#silver and gold wealth strategy
Silver and Gold Wealth Strategy Presentation
Insight into why silver and gold should be considered a part of your strategy for saving for your future.  Options on how you can start today and handle everything yourself.  Learn more about how you can. 
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scrivenger-grimgar · 6 months
Every time I read Yiling Wei sect AUs and they start describing what the sect members and leader wears its like, (direct quote from The Yiling Wei Sect and the Black Robed Lan by IvoryDragon48)
"[Wei Wuxian's hair] was pulled up into a high ponytail by a red ribbon with a gold and silver headpiece ornamenting and helping to direct the flow of his hair. The robes he wore were expensive looking with black being the dominant color and reds as the accents. The inner robe was a red so dark it looked like blood and the outer robe had simple yet elegant designs."
--And like, I get the urge to make them really cool looking and with themes or designs matching the other sects but like??? there's massive wasted potential here!!!
First, the hair. that's all well and good, but there is no way in hell that the Yiling Wei folks (Wen Remnants and others reviled/ostracized by society at large) are going to buy a gold guan OR a silver guan. why the hell would they bother spending precious resources on trying to impress people who already don't like them for something they literally have no control over.
But Wei Wuxian would know that he has to play the game now that he has people to protect, and going to a Con as a Sect Leader and not doing what all the other sect leaders are doing (wearing guan to say "I'M BETTER THAN YOU!!") is essentially outright stating that he holds no respect for any of them except in a way that could get him and his people killed. so instead, he goes "fuck it" and makes a guan out of something incredibly ordinary, like iron or wood, so now if anyone brings it up he can say "Oh, well, I like feeding my kids." or "Actually, I made this myself, all the better for carving protective arrays into!"
--And that's it. Wei Wuxian is a street kid he absolutely knows that rich people don't like to think about poor people and that they prefer to ignore them or hurt them. except you cant just attack someone who's being perfectly reasonably polite in public, especially when you just pointed out that he's 'poor'. Wei Wuxian's strategy is make them so fucking uncomfortable that they leave us alone.
(This would of course be after several years of no contact and no fighting so things have cooled off a bit)
Next, robes. No expensive robes. Let them be very well modified normal robes that have subtle stains and colour bleaching from sunlight and washing. The (shown, non-array-work) embroidery is at best amateur level, and Wei Wuxian will proudly show it off, loudly saying "a-Ning started a while back to help with his fine motor skills, and he's really come such a long way!!" and that "Oh, Xuanyu started practicing only recently but he's already so good at it!"
The Yiling Wei are the exact opposite of Lanling Jin. Wealth is to be used to benefit everyone and everyone is to be loved and appreciated for their work. The refusal to spend money of frivolous things is strong, especially when its something you could make yourself.
Self Ornamentation would not be jade or gold or silver or silks. It would be some nice wood, these feathers from the bird that likes me, hey look at this cool rock I found I'm gonna polish it like a gemstone, I dug these awesome bones out of my grandmama's garden you think I can do anything with 'em?
Yiling Wei folks are death druids.
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gale-gentlepenguin · 2 months
Gale Talks: Why Nemona is the perfect Rival introduced in Pokemon games.
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Now I understand that this is Quite a bold claim, with the plethora of rival characters. Many are strongly for Blue, Silver as having a Jerk Rival is what inspires you to get better. Others say there are stronger Rivals Like Barry. Some even go hard for Wally because having a character arc about overcoming Growth and getting a dope theme song is what its all about.
Nemona is your Guide
Nemona is your Friend.
You are her goal as much as she is your goal
I will address these below
Nemona is your guide
Nemona is the first student you meet at the start of the Game. She is also the first trainer you actually battle. Immediately helping you get the hang of the battle system for those starting out. And like with the recent trend of Rivals she picks the starter that is weak to yours. Which considering her experience makes sense as she already COMPLETED her quest of being the best. This is her being there to check your progress.
Nemona is also the one that helps give you the free study goal of taking down all the gyms. She is the guide to your gym challenge.
She even introduces how Terastallization works. She is the one that gives you all the mechanics you need to know how to battle.
What is also amazing is during the time you are taking on Gyms, she will meet up with you and battle you, being at a comparable strength to you. But unlike with other Rival fights, Nemona's wins or loses will still progress the story. And its only after the first time you play that you realize, Nemona was showing MASSIVE restraint in all her battles with you. She is training you to be stronger. Her strategies evolve with each battle, and she has great coverage.
