#silly finley rambles
fortheloveofxenia · 1 year
i kinda want to have a new pfp for all my accounts but this one has kinda become my brand…
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For Maribat March day 24 theme story
Master List 
“You know I remember the day I first saw him. My baby brother.” Marinette announced as all the Batkids formed a circle around her, like they were all students listening to their teacher read a story. Only this wasn’t an ordinary story she was telling, “Mom and Dad came home from the hospital holding a tiny human. I was 7 at the time, yet even after all these years I still remember.” 
“Was baby Bruce cute?” Steph asked. 
“He was the cutest little thing. His eyes were so innocent and curious, and blue, very blue. And when he grabbed my finger he didn’t let go until it was time for my mom to feed him. But baby Bruce was also boring, he did the traditional baby things like cry, poop his diaper, cry, eat baby food, and cry. But you wanna know what wasn’t boring, toddler Bruce.” All the Batkids subconsciously leaned in closer, eager to hear what embarrassing things Bruce did as a kid. “You know, my parents gave us nicknames when we were both toddlers, they called me butterfly, and him rhino.” 
“Why?” Tim blurted out, he didn’t get enough sleep to stop himself. 
“They said that when I was younger, I would float around like a butterfly, floating with the wind. But when my brother was younger he headbutted into everything, it was like his only solution to his problems. I’m surprised he didn’t get brain damage or something, hence the nickname rhino. I was their little butterfly and he was their little rhino. Those were good times.” 
“Wait, but you said that you went to school in Paris, right? So what happened there?” Babs interjected, curiosity written all over her face. 
“Don’t worry Babs, I’m getting there. Soon Bruce was no longer a toddler but a little kid. Now I know he doesn’t remember this, but when it was his first day of kindergarten, he was 5 I was 12, and I went with our mom to pick him up. He was holding hands with this girl, she was adorable, had her hair in pigtails and everything, ran up to me and said ‘Nettie Nettie! This is Josie and she’s my best friend!’ It was the cutest thing, it was only his first day of school and he had a best friend. We won’t talk about her parents or the fact that she moved the following year, but it was so cute in the moment. He had another friend, Logan, for a few years but he moved away too. I’m glad he moved away, he was such a bad influence on Bruce.” Her eyes landed on Cass who was trying to grab her attention.
“Why was this Logan a bad influence?” Cass signed. 
“Think of Logan as that one kid who always got detention, skipped class, didn’t do the work, talked back to the teacher, and always got his parents called in, but in the body and energy of a 9 to 14 boy. I mean, when they were in the 8th grade he tried to get Bruce to smoke. Pretty sure he was sent to military school or something. Good riddance.” 
Damian scoffed, “You still haven’t answered the question of how you ended up in Paris.”
“Oh I haven’t! Dang it I was rambling again. So when I was 12 our parents decided it would be a good idea to send me to an art school in Paris, since I was and am very into designing and our parents wanted to get me out of Gotham. They were going to do the same with Bruce but…” She trailed off and for the first time since they had met her she seemed to close in on herself as a few tears trickled down her cheek, “They would’ve loved you guys, if they got to meet you. I wasn’t there when it happened so I’m nowhere near as traumatized as Bruce but it still hurt.” She brought her sleeve up and wiped the tears off her face. 
Dick got up from his spot and hugged Marinette, Cass went over and did the same. 
“Thank you guys, man that was such a downer. Here I thought I would be telling you happy, silly stories about Bruce and now I’m crying.” 
Dick and Cass took a step back to give her more room and Cass signed, “You might not have been there, but they were your parents too.”
“Thank you Cass, now who wants to hear about how Bruce tried to impress a girl for the first and last time?” 
“Hell Y-” Jason was interrupted by Bruce’s voice. 
She whirled around and at the doorway stood Bruce, he probably just got home from work.
“Baby Bro! You’re finally home!” She ran over and picked him up in a hug. All the kids' jaws were on the ground, this woman who was a head shorter than Bruce was able to pick him up without any problems. 
“Marinette you can put me down, we’re getting too old for this.” Bruce tried to say with the little dignity he had left. 
“I’ll never be too old to carry you!” Marinette stated, grinning from ear to ear.
“Wait so are you gonna tell us about how Bruce tried to impress that one girl?” Duke innocently asked. 
“Oh yeah,” She ran back over to them, “Her name was Finely and-” 
“Don’t tell them about that!” Bruce yelled at her. 
“Why not?” Marinette challenged.
“No, don’t Marinette me! I refuse to let Kate be a cooler aunt than me! I mean I helped train you for goodness sake!” 
“Wait, you helped train him?” Damian questioned. 
“Well yeah-”
“I wanna hear that story!” Tim shouted, seeming to not be as sleep deprived as he once was mere minutes ago. 
“Wait no! I wanna hear about how B embarrassed himself in front of Finley!” Jason shouted back. 
