#shut up mod pit
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Millie's grandpa when he sees CTW Funtime Freddy
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writingdespair · 3 months
Hi hi!! I have a request if you’re up for it :]
Maybe hiyoko with a shy s/o? (Shy in the “quiet/listens rather than speaks” way, not in the “anxious mess (Mikan)” way, if that makes sense ^^)
Tysm if you do this!! Keep being wicked you fell demon <33
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Apologies for the wait! I had been struck down with a curse of the fabled blue screen of death. The only remedy to such a curse was to empty the dark depths of my wallet. Fear not, as I have returned from the pits of hell to write once more!
Enjoy, my fallen angel!
-Overlord of Ice, Mod Gundham
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Opposites are definitely attracting here. Hiyoko is loud, crude, and excitable. While most would say your calming personality could try and calm her down, it’s actually the opposite. When she’s with you, she gets energetic. She’ll tease you and prod at you to try and get a reaction.
If you’re not the affectionate type, that’s okay. Hiyoko’s clinginess is enough for the two of you. She’s a big fan of jumping on your back no matter what you’re doing. There are times where she’ll tell you to lean down for a kiss, just for her to bop you on the head instead.
In front of others, she’ll love to make fun of you as if you’re the one that hangs off of her. “They may be quiet but they’re actually a total pervert when we’re alone!” None of your classmates really believe her.
You love to listen and Hiyoko loves to talk. She’ll tell you about anything: her dance recitals, badmouthing your classmates, anything that comes to mind. Hiyoko loves to sit in your lap while she gossips. Her hand will be deep in a bag of gummies while she rests against your chest.
While she does tease you, and borderline humiliates you, she’ll put you on a pedestal above your other classmates. In her eyes, you could truly do no wrong. She’s a small yet fierce guard dog. She’ll make sure to uplift you while berating anyone else.
If you ever seem like you have something to say, but can’t speak up over someone else’s voice, she will make sure you’re heard personally. “Hey! Shut your waste of space mouth! Your breath is stinking up the air.” She would cling onto your arm with a big childish smile. “(Name), didn’t you have something to say?”
During the killing game, she’s glued to your hip. Even though she acts big and bad, Hiyoko is scared of both losing her life or yours. Hiyoko practically moves into your cottage. There is no more privacy, you can’t even shower by yourself. If you don’t already know how, you’ll have to learn how to tie her kimono for her.
Hiyoko will vouch for you during trials and investigations. With your keen listening skills, you’re bound to find something out but you might not have the courage to speak up. If you wanted, she’d relay the information to the others. Not for them, but for your skills to be recognized.
Due to your quiet nature, you’re often a main suspect in trials. If Hiyoko was busy on the day of a murder, you might be without an alibi. Worry not, as Hiyoko will be your biggest defender. Hajime is at his wits end as he’s called vulgar names one after another. No one gets a chance to speak as she wails about your innocence.
Even if you were to murder someone, she would always be by your side.
“(Name), you’re the only one that could’ve done it.” A spotlight shines down on you as Hajime speaks. All eyes were on you. Frankly, you didn’t know what to say. What were you supposed to say while backed into a corner?
Fuyuhiko kissed his teeth, rolling his eyes. “You’re being accused of murder, and you still can’t speak up? How stupid can you be?”
You open your mouth, trying to formulate anything coherent. Before you could say anything, a shrill cry echoed through the trial room.
“Waaaah! You stupid pigshits are picking on them! They would never commit murder!” Hiyoko slams her small fists against the podium. “Why couldn’t you be the victim, Hajime?” 
Ignoring the death threat, Hajime explains his reasoning. “It could only be them. They were the only one on the second island with no alibi.”
“Shut up!” Hiyoko was clenching the wood so tight her knuckles were turning white. “I was with them, dumbass! So how about you kneel down and apologize to them like a good mutt!”
With a point of his finger, Hajime shot down that lie. “No, that’s wrong! Nagito said he saw you at the beach right before the body discovery announcement. You wouldn’t have had time to meet up with them before the time of death.”
Hot tears pooled down her cheeks. Hiyoko knew the truth. She knew you were guilty. She didn’t want to face the truth. You weren’t supposed to leave her side. “You’ll trust that nasty perv to be honest? You’re a fucking idiot-!”
“Hiyoko.” Your quiet voice reached her ears. She looked at you like a deer in headlights, her body shaking. “That’s enough. It’s over.”
“O-over…” Her bottom lip quivers, snot threatening to pool from her nose. “Why are you giving up? Tell them you didn’t kill that stupid whore. Tell them you didn’t do anything wrong, you moron!” 
Walking over to her podium, you take her into your arms. She fights back for a moment, slamming her fists into your chest.
“I’m sorry, Hiyoko.”
“Shut up!” Hit! “Shut up!” Hit. “Shut uh-uuuuppp!” She slumps into you, sobbing her heart out.
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
I don't know if anyone followed the blog queer-media-tourney (not linking them here, Enough has happened from what I can gather post-battle), but clearly Shit Has Gone Down. From what I understood when I first stumbled upon it and started following, the blog meant to be a casual "pit queer media against each other for the lulz," explicitly saying it wasn't to be taken seriously and that drama and wank was expected (presumably of the Marvel Stucky VS OFMD GentleBeard variety). I kept a vaguely amused eye on it, occasionally voting and never checking the notes; I thought it was fun and reminded me about, or gave me a few new, queer pieces of media to think about.
However, a documentary about ball culture, aka very queer and very not-white (Paris is Burning), ended up against Homestuck, and the replies and reblogs devolved into racism, suibait, and the like, and the mod had to shut it all down and apologised for having a documentary about real people in the tournament, for not foreseeing shit would go down, etc.
I was wondering what OTNF & Followers thought about it? Was it lack of foresight, or really stupid from the start? A mod being irresponsible and who should rightfully be blamed, or should the blame land more at the feet of all the racists in the notes? Or equally shared responsibility?
Let's blame Homestuck.
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kaelidascope · 4 months
director's commentary for the parallel hangouts merging together in Reach in MM (and WHAT WERE BLAKE AND WEISS DISCUSSING IN THAT CHILI'S)
**cracks my knuckles**
Both Reach and Resist go hand in hand and achieve a handful of things all in one go. They read like a large time skip montage, showcase the growing tension between the bees, memorialize a handful of personal favorite memories of mine, and cover all these mod-podge collection of scenes I wanted for MM bees but ran out of space to properly expand on LOL
Blake teaching Yang how to pole-dance;
The stuffed bee comes from Pugoata's Etsy shop and I have one on my desk NGJFGFKGF
Yang not realizing the pole spins was also my first reaction touching a dancing pole for the first time LOL before I got into dancing, my roommate had me install her pole into the ceiling of our apartment and I went to touch it and almost fell off. Life imitates art or whatever
Around this time, as we later see in Resist, Blake is obviously going back and forth with her personal feelings and beliefs. Sawrin words it well in his breakdowns, but she is wanting to give into temptation by the obvious signs Yang is throwing at her. But then she remembers her life and situation and goes down a spiral of assumed futures and 'what ifs' and then just shuts down and runs off. Despite her willingly putting them BOTH in a situation where they could flirt and kiss. She's giving into natural temptation when she shows off to Yang more than she should, getting in her personal space. It's an easy mask to hide behind when she can play off her advances as 'teaching Yang how to be sexy'
She totally did intend on kissing her she just wussed out LMAO and what Yang doesn't see if she is downing that water in literal gulps because she is blushing profoundly and her hearts beating a mile a minute. This is roughly around the time Blake starts getting Ideas.TM about Yang and none of them are in the bible
Yang comes over for Guys Night at Pyrrha's;
I designed their neighborhood after the historic yuppity district close to where I lived for a brief time. More specifically, it's modeled after a fucked up cobblestone route I used to have to drive when I delivered pizzas in that area
Weiss may have been cut off from her family but she still had savings. She invested a fuck ton into that property specifically cus there's no HOA
The vibe I was going for with the fire pit and the projection outside on a cold November night was modeled after 2 experiences of mine. I remember being super fucking cozy around a fire pit at my ex's family house once and it was one of those rare nights where it was freezing. But with the scent of the firewood burning and being bundled up near loved ones, it was a rare moment of peace for me in my early twenties. Second, we used to have these family friends who had a sheet tacked up on their back porch and would watch football on it. I blended the two vibes together for this one
I can't get a lime to float to the bottom of a bottle of Corona so neither can Yang
I used to destroy the plate of pigs in a blanket at cookouts so that's why they ate those
Pyrrha's gambling addiction was born on the spot in this scene! It started with her just placing a bet but then after that, I saw opportunities present themselves and it was just too good not to pass up. The club-wide bet also did not exist until this chapter either LOL I wrote it into the story after the fact and it is not mentioned until The Hangover Chapter. But chronologically, she established it the second she saw Yang take Blake home after work.
The Chili's Girls Night is real and I used to do it often. The photo of them leaning over the table filled with empty margarita glasses also exists
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And yes. We were very hungover after (there are more photos that exist, but for the sake of pre-transition face reveal, I'll send them to you Spork in DMs after if you wanna see them LOL)
So on this particular night, Weiss spent a good chunk of it complaining about her usual gripes. After three drinks, she asks Blake about Yang. What Yang DOESN'T see is how supportive Weiss actually is of their relationship, and she's the one who told her to text Yang and send them some pictures of their night out. Blake has been dragging heels FOREVER about dating and Weiss is just glad she's not being a fucking shut in who only focuses on working and nothing else. She was very much a recluse even when they lived together, so she's glad to see Blake spending time with someone other than Weiss's mandated outings. She had thought something might've gone somewhere with Ilia, but Ilia couldn't end up handling it. They then collectively nod and drink on her behalf (poor thing). They talk about some things in their past memories. Blake asks how she and Pyrrha are doing. They talk about some social drama going on in the club. Jaune is their waiter at this particular Chili's (yes there is lore here) and they make drunk small talk/tease with him. After drink 5 or 6 Blake starts getting loose about her attraction and shyness towards Yang and Weiss asks Pyrrha to bring Yang to come get them since Blake's too embarrassed to do anything.
