midnightinjapan · 1 year
I was tagged by the amazing @betsib 💋
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Technically the last thing I wrote was on my old laptop that crashed. Here's the last sentence I wrote that survives from my Percico fanfic Legacy.
He said good-bye as she kicked the door closed, all the while holding the big pink box like a bomb.
I don't typically tag people I don't interact with so here's who we got.
@lordsandladiesofthesilverscreen (very interested to see the last sentence from bestie here)
@sandushengshou, @elizabeth-karenina, @silverblighted, @drdavidhuxley
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silverblighted · 2 years
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I posted 3,345 times in 2022
104 posts created (3%)
3,241 posts reblogged (97%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 103 of my posts in 2022
#my art - 37 posts
#dnd - 26 posts
#beloved - 12 posts
#adamantine - 11 posts
#wip - 6 posts
#team fat fuck - 6 posts
#nethtari silverblight - 5 posts
#wraith - 4 posts
#throes of atonement - 4 posts
#art - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 78 characters
#when you have been a corpse for 19 years but your 20th year is a blasty blast.
My Top Posts in 2022:
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poor girl
9 notes - Posted January 18, 2022
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why would i ever draw anything but her?
10 notes - Posted March 11, 2022
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See the full post
10 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
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viserra is the friendliest swol asshole!!! imagine getting clowned by a disney princess
11 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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This is the bad ending of the story.
18 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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whitewingedcrow · 3 years
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Commissioned first reference sheet for E. Reeves, helping get an appearance down on paper for their healer rat, Skolk Silverblight! I’ve gotten the chance to work with skaven characters a few times now and enjoyed it quite a bit every time; Skolk’s a bit more upright and aristocratic looking than the average, but was a pleasure to draw nonetheless (and thank god, honestly, those robes would have been interesting to drape on a typical hunched skaven posture). It’s been a while since I drew an anthro character, had a good time shaking off the rust!
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mjstudioarts · 6 years
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this is my lovely little Silverblight Stryx. She is a mystic. She is one of my many different DND characters. I had to do a token update for her so here she is.
Please feel free to reblog! It means a lot to me. Do not repost without permission. If you would like to see some sketch work of this art, consider checking out my Patreon.
Some links to help you support me: Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/MjStudioArts Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/H2H29Z6U
Art © Mjstudioarts
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Dnd Shenanigans Master Post
I'm gonna make this like a master post about our shenanigans.
My cousin, a lionfolk sorcerer, decided he wanted to find a sword that could Only be carried by a lesbian. Thus he was playing a female until he forgot he was female and returned to being a Scottish lion wearing a kilt with a bagpipes of holding.....
I, in all my sessions, have successfully slept with 2 Gods, 1 Goddess and a Dragon. Oh and I tricked a Witcher into becoming my lover. All of this while being an alcoholic Valkyrie.
My boyfriend has threatened every God we come across, became a Demon King Slayer.
As a party we have started 3 wars, stopped 2, destroyed reality .... twice? Accidentally forced ourselves into a different universe.
We have been forced into like 4 TPK situations that we SOMEHOW got out of. Our DM said we are the reason he drinks.
Once broke out of prison because our samuri rolled "for booty cheeks" (nat20). He seduced a guard, got a boner that was used by our human fighter to trip people because they.... they stretched it across the hall.
Every campaign has the guys roll for dick length. I accidentally rolled once when I wasn't paying attention and had the biggest dick.
Our human fighter, Mr Ed, could 1. Weild Mjolnir. 2. Beat Thor at a battle. 3. Had immortal strength. 4. Survived ... about a thousand years in Leomund's Tiny Hut. 5. Has a club that, on a nat 20 turns the enemy into a piece of white bread.
Named a club the Club Sandwhich. A metal club that looks like a sub sandwich....
We had a gnome that could wield a person as a club.
Hawk (my Valkyrie) out drank an army of orcs, Thor and many others.
I played a Silverblight, letting the DM come up with my backstory. She wound up being a prostitute.
Our turtle had an intimation of 30.
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midnightinjapan · 2 years
Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by @elizabeth-karenina 💛
Relationship Status: Soooo single. 
Favorite Color: Blue. Almost any shade of blue. Calms me down.
Song Stuck In My Head: “Hotel California” Eagles
Last Song I Listened To: "Heat Waves” by Glass Animals 
Three Favorite Foods:
Last Thing(s) I Googled: I googled why suburban neighborhoods don’t have sidewalks because it would be nice to not have to walk in road but it’s not possible with any neighborhood I’ve lived in as an adult. Basically it was a bunch of bullshit that led back to money and people being picky.
Dream Trip: Japan is always at the top of the list but I’d also like to go to Rome and maybe to see The Great Wall.
Anything I want: A time machine. I could fix a lot of stuff with a time machine.
