#shuri and peter are buds
themculibrary · 1 year
Younger Characters Masterlist
Adventures in Babysitting (ao3) - Victori T, 16k
Summary: Peter offers to watch five-year-old Maria Stark so Tony can get out of the house. Things don't exactly go as planned, Tony's kids nearly give him an aneurysm, and Pepper just wants a relaxing night out.
Can't Man (ao3) - LifeOfRoos G, 2k
Summary: Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes need someone to get really small to infiltrate some buildings. Sadly enough, Scott Lang died a couple of months prior. But don’t fret: there is Magician-in-training America Chavez and her ability to open up portals. Sam and Bucky seek her out and request she go on a multiversal journey to find a new Scott. Shenanigans ensue!
Can’t Pin Me Down (ao3) - paperclipbitch kate/america T, 3k
Summary: Maybe Kate needs to consider being less reckless with herself, given that her powers amount to being The One With The Archery And The Ideas That Are Slightly Less Bad Than The Other One With The Archery.
Cassie & Peter Being Buds (ao3) - whumphoarder G, 8k
Summary: The adventures of Peter babysitting 10-year-old Cassie Lang.
Children Of Iron (ao3) - Boopoopeedoo T, 22k
Summary: Vision found it easy to bond with Morgan Stark, keeping a promise to Tony that he would care for her. His 'brothers', Peter and Harley, may prove more difficult.
When Peter runs into trouble on a school trip to Europe, Vision gets the chance to protect and maybe bond with his 'little brother'- With a bit of help from Wanda, of course. Sequel to 'Memories'.
Collateral Damage (ao3) - rainbowanatomy yelena/kate M, 17k
Summary: “Kate Bishop,” she coos, and you whimper in response. You can feel her smile as her lips reach your ear lobe. “Where is he?”
Dungeons & Hawkeyes (ao3) - inmyriadbits clint/phil G, 5k
Summary: In which this whole dungeon thing really isn’t working for Kate Bishop, there are far too many nicknames from the Victorian era, socks are vitally important, and Clint insists he is Han Solo in this situation.
house guests (ao3) - haveufoundwhaturlookingfor bucky/clint T, 1k
Summary: Clint invites Wanda and Peter to stay at his farmhouse for the summer. Bucky isn’t exactly thrilled about this, so of course he drags Sam along because he can’t suffer alone if Peter is going to be there.
Iron-Kid (ao3) - faux_affliction N/R, 4k
Summary: Pepper asks Peter to babysit.
let’s stay together (ao3) - bevioletskies scott/hope T, 3k
Summary: For all his missteps and mishaps, Scott has been on pretty good terms with the Pym-Van Dyne family lately. That is, until Cassie started calling Hank “Grandpa”.
Peter and Shuri annoying everyone (ao3) - orphan_account peter/shuri N/R, 2k
Summary: Shuri and Peter being annoying to the Avengers :)
scars can come in handy (ao3) - andibeth82 T, 8k
Summary: “Coop invited a friend over,” Clint explains as he flops onto the couch. “He didn’t tell me. This kid from camp.”
“Is he okay?” Laura asks in a voice calm and neutral and practiced, every bit as natural at this game when children are present.
“Yeah,” Clint responds. “He seems fine. It’s just…he looks familiar. Like I’ve seen him somewhere before.”
[or, Peter comes to the Barton farm.]
She’s With Us (fanfiction.net) - Annabelle536 T, 45k
Summary: In hindsight Wanda should’ve known she wasn’t joining a team…she was joining a family. And each member made her feel like she was part of it, in their own little way. Complete. Now with an epilogue!
The Adventures of Peter Parker and Shuri (ao3) - aceschwarz222 gamora/peter, pepper/tony G, 92k
Summary: T'Challa must spend two weeks at the Avengers Compound working on an agreement with Tony Stark in light of Wakanda opening its borders and resources. He brings along his sister, Shuri, who meets the equally nerdy Peter Parker.
Basically a bunch of short, fluffy drabbles about a fantastic friendship between two adorable dorks.
these things take & take (you can stay as long as you want) (ao3) - QueenWithABeeThrone T, 4k
Summary: Darcy yawns, and says, “So you’re Lady Hawkeye, then?”
“Just Hawkeye,” Kate corrects, testy. “Clint is Agent Hawkeye. Or Hawkguy. I’m a free and independent agent who operates out of New York.”
“So,” says Darcy, “like Daredevil.”
or: Kate, Darcy, and Ahsoka chill on a farm during the events of Age of Ultron.
The Wisdom of Children (ao3) - TunaFishChris T, 27k
Summary: Nobody's thrilled at the idea of "that kid" Peter Parker on the Avengers team.
Nobody's thrilled at the idea of "that weirdo" Wanda Maximoff on the team, either.
Until they disappear, that is.
Or, the one where Peter and Wanda are besties and the other Avengers are jerks until they realize how important and awesome they both are.
what's my age again? (ao3) - verity kate/america T, 3k
Summary: A for effort, H-A-W-K-E-Y-E, Kate says as soon as she frees herself from her harness. They really need to come up with a real sign instead of just fingerspelling all the time. Maybe miming drawing a bow, then pointing to the eyes. Something cool. You have to get over your boner for that boomerang arrow.
"Did you just sign 'angry penis'?" Sam says, distracted from his unresolved sexual tension with Natasha.
"Whatever," Kate says. She flips her hair. "I'm learning."
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downeysgirl94 · 6 years
Shuri Comes To Visit Part 2 Ch 13 of Cure for Nightmares
Im Sorry It Took me so long to update this fic.
Tony followed Peter into the room and saw Steve shaking T’Challa’s hand while Natasha was greeting Shuri.  Tony ginned at peter and pushed him forward till they met the group.
“Nice to see you again T’Challa” Tony said grinning at the man
T’Challa stepped forward and shook Tony’s Hand “Likewise Mr. Stark I am pleasantly surprised you decided to make an appearance during my visit” T’Challa said smiling.
“well The old man over there let me know you were coming this weekend and rather than risk him breaking anything he asked me to come by to show you and the princess around the missus has the little one taken care of at home and this one was missing the others so it was a no brainer to come by” tony said grinning putting an arm on peter’s shoulder.
T’Challa nodded at tony response then glanced at peter
“Hello Peter how are you?” T’Challa asked as he held out his hand for peter to shake.
Peter excitedly shook the man hand before tripping over words “Hello- King- T’Challa – Sir- I’m- good- uhm- how- are- you?”  
Tony and the others tried to hide their smirk but it was hard while they heard Shuri burst out laughing.
“Cat got your tongue colonizer?” Shuri asked
Peter blushed
“Sister is nice” T’Challa said sternly
Shuri responded by sticking out her tongue at him.
“Peter ignore her. It’s alright and you can call me T’Challa and I’m very well thank you for asking.” He said smiling
“Alight T’Challa” peter said smiling
“Oh you start calling him by his first immediately but took you like a year to even start calling me by my first name” tony said crossing his arms and pouting.
“Well sorry tony but he’s a king you do what he says, you’re just my pseudo-dad I don’t have to listen all the time” peter said shrugging
The others just grinned at the pair while they bickered
“Stark I know my Sister was wanting a tour of your lab while we visited but we have some important business to discuss before.” T’Challa said addressing Tony
“Steve mentioned you had some business to talk me about. How about peter shows Shuri around the lab, he knows what everything is and how it works. Hmm?”
“I don’t see a problem with it how about you sister?” T’Challa said asking Shuri
“Well if this colonizer is as smart as you claim I don’t mind being bored by inferior technology” Shuri said shrugging
“Hey princess I take offence we both know you like my technology” tony said grinning
“Whatever Stark” Shuri said walking past him following peter out of the room
“I have a feeling you’ll be regretting leaving those two alone by the end of the day” Steve said as he followed Tony and T’Challa into the next room.
Peter was describing one of the iron man suits to an obviously bored Shuri
“Yawn all this stuff is boring I made it when I was in like 10.” Shuri said wandering away from peter.
Something caught her eye it was one of the Spiderman suits
“Now finally something worth seeing” Shuri near shouted causing peter to walk over to her. When he saw what he was looking at he stopped.
“Why didn’t Stark tell me he made Spiderman’s Suit” Shuri said excitedly
Peter said rubbing his neck “uhm not sure maybe he promised Spiderman he wouldn’t tell anyone?”
“Sure that’s totally believable” Shuri said laughing “you got to get better at lying”
“I’m not lying” peter said nervously
Shuri turned to him and started singing “Why the fuck you lying? Why you always lying? Omg stop fucking lying.