Blake actually being receptive towards Yang here is literally cus her insecurities and self-imposed rules are barred out cus of how drunk she is. Yang acknowledges this, much to her dismay, and misses another opportunity to kickstart their relationship because if they are gonna start, it should be proper LOL and not something that could be seen as taking advantage of Blake. Both of them are old kind of beyond the sloppy juvenile mistakes
Blake "sleeping" on Yang is a memory from when I had a really rough emotional night during my grieving period and my boyfriend at the time just held me on the couch while I half-slept. Same vibes. We eventually had to move but I did not want to.
In the anthology series Midnight Forever, we will see a lot more Blake/Weiss interactions both from the past and off-screen throughout the original fic. Including the night Weiss made her stay and their first Margarita Night SKKSKSS Weiss and Blake's dynamic is modeled after mine and my now oldest standing friendship :) the very same girl who I danced with! Unlike Blake and Weiss though, our dancer personas were completely different and incompatible LOL we did not have a matching act
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slothful-sleep · 2 years
Obey Me Headcannons
What if you were the child of Hypnos?
(Demon Brothers Only, Part 1, Elder Three)
POV: You were always a unique... 'human' being born with wings ivory in color and a sleep schedule so horrid, your caretaker worried immensely because all you ever did was sleep. You were always tired and never had much motivation to do anything, the heavy wings didn't help. They worked as a blanket sometimes, so that helped. However, as of recently you had gotten dragged to the pits of the underworld, you had adjusted fairly well but you had kept the one part of you hidden. One even you did not know. Your wings and heritage. The demon brothers mistook you for a pure blooded human... How wrong they were. How do very wrong.
Rickety Bones (Lucifer)
Bro really thought you were a human at first
He usually beat your ass when you slept, talk about a skipper user 😒
I swear, you sleep more then Belphie.
He's also the one to find you in the most... Compromising positions in the most compromising places.
He once found you asleep on the chandelier in the main room.
It wasn't a chandelier with a bowl either, it was pointy. You went up there to hide from Mammon.
He still questions how you got up there to this day...
Until his ass saw your white wings in all their glory after you beat Belphie's ass by throwing him down the stairs after putting him to sleep.
Lucifer thought his ass was dreaming and ended up coming back drunk off his balls. He was Soo confused lmao
Eventually, with the help of some of his brothers he found out you were the kid of Hypnos. Really explained your sleep schedule.
I'm pretty sure when you wanted to escape punishment you just knocked his ass out with a sleep spell and skedaddled on your merry way.
Those of you who simp for him, you can get him to sleep by using the same technique. When chronic over worker needs sleep, you're his go to.
It's honestly scary to him so he watches you like a hawk
He fears what Satan and Belphie will do with you
Legit has Vietnam flashbacks when he sees your wings, so please... Don't show them around him
Mr Krabs(Mammon)
Wasn't he supposed to be protecting a human??
Hey! He didn't sign up to take care of some Belphie reject!
He had no choice
Usually carries you everywhere, acts like he hates it.
Likes it
Probably tried to make a credit card under your name while
You are easily exhausted by his out going nature and get fed up with him trying to wake you up all the damn time. Let me sleep dammit!
The most likely to find you in a compromising position in a peculiar area.
He once found in a cupboard wrapped up in a tiny ball snoring away.
He just quietly closed the cabinet door
You two hang up on the ceiling alot
Y'all buddies there lmao
Was bat shit scared of you to find out you can just put people to sleep
You probably do it when you wanna get away from him
Legit offended when he wasn't the first to find out you were a demigod even when you didn't know Jack shit either
Also bat shit scared of you when you threw Belphie down the stairs
Laughed it off later
Overall, y'all two just chill
Probably tried to sell your feathers though, so just be weary of that
Vietnam flashbacks pt 2, please put away your wings. Bro can't take it
Discord Mod(Leviathan)
Oh! This reminds me of this one anime where-
Blahhh blah, we get it Levi.
Bro makes hella anime references
Ur still a normie tho, bitch
He gets annoyed you sleep so much. You're gonna miss the best part of the anime! Hey! Wake up, you're gonna miss an important raid!! 01000010 01101001 01110100 01100011 01101000!!!
Least likely to find you doing random shit because his ass is a shut in, but he did find you asleep on his TV once. He streamed it
It went viral
He recorded you beating Belphie's ass, he thought it was funny lmfao!
He did get trauma from your wings though and hid in his room until you stopped having then out
He does stare longingly at them sometimes, wondering what could have been and metaphorical shit like that
You also put his pathetic ass to sleep when he stays up to long. He could just be in the middle of a game, then night night!
Out like a damn light
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tta episode 8
“Last time, on Total Takes Action: our cast competed in an all-out period drama, complete with costumes, ballroom dancing, and a thrilling Victorian mystery. Max and Michael stirred up some trouble, but it was the latter of the group who stumbled across the coveted Immunity Idol- before she gave it away and took the walk of shame herself, begrudgingly leaving Max and Scary behind to battle out their differences themselves. Will they kill each other? Or will their feud only result in life-threatening injuries? Find out now, on Total! Takes! Island!”
The sun has just barely risen over the film lot, but Scruffy is up bright and early nonetheless. Using nothing but four tires, a broken whistle, shards of glass, and a few sandbags they snagged from the sets, they’d constructed an obstacle course around the lot. 
They stoop over the asphalt, chalking down a line in front of them before standing and placing their hands on their hips to proudly survey their creation. 
“Here goes nothing,”
They blow the whistle, only emitting a faint wheezing sound, and start off, sprinting across the first leg of the track. Next comes the tire jumps, which they maneuver through with expert speed and agility. They pass through the valley of sandbags and scoop up two, putting one over either shoulder- but the extra weight only motivates them further, and they bound through the course until reaching the pit of broken glass. They take a deep breath and swing one sandbag’s attached rope forward, catching a streetlamp, and swing over the hole, landing on their feet on the other side. 
The white chalk line reappears in the distance and they stop, taking the remaining sandbag and spinning in circles until they’ve built up enough speed to throw it across the line, far, far away. 
On the other side of camp, Sha-Mod opens one of the doors to the trailers and shrieks as one of the sandbags lands meters away from him. 
“Oops!” Scruffy yells from across the lot. “Sorry!”
O sticks his head out of the trailer doorway and sighs. “They’re at it again, aren’t they?”
Sha-Mod mumbles and yawns. 
O: “I learned a lot from Michela- but if I’m going to become an expert therapist, I have to be flexible enough to take on any case. And I think I just found my next patient!”
The craft services tent feels more crowded than usual this morning- though, that’s probably because Max and Scary’s negative energy is clouding the space with hatred and evil. The two have chosen opposite ends of the table to sit at, crossing their arms and glaring at each other. Everyone else has chosen a side to align themselves with- O and Fren with Max, Scruffy and Sha-Mod with Scary. 
Peter watches as Chef dumps something greenish-yellow and wet on his tray and he retreats towards the seating area. Since the merge is today, the two separate tables have been reduced to just one in the center of the room. 
Peter’s eyes dart between either side, both crowded with an even number of individuals. He scratches his neck nervously. 
PETER: “In conflicts like this, I’d normally choose the side with the least amount of people- to even the scale and bring a little universal harmony to the room- I hate odd numbers!”
“Peter, over here!” Fren waves. Peter breathes a sigh of relief, having been formally invited over and thus not having to make the decision by himself. 
On the other side of the table, Scruffy is standing behind Scary, jogging in place. They have a set of earbuds in, listening to something fast and powerful- and loud. Sha-Mod is nodding along with the music across from Scary, herself trying to read. 
She glances up, annoyed, as Scruffy breathes heavily over her shoulder, and then snaps the book shut. 
They turn- “Scruffy?”
The green-haired trainee pops out an earbud. “Can’t talk now, working!”
SCRUFFY: “Yes, I started this season off poorly- but that’s behind me now, and after last episode, I realized what I was missing- more training! It couldn’t be any clearer to me!”
Scary rolls his eyes. “Okay, but, seriously. We’re not here to win money, we’re here to-”
“Uncover whatever scandal Chris is hiding and sue him for 46.7 million dollars, yeah, yeah- why can’t we do both?” they huff, stopping their jog to stretch. “Make it 47.7 million!”
“Because we’re wasting our time with these dumb challenges already! I keep getting sucked into them, and forgetting my mission, and I need you to-”
Scruffy doesn’t respond, too busy twisting their body like a human pretzel and breathing in loud bursts. Scary massages her temples. 
“46.7 million dollars?” Sha-Mod asks, spooning his green slime. “That’s a lot of money… that could probably buy at least twelve castles.”
“46.7 is just the baseline I calculated. Depending on what we find, we could be talking 100, 200 million,” Scary says nonchalantly, opening their book back up. 
Sha-Mod’s eyes widen, and he leans forward. “I want in!”
Scary opens their mouth to reject him, but is interrupted by the sound of Scruffy doing jumping jacks on the wet grass behind them. She sighs. “Okay, fine. I need another goon, anyway,”
“Yes!” he pumps his fist victoriously. “I’m a goon!”
“Good morning, contestants- or should I say, girlbosses? Meet me outside the makeup and hair booth in ten!”
The crowd of remaining players stands before the makeshift confessional as Chris steps out of it, his hair shiny and flowing and blonde. He looks behind him with a grin. “Thanks, Rhonda,” 
Scary’s jaw drops. Max suppresses a laugh. 