I’m tagging @nyx4, @lordsandladiesofthesilverscreen, @handwrittenlettersovertexts, @silverblighted
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silverblighted · 7 months
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she's still everything to me T_T i miss her endlessly every day
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silverblighted · 2 years
i guess im gonna start tagging OC/DND stuff soo... this is more for me: #adamantine = adamantine #beloved= beloved #scale&blood = roland and addy ship #blue&red = hawke and beloved ship #wraith= wraith #waterdeep = waterdeep crew #SKT = skt crew #viserra = viserra
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draculaurennn · 3 years
22, 30, 15, , 2 - worm
17, 23, 1, 8- candelle
24,18,19,31- ophie
— 𝕤𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕠𝕓𝕤𝕔𝕦𝕣𝕖 𝕕𝕟𝕕 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕔𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟𝕤 — (i’m a million years late answering this bc of school and also bc of anxiety abt my characters again :’) sorry 
— 𝕨𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕨𝕠𝕠𝕕 . aka loud leopard-dragonkin lesbian 
2.) do they consider themselves an optimist? Pessimist? Realist? What are they like in actuality? Wormwood likes to consider herself an optimist, at least out loud. She often finds herself torn amongst her party members and, despite her chaotic disposition, in effort to maintain peace when things go awry. (It’s rare, but it does happen.) That means that whatever strife they’re facing, she wants to be the one to grin as widely as she can and tell them it’s nothing they can’t handle - and so far, it hasn’t been!  Inside, Wormwood is much more reflective. She had to leave her partner behind for months, and as much as she liked to tell herself it couldn’t possibly damage their bond, the realistic part of Wormwood knows that most people don’t handle being separated for months at a time very well. She’s willing to admit that of her own relationship, but if someone like Beloved worried about the same thing, Wormwood would perish that thought as quickly as she could.  (I ACTUALLY ALREADY ANSWERED 3 OF THESE FOR WORM HERE so i’m just gonna link back to em dfjhsdfsdh) —  𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕖 . aka sad sad tears of a clown 1.) What does your character typically keep in their pockets? Candelle doesn’t keep anything extraordinary in her pockets. (She also doesn’t have much pocket space to begin with.) She tries to keep things like spare change and a pair of scissors, needle, and thread on her (for emergent sewing reasons) at all times, but she does usually wind up with the occasional wrapped candies. The only unnecessary things she keeps with her are pink rouge and a deck of oracle cards. 8.) What is something they cannot resist? Donuts. Candelle’s favourite food growing up was donuts - she favoured jelly-filled with sprinkles, and her mother would always let her have one when she was playing particularly well in their practice sessions. They remind Candelle of happy times with her mother, when she was little and her biggest worries in life were making friends with any new performers and whether or not a sprained ankle would heal in time for their next show.  Since joining the Zhentarim, Candelle finds them very rarely. They were made by a woman who lived with the circus when she was a child, and in Waterdeep she hasn’t found any that are particularly the same as the ones she had.  17.) Does your character swear? What's their favorite phrase/word? No, Candelle doesn’t really swear - and if she does, it’s done so subconsciously that she wouldn’t remember she said it. It’s not really on principal, either, she just tries hard to be very gentle-handed with her words, and to her, swearing would not help get her point across.  23.) Would your character want to be famous? Why or why not? Probably not. Candelle doesn’t really think much about herself as a performer anymore. When she was little, she wanted to be a famous performer and have people come from all over to see her. She wanted to be so spectacular that she transformed into a fairy and people would be in awe of her dance and performance that they would go home feeling magical. Since then, the veil of innocence has been lifted substantially from her eyes. She won’t readily admit this to anyone, but Candelle doesn’t really know if there’s such a thing as providing pure joy. There are fleeting feelings, but they’re just illusions. That isn’t what she wants to put into the world. She never wants her actions to be a temporary bandage, and so fame and all of it’s sparkling lights has lost a lot of its gilding for her.  Candelle actually isn’t sure what she would do once she’s completed her goals. She prefers not to try and think about it, because she doesn’t want to distract herself from her resolution.  — 𝕠𝕡𝕙𝕖𝕝𝕚𝕒 . aka series of unfortunate events in a 30 yr old woman who is legally only 3 18.) How does your character act when they want to seem inviting? Ophelia is pretty unassuming as a person overall. She’s very tiny, and her face is rather sad; there’s nothing innately intimidating about her. She doesn’t have to do a lot to convince people to lower their guard around her, but she seems to be quite awkward when she thinks she’s being comforting. (In fact, the record number of children she has made cry on accident in this campaign is kind of insane.)  If she was going out of her way to try and be welcoming, she might not know where to begin because she doesn’t think she’s “unwelcoming” to begin with. Forcing a smile is probably awkward. Putting her hair back makes her self-conscious. If it was a desperate thing, then perhaps she could sink into another false facade like Bethany, the cheerful and stab-happy gang recruit, but she does hate to quit being Ophelia. Maybe put her knives away? Offer tea? She just doesn’t know.  19.) How does your character act when they want to seem threatening? A threatening Ophelia is somewhat easier. Her eldritch inclination, missing arm, and collection of suspicious vials of liquid is usually enough to rattle nerves for strangers. (Despite her charisma, Ophelia is never the party member who should do the talking.) If she wanted to strike fear in the hearts of others, then peeling off her face to reveal a new one, summoning tentacles from the dark void, or smiling seems to do the trick for her. 
24.) What's a controversial food opinion they would have? Ophelia hates bacon. It’s the absolute worst thing you can give her. She’s eaten it on very few, rare occasions, because it was all they had or Hakem was kind enough to make breakfast, but she would rather scrape her teeth on a blackboard or stab herself in the eyes with needles than eat bacon. It’s greasy, it smells rotten, and it’s worse than her hatred for salt-cured or jerkied meats.  31.) Can your character visualize actual concepts in their head? Or are they just vague thoughts? Ophelia can visualize concepts, but she cannot convert them into understandable descriptions or images. For instance, the theory of music having a shape association is something Ophelia actually can envision, where a triangle appears at a crescendo or a squiggle accentuates a held note. However, she could not begin to draw this, nor could she even explain why she can envision such a thing. It may be a side-effect of the synthetic brain.
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draculaurennn · 4 years
a lazy day + your muse JUN
. a lazy day && jun-ki —
- if it’s just Jun-ki, lazy days are... rare, to say the least. she doesn’t know what to do with them. it means she doesn’t have to do her makeup (and consequently, no nagging anxiety about her looks), she doesn’t have to fix her bedhead, she barely has to figure out legit clothing. lazy days are definitely a joggers and whoever’s-shirt-was-on-the-chair day. 
- nobody makes her wake up urgently, which is great, because Jun’s the kind of girl to whine and complain and say “I’m working on it” while lying face down. days off and days void of chaos mean Jun can take her time getting up and getting ready for the day.
- lazy days means she finds things to do, but only things that hold her attention. as soon as it wanes, she moves on to something else. sometimes that means sleeping in, or just lying in bed and playing games on her phone. other times she can get herself upright and will try to catch up on manga she’’s decades behind on or puzzles through video games she hasn’t touched in a while. lazy for her generally entails doing nothing. 
- sometimes she sits out in the common room and people watches. Jun-ki never worked with so many people she liked before (war machines and yakuza tend to be a one eye open sort of deal) so watching them pass her by, interact with one another, occasionally chat with her or engage in idle chitchat... it’s weirdly nice. 
