#simon pls calm down my boy
oceantornadoo · 5 months
ex and the city (simon riley x female reader)
inspired by s2 ep18 of sex and the city (currently on a binge). miranda and steve are the cutest (pls don't spoil)
fuck, it was him.
simon stood at the other side of your door, glaring into your peephole. you stepped back quickly, hand covering your mouth in shock. after running away from him on the street the other day, you hadn't expected him to show up. maybe you could just not answer, pretend it never happened and- "can hear ya breathin', dove." shit.
you quickly unlocked the door, trying to compose yourself. "simon! hi!" shit you needed to calm down. that is not how an ex-fiancee would treat her almost-husband. "shitty thing you did, runnin' like a rabbit fr'm me." your eyebrows rose. he was going for it. "i didn't run!" he looked at you, dead-eyed. letting the silence hang over you like a dark cloud, the air growing tense in your apartment hallway behind him.
"you ran." you ran a hand down your face, the other tightening your grip on your door. "well, i wasn't expecting to see you and- i just-" your voice choked, an attempt at hiding back your tears. "hurt my feelin's, dove." simon kept his arms crossed, staring down at you. he never did talk about his feelings much, but seeing the woman who was supposed to be his wife, his forever, run away from him? that hurt even a dead man like him.
"well i don't do very well with ex-boyfriends and..." you trailed off, staring at your toes. the tears were hot behind your eyes now, months of frustration and longing boiling to the surface. "dove..." he reached out and tilted your chin up, forcing you to look at him. the feeling of his gloves against your skin was so familiar you almost closed your eyes, but snapped them open when you remembered. "this is me. simon." you nodded, throat thick. you shrugged, struggling to find the words to convey how you survived without him for the past four months. you decided on a simple, "yeah."
"i held your head while you wer' sleepin'." simon took off his mask, tucking it in his pocket. his hair was a bit longer since the last time you saw it. his face a bit scruffy, sporting a few new scars from the last deployment you had screamed at him for. your neighbor appeared behind him, tilting her head back as she pretended not to listen. you turned away, rubbing at your eyes as they got red. he took the silent invite and ran with it, stepping through and closing the door before your neighbor saw you vulnerable. always protecting you physically, even when he couldn't emotionally.
"im sorry. im so sorry it- i just-" you rubbed at your chest, an aching spot forming behind your rib cage. "shh dove, s'ok, yer ok." he reached for you and then stopped himself. he didn't get that privilege anymore. "i just hadn't seen you in so long and i thought you might have died and i missed you simon..." your voice cracked at his name, the taste of it so familiar. like a warm hot chocolate on a winter's day, a cool lemonade on a summer's night. "im a shitty person! you'd never do anything that shitty."
he chuckled. you, always idolizing him, making him out to be a golden boy when really he was rotting, a half-dead thing for you to play with. "showed up to yer apartment in the middle of the day an' called yer landlord to make sure you were in. what'dya call that?" a sob rose from your throat, the humor of what he said hitting you hard. "yeah that was pretty shitty." you nodded, rewarding him with a weak smile and a half-angry tone.
"i miss you. in my bones, si." his eyes were wet, crinkling in the leftover eye-black. "im here, dove. what'rya doin' friday?" you let out a sob again, covering your mouth. "i have a date." fuck, he'd kill him. he'd let johnny plant mines and put gaz on intelligence and ask price to redeem that one favor from a year ago. he'd make it look like an purposeful accident, a gas leak or a water heater explosion. something where even the man's family couldn't get any money. he ran his hands through his hair, a nervous tick he only showed in front of you.
"can't pretend to be happy for ya, dove. can't be a better man on this." and suddenly you were hugging him, hands reaching over his shoulders as you stood on familiar tiptoes. his hands automatically circled your waist, the feel of it engrained in his soul. something he could describe from memory. "lets just...stay here awhile. okay?" he nodded into your hair, breathing in that familiar scent. he had another chance at making you his wife and he wasn't going to lose it again.
i kinda want to write one of these for all of the 141?? we'll see.
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b1rds3ye · 1 year
Hi! Hello! I'm not sure if I can make a request, but if I can here's my request!
Can you do an LED mask reader who has a workshop underneath the base that the 141 doesn't know about (except Price, he approved it he just didn't tell the others, he didn't tell Shepherd too)
And when someone breaks something (like a gadget) they tell them to come to their workshop so they can fix it
It's okay if you don't do this! I just really like the idea :)
YES YES YES PLS THIS IS SO CUTE!! (Also PLEASE don't be afraid to invade my askbox, it's always open for brainrot, requests and the such~) Unfortunately I couldn't really incorporate the mask into this, just reader being a lil gremlin I hope that's okay 😭
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The base has bunkers in case of an emergency and evacuation, but there are some passages and dead-ends that have become completely neglected. Price doesn't know how the hell you caught wind of those abandoned rooms but with his authority combined with Laswell's, they manage to allocate a space for you without the knowledge of any stuffy generals like Shepherd.
While it takes some months until anyone else in the 141 is invited to your underground workshop, they do know something is up. One minute you're around and then the next you've disappeared and unreachable (the first few weeks when you cleaned up the bunkers there was absolutely no signal underground). However they had enough faith in you and Price's lack of concern was signal enough to calm down.
It was only when Soap had come back from a mission, he could only groan in despair at his battered hardware. He's normally a clean demolitions expert, but a mission going south quicker than he could blink meant that his typical tools had succumbed to the explosions he set off. Unable to say no to Johnny's pout as he looked around at everyone like a kicked puppy, you eventually give him a reassuring pat on the back.
"See me downstairs, I'll fix it."
... what?
