#sigh why cant i just magically be left alone to finally live my truth
tacagen · 9 months
erik alfred leslie satie you were the real one
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alreadyblondenow · 4 years
King Taeyong | 3
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Taeyong x ballerina!reader // SMUT, FLUFF, ANGST, fantasy!au Summary: You welcome back Taeyong in your life after he left you for almost a year. Maybe its because your feelings never left in the first place. Now that he’s back, he’s more transparent and honest with you. Promises over promises, is he going to keep his promises this time?  Word count: 5k Warnings: Unprotected sex, swearing, mentions of other idols, pairing of other idols but not too much, death of someone  Note: -The fantasy part is already here. I tried to keep it short and simple, didn’t want to overdo it.  -Imagine a Narnia kingdom setting hihi Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
Seeing Taeyong again after for so long was something you’re not looking forward to happen. Even though you imagined him coming back to you, now that its real you’re like a statue. You have million things to say to him but non came out in your mouth. You wanted to yell at him, curse at him but you can’t. It’s been a long time but what you feel for him never left.  
You made coffee for the both of you still trying to escape the gaze from Taeyong’s eyes.  Those beautiful eyes that will make you fall in love with him again any second. Those beautiful eyes you used to lock eyes with while he’s making love with you.
“Y/n, I’m sorry” he broke the silence but his voice was almost a whisper. It made your heart sink, suddenly you’re hurt again. Tears falling because you don’t know what he’s sorry for. Are you sorry because you went away? Are you sorry because you’re breaking up with me?
“But can you please, come with me?” he added. You were so confused because you thought he’s here for closure.  “Baby please, just please. I’ll explain later. ” the pet name gave you shivers, hearing him call you with fondness again makes your heart warm. Out of respect and curiosity, you grabbed any coat you could find. Putting the cupcakes to the fridge, and leaving a note to Jaehyun, ‘I went out with Taeyong.’
Seeing Taeyong with his two bodyguards Jungwoo and Lucas is something normal, but seeing more than two bodyguards in front of your apartment sure is not. You try to count them in mind and they were at least eighteen. Why does Taeyong has eighteen bodyguards today?
His bodyguards addressed him as “Your highness,” as if he’s really a king or someone from a royal family. “The car is at the back of the building” a man in black suit informed Taeyong without any expression. Just a stern look in Taeyong’s eyes. What is happening. Is this some kind of joke.
All is settled inside the car and you sit as far from him crossing your arms and biting your lip from time to time. He came closer to you touching your knee with full bravery but you moved it away. “I promise all will make sense later” he said, keeping his hands to himself not trying to touch you again. Everything thats happening right now looks like a joke to you, some sick prank.
“I missed you. so much” he started talking again, annoying you with his sweet gestures.  You still gave him the silent treatment that he deserves but deep inside you wanted him to know how much you missed him too. And that you waited for so long but he never came back.
Finally, the car stopped. When Taeyong opened the door, the light coming from the outside was weirdly different from your perspective. You got out of the car still squinting trying to recognise where on Earth did he take you.
Everywhere you look seems so foreign in your eyes, you’re positive that you’re not in your own country. Impossible, you cant believe what you’re seeing right now. Is this a dream? A castle is right in front of you, one that looks like it came from a storybook. Tall, wide and overwhelming for your eyes but nonetheless it welcomes you. Seeing people bow before Taeyong, convinced you that this might be a dream, or a nightmare because Taeyong is in it.
This cant be real.
When the two of you are finally alone in his so called office... in his kingdom, you wanted to wake up. Thinking about opening your eyes over and over again, forcing yourself to wake up. Seeing Taeyong in a dream hurts so bad it makes your heart heavy, you cant take it anymore.
“you’re not dreaming” Taeyong surprised you with a kiss being brave again. You slapped him in the face, hard. Your hand burns from the slap “it’s hurts right?” Taeyong asked, “That means you’re not dreaming”
No, it cant be. Taeyong? A king?
Everything that’s happening right now is like a big pill that’s hard to swallow. The moment you saw Taeyong on your doorstep, asking you to come with him, his kiss, the castle, is all too much and hard to believe. You asked Taeyong again what is this place but you get the same answer, “My kingdom.”
“Oh please Taeyong, not that bullshit again” you said hard and stern. He rolls his sleeves and let out a heavy sigh. He’s not forcing you to believe him but he wants you to believe on every word he’s about to tell you now. He clears his throat, and made you sit on the couch with him.
“I was away for a friend’s wedding. He’s a good friend of mine and I couldn’t miss his wedding” he breaths in and exhales sharply,  “the wedding was perfect and everyone was having a good time, until… someone shot the groom, my friend, Taemin, right before my eyes. His wife... died too” his steady voice is not so steady now, you see his hands shaking while telling you more of what happened and to be honest you dont know if you should believe it.
“It was a fucking massacre we should’ve known better. Johnny lost his girlfriend too” he reaches for your hand and smiled when you didn’t nudge. “I was thankful… Really thankful that you were far from me during that time. Many people died that night. A lot of kingdoms right now are facing big problems. My kingdom needed me y/n, thats why I couldnt go back to you.”
Feeling his touch again made you want to wake up more. Praying that you really wanted to open your eyes now. Too much, everything about this dream is too much. “Doyoung, Johnny and Yuta are now looking for the last assassin, and it’s in your world. We figured, its there to hurt me, to kill you” there was a moment of silence, he came closer to you, his lips touched yours again. You didn’t slapped him this time. His soft lips made you want to stay in this dream more, if this is a dream might as well drown in it.
You hugged him tight, you both fell on the floor with a loud thud. He chuckled but you see tears in his eyes, “look babe were on the floor again” you dried the tears on his eyes with your thumb and laughed with him. Suddenly happiness hits you like a truck again just like the day you met Taeyong for the first time. “Can I kiss you again?” this time its you who initiated the kiss, you kissed him deeply with love.