- if Jesse is home, a lazy day for her means probably never getting out of bed. they don’t have to do anything. they get to lie there and make jokes, ebb in and out of consciousness over and over until it’s like, five in the evening and they just need to eat something.
- it’s probably pizza in bed and movies, soft kisses and sleeping again. then a 4am pancake make aka rinse and repeat. sometimes it means stealing peanut butter and jelly and bread and just living like rodents who make sandwiches in their own bed. (and if you think they care, they do not, because they truly are disgusting and i love them.)
- for the longest time, if Jesse was home, she’d still put eyeliner on. it didn’t matter if there was literally no plan to do anything - she’d get up for the five seconds it takes to do eyeliner. over time she’s gotten less conscious of it; he doesn’t care one way or another, so why worry about it? she still dresses like a hobo, but typically she’ll take his shirts.
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draculaurennn · 4 years
1; jun 50; cress, 29; luc 43; pad 2-; fuu 10; siona
—Super detailed questions about your OCs— jun-ki — 1 ;; what’s their full name? why was that chosen? does it mean anything? Jun-ki’s full birth name is Tsutsumi Junko. She was born on the border of the Tokyo-Kanagawa prefecture and spent most of her childhood in Tokyo’s better hospitals. Most kids in her class, when she got to see them, just called her Jun. Jun-ki was a name assigned to her by the Fujiwara Technologies Oni-ki project, which she unwittingly paid her way into around the age of eighteen. Her full assigned name was Type-05 Jun-ki, following the four others who were built in her specific hybrid bio-tech format (depending on their degree of human degredation.) One was developed for each of the grand demons said to have been tamed by Fujiwara no Chikata, and each were designed with combat prowess and technique in consideration with that. Jun-ki’s was actually the only one to have no pre-existing oni, but she was not going to be the last in this project line. 
However, she abandoned the project by literally breaking her way out of headquarters before her complete redevelopment was complete. For some time, she operated under the online handle of Sxrapper Midori, and typically does not disclose either her project name, and even less so her birth name. She has, however, chosen to continue using Jun-ki as her identifying name. She feels it best represents her now, both herself and her reality. For Jun-ki, it represents her current state of degredation, a human beyond repair with an almost fully obsolete robotics system operating inside of her. It’s put together with scraps and junk, all of which she painstakingly harvested and reworked to continue powering her Fuji-tech without support from the company or its project. It represents her strength, as a berserker and front-line combatant, an ironically demon-like strength in her small, once-fragile body. Keeping it speaks to some semblance of her self-loathing and self-respect, all at once.
cressida — 50 ;; if they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? what do they consider their essentials? Cressida is a very materialistic girl, so this is definitely a hard question. She values her intelligence and her appearance above all, and which she values more is not really clear. If she has them, immediate essentials for her bag are rouge and a kohl tin. Keeping her unruly curls under control is also important, and difficult without supplies. Secondary to those are a mother-of-pearl comb, pressed rose oil, and some herby hair powder. Those would probably be the most immediate options if the apothic suite of personal hygiene is not available to her (and, as Inquisitrix, it has often not been).
In terms of fashion, she’s not so vain that she feels she has to pack a different dress for every event of the day, thank the gods. In an immediate need to move, Cressida is fine with a change of clothes and something else to sleep in, as long as she’s given some opportunity to wash things. Otherwise, she does prefer two or three outfits. A hat is also an essential need, partly for fashion, but mostly to protect her very fair skin. (Luckily, if there’s no bag space, this can just go straight on her head.)
 The other bag essentials for Cressida are a journal, an entertaining book to read, a dagger, and a non-functional compass. Journaling helps her organize her thoughts for the day and plan her next steps, so often it looks like some bizarre mix between a diary, a day planner, and a to-do list. For books, she usually prefers novels of the picaresque sort, but she is prone to rereading the Black Fox tales over and over. Extra weapons as a given, the most unusual piece in her bag is of sentimental value, and she has done well to not lose it after sixteen years. It was her father’s nautical compass, which she’d stolen from his quarters to play with the night he passed away. She was lucky to have kept it in her pocket, though it was waterlogged when she finally got herself to shore, and no longer works. She keeps it in her travel bags for safe keeping, but if she isn’t sure her bag will be safe on its own, then it’s always removed and placed into her pocket instead.
lucid — 29 ;; what do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? do they tease them? or get very over protective? It could depend on the fear, but more than likely, a fear is something Lucid will keep to herself unless discussed with the person who possesses it. Somewhat frosty though she may appear, it has never been in her nature to hurt others or belittle them for the way they feel. That being said, she isn’t always the most tactful lady, and her attempts to address a problem (if the fear is really that critical) can often come off as hurtful or insensitive. Her other short-coming is her occasional inability to understand exactly what the fear or problem may be, which has led to accidental dismissal or downplay of the severity. But regardless of her fumbling ways, Lucid’s care and concern for others who would confide that information in her has always been with their best intentions at heart, and she would take the information to her grave if it was asked of her. Her nature is to protect and nurture first, and her determination to maintain love and trust for her companions can outweigh the value of her own life, at times.
padrika — 43 ;; are they religious? what do they think of religion? what do they think of religious people? what do they think of non religious people? Padrika’s family was religious. Her parents were casual worshippers of Verna, but she didn’t really live long enough to fully understand the concepts of religion or to make an executive decision on her beliefs. In Litwin, they had very little in the way of organized religion save for what drifted over from the Skelligan collections, but there was a small cult formation following the usurping ruler’s enthusiasm for Padrika’s visions, which was off-putting for her. It was never a fully developed religious practice, or anything, but idea of people putting such fantastic veneration in visions that were, in her opinion, just mystifying and unclear dreams from no one was scary. Most popular in this perception was Freya, goddess of clairvoyants, speaking words of conquest and glory through this unassuming water-being. Less common was her connection to Melusine, as a fellow siren (even if that was also incorrect.)
Unsurprisingly, religion tends to make her uneasy. She never, knowingly, lived with less erratic devotions. Litwin was a clutter in major part due to her own presence, which has caused Padrika to recoil from the concepts of greater beings out of fear. She wants no grand destiny, no great mission or job that she must fulfill for a greater god who hand-picked her for what she represented. She also doesn’t know if that means that divinity and monstrosity are something that are codependent or mutually exclusive. How do you explain a divine monster? Where is the line for goddess and a child who drowned in a mire?
