#sidlink gift exchange
acris-kerd · 3 years
For the @sidlinkgiftexchange !! My giftee was @the-puny-pichu !
“Link, that looks revolting.”
Sidon leaned away from the dubious concoction his companion had pulled from his shiekah slate, meeting the Hylian’s doe eyed stare with barely concealed nausea.
Link looked down at the bowl of teeth soup in his hands. Teeth soup.
“…Yeah. It tastes about as good as it looks.”
He stared at it for a moment more and then shrugged, tossing the foul dish into the fire before them. Sidon flinched as the flames cracked and glowed a sickly green before consuming the foul fuel. Link had already moved on to the next entree of stored food in his slate, this time pulling out a cake.
“The variety of dishes in your possession is both amusing and alarming.” Sidon observed, squinting at the slice Link shared with him as though looking for hidden molars or perhaps a bit of moblin guts.
He’d seen the offensive concoctions Link cooked up now. Nothing was safe.
Link shrugged again, inhaling the food.
“I usually cook with what I have. Sometimes I have a lot, sometimes I don’t.”
“I see…and what happens to be the status of your inventory tonight, then?”
Sidon tried to hide the nervousness in his voice. Link pulled out another dish of food, the delectable smell of braised fish paring well with his broad grin.
“A lot.”
The odd pair settled into a warm, summer night. They did this now and again, when Link decided the strange slate on his hip was stuffed with as much as it could carry.. Sidon had long assumed whatever hoarding tendencies Link possessed had been grossly enabled by the sheikah technology, but he wasn’t one to complain. Especially when it meant spending time with Link.
“Here. I found a bunch of silverscale spears and some Zora swords.”
He proceeded to unload a small armory on the ground beside Sidon, who started waving his hands frantically.
“Link! Good gracious, my friend, thank you, but I can’t carry all of this back to the domain myself!”
“Oh,” The little Hylian looked at the half-materialized hilt in his hand, shoving it back into the nether regions of whatever void was contained on his hip. “Good point. I’ll just drop it off with Bazz before I head out.”
Sidon smiled weakly, shaking his head.
“I don’t know how or where you find all of these weapons…I think it’s fair to say half our army is supplied by you alone.”
“Nah,” Link laughed bashfully, throwing another dubious concoction into the fire. The flames turned purple this time. “I just collect a lot of things. No sense in keeping it if I don’t use it.”
“Oh? Are Zora weapons not up to your standards then?” Sidon raised a brow, privately enjoying the fluster that washed over Link’s expression.
“Wha-No! No, it’s not that! I mean—I just have a lot of weapons and—“
Sidon laughed, absently resting an assuaging hand at Link’s back. The champion was so small he could nearly wrap his clawed fingers around him. The thought did something strange to Sidon’s stomach, but many strange feelings tended to permeate his sensibilities around Link, so he tried to ignore it.
He also ignored the way it seemed Link was leaning into his hand.
“I’m merely giving you a hard time, my friend. I know you travel far and wide, and there are undoubtedly more suitable weapons for your cause.”
He eyed the legendary blue hilt that rested close to Link, the previously lightened sensation in his chest taking a turn. Link had been openly carrying the Master Sword much more frequently as of late. Sidon wasn’t sure what it meant, but it left him nervous. Afraid, even.
Link seemed to sense what he was looking at, not meeting his eyes. They were equally quiet for a long time.
“…I’m going to face him soon. Very soon.” Link finally spoke, his voice weighted and somber.
A cold feeling began to spread through Sidon’s chest. It wasn’t a mystery who—or rather what—Link was talking about. Very suddenly, Sidon wanted to pull Link closer. The temptation was so strong he had to remove his hand from where it rested against his back. Link looked somehow smaller without it there.
“…I suppose you won’t be needing a silverscale spear then.” Sidon attempted to lighten the mood, a weak smile playing at his lips.
Link didn’t react for a moment, staring hard into the fire before relenting with a snort, resuming the task of cleaning out his slate.
“Probably not.”