Johnny - as well as Gaz and Ghost who watched the exchange - just stare at you silently as you walk away. Downstairs? You mean the run down evacuation tunnels that are so run down and poorly maintained they're probably more of a death trap than whatever could be up above? But sure enough, you walk in the direction to one of the known entrances to the bunkers and they hastily chase after you (Price also following a little behind because he just knows this is going to be entertaining).
When they find you downstairs, even Price is in awe of what you've done with the place. It's filled with various forms of high-end tech. An impressive blend of both software running automatically on clean screens and gritty hardware that's sprawled across various workbenches and occasionally forgotten on the ground. There's only a singular hanging light at the center of the ceiling, but with a fresh bulb and the ambient light of all your other technology, the place is lit more than enough.
"Bloody hell..." Kyle pulls away from the rest of the 141 and joins you, his eyes following the curves and dips of a nearby piece of machinery he has never seen before but the general shape has him half convinced it's a bloody bomb.
"Like what you see?" You turn to the rest of the task force. You can't stop yourself from straightening your back in pride as the boys were clearly in awe of your handiwork.
"You were hiding this from us?" Simon asks. His voice always has a bite but you could tell that he was just stupefied, his question not just directed to you as he shoots a look to Price who stifles a smug smirk.
"We had some spare space," Price explains. "Thought it could use the renovation."
"Renovation? You rebuilt this from the ground up," Johnny exclaims, taking in the room as if it was a hidden hoard of treasures.
"Say, you'd let us pay you a visit down here, yeah?" Kyle turns back to you, eyes gleaming. The rest of the task force join in their own way. Johnny's nodding enthusiastically, John cocks an eyebrow at you, and even Simon tilts his head in curiosity, waiting for your next words.
"Hm..." you look away, bringing a finger to your chin and tapping it in contemplation. Eventually you let out a huff as you snatch Johnny's broken gear from his hands and start shooing them out. "I'll have to think about it. I'll get back to you in five to seven business days."
Johnny starts animatedly protesting but lets himself be pushed by you out of the door. Kyle laughs while Price hushes them all. Below all the commotion was an underlying understanding and agreement. You don't even need to say it aloud but they'll all certainly be crashing at your underground workshop and they were more than welcome to. In truth, as much as you loved having your private workshop, the only thing that could make it better was entrusting it with the dearest people in your lives.
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Call of Duty Masterlist
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writing-with-moss · 2 months
Safehouse…pt. 1!
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TW- cursing
CW- this is my OC Rory ‘Valkyrie’ O’Connor (I have a character sheet for her posted up which you can find on my pinned post)
this is my first fan fiction so pls don’t be super judgy!
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You felt exhausted, the weight of your tac gear and the days fuckery heavy on your body.
the safehouse was small. One bedroom, one couch, a radio positioned on a tiny shelf by a tiny window that let the small amount of moonlight into the room. Food. Water. Shelter. What you needed to camp out for the night. And there, in the center of it all, was him.
it wasn’t supposed to end up like this. It was supposed to be a quick in and out mission, simple, easy, key word- quick. But it wasn’t, and you were chased down to the safe house. With Simon fucking Ghost Riley.
Simon. Where do you even start? You can’t deny the feelings you get when you stare at him. You’re a levelheaded mature soldier, but that doesn’t stop you from getting lonely. Far from it. And maybe you do like the small peeks of skin from under his mask and his rough voice and his calm nature. Soap makes you relaxed and Gaz and you have comfortable mature conversations and Price is like a dad but the feelings you have for Simon are far from platonic. And he didn’t even know it.
he turned slightly, meeting your eyes. The tension in the air was thick, you could practically feel it in the back of your throat.
“…you should get some rest. You have bags under your eyes Val.” His rough voice mumbles to you. His accent making you slightly weak in the knees.
“you need sleep too.” You retort. You don’t know why you don’t just shut up and take the bed and finally rest. But maybe staying up with him is better than that. “You need sleep as much as I do.” You take a weary step forward.
“You’re right. I can sleep on the couch.”
“I’m smaller. I can fit on the couch better than you can.” You point out. And it was true. He was bigger, much bigger than you. You weren’t a small woman 5’8” muscled and curvy. But he had to have at least 50 pounds and a half a foot on you. you see his shoulders slump. He’s too tired to argue, which you don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. “Fine. Sleep on the couch.” his body, shuffled to the back of the Safehouse, stripping slowly out of his tac gear.
you immediately look away, you don’t know why you’re acting so shy. You’ve seen him naked before, you’ve seen everyone on the task force naked before. He’s seen you that way too so why are your cheeks so flushed and-
“why so prudish Val?” You can practically hear the smirk on his lips.
“I’m not being prudish, I’m being modest. And giving you privacy.” You quickly snap back, stuffing down your feelings and undoing the front of your tac gear.
“Whatever you say.”
you think for a moment and mumble. “And don’t call me Val, just…call me Rory. We aren’t all professional right now.”
“Rory.” The way he says your name makes your cheeks burn up. The way he rolls the R’s on his tongue, testing how your name feels in his mouth. “Rory. Cute name. Thought it was for boys though?”
“short for aurora, but I hate aurora. So it’s Rory.” You drop your gear down, leaving you in your t-shirt and pants. You can feel his eyes trace your hips.
He moves towards you, and you finally glance back. You’ve seen him without his mask on before, but it still makes you breathe a little heavy. His face is masculine, eyebrows well built and thick, his jaw prominent and his lips a little thin. His eyes were set a little deep into his face, a nice rich brown color. His skin littered with tiny scars and the remnants of eye black in the creases of his skin. His blonde hair fell in straight strands, cut into a sharp military style haircut.
you felt your heart pump, beating wildly against your rib cage. His eyes searching your green ones. You were itching to touch his face but restrained, thinking it was too forward.
you don’t know what prompted you to say it, but it kind of just tumbled out of your mouth. “Is it just me or do we have a lot of tension?”