All of that said, she doesn’t necessarily use that as a judge against others, nor does she fault people for having beliefs - Padrika also thinks that having no beliefs is a belief, and admittedly, she herself does believe there must be some strong presence in natural phenomenon. The greater questions of it are ones she just doesn’t feel keen on answering, or having an opinion on. Whether or not others do may be something that makes her wary, but it does not always define their character, and she can look past differences. A belief in something is not the only thing about others that makes them them. 
fuu — 20 ;; do they like musicals? music in general? what do they do when they’re favourite song comes? Fuu likes music to what she considers a normal extent. She was classically trained in piano as a child at her parents’ insistence, but her interest in that was passable since she didn’t find it engaging, and when she took up swim, she managed to weasel out of those lessons all together. She’s spent money on high-tech buds that actually work under water, and likes to listen to her favourites while she studies, works out, cleans, or is on her commute. (She’s also been known to put in earphones to avoid conversations she’s not engaged in or to deliberately ignore someone out of annoyance, boredom, or complete disagreement.) She isn’t the liveliest person in a lot of ways, and that extends to her musical enjoyment, though, but if the song is one she really enjoys, Fuu doesn’t mind turning the volume up over a speaker or tapping the piece out with her fingers. 
Despite that, her interest in musicals is practically non-existant.  Besides her struggle to sit through films, she finds the insertion of musical numbers in a narrative actually erases the tone the film was setting and breaks a greater immersion for her. They’re just jarring and almost upsetting, even if she understands most people don’t perceive them that way. She watches them at the behest of friends or if, for some reason, they’re assigned for an arts course, but otherwise will not pick one up or go see one of her own volition. 
siona — 10 ;; do they like children? do children like them? do they have or want any children? what would they be like as a parent? or as a godparent/babysitter/ect? Siona loves children, but most children don’t like her. She tends to find children charmingly curious, thought-provoking, and squeezable. However, Siona is often perceived as one of two things by children - a fairy or a monster, and depending on the local perception of fairies, both can be bad things. In Castle Town she was very uncomfortably received by local children (and adults, but that’s par for the course at this point), though in Vazaar, many of the little girls thought her small stature and pale hair meant she was just a sickly Gerudo sister. 
Siona has never personally given children much thought. The circumstances floating around her existence have been a little more pressing and dire, and trying to lead a life of some sense of normalcy hasn’t been at the forefront of her imagination. But if asked, she’d certainly be agreeable, and Siona’s cautiously optimistic, adventurous, but ironically grounded disposition makes her a very loving and communicative mother-figure. Alongside that, her protective nature is counterbalanced by her indecisiveness, allowing her child to explore and experience while still receiving guidance when asked or needed.
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draculaurennn · 4 years
PRERELATIONSHIP -Liona General – Cullida Love – McJunk Domestic Life - Fuujiro
S— SHIP QUESTIONS @silverblighted
How did they first meet? Siona was locked in a crumbling temple under the deserts sands and best girl Nova found her! And then Link and Gan cornered them like 10 minutes after they escaped.
What was their first impression of each other? For like 5 min Link thought she was actually tricking them that she wasn’t an evil mage, and then she passed out, and he was like “ok maybe not.” Siona’s first impression was like 2 hours later when she woke back up and she thought he was really nice!
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together? Link’s fam really did not! But Siona’s only family is Nova and she did. 
Who felt romantic feelings first? Uhhhh... I think technically Siona did, but only because she thought meeting a prince like that is really romantic and was probably just projecting that ideal on him a little bit. But either way they’re both idiots smitten within 24 hours so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Did either of them try to resist their feelings? Siona does, a few times. She does because she has to go home, she does because she thinks she has to return to the Twilight Realm alone, and she does because she doesn’t think the way her story is playing out that she’ll be allowed to stay with Link. I think Link probably did for like one week and then decided it’s not worth it to try resisting people you care deeply about. 
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think? asdfghjhgfd this one’s so hard UHHHHHH i think Link would think that’s pretty fuckin swell and makes sense if it goes hand in hand with finding a lost princess in the desert, and i think Siona would say that’s not a thing but she’d be super jazzed bc she’s an idiot romantic too. 
GENERAL — Cullida .
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go? It’d ultimately be left up to Cullen, I think. I think Cressida wouldn’t have been afraid to tell him she was waiting on him to tell her when he was ready, but I don’t think she would have ever pushed it after that. So it was probably Cullen, and it was probably right after her dumb ass almost died after Haven. Went great, though, even if she was groggy and turned around. Cressida would have probably told him it was about time LOL
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like? As official as you can get when you’re in the Inquisition, I guess. I don’t even know if they count things as dates? Just nice outings with each other away from their jobs and duties. More than likely it was a nice trip to a lake to sit and chat and have a picnic and not worry about busy places and other people. 
What was their first kiss like? Their technical first kiss is in the alternate reality nightmare with Dorian, and Cressida tried kissing a red lyrium-corrupted Cullen to get through to him. For her, that was a first, but it was awful, and not even in their reality, so it doesnt really count. Their actual first kiss was in Haven right before she ran off to help Vesta, bc I think they were both pretty sure they were just doing to die there LOL. 
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)? Cressida is Cullen’s first-pretty-much-everything. I guess technically Cullen is Cressida’s first (and only) husband, which she’s pretty glad about. 
What’s their height difference? Age difference? Cullen’s about a foot taller than Cressida, and nine years her senior. 
What’s their relationship with each other’s families? Cressida’s family is... almost totally horrible. Her dad is dead, so no relation for Cullen there, and her mother is a monster of a woman who abused the hell out of her sister. Vesta is awkward with Cullen but I think she’s grown to like him over time. (Not enough to tell him, but enough to be supportive I think LOL). They’re cordial enough and can be in a room alone, even if they don’t talk a lot.  Cullen’s family is so many sisters and a brother, and they all love Cressida. Cressida was panicked to meet them; she doesn’t panic meeting anyone, but she was really worried they wouldn’t like her bc she doesn’t think she, as a genuine person, is a likable person. She was also worried they’d think she was too pompous and shallow because she just doesn’t do field work. But they really like her bc she’s earnest and forthright and tries, even if she’s awful at menial field tasks. And they joke she’s too pretty for Cullen, so that’s always a plus. 