An owl hooted somewhere overhead. The river nearby rushed quietly in the darkness. Sidon let himself stare at Link, at the lean muscles that had been honed around an abused frame, hardened from experience and trauma. His fingers twitched in his lap, claws ticking together mutely. Link was quite fierce when he wanted to be, determined and resolute in a way that bordered on obsessed. Very little seemed to phase his most treasured friend. Even the prospect of facing Calamity Ganon didn’t seem to shake him, not like it did Sidon.
Every time he thought about his small, wild Hylian facing up against such an ancient evil, he wanted to pull him close and protect him from his own destiny. Sidon was a shamefully selfish Prince, it seemed. At least where Link was concerned.
The larger Zora shifted uneasily on the grass, appreciating the way Link spread the fuel of the fire so the flames stayed low and less stressful to his scales.
“Are you comfortable?” He asked, eyeing Sidon with undue concern. That feeling in his chest swelled full once again.
“Of course, my friend. No need to worry. I can easily take a quick dip in the river if necessary.”
“Want to right now?” Link very confidently stood up.
“What—now?” Sidon looked at the surrounding darkness, a little taken aback by Link’s sudden enthusiasm.
“Sure.” Link looked like he’d already decided for the both of them, packing his shield, bow, and the sword that seals the darkness into his slate before pulling off his tunic.
Sidon felt a blush flood his face, trying very hard not to appreciate how the firelight cast the musculature of Link’s body into sharp relief and failing miserably. Without inhibition, Link kicked off his boots and pants, driving home how very serious he was.
“Wait, Link, are you sure this is a good idea?”
“Why not? You just said you could take quick dip.”
“Yes, but I’m a Zora. That river is hardly calm and there’s no light out.”
“The moon is out.” Link argued, a cheeky twinkle in his eye.
“That’s hardly sufficient for avoiding underwater currents!” Sidon quickly stood and chased after his stubborn companion, who was already heading for the river.
Link turned around, walking backwards towards the water and wearing an expression that left Sidon gaping like a newly hatched guppy.
“Guess you’ll have to make sure I don’t find any. You wouldn’t let me drown, would you Sidon?”
Thank goodness the depth of night concealed how deeply Sidon was blushing. Link was being especially disarming tonight.
“O-of course not!”
“Then it’s fine. Come on.”
Link waved him closer. The pearly light of the moon cast a gentle glow over his features, brightening his eyes. Against the deep blue surroundings, he stood out like a candle, confident as ever and heedless to any apparent danger. Sidon eyed the swift moving water nervously, looking back to Link’s comparatively tiny body.
This was a bad idea.
Without an ounce of fear, Link walked into the closest current, stumbling slightly and quickly regaining his footing. Sidon splashed in after him, throwing any reservations to the wind and bracing a hand at his back.
“Honestly Link, there are other places—safer places—to swim.” He muttered, eyes scanning the dark waters and zeroing in on a plethora of dangers.
“Then take us there.”
He spoke so simply, as if it was the most logical and reasonable choice in the world, which it was. Sidon couldn’t figure out why he was so flustered with it all. Maybe it was the suddenness of the late night swim. Maybe it was the strange position of having to protect this small, ferocious servant of the Goddess from a mundane death. Maybe it was the fact that it was Link, who’d always had an uncanny knack for throwing off his princely confidence, asking to share a relatively normal experience that for some reason felt anything but normal to Sidon.
“Of course!” He agreed gallantly, hoping he succeeded in hiding the wild swirl of thoughts running rampant in his head.
Link smiled at him, and he felt like a floundering guppy all over again.
Sidon carefully maneuvered them into deeper waters. Link was quickly picked up by the current, holding tight to Sidon’s arm and then sliding himself against his back. It was almost reminiscent of when they took on Vah Ruta together, but without the pressure of a cataclysmic flood weighing them down. The closeness this time seemed much more…intimate.
Perhaps Sidon was just over thinking things. Muzu often said he tended to over think things.
“Ready when you are.” Link spoke into his ear, his voice perfectly calm.
Sidon worked really hard to hide the electric shiver that raced to the farthest end of his dorsal fin, rapidly making himself think of the nearest and safest destination.
“Ah, right! Hold tight then!”
