#siblings doing the ninja pose
chiliger · 10 months
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Choose your fighter!
Watch out, even the cubs have claws!
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My interpretation of Itachi's character is fairly contrasting with yours. I pose my arguments against your analysis. I hope I would get a lead unto having an unbiased opinion.
Itachi's position in here between was a rock and a hard place. Having witnessed horrors of wars he chose to the stop war. It wasn't the best decision but even still he accomplished many things.
A new Forth Great Ninja war was prevented. Uchihas plan wasn't to reform the government it was to take control of them. Their desires were clearly reflected in their demands. While half of them was about freedom, the rest was only to control village. This, along with Obito's plan for revenge and war, will definitely start a war.
Madara, with the pact, was foiled for more than seven years long enough for the strong Shinobis like Naruto and Sasuke to grow up and defeat him.
Sasuke's life was saved. Itachi would go at all lengths to protect his brother. Afterall, its only obvious he would be over-protective of Sasuke since both loved each other a lot(as siblings).
The Uchiha's reputation were saved. Imagine what would have happened to the Uchihas after the war. The people were already suspicious of the Uchihas and now we will have never ending persecution and would be branded as traitors, doesn't matter if the coup won or lost. The coup wasn't about reforming anyway.
People in the village got to be safe too.
And despite all these he still regretted a lot enough that he wanted the person he adored the most to kill him. Also, no one here is trying to justify his action. A justification and a reason has a clear distinction. Just because there was a reason it doesn't make the acts were justified. He himself acknowledged that. The writer didn't try to justify nor did Itachi himself. People like, Hashirama and Naruto, appreciated the role he played and praised him as a Shinobi.(being seen as a villan while protecting the people isn't easy, btw). They weren't justifying or glorifying his actions in any instance.
He wasn't an absolute nationalist. He he was an idealist. His motivations most cases(especially while making big decisions)were to 'not beget war' and 'maintain peace'. Doesn't matter if Uchihas managed to control the village it still starts war, death, destruction and countless losses which is exactly what Itachi hated from when he was 4. He also wanted to reform the village by becoming a Hokage. He wanted to wiped out the entire ninja system since ninjas were the ones who were used as a weapon for the Diamoyo start constant wars. The Leaf was sort of obnoxious in the time of Tobirama and Hiruzen's regime. But even still, the Hokages were good and passionate and also the people were innocent.
A new Forth Great Ninja war was prevented. Uchihas plan wasn't to reform the government it was to take control of them. Their desires were clearly reflected in their demands. While half of them was about freedom, the rest was only to control village. This, along with Obito's plan for revenge and war, will definitely start a war.
How do you even know it was prevented? Shisui stating that hidden villages will take advantage of Konoha’s civil war to invade was just a fear that was actually constantly proven wrong throughout the series; when Suna invaded and Konoha was destroyed (forcing it to send their most powerful shinobi out of the village to collect money) no other village took advantage of the situation, not even Kumo or Iwa, two of the big five that were not struggling politically or militarily as Suna, Kiri and Konoha were. Kumogakure even tried to kidnap Hinata while in the middle of signing a peace treaty, yet they did nothing against the Hyüga clan nor the village during one of their most vulnerable state.
Furthermore, you mean to tell me that a civil war (I am using that notion generously because Konoha is a military state with a non-civilian population, specifically trained for combat) destabilizes the military and economic power of a city, yet the complete disappearance overnight of one of the village's founding and most powerful clans does nothing to its structure? Other villages wouldn’t see the absence of Sharingan-wielders as an enticing opportunity to strike? Do you mean to tell me that a village was left without police to control it overnight (and their job is considered super important by detractors), yet the city did not succumb to chaos?
Their desires were clearly reflected in their demands.
What were their demands? Enlighten me.
While half of them was about freedom, the rest was only to control village.
Where do you get this information from? There’s nothing of the sort stated in the manga.
This, along with Obito's plan for revenge and war, will definitely start a war.
Obito’s plan needed the annihilation of the Sharingan-wielders as he didn’t want anyone capable of obtaining the Mangekyou to jeopardize his plan to control the ten-tails, Itachi killing the Uchiha literally allowed Obito to start the war!! 
Madara, with the pact, was foiled for more than seven years long enough for the strong Shinobis like Naruto and Sasuke to grow up and defeat him.
… what? This doesn’t make any sense and has nothing to do with Itachi… you mean to tell me that Itachi killing his clan made Sasuke as powerful as he is? Because Sasuke has always been powerful and has always been Indra’s transmigrant, and as I’ve said, Obito wouldn’t have been able to initiate the war (or at least would’ve been incredibly difficult for him) with the Uchiha clan still alive!
Sasuke's life was saved. Itachi would go at all lengths to protect his brother. Afterall, its only obvious he would be over-protective of Sasuke since both loved each other a lot(as siblings).
An eight-year-old was tortured mentally by his brother through Tsukuyomi by watching his clan and parents get killed over and over again, was left to live alone in a compound destroyed by his brother’s actions, having to clean his parents’ own blood and fend for himself –but at least he’s alive… the circumstances and solitude in which he grew is abysmal, traumatic, negligent and inhumane, but we don’t care as much about children’s safety as we do children being just alive.
There were other children in that compound, children that knew nothing of and participated not in the coup to which Itachi didn’t extend the same kindness he did his brother.
The Uchiha's reputation were saved. Imagine what would have happened to the Uchihas after the war. The people were already suspicious of the Uchihas and now we will have never ending persecution and would be branded as traitors, doesn't matter if the coup won or lost. The coup wasn't about reforming anyway.
What ���reputation”? The Uchiha were always constructed under a negative light within Tobirama’s system, you lot keep saying they were saved from being seen as detractors when there’s not a single panel that states they were planning to change the system as a whole (rather take down the current government, which is not the same).
Furthermore, to think that they cared about the rest of the population's mindset regarding them is so incredibly simplistic I have to laugh at it –they’re the strongest clan in the village, without Uchiha, there’d have been no village in the first place, and they were already aware of the unfavorable perspective in which they were regarded by others, nothing in itself would’ve changed.
The Uchiha being seen as loyal to the village helped no one but the current system as it is, as they’re seen as a government without opposition, it wasn’t about maintaining the Uchiha’s honor, but keeping the fragile credit of the structure and those in power -if Uchiha died in their own terms, then other clans will know about the clan’s discomfort with the current mindset, and those that feel uncomfortable with it might find a group that validates such sentiments:
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Kakashi admits to being uncomfortable with the way he's viewed by the system, he even uses plural when referring to ninja ("we ninja") -meaning there's a communal uneasiness with the whole situation.
The fact that the government silenced detractors (Uchiha) by killing them will only deepen further the general shinobi population's discomfort, which is why is imperative to silence the truth.
[On another note, why do you keep using "honor" as an excuse to execute an entire compound of people? The entire clan was decimated and the whole "honor" of the family rested as another responsibility Sasuke had to endure all by himself thanks to "Itachi's love" -they were left with no honor as Sasuke was forced to restore it! Furthermore, they're all dead! What is "honor" gonna do for them? For the massacred innocents at least? They did nothing wrong and were killed regardless, their honorable nature wasn't even being questioned!]
People in the village got to be safe too.
Safe of what? When was it stated they were going to fight against those who weren’t in power? The problem is they rebelling against those they deem their oppressors but not the government refusing to renounce their power in order to keep the “population they hold so dear” safe? They are both willing to kill innocents (so I guess some people in the village weren’t safe, but in your book, they don’t matter as much), and use the rest of the military population to strike against Uchiha (which is also, never actually stated!). The idea of a “within war” was never confirmed as the Uchiha had no chance to strike, no one is to say they weren’t trying to take power through force yet quietly, no one is to know what was their actual plan as that was never brought to light!
The Uchiha are wrong for wanting to take the power but the government isn't wrong for wanting to keep it, the Uchiha are wrong for their methods to seek authority but not the government for defending the status quo. Uchiha having power would mean annihilation, somehow, despite them being against just their oppressors, not Konoha as a whole; while the government seeks to protect the village despite massacring an entire and most important portion of their militia and one of the founders' clans.
And despite all these he still regretted a lot enough that he wanted the person he adored the most to kill him. 
He regretted nothing, he wanted Sasuke to kill him in order to both give him an objective and to distract him from finding out Konoha’s involvement in the Uchiha Massacre, shouldering the entire responsibility of their demisse.
Also, no one here is trying to justify his action. 
But you are, you wrote point after point why he had to kill his clan.
A justification and a reason has a clear distinction.
What distinction? You need to expand on the notions you think are relevant to you own argument. 
Just because there was a reason it doesn't make the acts were justified. He himself acknowledged that. The writer didn't try to justify nor did Itachi himself. People like, Hashirama and Naruto, appreciated the role he played and praised him as a Shinobi.(being seen as a villan while protecting the people isn't easy, btw). They weren't justifying or glorifying his actions in any instance.
What are you even writing? I’m being honest with that question, claiming to have a reason to kill his clan is used as a justification for his actions! I can’t believe I have to explain that to you. He never said he had no justification (their coup was treated as such over and over, everyone took advantage of them wanting to coup in order to both order the massacre and carry it out!!).