Who takes the lead in social situations? Cressida. Hands down. It’s what she’s good at, it’s what she lives for, and it probably annoys some people that she has to open her mouth, but she commands a situation very well and in her mind, that’s how it should be. Cullen’s p fine w that though bc he doesn’t love social situations and he’d rather do his own job and be left alone.
Who gets jealous easier? Uhhh, probably Cullen. Cress doesn’t make that easy for him bc she’s flirty and commanding and winds people around her fingers to get her way. I think there’s been a few times early on where he wasn’t even sure she genuinely liked him or not bc she can pay fake attention and admiration so convincingly even to people she doesn’t like. Cressida’s also... like, so obnoxiously confident in her own outward personality but also so incredibly convinced by how much Cullen loves her (once she knows) that I don’t think she ever worries about him vying after someone else. (Although, she did get pretty upset and tilted with the Warden Surana hanging around since she knows about that LMAO.) 
LOVE — McJunk .
Who said “I love you” first? Jesse. He said it a few times. Jun-ki’s kinda mean, though; I’m pretty sure she told him no he doesn’t a few times? Idk, he’s too nice for this bitch.
What are their primary love languages? Jesse’s is pet names and touch both. He’s not really shy so he can express it in a lot of ways. Jun’s is small gestures, like sitting with someone while they’re struggling. I guess her other one is also literally fighting people for him even tho he definitely probably did not ask LOL. 
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA? All the time. All the fucking time. Their coworkers hate them. Think April and Andy, and then multiply. (And Jun literally would spit her gum in this man’s mouth just to annoy other people.) 
What are their favorite things to do together? They do... so much together uhhhh sdfghj idk, I know Jun likes doing most things with Jesse around now. Movie nights, pizza dates, annoying PDA, drinking games, weird places to fuck... they’re a little inseparable. I think the only thing Jun doesn’t like to do with Jesse around is upgrade sessions with Angela because she doesn’t want to be seen all broken up, and training segments because she doesn’t want to be responsible for him getting hurt. 
Who’s better at comforting the other? Jesse. Jun’s never been good at it. He says what he thinks she needs to hear without impressing on her a bunch of psychology she never said she had. He’s just good at offering her something to relate to and a shoulder to lean on. Jun’s not very good with words, though, so she’s not very good at or sure how to offer comfort when someone needs it, especially Jesse. But she just says she’ll hang around and if they fight about it she just says to shut up and deal with it. He’s usually better once he vents.
Who’s more protective? BIG DEBATABLE. I think it’s pretty... even. I think either of them will fight as hard as they can for the other, though I think Jun may be the only one more likely to throw herself into actual harm’s way, and that’s just because she’s definitely the more reckless of the two. 
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection? Jesse’s a more verbal person but I think physical affection and affirmation is where they’ve connected. No one has to say anything, he just does, but it’s just the cherry to the rest of it and physical communication and affection is more than enough for both of them. 
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise? THERE”S A WHOLE BUNCH ON THE SPOTIFY LET ME TELL UUUUU BUT THE BEST ARE OFF THE TOP OF MY HEAD “Something About Us” by Daft Punk “Amphetamine” by MNQN and also I could add matchbox 20 but i’m not tryna get roasted
What kind of nicknames do they call each other? Yikes. Uhhhhh, Jesse’s partial to: darlin’, sweetie, sweet pea, sweet bean, juniper berry, junnie b jones, jun-bug, and the list goes onnn.  Jun’s partial to cowboy and (affectionately) dumbass. 
If they get married, who proposes? Probably Shinjiro, and it was probably something stupid and weird at the grocery store. 
What’s the wedding like? Who attends? Small, probably at a park or something, but all of their friends. They don’t have a lot, but that’s what makes it nice. I think they’d be more interested in spending money on travelling afterwards than trying to make a big deal out of a celebration.
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like? I don’t think they have any kids. I don’t think Fuu has any interest in bringing a kid into the world bc of the shit she’s gone through on her end; there’s no innate part of her that thinks she needs to have a kid to raise them better just to make up for how alone and neglected she was as a child. If they wound up with any kids, it’d probably be some circumstantial adoption of a wayward orphan they kept coming, honestly? A mentorship or personal attachment just kind of developing, really. Like Denzel LMAO. That’s the only thing I could see happening really asdfgh.
Do they have any pets? THEY HAVE KOROMARU. Otherwise, I think they just put food and shelter boxes out for their neighbourhood cats. Shinjiro probably lets them in a lot. 
Who’s the stricter parent? Shinjiro, hands down. He was the stricter parent when he was a teenager. Fuu is/ would be the parent who is also being scolded.
Who kills the bugs in the house? Shinjiro kills them and Fuu takes them outside. Shinjiro just doesn’t think bugs belong in the house, and Fuu thinks killing them is bad luck. If he kills them before she gets to take them outside, they probably “fight” about it, but it’s not a divisive convo that’ll sour the day.  
How do they celebrate holidays? Shinjiro’s not really a holiday person and Fuu’s really busy, but I know she thinks they’re worth doing. So everything’s probably pretty quiet and half-decourated for. Holidays with events to go to that they don’t have to prepare for, like festivals, Fuu definitely nags to attend. Things like Christmas, I think they just plan on nice dinners and quiet evenings. 
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? Ooh, uhhhhh asdfg that’s hard. Probably Shinjiro? I don’t think he tries often, but he is the one more likely to sleep late. I guess it’d be circumstantial, in a lot of ways. Like if he wasn’t sleeping a lot lately, Fuu would sleep late to try and keep him around. If Fuu’s overworking, Shinjiro would try to bait her back. But otherwise, it’s probably Shinjiro, since she’s usually up early because she wants to run early.
