#sigh pen connors my beloved
thenamessparkplug · 6 months
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hi its me number one pen connors fan
(^^not okay)
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sweethugsandhoney · 4 years
hanahaki disease pt 3
summary: hanahaki disease- a disease where the victim of unrequited or one sided love begins to vomit or cough up the petals and flowers of a flowering plant growing in their lungs. which will eventually grow large enough to render breathing impossible if left. it ends when the beloved returns their feelings or when the victim dies.
a/n: i decided i’m going to be writing a fourth partt because i write too much lmaooo. lmk your thoughts and thank you so much for the support and comments i’ve been getting!
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pt 1 pt 2 pt 3 pt 4
“spencer stop!”, my laughter filled the room as spencer’s fingers kept tickling my sides. i mentally cringed at my laugh, trying to close my mouth but failing. spencer’s actions stopped as he hovered over me, “are you going to say yes now?”. i shook my head no with tears in my eyes, spencer’s hands returned to my side. “okay stop stop stop! i’ll watch it!”, i said quickly.
“why are you crying?”, spencer asked concerned, his beautiful eyes staring into mine. i bursted out laughing as i clamped a hand over my mouth, trying to muffle my laugh. “i’m not crying, my eyes are just watery from you tickling me”, i managed out. “hey, don’t hide your smile from me”, he said grinning as he pulled my hand down from my face. his words made my heart burst. i groaned as i sat up from my position on the couch, my sides hurting from the torture they received.
spencer got the remote and put on ‘doctor who’. he put his arm around me as i cuddled into his side. this is wrong, i thought. he just thinks of me as a friend but then he acts like this around me. i felt spencer’s fingers tracing random shapes on my side. my chest tightened and my breath quickened. i felt like i could pass out, i never wanted this moment to end, i felt pure bliss in his arms.
unfortunately it did, that happened three months ago. i realized that night that i was in love with him, it wasn’t just feelings anymore. that was also the night the plant started growing inside of me. i spent the night at his house, baking cookies and watching doctor who together.
i had decided who i should put on my life support form. the noise of my footsteps climbing up the stairs filled the silent hallway. i cleared my throat, still feeling uncomfortable although i already coughed some petals out. i stopped in front of his door, softly knocking on spencer’s door. this plant is growing for him, he should be the one to decide. spencer opened the door, opening it wider once he saw it was me.
“y/n! you came”, his excited voice said, i stepped into his apartment with a smile on my face. his presence alone made my mood so much better. “yeah, we haven’t hung out in a while”, i said taking off my sweater and putting it on the couch. “actually i have something to talk to you about”, might as well get this over with.
“what is it”, spencer replied, coming to take a seat next to me. i stayed silent for a second as i chewed on my lip. i saw spencer’s eyes glance down at my hands, my eyes following his. i was subconsciously picking at the skin around my nails, something he said i did when i was nervous. i quickly stopped doing it and cleared my throat.
“it’s about the coughing. you said that i could tell you when i was ready, and i’m ready”, i started. i exhaled a long sigh as my vision blurred with tears. “i’m dying spencer, i have hanahaki disease”, i desperately blinked the tears away. it doesn’t matter how many times i cried, the tears just kept coming. his face remained expressionless as he just stared at me.
“i know”, he finally said. “after i saw you cough up a flower, i went home and researched everything i could about coughing up flowers. i was waiting for you to tell me”, i nodded my head as a tear slid down my cheek. spencer scooted closer to me and wiped the tear off my face with his thumb. “who do you love?”
my breath caught in my throat at his last question. i glanced down at my hands, should i tell him? i looked back up to meet his eyes, my eyes glanced at a framed picture he had of maeve on his book shelf. “that’s not important”, i finally said, my eyes returning to his. “the reason i came here is because there’s a surgery i can get, but it’s risky. there’s isn’t enough research done for the surgery to be a guaranteed success”, i said pulling out the manila folder from the bag i brought with me.
i placed the folder on his lap. his fingers reached for it, opening it to the life support form dr. lee had given me. spencer reached for the x-ray scans behind the first paper, eyes taking in the image. “red carnations are my favorite”, he said softly. yeah i know, that’s why they’re growing inside of me. “spencer, i want you to be the person to decide my fate”, i said reaching for a pen from my bag and giving it to him.
“i don’t think i can do this”, he said after a few moments, his eyes looking up to meet mine. i opened my mouth to say something but was interrupted when both of our phones ringed. i furrowed my eyebrows as i reached in my back pocket for mine. ‘new case. get here asap!’, penelope’s text message read. “look you don’t have to sign it right now, just consider it”, i said with a pleading look in my eyes, “please”.
spencer nodded his head and closed the folder. we both got into our separate cars and arrived at FBI headquarters. “alright, my lovelies”, said penelope as she entered the briefing room. the whole team had arrived and was sitting around the round table. “six prostitutes have been found dead in alleyways right here in virginia. they all have an extreme amount of stab wounds and their hair has been cut off”, garcia said cringing.
“six? why are we barely being told now?”, i said, looking down at the crime scene photos on my tablet. “the police don’t really care for prostitutes that die. they kind of just slip it under the rug”, morgan said in a disappointing tone. “why is he taking their hair though?”, emily added in.
“it could be for trophies, relive his crimes. we’ll be taking the cars over there”, hotch said in his usual serious tone. we all hopped onto two different cars, three of us in each. my eyes followed the scenery we passed on our drive. ah shit, i thought as i felt the familiar itchy sensation in my throat. i started lightly coughing, “ hotch can you please stop the car”, i heard emily say . i felt the car being pulled over and i hurriedly opened the car door.
i violently coughed onto the floor, getting down on my knees. i felt the lump come up my throat, the damned flower finally making its way out of my mouth. i heaved as i felt more coming out of my mouth, hurting and stinging my throat. i breathed heavily as i pulled back my hair. i stood up on shaky legs, using the car door for support. my thoughts ran a million miles a second as i saw that i coughed up more than the other times.
the last thing i fucking need is for this thing to get worse. i wiped the blood off my chin with my sleeve, climbing back into the car and shutting the door. “everything alright, y/l/n?”, i heard hotch’s voice say, looking at me through the rear view mirror. i nodded my head as i composed myself, emily looked back at me concerned. she’d never actually seen it happen, just heard me talk about it. we arrived at the springfield police department, where they provided a board room for us.
we ran through different theories but nothing seemed to make sense. there were two different types of stab wounds. “there’s two unsubs. one is the dominant personality which goes with the violent stab wounds”, i said looking at the crime scene photos on the board. “and one is the submissive, indicating the hesitant stab wounds”, spencer followed, coming to the realization i made. after talking to witnesses and coming up with theories, we figured out the unsubs were 36 year-old connor andrews and 17 year-old jackson gregory.
we were on our way to an abandoned warehouse, which was slap in the middle of the geo profile reid created. i felt the familiar tightness in my throat as i mentally cursed myself. you just had to go falling in love with your coworker, i internally scolded myself. we arrived to the warehouse, quickly getting out and forcing our way into the building. “put the weapon down!”, morgan’s voice boomed as we found the older unsub pointing a gun to the younger one’s head.
i suppressed my coughs and ignored the tightness i felt. “no! he betrayed me!”, the unsub connor andrews said as he held the 17 year-old against him, shielding himself with him. i felt a sharp, stabbing pain in my chest. it worsened whenever i took a breath in. my hand reached to touch my chest, trying to keep my composure. i somehow still managed to keep my coughs in, even though i felt like my throat was being ripped open. the world around me started spinning as i felt myself fall.
@squirrellover1967 @thatsonezesty13 @yomama-umbridge @arttrash02 @ladydansblanche @shellbeerocks @skrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrt
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sillyshortstories · 4 years
Gross Gal
By: Pina Colada
Summary: All Connor can think about these days is Ariel, a gross gal at his university. 
A group of college men were playing shirtless soccer, drenched in sweat that illuminated their muscular arms and pectorals. Among them was the star player of the school; Connor, a man considered the most beautiful specimen unanimously by all who gazed upon him.
After scoring the final goal, the winning group of men screamed and ran to Connor for a wild group hug. But his focus was not with them, nor with the group of various gendered admirers seated around the edges of the field. Rather, his attention found the one woman sitting underneath a distant tree, cleaning out her waxy ears with a long and unmanaged fingernail.
Connor sighed like the lovesick fool he was, beating away his comrades with the hearts that manifested from his body.
Ariel, a lady of little grace, won his heart unintentionally when she belched like a whale during their first lunch on orientation week. Despite his desperate attempts at talking to her, she had no idea he even existed. She had a stronger relationship with her unclipped toenails than with him.
Connor resolved to talk to and exchange numbers with her during their evening astronomy class. When he entered the room, she was sitting at the front alone, wearing a sweat-stained tank top and plaid pajama pants. He adored how she dressed for comfort.
He had no issues finding an available seat next to her since others were repelled by the state of her hair; the messy bun of heat-damaged hair that likened a bird's nest. Though she didn't smell of flowers, she smelled somewhat sweet to Connor, which made his heart flutter more.
Connor puffed up his chest as he repeated a string of encouraging words to himself silently, then finally said, “Hey.”
Ariel looked up with heavy eyes, bags dragging her whole face down. “Hi?”
“Um, m-my name is Connor. I always see you alone during class, I hope I'm not bothering you? I just wanted to say hi, and um, wondered if I could sit up here with you? I talk too much when I'm sitting with my friends, and I'm trying to pass this course, you know?“ he rambled without a breath between, and laughed to alleviate the awkward tension towards the end.
Ariel just pointed the end of her pen at the seat beside her. “Sure, dude.”
Connor mentally received a trophy for his success at talking to her, and getting a seat beside her.
Though he knew it would turn out this way, he was unable to pay attention to the professor. He was too nervous and excited to be sitting beside his beloved crush. His daydreams wandered to scenarios of future dates. The whole schpeel; picnics, sharing ice cream, movies, holding hands, their first kiss. He was so caught up in his fantasies, he didn't even notice the class had ended, and the woman of his affections was leaving.
