#shoutout to that anon who made my brain run
alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
Can you imagine Jamie with a GF who plays for one of the woman’s teams in the FWWC? Like I can imagine Jamie and the whole Richmond team in the stands all stressed but also cheering the loudest 🥹 (Ngl I have the penalty shoot out between Australia vs France in my mind and I can imagine if Jamie’s GF kicked the winning goal and how nuts they’d all go 🥹😭😍)
Ohhhhmyyyygoddddd I love y’all and your brains!! You and my USWNT anon give me life 🥰🥰
That Australia - France PK shoot out made me so damned stressed and god, if you were the one who made the winning shot?? Everyone’s going crazy, even if they couldn’t physically be in Australia/NZ they would absolutely have watch parties with the whole team and whoever is running their socials (I always like to imagine Keeley because she’s my wife) is absolutely posting a shoutout to either you specifically or to your whole team as a congratulations along with a video of the boys losing their fucking shit whenever you score
I might have to write a little World Cup blurb for my There’s Nothing Like This girlie…
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sunlit-mess · 2 years
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When we're gone, everything goes on
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this banger song is basically the best option for the prompt : the heart never forgets
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oh god i have so many anons omg im sorry lmao
Here are some TB&TB Anon Asks 🐇 !
Check the last few answers for a ton of headcanon discussions!
1. I do have a playlist for TB&TB! You can access it here (along with some others!)
You are amazing, and thank you for your kindness 💕
2. Thank you, friend 👽 I’ve been writing, both fan fiction and original works, since I was about 12 years old. So, however many minutes that is! Writing is one of those things that you will literally always get better at the more you write (as long as you continue to enjoy yourself!)
Also, I sold my soul to the angst gods.
3. Ahhhh I was falling asleep when I came up with that exchange and I turned around and frantically typed it into my Discord so I wouldn't forget, lmao!
The universe colored eyes is also referencing a line from Part 7's dream sequence, for those who missed it!
4. Impending doom...? No... Not me... Never... 🌝
5. Big thank you to everyone who sent in a favorite line! You all make my day! It makes me so happy to see people get excited about the same parts as me. The callbacks to the honeysuckle language in the Prologue are some of my favorites.
Sometimes I worry I'm too heavy handed with the metaphors, but I just love nature so much.
6. Aaaaa I wrote that at like 2am when I couldn't sleep! Also, as to how I do it... I've no feckin' clue. Brain say word, word go down.
7. First off, I am so not annoyed with you! These made my day, honestly. It was especially great to see someone guess so many things that will be confirmed in canon, lmao!
I'm not incorporating the Daddy kink into this fic, but I do think it would probably shock him badly enough that he would completely stop whatever he was doing while he processed what just happened, lmao!
This will be confirmed in canon.
I don't specify hair type/length the best I can, so I won't be confirming it in canon, but I do tend to picture her with ponytails/puffs!
Spencer is already a (show) canon fan of soap operas! I think it'd be funny watching him discuss how manipulative a lot of rom coms are, but then slowly falls in love with the tropes. One day he doesn't call one out and she just looks at him like 👀
This will be confirmed in canon.
8. The first one will be confirmed in canon on several occasions.
I love showering scenes, but I won't be including one in this work to make it more accessible to Readers of all races, since many hair types have remarkably different hair care routines!
This will be referenced in canon.
Please, Bunny would be mortified the whole time. She'd probably kick him the first few times.
Again, I love these, but they aren't accessible to all body types, so I try to avoid them! I agree with you, though, that would drive him crazy.
She does fall in heels in the Part 3, lol! I suck at heels because I have ankle problems. Shoutout to my clumsy bitches. I don't specify height, though I usually picture all of my Readers at my height (5'6").
He definitely already knows the skincare, but he would pretend like he doesn't just so she could teach him something. She's too excited for him to break it to her.
She hates when he cuts it because it means she has less of a canvas to work with!
9-10. I'm sorry the picture messed up! I don't know what my computer is doing. But I have the missing text (When the couple moves in together spencer buys a sign to the door that has 2 bunnies on it with their names on it).
I personally love classic rock, but I know not everyone will. I fully agree with your headcanon, and I share it! Technically, we do see her recognize two different songs from the 80s (Don't Stand So Close to Me & Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want). She would also have heard from Derek all of the music he had to introduce Spencer to!
Hamsters are so cute! I personally am a cat person, but I could see her with literally any animal!
Pastels are a must with a nickname like Bunny.
Spencer WOULD be ticklish. She would be a menace.
Spencer makes the mistake of saying "Good Bunny" in front of Derek exactly one (1) time and doesn't say it for another month.
I have a running joke in the Discord that later the couple has two kids they nickname "Birdie" and "Bee." When Bunny asks him for his B-nickname, he replies "Bastard." Idk why, but the bunny sign reminded me of that lmao!
All it takes is Bunny shushing Spencer once and him looking positively terrified of her wrath for them to realize who is really in charge there.
He's just so used to dry cleaning! It's not his fault 😜
Him and that kitten would be inseparable after that. He would spend hours telling her why cats are great companion animals for autistic people!
Thank you for sending me these! I had a blast, and I love you, too!
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cali-holland · 4 years
Risky Quizness- Tom Holland One Shot
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Pairing: Tom Holland X Reader
Requested by Anon: meeting tom at one of the pub quizzes he goes to at his local pub, he and his mates need more people on their team to sign up, so they asks you and a couple of your friends to join, you and him connect. Xxoo
Prompt: When you meet Tom at a pub quiz, sparks fly between the two of you.
Word Count: 1800
A/N: Huge shoutout to @saysomethingspiderman​ for being a major help with this one. I’m hella American and never experienced a pub quiz before lol aka brits dont hate me for this
Masterlist   Tom Holland Masterlist
*Gif is not mine*
“Damn it.” Tom muttered, looking at his phone with a frown.
“What?” Harrison asked, sitting next to him at the table with their two pints.
“Harry just texted me. He’s sick.” He replied. “And Sam’s with his girlfriend and you know mum would never let me take Paddy.”
“So it’s just us then?” The blond let out a sigh.
Pub quizzes weren’t much fun with two people. Normally, they’d go with Tuwaine, Harry, and Sam- sometimes even Sam’s girlfriend would tag along, but Tuwaine had a family thing come up, and now the twins had bailed.
“We could always try to find someone to join our team? Right?” Tom offered weakly, and his friend shrugged.
“We’d have to find people willing to actually join us.” He stated and Tom nodded. The pub was already filling up with hopefuls for the pub quiz, there was no way they’d find others to team up with them-
“You can’t do a pub quiz with two people! It just doesn’t work like that!” You let out a frustrated groan as you passed by Tom’s table with your friend. And just like that, a light bulb went off in Tom’s head as he jumped after you.
“Hey, wait!” He called out and you and your friend paused, turning to him skeptically as you held your drinks.
“You only have two people for the quiz? My mate and I are also a team of two. Did- did you want to, maybe, join us?” Tom asked, realizing how stupid it sounded to ask that out loud- to ask a couple strangers to be on his team for a pub quiz. Your friend looked at you and you contemplated it for a moment.
“Sure, but we better win.” You stated, following a triumphant Tom back to his table (much to Harrison’s surprise). You sat down in an empty chair, leaving one open between you and Harrison, and Tom slid into it. 
“I’m Tom, and this is Harrison.” He introduced the two of them.
“Y/N, this is Jess.” You replied with a smile. The quizmaster quickly made his way around the pub, handing out a sheet of paper to each of the teams.
“What should our name be?” Tom asked, looking at the paper in front of him.
“Risky Quizness.” You said simply and Jess let out a laugh beside you.
“Risky Quizness?” Tom and Harrison both repeated, and you nodded.
“Every time we’ve used that name, we’ve won the pub quiz.” You stated.
“That’s because the only time we’ve won it was our name!” Jess added, and you rolled your eyes at her.
“We still won. Maybe we wouldn’t have been second last time if our name was Risky Quizness, not Universally Challenged.” You picked up the pencil from the table and grabbed the paper from in front of Tom.
“Risky Quizness, like the Tom Cruise movie?” Tom asked you, a small smile on his face.
“I’m writing it!” You announced and Jess groaned, but the boys just laughed.
“In case you couldn’t tell, she runs the quiz.” She teased.
“Shove off.” You groaned, “I’m competitive.”
“How many of these have you won?” Tom inquired. He honestly wasn’t sure how well he and Harrison would do with their usual team; by the end of the night, he would have always had enough beers to be a bit hazy on how many he actually knew on his own. He wanted to do well though because who didn’t love winning? And he also may have wanted to impress you a little.
“Just the one.” You mumbled, not wanting to fully admit it, “But we keep coming in second. There’s this group at our usual place called Let’s Get Quizzical and they win every single time. So we’re here in hopes that they won’t be.”
“What about you two?” Your friend asked.
“We’ve won a few times, but honestly, I don’t remember if I got any of them right.” He laughed.
“So, it’s up to you then, blondie.” You joked, and Harrison smiled with a grimace. “You two are lucky you’re attractive.”
Before either could respond, the quizmaster began to speak, announcing the general knowledge round. Some were easy questions like name the longest river in the U.K., complete the line from Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody” (which you knew immediately), and how many hearts does an octopus have (that one you and Harrison got in a heated debate about whether it was two or eight, when Jess stepped in as the marine biologist to tell you it was three). 
The next couple rounds went by smoothly, the four of you working together to make sure you got the right answers. By the time you were on the final round, the movies round, you felt fairly confident that your answers were like 90% right (you still weren’t sure if you trusted Tom and Harrison in saying that the DeLorean in Back to the Future had to hit 88 to time travel because you definitely thought it was 85 like the year the first movie came out).
“Which Star Wars character gets namechecked in Indiana Jones: Temple of Doom?” The quizmaster asked, making the four of you pause.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen that movie.” Harrison stated.
“Yoda?” Tom suggested, thinking it was a fairly iconic Star Wars character.
“It’s Obi-Wan.” You said as you wrote down the answer. “I just watched the movie like two days ago, and trust me, you’re not missing out if you haven’t seen it.”
“Two hours I’ll never get back.” Jess shook her head with a sigh.
“That bad?” Tom asked and you both nodded.
“The worst.” You shuddered just thinking about it. 
Though that question stumped Tom and Harrison, it wasn’t until the last question of the round that you really didn’t know the answer.
“Last question. This sequel film is the 10th highest grossing superhero movie of all time.” The quizmaster read off the question, and you turned to the rest of your team, unsure of the right answer.
“I don’t know? Captain America?” You asked, wracking your brain for any good superhero sequel films you’d seen. You watched Harrison try to nudge Tom inconspicuously, who was blushing beside you. He mumbled something to you, but you couldn’t hear it at all. “What movie?”
“Uh, Spider-Man: Far From Home.” He spoke up louder, the blush on his cheeks darkening as he shot Harrison a glare.
“Oh, right, never saw that.” You replied, and Tom laughed nervously.
“You really never saw it?” He asked.
“Nope.” You shook your head, “I don’t even think I saw the first one, honestly. Not that big of a Spider-Man fan.” As you wrote down the answer Tom had given you, you missed him sending a look back to his friend, trying his best not to be slightly offended by your words.
