theempirebats · 3 years
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Her Imperial Highness The Archduchess Sophia
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lunviks · 2 years
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kingdom-shirley · 4 years
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One night, a cute princess, Sophia, was born. Kahn was amazed at the moment. Nice to meet you. sophia princess
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theempirebats · 2 years
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Archduchess Sophia: What exactly did my mother want? I've told Eva I'm riding out.
Countess Hatháry: Am I missing something here? What letter exactly?
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Archduchess Sophia: Count Kirk invited me to ride out with him. We spent a fabulous day together, right next to that old mill where...
Countess Hatháry: I beg your pardon, fenség, you did what? How did I not know this! Does Her Majesty not know anything?
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Duchess Lingber: Know anything about what, Countess? Should I be concerned?
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Archduchess Sophia: Nothing of importance, Duchess. Etel and I were only talking about suitable matches, as a way to entertain ourselves on this boring day. Dashing princes everywhere!
Duchess Lingber: Whatever you say, Your Imperial Highness. I am sorry to interrupt your courting plans, but Her Imperial Majesty is awaiting you in the blue salon, Their Imperial Highnesses Archduchess Josephine and Margit are over for tea.
Countess Hatháry: Quite right, that is what I wanted to say before we started talking about... princes.
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Duchess Lingber: We must not keep Her Majesty and your cousins waiting.
Archduchess Sophia: I have not seen dear Margit since the wedding celebrations! We have a lot to catch up on.
Duchess Linberg: I am sure you do. All these princes, and maybe a Count? I do think your mother will be glad to hear about it as well.
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Duchess Linberg: Thank you, Countess. You may go.
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theempirebats · 2 years
[Cordelheim Palace]
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Countess Hatháry: Császári Fennség. [curtsies] The Dowager Empress has been looking for you...
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theempirebats · 3 years
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Archduchess Sophia: It is so peaceful out here... I wish we could stay like this forever.
Count Kirk: I wish that too, but He has other plans for us, Hercegnő. I say that as if we aren’t enjoying the path we were born to walk. [laughs]
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Archduchess Sophia: Oh don’t be silly, I was just playing with that tought. Although I am certain I wouldn’t mind living a different lifestyle.. in peace and quiet, outside the circus.
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Count Kirk: Oh dear, I am sure it would be less complicated, but that lifestyle is not for us, especially not for you. But for this little time we have together, let’s pretend it’s real. Just you and me, alone in the forest. Just like a scene in my wildest dreams...
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theempirebats · 3 years
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Count Kirk: Where are we going exactly?
Archduchess Sophia: Don’t be so impatient, we are almost there!
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Archduchess Sophia: See, I told you we were almost there!
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Count Kirk: Sophia, I... I am so glad you showed up. I cannot express how much it means to me, how much you mean to me...
Archduchess Sophia: Drága Ottó... I couldn’t be happier.
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Count Kirk: I know it’s silly and we have only known each other for a short time, but...
Archduchess Sophia: But...?
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Count Kirk: I love you.
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theempirebats · 3 years
[Somewhere in the Imperial Reserve]
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Count Kirk: Good afternoon, dearest Sophia. I am very sorry to have kept you waiting.... I-
Archduchess Sophia: Count Kirk. We may not be at court, but we shall not forget about the rules we must follow. You may only address me as ‘Your Imperial Highness’. And if I am not wrong, I outrank you, Sir. How dare you address me before I show any sign of interest?
Count Kirk: Your Imperial Highness, I am indeed very sorry, I thought -
Archduchess Sophia: [Laughs] Don’t be so serious, dear Otto. I was just joking. I am so glad you are here.
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Archduchess Sophia: I must be honest, I did not expect a letter of invitation from you, but when I read it, I could barely keep my excitement to myself. My poor maid must have been very confused.
Count Kirk: I cannot stop thinking about you and our dance. I have been anxious to write a letter, I was afraid you would not show up or share the same feelings as I do. I wish I could have spoken to you personally, but I do not hold any court positions so you might just think of me as a dirty little peasant...
Archduchess Sophia: Oh dear, that is nonsense.. I coulnd’t be happier that you are here with me. Is there any specific reason you called for me?
Count Kirk: Well, apart from being with you, I would like to discuss our feelings and just.. talk. I fell for you the moment I saw you at the -
Archduchess Sophia: Nem, nem, nem. We can talk, but...
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Archduchess Sophia: ...you will have to catch me first!
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theempirebats · 4 years
[Cordelheim Palace - After the wedding ceremony]
[Doors open]
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Their Imperial Majesties The Emperor and The Empress
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[Guests curtsy and bow]
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The Dowager Countess and the Count of Kirk
Kirks: Your Majesties... [Countess curtsies - Count bows]
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Emperor Ferdinand: How nice to see you both! I believe we have not seen each other since the funeral of your dear husband, Lady Ida. And Otto! It’s been a while... I dearly miss our hunts, I do hope you will join me next time.
Count Otto: I sure hope so, Your Majesty.
Empress Ludovika: It is a pleasure to meet you! I have heard a lot about you...
Lady Ida: The pleasure is all ours, Your Majesty.