How on earth can you write “People like Hashirama and Naruto appreciated the role he played and praised him as a shinobi but they never justified him”, so are they praising him or not? Them positively reinforcing Itachi and praising him for “his sacrifice” (you see, not only he is perceived as a villain, he is a villain, he killed an entire kin -again, innocents included, in order to maintain specific people in power) is justifying his actions under the notion of the “greater good for the village”. 
He wasn't an absolute nationalist.
He did everything for Konoha! He even claimed himself to be “Itachi of the Leaf!” What are you even talking about?
He he was an idealist. His motivations most cases(especially while making big decisions)were to 'not beget war' and 'maintain peace'. 
Yet his actions concluded in Obito being able to control the Ten Tails with almost no real opposition as the only other Sharingan-wielder was Sasuke.
Doesn't matter if Uchihas managed to control the village it still starts war, death, destruction and countless losses which is exactly what Itachi hated from when he was 4. 
How do you know? Do you have an entirely new manga written by Kishimoto about what would’ve happened had the Uchiha taken over the village? Itachi hated Uchiha since he was four because they brought “war, death and destruction” but not Konoha that actually provoked such wars, deaths, and destruction, what an intelligent boy! 
You have to be a troll because, man, “unbiased opinion” my ass. Also, did you just come to my blog with arguments coming from Itachi Shinden? The story not written by Kishimoto?
He also wanted to reform the village by becoming a Hokage. He wanted to wiped out the entire ninja system since ninjas were the ones who were used as a weapon for the Diamoyo start constant wars. 
Funny, under Hiruzen’s regime he would’ve never become Hokage, furthermore, when did he even hinted to want to become Hokage?? Never in the entire manga. Also, the Daimyo did little to nothing when it came to wars, those were all the Kage’s responsibilities! Dear Lord, did you at least read Team 10’s Arc? Asuma’s background literally explains how the Shugonin Jūnishi fought each other because six of them wanted the entire military power of the Land of Fire to be managed by the Daimyo alone while the rest, Asuma included, defended the Hokage’s existence. 
The Leaf was sort of obnoxious in the time of Tobirama and Hiruzen's regime. But even still, the Hokages were good and passionate and also the people were innocent.
Which people were innocent? The children and non-Sharingan wielders that knew nothing of the coup and were massacred regardless? How can you write “the Hokages were good” while they literally ordered the mass killing of people they swore to protect? How can you use “obnoxious” and “good” to describe the same two people?!
Gosh, the fact that you lot (Itachi stans) don’t comprehend that his involvement in the massacre of his own people alongside the protagonist’s endorsement of state-sanctioned genocide, makes the annihilation of an entire portion of a village a plausible option to handle internal disagreements is disastrous.
Committing genocide against the village’s own people sets a dangerous precedent where future governments can see and use such slaughter as a conceivable, even necessary, tool at their disposal whenever they feel threatened, making any clan vulnerable to the decisions of its government and guaranteeing the silence of possible detractors or even the censorship of constructive criticism of the political, military, economic and cultural system.
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phantomrev · 7 months
um hi I really like your content!
It’s stupid but can you do silly Morro headcanons please
if you want to ofc !
Okay so some happy ones first before I tear hearts with sad ones:
Happy ones :)
After he found out he had his own flavor at the Dairy Dragon it’s all he orders and he brags it to Kai all the time (He probably likes mint chocolate mint and hates mangos but it’s all just jokes)
He probably did the thing Kai did with Lloyds green ninja fit(aka posing in front of the mirror doing backflips n stuff like that) Cole caught him and morro threatened to turn him into a ghost again if he told anybody
He’s fine with messing with everyone at the monastery, sometimes Pixal. (if he feels brave) But Nya? He won’t even think of it. It’s like getting your ass kicked by your oldest sibling for taking something from their room.
His room is a mess, but an organized mess. Want scissors? Yeah, I got some in some drawer that’s full of scrolls and random rocks he finds cool
Regular/Casual clothing is leaned to a punk aesthetic.
He loves Zane’s cooking but doesn’t admit it. Anyone else cooks? He’s gonna go to Chen’s Noodle House and order food, he doesn’t want food poisoning.
He gets along with Cole very well, and both talk about their experiences with being undead.
He has a green ninja hoodie like the ones they sell at clothing stores and wears it from time to time (Lloyd gave it to him)
He likes bitter foods
His favorite colors are dark and soft and if he actually redeemed himself/became living he wouldve had either a dark lavender suit or teal-ish
Sad ones now mwahaha
His voice is raspy and damaged due to the smoke in the caves. He sometimes has nightmares about it and wakes up coughing relentlessly or feeling like hes choking
He has a Cleithrophobia (fear of being trapped) and usually sleeps in his room with the door open
He ofter overtrains himself and ends up straining his body since he still thinks he needs to prove himself to Wu
When he's upset, he goes down rabbit holes and lashes out on people. He was never taught how to deal with those feelings as a child, and they're worse as an adult. Zane often tries to teach him healthier methods of dealing with it.
He never got to indulge in silly kid things due to his training and him being obsessed with becoming the green ninja. Lloyd probably showed him a Fritz Donnengan comic, and he probably started secretly collecting the mini figures/comics
Huzzah thats all ive got for now
I hope u enjoy
I might have more for my tlnm au or the redeemed au if you'd like to know lol
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That Color Looks Good on You
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Pairing: rottmnt x gn!reader
Warnings: Mild swearing
Summery: You show off your new lipstick to your favorite dork, Leo. After a series of events, you and Leo come up with a plot for a perfect prank. You’ll ambush every one of his siblings and smother them in kisses with your new lipstick all the while Leo films the whole thing. Let the Shenanigans Commence!
Author’s Note: I originally came up with this as a Leo x Reader. But the way the story progressed, it can be read as any rottmnt x reader as well as either romantic, platonic, or familial. The same can be said for the gender. I was putting on my own lipstick when I thought up this scenario and I thought ANYONE CAN WEAR LIPSTICK!!! So gender neutral it is! Writing in the 2nd person made it easy too.
Part 1: Neon Leon
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You are excited about your new lipstick.
Berry pink.
Not too light. A deep shade without it being too dark.
Putting on the final touches, you admire yourself in your bathroom mirror. It made you feel strong, confident, Dazzling!
“Whadda ya think?”
You strike a pose in your bedroom doorframe, framing your face with your hands. You have returned from your shopping trip and eager to show off your spontaneous purchase. Your favorite mutant turtle ninja lounges on your bed with his snout deep in the newest issue of Jupiter Jim: New Universe H2G2. Not only is he claiming your space as his own… he’s out right ignoring you.
Leonardo Hamato. Your other half, partner in crime, bestie, your first mate. Although Leo would beg a differ on that last part, claiming that since he’s the only one with pirate experience that you would be HIS first mate.
Eeeehhh… Tomato Tomahto.
The point being that you and your Neon Leon give April and Donnie the run for their money for the ‘Besties Awards’.
You deadpan at him. At this point in time, you’re thinking about accepting new applications for the Bestie role.
Meanwhile, that said comic (that is apparently Soooo much more interesting than you) was the purpose of your errand. A favor for him for it was sold out online and the one comic shop that still had it in stock was for pick up only. Donnie had gotten caught up in his newest project, something about a portal device to alternate realities, alternate selves, (other Mad Sciencey stuff) and Apparently forgot to preorder the damn thing. That particular shop just happens to be down the block from your apartment as well as you are the ‘bestest-most-awesome-supreme-person-ever-and-he-loves-you-sosososo-much’.
So much for being the ‘bestest most awesome supreme-’ so on and so forth.
With a huff, you pick up a hoodie you left on the floor, balled it up, and chucked right into Leo’s head. With a ‘THWUMPH’ and ‘hurmf ’, you pounce on him, snatching his comic from his grasp (carefully for you just bought the damn thing), setting it to the side during which you grab your pillow and whack his still covered head.
“I was joking!” He cries out as you laugh maniacally. “I heard you I heard you!”
Fully satisfied with his punishment, you stand up and plop to the side all the while you let him get his bearings. Leo finally frees himself from your shirt and throws it back on to the floor simultaneously sticking his tongue out at you.
Such a drama queen.
You roll your eyes and return the gesture whilst you adjust yourself to sit facing your Leo with him doing the same, finally takes in your lips.
“I like it.” He nods approvingly, “Muy Bien!”
You grin so big your checks begin to ache. But then you notice your turtle going quiet, grabbing his chin as he goes deep in thought.
“You’ll hurt yourself if you keeps that up.”
You know to well how clever he is but that doesn’t mean you won’t give him a ration of shit. It’s in your job description.
It’s Leo’s turn to roll his eyes.
“I was just thinking on about how it would look on me.”
You lean back on your hands and squint at his face for a moment. You then pull out your lipstick form your pocket to hold the color bottom sticker up to him.
“Hmmm I don’t know… I think something more of a red shade would be better for you. You know, to match your moons.”
You love those moons.
“Are you kidding?!” The Bratticus Maximus snatches it out of your hand, “I can totally pull this off!”
You gasp and quickly reach for it back, but Leonardo (being a stupid fucking turtle ninja) easily keeps it out of your reach. Keeping you at bay by smooshing his hand against you cheek.
Where’s the respect?
Then a wicked idea creeps into your mind. You drop your arms and let them hang for a moment causing Leo to pause. You switch your effort. Grabbing his wrist, subsequently tearing it off your face. You then yank him towards you, pulling his face close to yours.
“Well then let’s try it out shall we?”
You lean in, planting a firm kiss to his cheek with an exaggerated ‘MWAH’ .