“You should watch them. They’re really good movies.” Tom said with an encouraging smile when you looked back up at him, ignoring Harrison’s kick under the table. It wasn’t until then that he realized you had absolutely no clue who he was, and it was the best thing ever for him; you were treating him like just another random guy who invited you to join his pub quiz team.
The quizmaster announced the end of the quiz, and everyone went over their answers. Much to your familiar disappointment, your team ended up second again.
“Maybe, it’s just you.” Tom teased you as Harrison and Jess went to go get more drinks.
“Rude.” You playfully scoffed, though you were still a bit upset by the loss. “Maybe if you had known that Wisconsin was the dairy state then we would have won.”
“You didn’t even know that one!” He refuted. It was true- the American geography round just about wiped your team out. Tom shifted a bit closer to you, leaning on his arm, flexing it almost, “So you think you’ll be back at this pub for next week?”
“I think I could be convinced to return.” You replied slyly. Before Tom could ask for your number, you already had your phone unlocked, sliding it over to him. “Here.”
“You already knew.” He chuckled, handing you his phone in return. You both typed in your numbers and switched phones back.
“That one Spider-Man question. How did you know that?” You asked, thinking back to all the sigh’s the erupted throughout the pub when the answer was revealed- most had gotten it wrong, so how did Tom know so quickly that he was right?
“I just know.” Tom shrugged in an effort to play it off.
“You know off the top of your head the 10th highest grossing superhero movie of all time?” You eyed him suspiciously.
“They said it was a sequel, so it had to be either that or Incredibles 2.” He joked, but you weren’t too amused. He leaned in closer to you, creating an intimate distance between your two faces, “Can I tell you a secret?”
“What, are you Spider-Man or something?” You asked teasingly, but his smile never faltered.
“Yeah, I am.” Tom replied. You laughed before you realized the complete seriousness in his voice and his face.
“Seriously?” You managed through a fit of laughter.
“I really am! And you said you didn’t like my movie.” He teased.
“I said I never saw it.” You corrected him. “That has to be cheating for it to be your movie as the answer.”
“No, it definitely isn’t.” He shook his head with a laugh.
“How much did it gross? How much?” You asked, wiggling your eyebrows at him jokingly, “You check the box office daily, don’t you?”
“I do not!” He protested, chuckling, “And it made over a billion, thank you very much.”
“Did you drop your pants for that to happen or something?” You quipped, and his face heated up. You gasped, “You didn’t!”
“It was just for one scene and I had my underwear on!” Tom insisted, “You’d know that if you saw the film.”
“Okay, okay, I’ll watch it- both of them.” You laughed.
“How about I quiz you on them next week?” He joked, and you groaned.
“No, that means I’d have to pay attention.”
“Fine, I won’t quiz you on them on one condition.” Tom rested a hand on the back of your chair, leaning in closer to you. You raised your eyebrows at him, telling him wordlessly to continue, “Go on a date with me?”
You nodded, laughing as you spoke, “Yes, but I gotta say, I really thought you were going to make me watch your own movie with you.”
“Trust me, darling, we can do that, too.”
Tag List: @viagracex​ @theamazingtomholland​ @hellomoveonby​ @heyitsshrez
Tom Tag List: @quaksonhehe​
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nbrook29 · 4 years
Sobbe, 6: Teary kiss🥺
Another anon:  1!!
As always, apologies for the long post. Until someone shares the secret with me on how to make the read more thingy work, this is how it’s going to be :(
Again, I don’t know how to write plotless prompts, hence -->
based on But do you REALLY want the K?
Teary kiss + passionate kiss
Robbe lets out another shaky breath trying to gain control over his emotions. 
There are people running back and forth next to them, yelling at their kids and dragging heavy suitcases on the tiled floor, rushing to get to their gate on time and yet it feels like the two of them are the only ones existing, foreheads resting against each other, hands reassuringly stroking bony hips and arms looped behind necks holding on for dear life.
They’ve been standing like this for a while, Sander swaying them a little as if to soothe the pain, both of them refusing to let go, not yet, not until that final call is announced. 
It all still feels so surreal.
He knew it was coming, obviously, but he naively thought that he managed to prepare himself for this. 
But now, when he’s faced with the cold interior of the airport at the early hour, gate number 5 looming over just around the corner, reality finally sinks in.
Five months apart.
He’s not sure how his heart is supposed to survive it.
When Sander burst into his bedroom that fateful Wednesday evening, elation in his eyes, talking a mile a minute about his project winning a scholarship, Robbe pulled him on his bed next to himself, placing congratulatory kisses all over his laughing face, calling him “His Artist” a bit teasingly but also with clear adoration easily detectable in his voice.
Once they calmed down a bit and rearranged their bodies to lie facing each other, the wide smile on Sander’s face started to slip, his hand reaching to touch Robbe’s cheek, thumb stroking under his eye as he opened and closed his mouth several times before uttering words that made Robbe’s smile slip as well.
Columbia University, New York City, five months
And then, he added in a small voice, “I don’t know what to do, Robbe.”
The selfish part of him instantly screamed at him to convince Sander, to beg him to stay, to not leave him. Not for five fucking months.
Robbe only needed five seconds to kill that thought and tell it to shut the fuck up.
His boyfriend lied there, next to him, licking his lips nervously, looking so lost and searching for an answer in his eyes, and Robbe could see he was moments away from declaring that nope, no way, he wasn’t going anywhere. 
And that was absolutely unacceptable.
Instead of saying anything, he closed the distance between them and captured his mouth in a searing kiss, hoping it conveyed that he was one hundred percent on board with the plan.
When they broke apart, he shot him a beaming smile. “I can’t wait for you to send me photos of New York street art.”
Sander looked at him with wonder in his eyes, a little unsure if he actually meant it.
“Will you really wait for me for that long?”
“You know I’ll wait for you forever.”
It’s ironic that it was Robbe who spent the last two months reassuring Sander about the trip, squashing any doubt related to their relationship that arose, convincing him that he’s going to be okay left behind. That they are going to be okay.
It’s not that big of a deal, right? Robbe was about to start college anyway, so many exciting times were coming his way. Of course he’s going to wait. He’s going to enjoy his college experience at a film school and Sander is going to conquer New York City, living his best american life, video chatting with him everyday to tell him what he’s been up to. Then, he’s going to come back and they’re finally going to rent a place together. A perfect plan.
So yeah, it’s ironic. It’s ironic because it’s actually Robbe who is a mess now.
The thought of separation hurts so badly but Sander getting a chance to go to New York to study visual arts at fucking Columbia and rejecting the offer for Robbe and their relationship has been out of the question from the start. Robbe would never forgive himself for taking that away from him.
It’s the center of the art world. He needs to go there. If he had decided not to, Robbe would have packed him and pushed him through the plane entrance himself.
“You’re breaking my heart, baby,” Sander whispers in a shaky voice as his fingers catch a runaway tear on Robbe’s cheek. 
Robbe can see that Sander is trying to be strong for both of them, as always taking care of him and his needs first and Robbe loves him so much for that that his heart is almost bursting.
But he also doesn’t want Sander to feel guilty or torn over this even for a second. This is supposed to be an adventure of a lifetime. He can’t take this away from him.
“I’m gonna be okay, don’t worry about me.” He shoots him a smile that he hopes looks convincing.
“I hate the thought of leaving you. Not being able to kiss you,” Sander connects their lips as if for emphasis, and the kiss tastes of salt, making Robbe realize that he’s not the only one getting overwhelmed.
Their bubble is brutally burst when the final call to board for Sander’s flight is announced over the speaker. 
Robbe can feel his entire body getting filled with desperation all at once at the loud voice but before he can do anything Sander pulls him even closer and kisses him, burying his fingers in his curls. The kiss is bruising from the start, frantic as Sander sweeps his tongue in deeper and Robbe makes sure he gives as good as he gets, kissing him thoroughly, hands clinging to the lapels of his leather jacket.
It doesn’t matter that they already had their main goodbye last night. That they spent all those hours lost in each other, learning each other’s body anew, alternating between sweet and loving, and fast and passionate but not any less loving. It doesn’t matter that their bodies will be marked with mouth-shaped bruises and light scratches for days. It doesn’t matter that Robbe can still feel him. 
It doesn’t matter because it wasn’t enough. It will never be enough.
It’s a good thing no one pays them any attention, everyone too busy with their own goodbyes and patting their chest all the time to make sure they have their passport, because the voice in the back of Robbe’s head tells him it’s probably not the most appropriate place for this kind of kissing.
It’s almost impossible for them to stop, to break apart but they don’t have a choice as the line to the gate keeps shortening.
“I’ll try to come home for Christmas, I promise,” Sander whispers into his mouth in between the kisses. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
“You know, I left you my beige sweater so you don’t miss me too much.” Robbe’s laugh sounds teary, his body already mourning the loss of contact when Sander puts some distance between them, bending to grab his carry-on bag before letting out a miserable sigh.
“I have to go.”
The fingers of their right hands are still entwined though, neither of them strong enough to break the touch for good. It reminds Robbe of that cloudy afternoon in front of Sander’s school where the boy graciously granted him a second chance for which he still has been grateful every day.
In the end, Sander is the one to let go first but he only does it to then cup his cheeks with both hands and place the sweetest kiss on his lips Robbe has ever gotten.
Then it’s really time to go.
Robbe forces himself to keep the smile on throughout the entire process of boarding, twisting his fingers to keep the emotions at bay. Sander barely pays any attention to the flight attendant in front of him as he hands in his passport absentmindedly, his eyes flying over Robbe’s face as if he’s trying to memorize every single detail from afar, in case he somehow missed something during all those times before.
Once he’s all clear and the woman starts checking on the last passenger, Robbe knows it’s time.
So he watches, gnawing on his bottom lip with hot tears threatening to spill any second now. He watches as the love of his life hovers a bit longer next to the gate, blowing him that last kiss, mouthing “I love you, Robin” with glassy eyes of his own before turning around and disappearing in the long jet bridge.
It is only then that Robbe allows himself to break down completely.
Shoutout to @painfully-oblivious @dagcutie and @gele-gordijnen for helping me with figuring out Sander’s major when my brain decided to do me dirty <3
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jackrrabbit · 4 years
excerpts/tasting menu of upcoming works
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You’re in luck anon because this past week my dumbass brain decided to start like 5 different fics and not finish any of them, so I have plenty of things to preview (specific CWs included with each individual section)
As always, encouragement goes a long way for my motivation, so if you see something you’re interested in, give it a shoutout!
Also, all of these are super rough ;///; please have mercy on my pitiable first-draft skills
[BNHA] Spoiled Rotten /// Overhaul x f!Reader
Summary: You’re daddy’s spoiled little princess, but unfortunately daddy’s got debts to the yakuza and Overhaul’s going to make you work them off the hard way.
Warnings: restraints, kidnapping, harassment, drugging
“Do you know why you’re here?”
Against your will, your eyes flip up to the speaker. He’s the only one sitting, and somehow that gives him a position of power among the others. The leader?