“Hey, man, do you know what a bleach job like this costs?!” Chris shouts, throwing out his arms for emphasis. “And I wouldn’t act so cocky, since today’s challenge is blonder than this ‘do- the eponymous chick flick!”
No one seems exactly thrilled, but some look paler than others- both Max and Scary’s faces have twisted into unpleasant, pained expressions. 
“That’s right! Today’s challenge will be all about gossip, boys, and shopping- and what would a chick flick be without an awesome makeover scene?” Chris chuckles. “Which brings me to your first task- since today’s episode marks the official merge- AKA, you’re on your own from here on out- you’ll be choosing a temporary teammate for makeovers. Everything you’ll need will be in the hair and makeup department, and the best look will win a special prize for the next round. Ciao!”
Chris chuckles and walks off, waving to the disturbed crowd. 
Peter quivers. “But- there’s an uneven number of us!”
“Hey, don’t worry, mate,” Fren says, smiling confidently. “Back home, I’m an expert in all things fashion- Vogue England has me on speed-dial. I can easily take two!”
O scooches over to Scruffy, who’s busy rotating their wrists and popping their joints. “Team?”
“What? Oh, yeah!” they nod. “This kinda reminds me of how Heather went through a ton of wig phases in Drama’s version of action. And when Courtney came back-”
“Okay!” O interrupts. “Let’s get in that studio!”
Sha-Mod and Scary begrudgingly team up, leaving Max with Fren and Peter. He sighs. 
MAX: “This is hell. We’re in hell. Scary killed me in my sleep last week, and I went to hell, and this is my eternal punishment,”
Scary sits in the designated salon chair first, sighing and opening up their book. Sha-Mod looks over their shoulder and squints at the confusing mathematical symbols and large, scary words on the page, and then shakes his head. “So… what do you want me to do?”
Scary speaks plainly. “Make it work,”
Across the room, the Fren trio has set up shop, though only 2/3rds of the group seem excited. 
“Okay, so, here’s what I’m thinking for you, Peter- extensions- blue! They would make your eyes just pop,” Fren nods along. “I can blend them seamlessly into your natural length- then of course, we have to do some makeup…”
“Oh, no. Absolutely not,” Max says, standing. “I will not be turned into a Barbie doll so you can prove to everyone that you’re special.”
Peter watches the confrontation nervously. Fren scoffs, putting his hands on his hips. “Don’t even get me started. Besides, I wouldn’t do the same thing for both of you- that would just be unprofessional. Sit!”
“I don’t-”
“Do you want to win this or not?”
Max crosses his arms and sits down, annoyed. Fren smiles and wheels off Peter to the hair-washing stations. 
O brushes through Scruffy’s hair as they practice holding their breath. 
“Annnnd… time!” O shouts. “Six minutes!” Scruffy grins. 
“Not my best, but not my worst. All I know is that I’m gonna kill when we get to the next underwater challenge!”
“You think we’re gonna have one of those?”
“Maybe! In the original TDA, there was an episode where the contestants were locked in a chamber that was slowly filling up with water. If I were there, I would’ve gotten them out in no time,” Scruffy states, matter-of-factly. 
O frowns, and then takes a few deep breaths. 
“What was that?” Scruffy asks. 
“That made me a little anxious. When I get anxious, I like to take a few deep breaths to calm down,” he says, explaining with a wide smile. “If I have time, I do some meditation, or practice thoughtfulness.”
O: “Using therapy techniques to help bring some peace to this chaotic crew is my personal speciality. If everyone learned how to breathe, ground, and reflect, this show would be a breeze!”
Scruffy nods. “Ohhh, yeah. I’ve tried that before. Didn’t like it,”
O stops brushing and his eyes widen. “Um… what?”
“What? You think you’re the only person on the cast who knows about psychology? I’ve taken six university level classes and two online courses, just to write my 11th grade thesis paper on Izzy. I’ve tried all that… reflective stuff, and it just doesn’t work for me,” They explain, taking the brush from O’s hands and continuing the work themselves. “I’m very action-oriented. Get it? Action? Like the show we’re on?”
They laugh to themselves as O stares at them in horror. 
O: “Doesn’t work? Doesn’t WORK!? No, no… they just must not be doing it right- or they’re not doing it enough! What is WRONG with this cast?!”
Scary sighs, taking off the cucumbers Sha-Mod had placed over their eyes and sitting up as soon as the sound of the hair dryer dulled down. 
“That took forever,” she says, flicking the sliced vegetables away. “Ready for- oh. My. God.”
Sha-Mod beams, handing them a small mirror. “You like?”
“LIKE?!” she stands, grabbing the mirror. “I’M BLONDE!”
He shrugs. “You said do whatever.”
Fren passes by with Max, the latter’s head wrapped in a towel. “Woah, nice shade. Is that ashy blonde I spy?”
Sha-Mod crosses his arms and nods. Though his face is concealed, it’s obvious he’s smirking triumphantly. Scary seethes. 
“I will NOT let you reduce me to an airheaded bimbo! Dye it back NOW!”
Chris’ voice blares over the intercom. “One more hour, stylists!”
Scary screams in frustration and shoves Sha-Mod into the chair before picking up a pair of scissors and grinning maliciously. 
“Alright, let’s see what we got here-” Chris stands outside the makeup and hair confessional, hands on his hips. Chef is beside him, holding a clipboard. “First pair… let’s do Scruffy and O!”
The two emerge, looking about the same, just slightly more trim and polished. 
“Ummm… what’e the big reveal here?” Chris asks. 
Scruffy holds out their hands. “We got manicures. It’s clear polish,”
The host narrows his eyes and turns to Chef, who gives them a thumbs down. “Three out of nine on the Chef-o-Meter. Not ideal. Next… Scary and Sha-Mod, let’s see those looks!”
Sha-Mod steps down, confidently striking a pose. His hair is bright pink now, and there’s mascara and false lashes on the Lightning picture. Obviously, Scary’s mission to humiliate him like he did her backfired terribly, since Sha-Mod seems to be in his prime. 
Scary begrudgingly follows, still very blonde. 
“Ooh, now THOSE are some changes. Chef?”
8/9 on the Chef-o-Meter. 
“Who’s left… ah, yes, our trio- Peter, Max, and Fren!”
The lights suddenly seem to dim and Chris raises an eyebrow. A blanket of fog rolls over the area and beams of multicolored light shine throughout the space. An echo-ey voice speaks as electropop blasts:
“Presenting… presenting… presenting… Master Fren’s very own… very own… very own… Frendom Posse!”
Fren walks out first, nails repainted, the ends of his hair dyed a slightly different shade of pink, a designer scarf around his neck and sunglasses on his face. He strikes a few poses, and everyone but Scary Oohs and Ahhs at the presentation. 
Then, the smoke clears and Peter and Max stand awkwardly behind him. The latter looking like he’s about to start killing, the former looking a little confused and lost. Nonetheless, Peter’s blue extensions and the slightly lighter brown highlights in Max’s hair look good enough to distract from their weird presentation. 
Fren strikes a final pose and tosses his sunglasses into the crowd. They hit Scary in the eye and she hisses. 
“Wow. Flashy,” Chris says. “Chef?”
“Against all odds, Scary Lite and Sha-Fabulous have won!”
Fren stares blankly, frozen in place. Max shoves him over as he storms by to rejoin the crowd, and he falls like a tree to the forest floor. Sha-Mod cheers and Scary grumbles a quick “you got lucky” as Chef approaches them with two boxes. 
“In these boxes are two keys that will help you with the next round of the competition,” Chris explains as each accepts the gifts. Sha-Mod holds it up to his ear and shakes it. 
“These are too light. Let me guess- empty?” Scary rolls her eyes. She opens the box and pulls out a standard-grade #2 pencil. "Oh, great! A weapon!" she grins at Sha-Mod.
“Not… quite. Because the next part of this challenge has nothing to do with makeup or hair- it’s a law school entrance exam!”
“WHAT?!” she shouts. 
Max crosses his arms. “Yeah, I’m not complaining, but what exactly does that have to do with chick flicks?”
“You poor uneducated soul,” Chris shakes his head. “Everyone knows that every chick flick protagonist is much smarter than she looks- good girls with big dreams make big money!”
Scary sighs. 
SCARY: “At least it’s not more shopping- or worse, boy-crazy ass kissing!”
“And- oh, yeah- that reminds me! Every chick flick has a dreamboat love interest who’s only into unique, smart, classy ladies- if you pass the exam, you’ll impress Bradley Chadington over here,”
Chef walks over with a cardboard cutout of a blonde guy. Scary puts her head in her hands. 
“Now, if you’ll follow me- the testing room awaits!”
MAX: “This is insane. From nearly poisoning us to making us take college entrance exams… Frankly, I’d take the poisoning,”
The courtroom set has been modified to an exam hall, each individual desk spaced out from one another. The cardboard cutout of Bradley sits at the front of the room, next to the “teacher’s” desk- where Chef is sitting, adjusting his reading glasses and leafing through packets. 
“Here’s how this works- once you complete your exam, you’ll send it up to Professor Chef for grading- whoever wins gets immunity for today,”
The contestants smile- but that expression soon drops when Chris begins passing out comically huge stacks of paper. “You have three hours to complete your tests,”
While most of the players look nervous and begin to slowly leaf through their packets, Scary smiles confidently. 
SCARY: “I’m no law student, but I’ve done my fair share of research into regulations and government spending- some of that must’ve rubbed off,”
Scruffy nervously taps their foot, drums their fingers against the desk, and whistles quietly. 
O leans over. “If you’re anxious, you can try some grounding exercises. I know a few that-”
“No thanks!” Scruffy whispers back. “Fidgeting helps me read!”
O twitches. 