You take in his face for a moment as he gapes at you.
“Hmm I can’t tell, I need a larger sample size.”
A mischievous grin spreads across your face and in turn Leo balks. He’s on to you. You both are on the same wave length. Even though it isn’t possible, everyone swears you two can Mind Meld together. He goes to shove you with his free hand but you catch that wrist as well, leaving him open.
You attack.
Smooching all over his face, leaving kiss marks in your wake. He cries out as you leave no spot uncovered.
You fall back and admire you work while your dear slider sits there stunned
“I guess I was wrong,” you release him, “That color does look good on you.”
Leo bolts up and dashes to your bathroom to assess the extent of the damage during which you almost fall to the floor cackling.
You await his return, biting your lip, trying to stifle your giggles. However, you fail when he appears back in your doorway.
There Leo’s tries to put on his best sulk (adorable really), crossing his arms as you devolve to wheezing. But who’s he kidding. You got him good. Plus watching you turn blue in the face and on the verge of passing out is pretty hilarious in on it self.
He returns to your bathroom and you're able to gather yourself enough to follow. He give you his signature smirk once he sees you in the mirror where upon poses with his finger and thumb in the L position to under his chin.
“I told you a could pull it off .” His smugness oozing off of him as he looks over himself again. You swear you saw sparkles.
You’re finally able to get yourself under control and you meet his gaze in the mirror as you come up from behind him.
“Yeah ya did stud muffin.” You shoot him a wink. “That’s a good look on you.”
A furious blush blooms across your favorite blue boy’s face to which he responds by bumping his hips against yours as you pull up next to him. In turn, you bump back, pushing him over to make room for you in the mirror.
Chuckles are shared and you lean towards the mirror to reapply your lipstick.
There’s a moment of comfortable silence as you focus on the task at hand while Leo watches you. You and him share glances between each other through the mirror when a plot begins to form. Your shared glances become knowing ones. Insouciantly, you turn to face each other, Leo crossing his arms as you lean against the counter.
Your wicked grin returns to which the leader in blue bares one to match.
Once again, evidence that supports the conspiracy that both you can Mind Meld.
“We should show my brothers how good I look.”
“They’ll be sooooo jelly. We should totally include them so they don’t feel left out.”
Nonchalance is evident in your voices as you converse.
Leo reaches into his pouch to pull out his phone, his brows bounce up and down as he holds it up between you two. Your brows return the gesture in agreement. So, with your lipstick and his phone in hand, you both set off. At your front door, the true blue slider casually opens it and stands off to the side, bowing while holding his hand out. You play along, responding in a curtsy before placing your hand into his. The two of you are barely able to contain excitements check as you both leave your apartment.
You and Leo soon arrive at the lair, ready to set you plan into motion.
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This is my first ever fic!!! For many years I’ve attempted writing. Most never made it past the notes and plot outlines while a few never made it past the first paragraph. My main medium for my creativity has always been drawing so this is a HUGE deal for me!!! Especially since any of possible skill for creative writing I had apparently died back in high school. Thank you and I hope you enjoy!❤️
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umhuhwellthen · 10 months
SRTUC: Fancomic
Little Big Sisters?
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En español
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The thoughts that accompany this
The older Neko Ninja are starved for positive affection from those they perceive as family, and Yuichi pulls up as a sibling figure without the hangups that come from being raised in the neko ninja crew(they only fought to the death a few times! Isn't that great?) and a free mother figure adult(two if you wanna count Karasu-Tengu maybe)? The kittens need to share right the fuck now holy shit
I have another comic in the idea pile do y'all prefer handwritten or default text for speech bubbles?
Bonus no text ver, I put a lot of effort into that final panel pose
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asukaskerian · 1 year
How would you say that relationships structure changes in your verse for the future of the world that you’re working in for cherry wine -the normal time of Naruto? Since so many people and clans are gone now because of the wars and just being a ninja in general is dangerous. I figure for civilians they would be less affected and would still be normal sibling sets marrying other sets traditionally. Do people start mostly marring/dating in singles, I’m sure they already exist but as a more general rule, or creating more casual polyamorous style relationships, by having more friendly platonic, partners that are not necessarily blood related like a sibling or cousin but a best friend, that they choose to form a set with, possibly then marrying/dating a another set.
When I was originally trying to pose this question I was only really thinking about marriage but just realized that more modern “dating” as we know it with the system of sets would be a nightmare versus courting.
long story short : dating as a sibling set is slowly gonna go the way of arranged marriage in general. traditional clans will still push for it and may enforce it or not depending on how well they argued for their clan right when they signed on to be part of the village, but by the time Naruto is born it won't be the law in Konoha and a lot of normal-people cities.
that's because :
1. konoha being a mess of a LOT of different clans and rules had to pick and choose and discard a lot of redundant or contradictory stuff to make a coherent legal code, and since separate clans were losing people by the hundreds due to war and most of them already had a "adopt the survivors into another litter" tradition it wasn't hard to make it into "people can legally adopt in and out of their own litter", even if they probably did have to add a "unless their clan says differently" sub clause due to pressure from the founding members. it's still great for the civilians and the clan-less ninja and contributes to a general loosening of rules even in the more traditional clans.
and the major one: 2. there's no XX, XY business here, every single ABO person in this universe has the same sex chromosomes; the only reason they express different reproductive roles is their hormone balance. it's basically decided in the womb; the first foetus who tips over into reproductiveness one way or another smothers the development of reproductive and secondary sexual characteristics in the other kids, but the building blocks are here, the organs are here, they're just, like, tiny and asleep.
so the SECOND scientists figure out how to fuck with hormonal levels in a safe and consistent way, there will be alphas and omegas who will RUN for the chance to be a beta and not have to shoulder the baby-making and the heats and the specific potentially-oppressive clan rules, and betas who will be overjoyed that they CAN, actually, replace a dead or barren sibling to have the litter's children... or divorce a litter that doesn't get along in two and STILL have a reproductive member each so they're not held hostage by the threat of dying without a family of their own... or just experience something they really really always wanted to be... and there will be siblings who trade off the baby making ability every five years even though they stay a set, or even decide to have several alphas or omegas in a single set or what-have-you.
(i'm sharing this because it's not gonna be in the fic, mind, tobirama won't be the one finding that out, so it's not a spoiler; it's gonna start coming up around minato's generation. orochimaru was working on it probably. XD)
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vote-gaara · 1 year
I hope you will feel better
So, here
I love the way Gaara holds the umbrella while doing poetry back in the chuunin exam. I don't know if he's still doing that now.. I know umbrella is pretty useless in Suna, but his pose (hhhh)
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Also, the way he's like "No suffering.. " because it was too quick to the point the enemy didn't have time to experience the pain
Suddenly reminds me of his childhood. Like- the pain was too much to bear, he wished it just ends quickly??
The point is.. Gaara holding the umbrella with grace and I wish to see him holding umbrella more often. (As well with the poetry please do not stop)
This. I like this. Thank you for sending it to me!
Bit of a fun fact: When I first read Naruto, Kakashi was my favorite character...But this scene right here was a game changer.
Now I know - I KNOW - that it's probably a little weird to immediately love a character for um...brutally killing someone, but it was because of how Kishimoto depicted Gaara in this scene that really changed my view of him.
In the beginning you know that Gaara is this shark among fish as other characters see him: his siblings are visibly terrified of him, Sasuke (who we know is "a big deal") is curious about him, and you have elite ninja praising him for his coolness and talent. Even as the reader, you notice that he's this kinda creepy dude that seems to be miles ahead of everyone else and you begin to suspect that there's something more to him.
Well then this scene comes around and you realize that oh, actually he's just a straight up unhinged murderer and that's why everyone he rolled up to the party with is scared of him, and uh oh! He's also leagues ahead of everyone in terms of skill so what happens if he acts out??? Who will stop him????!!
And that's when you realize that Gaara is actually the very next villain in the series so you begin strapping in for what that means for Naruto and his friends.
Now generally, as a fan, I'm not a villain lover. I more so drift towards listless, "morally ambiguous until they find peace" types rather than flat out "watch the world burn" types. And you can call it intuition, but I remember reading this scene all those years ago and thinking to myself:
"Oh my god. He's just misunderstood."
Which - again - is a really funny thing to think when a character has literally just showered in the blood of someone he murdered, but we all wouldn't be here today if it weren't for that really silly thought.
I think the thing that got me wasn't really the poetry (in fact I found that kinda cringy at the time), but the fact that Gaara referenced there not being any pain as he ensured there wouldn't be any.
It made me feel curious about Gaara because he's clearly demonstrating a form of empathy here to prevent his victims from feeling pain upon death, which becomes even more meaningful when you learn he's never experienced pain before, which then becomes even MORE meaningful when you realize the only pain he has experienced is the emotional kind.
To me it felt strange that someone as scary as Gaara would even care about something like that. I mean, if he were truly a villain, why not just brutally injure the person and leave them to die from the elements? Why ensure no suffering? No pain?
What would the purpose of that be if not to have a small sliver of goodness in the outwards villainy depicted?
Even more evidence was present when Gaara continued to extend more patients to his teammates - who we then learned were his siblings - rather than killing them like he threatened over and over and over. It meant that somewhere beneath that hatred and longing to kill was someone who had control - albeit spotty at times - and lived by a set of morals in which perhaps even he knew.
