for the first time, so excited to see the beach and the ocean waves crashing, face lighting up as you ran towards the water. Your fourth grade halloween costume - the first year the three of you had coordinated, all of you going as little skeletons. Sitting in the middle school hallway with lunch balanced carefully on your legs, swapping sandwiches and laughs. You hugging him goodbye when he left for LA, how he never wanted to let go, wished he could take you with him more than anything else. Every visit, every time he counted down the days before he could make it back to see you.
He couldn’t remember a time when he wasn’t in love with you, wasn’t trying to convince himself that it would be wrong to ask you to try long distance, wrong to ‘hold you back’ or ask you to support someone, to love someone, so far away. It almost felt childish now, the thought that the two of you were going to end up with anybody else. His nerves prickled at the daunting task that he knew was awaiting him when the plane wheels touched down again, so he focused on your face instead, trying to breathe.
It was both the longest and quickest flight of his life somehow. 
He got a rental car - it was no smooth cat, but it would do - text Grayson that he was safe, and headed out in the familiar direction of your apartment before he could stop himself. He hadn’t made it four minutes down the interstate when the rain started falling, slow at first until it grew into a downpour that was roaring against the car. 
His wipers worked double time, keeping his windshield just clear enough for him to find his way to your parking lot. 
Heart in his throat, he threw his door open, stepping out into the rain before he could talk himself into turning around, jogging to your door and knocking.
In your bed, your eyes shot open. You waited for another knock, heart beating fast when you heard it, and then the constant rhythm of them afterwards. You rolled over, checked your phone.
“Who in the fuck,” you grumbled, sitting up and rubbing at your eyes as you headed out the door of your room in your pajamas, confused and concerned. If it was your drunk neighbor again, you were going to kill him. 
Popping up on your tiptoes, you peeked through the peep hole, breath catching in your throat. 
There was no way.
You blinked hard, looked again.
You knew that face, and you threw the door open, relief and panic playing tug of war on your heartbeat.
“Ethan? What- what the hell are you doing here? Are you okay? Is something wrong?” It wasn’t unlike him to show up and surprise you, but it had never been in the middle of the night. Still, he looked perfect as always, even with his drenched hair plastered to his head and soggy clothes. 
“I’m okay.” 
“Okay... well come inside, come outta the rain,” you reached out to grab his shirt, pull him inside, but he caught your hand, holding on tightly.
“I gotta say something first, and then you can decide if you wanna let me in.” He was too formal, more serious than you were used to and it had your stomach in knots. 
“You’re scaring me a little E.” 
“Don’t be scared. It’s just me.” His eyes shone, even in the dark, with a familiarity that settled you a bit and you nodded, waiting for him to say whatever it was. 
“I don’t know why I never thought it was okay for us to love each other. No, that’s not right, that’s not what I meant to say. I... hang on.” 
He took a deep breath, rainwater spraying a bit off his lips when he pushed it out and tried again.
“A long time ago, when we were kids, I convinced myself that we couldn’t love each other, because I couldn’t handle losing you. You’ve been my rock, my only constant outside my family for my entire life, and I don’t think I would have made it without you. So I just decided that we couldn’t love each other like that. And that was selfish. Because I’ve always been in love with you I think. Back then I don’t think I realized what it was. But now, when I look back, I think that’s what it was.”
You’ve always been the person I wanna see every day, especially when I can’t. The first person I think of when I wake up, the one I’m thinking about when I go to sleep. You’re my favorite human on the whole planet, and if soulmates are real I think that’s us. I don’t know why I ever tried to be with anybody else when you were here the whole time.”
And I know it’s not fair for me to put all this on you right now, especially when you tried to be supportive of me with other girls. But that text, you telling me you were going on a date. It slapped me in the face, made me realize just what I was about to give up, what was about to slip through my fingers if I didn’t get my shit together and just tell you everything. So... here I am. I’m here, and I love you... I’m in love with you. And I just needed you to know that. I’m in love with you Y/N. Always have been. And I kinda think that you could be in love with me too. Or at least, I hope maybe you are.” 
He had been looking at you the whole time, but you saw the nerves take over as he realized everything he had just said out loud, as he watched you, waited for your reaction. 
“I...” Your brain was spinning, unable to understand how everything you’d been waiting your whole life to hear had just come out of his mouth, all at once. 
It wasn’t a conscious decision - more of an instinct. Two steps forward out into the rain and then you were throwing your arms around his neck, up on your tip toes to finally, finally, press your lips to his like you’d dreamed about doing so many times. 
Your fantasies hadn’t done it justice. He was so warm, so familiar, so Ethan. His hands went to your waist, fingers curling and pulling you against him as he leaned in so hard that you leaned back with him, smiling as your hands came around to hold his face, hold him to you, unwilling for the moment to ever end. 
You didn’t even notice the rain.