‘And touching his face was too forward? You’re an idiot Rory!’
you felt stupid when you saw his slightly taken aback expression, well, until a rare smile cracked on his lips. “Yeah….I guess we do.” He admits, sitting back on the back of the couch. “It’s what we’re gonna do with it that’s really what matters.” He points out and he’s valid for it.
what are you gonna do with all this tension?
—————————End of Pt. 1—————————-
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kamakazih8syou · 2 years
"let's go home" Ghost x GN!reader
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PREMISE: Ghost gets a little tipsy and forgets that he's talking to his lovely partner
PAIRINGS: Ghost x GN!reader
WARNINGS: talks of being drunk, alcohol consumption
AN: THANK YALL SM FOR THE LOVE!! PLS GIVE ME STUFF TO WRITE ABT, MY ASK BOX IS WIDEE OPEN this is also a little short but ive been in a little writers block :(
You rarely ever get a day off. Like, ever.
You are always busy, always working, always on your feet. Your free time is spent with your husband, Simon and even days where the both of you are free, your days usually get cut short by missions, getting called in for last minute work, etc etc... Today was different.
You and 141 were going out for drinks as you usually do when a mission is over, you went back home, freshened up, and put on a nicer outfit then your gear. As you walk to the car you get bombarded with texts from Soap and Gaz saying how you needed to "Get your slow ass over to the pub" You chuckle at the text, and you back out of your parking space.
You walk into the pub and you immediately notice something is off, the boys are much louder then they would usually have been when, from their corner of the bar you hear them cheering in celebration and laughing. That's when you hear it Ghosts laugh.
Ghost tries to be stoic, rarely letting himself slip up and letting himself show any emotion that isn't neutrality or anger. At most, he lets out a soft chuckle to one of his own unfunny dark jokes, or to you trying to make him laugh in public. This was different. He was having a hearty laugh at something you couldn't even fathom, it was probably an unfunny joke being completely fair. You smile when you walk up behind him and brush his arm in the way you always do to let him know its you.
"Hey, ease up. I got someone back home" Simon says roughly, he pulls his arm away from your hand. You attempt to say ,"Ghost its me-" but you are cut off with a harsh "Yeah pal whatever you say, just keep your hands off. I don't want you, i'm waiting for my partner." You chuckle, realizing that Simon may have had a little too much to drink, and you decide to play along as you slide into the seat next to him. "Oh my, I didn't realize you were taken! Tell me more about this partner" You say with a smile. Simon responds by clearing his throat, "Well, they're amazing for one. They reign hell on anything they attempt to do and I honestly don't think I could even try to do half the shit they do. They're always working so hard for everyone and I can't- I don't even think I could imagine a life without them. I didn't think I could love someone before them but... here they are, proving me wrong every single day." Simon takes a sip of his whiskey, and looks at you long and hard.
"You kinda... look like them" Ghost says while squinting his eyes, almost as if he's trying to play a game of, "Guess the Difference" in his head.
"What's yer... what's yer name love?", Simon says, slurring his drunken words.
You sigh and kiss his masked cheek, " Let's get you home Si.", You say with a little laugh; You grab his hand and lead him to your car.
"I didn't think you had that many nice things to say about me Si, you really know how to flatter someone", You say as you're driving. You think Simon is sleeping, his body rested softly on your passenger door as you make your way home.
"Mmmm, I meant every word dear..... you're amazin and I wouldn't change you for a thing...", His words are strung together and are filled with sleep. You love it when he's like this, when he's relaxed and calm. When it seems like all his worries and his past has drifted away for the time being. When he opens up and lets down his walls he's built around his heart. Simon has never been an open man, but when he is? He never fails to charm you. You love Simon.
You love days like these.
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theodoraflowerday · 7 months
young royals s3e5 episode reaction:
well I really hope the cliffhanger isn't horrifying bc this week is gonna be really fucking long
let's fuckin do this
"tired" and it's just him contending w the fact that erik might have been violently homophobic
i can excuse [rolls down a 6ft long papyrus] but I draw the line at being racist - august, probably
"family" LMFAO sure dumbass
seriously those girls are acting like sara and felice broke up (and I get it, friendship breakups are horrifying but damn)
I feel like micke is gonna die. idk.
his own letter? why?
oh. hello ludwig. i forgot what your voice sounded like.
"it's hard for her to show weakness" yeah well so it is for all of us. be a mother. show up for your son.
naaaaaaaaaaa volvete serio ludwig
wdym he was perfect. are you serious. do no adults in this show have the slightest bit of common sense?? you're talking to erik's spare my man. erik's little brother who now has to take on everything erik had to do. be the most fuckin for real rn
of fucking COURSE
"it'll be nice to celebrate you. and to meet simon too" ok that was sweet.
yeah wille being in the choir was starting to feel too weird skfjdkfjd
okay? calm your tits my man? simon hasn't said anything?
oooooookay kristina jr.
ohhhh it was sara's locker. ok.
oh micke is dead isn't he
also is this the writers acknowledging the nonbinary wille headcanons bc.......
I can't believe wille likes doing his nails. that's so fuckin nonbinary of him.
god I wish micke had been dead. that is SO much worse.
pls don't get into a car crash sara
linda honey no. it doesn't fit him perfectly it's goddamn huge on him.
love shouldn't be this hard I agree linda
oh fuck me
oh her little face sara no
oh sara is breaking my goddamn heart
wilhelm, why do you have nail polish remover in your room
omg malin was willing to be bribed. back to fanon malin we go (after the shit show that was season 2)
okay this is killing me inside. this is too much.
simon's FACE im
I know he must have felt disgusting sjfkdjfk
after pretty much 3 years of a polar opposite fanon interpretation I cannot *believe* I'm witnessing kristina and ludwig being genuinely happy about meeting simon. this is so insane
august are you staring at sara's boobs
oh a rolex
I missed sara and felice I'm ngl. I love my tiny baby girls
oh kristina is about to throw up isn't she lmfao
ludwig is being weirdly nice. this is so strange.
ludwig and simon chatting away while kristina is about to choke and die
hold on. IS kristina gonna die?
even during wille's birthday they can't stop yapping about erik. my god do royals genuinely only care about their firstborn? god
class bad boy slfjdlgj I think they had to have done that on purpose. I mean vincent didn't wanna give him the satisfaction of giving him another award. I can assure you.
august is such a *sad* character oh my god
oh of course she kissed him.