Link most certainly did hold tight, which was good, because Sidon knew the Hylian wasn’t exactly the strongest swimmer. He carefully kept them away from more dangerous rapids, following the river downstream to a small backwater pool he used to visit as a child. It wasn’t particularly deep, by his own standards, but had served as an excellent retreat during his lonely adolescence. It was a place he knew Link would be perfectly safe, no matter how unpredictable he apparently aimed to be.
“Almost there!” Sidon called, feeling Link give him a firm squeeze in response.
The water was already noticeably calmer as he took a nearly hidden channel that branched off the main river. It led to a wide pool with a thick bank of overgrowth. There was hardly anywhere comfortable for a Hylian to sit, but it couldn’t be helped. At least there wasn’t a deadly current.
“This is nice.” Link observed, craning his neck to take in all the details.
The moon shone directly above, highlighting a heavy knot work of local grapevines that had rooted in the silt. They draped across most of the surrounding trees, thick with age. A few boulders broke up the tree growth, heavy with moss and various mushrooms. Sidon caught Link eyeing them with keen interest, though he made no move to collect them.
“I used to come here in my younger days.” Sidon revealed, feeling a touch nostalgic now that he was in the once familiar pool. “It was a good place to escape Muzu…or anything else that happened to be upsetting me.”
Neither of them needed to voice what it was that likely pushed Sidon to seek such solitude. With Link’s help, the grief of his dear sister had been laid to rest, and Sidon reflected, as he observed new chains of vine growth and unfamiliar carpets of moss, that he’d outgrown the solitude of this place as well. It was a strange feeling, to feel the ache of both nostalgia and loss and still be okay.
Link silently slipped off his back, using Sidon’s larger body as an anchoring point to pull himself around front. He had a careful expression on his face, one that turned into a soft smile as he observed Sidon’s comforted ease.
“Thanks for bringing me here.” He said quietly, and he was close, much closer than Sidon realized.
A breath of space was held between them for an impossibly long moment. Link’s gentle face took up Sidon’s field of vision,lips quirked into a small smile and eyes full of a chaotic mixture. There was the firmness of resolve and a shadow of something more harrowing, but above all, tender warmth emanated from twin blue pools. It was like staring at a midsummer sky.
“Sidon.” Link spoke his name quietly, and with an uncommon reverence.
The sound of it put a blush back on the Zora Prince’s face. It must have been dark enough for Link to see it, even in the poor light, because his smile broadened slightly. He stared directly into Sidon’s wide eyes, holding his shoulders with such small, powerful hands, his knees bumping lightly against his chest under the water.
Then Link kissed him.
He kissed him selfishly, indulgently, taking advantage of Sidon’s frozen state and even placing those small, powerful hands against his face. It was a touch that felt like desperation. Through the shock of it all and with a horrible flip in his gut, Sidon realized Link was kissing him like it was goodbye.
When the Hero pulled away, he wasted no time to speak, the previous tenderness in his expression extinguished as if he’d given all of his warmth to Sidon.
“I’m going to face the calamity tomorrow.” He spoke softly, too softly for such devastating news, and the flip in Sidon’s gut turned into a punch. “I probably wont survive. I barely survived the first time. …So I guess there’s no need to worry about this making things awkward between us.”
A hundred years worth of emotions were blowing through Sidon with the force of a hurricane. For once, he had so much to say, so many different feelings that wanted to pour forth, that he had no idea how to formulate any of them. They all demanded near equal attention.
Except for one.
“Please come back.” He whispered, eyes wide with fear, heartbreak, and something entirely too close to love. “Link, please come back.”
Link stared with a slow blooming shock, the previously dead expression washing away with each passing second that made clear the seriousness of Sidon’s request. His eyes progressively opened wide, betraying a rare vulnerability, and his mouth hung slightly agape. Sidon soon realized he was clutching at Link’s hips with the same ferocity that Link held his face.
“You have to come back.” He whispered again, feeling like an idiot who couldn’t string together the words to say much else.
“…You…you want me to come back?” Link breathed out, looking like he hardly dared believe it.
Sidon felt his brain short circuit again.
“Do I want you to-?! Yes! Yes, I want you to come back! I always want you to come back!”