Nemona is your Friend
A lot of recent pokemon games try to have your pokemon rival be your friend. And it is with mixed degrees of success (I think they only started getting it right by the time Hop was introduced.) Nemona's friendship is more interesting because YOU choose how it develops. Outside of battles, there are events with Nemona that let you get to know her better, you find out how she was sickly in the past (like wally) and while she wasnt ignored by her parents, they were busy. And people saw all of her success as coming from her family's wealth, which was not the case. And she loves battles but most people are afraid of her because she takes them to seriously. She is in a way, the perfect blend of all previous rivals/ rival friends. (Except Gen 6 but thats because those werent friend rivals, they were caricatures)
She is a champion level (Blue)
People are intimidated and scared of her (Silver)
She was sickly but got better and gained confidence (Wally)
Works to help you through the world (Brandon/May)
Loves Pokemon battles and is super hyper. (Barry)
Is analytical and smart with pokemon battles (Cheran)
Friendly and has some deep seated insecurity (Bianca)
tries to be very chilled out but is passionate (Hau)
Has a burning desire to prove themselves (Hop)
Nemona has a blend of all these qualities and it works perfectly.
Nemona is purposefully holding back as to not scare you away. And its why when you finally become Champion rank she is even happier than you. Because now, SHE can go all out, and there is someone that can handle it. She finally has a friend that can handle all of her, and thats worth its weight in gold.
You are her goal just as much as she is your goal
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Nemona was someone that went through her journey. She won, she was a champion and not even Geeta could compete with her. And that skill made her intimidating to ANYONE she battled. And even when she would hold back she would trounce them. (even in the DLC, she is the strongest trainer outside of you and the Blueberry academy head).
She was bored. she had 'completed' her journey and was never challenged. So when you show up, she sees something within you. The spark of a champion. She could tell that you were the one that could challenge her. So she found a new purpose. Getting an all out battle with you. You would be her goal, and she would help you progress in anyway possible. She would check your strength, show strategies.
And while this was happening, you start to realize that she is your final opponent. She is your endgame. That's where things get interesting. As you find out how strong Nemona really is. With the reactions of the trainers that see her, and even after you beat Geeta (the champion) even she admits how she is no match for Nemona. Which really puts into perspective how this journey played out. Nemona was your first battle and she would be your most crucial battle.
Its just a great full circle moment that gives the trainer a welcome feeling. And at the end, when you finally beat her at full strength, she is excited. She isnt angry or sad. She is just so happy to give everything she has. You were able to give her what she was desperate for. And without realizing it, she became your goal. And she is finally, truly your rival.
Nemona has so much going for her character, and it adds so much to the rivalry you develop.
It is nice that GameFreak managed the perfect blend for this rival.
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aylen-san · 21 days
One day in Rome
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Morning in Rome, during the August Kalends. The sun, like burning gold, was slowly rising over the horizon, bathing the city in a soft light that reflected off the marble columns and golden domes of temples. Celeborn stood on the terrace of his domus on Palatine Hill, framed by marble railings and iron vases with laurel. A gentle breeze played with his silver hair, glinting in the sunlight. He wore a tunic of the finest white linen, shimmering subtly in the light, and his belt, fastened with a bronze buckle, was adorned with the symbols of Lórien, barely visible to the human eye.
His gaze drifted over the bustling city, where life was already in full swing. On the Forum, Romans were discussing the latest news, merchants were setting up their stalls, and the city was slowly coming to life. Feeling the pulse of this ancient world beneath his feet, Celeborn listened to the hum of the city—so foreign to him, used to the silence of elven forests, but there was something strangely captivating about it. He leaned against the railing, feeling the smooth coolness of the marble under his hands, and pondered the fleetingness of human life and the endlessness of his own.
Today, he was expected in the Senate, where a discussion about the northern borders, threatened by barbarian raids, was to take place. He knew the Roman patricians viewed him as a mysterious advisor, bringing not only wisdom but also a certain enigmatic power. His past, veiled in legend, commanded respect, though Celeborn himself never sought power over men.
Descending the marble steps into the atrium, decorated with mosaics depicting sea monsters, he glanced at the fountains adorned with statues, from which thin streams of cool water flowed. The servants respectfully opened the doors before him, and he stepped out into the streets of Rome. The crowd, heading towards the Forums, was noisy and bustling, but upon seeing Celeborn's tall and graceful figure, they greeted him with deference. Though his slender, almost ethereal build was more elegant and taller than most Romans, he did not stand out but rather seemed an inseparable part of this city.
His path led past numerous temples and monumental arches, where Roman legionaries marched in formation, and philosophers gathered at the Basilica Ulpia for their endless debates. In the Senate, Tiberius Claudius, an experienced general eager to hear the wisdom of the mysterious elf, awaited him. Celeborn entered the hall where the patricians in their purple togas lounged on marble seats, discussing how best to protect Roman civilization from the barbarians.
Celeborn suggested using the strategies of ancient elven wars but spoke cautiously—too much wisdom might not be well received. He spoke of a system of watchtowers and signal fires that had guarded the elven realms for centuries. The Romans listened with fascination, though some eyed him with suspicion—not everyone was comfortable with the idea of a foreigner, no matter how respected, suggesting changes to their age-old strategies.
