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The current director is Bob Avian who had been Michael Bennet's assistant during its previous run. He recreates Broadway tickets the magic of consumers are and the musical is running a few packed house at every show. Original cast member Baayork Lee is back as the choreographer.
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The Dolphins used perform their games at the Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida but moved to Joe Robbie Stadium individuals to quit smoking 1986 months. The stadium's name was continuously changed, and as of January 2010, it is officially in order to as Sun Life Stadium. For the stadium's 20 years of existence, its name changes are making confusion among many. From Joe Robbie Stadium, it is been known with regard to Pro Player Stadium, to Dolphin Stadium, to Land Shark Stadium and now, to Sun Life Athletic field. Getting Dolphin buy concert tickets to see the Dolphins play at the sun Life Stadium is a good idea for any sports fan or anyone who would enjoy seeing a unique display of physical education.
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frogb · 3 months
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another day another nonsensical hxh comic👍
closeups under the cut for better quality
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Howdy loves newcomers!
He always chats and offers a sweet treat when a new face visits! Maybe even give a discount :•D
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mathysphere · 21 days
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I'm going to have a booth at a festival this weekend!
It'll be the Monarch Festival in Fort Wayne, Indiana-- this Sunday, September 8th, from 12pm to 5pm -- a festival to celebrate the monarch migration that passes through the marsh this time of year. There'll be monarch viewings, guided hikes, free milkweed plants, a bunch of learning stations... and also my friends and I selling patterns and art!
I'll have kits of this and another pattern (a little spotted frog!), along with some handmade pocket guides to the animals of the marsh.
If any of y'all happen to be in the area, and you'd like to learn more about monarchs and marshes, feel free to come say hi!
This pattern (along with the frog one) will be up in my Etsy after the festival is over-- and any extra kits, if I have them 🦋
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nandorsrelentless · 6 months
there seems to be far too many fans who can't seem to wrap their head around the fact that no relationship in the Vampire Chronicles is healthy. every relationship includes an element of abuse/power imbalance by normal standards. literally every single one.
they are all monsters who are no longer constrained by societal rules. so I don't think it's too crazy to expect them to do mosntorus things. the genre is Gothic HORROR. the show really prioritizes the HORROR element more so than other adaptaions, which i love.
i don't need louis to be a liar to enjoy lestat. if louis lied or misremebered things about the fight in episode 5, i literally do not care because it's never gonna make me hate louis. the baseline of what constitutes "evil" or "bad" is so different in iwtv because of the fact that they are NOT HUMAN. Claudia is literally a serial killer and she's still mother to me. ykwim?
the nature of vampirism is they have to kill to survive. so it would be really cool if people could accept louis, armand, and claudia as complex characters who are fundamentally not good people (because they aren't people!) without being racist about it. THEY ARE ALL KILLERS
im more interested in this exploration of the complexities of memory and seeing how the show integrates the other books into this story in a way that hasn't been done before than I am in discoursing about whether louis is a liar or not. who gives a shit???? grow up and realize that there are no good guys here and that's OKAY
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Every time I see someone acting like OFMD caters to straight people or is innoffensive or that the show isn't unapologetically queer enough their arguments always seem to amount to "No real queer rep has ever existed in history" when taken to it's logical conclusion. Like they gave us a rom com about gay men which included a nonbinary character who just was nonbinary and didn't explain themselves to the audience and then people immediately started saying "but they don't even have lesbians" because that's the knit pick for a show that takes place in a male dominated setting (a pirate ship) and the crew was like "Ok heard here's some lesbians" and then the goalpost shifted to "the polyamory wasn't poly enough" (are Jackie and Husbands chopped liver to you girl?) And at this point we're one intersex person away from the whole fucking LGBTQIA acronym, one of the characters has successfully transitioned into a fucking bird, there was an entire drag show, and we haven't seen a single named heterosexual character in 8 entire episodes. Like I'm sorry if this is not gay enough for you then nothing is.
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mongeese · 3 months
Forever and always astonished and impressed that (as far as I know) The Silt Verses is written, directed, produced, and soundscaped by literally 2 people. Like, this podcast is basically a fully produced TV show just without the visuals. It's AMAZING. Not only is it my favorite podcast of all time, it's one of my favorite shows period, including television or webseries. A genuine work of art and I wish I knew more people who liked fiction podcasts so I could force all of them to listen to it
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cometblaster2070 · 3 months
ill say this giles grimm is a better man than I could ever be; because the first thing I would've done the second that babbling curse was broken would be to send my idiot brother to fucking jail or something for yk LOCKING ME IN THE BASEMENT FOR YEARS.
or at the least kick him really really fucking hard in the shins yk.
in an earlier post i mentioned how i'd like to see a full eah episode one day that solely consists of raven beating the shit out of milton grimm for 5 straight minutes but now I'm thinking that we get giles in on this too; I think it would serve as a form of therapy for the two of them, maybe even a strange, cathartic bonding experience.