“Ah, Ariel!” Connor called out, and reached out his hand in her direction. But alas, her headphones were on and she was a speedy walker.
While Connor was expressing his lovesick woes to his friends, Ariel was also experiencing some heartbreak. People of various majors were loudly directing insults at her as she zipped through the halls to her next class. Though she is used to being insulted by now, their aggression towards her has been steadily increasing, and she didn't understand why.
Ariel let out a long, and exhausted exhale when she set her books down on her desk.
“Long day?” one of the other early students asked with genuine compassion. Though she had talked to him before, and seen him play sports on campus, she could never remember his name. She gave the nameless guy a weak smile.
That's one way to put it, she thought. What was bothering her most of all at this moment was her itching scalp. When she scratched it, dandruff fell onto her shoulders in copious amounts, like a shedding cat in the summer. 
“Oh! By the way, I have your notes. Thanks for letting me borrow them last week, you're a lifesaver,” the sporty guy said, rustling through his bag before handing her a wad of papers full of colourful ink.
“Ew. So you get the misdirected attention of one hunk, and you think you're hot shit?” a nameless girl said, before snickering like some popular girl in a teen drama.
The sporty guy furrowed his eyebrows. “What the hell is wrong with you, Christina?”
Ah, so her name is Christina. Ariel had completely forgotten about her remark, and thought she should try to remember the names of her classmates. Or, rather, she didn't realize the comment was directed at her.
“What? Don't act like Connor's feelings for that thing are normal. He probably thinks she's an easy virgin, right?” Christina snapped back.
Ariel was busy mentally making a grocery list. No point in getting into other people's drama, was her reasoning. She decided then she was going to make jajangmyeon for dinner, if her roommate didn't eat the instant stuff she stocked up on when there was a sale a few weeks ago. How she longed to move off residence to keep her food to herself.
Connor was moping around the shared student kitchen, drowning his sorrows in microwavable lasagna, when Ariel entered with multiple packs of noodles stacked up in her arms. As if he were a speedrun resurrection plant, he came back to life. “Hey!”
“Oh, hi,” was all she responded.
“Whatcha making?”
She dropped the pile of noodle packs onto the small table. “Some instant noodles.” Her nose perked up, and she momentarily stared at Connor's sad lasagna. “That smells good.”
Connor immediately pushed his plate towards her with a red face. “D-Do you want some?”
“Oh, no, I'm good,” she said, and slapped the pile of her noodles.
Connor gulped down on his anxiety, and spat out, “Um, y-you know, there's this really good Italian place not too far from campus, I was wondering if- if maybe, you wanted to go some time?” Connor was as red as the tomato sauce suffocating what little cheese remained of his lasagna.
She looked at him, looked behind her, then looked back at his blushing face.  “Oh- okay?” She studied his face as a shy smile came to his lips. She pieced together her pre-existing information about Connor with the yelling conversation she couldn't fully ignore between the sporty guy and Christina in Chemistry. “Like, as a date?” she asked blatantly.
As if it were possible to get redder, he did. The heat on Connor's cheeks oozed into the air, and he fiddled with his plastic fork. “Y-Yeah.”
Ariel blushed in return. “Oh, t-then yes. It’s a date.”
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I Don’t Know Where This Is Going
I’m not sure what this is, nor if it is something good?? I felt like writing last night because the internet went out, so this is a thing. 
Warnings: none?
Word count: 1,645
rk800 Connor x reader (in first person)
My hands stung, heat burning into the trembling skin as I clutched the mug of tea. The café was emptier today, that is to say, there were only three customers as opposed to the usual six. I distracted myself from my shivering by observing the people who had also braved the weather to get something warm. Mrs. Fikuhara was curled up into a booth at the furthest corner of the tiny room, the recent widow drinking a glass of milk while filling out what was most likely a crossword. Mr. J was on the other end of the room, just watching the rain as it fell from the wide window next to him.
        Benji was in the back, whistling along to the radio as he tidied an already spotless kitchen. I could see his head bobbing around past the serving window, the fluorescent lights making his head as shiny as his beloved kitchen. Lola, the waitress, was doing her best to be diligent to her customers while also scribbling notes from her calculus book into a notebook. My fingers tightened against my mug. Numb to the pain, I gingerly sipped earl gray before diverting my gaze out the window beside me.
        “Benji’s Café” had always been my favorite place to visit for any occasion; tucked in-between an old-time condemned cinema and a two-story antique shop, the already small café was almost ignorable. I had discovered it while nearly braindead from college and two steps away from an anxiety attack, it was a beacon of hope in a dark night. I stepped through the door and was welcomed into a home. The set-up was rather casual with tables and booths (only enough to seat a max of forty) and a wrap around 50’s style bar, behind the bar was Benji’s cramped kitchen. The café was a mix of retro and grandma’s attic, which charmed me instantly (Mom always did say I had strange taste). I had been a regular ever since. Overtime, I had made friends with the other regulars and the workers here; somedays Benji would let me try new recipes of his while I helped Lola with her homework.
Outside the café, rain was falling in sheets. The temperature was just floating between snow and rain, leaving an awful slush mix to cling to the power lines and flow down the streets in brown mush. Every once and a while a stray person would dart under awnings and alcoves as they scurried home, even fewer cars flying by, sending slush crashing onto the sidewalks. If I hadn’t lived so close by I probably wouldn’t have risked the weather today, then again, it had been only cloudy until I arrived. As of the current moment, I was nearly regretting my choice, my skin chilled and my clothes clinging to my body in displeasing ways.
        I took another sip of my tea, sliding back into the booth with a sigh.
        “Oh, this is my jam!” Benji sprung out of the kitchen in a quickstep, sweeping up Lola in a lively dance as an upbeat song carried over from the radio. The two began to laugh uncontrollably as they tripped over one another. A smile curled onto my face as I peered over the rim of my mug, the room having gotten a little bit brighter.
        “Benji stop” Lola snorted, thick curls going wild as the older man spun her about, “you’re making me dizzy!” Her laughter carried around the room.
        “Step on his toes Lola, show him you aren’t to be fooled with!” Mrs. Fikuhara cackled from her booth, using her pen to jab at the air as if she could jab Benji himself. Mr. J smiled brightly, waving to Mrs. Fikuhara before signing rapidly.
        “Mr. J’s right Benji, let the poor girl work, she’ll never graduate high school at this rate!” Benji deflated, releasing Lola from his grip as he gave a dramatic sigh.
        “There’s no love for the cook is there?” He threw his hands about before turning to me. “You love me, right?” I took my time in setting my mug down, clearing my throat as I slowly sat up.
        “Eh,” I shrugged, “sometimes.” They all began to laugh as Benji cried in offense.
        “No more free tastings for you then, if I’m such a bother!” Gathering himself into a “haughty” presentation; shoulders back, spine straight, and expression prim, Benji executed a perfect pivot and marched back to the kitchen. His display was met by a chorus of apologies.
        “Come on Benji!” Lola threw her arms out, asking for a hug as she smiled apologetically.
        “We didn’t mean it!” Mr. J smiled.
        “You know we love you, silly boy!” Mrs. Fikuhara shook her head. Benji slowly turned, sending a pointed stare in my direction as he approached Lola’s waiting arms with painstaking hesitation. I rolled my eyes with a snarky grin.
        “I’m sorry for bullying you Benji, I love you to the moon and back, will you ever forgive me?” Benji’s face lit up brighter than the sun.
        “Aw I love you too, I forgive you kiddo!” He scooped Lola up into a bear hug, maintaining eye contact over her shoulder. He lifted his arm to point threateningly. “I’m watching you,” he mouthed. I responded with another eye roll.
        Two hours later, the rain was starting to let up as the sky darkened. The café waved goodbye to me as I stepped out into the chill air. I pulled up my hood and scolded myself for ever leaving home in this weather. Hunching my shoulders, I began my trudge home. Only three blocks, I encouraged my cranky brain. Three blocks are really no time at all. My brain scowled its non-existent face, enough time to get pneumonia. I sighed, kicking my feet through slush piles as I walked. I kept my head down, not wanting the freezing rain to bite at my face.
        One block in my brain was in almost full revolt, every thought bordering between reasoning and murder. I like visiting the café, reasoning scuffed its shoes. You couldn’t have taken a car, or an umbrella, or have had the common sense to think, “hm, maybe this is a bad idea,” murder gestured with wild movements. I shuffled on in silence for a moment. I need a therapist.
        My eyes lost focus of the gray and brown sidewalk beneath me, instead I found them focusing on the dark sky, flinching with every frozen droplet of rain that hit my face. I also discovered, that by some miraculous feat, I was no longer on my feet, but instead sprawled on my back. A deep ache pulsed in the back of my head, shooting down straight to the tips of my fingers and toes. That’s fun. My miraculous feat then decided to bounce on over, replacing the rain on my face with large, slobbery licks. Hello dog.
        “Sumo no!” My brow furrowed as the dog above me snorted, was this a talking dog? Was I sumo? “Miss, are you okay? I’m sorry about Sumo, he gets excited!” An arm appeared in my vision, pushing past the large dog above me to take me by the shoulder and lift me into a sitting position. Not a talking dog then. My brain spun as I chased thoughts around it like a carousel. After realizing that I had been addressed I scrambled to respond.
        “No problem man, he’s a nice dog.” My words felt slow, trying to reassure my point I lifted my hand to plop onto the dog’s-Sumo’s-head. Sumo sat and continued to nudge into my hand. “Good boy.” I smiled.
        “Miss, are you alright? Did you hit your head in the fall?” The voice sounded worried, it was a nice sounding voice, soft enough to be kind, but with a rough edge that could mean business.
        “Me, oh yeah I’m fi-“My words slurred to a stop as I pulled my eyes to look at the owner of the voice, catching myself in dark eyes. Pretty. And expressive. But mostly pretty. The man’s face scrunched, impairing my view of his pretty eyes as he cocked his head to the side.