Why was his purpose to inflict no pain?
Perhaps because he thought it was cruel. We will never really know, and that makes Gaara more interesting, and ultimately why it made sense that he would eventually become one of the kindest and forward thinking Kage in the Naruto universe.
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sunnylighter · 2 years
Ever thought of drawing a comparison between the Hamato siblings causal (or high school) attire, and their ninja attire?
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I know you asked for a picture of them forever ago, but I finally actually drew the Hamato Siblings. I haven't decided on a high school attire yet, but I will get back to you when I do. And yes, I took inspiration from some of the promo art for their poses, and switched Miwa with April.
For those who don't know, these are human versions of the turtles from TMNT 2012 from a fanfic I wrote a while ago called Same Difference. In it I wanted to explore how things would be different if Miwa never became Karai, and the turtles started out human (and how long they would stay that way with all the mutagen flying around). Check it out if you feel so inclined.
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goodlucktai · 2 years
give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around
chapter nine: don’t know where we’re going but i’d like to be by your side
rise of the tmnt pairing: leoichi (leonardo / usagi yuichi) word count: 4k title borrowed from are you bored yet? by wallows post-movie
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read on ao3
The next time Yuichi is invited to the lair, five very significant things happen.
1. Leonardo meets Yuichi’s friends
The first thing Leonardo announces to his family when he tumbles through the portal between Usagi Farm and his own living room is “Kitsune and I are gonna STEAL!”
His siblings take a moment to absorb that and then look behind him at Yuichi, who had all but shoved Leonardo in and then hustled through himself.
Yuichi, feeling harassed, says, “They are not going to steal.”
The last forty-five minutes have felt like a four-day marathon.
Yuichi is spending the day at the lair, on Leonardo’s invitation, with the added assurance that his family would love to have him. When the striped turtle initially offered to portal him there and back, Yuichi leapt on the offer embarrassingly quickly.
He would never admit it on pain of death, but here’s Yuichi’s reasoning: if he doesn’t have to spend nearly an hour driving each way, that’s an additional two hours he gets to spend with his favorite person, so yes. As much as he loves his bike, he’s team portal.
They made these plans a week ago, and Yuichi’s first mistake was mentioning it to Gen. So he wasn’t expecting his friends’ ambush the second Leonardo stepped through the portal into the yard, but he probably should have been.
“Let’s go for a walk,” Chizu said, in a way that made it clear she was not asking. “We’ll get parfaits.”
Leonardo, who had been on the farm for all of three minutes at that point, which was more than enough time for him to have collected two small children and one small dinosaur, said, “Uh, yeah. Okay. Can lizards have dairy?”
Yuichi didn’t even have time to worry about his friends and Leonardo not getting along, because at the very first sign of being left behind by the teenagers, Sonoko and Momiji pitched a fit loud enough that it attracted Jomei and Botan, who were quick to join in.
This is usually when he strong-armed them back into the house, but Leonardo said, ostensibly to Gen but with his voice pitched loud and performative so the children take notice, “What do you think? Should we bring all the well-behaved bunnies back a treat?”
It worked like a charm, because of course it did, because that was the cousins’ angle in the first place. Once they were mollified, Yuichi’s group could escape, and Chizu said, “You shouldn’t let them play you like that, Leo. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.”
“I was gonna get them ice cream anyway,” he replied. “Let them think they won, it’s good for their devious little brains.”
“Are you speaking from experience?” Gen rumbled, his tone warm with good humor. “Is this a lesson from the school of ninja?”
“Oh, sure.” Leonardo guided Champion up onto his shoulder, where she curled around his neck like a scaly scarf, so his hands were free to fold in the pose of a wise old master. “Lesson one—strike hard, fade away into the night, and always let the babies in the room think they’re smarter than you. That way they’re never actually smarter than you.”
“And have the funds to buy their loyalty,” Kitsune pointed out.
“That’s the easy part. Donnie’s been seeding funds from untraceable backdoors into Fortune 500 companies for years,” Leonardo said. He turned to walk backwards, leveling them all with a narrow stare. “And I don’t wanna hear any judgment from the Samurai Squad about it, either. My twinnie’s single-handedly kept the lights on by stealing from people so rich they don’t even notice.”
Chizu and Yuichi sighed at the same time. Gen laughed. Because Kitsune bounced up to her full height, shoulders squared, and announced, “I steal, too! I’m basically Robin Hood, without all the murder! Last month I did a casino sweep, baby!”
Leonardo’s eyes brightened. “Tell me everything about that right now.”
So, within minutes, Yuichi went from being really excited that his favorite people were getting along, to being absolutely certain in the knowledge that Kitsune and Leonardo could never be left unsupervised, ever, because they were the exact same level of chaos gremlin.
Gen was easy. He’s a straightforward person, and there are certain qualities he admires that Leonardo has in spades. His battle-scars and the weapons strapped to his shell cut him a dangerous figure. His obnoxious laughter when Yuichi tried to hop over a puddle and landed in mud instead softened him again. So Gen challenged him to an arm-wrestling match, and then best two of three, and then best seven of ten, and then Champion bit Gen’s thumb with her tiny baby teeth for hogging her person. But by then Leonardo had cemented himself as a Cool Guy in Gen’s eyes.
Chizu was more exacting than that, and sometimes her protective nature could turn sharp against people, and Yuichi was worried she might be unkind. But she studied Leonardo’s interactions with Gen, how unfazed he was by Gen’s size and how he didn’t treat the rhino’s simplicity as stupidity.
And she observed the way he and Kitsune matched each other’s energy, both of them a clever trickster learning the ins and outs of the other’s wits. When Kitsune withdrew her cute qiankun bag to show him some of her favorite purloined gems and trinkets, Leonardo responded in kind, pulling his phone out and swiping through a photo album of some of the best things his brother had invented with his stolen means.
And she watched him dither over the ice cream menu, dragging Yuichi over by the sleeve to help him pick out treats for the kids back home, charming the yokai employee behind the stand into making the world’s tiniest strawberry soft serve for Champion. And it seemed to be enough.
On the walk back to the farm, Gen lifted the bags out of Leonardo’s hands so he didn’t have to juggle everything and a lizard, and Leonardo didn’t even notice because Kitsune was distracting him by outlining, in great detail, her dream of successfully pulling off the world’s biggest art heist one day—not even because she likes art, just because—and Chizu looked past the three of them to meet Yuichi’s eyes.
She tipped her head towards Leonardo, raised a brow, and smiled. It very clearly said Okay, he’ll do.
But she wouldn’t be Chizu if she didn’t like to make people sweat, so when they were back at Yuichi’s house and handing off ice cream to greedy little kids, and Leonardo was beginning tense negotiations with Champion, who had decided the inside of his jacket was the perfect place to hide from the injustice of being left behind again, Chizu barked, “Leo!”
He jumped a foot. Dangling from his elbow, Momiji giggled. 
“Next Thursday, we meet in battle,” she said. “Go match. Bring your wits.”
“Good thing I bring those with me everywhere. You’re on,” Leonardo said, all bold, unflinching confidence. Then he opened Google on his phone, frantically typing “how to play Go beginner cheat sheet” into the search bar. Yuichi loved this idiot with his whole chest.
“And don’t forget!” Kitsune shouted. “Art heist! This summer! The Louvre!!”
“Art heist!” Leonardo shouted back, and that was when Yuichi decided it was time to go for real.
And now Leonardo is telling Michelangelo, “We’re so gonna steal.”
“I still have custody of your dinosaur,” Yuichi mentions in a loud voice, which is enough to make Leonardo heave an exaggerated sigh and roll his eyes and move onto something else.
“You’re not gonna be able to hold Champy against him forever,” April points out, sounding amused.
“I know,” Yuichi says woefully. “I’ll figure something else out.”
2. Yuichi meets the Hamato patriarch
Yuichi doesn’t even realize there’s an additional presence in the room until the very last second.
Something goes flying at the back of his head, and he whirls around and deflects it with the flat of his hand, spiking it into the ground like a volleyball.
Only it’s not a volleyball, it’s something delicate and made of what sounds like porcelain? Given the tinkling little noise it makes as it breaks into about a billion pieces?
Yuichi only has about three seconds to be completely mortified before the turtles and April erupt into hysterical laughter. Even Casey is smothering giggles behind his hand.
“Dad, was that your favorite teacup?” Donatello asks, lowering his goggles over his eyes and twisting one of the lenses, as if he’s zooming in with a camera to capture his father’s gobsmacked expression in full detail. “Was it? Dad, was it?”
“Oh my god it’s so broken,” Michelangelo wheezes, hugging his stomach. “I’m gonna throw up.”
“I thought he would catch it!” the rat says, waving his hands above his head. “Why would you just—why would—”
“That’s what you get, pops,” Raphael butts in. “It was rude of you to throw stuff at our friend.”
He pats Yuichi on the back warmly, and it’s an unmistakably friendly gesture, but there’s enough force behind it to send any normal person toppling forward. Yuichi grew up with an affectionate rhinoceros for a best friend and knows when to lock his knees. He doesn’t even sway under the touch and offers Raphael a smile.
“Yeah, you missed the boat, Splints,” April says, wiping the tears from her eyes with the heel of her hand, glasses all askew. “Besides, my boy Usagi here is a keeper.”
