#silm ask game
nighttimepatrons · 8 months
🐉 A lot of figures in the Silm have weird Eldritch powers or possibly biology. Tell us about your headcanons for one.
And, also, do other characters know about the eldritchness?
man you knoooowwww you know I love spot of Eldritch Elrond. It's iconic, it slays 💅
I love Celebrian being like "This his my husband Elrond, most of the time he's an elf, and sometimes he's an earthquake that can look at things. :) "
like put that eldritch peredhel under the earth where they belong.
And not to always bring Glorfindel into everything but :)))) literally just this morning I was thinking about the Valar keep having him go do stuff for them and they're like "Here's extra ainur juice to get it done, see you in 78 years, bye bye" And Glorfindel's just like "Damn, okay." anyway my point being surely there is only so much godly power you can be gifted before you just stop being an elf. I don't know if that would make him Eldritch but that's what I've been thinking about ^^
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niennawept · 1 year
🌟 and 🔮 for the ask game please?
🌟 Which of the Valar do you feel the most affinity for and why?
This will not likely shock anyone, but it's Nienna. There is something so fascinating about a deity/angel/'whatever the heck you want to classify the Valar as' whose aspect of divinity is attention to the suffering and sorrow of the world. I mean, Tolkien says that tragedy is woven into the song of creation from the beginning, so it makes sense to have one - but it's not an archetype that I think is common to mythology like many of the others. And many of the stories that are told in this world have bittersweet or tragic ends. I can't really think of a happy one, unless you stop telling it before it is truly over.
So, I chose Nienna for the presence she has, woven in amongst the stories, even when she is not called by name.
🔮You can reach into the Beyond and ask the Professor to settle one (1) debate for you. He won't even waffle on the answer, honest. What do you ask him?
I did already answer this one once (the fate of non-elves after death) but something else came to mind this morning. And this is a map of First Age Arda. Like, I want to know how Beleriand and Middle-earth actually fit together and how far apart things are, etc. So I think I'd just hand his spirit a pen and tell him to have at it, lol.
Thank you for asking!
Silmarillion ask game
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lady-of-imladris · 1 year
4, 16, 24 for Silm asks? :D
Hiii <3
4. Fëanor, Fingolfin or Finarfin - who are you most like in real life? According to actual birth order, I'd be Finarfin. According to personality? I have NO IDEA. Let's unpack this because I'm bored
Things I have in common with Feanor: - I tend to become obsessed with things and want to be perfect at them (like sewing or knitting) - I'm super ambitious when I want to be - I don't take shit from ANYONE - I drop KILLER one liners! (Get thee gone thou jailcrow of Mandos)
Things I have in common with Fingolfin - literally nothing?
Things I have in common with Finarfin: - I'm blonde - I like staying home :)
16. Your opinion of Eru Ilúvatar? Idk how to feel! Not making the Valar step in to help against Morgoth or Sauron seems like a dick move. But then again, that's kinda what gods do
24. Angbang, Russingon or Silvergifting? Silvergifting
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nin-varisse · 1 year
🤔 for the silmarillion ask game?
Thank you so much for asking!
I have so many headcanons I could talk about them all day but here's one for Caranthir and Maglor that I really like! Maglor's favourite younger brother is Caranthir and while they don't have a lot in common, he taught him to play the harp and flute. Caranthir actually turned out to be a pretty good flutist, usually carrying a silver flute on his belt everywhere he goes. He always plays for the Haladin when he visits Haleth and teaches them old songs and melodies composed by Maglor.
Everyone reading, please feel free to ask any other questions from the silm ask game!
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cilil · 1 year
🗺 and 🌟 ? For the ask game.
🌟 which of the Valar do you feel the most affinity for and why?
difficult choice, but I think I'll have to go with Melkor. while I'm not (yet) a cosmic level threat and have no people trapped in my basement (pinky promise), I feel like being insecure about your creative abilities and achievements is a very relatable struggle for many writers/artists/creators of all kinds. also let's be real: who wouldn't at least be tempted to curse someone who talks shit about you simply because you can?
🗺️ pick a kingdom/faction in Beleriand to visit
I'd say Valinor because I'd really love to go the Gardens of Lórien to hang out with Irmo and Ilmarin to stare at politely say hi to Eönwë, but that's not in Beleriand, so I'm going to say Utumno and/or Angband. while certainly scary places, I think they were probably also rather fascinating both in geography and architecture.
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curiouselleth · 1 year
Would you do 4, 9, and 12 for the ask game, please?