“Am I dreaming?” You hadn’t meant to say it out loud but it slipped past your lips anyways, making Ethan’s chest swell and his smile get even brighter as he pulled back enough to look at you.
“No baby. This is real. This is us, right here, right now.” 
"No fuckin’ way,” you breathed, running your thumbs over his cheeks before he kissed you again, walking you backwards into the house and out of the downpour and over to the couch. 
“I love you. So much. Sorry I forgot your chocolate by the way,” he grinned after he sat down and pulled you onto his lap, gazing up at you like you hung the moon and stars.
“You’re so much better than mint chocolate. I love you too.” You kissed him again just because you could, relishing in the feeling of him there with you, not a worry or a care in the world.
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sparklebitch · 5 years
Hey! So I was wondering if you could write a promt with a klance au, ( firefighter Keith x paramedic lance) that’s likes super angsty but with a happy ending. Like Keith gets trapped in a house and gets burned badly and lance is the one in the ambulance and sees his bf super injured and is super scared. And then everything is fine in the end. But maybe Keith like almost dies? Or his injuries get infected? It’s totally fine if not! Keep being awesome! 😊😊💙❤️❤️
I gotchu bby 👍
A/N: I would like to send a special shoutout to @thefevertrope for helping me out with the accuracy of the injuries in this fic! You’ve been awesome, thank you!! Please consider leaving a comment, I would really appreciate it!
DISCLAIMER: I know little to nothing about fires and fire-related injuries, only what I have read, so this fic is in now way medically accurate.
Trigger warnings are listed in the tags.
Keith felt the flames lick at his heels as he raced across the burning building with a young woman clinging to his arm. She coughed into the rag that she was holding over her mouth as the smoke thickened. The flames had engulfed the room and there was seemingly no escape. The woman cried out in hopelessness. Keith set his shoulders and turned to the woman. "Don't worry, Ma'am. I'll get you out of here" he promised. Without another word he lifted the woman off her feet and held her close to his chest as he pushed on. The building creaked and groaned around him, threatening to collapse at any minute. Still, Keith never wavered.
A crowd of people nervously stood watched a small distance away from the building. The firefighters were working tirelessly to put out the flames, but it was a losing battle. The building was going to collapse.
"Someone get Kogane out of there!" The fire chief shouted. "Griffin! Check the entrance" James Griffin, another firefighter there, dashed to the door, prepared to bust in and save the day. But there was no need.
Keith emerged from the burning building with the young woman cowering in his arms. He rushed her over to the paramedics who were waiting nearby. Moments later the roof of the building came crashing down.
"That was a close one, Kogane" The fire chief, Shirogane, said, marching up to him with a disapproving look in his eye. Keith removed his helmet and turned to the man.
"I had to save the girl, Chief" he said apologetically. "I wasn't about to leave her in there" Shiro dramatically sighed and rubbed his temples.
"You're the reason I have gray hair" he muttered as he walked away. Keith grinned.
"You saved me" the woman said behind him. The paramedics were checking that she had no apparent injuries before they would put her into the ambulance and finish the check up at the hospital. "You saved my life. You're my hero" she said breathlessly. Keith scratched the back of his neck nervously. He never was able to take a compliment.
"Uh, yeah. Thanks." he said awkwardly. "It's, like, my job" The woman's face flushed.
"...Right" Keith could see her ogling him as he walked away. Now that his job was done, he turned to go back to the firetruck so he could head back to the station and await the next call.
Someone stopped him.
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Mr. Hot Stuff" A familiar voice called out. Keith threw his head back.
"I'm fine" he replied without looking. He knew exactly who it was.
Lance Serrano.
"It's standard procedure, Kogane" Lance said, his head cocked. Keith let out a groan as Lance escorted him to the ambulance that was parked in the yard. "You were in the building for too long. I have to make sure that you're not hurt and that you didn't inhale any smoke. You know this" Keith sat down on the stretcher and leaned back with a bored sigh. He glanced outside and saw that the other firemen were finally starting to control the fire. The building was almost completely on the ground, but at least the fire was dying down.
"I know. It's just a pain" Lance smirked as he pulled his stethoscope out of his bag.
"What, you don't enjoy our time together?" he asked. Keith's face heated up.
"I didn't- I didn't say that" Keith's eyes strayed to the woman outside. She was still staring at him. She practically had hearts in his eyes. Lance turned to see where Keith was looking. He cocked an eyebrow. Keith grimaced. "Another... happy customer" he said. Lance chuckled as he reached out and closed the door of the ambulance.
"Does this happen a lot?" he asked. "I need you to take off your jacket so I can check your breathing" he said a moment later, holding up his stethoscope. Keith shrugged his jacket off, revealing his white cotton tee. He leaned back on his arms.
"I guess" Keith replied. "I get a lot of phone numbers after I finish a call" Lance's eyes widened in surprise.
"From the people you save?" He asked incredulously. I mean I guess you can say you had a 'meet cute' but still..." Keith laughed quietly. Lance held the stethoscope to Keith's chest and listened to his breathing for a few seconds before moving it and listening again.