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Archduchess Sophia: Look at her, Mama. She is beautiful and can hold the conv... [The Dowager interrupts]
Dowager Empress Maria: Yes indeed, she is beautiful but she still has a lot to learn. I have to admit she is acting like a true empress... so far. Not perfect, but I have someone to help her.
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[Chatter in the background]
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Dowager Empress Maria: Your Majesties...
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Dowager Empress Maria: It is my pleasure to introduce the Dowager Duchess of Newcrest, the head mistress of the empress’ household.
Dowager Duchess of Newcrest: Your Majesties. [curtsy]
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Dowager Empress Maria: She will be your guide at court. An etiquette and protocol tutor, if you will... besides organising your events and running your household, of course.
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theempirebats · 4 years
[Cordelheim Palace - Grand Ballroom]
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Archduchess Margit: Look who’s coming our way!
Archduchess Sophia: Quiet, Margit....
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Count Kirk: Good evening, Your Imperial Highnesses. [Bows] Count Kirk: Care to have the next waltzer with me, Ma’am?
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Archduchess Sophia: Such informalities, Count Kirk. Let me check my dance card. I had such a busy evening, but I might have a spare spot for you, my lord.
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Archduchess Sophia: Hmm... Looks like I am free for the next dance.
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Count Kirk: May I?
[Archduchess Sophia hands over her dance card to Count Kirk]
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[Count Kirk writes himself into Archduchess Sophia’s dance card]
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Count Kirk: Your Highnes...
Archduchess Sophia: Count Kirk. Shall we?
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theempirebats · 4 years
[Cordelheim Palace - Grand Ballroom]
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Archduke Adalbert: Ma’am, are you here with me?
Empress Ludovika: I am, do forgive me, dear Albert. Please continue.
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Archduke Adalbert: ...helped me raise my profits. No one believed in it but it actualy worked! But please, your majesty, let this be our secret. Some lords would kill me if they realised I am keeping this from them.
Empress Ludovika: Oh, how interesting indeed! Do not worry, this will stay between us. 
[Sips wine]
Empress Ludovika: Now, if you will excuse me...
Archduke Adalbert: Your Majesty. [bows]
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Archduchess Margit: Josef told me about the look you gave Count Kirk. He says you were even blushing, darling. Does the Dowager know?
Archduchess Sophia: Oh Margit, there is nothing to discuss about this. Your brother probably had too much wine during the luncheon. I didn’t -
Archduchess Margit: Oh please. You can tell me... Does your mother know?
Archduchess Sophia: No, she does not. In fact, no one does. But it does not even matter, she would never approve of him...
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Dowager Empress: Son, are you listening?
Emperor Ferdinand: Yes Mama, I’m sorry I was just -
Dowager Empress: It does not matter. What matters is that the ball goes splendidly. I have barely seen you on the dance floor.
Emperor Ferdinand: Yes, I am just waiting for Ludo-
Dowager Empress: She is your wife, but not the only lady in the room. You have not even danced with your sister, Ferdinand, nor your cousin Margit. Not to mention the other important ladies of tonight...
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Dowager Empress: Anyway, looks like your wife is about to leave for a dance. I shall catch her before she does so, I have something important to tell her. Do excuse me.
Emperor Ferdinand: Of course, Mama.
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Dowager Empress: Ludovika dear, would you spare me a minute?
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Empress Ludovika: Of course, your majesty. 
Dowager Empress: Oh my darling, please call me Mama. We are now family after all...
Empress Ludovika: Yes, thank you, Mama. What can I do for you?
Dowager Empress: Are you heading to the dance floor, my dear?
Empress Ludovika: Actually I am! Duke Eglon asked me to dance the next Quadrille with him and I was more than happy to accept.
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Dowager Empress: How wonderful. I just wanted to let you know that the ball is slowly coming to an end and it is time for you to start preparing for the rest of the night. Please find me after the dance.
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Empress Ludovika: Yes, Mama.
[Ludovika kisses the Dowager’s hand]
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Archduchess Margit: Come on Sophia, you clearly like him. You should ask him for a dance.
Archduchess Sophia: Are you out of your mind? No woman would ever ask a man for a dance, definitely not me... And there is no Ladies’ choice on the schedule for tonight. 
Archduchess Margit: Has he signed himself in your card yet? 
[Sophia Shakes her head]
Archduchess Margit: Then I suggest you wait.
Archduchess Sophia: Whatever. Let’s just go downstairs and enjoy the rest of the evening...
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theempirebats · 4 years
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[Cordelheim Palace - Grand Ballroom] [Music - continue from where you stopped for the last post]
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theempirebats · 4 years
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[Cordelheim Palace - Grand Ballroom]
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theempirebats · 4 years
[Cordelheim Palace]
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Archduchess Sophia: There she comes...
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Archduke Karl: Our new Empress.
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Emperor Ferdinand: Indeed. 
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theempirebats · 4 years
[Cordelheim Palace Chapel - Wedding day]
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Thank you so much @melonsloth​ for the Emperor’s amazing uniform and @theroyalthornoliachronicles​ for the music recommendation! ♥
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theempirebats · 4 years
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Mirror mirror on the wall...
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