O: “Maybe… maybe Scruffy doesn’t have anxiety. Could it be possible that I mis-unofficially-diagnosed someone?” he thinks for a moment. “No- that would mean Dr. Anderson could misdiagnose me, and science can’t be wrong… can it?”
Sha-Mod leafs through his packet, humming to himself. Max runs his fingers through his hair and chews on his pencil eraser. Peter scribbles down statistics on the side of his test. 
PETER: “I don’t know anything about law, and I'm not so good at choosing... so I thought… well, there are only multiple choice questions- how hard could it be to guess the probability of each one being A, B, or C?”
“Done!” Scary shouts, running to the front of the room and dropping off his massive test packet. Chef grumbles and begins leafing through it. 
“I don’t get paid enough for this,”
Max follows, then O, Peter shortly behind. Scruffy comes next, leaving Sha-Mod and Fren, neither of which looking particularly nervous. 
FREN: “Yeah, in primary I volunteered to work the phones at a law firm that only dealt with very important personnel- celebrities, millionaires, people you probably haven’t even heard of- I’ve picked up a thing or two!”
Chef hands back Scary’s paper. “A,”
“Yes!” She grabs it back, leafing through the answers as Fren turns in his test. 
The scores pour out- Max gets a B+, Peter an A-, O and Scruffy both at a perfectly in-sync 70%, a C- for each. 
Finally, Sha-Mod finishes his test and turns it in. Chef sighs and flips through it, but as he gets past the first ten or so pages, his expression shifts from annoyed to surprised, then from surprised to shocked. 
“I can’t believe this- I’ve never seen anything like this before-” he murmurs. Scary raises an eyebrow. “A perfect 100%- it’s impossible! A+! A+! You’re going to Harvard, kid! Oh, and Fren got a D-.”
“WHAT?!” Fren shouts. Sha-Mod jumps up and down with joy, and runs over to hug the cardboard cutout. 
Scary’s jaw drops. “You have got to be joking- that clown- HOW?!”
“Well, Chris said that we were doing all this to impress a boy, right? I just imagined my boy McLovin, and the answers came naturally!” Sha-Mod nodded. 
Peter scratches his chin. “That’s… well, it’s statistically quite possible,"
Max nods. “They say that if you give a million monkeys typewriters, one of them will end up writing Shakespeare,”
“THAT’S INSANE!” Scary shouts, flipping a desk. “YOU CANNOT LET THIS BABOON WIN! IT’S NOT FAIR!”
Chris watches the display with delight. Chef raises an eyebrow. “Should I stop her?”
“No, no, I want to see where this goes,”
Max grins. “Divine karma, compadre,”
She storms over and grabs Sha-Mod by the collar. “YOU WON’T EVEN SHOW YOUR OWN FACE- WELL, MR. WINNER, LET’S SHOW THE WORLD WHO’S REALLY WINNING THIS!” The crowd stares in shock, a thick layer of suspense hovering over the room as Scary grabs the edge of the Lightning picture. “DUMB LOVERBOY- WHO EVEN CARES ABOUT BOYS! BOYS ARE STUPID! DOING THINGS FOR LOVE IS STUPID!”
“Ding-ding!” Chris shouts. “And here, we have our winner!”
Scary stops dead in her tracks and turns like a deer caught in headlights. Their blonde hair is a frizzy mess, eyes wild. “What did you say?”
“See, the goal was never to impress a boy- an empowered female protagonist in a chick flick always learns that boys are garbage, and she should do things for herself- so in a way, this was a test… within a test,” Chris explains. “And Scary won by denouncing boys and girlbossing her way to victory.”
“I… I won!” Scary says, smiling insanely and laughing like a maniac. She drops Sha-Mod and he scampers away. “I won! I won! I won!”
Max shakes his head, feigning pity. “Poor thing. Being surrounded by stupid people has finally gotten to her,”
“Do you think we should intervene?” O asks, starting forward. Scruffy holds an arm out to stop him. “Let’s save that for a later episode,”
Chris chuckles. “Alright- Scary wins immunity. The rest of you, I’ll see at the Gilded Chris’ tonight,”
“What a day- meltdown after meltdown, tantrum after tantrum- you kids really have a way of reminding me why I do what I do,” Chris wipes away a tear as he stands at the podium. “Unfortunately, one of you will be heading home today- never to return, EVER!”
Max rolls his eyes. 
“Since Scary has immunity, she’ll be receiving the first Gilded Chris,” he tosses them the gold-wrapped chocolate. They beam. 
“Next, we have O- Scruffy- and Peter,”
Max smiles and accepts the award. Scary doesn’t even seem to care. 
“Fren- you didn’t exactly impress anyone today, and you made at least one player pretty mad. And Sha-Mod… well, let’s just say you have a price on your head right now,” Chris chuckles. “But only one of you is going home… and that person… is…”
Sha-Mod takes a deep breath, and Fren quivers. 
“...Sha-Mod. Fren, you’re safe,”
Sha-Mod stands curtly, holding a confident pose. Scary waves good-bye and bites the head off her Chris. 
SHA-MOD: “I voted myself out. I’m not ashamed to admit it! What happened today with Scary… I can’t have that happen again. My identity is sacred, like a wizard’s orb or a magic amulet- not just anybody gets to have it. They have to be a beginning mage at the very least… Scary is barely a spell-caster,” he trails off. “Where was I going with this? Oh, yeah- no, thanks! Besides, this show has given me a lot of good business ideas to get rich off of instead. Why has no one cornered the ghost-hunting market yet?!”
“Who will have an epic meltdown next time? And who will be taking the next walk of shame? Find out soon, on Total! Takes! Island!”
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kafus · 9 months
i would super love to hear another cool pokemon story if there's one you wanna share!! literally anything; all your pokemon posts are so interesting and engaging to read ♡ also!!! i hope you're doing well and finding reason to smile each day
ogh THANK U i hope ur doing well as well
one of these days i might run out of stories 😭 BUT i don’t think i’ve talked about the pokemon competition i went to when i was around 8 years old??? and i’ve been thinking about that recently so why not
i’ve talked before about how my interest in pokemon as a young person was defined by loneliness/isolation and how i never really had the social pokemon experience that most people did, so the few times i actually got to interact with other people over the shared interest stick out very strongly in my brain. in particular when i was i Think 8 years old, there used to be a small family-owned video game store in my town (it shut down a long time ago unfortunately, i miss it) and they ran events sometimes. i managed to find out they were running a singles competition in pokemon battle revolution, and my mom actually agreed to taking me
it’s important to keep in mind that i was like 8 and i didn’t know shit about competitive battling. i loved sinnoh and had pokemon i thought were strong but at this time i didn’t even know natures affected stats. i was an inexperienced little girl and i just brought my team of in-game guys that i liked. amusingly i was the only girl there, i just remember walking in and being surrounded by boys LOL both my age and older, like there were some older teens and maaaybe adults idk
anyway all things considered i actually got decently far because competitive mons was much more niche back then and no one knew what they were doing LMAO. i was mostly pitting my in-game mons against other kids’ in-game mons. i knew type matchups by heart and had some pretty decent pokemon to my memory - i don’t remember my entire team but i know i had torterra and articuno at least (articuno was one of my favorite pokemon at the time)
eventually i was… like… idk right before semi finals? i wasn’t quite in the top 4, i think i was in the top 8? i went up against an older boy who actually knew what he was doing and had a genuine competitive team. i’m not sure how old he actually was, at the time anyone above the age of 13 looked like an adult to me lol, i’m guessing in retrospect he was 17 or something. he THOROUGHLY kicked my ass with fucking BLISSEY TOXIC STALL lmao. at the time i was dumbfounded at how his blissey just took no fucking damage and it’s really funny being able to understand what happened in retrospect, i kept bringing my special attackers not being aware of blissey’s extremely lopsided defensive stats.
you’d think i would have been upset about losing but i was moreso really impressed with this guy’s blissey, and then smth i’ll never forget, after i lost he shook my hand and looked at me in the eyes and said that i did a good job and that i should keep playing pokemon because he thinks from the way that i played that i had a lot of potential. i was literally over the moon, it meant so much to be acknowledged with full seriousness by someone so much older than me who also lest we forget literally just beat my ass with toxic stall lol. having my interest in pokemon validated and being told i was good at it just made my entire week. or month. or year tbh.
nowadays that i’m a ribbon master mod and going to my first regionals next month, i think about that guy a lot. perhaps i was a late bloomer but i think whatever he saw in me was real. not that i’m the best pokemon player ever or something, and i’m certainly still learning a lot about vgc in particular, but like. yeah i do really care about this game and i think i have the potential to be good at it. and it was prophesized long agodjdjdk
always be nice to kids cause small gestures like that can stick with someone for the rest of their life tbh
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thestarssplit · 3 months
My lovely fellow Mod decided that we should tell y'all about the afterlife for this next post.
First I would like to introduce you to the roleplays current starclan guide, Owlsight. Owlsight was the first Doctor to be blessed to see the supernatural.
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Now they serve as a prophet and ferryman, giving the current doctors prophecies and taking cats to starclan.
Moving on to the meat and potatoes.
The Afterlives
The afterlives in Stars Split are a mix of Warriors canon and fun fanon. There are 3 main afterlife places, this is excluding souls that just get stuck in the world.
The first is Starclan. It is near exactly how it is in canon. A perfect utopia where souls can live together after death. Being within Starclan guarantees safety from the creatures threatening the living. As due to the previous attacks, Starclan is shut off from all afterlives aside from Carrionplace. The only ways out are either to be judged and outcast or to give their souls up for reincarnation or to become one with the stars.
Starclan has several ranks aside from the general population.