He asked you to changed your clothes so people in his kingdom wont think your clothes are weird. The maids picked a simple beige garden dress for you though It was kind of long for your liking but it was surprisingly lightweight and beautiful. In other words, you looked like a princess. Get it together y/n, you’re a ballerina for goodness sakes think of it as a costume.
The place looks exactly how fairytales described it. High ceilings painted with clouds and angels, open roof for the everyone to admire the beautiful sky, fresh breeze, people wearing fancy dresses, knights guarding every corner of the palace and Taeyong....looking like a prince fresh out of a story book. You wait at the big balcony watching the sun set in front of you almost looking like a painting. “Im sure you have a lot of questions” Taeyong interrupted your thoughts.
You scoffed, “Lee Taeyong, you have no idea”
“Im sure I can answer them all. Fire away”
“Well, you can start by telling me the truth and tell me stuff I need to know. Parents? Siblings? ....Allergies?” You shook your head, “personal stuff Taeyong”
He’s calm expression melts your heart, he’s always like that. You felt him kiss your exposed shoulders his arms encircled on your waist. “I’m still your Taeyong. Just add the word king” he let out a soft chuckle but you gave him a look telling him you’re serious. “Okay, tiger. chill” he hugged you tighter letting his warm breath hit the shell of your ear, “I lost my parents when I was 8 from the same assassins that killed my friend Taemin. I have a sister but she’s in your world living peacefully without any memory of this world. I dont have any allergies” he turned you around so you’re facing him, he missed being this close to you. He doesn’t say it but he’s so turned on right now, his gaze never leaving yours.
“In your world, you call my world... a fairytale. There is magic lurking in this world but nothing too crazy don’t worry. No harry potter type of situation.” He winks.
“I want you to meet someone very important to me, one of these days I’ll bring you to her. She’s someone special and she helped me shaped my life and with my duties as king” you nod silently.
Taeyong secretly worries about you, to be honest he worries for you and your mental state while living with him here in his kingdom. Is it really okay with you? Do you still see him as the Lee Taeyong as your number one fan and not as the highest king in this world?
“Y/n.. please be honest with with me. Dont hide what you really feel right now.”
“Baby. You were gone for almost a year, it was a lonely time for me. I appreciate your effort for explaining everything even though its too much. I’ll get there. I hope you understand that.” he nods changing the subject and showering your face with kisses.
“How are you?” Taeyong asked sweetly like how he usually do.
You let out a small laugh, and told him everything he missed. That you were devastated, sad and lonely when he was gone and that he missed the opportunity of meeting your parents during Christmas eve. “Im sorry. Im sorry for not being normal enough to make you happy and provide normal stuff-“
“Dont say that” you cut him off, “You’re more than enough for me Taeyong. Dont say stuff like that” he’s still guilty but you comfort him nonetheless you never want to feel sad anymore. Not now that you’re in each others arms again.
Taeyong prepared dinner for the both of you while you’re out roaming the castle grounds. He made a picnic style dinner setup at the balcony of his chambers making you comfortable on your first night here in his kingdom. “Yum!” you let out a groan out of excitement and told him you missed his cooking.
“You know, I planned to have my own bakery. I already took care of the loan and the bank will help me make my dreams come true” you sounded really excited while telling him what you’ve been up to while he was away. He was happy that you had everything under control and you made the planning all by yourself. “Actually I could help you out. Forget about the bank, I can help you. Let’s find a decent place for your bakery when we get back” Of course your super rich boyfriend will help you out because he loves you so much.
You knew Taeyong loves seeing you do what you love, and you know Taeyong offered help because this is his way of taking part in your life. Again. And you love him more for it. “Yeah. Lets do that” you accepted his offer with a smile, feeding him a potato chip with a mouthful of guac. Just how he liked it. “How about you Taeyongie, whats new?” you made him think hard. “Hmmm. Well, do you accept interns?” You laughed hard and loud your giggles echoed in his room.
“What Im serious! I can taste everything you make, clean tables, anything you like me to do” There’s the Taeyong that you know. The simple man with a great sense of humour that you fell in love with. Now that you’re talking about dreams, you confidently told him about the life you wanted to build with him when all this is over, telling him you cant wait to go back and be with him again.
“If you’re going to marry me someday. I want a baby girl... now, I know you need a prince as an heir....” Taeyong laughed so loud enough for the whole castle to hear. Brave of you to tell him that you want kids in the future.
“But I want to have my own mini me. And maybe if we get lucky, you can have your own mini you” you continued and Taeyong is still laughing.
“I’ll help you buy our house when I save enough from the bakery. We will make love from sun up until sun down. Never ending happy mornings with you. Tie my hair until we grow old and everything in between, I just want to be with you until I die” Even though it made Taeyong laugh so hard, he can’t help but have butterflies in his stomach the whole time you were talking. He wanted the same thing too.
“I promise. We will have a normal life.” he kissed you to seal his promise.
After dinner you took a shower in Taeyong’s garden bathroom. Never getting used to what this castle can do, it really surprised you how a bathroom can be so magical. Taeyong’s bathroom smells like fresh flowers everywhere, maybe thats why Taeyong smells good all the time. It feels good to be in Taeyong’s comfortable clothes again. He gave you his favorite sweater and a pair of comfortable sweatpants. You only wore the sweater and underwear, not bothering to wear sweatpants.
As you got out of the bathroom you see Taeyong laying in bed with a book on his hand, topless and flashing his wide broad shoulders. You remember nights at your apartment when he waits for you in bed while he’s playing games on his phone. He looks so handsome. You crawl towards him feeling his soft bed and snuggles beside him comfortably. “Finally. Some alone time with you” he kisses you softly, carefully nibbling your neck and slowly tugging the sweater that he gave you as if he’s testing waters.