Soon all the batkids had taken sides on which stories they wanted to hear first and then it was war. Marinette and Bruce watched from the sidelines, one amused, one annoyed. 
“Now look at what you’ve done.” Bruce stated, annoyance and tiredness clear in his voice. 
“Hey I was just trying to give them a good story. They’re your kids so you get the joy of reining them in,” She checked the time on her phone, “Yikes that late already huh. Bye kiddos see you tomorrow!” 
Although none of them heard her over their screams and battle cries. It wasn’t until a full hour later when Babs finally pointed out she was gone. 
“Where’d she go?” Steph asked. 
“Miss Marinette left quite a while ago, Miss Steph,” Alfred answered, appearing out of nowhere as always, “Now I believe it is time for dinner.” 
All the batkids made their way to the dining room, frowns on their faces. When Bruce finally sighed, “She’ll be back tomorrow.” Against his better judgement. 
Marinette only brought chaos with her and left a mess behind in her wake. But in the end she was his sister, one of the only things still standing despite how much his life tried to knock her down, it’d be wrong to ask her not to come back. So with a sigh he sent the text he knew she was waiting for. ‘Your welcome back tomorrow.’
Look who’s back from the dead! School killed me but I am back. I think what I’m gonna do is post 2 things for Maribat March despite it no longer being March every time I come back. So day 18 was where we had Little Sis Marinette, now we have Big Sis Marinette. I have not given up on Maribat March, life simply got busy. Hope everyone enjoyed this!
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At times I’ve wondered just how much of my OCs are basically me or just how much of me is in them all. So Imma just go ramble about that for a bit ‘cause I feel like it and it’s my sideblog so whatever.
Luna: I mean, I guess I do have a bit of a mischievous streak and just don’t care much for following the rules.
Jewel: I am also not great with social skills and stuff.
So these two I guess have like ONE trait of mine just extracted and taken up to the extremes while accompanied by other traits surrounding it which I don’t have.
Allets: A lot of the traits and interests that she suppresses are actually ones that I have myself, like being energetic and silly and having a really childish sense of fun. So...I guess a lot of her character could possible be, like, me if I had lived my whole life since birth in an environment that didn’t support and appreciate the kind of person I was and just did everything it could to force me into a strict boring mold? And if I was also a princess?
Eliote: No, Eliote isn’t me. She’s pretty much just entirely based off of Branch, actually! XD I’m struggling to give her more of her own character outside of that... it feels like somehow she already does kinda have her own voice though, just has a different feel to her... maybe I never was putting really everything about Branch into it and somehow I already was doing something different with her to begin with? Just don’t know exactly what? I dunno.
Maddie T: Okay, and here we have one of the characters who actually IS at least partially a self-insert. Though a lot of her is basically just all of my silliness and general quirkiness extracted and taken up a few notches.
Finley: Again, this one’s not me. Finley started out as mostly a self-insert for my imaginary friend, but with a few tweaks--like, she has that kind of natural gift for magic and fascination with it wanting to learn as much as possible, but I feel like her talents and powers don’t go quite as far as my imaginary friend’s and she’s a lot less skilled and knowledgeable and slips up a lot more. Plus she’s more of a perfectionist and a neat freak, and I realize now that almost above all she’s just way less chaotic. Somehow I can’t quite see her as being the type to put sprinkles on pizza, or take any dare in Truth or Dare even if it endangers lives,
Penny: Honestly I think she might be the second-biggest self-insert here. I think in some way she kinda was partly meant to be me as a vampire. She has my optimism and enthusiasm and goofy sense of humor and liking for color and music and arts and crafts and all. She even had a happy childhood up until around the age of 6th grade when things suddenly got really bad and she was in the worst emotional state for a year or two but used all the optimism and bright colors and music and stuff to pull herself back up though the pain’s still there and life’s never gonna be like before. I think, though, that BOTH the happy and unhappy sides of her have been exaggerated a bit, taken up a notch or two, and some other traits of mine might’ve been left out. Y’know?
Twig: I think she might take the win for biggest self-insert of the bunch. She has MY nickname that I imagine would be my name as a troll, the appearance I’ve imagined having as a troll, and just a whole lot of her traits big and small are basically just me. She actually did start off as a complete self-insert, but...she has retained some insecurities that I only had for maybe a year or two and are lessened and much more subtle now if any of them remains in me, while for her they’ve been a constant presence her whole life. And somehow she ended up growing a bunch of traits of her own. Also, I mainly write her as being like five years younger than me, which makes for some more differences I guess? Though I do occasionally imagine her when she does get to my age and I imagine she gets less insecure by then and, when I think about it, actually does once again become a total self-insert. But like...again, I don’t usually think about her at that age, I usually think of her at eleven years old, with major insecurities I don’t have and a bunch of other characteristics that mysteriously emerged which also aren’t quite me. So...it’s complicated, all right?
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