#signifying his status as a person. like he’s alive.
skoulsons · 2 years
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ariadne-mouse · 4 months
Thinking about Dorian's new wardrobe - specifically the swap to gold signifying his new heir status and the "sluttiest" shirt etc - and remembering earlier in the campaign when the party went to the masquerade ball. Dorian had been planning to wear something he wanted to wear (the flowy beige chiffon outfit he wore in the pageant in ExU) but when the plan changed to subterfuge, he very pragmatically chose something conservative, militaristic, and introduced himself as "Brontë Secondsun of the Silken Squall". Notably, he discarded the outfit he'd originally wanted (3x12):
As I do, put those things away, I'm going to reach into my bag and pull out the outfit that I had, which was this chiffon outfit that I had previously gotten a long time ago, and look at it for a minute. Then I'll pull out the mâché mask that I had, and I'll crumble them both up and throw them in the bottom of the bureau, and leave them behind and go back down to the group.
He'd been looking forward to a chance of expressing himself, and when he realizes he can't (by choice, for the sake of the mission), he literally buries his feelings. Having to lean into his family identity is not a happy occasion for him; it represents everything he's trying to escape and a suppression of the self he's trying to become.
What's interesting about his most recent costume change is that in learning the reason for swapping silver to gold, it also tells us that Dorian has actually been wearing a reminder of his status in his family this whole time, on his everyday clothes. His winged boots are ancestral, but they have the excuse of being a useful magical item - Dorian could choose whatever metallic accent style he wanted for his clothes. And in using all silver, he never completely erased Brontë Secondsun Wyvernwind, he just embedded the title in his color scheme. Wearing gold now feels like grieving Cyrus as much as it does the grim acceptance of his new inheritance, but the two things are intertwined.
The "sluttiest" shirt meanwhile is a pretty straightforward continuation of the flamboyant style he yearned for in the masquerade. And with such loss behind him and the dire mission before them - if not now, when? If they get out of all this alive, he may return home and have to resume whatever pomp and circumstance are required there. Life's short; wear a sheer blouse.
All told, Dorian's new outfit and presentation are such a wild mix of messages. My brother is dead. I'm the heir now. My familial duty is part of me and I acknowledge this despite having very complicated feelings about it. But I'm also going 1000% on my dramatic personal style that doesn't match what I would wear at home as a prince. I have left behind beloved familiar instruments and chosen new ones. I am simultaneously reinventing myself in my desired image, cutting away things I think I must, and reaffirming my roots to which I am tied now more than ever. And I'm gonna do it all tits out.
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f1nalboys · 1 year
Bedside Prayers - Lester Sinclair
Lester Sinclair x Fem!Reader
enjoy this dark little fic! icky yucky lester <3 check out the bo fic that follows the same overall premise hehe
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WARNINGS: dark fic. heed the warnings fr <3 she/her pronouns used once, lester calls reader his girl, angst, whump fic basically, canon typical violence, dark!lester, emotional abuse, physical abuse, stockholm syndrome, reader wants to die and shocker that doesn't happen, threats of throat slitting, descriptions of previous wounds and violence from lester, reader is compared to prey, mentions of previous victims, mentions of the wax figures and bo's treatment of past victims, kidnapping, violence, no happy ending, dub-con at the end just to be safe though nothing happens? idk, proofread but im a little guy so i could've missed something.
The candles were almost out. You watched them from the corner of your eye, watching the slow drip of wax roll down the side, dropping onto the metal dish underneath it. In another world, on another day, with another person, this could be romantic. A cabin tucked away in the woods of Louisiana, a home cooked meal followed by drinks by the fire, slow and tender kisses, gentle and nervous touches. It was romantic, you had felt that stir of butterflies in your gut when he had held his glass of whiskey out to your lips and watched you swallow it, purring out about how good you had done, but it shouldn’t be.
Another ten minutes before the candle would melt, the nail that had been pushed into it falling, signifying your end. You were hoping, praying, you could distract him long enough to allow it to happen. You remembered your first night here, wrists and ankles bound to the creaky bed frame, the handmade quilt scratchy on your bruised and scratched flesh. “This,” Lester had said, looking over at you with a sick grin, the cut on his lip you had given him splitting open once more. “Is to tell me when it’s time for you to die. I don’t blow this candle out in time and it falls, I’ll slit your fucking throat right then and there. I’d treat me kindly if I were you.”
He had sat with you, staring at the candle as it burnt, only blowing it out when the nail had begun to dip and you had begun to cry, tugging at your restraints, begging for him not to kill you. He sat forwards, blowing out the flame and plucking the nail out before digging it into your skin, cutting and cauterizing the wound in the same second. “One day, sweetheart,” He said over the sound of your screaming. “You’ll wish you hadn’t begged to stay alive.”
Lester made good on the promise the first few weeks. He wasn’t mean, not as mean as he could’ve been, but he wasn’t nice. Each time he hurt you, he made sure to tell you that had he left you in that town with his brother you would’ve been fucked and killed, turned into one of those statues. “Dontcha get it? Being here, this is the best place for you. For you to be safe. You just gotta be good for me.” His words often directly opposed his actions and at times it was hard for your mind to understand.
How could he tell you that you were safe with him when he was the one hurting you? How could he tell you he loved you when his knife was sinking into your flesh, carving out his name, carving your will out of you, one thin piece of flesh at a time? How could he hurt you until you thought that he had pierced your lung with your rib and still whisper praise about how well you had taken his punishment in that voice of his and still get a weakened smile and those fucking butterflies?
Maybe he did love you, and maybe you really were safe here hidden away with him, but it had gotten to the point where you decided that safety and love weren’t worth it, not if it felt like this. 
Nine more minutes.
“When do you think you’re gonna go into town again?” You ask, eyes moving away from the candle towards Lester, fingers tapping on your thigh to count the passing seconds to your possible escape. He stops whistling, turning around to look at you with a toothy smile. He was digging through his dresser drawer and you try to swallow back the annoyance at him messing up your hour and a half of work. 
“Not sure, sweetheart,” He says, pulling out a pair of socks and closing the dresser drawer with his hip. “Why? You needin’ something?” He sits on the edge of the bed slipping the fabric onto his feet. It was getting colder, nearing winter, and you realize you’ve been here almost six months now and you suddenly feel sick.
It feels like just yesterday you had gotten into that truck with him, thanking him for being so kind to take you to the town your friends hadn’t come back from. He had given you a sly smile, a knowing one, and told you that it was his pleasure.
You shrug. “No, not really. Just wondering.”
“You tryin’ to get rid of me?” 
“No, Lester, of course not.”
“Good,” He says, feet planting onto the ground but his wiry body twisting to face you. “Because I’d hate if you were. Haven’t had to use those ties in a long time, right?” He says it with a small laugh, as if he’s recalling something funny from your past together and not the reason for the scars covering your wrists and ankles. You force a smile, knowing that frowning or, god forbid, voicing your dislike would result in a punishment. 
He hadn’t had to punish you in a few months and reminded you of that fact every chance he got. When his lips were on your neck, he’d let his tongue swipe over the thin scar that dragged from the base of your neck down to your shoulder, so gentle unlike the sharpness of the blade he had used to make it. Sometimes, late at night when he couldn’t sleep, he’d drag his fingers down your bare skin and point out each little nick he had given you, recalling what you had done to deserve it. 
Dropping and breaking his coffee cup resulted in the scar on the palm of your hand he had created with the shards. Scratching at him in the car when he tried to kiss you for the first time resulted in the cut by your lip where he had headbutted you. Trying to find a way to leave the first night he hadn’t tied you to the bed resulted in the thick straight scar on your side from his knife. 
The ones he left on your heart, your soul, your will to live and to fight were always left ignored, buried underneath his praise and covered in cobwebs, only bothered on those late nights you were able to really think about them. 
Seven minutes. “Don’t want that,” You finally say and he chuckles, standing up and walking into the bathroom that was connected to the bedroom. Sparing a glance at the candle, fingers twitching with anxiety, you try to keep the conversation going. “What kind of shampoo did you get me last time?”
“Uhm, let me check…” Silence for a second and then he’s saying the brand and you nod as if you cared. “I like that one. I’m almost out, so I think I might need more of that. Do you think they have a matching conditioner?”
You can hear him flush the toilet and then the tap running before he answers. “Not sure, sugar. I’ll keep an eye out for it, maybe ask Bo if he’s got any lyin’ around. You know, you sure are chatty tonight.” You freeze. It’s true; normally you abided by the rule of only speaking when spoken too, always afraid of saying the wrong thing to him. “I like it. Glad you’re finally settlin’ in, sugar.” 
He’s brushing his teeth now and there’s still three more minutes and it only takes him a minute and a half to brush his teeth, another half a minute to get into bed and twenty three seconds to blow out the flame and pluck out the nail out the candle and your coffin. You try to wrack your brain for something, anything, that could distract him for just a little bit longer, the sink running, taking any plausible idea down the drain with the murky water.
“I think I love you.” It tumbles out of your mouth before you can stop it and you try to ignore the small sliver of truth in it, instead focusing on your fingers tapping into your leg, trying not to speed up or slow down, the seconds feeling like they were purposely digging their nails into the ground to hold on just a little bit longer. Lester stands in the doorway of the bathroom, mouth dropped open and eyebrows halfway hidden by his hair. If your heart wasn’t hammering out of your chest, you might have laughed.
He says nothing, just walks towards you and crawls into bed, swinging his leg over yours, trapping you under him. Lester’s hands are on the headboard beside your head, planted firm, and his eyes are wild and crazy. They remind you of what he looked like after a good hunt, when he’d come home with a wild animal strapped to a rope, thrown over his shoulder. You were the prey and he had caught you. 
“Yeah? You’re in love with me, sugar?” He asks lowly and the room is getting dimmer and dimmer as the flame gets lower. You nod your head. Only thirty seconds left before your release. He grins wildly, leaning down and kissing you, tongue slipping into your mouth. He tastes like toothpaste and dip, a combination you have gotten used to these last few months, had even begun to crave in your time apart in some sort of sick need for the connection. 
You kiss back. His right hand leaves the headboard and rests onto your neck and there it is. Clink. The two of you pull apart and look over to the side table, the candle wick low enough to almost be engulfed by the wax. The nail had fallen. Lester huffs, letting go of your neck and moving off of the bed. “Damn thing,” He mutters, blowing the candle out. “Now, let’s get back to it.”
“But… the nail fell out.”
“Yeah, it did. So?”
“I thought… when it fell out you would…” Even in the darkness, you can see his face shift, understanding. Your heart is hammering out of your chest when he nods. He’s silent. You watch as he walks over to the dresser where his Bowie knife laid in its sheath and he pulls it out and your heart is soaring and you smile, really smile, for the first time since you’ve been here.
You can see him hold the knife in his hands, slowly turning it as if it were new, as if he hadn’t seen it, as if he hadn’t used it, as if he hadn’t killed with it. Lester turns around, holds the knife in his right hand at his waist, and walks over, eyes staring daggers into your own. You wait. You wait as he crawls into the bed, taking the position he had just been in, leg thrown over yours and free hand on the headboard.
He raises the knife, placing the serrated blade against your throat, gently. Teasingly. “Thought that I’d slit your pretty little throat, right?” He asks, voice low, breathy. You stare him in the eyes. You wonder how many other people had been in this position before you, wonder how many lives had been cut short with this very knife in this very bed by this very man. 
The thought of it used to make you sick, would send panic ripping through your gut. Now all it did was bring you a sick sense of peace knowing you would join them. You nod. 
Lester grins, digging the blade in just a little harder and you swallow, the nick of the knife sending a sharp pain through your neck. “That was the plan,” He hums and you close your eyes, waiting for the blade to dig in deeper, for him to pull the knife across the thin flesh of your neck and cut you open. It doesn’t come. “Good thing you’re in love with me.”
“What?” Your eyes pop open as the knife is removed, tossed away somewhere behind him, the dull thud of it hitting the hardwood floor making you jump. 
“You didn’t really think I was ever gonna kill you, did you, sugar?” He tsks, shaking his head, knife-free hand dragging a finger down your cheek. It hurts just the same as if he had cut you. “Can’t kill the girl I love now that she loves me, now can I?” When he kisses you, you kiss back. 
It’s the closest thing to death you can get to now.
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kaitopedestrian · 2 months
Chapter 1: Shipwrecked
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Trainer: Pearl
Pokemon: Tilly (Level 10, Adamant Nature)
Status: Alive
Pearl had no idea what was going on.
Well, she did. Kind of. She was currently on the back of a Talonflame flying over the sea away from the shipwreck with all the Deoxys that kidnapped everyone. All she had currently was her Rockruff Tilly and her beanie that she was desperately holding onto, making sure it didn’t blow away in the wind. Her mom Nancy was gone, the captain was gone, everyone was just gone. This was the most bewildered and confused she has ever been from her memory.
First a weird guy named X teleported her to the Captain's quarters when the ship EXPLODED and she saw a bunch of people get kidnapped by Deoxys running around the ship. There was a strange zombie lady and a man with white hair trying to catch her but the Talonflame swooped in at the last second. Now, she didn’t know where they were heading off to, where everyone else was, and how she was going to deal with this situation. She couldn’t just smile and brush it off, everyone was abducted for goodness sake!
Pearl felt Tilly in her arms shiver due to the rain. She quickly opened up her jacket and cradled Tilly in it like a baby, zippering back up to warm up the dog Pokemon. She had to calm down. They were on their own for now. The brown haired young woman spotted a harbor in the distance where the large bird Pokemon was taking them. It was going at breakneck speeds and Pearl still didn’t know how she didn’t fall off into the water yet. But, she was at least alive and felt well. The Talonflame landed on the harbor and lowered its right wing, signifying Pearl to climb off. She lifted her left leg and landed on the pavement, pulling her hoodie over her head and letting Tilly peek outside through her jacket. She turned to the Talonflame, who chirped, preening its feathers.