"please don't leave me alone with your parents like that again" honestly wille they could've eaten him alive
my god wilhelm you're being SO NASTY
oh ldkgldjgldjfldjffl
I can ASSURE YOU during my s2 liveblogging at one point I basically wrote "[points at ludwig] AND YOU" bc i was so fucking done with his bullshit skrjdlrkdlrkld
to hear wille going AND *YOU* is fucking sending me help
me rn:
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my god this is the most cathartic shit I've seen in my life
I knew the cliffhanger was gonna be that
but I didn't expect them to cry like that nor did I expect ME to cry like that
bro I'm sobbing I can't wait another week
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lushrue · 3 months
hockeyteam!141 x figureskater!reader pt 5
this is not edited at all so pls excuse any mistakes! started a new job this week, but i really wanted to get this part out of my head so here it is! comment to be added to the taglist!
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 | part 7 | part 8
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you sat at a table facing the door in the local coffee shop, fingers tapping nervously against your mug. as much as you wanted to enjoy your salted caramel latte, it just wasn’t lifting your spirits like it normally did. not when the weight of this mysterious conversation was weighing on you. you supposed you couldn’t blame simon entirely; he didn’t seem like the type to understand how a “we need to talk” moment could eat away at a person. he was blunt, a little rough around the edges. he just said what was on his mind.
you’d turned every single interaction with them over in your mind in the past 24 hours. every word you’d said, every time you’d so much as brushed up against one of them, every text you’d sent. perhaps you’d been too forward. maybe they didn’t want a relationship, maybe you weren’t their type. or maybe, they were going to throw themselves at you and beg for you to choose one of them to be yours. visions of them dueling for your hand appeared and you shook them away, taking a sip of your latte. too many late night Bridgerton binges.
before you could sink any deeper into your thought spiral, the bell dinged to signal new arrivals to the coffee shop. the unholy sound echoed in your ears as you raised your head, your stomach twisting into a knot no boy scout could hope to undo. sure enough, there were your men, shrugging their coats and hats off as they stepped into the warmth. johnny was the first one to find you, as always. if you didn’t know any better, you’d say that he had a radar for you, a beeping in his head that alerted him when you were near. you gave a friendly wave, mustering the best smile you could as they approached your table.
simon looked uncharacteristically anxious. you didn’t think you’d ever seen that side of him before. he was fidgety, flighty, every muscle in his body on alert for a threat that wasn’t there. that didn’t help to ease your nerves, so you flicked your gaze over to john. confident as always, leading the pack. he met your smile with one of his own, his eyes crinkling at the corners in a way you’d come to love. kyle also seemed a bit more subdued, his usual greeting of a smile and wave falling flat. he almost mirrored your body language, like he was keeping up a facade for your sake. if johnny felt anything but himself, he didn’t show it. he strode over to the table, taking a seat next to you and giving you a one-armed hug. “how’re you, lass?” he asked as you leaned into him.
“i’m alright,” you lie, moving away from him to share your attention with the three other men that sat down with you. “i’m sorry about the game. i saw the stats, you all really tried your hardest.” you’d told johnny and simon as much over the phone, but you wanted to make sure kyle and john heard it too. one late night conversation over beers and cigarettes about deepest fears later, you’d learned how hard price takes failure. he nods to you, looking down at his lap like he’s trying to figure out what to say. “yeah, tough loss,” he says after a beat. “we’ll get ‘em next year, though, hmm?”
kyle and johnny both nod, demeanor shifting at the mention of their loss. clearly, the wound was still fresh. a moment of awkward silence passed before simon stood from the table, chair scraping the ground. “i’ll get us some drinks,” he said, shoving his hands in his pockets before stepping away from the table to get in line. his gruff demeanor didn’t help to put you at ease, so you took another sip of your latte. the sweetness of it pulled you away for a moment, calmed your nerves a bit. the silence between the remaining four of you was weighty, charged with something you weren’t sure you understood. you were torn between making small talk to delay the inevitable, or ripping the bandaid off and getting it over with. you tap your fingers against the mug, the rhythms of “thunderstruck” still stuck in your head.
in your periphery, you catch johnny and kyle shooting glances at each other. a conversation played out between them, almost eerie in the way they understood each other. surely they were telepathic or something. regardless, it ended with their eyes fixed on price and price’s eyes fixed on you. he cleared his throat, your head snapping up to look at him across the table. this was it. they never wanted to see you again and if you’d kindly lose their numbers, please and thank you. you finally feel the sweat on your palms, the growing lump in your throat. “don’ really wanna start talkin’ without simon ‘ere, dove,” he said, “but you look like y’r gonna crawl out of your skin.” you give a nervous laugh, shifting in your seat.