"Actually it's the bystanders who give the numbers" Lance motioned for Keith to turn so that he could put the stethoscope on his back. He nodded happily and set the stethoscope on the tray next to him.
"I can see that" He continued to do the examination as he spoke, poking and prodding Keith until he was satisfied that Keith was in good shape.
"You can see what?" Keith asked curiously. Lance began to write his findings down on a chart.
"Seeing a hot firefighter saving a baby from a burning building? I'm swooning already" he said putting his hand over his heart. Keith blushed and looked away.
Lance clicked his or abruptly. "Alright, Kogane. You're all clear" Keith looked up, his lips parted in surprise.
"Already?" Lance smirked.
"Sorry, I would've gone slower if you had asked" Keith coughed awkwardly and stood up, forgetting how little space there was in the ambulance. His face was inches away from Lance's.
Keith opened his mouth to say something, to apologize, to say goodbye, but nothing came out. He let out an embarrassing squeak. He cleared his throat and began to stutter. He'd met Lance dozens of times before, and been checked for injuries just as many times. He'd been trying to work up the nerve to ask him out for months now.
Lance smiled at him with a sparkle in his eye. "How would you like to get another phone number from a bystander that you've enchanted with your baby-saving abilities?" he asked.
"I- I would like that" Keith said, feeling uncharacteristically shy. "I, uh, I get off in 6 hours if that's not too soon for a date..." he felt stupid as soon as he said it. "Never mind. You're probably- that was too soon. I'm- yeah, my bad" he turned to leave, but Lance caught his sleeve, gently tugging him back.
"I'm off at 7. I'll pick you up?" he asked softly. Keith bit his lip.
"I'll see you there"
~ ~
~ 2 years later ~
Keith groaned as the alarm clock woke him. He blindly threw his arm out to shut it off. "Make it stop" Lance mumbled into his pillow.
"I have to get up" Keith said with a yawn. Lance whined softly and reached for his boyfriend, pulling him back into the bed. Keith planted a sloppy kiss on his check before pushing himself back up. "I can't miss work again, babe" Lance rolled over onto his back and watched Keith gather his things.
“What time do you get off work tonight?” he asked. Keith thought for a moment.
“Five, I think” he said. “Provided that there aren’t any emergencies. What time do you go in?” Lance closed his eyes and frowned.
“Six” He smiled wryly. “So much for an anniversary dinner, I guess” Keith pulled on his jeans and tried to hide his grin.
“Yeah, I mean too bad one of us didn’t make reservations at that new Italian place for 5:00 tonight” Lance sat up straight in bed and stared at Keith with a surprised look on his face.
“How--” Keith stifled a laugh.
“I have my ways” he said mischievously. Keith glanced at the clock as he pulled his shirt on. “I’ll meet you there at 5 o’clock sharp, okay?” He leaned over the bed for a kiss goodbye. “Happy anniversary” he said as he pulled away. Keith heard Lance squeal as he left the room.
Keith couldn’t believe that it had already been 2 years since he and Lance had started dating. It felt like only yesterday he was standing in that ambulance, completely tongue tied. But here he was, two years into the best relationship of his life, happier than he had ever been.
Nothing could lessen his joy.
~   ~
Lance busied himself that day cleaning their house and making Keith his favorite dessert as a surprise for when he got home. Lance would have to rush off right after dinner and wouldn’t be back until six the next morning.
Though they frequently worked opposite schedules and some weeks they almost never saw each other, they were making it work. Lance had asked Keith to move in with him a few months ago so that the few hours they had off they could spend together, even if most of that time they were fast asleep. It was hard sometimes, sure, but they were in love. It was worth it.
Just as Lance pulled the dessert out of the oven he heard the police scanner go off. He tensed for a moment, straining to listen to the call. He prayed that Keith’s station would not be called to it, or that it would be a small fire. Everytime he heard the scanner go off, and Keith was not in his arms, his heart stopped in his chest. He was so worried that Keith would get hurt. But risk was part of the job. Keith had to do what he did to save people, and Lance understood that. Keith was worried about Lance too. Often times he was called to help people in dangerous situations. Both of their jobs were so important, but that didn’t make them worry any less.
The voice over the scanner reported an incident on the other side of town. Lance let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in, and then went back to what he was doing. A few minutes later his phone buzzed with a text from Keith. ‘Miss you ;*’ it read. Lance sighed contently at the message.
‘Miss you more
Only eight more hours until dinner…
~   ~
Lance stared at his phone, more than a little disappointed. Keith had sent him a short message a few minutes earlier telling him that there was an emergency and that he wouldn’t be able to make it to dinner. He was sorry, but there was nothing he could do about it. Lance knew that it wasn’t up to Keith. He had no control over it, but he was still upset. He held back tears as he waved over the waitress. He paid for the drinks that he had already ordered and left a huge tip on the table for the inconvenience. He wasn’t about to eat alone. With nothing else to do, Lance headed to work. There wasn’t enough time to go home, and no reason to. Keith likely wouldn’t be home for hours.