Golden eyes rest steadily on yours, and you realize he’s waiting for your answer, so you slowly move your head from side to side.
“Didn’t know about daddy’s bad habits, huh?” This time the person speaking is behind you—the one who untied your blindfold, a thin man with lank, greasy blond hair. He’s the one who drugged me, you remember in a surge of panic, and you try to shift away from him only for him to step on the chain that connects your cuffs, jerking you back and pinning you in place.
“Careful, Setsuno. I told you not to leave marks. Let her talk.”
“Got it, boss.” The blond—Setsuno—fumbles at the back of your head and then he’s pulling the gag out of your mouth.
You open and close your mouth a few times to stretch out the stiff muscles. “Oh my gosh, was that polyester you just took out of my mouth? Do you have any idea how bad synthetics are for sensitive skin? I’m totally going to break out.”
A hush falls over the little room. You could hear a pin drop.
“…Are you complaining about the quality of the fabric we gagged you with?” the leader asks after a beat.
“You may be gangsters, but you don’t have to act like savages,” you reply primly, aligning your knees together and sending a proud look off to the side.
“Ohh…little princess deserves better, does she?” Setsuno coos. He edges closer to rub his cheek against yours and laughs when you flinch back from him. “Boss, you shoulda seen her bedroom. All pink and frilly, looked like royalty lived there. Bet they treat you like a real princess at home, huh? No wonder your daddy’s in debt.”
[BNHA] Sweet Tooth /// Bakugou x f!Reader
Summary: Pro hero AU—Your boss Ground Zero is an insufferable prick, but you just can’t get enough of the way he smells.
Warnings: none? arguing?
“Do you hear me? I don’t want you here. I don’t want you as my assistant. You can call yourself my ‘administrative support’ but you and I both know you’re a glorified janitor here to clean up my messes and I. Don’t. Want. You.” There’s a muffled bang and then the air is permeated with the acrid stench of burning. You don’t even have to look down to know that the papers (the report you spent three days of unpaid overtime trying to finish in the hopes that maybe this would convince him that you’re on his side) are going up in smoke.
And okay, you slip a little bit. Who can blame you?
“Well guess what, Katsuki? I don’t want you either.” You step as much closer to him as you can manage without literally touching him and jab your index finger into his chest—see how he likes it when you get up in his personal space. “I got placed here. I didn’t choose this. I don’t want to work for a temperamental brat who doesn’t know how to be appreciative of his staff, so the feeling’s mutual. So how about you shut up and let me do my job before the Commission decides you’re too much of a liability to let you run wild any longer?”
Bakugou sneers. He’s clearly not intimidated in the least, and dear god do you want to wipe that smug look off his face. “If you’re the best tactic the Commission’s got, they know they can’t touch me. I’m the number two hero—“
“—and you’re the number one expense when it comes to damage control and repairs. Seriously, do you think Deku goes around blowing up government buildings every other week? I’d kill to be at his agency instead of yours.”
“It was one stupid post office, and no one was hurt—“ Bakugou stops in the middle of his rebuttal and scarlet eyes narrow at you. “Wait. Deku? You’re saying you’d rather work for shitty Deku?”
He says it like the alias is an insult, and you frown. As a long-time admirer of Deku’s, you feel the instant impulse to come to his defense. “Of course I’d rather work for the top pro hero. Maybe if you weren’t so hot-headed you’d win a popularity contest once in a while.”
Uh-oh. Looks like you struck a nerve.
Bakugou leans into you and now you’re the one who has to shuffle back to keep your distance. He looks—well, murderous is a little too terrifying, so you’re going to go with pissed. Light shimmers out in harmless sparkles over his palms (it would be pretty if it wasn’t so foreboding) and the accompanying crackles make you shiver, but you hold the determined look on your face. He’s so close you can smell the fresh sharpness and witch hazel in his aftershave and under that—
—huh. It’s weird, but there’s a really sweet, really rich scent. Like…what is it? It’s wrong, out of place. Your brain is convinced that it’s not supposed to be there, so you can’t identify it. Without thinking, you inhale roughly, trying to get a better sense of the mouth-watering smell.
[BNHA] Runaways /// Dabi x f!Reader
Summary: Yandere—You were like an older sister to Dabi back when the two of you were teen runaways together; now that he’s found you as an adult, he’s never letting you leave again.
Warnings: unsafe piercing practices, don’t do this at home kids
When you turn your head like that, Dabi can see the tiny dots running up the side of your ear where your old piercings have scarred over from lack of use. Do you remember when he gave them to you? You did his first, running a needle through the lonely flame of your lighter (he offered to use his quirk, but it was still hard for him to control then so you declined) and then threading the metal through his ear. You promised it would only hurt for a second, and you were right, so he let you do the others.
Then, you’d offered to let him give you one. Just one on each ear—you already had an impressive collection of piercings, but you wanted to let him return the favor, so he did it. You were older than him and more experienced and had lived on the streets for longer, so when he held the needle in his hand and you told him you trusted him, it was the first time he’d ever thought of you as fragile, something delicate, something that he was capable of harming.
He’d chosen twin helix piercings for you, cresting the shell of each ear, silver band rings to match his. When they were done you’d pulled him to a mirror and asked him what he thought. It’d been a while after the worst burns on his face, the ones under his eyes and wrapping around his chin and down his neck, and he was still getting used to the knowledge that the wrinkled purple-red scars were never going to heal. “I look like…” he’d started.
A monster. A freak. A victim.
“A badass,” you’d said. “You look fucking cool. Any asshole who wants to pick a fight with you will take one look and know you’ve been through worse shit than whatever they can dish out, and that’s something to be proud of.”
Now that Dabi thinks about it, he probably wanted you even then.
[KNY] Moonrise /// Kokushibou x f!Reader
Summary: A shrine maiden is spirited away by a demon posing as a land god.
Warnings: references to Shinto religion
“Look up there, up in the mountains behind our shrine,” your grandmother told you. “Do you see the place where the earth rises into the clouds? Our kami lives there, in the boundary between the physical world and the celestial one, higher than any human can reach.”
You stopped crying just long enough to follow the direction of her gaze, staring into the hazy mist in the mountains beyond your village. “Kokushibou lives in the woods?” The idea of your supposedly beloved deity living off the land like a wild animal was unsettling to you.
The anxiety was obvious in your voice, but your grandmother just laughed and patted your hair. “In the woods, yes, but the legends tell us he lives in a mansion fit for an emperor. His house is so fine that our little temple could fit inside it a dozen times.”
“Does he live there all by himself? Isn’t he lonely?”
“Kokushibou may be alone, but he spends his days watching our village. He has three pairs of eyes so that he may look upon the human world, the heavens, and his own affairs without changing his gaze.” Your grandmother pointed to one of the stone carvings that had scared you earlier (the one you thought was so demonic with so many eyes in its face) and her wrinkled lips curled up in a smile that made her look like a girl again. “Can I tell you a secret?”
You nodded yes, too enthralled in the tale to remember that you’d been upset.
“Once when my aunt—your great grandmother’s sister—was young, Kokushibou came down from his mountain to watch her perform her kagura dance. When she first met his eyes she was afraid, but her fear only lasted a moment, for although he was fierce in temperament his face was as beautiful as the full moon.”
Your mouth dropped open. “Did she say anything to him?”
“No, he disappeared before she could speak to him. But she told me she always regretted not being able to thank him for what he does for our village.”
“But what does he do? For our village?”
Your grandmother’s rough hands closed over your small ones, pulling them to her mouth so she could place a tender kiss upon them. “Kokushibou protects us. In other towns like ours there are criminals, raids…even attacks from demons and other creatures of darkness. Our village is peaceful because the evil fears retribution from kami.”
“So he takes care of us?”
“Yes, all of us.”
“Even me?”
“Even you, little one.”
[Haikyuu] Fanatic pt. 3 /// Oikawa x f!Reader
Summary: Oikawa takes advantage of a devoted fan for some stress relief after a bad match (…and then other stuff happens, see [part 1] and [part 2])
Warnings: implied smut?, 18+, implied dubcon??, degradation
“Wait!” you gasp out again, craning your neck to meet his gaze as best you can from over your shoulder (still without the nerve to pick your hands up off the glass or move your ass away from him). “Wait, we can’t—we shouldn’t, it’s wrong—“
We can’t. It’s wrong. Oikawa rolls your words around in his head and almost wants to laugh again—and he would, if he weren’t so focused on the fact that in a few seconds, he’s going to get what he’s ben wanting for months. You’re perfect, still his dutiful little cheerleader, still so deeply in denial that you can’t even say that he can’t, he shouldn’t, he’s wrong. None of this is your responsibility, but you’re acting like it’s a decision you’re making together. Because you want it too, he knows, he’s sure of it. Just like all his other vapid fans, you’re the same except you’re lucky, because he’s about to give it to you.
“Yeah, it’s wrong.” His voice is low and so close to your ear that you can feel the steam of his breath splay out over the skin of your cheek. “It’s wrong…you’re so sick, wanting it like this. So dirty, my sick little slut, let me make it better. I’ll make it all better, hm? Just stay put and—take it.”
A/N: I also wrote a bunch of iwcb pt. 3 but I really hate what I wrote so I might have to rewrite it, pray for me :(
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 108
And we are somewhat caught up!  My queue has run out at least, and I’m astoundingly glad it has, because now I get to thank a bunch of people who have just detonated my inbox with love, and kept me going.
Before I get into the gratitude: If, at any point, a comment a character makes does not make sense, please let me know. Send an ask, even on anon, because I am well aware that everything in my brain does not get a chance to make it in the story (example: Charly’s triangle comment here, and the fact that Noah’s dialogue in the beginning has an actual translation…)
First, shoutouts to @charlylimph-blog​, @baelpenrose​, and @quantumizedinsanity​ for the characters in this chapter and for being very, VERY dear friends to me.  A global pandemic and nationwide protests, along with a job change and a major move, have done nothing to hurt friendships that are already cross-country from each other.
Annnnd to everyone who has been blowing up my notes with likes and reblogs: @dierotenixe(hang in there! i PROMISE!), @iamverypotato​,@itscryptifssil, @steadynightninja​, @thepalemarcher, @feral-possums-in-the-bog​, @26fancyraptors​(MISSED YOU!), @werewolf2578​ (we don’t talk enough, how are you!?), @experimentalspades​, @odd-dream-worlds​, @duchess-katala03​, @pineapplewitchboi​, @dark-choclat-cupcake, @littleshydragon​, and all the others. 
I held my breath, bracing for what I knew was coming. Nothing came after several minutes, to my surprise.  I slowly lifted my head and opened my eyes, focusing on drawing deep, even breaths. Maybe he got bored and wandered off.  Maybe he had mercy on me….
Yeah. And maybe Grey is making genetically modified fish that fly.
Slowly, carefully, I grabbed my fork and lifted a bite of pie to my mouth.  A glance at Charly showed a serious expression, nothing given away. Damnit. I knew she could see Arthur behind me, I was hoping for a telltale giggle, or a warning glance, something.  Right when a traitorous voice of reason spoke up belatedly to point out that Charly was never serious…
“You really will adopt anyone, won’t you?” Arthur asked as he came around to take the chair Jokul had just vacated.