You were impatient so you removed it already showing off your breast to him. He gently kisses your body marking it like how he used to. His touch and kisses are still the same you thought. Oh how you missed this feeling. You crave for Taeyong and he can see that you’re eager “Slow down baby. We have all night” he says while drawing small circles on your thigh. It makes you crazy how he’s taking time with you and how he slowly devours your skin while you crave for him entirely.
He quickly switched positions with you, now kissing your lips slowly going down to face your pussy. Gently spreading your legs in front of him, you let out a gasp and a choked  moan when Taeyong blows cold air at your slit, making you shiver. He smiles at you before he finally licks your pussy, slow and deep. His tongue starts from the bottom slowly goes up to your clit and gently kiss it. Catching your first orgasm for the night, Taeyong overstimulates you while you ride your high. Your moans are load and sharp he cant help but smirk and feel proud of his work.
“Baby are you planning to wake up the whole castle?” leaving wet kisses on your left breast and bites your nipple.
“Babe just fuck me already” you beg, feeling his hands kneading your breast, playing with your nipples with his thumb. You’re so focused on what he’s doing with your breast, you didn’t notice he’s spreading your legs wide for him preparing you before he finally fucks you. Without warning he inserts two fingers already to stretched your cunt. You yelped and tried to grasp anything from bed, you feel like your energy was slowly fading until you surrender in his touch. He chuckled.
This is not funny Taeyong. “Lee Taeyong im almost the-“ you warn him but he lets you cum on his fingers. You whisper sweet words to him expressing how much you missed him and it made the sexual tension more intense. Lining his cock on your pussy, coating it with your essence and slowly he gets deeper and deeper inside you. It feels so good. He fucks in slow pace, taking his time before going faster. You let out a string of moans, encircling your arms on his neck feeling his back muscles.
Slow, fast, deep and sharp thrust. He’s taking his time, fighting his urge to cum before you. Little did he know you cant take it anymore, you’ve cum so many times when he was fucking you slow. You tried pushing him away but you’re too weak. Taeyong fucked you again and again until you don’t respond to him and he let’s you sleep. He took care of you before joining you, made sure you’re clean. “I love you y/n” he whispers before sleeping beside you.
Taeyong slept like a baby beside you. It was his first time getting a good sleep from months of longing you. Telling himself he will never let anything come between the two of you ever again.
And it went on like this for days, weeks, even months while you’re stay in his kingdom. You became used to the castle grounds already, roaming around as if you’ve live there for a long time. On your way to Taeyong’s office, you see Taeyong with a beautiful woman almost your age wearing a beautiful dress, she has gorgeous long straight blonde hair and her skin is as fair as Taeyong’s. You got jealous for a second but maybe he’s Taeyong’s cousin or whatever.
Taeyong saw you and quickly introduced you to the beautiful princess in front of you.
“Y/n, this is Sorn. My fiancé”
Your what Lee Taeyong?
You gave him a look. A look thats saying you’re confused, mad and at the same time you want to punch him. Then you remembered the time when Jaehyun introduced himself as your future husband, you think this is his way of getting even. But he wasn’t kidding at all.
“Arranged marriage when we were both still young. I hope you understand” the princess speaks and reached out a hand full of sparkling rings. You wonder which ring Taeyong gave her. You didnt have a choice but to be nice.
Taeyong and Sorn are now talking inside his office about some royalty shit you thought and you can’t help but sulk. Yuta noticed that you’re bothered by the thought of Taeyong having a fiancé, hoping he could help you feel better he explains the situation further.
“Don’t worry y/n, it’s only for formality. This royalty shit is crazy and Taeyong needs a “queen” to rule here so he can be with you from time to time in your world” you thought that the idea was fucked up. “What was he thinking?” You almost shout but Yuta laughs at you.  “I told you. This royalty shit is crazy. A lot of sacrifices needs to be done”
“I love her y/n” Yuta finally confess. “To protect this world. To protect my kingdom, I have to let go of Sorn” your heart aches for what Yuta just told you. How can the world of royalties can be so cruel to good people?
Yuta and Sorn were young and in love for as long as they can remember. So deeply in love, that they plan to help each other’s kingdoms by marriage someday. But Sorn’s family faced problems and they needed help immediately, so the royal court’s decision is to arrange her for marriage. The royal court is so obsessed with finding Taeyong a queen and they saw Sorn as a good opportunity. “Duty before self” Yuta explained.
“Why didn’t you volunteer your kingdom? Is that too selfish?” You asked, trying not to sound rude.
“My kingdom is not that rich to solve her kingdom’s money problems. Thats why I’ve been  saving money in your world and be as rich as possible. That’s how I help my father with being king for now “
You cant believe this tragic love story that you’re hearing from Yuta. Just the thought of it makes you scared, that even though two people deeply love each other if fate is not in their favor, you can’t do something about it. Feeling bad about oversharing his feelings, Yuta told you not to worry, for Taeyong loves you so much and his kingdom equally.
You didn’t notice that you fell asleep while waiting for Taeyong to join you in bed. You felt soft kisses on your cheek, Taeyong waking you up in the middle of the night. Softly stroking your hair telling you to shush and follow him. Guiding you as you follow him to dark places that you’re not familiar with, you finally arrived to where he’s taking you.
You squint a little, seeing candles lit up, different flowers scattered on the floor, you’ve guessed you’re walking on an aisle with Taeyong. Doyoung, Yuta, Johnny and....a priest is waiting at the end of the aisle. Gasping as you realised, you’re about to get married.
“I was actually going to ask you to marry me over dinner tonight but-“ you cut him off and kissed him. “I’ll marry you.” You sad with a smile and hugged him tight. Crying tears of joy already.
You both proceed to this secret wedding that he organised. It was simple, just like you’ve always wanted. Genuine like him and sincere like his love. Taeyong promised to give you a proper wedding when you both get back to your world, but you told him you wouldn’t trade this wedding for anything.