Peter just stopped dead in his tracks. “Oh my god you just quoted a vine” peter said amazed
“Of course I did, vine is amazing it sucks it doesn’t exist anymore” Shuri said grinning
“There’s a bunch of compilations on YouTube I watch all the time” peter said grinning glad he distracted her from Spiderman.
“Same hmm you a lot cooler than I thought” Shuri said smugly
“Thanks I think?” peter chuckled
“So anyways where were we Spiderman right, I’ve seen all his videos”
“Same” peter answered instantly tense
“Peter you are clueless aren’t you?” Shuri said laughing
“I can put two in two together I know your Spiderman”
“Wait how?”  Peter asked shocked
“Well for one you just confirmed it, another your “pseudo-dad” makes Spiderman’s suit and Spiderman shows up so does his intern or whatever your cover story was. Lastly Spiderman wasn’t sighted until after Thanos was defeated at the same time you supposedly went missing.” Shuri said raising an eyebrow.
Peter just nodded before putting his head in his hands.
“It’s nothing to be embarrassed by I’m impressed by what you can do”
“Thanks Shuri” peter said smiling
“I’m very curious about you web formula is that come from the suit?” Shuri asked
“No I designed the web formula originally Mr. stark has helped me upgrade it” peter answered
“Where’s it come from then?”
Peter pushed up his sleeves and revealed his web shooters.
Shuri smiled while studied them. “You need to come to Wakanda sometime so you can tinker with me the master” Shuri said smiling
“Definitely Tony said we could go at some point but he probably is waiting till I’m on break from school.” Peter replied
“From how smart he was describing you better genius school.”  Shuri said grinning
“Yeah I go to a tech and science high school.” Peter said smiling
“Good you got a school to train your skills” Shuri said smiling
Peter and Shuri started watching vines for a bit. Before peter realized how much time had passed.
“You think there done yet?” peter asked
“Probably why?”  Shuri said shrugging
“I’m guessing you don’t want to be cooped up in the compound your whole trip is there any place you want to see?”
“Oh My God yes” Shuri said excitedly
They both got up and ran out of the lab.
 The Adults were currently in the common room talking, when the teens ran off the elevator.
“Tony” “Brother” They called at the same time.
“Ok children one at a time what’s up?” tony said grinning at peter
“Well I was guessing that Shuri wanted to do some sightseeing while see was he can we go some places please” peter begged
“Told you they bond quick Tony” Steve called from the couch smiling at them.
Tony thought for a moment before glancing over at T’Challa “T’Challa what do you think can we let them loose on society alone?”  Tony quipped
“Hmm sister where did you want to see?” T’Challa asked
“so many things Coney Island, central park, hell I want to go to a Starbucks and see why Okoye wants one in Wakanda so bad” Shuri said so excitedly.
T’Challa chuckled at the mention of his bodyguard.
“Sister I have no problem with you guys going sightseeing but I feel better if an adult was present” T’Challa replied
Shuri rolled her eyes
“I was about to the same thing T’Challa”
“Why has god forsaken us” peter muttered
Tony looked very confusedly at peter.
Shuri just started giggling.
Making T’Challa raise an eyebrow at her.
“Pete I’m not going to ask” “but come on your windows closing let go princess” tony said as he got off the couch and grabbed his keys. “I’m assuming your fine with me chaperoning” tony asked T’Challa, he nodded.   Rhodey called as the three stepped into the elevator “it’s not like you’re not just giant child anyways”
“Shut it platypus” tony replied as the doors closed.
They go into one of Tony Audis and left the garage.
Tony stopped at the closest Starbucks. Peter Today Shuri to order a Carmel Frappuccino she did, peter ordered a vanilla Frappuccino and tony ordered the biggest black coffee he could get before paying for all of them. Shuri of course loved the drink. Peter pulled out his phone and took a picture of Shuri and her drink and then they took a selfie.
On the way to Central park, they were stuck in a bit of traffic because of road work.  Peter and Shuri saw the road work sign at the same time and grinned at each other. Before both saying “Road work ahead… You better hope it does” tony glanced in the back mirror. Before shaking his head.
“That’s one of those vines or meme things isn’t it, Steve wasn’t wrong when he said how similar you to were” tony said before looking back at the road.
Once they got to the park peter dragged to all the top tourist stops tony followed slowly behind giving the kids a bit of space. Peter showed her Belvedere Castle, Strawberry Fields, Bethesda Fountain and Terrace, Loeb Boathouse, central park zoo and of course the Carousal . They took so many pictures that tony finally told them they had to hurry up if they wanted to go to Coney Island.
It was getting dark by the time they got to Coney Island. Which peter and Shuri didn’t care it made the rides better. Tony quickly bought their tickets and let them loose.
They rode the cyclone multiple times first, then the thunderbolt, then the soaring’ Eagle ending on the Spook –A-Rama. Tony rode a few of the rides with them but mostly waited for them to be done. Tony bought them some funnel cakes and other carnival food. Peter won Shuri a bear from a carnival game. Peter and Shuri had taken so many pictures before tony was close to dragging them to the car.
“Guys you got all weekend to hang don’t act like you won’t see each other again” tony said chuckling as he drove back to the compound.  
Once back Shuri carried her bear to her room and hugged peter and said “Thanks for today peter it was so fun, good night” and waved at tony before leaving.
Tony walked over to peter and put his arm on his shoulder before speaking “I’m glad you guys connected Pete” tony said grinning
“I’m glad too she’s really cool she invited me to go to Wakanda sometime” peter said excitedly
“We will Pete once we got time” tony said ruffling his hair
Tony began to walk to his room when peter stopped him by pulling the man into a hug.  This tony returned.
“Thanks for today it’s been one of the best days ever” peter said smiling into tony chest
“No problem kiddo I was happy to see you happy, and can you believe you were freaking out this morning” tony said chuckling
“I know I was nervous over nothing” peter said grinning
“Yup now you know to listen to you pseudo-dad all the time” tony said raising his eyebrow.
Peter chuckled “yeah sure tony, whatever you say”
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funnyincorrectmcu · 4 years
Tony: I broke my foot today. Peter: That socks. Shuri: Oh shoe-t.  Tony: … Tony: Thanks for your concern. 
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convolutings · 5 years
people who should have gotten to meet:
1. Tony Stark & Princess Shuri
2. Natasha Romanoff & Peter Parker
3. Peter Parker & Princess Shuri (still have a chance)
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marveluri · 6 years
If we don’t get a Shuri Peter Parker scene in End Game I’m considering the whole movie a waste
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crowchelmist · 6 years
So if A:4 really is 5 years later that means Peter will have missed five years...
Worth of memes
He’s gonna get back and the next big meme will be something like
Larry: hey joe what’s that
Joe: it’s a cow larry
Larry: no it’s not
Joe: it’s a cow
Larry: dude wtf
Joe looks him in the eye: ... it’s a cow
And Peter will have to sit down with Shuri so they can go through the last 5 years in memes
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Congratulations on your milestone! For the writing prompt: elevator + stucky 😊
Hey bestie! Thanks a lot for this, it was a fun one! 💖 Here's some budding office romance Stucky for you!
Stucky + elevator, General, 0.5k
The sky outside is already darkening in hues of peach and purple as Bucky makes his way through the empty office. It’s been a long day, and an even longer week, and he can feel a bundle of excitement mixed with anxiety settling in the pit of his stomach. He gets into the glass elevator and jabs the button for the lobby before leaning against the back wall. 
“Hey, wait up—“ 
The elevator doors are halfway closed when a hand appears between them, prompting them to slide back open. A man steps inside, adjusting the satchel on his shoulder and taking in the stunned look Bucky can feel on his own face. 
It’s Rogers from HR. 
“I’m sorry,” he says, his eyes wide. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” 
“No, it’s—” Bucky stands up straighter, running a hand through his hair. “I just thought I was the only one still here.” 
Rogers gives him a sideways nod, settling against the wall opposite to the control panel. “Friday evenings are good for wrapping up paperwork, it’s… well, it’s quiet.” 
Bucky hums in agreement as the elevator starts down. 
“You’re from the software development team, right?” Rogers looks at his shoes, then glances at Bucky through his lashes. 
“Yeah, I’m one of the UX designers.” 
Rogers nods. “You seem like a pretty close-knit group. It must be nice.” 
“Yeah, it is.” Bucky lifts a hand to the back of his neck. “Everyone’s really great, but I’m the closest with Shuri and Peter, they’re—” 
The elevator jolts to a halt. 
“—awesome,” Bucky finishes. “Why did we stop?” 
“I dunno, we’re between floors,” Rogers mutters, reaching over to press the lobby button again. 
Nothing happens. 
Bucky groans. “I can’t believe we’re stuck in an elevator in the smartest building in the world.” 
“Well, let’s see if we can do something about that.” Rogers presses the alarm button. 