Yes thanks for the ask @general-illyrin! 💙
4. Feanor, Fingolfin, or Finarfin - who are you most like in real life?
Hm either Fingolfin or Finarfin. I always go back and forth on which one is my favorite. Because on one hand, Finarfin seems to be making the logical choices to stay out of a lot of the drama, which I try to do, but Fingolfin can't seem to escape it, and he seems like he just wants everything to be okay. Fingolfin was just doing his best (with mixed results,) and he can't escape everything that's happening like Finarfin somewhat does, which I can relate to.
9. Best canon friendship?
Hmmm, the first one that comes to mind it just, the entire fellowship of the ring. They're all from different places, cultures, and backgrounds, but they're united by world events and end up willing to do anything to save each other. Like when merry and pippin were captured, they still took the time to give Boromir the best goodbye they could in the time they had, then how they were running so far for days without a break to save merry and pippin, and how in the return of the king they were willing to use themselves as bait to try to give Frodo and Sam the chance to succeed in destroying the ring, even if it meant they would die in the process. They started as strangers and just ended up so so close like a family. Even when they went in their different directions, most of them saw each other again if they could, even if it meant leaving their home for the last time, like merry and pippin going to Rohan and Gondor before they died and Sam going west, and even Gimli and Legolas going west likely reunited with Gandalf and possibly Frodo and Sam. They were just best friends at the end of the world, and that's what saved it. (Wow I had never put it out into words like this, this had me tearing up 💙)
12. If you were to describe yourself with a character from tolkien's works, who would it be?
Probably Finrod. This bit is mostly personal theory, but I tend to see him as a sunshine character, yes, but that he uses that to kinda mask his trauma and to be the "strong older sibling". Which... I can relate to a lot, I just didn't realize how much until more recently. Also that he always seems to hold onto hope and keep trying even if it seems impossible or doomed, and I always try my best to do the same.
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💛 nolofinwean familial relationships
thank you nonnie for such an intriguing ask! unusual headcanons for the nolofinwëans, in no particular order:
aredhel is as capable an architect and engineer and city-builder as turgon, and was involved in raising up gondolin from the beginning, back when it was only something they plotted about in privacy.
she goes not need any divine vision to know a secret city is the right option. her acts of political defiance regarding orders from barad eithel are ongoing, determined and very deliberate.
idril's silver legs rust, in sirion. the salt and the damp get to them. her movements grows more stilted, mechanical. wooden floors and ship decks bends when she walks on it. tuor cleans them very carefully every night, but they do rust at a quickening pace.
fingon and argon got along better than any other sibling combination in the family.
turgon wears mourning clothes and keeps mourning rituals for elenwe all his life.
nolofinwë seriously considered getting remarried during his kingship. letters of diplomatic inquiry were drafted, but never sent, regarding thingol's only daughter.
small brown birds kept alighting in his windowsill as he wrote. windows broke; mirrors shattered; winds rose, whipping long, thin boughs against the thick walls of his fortress. they left deep cracks, and sap-red scars on the high walls. he took the hint, but never lost the suspicion that this alliance alone might have saved his people.
fingon prays to manwë a great deal during the crossing of the helcaraxë. not for mercy, as such, or guidance. it's testimonial, in a sense. an on-going conversation in confessions. he is by far the most spiritually minded in the family.
his belief in estel is based on dogma, his own theological studies, trust and the certainty that a little of the marred world will be saved, to some degree. his great battle is a prayer, in its way, as well as a dare: he believes in victory wholeheartedly, because he must, but he also knows victory against morgoth will happen, be it his or not.
the only thing he can do, the only good and great thing, is to attempt it while he has the power to do it, and leave the rest to the gods. he is very humble, and very at peace with the possibility of getting his people killed in what might be a failure.
turgon does not pray. he dies in gondolin to stay far from the sea, and nearness to the authority of the valar.
fingolfin's last word - his choked-out war-cry - was his father's name.
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gwaedhannen · 8 months
first sentence: "Upon his return from the War, Eärwen found Finarfin changed."
That should not have surprised her, the War was—well, she’d seen enough of it herself. But if he was changed more like the Lindar who could no longer bear torches or crowds, or the once-chained who crowded under Lorien’s trees hoping to relearn peace, or her far-niece soaring the salt breeze more often than she walked the land (birds cry only to clean their eyes, Elwing once confided), or their Returned eldest son only half at home in his skin; that she could understand.
Instead his smiles were too wide, his bows too deep, his dancing too flawless, his lovemaking too empassioned, his speeches too cunning; if he spoke of the War at all it was if it were already a distant history. Who was this bright King who threw himself into the politics and lawmaking that he once threw himself at the seaside and herself to avoid? Just what exactly had returned from the pits of Angband, wearing her husband’s flesh?