Doyoung, Yuta and Johnny are happy for the both of you. They’ve seen Taeyong suffer enough without you and they all think that you both deserve to be happy. The three princes congratulates the both of you and telling them they’re more than happy seeing their Taeyongie marry happily someone he loves.
“Just dont be too loud fucking tonight or the castle will know somethings up” Johnny jokes making Taeyong punch him on his arm.
You spend your honeymoon enjoying the cold breeze around the palace. Sitting on the grass while watching how the castle turn yellow because of the soft sunrise. Taeyong got you beautiful flowers from his garden, tying it in a perfect knot making a small bouquet. He told you that the last assassin is dead and finally you can go back to the human world.
Just like the sunrise, you watch Taeyong be happy beside you. Remembering every detail of this beautiful moment. He noticed you were staring at him for a while now and he cant help but make you laugh by showing his wedding ring. Reminding you that he’s your husband from now on. Taeyong completely changed your life.
It was almost afternoon when you finally wake up from your sleep and still couldn’t believe that you’re married to this handsome guy kissing you. For the second time, Lee Taeyong is waking you up from your beautiful sleep by kissing you until you acknowledge him. “Lee Taeyong what do you want?” You asked him forcing yourself to open your eyes.
“Good morning... wife” and that alone made you smile. Taeyong thought your smile was so bright but it never hurts his eyes.
“I need you to meet someone important today” he’s now kissing your neck. Seriously this guy. “Last three days before you leave this kingdom by the way” he chuckled. “Everything will go back to normal once we go back. I promise.” He gave you one good kiss before leaving to prepare for breakfast.
He told you that you’re meeting the kingdom’s witch, a nice witch who helped him to be the king that he is.  “Ruby is like my secret weapon. She warns me and gives me knowledge with all the decisions that I make for the kingdom.”
Ruby is a witch that tells Taeyong what the future holds for his kingdom. She never tells what will happen entirely. She didn’t want to ruin the natural order of the universe, she can only warn his king and give him choices to make good decisions.
When you arrived at where you believed Ruby lives, a pond inside a cave, you thought that maybe Ruby likes fishing. You peeked at how deep the pond is and you see coins and, random things under the water that are all solid gold.
“Anything you throw in this pond turns into solid gold” he winks after he explains.
You saw the water shine as Ruby comes out of the pond with all her glory turn into this gorgeous human in front of you. From being a mermaid with golden fishtail. A mermaid witch, you thought. And she is naked in front of your husband with only her golden hair covering her boobs. Wow.
“Y/n, this is Ruby.” Taeyong broke the silence. When Ruby took a step further out from the water, she turned in a much decent human, “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you y/n. Congratulations.” She smiled sweetly to you.
Ruby was nice to you and she offered to read your future. You didn’t want Ruby to show you your future to be honest, but you did it for Taeyong. She asked for your hand, holding it while she looks directly in your eyes. You saw what she saw. And there’s no need to tell Taeyong about it. You both giggle like little girls after you both saw your future, leaving Taeyong really curious.
In the future that Ruby showed you, you will have a little girl. And you will live like how he always promised for the both of you. Its pure happiness. “Thank you Ruby. It really means a lot” you told her with sincerity.
But little did you know, Ruby just showed you the future that you wanted to see. Not showing you your true future. She asked to speak to Taeyong privately and you respectfully left them talking.
Ruby did the same thing to Taeyong, but without the filter.  She showed Taeyong the challenges and pain he will put you through if he continue this married life with you.  “Your highness, Im afraid you’re not going to be the father of the child” Ruby showed Taeyong what you saw in her eyes earlier. It made him smile but he felt a pang of pain at the same time.
“Don’t get me wrong your highness, the child will come from you. But you will not be present as her father in her life.” Taeyong was confused. Ruby continued showing him more, and his world crashed. His heart feels heavy, he feels broken than ever. Taeyong is scared to the bone right now, but he trusts Ruby with his life and he is positive that Ruby wants what’s best for the kingdom and him.
Taeyong saw how his kingdom suffered from a famine while he was away from the kingdom living his life with you in the human world. He will have no other choice but to leave you again for the kingdom needs him. The famine will last for a year, and your pregnancy will not be the healthiest. You will lose the child and it will drive you to killing yourself. He saw how Doyoung told him the news that you passed away and it made him crazy. Taeyong turned into a mad king and the whole kingdom suffered in other words.
“Your highness now I ask of you.... to do the same thing as we did to your sister and prevent everything whats about to happen. We will create a life for y/n, a beautiful life without you in it” Ruby explains with a heavy heart.
Taeyeon. Taeyong’s sister is living well in the human world without any memory of the kingdom. Taeyeon was with their parents when they were killed and the incident traumatised her. To save her from being crazy, they gave her a potion for forgetting everything about the incident, the kingdom, Taeyong, everything.
Taeyong didn’t have much choice. He didn’t want to hurt you and kill yourself that will indeed make him crazy for good. Although its wrong for him to decide on his own, he still agreed to Ruby. He told her all about your dreams, the normal life you long with him, and the bakery you wanted to be successful with.
“I want her - I want her to have a peaceful life when she wakes up. A life without sadness, make sure she’s never alone or lonely. Be sure to never let her give up dancing because she loves her craft so much. Let her explore new things” Taeyong sniffs and continues to instruct Ruby. “She wants a bakery, let it be so successful customers will always buy every masterpiece she bakes. Please let her be with someone who truly loves her the same way I will.”
It really hurts him to pass you on to someone, it breaks his heart thinking of another man having you. “Please let that man be Jaehyun” he could only trust you with Jaehyun. Ruby hands the potion to Taeyong with a heavy heart. “I know you just got married. I’m sorry my king”
Your husband cant look you in the eye right now, but he stayed brave and put the small bottle in his pocket. “I’m still curious on what she showed you babe” Taeyong said, faking a smile. You let out a loud laugh without knowing what he really feels.