“Now what?” Bucky asks, glancing up at the ceiling. 
“I guess now we wait.” Rogers slides down the wall to sit on the floor.
Bucky does the same. 
Bucky types out a message, then stares at his phone idly before shoving it back into his pocket. He lets out a long breath and wipes a hand across his face. 
“Did you have plans tonight?” 
“Huh?” Bucky looks up at Rogers, blinking. 
“I mean, that wasn’t… It’s none of my business. Sorry.” Rogers gives him a bashful look. 
“No, it’s fine, I just…” Bucky shakes his head. “Well, I have a date. Or, had a date, I suppose.” 
A complicated look flits across Rogers’s face. “Oh.” He chews on his lip. ”I can’t help feeling it’s my fault you’re stuck here with me instead.” 
”It’s okay, it probably wouldn't have worked out anyway.” Bucky looks at his hands. “I mean, this guy has stood me up twice already,” he admits in a sudden bout of honesty, knowing it makes it sound like he’s got no self respect whatsoever.
A silence falls between them.
”Look, it’s really not my place to say, but—“ Rogers eventually says, clearing his throat “—well, to be honest, he sounds like an asshole, and I don’t think he deserves to go out with you.” He pauses, like he’s considering his next words very carefully. “More importantly, though; you definitely deserve to go on a date with someone who’d never treat you like that.” 
Bucky looks up, surprised. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah.” Rogers smiles, his eyes bright blue and stupidly pretty. 
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From your prompt list could I request #49 fluff w/ Bucky please? 💙
A/N: The more of these I do, the longer they get 😭😭 I hope you like it!!
Word Count: 1086
Warnings: jealousy, imagining choking someone out, the usual yk?
Prompt: “Is somebody jealous?”
Steve was similar, just less touchy. Steve was his best friend in the whole world, and Bucky trusted him with his life. So, when he saw the punk trapping you in a headlock and you responded by hugging him around his waist, Bucky barely lifted his head to look.
That spidey-kid Peter was too young for you, despite going red in the face whenever you smiled at him, so naturally Bucky didn’t care when you’d give Peter a kiss on the head after breakfast.
Tony had Pepper, Natasha and Bruce were smitten with each other, and Clint, when he stayed at the compound, was just constantly showing everyone pictures of his kids.
All of this was to say that Bucky did not get jealous. He was secure in his friendships, and even more secure in his relationship. He trusted you to remain faithful to him, and he would never look twice at anyone but you. Your relationship had a strong foundation of mutual love and trust.
But dammit, he was about to wring that skinny little slimy god of mischief if he put one more hand on you.
Loki had been staying at the compound for the past month, and Thor was insistent that he was rehabilitated and no longer under the influence of the Tessaract. Loki, the real Loki, was welcomed into the tower with a few wary glances, but he was mostly left to his own devices. He was allowed to train with everyone, but he would not be sent on any missions until it was abundantly clear that he could be trusted.
Or until Bucky murdered him.
Bucky thought of himself as a reasonable guy, for the most part. Chill, even, once Shuri had wiped Hydra’s mind control from his brain. But when he saw Loki blatantly flirting with you, he saw red.
Right now he was watching as Loki baked with you, and found any excuse to put his hand on your waist or hip as he moved around you. Every time Loki smiled at you, Bucky imagined wrapping his metal hand around the greasy god’s throat. Every time Loki reached up to wipe flour off of your face, Bucky wanted to rip his entire arm off.
Again, it should be restated that Bucky trusts you. It’s just that… sometimes you think too innocently of people. It wasn’t your fault, you just actively chose to see the good in people. It’s one of the things he loved about you. But this time, Bucky wished you’d pin Loki’s face between your hand and the counter.
It was clear that Bucky would have to intervene. If he didn’t, he’d spend the next month stewing in anger. He just had to do it as innocently as possible.
He did his best to look nonchalant as he rose from the couch and made his way to the kitchen.
“Hey, doll. Whatcha makin’?” Bucky kept his eyes trained on you, trying to ignore Loki’s presence entirely.
“We’re baking cookies! And we have a batch of brownies in the oven too, the extra fudgy kind that you like,” you replied, beaming at him. You had this special smile that you reserved only for when he walked into the room. Your lips stretched wide, and your eyes brightened and crinkled up. You looked at him like you were excited to see him, even if you’d seen him twenty minutes before. Bucky loved it.
“You’re the best, baby,” Bucky leaned forward to kiss you on your smiling lips.
You sighed into what you thought was going to be an innocent peck, maybe something that lingered for a few seconds. To your surprise, Bucky’s metal arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you to press your body against his. His other hand to reach up and cup your face, his thumb softly rubbing along your cheekbone.
When he finally pulled away, he smirked down at you, before turning his head to look at Loki, who seemed sufficiently uncomfortable.
“You know what? You’ve been so helpful, you can go, bud, I’ll help clean up. Thanks for keeping my little baker company.” At first glance, anyone would think Bucky’s grin was friendly. But you, and Loki, knew that his suggestion of Loki leaving was not up for debate.
You waited until Loki left the kitchen before crossing your arms over your chest and raising an eyebrow at your boyfriend.
“What?” Bucky asked innocently.
“What was that all about?” You asked, your tone half amused and half annoyed. “Loki is the best baking assistant in this tower. Everyone else, including you, has me do all the work and eats half my batter.”
“I’m sure Loki was looking to eat something else,” Bucky grumbled under his breath. He quickly snapped his head up to look at you. “Hey! I’m a helpful baker!”
You stared at Bucky for a solid minute, before a smirk fell across your face. “Wait a minute-”
Bucky’s eyes widened. “No, no-”
“I should’ve known-”
“No, I’m-”
It wasn’t his most dignified moment. He may or may not have had his arms crossed and stamped his foot like a toddler. At that moment, he didn’t care. He just didn’t want to hear you say it.
“Is somebody jealous?”
God, he wished the floor would swallow him up.
“You are jealous!” you exclaimed, after he refused to respond. You wrapped your arms around his waist slowly. “Baby, look at me.”
He pouted like a child before raising his eyes to meet yours. “You trust me?”
Bucky nodded quickly, hurrying out an, “Of course I trust you!”
You smiled, leaning up to kiss him softly.
“Then you don’t have to worry about Loki. I promise you, he wasn’t flirting with me. I’m sure of it. Upon first meeting me, Loki was quick to assure me that mortals were ‘filthy little creatures with the lifespan of an ant’. He’s not interested in being anymore than a friend or teammate. And I only love you.”
Bucky leaned his forehead against yours, finally returning your embrace. “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” you smiled, “and it’s okay. Now, you promised to help clean up?”
Bucky groaned as you patted his cheek and called out a, “Get to work!”
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oswildin · 3 years
(CLOSED FOR THE MOMENT) Open for Marvel Ships!
My ask box is open for ship requests! I haven’t done these in years but wanted to do some again.
You will receive a character I ship you with, along with a best bud ship with a short description of your relationship and a theme song attached.
Characters you could be paired with:
• (LOKI) - Loki Laufeyson, Sylvie, Mobius
• (AVENGERS) - Thor, Tony Stark, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Bruce Banner, Steve Rogers, Scott Lang
• (FALCON & WINTER SOLDIER) Sam Wilson, Bucky Barnes
• (GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY) Peter Quill, Gamora, Nebula
• (OTHER) Pepper Potts, Monica Rambeau, Peggy Carter, Shuri, Darcy Lewis, Valkayrie
Any characters not included are due to me not fully knowing their character arc/characteristics.
To receive a ship send me;
• A little bio about yourself (hobbies, interests, job/career)
• (Not essential but would help) Age, Gender & Sexuality (height if you wanna throw it in also!)
• What your favourite Marvel film is, and your favourite song
• A quote you love/say a lot
Easy as that! Look forward to shipping ya’ll ✨
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thesuitkovian · 3 years
What Pets the Avengers (And Co) Would Have
A mutt he took off the street, named him something very human like Brent or Andrew.
A white cat named Alpine.
A cat, would let Monica name it.
A golden retriever or a german shepherd. `
A lizard or reptile of some kind.
A large dog, like a mastiff or a great dane.
A pug named Serg.
Snake with no name, he just calls them Snake.
A jetski.
A rabbit named Snowball.
A hedgehog, with some kind of badass name like Chaos or Spike.
An orange cat named Goose.
A black and white horse named Lady.
Peter P
Stray mutt named Sandwich.
Peter Q
A racoon named Rocket.
Greyhound named Mauricio.
A black lab, probably named something like Bailey or Max.
An Ant named Antony.
A white persian cat named Delphine.
A capuchin monkey she rescued from animal traffickers.
An owl, who’s name has a deep meaning none of us will ever understand.