When the meeting came to an end and the Senate filled with murmurs of discussion, Celeborn left the building, his steps light and soundless, like those of a hunter in the forest. He headed towards the market, surrounded by colonnades. The chaos here was palpable—the cries of merchants, the smell of exotic spices, leather, and oil filled the air. Celeborn passed by a jeweler’s stall selling ornaments with obsidian and gold inlays. Their gleam reminded him briefly of the precious stones of Tirion and those who once wore such treasures. For a moment, he felt a desire to touch them, but he restrained himself, knowing that this was a world where material wealth was merely a shadow of true values.
Celeborn then made his way to the Basilica Ulpia, where philosophers engaged in discussions about time and existence. The Roman scholars always admired his worldview, which he expressed with subtlety and restraint. He spoke of time as a river, flowing continuously, though each person could only see a small part of its course. His words astonished the listeners, who tried to grasp their meaning, but for them, he remained a mystery—a wise figure from a world where reality seemed like a dream.
In the evening, Celeborn went to the Gardens of Lucullus. The lush trees, entwined with grapevines, cast shadows through which the last rays of the setting sun filtered. A calming silence filled the garden, broken only by the soft murmur of fountains surrounded by blooming roses. This garden was his retreat, a reminder of the distant forests of Lórien and the shadowy groves of Eregion. He sat on a marble bench beneath a towering plane tree and closed his eyes, feeling the presence of nature around him, hearing the music of the wind in the branches.
His gaze rested on a statue of Mercury standing by the fountain, as if reminding him that time flows and changes everything. In that moment, Celeborn pondered his place in this fleeting world. To the people, he was but a momentary enigma, passing along with their generation, but for him, each day was merely a blink in the endless flow of time.
Night fell over Rome. The city lit up with thousands of oil lamps, illuminating the streets and squares. Celeborn rose from the bench, casting one last glance at the garden, now sinking into darkness. He knew that this day, like all others, would become just a drop in the vast sea of time through which he continued his journey—always observing, always learning, but never truly becoming part of this world.
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lassieposting · 1 year
Things Kirigan and Kaz have in common:
- Fashion Sense: Both like understated elegance, relying on flattering cuts and quality fabrics to project an air of status and wealth. Both favour black with metallic accent colours (gold, silver, copper, brass). Both appreciate a good brocade.
- A Beloved Pet Dumbass: Kaz has Jesper and his gambling addiction. Kirigan has Nikolai and his complete lack of self-preservation.
- Touch Aversion: specifically as a result of childhood trauma.
- Devotedly Loyal #2: Ivan for Kirigan, Jesper again for Kaz.
- Missing Sibling: Kaz is a little brother without a big brother, and Kirigan is a big brother with a little sister he only sees rarely.
- Heart Eyes For Wifey: Inej for Kaz, Alina for Kirigan.
- Tactical Minds: Strategy is Kirigan's literal job and Kaz has a talent for outmanoeuvring his enemies - he plans the Crows' heists.
- Snark Knight In Dented Armour Personality: They're both deeply traumatised, broken men with massive trust issues who are nonetheless charismatic, fiercely loyal and very protective of those they care for. Kaz uses his influence to protect his crows, and rescues Inej from the Menagerie. Kirigan is a living shield between Fjerda/Shu Han/the less tolerant Lantsov kings and Ravka's Grisha population, and he's willing to take on his own merzost monsters to protect Alina.
- Power & Influence: Kaz is the head of his gang of criminals, vaguely analogous to a mob boss. Kirigan runs an army. Both are lonely, isolating, high-pressure roles where they are surrounded by underlings, not equals.
- Childhood Circumstances: Kaz was left homeless and destitute in a dangerous, degenerate city after Jordie lost their money and subsequently died. Kirigan was raised as a hunted minority, impoverished and perpetually on the move. They'd likely share some essential childhood skills; sleight of hand, light fingers, a flexible interpretation of personal property, cheating at cards, etc. Skills they could've used to feed themselves when nothing else would.
With that in mind:
Friendship Thoughts
- They're (officially - no one here has forgotten The Bomb Incident) introduced by Nikolai post-war. Sturmhond has done contract work for Kaz in the past - mostly overseas couriering of dubiously legal merchandise - and likes to drink at the Crow Club when he's docked in Ketterdam.
- Kaz recounting the story of his triumph over Pekka Rollins, however many years in the making, over a civilised glass of whiskey with the same kind of savage satisfaction Kirigan recognises from finally winning a brutal, drawn-out campaign.
- (Kirigan advises him to take in the Rollins boy, and be a kind mentor to him. Leaving him with the Dime Lions who are loyal to his father allows them to make him your enemy. Taking him prisoner and mistreating him does the same thing yourself. Far better to control both the boy and the narrative he's told from a young age. Trust him, Mr. Brekker, he has made that mistake with so. Many. Princes. Harmless boys will come back as angry men to bite you in the arse.)