“Hmph,” Splinter says, shrugging his hands into the sleeves of his robe. “Just because he’s swayed the rest of you to the dark side, I won’t be deceived. Besides, Baby Blue is much too young for—”
“PAPA,” Leonardo all but shrieks. He looks mortified. All of his siblings are glaring daggers at the rat now. Yuichi thinks he missed something, because he has no idea where Splinter was going with that statement. Too young for—? The dark side? Is this a Star Wars thing? Botan loves those movies.
Disgruntled, but unwilling to fight all six of his kids all at once, Splinter says, “He can keep up with Blue, at least. Who was your teacher, little rabbit?”
Yuichi straightens, lifting his chin. He can feel himself brighten, his smile growing into a grin. He’s so proud to be her student, he always loves when he can boast, “Karasu-Tengu-sensei! She’s the best!”
Splinter’s expression changes immediately. The grumpy, displeased look falls away and he somehow manages to look pale through his fur.
“Karasu-Tengu? That terrifying creature is your sensei?”
Yuichi nods cheerfully. She is terrifying. She can quell even the biggest meanest yokai with a single look. He’s seen her do it. It’s amazing. He wants to be just like her when he grows up.  
“Oh—well, then,” Splinter says, and reaches up to pat Yuichi on the head clumsily. “Ah, that’s. Wonderful. How lucky we are to have you in our home. If you need anything, don’t hesitate to speak up. And if your—sensei—asks, tell her I said you’re a delightful boy and my son is better off for knowing you.”
Leonardo and his siblings all have a look of slow-dawning delight on their faces. Yuichi wasn’t expecting such a glowing endorsement just minutes after getting a teacup lobbed at his head, but he certainly isn’t going to look a gift horse in the mouth.
“Usagi, listen,” Donatello says suddenly. “This is so important. We have to have your teacher over for dinner.”
“No, like, we have to,” Michelangelo adds, super intense.
“She’s traveling now, but when she gets back, I’ll let her know!” Yuichi says, pleased.
For whatever reason, Splinter looks like he’s going through the five stages of grief.
3. Donatello finishes the electro-yoyo
He comes out of the lab singed and covered in soot, yo-yo in hand. He doesn’t seem to mind that the toy quite literally blew up in his face, and none of his siblings treat this as anything entirely out of the ordinary either.
The armored turtle holds it out to him. Slowly, gingerly, Yuichi stretches his hands out to take it. It doesn’t explode.
“So it looks like your yo-yo has a ghost,” Donatello says unremarkably.
“I’m sorry?” Yuichi says, still holding the toy at arms’ length.
“It’s okay, our ghost is scarier,” he adds, and holds up a hand without looking to fist-bump April, for some reason.
It still needs some testing before Donatello is satisfied enough to call it finished, so they go to the dojo for that, where a very sad-looking training dummy is pushed into the middle of the room.
Although the yo-yo is heavier now, reinforced with metal plating and whatever tiny gizmos Donatello has packed inside, it’s still a familiar shape in Yuichi’s hand. But he’s never used it as a weapon before, and he finds himself at a bit of a loss until Michelangelo helpfully compares it to a kusari-fundo.
“I used to have one,” the smallest turtle says brightly. “It got broken, but I saved the fire spirit that lived inside it. It lives in a camping lantern in my room now.”
“Wait, what?” all three of his brothers say at the same time.
“Anyway,” Michelangelo goes on, “has your sensei ever let you train with rope or chain before? Maybe if you think of it like that you’ll have a better idea how to use it!”
It helps a lot, actually. Within twenty minutes, Yuichi has a pretty good handle on how to use the toy as a flail, and also how to loop it around the dummy’s neck or arm, the weighted disc hooking over the reinforced string and creating a collar that only tightens the more you pull.
And the electroshock function definitely works. After the second small fire they have to put out, the dummy’s materials decidedly not conducive to this area of testing, Donatello marks the yo-yo down as a unilateral success.
4. The hooks come out of Leonardo’s shell
Sometime after lunch, Splinter comes back into the room. He’s holding a cup of tea in hand, steaming and faintly fragrant.
Leonardo makes a face at it, but when April bumps their shoulders together, he takes it without argument.
“Mandrake tea,” he says when he notices Yuichi’s curious look. Ah, that explains both the smell and Leonardo’s distaste. It’s very medicinal, and tastes like how Yuichi imagines drinking perfume out of the bottle might. But its restorative properties are second-to-none. “Barry was basically funneling it down our throats after the invasion. These losers got to stop drinking it weeks ago.”
“I think that would make us winners,” Donatello says mildly.
“Barry?” Yuichi asks.
“Our weird stepdad kind of?” Leonardo explains, his tone raising at the end like he’s not sure. “He threw me off a roof once. Now he works at April’s old high school.”
There’s really not a lot Yuichi can think of to say to that, so he settles for, “Okay then.”
Splinter taps Leonardo’s chin gently. “I’ll still make you drink it, even if you let it get cold,” the rat says, not unkindly. “It certainly won’t taste better out of the microwave.”
Leonardo wrinkles his beak—cute, the unhelpful part of Yuichi’s brain supplies—but keeps sipping. Apparently, it’s his last dose, because as soon as he hands the empty cup off, he’s shrugging out of the jacket of the day—pink, this time, and so big on him that Yuichi knows who it must belong to even before Leonardo bundles it up and shoves it toward his eldest brother.
And then his shell is on full display, for the first time since the invasion. Yuichi has seen his plastron, and he can see that the dramatic cracks there have faded into faint pencil-mark lines, but he’s never so much as glimpsed the damage done to Leonardo’s carapace.
It’s a lot. It’s a roadmap of cruelty. The pretty patterns on the shell are interrupted by jagged dashes, like scarring where the pieces have fused back together after it was crushed. At a glance, Yuichi has no idea how his friend could have survived it in the first place. The mandrake tea and that healing coma—mystic in nature, he’s beginning to suspect—might have saved his life.
Turtle shells are so fundamentally important to their overall health, and infection is a very real fear. So it’s very likely that, in part, Leonardo was keeping it covered up to protect the hooks and bandages that were keeping the broken edges of the keratin together.
But from the way his shoulders hunch up to his jawline the second his back is exposed, Yuichi also gets the sense that he’s ashamed.
Splinter sounds a little choked up when he says, “Oh, Blue. Your shell has healed perfectly. We can take these hooks out now, and sand you down, and you’ll be as good as new.”
“Ooh, sanding, that’ll feel nice,” Michelangelo says enthusiastically. “It’ll be like a spa day!”
He hopped up onto the infirmary bed next to Leonardo the second the jacket came off, and he’s been scooting closer by the second, and now he’s tucking himself under Leonardo’s arm. Yuichi is standing behind Leonardo, so he can’t see what his face is doing, but it’s clearly causing Michelangelo some real distress. The rest of his siblings look grim and miserable, too.
Yuichi remembers the first time he sat in Leonardo’s bedroom, looking at those cracks in his plastron and thinking they were perfect, because those cracks meant his shell did its job and held up to a horrifying enemy and protected the precious life in its care.
He stands by that.
So he puts a hand on Leonardo’s carapace, and smiles a little when Leonardo jolts in surprise and then goes perfectly still. Rabbit behavior.
The pad of his thumb brushes over one of those healed lines, where it cuts through the pale blue pattern, and Yuichi says, “Have you ever heard of kintsukuroi?”
Almost immediately, Donatello’s phone is in his hand. April and Casey lean over his shoulders from each side to watch as he looks it up. Raphael leans over his head.
Leonardo’s breath shudders when he goes to answer, so he clears his throat and tries again.
“Can’t say I have. Fill me in, Cottontail.”
Rolling his eyes, feeling nothing but fondness, Yuichi says, “It means ‘golden repair.’ It’s the art of repairing broken pottery with gold.” Making something more beautiful for having broken in the first place, he thinks, but doesn’t have the courage to say out loud.
Donatello wordlessly turns his phone around so his little brothers can see the Google Image results. Michelangelo says, “Oh, oh wow, Leo! Leo I’m getting so many amazing ideas right now! You have to be my canvas later, okay? Promise?”
Leonardo laughs. It’s a breathless, punched-out sound, and it’s not the bright thing it’s supposed to be, the bright thing it was learning how to be again, but it’s still there. That’s the whole point. That’s the whole miracle.
“More good news,” Donatello says, his eyes trained without blinking on his twin’s down-turned face. “Your cast can come off, too.”
It does the job. Leonardo’s head jerks up, and he says, “Really?”
“Really really,” Donatello replies, smiling slightly. If Yuichi didn’t know him as well as he did now, he might have missed it. “That’s two reallys. To the lab, dum-dum.”
The four youngest Hamatos ramble off together like a very noisy, many-legged creature, hooting and pinballing off the walls and attached at the shoulders. The eldest two stay behind. Their father makes noises about calling someone named Draxum with an update on Leonardo’s progress “so he gets off my tail!” and hobbles from the room.
“You’re a sweetheart,” April says, resting an arm on Yuichi’s shoulder. “Golden repair, huh?”
“I meant it,” he says, lifting his chin.
“Me, too,” she counters evenly.
They watch as Leonardo jumps onto Donatello’s back, nearly causing his purple-banded brother to fall on his face to said brother’s very vocal displeasure, and they disappear from view inside the lab. Casey and Michelangelo are laughing as they pile in after them.
“Yeah, so it’s going to be heckin’ impossible to keep him still after this,” Raphael says off-handedly. He glances down at Yuichi and says, “Wanna stay for a spar?”