        “You do not show signs of a concussion; however, it is very likely that the fall was jarring, it might take a moment for your head to clear.” I listened to the calm explanation before deciding to cradle the back of my head in my hands. I hissed as my finger brushed over the tender knot that had formed just under the crown. “Would you like assistance standing?” The man offered his hand, after I accepted it, he glided into a standing position; careful to support my clumsy weight as he helped me up.
        “Thank you for the hand.” I muttered as my thoughts began to settle.
        “You’re welcome, it was the least I could do.” I scowled past the spikes of pain that jabbed into my face; peering down at Sumo, who still sat and watched the two of us.
        “It’s really no problem, he seems like a good dog. He’s a saint Bernard, right?” The man nodded affirmative, leaning down to scratch between Sumo’s ears.
        “Yes, he belongs to my partner, we were heading home until he found you.” A silence slipped between us, the hiss of rain the only thing the could be heard between Sumo, the man, and I.
        “My name is Connor, it is nice to meet you.” The man gave a somewhat awkward smile and he offered his hand. His dark hair was dripping with water, his suit faring in the same way, yet he still smiled with bright intensity and an air of friendliness. I gave him my name with an equally bright smile, taking his hand, not minding the chill of our skin or the slickness of the rain.
        “It’s a pleasure to meet you Connor”
In which the reader doesn’t notice if a person is an android because they don’t care/believe everyone is a person. (Benji’s an android and he’s awesome). 
I hope I got Connor’s character?? He didn’t have much of a presence?? I don’t know what I’m doing??
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unkindnessofone · 7 years
5SOS. One Nest
This was a tough one to write. I don’t know how good it is. I know some people might not like it but it was highly requested. Probably helpful to read Rooms You're Tall In first. Enjoy. There’s a lot of stuff I want to write more on that happens in this story, let me know what you think! It’s also dedicated to my beloved @rotten-kandy who is always so supportive and nice to me. An absolute sweetie!
Dry from cleaning Daphne's car with more elbow grease than he was used to exerting these days, Luke took his uncomfortable hands on a search for salvation in the drawers of his wife's vanity in their bedroom. It wasn't as if he was snooping because it was where he often sat while she tweezed his eyebrows, trimmed his hair, or just harassed her with his mouth and hands while she tried to wax her own upper lip or attach her false eyelashes before going out. Plus Cagney was sitting right there, legs crossed as she listened intently to her daughter on the phone. Usually, the three just Skyped, but every now and again someone would ring up the other for a check in. Luke glanced at the time on his own phone in the pocket of his jeans and figured it was very early in the morning for Penelope. She was probably on her way to school or still just eating breakfast beforehand.
“I know what it's like. I've been there.” Cagney nodded at the end of both her sentences, offering her daughter some empathy before leaning into her advice. “It's nice to consider everyone's feelings, but you need to do what's best for you at the end of the day.” She had always told that to her children. When Miles had debated quitting football briefly, when March didn't want to go to another kid's birthday party, and when she was trying to get Penelope to reconsider going out on the weekend when there were exams to study for. Cagney very much believed in letting her kids make their own choices, but she still wanted to steer for them when they allowed her to. “I know he's your best friend.” Luke's interest was peeked and he stopped actually looking for his wife's hydrating hand cream and just stared at her profile while shuffling around aimlessly in her top left drawer. “Well, he is responsible for his choices and actions and you are responsible for yours. You can't make someone else's mind up for them.” Luke nodded in agreement even though he knew how frustrating that fact could be. He still was getting teased by his friend's for once roaring, over a decade ago, that everything would just be better if people did what he wanted. Calum and Skye had vowed to never let him live it down.”Alright, Pen. Have a great day at school, try not to think about it.” She didn't think her driven and usually relaxed daughter should have any trouble with compartmentalizing. “Do you want to talk to your dad before you go?” Luke stood up straight and reached for the phone eagerly. “Okay, I love you.” Cagney moved her cellphone from her ear and ended the call. “What are you looking for?” She asked before putting her phone down between her round brush and dry shampoo can.
“Hand cream.” Luke sighed, disappointed that Penelope hadn't said so much as 'hello' to him. He had talked to her just the other day in the morning out of the blue, but he wanted every opportunity to hear how she was. France was far away, but with her there, it felt even further. Of course, he understood she was probably running late for school and that was the priority.
Cagney opened up the top drawer on her other side and produced an apricot scented tube from the drug store, “I re-organized.” She told him with a smile before tending the open Zuca kit behind her, shifting around on the chair to sift through it. She had an upcoming girl's trip with Simone in a few days, joining one of her closest friends as a hairstylist and shopping buddy while she went to different stores where her jewelry was sold among the boroughs of New York. Cagney had been worried about leaving with March being so down in the dumps, but Luke was on vacation from all his producing jobs and his own creative work that she felt better about being going away. He and Luke had been becoming closer and Cagney thought there couldn't be a better time for them to delve into bonding.
“How is Pen?” On the edge of the bed, massaging his hands together thoroughly with just a dime size of lotion, Luke enquired. He would have been satisfied with just a quick 'good' or  'great', but he knew Cagney would give him more details. The kids talked to them about different things. Cagney always managed to earn their gossip and emotional rants while Luke earned more practical questions and what they should ethically do in real and hypothetical situations.
“She seemed a little stressed.” It was a sentence neither of them had uttered about their eldest and it was also one they had never heard about her. Luke completely stopped what he was doing, hand lotion bottle open beside him and hands still clasped together, and just zoned in on the straight center part of his wife's perfectly blown out hair. “She is in a love triangle. Well, kind of.” It wasn't as if they knew how Jules felt. To quote Penelope, 'He's just being so wonderful and French, so I don't know!'
“Is that what you two were talking about when I walked in?” He had only heard what Cagney's advice to her was. She didn't keep the volume on her phone as loud as he did his, Luke couldn't make out anything being said on the other end of the call.
“Yeah. She doesn't want to hurt anyone, you know? Connor and her apparently had a fight when he came in because he thought they would just pick up where they left off here and Penelope's met someone else that she thinks she might like.” While Miles had been lusting over every male and female body on the beach since he was about eleven and March had lost count of the girls on television that he had tickled his pickle to, Penelope was always unconcerned when it came to romantic feelings and relationships. She just always found other paths more interesting. It wasn't as if guys didn't pursue her and one particularly relentless female, but Penelope never really cared enough to try. Both Cagney and Luke figured this French guy must have been somebody special to capture the attention of their cool daughter.
“You told her to just do what she wants?” He paraphrased from his wife's response that he only could half recall now and closed up the lotion's tube with his much nicer feeling hands.
“I think that's pretty solid advice.” If Connor or this Jules fellow talked to their parents, which she doubted, Cagney assumed they would hear the same thing.
“I don't know.” Luke mused as he stood up and stretched. His arms and knees were sore from a lifetime of playing music physically as well as just from the last hour he spent with March scrubbing at the paint that refused to part ways with Daphne's car windows.
“What? You've never liked two people at the same time before?” Cagney finally looked up from her bag, two large cans of hairspray in one hand and asked Luke with a humored smile. When she met him in London in the Sassoon salon, he was in fourteen different tabloid articles all with different girls. She figured somewhere in that time he must have accidentally sent a text for one girl to another or found himself on a date with a pretty blond while thinking of some other model. He was young and had the world at his fingertips after all.
“I don't think we should be getting into this.” Luke advised her as a warning before putting her lotion back in the wrong drawer. He leaned down and kissed her, a small peck on the lips. “I'm going to go to my studio.” He informed her and headed out the bedroom, changing the vibe as he petered out. It had been a long time since Cagney thought back to when they were new parents of twins, to before Luke managed to get his fear or missing out and his lust for approval under control, to when they both were the worst versions of themselves. It was before all the therapy, when the largest crack in their relationship existed, jagged, right down the middle.
It was where he felt he really shone. Shirt off, skin to skin, laying somewhat upright with one of his infant sons on his chest. Luke felt pretty unimportant when his children were first born. He couldn't produce food for them and he didn't have the forty (or thirty eight and a half in the case of the twins) weeks of bonding that Cagney did with them. So he just took to the instructions of his wife and helped out like a half diligent and half dimwitted intern. When it came to soothing though, Luke knew he could do that and do it well. It was where he had the chance to comfort and bond with them. Depending on the mood of the baby, he would just tell them about his dad or he would sing low one of his favourite songs.  He had bathed and put Penny to sleep in order to take a load off Cagney while she fed Miles his last meal of the night. When March grew fussy as soon as Luke put Penelope's bedroom light out, he groaned tired and took off down the hall of their Sydney home to the nursery. Instantly, he had his small screaming son in both hands and held him against the exposed part of his hairy chest under his shirt. Once seated in the rocking chair, a gift from Gigi Hadid when Cagney was pregnant with Penelope, and he snuggled March close while carefully unbuttoning a few more buttons to give March more warm skin. He was only eleven weeks old and the world was still a cold scream in comparison to his mother's water bed womb. 
Once back asleep, Luke stayed put in the chair. His own body was exhausted and he was running a deficit with sleep himself. He closed his blue eyes and hung his head back while his knees kept the chair rocking slightly. It was another thirteen minutes before he forced himself to stand up, rest March back into his crib, and leave the room with a trace of his kiss on both the babies soft heads of barely blond hair. 
Luke was ready to crash. He had been since he dragged his body that felt like swamp water and sludge home around five in the morning. He would have collapsed on the couch if the babies hadn't been up and Cagney, along with his mom, weren't sitting on the couch with both twins, the two of them screaming in unison. It had been natural for Luke to rush in and help. It bought him a little time to think of a good argument about why he was out all night for when his Mom asked. He knew she would. 
Luke walked to his room with shut eyes. They only peeled open when a gust of wind hit him much to his surprise. When he spied into his bedroom, he saw a mess of his clothes everywhere - mostly jackets - and Cagney furiously shaking them, checking the pockets and throwing them on the floor. She was half in their spacious walk in wardrobe and half in the main room. She didn't stop when Luke came closer, she didn't even notice him there. 