- Deep, involved debates and discussions on tactics and strategy. Kirigan is an incredibly powerful Grisha and, while he grew up in the dirt, has spent centuries as a supposed "nobleman" and politically influential advisor to the Ravkan crown. Kaz spent much of his life as a penniless, powerless Barrel rat clawing his way out of the gutter with nothing but his wits. They approach the same problem from very different perspectives with very different assumed-available resources and see things the other would miss.
- Nikolai inviting Kaz to fancy Ravkan balls like it's a fucking play date. Kirigan can introduce him to a whole new network of wealthy investors if he wants to grow his business interests, open up a new echelon of society. And when they're not doing that, they can hide out in the corner being antisocial and judging everyone else's fashion choices.
- Long, dry letters exchanged across an ocean. Kaz sends a page and a half of Trouble Jesper Has Gotten Into Lately to Os Alta, in miniscule, italicised handwriting. After a few weeks, he receives three swirly, copperplate pages of Stupid Shit Niko Has Done This Month in return. For both of them, this is mostly entertainment, a brief break from an endless stream of boring paperwork to snort at the antics of someone else's idiot.
- Swapping skillsets. Kaz has plenty of his own informants in Ketterdam, but will sometimes write to tap into the Darkling's extensive, notoriously on-the-ball spy network, if foreign intelligence will be useful for a job. In exchange, he'll use his criminal network now and then to get Kirigan things from the black market - explosives, firearms, supplies Ravka is running low on, escaped Grisha indentures - on the quiet.
- Corecloth suits for Kaz. Fancy court waistcoats with Kerch embroidery for Kirigan. Swapping tailor recommendations. It sounds snarky, like they're subtly dunking on each other, but they're enjoying themselves. Jesper and Nikolai can simultaneously bond over being flamboyant and debonair.
- Nikolai learns quickly not to play cards with either of them. He knows how to cheat well enough, but Kaz and Kirigan are playing 5D Cheating Chess with sleight of hand, crimped cards and gaslighting, and if he keeps at it he'll lose everything down to his trousers. It's always the quiet ones.
- Mutual grousing about how inconvenient Feelings are. These two sat at the bar in the Crow Club downing shots while Kaz laments that Inej left him to go adventuring and Kirigan tries to explain that Alina murdered him but he got better. Plenty of salty side-eye aimed at Wylan and Jesper, being cute and couply at the Makker's Wheel table.
- "...is that a De Kappel?" "It is. What of it?" "I met him, once. About thirty, thirty-five years ago. He came to paint Pyotr's wedding portrait." "My wraith procured that one for me." "Ugh, perhaps you could have her procure ours, as well. It's still hanging in the throne room. I'm tired of seeing his pug face every time I report to Nikolai."
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mechatiqe · 10 months
TAGGED BY: @wickedserpent , ur so real for that
— TAGGING: @91cmspoilers @more-than-a-princess @quickdeaths @heartheaded @magescheer @the-ultimate-muses + anyone that wants to try: pretend i tagged you and go for it
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BOLD any that applies to your muse and italicize any that conditionally applies to your muse.
[ 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒. ] red. orange. yellow. green. blue. pink. purple. black. white. teal. brown. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green. apple red. violet. navy blue. crimson. cream. mint green. sky blue. pale jade. copper. magenta. rainbow.
[ 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒. ] fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. darkness. shadows. nature. aether. quintessence. blood. life. death.
[ 𝐖𝐄𝐀𝐏𝐎𝐍𝐒. ] scythe. fists. legs. sword. dagger. spear. lance. bow & arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. baseball bats. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. claws. teeth. stealth. strategy. robotics.
[ 𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐋𝐒. ] gold. silver. copper. platinum. titanium. rose gold. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amethyst. metal. iron. steel. glass. rust. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. ribbon.
[ 𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄. ] grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. sunflowers. tulips. lavender. petals. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. fungi. ocean. river. frozen lake. meadow. valley. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. snow. mist. pond.
[ 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋𝐒. ] lions. wolves. foxes. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. crocodiles. ducks. bugs. spiders. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. penguins. deer. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. monkeys. tigers. parrots.
[ 𝐅𝐎𝐎𝐃/𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐒. ] sugar. salt. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. vodka. beer. coffee. sake. tea. water. spices. herbs. apples. orange. lemon. cherry. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. lollies. cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. tacos. pizza. ambrosia. eggs. milk. ramen. chips. ice cream. cereal.
[ 𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒. ] music. art. gardening. smithing. sculpting. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. baking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. computer. phone. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. CDs. records. vinyl. cassettes. piano. daydreaming. strings. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. flute. bells. exploring. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. eating. sleeping. climbing. running. jogging. parkour. studying. video games. comics. manga.