“Always?” Link quirked his lips into an adorable half-smile. Sidon could decide if he wanted to kiss him again or smack him.
“Do you realize the highlight of my life right now is waiting for you to walk through the Ne’ez Yohma shrine so I can watch you throw dubious food into a fire?”
Link’s smile widened with every word, all of the shadows leaving even the darkest corners of his face.
“That’s the highlight, huh?”
Sidon was going to say something about Link being a smart ass, but then his brain caught up with all that was happening. Link had kissed him. And he was going to fight Calamity Ganon in a matter of hours. For the life of him, Sidon couldn’t decide which event shocked him more.
“Come here.” Sidon whispered, and he pulled Link into a second, much less fatalistic kiss.
It was Link’s turn to startle with surprise. Sidon held nothing back, moved by Link’s brazen selfishness to take some of his own. He pulled Link closer, tracing a hand up the smooth expanse of his back and feeling him tremble. Link gasped, opening his mouth and allowing them to explore each other more deeply. This kiss did not feel like a goodbye. This kiss was quite clearly the start of something with absolute longevity, Calamity be damned.
“Please say you’ll come back.” Sidon whispered against Link’s mouth.
Link didn’t speak, but he nodded all the same, pulling Sidon back in for a kiss that felt like hope and a promise all wrapped into one.
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lezzybugo3o · 3 years
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My gift to @deltoki for the @sidlinkgiftexchange !
I'd like to think that one of the things Sidon loves most about his feral adventurous bf is his smile.
I had a ton of fun drawing this out and I hope y'all like it as much as I do!
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starshineandbooks · 3 years
This Is part of the sidlink exchange ( @sidlinkgiftexchange ) and is for @naobara He seems awesome and I'm excited to give this to him!
Link paces, impatient as always, if better healed, he’s so close to getting to see Sidon again, but what if he doesn't like him anymore? What if he found someone else? What if the prince realizes Mipha’s death is all Link’s fault?
    “Are you done pacing?” Myrah asks, looking up from her scimitar she is cleaning, “I promise, he still loves you, the royal zora siblings have a very specific type, you.”
    Link turns to look at his friend, one of the few left from the before calamity times, she was frozen in time by magic, neither of them is too sure how, but their ages seem to be tied together with eachother’s and Zelda’s, and the trio seems to age more like Zora than hylians now.
    She raises a brow, gold eyes appraising him, different from the usually playful gaze she has.
    “I- what?”
    She snorts, “Come on, Link, you need to get ready, you need to finish collecting the stones.”
    “I guess.” He shifts, arms crossing as he blows hair out of his face to avoid making eye contact.
    “I’ll be with you, we’ll make a day of it, who gets more shiny rocks vs lizards oir something.”
    Myrah sets the blade down, standing up to her half hylian half gerudo glorious height of much taller than Link as she strides to him, hand settling on the hero’s shoulder with a comforting little tune she hums.
    He narrows his eyes at her.
    “Oh alright, we’ll spar too.”
    He smiles, “Good.”
    She shakes her head, then, “Come on, I have a surprise for you.”
    “You do?”
    “Yeah, I do.”
    Myrah stands her hair falling over her shoulder, he can see her gerudo half prominent in her face and hair.  She leads him through her house, and into a room he’s seen a few times but rarely is in.
    She stops then, “It’s okay if you don’t like it, or think it’s too much… I just- Here.”
    Myrah moves a sheet out of the way and Link stares, awed.
    Several things are there, a set of matching swords, one made for Link and the other for Sidon, obvious in the size. A set of voice and vai clothes, both for link. A painting, Sidon and Link dancing at a ball, both draped in fancy jewels. Several pieces of jewelry. And oddly enough, a small box wrapped in silk.
    “Go on,” Myrah smiles gently.
    Link steps forwards, finding the swords first, silver, with gold decorative vines on the hilt, pretty but functional. He tests the edge, sharp, dangerous. He tries the smaller sword, and finds it balanced perfectly for him, a one handed sword, the light glints off of it.
    “Where did you get all of this?” He asks.
    Myrah smiles softly, “The painting is Kaori and Zelda’s gift. I had Ashley in gerudo craft the jewelry, I enchanted them myself. The box is my own doing, and the clothes are things- My mother made them for you years ago. Likely before you remember.”