The second is the Carrionplace. The Carrionplace is the Dark Forest. But unlike the DF, they cannot access the living. No, the Carrionplace is a land of pure suffering. Once a cat is judged as unworthy by the Stars they will be sent to this rancid hell. It is a filthy maze underneath heaps of soil. It's made up of pits and tunnels that seem to stretch forever. Each tunnel is tight and pressing, making those who move through them feel like they’re being buried alive. The tunnels are full of thick, red, foul-smelling mud, threatening to collapse anytime. On top of that, the cats have to deal with contrast hunger and rats.
The rats can be killed, but the rancid meat they drop is somehow of worse quality than the mystery meat that seems to seep from the pit walls.
No cat can die once they enter.
The final is known just as "No Clan." No Clan is more of a generic term for all afterlives outside of Starclan. This includes the human afterlives, kittypet afterlife, Loner afterlife, and rogue afterlife. Unfortunately not much is known as contact was severed by Starclan long ago.
Now for those who are stuck outside the afterlives. They can be stuck as ghosts, join the Slaugh, or be snatched up by the many fae.
Our inbox is open!
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Folly is hot
Not the mod
The character
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Connection terminated.I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth.If you still even remember that name.But I'm afraid you've been misinformed.You are not here to receive a gift.Nor, have you been called here by the individual you assume.Although, you have indeed been called.You have all been called here.Into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune.A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize.You don't even realize that you are trapped.Your lust of blood has driven you in endless circles.Chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber.Always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach.But, you will never find them, none of you will.This is where your story ends.And to you, my brave volunteer.Who somehow found this job listing not intended for you.Although, there was a way out planned for you,I have a feeling that's not what you want.I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be.I am remaining as well. I am nearby.This place will not be remembered.And the memory of everything that started this.Can finally begin to fade away.As the agony of every tragedy should.And to you monsters trapped in the corridors.Be still, and give up your spirits.They don't belong to you.For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps, warm.Waiting for you after the smoke clears.Although, for one of you.The darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole.So, don't keep the Devil waiting, old friend.My daughter, if you can hear me.I knew you would return as well.It's in your nature to protect the innocent.I'm sorry that on that day.The day you were shut out and left to die.No one was there to lift you up in their arms.The way you lifted others into yours.And then, what became of you?I should have known, you wouldn't be content to disappear.Not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now.It's time to rest, for you, and for those you have carried in your arms.This ends.For all of us.End communication.
-Mod Folly
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
Falling Away With You | Ch. 20
Sebastian x F!Reader and M. Rasmodius x F!Reader
Rating: Mature/Explicit
Chapter Summary: You have to drink that weird potion from the game that makes you trip out and stuff lol have fun with that sucker
Author’s Note: I know a lot of you are here for Seb, which makes me nervous to say this: For the next few chapters, Seb will be around, but not the main focus like he has kinda been.
I really hope I don’t disappoint, and that y’all enjoy this anyway ^^"
(Also, here is your reminder to see chapter 18 for a visual reference of Ras if you need a refresher, since he's visually based off of a mod in my story!)
Table of Contents + Work Summary
Check it out on ao3!
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My dumb ass feels guilty about sorta kinda going behind Seb and Sam’s backs and visiting the tower in the woods on my own. The fact that I’ll be going back again at some point is gnawing away at me.
I knocked out pretty soon after hitting my pillow last night, but I’ve spent the whole day after meeting Magnus moping around. Using snacks and cozy Ghibli movies in bed to cope. Couldn’t be productive even if I wanted to.
It’s just like… I have trust issues, whether it’s not trusting enough or over-trusting. What gives me the right to betray someone else’s trust, y’know?
I’m a monster.
Or, I’m totally making this a bigger deal than it needs to be… Maybe. Ugh.
Maybeee if I just come out and tell them I went there – or at least tell Seb – it won’t be too bad? Yeah? 
I sigh for the upteenth time today, very dramatically. Pausing Howl’s Moving Castle (y’know, maybe watching a movie about a wizard isn’t helping…), I flop my head back down to the pillow, accidentally causing Cannoli to stir next to my feet. Then, I crack my knuckles, and grab my phone from beside me.
< hello 🕺
Sebastian > hello yourself
Sebastian > what’s up
< are you busy rn?
Sebastian > not particularly
Sebastian > miss me already? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
< shut up
< i just wanna talk about something i guess
< it’s not like
< serious or anything
< i don’t think
Sebastian> that’s not at all comforting
Sebastian > wanna come over?
< sure, i’ll head there in a sec
< love u 🖤
Sebastian> gross (love you too 🖤)
Head fuzzy and pits sweaty from my nerves and the heat, I slog my way over to Seb’s house. I should get, like, a bike or something. Or a car, once I finally have a steady income from crops. I haven’t driven in a while — used to love it, for the small amount of time I was able to.
Then again, there’s like, no roads I could even take to get around town without ruining shit. I wonder how Robin manages to get around with that big ol’ truck of her’s.
“You look like a mess,” Robin immediately points out as I enter the workshop. Rude… but understandable.
I groan, shuffling over to the counter and leaning atop it. “I was up later than usual and now I’m grumpy.” That’ll be my excuse, sure!
She stands up from her custom-made, fancy-ass wooden chair and leans across from me, lowering herself to eye level.
“Everything alright?” she asks, seeing right through me. Reaching out to put a comforting hand on my shoulder, she gives me a soft, lopsided smile. I tend to forget how quickly Robin’s motherly instincts can flick on, considering how much of a little shit she typically is.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, I think,” I nod, “I’m just a big dummy.” “You’re not wrong,” she teases with a cheeky smile.
I laugh in response with a snort. “I’m outta here.”
“Be safe down there,” she sings out as I start my descent to the basement.
“Is mom being a creep again?” a muffled Seb calls out behind the door, having heard my pained groans.
As I enter, I answer, “When isn’t she at this point?”
“Fuck,” he mutters. 
He was playing something – dunno what – but I’m assuming that was a response to whatever just happened. He clicks a bunch and leans back in his chair, takes off the headphones that were only half-on anyway, and brings his eyes up to me, indicating that he’s quit out of the game. I notice as he gets up that I’m still just awkwardly standing at the door, so I promptly make my way to the sofa, where he joins me.
“So?” he prompts. Shit, right to business.
“So, er…” I fiddle with some of the callus on my hands. Why am I so nervous?
“You went to that tower, yeah?”
I meet his eyes in shock. How the fuck did he know? Unless this new theory, that he can read minds, is true. “Y-yeah.”
“I had a feeling you would,” he smugly grins. This fizzles away my previous worries, but introduces the fear that he’s actually so goddamn perfect because he’s had a backstage pass to my motherfucking brain for the past several months that I’ve known him. 
“And you’re not, like, mad?” I question, trying to push my paranoia aside.
He shakes his head. “I trust that you wouldn’t do anything that you think is unsafe.” I sigh, and lean on his shoulder. He wraps me into a warm cuddle. “Is that what you wanted to talk about?”
I nod shyly. “I felt so bad for lying to you guys.”
“There are worse things to lie about, kid,” he laughs.
“‘Kid?’ We’re basically the same age,” I protest. As if I’ve never called him “kid” before.
He lightly noogies me, and I frantically flap my hands against his tummy until he stops.
“I had a feeling you were gonna go there yourself,” he claims. “You’re normally too stubborn to give up on something so quickly.” I whine, not liking how easy I am to read, but I don’t defend myself. Because he’s right. 
Only further supporting my theory. 
“Find anything cool?”
“Yeah, actually.” I wonder if I should tell him about all the magic stuff for a sec, before opting out. “The man who lives there is really nice, and his house is gorgeous. Suuuper talented plant-dad,” I enthuse. “He agreed to let me bring Abby over sometime, too. We have plans to meet up again beforehand. Ya know, so we can really win her over without it seeming like some predisposed thing.” 
And so that I can, like, learn magic or about magic or have something to do with magic. 
I look up to check Seb for a reaction, and he’s frowning. “What’s up?”
“Why ‘we’? What does he want with her?” “Long story. It’s nothing creepy,” I promise, “but I’m not sure if he wants me just… telling people his business. So I’d rather not get into it, if that’s okay with you.”
Seb nods, but his features don’t falter as he looks blankly across the room. 
“What’s up?”
He seems to shake away a thought before placing a kiss on my forehead. “It’s nothing, baby,” he tries to assure me.
I don’t believe him.
I groan under my breath, “Sebastiannn.”
“Seriously,” I pry, “I can tell you’re bothered by something I said. If you are, I wanna fix it, or help, or something.”
“No. Um…” he thinks for a sec, as my eyes scan his face for answers. If there was anything I thought he’d be upset about, it would have been me going to the tower alone. “Fuck, whatever. Yeah.”
I sigh. I’m about to ask him what I said or did, when—
“So you know about all that arcane shit now, yeah?”
My eyes widen again. “Oh my god you are a telepath, aren’t you?”
“What? No,” he shakes his head. “Well… I mean. Yeah, I am, actually.” !!! “But I don’t use it, like, ever.”
My stomach drops.
What if he’s lying to make me feel better?
I push my insecurities aside again. “Then how’d you know?”
Seb leans his head against the top of mine and sighs, playing with the ends of my hair as he speaks. “I went there once when I was younger – had to have been, like, 20 or somethin’ – and met Magnus. Haven’t seen him in ages… it was all too weird for me.” Wow. The last thing I expected to hear was that he actually knows the wizard himself.
He continues, “I didn’t want anyone finding out about it exploiting him somehow, and it also just, like…” He takes a moment to gather his thoughts. “I figured all that fantasy sorta shit is best kept as a genre, and nothing else, ya know? I’ve been into it in games, manga, everything, as an escape from real life for as long as I can remember. The idea of living and experiencing all that stuff firsthand freaked me out. So,” he shrugs slightly, lightly jostling my head. “I just kinda kept it to myself, eventually deciding to abandon it all together. Ghosted Magnus, which obviously was a dick move, but I’d figured if I was needed or anything, he’d reach out. Aaand he never did. So… yeah.”