“Oh its a secret” you told him with a big mocking smile.
“I love you, y/n” he smiles ever so sweetly before your eyes.
Noticing his beautiful rose scar, and gently stroking it with your thumb. “I love you too, Lee Taeyong.”
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cookieswriting · 7 years
Camaraderie (SCC/Rosvolio Modern!AU One-Shot)
Modern!AU in the same thread as Migraine and Sugar Water (set before both)
First of all, there's a scene in the show Snatch where Lucien Laviscount's character gets a bit defensive over his best friend when his father lashes out at him, and is stopped from stepping in, and it gave me major modern!au protective!romeo feels. Just had to say that.
Second of all, this is something I originally wasn't going to post tonight, because it refers quite a bit to another part that I haven't written yet. After re-reading it, I decided that it (hopefully) makes enough sense to share with you guys. I thoroughly enjoyed the bit of bonding between them, I hope it came across to you as well as it did in my head.  I dunno, I am in a self-conscious mindset with my writing at the moment, so I can’t tell if it’s just me being paranoid or what.  I hope you like!
“Words can’t express how much I need this weekend away from school,” Juliet sighed.
“Oh please, you’re just excited for a weekend to suck face with your boyfriend without hearing your mother’s complaints about his family,” Rosaline retorted with a grin.  Her cousin scoffed indignantly, and shoved at her shoulder.  “Hey!  Driving here!”
“Seriously, Jules, I for one would like to see my boyfriend again before I die,” Livia added.
“Speaking of...is Paris at Romeo’s place?”  When Rosaline glanced at her sister in the rearview mirror, she couldn’t help but smile at the excitement on Livia’s face.  It was about time her sister found someone who would treat her right.
By the time they pulled up to the house where Romeo and Benvolio lived with Romeo’s dad, even Rosaline was practically vibrating with anticipation to hit the beach.  She honked twice, and chuckled when Mercutio bounded out to meet them.  Paris wasn’t far behind, an amused grin on his face which spread when his eyes fell on Livia.
Romeo and Benvolio followed a moment later, and Juliet jumped out to throw her arms around her boyfriend’s neck.  Rosaline rolled her eyes and watched Benvolio do the same with no malice in his eyes.  
“Benvolio!” The shout came from inside the house, and the Capulet watched as the young man in question flinched involuntarily, jaw clenching and eyes closing once he straightened again.  Rosaline’s eyes narrowed, following his retreat until the door closed behind him.  As they waited she thought back on the years she’d known him...and came to a nauseating realization: Benvolio Montague was most certainly not the type to be skittish, but she had seen him so jumpy one other time, when Mercutio and Romeo had brought him to her bloodied and withdrawn.  The same man who’d given him those injuries had just commanded him with a single word.
A quick glance around told Rosaline that the girls were too focused on their boyfriends to notice.  Mercutio, though, had made it halfway out of the SUV before Romeo caught his arm with a solemn look.  The dark-haired man settled back into his seat, eyes shifting for a moment to the empty seat beside him as if it would make Ben magically appear.  The worry in Mercutio’s eyes left Rosaline uneasy, and she breathed the same sigh of relief as both he and Romeo did when the door opened again and Ben jogged out to the van looking no worse for wear.
“Sorry guys, he just wanted a last minute refresher of our plans.  Ready to roll, Ros.”  She nodded with a forced smile.  Juliet squealed with excitement, and Livia chuckled at her antics.  They hit the road without further ado, chattering easily amongst each other.  Once they were on the highway, Rosaline chanced a look in her rearview mirror and locked eyes with Benvolio.  She searched his face in the mirror, and understanding dawned in his eyes.  He sighed with a rueful grin, and finally looked away, and Rosaline focused her attention back on the road.  Mercutio’s low tenor reached her ears, but she could not decipher his words.
Livia engaged Rosaline and Juliet in a conversation about how they would spend the next three days, and all thoughts of her revelation were pushed aside by all parties; it did not take long for the guys to get involved in the decision-making process, and even less time for it to become a debate.  The playful bickering passed the time, and before Rosaline knew it they’d reached their destination.  She glanced in the rearview mirror as she parked, and couldn’t decipher the look in Ben’s eyes.
She took her time getting out of the vehicle while the others gathered on the sidewalk.  Romeo hooked an arm around Juliet’s shoulders and gestured for the group to head up to the Boardwalk.  Paris and Livia agreed eagerly, and Mercutio pushed at Benvolio’s shoulder playfully, clearly eager to distract him, but the Montague’s eyes turned to Rosaline.  
“You guys get the fun started...Mom and Dad need to talk for a minute first.”  His response surprised her; she’d expected him to play it off, to sweep it under the rug.  The last thing she was expecting was for him to be the one to confront her about it.  Romeo and Mercutio were just as surprised, and the latter sent her a look that warned her in no uncertain terms not to abuse the trust his best friend was apparently placing in her.  Romeo glanced between the two for a moment before Juliet tugged him away, and just like that, they were alone.
Rosaline watched silently as Benvolio came around and sat back against the hood of her SUV.  He crossed his arms over his chest as if to protect himself, and she cursed the man who left him feeling vulnerable around his friends.  Resting her own hip against the hood, Rosaline faced him and intentionally kept her posture open to him.  “It was him, that night…” she murmured after a stretch of silence.  “He was the reason you were afraid to go to the hospital.”  Ben bit the inside of his cheek, eyes fixed on the ground.  Guilt stabbed at her when Rosaline thought back on the assumptions she’d made about what he’d done to earn the beating.  “Christ Almighty, Ben, I said such horrible things to you…”
“It’s okay, Ros-”
“No,” she hissed, before taking a sharp breath to calm herself.  The last thing Ben needed was to have someone else snap at him, especially when he wasn’t the one she was mad at.  “No, Ben...it’s not.  I’ve known you for years...I have seen your character.  I know who you are...and yet I perpetuated a reputation facilitated by that son of a bitch.”  Ben turned sad blue eyes to her, and she felt tears pooling in her own.  “I’m so sorry.  Why didn’t you correct me?  Mercutio certainly tried...why did you stop him?”