“no, really, i’m good,” you reply, setting your mug down to curb your nervous fidgeting. you’re not a very convincing liar and you can tell they don't buy the act for a second, eyes with nerves as raw as yours watching your every move. thankfully, after a few minutes of johnny trying to ease the tension with talk of the latest nhl scores, simon returns with the four blessed drinks he’d ordered. black coffee for price, black tea with lemon for gaz, cold brew with vanilla cold foam for soap, and a london fog for himself. you stiffen as he sits, eyes flicking to each one of them in turn. you feel strangely vulnerable, like you’re presenting yourself for judgment. they don’t look down on you, but their gazes feel heavy, weighed down by something unfamiliar. you swallow and fight down the urge to tuck tail and run. “so, what did you want to talk about?”
john is the one who leans forward, elbows resting on the table as he holds his steaming mug of coffee. “somethin’ important. i need you to wait until we’re all done talkin’ to respond, yeah?” your brow furrows, confusion written across your features. still, you nod, white-knuckling the drink in front of you. simon is the next one to speak up, straightening in his chair. he looked serious in a way that you hadn’t seen before. whatever this was, this mattered to him on a more personal level. “you’ve been a great friend to us, lovie. you’re good company and we like havin’ you around.” “pretty easy on the eyes too,” johnny said under his breath, earning a kicked shin under the table. you almost laughed when he winced and shot ghost a glare.
“what simon’s tryin’ to say is,” kyle interjected, “we don’t want you worryin’ that this is us cuttin’ you loose. we like you, we wanna keep you.” there was an intensity to his words that made you shiver despite the kindness of them. at least your worst-case scenarios had turned out to be just that: scenarios. visibly, you relax, sitting back in your seat a little bit and loosening your grip on your mug. “alright,” you say, your tone a bit lighter. “then what’s all this about?” gaz leans forward now, pretty brown eyes fixed on yours. “well, we’ve grown pretty attached to you, in more ways than one. wanna make it a bit more…formal, i guess.” he looks to price as if for approval, and the captain nods.
“formal how?” you ask, thoroughly confused. how does one make friendship more formal? friendship bracelets, maybe, but they didn’t seem like the type. johnny speaks up this time, and the more they talk, the more it seems like this is rehearsed. everyone has their piece to say. “lass, i don’t know if ye’ve noticed, but the four of us spend a bit more time around each other than friends do,” he said, motioning to the three other men around the table. “we’re closer than friends. a lot closer, if you catch my drift.” he smirks, eyes glinting with mischief. you normally loved that look, but now you were scrutinizing it, trying to find the meaning in his flirtatious expression.
the words failed to register in your head for a moment. closer than friends would be dating, and there was no way they were all dating each other. or were they? you recalled seeing simon drop johnny’s hand when they approached you at the ice rink. one night at the bar, price had slung his arm around gaz’s shoulders and gaz had leaned into him like it was second nature. johnny’s eyes lingered too long on the love bites that always seemed to appear on price’s neck. kyle always had his hand on the small of simon’s back in crowded spaces. oh my god, they’re all dating each other.
a crimson blush paints your cheeks as you make the connection, eyes wide as you look between the four of them. price chuckles, holding up a hand to stop your racing thoughts in their tracks. “i know you’ve got a lot of questions, dove. and we’ll get to those, i promise.” he took a sip of coffee, looking to gaz as if to prompt him. kyle nodded, shifting to face you a bit more directly. “like i said, we like you. all of us, we like you a lot.” the sincerity in his voice made you fluster, averting your gaze from his to stare down at your lap. it had been a while since you’d gotten this kind of attention from a man, let alone four of them.
johnny leaned in closer, putting his hand on your thigh to get your attention. “you’re such a bonnie thing. so sweet, like candy. and y’r funny too.” you can’t help the small smile that curves your lips at the compliment, looking up to see simon nodding. “beautiful skater. took my breath away the first time i watched ya,” ghost added, taking a sip of his coffee. “and a hell of an athlete to boot," price said. "strong and delicate at the same time.” he tilted his head to catch your gaze, practically forcing you to look at him and see the tenderness in his eyes. “you’re so easy to talk to,” gaz said, pulling your attention towards him. “i feel like i can come t’you with anything.”
you shift uncomfortably, almost embarrassed by how complimentary they were of you. you knew you’d made a good impression, but this was something else. johnny’s thumb stroked along your thigh in an attempt to soothe you, which would have worked any other time. “i don’t know what to say,” you finally manage to respond, voice weaker than you would’ve liked. kyle smiled at you over his mug of tea. he swallowed his sip, placing the mug back down on the table. “we’re not sayin’ all this to blow smoke, pretty. we’re sayin’ this cause we’d like to have ya. we wanna be more than friends, if you’re willing.”
before you can even process what kyle said, johnny’s grip on your leg gets a bit tighter. “i’ve seen how ye look at us, bonnie,” he said, voice low to keep prying ears from hearing. “we’ve seen how ye look at all of us. we wouldn’t ask if we thought it would make ye uncomfortable.” price swooped in as damage control, seeking to ease the nerves he could see steadily reappearing. “there’s no pressure here," he said with a pointed glance at johnny. "this is nothing more than an offer, and you’re free to take it or leave it. you can be with one of us, all of us, or none of us. won’t hurt our feelings any, and no matter the outcome, we’re all still friends, yeah?” john’s words were like a balm to the ends of your frayed nerves, easing them back from firing on all cylinders.
the speed of all of this was making your head spin. not only did you get confirmation that they liked you back, but now they were inviting you to get in on their little group relationship. you knew there was a term for it, but it was just out of reach of your tongue. your mouth opened and closed a few times like a fish out of water as you searched for the words to say. your heart was leaping in your chest, beating against your ribcage and begging you to say yes. there was a giddiness present in you that was unfamiliar to adult you. it reminded you of having a crush, the thrill of finding out that the object of your childhood affection liked you back. you supposed that was what you’d developed for all four of them: a crush.
you flicked your eyes between them, catching their nervous and eager stares. even john looked apprehensive, afraid of being rejected. finally, the words come to you. “i’m really flattered,” you said sincerely, taking a breath to steady yourself. “i really like all of you, but i think you already knew that.” you laugh nervously, running a hand through your hair. “i guess i’d just like to ask a couple questions first? i want to say yes, i really do. i just…” you hesitate, catching the way simon stiffens in your periphery. “i want to make sure i understand.”