He puts a big hand on mine, bringing awareness to the fact that I’m clutching onto his black t-shirt so hard. Whoops. I ease up my grip.
“I’m sorry if this, like, triggered anything for you,” I say, looking up to meet the rich indigo of his eyes. “I had no idea anyone knew about him and what he does, really.”
“No, don’t worry about it. It’s not your fault,” he reassures me with a dry laugh, “I didn’t think I’d still feel this bitter about that stuff.”
“Do you have bad blood with Magnus or something?” “No, not at all,” Seb rejects. I notice a tiny smile forming on his features – one that I don’t think even he knows is there. “He was a really great friend for the few months that we knew each other.” “Just mourning a loss, then?”
“Yeah,” he sighs with a smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “Something like that.”
A few beats pass before I softly offer, “I can give him your regards when I see him again, if you want. Just for closure if nothing else, y’know?”
He shakes his head as he replies. “Nah, no thanks. I’d rather do it myself if I ever feel like it.”
I slowly nod. “So… would you be against me learning magic?”
Seb doesn’t answer for a little, but I don’t prod. I want to give him time to think. I consider the question, too. I really, really want to get involved in this stuff, if it’s actually, like… in my blood or whatever the fuck. I want to respect Seb’s past, but I haven’t been this eager to learn something new in forever.
He breaks the silence, finally. “Kinda, honestly.” I can feel myself deflate. Fuck me. “But I wouldn’t stop you from trying it.” …Oh?
I raise my eyebrows, a little surprised that he’s so chill about this, given what he’d just told me. “You sure? ‘Cause I’m pretty stoked to do it, honestly,” I confess, not able to keep a grin from forming as I think of what’s to come. “But you’re more important than becoming a wizard or witch or whatever the fuck.”
“I think so,” he responds, scruffing my hair a bit. “If it’s something you want, you should go for it, as long as I don’t have to be directly involved or anything.”
“Of course not. I’d never want to put you in a situation that could hurt you.”
Seb kisses my forehead, muttering something about me being a big sap, then wraps his thumb and forefinger around my chin, bringing my mouth up to his. I ignored his cheeky remark in our texts earlier, but god, I really do miss these lips when I’m not around them. I deepen our kiss and reach up to take his face in my hands, thankful that this went relatively well.
About a week and a half has passed since I’ve really left the farm. My most recent ~off-campus~ excursion was when I visited the wizard again for a small overview of what I’ll need to do in order to start this weird, magical journey of mine. That was a few days after I met with Seb to apologize for being a sneaky lil’ rascal.
I’ve been balls deep in preparing my farm, hoping I can get some more land ready for crop-growing by autumn. I knew that it would be in my best interest to use the sudden hyperfixation as fuel to work. I can only live off of Grandpa’s inheritance for so long.
A few mobile Discord calls with Seb, Sam, and Victor, with strict instructions not to come over until further notice, have been keeping me motivated as well. I always find it easier to get things done when someone other than myself is there to hold me accountable, but get distracted too easily to have someone else physically present.
The downside to this, though, is that I missed a supposedly important town event: some beachy potluck luau… thing. It sounds like it was boring, but I kind of wish I got to experience it for my first year here. I had no idea it even existed until Seb and Sam called me from the party itself, and at that point, I didn’t want to show up covered in soil and empty-handed.
After that, I realized I should touch some grass that isn’t mine, deciding to leave the house at my next possible opportunity.
This morning I received a letter from Magnus, telling me to go see him in his tower at my earliest convenience. I wonder if he could read my mind from all the way over there… 
Coincidence or not, my excitement about all this fancy magic stuff hasn’t fizzled away whatsoever — unfortunately taking precedence in my mind over what I’m now calling Mission: Abominable (Heh, get it? Like, Mission: Impossib– sorry.) — so I made his task my duty for the day. 
Going to Magnus’ house this time is a lot… friendlier on my body than the past two. I still feel that weird connection to it, but it seems like it’s eased up. As if the spirits know I’m mentally locked-in on fulfilling some weird destiny of mine, and decided to cool it with the obnoxious straining. 
I jog up the stairs, my favorite skirt swishing around with each step I take. Noticing his lack of telepathic intrusion as I slowly waltz up to the door, I knock. 
“You home, Magnus?” I call out.
“Yes,” he shouts, verbally, from what sounds like a far room. “One moment, please!’
Upon his confirmation, butterflies float around my tummy. I promptly start fidgeting with the sleeves of my tucked-in henley. 
The flutters are probably just there because I’m excited to learn more about myself, and magic, and whatever.
The door opens in front of me, and Magnus looks a little disheveled. “Apologies for the wait,” he grins, “Please, come in.”
“Everything alright?” I ask, eyes trained on his messy tresses. Noticing this, he reaches up to flatten it all back into place.
“Yes, I was just struggling to find something I’ll be needing today. I’ve acquired it, though!”
“Cool,” I respond. I wonder if that “something” even has anything to do with me… I hope I didn’t interrupt his original plans for the day. “By the way, is it okay that I just sorta… showed up?” I begin to stim with my sleeves again as I speak. "I can give you a call or we can set a date next time, or something.” 
“Don’t worry about that,” he reassures, guiding me over to the cauldron. “I foresaw your arrival.”
“So you can predict the future, too, huh?”
What sorta shit can’t this guy do? I mean, I guess if he’s powerful enough to constantly maintain a magical barrier around the valley, he’s gotta be a strong and talented wizard. But still.
“To a certain degree, yes.” 
“For how long did you know that I’d be coming here the night we met, then?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” he muses with his back turned.
He’s setting up a bunch of ingredients on the counter. I peek around him from my place on the opposite side of the pot and see a few crushed leaves of some sort, some flowers that I dunno the name of, mushrooms, bearberries… ooo, I wonder if he’s making a potion today! Excitement brews (Really, I am so sorry for all these puns) within me as I realize that this is all real.
I muffle a laugh. “No shit, that’s why I asked.” 
“Ah, of course. That makes perfect sense.” 
“...So you’re not gonna tell me?”
“Tell you what?”
Fucker, I think, rolling my eyes despite the big dumb smile plastered on me. 
“Language, miss,” he exclaims as he turns to face me, his amusement closely mirroring my own. 
So “shit” is fine, but you draw a line at “fuck?”
“Sure,” Magnus replies. I palm my face, shaking my head, as my body shakes from giggling so hard. “I’m kidding, of course,” he confirms.
“Respectfully, get out of my head,” I sigh. “Seriously, how many of my thoughts have you heard?” 
“No matter!" Ah, great. More ambiguity. “I’m brewing for you today a potion that will help you hone your potential skills,” he explains, mixing his ingredients into the cauldron. It smells funky… hopefully it at least tastes okay.
“It won’t hurt, will it?” I worry out loud, moving closer to his side now.
He peers down at me and shrugs. “Well, no, but you may feel a little nauseous. That’s more of a byproduct of the taste, than the properties of the mixture itself.”
“Ugh. So it’s gonna taste as, like… musky as it smells?”
“Unfortunately, yes,” he grins apologetically. “Fear not, I have a solution!” Magnus leans his stirrer – I haven’t seen the bottom, so I’ve got no idea whether it’s a spoon or not – in my direction. “If you’ll be so kind as to take over, for a moment.”
I take the device from him and continue to mix the elixir. It’s not as… pretty as the one I saw a few nights ago. Just as green, but more bubbly and sloppy than it is shimmery. I wince, trying to imagine what the texture is going to be like.
Magnus rummages through a drawer underneath the surface he was working on before. “Ah-hah!” he whispers.
He spins around, and is now holding a sealed stick of rock candy in his hand. The full display of his ever so slightly crooked teeth, and the way his little mole scrunches underneath his eye crinkles as he beams at me, is just as sweet as the treat he’s holding. This man is precious.
“T-this should make it more bearable,” he prompts. 
His eyes flashed pink for a quick second, and he stuttered for the first time since I’ve met him. Please tell me he didn’t hear me calling him precious. Or… thinking of him as precious? Agh. 
He holds out the treat for me, and we swap places again. I grin down at the candy, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes. It feels a little juvenile… like, if you eat your veggies, you’ll get to have some dessert!! I don’t think it’s intended by any means – Magnus has been nothing but pleasant to me, and apparently to Sebastian too. 
And it’s not that I don’t like it... I fucking love rewarding myself with snacks.
Why am I so self-conscious about this? Get it together, lady.
I shyly thank him, fumbling around with the white ribbon that’s neatly tying the candy’s plastic wrapping in place. “Is this gonna be as… chunky as it looks?” I question, scrutinizing the liquid.
“Indeed it is.”
I look up and see him nodding, a pained look on his face. “Luckily, it should go down quickly, so long as you don’t gag.” 
He smiles again, this time more lopsided and not-so comfortingly. He knows it’s gonna suck. He knows that I know it’s gonna suck. I think he’s slowly realizing that his attempts to dilute my worries are pointless.
I groan, prompting a chuckle from him. “Just think of the candy, (y/n),” he softly encourages. As if he isn’t laughing at my pain right now. 
I nod curtly. “Think of the candy,” I quietly repeat, soothing myself. Glaring at the dumb, bubbly goop in front of me.
Magnus lifts his stirring device – it’s just a long-ass ladle – and pours some of the contents back into the mixture. “It looks like it’s ready!” 
…Good lord. I really don’t do well with big textures. This is going to be a nightmare, if that sludgyness is anything to judge by.
“It looks like it’s disgusting, you mean?”
“If sweets aren’t enough comfort for your psyche, think of the results!” he says while scooping the potion into a small, glass vial. Looks to be about a shot glass or two worth of liquid. 