“Thanks for the save back there.” Pearl said, giving it a little grin. The bird Pokemon only squawked back as Pearl heard a door open. She turned to the right and saw the door of a building revealing a man. He was tall, much taller than her and had fluffy, short brown hair with a thin beard. His brown eyes showed slight relief at the sight of Pearl. He must have sent out the Talonflame.
“Good, we were able to save someone.” The man said, his voice smooth. He walked down the steps and patted his Talonflame’s head and turned back to Pearl. “You’re from the S.S. Oceana attack, yes?” Pearl nodded. He sighed, scratching his head. “Were you the only one who got out?” Pearl shrugged but was pretty sure no one else escaped like her.
“Not sure. But, I don’t think so. Well, maybe one person.” Pearl muttered the last part under her breath, thinking about the weird X guy. She at one point saw his Alakazam wreaking havoc against the white haired guy. He probably got out, she didn’t mention him though. The tall man frowned, disappointed by this fact.
“That’s a shame. Well, we at least got you out at least. The distress call was too late unfortunately. What’s your name? You can call me Pix.” The man said.
“Pearl. This is Tilly!” She grabbed the Rockruff out of her jacket much to her protests and held her up to Pix. He gave the dog Pokemon a small grin and a scratch on the head.
“Nice to meet you Pearl. And Tilly. This is East Gearen City. I’m just here to visit with my brother. We’re at Oceana Harbor right now.” Pix said, gesturing towards the entrance to the city. Pearl’s eyes widened, this is where that Stress lady should be. The one on that call where she got her official trainer call.
“Really? I think I was supposed to meet someone here.” Pearl said, her voice trailing off a bit as she watched a Fletchling fly through the sky. Pix scratched his head, looking back at the entrance.
“You must be here for league registration then, huh? Well, run along. I’m gonna go check the wreckage for more survivors. Safe travels Pearl!” Pix climbed into his Talonflame and the two said their goodbyes until he launched across the ocean on the large bird Pokemon, leaving Pearl alone with Tilly. The Rockruff leaped out of her jacket and landed on the stone pavement, wiping a paw over his ear.
“Well, come on Tilly! Let’s enter the city.” Pearl walked towards the entrance with Tilly at her side. When she entered, the first thing she was met with was the gaggle and mixing of other people’s voices. They meshed like some strange band that attacked Pearl’s ears suddenly. She quickly shook it off and spotted the lab across the street. When she entered, she saw a short girl with messy brown hair and big brown eyes with a flower crown decorated with pink flowers. Pearl very much wanted to touch them. The girl turned to Pearl and her eyes lit up.
“There you are! You’re Pearl, right?” Stress asked, obviously happy to finally see her. Pearl nodded, walking over and picked Tilly up in her arms.
“Yup! Sorry for the wait, I ran into a few problems.” Pearl said, giving Stress a sheepish grin. The girl didn’t seem to mind as she moved the conversation along.
“Well, what matters is you’re here! Even if you already have a Pokemon, do you want to look at the starters anyway? You can choose whether or not you want to take one or not.” Stress offered. Pearl agreed to this and the two walked over to a door in the back. Before Pearl could walk in, a figure slammed right into her, shocked yelps coming from both of their mouths.
Pearl landed on the floor hard with Tilly leaping out of her grip, landing stiffly on her feet. Pearl rubbed her back and saw a young girl rubbing the back of her head near the wall. She had long ginger hair tied into a braid that went over her right shoulder and dark green eyes with a little flower pin in her hair.
“Ow… Wait, sorry about that! I was rushing to get somewhere!” The girl said apologetically, jumping to her feet and helping Pearl up.
“Oh, that’s alright hun.” Pearl said, grinning. She found the girl’s frantic apology a bit amusing and sweet. The girl seemed to be relieved by Pearl’s answer and she ran off, giving her an apologetic wave. The tall young woman picked Tilly up and entered the room, seeing Stress waiting in front of a desk. There was a tall blonde haired man facing a screen behind the desk, which showed a younger looking boy with short white hair and a red bandana.
“Just wanted to remind you, Jenner! Now, looks like you have company so I’m gonna go now! See ya!” The white haired boy gave him a little salute and canceled the call. Jenner turned around and was surprised by Stress and Pearl’s presence. He cleared his throat,
“Sorry about that, you two. But, you’re Pearl, yes? Stress informed me you already had a Pokemon but if you’d like, you could take a look at our starter selection.” Pearl nodded and said her thanks for the older professor as Stress led her to a room that contained tables of Pokeballs, which she assumed were the starters they provided to new trainers.
“Well, here they all are! Table colors indicate which types they are and they are in order of which regions they had been found in! I’ll leave the rest to you.” Stress said, leaving the room and closing the door behind her. Pearl, now alone, set Tilly down and went down each table. She did like most of the Pokemon and they got along with Tilly well, but she was still conflicted.
“What do you think Tilly? Hm… Maybe it would be unfair for me to get another one. And, you’re already enough of a hassle.” Pearl joked, scratching Tilly’s neck fur. She decided after a few more minutes and didn’t pick another Pokemon to bring along with her. She opened the door to find Stress standing right outside leaning against the wall.
“You decided against it? That’s alright, I’m sure they’ll all find good trainers. Now, you wanna battle?” Stress asked, taking out a Pokeball. Pearl was taken aback by this sudden request and she usually didn’t let Tilly fight. She was more of a companion. But, she looked down and saw Tilly bright eyed at the idea.
“Sure! Tilly seems to want it, so why not?” Pearl said, letting Tilly run in front of her. Stress had a wide smile across her face as she sent out her Hatenna as the battle began.
~ (<>) ~
The battle ended in Tilly being victorious, which shocked Pearl herself. Stress returned her fainted Hatenna, happy about the battle even if she lost.
“You’re pretty good for a newbie! Well, my work here’s done. See you around Pearl!” Pearl waved goodbye as Stress left the room. When the young woman headed towards the door, Jenner called out to her.
“I almost forgot. Pearl, could you come over here please?” Pearl walked over, wondering what the professor needed from her. Then, he handed her a Pokedex , letting it slip into her hands. “Here is your own Pokedex and Pokenav. I hope your journey goes well.” Jenner said.
“Thanks, professor.” Pearl gratefully answered and she noticed someone come around the corner. Jenner spotted him as well and smiled.
“Good to see you back Jimmy.” Jenner said. The man named Jimmy was a tall and lanky with short, dusty blonde hair and bright blue eyes. He seemed to be Pearl’s age or maybe even a bit younger. He gave the professor a grin.
“Hey Jenner! I returned the rental Pokemon in the back room.” Jimmy said, suddenly noticing Pearl’s presence. He gave her a weird look, like he was inspecting her up and down.
“Oh, this is Pearl, she’s a new trainer who just arrived here.” Jenner informed the tall man. Pearl gave a little wave.
“Hey there mate. Sorry for invading your lab.” She said cheekily, wanting to break whatever awkwardness they had. Jimmy chuckled, obviously amused by the first impression.
“You’re not invadin’ anyone’s lab! You have a Rockruff?” Jimmy said, beckoning towards Tilly.
“Yup! Her name’s Tilly, I think she likes you.” Pearl picked the dog Pokemon up, who panted at Jimmy with her tongue out. The man giggled at the Rockruff and scratched her head.
“Cute lil fella. Anyway, I need to go to meet some friends. Bye Jenner! Nice to meet you Pearl!” Jimmy left the lab and before Pearl could finally leave, Jenner asked her,
“Could you find my daughter for me? She has ginger hair and usually wears it as a braid. It would be nice if you could look after her for a bit, if you can.” Pearl saw no harm in it and she said she would find her. After that, she was finally able to explore the city on her own.
Pearl really only found a bunch of trainers wanting to battle her and a strange truck guy who offered to give her rides to certain places. He seemed nice enough. Then, she passed by a house with a blue exterior that seemed to be connected to the Pokemon gym. As she walked by, she crashed into someone, wobbling backwards and regaining her balance. When she looked back up, she saw the person she crashed into was a young man with short, icy blue hair and eyes. He was rather tall and he had a flower pin in his hair.
“Sorry bout that. You look new.” The man commented.
“Yeah, sorry for runnin’ into you!” Pearl kept the conversation short and walked past him. Suddenly, Tilly nipped at the man’s hand, making both Pearl and him jump in shock. “Tilly? What was that for?” Pearl looked down at the Rockruff who growled at the young man. She then noticed her wallet was sticking half out of her hoodie pocket. Pearl gave the young man a look, quickly piecing together what happened. The man sheepishly grinned, scratching the back of his head.
“Sorry bout that. Seriously! I mean it! *Sigh* Looks like tourists are getting smarter.” The man commented, running a hand through his hair.
“So you do this to everyone?” Pearl asked, kind of amused that he got so apologetic. The young man laughed, giving her a toothy grin.
“Eh, just for fun. I wait to see how long it takes for them to notice. Anyway, your Rockruff has fast reflexes.” He said, looking at the little nip mark on his right hand. Pearl smiled as Tilly angrily frowned at the man. “I’m Scott. I’m the gym leader around these parts, you?” Scott asked.
“Pearl. And you already met Tilly.” Pearl said, a grin across her face. Scott chuckled, amused by the interaction.
“Well Pearl, you want in on a lil secret? I’m going to visit the abandoned sewers riiiight over there.” The blue haired man said, pointing all the way to the right. “My friends and I are gonna do some experiments down there. If you don’t tell anyone, you can come along! Get the Gearen experience.” Scott said, a shit eating grin across his face. Pearl pondered the offer. It sounded fun, and she didn’t really have anything else to do. And she wouldn’t tell anyone for god’s sake! Who cares about some teenagers in a sewer?
“Sure, I’ll come along. When is it?” Pearl asked. Scott was happy with this response as he started to play with his necklace while talking.
“Actually, right now! You can follow me or deal with your own thing. See you soon Pearl!” Scott ran off and left Pearl in front of the gym. She quickly followed in pursuit and it took a bit to navigate the large city but she found the entrance to the sewers. Shockingly, Jimmy was there with Scott at the entrance as the two seemed to be bantering a bit.
“Jimmm could you help me with something? It’s important, I promise!” Scott said, his begging tone ao dramatic Pearl had tried hard not to snicker. The blonde haired man was ignoring him but the wisp of a smile went across his face.
“Last time you said that, I got in trouble with the police and you and Gem got off easy.” Jimmy snarked. Scott laughed, slapping the blonde man in the back playfully.
“That was one time!” Scott complained, his grin not faltering. Jimmy’s Pokeball opened to reveal a Milotic he had, which glared at the blue haired man. Jimmy patted the head of the large serpentine Pokemon.
“Scott, we’re already technically breaking the law by doing this. I’m not-” Jimmy trailed off as he saw Pearl waving at them from the steps. She came over and Jimmy gave a deadpan stare towards Scott. “You wrangled her into this?” Scott chuckled.
“I only offered it~. She’s the one who accepted so you can't say I forced her!” Scott said, triumphant. Jimmy rolled his eyes, greeting Pearl.
“Hi Pearl. I hope Scott didn’t force you to do anything.” Jimmy said, side eyeing the gym leader hard. Scott shrugged, turning around to open the door.
“Oh he didn’t do anything mate. I’m just bored.” Pearl said, smiling. Scott gave Jimmy a cheeky, wide grin as the blonde man sighed.
“If going down some scary sewers is your way of dealing with boredom, be my guest. We should probably follow Scott now, he might trip into the water.” Jimmy said, a grin on his face at the stupid idea. Pearl just noticed that the door to the sewers were open and Scott was gone. Jimmy went in and Pearl followed. The stench of the grimy water hit her nose but she quickly brushed it off as they descended the stairs down to the sewers. The two of them encountered a few trainers as the ventured through the sewers and ended up at the end door. Pearl saw Scott standing by a very familiar looking girl. She realized quickly that she was the girl Pearl crashed into at the lab. The two of them seemed to be having a bit of banter as Scott started being annoying again.
“Geeeem when’s this gonna be done? You’ve been down here for a while!” Scott said, putting his hands on his hips. Gem ignored him almost completely until she said,
“Shut up for a second.” Scott dramatically gasped at the blunt tone which made Gem stifle a laugh. Pearl saw she was tinkering with the control board of the generator the two were standing and sitting in front of. Jimmy went over, alerting Gem due to his footsteps. “Hey Jimmy! Can you help me for a second? I think our experiment’s a flop.” Gem said, sighing with disappointment.
“Yeah, but I think I should introduce our new friend first.” Jimmy said, gesturing towards Pearl who held Tilly in her arms. Gem looked over her shoulder and her eyes widened just a bit in surprise.
“Oh, it’s you! You were at the lab!” Gem exclaimed, pointing at Pearl. The taller woman laughed sheepishly, waving back.
“Yeah, that was me. I didn’t expect you’d be the friend these two were talking about. I’m Pearl, by the way. This is Tilly.” Pearl said, drawing attention to her Rockruff.
“I’m Gem, sorry about that crash back there.” Gem said, a sheepish grin on her face. Pearl smiled, waving it off. Gem returned her attention back to the generator control board as Jimmy gently banged his knuckles against it. Pearl sat next to them, interested in Gem’s quick working fingers as she worked on the board. Scott stood to the side, looking at the slightly rumbling generator with a curious look.
“Seems like something’s stuck in there. Might be clogging it.” Jimmy said, leaning against the generator. Gem sighed, scratching her head.
“It should have worked though! The trash bags are gone, the generator’s working fine… God, guess this experiment is a bu-” Suddenly, the generator shook violently, shocking Jimmy so hard he jumped backwards and stumbled. Scott stiffened up, sending out his Alolan Vulpix. Pearl got to her feet, cautiously looking at the shaking generator. Gem sat still, maybe a bit in awe. Suddenly, a strange purple lump stuck out of the top of the generator. Jimmy sent out his Milotic.
“Gemmmmmmm?” Scott said, gritting his teeth looking at the increasingly shaky generator. Something was coming out of the generator, and it was big. Tilly leaped out of Pearl’s arms, growling at the large generator. Then, half of the thing was out. Pearl’s eyes widened as she recognized it as a strangely discolored Garbodor. Gem groaned,
“Again?! It happened again?!” She exclaimed, shocked and disappointed. Pearl grabbed Gem’s wrist and dragged her to her feet as the Garbodor leaped out of the generator landing in the spot Gem was sitting. Trubbishes sprouted out of the mini generators in front of Scott and Jimmy, surprising the two of them.