"Looking for something?" Luke leaned his shoulder and hip into the door frame and just watched her for a moment. He hated how attractive she looked when she was on a mission. He secretly loved watching her at a photo shoot where she was crunched for time and trying to finish Michael's hair. The serious look that took over her stare always hooked him in. 
"I don't know." Cagney sighed, dropping his vintage John Varvatos motorcycle jacket to the grown with a groan. She really didn't know if she wanted to find something or not. 
"What's going on?" He inquired through a yawn, one hand lazily trying to shield his open mouth. 
"You tell me." Cagney swiped at the mess around her bare feet, grabbing the collar of the dirty jean jacket he had worn out the night before and tossing it at him, just barely missing his face. Luke fumbled and caught the item of clothes right before it met the floor again. 
"I don't understand..." Sincerely clueless and confused, Luke responded and looked over the frayed lining of one of his favourite jackets. He really had no idea what she was so frazzled about, but Luke assumed they were both just too tired to communicate well. 
"There's fucking coke in the pocket." She surprised Luke so quickly with her curse, something she didn't have a habit of doing, that he didn't notice her charge at him to pull at the jacket without concern for its material. She reached into the chest pocket and whipped out the tiny bag and it's even tinier white dust. 
"Jesus, Keg. You went through my jacket?" It had been lying on the bed from when he peeled off his sweat and liquor scented clothes from the night before. It was Luke's turn to be disappointed. 
"You lied to me!" Cagney had some inkling that his friend's birthday was more than just shots and staying up til the sun rose. She recognized the gray tone of Luke's skin from the one other time she had seen him after a night of countless bumps. It had been a few months after they officially began dating and she told him right then that it wasn't her scene. Luke had shrugged his way through an explanation, telling her he only did it once in a while when offered and that if she didn't like it, he wouldn't do it.  
"I asked you if you did coke this morning right before we showered." With three small kids, they hadn't been able to be as intimate and sexual as they had been when they only Penelope to consider. Thankfully Liz had offered to take Penny for lunch while the twins napped, giving Cagney and Luke time to spend together. "You said ‘no’ and then we had sex!" She felt absolutely furious. 
"I don't really remember doing it, okay? It's not mine." He could be honest when he said he had never actually spent any money on cocaine. 
"I don't think it's unreasonable to not want coke in the house!" They had small children wandering around. Cagney had a sick feeling that if Penny had found it somehow she would have thought it was candy and eaten it. 
"Of course. It shouldn't be in here, I agree. If I knew I had it on me..." 
"I don't want you to go out as much!" The words rushed out of her mouth before they even ran through her brain. Cagney was gripping at her messy ponytail and squinting her eyes shut. She was exhausted and now she was angry with her husband, the combination made her chest ache terribly. She realized only then in the silence that she was trembling. 
"Okay..." Luke hated being told what to do, but he could see her body shaking under her generous gray shirt and black capri leggings. It was her uniform since having twins. She refused a nanny despite the many recommendations she was given. "Keg, I don't do coke." With trepidation, Luke began to approach her, stepping through his jackets and dress shirts. "You know I'm not an addict..." 
"You party all the time." 
"You've gone out since the twins were born." It wasn't as if she became June Cleaver after Penelope was born. She and Luke had always been really proud that they still went out even when Penelope was first born. They would spend their mornings exploring new cities as a family of three and then leave Penny with a sitter or Liz while hitting an after party, making out like teens before doing it all over again. 
"I went out once to dinner with Grace. I had two glasses of wine and was home by midnight." She had felt guilty the whole time. "I don't believe you when you say you don't do coke." The signs were all stacking up in her mind. Her shoulder shook on purpose, forcing the hand Luke placed on her to slip off. 
"Are you serious?" His eyes narrowed in on her and framed her tightly. Luke forgot all about his exhaustion as he felt himself be insulted by his wife. 
"You have a problem. You're so fucking scared of missing out on a good time, so you stay out and get messed up with all your 'yes' people." She was overwhelmed with three small children and she knew Luke was as well, but they were choosing it to handle it differently. She was trying to do it all by herself like superwoman and he was trying to pretend his life hadn't drastically changed eleven weeks ago. “You don't want to grow up.”
“I am trying to make both my lives work!” He roared. Luke didn't expect Cagney to get it, not when they were both this overtired. He had to still be Luke Hemmings the rock star and the diligent husband and adoring father of three. It was not easy to strike an equal balance of the two very different lives. “When I'm out, I'm disappointing you and when i'm home, I'm disappointing everyone else.” He felt the strain no matter what he did. When he skipped album release parties and industry events to stay home with his family in Australia, Luke received countless annoyed texts or vaguely threatening emails from his management just like when he did fly elsewhere for a couple days he could feel the irritation from his wife. He fallen for her because of her warmth and understanding, but he had come to know she knew how to cast a chilly breeze with a single glance.
Luke had moved away from her now, thrusting his arms through his beloved denim jacket. He wasn't planning to leave though there was always somewhere for him to go. He was just overheating with anger and needed to do something with his hands. Cagney just watched him with utter disgust. It was an expression she hadn't ever given to him before. He had seen it before when she was cross with paparazzi coming to close, when another woman told Luke that she was okay being the other woman right in front of her, but it was never directed at Luke before and he had to look away. The sight of it brought shame shooting through his body. He felt dry and oily all at once. There was no amount of cleansing to rid him of how gross he felt.
“Well, I'm sorry that we are cramping your style here.” She overannunciated every word, making sure each vowel hit him before she kicked away the jacket closest to her and rushed out of their walk-in. “But don't worry, you keep bringing drugs into the house and partying til 5 in the morning, I promise we won't be here anymore.”
“Is that a threat? Fuck.” He growled right back, feeling the heat of her threat and reacting promptly without any though. “Are you fucking threatening me?” This was ugly now. They were headed to Michael and Grace territory, a place they promised not to go after listening through a hotel room wall to Grace throwing objects and Michael roaring like a poked and prodded tiger in it's cage. Luke knew, in the back of his mind, if they weren't so tired that things wouldn't have come to this, if he hadn't stayed out this wouldn't have happened.
“If you want to be Luke Hemmings, Party Monster, go for it. We'll be in Minnesota and we will not miss you and your hungover bullshit.” Cagney's finger ripped through the space between her and Luke. She nearly poked him right between the eyes.
“That's not funny, Cagney. Don't say that.” Luke could admit, maybe quietly between friends or to his older brothers, that he had been losing control lately. He was anxious when he missed out on a party somewhere, he craved the burn of whiskey down his throat the moment it hit six PM, and he liked being the center of attention. He wasn't under the spotlight at home and that was hard. Still, he couldn't stand the thought of his children being taken away from him. He hadn't realized how ungrateful he was that he was allowed to see them whenever he wanted and as much as he wanted. He had a job that allowed him to bring them with him. He didn't have to stress about daycare or family trips. He was lucky and, if he kept messing up, he would lose comforting his sons against his chest or splashing in the shallow end with toddler Penny.
“I'm not joking.” Her tone of voice made that crystal clear. “Go. I don't want to sleep near you tonight. I can't even look at you – bringing cocaine in the house. We are not these people.” She began to walk away from him, hands on her hips as she counted between her inhale and exhales.
“What do you want me to do, Keg?” Luke gasped, throwing his arms out at his side's like a scarecrow just to drop them against his ribs. He watched her backside and waited, hoping she would turn around and face him with the same kind eyes he had proposed to.
“I want you to be the person you promised me you'd be!” She went to scream,  but instead, began to sob. Cagney's chest sunk inward as she stopped walking. She curled up in the middle of the room, hugging her stomach, and bawling. “I want you to be who Penny needs you to be.” Very slowly, as Luke crept up behind her with caution, Cagney turned around and squeaked. Luke opened up his arms to allow her in. He touched her like she was glass, but she pushed away while shaking her head expeditiously. “No!” She shouted and jumped away. “Be better. Get better. If you need to go away to do that or if we need to make changes, whatever. Just don't be this guy.” When the brought Penelope home, Luke was a dream. He was attentive and interested while also scared, but they were both in over their heads with the twins. Somehow, Cagney was laying on the door in the middle of the ocean while Luke had let go and was inviting water into his lungs.
He didn't need her to push him away anymore. He left the mess in their closet and walked out of the room. Luke would have rather stayed and comforted Cagney, but she refused to let him so he went downstairs to the basement to sleep by himself. As he shut off the hallway light, he passed by the twins room. There was no noise, not even the sound of a mobile or creak, so he kept walking. Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted half of Penny's curious face through the forced crack between her door and it's frame. He and his wife bickering must have alarmed her. Luke locked his eyes with her and reached out to push her door open with a heavy sigh, but she took off running into her bed as quick as her very small feet could carry her. Luke decided to let it go. He was too tired. Simply, he took himself to the basement and brought out a fur blanket to sleep under in his underwear. His cell phone was lit up on his stomach when he awoke an hour after drifting off. Two year old Penelope Hemmings was crawling over his long legs without any knowledge on how to be discreet.
“I love you, Papa.” She whispered through the dark. Luke sleepily blew her a kiss with just his lips before moving the blanket behind his knees, allowing her to burrow behind them and stay warm with him.  
It felt like years had gone by like speeding cars since he was last in front of Calum Hood and Skye Pierre's house. Of course, it had only been a few months since March last pulled up on his bike to pick up Daphne with the handles as a seat and bike downtown to hang out with a bunch of their friends doing nothing with slushie drinks in hand. When the two teenagers were together, they spent most of their time at the Hemmings house, but March had still become something of a staple in Calum's doorway where he would often wait for Daphne to finish getting ready. He had sat in the living room with Daphne, sprawled out over the coffee table, and helped her with her homework while finishing his own. March still felt like Skye's gravy was the best that he had ever had and that included a lot of five star meals and his mom's home cooking. Of course, he had not mentioned this fact to his mom.