[ 𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂. ] balloons. comedy. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. growth. decay. war. peace. wealth. power. percussion. clocks. mirrors. pets. diary. journal. fairy lights. madness. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. suffering. family. friends. strength. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. kisses. spring. summer. autumn. winter. poverty. farmland. countryside. suburban. village. depression. longing. sloth. pride. envy. wrath. greed. gluttony. lust. melancholy. fate. soulmates.
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Imperial Wealth International
Imperial Wealth International's variety of trading instruments means that a wide range of financial instruments are available for trading with this broker.
Step 1: Researching your broker Prospective clients of the broker can start by exploring the company's official website. They can look out for sections on the trading instruments or products that the broker offers. These sections may provide details about the available instruments and their features.
Step 2: Currency Pairs Clients may become familiar with the currency pairs offered by the broker. Typically, their choice includes major currency pairs like EUR/USD and GBP/USD, cross currency pairs like EUR/GBP and AUD/JPY, as well as exotic currency pairs like USD/TRY or NZD/SGD. A full list of currency pairs available for trading can be found on their website.
Step 3: Stocks Prospective clients can also inquire about the possibility of trading shares through a broker . In this case, the broker can provide access to stocks of companies from different sectors, including technology, finance, healthcare and others. Customers can view the full list of stocks available for trading and the possible trading conditions on the broker's website.
Step 4: Indices and Commodities Information regarding the availability of indices and commodities trading can also be found on the broker's website. This can include a wide range of indices such as the S&P 500, FTSE 100, NASDAQ and others, as well as various commodities such as gold, oil, silver and other commodities. Traders can view the full list of available indices and commodities for trading on the company's website.
It is important to note that the specific variety of trading instruments offered by broker Imperial Wealth International may vary over time, depending on their trading conditions and the company's strategy. Prospective clients are advised to refer to official information and consult the broker's representatives for up-to-date and detailed information on available trading instruments.
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Nyello....I am asking for Knuckles for the ask game.✨️😂
Hullo there ^-^
do I like them:
Like Shadow, he's one of those characters I think are alright, but you wouldn't find him as one of my favourites, basically. I'm not overly fond of him, but I like him for sure!
5 good qualities:
He's got a heart of gold and is quite kind underneath his rough exterior. He might come across as grumpy, but you know he means well for Angel Island, the Master Emerald, and his friends alike.
I like how he's a treasure hunter! It ties nicely with the fact he lives on an island full of ruins of a lost civilisation who are also his ancestors, so of course he'd be interested in it. Furthermore, in some games he gets to show off this knowledge as well, which is neat to see.
He furthermore got something of a cheeky side to him in S3&K, chuckling whenever he gets Sonic and Tails caught up in a trap. I think it nicely shows how he's not an above-it-all high and mighty Guardian, but that he can be more silly as well.
It is honestly impressive how far he can come with simply his own physical strength, nothing otherworldly or supernatural (like a psychic power or Shadow's skills with Chaos energies) required.
He's got a nice dynamic going on with Sonic and Tails, and I can see why the three of them make such a good team!
3 bad qualities:
Just like Blaze and Silver, also Knuckles is hard to put in a story in a way that doesn't raise eyebrows. If he just randomly shows up somewhere, everyone is immediately like "But then who is guarding the Master Emerald???" and the concept of him training a bunch of Animal Friends to protect it when he's away has never been shown in a game. Thus, Knuckles is difficult to implement in a story without it immediately raising lots of questions that the narrative does not always address.
I can see why Commander Knuckles from Forces is unpopular. For me, Knuckles also does not really have the people- and strategy skills necessary to fill such a role, even if I'm convinced that he absolutely gave it his all. But with operation Big Wave, wherein he openly admits he thought up the idea in a minute and a half iirc, it is clear to see why Knuckles perhaps was not really the strategic mastermind needed to counteract Eggman's genius. No wonder the war took six months.
This dude is simply easily duped, often to his own detriment when the other characters go like "haha did Eggman trick you again silly Knuckles what did he say this time". For me, stuff like that strongly 'degrades' a character who otherwise is definitely not dumb. Especially if it just kind of happens a lot, which I would reason can definitely be the case with Knuckles, especially earlier in the franchise.
favourite episode/etc:
Hmm... Don't think I have one, so let's go with TMOSTH.
None, but I do like Knuxouge somewhat. I also saw some stuff about Knuxamy here and there, which does make me curious because I'd never have considered it myself, I think🤔
With Sonic and Tails!
best quote:
I can't think of any, but he does tease Tails in Heroes about the Shadow they're seeing being a ghost, such a mean older brother <3
head canon:
Knuckles is amazing at outdoor cooking over a campfire, and making good-tasting and nutritious meals from scavenged ingredients. He furthermore has a wealth of knowledge about what is edible and what is not. Amy often goes to him to gather fresh ingredients straight from the island to use in her cooking, and he gladly helps her find the good stuff in exchange for getting some of it delivered to him. But he certainly is not above cooking stuff himself as well!