“Seems like the experiment worked! It looks like a ruthless Pokemon too!” Jimmy yelled, his Milotic facing the Trubbish. Scott was already attacking the other trash Pokemon and Gem sent out her Shinx against the Garbodor. Pearl also noticed how it was a different color from a normal Shinx. Weird…
“Just have to defeat it. Shouldn’t be hard enough. Pearl, you’re a trainer right?” Gem asked. Pearl sputtered a bit, kind of caught in the moment.
“Yeah? Tilly can fight. We can deal with these nuggets.” Pearl said, Tilly in front of her barking at the Garbodor. All four of them entered battle against the trash Pokemon.
~ (<>) ~
The Garbodor went down at Tilly’s last attack. Gem returned her Shinx and Tilly leaped into Pearl’s arms. Scott caught the Trubbush and Jimmy drove his own away. Pearl went over to the Garbodor. “Don't immediately attack others you little nugget! That won’t make people want to be friends with you. Be nicer in the future please.” Pearl said, patting the Pokemon gently. It let out a grumble and it walked away, leaving the four trainers alone.
“Dang, you’re good.” Scott’s voice surprised Pearl when she turned to face him. He had a grin on his face, the most genuine one she’s seen from him. Gem inspected the generator again as Jimmy sat on the side, surprised and a bit tired from the experience. “You’ve been a trainer forrrr, a day? You have really good correlation with Tilly.” Scott complimented, his eyes bright.
“Thanks! I’m glad Tilly enjoys it, that’s all that matters.” Pearl said, rubbing her head against Tilly. Gem was muttering under her breath as she inspected the control board again.
“Looks like our experiment worked, but that Garbodor was shiny. Again.” Gem grumbled, obviously disgruntled by it. Jimmy walked over to her.
“Your little power thing? It’s not exactly an inconvenience. It’s pretty cool actually.” Jimmy commented, grinning. Gem sighed, rubbing her eyes.
“Sure it is, but it gets weird when my entire party is shiny. People have noticed and will continue to notice sooner or later.” Gem said, frowning. Pearl went over to her and leaned forward a bit to look at her.
“I think it’s a pretty nifty little quirk! Might cause a few complications but you’re strong enough to deal with it if anyone tries anything.” Pearl commented, grinning. Gem looked at her, looking at Pearl’s bright blue eyes. The ginger haired girl developed a small grin on her face as she stood up, dusting her clothes.
“Thanks, you two. Anyway, we should probably be going back now. Scott seems like he wants to challenge you.” Gem said, smiling slyly at Scott’s unhidden eagerness. Pearl turned to look at Scott who coughed.
“Geeem, stop being so mean!” Scott fake whined, quickly returning to his former grin. “But yeah, you battled great out there! Meet me at the gym later, Gem and Jimmy should be there as well. I gotta go prepare, bye everyone!” Scott sent finger guns their way and ran out of the room with his Vulpix. Pearl, Gem, and Jimmy chatted as they left the sewers and they said their goodbyes as the two of them headed towards Scott’s gym. Pearl felt happy at the idea of having those three as friends. Tilly liked them as well. Even Scott. Pearl scratched the Rockruff’s fur as she stared in the direction of the gym.
“Well Tilly, you ready?”
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martuzzio · 1 year
Hey Marzo, I was thinking too much about Xisuma’s name. Because he’s been alive for so long and has had many side quest/adventures, wouldn’t he have a full title in some places (I’m thinking Sir Jeb of Tallmountain, slayer of many dragons) Like maybe as a reword for something or how a local legend or knight might have a title and not just the first name. And then how many any titles would he have have by the time of the hermits?
Another thought about his name might be dismissed because the idea came from our current traditions of names. What would Xisuma’s middle or last name be? Is Void his middle or last name? Whichever it is, I bet some of the more curious hermits sometimes try to figure out the missing name. If Etho doesn’t already know.
Oh I have soooo many ideas and opinions about Xisuma as a character! This gives me the excuse to talk about them :D
On the subject of cool titles: I absolutely agree with you. Xisuma definitely has a million different titles from a million different civilizations across the universe. Like, he's so old that he's achieved full mythological status to some people simply because it happened so long ago, despite the fact that he's STILL ALIVE and continuing to do cool stuff. The ironic part is that he doesn't remember most of the names he's been given.
On the subject of whether Xisuma has a middle or last name: my personal opinion is that he has neither. Last names are to distinguish you from the billions of other people around you. You don't need a last name when there's only a few other people in existence! Instead, the "Void" part of his name isn't a name - it's a signifier of where he came from. He's literally From the Void. It Made him. And the best part is that any opinion is valid! Xisuma is literally so old that no one was there when he was young, so who's to say which theory is correct? It's not like Xisuma himself is going to say ;)
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dieletztepanzerhexe · 2 years
When a person dies in Achaivaiam, he or she only appears to die. The dead are still very much alive. All life always has existed and always will exist, but it takes ritual work to ensure that it continues within the Chukchi circle of rebirths and is not overtaken by tannit.
All beings: animals,the deceased, inanimate objects, and “even the shadow on the walls” (Bogoras 1904–1909: 281) are said not only to possess intentionality but also to live in societies, and consider themselves to be human beings.
As with many other Arctic and sub-Arctic peoples, the Chukchi cosmos is organized around the principle of rebirth (Bogoras 1904–1909; Bronz and Willerslev 2012; Mills and Slobodin 1994; Obeyesekere 2002; Willerslev 2000); a dead person’s soul will cycle back to be reborn in a neonate, who can therefore be identified as an ancestor returned.
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On a September night Vova, a 45-year-old father and husband, died of tuberculosis in his home. We are told, however, that only his body has died; Vova can still hear, communicate, and feel hunger, thirst, and emotions since the invisible side of his being is considered as remaining alive. We call this the soul, but had it not been contained by his name it would merely be the anonymous essence or existence: va’irgin.
To please Vova and secure his comfort, a room in his house is emptied and he is placed on reindeer skin in the center with his head resting on a pillow. There is a clear resemblance here with a typical reindeer sacrifice where the deer is also placed comfortably on a bed of willow branches. A crucifix and a stone are placed on Vova’s chest, the first to chase away the ke’let, who are said to gather around the dead body to eat its soul, the second to ensure that he does not stand up and walk around, and begin to consume the people around him. He is surrounded by a minimum of four women, preferably more, who are placed strategically along each side of his body to serve as “protective armor.” (see Figure 1) None of the protectors leave Vova’s side without ensuring that another woman takes her place. Spirit food, enel’vit, in the form of fur from a white rabbit mixed with reindeer fat, is placed in the window of the room to feed any spirits in the hope that they will then allow Vova a safe passage.
Vova stays in his house for three days while all the preparations for his further journey are taking place. During those days the house is full of guests, who come and go as they please. They bring tea, sugar, candy, tobacco, and other luxuries to his wife, which she then serves to the guests. The guests place packets of cigarettes on Vova’s stomach on top of the blanket. When they later wish to smoke, they help themselves from this pile of cigarettes as if Vova himself who—as a good host— were offering them. The visitors all chain smoke to prevent the smell of Vova’s decomposing body from filling the room.
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On the third morning, family and friends share their last meal with Vova. Then he is dressed in his death suit. It is only the women who are allowed to participate in dressing Vova, so the men retreat to the outdoors. The dressing is a dangerous affair due to Vova’s semi-sacred status, and the women dressing him face potential retaliation. The women therefore disguise themselves by imitating ravens: they put on feathers made of hay and they croak like ravens (see Figure 2), as they will also do later on the pyre. The raven is the creator and trickster in Chukchi mythology. His name is Ku’urkil, or the “self-created one” (Bogoras 1904–1909: 315). He is like a great shaman that possesses enormous powers to make things in the world. Yet he is also a fool who does this by default, someone people can trick to take on their blame. By becoming ravens the women signify the power to transform Vova’s body from one being to another, but as a consequence of the inherent moral ambiguity in sacriice or any killing, they also ensure that they will not be held responsible for any anger caused. Further precautions are taken by sewing Vova’s hood together so that he is blindfolded and does not recognize the intruders.
As already described, the prototypical notion of the ancestral world is that of “experience reversed.” For this reason, Vova is dressed opposite to what is normal: the left boot is put on the right foot and vice versa, the same goes for the mittens. Furthermore, his spear and walking stick are made in miniature because small turns big on the other side. When Vova is fully dressed in his new body, everyone present says good-bye to him by walking around him in the direction of the movement of the sun. As they walk over his legs, everyone kicks his knees three times with the back of their feet while roaring like bears (Chukchi: kainu). According to Bogoras, brown bears are considered akin to man among the Chukchi. They are, so to speak, human beings clad in bearskin and are believed to be shamans (Bogoras 1904–1909: 325). This understanding is widespread throughout inner Asia, and Joseph Campbell noted, that it has been found in the entire North from Finland and Northern Russia through to Hudson Bay and down the West coast to the tribes of Tlingit and Kwakiutl (Campbell 1959: 339).
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The two women imitating ravens step up onto the pyre, and while imitating the sounds of the bird they cut open Vova’s stomach as if slaughtering him like a sacrificial reindeer. By cutting Vova’s stomach open, the necessary destruction of his physical body is set in motion, which will enable his soul to be re-leshed on the other side.
Since the ritual killing of Vova is both a morally problematic and risky affair, it is something that needs to be carried out in a hurry. Therefore, as soon as their deeds are done and the smoke from the ire is thick enough to conceal their true identity, the raven bodies are cast into the flames and the women jump down from the pyre and join the other participants. In haste they purify themselves with the ashes of another small ire in case any ke’let have attached themselves to them.
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As the ire consumes Vova’s body, the participants become increasingly joyful. They begin playing the roles of ke’let (see Figure 6), involving what is called the “game of coal” (Chukchi: inaykeletok). Men and women chase and capture one another other to color each other’s faces black with coal. This is yet another shape shifting, which enables the transformation of Vova’s life-form to take place. The ke’let, as the consumers of human souls, are temporary enacted as happy helpers in the destruction of Vova’s present bodily form and thus his life’s continuation on the other side. While the ke’let jump around and Vova’s body continues to burn, a few elderly women sit with their backs towards the pyre and sing songs of his successful journey.
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During the cremation, the two realms, that of the living and that of the ancestors, have effectively merged. While this is necessary to allow for a successful transference of the deceased from one to the other, it is now of utmost importance to ensure that these realms are re-separated into their proper place. If not, the deceased will, in the words of an elderly Chukchi woman, “start walking the streets of the village, taking their living kin with them to the ancestral realm.” Therefore, when the pyre has burned down it is time for the living to leave the place. Each participant takes a twig home with him or her to burn. In this situation the twig is a visible manifestation of the soul of the living, and thus a secure way for them to contain it and take it home. As they leave the same way they came, two women sitting on each side of the road cleanse the participants by touching them with alder twigs as they pass by. Then the two women close the road by planting small twigs into the ground and placing stones in front of them. In the reversed world of the dead, these will be experienced as impenetrable forests and mountains that will prevent the deceased from following his living kin and friends.
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Entering the sacred space of Shamanka (”Shamaness”) to perform the “second burial” must be done with care. One must step gently and throw a stone where the pyre was in order to scare away any ke’let. The remains of the deceased (the ashes and pieces of bones together with the three stones placed between the poles, which made the foundation of the pyre) are gathered by sweeping them together with alder branches, then they are encircled with a lasso-ring. The lasso is said to “catch the place” of the ancestors. A twig as well as tea, tobacco and other small offerings are placed inside the lasso-ring, and the participants then have tea around the encirclement. The twig represents the souls of the living, who have the last cup of tea with Vova. When tea is finished the twigs are taken home and burned to ensure that none of the participants’ souls remain in the ancestral realm.
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This is the end of the second burial. At this point the previous body containing the life force of the deceased has been destroyed, the meat has been separated from the soul, the relationship with Vova has been closed with a last goodbye tea party, and he is now free, and should be able to endure his long journey to the ancestral realm. 
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The men create a mini-herd of reindeer by placing the vital bone parts—the antlers with the skull, the femurs, jawbones and the irst cervical bone—in a row on the ground. The reindeer skulls and bones are cautiously placed in the correct order by the herders, according to their real life placement and personality within the herd; so that the leader of the herd leads the convoy, and the followers follow. Their heads are directed towards the north, which, as previously mentioned, marks the entrance to the ancestral world.
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Only now that a private identifiable reindeer is sacrificed can Vova journey to the ancestral world together with the reindeer belonging to his kin, and only now can his name-soul and those of the others that died during the past year resettle into a life among the ancestors.
“Regenerating life in the face of predation. A study of mortuary ritual as sacrifice among the Siberian Chukchi” JEANETTE LYKKEGÅRD AND RANE WILLERSLEV
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santisimaria · 1 year
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a goofy idea i had for a one piece oc! could be considered practice writing should i ever have the urge and motivation to continue this. (crossposted in ao3) wc: 2,475
dancing toes go crazy (raise a glass to me now)
“Captain. It’s been a while.”
Her words were met with silence, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable one. Rather, it was serene; a moment akin to the calm before the storms. In her case, it might as well be something like that. After all, she was here to ask for a favor in case she never lives to see another day in her next mission. Her eyes flitted over the straw hat covering her captain’s eyes; it was another good thing that the spot she picked in this small shop was hidden from prying eyes to avoid any unwanted excursions from happening. 
“Here, read this once you get back to your ship,” her gloved hands brandished a small folded parchment, settling it near the unmoving figure. She watched as the straw hat bobbed a little, signifying that she was being acknowledged by the latter–even more so when the parchment was lifted off the table and was safely pocketed in the lapels of his jacket. Sensing their conversation had concluded, the formally-dressed woman stood from her seat and pulled her satchel over her shoulder. Her head turned sideways, looking at her companion within her peripheral vision before speaking softly that only he could hear what she said.