Which leads to the fifth, and most significant event of the day:
5. Yuichi and Leonardo spar
Leonardo springs to the center of the mats and turns to face the rest of them with a dramatic twirl. Leonardo is looking right at Yuichi, a devilish grin on his face, bright eyes pinning him in place like a butterfly to corkboard.
“The rematch of the century,” he crows, arms spread out to his sides, as he’s rallying an audience of hundreds, “the tortoise and the hare, a one-night special engagement, here to set the record straight once and for all!”
“We’re not racing, idiot,” Yuichi says, unable to help smiling at him as he slides his jacket off and unbelts Edgewing from his hip. He hands them off to Raphael and steps onto the mats readily. “But I guess I have time to teach you a thing or two.”
“Alexa, play ‘Smooth’ by Santana!” Michelangelo calls out, as eagerly as if he’s just been waiting for this opportunity, and across the room, the speaker system blinks to life.
“Thank you, Michael,” Leonardo says pointedly, like he would use much stronger words if their father wasn’t in the room. And then he dives forward and Yuichi meets him halfway.
Leonardo is clearly holding back, because the dojo is small and because Yuichi isn’t one of the super-powered brothers he’s used to tumbling around with, and maybe also because he’s been out of commission for a little over two months now.
But even with all of that, he’s fast. Fast enough that Yuichi can feel his blood begin to race a shis body prepares itself for the upcoming workout.
It isn’t really kata. It’s definitely not the type of sparring Yuichi would practice under sensei’s disciplined eye.
It’s more of a game, an effortless back-and-forth. And it’s fun. And Yuichi is fast, too.
They trade blows and blocks and dance around each other like they’ve been doing exactly this for years and years. Leonardo moves like a construct of wind and mischief, never pulling the same move twice, zigging when it would make more sense for him to zag, and it costs all of Yuichi’s attention and intuition to keep up with him.
Yuichi is aware of the others filing out of the dojo. Michelangelo and April are all but shoving Splinter out the door ahead of them. But it’s second-hand awareness at best.
All of his focus belongs to the boy in front of him. They’re alone in the room with  alternative rock crooning out of the huge speaker system in the corner and the walls are so tall and so close that it creates a reverb, an echo chamber. It’s music and motion and Leonardo’s gold eyes, his flashbang grin, and the blood in Yuichi’s veins is singing. His heart is straining at the seams.
This is a conversation. This is hey, I know you, you’re just like me.
When Leonardo aims a kick at Yuichi’s left shoulder, Yuichi catches his leg and holds it there, and kicks his other leg out from under him in the next second. The turtle goes down with an oof and before he can twist up to his feet again, Yuichi pins him.
He’s straddling Leonardo’s middle, knees planted against the mat on either side of him, forearm pressed to his neck. If it were a real battle, against an actual enemy, he would have a blade pressed there instead. The match is decidedly his.
His chest is heaving with exertion and that giddy runner’s-high feeling and he knows he’s probably grinning wildly.
Leonardo is staring up at him like Yuichi is the first point of light after days in the dark. He looks so cute, all wide-eyed and winded. Yuichi leans in, so that they’re nose-to-nose and all that gold belongs to him, just for this one moment. What a prize.
“I win,” Yuichi says smugly.
“Uh-huh,” Leonardo replies, sort of faint. “You got me.”
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problematicbots · 5 months
Sentijazz twins headcanons:
- Punkrock as he grow up, he slowly find out that he doesn't really feel like a mech or a femme or even nonbinary. In fact they don't really know how to see themselves. So Punkrock dediced to experiment with different pronouns for themselves to see what suit him the most only to find out that they are actually gender queer. Usually Punkrock would use he/them or he/ him pronouns but on occasion Punkrock would switched to she/them pronouns. He also Pansexual.
- Bebop growing up along side his sibling, found that he have strong disinterest in romanic and only gaining romance interest after a growing strong enough bond with a close friend. That when Bebop found out and realizes that he's Demiromantic. Later he have to explain how Demisexual and Demiromantic are different to his parents
-Punkrock is a very good student in school (or boot camp or whatever) straight As on every class expect for physical ed. He can't do anything physical to save their life and get tired after 2 rounds of pushups. He not physical fit at all. They are a lot better in when it comes to brains not bawn.
- Bebop isn't the best student but who also isn't the worst students. His grades are inconsistent but are usually C's or D's. He trying his best but he consistently struggles in class and hate sitting for way too long. With the only class that he actually good at is physical ed since he have so much energy inside of him that he can used to his advantage. he broke the record for most pushups in class. (Sometimes he hide his bad grades from his parents so they won't be disappointed)
- Bebop ability is the Tekagi-Shuko (ninja claw weapons) that he used to slash through enemies or climb up things so imagine Sentinel and Jazz's shock when they find little Bebop climbing on the walls during the early stages of his infant hood. On that day the parents learned very quickly to keep Bebop away from walls at all cost. (Surprisedly putting mittens on him is very effective)
- Punkrock really don't like fighting or battle in general. usually doing duties or tasks that don't involve fighting at all. Remember they aren't physical fit at all. But if someone does pose a threat to his family or is bullying Bebop, he won't hesitate to pull out his partisan and kick that person's butt.
This is a partisan btw:
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jdjdddnn · 1 year
Don't know if this is weird, but I have this idea that akiteru, alisa, miwa, saeko (from haikyuu) and sae (from blue lock) are all in one big friend group cus all their younger siblings are friends with eachother.
Like they all find out about the drama between the itoshi brothers and they're like "nah brother, we gotta fix this shit. " So they lock both rin and sae into a closet while forcing them to watch compilations of people breaking pasta until they talk about their feelings (cus I saw someone saying the itoshi brothers were Italian and ever since then I've been imagining rin as the Italian equivalent of Gordon ramsey with a curly moustache).
And it surprisingly works and they talk and they resolve their issue but still have their own seperate issues like their emotional constipation so they don't start being properly brothers until all the older siblings gang up on them and force them to hang out, but with them secretly spying on them.
This is how I think it goes:
Saeko: psssst miwa.
Miwa: *busy trying to look non-suspicious so isn't replying*
Saeko: pssssssssssst
Alisa: shut up saeko, they're looking over here!
Akiteru: they are?! *dives into the bush and peeks out of it*
Alisa: what the fuck, Aki? That just draws more attention, you imbecile. *fondly rolling her eyes*
Miwa: yeah dude, I mean look at saeko shes practically a ninja
*they all look at her, to see saeko doing the t-pose next to a tree*
Alisa: why are we doing this again?
Akiteru: because that's what good friends do for each other
Miwa: fuck that, sae owes us all onigiri
Alisa: amen to that
Akiteru: hey guys, is saeko okay?
*proceed to saeko snoring standing, leaning up against the tree, nearly falling off the tree*
Alisa: yeah, she's fine
Rin and saes POV:
Rin: those buffoons are not subtle at all
Sae: agreed, what the fuck is saeko thinking doing the t-pose next to a tree? What does she think she is, a goddamn chameleon?
Rin: honestly knowing her, she's probably manifesting hard to be one with the tree
Sae: there's a reason why we have the tree pose, plus she could've just hugged the tree. That would be more subtle than whatever fuckery she's doing
Rin: didn't know you had the emotional capacity to make friends
Sae: they're like leeches, once they come in contact to you, they never come off
Rin: don't you think you're being over dramatic?
Sae: *scoffs* says Mr "your little japanese sight seeing trip is gonna turn traumatic"
Rin: *glaring* who tf told you about that?
Sae: *smirking* why your little friend barou
Rin: *glaring intensifies* that little shit is going to have it coming for him
Sae: who's over dramatic now? *giving the sideye*
*cue them bickering while the other older siblings fall asleep on tables, trees or in akiterus case a bush, where in which he got stuck in after he woke up*
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istherewifiinhell · 2 years
look at the baby turtles boy
i guess techincal warning for kids (of the mutant ninja turtle variety) in dangerous situations... they're all fine i prommy
I restrained myself from qualifying every expression with "like how children do" but I can't not see it. Its a very good likeness of the way kids put like 110 percent into every expression...
[All flashback shots from 2003, in sepia tones but for their coloured bandanas, worn as full hoods instead of eyemasks. The young turtles are very short and stocky with thick limbs, and have large visible pupils/irises.]
No alt text but image descriptions after each group of photos.
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[ID: 1. Donnie scowling, shoving a RC remote at Leo, who looks concerned. 2. Donnie running along a sewer river with a broken off branch in his hands. 3. Leo looking over the edge of a drop, worried. His pupils have been draw very big.
Last one is scrunkly to me...
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[ID: 1. Leo crawling up through shallow water, he's dragging Donnie by one arm. Both their faces are scrunched up, eyes closed. 2. Both of them flopped on their backs in the shallow water. Donnie's looking up and Leo's glaring at Donnie.
When u save ur brother from drowning and he immediately says something to piss u off.
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[ID: Sillouhetes of Leo and Mikey, Leo in a on footed fighting pose, arms up, Mikey leaning over to look at him, wearing headphones and holding a walkman. 2. Seeing Leo posed the same, from behind, Mikey is staring curiously at him, twisting his whole body so his head is sideways.
Those good fucking shapes tho... and sweet boy Mikey in the second. I think that would be "looking at him upside down" if it weren't for the inflexible spine...