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etoilesombre · 4 months
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winepresswrath · 11 months
Darla/Angelus is also great because the show has a competing designated OTP and they exist to serve as contrast and hateful competition to THE ship. they are soulless monsters even by the standards of soulless monsters, they literally make the other soulless monsters go "yikes... your relationship seems not good maybe." but they love each other so fucking much. the writers can't help it. they are constantly trying to find their way back to each other. the way she hits him over a head with a shovel and leaves him to an angry mob while he tries to say he doesn't mind dying if it's with her AND the way they coo about it to each other afterwards. the way she takes him back against her better judgement because she missed him so so much but then kicks him out again later because he still can't be who she needs him to be. that's just how they say i love you.
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starry-teacup · 6 months
(about your thing with relating to shifty)
im more upset that she uses the vessels against LQ while also dismissing them as important viewpoints and perspectives. in my eyes she is just cherrypicking the parts of those lives that she finds meaningful while ignoring how they were real people that had fears and lives.
and yeah a little bit of taking them from their happy endings to be combined into something they never asked for.. she says they are gifts from lq but its not like he ever chose to give them to her.
(i know you said youre okay to debate but im honestly Terrible at it and i just wanted to share my view because i do have my reasons for preferring the princess(es) over shifty)
Ok. Sorry it took me a day to respond. I’ve been putting my thoughts together on this before i write back
a) not gonna argue there. shifty is manipulative and uses the experiences that she's had with us to try to convince, guiltrip, strong-arm, or really use any form of persuasion to get us to leave with her.
HOWEVER. I do not think that she as a whole ignores that they were real people that had fears and lives. Vessels, hearts, eulogies- shifty speaks to us of the identity of each and every princess as she cradles them in her embrace. She is not ignoring 'their' experiences because they are hers as well, because each and every one of those princesses is her, even if they functioned independently for a time. She does ask the Long Quiet to ignore these, but I don't view this as casting aside the aspects of herself less interesting or useful to her, but trying to convince the Long Quiet to look away from these contradictions, and to stay focused on the more compelling cases for escaping together.
So yes. she's a bit of a sophist. but she doesn't ignore the princesses, just ask the long quiet to
b) i mean… i have a lot of thoughts on this. They were always a part of her, they always were her, they just didn’t know it yet. I think all of them were searching for her, they just didn’t know that’s what it was they were searching for. The most aware of this is the spectre- she senses the longing within her, and realizes that she can’t quite explain what it is or why, just that she needs to be somewhere, rather than try to label it as something else, like the other princesses do. At their core, though, all of the princesses know that they need something, and that the slayer is the gateway to it.
Also…happy ending??? I know the game implies that they might have almost gotten this before being taken away, but let’s think about this for a second. There is no way out of that construct. There are only a hundred feet or so of woods and the cabin. What happy ending awaited them? The player and the princess don’t realize it at the time, but they’re not actually in the real world. They can’t reach the real world. They are trapped there until either a reset happens or they starve or kill each other or something along those lines. None of the princesses can actually escape without reuniting with shifty and rejoining the world. They’re just as trapped in the woods as they are in the cabin. If anything, shifty was actually rescuing them.
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conretewings · 8 months
Boy howdy do I love going away for a weekend trip only to check into the hotel that cost $220 and find stuff like this 🙃🙃🙃
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minniedeer · 2 years
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Soo expressive
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✨Dreams really do come true✨
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faceofpoe · 6 months
"Don't make the same mistake twice."
Because I am fully in camp 'Clone Operative dude is someone devastating under that helmet' do not clown us all on this writers and a spiteful at condescending assholes on Reddit hopeful part of me just really wants it to somehow be (saveable) Tech so we can have a reunited-for-one-last-fight-full-Batch-back-together finale-
The narrative argument for somehow-Tech-returned:
(also see: my (much shorter) narrative contemplation for Cody)
I have a sneaking suspicion that our character development focus is going to shift from Crosshair to Hunter for the back half of the season. Crosshair feels a bit... done? He chose Omega over the easy out on Lau, he's owned up to making mistakes, embraced his place among the squad again ("much worse" than Hunter - lol), he's had his faceoff/heart-to-heart/mutual saving each other rapid progression with Howzer - yeah I imagine there are still things we're going to learn about what he went through/possible ramifications therein, but as far as accepting who he is/his place/etc I think we're winding down on his focus.