Arms finally relaxing, Ben ran a hand through his hair and gave her a knowing look.  Rosaline didn’t like the way it felt as though he was staring right through her...and yet could she truly be surprised?  For the first time, she was starting to see just how well they knew one another...how well they understood one another.  “Probably for the same reason that you don’t tell anyone that your migraines are entirely linked to your aunt.”
Rosaline gave a soft huff of bemused laughter.  “Touche.” No one had ever connected those dots before...partly because she rarely told Juliet or Livia about the encounters they were not around to see.  It was easy to say that she had no clue where her migraine came from when they didn’t know she’d been slapped around a bit while they were out at the store, or that their aunt had thrown another monkey wrench into some plan or another.  It made sense that it would take someone who hid some of his own abuse from his loved ones, to recognize her truth.  She looked up at him, gathering her courage and her wits.  “I want you to know that I am here for you, Benvolio.”  He canted his head curiously, but remained silent.  “I understand not wanting to tell your cousin or Mercutio what you’re feeling, what your uncle does on any given day...because sometimes they have no idea what you’re facing.  Their hearts are in the right place...but because you’ve done such a good job of protecting them from what you have to deal with, they can’t fully understand.  Any time you don’t feel like you can put Romeo through the grief, or talk Mercutio down from coming to your defense...if you need me, I’m there. I don’t care what time, what day, what’s going on...if you need a place to go, if you need someone to vent to, I want you to come to me.”
The vehemence in her voice surprised both of them, if the smile fighting to surface on Ben’s face was any indication.  He nodded, eyes holding hers.  “That goes both ways,” he murmured.  Rosaline smiled warmly at him, and they fell into companionable silence for a moment...which of course he had to shatter.  “Who would’ve thunk it,” he crooned, crossing his arms once more.  He rocked himself away from the SUV and came to stand in front of her.  “A Montague and a Capulet who actually get one another.  Now...we should probably catch up with the kids before they get into too much trouble.”  He winked at her, and she could read the sincerity behind his bravado.  They’d found an understanding and camaraderie in one another...a bond that, despite the malice at it’s center, she found herself grateful for.  He gestured towards the boardwalk with his head, and grinned at her when she shook her head with a chuckle and followed.
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onceuponahedafics · 7 years
Title: Real To Me Author: OnceUponAHeda Pairing: Emma/Regina Rating: T Disclaimer: All copyrighted material in this story belongs to their respectful owners.
Summary: Being alone most of her life Emma Swan has been bumped from one foster home to another and the only constant in her life being her imaginary friend a Princess from a far away kingdom named Regina. But one day everything changes and Emma has to face the fact that either Regina is just figment of her imagination or something more magical is at work.
AN - Hey guys! So I have had this idea about imaginary friends actually being people from a different realm for a really long time and I finally decided to write it. I have absolutely no knowledge of the USA foster system and all the events in this story are fictional and scripted to aid in the narrative of the stories and in no way reflects on the foster system or people living within the system. This is a Swan Queen story but it will be a long journey getting there.
Chapter 1 - Worlds Apart
Green eyes watches as dirty pink sneakers swing back and forth over the polished white floor, the untied laces making a swishing sound as they swing. Shifting slightly when the hard plastic chair starts to dig into her tiny frame while her teeth bite nervously into her thumbnail to the point of almost drawing blood.
Angry footsteps echo down the hall growing louder and louder until a pair of ugly loafers appear in front of her. Slowly lifting up her head to gaze at brown eyes glaring down at her. Before the woman can open her mouth the wooden door opens revealing an older lady with large frame glasses stepping over to them.
"You're Emma Swan's legal guardian?" The secretary asks the angry woman.
"What did she do this time?"
The secretary looks down at the six year old from behind her large glasses not answering the woman's question and making the blonde squirm under her gaze.
"Principal Keenan will see you both now."
Emma just keeps looking at her hands trying to rub off the dirt and grass stains on them, she is sure her blonde hair and hand-me-down clothes are looking even worse. Rubbing harder at a particular dirt mark only to realise that it wasn't dirt but a small drop of blood.
"She got in a fight." The angry words snap her out of her trance.
"Yes, a teacher had to pull her off of the other girl during recess." The principal explains in his overly calm practised voice. Turning his beady little eyes to the young girl she does her best to hide behind a few loose strands of blonde hair. "Emma can you tell us what happened out there, why did you hit Chloe?"
"Emma answer him."
Chewing at her lip she looks up at her foster mother, probably ex-foster mother now, before turning to the principal, taking a deep breath she starts to explain.
"She-she was showing all of the other kids this tiara she got for her birthday. She said that she is a princess now 'cause she has a tiara. But that's not how it works, you can't just be a princess 'cause you have a stupid pink tiara." She lets out an annoyed huff before continuing more quietly. "Then she said I was just a jealous stinky foster kid."
"So you hit her." The principal asks with a frown.
"Y-yes. But she lied! A tiara doesn't make you a princess. You can only be a princess if you parents are the king and queen or if you marry roy-royls."
"Yes. That's what Regina said you need to marry royalty before you can be a princess."
"Who is this Regina?" The principle asks her foster mom, looking up from the notes he has been taking while Emma talked.
"Oh it's just this imaginary friend she created." She says dismissively.
"She is not imaginary she is real!" Emma jumps up kneeling on the chair staring daggers at her foster mother. "She just lives in a other place." Emma huffs out crossing her arms as she falls back into her chair.
"Regardless," The principal cuts in. "Emma you could have seriously hurt Chloe today. Do you understand that?"
Emma bows her head in shame giving a slight nod.