It took him only a few minutes to arrive at the hospital. He had barely walked through the doors when he was nearly toppled over by a nurse. People were shouting as they ran around the room. Lance jogged to the desk and asked the receptionist what was going on. “Haven’t you heard?” She asked incredulously. “There’s a huge fire over at the old apartment buildings on the west side of town. Two buildings have gone down already. There’s dozens wounded. Dr. Holt is sending everyone she can. If you hurry you can make it on one of the buses” Without a second thought Lance took off to the ambulance bay, the whole time wondering ‘is this the fire that Keith was fighting?’
Pidge was the Emergency Vehicle Operator in the ambulance, and Hunk was the paramedic. “Room for one more?” Lance said, though it really wasn’t a question. Hunk moved over and allowed Lance to climb in before they took off.
“Are you okay?” Hunk asked as Lance slammed the door. Lance locked eyes with Pidge, who looked startled at the intensity in his eyes.
“Drive, Pidge” he said hoarsely. Pidge nodded without a word and peeled out of the parking lot.
“Lance, what’s going on?” Hunk asked. Lance dropped down next to Hunk and pulled out his phone and texted Keith. All he needed to know was that he was okay. That he was alive.
“I think Keith’s there” he said, trying to calm his breathing.
“Oh, god” Hunk said worriedly. “He- He’s probably fine” He said unconvincingly. Lance scrolled through the news alerts on his phone. There were livestreams of the crisis as well as reports of the number of casualties and injuries. So far four were confirmed dead and nearly twice that were injured.
“As we return back to the catastrophic fire that is currently raging at the Greenwood apartment complex on the west side of town we see that firefighters are working tirelessly to end this disaster. We have been told that numerous brave fighters have been injured already, and one has been confirmed dead” Lance’s ears started ringing. The world stopped around him.
What if it was him?
Lance was faintly aware of someone turning his phone off. “Lance… Lance…” He has to pull himself out of this. He would be if any help to anyone in this state. He put his head between his knees and forced himself to take a few deep breaths.
“I’m fine” he said faintly. He sat up and pushed his hair out of his eyes, still aware of the pounding in his chest.
“We don’t know that it’s Keith” Hunk reminded Lance with a reassuring pat on the shoulder.
“I know” He straightened up and cleared his throat. “I know. Give me a minute and I’ll be fine” he said.
“If you’re distracted you don’t have to--”
“I’m fine!” Lance in irritation. “I can help. I have to help” Hunk fell silent. It was true. There weren’t nearly enough people to help as it was, and Lance was an amazing paramedic.
Lance glanced at his phone, waiting for a response from Keith. All he needed was a sign that he was still alive.
“Look” Hunk said breathlessly, pointing out the window. In the distance they could see the fire. It seemed as if the whole city was ablaze. The horizon was bathed in smoke and fire as it danced and swirled to the sky.
A sense of dread washed over Lance.
Keith pushed through the waves of smoke, searching for a sign that someone was in the room. “Hello?” he called out as loudly as he could. All he could hear was the roar of the flames all around him. He swiftly crossed the room and opened the door to the bedroom.
He checked the next, and the next. No one was there. He picked up his radio. “Apartment 112 is clear” he said.
“Roger that” Shiro said back. “Keith you need to get out of there now, you’ve been in too long” Keith scanned the hallway as he closed the door to the apartment. There were still three more rooms on this floor.
“Not yet” Keith said before shoving the radio back into his pocket. He coughed into his sleeve and headed to the next room. That one was empty too. And the next one. When Keith walked into the last apartment on the floor the smoke seemingly thickened. He could barely see. He was coughing so bad he could hardly breathe. He searched the room as best he could and found no one. But just as he was about to leave he heard a voice.
“H- Help” He spun around and scanned the room.
“Hello?” Keith called. “Is someone in here?” He heard a noise to his left. He blindly walked in that direction and called out again. “Hello?” He broke down into a coughing fit. He didn’t even recognize his own voice when he spoke. He knew if he stayed there much longer there was little chance of him making it out.
“Help me!” The voice cried out again. Keith moved closer and saw something move near the floor. He crouched down in front of the couch and looked under it. A pair of eyes peered up at him.
“Hey, buddy” he said gently. “I need you to come with me, okay?” The boy nodded and wiggled his way out. Keith helped him to his feet. “I’m going to get you out of here. C’mere” he lifted the boy into his arms. “What’s your name?” he asked as he made his way to the door.
“Hi, Avery. My name’s Keith. Is there anyone else here with you?” he asked. The boy shook his head.
“My grandma went downstairs to get the mail and she didn’t come back” he said in a small voice. His eyes were red from the smoke. Keith pulled a rag out of his pocket and handed it to the kid.