Who’s the better cook? Shinjiro, hands down. Fuu’s okay at it; if she has to make dinner, she’s happy to do it and it’d be fine food, it just wouldn’t be anything exciting or special. She understands basic seasoning laws and how to use a rice cooker. Shinjiro’s the one who’s anal-retentive about produce quality, technique, prepwork, etc. He’s the one who literally watches home cooking network and considers buying a separate pasta cooker, after all. It’s one of the few things he’s really passionate about, and he’s always emphasized how important a good meal and diet are to health with the idiots he hangs around. 
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draculaurennn · 5 years
. — Cullida: Send me a ship and I’ll break them DOWN
How did they they meet?
They met when the Conclave totally destroyed itself! And everyone was picked out of the rubble, including Cressida and her sister, Vesta. So, technically, they met in a meeting room after she regained consciousness. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Probably Cressida, surprisingly. Attractions for Cullen aside, Cressida has a pretty good habit of letting her mind run with her fantasies, and before you know it she’s known a person for 2 weeks, but in her mind they have a countryside cottage and a dog. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Dorian is probably their biggest “shipper”! He one hundred percent supports all of their drama and Cressida’s weird feelings. Plus, he gets to hear all the fun stuff on the side.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
The siege on Haven. Cullen kissed her before they were separated, since death was pretty certain. 
Who confessed their feelings first?
Cressida! Since they didn’t die in Haven, she confronted him about it pretty soon after they arrived at Skyhold. And then persisted. And pestered. 
What was their first official date?
Cressida dragged him off to a pastry shop she likes when they were back in Val Royeaux. She considers that their first official date, even if he doesn’t. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
Cressida doesn’t like them, really. She likes to spend time with everyone as a group, but when it comes to dates, she likes the alone time. Cullen may like the comfort of a crowd better. 
What do they do in their down time?
LOL. Who has downtime when you’re running around Thedas, saving people from demons and rifts? Cullen never seems to have down time; he finds a way not to have it. Cressida doesn’t have much down time, but when she does, she likes to spend it reading. Even if Cullen is too busy for her, she’ll sit in his office to read. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
Cressida’s meeting of Cullen’s family was amazing. They loved her, she loved them, she liked to joke that she was the new child and Cullen had to give up his bunk. However, her father is dead and her mother is a tart, so any meeting with them is really not likely. She wishes it weren’t, though. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
I think, logistically, their first fight would be over Cressida doing something reckless, more than likely falling into the Fade. She tends to do those things for Vesta or the others, and while her thought process is solid in her mind, it probably is difficult for others who can’t just read her mind. Since there was a very real chance they could have died in there, Cullen likely would have brought up the ignorance of the situation, even if she doesn’t see any of that as her fault. (And, really, it’s probably more panic than placing blame). Some air and a chance to process it would make it better. Also, Cressida looks great in apology lingerie. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Cressida. It’s all fun and games in Orlais until someone gets too personal picking on her commander, and then it’s claws out. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Breakfast! Cressida loves sweet morning pastries and oats, and Cullen likes savory breakfasts with egg, so it’s the easiest time for them to get to sit and eat together. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Cressida, again. She likes to be inside his fur with him, but he doesn’t let her do that a lot.Are they hand holders?Under the table. There’s never enough time for things like that, though. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
That’s a hard question, because Cressida has been trying to lure him foreverrrrr. A nice, beautiful, starry night at Skyhold is a great time, especially after you tell someone you love them and you’re here for them through the worst of it, as long as you can be there for the best, too. 
Who tops?
wrooowww, definitely depends on the mood. Cressida’s the devil’s power bottom. 
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
somebody else. (In a nice, alternate world where they get to take time to shop and cook, they’d do it together.)
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Cullen. Cullen has a lot more work to deal with, and he’s not unorganized or ill-prepared, but Cressida is surprisingly methodical.
Who proposes?
Cressida is an old-fashioned lady in some respects. She’ll wait for Cullen to propose, even if it kills her.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Separate. He needs a guys night, to have a steak and drink and laugh. And she needs to have a reality tv style meltdown on principle, or it isn’t a bachelorette party. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Her sister, Vesta, is the maid of honour whether she likes it or not. Dorian is the emergency backup maid of honour, but he probably makes sure things get ordered. The best man ? Bull and Cassandra share it. 
Big Ceremony or Small?
Medium? They definitely don’t want all of Thedas.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Cressida would be really tempted to go to the Orlesian coast or spend time in the countryside, but ultimately she’d probably make them go stay with Cullen’s family.
Do they have children? How many?
Two ! Their names are Analiese and Pearl, and they’re beautiful, perfect, wonderful, golden goddesses.
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draculaurennn · 5 years
. — Liona: Send me a ship and I’ll break them DOWN
How did they they meet?
there was a collapse in a desert temple and sio’s bff / spirit sister nova saved her, and then literally right after they were surrounded by gerudo guards and gan and link and questioned for being suspicious. which they were but they arent. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
siona !! she’s one of my crushes easy babbs and like 234354566 other people in hyrule she finds link v charming. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
gannova. its a joined effort. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
under A WATERFALLLL and it was v romantic. idk the circumstances probably everyone just chillin out after rough times.  
Who confessed their feelings first?
siona. and then she left bc she thinks link and zelda are destined to be together and she doesnt wanna try to fight destiny obvs. 
What was their first official date?
i think a fireworks show in kakariko village. festival games and fun foods and a light show seem right up their alley. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
i don’t think they mind them at all ! i think they’re just happy to spend time together so however they get to. plus they love their friends to pieces so. 
What do they do in their down time?
im always puzzled by the question of down time bc i never know what constitutes a hobby and what constitutes like, an actual chore. uhhh but link likes horse riding and being robin hood, and siona spends a lot of her down time sleeping or following people around. or brewin’ chus lol. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
THEY DONT HAVE ANY. oh wait link has koume and kotake, i guess, even tho he’s adopted prince. uhhhh koume doesn’t like siona, and kotake does, but thats bc they’re aware of the trade off sealing siona and zelda away respectively to end the cycle of reincarnation. so i think koume thinks siona is a big problem. but in terms of official couple stuff. . . koume and kotake don’t care bc. . . link isn’t blood lol. literally it doesnt matter what he does. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
yknow i dont. . . really think they fight all that much, if at all. the biggest thing i can see them getting into tiffs about is link doin smth stupid and risky and siona havin to warp his ass out of it, but i think they just tend to laugh those things off. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
SIONA. i mean, she’s really nice about it, but she definitely gets jealous of everyone and everything all the time, and not just about link. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. they literally will eat so many things, i don’t think there’s a set favourite ??? maybe bread and jam, but on the massive spectrum of foods link eats and siona steals, i don’t know that they have one favourite. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
both of them, i think. idk about cuddling positions though bc i think its pretty much a given that siona just starfishes on him so. not much room for options lol. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
I HAVE NO IDEAAAAA. a good while, like decent, nice, respectable adults, but also actually probably in the twilight realm bc 1.) they’re stuck, and 2.) there’s a lot of time to talk about your feelings when you’re running away from the person you love. 