Her presence disappeared almost as quick, akin to a ghost vanishing within first sight. But she felt it; the relief and excitement combined with the usual joy of her captain. She could almost imagine how his lips stretched into its usual mischievous curl.
After all, she was finally coming home. And she couldn’t wait to meet all the members of her captain’s ever growing family.
“Thank you, Sabo… But you have to leave. I got this.”
“But Teresa–!” The blonde chief tried to interject, but was immediately pushed back by an intangible force only the woman in front of him was capable of doing so. He couldn’t leave her to deal with a world-level threat–he didn’t want her to die, no! In the midst of his desperateness, his mind wandered back to their memories and the promises they made to each other. The years spent together sweeping through the ranks of the Revolutionary Army, all the missions they have accomplished side by side while fighting the worst people in the world, how they promised to each other that they will oversee the liberation across the globe. How they whispered their desires of keeping themselves alive at the end of the line. But why…  Why was she throwing it all away just to save him? It all began when a small mishap occurred halfway through their mission; a miscalculation of the recruits within the marine base. They never expected for a nuclear devil fruit user to exist in their ranks, and their power was too immense for any of Sabo’s troops to handle. Not even the chief of staff himself can attest against the magnetic energy polluting the space around him. 
Yet here she was, in all her defeated glory; his friend, his partner–with a hand poised above her head like a brilliant statue of a goddess and the same cocky quirk or her lips that told him–she had already accepted her demise. With one last look over her shoulder, he witnessed as blood trickled from her forehead and her bruised lips curled just a little to form a small smile. He tried to shout, scream and beg for her to stop–no, he wasn’t going to lose another important person in his life–he wasn’t going to let her die like Ace–!
That was the last he saw before the blast went off and everything became white.
Dawn Island. Three days.
Luffy clutched the piece of paper in his hand anxiously as he watched the sea below him. Two days had passed since he gave orders of returning to East Blue to his crew. As expected, he was met with numerous clamors and stares in disbelief. Even Franky had asked for the reason why they have to turn back when they have already reached the New World. It was truly shocking for everyone, yet one undeterred look from his eyes sent them freezing and working straight away, albeit hesitantly. Zoro had half a mind to ask again just to clear any confusion with his captain, but he also had an inkling of his reason. One that he never bothered to explore any further knowing it wasn’t his place to reveal to the crew–that was entirely up to him… and them. The swordsman wasn’t the first mate for nothing; of course he knew some secrets that the rest didn’t. He managed to catch Luffy at random occasions talking to his Den Den Mushi, with no clue as to who was at the other end of the connection. All he knew was that Luffy regarded them as someone important; someone who was potentially a hidden member of the Strawhats that was recruited way before Zoro. He wasn’t able to catch another moment of their conversation due to Luffy’s Haki catching upon his presence. It was rather surprising to see his captain level him with a blank stare before he bid farewell to the snail transponder. Zoro can vividly remember that day; the two of them standing like statues, poised as if a fight between them was about to occur. It wasn’t until Luffy broke the tension with a huge smile and a finger to his lips, indirectly telling him to keep his mouth shut or face the consequences of being a tattle tale. It was rather amusing and worrying at the same time, but Zoro trusted Luffy’s judgment; he trusted his captain to reveal everything in the right place and at the right time.
Going back to the restless figure on top of Sunny's head, it was an odd sight for the Strawhats to see their captain looking so… worried and staring at nothing with furrowed eyebrows. Others have tried to crack the silence and offered the young man things to distract, but neither of those deterred him from his spot. He was only thinking of his friend; his crewmate that was concealed from his family, wondering what prompted her to leave the Army and join them after years of working as an secret intel officer for their crew. Millions thoughts ran through his mind at a rapid pace, only being given respite if it was time for their meals. At least the food was enough to distract him from the looming doom hovering over his shoulders regarding his crewmate.
Luffy hadn’t been able to catch any proper sleep since the second night after they departed from New World. He wasn’t able to rest easily until the ship entered the sea lines of Dawn Island. He was quick on his feet, jumping off the ship before it could even dock–to which many shouted in panic upon watching their captain do something so recklessly–and planting his two flip flops solidly on the sand. Luffy wasted no second to scan the island using his Haki for his crewmate’s aura. His heart was close to dropping in his stomach when minutes passed and he still couldn’t sense her energy, until he finally did. It was weak, beating almost inaudibly in his ears–but it was there. Northeast from the Foosha Village.
Luffy swore he had never run as fast as he did that moment–it was on par with his speed as he tried to reach Ace on top of the execution platform. Dread began to fill him inside, but he shook his head; over his dead body would he allow another repeat of the past. He swore to himself that he would get stronger, bolder, and braver to protect his friends, his family. So he pushed himself, told his legs to go faster until he felt the familiar warm sensation of Gear 5 taking over his body. His legs began to blur in the wind and trees were broken in half due to his sheer strength. On most days, he would be found with a boisterous smile and eyes as wild as the seas if he assumed this form. But in the place of his smile was a grim line hiding his clenched teeth, and the usual spark in his eyes were dimmed as anxiety filled his entire being. The strawhat captain hated–no, loathed feeling like this. He loathed knowing that his friend was out here somewhere, hurting and barely surviving. It reminded him of his failures in the past. For her to be stripped to her most vulnerable and weakest form blared alarms in his head, and he knew he wouldn’t stop until he saw the figure of his last crewmate.
After what felt like the longest five minutes of his life, Luffy reached a clearing; a large, secluded, naturally formed pit-like clearing with high rock walls and a lake in the middle of it. His inhuman speed gradually slowed down and his hair went back to its usual black state, carefully walking towards the unconscious form at the edge of the lake. Luffy swore his breathing stopped for a whole minute as he assessed the current state of his friend and the dread he felt on his way from the ship came back tenfold.
To say that her body was tattered was an understatement; dried blood covered her clothes and exposed skin from head to toe. If a person squinted enough, they would see the residue of three-degree burns on her torso, arms, and face; shallow and deep cuts littered her skin, even sporting one over her right eye. Her dress was torn apart, leaving her with bits and pieces that covered most of her body. One of her arms was badly burnt, swollen and disfigured. Luffy’s stomach twisted inside of him; there was only one reason as to why her arm was like that, and he was intimately familiar with the downsides of her devil fruit abilities. Dragging his frozen feet towards his crewmate, the strawhat captain dropped to his knees and with a delicateness he seldomly possessed, carefully brought her body into his arms. The weightlessness of the latter’s body almost threw Luffy into disorientation, but he shouldered through his panic and built enough power in his legs to shoot himself and the figure in his arms through the sky. The wind was silent over the faint heartbeat of his crewmate, urging him to fly faster back to the ship.
“Hang in there, Teresa. Don’t die on me just yet,” the pirate mumbled under his breath as flew above the forest. His heart beated anxiously in his chest, only calming by a smidge when he caught sight of his ship’s proud head. The crew was divided into two groups; the first one consisting of his navigator, sniper, doctor, and musician lingering by the deck, while the other with his swordsman, cook, helmsman, and shipwright by the docks as they prepared to follow after him. All of them halted in their tracks when their captain landed a few feet from where they were located, eliciting some confused and worried expressions from everyone as they saw that he wasn’t alone. Chopper, in particular, let out an indignant squawk as he saw the condition of the person his captain was holding which prompted him to jump off the ship, albeit stumbling as he met them halfway. The reindeer had hundreds of questions running through his mind as he reached them, starting from the identity of the unconscious woman in his captain’s arms to the cause of her injuries but just as he was about to ask them–
“Chopper, help me look after our nakama.” Came the strong order from the young captain, eyes ablaze yet the reindeer could see the underlying worry and sadness of his words. But–did he hear him right? Did Luffy just call the stranger in his arms their ‘nakama’? More questions dawned in Chopper’s mind but he knew he had to save them for later when his captain began trekking back to their ship’s direction, leaving him no choice but to follow after him.
“Oi, Luffy… who is that? Don’t tell me we’re taking in strays now,” Sanji crossed his arms, a cigarette hanging from his lips. Despite saying those words with his usual bravado, he couldn’t help but worry and wonder–especially when he heard his captain regard them as their ‘nakama’. The swordsman, who’s opinions often clash with their cook, thought the same thing as the former. But this was Luffy; a very unpredictable individual to many, yet Zoro simplified it by going along with his strange antics. However, this one completely propelled him and the entire crew in a loop.
Luffy halted. All of a sudden–the breeze around them disappeared, replaced by a heavy pressure on their shoulders. Zoro’s eye widened.
“Teresa’s not a stray. She is our nakama.” The strawhat captain’s voice hardened, proving further his point by adding another wave of his Haki that Zoro was sure would’ve reached the nearest village by then. It was tense for a moment, until Chopper broke it by ushering Luffy to the ship and into the infirmary. The crew was left dumbfounded and silent, with the remaining members slowly moving back to the ship’s deck. Similar questions ran through their heads–who was that woman? What did Luffy mean by calling her their ‘nakama’? Had Luffy recruited her without them knowing?
Moments after, the primary source of their conflict emerged from the infirmary. Eyes shadowed by a straw hat, yet nobody can mistake the grim expression beneath. Half of the crew opened their mouths to begin their string of questions but it was, once again, silenced by their captain.
“I know all of you have your questions, but until Teresa’s awake and better, you gotta hold them off because we gotta go back to the New World.” Sounds of disbelief and indignancy echoed from the group. “For now, all you have to know is that she’s been a member of this crew since the day it was formed. I met her before I knew about Zoro, so I expect her to be treated just like how you do with everyone on this ship.” Luffy raised his head to reveal the hard glare he rarely sported and was usually facing their worst and strongest enemies. “None of that suspicious crap, ya got that? If I see anyone doing somethin’ out of the line, I won’t hesitate to send ‘em flying off this damn ship.” Fear skyrocketed from a certain duo, while the rest remained apprehensive before a couple of affirmative nods were given. “Nami, set the course back to the Red Line, then to Egghead. I’ll leave the rest to you and Zoro,” replied the pirate before he disappeared back within the walls of the infirmary.
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spaghett-onaplate · 2 years
mmm i dont go here, so everything i know is episode 1 and secondhand disease, but that yr frog snowglobe is a frog prince right? and the whole thing with the frog prince is to become human.
so what im wondering here is:
who gave Wille the snowglobe?
does whoever gave it lend significance to Wille being a prince?
could the breaking of the snowglobe potentially signify Wille's status as a prince is also breaking?
...mm, one of the reasons i couldnt keep watching is bc how disturbingly inhuman royalty is... could the snowglobe also be a symbol of Wille breaking down to simply being human?
heheh wonderful ask thank you Milo
1. Erik (dead brother and ex crown prince) gave Wille the snow globe. I'm pretty sure that was confirmed by the writer/team member in reference to a deleted scene? I don't really remember where I heard that from lmao
2. Yes! Wilhelm wouldn't have been the crown prince if Erik were alive. He would have been able to persue a queer relationship with less scrutiny (obviously still heaps, but the focus would never have been on him, and so the tape wouldn't have been as big of a deal). Also, Erik pushed Wilhelm toward his royal duties and lifestyle during the little screentime we got of him.
3. Absolutely! I love the frog prince story soo so much and the way it ties in with Young Royals is just *chef's kiss* I think Wille turning from the frog into the human could be his turn from prince to "regular person" (i know it wouldn't work completely like that but, it could be a reference to abdication). Or it could be the escape of the frog prince - the glass is shattered, the cage is broken. There are heaps of interesting interpretations to it!!
4. Whoops I kind of answered that already but yes and I love that interpretation so so much!!! And yeah that's fair, the whole royal scrutinization (I don't know if that's a word but it is now) is nauseating :(
Hehe thank you for this ask it is very appreciated :)) <3
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yvrivic · 3 years
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8th of August, 2010
His feet felt like they were floating just an inch above the stone floor of the Church of Saint-Eustache. Everything felt unreal. The magnificent ancient monument of a church, the glittering crowns and tiaras that signified pure power and influence on an international level, the cameras and their flashes... Giselle. Had someone told him three years ago that he’d stand on the altar watching Giselle d’Orléans walking down the aisle to him, he would have declared the person mad.
Her cheeks were rosy. It was just blush, just makeup, he knew. It was blush because her expression was too serious for it to be anything else. She was in the middle of a performance and he could almost feel her nerves taking over her breathing. It was just blush. 
It had taken him a year to learn how she transformed from a pale and cold statue into something alive and warm. Blush! Giselle’s laugh had echoed from the bedroom to the living room and made him peek from the doorway. It’s just blush, love. But it wasn't always. It hadn't been then. He had almost been lead astray by her statement but in that moment she had been bare faced and he had never seen her that alive before. On a regular slow Sunday morning. But in private, away from the world. Giselle blossomed when she was with him, with someone she trusted, someone who looked at her and listened to her without judgment. 
Giselle was a breathtaking vision in the church but he would have wanted to see her just moments before leaving the private room. Had she smiled at her bridesmaids? Had that melodic laugh turned into something just a bit uglier and less controlled — but into a much more rewarding a sound? He imagined it had. He hoped it had. He wanted her happy. Genuinely happy.
His blue eyes met hers (or at least he thought they did, it was difficult to make out the warm dark brown spots behind the veil), and he felt his heart leap in his chest. Blood rushed to the very tips of his fingers and his pulse beat against the collar of his pristine white shirt. 
Her heels clicked against the stone steps as she delicately as ever, climbed the steps onto the altar, and this time he knew their eyes met. He could see a small sparkle in them. A few lines appeared in the corners of his eyes as a smile broke onto his face. The lily of France stood opposite from him and it felt like he had gotten there by sheer dumb luck. He had expected her to grow tired of him. He had expected her to find him lacking. He had expected her family to tell her he wasn’t good enough and for her to care enough about their opinion to forget about him. 
And yet he stood opposite from her. 
Giselle slowly lifted her thin veil away from her face. She was definitely wearing blush, he could see it clearly. For someone else, it might have done the trick and convinced them that she was overjoyed. Not him. For him to be convinced of her happiness, he needed to see something else. He knew how to look for the other signs: shallowness of breath, a small barely-there dimple on the left side of her face, tensed muscles by her eyes. His smile rooted itself on his face as he found all these little things adorning Giselle’s features. They were all there.