“Put this over your nose and mouth, okay?” The boy did as he was told and buried his face into Keith’s chest. Keith tightened his grip on the boy and continued down the hall. He walked and walked and walked. He stopped and turned around, and then turned again. He shook his head in confusion and then continued down the hall. He should’ve gotten to the door to the stairwell by now.
“How you doin’, Avery?” Keith asked. Avery moaned in his arms.
“Throat hurts” he croaked. Keith quickened his pace. He could feel the heat from the fire behind him, growing closer. Suddenly, Keith felt the whole building shift underneath him. The walls creaked and groaned. His breath caught in his throat. He had to get out of there. Now.
“Avery, this is going to be scary but I want you to close your eyes and hold on tight, okay?” Avery nodded. “Do you promise?”
Keith hiked the child onto his shoulder and began sprinting down the hall, the smoke threatening to envelope him with every step. He glanced out a window as he passed and saw only fire. It was spreading too fast. It was everywhere.
“Keith” Avery tugged on Keith’s jacket, still pressing the cloth to his mouth. “I don’t feel good” he said with tears in his eyes. Terror gripped Keith’s chest. He had to get this kid out of here. Even if it meant he didn’t get out.
“We’re almost out, kid, I promise” he said with a smile. Avery nodded his head and then buried his face in Keith’s shoulder again.
Finally, finally, Keith found the door to the stairwell. He practically flew down then and out the door at the bottom. There were swarms of people all around. Keith’s vision faded for just a moment. He stumbled forward.
“Hey… Hey! Kogane!” A voice called out.
“G- Griffin” Keith slurred. “Take the… the kid” James took the kid out of Keith’s arm just as he keeled over and threw up on the ground. All that came out was a black tar-like substance, which made sense. He had been inhaling smoke for the better part of two hours.
“Keith” Avery cried, still in James’ arms. He gripped James’ shirt. “Is he dying? Please don’t let him die!”
“I’m okay” Keith assure Avery as he wiped his mouth with his rough glove. James shot him a look as Keith glanced back at the building.
“You’re not going back in there” James stated. Keith removed his helmet and wiped the sweat off his forehead. He shook his head at James as he put it back on.
“I have to. There are still people in there” Before James could protest Keith turned and sprinted back into the building, disappearing into a cloud of smoke.
Lance bounded out of the ambulance, Hunk and Pidge close on his heels. The fire loomed over them as they approached the crowd. A triage of sorts was setup to their right so that the paramedics could determine who was worse off than the others. Those with the worst wounds were first in line to get in an ambulance.
The scent of smoke was overwhelming, and it was everywhere. There were people standing around crying as they watched their homes burn to the ground along with all their belongings and memories. Everything was just… gone.
“Lance! Over here!” Pidge beckoned. Lance ran over to where she was standing. Fire chief Shirogane was standing there, looking grim.
“Where is he?” Lance said, not even bothering with a ‘hello’. Shrio glanced at the building and then back at Lance.
“He’s still in there” he replied. Lance crossed his arms over his chest as he was overwhelmed with fear. “He’s already saved so many…” he trailed off, knowing that Lance didn’t need to hear it. Lance new that Keith was an amazing firefighter. He as so kind and caring. He was the type of person to risk his life for others. And that’s exactly what he did. He was considered such a ‘good’ fireman because he took risks that others didn’t have the guts too. Keith would say ‘damn the consequences’ and do what needed to be done.
One of these days it was going to kill him.
Lance was worried that day was today.
Keith followed the stairs up to the next floor. This was the last floor to check in his section. He knew it was dangerous being up here but he kept wondering, what if someone else was up there? He often wondered this when in the midst of something dangerous. It was the reason that he kept pushing when everyone else said it was too risky.
Stepping into the hallway was like walking through the gates of Hell. The temperature rose and the sense of impending doom overwhelmed Keith.
“Kogane, where the hell are you!?” A familiar voice called over his radio. Keith grimaced and lifted the box to his mouth.
“I have to check the last floor, Shiro” He said, feeling like a child being caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to.
Keith cautiously opened the door to the first apartment and began to search it, making sure it was empty. “Everyone’s out of the building. They’ve all been accounted for. You need to—” Keith radio cut out abruptly.
“I can’t- I can’t hear you” His statement was met with only static. Suddenly there was a loud cracking sound and the building shifted beneath him again. The wall behind him crumbled and fire began to spill into the room. Keith frantically ran to the door and jerked it open. He stumbled out into the hallway to find that it too was rapidly burning. The fire had already consumed the door to the stairwell he had entered through, so he took off toward the stairs at the other end of the building.
The seconds felt like hours as he ran, until finally he reached the stairwell. He turned the doorknob and nearly let out a sob. Fire had taken over the stairs.
There was no way out.
With the fire closing in behind him, the smoke so thick he could hardly see, and the only exits blocked, escape seemed in possible.