He hands it over, and while I inspect it, he continues, “Regardless of whether or not you have the capability to create magic, you will be more in tune with nature, which will help in your profession. You should feel less fatigued from hereon as well, and–”
“Ah, that’s right! We don’t even know if I can be a wizard or whatever, yet.” I complain, nose scrunched.
A moment of uncertainty passes, before he breaks the brief silence. “...Think of the candy?” He winces, smiles, and shrugs, his eyebrows upturned.
I take a deep breath in and out. “Think of the candy.”
“Fucki’g shit, Magnush!”
“I’m sorry, (y/n)! I promise you that I have never heard of a reaction quite like this!”
From the ground beneath him I moan in pain, rock candy hanging out of my mouth, my arms around my stomach and knees tucked to my chest. My eyes are pouring with tears – not of sadness, but of pure agony. 
“It hurtsh sho bad, oh my fucki’g god!” I slowly lean forward, resting my forehead on the surprisingly cool iron of the cauldron.
The potion was just as disgusting as I’d imagined it would be, but that shouldn’t have been my main concern, apparently. I’ve never felt so bloated or crampy in my life. 
Think: worst period cramps you’ve ever had, perhaps with endometriosis, but then cranked up, and also it’s in your stomach too. I have no idea what childbirth feels like, but I can’t imagine this being far off. This is fucking awful.
I’m almost positive that I’m allergic to one of the ingredients he’d used, because neither of us know why else I’d be reacting like this... Unless my body is just that resistant to the arcane.
Magnus, blue-eyed with guilt, hastily drained out his cauldron and began crafting a new tonic upon the realization that I wasn’t just super icked by his concoction. This new one should (hopefully!!) have healing properties. He’s anxiously mixing new ingredients above me with one hand, partially leaned over so that he can keep his left palm comfortingly atop my head.
“I’m sorry, my dear, truly! I’m working as quickly as I can.”
I know he didn’t mean for any of this to happen, but in my pained delirium, I feel so betrayed. I whine out in response, letting the rock candy fall from my mouth and onto the floor where it shatters.
“I’ll clean that up later, I’m sorry,” I sob. 
“That is the absolute least of my worries, (y/n)!”
He murmurs a quiet spell of sorts, gives the mixture one last stir, and softly rubs my head, before going to grab a vial for the new potion.
Wiping away the tears that obstructed my vision, I lean back slightly, swivel to the side, and look up, watching him pour the new elixir. This one is pretty, which hopefully is a good sign: cerulean, thin liquid with specks that resemble a prismatic glitter floating through it.
Magnus kneels in front of me, ready for me to receive the potion. But noticing the self-soothing death-grip I have on the fabric of my no-longer-tucked shirt, he instead takes matters into his own hands.
His blue eyes become rosy as he focuses on my pout, bringing the vial to meet it. I sniffle and open my mouth slightly to wrap my lips around the glass tube, craning my neck as he puts a large hand partially on my face and partially on the side of my head for support.
This potion is a lot colder than the last, and feels slightly fizzy going down. It’s soothing. I’d say it’s almost as sweet as the rock candy I’d destroyed earlier, too. And luckily, the instant it hits my stomach, I feel better…
But now I’m painfully aware of his thumb softly brushing my jawline, the blush on his cheeks, the blush on my cheeks, the faint warmth of his breath, his fingers in my hair, the— 
He pulls his hand and the vial away, smiling. His eyes are their base shade again.
Heat grows up to my ears and down my neck, as I nod. “Much,” I squeak out. 
An uncomfortable pit forms in my stomach as I notice that the ghost of his touch is still lingering on my skin like static.
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marysunshine23 · 2 years
Sims 4 Mods that I want to Exist
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Since the EA app doesn’t want to work, I’m gonna make a list of The Sims 4 mods I want to be a thing/accessable to me.
(Disclaimer: Most of this is CC mods, but some are life mods)
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WHY AREN’T THERE MONSTER HIGH MODS?! We already have werewolves, vampires, mummies and mermaids; WHY ISN’T THIS A THING. I want Draculaura in my game. I WANT HER CLOTHES IN MY GAME. There is no reason this isn’t happening. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
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Yeah, there’s an actual Mean Girls life mod, but the only CC outfits in the mod are the ones in THIS PICTURE. But we’re forgetting the banger outfits that Cady wears later in the movie.
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Give me all of these outfits NOW. (Yes, I know you can kind of make the first one, shut up. Not to mention, ALL THE GIRLS HAVE CUTE OUTFITS. These need to be a thing that is easily accessible to the Sims community.
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SANRIO STUFF. Like, I want all the Sanrio stuff in the sims. I want my Sim to be as decked out in Cinnamoroll stuff as I am. If we can make Sanrio phone cases, let’s make it happen.
Consequences of Body Structure
No, I’m not body shaming, but I want some minor differences in how sims behave with their body structure. My example: how my sister and I respond to weather. I’m plus-sized, I’m hot a lot of the time and steam up windows by existing. My sister is tiny, she’s cold ALL THE TIME and has to have a blanket in every car. I’m often out of breath when climbing the stairs, my sister gets tired easily because she has a high metabolism. My joints hurt often because I have too much weight on my bones, my sisters bones hurt because she doesn’t have enough body fat to insulate and keep herself warm. I WANT THOSE THINGS IN THE SIMS.
Life Aspects that Aren’t Personality Traits
BEING A CAT OR A DOG PERSON IS NOT A PERSONALITY TRAIT. BEING LACTOSE INTOLERANT ISN’T A PERSONALITY TRAIT. There should be a category for Life Aspects. Are you right handed or left handed? Are you allergic to anything? Do you have digestive issues? Are you sensitive to chemicals? Do you have a phobia? Do you have a mental or physical disorder? I’M CHEERFUL BUT I HAVE DEPRESSION, THAT WOULD BE A GREAT CHALLENGE IN THE SIMS. Pitting personality traits against life aspects would be amazing and I’d live for that shit.
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((Small warning this one's a little heavy))
Echo smiled, emanating a fond & profoundly sad sense of pride.
"He was a Midnight Ranger too," They murmured, fidgeting with their hands. "He enlisted as soon as he was of age, then retired when my Grandma got pregnant. They raised my mom, then when she had me, he was always around."
Echo pauses, searching for something in their pockets, pulling out a small picture, yellowing with age, and hold it out to Jiyan. It's of an older man, greying hair and a full beard, smiling brightly as he bounces a young Echo on his knee. They are both mid-laugh.
"When... that resurgence happened, in Jinzhou- He reenlisted. My mother begged him not to, and they must have had a terrible argument because she refuses to speak of it, even now. She wouldn't tell me anything. I never even knew what happened to him until-"
Echo bites down on their bottom lip, staring into the empty fire pit.
"My Grandma was... declining. Before, she'd agreed not to tell me anything when my mother asked, but she wasn't... all there anymore. I visited her, and she told me he had passed about two years after he left. A random attack, there was nothing they could do. The Rangers had offered a funeral, but my mother had declined."
Echo looked up to the sky, blowing out a deep breath. Tears were welling in their eyes, but they blinked them away.
"He had sacrificed himself to protect the other soldiers he was with at the time," They whispered, a proud smile on their face. "She'd told me that. Made sure I knew. Made sure I remembered him as a hero, not a coward like my mother said."
They finally met Jiyan's gaze, smiling sadly.
"He never got a proper final resting place. My Grandmother joined him in death about a year ago, and I started coming to the monument here. There's... one stone, for the unnamed lost in battle. I leave him five flowers," they gestured to the small bouquet, "and the other three as respect to others who've sacrificed everything. I'm not cut out for fighting, or being a soldier, but..."
Echo's hands shake as they shut their eyes, a contentedness spreading across their face.
"...I think he would be alright with that."
((Finals season is incredibly stressful, I hold an immense amount of respect for you because of it- schooling, especially beyond what's required, is difficult and definitely not for everyone, so kudos to you! And double kudos for taking a break when you need it <3 Thank you for everything you're doing Mod!))
Jiyan listened intently as Echo shared the poignant story of their grandfather, the Midnight Ranger who had served with honor and made the ultimate sacrifice. He felt a deep respect for the man who had chosen to reenlist despite the pleas of his family, driven by duty and bravery. Echo's emotions were raw, their pride and sadness intertwined as they recounted the details.
When Echo showed Jiyan the yellowed photograph, he studied it carefully, taking in the bright smiles and the bond between grandfather and grandchild. He understood the weight of the legacy Echo carried, passed down through generations marked by service and sacrifice.
"I'm sorry for your loss," Jiyan said softly, handing the photograph back to Echo with a gentle touch. "Your grandfather sounds like he was a true hero, dedicated to protecting others until the end."
He reached into a small pouch at his side, withdrawing a handful of seeds. They were small and dark, shimmering slightly in the firelight. "These are Emortia seeds," Jiyan explained, offering them to Echo. "They were developed by the Academy at my request. The flowers are meant to honor the departed. They represent the cycle of departure and return, reminding us of those who have gone before us."
Jiyan looked at Echo with earnest sincerity. "May I plant these seeds in honor of your grandfather? They are resilient, much like the spirit of those who serve, and they symbolize the hope that despite the departure, there is always a return in memory and spirit. It's a small gesture, but I hope it brings some comfort, knowing that his memory will continue to be honored."