His memorized speech was delivered slowly, with long pauses as he struggled to keep his voice level and his mind clear. The slip of paper was his greatest friend and the hand Giselle had wrapped around his was perhaps supposed to have a calming effect on him but it only distracted him — he wanted nothing quite as much as to forgo the rest of the ceremony and slip the ring into his wife’s finger.
And by God, he had written too long a speech! He had found the most difficult words use and the most beautiful poem to recite. Words, words, and more words. When three would have sufficed: Je t’aime. 
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twistedlymad · 4 years
Was It... Just A Dream? (Ft. Grim, Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel and Sebek)
Guys, uh... I... May or may not have been letting my brain go dead for a while... And I came up with this idea/theory: What if Twisted Wonderland was an endless loop of a dream? 
And my mind just went: You need to write this down, NOW. And so I did :) I hope you guys would like this little idea-turned-story of mine and I hope you all have a lovely day!
(P.S, This story takes place after battling Overblot!Grim and I wrote the reader as gender neutral.)
A voice yelled out. Multiple sounds of running on grassy fields can be heard. You were making those sounds. You had yelled, you had ran, and now, you were kneeling in front of a passed out furball.
A furball, that you loved oh so dearly.
“Is… he okay?” A certain Heartslabyul student asked. You scooped up the furball into your arms.
“I… I don’t know.” You replied, unsure of the status of the creature in your arms.
“Grim… Please… Don’t do this to me.” You croaked out, tears falling out of your eyes as you hugged the furball closer to your chest.
“I need you. Don’t do this to me.” You repeated. Students and faculty members gathered around the two of you.
“(Y/N), we tried, let’s just hope for the best.” The Headmaster of the prestigious school, Night Raven College, said to you and placed a hand on your shoulder.
Silence ensued for a few moments. Your best friends, the first years, all had tears coming out of their eyes too as they watched you in silence. All the students were lowering their heads. The dorm leaders, vice dorm leaders, upperclassmen and everyone, feeling sorrowful for you and the creature in your embrace. You closed your eyes, hoping, praying that the worst did not just happen in front of your very eyes. You hoped for a sign to signify that the little furball in your arms was alright.
Silence continued.
That was until you felt movement in your arms. You felt tossing and turning coming from the furball in your arms. You snapped your eyes open and immediately looked at the creature you were holding.
“Yanno… Don’t hug me so tight like that… It gets hard to breathe!” A voice squeaked out. More tears fell out of your eyes.
“GRIM!!!” You yelled once again.
“Yeah yeah, that’s me, after all, I am The Great Grim…” Grim managed to say after looking at you and giving you one of his cheeky smiles.
“You… YOU SCARED ME.” You said, in a somewhat angry tone, but you tightened your hug with the furball nonetheless.
“GRIM!!” A few more voices were heard. You looked to see your best friends, the first years, running towards the two of you at full speed and tackling you and the furball into a giant hug.
The students around you cheered. Sure, it may have been a tough and ruthless battle against the creature in your hands, but in the end, they were glad that it all had went well.
“Never do that again you raccoon!!” Ace yelled out to Grim as the first-years pulled away from the hug.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m… sorry.” Grim said and you planted a kiss on his forehead.
“No one blames you silly. We’re just glad you’re safe.” You said with a smile and loosen your grip on him.
“Come on! We’ll get you patched up back at school.” Deuce said as the students were already heading back to campus.
“Yea, you put up one heck of a fight.” Jack said.
“Who knew something as small as you can rival the powers of Malleus-sama himself?” Sebek spoke out.
“Hey!! I take offense to that!” Epel glared at Sebek. Sebek sweatdropped before muttering an apology to the Pomefiore first-year.
“Guys, we should really get back…” Grim said out. The sound of a low growl continued as he sheepishly laughed.
“I’m kinda hungry.” The furball said. You and the boys just stared at him for a few moments before laughing out loud.
“That’s Grim for ya!” Ace said, wiping away a tear from either crying earlier or laughing too much.
“But, yeah, we should head back now.” Deuce said and he and the boys began to walk back to campus. Grim left your arms and began walking too.
“(Y/N), let’s go!” The furball said to you. You smiled and nodded in response.
“Sure, let’s go.” You said, standing up.
But as you did, you felt… Dizzy. As you raised a hand to support your head, the dizziness increased.
The last thing that you saw was the boys turning around and reaching out for you. The last thing that you heard was the boys calling out your name.
“(Y/N)!!” And with that, you had completely blacked out.
When you came to, you heard muffled voices calling your name. As you slowly began to gain consciousness, those voices became louder and clearer.
And… It wasn’t a voice you recognized, at least, it wasn’t a voice you recognized from Twisted Wonderland.
For it was a female’s voice.
“(Y/N). (Y/N). (Y/N).” The voice repeated.
You were getting more and more awake now, so you fluttered open your eyes. You were immediately greeted with bright lights that shone into your eyes. When you looked around a bit more, you saw machinery and equipment that would be used in hospitals, bouquets and bouquets of flowers sitting on a table beside you with a tag saying ‘Get Well Soon’.
But most importantly, you saw faces. Faces, in which you haven’t seen in a long time. Your family’s faces.
“(Y/N)! You’re awake!!” Your mom who was beside your bed embraced you gently, fearing that she would cause you discomfort if she hugged you too tightly. Your dad was beside your mom, smiling at you with teary eyes.
“I’m… Awake?” You questioned.
What did your mom mean by this?
Haven’t you always been awake?
Did you find a way back home already?
As you hugged your mom, you took notice of your surroundings. Your earlier assumptions of you being in a hospital were correct.
But… Why were you in a hospital?
“Oh sweetie! I was so scared for you!” Your mom said as she pulled away from the hug, visible tears flowing out of her eyes.
“Scared? For me? But, why?” You questioned. You were confused and you needed answers.
“(Y/N)… Don’t you remember?” Your dad asked you.
“Remember… what?” You questioned again. Your mom and dad exchanged glances before talking.
“You… Were in a car accident.” Your mom said and your eyes widen.
‘No, this can’t be true.’ You thought to yourself.
“You were injured very badly, the doctors had to perform an emergency operation on you in order to save you.” Your dad said.
‘Stop, you’re lying! I was in Twisted Wonderland! I was at Night Raven College! Not here!’ Your mind had yelled out.
“The operation had ended in success, but, you were left in a coma…” Your mom croaked out.
“How… How long was I in a coma for?” You asked your parents.
“A year.” The answer was something you had expected, at the same time you didn’t want to believe it because…
You were at Night Raven College for a year.
‘You’re both wrong, I was at Night Raven College, not in a coma! I had friends, REAL friends! They’re not just my imaginations!’ Your mind was yelling out all the events that had happened at Night Raven College. All the time you spent with your friends, all the events that had happened, all the chaos and overblottings. They were imprinted into your mind very clearly and they felt surreal. You felt that as if you had just finished battling an overblotted Grim just a few moments ago.
So, how did you end up here? You didn’t have a single clue.
After a few days of checkups and tests, you were free to leave the hospital.
When you arrived home, you were fairly silent. You ate your meals without a word and would always be inside your room. You still refused to believe that your time at Night Raven College was ‘just a dream’ for it had felt so surreal for you.
After having your dinner on the third day, you retreated back to your room once again. But, before heading into your room, you heard your parents gossiping about you, you decided to eavesdrop a little before heading into your room.
“(Y/N) is so moody lately. You’d think as a person who just woke up from a coma, he/she would be more cheerful.” Your father said.
“Oh, give her/him a break, they’re still situating himself/herself in… It’s hard to catch up on everything after being in a coma for a year.” Your mother said.
“Could’ve been a lot nicer if he/she were more cheerful and thankful for being alive.” You father said.
You sighed, rolled your eyes and went into your room.
You lied down on your bed, trying to remember the events that happened at Night Raven College.
How the first years always brought you trouble, how the dorm leaders and your upperclassmen had little chit-chats with you and invited you to various events with them, how Grim would always flash his cheeky smile at you whenever you told him about a plan. Yeah, your life at Night Raven College was the highlight of your life. It didn’t take too long of reminiscing for you to drift off into dreamland.
However, you woke up in the middle of the night, for a bright light was blaring at you from… Your mirror?
You rubbed your eyes as you stared at your mirror.
“What?” You muttered in a soft voice. You slowly inched closer to the mirror, only to find a hand reaching out for you.
“Take the hand that appears in the mirror.” A very familiar voice boomed.
You blinked a few times to make sure you weren’t dreaming. Your mind had been sending off all sorts of alarms of telling you ‘NO, DO NOT TAKE THE HAND.’
Your curiosity got the better of you. So you did, you took the hand, and you were pulled into the mirror, leaving no trace behind.
And so… The cycle begins anew.
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mintvender · 4 years
Y/N came home after a war that took months, What's the boys gonna do??? I'm thinking that the war is to either take over a kingdom or the kingdom declared war!
-🌼 Anon
Little anon, for this particular ask, I will be focusing more on the emotional aspect of each person with a less detailed scene as that may contain some spoilers. Hope you understand 🌿 🌿 💚
BTS’s Reaction to Y/N Returning Victoriously
A/n: Please do keep in mind that these boys have a very traumatizing past so they won’t act like the average person. Also, this is also an era where power rules all, so you can tell that without power, a person will literally be of no use so please understand that it differs from ours.
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Red Carnations: Symbolises admiration and missing another. Along with pink carnations, they are a common flower that is used to signify your longing for a particular someone.
Kim Taehyung
With his identity, it is not a surprise to many people that he is in fact involved in the planning. Though, due to his rather weak physique, he obviously would have no chance of surviving the battlefield so he had to stay within the capital, and wait for your return. Taehyung knew that the chance of you winning is much more likely but with how long you were gone, he was slowly losing hope. Days without you seems to be eternity for him, with every passing moment bringing pain, while the next too far out of his reach. As days turned into weeks which morphs into months, Taehyung is slowly reminded of his past traumas. The longer he is without you, the more insecure he became that it made an opening for his nightmares to begin chasing him.
The moment he saw you, Taehyung basically forgot everything in the past few months and focus solely on you. Seeing you alive and healthy, he was beyond glad that you have kept your promise. Though, he would be quite calm during the celebration of your return, but the moment you guys are alone, Taehyung would cling to you, telling you how much he had missed your presence. As the Royal Consort, he gets to spend the first night back with you. As a result, that night was the first night in months where he was able to sleep soundly, a gentle smile adorned his face in the process.
“ You... are back? Is this a dream? ... No, you’re really back!”
Kim Namjoon
As the head of the medicinal department, Namjoon wasn’t allowed to leave his office to attend to all the injurded soldiers on the battlefield. If he were to do so, there would not be a capable person to handle all the affairs of the department which would be extremely burdensome once he gets back. As a result, Namjoon makes sure that all the physicians, who will be accompanying you are very experienced and skilled. Of course, he was very proud of all the physicians in his department but he wants the best to serve you while being away in a foreign area.
During this time, Namjoon’s way to cope with the feeling of longing for you is to busy himself with work to get his mind off you. So during your time away, he had accomplished many major plans which resulted in you awarding many valuable herbs when you had returned. It was clear as day that Namjoon was extremely proud of his effort, and seeing you also feeling honour of having him by your side, nothing boost his self-esteem than that. He, also surprised you by using all those previous herbs to help concoct essences and medicine for you to utilise. To say the least, Namjoon would show his affections through the hours you both spent together nurturing you back to perfect health.
“ How have you been these months? I assume it was quite exhausting considering how tense your muscles are.”
Jung Hoseok
When you’re busy in the foreign lands, Hoseok would be much more involved in the harem’s matter because of many reason. The main being him wanting to help you out as best as he possibly could. He knew that with you being away for months, piles of work will start to accumulate and would overwhelm you the moment you are back, so he does try to ease some of those burdens. Hoseok, at this time will be less energetic, seemingly loosing his energy as time continues to go by. Assuming that you guys already has a deep bond at this time, he would feel like something is weighing down at his heart the longer you are away. This continue to worsen once his father got permission to visit him.
Despite this, he tries his best to continue to smile on but anyone could tell that it was far from genuine. However, the moment that he heard that you are indeed returning and after getting reassurance too many times, he began to feel his heart lighten, seemingly relaxing along with the news. He would be very proud of you for winning the war, but will freak out the moment he detect a single wound on you. Though, during the entire process, a smile is always adorned on his face while his body relaxes within your presence. Hoseok would also make sure to praise you plenty of times whenever you are with him.
“ Don’t worry, your majesty. Your... workload is not that much. I bet that you can even finish it in a week. Why?... I-I tried my best to help you, I hope you don’t mind.”
Min Yoongi
Aside from you getting to see his vulnerable side, Yoongi still remains as an emotionless person for everyone else. On the outside, he doesn’t seem to be affected by you being away but if anyone were to observe a little closer, they would start to notice how his motions are much sloppier than normal. This was the result of the countless nights that he spent awake, crying to himself. Yoongi felt that he was worthless and couldn’t help you in any ways. Because of his status, he was restricted from getting to attend anything that could threaten the new dynasty’s position. As a result, Yoongi has no power to be of any help to you. Though, he does managed to utilise his previous lessons and try to improve himself.
As a result, you were quite surprise to see how different Yoongi was when you got back. On the other hand, Yoongi almost couldn’t take hold of his feelings and tackled you on the spot if it wasn’t for the countless people present on the scene. You bet the moment you guys are alone, he would hug you tightly and cry within your arms, wanting nothing but your comfort. These past months had been extremely hard for the boy, especially without your protection but he managed to survive it all and is now bathing in your presence. He then began to list all the things that he had done and promises to be more helpful to you.
“ Your majesty? How are you here? Aren’t you at... No, that’s not important now. You are finally back! I have been working very hard to be of help for you. Let me show you what I’ve accomplished.”