Was this the end of the line for him?
The only thing on Keith’s mind as he stared down certain death was Lance. His memories were clouded with regret. Why hadn’t he asked Lance out sooner? Why hadn’t he asked Lance to move in with him before Lance did? Why did he wait until after Lance told him that he loved him that he loved him as well, when he had been thinking it for much longer than he admitted? What was he so afraid of?
All Keith could think about were the missed opportunities. The time together that they had wasted. Right now, all Keith could think about was spending the rest of his life with Lance, if he was given the chance.
He couldn’t die in here. He couldn’t.
Keith slammed the door to the stairwell and spun around, breathing heavily. He couldn’t see anything now but the thick gray smoke.
He pushed through.
With his hand against the wall he walked until he found a doorway. He opened the door, but found only flames behind it. He closed it and continued down the hallway. He couldn’t see. He could barely breathe.
The only thing on his mind was Lance.
He tried another door. Fire. And another. More fire. Keith was so tired. He was so sleepy. All he wanted to do was lay down. It would be so easy to just go to sleep… He shook his head and wept as he forced himself to continue.
Keith tried another door. And another, and another, and another. Every single one was engulfed in flames. Until finally, right when Keith thought he couldn’t go on a second more, he found a room that had yet to be completely consumed by the flames. The last room on the floor. It was nothing short of a miracle, really.
Keith stumbled into the room and closed the door behind him. His heart still pounding in his chest, Keith looked around at the apartment and tried to think. Though this room was not nearly as bad as all the others, the fire was still burning through it. Half the wall between that room and the next had already crumbled. Smoke filled his lungs as he racked his brain for what to do.
Then it hit him.
He almost smacked himself for being so stupid.
The fire escape.
He raced to the other side of the room and tried to pull the window open. It was painted shut. Behind him part of the ceiling fell, sending a shockwave of dust raining down on him. He stumbled back and coughed up a lung full of soot. He choked as it came up, trying to clear his airway. His eyes were flooded with black spots and he was on the verge of passing out when it finally came up, splattering on the foot. Keith wipes his mouth and then drug himself back to the window. He could barely see the shadowy figures below through the haze. The flames were licking at the edge of the building and racing through the room behind him.
This was the only way out.
With adrenaline coursing through his veins Keith broke through the window with his fists. Every part of his body felt like it was on fire. He was moments away from collapsing.
Keith ducked his head, avoided the glass shards, and crawled through the small window on his hands and knees. He emerged onto the rust fire escape and had only a moment of relief before the structure groaned under his weight. The building was hardly keeping itself together and the fire escape nearly fell.
Keith gripped the railing, his breathing ragged. The people below didn’t notice him. Keith opened his mouth to scream, but nothing came out. He coughed and wheezed, trying to find his voice. “He—” Tears filled his eyes. It was like he had swallowed sandpaper. More spots clouded his vision. With all the strength he could muster Keith let out one, long, scratchy ‘HELP!’ before he succumbed to the darkness. The last thing he saw before he lost consciousness was the world spinning above him, and the floor giving out below him.  
Lance looked up from the patient he was examining. He heard his voice as if he had been standing right next to him. Hunk look at Lance and then signaled for another paramedic to take over. By the time he looked back at Lance he was already gone.
Lance sprinted as fast as his legs could carry him to the edge of the building. Several firemen were crowded around. The fire escape from the third floor was creaking and groaning as the fire chipped away at the anchors that held into the building. Through the dark and the smog Lance could just make out a hand sticking out from the platform. His heart stopped in his chest.
The scene fell deathly quiet for just a moment. No one moved. No one breathed.
And then the metal bolts gave way and the fire escape came plummeting down to the earth. Lance felt a scream rip through his throat, but he couldn’t hear it.
It was like the whole world was moving in slow motion as the structure fell straight down and--
It came to an abrupt halt as it crashed into the fire escape below it.
“Get me a stretcher over here, NOW!” Keith couldn’t see anything. He couldn’t feel anything. He could hear the sound of footsteps and he was vaguely aware of his body being moved. “...Careful, careful” Keith groaned and tried to turn his head, but couldn’t.
“Whoa, whoa, careful” a voice spoke. “We put a neck brace on you. Try not to move around too much” Keith opened his eyes but all he saw was a blur. “You took quite a fall there, Keith” His body was jostled again and then they were moving him.
“What do we have?” A voice called.
“Keith Kogane, firefighter, 26, he collapsed on the fire escape and then fell to the story below. He has suspected smoke inhalation and 3rd degree burns. Pupils reactive. Responds to painful stimuli.” Hunk and Pidge rushed Keith on the stretcher over to the ambulance. “Keith, listen buddy, we’re going to help you. Lance is here” The same voice said. At the mention of Lance’s name Keith began to struggle.
“Mmm” he groaned as he tried to move. He had to get up. He had to go talk to him. “La- Lan..ce” his voice was barely audible. There was shouting behind him as someone tried to get near.