March breathed slowly like his Dad had advised him to when he felt outside of the control room of his emotions. He watched his nervous and shaking hands on the steering wheel and didn't turn off Daphne's car until the anxiety subsided. Once the car was off, March pushed open the door and freed himself of the nostalgic scent of leather seats and Daphne's favorite perfume to spray after dance class in an attempt to mask her body sweat. As he walked around front of the car, he heard another door close. He was halfway up the driveway, just next to Skye's SUV when Daphne appeared in comfortable sweatpants and tight ribbed magenta sweater that pulled over her breasts that barely fit inside the fabric. Her hair was folded lopsided into a giant messy bun on top her head and March drove his eyes into the different twirls of chocolate hair to keep himself from gawking at the curves he missed touching.
“Here you go.” He reached forward with her keys, the oversized pink glittery cupcake fob on the end dangling in the space between them. “It's clean.”
After taking the keys, Daphne turned her head to stare at her car, previously covered in uppercase hate, and discreetly nodded in agreement that it was now clean. In fact, unless someone had seen it earlier in the evening, they would never know it had been vandalized.
“You didn't have to do that, you know?” Through her always breathy voice, Daphne told him. She wanted to look him in the eyes, but she hadn't been able to since coming out for longer than a second. Daphne just kept referring back to the heavy key fob in her hands as if it was more interesting than March's sharp blue gaze.
“I did, actually.” A hiccup of laughter choked it's way up March's throat at her comment. “You know how my Dad feels about being told 'no' when he asks us to do something.”
“True.” Daphne chuckled back. She hadn't realized this was the first pleasant exchange they shared since breaking up. It felt very naturally for them both. “Thank you. All of you guys.”
“Just so you know Miles didn't help at all.” While he had been nervous about dropping off the car and wished his Dad had just done it himself since he was the one who drove it to the car wash from the football game, March now felt relaxed. It was just him and the girl who meant everything to him. Her day had ended with bullying, so he didn't want to pile onto her anymore with the feelings that tormented him all the time.  “He says he twisted his ankle at his game, so it was just me, my dad, and Taylor who worked on your car.” March was a twin before he was anything else and there was no way the guy older than him by just a few minutes was getting the credit for his hard work.
“You don't believe him?” Daphne dropped her keys into one pocket of her sweatpants before gripping her hip and asking with two brows raised so high that they disappeared under her messy bangs.
“Nope. I twist my ankle on my board all the time. He's hamming it up so he can lay around and watch TV and get out of washing a car.”
“He just had a football game.”
“Are you team Miles now? You don't have to be team March, but that's a low blow.” It was a fluid interaction. March had been teasing Daphne since they were as tall as their parent's shins. They just melted back into themselves on the driveway. They were laughing into one another's smiles and March was hoping time would stand still so he wouldn't have to say 'goodbye'.
“No!” Daphne shook her head and playfully retorted. “Twisted ankles hurt. I'm team be nice to your brother.”
“Fair, that's on brand.” March folded his arms around his chest as he laughed. A small silence stepped between them and he considered filling it. He could damper the moment with an apology for previous behavior, he could ask her how school was going and pretend to care about small talk, or he could reveal to her what everybody already knew by telling her he wanted her to be his girlfriend again. Daphne rubbed her lips over one another again and again, wondering what he would say if she invited him in or if she even had the right to know if he had hooked up with somebody since they broke up. “My board is in your backseat. I'm going to get it and go.” He told her and shuffled a few steps away, moving his arms down and pushing his hands into the pocket of his tight jeans.
“Okay, but don't leave yet.” She froze him by saying in a quiet rush. Daphne took off running back into her house and March waited patiently by her car's backseat door. He had no idea what was happening, but he was hopeful that she would come flying back out to kiss him or something like that. A guy could dream.
Instead, right as he reached in for his skateboard, he heard Daphne's front door close again and when he turned around, she was standing steps away from him with a a large Tupperware square. It wasn't her lips reglossed and all over his, but he could tell from the transparent edge that it was something with chocolate and that was a decent second.
“I made these to say 'thanks'.” She reached out to give him, figuring the brownies were secured enough for him to skateboard home with them. “Don't eat them all. Save some for your Dad and Taylor.” She supposed anybody else who wanted them as well. “There's pecans in them since Penny isn't at home.”
“Man, I've eaten so much peanut butter since she left.” He laughed mostly at himself, one palm on his belly so he could pat it as if it was full of only the food that could literally kill his older sister. “Thanks.” March took the Tupperware as soon as his board was on the ground. “And hey, Daph, if someone is being shitty to you at school, tell me.” He played it cool, running his empty hand through his hair, but March meant what he was saying as law.
“I didn't know if you'd care...” She admitted to her feet and the cement like it was an embarrassing secret.
“I'll always care.” As soon as he admitted it and her wide eyes went in on him, March wished he had kept that to himself. “And I'd happily rip the hands off of whoever wrote that shit on your car. Do you know who did it?” March had his own theories himself, but he didn't know as much about Daphne's life anymore. Maybe, she had a new enemy. He couldn't imagine the soft spoken dancer purposefully hurting anyone.
“I really don't.” She knew she wasn't exactly cool, but Daphne didn't think anyone hated her that much.
“Well, they're wrong. You're not those things and you're my friend. So let me know if it happens again.” March's stomach was feeling twisted inside. He felt like he had said too much and he might as well have been standing naked in front of her. “I really would kill whoever did it.” He promised again. “See you tomorrow.” He held the brownies against the side of his ribs and took off quickly, leaving Daphne to watch him skate away before moving her car into the garage. She felt better somehow. It seemed like things with March might be okay for now. She knew they may never go back to normal and that they might not actually be friends, but it was nice to hear him say so anyway.
= ~~~~~
Most days, Penelope's schedule was the same. She went to school, studied, and then took the subway for three stops to arrive back in her neighborhood and just a few blocks away from the restaurant she worked in for both money and experience. She was lucky because since she wasn't a culinary prodigy or had a plethora of experience in a kitchen, her routine still felt like a wild adventure where anything could happen. It was that kind of excitement that Penelope needed to stay interested in something. It was one of the many reasons she loved to surf back before she was chronically concussed. No matter how talented or well seasoned you were on your board, nobody ruled the water and you could encounter a challenge to conquer with every wave. Sometimes, experimenting with recipes gave her the same feeling. When something went wrong on her stove top or she had a few,  but strange ingredients in her cupboard, she felt hugely successful when a good meal came through.
Penelope was wrestling her arms out of her lined autumn denim coat and into her white chef's jacket as she raced down the last block before work. She usually made impeccable time,  but one of her instructors had asked her to stay after class to talk to her about getting a weekend of next month to go to the small town of Uzerche to visit and tour a cattle farm. He thought it would be an excellent opportunity for her since the closest thing she had been to was a petting zoo. He also really liked Penelope, much more than their pastry instructor did. Mademoiselle Valerie thought that Penelope lacked any instincts and criticized her work at any opportunity. Cerise always just told Penny it was because she was half American and Mademoiselle Valerie felt that French technique belonged to, simply, French people.
She pushed open the kitchen door and expected to be greeted by steam and the scent of rosemary olive oil. Instead, she nearly collided with the faux gold buttons of a flashy coat she had seen a few times before. It belonged to Jules, he was just getting off his first job at the hotel. He was early as he usually didn't come to work before the sun had set. Penelope really thought she would be able to be completely avoid him their entire shift together, the first day they worked together since she had revealed her feelings for him last weekend. It wasn't as if there was much free time when you were working in a kitchen or on stage anyway. She planned to just keep her head down, do her job, and ignore the beautiful Ferrer Rocher eyes of Jules Archambault and his spicy cologne. Now she had no choice, but to greet him since he had already said 'Bonjour, Penelope' and turned his attention away from the bulletin board to face her.
“'Allo Jules.” She said inwardly, focusing more on doing up the front of her clean uniform.
“Do you have time to chat?” He asked sanguinely, eyes full of hope and his smile as inviting as a formal letter from a royal suggesting a tea date.
“No. Sorry.” It wasn't really a lie. She did have to join the line in under two minutes unless she wanted the head chef to take a Wusthof to her throat and serve her like croutons with the evening's salade special. “I'm late today.” She was not proud of that fact.
“It'll just take a second.” He knew it wasn't common for her work to come without scheduled breaks and once he was on stage, he couldn't just step down to talk to whoever he wanted. Even if they were as lovely as Penelope Hemmings was to him.
“Can you text it?” She didn't generally have the chance to look at her phone until after work, but that way he would have whatever he was holding onto off his chest and she could answer when she had actual time. “Or is it really bad?” Penelope didn't want him to consider her a bad friend even though she was feeling out of her element standing before him with her having been so honest last time they were together. Still, if Jules needed a shoulder, she wanted to be there for him.
“No, it's not bad. I just....No, it can wait.” He didn't wrestle with himself. He sighed inwardly and began to walk away. He wasn't very fond of his doormen uniform and was eager to strip it off him anyway. “Have a great shift.” He wished Penelope before disappearing from her line of sight, presumably headed to the back office to hang up his bright blue jacket where he usually hung up the hat he often was made to wear with it.
Penelope finally exhaled after holding her breath tightly through their exchange. She was scurrying over to her place in line across from Alexandra, but the very moody French woman, the Daria of the kitchen, waved at her with a cleaver to turn around. Penny stood still and squinted at her workmate. It was challenging to read the girl's lips as they were thin by design and she didn't speak English fluently. Eventually, after a couple tries, Penelope figured out that she was telling her to turn around, but she didn't know why.
“I've got this! Go talk to him!” Alexandra finally just shouted over the room of bodies, the simmering pans, and the curses of other line cooks. Since discovering that her beautiful blond friend was a virgin, Alexandra felt inspired to help her romantically somehow. She saw the way Penelope sunk into hypnosis when they watched Jules play drums. It was obvious the Australian-American was two steps away from being a full fledged fan girl which was Penelope's greatest fear since she grew up being scared of the girls who chased her in her dad's arms or screamed outside their car when she was a small baby.