A boxer named Bud or Buddy
A ferret, named something with vibes similar to Sylvie, like Elsie or Sybil.
A tabby cat named T’Daka (Got this with a “Random Wakandan Name Generator'', did you know they have those???)
A male calico cat named Skur.
A female calico cat named Maria, after his mother. (Tony likes to tell Thor he has the superior calico cat.)
A bearded dragon named Spartacus.
A fucking pegasus named Athena.
An orange cat named David or Robert or something similar.
A dog named Mr. Shuggums.
A dog named Sparky.
A stray, grey cat named Meist
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lilbabycee · 4 years
Need some more miles embarassing / outing his parents content that shit is too funny!
appreciative // steve rogers
↳ pairing: steve rogers x reader
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this must be done:
you and steve’s son, miles, has a never-ending supply of energy and with that comes a never-ending supply of questions
you’re so proud because he is the smartest little baby you’ve ever met and his vocabulary and articulation is getting pretty advanced as he gets older
so you’re not surprised when you’re curled up on the couch in your living room, a book in your hand and blanket draped over your legs, and your son comes padding into the room
he parks himself in your lap and sticks his thumb in his mouth, sucking while he just blinks at you
his baby blues drill into your forehead as his long eyelashes brush against his skin
absent-mindedly, you tug at his wrist so that his thumb pops out of his mouth and sigh, closing your book and putting it on the coffee table after bookmarking your page 
the moment your book is out of your hands, miles grins, moving further into your body and lays his head on your chest, comforted by the softness of it that he can’t get from his father
“mama,” he starts, little fingers playing with the bracelet on your wrist. you note that he looks a little nervous but you want him to tell you himself
you rest your chin on the top of his head while you comb your fingers through his thick hair
“yes, baby.”
“you know how my- my birthday is tomorrow?”
“yes, i do know how your birthday is tomorrow. how old are you gonna be, miles? show me.”
he proudly holds up four fingers and you blow a raspberry into his cheek which makes him giggle
“that’s right, honey. you’re gonna be four, which means you’ll be a big boy-”
miles gives you a deadpan look and you stifle a laugh when he crosses his arms and tells you for the millionth time: “mama, i’m already a big boy.”
“mmhm,” you chuckle. “are you excited for your party?”
he nods but twists his lips to the side, raising his hand to stick his thumb back in his mouth but you stop him halfway
“what’s going on, bud?”
“i- i- i wanna- i wanna,” he huffs sweetly, stopping to think about what he wants to say before opening his mouth again, “i’m scared.”
this shocks you - your son is quite literally fearless. he isn’t scared of what most kids his age (and adults) are terrified of: the dark, clowns, monsters under his bed - he’s braved it all with no qualms at all
“what’re you so scared of, baby?” your mind goes to a thousand different terrifying scenarios and your voice immediately bleeds concern like an open wound. even miles can sense it - you can tell because he leans back and his eyes dart between yours as he places a comforting hand on your arm
(you almost laugh because who’s supposed to be the parent here?)
“s’not that bad,” he goes back to fidgeting, averting his gaze from yours. “i just- i’m scared ‘cause- ‘cause if i don’t like my present, what do i do?”
your heart stops trying to beat out of your chest and instead a huge smile spreads across your face
“oh my god, you scared me, honey - is that all, miles?” 
he still refuses to meet your eyes but he nods
your laugh is relieved as you run a hand up and down your son’s arm
“if you don’t like the present, bud, you just smile, say thank you and move on. they don’t have to know you don’t like it.”
your heart falls again when your son finally looks back up at you, eyes wet and bottom lip trembling as he attempts to hold back tears
“but that’s lying! i don’t wanna lie, mama!”
jesus, this boy is more like his dad than you ever realized
but your heart is threatening to burst because it’s so full with all of the love that you have for your compassionate almost four year old
“oh, angel,” you coo and he buries his face in your breasts, fisting your shirt as sobs shake his body
rubbing his back, you try to think of a viable alternative for him: “shh, shh, relax, relax. would it make you feel better if i just tell everyone not to bring presents-”
“no!” he exclaims, looking up at you desperately. “i want presents! i just- mama, i don’t wanna be mean.”
you only realize how long his hair is getting when you brush it out of his eyes: “sweetheart, they won’t mind if you don’t like it. as long as they know you’re grateful and appreciative in the end, hmm?”
“app- appre- appreciate-? mama, i don’t know that word.”
you smile while helping him sound it out
“you know what appreciate means.” he nods. “appreciative is the same word, just as an adjective. it means the same thing as grateful.”
“so i tell them when i don’t like my present but i have to be appre- i have to appreciate it.”
“well, yeah, but maybe don’t tell them-”
“okay, mama!” he kisses your cheek before hopping off of your lap and running out of the room with a “thank you!”
the sun shines down on miles’ outdoor birthday party. miles - who has invited all of his friends from pre-k and all of the avengers - is showered with affection and compliments all day, spending plenty of time hanging out with his favorite uncle bucky 
miles is having so much fun that he almost forgets about presents altogether, but tony keeps urging you and steve to open them now because he wants to see miles’ face when he opens his gift
(it was a starkpad that you definitely yelled at tony about later because he’s four and you already have a headache just thinking about how much time you’re gonna spend prying it away from him)
so you’ve formed a circle, you and steve flanking miles on either side as he tears open the paper to a reveal a multitude of presents
and thankfully, the people in attendance all know your son fairly well so he’s loved every single gift he’s opened
“love you peter! love you shuri!” miles stands up and throws himself into the two teenagers’ legs when he sees that they’re taking him to disneyland and your heart warms at the way all of their eyes light up
but trouble ensues when wanda hands him his present and he rips it open to reveal... a train set?
miles quietens and although nobody else really notices, too busy chatting away, you observe the change in his demeanor because it’s obvious that he doesn’t like it. he once said to steve verbatim: “daddy, i don’t like trains. trains are stupid” to which steve laughed and subsequently told him off for 
(”stupid is not a nice word, miles. would you like it if someone called you stupid?”
“...no i wouldn’t, daddy.”)
“what do you think, miles?” wanda probes, an excited smile on her face and there’s a pause where you silently pray that miles won’t say anything-
“mama said i should tell the truth so... i don’t like it, auntie wanda. but mama also said i should be ‘preciative, so thank you!”
and you’ve never wanted to the floor to swallow you as much as you have in this moment
people quieten while miles puts the train set aside, stands up and heads over to his auntie wanda
wanda, who looks to be absolutely crushed, furrows her brow in confusion and looks at you
you casually look anywhere but her, feeling your face heat up and instead choose to busy yourself with gathering the wrapping paper into one pile 
you hear snickers come from behind you and when you look over your shoulder, steve is red in the face with trying to hold back his laughter, as is bucky, but sam, rhodey and tony are actually just full-on cackling at your discomfort
a fierce scowl you send their way makes them shut up... just for a minute, though
you chance a glance at wanda and feel a sense of relief when you see miles trying to cheer her up, arms wound around her neck while he presses a huge kiss on her cheek with a loud “mwah!”
(she’s still staring at you but all you can do is mouth a regretful “sorry!”)
luckily, that was the last present and you take this opportunity get as far away as possible from this entire situation
heading into the kitchen to throw the paper away, you feel a strong body behind yours and when thick arms wind around your waist, you know that it’s your husband. you turn in his arms to face him and scowl at the mirth in his eyes
“baby,” he wheezes, still chuckling, “wanda’s pretty upset. what did you tell him?”
“oh my god,” you bury your face in your hands because this is so embarrassing and you feel awful. “i- steve, he literally came to me yesterday because he was so scared that he wasn’t going to like his gifts.”
“why didn’t you tell him to just not say anything... or lie?” steve’s laughter intensifies and it’s hard to refrain from grinning youself
“i did! and then he burst into tears at the mere thought of it and i didn’t know what to do! so i told him that if he was just honest and appreciative, then everything would be fine and nobody would think he was being rude-”
steve cuts you off with a roar of laughter, tears spilling from his eyes as his head falls onto your shoulder
“why are you laughing?! this is your fault! he did not get that moral compass from me.”
steve only laughs harder
“shut up, stop! it’s not funny, babe, people are gonna think i’m a terrible mom.”
“doll, no one thinks you’re a terrible mom,” steve immediately sobers up and looks you straight in the eyes. “people were just telling me how good it is that you’re teachin’ him to be honest.”
“stop lying.”
