#shownu fake texts
kpopfanboy · 6 months
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Shownu finding out his boyfriend is Jooheon’s brother… After he threw a jealous fit
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jae-bummer · 11 months
Wrong Number
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Request: Can I request n° 14 from your prompt list with shownu or woozi pls 🥺omg I love your works 💗💗
14) You accidentally send a text meant for your ex to the wrong number. Your bias replies.
Pairing: Seventeen Woozi x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Song rec as you read: Still Here (Acoustic Ver.) - ATEEZ
Chewing on your lip, you stared down at your phone screen, tapping it lightly whenever it began to dim. All you had to do was hit send.
You read the message over and over again, trying to determine if it sounded like you were trying too hard. After nearly ten different variations of the same message, you deleted it all again and settled for something a little more profound.
Hey :)
Was the smiley face too much? You didn't want to seem too eager. Maybe you should - shit, you brushed against the send button.
Flying into a bit of a panic, you decided it would be the best course of action to send another message.
It was really good seeing you yesterday! I hadn't expected us to bump into each other, but I'm glad we did.
You took a deep breath before tapping send again.
That was a little better. If he had deleted your number, at least now he could figure out who you were via context clues.
Leaning back into your couch, you wished the cushions would simply swallow you up. You were mortified with your increased heartbeat. How could you let yourself get so worked up over a guy who had broken up with you?
And it wasn't a delicate breakup. You had been seeing him for nearly a year when he decided to tell you (through text you might add) that it simply wasn't working out anymore. He was your first real boyfriend since coming to Seoul, so you could admit that part of you would always hold a soft spot for him.
That's why, when you bumped into him at a cafe yesterday, you couldn't stop your stomach from plunging to your toes. He was still just as beautiful as you had remembered. Asking for his contact information felt like a fever dream now. At some point in your post-breakup anger, you had deleted any of his information that still lived in your phone. To save face, you told him you lost all of your contacts after getting a new device.
You couldn't quite remember if he had mentioned meeting to catch up or if it was you, but you left the experience in a daze. It took you hours to talk yourself into taking the plunge and sending that text. Now all there was left to do was wait.
It had been only minutes before you heard the high-pitched ding.
Vulnerability was not your strong suit. Even something as simple as allowing yourself to hope was a dangerous route to go down, so you tried to squash the optimistic butterflies that sprang up in your stomach before they could take flight.
Steeling yourself, you finally looked at the screen.
wrong number
You jerked backward as if you had been slapped. Maybe he hadn't picked up on the context clues after all.
It's Y/N. You gave me your number, remember?
Surely you hadn't dreamed up the entire interaction. He must not have been expecting you to actually text. Well, that stung a bit.
You flinched as your phone dinged an instant later.
still wrong number
You double checked the contact you had texted and felt your face grow flush. Your stomach felt hollow. Did your ex seriously give you a fake number?
Just so we're clear...this isn't a joke...right? This really isn't Jae?
Typing bubbles immediately appeared.
nope. sorry.
You blinked dumbly at the screen. God, how could you have been so stupid?
Woozi tilted his head as he glanced at the screen. When he had read the first message, he automatically assumed his number had been leaked again. It wasn't a common occurrence, but it was known to happen on occasion. After the second message came through shortly after, he narrowed his eyes. He hadn't even left his studio yesterday.
"What's up?" Hoshi asked, shifting to sit up from his lounging position on the couch.
"Wrong number," Woozi muttered, placing his phone face down beside his keyboard.
"Weird," Hoshi hummed.
Woozi's phone vibrated again, causing him to sigh.
"I thought it was a wrong number," Hoshi chuckled.
"I did too," Woozi grumbled, typing back a quick response. He had no idea who Y/N was or how they got ahold of his number, so he was certainly not who they were looking for.
After his phone vibrated again, he let out a small huff.
"What is going on over there?" Hoshi laughed, now moving to hunch over the shorter member's shoulder.
"Nothing," Woozi said shortly, attempting to set his phone back down before Hoshi snatched it from his hand.
"Aw," he clucked, holding the device high enough into the air that Woozi knew he would look ridiculous trying to jump for it. "Well, that's sad."