“that’s fair, dove,” price said, taking another sip of coffee. “i think i’d be more worried if you didn’t have questions.” you want to laugh, and you would if there wasn’t so much confusion floating around in your head. “what exactly is the arrangement between the four of you? do you all date each other, or do you just date one other person?” simon steps up to answer this one. “we’re polyamorous,” he replied, emphasizing the word. “jus’ means we all have more than one partner. so yeah, i guess we’re all dating each other, if you want to think of it like that.” you nod along with his explanation, trying to work out the logistics in your head.
as if he could see the wheels spinning, kyle speaks up. “and just because we’re all datin’ each other doesn’t mean you have to be with all of us. you can choose to be with some and not all, we won’t take it personally.” you breathed a sigh of relief at that. there was no expectation, no “must”s or “should”s. this was on your terms, the control firmly in your hands. “but you all like me? like, you like me?” johnny laughs at your words, and you almost do too. “yes, bonnie,” he says. “we all like you.”
any woman would kill to be in your position, you thought. four handsome athletes, throwing themselves at your feet and offering themselves to you. all eyes were on you, waiting with bated breath for some definitive response. you steel yourself, a smile on your lips as you clutch your latte. there’s no going back. your heart wouldn’t let you anyway. these men are yours, and you’re definitely not going to let them slip away from you this easily. “yeah,” you say after a long moment. “i think we can all be more than friends.”
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you blasted your “happy songs” playlist all the way home. the five of you had spent a few hours at that coffee shop, catching up like friends do. it didn’t feel that much different from the nights you’d gone to the bar after a hockey match or conversations at the ice rink. the atmosphere was different, though. it felt electric, charged with the energy the change had created. you’d all but agreed to be their partner in the time it took you to drink half a latte. you weren’t sure if it was the caffeine or the fact that you now had four boyfriends, but you were wired.
by the time you pulled your car in the driveway, you knew you weren’t going to be able to sit at home and stew on this new turn of events. you’d wear a hole in your floor with how you’d spin in circles. you stepped into your house and jogged upstairs to your bedroom, throwing on some workout clothes and slipping on your running shoes. best to wear yourself out before you got too wound up. you grabbed your headphones and your spare house key, setting off down the sidewalk at a leisurely pace.
as you watched the scenery pass by you, everything seemed brighter, a little more colorful. you’d had that sense every time you started a new relationship. the world seemed to take on a glow and your surroundings were a bit more alive. flowers were prettier, the cracks in the sidewalk didn’t bother you as much, and you smiled at every person you passed by. even running didn’t seem as dull as it normally did. you always got bored eventually, looking at the same trees and pavement for the few miles that your neighborhood spanned. not today, though. today, everything had new life.
“walkin’ on sunshine” blares in your ears and you smile, picking up the pace. as katrina and the waves sing about new love, you can’t help but think about your men. they’d all looked so nervous to ask you to be theirs. you laughed now at the memory, finding it endearing. even simon, as stoic as he was, had started to sweat in the expanse of time before you gave them a definitive yes. your heart beat a little faster as you rounded the corner back towards your house, reveling in the bliss that you felt for a moment. not only did you want them, but they wanted you back. the hopeless romantic in you was satisfied.
the song faded into silence as you jogged up the steps to your porch, stopping your workout clock on your watch. as it displayed your distance traveled and calories burned, a notification popped up across the top of the small screen. it was a text from kyle, who you’d saved in your phone with an orange heart after he’d told you it was his favorite color. you smiled, pulling your phone out of your pocket to read the text.
“dinner next tuesday at 8? my treat :)”
heat floods your body at the idea. a date. a real life date with a real life man who, for all intents and purposes, was your boyfriend. your fingers move before you can think too deeply about it.
“sure! where and what should i wear?”
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taglist: @cadotoast @jupiternighties @hxnneydew @kaoyamamegami @lolly145 @linaangel @bestbookfriends @callsignang3l
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dex-xe · 3 years
I’ve made Spotify playlists inspired by each of the ghosts and I’ve made these little written pieces to talk about them. if you wanna read them, please go ahead - if not then enjoy the music!!
This is the Captain's playlist:
Moonlight Serenade - Glenn Miller
This is one of my favourite like old WWII style songs, I just think it’s beautiful and really great to dance slow to (at some point in my life I will dance with my husband or wife to this song in our little kitchen, and then my life will finally be complete). It’s in Doctor Who (in The Empty Child) and Jack and Rose dance to it in front of Big Ben, like it’s a really great scene in one of the best episodes of Dr Who ever. So good and a great WWII song.
Soldier - Trixie Mattel
Yes, I know this is about Katya’s issues and everything that happened with that but like it is also like very accurate to the Captain’s arc. Like “soldier, take your time” is like yeah?? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I don’t believe the Captain is even remotely aware of the fact he’s gay cause like I don’t reckon he understands love or the fact that he’s got feelings like that, I don’t think he knows so yeah take your time to figure it out yeah, Captain.
We’ll Meet Again - Vera Lynn
This song seems to have taken a new meaning in pandemic times but Havers leaving Button House and (I assume) never returning but like the Captain staying at Button House completely in the dark as to what happened to Havers and therefore living with the possibility of Havers returning.
HEAVEN - Troye Sivan & Betty Who
Obviousssss, but this song was such an integral part in me figuring shit out about my life. Like, I was 14 and a massive Troye fan when it came out and (growing up in a working class, strict religious, small town family) the music video was literally my first understanding of the fight for queer rights. I knew about LGBTQ+ identities and identified as a variety of queer labels at the time I was completely unaware of the entire struggle that had come before me and seeing photos and footage of this fight for the first time was O.o Anyway, I'll stop talking about myself and say that I’m incredibly happy with the hc of the Captain trying to learn a bit more about queer history in his journey to accept himself.