“i’m serious!” he holds his hands up. “on my way in here, people kept stopping me and telling me that he’s such an honest, polite little boy. he could’ve thrown a fit like a lot of other kids would if they didn’t like what they got for their birthday - but he didn’t. and that’s because you’re a great mom.”
you smile bashfully and you hook your fingers in his belt loops, pulling him towards you. you lean in to capture his lips between yours, grateful that he’s provided you with some reassurance, and he tightens the grip of his hands on your waist, running his tongue along the seam of your lips as he deepens the kiss
“daddy, mama- ew! gross!” 
miles runs in but stops short, covering his eyes dramatically when he sees his father with his tongue down your throat
steve pulls away from you with a fond smile on his face as you sigh, forehead resting on steve’s shoulder
“what’s up, buddy?”
miles runs to his father and raises his arms, making steve lift him up and sit him on the countertop
“i ‘pologized to auntie wanda,” he tells you
“oh yeah?”
“yeah,” he swings his legs back and forth, looking between you and steve, “i was being a meanie. but she said it was fine and then she said she’s gonna take the trains back to the store.”
“that’s great, miles, i’m so proud of you,” steve hugs him and kisses him on the cheek which makes miles beam, proudly showing off the gap between his two front teeth. “but you weren’t being mean. sometimes there’s just such a thing as being too honest, y’know?”
miles nods, “i guess so, daddy. i miss you, can you guys come back outside?”
“yes we can, sweetheart,” you run a hand through his hair. and before steve can even bring him back down, your son jumps off of the counter (”oh my god!” you squeal because this boy is going to give you a heart attack) and sprints out of the room
on his way out, you grab the back of steve’s neck to pull his lips back to yours but are interrupted again by a very insistent voice
“and no more kissing!”
“bud, who are you talking to?” 
that’s bucky’s voice
“uncle ‘ucky, mama and daddy are kissing! at my birthday party!”
bucky gasps: “no! ew!”
“i know!” 
i am crying goodbye
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themculibrary · 2 years
Genius/Smart Peter Parker Masterlist
5 Times Everyone Forgot How Smart Peter Actually Was… (ao3) - Zenny01 G, 3k
Summary: Peter is really smart. Some might even compare his IQ to that of Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. He can even keep up with the likes of Shuri! But not everyone knows that. Actually, no one does. One by one, the Avengers begin to discover that Peter is smarter than he lets on.
A False Sense of (In)security (ao3) - driftingskies237 T, 2k
“I can’t believe you know all of that!” Uncle Ben smiles as a young Peter rambles to his Uncle on the way to the Expo. “You’re a really smart kid, Peter.” Younger him blushes, “Sure, Uncle Ben.” “You really are. I wouldn’t lie to you,” He promises.
Peter’s not sure what his Uncle would say about him now.
A picture says a thousand words (ao3) - madasthesea G, 1k
Summary: Tony goes to Peter’s Academic Decathlon competition, has an epiphany and his picture taken.
Avenger's Tower -> A Spider’s Playground (ao3) - MistingDreams_ThunderingSeams G, 3k
Summary: Flash’s voice lowered. “They don’t actually know what Spider-Man’s powers are? Don’t they work with him now a days?”
“Sometimes.” Peter shrugged. “I still catch plenty of photos with Spider-Man patrolling on his own.”
“What’s this? Spider-Man?” The Osborne heir sounded bored and disinterested.
“Spider-Man is the best.” Flash glared at him. “He’s out there for the little guy!”
Harry smirked. “Guess it’s just that I’m not one of the ‘little guys’, Flash. I don’t really need the everyday vigilante.”
going up in the world (in your esteem, actually, but that's my world) (ao3) - Sunpops1 G, 7k
Summary: But here he is. A pre-programmed contact in his phone like Peter put him in there himself. Tony Stark.
Peter guesses he shouldn’t be surprised. It is a Stark phone. Tony is an eccentric billionaire. This is a logical conclusion.
“Mr. Stark?” Peter says, in disbelief, after he picks it up. He asks: “Is it really you?”
“Hey, we need to take pictures,” Tony says.
Or: The Stark internship becomes a real thing. They take pictures.
How to Repair a Broken Heart (ao3) - InfluentialPineapple happy/pepper M, 227k
Summary: The Mechanic has a lot on his plate; Thanos is coming, the Guardians of the Galaxy are marooned, Thaddeus Ross is reaching right down his throat, and a budding super hero deserves his full attention.  
Kid Genius (ao3) - inkinmyheartandonthepage G, 958
Summary: There is a bomb about to go off and the team has split up. The Avengers learn just how smart Peter Parker is.
Martian Child (ao3) - name_me_regret E, 59k
Summary: Peter is a super genius and gets discovered by Tony Stark almost a year early… Also, he doesn’t know he’s Spider-Man…
Mini Boss, Let Me Adopt You (ao3) - AriaEmu pepper/tony T, 4k
Summary: People always thought the Stark Industries were made by genius, composed people who always know what to do in every pinch situation.
my Dad-Fu is better than yours (ao3) - Besidemyself pepper/tony G, 7k
Summary: Tony is a proud dadTM who likes to brag about the awesome things Peter is doing in school.  
Peter Parker Sets It Straight (and has a run-in with a fire hydrant) (ao3) - Marvelchinchilla T, 3k
Summary: Peter Parker has a run-in with a fire hydrant and the Avengers.
Problem Solved (ao3) - SilverDraconyx G, 1k
Summary: What do you do when you accidentally discover a dangerous secret? Or rather a dangerous lack of security that could basically lead to world war three!
Or is Peter just being dramatic?
Either way, who the heck can he tell? Who would even believe him?
Progress Report (ao3) - sameuspegasus N/R, 10k
Summary: Ms. Warren has some questions for Tony Stark regarding the exact nature of Peter’s internship. She gets invited to the lab to see for herself.
Show Off (ao3) - TheAsexualofSpades G, 4k
Summary: Peter doesn't want to go to the big fancy party with the Avengers. He's afraid he'll just feel out of place the whole time. Of course, the rest of the team knows better, and they're gonna show him so.
It's a good thing Peter doesn't get embarrassed easily, right?
The Marvel that is Spider-Man (ao3) - Kamikaze132 peter/gwen, pepper/tony M, 76k
Summary: For a long time, I've been reading spidey fics that have always portrayed Peter Parker as a shy, immature teenager who seems to be overly reliant on Tony Stark. And while those I can enjoy, I yearn for a fic that portrays a mature, grown up and confident Peter Parker who can stand without Tony Stark supporting him. What if, instead of meeting a shy, cocky, immature Peter Parker, Tony Stark met a man whose intelligence rivals his own, and who knows exactly what he's doing? This story is about a Peter Parker who is confident, sassy, not afraid to let his intelligence shine through, and a spider man who can handle just about anything.
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random-fandom1 · 3 years
Lights were blaring, music blasting, sweaty bodies grinding against eachother. A hand touches Peter waist, lips attach themselves to his neck. A man, his name is James? What a strange name. A hot name. A perfect name for such a hot man. Moans escape him. Lips continue to assault his neck, a hand pulls him towards the exit
"Is this okay?"
That voice. If you could fall in love with voices, Peter would be walking down the aisle.
8 years later
“Olly James Parker! Hurry up, you don't want to be late for your aunts! You know what MJ did last time.” Peter shudders remembering about how MJ purposely put sand in his salad the last time they were late. The quick patter of soft feet can be heard from the landing upstairs and suddenly a small boy dressed in overalls appears at the top of the stairs, a mop of brown curls covering his left eye.
"Where are we going daddy? Are we going to that fancy place Auntie Shuri took us last week? I didn't like that place, the big red things had strange eyes and the plates. They were, they were too big," The boy made huge over the top circles with his arms. Peter had to agree though, the plates were bloody huge, "I like the cafe Auntie MJ takes us too. I like Kath. She's nice. The pink doughnuts are my favourite" Peter listened to his son rant on about how pink doughnuts are his favourite from Cafe Asgard for about 5 minutes before speaking up. 
"There's no need to worry babe, Auntie MJ is picking the place I think. Shuri and MJ had bet on who stole more of the others clothes, turns out it was Shuri and then Shuri, being the competitive bitch she is decided to try and seduce -" Realising he was wandering off appropriate topics for a 7 year old, and that he'd slipped up twice in that story. He looks down to realise he's probably safe as the boy is still going on about how the sprinkles are the right amount of hard. "Go get your shoes on bud"
"Ok" and with that Olly ran down the hall, curls bouncing with every step. 
Peter couldn't help but admire his son. About how he was an exact copy of him, from the hair to the freckles scattered across his body. Olly carried his and his dad's intelligence and needed to figure out how stuff works. He was a total clone. Well, almost. He had his eyes. Those beautiful steel blue eyes, the ones that looked at him with so much passion that night. Peter cried when Olly opened his eyes for the first time, realising that he's going to have to be reminded of the man he fell in love with, the man who left him alone and pregnant in his bed, everyday for the rest of his life. He's going to be reminded of James.