Penelope rolled her eyes and then did as she was shouted to. She trusted that if anyone could help her weasel her way out of the wrath of the kitchen talking heads, it was Alexandra. Alexandra was a woman who had spent her life proving how good she was and now she didn't take shit from anyone. One day, if she was able to grow up, Penny wanted to be just like her.
Fidgeting with her hands together in front of her, as if she was playing cat's cradle with the air, she followed the way Jules had gone until she spotted him between the chef's office and the manager of the restaurant’s. He was wearing just his brown chinos, black socks, and nothing else. With her manners gone for a moment, Penelope just gawked. It was like the first time Simone saw Ashton backstage after going to a 5 Seconds of Summer concert for the first time. His hair was coated in sweat, his eyes were held captive by exhaustion, but his body was a maze of surprises and subtle brush strokes. Penny was in desperate need of a sit down talk with her Aunt Simone that would include a lot of wine. She wanted to know everything about dating a drummer as long as her aunt could leave out any stories of her Uncle Ashton naked.
“You change back here?” She pulled herself out of her stare to step forward and interrupt Jules. He squinted at her before pulling his head through an undershirt and then started to force his arms through the sleeves of a recently dry cleaned white shirt. “It's still technically a kitchen.” In her own apartment, sometimes Penelope would just wear an apron or a big shirt while cooking, but she felt like it was way more hygienic in a professional kitchen to have your body covered. “You should wear a hair net or something.” She half-joked.
“I thought you were a busy bee.” He shrunk the space between them, stepping into the open door frame between them and clutching both sides of it. His smirk was strong and Penelope just knew he was pleased she had returned.
“Alex has things under control at our station.” Penny shrugged quickly with one shoulder.
“Well, I was hoping you could send me your list of restaurants you want to go to here.” Jules informed her, holding her eye contact even when her eyes fell and just stared at his uniquely chiseled chin.
“Yeah, sure. I'll do it tonight when I'm home.” It was on her laptop on a spread sheet. She wrote down what she ordered, what she thought, and what she wanted to try to make herself after her experience there. It was very nerdy and she refused to show anyone, so she would have to just take the restaurant names and text them to him.
“Okay.” She was so obliging that Jules wasn't able to really get his point across. “I know you're not working next Saturday until late,” The after hours crowd that was usually when he was on stage. “I thought we could cross a few places off. Breakfast, coffee, lunch, snack, maybe dinner if there's time.” Jules knew Penny couldn’t drive in France and wasn’t really supposed to be, but he felt like biking together would be safe.
“Yeah, that would be so fun. I already know where we could go for lunch.” Penelope may have had a long wishlist of places to try, but she also had spots that she loved already. L'as du Falafel was one of those beloved places and not just because her and her ate there twice when he helped her move to France.
“No, Penny,” He rarely called her by her shortened name and it flicked in her eyes as strange when he said it that way. “I'm trying to plan something. I'm asking you out on a date.” He came right out and just said it.
Penelope didn't realize it, but her mouth was hanging open. Her eyes were hooked onto the one pocket on the chest of his shirt as she stood still and stunned. It wasn't until Jules rested his head on his shoulder and forced himself into her view that she shut her mouth and laughed.
“Okay, sure.” She shrugged again, playing it cool. Connor appeared in her mind though. She was ten seconds into a mental dance party when her lifelong friend came into her mind with his ukulele and perfect teeth. “Can I actually get back to you?” She asked as Jules pushed himself off the door frame and further into the room to finish buttoning up his shirt. “I just want to make sure I don't have any plans already first.” It wasn't a lie. She did have to check with her school schedule, but Penelope also wanted to talk to Connor beforehand. She hadn't answered any of his six apology texts and they hadn't said anything to each other since she walked away from him and out of the club parking lot a few nights ago. It felt like a string pulling on her stomach, dragging her to unfinished business. She couldn't move forward until everything was settled.
“Sure, whatever you need.” Jules thought that she would agree instantly given that she had been the one to share her feelings with him, but his mother had warned him that American girls could be complicated even if she only gathered that from soap operas he downloaded for her.
California didn't feel like home anymore. Even though she was American by birth, Cagney preferred their house in Australia. Now that she had three kids, she just felt as if she was waiting in someone else's life in their house in Burbank. They were only ever there because of Luke's work. It had been a week since their blow-up and while they were functioning fine, there was frost on the gears. She was more nervous in California since it seemed to her that there was more temptation and pressure for Luke there. She was trying not to lose her mind about it though. He was an adult and she couldn't control what he chose. She had two baby boys who needed her attention and body. She couldn't waste time trying to also raise Luke.
Accepting the night out as an opportunity to reconnect with her husband, Cagney took to the Capitol Records party with hopeful optimism. She invited Simone over so they could get dressed together, sharing a nanny for their five children for the evening. Cagney agreed to a black satin Theory dress that Simone picked for her despite not feeling as confident as she might have before harboring two babies inside her at once. It wasn't as if Cagney was ever a pillar of self-confidence. Still, she knew that she had not been making the same effort she once had due to her new schedule. Cagney blew out her hair the way she always wore it when she and Luke began dating, remembering how untamed he was with his hands when they would be sitting in a booth, surrounded by people, his calloused fingers running through her blond locks like they were his source of comfort, his Linus blanket when everything felt like too much.
At first, Cagney pretended she wanted to be there. She pushed herself to not check her phone in her clutch for the first hour. She smiled with the tip of her tongue pressed to the back of her teeth and even acted thrilled to see people she didn't remember ever having met. Still, Cagney just wanted to run out of the room, hop in the first Uber, and go back to her children. It was nice, she had to admit, to have Luke's hand on her backside though, guiding them both through the room, whispering the occasional name into ear. He even checked twice if she was having a good time and he pretended to believe her when she said she was happy.
Luke excused himself once he had his second drink in hand, leaving Cagney with Calum who had come alone since Skye was on bed rest in British Columbia. They were so excited to finally have a child together. It seemed like it was going to work out for them this time, but everybody was holding their breath. The struggle Calum and Skye had gone through had not only been brutal, but it had not been in private. Even people who disliked the pair were wishing them well. They were due soon and Calum's knees were bouncing nonstop. He couldn't wait to fly back to Canada to be with Skye and her underwhelming bump.
“Hey gorgeous.” A distant, but familiar voice forced Cagney to look up from her phone. She was just about to check her texts after showing Calum a few pictures of Miles and March, but she threw her head upward quickly. It didn't sound like Luke, but she hoped that it was. She worried about where he went or who he went with. While it wasn't Luke, she jumped up gleefully and wrapped her arms around her old friend, holding her phone behind his neck.
“God, I haven't seen you in so long!” In Dacre's ear, Cagney happily cooed as he squeezed her back, one hand where Luke's had been all night. “When was the last time I saw you?” When Luke wasn't touring, Cagney had the chance to take other jobs and early on, she had met Dacre Montgomery while shooting a video for VMAN. They became fast friends since she was dating an Australian at the time and he was Australian. They bonded fast and Luke had come to like him just as swiftly.
“You were pregnant but not the last time,” Through tabloids and the grapevine, he had heard she and Luke welcomed twin boys. “It was with your daughter. Penelope?” He had to guess.
“Yes!” Her eyes blinked rapidly, her fake lashes causing a small breeze down her face. It felt like ages since she had dressed herself up and put lipstick on let alone false lashes and earrings. “I heard you were just cast in a huge action film. Like a franchise.” Not knowing it could have been a rumour, Cagney gushed.
“Keep it down. I'm not allowed to say anything.” Laughing, he pretended to shush her before guiding her back to the both she was sitting at. As Cagney collected the back of her dress under one hand, she realized only then that Calum wasn't there anymore. He had gone to find a quiet spot in the crowded room in order to answer a call from Skye. “You look beautiful by the way.” Dacre mentioned off hand. “Where's your husband before I get in trouble for staring?” He only half teased. He had been disappointed many years back when they first met and she mentioned casually that she was in a committed relationship. He felt like she was something like a 70s bombshell with her big blond hair and girl-next-door smile.
“He's around here somewhere.” Cagney looked around, twirling her finger like a slow cyclone through the air beside her. “You know Luke, he knows everyone a little bit.” She half-laughed. Without realizing, Cagney melted into the way Dacre's eyes were biting at her. The attention was nice since she hadn't been feeling very pretty lately (or even very human) and she had felt so distant from Luke, more so than any time there had been an ocean between them.
“He would agree anyway.” Dacre laughed with a shrug of his shoulder to his ear. “You're gorgeous.” While they didn't see one another often, he always made sure to tell her that. He never had his chance with her, but it didn't mean he didn't wish for it.
“I don't know about that.” Rolling her eyes, she said truthfully. “It's hard to be sexy when you have two new babies and a toddler running around. This is the only thing I have without drool on it and it's not mine!” She joked and leaned into the booth behind her, genuinely enjoying herself and feeling relaxed for the first time since she and Luke fought in their closet back in Sydney.
Empty. She was a Tamagotchi blinking rapidly to be recharged. Penelope felt drained after work. Taking a day off from her usual routine of school then work had given her body the opportunity to forget the stamina it had built up. She told herself that she would work on her assignment during her lunch hour tomorrow like she often did as Penny slowly pulled her body up the steps to the floor her apartment was on. She was dreaming of passing out on top of the blankets on her futon naked. It wasn't until Penny heard her phone buzzing in her purse as she dropped it by the front door of her small place that she remembered she had texted Connor, asking if they could talk. Grumbling to herself, Penelope locked her door and then bent down onto both knees to retrieve her phone. It was Connor.
"Salut? I mean, hi." She corrected herself and inhaled, giving herself one last shot of energy.
"Hey." On the other side, Connor sounded unsure of himself. He was goofy and confident around her, but she could hear the insecurities that she always knew he had through the phone. "You wanted to talk? You good?" They might have had their first fight, but Connor still cared about his best friend. 