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caven---malore · 2 years
How to Purchase Gold - The Basics
A precious metal that has for some time been utilized in the old times as a strategy for exchanging and business is gold. Financial issues, for example, expansion, low paces of interest and the worth of the money or the legitimate delicate taking a plunge doesn't impact how the worth of gold or silver ought to be. All in all, gold is the most secure money out there. How to purchase gold is the inquiry visit site here that you ought to initially pose especially assuming you are a beginner around here. Ensure that you know the basics on how to actually look at the authenticity of gold.
Gold bullions and the other gold structures have since a long time ago proven that it is one of the most secure vaults of wealth and influence, and they have an intrinsic support against current monetary emergency. At the point when everything goes south for the economy, expansion follows. At the point when this occurs, gold really tends to increase in its rate and its worth. The ruin of the legitimate delicate is predicted to go on from now on, and who might want to invest in a paper money that is ensured to vanish in the future totally?
Gold and Its A wide range of Structures
Gold might be restricted and this is the justification for why the demand for these precious metals is high, not as a result of native sheen and tones is truly difficult to overlook and to stand up to. Gold comes in various structures like bullions, gold bars, stocks, coins and obviously, the most widely recognized of all since we see them regular, are gems. Purchasing gold to protect your buying power that the ongoing lawful delicate can not provide sooner rather than later is a savvy move.
A fundamental element that you ought to require some investment to investigate on prior to purchasing any precious metal is the liquidity that accompanies the unique and many types of this precious metal. Coins can contrast in their size and their gold substance, so their prices will likewise shift contingent upon the substance of gold that they posses. Gold adornments is known to show up in such countless structures thus many sizes, and these pieces of gems likewise have different rates and worth. Getting some margin to explore on this data will go quite far in assisting you with picking.
On the off chance that accepting is for personal reasons, buying pieces of gold adornments or gold coins are your smartest choice. The American Bison coins will be coins in gold of the most flawless structure so their gold substance is extremely high, hence their value will likewise be costly. Gems can be tracked down on pretty much every road, due to the numerous adornments stores and second hand stores that make certain to be found anyplace. However, selling gems produced using gold don't have the very ensure that it can go at a greater expense than what you've really paid for the piece.
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iragoldproof · 4 days
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Silver Investments - Strengthen Your Financial Future with Silver IRA
Explore secure silver investments with IRA Gold Proof. Our experts provide tailored strategies for silver IRA investing, helping you protect and diversify your wealth. Whether you're new to silver investments or looking to expand your portfolio, we offer trusted guidance to make informed decisions in the precious metals market. Silver investments provide stability and growth potential for long-term financial security. Start your journey to a stronger financial future by investing in silver today!
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Silver and Gold - Unlocking the Secrets and Benefits of Part 3 of 3
Very pleased to share the 3rd and final part of our 3 video series on “Unlocking the Secrets and Benefits of Saving in Silver and Gold”
In part 3 we share:
Storage Options for Gold & Silver - Review 4 Different Companies & options How to purchase gold and silver incrementally Special Wealth Strategies Presentation Very Special Offer 
Companies Compared for Storage:  Money Metals Exchange, Miles Franklin, GoldSilver.org, 7K.
If you are interested in finding out more about the company shared in the wealth strategies presentation (7K) you can check out their website here
Feel free to reach out with any questions 😊.
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charlottelane23 · 17 days
Tokenization of Precious Metals - Addus technologies
Revolutionize your investment strategy with Tokenized Precious Metals! Now, you can own and trade fractions of gold, silver, and other valuable metals, all secured on the blockchain. There is no need for physical storage—just seamless, transparent, and secure digital transactions. Whether you're a seasoned investor or just starting, tokenization makes precious metals more accessible than ever before. Embrace the future of wealth-building!
Explore More - https://www.addustechnologies.com/blog/tokenization-of-precious-metals
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goldstockcanada0 · 25 days
A Comprehensive Guide to Buying Silver in Canada
In recent years, silver has emerged as a popular investment option in Canada, offering a unique blend of value, stability, and growth potential. buying silver in canada Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just starting out, buying silver can diversify your portfolio and hedge against economic uncertainties. This guide will walk you through the essential steps and considerations for purchasing silver in Canada.
Why Invest in Silver?
Silver is often referred to as "the poor man's gold," but its value in the market is anything but meager. Unlike gold, silver has significant industrial uses, which adds to its demand and, consequently, its value. Here are a few reasons why investing in silver might be a smart choice:
Affordability: Silver is more accessible than gold, making it easier for beginners to start investing.
Hedge Against Inflation: Like gold, silver can protect your wealth from inflation and currency fluctuations.
Industrial Demand: Silver is widely used in electronics, solar panels, and medical devices, ensuring its demand remains strong.
Where to Buy Silver in Canada
Canada is home to some of the world's most reputable bullion dealers, making it easy to purchase silver. Here are a few options:
Online Dealers: Buying silver online offers convenience and access to a wide range of products. Trusted online dealers like Gold Stock Canada provide a secure platform for purchasing silver bullion, coins, and bars.