"Yep," Woozi groaned. "Now give it back."
"Wait," Hoshi chuckled, now typing quickly on the screen. "I need the tea."
"You need the what?" Woozi asked, now increasingly annoyed. Choosing to make a fool of himself after all, he began to hop around Hoshi, tugging at his arms in a futile attempt to get the phone back.
"The tea," Hoshi clarified. "Let's live vicariously through someone else's misery."
"I have enough of my own," Woozi groaned. "Now give it back."
"Ooooh," Hoshi said, spinning so his back faced the other man. "Jae is the ex-boyfriend."
Woozi rolled his eyes. "Why do you care?"
"Oh my god, he gave them this number," Hoshi gasped. "He ghosted them and doxed you in the process."
"Doxing requires them knowing who I am," Woozi sighed, crossing his arms. "And it sounds like all of this was just a coincidence. Now, please give me my phone and leave me alone."
"Fine," Hoshi pouted, dropping it into Woozi's palm. "Party pooper."
Shaking his head, Woozi plopped back into his desk chair and went back to work. After a few minutes, he had completely forgotten all about the person who had texted him and brought their misfortune to his doorstep.
Or at least he thought he did.
After hitting a wall while creating a new song, he looked idly around the room in search of inspiration. This was the hardest part of his job, having to work around the writer's block.
Lifting a brow, his gaze settled on his cell.
Flipping it back over, he tapped through it aimlessly before finally settling on the chat that Hoshi had continued.
who's jae btw???
Hoshi and his need for unnecessary punctuation.
He's my ex-boyfriend. He said this number was his. Prepare yourself for any other jilted lovers that might be heading your way.
Woozi shook his head. Why couldn't people just be straightforward with each other?
ugh that's the worst. i'm so sorry.
It was the worst and Woozi was sorry. That didn't mean that he wanted Hoshi to continue the conversation.
Thanks :) I appreciate that. I'll stop bothering you and crawl back into my hole now.
Woozi set down his phone and turned back to his screen. He had been in his share of unsuccessful relationships and seen plenty amongst his members. In none of those situations had something like this happened before.
Clicking through various windows for a few moments, he heaved a deep sigh before grabbing his phone again. Before he could think better of it, he began to type.
you doing ok?
It was short and not too invasive. He wasn't looking for any new friends, but he could at least be a decent human being. Plus, this could be just the inspiration he needed to continue his song. Heartbreaks were always a hit.
You squinted blearily into the darkness of your bedroom.
you up?
Chuckling to yourself, you turned the brightness down on your phone before responding.
Lee Jihoon, you DID NOT just send me a "u up?" text.
The response came shortly after.
i used "you" not "u." give me some credit.
Rolling your eyes, you settled back into your pillows with a smile. It had been about a month since you had purposefully texted your ex, while accidentally texting Woozi. You hadn't expected for anything to come out of the situation and there was definitely no way that you would've seen this turn of events coming.
You liked him. Against your better judgement, you were crushing on a complete stranger that happened his way into your life. At this point, you had exchanged countless texts, hours on the phone, and photos of your day. Woozi worked a lot, so on occasion, you would even sit on FaceTime and work quietly together. Just having each other for company was comforting in a way that you hadn't found with another person in quite some time. It had all been a bit of a shock, but you complimented each other well.
On several occasions, you had attempted to meet up, but life was hard for both of you. With Woozi's schedules, it was difficult to stay on the same square in the calendar. Admittedly, you had been the one to cancel once or twice as well, but the time had finally come. You were supposed to meet today.
Which made Woozi's text all the more concerning.
Is this the part where you have to cancel on our plans today?
You glanced at the time, noting it was still the early morning hours. Either he hadn't gone to bed yet, or he was waking up much too soon.
ye of little faith.
i'm not cancelling. i'm just not sleeping well.
You lifted a brow. Normally, he wasn't one to be prejudice against a sleeping situation. Since he got so little of it, he often could fall asleep anytime, anywhere.
That is, unless his brain was working overtime.
What's got your brain going this time?
You waited only seconds.