Bringing our attention to the end of ep 7 and Rex & Hunter's convo about walking away, and his convo at the end of s2 with Echo about an unwinnable fight and so on. He just wants to protect his squad but the walls are closing in, and Omega won't be content just running and hiding.
And this brings me to the end of season 1 and Crosshair's rather lacking motivational speech about why they should join the Empire finally - they're meant for more than wandering aimlessly as fugitives, etc, and he tells Hunter - "Don't make the same mistake twice."
Now in s3e5, in what felt like the galaxy's most unfinished conversation ever, Hunter tells Crosshair he has "regrets" - but what exactly are they?
Fleeing Kamino in Aftermath, presumably not.
But the number of times in season 1 when he's given the opening to revisit the whole "leaving our own behind" thing and just - doesn't? Everyone else starts in on the "wait maybe the whole thing was the chip?' convo in ep 3 and he shuts it down to focus on the crisis at hand. He later says he's mad at himself for leaving Crosshair behind, and Omega says they'll find a way to get him back and he nods but - I don't think the notion is ever revisited?
Rex emphasizes how the chips are impossible to resist.
They *see* what it does to Wrecker.
Howzer refuses to flee Ryloth with them because he won't abandon his squad - knows they're good men, hopes he can convince them that they're not doing the right thing. We get a brief contemplative look at that, and the look back at Crosshair after they flee but.
After Kamino and after Bracca, sure, maybe the risk of even trying to get to him would seem too high - but we never even get a conversation about it, about finding a way to recover Crosshair and get the chip out now that they know how to do it.
He's also the most skeptical one about the Plan 88 message even after a presumably decent chunk of time has passed, after he knows the chip is gone, after Crosshair saved Omega on Kamino.
So - thesis, please - my narrative argument for wintersoldier'ified-Tech isn't about very mean visual teases callbacks, and it's not about undoing Tech's sacrifice or carving out room for a Tech redemption arc (because we wouldn't need it) (seriously this one baffles me, what?) -
It's about Hunter getting the chance to not make the same (actual) mistake twice, writing off one of his squad as a lost cause and leaving them behind.
(I'm also still really hung up on meeting Phee on the line "Better late than dead" but that's a different conversation)
Thank you for coming to my Tech talk.
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hanzajesthanza · 2 months
dandelion is indeed the worst but if he’s not present in the next book i would legitimately be sorrowful as the whole thing will become a slog . you basically cannot have the “short stories” era-of-the-timeline iteration of geralt without dandelion, it would be like eating unbuttered bread.
though it’s not like season of storms did them dirty, i wasn’t disappointed with it (… with regards to them), but since it’s literally been over 20 years since the saga was finished i’m trying to prepare for any potential reality
#however i will accept an absence of dandelion IN THE CASE OF we get to see geralt and yennefer living together in vengerberg#but if it’s regular geralt day in the life then if dandelion’s not there it’s gonna suuuuuccckk#i mean as in geralt’s life sucks without him. badly#and it also? sucks with him. good-ly.#it’s august and we don’t have a title yetttt 🥲 and they said 2024 … hmhm sure#i just feel like rupaul ‘and don’t fuck it up’.gif#like i’m excited but also wtf? new witcher book? are we on punk’d?#it’s not going to be the best but i’m hoping it will be at least as good as season of storms. not a high bar ok!#this from the person who was optimistic about the n*tflix show. don’t trust me i like to believe in the future#i was going to say ‘and i trust sapkowski more than i trust n*tflix’ and then i laughed.#i don’t trust him—i don’t even trust the version of him from the 90s and 00s!#one side of me can’t believe i’m still here after the guardswomen of kerack. and the ‘well i’m only gay for clout’ villain motivations#the other side of me is intensely curious wtf geralt will get up to this time and how witcher could maybe even denigrate further#but season of storms ending was actually good and = well it’s not like sapkowski forgot what it was about#then again it’s been 10 years and a bad adaptation since then so im biting my nails#all i ask : please stick with the naming convention of the other books. i don’t want to write an absurdly long or short name or acronym out#sooooo weird that in a few months i will be saying: there are 9 witcher books.#actually rn i just say there’s 7 and discount season of storms as a legitimate heir but mention it as footnote lol#i just hope i can survive until this new book and until its translation LOLLLL#they said translation in 2025 but you know the track record#new book: *releases winter 2024* | english translation: coming 2045!#jk i think they finally figured out that witcher is a money printer so they will be eager to translate it now and not waffle around#they kicked their butts into gear with the hussite trilogy so ! and they made new hardcovers.#the elbow-high diaries#new book 2024
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