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ID: Mikey snarling, teeth grit on one side, emphasize the slight snout of his mouth. END ID
^ beloved... also youngest sibling choosing violence moments
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[ID: 1. Mikey's mouth open comically wide head tipped backed to catch some food. 2. Mikey, cheeks full of food, closed eyes and mouth with a wide smile.
Not pictured? Its onion. Horrible child. I love him.
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[ID: 1. Profiles of Leo and Mikey, extremely smug Mikey, brow ridge raises, eyes squining wide smile. Leo frowning severely. 2. Head on, Mikey, wiggling brow ridges, wide smile. 3. Leo looking angry, holding Mikey's nuchaku, pinning him to the floor. Mikey still smiling widely.
Literally just wanted the attention, happy to get it any means necessary. No thoughts head EMPTY. Etc.
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[ID: 1. Leo hands on hips from behind, Raph speaking, gesturing with his hands up. 2 & 3. Shots of each of the boys sewer surfing on planks of wood. Leo serious and we see his shell. Raph is smiling and we see his front.
Picture tiny child thick accent "mastuh splintah". Also the shape of their friggen heads...
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[ID: 1. Raph, small in frame teetering over the edge of where the water flow meets a larger basin. 2. Scratching his head, frowning in thought.
He's only little... he's only small.
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[ID: 1. Leo leaning back, arms crossed, with a sort of preachy look. On the wall next to him the shadow of Raph tusseling with a large animal. 2. Leo looking up backing away from something, looking scared.
"Raph is fighting a creature??" this isn't about him.
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[ID: 1. Raph kneeling in the water, one arm supporting himself, the other rubbing his head, pained expression. 2. Leo sat on the neck on an unconscious alligator 3. Leo and Raph grasping hands next to the downed aligator. 4. Raph scratching his head with a more contemplative expersion.
He's fine see. They're ninja babies. Brothers moments.
Leo scared of heights comp....
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[ID: 1. Leo looking nervously at a ladder, one finger to his chin. 2. Climbing the ladder and looking down, scared. 3. Pressing his back into a wall as he sits in a high opening in a wall. 4. Eyes closed as he clings, koala like, to a pipe.
My boy.... my baby boy.
And Bonus Splinter:
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ID: Splinter and Leo on a pipe over a drop. Leo is about half the size of Splinter. Splinter has hands on a rope grappled off screen. 1. Picking up Leo by his shell with one hand. 2. Leo on Splinter's back, arms around his shoulders, legs around his middle. Splinter is about to swing on the rope.
Pick up baby. Carry Baby...
Also the caps in that order makes it look like a "Dad saves in peril son" but its actually a "Dad constructs a situation where son has to save him to get over his fear but there was safety back up rope" take that as u will. (No okay there was also a whole middle step of martial arts balance and blind fold training at increasing heights so like... credit where due on the controlled risk factor)
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"Did you see that, Yuki~? It was beautiful, right~?" She asked the dog with cheerful smile before she knelt down to pat her head lovingly then ask her for a hug with her arms opened slightly for the dog to come in. The puppy responded with two 'woofs' before tackling Lily to the ground licking her cheek happily "Ruby~~! Save me~~!" She cried for help from the too much tickle she's receiving at once.
As the two passed through the crowd to meet the rest, some people would call out for Yoimiya "hey Yoimiya! That was incredible!" "Miss Yoimiya! The show was so delightful" "hey Queen! The fireworks were so beautiful!!" "Oi Yoimiya who's that one?" Asking about the one she is dragging and she somehow managed to answer each in time "happy to know~!" "Thank you~!!" "So glad you liked it~!!" "He is one of the Oni chaser team!" That was last one before they arrived to the table with Vincent chuckling the whole way there.
"How was it~?! Did you like the fireworks for tonight everyone~?!" She asked all the people on the table having her hands on her hips in confident pose with Vincent beside her clap his hands slowly before they heard Lily's loud laughs "what~?" they asked as she and Vincent peeked to see Lily play with the dog which seems one side attack of affection and they both chuckled.
Rubedo scooped Yuki up to cuddle her. “Uwah~! She’s so fluffy!” The little ninja dog’s tail wagged happily at all the attention.
The Kamisato siblings and two Anemo users applauded Yoimiya and Vincent for the show, the alchemist brothers following suit after Nigredo strapped Festering Desire back to his hip.
“Damn, Inazumans sure know how to throw a party, huh?” said the Erdeprinz.
“Maybe a little too well,” Albedo said, his tone just off enough for the older homunculus to notice.
“Social battery’s run dry?”
Albedo merely responded with a nod.
“You can probably slip away back to the village now while everyone’s distracted.” He thought for a moment before speaking again. “Actually, I’ll sneak out, too. I want to do some…stargazing with Vincent before it gets too late.”
Albedo nodded again and did just that, the two of them silently weaving between the tables and people, tossing their plates into one of the bins placed around the area.
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rise-alchemy · 2 years
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts as I watch Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Episodes 1-2
All that build up just to cannonball a rooftop pool so hard it rains on the streets below.
All of their weapons get snapped like toothpicks within the first minute of a fight that’s hilarious.
I want to pet these hellhound-looking things. I don’t care if they’ll eat me I want to boop the snoots.
“Hey, it plays fetch! And teleports aND OH MY GOSH IT TELEPORTS!”
April is !00% ride or die for this colorful dog creature that she’s known for all of five minutes.
She just yeets herself headfirst through a magical mouth portal to god knows where.
This is the least graceful introduction to Splinter I’ve seen yet and I love it.
Aww! Immediate group hug!
Mystic cities are cool, but I’m with Donnie - I want to see a tertiary meta verse.”
Huginn and Muninn do not sound at ALL like I thought they would.
Relatively speaking, that’s not a lot of ooze. What does it take to make if you only get such a little amount?
That delivery guy did not deserve what he got.
I love April.
Baron Draxum’s ‘love-at-first-sight’ slow zoom on the turtles  prompted an actual ugly snort-laugh.
Oooh, so that’s what golem seeds look like/do. I understand the fan fiction now!
Draxum’s causing a lot of collateral damage to his own lab with this golem.
“Only Raph can use the third person!”
Poor April in the background just getting carried away.
I love how they all stole glowing weapons from a lab in a mystical city, and didn’t expect them to be magic.
Oh, poor Leo. It’s going to hurt to get out of that portal loop.
Baron Draxum, as his lab explodes for the second time and rains debris down upon him: “Aw, nuts.”
“We should go. People’s blinds are starting to open.”
Splinter, after watching his son’s mimic a scene from one of his movies: “Shameful. THIS is how it’s done-“
I love Leo just oozing over the back of Splinter’s chair to lay in it upside down.
Does Leo practice these speeches?
Spoken like a true artist, Mikey.
Why are these men on fire?
That’s not stealth.
I know the people of New York are used to hearing strange noises and ignoring them, but that was an awful lot of screaming.
I am obligated to ask: Where did they get that much salami?
“Raph! Stop eating the plan!”
Did Mikey actually set up a faux interview for April instead of telling her the plan?
“Leo, did you really think I would have let you make salami paper without putting a tracer in it?”
Well, at least they’ll know where Raphael is for the next few hours.
Raph: “Are those flames on their heads?”
Donnie: “That seems like a real hazard for a paper thief.”
How have none of those paper stacks fallen over yet?!
Oooooh, Leo is about to get the world’s worst paper cut.
I wonder how much all that soggy paper weighs?
Raph, no. No, don’t eat the salami ninja. Do not. DO NOT. NO-
How many paper cuts do they all have now?
I’m only on episode 2 and I am already a firm believer that the turtles are not, in fact, a secret to the people of New York, and that the people just choose to ignore them as they would anything that’s Not Their Business.
ngl Leo is rocking that collar.
Those poor, poor mutant silverfish.
“You saw a celebrity chef transform into a pig mutant and you didn’t tell anyone?”
I already hate Meat Sweats.
Leo is going to die.
I really, REALLY hate Meat Sweats.
Donnie you are tied up with sausage links can you really not break free?
“I used an entire pound of butter on him!” PFFT- Donnie’s gonna need a bath.
I also love my sibling but if she were covered in a pound of butter I would not hug her.
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s-ootballs · 3 years
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Gaara week 2022
DAY 1 - Identify Yourself | Cruel Strength
Trigger warnings: violence, death, blood, murder, graphic description of violence
em português depois do corte; portuguese version under the cut
Akamaru trembles: Gaara’s cruel strength
Gaara felt hungry. He could feel his blood pulsating within his veins, causing his temples to throb violently, his hands trembling with anticipation as he opened the gate and, posed between his older siblings, stepped into the dark forest. He could smell it. Taste it, even, if he paid it a little more attention. He was surrounded by death. And he liked it. He liked it very much.
From the corner of his eye, the boy could see Kankuro and Temari gaze back at him with worried faces, apprehensive, distressed even. It must have been because he was smiling, Gaara supposed. And he never smiled. At least, he almost never did. And, when he did, it was seldom because of joy or happiness or emotion. It was always out of anxiety. A sick anxiety, almost uncontrollable, an anxiety that put dirt on his hands, a pulse of death, a powerful desire to kill. A suffocating will to live.
The smile quickly dwindled, giving way to the serious complexion that rarely left his face. He was to be seen as a threat, and not as a clown. And though he no longer smiled, Gaara felt his heart beat faster when they stumbled upon those three ninjas from the rain village. He felt the adrenaline rise, shaking his blood, his stomach, the kanji stapled on his forehead. This was going to be delicious.