    Link gasps, “Your mother?”
    “We grew up close as siblings,” Myrah says, “She cared for you like her own.”
    “The zoran black smith made the swords, I designed them and enchanted the metal.”
    “You can enchant weapons and jewelry?”
    She laughs, gentle, and nods, “Of course, it was my aunt’s craft, and useful.”
    Link opens the box, and stares at the keys, identical, “What is this?”
    “I made you your own hidden, private home in the domain, for you and Sidon.”
    “You did?”
    She nods, “Of course.”
    She smiles, “There’s- one more thing.”
    Myrah turns, grabbing something before handing it to Link, “Sidon asked me to give you this the day before you are reunited and married.”
    Link stares at the rolled up scroll, eyes a little wide.
    ‘My dear sapphire,
                    Without you I am miserable, even when you are only gone a week, I cannot imagine how this year has affected me, yet I doubt it has been easy for you either. You are truly my most prized companion, and should you for any reason wish to not be married, I hold no ill will.
    However, I am excited, because I know if you are reading this we’re almost guaranteed a marriage. I have missed you greatly, even if I have yet to separate this fatal year at the date of writing this, I know I ache for your embrace.
    I hope you are well, I know the princess will take care of you, your friends have never been too patient with your moods that l;ead to taking ill care of yourself. And if I know you, you are either staying near Zelda, or Myrah, likely both, and I know neither will hesitate to make you take care.
    Anyways, I am likely at my wits end, I find you make me better and without you I get- irritable. So, if when we reunite I seem off, I assure you I am fine.
    I know you are busy, just as you know I am. I love you more than all the stars in the sky, the fish in the sea, and the blades of grass you love.
    Link doesn't realize he’s crying until he feels the tears hit his hand.
    “Get dressed,” Myrah says, “We’re going on a trip.”
    It isn’t until Zelda is walking him down the aisle that Link finally breathes again, and the worst this is he has to keep in the proper role, he can’t just rush Sidon and tackle him into a hug, no, that would be ‘improper’, and ‘rude’, and ‘uncivilised’.
    Myrah gives him a little snap followed by a wave that he tunes back in.
    But Sidon’s blinding smile is enough to keep Link anchored, and he’s standing opposite his beloved prince quickly and yet not soon enough.
    And the ceremony is long, and boring, and Link really isn’t sure what’s said, too focused on Sidon.
    Sidon’s usual regal parephnelia is gone, instead it is still silver but it is all sapphire, and he wears his father’s headdress, with silk tied about his ankles, wrists, and wasit.
    Myrah elbows him sharply, “Link,” SHe hisses.
    “What- Oh, yes, I do.”
    Sidon laughs, and then he’s being picked up by SIdon, their foreheads pressed together, and then Myrah is breaking costumes by cheering scandalous things. Zelda smacks her.
    But Link doesn't care, not when he gets to kiss Sidon’s nose and be carried away gently by his prince, his husband now. 
    Husband! They’re married!
    Sidon holds him close, walking through the hidden halls, and he breathes deeply, saltwater and fish, but it smells good, home like even.
    “You’re here.” Sidon says.
    “Of course I am.” Link says, and it’s sincere, just like it should be, just what Sidon needs.
    “I love you. I was- well surely there were other things, people who caught your interest over the years.”
    “I- Really?”
    “Never, Sidon. I missed you.”
    “I missed you too,” The prince whispers, nuzzling against Link’s face, smooth scales offering solace that had previously seemed miles away.
    “I can’t wait for a forever with you,” Link says, and he means it, he’s finally home. The Calamity is beaten, Zelda and Myrah are happy together, everyone is safe, the champion’s spirits are freed, and he’s in his husband’s arms.
    Everything is well.
    Link’s used to ridiculous things, okay? The wars of the goddess do that. And so does the fact that he married a shark puppy that’s ten foot tall and more muscled than anything or anyone else Link knows, and he’s best friends with several gerudo soldiers.
    But really, this, this has to take the cake.
    “You what?” Link asks, and it’s tiring.