"Yeah, I'm good. I just walked through the door. How was Marseilles and Lyon?" There was a part of her that was buying time, but Penny also was genuinely curious. As awful as some of the things he had said to her had been, Penny was in the habit of reading any and all reviews she could find about Connor's songs and live performances. They were currently very mixed in France. The sentence 'Talented and truly adorable aren't enough to make Connor Wylie more than just a warm up act' stood out for Penelope, but she recalled reading about how much they had loved him in Berlin. The reviewer called him 'a blinding star absolutely necessary to keep an eye on'.
"Okay. I can't shake the feeling of...Sunday." He didn't want to be dramatic, but it was the truth. He was trying to devour the energy the crowds were giving to him graciously, but his mind was reeling over how guilty he felt and his body ached with regret. 
"Yeah." She understood that. "I hate that I upset you like that." 
"No, it was me. I know what it's like to like two people at once," Connor had gone through high school dreaming of Penelope while buying other girls cocoa and bracelets. "I could have been nicer." He should have been. "I was just disappointed, not that it's an excuse." He just really thought they would spend all his free time together with their bodies as close as they could be without fornicating in public. 
"I'm sorry." Penny didn't worry about letting others down. She just wanted to live her best life. However there was something about crushing Connor's dreams that picked at her. She wanted them to raise one another up, she wanted them to find happiness simultaneously somehow. 
"You don't have to be sorry. You don't owe me anything." On the other end of the phone, Connor's voice was dry. He was in need of the break he had finally had today, but talking to Penelope hurt so badly that it was as if he hadn't self medicated with copious cups of lemon and hot water all day. "Have you told Jules about your...crush?" Connor decided to try his best friend hat on again, making sure it still fit. He knew for a fact that Penelope had done things she didn't like doing for him, so he could pretend that asking about Jules didn't make him want to vomit all over the fluffy white hotel robe he had on while laying in bed in the dark. 
"Connor," Penny almost laughed, knocking her head of messy hair falling out of its ponytail against the  closed door. "I know you don't want to talk about that." 
"I'm trying, Pen." As a reaction, he chuckled back at himself. She had never agreed to being his dream girl, but he was committed to being her best friend.
"Connor," Her tone deepened and Penelope closed her tired eyes to prepare herself to be unabashedly honest. "I really like you and there's a part of me that wants for us to have a chance to be together." 
"It pops into my mind out of nowhere way too often." It made her feel very uncool. "But our lives are so different right now. You got to know this isn't the right time..." 
Connor was reluctant to agree. He had been fighting with himself since he saw Penelope in Paris looking like a lazy Sunday Disney Princess. He wanted to be her Prince Charming so bad, but there was no one in the world who was going to stand in the way of the music career he was currently building on the road, not even Penelope Hemmings. 
"I know." Finally, through a congested throat, Connor cracked. 
"Tonight Jules asked me out and I want to say 'yes', and while I don't need your permission, I don't want to lose you as a friend. I'm not going to say yes if it hurts you at all." She was firm and sincere. For Connor or anyone she loved, she would set aside her wants and needs. Being selfish gave her enough concussions that she couldn't partake in her favourite activities anymore. She wasn't even supposed to drive, so Penelope had learned to be more considerate. “You’re too important to me.”
Connor felt the power she was giving him. He wanted to abuse it and tell her how badly it would ache at him just to keep her single, keep her closer to him, but he knew how wrong that would be. It was just a date. It wasn't marriage. Connor leaned into his pillow and shut his eyes, Penelope's face hurt in the parking lot immediately coming into view. 
"I want you to be happy." He meant it even if his voice sounded deeply pained. "And I really hope you have a good time." Connor felt confident that he could take Penny on a very memorable date when given the chance. In his head, he told himself he would fly her to a private island on a private plane and they could spend a night with their toes in the sand and their hair in the saltwater. Connor didn't know much about Jules beyond that he had one leg and played drums, but he doubted that he was any real competition. If Penelope saw something in him, it had to exist. She was no one's fool. 
"Thank you." It was exactly what Penny needed to hear in order to tell Jules 'yes'. Connor's sentiment massaged at her conscience and she let a tiny sigh of relief as proof. 
"And the stuff I said about your Dad - " Connor started and Penny began shaking her head rapidly.
"Let's not dive back into that, okay? I know you're sorry and that's what counts for me." Penelope really didn't want to drudge up all the horrible things they had said to each other. She had grown up accepting that people said things about her parents and other people in her life for the sake of selling news. Hearing rumors from her best friend's mouth was different than bright letters flashed on the internet. It brought up questions and questions she didn't want to consider. 
"Okay." Connor confirmed to her plea. "I'm crashing. I have an early flight tomorrow." Really, today. "Skype soon?"
"You got it." Penny leaned into the phone, the heat it was radiating against her cheek only making her sleepier. "Love you, miss you." She mumbled before hanging up and dropping her phone between her knees. Penelope sat up against the door with shut eyes for a few minutes before picking herself up to strip out of her clothes. She thought, for a second, about texting Jules, but decided to go to bed and just talk to him in the morning on her way to school. 
He had been walking a line and he knew it. Luke entered his house on pointed toes from the back door. The night hadn't slipped away from him even though he planned to tell Cagney that it had in order to avoid a fight. It wasn't as if they didn't usually drink when they were at the studio, but he hadn't planned to be recording the last song for their album deep into the night. He also didn't realize that their usual vodka drinks and cold beers would turn into shots. Luke did think he deserved a couple points for leaving his car behind and taking a cab home. He even made sure to drink a bottle of water before even calling for a ride. Luke dropped his keys causing a few jingles in the key of F as they hit the floor. He cursed himself out under his breath and bent down to get them. The light was new to them as he had shut his eyes upon reaching down to pick them up. Once standing upright, he looked around confused and then hung his head in defeat when he spotted Cagney, face red, in an old 5SOS shirt and a pair of black cotton shorts on the couch. She had a glass of wine sitting on the coffee table in front of her.
“I can explain -” He put both his hands up to stop her from speaking even though she wasn't about to.
“It's fine. You texted me. I really appreciate it.” Sniffling, she nodded over and over. It was the truth. When Cagney knew that he was okay or that things weren't going as planned, she felt better. It was when her mind was left to wander that she became nervous and upset.
Luke heard what she said, but he was concentrating more on her eyes. She had been crying. In fact, underneath her swollen red eyes, he could detect glistening which meant she had only just stopped.
“What happened?” Luke rushed over, feeling a burn in his throat from all the vodka he had consumed, but he pushed through and dropped to her side. His arm instinctively wrapped around her and pulled her close. Whether something awful had happened or it was just a hard day with the kids, he wanted to make things feel better. Luke had a hunch that would never change when it came to Cagney. He would always want to be the hero in her story. With the hand that had been on his leg, he reached up and wiped at her tear marks with his thumb. “Keg...” He kissed the side of her head, fly away hairs and all, and waited for her to explain. Since having children, she rarely had a hard time expressing herself. “Penny tough today?” She could be a stubborn when she wanted to be, Luke could admit it.
“No.” Cagney shook her head and frowned her forehead at the thought. This had nothing to do with Penelope. “She was great. Everybody was good.”
“Then what's going on?” Luke had never been very good when it came to guessing. He always felt out of the loop when it came to his own life.
“Dacre just left.” She swallowed and shared.
“Oh? I didn't know you guys had plans.” He knew Dacre and liked him. It was always nice to have a fellow Aussie in America. Luke personally felt like his people were better to party with not that he admitted it to any of his American friends who provided him with many good memories. It didn't strike Luke as odd that Cagney would catch up with old friends when they were spending time in the US. He imagined he would want adult company when cooped up all day with three children who could barely speak in audible English.
“I took Penny to the splash pad. He came with us.” Since coming to the US so Luke could finish the latest album, Cagney had decided to accept the help of babysitter and nannies, but just so she could have independent time with her eldest on occasion. It helped since Liz wasn't around to be an extra pair of hands when she needed them.
“Oh?” Luke nodded. He didn't really like the idea, but it wasn't worth mentioning, not when they were just getting close to reconnecting.
“Yeah, it was fun. I'm not feeling super swimsuit ready, so having him to - “
“You look great.” Luke shook his head at her words, turning them down with his scrunched up nose and kissed her lips. He was a little drunk and caught her completely off guard.
“Luke,” She slipped away from the touch of his arm and turned to him, one knee facing her wine glass and the other pointed at his groin. “Penny was in her room, she napped after, and...”
“What happened?” Luke expected the worst. He was waiting for Cagney to tell him their daughter fell and knocked her baby teeth out. “Is she okay?”
“She's fine. She’s fast asleep. Listen - “
“What's going on?”
“Dacre kissed me.” Cagney finally shut her husband up. Luke's back shot straight up and he stared off over his head, red glowing under his blue eyes from inside the pupils. “And I kissed him back.” Flames grew in rich hues, orange and yellow. Cagney glanced at Luke's hands, fingers gripping into the teal leather of their couch while his other nails dug into the skin exposed on his knees from the new frays in her black jeans. “We didn't have sex.” She thought, foolishly, that might make him exhale with relief, but he stayed still, burning a hole into the family photo of him, Cagney, and a newborn Penny behind him. “But we kissed for a long time....” She didn't know else to admit without saying they made out like horny teenagers in the pantry. “I know this is not okay,” Tears started to rush down Cagney's face. She  felt shame and anger and she worried that Luke felt the same about her. “I hate myself.” She reached for him, looking to grab his hand on his knee with both her palms, but he pulled it away and let her fall onto the cushion between them. “I hate myself and you should hate me too, but I have felt so alone and you have been out all the time and - “
“Fuck you.” He muttered, a bonfire wild in his stare as he just barely glanced at her.
“I deserve that. You should yell at me.” She was shaking her head so viciously that she didn't notice that Luke was crying now. The fire raged on his glare, but tears were stinging at the dry skin that his face wore from being so dehydrated from the LA climate and his drinking habit. “But there's something else...” She had to purge. He needed to know everything if there was any chance that they would be okay.