You inhaled sharply. Woozi was generally a direct person. Getting him to talk about his emotions, and more specifically, his opinion of you, was a bit more difficult though. Sometimes he was able to speak in such a straight way that it caught you off guard. Other times, he relied on the soft, quiet moments in between to really convey how he felt.
This time, he typed for a while.
yes, you i'm probably only saying this bc i can be a coward behind a keyboard BUT i'm nervous about today in a good way but...another part of me is scared that we're putting each other on these pedestals that are much too tall. how can reality actually reflect the image of you that my mind has created?
You sniffed in amusement.
It would have been much easier to say you're scared that this is too good to be true.
The typing bubbles appeared and disappeared several times. You knew he was going to come back with something sassy.
i don't do "easy" well, y/n
He had that right.
Rolling over onto your side, you chewed your lip. You could easily admit that you probably had an idealized version of Woozi in your head. It was hard not to when you got to see the best parts of each other every day. That being said, it didn't mean that that image was wrong. It just wasn't factoring in the darker side of his personality. Everyone had one and you wouldn't fault him for being human.
It'll work out. We both know that there's still so much to learn about each other. We just need to be patient and have a little faith.
He hearted your response before his own appeared.
my y/n. so wise.
Your heart fluttered at the simple words. Seeing him acknowledge that you were his made you feel full. You knew you were right. Everything would work out fine.
Spinning your phone around on the tabletop, your brain warred against you. Maybe this was a bad idea.
Unlike most people your age, you had never met with someone from the internet before, let alone a stranger you had accidentally texted in a fit of love sickness. Woozi had insisted that he had never done anything like this before either, so that brought at least a small amount of solace.
Plus, everyone you had ever met had been a stranger at one point.
And Woozi really hadn't been what you would consider a "stranger" for some time now.
You looked up from the cafe table for the hundredth time as someone entered.
Still not him.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded to yourself. Everything would be alright. You had told Woozi as much this morning. Now it was time to believe it.
"Hey stranger," a familiar voice hummed from above you. Glancing up, you met the shining, dark eyes you had only ever seen on a phone screen. It felt surreal.
"Jihoon," you breathed, a smile stretching across your lips.
"Well, come on," he clucked, motioning for you to stand. You did as directed, nearly forgetting to breath as he wrapped you in a quick hug.
"Sorry," he said, pulling away almost instantly. "I should've asked if you were okay with physical affection. Are you?"
You nodded weakly, trying to find a coherent thought through the cloud of Woozi's scent. He didn't smell strongly of anything aside from clean laundry, but it was enough to catch you off guard. He was in front of you, looking gorgeous and smelling comforting. It almost felt impossible.
"You sure?" he asked, his mouth hitching up at the corner. He slid into the seat across from where you were sitting.
Plopping dumbly back into your own seat, you shook your head. Get ahold of yourself, Y/N.
"Sorry," you croaked. "I'm just trying to...uh...wrap my brain around...well, you."
Woozi smiled, his cheeks going slightly pink. "I know what you mean."
Glancing around the cafe, he set his hands in front of him. "Let's just wait a moment...to take everything in?"
You nodded, immediately allowing yourself to look at him directly. His cuteness definitely transferred to how he looked in person. He wore his hair as you usually saw it, dark, long, and slightly wavy. He had a solid jawline and a cute, button nose (the deadliest combination). His shoulders and arms were much wider and more muscular than you had expected, which was both attractive and terrifying.
Overall, he was breathtaking.
He seemingly refused to look at you though. Continuing his search around his surroundings, you noticed his fingers slowly begin to creep toward yours. Halting before they got to their destination, he deigned a glimpse your way.
"You were right," he said quietly.
"That's good to hear," you grinned. "But what about?"
Finally placing his hand on top of yours, he gave it a gentle squeeze. "I wanted this before, but now that I have you in front of me, I want to know everything. The pedestal was high, but you're still sitting on top of it."
You were positive you were about to short circuit. Who just walked around saying things like that?
"Who would have thought," you managed. "That I would have an ex-boyfriend to thank for giving me the wrong number."