Who tops?
lonk - wow i didn’t say it depends for once LOL
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
both of them ! they shop together and link cooks. siona makes a p nice jam, though. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
siona. she has a lot of personal research that requires a lot of organization, because brewing chu jelly down into useable materials requires paying attention or  . . . blowing up. and she’s trying hard not to blow up. 
Who proposes?
lINK. i don’t know, i don’t know if they have a traditional proposal so much as nice conversations abt being together forever. it just kinda falls into place w them. 
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
i don’t think they’d have these? i think honestly, they’d just have a little celebratory shindig w friends and just get married or smth. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
NOVA AND GAN. that’s it, those are the only friends they have. 
Big Ceremony or Small?
i think it’s a small personal ceremony but probably a city-wide celebration bc even tho he’s not a blood prince he’s a prince yknow ??
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
THAT yeah seems like smth they’d do. if i know liona, tho they’re still pretty fresh, they’d probably hit a couple of places like goron city, kakariko - basically some places they can have fun, hit a hot spring, and eat a ton of good food. 
Do they have children? How many?
I THINK THEY HAVE.  . . two ??? i think it’s two girls, i don’t really know. (my sims have one girl so far and she’s blue w blonde hair so LMAO)
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draculaurennn · 5 years
. — OPHELIA ::  21 Asks for D&D Characters (and OCs) 1. What influenced or inspired the creation of this character?
yikes, a lot of things. she was my first dnd character, so i pulled from a lot of my theme interests: lovecraft, especially call of cthulhu and the dunwich horror. botany, poison gardening, and dangerous insects. victorian horror, like frankenstein, and circus sideshows. she’s also a little inspired by tomie and d.gray-man, so she definitely pulls a lot of influence from a lot of things. ALL PACKED INTO ONE MUNDANE CHARACTER. 
2. What is your character’s relationship with their family? Family is a word which here refers to biological relatives, close companions, and/or the individual(s) who raised them.
uhhh TERRIBLE. if she could, she’d kill her father, but she’s a little meek, so the deep desire to do so is easily overcome by her need to stay out of trouble… and also not go to trial like someone she knows. 
3. Who is the closest person to them?
right now, her closest friend is – AMAZINGLY – the party’s paladin, himeleth. himeleth is a love ancient elf, the last survivor of a golden age of elves, and she’s pretty sympathetic to ophelia. likewise, because ophelia’s personal relationship skills involve an unhealthy attachment to the people who show her any sort of affection, she’s pretty glued to himeleth. so much so that she lost an arm to revive her from the dead LOL
4. What were the conditions surrounding their formative years?
her mother died when she was really little, and ophelia was born into poverty with a father who was never good at managing their finances to begin with. not to mention he was terrible, and just didn’t want her, so he sold her to a circus. she did well enough at the circus; she was like, five or six when she was sold there, and wasn’t ADOPTED by, but she was sort of mentored by a pair of conjoined sisters. this was when ophelia learned to utilize knives, and she was an excellent knife target, knife thrower, and self-mutilator. then, when she was fifteen or so, a young man – probably in his 20s – named alvaire crescenti buckthorne convinced his very rich parents to buy ophelia from the circus, because he was quite smitten with her. ophelia, who was so blown away that anyone could like her so much to buy her out of labour, wound up falling disgustingly in love with him, and married him. and they lived together until he died when she was thirty. 
5. What creature would they like to have as a pet?
a bat ! they’re cute, and eat fruit, and would be excellent for the ecosystem of her greenhouse. 
6. Do they have any bad habits?
lets see… she peels the skin off her fingers when she’s stressed, she has no reservations about stabbing herself to get answers from her patron’s go-between, she keeps secrets (sort of; there’s a confused line between reality and hallucination that she won’t admit exists), she chews her hair in conversations that probably would require she didn’t. i’m sure i could sit here all day.
7. Is there anyone they’d die for? Kill for?
YES. ophelia became a warlock when she sold her soul to an eldritch goddess in order to raise her husband, alvaire, from the dead. she believed that would lead her down the path of a necromancer. so far, it’s led her down the path of deceit and misery. she has, at this point, sacrificed an arm to resurrect himeleth, the paladin from the dead, and… might go to some weird lengths to revive hakem and ka’rex. (it’s up for debate because they tend to get mad at her, so she’s quite afraid of them.)
8. Who was their first love?
her dead husband. 
9. How would this character react to someone confessing their love for them?
apparently by marrying them. ophelia’s pretty sheepish, so i think she’d be quite reserved and jumbled in her excitement, honestly. 
10. How old is this character?
11. Are they normally peaceful or aggressive?
she was pretty peaceful in the past. she does like to try to solve problems without brute force, but sometimes, things require more than just talking and finesse. lately, as she’s becoming more confused, more scared, and more lost in her choices, she’s becoming a might bit more aggressive. 
12. How does this character handle stress?
by shutting down. or stabbing it. or setting it on fire. this is on a scale of 1 to 10, ten being destroy. she rarely passes 5. 
13. Does your character consider themselves lucky?
absolutely not. 
14. What is their favorite holiday?
she’d probably like christmas. it’s so cheery, and it smells good. she never gets to be that cheery anymore. or smell that good. 
15. What is the best gift they could receive?
at this very moment in the campaign, the best gift she could receive would be to wake up, realize she’s been having a very long and detailed nightmare for the last few months, and go downstairs to tell her husband about it. 