In Our Bedroom After the War - Stars
The poor Captain, let the man love I beg. I have so much love for stories and hcs of the Captain being sweet and being in love like pls ily.
Achilles Come Down - Gang of Youths
This might actually kill his gay little soul but by good it would be worth it!! I’m gonna go off on a bit of a philosophy tangent but what were ya expecting from me honestly: the sample used in Achilles Come Down is an extract from a 1942 essay by Albert Camus who, alongside Kierkegaard and Nietzsche and the like, wrote about the concept of ‘the absurd’ which is a tricky concept but a reallyyyyyy simplified version of it is basically the idea that humans constantly search for a meaning and purpose for life and the universe but the universe does not provide answers to that which causes human distress. Basically, what I mean to say like isn’t that concept just so Captain?? Like he searches for meaning in war and can’t see life beyond the war because that provides him purpose, you know?? But yeah, it’s a banging song and I’m sorry about the tangent.
Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy - Queen
Ya saw this one coming :P Well he just is a good old fashioned lover boy so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
William, It Was Really Nothing - The Sm*ths
Even just the name being right is like *chefs kiss*. Yes there are lines in this song that are just shit and reallyyyyyyy show the views of M*rrisey and his general shitty behaviours.
It’s a Long Way to Tipperary - John McCormack
It’s just a fun song.
You’re Somebody Else - flora cash
LGBTQ+ staple really, ik it’s about being trans but I wanted to include it because of the recent Ben Willbond interview when he talks about how he’s interested in the contrast of a confused authoritative figure. Like the Captain is such a contrast and I love that in characters.
It’s Been a Long, Long Time - Harry James
Like I’ve said repeatedly, I wanted at least a little bit of time specific music for each of them I could. So yeah there’s a few for the Captain, WWII music is such a vibe tbh.
The Boxer - Simon & Garfunkel
I’ve always interpreted the song as being about loneliness and well, Captain my boy that you. Like he’s literally surrounded by people 24/7 but is so very alone. When the others are all watching tv in Redding Weddy and the Captain is just sat in the window watching for Havers is just so pretty and I think it’s really telling of the relationship he has with the others.
The Arrow and the Aim - Nadia Reid
Pretty pretty song, the voice is *mwah* but that’s irrelevant.
Ramblings of a Lunatic - Bears In Trees
Okay but like yes. The Captain is so alone like despite being around people literally all the time - not being able to escape you might say. Is he aware he’s different? Like what goes on in his head, will we ever know?? Cap, you gotta start talking to people, man. You gotta open up cause you will go crazy, Ik it’s been 70 years fella but seriously you’re gonna go crazy soon.
Death with Dignity - Sufjan Stevens
Just a beautiful song, and yeah with the Captian being the way he is and so focused on the war and military and the idea of "death with dignity" is pretty prolific. Given that we're fairly sure the Captain never saw any action, would he be considered to have died with dignity?? Maybe, maybe not idk.
I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major General - Arthur Sullivan & John Reed
That one scene where Alison is trying to sleep and the Captain is just sat beside her bed singing this. Like that’s so funny XD It’s his little head bob as he sings like that’s so good.
Kiss Me Goodnight, Sergeant Major - Arthur Askey
I remember my nan had an Askey record and she used to play it all the time and this always made me laugh cause 5 year old me couldn’t get the image of a really strong and tough soldier being all motherly and yeah I just wanted to include it :D
Teddy Boy - Paul McCartney
The Captain’s name is Teddy, I take no debate on this. Just the idea of the Captain’s backstory, like a childhood backstory for the Captain genuinely makes me cry. I know a lot of people have shared their stories of their interpretation of the Captain’s childhood and they’re all sad and I love them all :’) (Specifically a big fan of Operation Keep Calm on AO3 and what they’ve done with the Captain’s character and story, 10/10 would recommend but it’s not finished and I really hope it is at some point ily).
O Captain! My Captain! - The Static Shift
Just an interesting song, yeah? “I believe I’m in my prime”/“In my bally prime”, you get it XD
John My Beloved - Sufjan Stevens
I love this song (no I’ve never seen the film and no don’t really intend to) It’s just sweet, you know, and the religious elements etc yeah that’s good.
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
Inside TMI Gang's diaries part 5 2/3
Clary: Dear diary, I ran away with Jace, mom won't be happy, but I have to save my Jace. Simon is covering for me, although that won't last long and mom may go mama bear on him, I do love him though and I'll owe him one. So far things have been weird, seeing Jace get along with Sebastian is strange and I don't like it, and Sebastian is as evil as ever, i miss Jace so much, this Jace isn't my Jace. And Sebastian doesn't trust me I know this for a fact, but I don't trust him either and you better watch your back Sebastian.
So Jace's room is the same as it always is, so clean not a mess, everything is neat, but he isn't Jace. We went on a date, Sebastian let us cause Jace would be with me, Jace cam speak italian and hates ducks, I'll have to mention this stuff when he is my Jace again, we stole a boat but that's nothing new from what we usually do, the date was nice but I felt guilty for enjoying it, when we came back Sebastian was occupied and creepy, anyway, we had a talk when I woke up later and he is starting to confuse me, but that's what he wants. I went back to bed and got up again, also Jace can make eggs, I don't like them but can't tell him that, also I wonder if he can cook other things, need to make a list of things to ask him when he's back to normal Jace. We also read a copy of his ancestor's book.