"I'm sorry but Emma is suspended-"
After that Emma zones out focusing instead on her untied shoes again. Maybe she should have paid a little more attention when Jamie tried to teach her how to tie her shoelaces, all she can remember is something about bunny ears. As the principal and her foster mother continued to drown on in the background Emma just tried to figure out what bunnies had to do with tying your shoes.
On the car ride back Emma just keeps looking out of the window, she is not going to miss this stupid town. The people are way too talkative and Mr Patterson's dog always chased her down the street. During the day when she looked out the room window she could see the neighbour's kids playing in their pool, while she was stuck in her room that smelled like mothballs and old bread.
The car hasn't even been put into park when Emma is already out of the car and running into the house, her short legs caring her quickly up the stairs and slamming the door to her shared room closed. Dragging the desk chair across the room and moving it under the doorknob before climbing into the closet, sitting down she pulls her knees up to her chest hiding her face in them as tears start to roll down her dirt stained cheeks.
Green eyes snap up to see concerned brown eyes looking back at her.
"Emma are you okay, what happened?" Emma quickly wipes her face with her hand trying to hide the evidence, Emma Swan is not a cry baby.
"I got suspended." She mumbles with a sniff.
"I don't understand."
Letting out a huff as she scuffs her shoe against the closet floor.
"Stupid Chloe." Emma puts her head down on her knees. "She thinks she is so smart, but she is not. I know the truth. But she…she." Emma can't help but the lone rolling down her cheek. "I hit her."
"Oh Emma."
"I'm sorry I was bad."
"I know." Regina says with a small reassuring smile moving a little closer to the blonde.
Turning her head Emma wipes her nose on her pants before looking back up at her friend.
Emma can't remember a time her friend wasn't there by her side, good and bad her princess was there. So what if she was the only one who can see Regina, that just makes her more special to the blonde knowing she is just hers.
"Cant I just come live with you." Emma asks playing with the little threads on her sleeve.
"I would like that." Regina says with a soft smile. "I would really like that."Even if they both at the age of six already know that's not possible it is still a nice dream. After a moment Regina finally asks the big question they both have been avoiding. "What are you going to do now?"
Emma lets out a long sigh as she stands up.
"Now I'm going to pack my bag and wait for my social worker to come get me."
"I'm sorry Emma."
Emma looks at the girl, her best friend, her only friend before holding out her pinky finger.
Emma watches as Regina hooks her pinky with hers not really touching but as close as one can be to touching someone in a different realm.
"It's going to be alright Emma." Regina tries to reassure her, and Emma just gives her a weak smile.
Emma opens the closet door and stepping out, turning around she casts one last glance at the now empty closet before closing the door.
There wasn't a lot to pack, only a few pieces of clothes and a ratty old teddy bear with a hole in his foot Emma uses to hide her things in and then of course her baby blanket.
The thud of the backpack hitting the floor next to the stairs makes the woman's head snap to the direction, seeing the girl standing there backpack on the floor and blanket under her arm.
"When will Julie be here?"
"In about 15 minutes."
The little girl nods picking up her bag and walking out the house, sitting alone on the porch steps is how Julie found her. Walking up the steps she takes a seat next to the girl.
"Where are you taking me this time?" Emma asks in a emotionless voice.
"There is a group home in Boston, nice family and the kids-" Before she can continue Emma stands up pulling her backpack on and makes her way to the car and climbing into the back of the black car.
"Okay then." Julie says standing up from the porch steps glancing back at the house before she makes her way over to the car where the little blonde is waiting for her.
Regina is strolling through the castle library trailing her fingers along the spines of the old books. Ever since she learned to read she has spent many hours emerged in the books of the castle library learning new things and going fantastic adventures across their pages. This was her escape, where she could do and be anything she want and not have to worry about being the perfect young lady her mother commands of her.
Currently the book of choice is one of such a faraway land full of magic and mystery.
"When are you going to stop reading?" Complains a voice from the floor next to her.
"I rather enjoy reading unlike some people."
Emma just lets out an annoyed huff.
"You know if you keep reading like this your head is just going to get fuller and fuller and soon there is going to be no space left and everything important is just going to pop out of your head and you wouldn't even remember your name any more. Is that what you want, not to remember your own name?"
Regina chuckles.
"I'm not going to forget my name Emma." Emma just grumbles from her spot on the floor. "So, do you want to tell me about the new family you are staying with?"
"Ugh fine, they are okay. The mom smells like earwax but the dad has a pretty cool moustache."
"Are they nice people?" Emma knows what she is really asking, are you safe.
"I guess."
"That's good."
All of the sudden Emma jumps up standing in front of Regina.
"Oh I know what we should do!" Emma says excited making Regina look up from her book clearly they are now moving onto a new topic. Regina looks at the big smile Emma is giving her, closing her book she knows she is apparently done reading for the day.
"I can't believe you talked me into doing this." Regina says looking up and down the hallway finding it empty.
The halls in this part of the castle is mostly deserted, except for the occasional guard and maid going about their usual rounds not paying the princess much attention. She likes to think it's because they respect her privacy but she knows it's just because they are afraid she would tell on them to her mother and they would have to face the wrath of Queen Cora.
"Oh come on Gina it's an adventure." The excited blonde bounces next to the princess pretending to fight off imaginary enemies.
"Mother would not approve of this."
"Well, your mom got a stick up her butt."
"Emma!" Regina's eyes almost budges out of her head at her friend's statement.
"What it's not like she can hear me."
Emma did have a point there.
"Still." Regina comes to a stop in front of a large portrait hanging against the wall of her great grandfather. "Alright I found a painting."
"Awesome, now you just have to move it out of the way and then there should be a big button behind it that will open a hidden door."
Reaching up as high as she can on her tiptoes her fingertips just barely brushes the underside of the painting's frame. If only she was a little taller.
"I see my little princess has developed a love for art."