Jeon Jungkook
As your bodyguard, it would be extremely unlikely that he would ever leave your side in this kind of situation. However, if there was a chance that he would have to part from you, possibly likely forced to, it would have to be from an injury that prevents him to do his job that would take an expansive time to heal. Jungkook takes his position very seriously and would be quite lost once he returned to the capital to take a break. He feel like he just failed his job as a bodyguard and couldn’t protect you properly.
If this happens, the best way to deal with it is to let him be alone, before approaching him. Once he starts to open up again, carefully approach him with the topic to not overwhelm him. After getting him back, you would noticed how much his swordsmanship have improved. This was the result of the countless of hours that he spent working on them so he can do his job better when you get back. Hearing about your victory, Jungkoook would become quite proud of getting to be the bodyguard of such an amazing person. However, do try your absolute best to not be injured; it would put quite a bit of pressure on him for not completing his role.
“ Your majesty, are you wounded. Are you sure?... I sincerely apologize for not being there to protect you! If I was there I could have prevented these wounds from appearing on your body.”
Kim Seokjin
Since our merchant is from a different country, he would spend the majority of those months there. Seokjin’s main reason to come to Corea is to be with you so with you being away, he has no reason to be cope with the life within the palace walls. He will spend his days in his old home, reviving all the long forgotten memories of you and him. As he is in the headquarter of his company, work is expected to consume most of his time. However, this does not stop him from thinking about you. In fact, it makes him long for those times even more. Once he heard that you are returning, Seokjin will work countless hours to finish all his work and assign people to represent the company in his stead and rush back to Corea. How he is still allowed to be there? Thanks to you of course; you’ve long bonded with each other that you pay no mind with him staying there.
Now, if Seokjin sees even the smallest wound on you, he will spend hours lecturing you in private setttings, and a couple more for the rest of the physicians. To say the least, he will be quite upset about seemingly everything you say — both privately and publicly, and he will proudly show his distaste. However, Seokjin is proud of your achievements even if he is too prideful too admit so. Though, he will lightly congratulate you on behalf of his country.
“ You BRAT! Is that a scratch that I see. Maids, go and get the medicine from the west! You worthless physicians, why couldn’t you even prevent these measly wounds from scarring!”
Park Jimin
Jimin, would probably the most affected besides Taehyung and Yoongi just because he is grown so used to your presence. Suddenly getting forced to separate from you, he would naturally seem quite loss. It is a reasonable actions for someone who has been traumatized during their childhood. Unlike Taehyung, who will continue with his duties, Jimin will lock himself within his yard, seemingly gone missing during those months. His attitude would also be quite off whenever the consorts would go and visit him. As a person from somewhere else, he does not have any relative that could help him pass the time. As a result, he would feel nothing else than suffocation during those months.
With you coming back, it was like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Jimin would desperately cling onto that very speck of light until he finally realizes that you are indeed truly coming back. Slowly Jimin would pick up his shattered self and force them into a perfect mask again. It is up to you to continue to help him heal and understand why he is so vulnerable.
“ Don’t come here! I said I’m fine... NO! Your majesty? Is it really you?”
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Copyright © 2021 MintVender
All rights reserved.
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Kazuichi Soda could catching Sonia Saying that S/O shouldn't be dating him since His a plebeian, and then S/O explose and defends him that She's also a Pleb and only point it out to him and tell her ""Can You just shut the fucking mouth, and stop spoiled her there happiness with him, I rather be with some good Hard working Guy then been in high clases royalty and think I'm upon the other"" and Lives, What would be Kazuichi Reaction?
Kazuichi Souda’s S/O yelling at Sonia Nevermind
Fun fact when I first got into danganronpa I really hated Sonia dsjahflksd now I kin her but that was a MOMENT for like four years :^)
I changed the prompt just a lil’ - at least I think I did I honestly don’t remember what I changed.
-Mod Souda
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He rolled up his sleeves, sitting next to Tanaka in the upstairs eating area. You didn’t go to breakfast that day, which was horrible for him because you are the main person he hangs out with. He checked on your cottage, though, just to make sure you were alive. You assured him to just go to breakfast.
One day without you shouldn’t make him feel too bad.
Behind him stands Akane, boasting about her friendship with Nidai, talking about all the fun they have together.
And then he hears Sonia’s voice! Oh, they must be having a conversation.
A part of him cringes a little once the excitement weighs in. Sonia is old news, he reminds himself. 
But once his name falls from her lips they have his full attention. He tries not to move; not to signify that he can hear them talk.
Sonia laughs. “And the person Kazuichi is with? I doubt they could have much fun together since he’s such a plebeian.” 
He just sighs, pulling his beanie down to his head in embarrassment. Even Tanaka raises his brows, drinking to hide his disappointed look.
“Excuse me?” Your voice rings out throughout the room, leaving everyone quiet.
He could feel his heart drop. 
You curse, “If anything you’re a plebeian!”
That’s when he turns around, seeing your heated face and Sonia waving her hands in the air. “Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that!”
Tanaka stands up, taking defense, and Kazuichi stands up to put a hand on his chest, keeping him back.
You continue, “Sonia, just shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up! All you ever do is just be rude and unforgiving! You’re just jealous that my life wasn’t doomed from birth. Because I’d rather be with someone hard working who loves me than someone who would only want me for my status and blonde hair. And unlucky for you, that’s all you are ever going to get!”
A low hum rings through Tanaka that Kazuichi can feel on his palm. 
He’s frozen, unable to say anything. Never would he have imagined you to burst out like that. Sonia is shocked too, one of her hands covering her mouth.
“Aw man, chill with the accusations, S/O! We weren’t doing any harm.” Akane tries to ease the situation.
Your cheeks heat up with dilemma, your mind racing. Why did you even put yourself in this situation? It’s embarrassing, being in the spotlight.
He follows you after you storm out, racing downstairs and out of the door. Honestly, he didn’t expect how fast you were to get out of there. You easily could have outrun him.
But he hurries, grabbing you by the elbow, and pulling you close to him.
Out of the anger, a few tears form in your eyes. Everything was too overwhelming. It was unbelievable. Almost a fiction.
“S/O,” he coos once you collapse against his chest, holding him close.
“It’s unfair!” You call out, “You don’t deserve it!”
“You don’t need to defend me, babe, what people say doesn’t bother me anymore.”
You still grip onto his jumpsuit tightly. “I’ll defend you until the end of time.”
He sighs, patting your head. “I know. And I thank you for that.”
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liveandlearn-kg · 3 years
Live and Learn
Prologue - Act 1/3
Read on Archive of Our Own!: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31463474/chapters/77826326
Next Act: https://liveandlearn-kg.tumblr.com/post/653986851746627584
Chapter Content Warnings: N/A
“All trust involves vulnerability and risk, and nothing would count as trust if there were no possibility of betrayal.” - Robert C. Solomon
Chapter Below Cut:
Do you ever just have something you’re really good at? Whether it be painting, a specific sport, maybe you’re the King of Games at your school and dominate at a specific card game. Well, I have one of those myself. I like to run, and I can run, faster than the speed of light you might say. They don’t call me “the blue blur” for no reason. Gotta go fast is what I always say.
I’m a track star, a talented one at that. Having beaten an Olympic record without breaking a sweat, going below times thought impossible long ago. And maybe it really is impossible for others, but me? A speedy blue hedgehog who's faster than the speed of sound? Nah. It’s just a thing I’ve been able to for literal years, ever since I was born.
Perhaps that’s why they named me Sonic, after a sonic boom. Sonic t. Hedgehog. It’s a nice name, I’ll admit that.
Have me run a mile, hundred meters, hundred-ten meter hurdles, parkour, anything, I’m game. It’s why they call me the Ultimate Trackstar. It’s not an official title or anything, just a sort of nickname they call me in the news. Along with “blue blur” and “fastest thing alive” of course.
There’s other ultimates mentioned across the news, like the Ultimate Gunman, the Ultimate Fisherman, hell there’s even an Ultimate Life Form! However, there’s a lot more than just us four, more than what I can count on both my hands.
Doesn’t matter though, so long as I have the wind blowing through my quills, and the freedom to run wherever I desire, it doesn’t matter. Nothing else matters, just me and the breeze.
Which is why suddenly everything else matters.
The most I can recall before landing in this problem of mine was simply running through fields and enjoying the light breeze and sunlight, before suddenly falling over and all going dark.
The next thing I recall is… where I am now. Everything was all black before I dared to open my eyes and absorb my surroundings.
Different shades of green striped the grass, and a checkered pattern painted the dirt of the walls next to me. This wasn’t the same grass field I was soaring through. And sure, it was an open field. But despite it being a field, it felt more confined for some reason, suffocating even.
Sure blue filled the sky and the grass beneath my feet felt genuine, but everything felt off, fake even. Like my surroundings weren’t what I thought they were, and I was being lied to. It wasn’t even the same vast, emerald field I was running through originally.
I pushed myself off the ground, despite my arms and legs both threatening to give out. I managed to at least sit up though, taking a better glance at the surrounding. Still nothing I’ve ever seen before, which included an orange and white clump of fur lying in the dirt right in front of me.
I stood myself up, finally having gained the strength in my body to do so. I stepped over towards the ball of fluff, before crouching down and shaking the fur ball gently. “Hey, you okay?” I asked, concerned for the guy’s well-being. They didn’t look very familiar at all, and it only briefly crossed my mind that this guy could have been behind my situation. Sure it might have been the safer choice to step away from this person, but I was never the kind of person to care about safety. In fact, it seemed more likely he was probably in the same boat as me. “Hellooo?” I called again, shaking him a bit rougher.
A groan sounded from the pile of fur, seeming to signify that they were awake. They looked to their side, and I was met with wincing, blue eyes. “Hello…?” he voiced, slowly pushing themselves off the ground and into a limping, sitting position.
“Glad to see you’re awake, Sleepyhead.” I remarked.
The person looked from side to side, trying to get an understanding of his surroundings, before looking back at me. “Do you.. do you know where we are?” he asked weakly, obviously just as disoriented as I was.
I shook my head, “Nah, last I remember was running through a field different from this one, before suddenly falling over and everything going black. I just woke up here myself. Don’t know a single thing about here.” I explained. My answer didn’t seem to be the one he was looking for though, causing him to sigh.
“Dang. I was hoping you knew something. The last thing I remember myself was working in my workshop. I also just suddenly fell over and blacking out, before I woke up here to you shaking me.” he explains, holding his head with a wince. “I don’t even recognize this place myself.”
I let out a disappointed sigh before I stood up, putting a hand on my hip, with my free one scratching my head, “Well if you don’t know anything, I guess we’re in a similar situation then. Do you think others might be here?” I ask as I took a quick glance at my surroundings.
The boy utters a ‘hm’ sound, before beginning to tap his chin. “Well, I don’t see why others wouldn't be here. I don’t really have enough info about our location to make an accurate guess, but there is a possibility,” he answers, removing said hand. “Although there’s just as much of a possibility we’re the only ones here. So, maybe.”
I shrug, “Well, I guess we’ll never know unless we find out for ourselves. Which means explorin’ this place.” I step to the side, “Aand there’s a lot of ground to cover too. Which I could get done in five seconds flat buuuuttt… I assume you’d want to come along too. Sooo, you comin'?" I ask, offering a hand to help him up.
The boy’s eyes widened in surprise, although I couldn’t quite pinpoint what he was surprised about. There was an awkward bit of silence between us, causing me to motion my hand a bit, expecting an answer. “O-oh, ah, yeah! I’ll come! I’ll come.” he stammered, probably flustered. He grabs my hand, allowing me to pull him up.
With him standing now, I could get a better look at the guy, and he seemed harmless enough. Nothing to be too suspicious about. He was an orange fox with round baby blue eyes, simply wearing a pair of gloves and red and white shoes. His ears were perked up, with three strands of hair propping up. But most interesting, was the existence of a second, fluffy tail. He noticed I was staring at him, causing him to become even more flustered and hide his tail by wrapping it around his other. I frowned at this action, why should he hide it? It was pretty cool! However, my displeased look caused him to be a bit more concerned, not really helping his situation.
In order to attempt what I assume was a change of conversation, he asked, “So, before we begin, what’s your name? I’d like to at least get to know your name if possible.” The fox twiddled his fingers, avoiding eye contact. This guy was too worried.
I gave him the biggest grin I could, placing my hand on my hip, using my free one to aim a finger gun at him, shooting him a wink. “I’m Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! They call me the Ultimate Trackstar, or alternatively, the fastest thing alive.” I then used the hand with the finger gun to wipe under my nose, pride was beaming from me.
Someone else seemed to be beaming too, as the fox was looking at me with stars in his eyes. “YOU’RE Sonic the hedgehog?!” he cried out in excitement. A single nod from me was all he needed to explode with excitement, “Oh my god it really is you! I can’t believe I didn’t recognize THE Blue Blur! You set so many olympic records, you can go faster than the speed of light! I know I’m an Ultimate too-” Ohhh he’s an Ultimate too? That’s fun! “-but I never thought I’d meet another one! Especially THE Sonic the Hedgehog!” He shook his head as he began to wave his hands. He seemed to forget hiding his extra tail too, as they both began to wag with joy.
I felt a toothy grin spread across my lips, “I see I’ve got a fan over here,” I remark. “You’re an Ultimate too, right?” I ask as I acknowledge his status as an Ultimate, “What’s your name kid?” I admittedly don’t really know the names of other Ultimates, due to not paying attention to the news that much. I know their talents I think, maybe! I at least know the sports Ultimates, just not their names, or what they look like.
The fox then composes himself, suddenly making his hands go still, leaving one to scratch his head. “O-Oh! Weelll… I am the Ultimate Mechanic!” he explains, before looking to the side and twiddling his fingers, “My name is a little embarrassing though, so I try to avoid mentioning it.”
I nod in acknowledgement, “Well what if I gave you a nickname then? To avoid saying that embarrassing name.”
He seemed to shoot up at that, “Sure! What did you have in mind though?”
I hum, as I inspected the fox’s appearance. The second tail still seemed to be unknowingly out here. As I made that observation though, it hit me. “I’ll call ya Tails!” I announce.