“Lance, stop-!” Keith struggled again. “Keith… god, please stop moving, we’re trying to help you”
“I got- I got- Lance” He muttered rapidly opening and closing his eyes.
“Keith!” a hand wrapped around his own. “Baby, baby I’m here” Lance’s voice soothed Keith. He relaxed and smiled.
“L- Lan--” he was cut off by a coughing spell, sending shockwaves of pain through his body. He let out a scream.
“Shh…” Lance whispered through his tears. “Don’t talk, baby. It’s alright. I’m here. You’re going to be alright” At his words Keith felt his hand slip away.
“Lance, you’ve seen him, now I need you to back away”
“But Hunk--” Lance protested.
“Don’t” the voice, who Keith now knew was Hunk, said.
“Keith, I’m still here” Lance said, further away now. “I won’t leave you, I promise”
Keith closed his eyes.
Lance barely recognized his boyfriend. His face was swollen and covered in ashes. There was blood smeared on his cheek from a cut on his forehead, and his leg was covered in burns between the rips in his suit.
He felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“Lance, you CANNOT help under any circumstances, do you hear me? I don’t want to do it but if I have to I will make you leave” he shouted as they wheeled the stretcher into the ambulance. Lance let out a strangled cry as he nodded his head. “Pidge! Get us to the hospital faster than humanly possible!” he instructed. “Allura, come help me!” Allura, a new paramedic, jumped into the bus and closed the door behind her. Lance pressed his back up against the wall of the ambulance as he stared at his boyfriend. He’d seen countless people laying on that stretcher, their face covered in an oxygen mask. He’d seen people far more injured than this. But seeing his boyfriend laying there, barely breathing, his fireman’s uniform practically in tatters? It hit Lance in the chest like a ton of bricks.
“Allura, start taking off his uniform while I check his airways” Allura did so, while glancing at Lance who was white as a sheet.
“Can- I ask- Why he can’t help?” Allura asked as she worked on carefully cutting away the pants of Keith’s uniform, making sure that she avoided the areas that were burnt.
“It’s his boyfriend” he explained curtly as he shined a flashlight in Keith’s mouth and then nose. “Alright, he’s still conscious and breathing, and he’s got a pulse, but he definitely inhaled smoke and those burns look like they might be 3rd degree. After you get the clothes off start dressing the wounds. Remember, we’re patching them up. It doesn’t have to be pretty” Allura nodded. “I’m going to start an IV”
Keith groaned quietly. Lance’s heart rate sped up as he took a step forward to be closer to him. “K- Keith?” Hunk shot him a look that had Lance moving back to his spot against the wall. “Keith, baby it’s okay. You’re alright, you’re going to be alright” he said tearfully. Pidge rounded a corner a bit to fast, rattling everyone in the back.
“Careful!” Hunk shouted.
“Sorry!” Hunk muttered something under his breath at Pidge’s apology.
“His breathing’s getting ragged. We should intubate him just in case” Hunk said. “Keith, this is going to be uncomfortable but I need you to relax” Keith mumbled a weak ‘okay’. “Alright, I’m going to guide a tube into your throat so we can keep you breathing even in an emergency” Allura reached into the drawer and pulled out a clear plastic tube and the glidescope, which Hunk used to glide the tube into Keith’s throat. Keith made a noise of discomfort as the tube was pushed down his throat. “Keith? Hold still it’s almost in. You’re doing great” Lance watched as Keith blinked tears out of his eyes. “And… it’s in” Hunk said.
“I’ve got the dressings on” Allura announced. Lance opened his mouth to ask Keith how he was doing just as Keith sucked in a sharp breath.
The machine that measured Keith’s heart rate made a shrill noise has his heart rate spiked and then suddenly it crashed. The long slow beep was the most terrifying noise Lance had ever heard.
Lance sobbed uncontrollably on the ground as Hunk worked on Keith. “Please! Please help him!” Lance wailed. Hunk was shouting things at Allura. Lance could barely hear them. “No pulse…! Compressions…! Beat, dammit…!” Lance felt like his world was crumbling down around him. “How are we on time, Pidge!? We need to be there ASAP”
“Please! Please!” Lance wailed. “He can’t die! Don’t let him die!” Hunk pounded on Keith’s chest while Allura pumped the bag to give him air for what felt like forever. Keith didn’t wake up. Lance sobbed and screamed, pleading to every celestial being that Keith would live. Pidge had the gas pedal nearly through the floor as they raced into the ambulance bay.
They made it.
But was it too late?
The doors to the ambulance were ripped open and there was a lot of shouting that Lance didn’t hear. He was crying silently, gripping his chest. It was like his whole life was falling apart. That morning he never would’ve guess in a million years that their anniversary would end like this.
For the second time that night the whole world froze. Lance could feel everyone hold their breath as the prolonged beep ceased. And--
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.