Peter is pulled out of his thoughts by a small hand tugging his jacket. 
"Come on daddy, I hear a horn honking outside. I don't want Aunties MJ & Shuri to be mad at me" Olly says, looking at his father with huge eyes, genuinely scared of angering his impatient aunts. Resisting the urge to coo, He crouches down in front of his son and wraps him in a hug.
"Oh buddy, they'd never be mad at you...me though, that's a different story. So on that note, chop chop, I'm quite fond of my head" Peter stands up from his crouched position, takes Olly's hand and walks out the front door
"-and the dinosaur was big and green with spik-" 
"Ok Olls, I think that's enough of that story. Why don't we head inside" Peter said, holding a tight smile on his face. He unbuckled Olly and headed inside, followed closely by MJ and Shuri. MJ instantly headed towards their usual table beside the window while Shuri made her way into the queue where she instantly started talking to a brown haired man. 'Must be a friend from work' Peter thought. He crouched down to Olly’s level, "Why don't you go get a table with Auntie MJ and Auntie Shuri and I will order the food? You want a pink doughnut and a strawberry and banana milkshake, right?" Olly nodded and ran off towards MJ.
Peter took a moment to think about how he got to this very moment, about how he ended up having Olly. He thought back to the morning after. He woke up alone. James just slept with him, got up early in the morning and left without a word. Peter had to show himself out of his house. There was no note, no contact number, no nothing. All there was was a growing fetus and Peter who couldn't get the man with steel blue eyes and godlike voice out of his head. It was clear that he wanted nothing to do with Peter so in return, Peter decided that he didn't need him. That he can raise Olly by himself without another person. It helped that he had a big family and money was never an issue, seeing as his dad owns the biggest tech company in the world and his pops is a captain in the army. Sure he thought about going back to the flat, seeing if James felt the same way about him as he did. He wondered if Bucky would raise Olly with him, if they could be a family. He's shaken from his thoughts by his phone binging in his pocket. 
Pulling it out of his pocket, he sees a message from his pops. 
‘hey pete, do you know how to activate that protocol you used to wake us up with? Monster ear or something? dads fell asleep in his locked lab again. thanks, have a good day petey. love you x’ 
Peter lets out a chuckle when he reads the message. Trust his dad to forget to unlock the lab door. He starts to make his way over to where Shuri is holding their place in the line, typing back a reply to his pops. 
“-and then glenn tried to make me take out her copies, like who does she think i am - oh, Pete there you are. I thought you got lost on your way over. Here meet my boss, Bucky, he knows all about yo - get off your phone it's rude” Shuri says, getting annoyed by his ignorance. 
“Yeah, yeah. My pops is asking about commands again. I swear he never stops” he says, putting his phone into his back pocket and looking at Shuri. Peter was yet to look at the man in front of him, too busy giving Shuri a death glare.
“It's a pleasure to meet you Peter, Shuris told me a lot about you. She tells me almost daily about your latest mix up, I must say you have a lot.”
Peter freezes
Time stops
It's that voice, the voice he fell in love with. That deep and gruff voice with the right amount of softness on the edges. It's like music, the voice of angels.
He slowly turns his head to look at the man in front of him, watches as his eyes widen upon getting a full view of his face, realising washing over him. 
Everything around them become background noise
The only people left in the cosy cafe are them, scrap that actually, the only people in the whole world are them.
They must be zoned out for a while because suddenly Shuris snapping her fingers in between them. Peter's cheeks flush a dark scarlet and he closes his mouth which must have fallen open. 
“Peter, you have no idea how much I - fuck, Ive thought about this moment for so long, and I - god, I dont know what to say” Peters eyes snap back up to meet those eyes, those pools of steel blue. They haven't left his mind for years, haunted him around any corner he tried to turn. 
Thats when he realised, he was in love with him. He loved James, he hasn't seen him for years, met him once before that, but fuck, he loved him. 
“I-uh - I…”
“Daddy, whos this? His eyes look like mine. Isn’t that funny?” Olly comes over and stands next to his father, looking up at, well, his other father. Bucky looks down at Olly, then back up to Peter, then back down to Olly. You can practically see the gears turning in his head, probably trying to figure out who this is, probably piecing it together slowly. Peter gulps and then looks down at Olly.
“Olly, I told you to stay with Auntie MJ. You know what happened last ti -” Peters cut off for what feels like the 50th time today. 
“How old are you kid?” His voice is shaking 
“Don’t answer that”
“Whos your other daddy?”
“Don't answer that either, go back to Aun-”
“Answer me, how old are you kid?”
Olly is slightly hiding behind Shuris leg, not quite sure what to do. 
“You can’t just go around asking people you've slept with and then left alone to clean up the pieces with not even a contact number or note or anything’s kids how old they are, what is wrong with you?!”
Something flashes across Buckys face, regret and hurt, but they quickly go back to rage. Steel blue eyes turning into a stormy grey, like a storm at sea.
“I can if they may be my child!”
“That doesn't make it right!”
“For god's sake, stop being so difficult-”
“I’m being difficult? Do you hear yours-”
“I do funnily enough -”
They’re interrupted by a small voice
“Im almost eight…”
Both they’re heads snap round, looking at the source of the voice. There they see Olly holding up 8 fingers. Tears well up in James’ eyes, the final piece clicking into the jigsaw
“Hes my son..” Its barely above a whisper. Peter lets out a defeated sigh
“Yeah, he's your son” 
Slowly James crouches down to Olly's level. Olly looks him over, analyses him as if he's trying to figure out what's inside this man. It's scary that Bucky has the exact same look on his face. Eyebrows furrowed, steel eyes cloudy. It makes Peter's heart let out small flutters.
“Hey there kiddo, Im, well im your papa.” Olly takes a second to process what's just been said before running into his papas arms. Tears are streaming down his face. Both their faces. Scrap that, tears are running down most of the people in the cafe’s faces. 
“I've always wanted a papa, daddy always used to say that you went on a mission to space and that its taking a while. But he always said you’ll be back.” 
“Did he now?” Bucky looks into his eyes and all is said in that look. 
He was going to do whatever it takes to be a part of this family, to be with the man he loves and their son.
And Peter wouldn't have it any other way.
“Whats a bitch papa?”
Shuri cackles, an old lady gasps and Bucky's eyes widen comically
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spooderboyandtincan · 4 years
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35071825https://archiveofourown.org/works/34937053/chapters/87002521(Please excuse the mess)
Tony Stitches Peter Up - Peter shows up bleeding out. Tony tries not to have a breakdown.
Chinese Food for Fridays - Random fluff with Tony, Peter and May.
Just Lost for a Minute Chapter 1 & 2 - Peter has a notorious habit of getting lost.
Well That Was Awkward -  Peter's classmates find him talking to the Tony Stark, who shouldn't even know he exists. So, naturally, chaos ensues.
Close to My Heart - A short fic full of angst and hurt/ comfort
In the Dead of Night Part 1 and 2 - Tony and Peter comforting each other through their nightmares.
Stark Only Cares for Himself - Steve thinks Tony only loves himself. He was wrong.
Spider-Man, Spider-Man - Peter proudly plays his new theme song to the Avengers.
Teething - Baby Peter is teething. Tony is very stressed.
Well at least it’s not on fire - One late night, Peter and Tony try to bake a cake. 
They’re Good Uncles, But.... Chapter 1 and 2 - Uncles Rhodey and Happy are babysitting Peter when the penthouse decides to set fire.
Time to Die... Of Embarrassment - May pulls out Peter’s baby pictures.
You Terrified Me - Bio son Peter breaks curfew. Tony is scared.
He’s not as bad as I thought - Peter has a panic attack when only Bucky is there. The two bond over Star Wars.
Lemongrass Tea - Peter is delighted to find a bubble tea shop opened downtown. He decides to try lemongrass. Unfortunately, spiders are allergic to it.
Other Fics
Car Crash Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 4 - A fun road trip leads to a disaster. Chapters 4/4
Nose Bleed - Both Tony and Peter are shocked when Peter suffers his first  nosebleed.
Baby Peter - A fluffy fic with toddler Peter and his dad
On the Ceiling - Tony finds his toddler not in his bed, but on the ceiling.
A Few Heart Attacks - Peter takes a major hit for Tony and barely survives.
Vlogging - Peter, Ned, and Shuri as seen through their vlog.
Hammock - Peter discovers the many wonderful pleasures of a hammock.
Something is Wrong - Peter collapses and scares the shit out of Tony.
Hot Chocolate and Cuddles - A fluffy fic about the first snow.
Here Comes Trouble, Make it Double - Peter had had a good day. But not anymore.
Don’t Worry, I’ll Sue Thor - Peter’s definitely not afraid of storms. Nope. Not one bit.