    “I found this in the spring of courage.” Sidon says, holding up a golden sphere that is clearly a large zora egg.
    “Oh,” Link nods, because really, what else did he expect?
    “I think it’s for us!”
    Link just nods, and turns, leading Sidon to their chambers, and they are easy, setting the orb into a pool.
    “I wonder what they look like?”
    Link nods, of course Sidon wonders, he himself does too.
    So, they sit down, and really, what’s the worst that getting a child could do? They just, will lose sleep, and time. At least the child will be a Zoran, Link reasons, after all, they live longer.
    “What do we name them?” Sidon asks.
    Link tilts his head, unsure then, “Lymphina?”
    Sidon hums then, “Maybe.”
    And whatever made the strange egg see fit that it should hatch, as a small Zoran child begins shrieking, a guppy like shape.
    They both turn, and there is a guppy with golden scales to match Link’s hair, red fins like Sidon’s coloration, and striking blue eyes that almost seem to glow. A nurse shark then. Like Mipha had been, gorgeous.
    Sidon gasps, “Oh my goodness, Link!”
    Link nods, “She’s a beauty.”
    “She’s perfect!”
    “What about- Mipha?” Link asks quietly.
    Sidon chokes, “You- really?”
    Link nods, of course he is.
    “I love it. Mipha, she’s going to be as wonderful as her aunt!”
    Link laughs warmly, nodding, because this is wonderful. His beloved husband, and a daughter, his bestfriends ruling hyrule, everything is well. He is safe and so is his family.
    And the little golden guppy with her aunt’s name is going to grow up so loved.
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hylianfury · 3 years
For the  @sidlinkgiftexchange my giftee was @acris-kerd! I hope you’ll enjoy it, friend!
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delilack · 4 years
Hi, I don’t mean to bother, but there’s a sidlink gift exchange happening and you seem to like the ship and your art is really pretty so I thought you might like to know.
👀👀👀 No bother at all!
And - more importantly -
I would very much love to know LOL
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Coming Home
Written for @hey-a33butt for the SidLink gift exchange!
I picked the prompt Coming Home because I wasn’t sure if you’d be too pleased with my first idea of sparring. I wanted to do the fight in the parking lot from Superstore but put into BOTW. And yeah. I didn’t think that would fly ^^;
Title: I’m Coming Home
Summary: Link and Sidon have been courting for some time, both before and after the slaying of the Calamity. But they are never able to stay together for long. But they talk about it. And when that day comes where Link can come back to the Domain for good, that final ‘Welcome Home’ hits all the right spots.
 There was nothing like looking at the night sky in Hyrule. So many gorgeous stars. Even the three red beams that pointed towards the castle didn’t deter from their beauty. And there was none more gorgeous than the one laying next to him.
Sidon had felt the pressure of the last few months coming down on him in that moment, the aching and pining he had been feeling ever since Link had calmed Vah Ruta and set his sister’s spirit free. He sometimes felt like he couldn’t describe his feelings for the Hero of Hyrule, the little spitfire of a Hylian that didn’t speak much but knew just what to say at just the right moment.
Sidon knew his head was always full of words, it was evident in how often he praised him and how varied and enthusiastic those praises could be. But in this moment he couldn’t find the ones he wanted to say. The reason he had brought Link out here, to set a romantic mood and see if he could find his way into Link’s heart the way that the other had crawled right into his. Instead of telling him, he instead asked what the other would do once this journey was over.
“What will you do when you defeat the Calamity?”
Linked glanced over at Sidon. They had been friends, and he wasn’t sure how things would stand with them after this evening. He hoped Sidon would say something, he knew there was this special connection between them. Everyone in the Domain could see it in the way their Prince lit up when he heard of Link’s arrival or how he’d compliment him or how sometimes he just couldn’t stop talking about him and would end up lost in thought with the goofiest smile on his face.
It had taken him so long to see it himself. But when he did begin to notice it and that realization dawned on him, that his own feelings for his ‘best friend’ went far beyond that of any friend, it made his chest feel warm and happy. Like he was…he was…
“I suppose I’ll go home,” Link finally said.
“Where is that?”