16. If they could instantly kill one person in the world without consequence, who would it be?
Barraxis. there is a general, a miserable, horrible man who has been in charge of everything terrible that has ever happened to her. he corrupted her husband with these stupid human experiments that he hid from her, he was responsible for the death of her closest friend, grey, and this is all not to mention that he is leading a global militant organization called the Order of the Prime to end the world. if the last good thing she could do would be to rid the world of him, she would. 
17. If they were in possession of a trio of wishes, what would their three wishes be?
 the end of umbra and barraxis, the restoration of her arm, and the restoration of himeleth’s people. 
18. What is their favorite spell or method of attack?
she has two preferences, either close quarters striking with her pact weapon, starless athame, or ranged attacks with eldritch blast. with both she can generate extra damage through hex, hexblade’s curse, or maddening hex, so they’re her general choices to end a conflict quickly. 
19. What are their guilty pleasures?
she doesn’t have any anymore. 
20. What is something this character is or could be addicted to?
honey custard. maybe alcohol at this point LOL
21. Have you actually played this character yet?
yes and i love her.
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draculaurennn · 5 years
Do luvin now
. — Luvin: Send me a ship and I’ll break them DOWN
How did they they meet?
Lucid catapulted her presence into the WRO by bringing Zack back from the dead, and then she stayed, and picked on Vincent until he fell in love w her. easy peasy. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Vincentttt. he’s a sweet lil romantic deep down, we all know it. and Lucid’s nice and understands being miserable in her own way, and she’s also like, a grandma in a hot Gongagan body so. /dab
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
IT’S. TIFA. you’d think it would be Zilly, but NO. Tifa loves love and she’s gonna ship her friends till she dies. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
omg that was great. at an infiltration assignment in Junon, they got caught in a processing room where there were abunch of computers with data to access and hack, etc. and anyway Vincent was like “omg i just wanna make out w my girlfriend dude get out,” and the employee left, and he apologized, and then he unapologized and kissed Lucid again and it gives. me. life. 
Who confessed their feelings first?
i guess technically Vincent. with his mouth. LOL
What was their first official date?
i actually forget. i want to say their date was in Edge after the Junon thing, because they went to stay at Lucid’s for a bit, but i don’t know if that counts as a date or just being old adults who move too fast. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
i think they’re okay with them. i think they like spending time with their friends, but i also think they’re too shy to be super pda in front of their friends. 
What do they do in their down time?
Vincent just mills. i mean, i think he cleans his guns and . . . does whatever broody sad bois do. Lucid sleeps, or when she’s home, she gardens. but mostly she sleeps because she expends so much energy for magic she’s on her last legs like 90% of the day. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
neither of them have parents anymore (or at all). but Lucid has her bisabuelo, who isn’t really her bisabuelo, just an older Ancient, and he’s a dick. so it went pretty well in regards to the fact that bisabuelo loves the fact that Vincent is a harbinger of Chaos. and that’s literally not a good thing. 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
their first fight was over Lucretia. Vincent was mad that Lucid had opinions about how she allowed what happened to him to happen, and Lucid was mad that he was blind to how abused he was, and that he was apologetic for what Lucretia went through when literally, she let him suffer and wasn’t much better to him. they’re grown ups, so with a little time to cool off, they let it blow over, but Lucid actually really hasn’t gotten past that fight and she doesn’t like that she doesn’t feel like she can confront Vincent about letting himself be abused, and abusing himself for being abused. 
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Lucid. she doesn’t like to say it, but she’s posessive and defensive and will fight someone. it’s like that scene where Captain America starts to lift Thor’s hammer; she like kinda thinks it’s funny but also is very nervous about people who have any sort of advances towards Vincent. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
i have no idea. Lucid doesn’t eat meat and Vincent only eats meat. i think they’re the most mismatched for food, so i imagine they have more difficult conversations about meals than expected. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Lucid’s a heat stealing lizard woman and a koala. she likes to have one arm draped on him and one leg. Vincent has no favourite position because he’s probably sweating to death. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
like . . . i think it was like a week? they’re old and always dying. let them move fast.
Who tops?
UHH it depends LOL
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Lucid, for the most part. she likes cooking, but i think they shop together because he likes to pick his own cuts of meat. Vincent cooks sometimes, because he’s a nice, romantic boi like that, and he always helps. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
both. Lucid is incredibly particular about the organization of her work supplies, and cleanliness comes with that. Vincent is very minimalist, and, ignoring the ancient house he’s letting rot in Kalm, he doesn’t have a lot of things, so he also keeps a pretty tidy space. Lucid, i guess, would be the sloppier one just based on the fact that she leaves books everywhere. 
Who proposes?
Vincent, because he’s a 62 year old gentleman
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
both! i think everyone would pretty much wind up back at the 7th Heaven to have fun, so even if they start as separate outings, it ends with liquor at Tifa and Cloud’s. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Lucid has two maids of honour, because she loves Tifa and Illyria equally, but Tifa is less likely to be dying at any given moment, so she can take more phone calls about scheduling lol. Vincent probably picked Cid, as much as Cloud and Zack and Barret would complain. 
Big Ceremony or Small?
small !! they only have like 10 important people in their lives. but they’ll live forever so who knows, they can get married as many times as they want.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
i think they’d compromise and go to Mideel, because the temperature is more tolerable than Costa del Sol, and Lucid would refuse to freeze to death at Icicle Inn. 
Do they have children? How many?
F I V E. resurrected essence of Sephiroth (long story) manifested by accident (also long story) is their first. he’s  a good boy and you can’t tell me he’s not. Vigo is second, and he’s everything that’s wrong with a witch’s infatuation with partially-Chaos!Vincent. he’s a terrible person, but he has glimmers of good in him. he’s also skinny as a pole, tan like his mom, and has the crow like features of his dad, so he’s a handsome boi. then there’s Terra and Irving, which means Vincent got one gun son, and Noct, who is Lucid’s sweetest prince, and is everything good about a witch’s infatuation with chaos!Vincent. (i think these kids may be the most cross-over we’ve ever done, and they’re good garbage). somehow, in all of the world saving and keeping up w 5 kids, they avoid a minivan.   
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