Local Coin Shops: If you prefer to see your investment before buying, local coin shops are a great option. These shops offer a variety of silver products and often provide valuable insights into the market.
Banks: Some Canadian banks also offer silver bullion for purchase, though their premiums may be higher than those of specialized dealers.
Understanding Silver Pricing
The price of silver is influenced by various factors, including market demand, geopolitical events, and economic conditions. When buying silver, it's crucial to understand the following terms:
Spot Price: This is the current market price of silver per ounce. It fluctuates throughout the day based on market activity.
Premium: The premium is the amount added to the spot price by the dealer to cover costs and profit. It varies based on the form of silver (coins, bars, rounds) and the dealer's pricing strategy.
Spread: The difference between the buying price (ask) and the selling price (bid) is known as the spread. A narrower spread indicates better liquidity for your investment.
Storage Options for Your Silver
Once you've purchased your silver, you’ll need a secure place to store it. Here are a few options:
Home Storage: Many investors choose to store their silver at home in a safe or hidden location. While this option provides immediate access, it also requires strict security measures.
Safety Deposit Boxes: Renting a safety deposit box at a bank offers a high level of security, but it limits your access to banking hours.
Bullion Storage Services: Some dealers, including Gold Stock Canada, offer secure storage services. These facilities are designed to protect your investment with advanced security measures.
Selling Your Silver
Knowing when and how to sell your silver is as important as buying it. Monitor the market regularly and sell when the price meets your investment goals. You can sell your silver back to the dealer, through online platforms, or at local coin shops.
Buying silver in Canada is a prudent investment that can enhance your financial portfolio. Whether you're purchasing online through reputable dealers like Gold Stock Canada or visiting local shops, buying silver in canada understanding the market and making informed decisions will help you maximize your returns. Always keep an eye on market trends and ensure your silver is securely stored to protect your investment.
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Will 2024 Be the Year for Precious Metals?
As we move into 2024, the global economic landscape is prompting investors to take a closer look at precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum. With the ongoing uncertainties in financial markets, the appeal of these metals as a safe haven remains strong. But will 2024 be the year where precious metals shine brighter than ever? The experts at Gold Invest Germany believe that it very well could be.
Economic Factors Driving Interest
The world is currently facing a range of economic challenges, including inflation, currency fluctuations, and geopolitical tensions. These factors have historically driven investors toward precious metals, which are often seen as a hedge against instability. In 2024, inflation concerns are particularly pronounced, as central banks around the globe continue to grapple with the impacts of expansive monetary policies. Precious metals, especially gold, offer a way to protect purchasing power when inflation erodes the value of fiat currencies.
Another key factor is the ongoing uncertainty in the stock markets. After years of robust growth, many analysts are predicting a more volatile environment for equities in 2024. As investors seek to diversify their portfolios and reduce risk, precious metals become an attractive option. Gold and silver, in particular, have a long history of providing stability during market downturns, making them a preferred choice for those looking to safeguard their wealth.
Geopolitical Tensions and Market Volatility
Geopolitical tensions are another reason why 2024 might be the year for precious metals. Conflicts in regions such as Eastern Europe and the Middle East, combined with trade disputes between major economies, are contributing to an unpredictable global environment. During times of political instability, precious metals like gold often see increased demand, as they are viewed as a reliable store of value when other assets may be at risk.
Market volatility, driven by these geopolitical factors, is likely to persist throughout 2024. This volatility makes precious metals an appealing option for risk-averse investors. Unlike stocks or bonds, which can be influenced by corporate earnings reports or government policy changes, the value of precious metals is largely independent of such factors. This independence provides a level of security that is difficult to find in other asset classes.
Sustainability and Ethical Considerations
In addition to the economic and geopolitical factors, there is a growing awareness of sustainability and ethical considerations in investing. Gold Invest Germany is at the forefront of this trend, offering products that meet the highest environmental and ethical standards. As more investors seek to align their portfolios with their values, the demand for responsibly sourced precious metals is expected to rise.
This trend is particularly relevant in 2024, as consumers and investors alike are placing greater emphasis on sustainability. Precious metals, when sourced responsibly, offer a way to invest in a manner that is consistent with these values. Companies like Gold Invest Germany are leading the way by providing options that allow investors to support ethical practices while still achieving their financial goals.
A Promising Outlook for 2024
The combination of economic uncertainty, geopolitical tensions, market volatility, and a growing focus on sustainability all point to a strong year for precious metals in 2024. As investors look for ways to protect their wealth and invest responsibly, gold, silver, and platinum are likely to play a central role in their strategies. Gold Invest Germany is well-positioned to meet this demand, offering high-quality products that align with the evolving needs and values of today’s investors. Whether you are seeking stability, ethical investment options, or a hedge against inflation, precious metals may be the key to achieving your financial objectives in 2024.