Link shrugged. “Dunno. Suppose there’s Hateno.” Oh, right. Sidon remembered Link mentioning his house in Hateno. “Though after everything I would think Zelda might want to rebuild Hyrule Castle and Castle Town. So who knows. Maybe that will be home.”
Sidon swallowed. It was now or never.
“What if you came here?”
Link’s eyes went wide. He had gone and done it. And Link was thankful for it too; as the embodiment of Courage he didn’t know if he’d find enough strength to let Sidon know of his own feelings.
“To the Domain,” Sidon continued. “Everyone here adores you.” He rolled to face Link, then reached out to take his hands. The Prince’s large ones engulfed his, but it made that warmth in his heart spread throughout his body. “I adore you,” he finally added on, and that was all Link needed.
He leaned forward and placed a kiss on his lips. A promise. To one day return home.
The celebration that followed the defeat of the Calamity was widespread and took place over many months. Each faction wanted to congratulate and honour the Hero and Princess and their unshakeable bravery. Perhaps it would have done some good to collaborate and hold a grand ball and feast as a united Hyrule. But everyone wanted to do their own thing. And so it took longer for Link to fulfill that promise to come home.
“You won’t stay this time?”
As of late there had been too much build-up of wanting to see his lover. Link would find times to sneak off with the Sheikah Slate to go to the Domain any evening he could. Some nights they would lay outside and watch the stars, just as they had the time Sidon had confessed his love. Others they would cuddle together and do nothing but talk. Or well, Sidon would talk. Link would mostly listen, add in a few things here and there.
Some others their snuggling would turn to heavy petting, and result in evenings of passion, only stopping for a moment’s rest or to watch the sun rise. This was one of those nights.
“You know I can’t,” Link said, reaching out and touching Sidon’s cheek. “We finished our tour of Hyrule, but we have only just started rebuilding the Castle and New Castle Town.” Sidon sighed. He had been receiving almost daily correspondence on how things were moving along since the two had reached the castle once more and clean-up had begun. It felt torturously slow, and Sidon couldn’t help but feel somewhat neglected. The depth of his love for Link and his undying faith in him were enough keep him going, but he sometimes couldn’t help but hold a bit of resentment. Whether it was towards Queen Zelda or all of Hyrule keeping them apart, he wasn’t sure.
Link leaned forward and kissed his cheek. “You’re mad.”
“A little.”
“You know we can always stop. We don’t have to continue this if it’s causing you that much trouble.”
Sidon shot up at that idea, distressed that he had caused Link to think that. “I would never!” When Link looked at him and started to smile he pressed forward with defending himself. “I love you too much to even entertain such a thought, Link! I just…” he stopped, squeezed the sheets, wished he wasn’t prone to such jealousy and selfishness. “I just want you to come home.”
“I know,” Link said, and he sat up as well, leaning in once more to gently press their lips together. “I love you too. And I want nothing more than to return to you for good and not just keep sneaking around on my free time to be with you.” Link pressed his forehead against Sidon’s crest. “Just be patient. Please?”
“But for how long?” Sidon knew of Link’s duties, but it still came out as a bit of a whine.
“I don’t know. But it will happen. Do you trust me?”
“More than anything.”
They left it at that. A few hours later he kissed Link goodbye, watching him disappear in a swirl of blue light to return to New Castle Town, returning to fulfill his promise to help rebuild and train a new legion of guards.
He would just have to learn to be more patient.
The second anniversary of the Calamity’s fall was quickly approaching. Sidon’s own duties done for the day, he couldn’t help but look out at the starry sky and think of that night he had asked Link to join him in the Domain. A promise two years old, and while he was working on his patience the loneliness Link would leave behind felt unbearable some days.
“Pardon me, your Highness?”
Sidon turned, surprised that the Captain of the Guard would want to see him so late. “Yes?” he asked, and when Bazz stepped forward he saw that there was a letter in his hand. “What’s this all about?”
“Forgive me for not giving this to you sooner, my Prince. But I hadn’t had the chance to meet with you ever since the Rito Courier dropped this off this afternoon.” Sidon nodded in understanding and took the letter, when he recognized Link’s handwriting addressing it to him he nearly ripped the letter open with his teeth. Not quite taking it too far, he was able to curb his enthusiasm a bit, but did still ended up scrambling a little as he fumbled with it to get it open without tearing it to shreds.