He completely ignored Kankuro’s words. He cared very little about their scroll, about that stupid exam, about anything at all. What mattered was that he had set his eyes on a prey and he would not be letting go of it. He started from the one that talked the most. He was quite entertaining, in fact. Kept saying that the sand siblings would die for having crossed his path. Gaara found jest in the absurdity, in the pathetic needles the man made rain from the sky as what he swore would be the final blow, but moved not his lips even by an inch as he swallowed him from his feet up to his head in thick sand.
The man went into despair as he realized he would never get out of that chrysalis, that deathly cocoon. Gaara enjoyed watching him beg, yet to him such cries held no meaning. The only meaning they ever had was when Gaara, with a twist of his hand, exploded the ridiculously fragile body of his opponent. He felt the smell, the taste of blood that mixed in with the sand, giving him more strength, more power, more mortality, more life. Without a sound, he appreciated the sight of the red rain that stained the umbrellas he had borrowed, and relished even more in the panic of the remaining two who then surrendered, handing over the scroll and taking off, running for their lives. But they would not run for long.
Gaara grabbed them by their feet, the sand dragging them towards him, pulling them in the direction of the starving boy who thirsted for death. He wrapped them the same way he had with the first, from their feet to their heads. He left their faces untouched; he wanted to see the despair in their eyes once life began to evade their bodies. They screamed and begged as had done their successor. Once again, the urgent, despaired words meant nothing to the young shinobi. Only death had a meaning. And only death meant.
Gaara felt the monster within himself cry out in pleasure. As he cut the young men’s lives short, he felt it mingle with his own existence, mix with his power. He felt hungrier. He wanted more, he wanted so much more. His existence was still too feeble. And only if he killed would that existence grow. 
He knew of those three hidden behind the bush. He could feel their fear nourish his hatred, his cruel strength, his ominous desire, his deathly pulse. He wanted them to himself, wanted to crush them with his sand, to absorb them into his domain, to murder them and seize their remains, to incorporate those into his own. But he heeded his older sister’s words. Despite the quickened pace of his heartbeat, Gaara allowed the adrenaline to cease. He would have time, they had promised. He would have time, plenty of it, to murder. Those three could live another day. But they would not have the same luck should they ever cross his path again.
Akamaru treme: a força cruel de Gaara
Gaara tinha fome. Podia sentir o sangue pulsar dentro de suas veias, fazendo com que suas têmporas latejassem violentamente, podia sentir as próprias mãos tremendo em antecipação enquanto ele abria o portão e, ladeado pelos irmãos mais velhos, adentrava a floresta escura. Podia sentir o cheiro. O gosto, se ele prestasse um pouco mais de atenção. Ele estava rodeado de morte. E ele gostava. Gostava muito.
Com o rabo do olho, o menino pôde ver Kankuro e Temari mirarem-no com expressões preocupadas, apreensivas, aflitas até. Devia ser porque ele estava sorrindo, Gaara supôs. E ele nunca sorria. Quase nunca, aliás. E, quando sorria, não era por alegria ou felicidade ou emoção. Era sempre por ansiedade. Uma ansiedade doentia, quase incontrolável, uma ansiedade de sujar as mãos, uma pulsão de morte, um poderoso desejo de matar. Um sufocante desejo de existir.
O sorriso minguou rápido, dando lugar ao semblante sério que quase nunca deixava-lhe a face. Era para que os outros o vissem como uma ameaça, e não como um palhaço. Ainda que já não estivesse sorrindo, Gaara sentiu o coração bater mais rápido quando toparam com aqueles três ninjas da aldeia da chuva. Sentiu a adrenalina subir, sacudir-lhe o sangue, o estômago, o kanji que levava na testa. Aquilo seria delicioso.
Ignorou completamente o discurso de Kankuro. Não estava nem aí para o pergaminho deles, para aquela prova idiota, para nada. Importava-lhe que tinha escolhido sua presa e não a deixaria escapar. Começou pelo que falava mais. Ele era divertido, até. Ficava dizendo que os irmãos da areia morreriam por ter cruzado o seu caminho. Gaara achou graça no absurdo, na patética chuva de agulhas que ele fez cair do céu com a certeza de que seria o golpe final, mas não moveu os lábios um milímetro sequer enquanto envolvia-o a partir dos pés até a cabeça em areia espessa.
Ele se desesperou quando percebeu que não sairia mais daquela crisálida, daquele casulo de morte. Gaara gostou de vê-lo implorar, mas, para ele, aquelas súplicas não significam nada. Só teve um significado quando, com um gesto de mão, Gaara explodiu o corpo ridiculamente frágil de seu oponente. Sentiu o cheiro, o gosto do sangue que misturava-se à sua areia, tornando-o mais forte, mais poderoso, mais mortal, mais vivo. Apreciou mudamente a chuva vermelha que manchava os guarda chuvas que ele tinha pegado emprestado, apreciou ainda mais o pânico dos outros dois que se rendiam, entregando o pergaminho e batiam em retirada, correndo pelas próprias vidas. Mas não correriam muito.
Gaara agarrou-lhes pelos pés, a areia puxando-os para si, puxando-os na direção do menino faminto, sedento de morte. Envolveu-lhes como fez com aquele primeiro, dos pés à cabeça. Deixou os rostos deles descobertos; queria ver o desespero nos olhos deles quando a vida começasse a esvair-se dos seus corpos. Eles gritaram, e imploraram como fez o primeiro. Mais uma vez, as palavras urgentes, desesperadas, não significaram nada para o jovem shinobi. Só a morte significava. E só a morte significou.
Gaara sentiu o monstro dentro de si urrar de prazer. Sentiu a vida interrompida daqueles jovens se misturar à sua existência, ao seu poder. Sentiu mais fome. Ele queria mais, queria muito mais. Ele ainda não existia o suficiente. E só existiria se pudesse matar.
Ele sabia daqueles três escondidos atrás do arbusto. Sentia o medo deles alimentar seu ódio, sua força cruel, seu desejo sombrio, sua pulsão mortal. Ele os queria para si, queria espremê-los em sua areia, absorvê-los em seu domínio, assassiná-los e apoderar-se dos restos, incorporá-los aos restos dele. Mas cedeu aos pedidos da irmã mais velha. Apesar do coração acelerado, Gaara permitiu que a adrenalina baixasse. Haveria tempo, eles tinham prometido. Haveria tempo, muito tempo, para matar. Aqueles trẽs podiam viver por mais um dia. Mas não teriam a mesma sorte se cruzassem o seu caminho mais uma vez.
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powerfultenderness · 3 years
Not a Comrade
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Title: Not a comrade 
Rating: T
Pairing: Kisame/Reader
Summary: How could you not fall for your bodyguard? 
Word count: 500
Warnings: none
Notes: 2nd POV. Female reader. Pre Kisame week drabble b/c I couldn’t find a way to make this into a whole story. 
[Masterlist] [Ao3]
Kisame was rarely serious. So you expected a grin, a chuckle, an “Of course you like me.” 
Instead, he stopped walking entirely. Perhaps it was your fault for confessing your feelings en route to the next village, but your time with him was limited. 
“That’s...unfortunate for you.” 
“Oh.” How silly of you! Why would a ninja like Kisame Hoshigaki like you? You were just a civilian. Sure, your father was a lord, but you had two older siblings and two younger siblings, you were nothing but a spare child. If your father hadn’t hired the strongest bodyguard he could find to protect you, you might even say he forgot about you. 
“Right. Well, forget I said anything then.” 
You tried to keep walking but he turned you around to face him. 
“Listen, you don’t want to be involved with me. It is my lot in life to kill my comrades. I.” He hesitated for a moment, “Don’t want to end up having to hurt you.” 
You gasped and wiggled out of his hold while frantically patting down your pockets, then every loose fold in your clothing.
“What are you doing, woman?” 
“I don’t have any weapons!” 
You clapped your hands together in front of you and squeezed your eyes shut as you tried to focus your chakra. Again, you looked up at him in a panic. “I can’t do any jutsus!” 
Finally you dropped the act. “Do I look like one of your comrades?” 
Kisame only stared at you as he processed your words. He never thought that he’d meet someone who he’d grow attached to so quickly, or that they would return his feelings. Never thought that one such person would be a civilian. And you were right. You would pose no threat to any of his missions.
“Anyways, I’d like to get to the village. I want to eat real food and sleep in a real bed tonight.” Because if you were going to be nursing a broken heart, you wanted to be comfortable. 
Kisame turned you around again, this time leaning down enough that he was practically in your face.  
"Do you really mean it?"
"Yea. I'm surprised you haven't noticed that I'm kind of...delicate. I'm not quite made for camping out for so long." 
You may not have been the favorite child, but none of the retainers were going to let you wander around the wilderness!
“Tch, that’s not-” 
Though you stood on the tips of your toes, you still had to pull down on his cloak in order to kiss him. It was nothing more than a quick peck on the lips, but you had accomplished your goal. He was no longer doubting the sincerity of your confession. 
Kisame smiled, no sarcastic smirk or grin, but a true smile. 
“Still want to hurry to the village?” “I can be persuaded into staying out longer.” 
He smirked before his lips descended onto your again, this time in a much more passionate kiss. 
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