Regina spins around at the sudden voice to see a smiling face looking back at her.
"Daddy!" The princess runs across the hall into the waiting arms of the king.
"Are we exploring the castle again?"
"I want to see what is behind the painting."
"Well let's have a look then shall we."
The king moves over to the painting with his daughter's hand in his large one. Taking a hold of the frame he pushes it to the side to reveal a empty stone wall. Henry watches as Regina frowns as the painting slides back into place.
"There is nothing."
"Not what you expected?"
"No." Spinning her head around she looks up and down the hallway. "Maybe it's behind a different painting." Regina says to the blonde on the other side of her father looking beyond disappointed.
"Alright little one, what are we looking for?" King Henry asks as he starts to walk down the hall looking for the next painting.
"Emma said it would be behind a painting."
"Ah I should have known Miss Emma was behind this little adventure." He smiles affectionately down at Regina, he has known that his daughter's imaginary friend had the tendency to get Regina's mischievous side out. "So what did Emma say was behind the paintings?"
"She said that sometimes in moving pictures there are secret passages in castles hidden behind paintings." Regina explains.
"Movies, it's called movies." Emma mumbles annoyed at the lack of her friend's knowledge of modern technology.
"A hidden passage how mysterious." Henry moves another painting to the side to find another stone wall.
"It could lead anywhere. Maybe even to hidden treasure!" She says excited and Henry lets out a chuckle looking at the diamond hair pin in the princess hair, yes hidden treasure is what they need.
"Gallivanting around the halls again I see." They both freeze when they see Queen Cora standing at the end of the hall with her hands on her hips with an angry glare.
"Cora we are only-"
"Regina you're late for you for your ridding lesson." Cora says ignoring her husband.
"Yes, mother."
The king releases the small hand in his and she quickly scurries down the hallway happy to get away from her upset mother.
"Seriously Henry I expected more from you." Cora says stepping closer to the king.
"She is just a child what is wrong with playing-"
"She is the future Queen, and she needs to start acting as such."
The king flenses when the painting next to him shifts in warning but he continues anyway.
"And playing with Emma is beneath her?"
"Not this Emma thing again, I will not have you encouraging this crazy fantasy of hers. What will the people think if they see their princess talking to herself?"
"Maybe if she was allowed to actually go out and make some real friend she wouldn't need to make up one."
"Friends are only an obstacle she can't afford."
"Cora do you honestly-"
The king is flung against the stone wall being pinned to it by a magical force.
"Enough, I will not have you tell me how to raise my daughter."
"She is my daughter to, that you seem all too happy to forget." He gets ready to yell but Cora waves her hand and his voice disappears.
"I am her mother." She steps closer to him stroking his cheek. "And mother always knows best." With that Cora spins around her dress floating behind her as she quickly walks away.
Later that afternoon Regina skips down the hall, smiling down at the beautiful bouquet of flowers in her hands. During her riding lesson she came across a patch of wildflowers in a clearing near the river. After admiring the flowers she decided to pick a few as a surprise for mother hoping to apologise for her bad behaviour earlier.
Now making her way to her mother's office feeling giddy about her gift.
Pushing open the large wooden door to the office.
"Mother look wha-" Stopping in her tracks when she spots a strange man standing in the middle of the room his skin glittered in the candle light.
"Well who do we have here?"
Regina just stands frozen looking at the creepy little man as he stalks closer to her.
"What's your name dearie?"
"I'm princess Regina."
She says flinching as her runs his disgusting nail across her cheek, his lizard eyes feels like it is staring right into her soul.
"My my, you have no idea of the power you hold do you?"
"Regina!" The girl jumps around to see her mother standing at the door with her hands on her hips. "Regina what are you doing here, you know you are not allowed in here."
"Mother I-" Regina starts holding up the flowers but is silenced by Cora lifting up her hand.
"Regina go to your room we will talk about your disobedience later."
"Now Cora we were only getting... acquainted." He says plucking a flower from the bouquet the little girl is holding.
"Regina now."
"Yes mother." She lowers her head and dropping the flowers on the cold floor as she leaves the room knowing her mother will be giving her her punishment later as she hears the little man talking to her mother.
"Cora you have been hiding that little gem from me, all that untapped power. Maybe I have been investing my time in the wrong Mills woman."
"Regina is weak, we both know it's me you want Rumple. Now are we done wasting time can we begin?"
Emma is lying in her new bed, the new home has taken some time to get use to. The family is a lot nicer than most families even if they are rather strict. Each one of the kids have a list of chores they need to finish each day and posters with rules printed in bold all caps plastered around the house. Following rules have always been a struggle for Emma, having had to fight for herself since no one else bothered to ever do, she has come to be a strong willed and bad behaved labelled kid.
The sound of quiet sniffles makes her snap her eyes open. Looking around the dark room she sees the other girls already fast asleep. As quiet as possible she carefully slips down from her mattress before she crawls under the bed.
"Gina?" She whispers, her only answer being a little whimper.
Regina is possibly the most perfect little girl Emma has ever met, always on her best manners, always smiling and willing to help, in fact Regina is basically the exact opposite of the young blonde. Not much can get her down, that is except for one person - Queen Cora aka mother dearest. Emma can never understand how Cora can be so awful to her daughter especially someone as sweet as Regina. Knowing that no matter how many times she asks Regina will not want to talk about what happened unless she wants to, Emma does what she can and starts telling her silly little stories to take her mind off of whatever it is that are making her friend cry.
"Today at school Michael brought a frog he found, and during lunch it jumped out of his hand and onto a table where all these girls were sitting, the screamed so loudly and that scared the frog so it started to jump all over their plates sending food flying all over them."
As Emma continue to tell her story with great enthusiasm Regina's sniffles dies down and soon she has a small smile on her lips. Emma keeps talking until the princess is fast asleep, and not for the first time and far from the last time Emma wishes she could reach out and touch her friend.
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