The fox then shrunk back, looking behind himself, his ears drooping when he saw two tails behind him. “So you saw,” he acknowledges, letting out a disappointing sigh.
I nod scratching my head, “Yeah I did. Why? What’s the matter?”
He pulled the second one in front of him, kneading the fluffy orange appendage, “It’s just... embarrassing. I guess. I don’t really want to talk about it…” he explains, trailing off as he looks to the side, avoiding eye contact.
I raise an eyebrow, before shaking my head. “Well I think it’s cool!” I remark, “But I can call you something else if you don’t like it.”
“No no! It’s fine! If you like them then Tails is fine! I’m sure I’ll grow into the nickname. It’s better than my actual name I think.” He explains, before uttering, “It’s the first time someone said my extra tail is cool anyways...”
“Yeah! It really is! I think you should proud of it.” I say, trying to encourage him.
He gives me a bashful smile, “O-okay. I’ll try… thank you Sonic,” he mutters.
I beam, motioning for him to join me, “Well then, Tails. What do you say about us going exploring for a bit now? We can tell more about each other while we’re exploring if you want.”
He gives a rapid nod in acknowledgement as he let go of his tail, “Yeah! Okay!” I notice he didn’t try to hide it this time, but seeming to keep it out for a bit. While he didn’t seem exactly too comfortable yet, judging by his lopsided, unsure grin that seemed to be a little forceful, it was a step in the right direction. He joined my side as we set foot across the grassy, wavy terrain, taking in whatever we could see.
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newagesispage · 3 years
OCTOBER                           2021
We miss U Charlie Watts!!
The Stones performed at a private party for Patriots owner Robert Kraft of all people. The test run looked like just that. Shark jumped. I am becoming disillusioned.
SNL is back with Owen Wilson as first host of season 47. Kacey Musgraves is the musical guest. Episode 2 will have a ridic choice for host. Halsey will sing. I suppose $ is power with the Kardashians. I could think of about 10 million other people to host but more and more Lorne goes for the shiny object , what he THINKS people want instead of taking risk. Beck Bennett is out.
Is everybody watching the Amber Ruffin Show?? I loved her before but now… I learn so much from her show. Sometimes it takes a comic to get to the real serious shit. For example: Have you heard of drowning towns? Towns like Oscarville, Kowaliga, York hill, Seneca Village, Prentiss and countless other black towns that were drowned out to make lakes for the local whites. Central Park was also made after a black community was erased from history. Development displacement? Alleyway dwelling authority? Even those rabid for history can find out new things everyday. Thanks Amber!!
Bob Woodward and Robert Costa are finally giving us Peril !!!!!!  I’ve been waiting!!** I was in political nerd heaven on Sept. 24 when Yamiche hosted Robert, Bob and Weijia Jang on Washington Week. All of my favorite pundits all together at one table, my dream team!!
Iman looked great at the Met Gala!! Other great looks belonged to AOC, Tessa Thompson, Maluma, Helen Lasichanb and Pharrell Williams. Gigi Hadid, Kiki Layne, Ashton Sanders, Hailee Steinfeld, Kehlani, Zoe Kravitz, Michaela Cole, Lili Reinhart, Kate Hudson and Shai Gilgeous- Alexander were great. Whoopi Goldberg seemed a bit off.
Jason Isbell is back with his latest offering, Georgia Blue.
I see a lot of Title Max type establishment are closing down. Are they a thing of the past? Let’s hope.
Law and Order is coming back to NBC for season 21. Dick Wolf will own 2 entire nights of television. Some of the old cast is reported to be returning.
Britney Spears Father was suspended as her conservator.
Timothy Chalamet, Rowan Atkinson, Sally Hawkins and Olivia Coleman will star in Wonka.
The 2022 Super Bowl halftime show will bring us Snoop Dogg, Eminem, Mary J. Blige, Dr. Dre and Kendrick Lamar.
People are doing test runs for school board positions to see if their political ideas will play well for the big leagues. If they don’t seem to work, at least they can sometimes change the rules in their own area.
Joe Rogan got Covid.
Lake Michigan beaches were closed down thanks to a US Steel plant chemical leak.
Is this country the master of endless administrative work?  None of us should have been surprised at the red tape that the slowed down the end of the war in Afghanistan.** Uber donated 50k for rides and meals to the Afghans when they arrive.**And why do so many waste taxpayer $ on useless recounts and recalls when people need real help with food and healthcare? They must really hate humanity.
R. Kelly was found guilty of 8 counts of sex trafficking and 1 count of racketeering.
Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. – Dwight D. Eisenhower
Texas has put a law into effect to allow most Texans to carry open without permit or training.
Texas has banned abortion at about 6 weeks. Uber and Lyft will pay drivers legal fees if sued under Texas abortion law. Lyft donated $1mil to Planned Parenthood. ** Look for the ruling in the Mississippi law over Roe V. Wade in June 2022.**Hear us roar!** BTW.. Go Jen Psaki!!!!!!!
They seriously banned plastic straws and abortion before assault rifles? – Eden Dranger
Please stop banning abortions, the last thing the world needs is more Americans. –Sarah Beattie
Women don’t inseminate themselves. Vasectomies are reversible. Should every man have one until he’s deemed financially and emotionally fit to be a Father? – Bradley Whitford
90 year old William Shatner will go to space for Blue Origin.
The Q Anon Shaman pled guilty to a felony for obstructing the Electoral College proceedings. I say 20 years and a $250K fine.** 600 others have been indicted.
Days Alert: The Beyond Salem thing was ridic but it was so great to see some old characters.  Days is so great at visiting old family. Who can resist Shane, Austin and Carrie, Billie and the old Kristen? I do wish that Peacock would get their kinks out!! Back to the real Days: Are we smelling an Emmy for Susan Seaforth Hayes and Bill?? ** Good to have Abigail back. It is always fun to wonder which actress and or personality it will be. ** Deidre Hall got her star on the walk of fame.**And just in time for Halloween, the Devil is making a comeback. The end of the year in Salem is always the best!! It is so brave to give the 96 year old man the old switcheroo into the Dark Lord.  It was fun to see the grandkids discover Grandma Marlena’s story. Delicious!! Hail Satan!!** It is past time for Tate and Teresa to come back to town. Brady needs to be put in his place. And thanks for the Philip and Chloe flashbacks!!
The breakdown of the vaccinated: 90% of Atheists, 86% Hispanic Catholic, 84% Agnostic, 79% White Catholic, 73% White mainline protestant, 70% Black mainline protestant, 57% white evangelical. 1 in 500 Americans have died of Covid.
So Mike Lindell and Jim Baker have teamed up to sell children’s Bible pillows.** Piers Morgan has returned to the Murdoch organization by joining Fox. That sounds about right.
Please stop saying the vaccine does not have severe side effects, I took my shots and now I’m alive and have to keep working. –Mohand Eishieky
In theatres Oct. 22: The French Dispatch.** October also brings us a new season of Curb your enthusiasm and Oct. 17 will catch us up on Succession. Whew!!!
So people under conservatorship are not free to marry who they want? What?
46% of Americans believe in ghosts.
Simone Biles, Mckayla Maroney and Aly Rasiman testified at  the Senate judiciary hearing about the FBI’s handling of accusations against Larry Nassar and it was eye opening!
We wanted a no -nonsense Dem who pushes on and does not puss out.  I am a bit surprised to see we have it. There are so many pressing issues that I hope Biden works a bit more on Haiti though.
The National Police Act was passed to celebrate cops. Still no police reform.
John Mulaney and Olivia Munn are going to have a baby.
The Emmy’s were a little different this year with more of a Golden Globe look.  Cedric the Entertainer hosted with Reggie Watts as DJ. Lots of minority noms but barely a win. It was a white people night. Ted Lasso had a great night. Mare of Eastown took home a few with Evan Peters, Julianne Nicholson and Kate Winslet. Now, Kate is great but how did Anya Taylor- Joy not walk away with that? Queens Gambit did win a couple and gave the longest speech with the seemingly arrogant director Scott Frank who opened up 2 page acceptance. Categories were tough but I was routing for Renee Elise Goldberry and Bowen Yang but perhaps next year. The people in England who had their own party for all the statues that the Crown won seemed to be having more fun! Hacks won for writing and directing and Jean Smart!! It was nice to see the Norm Macdonald love which was barely mentioned by Lorne but celebrated by John Oliver. Colbert ‘s election night special won as did JB Smoove. Hamilton won and Debbie Allen got the big one. I do not understand why real singers and or musicians have to be there for the in Memoriam. It takes me out of it a bit and concentrates the focus on them. Do they think that people will pay attention more? Do they want to keep the home audience or live audience from the bathroom?  My best dressed were Anya Taylor-Joy, Michaela Cole who won for I may destroy you, Jean Smart, Josh O’Connor, Kathryn Hahn, Billy Porter, MJ Rodriguez, Keenan Thonpson, Leslie Odom Jr., Catherine O’Hara, Trevor Noah, Eugene Levy, Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys, Bowen Yang,  Anthony Anderson, Leslie Grossman, Amber Ruffin, Allyson Felix, Renee Elise Goldberry, Samira Wiley and Rege- Jean Page. My worst were Sarah Paulson, Gillian Anderson,  Beanie Feldstein, Elizabeth Olsen and Aidy Bryant. To me the best part of the show was the enthusiasm of Conan and the way he injected himself into much of the evening .He was the show.  Go Conan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Next year there must be some Emmys for Sarah Paulson and Cobie Smulders in Impeachment!!!!!
Oh Boy!! The Eyes of Tammy Faye!!
Looking forward to the Electric Life of Louis Wain with Benedict Cumberbatch and Claire Foy.
Abba has a new album!!
Shang Chi is the biggest Labor Day opening with a $71.4 mil opening.
Sen. Amy Klobuchar has announced she has breast cancer.
Is it the 70’s? A streaker ran past the studio of the Today show.
Rascal Flatts Joe Don Rooney was arrested for DUI.** Nicholas Cage was thrown out of a prime rib pace in Vegas after being drunk and disorderly.
Jennifer Eckhart has filed a lawsuit against former Fox news anchor Ed Henry for rape and retaliation after allegedly being handcuffed and beaten.
Scarlett Johansson has settled her Disney lawsuit.
Pete Buttigieg and Chasten had twins they named Penelope Rose and Joseph August.
I noticed a commercial for Dancing with the Stars. Are we onto the E list because I have heard of hardly any of these people. ‘Stars’is really stretching it. And as I post this I see there are some covid issues there as well.
Virgin River was renewed for 2 more seasons.
Trevor Noah is right? Why do they stop giving lollipops to adults at the doctor?
Jon Stewart is back on Apple tv with ‘The problem with Jon Stewart.
Brooklyn 99 had about the best finale (other than Newhart) that I can recall. I had my fingers crossed that Chelsea would be back. Will they honor us like they did in the show and come back for a special about once a year? That would be fucking awesome!!
Don’t expect compliments from an insecure person.- Mr. Pickles
Thousands and thousands of people are in need. Haitian refugees and other immigrants have seen nothing like this what with assassination, a hurricane and earthquake. The Southern border is a mess.** Why does Fox news keep telling refugees the border is open as they sit back and laugh at Biden’s predicament.  Spreading false info to intentionally hurt poor, distressed people has no end for them.
Do companies know how fucked up their employment websites are? It is true that some people do not want to work. It is true that people schedule interviews and don’t show up. It is also true that companies have made it so hard to apply that many can’t. I suppose it is easier for them but the poor who may really want to work have a hard time. Paper applications are almost completely gone. The old fashioned way of walking into low paying job sites and finding a connection with a manager rarely exist. Some places only accept texts or have long ridiculous psych tests that a working Mother may not have time for. A Father working many hours already, may not be able to go to the library to get online if they cannot afford a computer. Many websites tell you that there no positions available in your area while there is a huge sign in front of the establishment. Can’t find people to work.. Gee I wonder why?? And treat people with respect once you find them, how about that?
Keep your head up in failure, and your head down in success. –Jerry Seinfeld
Hey.. There was a van air B’n B biz going that got busted. Hey.. The poor need vaca’s too. It is wrong but If they are willing to sleep in a van, why not. I truly think that many do not understand how much people are struggling.
Free coffee day came and went but only a few places really gave you free coffee without rules to govern the promo. Some places wanted to sell you something else and some made you belong to their club. Starbucks held that customers had to come inside for the free cup of Joe, handicapped or not.
One would think the Republicans would run out of $ for recounts but they have deep pockets. Just think how much good they could do for the huddled masses with that scratch.
Sad to lose Mick Brigden, protégé of Bill Graham who managed The Stones and worked with Frampton, Dylan and Santana.** And the comics were very vocal about the loss of Norm Macdonald. He was one of a kind and he will be missed!
R.I.P. Ruth Marx, Lee Scratch Perry, Willard Scott, Jean-Paul Belmondo, Isadore Bleckman, George Wein, Michael K. William,George Holliday, Anthony Johnson,  Basil Hoffman, Al Harrington,Willie Garson, Mick Brigden, Tommy Kirk and Norm Macdonald.
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parnelbedlam · 4 years
12th century England and the Wayhaven Chronicles
Let me preface this with I am not trying to bash Sera’s work in anyway. I am a fan of the Wayhaven chronicles and don’t want this post to be seen in the wrong light. I love seeing fanart and writings of the text and in no way mean to hurt anyone with this post, rather I’d like to help inform on this particular area.
I understand that this work is fiction, that it isn’t reality but does seem to reflect our world just with a hidden supernatural spin. As such it stands to reason that the 12th century in Wayhaven is the same as in the real world (or at least closely resembling). But because it is fiction it doesn’t have to conform to reality and thus this may all be moot.
If you’d like to learn a bit more about 12th century England please read on if not just ignore this post.
(any pictures used that are not credited are taken from the Historia Normannis re-enactment group)
So straight off the bat, regarding Adam/Ava and the 12th century there are some things about them that simply don’t fit the period.