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bulliononline · 1 month
Buy Silver Bullion: Secure Your Investment with Aurum Bullion
Investing in precious metals has long been a favored strategy for those seeking to preserve and grow their wealth. Among these metals, silver holds a unique place due to its affordability and potential for significant returns. If you’re considering adding silver to your investment portfolio, Aurum Bullion is your go-to source for high-quality silver bullion. In this blog post, we will explore why buying silver bullion is a smart investment choice and how Aurum Bullion can assist you in making informed decisions.
Why Invest in Silver Bullion?
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Silver bullion is a popular investment choice for several reasons. Here’s why it might be the right addition to your investment portfolio:
**1. Affordability: Compared to gold, silver is more affordable, allowing investors to acquire larger quantities with a smaller initial investment. This accessibility makes it an attractive option for those new to precious metals or those looking to diversify their holdings.
**2. Diversification: Including silver in your investment portfolio provides diversification benefits. Silver often moves independently of other assets, such as stocks and bonds, which can help balance your risk and improve overall portfolio stability.
**3. Historical Value: Silver has been used as a form of money and store of value for thousands of years. Its long history of maintaining value can provide a hedge against economic uncertainty and inflation.
**4. Industrial Demand: Silver has a wide range of industrial applications, including in electronics, solar panels, and medical devices. This industrial demand can support its value and offer potential for growth.
**5. Liquidity: Silver bullion is highly liquid and can be easily bought or sold. Its widespread acceptance in the market ensures that you can convert your silver into cash with relative ease.
Why Choose Aurum Bullion for Your Silver Purchases?
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When it comes to buying silver bullion, choosing a reliable and reputable source is crucial. Aurum Bullion stands out as a trusted provider of high-quality silver bullion. Here’s why:
**1. Wide Selection: Aurum Bullion offers a diverse range of silver bullion products, including bars, coins, and rounds. Our collection features products from well-known mints and manufacturers, ensuring that you have access to high-quality silver.
**2. Guaranteed Authenticity: We prioritize the authenticity of our silver bullion. Each product comes with a guarantee of purity and quality, backed by certifications from reputable mints and refineries.
**3. Competitive Pricing: At Aurum Bullion, we offer competitive pricing on our silver bullion. Our pricing reflects current market conditions, ensuring that you receive fair and transparent rates.
**4. Expert Advice: Our team of experts is available to provide guidance and answer any questions you may have about silver bullion investments. Whether you’re new to precious metals or a seasoned investor, we offer valuable insights to help you make informed decisions.
**5. Secure Transactions: We prioritize the security of your transactions. Our purchasing process is designed to be safe and seamless, with secure payment options and prompt delivery of your silver bullion.
How to Buy Silver Bullion with Aurum Bullion
Purchasing silver bullion from Aurum Bullion is a straightforward process. Here’s how you can get started:
**1. Research Your Options: Begin by researching the types of silver bullion available and determining your investment goals. Consider factors such as the form of silver (bars, coins, rounds), the size, and the associated premiums.
**2. Contact Aurum Bullion: Reach out to us to explore our range of silver bullion products. Our team will provide information on current offerings, pricing, and availability. We can help you find the right silver products to match your investment strategy.
**3. Place Your Order: Once you’ve selected the silver bullion you wish to purchase, place your order with Aurum Bullion. We offer various payment methods to ensure a smooth and convenient transaction.
**4. Receive Your Silver: After completing your purchase, we will arrange for the delivery of your silver bullion to your specified address. Your investment will be securely packaged and handled with care.
**5. Monitor the Market: Stay informed about market trends and news related to silver. Monitoring the performance of your investment can help you make strategic decisions and maximize the potential of your silver holdings.
Buying silver bullion is a strategic investment choice that offers affordability, diversification, and historical value. Aurum Bullion provides a trusted source for high-quality silver bullion, offering a wide selection of products, guaranteed authenticity, and competitive pricing. Whether you’re looking to start your silver investment journey or expand your existing holdings, Aurum Bullion is here to support you every step of the way. Explore our collection today and secure your investment in silver with confidence.
Click Here For More Information : https://aurumbullion.com.au/product-category/silver/
Contact Us For More Information
Phone Number: +61 3 9807 2596
Address: Suite 316, 227 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000
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iragoldproof · 4 days
Silver Investment Specialists - Maximize Your Wealth with Silver IRA Investing
Looking for trusted Silver Investment Specialists? IRA Gold Proof provides expert advice on Silver IRA investing to help you protect your wealth and secure your financial future. Our specialists offer personalized strategies tailored to your investment goals, ensuring you make informed decisions in the precious metals market. Whether you're new to silver investments or seeking to diversify your retirement portfolio, we offer reliable solutions to build and preserve your wealth. Start your journey toward financial security with the guidance of our Silver Investment Specialists today!
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