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kanalaure · 7 months
🗡️ fighting styles/combat? For any Fëanorian, or another character of your choice!
🗡️ - Fighting styles/combat.
picking maglor, and i'm sure you're all very surprised by that😂
maglor wields a sword in either hand with equal efficacy. i've explained this hc before but i can't find the post (tumblr is being The Most Functional Website again). essentially, maglor did the right thing by his people when he didn't try for a rescue of maedhros three kings in two years, but he couldn't quite forgive himself for it anyway. so when maedhros started learning how to fight again maglor turned up with his sword in his left hand so they could learn at the same time. sort of half apology, half getting to know each other anew
also, the best mounted archer of his siblings! this is mostly down to practice practice practice, because he's out on the plains on the front lines of the leaguer and using that skill constantly. celegorm is very nearly as good, but he cut his teeth in the hunt on wild animals, and maglor cut his teeth on the march shooting at things that shot back. (and he's just a little better a rider besides)
bonus not-maglor headcanon: caranthir pioneers net fighting with a spear. thargelion doesn't really need, or have, tridents like the falathrim use for both fishing and fighting, there's nothing big enough to warrant them. but fishing spears are pretty common near helevorn. i think he maybe got caught out without a sword once, found out that fighting w a net + spear suited him a lot better, and left his sword to gather dust unless he knew he's be fighting in close quarters
unusual headcanons ask game here
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glorf1ndel · 6 months
🍾 ✨️
Thank you for the champagne! Here is a snippet from the story about Glorestor and Elrond’s kids on my phone notes app. 😂
“As I told you, dear Arwen, Glorfindel is my closest friend–“ He falters, gaze landing on Glorfindel, who gives him a helpless smile. Damn this Elf. “There is nothing more I can say.”
Elladan and Elrohir groan simultaneously, and Arwen just leans in, narrowing her eyes.
“That can’t be right. He just said you’re everything to him! And you aren’t courting? You should give him a chance!”
“Yeah, Erestor, give him a chance,” the boys chorus.
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that-angry-noldo · 7 months
five sentence prompt!
Finrod did not know what he had been expecting when he saw Maglor again.
Finrod did not know what he had been expecting when he saw Maglor again.
Maglor was standing in the otherwise vacant gallery, and for a moment Finrod thought him another one of the Noldor just returned to Valinor, so unusual his attire was; wide-brimmed hat and leather jacket, well-worn trousers and soot-coated boots—it all looked way out of place within Finarfin's bright halls.
But his soft brown hair, slight tilt of his head as he studied one of the paintings hanging on the wall, sharp profile and curious eyes—no, there was no mistaking who Finrod was looking at; and as Maglor finally catched the sight of him, Finrod smiled brightly.
"Well," he said, "you are late for lunch, cousin; we have just finished it."
Maglor grinned, eyes shining; and Finrod no longer resisted the urge to embrace him. There were many things he wished to say, both joyous and angry; but for now he chose joy, and laughed.
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nighttimepatrons · 8 months
🔮You can reach into the Beyond and ask the Professor to settle one (1) debate for you. He won't even waffle on the answer, honest. What do you ask him?
god for real i want to know, what kind of fan creation gets him spinning in his grave the most AND what was his highest rpm ever.
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niennawept · 1 year
For the Silm ask game! 💀 and 🤔 please :)
Hi lovely!
🤔 Tell us one of your favorite Silm headcanons. Can be one that's out in the wild or a personal one!
Okay - so there's this headcanon that's out in the wild that goes "Elves who saw the Light of the Trees have the Light in their eyes." This is based on a very specific, and rather literal reading of the Silm. The idea goes that this Light is kinda disturbing and it makes them more powerful. My headcanon is an addendum to that, because I don't like extra powers without drawbacks. So I think that Elves who saw the Light of the Trees had the Light in their eyes and that makes them unable to see in the dark very well. Like a sudden bright light in the darkness can block your vision at night.
Maximum chaos bonus question (💀): You have a "Get out of jail 'Doomed by the Narrative' free" card. Who do you give it to?
Elwing, I think. She didn't deserve all that. Yes, she was young and she made some questionable calls, but it seems like she's punished unduly for it. Plus, I'd like for Elrond and Elros to have at least one of their parents around. Does this mean that Kidnap Fam doesn't happen? Yes. Am I okay with that? Also, yes.