Now to understand why I care about a few small details; I have been a 12th century re-enactor in England for the past 6 years (and a multi- period re-enactor for around 8) . As such while there is definitely much more I can learn I do have a fairly good grasp of the early Norman period (in England as least). My group aims to portray Norman life in England from peasants to Nobles and I’m heavily involved in the drapery.
1. Adam/Ava’s name is slightly off
So ‘du’ means ‘of’ in French but here’s where every English school lies to their students; The Normans aren’t French. Rather they’re Vikings who were given land by the French. Anyway with that bit of history out of the way the connective used for names by the Normans in England at this time isn’t Du but De so De Lacey, De La Ware ect.
Fun fact; Adam/Ava would have had several ways you could refer to them as last names weren’t what they are now as such they would have been refered to as Adam De Mortain, Adam Fitz[insert father’s name here] (Fitz mean son of) or Ava of (wherever they lived in England).
From what I understand Adam isn’t the most popular name in the 12th century, he’s much more likely to be named William, Stephen, Henry, Steven, Robert or Richard (note how many kings and royalty of the time have those names). Adam become more popular as a name around the 13th cen but this is something I would have to look more into to properly comment on so take it with a pinch of salt.
Ava is fine I think? Ada works as an alternative that’s the name I use on encampment. Some popular ones of the period are Matilda, Eleanor, Margaret, Isolda is another (Emperess Matilda and Eleanor of Aquitaine are some incredible women who do not get enough credit in history)
The doomsday book is an excellent source for understanding names in England at the time (it’s basically a survay of England and a portion of Wales ordered by William the Conqueror a couple of decades after he became king).
2. Gender Roles in Norman society
Norman society had gender roles, it just did. Less so for peasants (some crafts were seen as more a man’s domain or a woman’s but that’s about it, didn’t see many men embroidering and women doing blacksmithing) but very clear ones for nobles.
Noble women basically ran the estate, they had the keys for the coffers, the doors and handled the money. Their power and status was signified by a large ring of keys they would wear on their belt with the only other person having this being a steward. After all if you have lots of keys and those keys are made of say brass which is more expensive then cast iron you must have a pretty big estate and wealth.
Men in contrast showed this with a sword at their belt. Contrary to media swords were not something anyone had access to in the middle ages, they were expensive (think luxury sports car) and only really good for killing people. You can’t really use it to cut your bread or skin a rabbit, if you did have some extra money for wargear you would buy a helmet or some armour before you bought a sword. Even most mercenaries didn’t use swords, it was symbol of wealth.
Noble men were taught from an early age how to fight and were squired to knights to learn the ways of warfare (they didn’t just learn how to fight but it was a large part of their education).
Women didn’t fight on the battlefield at all, knight Ava would not have been a thing. Women did occassionally command armies such as if their castle was being besieged but they didn’t fight as knights. I know this was done so that there weren’t any differences between the characters of Adam or Ava but in reality it wouldn’t be a thing.
Some of the things both were taught though was horse riding and hunting, as well as poetry and music. There were pleanty of noble men who were troubadour and women who were trobairitz (travelling musicians/composers, not quite like how bards are portrayed as today).
3. Battlefield Etiquette and armour
Knights don’t kill other knights they took them hostage. This was because a dead knight was worth what he was wearing but an alive knight could be ransomed back to his family for much more. As such it was seen poorly if you did murder a knight when you could have taken them ransom (most knights would surrender if they felt they were in danger, people aren’t stupid).
Plate did not exist in the 12th century, what was worn was maille (or chain maille except maille means chain so it was just called maille). This is more so what Adam would be wearing;
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What he’s wearing is a badded gambison under the armour to protect against blunt blows (like from a mace) while on top of that he has maille to protect against slashes (he’s also got his cloth undergarments underneath is all). The cloth on top is a surcoat and would be of your heraldry or your lords heraldry and basically signified to everyone else that you were a knight (so difficult to kill and very good at killing).
Underneath the helmet the maille overs his head and neck (called a coif) and then under that he has a padded arming cap. As such it’s a little difficult to wip your helmet off movie style and you’re face would be covered in oil and sweat, hair sticking to your head. Maille is really good at pulling hair out so you would always have something underneath it (ealier periods, like the vikings, who didn’t wear gambisons wore their tunic underneath).
4. Fashion
This is more just to give an idea of what fashion in the 12th century was like. Media tends to portray the medieval period incorrectly, as dirty and dull and with random bits of fur and leather strapped to people (really Vikings tv show? fur on the outside of your cloak to get wet?)
Much to the opposite, people in the medieval period were clean (they washed) they didn’t just leave dirt on themselves and given peasants didn’t have too much money they kept very good care of their clothing as they couldn’t just get another one everytime they ripped their dress or tunic (or buy the fabric to make another).
Bright coloured clothing was also very popular, it’s harder to dye clothing a bright or deep colour and some colours (purple and black) could only be achieved through using rare dyes. So if you had a bright dress it showed you had more money. Norman’s weren’t so big on jewellry so they showed wealth through their clothing; the colour, the embroidery, the quality of fabric and if it had excess fabric.
So lets start with Ava.
I’m going to assume that Adam/Ava’s family were upper nobility so had a fair bit of wealth behind them.
Firstly woman’s heads were covered, it was seen as immodist for a woman of age to show her ears (only harlots do that). Mostly what was worn was a wimple which is basically a linen head scalf like so;
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But Ava is a noble so she has some other options open to her such as a veil (similar to wimple but flows down the back of the person) or the risque barbette which was very fashionable among the upper nobility.
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(maniacal medievalist - wordpress)
Dresses covered the body and just barely touch the floor, low neck lines aren’t in yet so the only skin a woman would be showing is her hands and face (and neck if veil or barbette). You wouldn’t really be able to see her collar bones as that is about where the neckline of the shift and dress are.
Dresses were tight fitting and were worn with a shift underneath (made of linen and basically under garments), Normans (with more money) would dye the shift either white or a contrasting colour. The neck hem and wrists of the dress were often embroidered (if you were very rich you could embroider it with prescious stones and metal thread)
Noble women would often have long impractical sleeves that were embroidered and had a contrasting colour inside to show off their wealth (less wealth smaller bell sleeves). (If say hunting, tight fitted sleeves were recommended, bell sleeves are really impractical for doing anything)
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Next we have Adam.
Men’s fashion in the 12th century was similar to women, they wore long tunics (longer the richer you were) with a linen shift underneath, they also wore linen braise (basically underwear) with tight fitting woolen hose (basically stocking). It was the fashion to show off your calves.
Men’s clothing was also embroidered and they wore hats or linen coifs on their heads (it’s only really recently in history where it has become the norm not to wear a hat). The neckline would also be about around the collar bones.
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Also quick side notes; cloaks don’t have hoods, hoods are a separate piece of clothing that cover the shoulders
Rings aren’t popular yet, you’ll see much more metal studs on belts or precious stones on clock pins then you’ll see rings. Cross necklaces for men are common, rosaries on the belt for women (richer women would have precious stones on the rosary).
If you’ve gotten this far thank you for reading this, I do appriciate it. This post was made because while I love Adam/Ava and seeing fanart of Ava as a knight, but as a 12th century re-enactor the inaccuracies grated on me (something that plagues many re-enactors who care about authenticity in media, aka the Vikings and Assassin’s Creed Valhalla are horrible representation of what the vikings looked like please stop media).
I hope this post has been informative of the 12th century, it’s one of the lesser known periods of the medieval age and there’s a lot of misinformation about it. As stated at the top this post is purely to help inform about the period and is in now way meant as an attack on the work, Sera or others.
I hope you have a good day.
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nightmaresart · 4 years
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𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓶𝓪𝓴𝓮𝓼 𝓹𝓮𝓸𝓹𝓵𝓮 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮
That I'd fallen for a lie?
You were never on my side
Fool me once, fool me twice
Are you death or paradise?
Now you'll never see me cry
There's just no time to die
No time to die - Billie Eilish
𝕭𝖆𝖘𝖎𝖈 𝕴𝖓𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
Full Name: Lewis Daniel Gallach
Meaning of Name:
The name Lewis is from English origins and its often said that it means "Warrior" or "Gift from God"
The name Daniel is from Hebrew origins and means "God is my judge"
Nickname: Lewy, Daniel, Ghost
Reason of Nickname:
Lewy: Lewy is the nickname that his mother gave to him when he was a young boy and it stuck with him ever since
Daniel: Daniel is a lesser known nickname for Lewis that his mother only used when she was upset, so he doesn't like it when people call him just Daniel
Ghost: Ghost is the nickname that alot of people at Hogwarts gave the young boy due to his pale complexion and his pale eyes. Its a nickname that is always used in a mocking manner as the people who use it don't know the boy personally
Gender identity: Cis-male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Queer
Age: 17, depends on what I write
Birthday: 11-11
Zodiac sign: Scorpio ♏
Place of birth: Sint Andrews, Scotland
Blood status: Pure Blood
𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖊
Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw
The wand: Willow, Augurey Tail feather core, 11 ⅓ inches
Willow: Willow is an uncommon wand wood with healing power, and I have noted that the ideal owner for a willow wand often has some (usually unwarranted) insecurity, however well they may try and hide it. While many confident customers insist on trying a willow wand (attracted by their handsome appearance and well-founded reputation for enabling advanced, non-verbal magic) my willow wands have consistently selected those of greatest potential, rather than those who feel they have little to learn. It has always been a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow.
Augurey Tail Feather: Augureys, or Irish phoenixes, were once associated with powerful Dark wands, as their cries were thought to signify an upcoming death. However, they were in reality never a strong Dark core, and were more accurately a powerful core for Divinations. Misunderstood students may find themselves bonded to an augurey wand, although these wands are altogether quite rare.
Patronus: Little Owl
Little Owl - So tiny and yet so observant, these introverted creatures are bound to share this trait with any witch or wizard capable of casting them. Although they don’t mind occasionally rubbing feathers with strangers, they largely prefer marching to the beat of their own drum without the immediate oversight of others. If this is your Patronus, it is likely that you do some of your best work alone and are a firm believer that introverts can go toe to toe with some of the more boisterous members of the animal kingdom.
Magical abilities: Necromancy/Reanimation
Necromancy: The power to utilize magic involving the dead, death-force and/or souls.
Reanimation: Power to reanimate corpses and dead beings. 
He can bring creatures and people back, or atleast reanimate their corpses but it takes a toll on his physical health, the older he gets the more powerful and useful this ability of his becomes.
Himself surrounded by dead creatures and people, all clawing at him to bring them back to live
Riddikulus form:
The corpses disapear and it turns into a small ghost dog that jumps around him while barking with a high pitch
What do they smell?
Homemade pies, the comfort of his own room and the cold and open corridors after a storm
What do they smell like?
He smells like old corridors, ink and a crackling campfire with a hint of mint
Mirror of Erised
He sees himself alive and well in the future with his friends still by his side, being able to be himself without getting hurt or having to hide who he is anymore
𝕻𝖍𝖞𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖆𝖑 𝖆𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊
Eye Colour: Pale Grey
Hair Colour: Pitch Black
Hair Style: He doesn't have a specific hair style, its mostly just what he wakes up with and rolls with, if he slept at all that is.
Weight: 68 kg or 149 lbs
Height: 1,85 m or 6 ft
Type of Body/Build: Ectomorph, Skinny
Skin Tone: Pale Ivory
Distinguishing Marks: His unsettling pale skin paired with his unsettling white/pale eyes
Face claim: Finlay Macmillan
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Overall Personality
A reserved and introverted guy who struggles alot with himself. He prefers to stay quiet and just doesn't like to speak when it's not necessary. He seems cold and distant but in reality he is just afraid of what people might think of him. He just doesn't know what to do with both himself and with others.
Briggs myer type: ISTJ
Good traits:
Observant, Gentle, Listener, Creative, Reserved
Bad traits:
Closed off, Wary, Picky, Panicky
Towards people they hate
He doesn't interact with the people he hates at all, he avoids them at all costs and doesn't even spare them a glance when he does walk by them
Towards people they tolerate
Only a simple glance and sometimes even a faint smile with a small wave if they were to wave and smile at the boy first
Towards people they consider friends
He is still a hit wary around his friends and isn't the loudest person you can come across, but he certainly allows them to come close to him and even talks back when they're striking up a conversation with him
Father: Unknown
Mother: Eliana Gallach
Orla Atkinson, Lilith Devereux @hphmbetty , Danny Gibson @catohphm Gallen Stagg @cursebreakerfarrier , Logan Rosseto @demon-twins-and-co
Rivals: TBD
Born to a single mother in Sint Andrews, Scotland, the family was always cast in a bad light due to it not being complete in the old fashioned way. His mother however tried her best to take care of Lewis and worked alot as a result of this, due to this Lewis spend most of his youth alone in the house, reading the old books his mother would bring back and just watching people from his window.
It was pretty difficult for him growing up because his mother told him to stay inside to protect him when she was away, this caused the young boy to gain his pale complexion, barely being outside and in the sun long enough to get a healthy tan.
When he was nine years old he was in the backyard and found a dead mouse, curious about it he picked it up and cradled it in his hands. This managed to bring the mouse back to live which scared the young boy. He screamed and his mother ran outside to see what was going on. From that moment on she made him swear to never pick up a dead animal ever again and he did.
He arrived at Hogwarts at the age of eleven and immediately shut himself out, he wasn't used to soo many people in one place that it made him feel too overwhelmed. This stayed this way until he made his first friend who also happened to be his roommate, Danny Gibson.
This is also when he tries to rediscover his power again and learn more about it without his mother being there to punish him
𝕽𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖔𝖒 𝕱𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘
Lewis has an incredible difficult time understanding other people and thus has an extremely difficult time making new friends or new contacts
Lewis looks extremely pale due to him barely going outside during the day
Once he befriends people he is still awkward but he is trying his best
He is extremely fascinated by the dead and often goes out of his way to talk with the hogwarts ghosts
He finds it easier to talk to those who are dead than to those who are alive
He is quite fearful of his own powers and while also wanting to learn more about them, he knows it hurts his body and affects his health
He has a sketchbook filled with detailed portraits of those he finds intriguing
If you want your mc to be added to his friends, or rival list, please just send me a message and it will be done!
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