Fuuuuuck…. Busted. “I didn’t adopt him!” I tried to argue. “I actually made a very concerted effort to avoid that!”
Unceremoniously, he snagged Charly’s pot pie, only to have his hand held at fork-point until he let go.  Without even acknowledging the lunch-standoff, he leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. “You tried to ‘avoid’ it by foisting him off on Zach Khan, your… nephew, thing, and his girlfriend. Still adoption-adjacent.”
“Doesn’t mean I have to interact with him.”
“Uh huh. And how will you explain to poor Hannah that dear Ivan’s partner isn’t invited to Insert Winter Holiday dinner, hmmm?”
“I hate you.”
“Lies and deceit,” he rebutted calmly. “You adopted me first. Before anyyyyone on this ship. I daresay you’re quite fond of me.”
I scowled at him, shoving my remaining lunch in his direction. “Here, before you start poaching this direction.”
An eyebrow arched in the general direction of my fish pie. “That looks suspiciously like dairy.  You wound me.” Grabbing my fork, he poked at the lumps of meat. “I would have thought you would be at least a little subtle in any assassination attempts. Have I taught you nothing?”
“Of course you taught me something,” I cooed, jokingly, while I patted his arm. “The fastest way to a man’s heart is six inches of steel through the ribs, slight upward angle.  Cyanide smells like bitter almonds, so always use shortbread cookies to administer it. Three pounds of pressure will tear off a human ear, and even a three year old can bite through fingers,” I recited. “Also, the pie is dairy-free, surprisingly. The ‘cream’ is silken tofu and aquafaba, turns out.”
Charly was choking with laughter, while Arthur finally smiled at me. “See, I told you that you love me,” he gloated before scooping up a scallop and some crust. As soon as he started chewing, his expression changed from one of amusement to something strikingly similar to Mac when I flick water in his face.
“Scallops,” I explained. “I had the same reaction.”
“Heathens,” he managed around the mouthful.  After he swallowed it, he gave the dish a considering look. “Not bad per se, but… There is no fish in this fish pie. What is aquafaba?”
“Chicpea juice.  Usually it’s used as an egg substitute.  I guess they used it for consistency here.”
Charly leaned forward, narrowly avoiding landing an elbow in her lunch. “And how can you tell that’s what’s in there?”
Glancing over at his student, Arthur shrugged. “She has a point. This,” he poked at the sauce, “looks like heavy cream.”
“Tastes kind of nutty, though,” I explained. “Anyway, enough about food. What brings you down here?”
“Galactic Core Curriculum,” he explained. “That’s the excuse anyway. Alistair - Cthulu damn his soul - told me you were eating lunch here after fifteen minutes of questioning. Tyche told me Charly was with you, so I figured lunch with you, lunch with one of my favorite students, plus I can kill two errands with one meal.” Charly stared at him like he had lost his mind, but he ignored her. “When I arrived - lo! What to my wondering eyes should appear, than a certain former cult leader harassing said friend and student! What person could resist such a temptation.” Deflating dramatically, he scowled at me. “Imagine my delight to hear you giving him relationship advice,” he intoned flatly.
“I got him to go away,” I pointed out.
“Before I managed even one strike in a highly one-sided battle of wits.“
“Mr. Farro,” Charly cut off, glaring for all she was worth. “Jokull came in peace, he leaves in peace.”
“Oh, he would have left in pieces. His ego anyway.”
“Fucking triangles, I swear,” Charly muttered, attacking her lunch with renewed violence.
“Anyway,” I forged ahead. “Jokul was here for fifteen, twenty minutes. You had your chance.”
He glanced away with a cough. “I… may have been resisting the urge to vomit.”
“Relationship advice is… not in my skillset,” he admitted. “Tell you your partner is abusive? Can spot a mile a way.  Great for getting people out of bad relationships, with concierge crowbar service if necessary. Not great for saving them.”
“Crowbar? Really?”
“You know, for prying people out of bad situations?” He genuinely looked confused, so I left that one alone.
“For what it’s worth, Jokull wanted to talk to you about what he’s going through right now,” Charly added.
“Why in any galaxy…”
I had to laugh at that one. “Everyone treats him poorly,” I shrugged before giving Arthur a pointed look. “He’s having a rough time right now, feels like he has no one to talk to except Ivan, and thought you would have some insight into that kind of thing.”
“What part of this,” he gestured to himself with a fork, “implies anything remotely close to wanting people to like me and therefore actually knowing how to accomplish that.”
“I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer,” I muttered. 
Giving me a hard, thoughtful look, Arthur’s entire demeanor changed. “Ah… On a more serious note, though… yeah.  I don’t get why people not liking you is a problem, but you’ve told me before it’s something that bothers you, so it’s feasible it bothers other people.  I’ll make a point not to make it worse.”
Clearing my throat, I pushed the conversation on to the next topic. “You mentioned two errands earlier. One for me, one for Charly?”
“Right.” The relief to be changing topics was palpable. “For you, Councillor, Galactic Core is almost finished. Eino is already considering other ongoing-education programs, and you’re going to need to start scouting educators again.  That late-twentieth through contemporary Terran history course? Big support-base, turns out.”
“You wouldn’t tell me this without a reason,” I pointed out. “And you’re a History teacher. Volunteering?”
“I want it done right,” he admitted. “The idea being bounced around isn’t for a requirement that everyone take the course. Not at the same time, anyway.  History-focused educators only, approved curriculum.”
“Approved?” I asked. “By whom?”
“A committee,” he shrugged. “Eino, obviously. Xiomara, with her background - which, by the way, is ridiculous - “
“We know, we know,” Charly and I groaned.
After glancing between us for a moment, Arthur continued. “And me.”
“Why you?” I asked. “No offense, just trying to understand.”
“No offense taken, I’ll explain that part later, but I promise it’s for a legitimate reason. The point is, Eino and his committee approve the curriculum and number of slots. You and Tyche make the decisions for who is allotted where.”
“Fair point,” I conceded.
“Fine. The area of history I focused on for my Master’s degree has an important component that ties a lot together and makes revisionism harder - wait. What?” I could almost hear the gears squealing as they ground to a halt. “Did you just say yes?”
“Basically, yeah.”
“That was… disturbingly easy,” he gave me a skeptical look.  When all I did was grin, he slowly turned to Charly. “As for you, I wanted to talk to you about the assignment that’s due next Friday.”
“I already turned it in,” she pointed out.
“Which is what I wanted to talk to you about. It’s a week and a half early.”
“Right….” she nodded slowly. “And I made sure it met all the criteria on the syllabus.  Plus I had three different people proofread it.”
“All of which is admirable, and it would be considered a very well-done assignment,” he admitted. “If you didn’t have an extra week and a half left to make it even better.”
“Mr. Farro….”
“You aren’t in trouble, in any way shape or form,” he reassured her. “But I know you are capable of doing better than the assignment you already gave me.  I wanted to offer you a deal.”
“What kind of deal?” Charly asked suspiciously. “This isn’t illegal, is it?”
“What? No…” he sputtered. “Illegal!?”
“Gotta be sure,” she nodded sincerely.  I was reasonably certain she was giving him a hard time, but it was still hilarious to watch.
Shaking his head, Arthur did his best to recover. “The deal is this: if you stick with the assignment you already sent me, I’ll grade it as it stands. But. If you re-do it and hand it in on the original due date, you’ll be eligible for extra credit for your extra effort.”
“But I still get the grade on the one you already have, either way?” she asked skeptically.
“I’ve already graded it, and you won’t get a worse grade if you re-do it,” he promised. 
“I’ll think about it,” she hedged carefully. “That paper was a lot of work.”
“That’s fair,” he nodded. “What if you sent me an audio recording, instead? No extra writing.”
“I can do that,” she agreed, sticking out her hand. After Arthur shook it, she glanced at the time. “Shit. I gotta go. Sophia, don’t be late back to work, okay? Tyche won’t care, but Alistair may stop letting me have extra marshmallows in my cocoa when I come by your office.”
After she left, I gave Arthur a very serious look.  He tried to ignore it, but after about five solid minutes of The Squint, he caved. “For the love of… She’s smart, okay? You know, I know it. The paper she handed in a week and a half early was much more insightful than anyone else in the class.  They were assigned a research paper on the underlying causes of the breakdown in relations between the Ekomari and Shalt-kri’i.  Everyone focused on political ideologies, trade resources, navigational route control.  Standard causes for war, from a Terran perspective. Do you know what Charly Harper wrote her paper about?”
“Food?” I asked, going out on a limb.
“So close! Cultural differences, plain and simple. Ekomari are vaguely mammalian, and their diet consists of native arthropods. Guess what Shalt-kri’i look like?”
“You’re kidding me…”
“Not even slightly.  And! To add insult to injury, in a very close to literal sense, Shalt-kri’i greet each other as friends by spreading their appendages, a lot like a hug.  Whereas Ekomari show aggression by… standing up on their hindmost appendages and spreading the rest to look bigger.”
“And no one caught this before?”
“Not on the Ark, no.” He spread his arms wide. “No one even considered it.  Sure, the rest are good points, and they did make everything worse, more than likely, but the start?  She nailed it.”
“Then why have her re-write the assignment?” I was honestly confused at this point.
“The way she wrote it, I could tell she wasn’t confident about the answer at all.” He looked about as frustrated as I had ever seen him. “You get her talking about engineering, or pranks, she knows she knows what she is talking about. I want her to know that she is just as right about this as she was about that.”
Hard to believe that this was the same man whose office I had marched into, out for a pound of flesh and the blood besides, because the same woman we were discussing left his class in tears and begged me not to make her go back.  However…
“Honestly?” I ventured. “I want to hear this recording when she hands it in. I’m really curious about this.”
“You think she’ll write it?”
“Pfft,” I scoffed. “I know she will. You gave her a challenge where she can’t lose, but stands a lot to gain. I just hope you’re ready for that sound file.”
“I honestly can’t wait,” he smirked.
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the-currian · 4 years
Finally emptied my askbox!
Well, to be more accurate, I finished all my requests. The askbox ate the original ask, so shoutout to the anon who wanted Hisoka angst!
“I don’t know if I can trust you.”
Hisoka x Reader
It was insidious.
At first your curiosity was small. Harmless. When you heard the up-and-coming Mankai Company was having an act-off against the famed God Troupe, you knew that you had to catch both their performances. God Troupe’s performance was flashy and impactful as always, and while the leads of Mankai had a subtle flair of their own, it was one of their supporting cast members that truly caught your eye. You were captivated by his unique stage presence. He appeared confident and secure in his acting but underneath it all you could sense a hint of sadness that drew you in further.
To your shock and utter delight, he plays one of the leads in his sub-troupe’s next play.
“Hisoka…” you whisper to yourself as you trace the actor’s name on the flyer you received.
His gaze pierced straight through your heart, leading you to make an impulsive decision. Quickly scrounging up what leftover funds you had for the month, you resolve to attend all of their performances.