“Fuck! What?” Luke threw his head back on the couch, his hands racing up and down his thighs as he tried not to overreact. What more could she possibly have to say? Was she leaving him? Was she pregnant? Was Dacre upstairs naked on his bed waiting for a threesome to commence? His own failure scratching inside the walls of his stomach. This was his fault, he knew it. He hasn't put her first, he hadn't turned himself around, he hadn't been enough...
“I think Penny saw us.”
Luke roared so loudly that his 'fuck' couldn't be made out properly. He stood up in a nanosecond and, with a force unknown to himself, he tossed their glass coffee table and the contents on it including stone coasters, her wine glass, and her cell phone across the room. Before he could scream at her or she could stifle her out of control crying, the sound of wailing cries from down the hall were unleashed. It was one of the babies and Luke instantly resented her for knowing which one since he couldn't tell their noises apart yet.
“When you're here, you're hung over and Dacre made me feel - “
Stopping her as she cried to him, gripping the stomach of his white shirt, Luke put his hand up in front of his face and pulled away. He needed to be comforted. He needed the same thing one of his sons did and he started to shake off his leather jacket as he headed to their nursery, readying to comfort his son and try to calm down himself. Cagney followed close behind him, trying to explain how Penny came into the pantry, but Luke closed the door on her and gathered March in his hands in the dark, singing through his painful tears 'Ten Years Gone' by Led Zeppelin. He could hear Cagney crying in the hallway, but she might as well have been on the other side of the world. They were going to need a lot of saving and Luke worried what they would become once he walked out of the nursery.
In the kitchen, Cagney wiggled her nose at the screen of her laptop that she had set up on the kitchen island. Most of her life since she turned eighteen had been travelling especially being married to Luke and making their relationship work, but she still always felt anxious when it came to travelling. So she always had to look over her airline itinerary a hundred times before she set off.
“Hello.” She took her eyes away from the screen and smiled at Luke as he strolled into the kitchen, yawning with his arms over his head. “Good morning.” She grinned as he came around and kissed her. With the conversation they had had the night before, she wasn't sure how romantic he would be feeling. It had been a long time since they almost stumbled even into a conversation about the roughest patch they encountered. Cagney was thrilled when she felt her husband pull her closer and suck on her bottom lip. It wasn't a usual morning kiss. “You're in a good mood? Excited to have the house to just you and the boys?” She teased, staring up at her tall man as he held her to his chest.
“I'm proud of us.” Very sincerely, he told  her in a serious tone. “We are really good.” It didn't always feel like they would make it and yet he felt closer to Cagney than  he had when they were young, child free, and travelling the world together.
“We are. We've built a good life.” Cagney agreed with a smile that made her entire face beam. She had been so grateful for the mountains they climbed. They had carried each other sometimes, but together they made it to the top and she knew now they could do it again with their boys going through high school and their daughter studying in Paris. They could do anything as long as they were together.
“Let's go for breakfast. When was the last time we just went out the two of us?” Luke had tried to remember when Miles and March were whipping by him, racing one another to see who could get to the end of the driveway to their bikes the fastest. He had an idea, but he wasn’t sure if it had actually happened or not.
“Not to an industry thing? I don't know.” They always had another couple with them or one of their kids.
“I got to take you for a date before someone else does.” Luke joked, not even realizing what an accomplishment that was for him. Cagney just melted closer, hugging his chest to her as she kissed him again. She had made her mistakes and Luke had made his, but she wasn’t going to risk even the hardest parts of their lives together for a fleeting moment of joy. As painful as some of their memories were, Luke and Cagney had both learned the hard way how to appreciate one another.
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quoththesaven · 7 years
Hating the Horrid Rosaline
“These poems—they’re about you.  And I know who wrote them.  And I know which ones you wrote, too.  I know that one, in the corner, was most definitely yours.   It gave it right away.  ‘True pain is never felt until you see your most beloved upon their death bed’ I know it all.”  Oh my.  I’ve been caught.  “Don’t worry, though, I won’t tell anybody.  The guessing game is for your class, not me.  I’m just glad to see that who I chose for the leads originally really do have such great chemistry.”  I sit down as the rest of the class enters.  “And do tell him, I’ll postpone the play, if he wishes to play his role.  I’d love to see you two, not act.”  I smiled so big for the rest of class.  The fight then left my mind entirely, and all I needed was to get to the hospital.  
Yesterday I kept zoning out into some dream world, and so today I decided to keep a pen in my pocket and tally my skin whenever I came back from my own fantasy land.  This morning I counted six.  When I came back from the hospital, I counted 35.  I didn’t even remembering writing them down.   As I scrub the ink off of my left wrist, I tried to remember what I can of what happened at today’s visit.
I remember that I walked in and tallied when I was about to go in the room.  I just stood there for a while in a trance.  I guess that makes sense; it’s not every day you walk into a hospital to visit your best friend who is only in there because of you.  Or, for me, it is.  Now.  What a living nightmare.  I entered the room and he was asleep.  The next thing I know he’s waking up and I have two more tallies on my wrist.  I’m glad no nurses were there to see that.  Imagine how creepy that would be, seeing a girl hovering over a sick boy, sleeping, and she is staring at him, marking up her arm.  She wouldn’t answer if you called her name.  And that was what I did today.  Why? I don’t know.  I really should drink some coffee or something.
I remember we talked about Connor and Angie.  “Angie just wants to be friends with you… like how you are friends with Connor.  She just looks up to you.  She talks about how she just wants to know your favorite book and your fears and all that stuff that a best friend would know.  She used to just ask me, but then decided she’d rather learn it for herself.  Tomorrow when you see her, just, be her friend.  That is all she wants.”  He heard my words and tasted them like a white wine.
He spit them back out. He only likes red. “Yeah, well she’s annoying.  She should just leave me alone.  She is like a pest.  We are not friends.  We never will be friends.”  There was no sense in changing his mind, but he promised to try.  His promises were sometimes hollow and I hated that.  Then I looked at my arm; eleven tally marks.  He’s going to change his mind someday, and I, again, will be there only to tell him, ‘I told you so’.
Later on, we talked about his mother.  How she went back to school, and how she is kind of distant anymore, and how she acts like the typical 60’s housewife when she comes home.  She’s even changed her hair and style.  I think she’s having a midlife crisis.  Maybe she found a grey hair.  My dad was like that when I was about ten.  He’s been different ever since.  The there were twelve lines in a jumbled mess.  I wasn’t crossing of the fives anymore and it looked cluttered.
Then I asked him about Penny.  It was very daring of me and I don’t know where that came from.  The nurse had come in about twenty minutes ago, and given him a pain medicine that makes him a little off.  He is always bad at lying then and is very silly.  So I thought I’d ask him something I wanted to know the truth about.  Now I kind of wish I didn’t know.  But I knew that something must be done about his.  I need to do something.  I just don’t know what yet.  God, I don’t know anything.  I’m so stupid.  But this isn’t about me and it never is.  It’s all about him and that’s fine.
“Come here, sit,” he offers goofily, and I sit at his bedside as he sits up.  “Let me tell you a tale.  Once upon a time, there was a stupid young boy.  He thought he liked this, chick, named Penny.”  He’s acting like he’s drunk.  I think the nurse gave him a dose too many.  But it’s working, so I don’t care.  I move his arm in a cast in front of him so it isn’t in the middle of us scratching and being squished.  “And so he went up to her one day, and asked her out to the movies.  And she said yes.  And they went to the movie.  And then her dad picked her up.  And then he decided it wasn’t the greatest experience, but still thought he’d give her a few more shots.  Maybe she was just nervous, you know?”  Oh, I do.  He leans in, and I feel the butterflies fluttering and it’s almost painful.
“And so we went on a few more dates and she loosened up a little and it was all fine.  Nothing super special.  No sparks.  No nothing.”  Knowing that they’ve kissed it like putting a cigarette on my palm; knowing that he only stayed with her for his being a teen boy, well, that was like eating the cigarette.  She’s the most awful human being on the planet and he’s way too much with her, purposely.  I feel like I’m going to throw up.  “So I dumped her.”  Now, that’s better.  I was jealous then and I’m jealous now.  That was when we were freshman.  That year sucked.  But so did sophomore year.  She’s why.  “Then next year, she started calling me again, and wouldn’t leave me alone,”
He leans in even closer, now whispering into my ear.  “and she blackmailed me to go out with her again.  She took pictures, Mary, pictures I don’t want anyone to see.  So I had no choice.”  I imagined a pile of Polaroids in a shoebox in her the back of her closet and I knew they were nude pictures of a fifteen-year-old boy and that is mega wrong.  But I didn’t say anything and let him continue.  It got worse.
“So one thing led to another and she kept blackmailing me and then one day she finally took it when I said no.”
“She took more pictures?”  I ask, confused by all of this.
“No,” he lays his head on my shoulder, and sighs heavily.  “I wish all she took were more pictures.  You can always burn those and then they go away.  But this—this is something I can never ever get back.”  And I knew.  I knew all of it.  And if he ever told anybody else and someone had the audacity to say that he asked for it, and that he wanted it, and all that bull because he’s a natural flirt I would have personally liked to punch them in the face.
And he lied there, resting his head on my shoulder, his hands toying with the covers, and cried.  He made no sounds, but he didn’t have to.  I had never seen him cry before.  I didn’t think this was how I was going to.  He may seem like the happiest kid in the world on the outside, but on the inside, he’s destroyed.  That’s why he has been so insecure about himself ever since that awful night.  That’s why he hadn’t dated anyone since then.  That’s why I hugged him for what seemed like a second but was really an hour as he sobbed into my shoulder.  That’s why he is hurt so badly by this girl.
She is Rosaline.
This Rosaline is cold, cruel, and heartless.
I plan on beating the fake highlights out of her on Tuesday after class.
I never hated anyone before, because hate is a strong word, but I hate her with all my bones.
She took the only boy I’ve ever loved, in more ways than one, and broke him.
This means war.
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