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the-immortal-mourning · 6 months
Connection terminated. I'm sorry to interrupt you, Elizabeth, if you still even remember that name, But I'm afraid you've been misinformed. You are not here to receive a gift, nor have you been called here by the individual you assume, although, you have indeed been called. You have all been called here, into a labyrinth of sounds and smells, misdirection and misfortune. A labyrinth with no exit, a maze with no prize. You don't even realize that you are trapped. Your lust for blood has driven you in endless circles, chasing the cries of children in some unseen chamber, always seeming so near, yet somehow out of reach, but you will never find them. None of you will. This is where your story ends. And to you, my brave volunteer, who somehow found this job listing not intended for you, although there was a way out planned for you, I have a feeling that's not what you want. I have a feeling that you are right where you want to be. I am remaining as well. I am nearby. This place will not be remembered, and the memory of everything that started this can finally begin to fade away. As the agony of every tragedy should. And to you monsters trapped in the corridors, be still and give up your spirits. They don't belong to you. For most of you, I believe there is peace and perhaps more waiting for you after the smoke clears. Although, for one of you, the darkest pit of Hell has opened to swallow you whole, so don't keep the devil waiting, old friend. My daughter, if you can hear me, I knew you would return as well. It's in your nature to protect the innocent. I'm sorry that on that day, the day you were shut out and left to die, no one was there to lift you up into their arms the way you lifted others into yours, and then, what became of you. I should have known you wouldn't be content to disappear, not my daughter. I couldn't save you then, so let me save you now. It's time to rest - for you, and for those you have carried in your arms. This ends for all of us. End communication.
0 notes
johannepetereric · 1 year
Never thought I’d make a Mod Soul OC, but the world’s a big place ig
Anyway, her chosen name is Mazza. Some scientists found her purple pill and decided to plop her into a dead girl’s body. The Famighlia of the body, whose name turns out to be “Belle,” finds her all torn up and bloody, trying to get up, and brings her back home to Italy. This was ten years before Bleach canon, in which the zombie has not finished and will never finish puberty, stuck at five point five and a half feet since she was 15. The Famighlia, however, doesn’t care. They only want their purple-haired princess back, and if she came back to them speaking Japanese and not knowing Italian, the afrontment only lasts a year before everybody but Mazza decides to avoid talking about it.
She has long purple hair, curled up nicely, and they’ve been training Mazza (she picked this name after a month of “I wanna pick my own name!”) since they found her, deciding that they can’t keep her shuttled away untrained anymore. She takes it like a fish to water, naturally, and turns out this body wields Dying Will Storm Flames. On this newfound freedom, Mazza uses her Flames whenever and whomever she wants. She quickly learned careful control as to not burn her comrades if they get in her way.
The body has purple eyes, too, now with permanent stars as carry-over from the Mod Soul’s design. She has echolocation abilities, and is ridiculously strong with throwing weapons.
She was initially killed by a long gory slice from he right thigh, through her nonexistent breasts, up to her left shoulder, which doesn’t really impede her left-handedness. However, it did disembowel her, and she had to be stitched up again once they brought her back. She also has a nasty scar across her head, again bottom-to-top, but left to right this time. She does not exhaust, does not need to eat or drink or sleep, but she does get stomachaches from certain foods and objects not agreeing with her. The darkest any poisonings went is paralysis, coma (but she can’t fall unconscious either), diarrhea, and/or constipation. Possibly puking, too.
Beheadings and dismemberments and loss of organs don’t do anything, as they can be stitched back together again like Frankie Stein, no loss of the five senses (except for when the tongue and/or eyeballs are missing, of course).
Of course, claiming “amnesia,” they taught her how to read and write Italian, French, English, and Japanese (on her intense request (order)).
She practices her swings every week, not wanting to fall behind and die, not wanting to lose this body she just got!
Over the years, she got the “Il Pipistrelli della Mazza” nickname on missions.
And then this Famighlia had to make a pit stop to Japan, where she met Kon (going by Kai), her fellow Mod Soul. They could sense Kin and Death around each other, so, in the middle of the night when everyone’s asleep, Mazza took Kai back to her home base, where they caught each other up on their lives and bonding over Escaping Death. They exchanged addresses, Kai admitted to hiding the fact that he’s Kai and not Kon, and he promised that, despite his illiteracy, he’ll figure out a way to make them own pals. In the meantime, please address each as Ichigo, Mazza, as humans, made up a code, yadda yadda.
Yuzu, deciding to wake up super early for a special meal, found him trying to write a letter at the kitchen table. She fretted over “ruining Onii-san’s eyes” and “why don’t you turn on the lights?!” until Kai, going by Ichigo atm, admitted that he made a friend who was on vacation, and doesn’t know what to write to her, hoping that’ll make her shut up.
It does not in the slightest. She spent time whispering ideas, then began her breakfast. Since then, every day when they finish homework, she follows him to Ichigo’s room, brainstorming ideas, even writing them down for him to copy (which happens to be the entire letter).
Luckily, he kept the paper with Mazza’s address, and they’ve been Mystery Pen Pals ever since, keeping each other up on secrets they’re not supposed to know nor tell. In the letter, they agree to tell the super secret friend to address the letter to Yuzu instead (Yuzu doesn't get it, but Mazza does, as someone who also has to hide that she's secretly a zombie, not just having zombie-esque powers). She will (later) sneak them to Ichigo's room. If Ichigo asks why Yuzu's letter is in his room, just lie and say she forgot or whatever. Then she'll tell Bostov about it, who will telepathically relay it to the Ichigo who Knows.
....Wait, that looks like Swiss cheese, how are they supposed to pull off all this Pen Pal fuckery???
Anyway, unfortunately for Kai, Mazza’s vocal range is from the lowest to the highest known Hertz possible, which he can sometimes also detect, so his ears really fucking hurt from the noise only he, certain Hollows, and certain machines can pick up.
0 notes
brandonwayneb · 1 year
Its 22 que time
Two Que Time
Cuss Zi
English Language
Human Traffickers
“Porterhouse Missions”
Spam 22++
Spam Que++ Mod Dom
Spam Twine 22+ Time
america english languages used to groom and specialize in blind siding agents tunnel 2 lance Neal visions
22 Theme
2 Que “Took You”
Cuzz Zi “Curtain Zii Blood”
Cube, Que Baby Bee
Brandon’s advice
Emo Gothic Cupid.
Lord Valentine
Pro Life 99 Anyone and Everyone
1% endless self righteous
and zero america war blind agents
and “white english backdoors”
“loop holes”
brandon’s advice,
Fruit Roll Ups
Fruit Loops
High C Fruit Punch
Anti Cube,
Que Baby
Knight and Gale.
Galaxy Kaleidoscope, kale
Spec Toid
Spec To Add
Spawn Lies Royal Rage Roid
Sacred, say Red Promise
“2 que” english: took you
“Cuzz Zi” english: blood curtains
News Paper Hot Cake Press
Xerox, DOS, 2 d’aisés
Mass war crimes america “cid” kids dicks are made of glow sticks.
G spot low.
Giggle fat low
News Paper Hot Cakes Press
“2 que” english: took lies you
“cuzz zi” english: lies curtain calls
spam 222222222222++
spam Emo Gothic Rainbow Cupid
ProLife 99%
1% no Lab Bot Tan Bee
1% no Lab Bot Ten Dimensions
Mission. Sion.
Mission. Ms Zeal
War Protection Orders
lies at “Shun”
lies at “Re Vo”
lies at “Rogue”
lies at “Vogue”
lies at “Hot Cake Pool Magazine”
lies at “Factory Pool Side Zen Vixen”
Anti Cube.
Que Bii,
Sec Technique “Re Vo Lut Shun”
“Shun” “Shunt”
Sword Hilt
Sword Shunt
lies found blame “dina spanish sluts”
kept looking at ur butt
keep ur mouth shut
pizza hut slurpy straws wheelchair murders bridge anna Bridget jones blood diamond mound “dairy” “andersons” “smith” cow fist ass pizza milkshake
Fix Pro Life 99%
Fix Pro Life 1%
america war, mass citizen
Ka Balla
Sun Bridge
Bridget Journalist
Jewish Bat Eyes
Strawberry Farm Spirit Lance
Anti Rip Intestines,
Brandon’s war advices
“22+ Twines”
lies “ Albert Einstein’s”
“Steinmark, Staffmark”
Stien Pro Life 99 All Pro Life eyes
Sebastian Steinhausen
Citizens Laws
restoration truths
not “shun”
not “vogue revolution”
not “shhhhuuuuunnnnnnnn….ttttttt”
not “Shun”
Que Dom.
Que Mod Doms
Emo Gothic Rainbow Cupids
CC side ears side table burns
No america Mad Cow Fist Psy Rips.
No america révise scripts
Scripts, Rips, and Rib Bones
Brandon’s advice,
Irish Red Rabbit Eyes
Arabic Red Rab Eye Jewish
now watch only out for “Revolution Vogue Silver Ver Ver Verrrrrrr”
america war
Master Vat Tom
Master Bay Tons
Master Disturb Desk Snake Skin
Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk Sk
now listen to illegals agents threaten mass premeditated violence, genocide, and murders, at
“Ver Bat Tom”
Brandon’s Advice
Vampire Bat Thomas Train Jokes
Anti Que 22+ sideways passion pits
Hot Peter Pan Strawberry Pancake Sideways Hot Press Newspaper Zen
Sideways Strawberry Straws
Sideways News Paper, Pizza
Watch “Ver Bat Tom”
Watch “Cur Civ Spell Tome”
Tome, Book
Tome, Scroll
Sideways Strawberry Hot Newspaper Lines
Spam Que 22++
war 24
gatorade fruit ninja blood, jasper red, deer tick ass spank ken
22 english lies
0 notes
justkinthingz · 5 years
hey! i know ive made. a few posts like this but i really do want to start up again on this blog, especially with the rise in sources people find triggering. this blog is probably(?) one of the handful that will do just about any source, and i know some people rely on that.
ive just been having trouble with motivation recently, but i want you all to know ill definitely try! i love all of you with all my heart, and if i do find the drive, ill try and make a post tomorrow! the inbox will be cleared, and maybe this blog will make a comeback! 💕
- with love, mod pit!
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