Watching Hisoka act night after night onstage makes your heart bleed for this man that you hadn’t even officially met. Again, you resonate with the melancholic aura that he gives off. It’s silly, really – the most interaction you’ve had with him was at the end of each play when the actors went to the lobby to personally thank and see their patrons off, yet there was just something so hauntingly beautiful about the man, and before you knew it you were drawn in deep.
You wanted to know more.
Days pass after the play’s closing night and you feel as if you’re in a drought – deprived of your favorite muse.
‘Maybe it’s for the best. Maybe I should just keep this admiration as a fan, after all.’
Trying to lift up your spirits, you visit a newly opened cat café. As you walk through the doors, a paw-shaped bell gently chimes and a smile blooms on your face. Immediately, you are comforted by the mellow atmosphere that the establishment exudes. While you take your time to observe the café, a white Japanese bobtail cat walks up to you and gently nuzzles your leg, trying to grab your attention. You slowly squat down to pet the feline and it purrs at your touch.
“Welcome.” a familiar voice greets you sleepily.
Looking up, you yelp in surprise and fall onto your bum at the realization that the worker in front of you is Hisoka. Unperturbed, the fluffy cat you were petting moves over to plop down into your lap.
“Marshmallow.” Hisoka chides lightly, picking up the fur ball and cradling it in his arms. “You’re not supposed to play with the customers until they’ve gotten a table.”
The cat mewls lowly in response, and your heartbeat quickens at the affectionate smile that spreads on Hisoka’s face.
“I’m surprised that Marshmallow has taken a liking to you so easily.” He mumbles, shooting you a curious glance. “Anyway, please follow me to sign a waiver for playing with the cats.”
You quickly read through the document and sign the paper without fuss. Hisoka looks over it and nods before leading you to a table low enough for you to interact with the cats but still kneel comfortably.
Somehow, amidst your internal freak-out, you manage to address Hisoka, “Do you have any recommendations?”
His eyes immediately light up and you find his giddiness to be infectious as he lists several suggestions. “The hot chocolate with marshmallow crème is good. So is the s’mores cupcake – they put a giant toasted marshmallow on top. Oh, but the chocolate marshmallow mousse is also one of our best-sellers…”
You stifle a laugh and scratch the ears of the fluffy white cat in your lap. “I take it that you’re the one that named Marshmallow, then?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, did I get carried away again? The manager says I need to work on that. Something about how not all people would want to eat marshmallows when they’re here, which is ridiculous.” Hisoka mutters the last sentence under his breath, but you still manage to catch what he says and find it quite endearing paired with the pout on his face.
“It’s fine. Those all sound amazing, and I’m going to be here awhile, so I’ll have those three that you mentioned.” You say with what you hope is a reassuring smile.
“Okay. I’ll be back with your marshmallows soon.” He quirks a shy smile before heading back to the kitchen with your order.
Once he’s out of sight you let out a huge sigh, grabbing at your chest, willing your heartbeat to slow down. As if sensing your distress, Marshmallow meows loudly and rubs his head against your hand.
“Alright, alright.” You murmur in a placating tone and obligingly scratch behind Marshmallow’s ears. He makes a satisfied chirping noise in response. Minutes pass by as you absentmindedly pet the cat while you take in the café’s ambience.
Hisoka returns with a serving tray full of marshmallow treats as promised, and your mouth waters as he sets them on the table. You turn your gaze away from the table to thank Hisoka but find that he is also transfixed on your food. A pout appears on his face and the gaze in his eyes as he regards the marshmallows is almost longing.
Mustering up your courage, you ask, “Um… would you like to join me? I kinda just realized that this is way too much for me to finish by myself…”
Hisoka’s gaze locks onto yours, his expression the liveliest you’ve ever seen off stage. “You sure?”
Brain short-circuiting over how adorable he looks, you only barely manage to nod back.
“Hold on.” Hisoka says, rushing off to the kitchen with an unnatural speed. Before you can really process the interaction, he’s already back at your table and kneeling opposite from you. “My manager said I can take a break for a short while since there’s not too many customers right now. Thanks for sharing your marshmallows…” he trails off. Realizing you forgot to introduce yourself, you immediately do so.
He softly smiles in return. “My name is Hisoka Mikage.”
“Ah, I have to confess that I already knew that.” You laugh nervously. His eyes narrow at you in suspicion, and you honestly don’t blame him. However, the dangerous aura he suddenly exudes has you recoiling a bit. “I, uh… I’ve seen you act before in the Mankai Company.”
His demeanor relaxes ever so slightly at your explanation, but you can tell he’s still on edge.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable. It’s just that I’m a big fan of your acting and I can’t really believe that I’m seeing you outside of your show runs.”
Still, Hisoka remains silent, staring at you coolly from across the table. Wordlessly, you slide over the chocolate marshmallow mousse to his side as a sort of placating gesture. Hisoka’s eyes narrow even further, squinting at the dessert as if it had personally offended him.
“Is this a bribe?
“…Is it working?”
Hisoka puts a spoonful of the mousse into his mouth and hums thoughtfully as he takes his time to savor the flavor. Seconds pass agonizingly slow before he simply nods at you.
“Apology accepted.”
You feel as if a huge weight is lifted off of your shoulders.
From that day forward you get to know more about Hisoka Mikage, rather than Hisoka the Winter Troupe member of Mankai Company who you so ardently idolized.
And so what if you still idolized him for that? It’s not like it took away from the real affection you had for him as a friend.
‘Only as a friend.’ You think to yourself glumly.
You were thankful for his friendship, really. After that day you two officially met, you frequented the café quite often. In return, Hisoka would set aside his break time for whenever you stopped by. Your relationship had gotten close enough that he felt comfortable resting his head in your lap. You always teased him for this, calling him a “cuddle monster that can only be satiated by naps and marshmallows”. Hisoka has no qualms with this and completely accepts his role.
However, despite the progress you’ve made, you could sense that there’s a barrier he always had up. You could tell that he was trying but there were times that Hisoka would get a faraway look in his eyes as the two of you lazed about. It was during these moments that you felt so close but still so far from him.
One day, he decides that the two of you should hang out at a beach – which is frankly quite ridiculous given the season. Within the first few minutes of arriving, Hisoka remains silent, so you decide to tell him as such.
“So… what’s the reason for taking to me to the beach on this cold winter day?” you joke, trying to lighten the heavy aura Hisoka exudes.
His eyes suddenly snap over to yours as if broken out of a reverie. Just as you’re about to let it be – Hisoka gets into these moods at times, after all – he replies.
“This beach is a place I’ve only shared with my troupe members; it’s a significant place to who I was – to who I am. You’ve become an…” he pauses, mulling over his words carefully. “…important person to me. I can’t explain it, but there’s something about you that makes me feel safe. But–“
Filled with a surge of affection at his words, you blurt out, “Would you like to maybe make this official?”
Hisoka stares at you incomprehensively.
‘Hell, I’ve gotten this far already.’ You think to yourself, thoroughly embarrassed, but determined. ‘I may as well let it all out.’
“I’m sorry if I’m coming on too strong, but this has been on my mind for a long while. Ever since we met at the café – maybe even long before that, when I first saw your acting,” You give him a watery smile. “I was so intrigued by you. I always felt like there was something that just drew me to you. You can’t believe how ecstatic I was that we were able to become friends. But lately, it just hasn’t been enough for me. I’m sorry. I’ve fallen for you.”
Your eyes squeeze shut, scared to see his reaction.
“I love you, Hisoka. If you’ll have me, I’d like the chance to make you happy as your friend, but even more so as your partner.”
Seconds tick by, your anxiety skyrocketing in the silence, when Hisoka’s words strike straight through your heart.
“I can’t.”
“…Oh.” Your voice cracks, tears welling up in your eyes at his rejection. “I see. I totally get it. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be obligated or anything because of my feelings. I’m sorry – “
“Wait.” Hisoka cuts you off then makes a frustrated noise. “It’s not you, I promise.” He grabs your arm causing you to freeze in place, preventing you from making your escape. “It’s not fair to you. I know it isn’t, but…”
“But?” you prompt.
“I don’t know if I can trust you.” Hisoka mumbles, head bowed low, unable to look you in the eye. “…and it kills me.”
He takes a deep breath before continuing.
“There are things that I’m still trying to figure out for myself – things I’m still trying to figure about myself. To drag you into it would be selfish of me. You don’t deserve that.”
“And if I said I didn’t care?” you sob. “What if I told you that I want to help you through it?”
Hisoka makes a pained expression at your words, letting go of your arm as if he was burned. He returns back to his shell that you so desperately tried to pull him out of. “I couldn’t ask you to do that. This is my burden to bear… I’m sorry.”
And just like that, he walks away.
The next day you go to the café where you first met. You pet Marshmallow when he comes over to you as you take a seat at your usual spot, but Hisoka never shows up.
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venii-vidii-vicii · 5 years
I don't really have a theory or headcanon but I just want you to know I check your blog regularly because it's the most informative Heartman blog. It's like a different side of the fanbase, a more scientific, logic based side. It's a nice change from the constant Higgs thirst on the DS tags. You actually talk about Heartman as a human being, with weaknesses and flaws, but a strong mind and/or soul to overcome it and it really made me like him more. So yeah, thank you.
Hello anon. First of all I'd like to credit the fanbase actually, they're the ones sending in their theories and scientific stuff. I'm not a very smart person but I really do have the will to learn more. Reading all of what people wrote was as amusing for me as it was for you coming across them on here so Shoutout to the big brain side of the fanbase for making my blog look smarter! Haha.
Second, thank you. I'm glad you can find content that interests you here. I may not have a medical background, but I do have a background in literature. When I was in college, my professors told me to never say I like something without expressing why I like it, and when we wrote about character analysis, we couldn't just go "well he's hot", and I think that helped me see characters for more than their physical appearance. Sure, Heartman is cute, but I'm a lot more interested in his character. Broken body, strong mind. I really think I'm Sapiosexual... I guess cuz I lack that in myself, I find it attractive in others, including fictional characters. Plus, like I mentioned before, Heartman is such a strong character. Despite his living conditions, he's still a good hearted person...
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Third, yeah I can agree on the Higgs thing idk tho I have his tags blocked so I haven't been running into the thirst as often. But, everyone expresses their love differently and on different levels. We can only let them have their fun uwu. But it does upset me to see Higgs be stripped down to nothing more than a 'sexy' figure as if that's all his character has to offer... besides, I think it's very important to note that any person who wrote to me talking about the science of Heartman's Heart could be someone who also thirsts for Higgs on the tags so I would hate to generalize and say "Oh every Higgs fan is just thirsty". Shoutout to the people who actually like Higgs for something other than being hot. 👍
Lastly, I really appreciate you taking the time to write to me, anon. Thank you. It's good to know my blog is a station that people find interesting enough to stop and look through. I hope it continues to be interesting to you and others ^^
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cclkestis · 5 years
{find the word tag}
shoutout again to the wonderful @a-shakespearean-in-paris for the tag, I really enjoy doing these sorts of things!! ❤️
aim of the game is to dive into your wips (in my case, there are....many...), find the given words, and post a snippet that features the words! in this case, the words Chey has challenged us with are: love, heat, water, sad.
this worked pretty well for me, as in rereading several of my wips I have ideas for continuing a few of them!! :D
tagging: @rk900 @the-kryomancer @dqnverscarol @veravia @obsiidio @raelwriting @thedragonkween if you’re up for it, to find tear(s), snow, sun, laugh, in your wips! :’))
under the cut bc this ended up pretty long!!
love; unfinished dbh prompt, featuring connor and my oc, ollie.