I Love You So, So Much - Tony tries to protect Peter from Hydra by keeping him in the tower... unfortunately, Hydra is at the tower too.
Midnight Snack - Peter has a late night snack on the ceiling.
Why the Hell Were You on the Ceiling?! - A very short fic where Peter falls asleep on the ceiling.
How do you Tie a Tie? - Tony shows Peter how to tie a tie. Peter is unsure that he belongs with the famous Avengers.
Please Don’t Kill Flash - Peter and Flash get kidnapped together. Tony is frantic.
Presumed Dead - Peter won’t eat, talk, sleep. He has nothing to live for if Tony is dead.
A Fast but Steady Heartbeat - Peter, Tony and Rhodey are enjoying their afternoon at a restaurant until the building and their food explodes.
October 30th, Day Before Halloween - Tony gets an emergency call. The Parkers have been attacked.
Peter’s Favorite Avenger? Not anymore - The Avengers meet Peter. Tony was terrified at first, and now he’s jealous. He’s still Peter’s favorite Avenger, right?
Drowning - The mission was supposed to be simple. It wasn’t. 
Rough Day? Or just tired? - Tony and Peter have a movie night. Peter falls asleep halfway through.
Temporarily Blind (and more) Chapter 1, 2, 3 , 4 - Peter goes blind. Not only that, but he’s dying.
Baby’s First Battle - Toddler Peter sneaks onto the Quinjet to help find his dad.  
Scream - Tony taught his little toddler to scream as loud as he could if someone he didn’t know tried to touch him. But he prayed Peter would never, ever end up in a situation like that. 
Being a Dad - Tony had to keep himself from calling Peter every ten seconds, reminding himself that FRIDAY was there and would alert him if anything happened. He had a deep feeling that something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
Happy Tears - Peter squirmed uncomfortably, the hard plastic chair digging into his back. He glanced at the clock. 2 am. Everyone else was asleep. May, Pepper, Nat, Sam. And Tony. Tony had been asleep for five days. 
Happy Birthday Peter! - Celebrating Peter’s birthday!
A Building Fell on You?! - Peter wakes up screaming. When Tony asks what his nightmare was about, Peter responds that a warehouse collapsed on him.
Hibernation -  Peter's spider side decides it's time to go into hibernation.
Blanket Forts - Peter is stressed from school. (Self-projection? Mayhaps) Tony knows just how to help.
Happy Halloween! -  Peter, Tony, and May's amazing, eventful day of picking pumpkins, carving said pumpkins, and getting spooked by watching Buzzfeed Unsolved.
You Came Back to Me - "Peter took another sip, expecting his dry throat to be blissfully cleared by the sweet cherry flavored drink.
The burning in his throat only grew. He felt like his stomach was  turning inside out and his chest had been stabbed with needle-sharp knives. The back of his neck prickled and he felt like he was in the middle of a blizzard but also in a desert with the sun directly overhead at the same time."
Or: Peter gets poisoned
tonystank and bananaboy -  Tony and Peter play Among Us, which can only result in a chaotic tickle fight (in which Peter loses drastically) and a (platonic) cuddle session while watching Star Trek.
You’re Gonna Miss Me When I’m Gone Ao3 -  When Tony had made his monthly anonymous donation of 50,000 to Peter's highschool, he hadn't thought that they would use the money to whisk his kid away to Vienna, Austria for an entire week.
I Want a Baby - Prompt from @milla-romy : I wish you would write a fic... about the Superfamily 💖
(Tony wants to adopt a baby. Steve isn't so sure.)
Presumed Dead -  After a HYDRA mission goes wrong, Peter is presumed dead and Tony mourns his son, until...
Sunny Son -  "Today is Friday, and Tony’s watch has just pinged, alerting him that Peter has arrived at the tower. He types out a quick text on the small surface of the watch: I’ll be up in 30 bud! and focuses his attention on the presenter, not because the presentation is in any way interesting, but because he needs to focus on something other than being separated from his kid.
Only thirty minutes, he thinks to himself, and he can go upstairs and cuddle his kid."
Or, Tony is a soft dad who wants to cuddle his kid- who can't stop giving him a heart attack every ten minutes.
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starkerforlife6969 · 5 years
Single Dad Peter x Head Master Tony
It’s not that he likes raising his voice and yelling at students. It isn’t that he enjoys the instant obedience and silence that ensues after he snaps out a command. 
It’s just that he’s brilliant at it. 
Like a dog barking all her puppies into submission with one sound. Sure, he has other things on his resumé, but let’s be real- the ‘teacher’ voice, that’s what’s got him this far: Headmaster of Princeton Preparatory School. 
And sure enough, Harley Parker, looks small after the wrath of Tony’s lecture.
Sitting in the chair opposite the desk in the head teacher’s office, Harley’s bangs obscure his eyes- but Tony can see that they’re downcast. His cheeks are flushed with shame. He looks guilty, embarrassed, pleading of forgiveness, all things Tony very much appreciates in a student causing trouble. 
But like he said, he doesn’t like seeing his students look that way, so he takes a breath and leans forward on his desk. 
“Listen, Harley,” he says, gentling his tone. “I don’t mean to be hard on you, I know you’ve got a brilliant mind, but the stuff you’ve been pulling lately? The lab could’ve burst into flames, someone could have been really hurt. It was so reckless and stupid and for nothing, do you get that?”
Harley nods his head. “Yes, Sir.” He whispers meekly. 
Tony sighs, looking down at the file. Harley’s file isn’t the biggest in the school, but… “I’m sorry, kid. I’m gonna have to call home over this one.”
At that, Harley’s head jerks up. His blue eyes are frantic. “What?”
“Fifth disciplinary, Harley, I should’ve called your guardian after three but I like you, kid. Can’t cut you anymore slack.”
“N-no! Please, Sir, please!” Harley pleads, tone desperate. 
It makes Tony pause. He knows, god does he know, what it’s like to have stern parents. Parents who are too hard on their kids- ones who might be downright cruel over something like this... but he’s bent the rules too many times already. “I’m sorry, bud. Now, who am I calling? Mom, dad, aunt?” He flips through the file for the contact information. 
Harley sinks into his chair, looking pale. He looks almost sick. Jeez, Tony feels bad for him-
“Kid, c’mon now-“
“Please don’t call my dad.” Harley chokes out, “please. Please, I’ll- I’ll have lunchtime detention for a month, or, or you could force me to join mathletes, or you could ban me from soccer, but don’t-“
If it wasn’t deemed as inappropriate by the school board, Tony would give the fourteen year old a hug. As it is, he just peers down over the rim of his glasses and speaks softly: “Is there any reason I shouldn’t call your dad, Harley? You can tell me, you know, you’re perfectly safe to-“
Harley scoffs at him, full of teenager derision and attitude that makes them go from cute to disgusting in 0.3 seconds flat. “That’s not it, Mr Stark, just…do you have to?”
“I have to. Sit tight, bud.”
He takes Harley’s file out of his office and into reception. Janine smiles up at him. He feels bad again when he sees the contact details on Harley’s folder: just a dad. No one else. Still, the neighbourhood for the address is nice- then again, Tony knows that money doesn’t always make up for a lack of love. 
He gives the number to Janine and then heads back into his office to work, while Harley sits quietly, looking terribly pitiful. 
35 minutes later, which is a very good response time for a presumably working parent, Mr Parker has arrived. The heavy wooden door is opened by Janine, and in behind her steps-
Well, gone is what Tony pictured. This is no stern old man with a cane and absurd expectations, this man is- he’s- he’s beautiful. He’s flushed pink with exertion, hair like oaky waves of chestnut, and wearing a ridiculously cute bowtie and suspenders. 
“Oh god, is- Harley! Baby, are you okay?” He cries, flitting over to where Harley has stood up and frantically peppering kisses all over his face.
The teenager lets himself be coddled, though he does make a face. “Dad, I’m fine-“
“Then what’s- why-“
“Mr Parker, I’m sorry for alarming you, this is disciplinary, not medical.” Tony interjects smoothly, and finally feels the weight of the man’s gaze on him. His eyes are endless. Tony could stare into them forever.
Janine coughs, and it sounds suspiciously like a laugh, as she closes the door and leaves.
“Disciplinary?” Harley’s dad repeats, standing protectively in front of his son. “Did someone hurt Harley?”
Tony raises an eyebrow, and Harley shrinks into his dad’s embrace.
“A-actually, dad…” the boy begins, but loses his courage.
Tony sighs. “Mr Parker, actually-“
“Peter, please,” Peter corrects, taking a seat beside his son. He’s got a supple leather satchel strapped on his shoulder that he sets down. Money indeed. And yet still so… “I don’t understand why anyone would bully my Harley, he’s- he’s brilliant, an absolute angel, and- and- you’re not hurt, are you, sweetheart?” 