Thank you for asking!!!! 💖
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sauron-kraut · 4 months
May I ask for Mairazôn + 28 (kiss as a lie)?🌚
Thank you so much for the prompt and for making me write. 🖤 I don't know why exactly, but this somehow turned into shameless smut. Hope you enjoy.
Prompt list here
Find the smut under the cut. 🖤
28. ... as a lie
Warning: explicit, spit
Ar-Pharazôn’s hand rests on the small of Mairon’s back. The king is lounging on his luxurious bed with many pillows and holds the Maia on top of him close to his body, Mairon’s golden locks framing both of them like a fiery curtain.
The Maia is slowly, steadily rocking his hips, sliding their lengths against each other, hard and heavy between their bodies. A whimper makes its way past his lips. Mairon wants to recoil, but doesn’t. 
Ar-Pharazôn pulls Mairon down to him by his nape. “You like this, don’t you, Maia?” he hoarsely whispers into his ear in between low moans, and licks at the lobe adorned with an opulent earring made from gold and ruby. A shiver runs down Mairon’s neck.
“Of course I do, my king,”  he answers, and right here, right now, with hot swollen flesh between them and the king’s ruin ripe for harvest, it is only half a lie. 
Mairon props himself up on his elbows on the king’s chest and cups Ar-Pharazôn’s face in both hands. He lets a trail of spit dribble across his lower lip and into the king’s open mouth. Ar-Pharazôn laps up the golden shimmering liquid as eagerly as Mairon’s words, licking it from his lips.
“It is an honour to lie with one as great as you, oh king,” Mairon says, and kisses him, pushing his tongue deep inside the king’s mouth. A hint of nausea before he breaks free.
Ar-Pharazôn brings two fingers to his mouth and sucks, coating them in saliva. He trails them down Mairon’s spine and squeezes his backside before sliding them between his cheeks. Mairon thrusts forward, then arches into the touch in perverse pleasure. The space between their bodies grows slick.
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nin-varisse · 1 year
🔥🤔🔮 for the ask game!
Thank you so much for asking! Here we go:
My Silm hot take is that Fingolfin isn't the hero people make him out to be. In my opinion, he's a hothead who is barely any better than Feanor, he's just better at hiding it. First of all, he willingly participated in the first kinslaying. He could have turned away, just like Finarfin did. Even if he really thought that the Teleri attacked first, he didn't need to kill them "in retaliation". Furthermore, he didn't need to cross the Helcaraxe, he risked and sacrificed all those lives just to follow a person who had wronged him. He could have stayed in Aman. Most importantly for me his last stand against Morgoth wasn't heroic at all. It was an act of pure desperation and even if it left Morgoth physically (and ig psychologically) scarred, it also left the Noldor with an inexperienced king without any particular desire to rule (love my boy Fingon but he clearly prefers being a hero over being a ruler). He got himself killed by being too rash just like Feanor.
Yea, I don't really like him.
Oooh I have so many headcanons, you'll get my favourite one about Glorfindel! Glorfindel used to carve little figurines and dolls out of wood while being away on patrols and he gifted them to all the children of Gondolin making him super popular with them (uncle Glorfy). Elrond still has one of those wooden dolls hidden away in a drawer in Imladris that originally belonged to Eärendil.
I never actually thought about this. I love mysteries and making up my own theories or discussing them with others, so I don't really know what I would ask the professor. I guess I would like to know exactly what magical/eldritch powers dragons have because Glaurung did erase Nienor's memories (because he knew her name?) and I wonder why that is and what else they could do. Also what exactly is Goldberry? I always wondered if she's a kind of Maia.
Wait, scratch that, what I actually want to ask the professor is: WHY DID YOU CALL THE NOLDOR GNOMES?!
Everyone reading, please feel free to ask any other questions from the silm ask game!
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cilil · 1 year
🔮 you can reach into the beyond and ask the professor to settle one debate for you. what do you ask him?
tough question. I think I would ask him about the origins of Orcs, since, if I remember correctly, he never came to a conclusive answer and I feel like it would shed some more light on Melkor's motivations and abilities as well as Eä's metaphysics.
if he still hasn't made up his mind about the Orcs, I'd alternatively show him my essays in which I attempt to answer the questions many fans have about the Valar and their motives, most importantly the complaints about Námo not sharing much of his knowledge of the future. simply put, I'd ask if I understood him correctly, and if not, to elaborate so I can correct my Silm analysis essays and share my findings.
the aforementioned Námo essay is a work in progress and will be published soon so if what I mentioned above is something you're wondering as well, keep an eye out for it
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