The blanket was a welcome weight that settled over her shoulders, blocking out the chill of the night air as she pondered the answer to his question. 
Could she answer his question?
Although she always made every effort to answer them, to explain things as best she could in a way that he might better understand, Ollie wasn’t sure she was quite ready for this one just yet - not when it would force her to acknowledge the feelings that filled her both with excitement and a sense of dread.
“Love is...” 
She could feel Connor’s eyes on her, observing her through the uncharacteristic pause.
“It’s complicated but also so simple, all at the same time. It’s different things to different people, and...”
The rest of the words died on her lips, voice stolen away by her reluctance to admit what she knew was the truth.
heat; unfinished prompt based on original story, featuring my character, hazel, and a friend’s character, sebastian.
The flames flickered brightly, in stark contrast to the darkness of the night sky above them, as Hazel glanced over to see the warm eyes she’d come to adore watching her.
Silently she shuffled closer to Seb, a shy smile curling her lips when he easily slipped an arm around her as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Her own eyes closed as she basked in the heat from the fire that she once would have shied away from, completely content for the first time in what felt like forever.
water; unfinished prompt based on original story, featuring my character, alaya, and a friend’s character, liam.
Almost as if on queue she felt the first tendril wrapping it's way up her leg, quickly followed by another. Her breathing became more panicked as she kicked and tried to fight against them, Liam's name escaping her in a hoarse shout before she was jerked under the surface and more tendrils wrapped up her arms, pinning her wrists together as she thrashed. Her breath was running out as she was dragged deeper, a dark laugh echoing in her ears and an unwelcome hand on her face - "Alaya!" Eyes flashing open, she jerked upright. Her chest was heaving and there was a wild panic in her eyes as her brain struggled to catch up with what was happening - panic starting to rise further as she realised that her wrists were still pinned together. It took a moment longer than it should of for the familiar soothing voice to reach her ears before her wrists were released and a strong pair of arms wrapped around her, pulling her close.
There was no water. She wasn’t drowning. She was safe.
sad; from the steve x reader piece requested by an anon forever ago that I still haven’t finished yet.
The moment the light left your eyes – the moment he lost yet another person he’d come to care for – nearly broke him.
The emotions were overwhelming – heartbreak at having lost you, the person who had finally shown him that he could move on and continue living. Regret, for all the time he wasted before taking the leap and admitting how he felt. A deep, undeniable sadness that had never truly left him and was simply bubbling back to the surface.
And the unshakable guilt stemming from the fact that he was still alive whilst you weren’t. You’d survived the battle. It was supposed to be over. They’d lost a lot, but finally succeeded and saved the world from further tragedy.
It wasn’t fair.
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jq37 · 6 years
okay so I meant to send this on anon and I think I might have accidentally done so off but then I tried to cancel it and idk if it worked?? anyways! the point is, I’m the anon who doesn’t have dropout rn so! what’s the tea on the new ep? what did I miss? :)
**spoilers for arcade ambush**
Now, I know I use the word wild a lot, but don’t let that take away from the fact that this episode was truly wild.
Biz had such an interesting power set. He has the wings so he can fly, he has all the weird mesmerization type powers (I was picturing that old bager, badger, badger, mushroom video when he was multiplying himself to trip up Fig). Fighting him is like being stuck in Toon Town but in the worst possible way. Then there were the game cabinets sucking people into them and the ghosts possessing people and forcing them to flee. It was really a brutal fight.
(Sidenote, are we to believe that the ghosts that he raised were nerds who died in arcade? Morbid, if true. Also it would have to be a different arcade since that one was new.)
Anyway, this def was an ep full of frustration. They were constantly getting frightened and forced to run or trapped in games or whatever. It’s a good think Ally casted Guardian of Faith before the fight because they were, once again, a life saver. I was a little surprised the arcade game fights were one and done Box of Doom rolls but I guess there was a lot going on.
“Well I’ll just shoot him.” Riz getting a nat 1 trying to shoot Biz point blank was so painful. 
Riz: Hey guys, Biz is a bad guy./Adaine: Yeah, no duh! 
Everyone making the most mediocre rolls to check out the prizes in the prize cabinet. And Brennan just getting more and more like, “Come on y’all.” I wanted someone to pick up the sneakers. I felt like they were gonna be some kind of stealth bonus item.
Gorgug got a nat 20 charisma! My boy!
Oh, side note, they updated Adaine’s mini with her boss new jacket which is super dope.
Fig and Kristen actively antagonizing the corn god who’s saving their ass.
“Fucking nerd.” Adaine, who has been pretty savage the past few episodes.
Fabian who has never been denied anything in his life looking at the million credit sword: I’d like it.
Everyone being furious at Riz being stuck in the game but also impressed by the design of the set.
Gorgug calling his parents mid-fight! Which seems wild but actually is the SMARTEST THING ANY OF THESE LITERAL CHILDREN HAVE EVER DONE.
I feel like Brennan def read up on his philosophy quotes after the last fight because he was back in business this ep.
Cleric is an underrated class y’all. Ally is really rocking it.
What a bad time for Adaine to finally fail a panic attack roll. She’s had a really long run without them though.
I love that Lou always curses as Fabian by saying, “Christ,” completely ignoring that doesn’t make sense in this world, but like. That is what Fabian would say, you know?
Fabian getting stuck in DDR instead of Punch Out is personally offensive to him.
“Hell yeah I take a disengage”
Sidenote: Divination is a really cool ability.
Ugh, Riz. What a terrible time to fail an investigate check. HE GOT PALIMSESTED.
Aww at Lou giving Murph the, “Hang in there, buddy,” shoulder rub after that happened. 
Gorgug getting trapped in whack a gnome is MESSED UP. Also, the fact that whack a gnome is a game that exists in a world where gnomes also exist is SUPER MESSED UP.
Adaine: Fuck, I’m fucked! 
Fabian having to have a dance off in the middle of the fight.
The girls getting downloaded periodically throughout the fight was so freaking ominous. 
“I’m under the influence of two ghosts.”
Fabian and Adaine both terrified and running into each other and yelling like freaking Scooby Doo.
OK, while Fig was possessed, Brennan made her read a card that said “Wow. A lot of strong feelings to process here.” And I am told (but can’t confirm) that that’s a line that was said in ep 1? Maybe by the guidance counselor? And then it’s not resolved in this episode. So that seems important.
Emily upon hearing that Riz is stuck in the crystal: Piss in it.
“Do you have any clue about how to get out of here, I mean, clearly you don’t.”
What would Fabian do without that bike, man?
I love that Emily uses Kristen’s full name for no apparent reason half the time.
Kristen channeling the power of friendship to turn undead.
Gorgug is a bottomless pit of HP.
Ally: Is it good to get in the game?/Literally everyone else: NO.
“A tasty walk?”
The philosophers going, “Verily,” to Fig’s base playing and then her moonwalking away.
Siobhan immediately irl cringing at being called a lovely lady by Biz.
Penny’s scene with Riz in the palimpsest was like legitimately touching. 
But again, Murph gets the nat 20 at the most story appropriate time! Just like last week.
OK, so the girls’ downloads are getting sent to the AV room in Aguefort. Not necessarily suspicious considering that Biz is involved, but interesting to note.
Gorgug pulling an Odysseus and cranking his tunes to ignore the games. 
Also his, “Sup nerd?” to Biz.
Kristen absolutely crushed this fight y’all. She basically got out without a scratch. 
Siobhan saying sick like Brennan is hilarious to me.
Gorgug being so mad at Biz’s pronunciation of meme.
“Hot topic nerds hate AV club nerds.”
Nothing bothers Emily more than not being able to take an action.
The gang actively mocking and taping Biz as he tries to mesmerize them.
Aww man Murph failing that roll before Penny was downloaded. Heartbreaking. 
Everyone visibly recoiling every time Biz talked.
Zac reminding Brennan about advantage and then him picking up every dice he owns. “LIE NEXT TIME DUDE!” He has a cool ass shock of white hair now though. Like, not good but kinda rad.
I feel like Ally has gotten really comfortable with the game mechanics as we’ve gone on. 
Kristen hugging Gorgug to protect him is such an adorable image. 
“I’m still full health because God exists!”
Shoutout to the SFX guys. They were especially on point this ep.
“Can I just use mage hand to plug the machine out?”
Kristen as Fig getting is her ass kicked by the doppelganger Figs: KISS ONE OF THEM.
The guardian that killed Biz throwing down his cig like a true French philosopher. 
Kristen was the MVP of the fight but Fabian was the MVP of the episode y’all. Like I said, all that promo yelling was either gonna be a TPK or the raddest thing ever and it was option 2! 
Shoutout to Siobahn for getting Lou that advantage roll because that saved his ass.
Lou just pretending to get up and leave because game over y’all.
Brennan starting to just narrate assuming failure. 
Zac being like, “Well at least try.”
Lou doing them 1 by 1 for the drama of it all, just like Fabian would want it.
Getting a ten first, exactly half of what he needed.
Then the absolute CHAOS that erupted from the table at the 20. By this point, I was pretty sure he was gonna get it because that shot from the trailer hadn’t happened yet and it was near the end of the episode but DAMN it was satisfying. Moments like this are what MAKE RPGs.
Being showered with gold coins sounds extremely painful but that’s beside the point here. 
Fabian coming back and lying that he was fighting ghosts outside and everyone totally buying and being like thanks for having our backs man.
I love how much Fig loves her two dad situation now. 
Emily and Ally evil mischievous smiling at each other when Emily requests to kill Biz.
Everyone Else: NO.
Brennan: He’s dead, bruh.
Ally like Grinch smiles when Brennan announces that Biz is dead.
“Would she be able to casually get him out of a palimpsest?”
“I still have these handcuffs.”/”Where’d you get those?”/”Uh, nevermind.”
Every time this group has to interrogate someone they escalate all the way immediately.
 But MAN Riz was doing some serious drug cartel interrogation on Biz, shooting off fingers and stuff!
Adaine REFUSING to feel bad about bullying Biz (she’s right and she should say it).
“If I were to have a morsel such as yourself stuck in a palimpsest–” IMMEDIATELY slapped by every party member. Bro, you GOTTA stop perving on Adaine IN FRONT OF HER.
Brennan full on RPing unconsious Biz.
“I’m not a bad guy.”/”YES YOU ARE!”
“Fucking Aelwen again!” Same, girl.
OK, so Biz has false memories of coming up with this idea, but what does that mean exactly? Was he manipulated Inception style or actually forced? Because I come up with bad ideas every day. Doesn’t mean I act on them.
“Blow your fuking nose!”
“You see his dick glows for a second.”
Nice of Adaine to ask for permission to do her brain jitsu, even though she didn’t have to and she had all the extenuating circumstances in the world to just break in.