Harley shakes his head and Tony understands. 
There’s no fear there. Not of Peter. Peter clearly thinks the world and more of his son, and Harley…Harley’s scared to let him down. Even now, the boy’s eyes are huge and pleading. Tony’s almost tempted to- but no. No. “Peter, then, Harley and a few of his friends snuck into the science labs without permission and without adult supervision and started playing around with the chemicals. They set off the fire alarm and could very well have caused an explosion. They’re very lucky no one was hurt.”
Peter’s gorgeous lips part in horror, and he shakes his head immediately. “Harley would never-“
“Dad,” Harley croaks, voice small, “I- I did it. I’m so sorry-“
“Harley,” Peter whispers, “why?”
“I just wanted to- I wanted to make new stuff, like you do-“ Harley hiccups, eyes filling with tears, “I wanted to impress you-“
“Baby, you do impress me,” Peter cries, reaching over to scoop his son into his embrace and clutch him tight. “You impress me every day, I tell you that-“
“No, but properly.” Harley insists, “my ch-chemistry grade’s been slipping and-and I want to be as good at science as you are-“
“Harley,” Peter admonishes, but it’s devastatingly full of love, “are you crazy, chipmunk? A B- in Chemistry? That’s amazing, I’m so proud of you. Chemistry is so hard- and you got an A in history- in history! Do I know anything about the civil war? No, but you do and I’m so jealous of you.” Peter presses their noses together, “don’t you ever dare feel like you’re not living up to standard, because you exceed them just by being you.”
“Dad,” Harley sniffles, rolling his eyes.
Tony…can’t look away. He’s probably intruding on a very special father-son moment, and yet- this is amazing. This is a pair so full of love- and not toxic love, either. A son who wants nothing more to impress his father- Tony can relate, and then something so foreign to him. A father who wants nothing more than for his son to know how much he’s loved no matter what.
It’s beautiful.
There’s no yelling, no reprimand from Peter, just hugging and understanding and more kisses that Harley pretends to be grossed out by. 
“Go and get your things from your locker,” Peter says, nudging him towards the door. “We can stop by McDonald’s on the way home.”
Harley beams, eyes still a little red, and darts out.
Peter turns to Tony then, looking a little embarrassed. “I’m so sorry, I- we’re happy to pay for the- if there was any damage, and of course- I’ll make sure it never happens again, Mr Stark-“
“Tony,” he breathes, swept away in the love. 
Peter pauses, looking a little caught out, before blushing. “Um, Tony. I just- I’m sorry.”
Tony shakes his head, smiling. “Don’t be. He’s a great kid and you’re…amazing with him.”
Peter blushes harder.
“No, I’m serious. I…I wish I’d grown up with something even a fraction as beautiful as what Harley and you have.”
The father nods, understanding and compassion all over his unfairly beautiful face. “Mine wasn’t amazing either, I guess we’re all just- trying to break the cycle, you know? However we can.”
Tony wants to know everything about him. “You’re a chemist?”
“Kinda, I tinker around.”
Tony gets the feeling that extreme modesty might run in the family. “I’d love to hear more about it.” He offers, feeling bold. He’s pretty sure this is breaking the school board’s rules.
Peter blinks, fidgeting with his bowtie a little nervously and Tony wants to haul him in by the straps of his suspenders and kiss him something silly. Good god, what’s happening to him? “Well,” Peter hums, looking pleased. “I guess you do already have my number…”
“Oh my god,” comes a retching sound from the doorway, and both of them jerk up to see Harley standing there, looking horrified. “Tell me I didn’t just hear what I think I heard.”
“Well, we have to go,” Peter calls, shepherding his son out of the office.
Through the open door, Janine gives Tony a wink.
He laughs.
“Oh it’s so gross,” Harley wails, letting Shuri steal the waffles off his lunch tray. “I’ve seen Mr Stark in his pyjamas, Shuri, it’s not right. Seriously.”
She only laughs at him, the terrible best friend that she is. “But isn’t he nicer to you now? You never get in trouble anymore.”
He gives her a look. “They kiss. Like all the time. I come into the room to get my game boy and they’re kissing! And they wear matching sweaters and it’s so lame!” He wails. 
“I think that sounds kinda cute.”
“Barf. It’s weird. Weird and gross.”
“Still,” Shuri sighs, as the two of them take their seats in the canteen. “Is your dad happy?”
At that, Harley has to grin. “Ridiculously happy. Like, humming again. He hasn’t hummed since mom…”
Shuri kicks him fondly under the table. “Any other perks?”
“I guess Mr Stark makes really good pancakes.”
“Well there,” she laughs, “that makes everything worth it.”
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brooklynboysficrecs · 4 years
Skyshadow3246: “Up and Up”
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Again, thank you @ibuckybarnes​ for the suggestion!
It's been 2 years since the Helicarrier crash and Bucky has slowly been struggling to rebuild who he is. Living alone on the fringes in Bucharest is not without it's challenges but at least he is safe while he tries to piece back together his shattered memories. Until a slip up in a moment of panic brings Steve and Natasha into his far removed life. In hopes of restoring his broken mind, he returns with them to Stark Tower to begin the long road to recovery. The road is full of potholes and wrong turns but along the way he grows close with his new friends and as time goes on begins to fall head over heels for Steve.
An angst ridden story about Bucky Barnes’ recovery from Hydra's torture.
(Don’t skip the warnings on this one)
Up and Up by @skyshadow3246​ is an absolute beast of a fic. Like, yeah, I know in this fandom there’s a fic that’s like 700,000 words, but Up and Up is close to 300,000 and it is chock-full of all the angst. And -- alright, so I normally do warnings towards the end, but as good as I think this fic is, I need to really cement how much angst someone reading this is gonna have to deal with. The tags gave me a decent idea: PTSD, flashbacks, torture, you know, sort of the standard Winter Soldier warning, right? Panic attacks and all. Okay. But the torture gets pretty graphic -- it’s Bucky vividly recalling what we went through, how Hydra and Zola specifically broke him down, the different techniques they used on him, like sleep deprivation and the awful, awful conditioning they put him through to make him forget his own name. This is also covered by the tags, but Bucky drops a fair amount of homophobic language -- sometimes in reference to himself and what he and Steve got up to before the war, sometimes about other people. Eventually he realizes his way of thinking is wrong, but. You know. Be kind to yourself and heed the warnings here. Bucky and Tony experience a lot of panic attacks in this fic. Bucky has several suicide attempts. There’s underage (consensual, but still) sex between Steve and Bucky that Bucky remembers in detail. Also, I don’t think this one is tagged but I know it threw me off a little -- Bucky and Steve, when they get together, at some point enter into a dom/sub relationship, which is especially prevalent because of Bucky’s associations with his triggers and his time with Hydra. It’s discussed by Steve and Bucky, and Bucky seeks advice from other people, but there is some concern from him about whether or not it’s healthy to want the things he wants. And then Bucky’s recovery is as in-depth as his torture -- so much time is spent on how he breaks his conditioning, and for a lot of it Bucky is willing to hurt himself in order to work towards getting better. So. Like I said, be kind to yourself, very much heed the tags/warnings here, and if there’s anything specific you wanna ask about, I just finished this so it’s pretty fresh in my mind.
Alright. Shit, that’s done, so. Let me talk about the fic itself. I really did like it. I was confused at first, honestly, because this is technically like a prequel to another author’s universe of Tony/Loki fics, but acts as it’s own story as well. The angst really hits you from the get-go when we meet Bucky trying to cobble together a life for himself in Romania, and it literally does not stop until the very end of the fic. Not that there isn’t a lot of fluff and love interspersed throughout the story, but I think there’s a lot more hurt than comfort, which I do like reading sometimes. Bucky’s dog, Pup, was lovely and remains a major feature of his story. I also loved the development of Bucky’s relationships with other people, not just Steve (though the build-up for them was amazing, too, and I was so so happy I didn’t have to wait until the very end for them to push into the romantic aspects of their relationship). If you like Tony and Bucky being best buds then you’re gonna enjoy the hell out of this. Also!! The way the author handled the mechanics of Bucky’s arm was absolutely fascinating -- I thought it was insanely original and I loved seeing the journey Bucky goes through, from letting others do maintenance on his arm to eventually trusting Tony (and Peter and Shuri!) to make him replacements. I will say this fic took a lot of me to read -- it’s heavy, in more ways than one, but it’s compelling, too, and I wanted to see Bucky get better and better, I wanted to stay until he’d really integrated into life in the Tower, with Steve and everyone else. So, yeah. Good fic. I recommend it to anyone who enjoys slow-burn recovery fics!
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