The message inside was short and sweet, but still moved Sidon to tears.
“Prince Sidon?” Bazz asked. “Is everything alright?”
Sidon nodded enthusiastically, unable to stop himself from launching forward to embrace the Captain in his joy.
I’m coming home.
After receiving the letter Sidon had no idea just how long it would take. But he knew it would be soon. He rushed to finish any royal duties he had during the day and finish up his training each and every morning. Anything that required immediate attention he would wake up and the crack of dawn to get done so that by afternoon he could stand by the bridge and wait.
It took four days. But on that fourth day he was unable to stop himself  from running to greet him as soon as he saw that telltale tuft of blond hair peaking over the horizon. And with a hearty and tearful laugh he scooped Link up, spun him around, pecked his cheeks with several kisses as Link laughed along with him.
“Welcome home, my love.”
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lunian · 4 years
May I just slide into your inbox and tell you there’s a sidlink gift exchange happening in March, if you’re interested. The applications are open now. You just seem like you’re maybe, kind of into the ship so I thought I’d let you know.
Thank you for suggestion, but im not really into gift exchanges with unknown people
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yumoirail · 4 years
Your work is so beautiful!! You should join the sidlink gift exchange that was just created in the sidlink tag! 🥰
Tumblr media
aa thank yOU!! <3<3
[in another note: 👀 sidlink gift exchange?? gonna have to take a look at that]
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lukellios · 4 years
I don’t know if you know or not but there’s a Sidlink gift exchange happening in March of you’re interested. You just seem to like the ship so I thought I’d let you know.
Oh geez I never get ask notifs on tumblr, that sounds nice! I’m not sure where to find it?
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beelzebumons · 4 years
Your work is so good!! I hope you join the sidlink gift exchange that was just created in the sidlink tag!!!
Thank you! Also that's a cool idea but I don't think I will :( I'm not really in the mood for stuff like this right now and I've joined gift exchanges multiple times before, and a lot of the times I would just never receive my gift. It gets a bit discouraging when it happens multiple times. I hope yall have fun tho!
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syaoruda · 4 years
Hello just spreading the good word to all my fave sidlink posters there’s a sidlink gift exchange that just formed i really hope you join in the sidlink tag!
hello, thank you so much for the ask! (i’m honoured ;; )
i’m not sure if i’ll have time to participate myself, but i hope you’ll be able to get lots of participants! all the best ♥
please check out the gift exchange here! @sidlinkgiftexchange
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The Season of Giving
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8Nw15
by Svynakee
When Link learns of a tradition where gifts are exchanged between loved ones, he decides that Sidon is deserving of something special. However, this simple sentiment ends up sending him searching all over Hyrule for the perfect gift. Time is limited. The stakes are high. Rupees are spent. And Link finds himself running out of options.
[A three-part SidLink Christmas special.]
Words: 2988, Chapters: 1/3, Language: English
Fandoms: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Link, Kapson, Zelda, Paya, Mei, Robbie, Cherry, Jerrin, Purah, symin, Nekk, Kass, Cree, Genli, Kheel, Kotts, Notts - Character, Amali, Tanko, Ramella, Isha, Riju, kodah, Kayden, Finley, Sasan, Bazz, Sidon, aaaaand… Christmas Spirit!!!
Relationships: Link/Prince Sidon, maaaaaybe some others hint hint
Additional Tags: Fluff, Humor, sidlink - Freeform, Post-Canon, Christmas fic, the one where both Link and Sidon are dorks, talkative link, Borderline crackfic, i am an idiot who tried to write this in one day and failed, Established Relationship, some innuendo??? slight innuendo. not entirely pure., very very cliched christmas fic, watch as link’s sanity and confidence is slowly drained away
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2D8Nw15
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hylianfury · 4 years
Hey your work is just phenomenal and I just wanted to share that there was a gift exchange for sidlink just created in the sidlink tag and I really hope you join!!💫
OH MY GOSH, YES- I kind of... need somethign like that to get restarted? Thank you, sweet anon!
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