Biz speaking to Penelope on the regular. Hmm.
Siobhan/Adane’s look when Biz says, “I’m cool too.”
So his memory was cut out the day before the Hudol party. Interesting. 
Adaine getting a clear threat on her family’s life: THEY CAN BURN MY FUCKING HOUSE DOWN I DON’T GIVE A SHIT.
So two things:
1) Siobhan keeps getting KILLER end lines.
2) I threw a lot of plot info at the bottom without analyzing it because I’m going to look at that and the promo in another post (prob tomorrow) so stay tuned! 
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buriedinbleach · 6 years
I’m so sad! I see some amazing blogs that write ,or start off, struggle to find the attention their writing deserves! I seen the anonymous earlier with the other writer and it made my goal to help tumblr writers even stronger! What’s a good way to help, in your opinion??
Anon, that is so sweet of you to want to help writers!! I’m sure that there are sooo many out there (myself included) that always appreciate the love and support we get from readers and fellow writers.
I’m just going to drop a few of my ideas here, but also direct everyone to this post from @chire-senbonimagines because this post is full of genius-level helpful hints for writing and getting your posts seen by a wider audience! Not to mention, it totally proves my point that admins who run these imagines blogs are really nice and we want to help others succeed. We all started somewhere guys! These are just a few ideas to help writers you like get noticed or just feel supported, feel free to add your own in the comments:
*Reach out: Tell them you enjoyed their work! I know it can be intimidating to interact with writers you admire (I get, I’ve been there! Hell, sometimes I’m still there, tbh), but even the simplest note telling them how much you liked their HC, fic, etc. can go such a long way. If you feel shy about leaving a comment under your blog name (maybe its smut and you don’t want it linked to you - I get it), send them an anonymous ask and let them know how you really feel. I actually love these because I get your legit opinion on my fic, uninhibited. I seriously love and appreciate each one!  
*Reblogs: Reblogs can be extremely helpful in getting readership! They’re something else though that sometimes be hard to come by, especially for people who blog smut-related content. Reblogging is essentially telling everyone who follows you when you really liked something, and can feel strange when its sensitive material. But, unless people actively display who they’re following (most don’t) you don’t know if your fave writer has been recognized by people who enjoy your content! You don’t even need to feel pressured to write anything with the the reblog, though adding your own tags is great! I try to peep people’s tags when they reblog my work and I always like reading them. But more importantly, that’s how you search Tumblr guys! (Minor psa to add tags when reblogging to help a writer get noticed).
*Shoutouts/recommendations: This is the big one, fam. Whether you have a bunch of followers, or just a few, every little mention you want to give a writer helps. I myself was just a wee baby blog (I only started posting my own content in late July), slowly building up followers on my own, when I asked one of my fairy smut-mothers @shadowsnlace to give me a shoutout. That’s when I started getting quite a few more followers! (Admins are usually more than happy to give shoutouts as long as they can give your content a quick review. We love spawning more Bleach blog babies, or smutty Bleach babies in some cases (you know who you are 😉). Welcome to the family!) Or you can always write up a quick post tagging your favorite blogs and letting people know you love their work. If you’re shy about tagging them, don’t be!! No one minds and its another really cool way to let the writer know you enjoy their content.
**Disclaimer: I actually don’t know how these ideas might impact blogs like mine who are still marked as explicit… over a month, and multiple ignored review requests later. Sorry, sorry. I’m projecting. But its something to keep in mind for others out there.
I hope this helps anyone out there looking to support writers. If you have any other ideas, please feel free to drop them in the comments! Or if you just want to pick my brain, feel free to shoot me a message 🥰
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fangirlingabout · 8 years
Since you are a big fan of cartoons what are your top 10 favorite cartoons of all time? Honorable mentions can be included
Oh! Oh, cool! You seriously don’t know how cool it is that someone would care to ask, thank you!
Also, sorry for the wait. Seriously, that was excessively sucky. Life likes to get busy at inconvenient times, you know?
But dang, that’s such a hard question… 
Only one way to do this right.
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Dammit, Anon, This is Hard
I’m not the type of person to decide on ranks (or anything) very easily, so I’ll say this: some choices were easier than others.
I should also mention a lot of these choices are very personal, and if this were a more objective list of the best shows out there, it would be totally different. I also don’t pretend to always have the best taste, these really are just my favourites that I’ve seen. Sometimes I can recognize that one show is probably objectively better than one I like, but that won’t necessarily stop me from liking something. Basically, my list, my bias. 
Still, I’ll do my best to explain my choices for those of you who didn’t have the same experiences with these shows that I did. I assume you don’t live in my brain.
Honourable Mentions
Is it hard to believe that the honourable mentions section was harder to decide than the actual list?
There’s just so many shows I’ve enjoyed and I think deserve to be lauded. If you ask me, “Well, what about ____?! Where the hell was ____?!” it would probably fall in this category.
I’ll try to keep it short, though:
The Fairly Odd Parents - I don’t think you could’ve grown up in the early 2000s without encountering this show in some capacity, but I absolutely loved it growing up; I played FOP video games, I watched it every day after school, I even remember catching all the movies on TV whenever I could. It’s always had such a great sense of humour, combined with the jazzy stylistic choices that gave it that extra punch. More recent seasons aside, this one is a 2000s classic.
Over the Garden Wall - I watch this every October now. It’s absolutely spectacular. I think the only thing holding it back is sadly that it’s a miniseries—and it’s not like I would change that, the story needed to be told the way it was. But it’s become seasonal for me, so it’s a favourite but… only briefly.
Rick and Morty - Damn, I love this show. Just give it one more season and let the plot really start to kick in, it may start to climb this list
There are also plenty of shows that I think could be on here had I gotten to watch more of them, and some of those include:
Batman: The Animated Series
Danny Phantom
Sym-Bionic Titan 
And here are shows I once had a bit of an obsession with that in hindsight… was a bit unwarranted (again, I never claimed to have great taste):
Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yumi
Yin Yang Yo!
Total Drama Island/Action
With that out of the way, onto the list!
#10. South Park
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What can I say about a comedy that’s antagonized censorship on TV 20 seasons? Well, for one, there are moments that genuinely reward you for caring about these characters for so long. For example, there’s a gut-punch of a two-parter, You’re Getting Old/Ass-Burgers that legitimately made fans question if the show was in danger of ending, with just how fatalistic it’s tone is.
They’ve even since made the transition from episodic to serialized season-long stories—to varying degrees of success, admittedly, but I don’t know if a show, especially one this well-established (this happened in season 18) has ever done that.
In a strange way, South Park’s a show that innovates. It quickly surpassed any other show on at the time for most edgy/boundary-pushing—to the point that its offensive humour wouldn’t be acceptable coming from anyone else but South Park (which isn’t to say I don’t understand when/if people have an issue with it, but… more on that in a sec)!
I’d also like to give special shoutout to the South Park Movie, and the recent South Park video games, the Stick of Truth and Fractured, but Whole—all three of which are jam-packed with South Park goodness.
Personal Reasons: When I was growing up this was the pinnacle in shows my mom didn’t want me to watch. And with what little of a rebellious streak I had, I took that to mean it needed my attention. 
I remember watching it late at night (which just made it more scandalous!) with my brother, and separately with my best friend at the time, Daniel. We loved that kind of raunchy, crude humour! And in hindsight, like I said, I know there’s been plenty of times when they’ve made jokes in poor taste, but I don’t know. Sometimes when you make fun of everyone equally, there can be room for some less tasteful jokes. Especially when being a boundry-pusher is a big part of your identity.
As the old saying goes, “It’s South Park: what did you expect?”
#9. Clone High
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One of the more obscure choices on this list, but I’ve mentioned it from time to time for sure. Coming from the writing/directing team behind Lego: Batman, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, and 21 Jump Street, Clone High was a short-lived 13-episode MTV comedy.
The premise was simple: clones of famous historical figures all go to high school together.
Done, simple as that. 
But what makes it so funny is how it parodies the high school drama genre while still existing as it’s own story with it’s own characters. Like, every episode is always announced as a “very special episode” and even in their short run, they managed to do the Drug episode, the holiday episode, the natural disaster episode, the dramatic Death episode, the class election episode—it just doesn’t let up.
Oh, and I’d like to mention Pan Pzza/Rebel Taxi did a stellar review that goes into the history surrounding the show along with some analysis of its content, so if I piqued you’re interest at all, you can find a more in-depth review over here.
Personal Reasons: This s a show my brother introduced me to. Watching videos or playing video games with my cool older brother was always awesome, so watching a show with him as tons of fun.
#8. Moral Orel
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My god… this show is the absolute most brutal show I’ve ever loved. You can tell by my lists that I tend towards shows that deal with darker subjects in soft, even light-hearted ways, but this isn’t that kind of show.
Or, at least, the season that made it my 8th favourite show isn’t.
I should explain. Moral Orel was a show on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim that had a total of 3 seasons (with a prequel special that came out years after the fact), and for most of the first two seasons, it’s a vastly different show than in its third season.
From the second season’s finale onward, Moral Orel becomes one of the most bleak, bitter, heart-wrenchingly real shows on TV. It’s breath-takingly bitter.
The first two seasons largely center around the main character Orel Puppington and his religious adventures in his hometown of Moralton. It started as a parody of Christian cartoons, in particular the stop-motion/claymation Davey and Goliath. 
Basically, Orel would learn a lesson from an authority figure in town and misinterpret it to the extreme. It could make for some funny commentary now and again, but in truth it was nothing special.There were a few early episodes worth watching, like the Lord’s Prayer and The Best Christmas Ever, but if that’s all it had to offer, its charm would wear thin.
This, on the other hand, is no regular series.
The fact that it started out the way it did makes the reveal even more powerful. You see, those more upbeat first two seasons, where the morals are skewed and everything’s just a bit cheerier than it should be come crashing down when Orel’s father’s alcoholism is taken devastatingly seriously during a hunting trip in the two-part season finale “Nature” parts 1&2.
Nature marks a drastic turn in the series tonally. From there, the series shifts focus from just being about Orel to chronicling the lives of several members of the town in the aftermath and the days surrounding that infamous hunting trip. The third season even starts counting down each episode (Numb, for instance is 1 out of 13). 
And the reason for this is that as Orel lost faith in his father in that season finale, we, along with Orel, start to see all the people in his life in a different, sometimes disturbing light.
If I’m making it out to sound a bit on the unwatchable side, I understand, you don’t always want to watch something that will bring you down like that. But to sing its praises just a bit more, the reason it struck such a chord with me is because there’s such a humanity to it. There is hope somehow, and goodness in all this messed up stuff. 
Personal Reasons: I used to stay up late watching Adult Swim, or use the TV to fall asleep to. I managed to catch episodes now and again, so it hit me hard the first time I saw some of the darker or more bittersweet episodes. 
#7. Steven Universe
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We jump from one of the harshest shows to one of the sweetest! And yeah, I was surprised this wasn’t higher, too
And maybe it could change as the series goes on, but in the meantime, wow is this a fantastic show! We’ve talked about it a number of times on FGA, but I don’t think that’s any reason to not sing it’s praises some more!