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phoxey · 9 months
Monika Shin x fem!reader
cw: a good mix of suggestiveness and angst, also age gap (legal ofc) MDNI
words: 1393
AN: please be gentle with me, i'm just starting out as a writer, also this is not proofread
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It has been quite a while since you have seen her. Monika, your teacher, your friend, your everything. You left PROWDMON right before the first season of Street Woman Fighter started. You never explained why. You just sent her a quick text, stating that you leave PROWDMON and Korea, that you are sorry and that she shouldn't contact you, because you would be travelling the world. You blocked her and the entire crew after that.
The reason? You were madly in love with her. But she was your teacher. She was ten years older than you. She was not gay. It pained you to always hear her talk about her wanting a man, a husband. You had tried to confess your feelings multiple times, but she always took your confessions in a friendly and sisterly way. After a while you just gave up.
You left Korea, like you said, and travelled the world, participating in dance battles everywhere and gave dance classes, mainly in America. Thats where you met Audrey and through her you joined Jam Republic Agency, who called you up when they were forming a team for Street Woman Fighter season 2. Your heart longed to go back to Korea, so you agreed.
You were happy until the judges were introduced.
"...PROWDMONs Leader: Monika!", Kang Daniel said.
You looked up in shock. And there she was. As beautiful as ever... and as unreachable as ever. She smiled and looked around, just before your eyes met, you lowered your gaze to the ground, trying to keep your tears from welling up. You swallowed hard and put on an annoyed and arrogant face as you felt her eyes on you. The dance battles started and you tried to ignore her presence, to have fun. You battled against Chocol, a friend from way back, Monika had introduced you two many years ago. You heard the voices behind you.
"She dances just like Monika-sseam."
"You can see that she spend a lot of time with Monika-ssaem."
"Y/N left PROWDMON right before Street Woman Fighter, do you think they fought?"
You kept your eyes on Shownu, when the judges showed their cards. One for Chocol, one for you... and Monika held both cards up, refusing to decide. You looked up from her cards to her face, and her gaze pierced you. It was as though she could look into your soul. There were so many emotions and questions in her eyes. She was an open book to you, she has always been. But what stunned you was, when her eyes suddenly became dark and cold, almost hateful. You didn't even realize for a precious ten seconds that the rematch with Chocol had begun, due to the tie. Not dancing for a solid ten seconds, earned you a 3:0 loss.
"What was up?", Kirsten asked worriedly, as the break begun.
You shook your head. "I don't want to talk about it.... I think i need to be alone for a moment."
You stood up, gave her a half smile and then walked to the bathrooms. You threw some water into your face and tried to calm down, you almost didn't recognize your own face in the mirror. Absently you dried off and turned around to go back to your team, but you stopped abruptly. Monika leaned, arms crossed, against the door, staring at you and you were sure, she wouldn't move.
The two of you just stared at eachother in silence for a little eternity. Your heart beat so loud that you were afraid she would hear it.
"Hey...", you cracked a fake smile, you wanted to sound like someone meeting an old friend, only the finger guns were missing.
"Don't 'Hey' me.", she just said coldly and took a step towards you.
You took a step back. "What?"
"Funny meeting you here, after you abandoned us."
"I didn't leave PROWDMON because I was afraid of being on SWF.", you said. "And abandoned is a harsh word."
"Is it now? What would you call it then? It surely wasn't a friendly seperation."
God, why was she so beautiful when she was angry? You could barely concentrate on your answers.
You bit your lip nervously. "Look. This is just how things had to be. I would have destroyed everything if I stayed."
"What on earth are you talking about?"
She had walked you so far back that your back hit the cold tiles of the bathroom wall. But now you were annoyed that you rolled your eyes. How could such a smart woman be this oblivious?
"I have told you a hundred times, why. If you still don't connect the dots, that's on you.", you huffed.
She seemed to think and with every passing second your heart broke into piece after piece. Hot and silent tears rolled down your cheeks. She still didn't understand a thing.
"I love you.", you whispered, but in the silence between you it seemed like you had screamed it.