Lance threw his head back and smiled through his tears. His heart was beating.
He was alive.
~  ~
Beep. Beep. Beep.
Lance clung to Keith’s hand as he sat by his bedside. The monitors incessant noise ensuring that sleep wouldn’t take him. The countless nurses and doctors filtering in an out kept him awake as well.
It had been almost three days now and Keith still hadn’t woken up. The doctors assured him that aside from the burns, which turned out to only be 2nd degree and would heal, Keith would be okay. The only thing they didn’t know was the full effects of the smoke inhalation. He could be okay, but there was a chance that he would have permanent damage to his lungs and  persistent shortness of breath for the rest of his life.
Lance rubbed his thumb against the back of Keith’s scarred knuckles. He had so many marks on his skin. Some old, many new. Lance wished he could just take his pain away. Lifting Keith’s hand to his lips, he gave the scars a gentle kiss before setting his hand back on the white sheet.
“I love you” Lance whispered. It was something he had said many times in the past few days. “Rest easy, Love. Take your time. I’ll be here” he said with a sad smile. He knew that Keith would wake up on his own time.
Lance rested his head on the edge of Keith’s bed and closed his eyes for just a moment.
When he opened them again, it was light outside. He had fallen asleep. He sighed softly and closed his eyes again. Keith’s hand threading through his hair was lulling him back to sleep.
Lance paused.
He jerked upright and saw Keith’s lips lift into a smile. “Morning Handsome” he said roughly. HIs voice cracked as he spoke.
“Oh my god” Lance’s vision was flooded with tears. He didn’t even try to stop them as they flowed down his face. “Oh my god” Keith grinned and shifted in the bed, wincing in pain.
“Miss me?” he asked softly. Lance fell forward and their lips crashed against each other. He couldn’t stand another minute apart from him.
“You scared the shit out of me” Lance said weepily. Keith sheepishly.
“Sorry” he rasped. He closed his eyes and leaned back on the pillow. “I had- I had to--” he broke off into a coughing fit. This prompted a nurse to rush in to check on him.
“Mr. Kogane!” The nurse Romelle said brightly. “Glad to see you’re awake” she stepped around the bed and checked the monitors. “How are you feeling?” Keith thought for a moment.
“Thirsty” he admitted. She smiled.
“I’ll have someone bring up some ice chips for you” Keith nodded at her in thanks. “Now,” she clicked her pen as she finished writing down his stats. “I’ll be back up in a few minutes to run some tests, but I’ll give you a moment alone” she said, eyeing Lance. Lance wiped his eyes and smiled at her gratefully. She left the room, leaving Lance and Keith alone again.
“I’m sorry, Lance” Keith said slowly. His throat hurt like hell. “I- had to-” Lance squeezed his hand.
“You had to save a baby” he said with a watery smile. “Just imagine the bystanders watching you carry that kid out, while the sweat glistened on your forehead, your back muscles visible through the thin material of your shirt--” Keith laughed breathily, making a wheezing sound, which ended in another cough.
“I did save a kid” he said, his eyes half closed. His gaze traveled over Lance’s face. He wanted to memorize every plane of his face. He wanted to spend every moment he had with Lance.
Keith blinked and bolted upright, which sent pain shooting through his middle. “Careful!” Lance exclaimed. “You bruised a couple of ribs in your fall” Keith ignored him.
“I love you” he said abruptly. Lance frowned.
“I love you too” he replied, confused as to why Keith was acting so strange.
“I almost died” Keith continued. “I thought I was going to die and all-” he took a breath and slowed down. “All I could think about was you” Lance’s face softened. “About how many mistakes I’ve made. I realized how much time I’ve wasted worrying over things that I don’t need to worry over and…” he looked into Lance’s eyes. “And I don’t want to waste anymore time. Every moment we have together is precious.” Lance furrowed his eyebrows. “Lance…” Lance eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen. “Will you--” Lance launched himself into Keith’s arms, cutting him off.
“Yes!” He shouted. Keith hissed in pain as Lance collided with his ribs. “Fuck! Sorry” he apologized, leaning away. Keith pulled him back.
“Can- can I finish?” he asked meekly. Lance beamed at him, tears falling down his face again, and nodded. “Lance Serrano, will you marry--”
“Yes! Shit, sorry” Lance made a face and buried his face in Keith’s shoulder.
“Will you marry m- Oh fuck it you already said yes” he smiled and pulled Lance’s face down to his.
“I love you”
“I love you” The mumbled against each others lips. Keith knew that whatever happened next didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was he was going to be with Lance through everything. He wasn’t going to waste the time they had together any more.
Their hearts and skin were afire with love. As they clung to one another they knew, they weren’t going to waste any more time.
“Put your open lips on mine and slowly let them shut
For they’re designed to be together, oh
With your body next to mine, our hearts will beat as one
And we’re set alight, we’re afire love”
~   ~   ~
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