Premiering in 2013 on Cartoon Network, Steven Universe, as you probably know (because this is Tumblr), follows the titular Steven and his emotionally-driven life with the Crystal Gems, alien rebels from a far-off Homeworld. 
Properly referred to as “singing and crying,” Steven Universe slowly runs the gambit from gorgeously heartbreaking to sweetly uplifting, all the while feeling like a mellow, safe, and warm place to be.
Like many people have said in many different ways, it’s a show that explores relationships. All kinds of relationships. It’s made massive strides in LGBT+ representation in kids’ shows, presenting it without the pomp and circumstance of a “very special episode.”
The gradually unfolding plot has fans like me hooked, even if the slower pace and hiatus plague can leave us hanging for quite some time.
Personal Reasons: This is yet another show that I’ve gotten watch and talk about with my girlfriend, so I think I’ll always remember it fondly for that. Fangirling.
#6. Avatar: The Last Airbender
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It’s what I consider to be the greatest show of all time… and it’s this far down on the list. There really is no justice in Bias Town.
One of the best purely serialized shows out on this list, Avatar is a perfect example of a simple three act story-structure. It tells a complete, satisfying story that needed no more and no less.
And in that time, it managed to find the perfect balance for everything. Rich, interesting world-building reflecting real-life cultures? Check. Fun plots that moved forward the overall story? Check. Likable complex characters that humanize the world so no one side is undeniably in the wrong? Check.
The only thing that took a while to grow on me was Avatar’s humour. Can’t explain why, but once I warmed up to it, there were episodes and moments that made me lose my shit.
It’s such a well-crafted story, and I could probably just go on and on about how well everything was developed, but sufficed to say, it would probably top my list for what’s objectively the best cartoon out there.
Personal Reasons: I’m pretty sure I’ve said this before, but I actually missed out on Avatar’s original run. I vaguely remember being interested by it, but never catching an episode in full.
Years later, I somehow stumbled across it by chance, and oh my god. Oh my god, you guys. I watched most of the second and third season in one weekend. I couldn’t stop.
#5. Spongebob Squarepants
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In last year’s Nostalgia Month, I fangirled a little bit about Spongegbob, and if you read any of that, you’ll know I’ve always been a huge fan. It’s one of the cornerstone series of my generation (just take a look at the Ocean Man meme that was a thing for a while—that song is buried in the credits of the Spongebob Movie, so you would have had to sit through the credits to get that reference), along with Pokemon and Fairly Odd Parents, so again, I couldn’t not have some experience with it, but I was pretty much a super fan.
And there’s kind of a reason for that. I can’t say what it’s like now, but in its early seasons, it’s humour was surprisingly intelligent and stupidly funny. There’s definitely a difference between stupid characters and a stupid show, and so long as you can see that, you’ll find a charming undersea comedy that became a household name for a reason (at least initially).
Personal Reasons: God, where to start. For one, I have a fear of fish, but I love swimming and the sea. That fear developed in second grade, ironically around the time I would’ve been the deepest in my Spongebob phase. I think it helped, actually. There’s a reason I have a random anchor as a logo. 
And you know, there’s some shows that you love so much that they come to represent a part of your life. All my elementary school days and even into middle school, Spongebob was something I was an expert in. I had as much merch as I could afford to get, I watched it religiously (even the DVD boxsets), I made my first best friend that way— it just ruled my world for a long while there.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way. The nostalgia goggles are strapped on hard for this choice, but I couldn’t honestly tell you I don’t have a sincere place in my heart for it. And always will.
#4. Gravity Falls
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You know how the 2010s starting kicking a lot of ass for animation? I think more than anything—more than even Adventure Time (which I do love)—this is the show that represents that to me. Not because it’s dated, but in fact the opposite: because it’s a modern classic that will forever feel timeless. Something truly spectacular that we’ll always look back on and remember as ours.
Gravity Falls takes influences from all the best stuff, but makes itself unique by being incredibly inventive. Like, it really does remind me of any Matt Groening show because of it’s sense of humour and even a bit of the world-building, but the mystery and heart are so magnificently its own. These things are the backbone that take the the already stellar comedy to a whole other level.
The best word for it is just as I said: magnificent.
From beginning to end, it’s undeniably so. It rewards close-viewings and theory-makers ten-fold, and that detail-orientated approach makes the experience that much richer and more, well, rewarding.
You knew it was coming, but hell, I can’t deny a show that succeeds in doing so many things I love so, so well. 
Personal Reasons: I’ll never forget the experience of watching Not What He Seems for the first few times, or really, a lot of the episodes. Watching the fandom come up with theories about the Stan twins a season in advance, and then seeing those theories made reality in the most spectacular, theatrical episode of the television I’ve ever watched blew me the fuck away.
And getting to talk about it here and with LittleNightwing just made it more of an interactive experience, which is exactly the kind of thing Alex Hirsch wanted.
I know I’ve said this too many times by now, but I even wrote part of an episode for Gravity Falls: Deep Woods (a storyboarded fan-series inspired by the show). When episode three eventually comes out, if they haven’t cut it out for time constraints, my name will be in the credits. And having my name associated with anything related to this show is just an honour.
#3. Futurama
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I don’t even know what I can say about Futurama that hasn’t already been said, but whatever, I’m gonna try because I have to include it.
It started airing back in 1999, which was appropriate, because the series starts us out by travelling to the year 2999 on New Years, entering into the new millennium as we enter into this new series. And from there, this lovable portrayal of a future that somehow seems not too far from our present day becomes awesome.
Everything is a little crappy. That’s not a diss on the show, it’s just the reality of the year 3000. It’s not some dystopia, but it’s no utopia, either. It comes with all the problems and foibles of modern day, just with different technology, space travel, and alien races.
And don’t get me started on how inventive it can be. The writers staff behind that show is one of the most educated on television—quite literally, with “three Ph.D.s, seven masters degrees, and cumulatively had more than 50 years at Harvard.”
And they put all that to use to make sure the science behind that sci-fi could work. In fact, they not only created their own alien language for the show, but writer Ken Keeler devised an entirely new math equation to resolve a plot point for the episode “Prisoner of Benda.” In the field, it’s referred to as the Futurama theorem or the Keeler theorem, and has since inspired research.
So when I say next level nerdy, I mean next level nerdy.
Futurama uses this incredible scientific and mathematical power to parody the sci-fi genre with a great sense of humour and a Simpsonian sense of heart. Pretty much all of the main cast has at least one tear-jerker episode, but none so powerful as the infamous Jurrasic Bark, an episode dedicated to telling the story of our main character, Phillip J. Fry, and his dog Seymour. It will tear you apart. 
Personal Reasons: This is yet another series I grew up with, and I think it taught me a lot about storytelling. Episodes like Luck of the Fryrish, The Sting, or the aforementioned Jurrasic Bark end on a incredibly bittersweet note, and to really earn that, the writers build it up expertly.
There’s also episodes like the Emmy-winning Roswell that Ends Well that take these wacky sci-fi concept to insane new levels. Whether or not I can execute on that, it taught me to always push an idea further.
Plus, I followed the series from it’s original run to it’s first cancellation to the four straight-to-DVD movies (that I ADORED renting from Blockbuster) to it’s return and final ending in 2013. It’s been one hell of a ride.
#2. The Simpsons
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And at this point, you probably know the whole list. But let’s go through it anyway.
The Simpsons, for me, really is one of the most brilliantly stupid comedies out there. It seems there are a number of comedies on this list that could be written off as just brainless, but I think there’s a charm to that for me. Something that clearly doesn’t take itself too seriously when it doesn’t have to. The Simpsons, in that way, has always been rather inviting to me. 
Despite it’s now nearly 30 year run, it never seems to have an ego about itself, even when some consider it the greatest comedy of all time (me).
There’s an endless amount of hilariously quotable episodes, and like any good comedy, it doesn’t skimp out of the character development or sentimentality. It’s certainly lost it’s touch for the most part, as is the case with a lot of running series, but every now and again, even in the later seasons, it still manages to surprise. 
I couldn’t explain it’s legacy if I tried. It’s currently the longest running animated series, and at this point, seems to have outlived the entire era it was so adept at parodying, but it’s still so legendary I can’t fault it! Even the impossible finally does happen and the show takes its final bow, I know this funny family will keep me laughing for years to come.
Personal Reasons: This started as another show my mom didn’t want me to want, but the reason I got to watch it so much and maybe the reason I love it so much is because my dad loved it.
From that point on, I started collecting the DVD boxsets of every season I could, and enjoying all the early seasons I was too young to watch when they originally aired.
And watching Simpsons reruns in whatever capacity I could became tradition. I still do to this day, even if it’s just online now. It’s become sort of a comfort show, it’s that familiar to me.
Plus, there’s the Movie, and games (The Simpsons Hit and Run is so much better than it has any right to be)—I even wrote an essay on The Simpsons back in high school. 
It’s just been the huge, life-long love for me that will never truly end because of how much it shaped me as a person (as silly as that sounds).
#1. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
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Shock! Awe! Everyone is stunned! People never would’ve seen this coming if they know me… 
Alright, so I’m predictable (I prefer the term “reliable” but considering how long it took to get this list out…), but it’s strangely so well-suited to everything I love. This entire section is full of personal reasons.
There’s fantastic characters to love (and obsess over); a heart-warming, light-hearted, cute, and ultimately loving tone that’s inexplicably never too saccharine even when it by all means should be; a fascinating fantasy world to dive into; a remarkable at times Disney-esque musical element; an eye-pleasingly soft animation style; an unashamed love of puns—I mean I could actually go on about this for a full year.
I really, really could… over on my main blog (sorry for the self-promo, but it’s relevant).
Year of the Pony, MLP Editorials (which are a big part of YotP)
I’ve dedicated this entire year to talking about My Little Pony in an event I’m calling Year of the Pony. There’s so far been something pretty much every week, themes for every month—I love this show a lot you guys. I really, really do.
That really is the reason I’m doing this event. I’ve been a fan of this show for five, going on six years, and it somehow became my favourite show of all time, even when there are shows out there that I think are objectively better. I’m trying to dissect why that is bit by bit.
For instance, here’s an upcoming two-parter:
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These two characters are sisters, and long story short, one was forced to send the other to the moon. This was a story that introduced the series in the first two episodes, and has since been explored by the fandom in every way imaginable. So I have to ask questions that’ll give me a way to talk about how much and why I love this particular story element.
It’s not the greatest tragedy out there, sure, but I’ve seriously gotta figure out why this has struck such a chord with me, you know? 
Obnoxious self-promos aside, I really did fall and fall hard for this series I think because it was still unassuming by the time I got to it. The was a fandom, sure, but I didn’t know what to expect (whether these “bronies” were just using it for memes and liking it ironically or what), and that made it a genuine discovery for me. 
And it’s that very unassuming, unpretentious sweetness that continues to make me love it, even though it’s made a few mistakes along the way. I don’t think it’s a perfect series, but it’s definitely perfect for me. And what more could I ask for in a favourite show?
But that’s just my list. Feel free to tell my some of your favourites or take up the challenge to put out your own list and send it my way! Show me how much better your taste is than mine!
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