"I have always loved you. And I probably always will. Not as a student. Not as a friend. It's not admiration nor fondness. It is love. I suffered, knowing you could never feel the same for me. Every hug, every kiss on the cheek, every time you brushed my hair after a dance session, it felt so good that I wanted it again and again, but it also hurt so much every time. I can't have you, and I didn't want to watch you find a man and become happy with him. I'm selfish like that. So before I ruin everything for you, I left. There you have it, that's the reason."
"You love me?", she asked, and her eyes fell to your lips. That gaze alone made you throw all logic and reason overboard. You grabbed her face and pressed your lips to hers. To your surprise she didn't push you away as you put all your longing into the kiss, all the words you couldn't possibly say. After a moment the kiss faded out and you parted.
"I'm sorry...", you whispered.
"I should apologize...", she whispered back. "I think I always knew... but I was afraid..."
"What? You knew? Afraid of what?", you asked and blinked in confusion.
"Afraid to admit that I feel the same.", Monika said then.
You widened your eyes. Were you dreaming? This couldn't be reality. To test it, you turned her around and pressed her to the wall. "What do you mean, you feel the same?"
"I love you... sorry, that I only realize it now."
"Yes. But I don't think I would be a good partner for you.", she said but you weren't even listening anymore, you just pulled her into a kiss.
"...Y/N... I'm too old for you...", she almost moaned between kisses.
"Don't care...", you said, as your lips moved to her neck.
"what would the others think...?", she tried to argue.
"Don't care...", you said again, as your lips captured hers into a kiss.
You felt her smirk against your lips. "You're unbelievable."
Finally she gave in to her desires and kissed you back with the same passion, invading your mouth with her tongue. You melted into the kiss, your hands all over her body. You lifted her onto the counter with the sinks and stood between her legs, your fingers digging into her thighs.
She emerged first from the bathroom and went to get her make up refreshed. You did the same. The make up staff gave you a weird look when they saw something on your neck.
Kirsten looked at you weird, when you came back. "Girl, where were you? I was so worried!"
You just sat down and smirked.
"Apparently she had a good time.", Ling mused and pointed to a faint dark spot under a heavy load of concealer.
"A hickey????", Kirsten almost screamed.
"Shut the fuck up! There are cameras!", you hissed.
"Who did that? It's so big!", Kirsten whispered.
You smirked. "If you think that's a lot, then you should see her thighs..."
"Her thighs? Who?", Ling asked and followed your not so subtle gaze to Monika, who already sat with the other judges again and happily conversed with them. Her lap was covered with a blanket. She would say, it's because of her short skirt.
But we all know the real reason, don't we?
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jaxonah · 4 years
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gemini with bf Son Hyunwoo 🎈✨ (happy birthday my baby love! i hope you had fun❤️)
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Daily Group Chat with Monsta X feat. the group finds out you and Shownu are dating.. yeah.
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btswishes · 5 years
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I am so sorry I couldn't update any of the scenarios today. I hope this can compensate at least 1%.🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
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honeyjaez · 6 years
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Being roommates with Monsta X~ 💓
Requests are OPEN
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inseobts · 6 years
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☆daily texts with Shownu☆
monsta x masterlist (not updated)
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randomkpopfaketexts · 6 years
From Zero | Twelve | Finale
From Zero | Minhyuk X Reader X Wonho| College!AU | “I have a term paper due in 7 hours and this is the only 24hr cafe with WiFi…” “She’s really cute and I’ll never see her again- oh shit she’s one of my best friend’s sister?”
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34 notes · View notes
uwufanfics · 6 years
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Bestfriend texts with Birthday Boy Shownu💕 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR FAVORITE LEADER💙🐻
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swweetlikesuga · 7 years
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praising bf shownu (4 my honey @jaxonah)
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mi-nyu-dreams · 6 years
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Hyunwoo and Dongwoo
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starrgguk-blog · 7 years
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requested! monsta x praise you/make you feel better when you’re feeling insecure
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hyuns-bbydoll · 6 years
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Your sick and boyfriend shownu comes to take care of you
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jaxonah · 5 years
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hungry with bf Son Hyunwoo 🥘 🍴
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Monsta X texts :: He finds out he was not your first bias 😂 (I know there are so many so these but I still had to do my own plus there isn’t enough fake texts for Monsta X)
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