*Later later*
Me, Jace and Sebastian, went on a mission kind of thing, Simon calls us team Evil, we fought a demon, and I actually kicked a demons butt, Sebastian took us to a kinda night club, me and Jace got high, Sebastian told me I have a dark heart and like bitch whatever. Me and Jace made out in the club and uh things kinda got outta control, I am not proud, ok, I thought I saw dead people and passed out, I woke up to Sebastian leaving and followed him, demons almost killed me and he saved me, what is he doing? I lost my ring and can't get in contact with Simon, everything is bad and maybe this is all hopeless, no, I just need coffee, sweet sweet coffee, I need a coffee high *coffee/knife/serious emoji*
Possessed Jace: Dear diary, things are good, Sebastian keeps giving me weird looks when I am with Clary though, Sebastian we are still cool though don't worry. Clary is here and it's nice, I want her to be happy and her to have whatever she wants, I am gonna be so romantic but cool about *sunglasses emoji* I am Jace Lightwood, and extremely smooth and she loves me.
I took Clary on a date and I nailed it *sunglasses emoji* we went back home after that and I read to her and we went to sleep, after that we went on a mission, my fire goddess kicked ass, and Sebastian took us to a night club place to take care of evil stuff, me and Clary got high and we did some things at the night club. In the morning I made her eggs, I'll make her eggs all the time, Sebastian wants to discuss evil plans now.
Trapped Jace: *sharpening knives* just wait you little shit, keep looking at Clary like that and I'll stab you, I am gonna beat you up, you shall know my wrath, and I will bring it upon you. *Knife/murderous emoji*
Sebastian: Dear evil diary, what can I say, the fruit of evil is ripe, I have evil plans, I have Jace under my finger, I have Clary now too, and soon she'll understand. Jace will do anything I say and Clary will do anything for him, love truly does make one weak. And I wi burn shit. Also maybe I'll play with stuff as well. *Devil emoji*
We got into a fight and Clary can kick ass, maybe I underestimated her a tiny little bit. We went to a night club and I talk to Meliorn and I do believe the fair folk will stand with me, and after all I do have something with the queen, and I know what you are going to say what about Jace? Well you see Jace is my backup plan he has no idea ;)
Alec: Dear diary, still sneaking around, Jace is still gone, Clary is gone now too, Jocelyn is angry and I know why she scares Jace now, Izzy and Simon are something, Idk but my big brother instincts are kicking in. Jocelyn and Izzy went to the Iron Sisters and found out there isn't a weapon to separate Jace from Sebastian, unless it is of heaven itself or something. *Shrug emoji*
*Later* so we summoned a demon, and then a greater demon, what have we become? I'll do whatever it takes to save Jace, but like when did we start summoning demons and greater demons like it's not a big deal? I think we've lost our minds, and we are also now apparently going to summon Raziel, what are we doing, but it's for Jace. Also Magnus does look good in his outfit today but there is stuff between us. When did life get so complicated? *shrug emoji*
Magnus: Dear diary, welcome back to the crazy chaotic would of Shadowhunters, I may have lost Clary, but it's not my fault she can make portals, I see an angry Jocelyn in my future. Alec is kinda weird lately but it's probably nothing, Isabelle and Jocelyn were going to the Iron Sisters to see if there is a weapon that can separate Jace and Sebastian, blondie needs to come back so all this Shadowhunter drama will calm down.
We summoned a demon and after that we summoned the greater demon Azazel, the little shit almost told Alec who my father is, and I swear what have I gotten myself into? Oh! Also apparently we are gonna summon an Angel now, I have a feeling we'll all be dead by the end of this, it's a miracle we haven't died already, I have to do research and stuff, also Sheldon saved my cat so I am thankful for that, Isabelle and Simon have something going on, Jocelyn is gone, and I want to drink and drink, cause Magnus is done bitches. But also Alec is looking beautiful today. *throws glitter* *sunglasses emoji*
Izzy: Dear diary, Simon came to me like I asked him to, and he told me about starwars or something, I don't remember the plot exactly but I think they had something called lifesavers???? Or something, also they are apparently in space which is cool, and the good guys win. Also me and Jocelyn went to the Iron Sisters and they said I would make a good one but like bish ya girl needs her heels, idk what has gotten into me lately, but when I think about Simon I feel happy and I get this feeling and I want to spend time with him and hear him talk endlessly about starwars cause he is so passionate about it. *Confused emoji*
We may have kinda summoned a demon, and then a greater demon, and now we may kinda be getting ready to summon an angel we are on our way to Luke's farm so yeah. . . But yeah, Simon may die and idk what to do... *Blank emoji*
Simon: Dear diary, life just doesn't seem to be letting up, first Clary ran off to do reckless shit, Jace is literally possessed by her evil Brother and is like a puppet, Jocelyn is mad I didn't stop Clary, but honestly who can stop Clary?!?! — Izzy went off to the Iron sister earlier with Jocelyn before she found out Clary was gone and apparently they can't make a weapon to separate Jace and Sebastian without killing them both, this is the part where that intense action yet hopeless music would start playing. *Nerd emoji*
*Later* I told Izzy the plot of Starwars and she listened and laughed and said it was neat, she said It was neat and even though it is so much more than neat for some reason her just listening to me talk about it made me so happy, she may become a fan *Shooketh emoji* but also we summoned a demon, and then a greater demon and now we are going to summon an angel to try and get the angel Michael's sword called glorious cause it's apparently the only weapon that will work, but I may die so rip, but also please let everything be alright but also I do have the mark of cain it's just a matter of if it works. *Worried emoji*
Church: Dear Cat diary, I come to you with the heavy weight of the most fucking done I have ever been, Jem is still hasn't come and saved me, Herondale is still possessed and honestly I am done, fire ball ran away, archer boy is off doing shit, Izzy is falling in love now too and I thought she would be the one who wouldn't like girl love drama? And Simon is probably contributing to whatever chaotic plan fire ball has. evil shit is probably off doing evil shit, where's that sweet little boy? Gone! Because an ass had to be an ass. Sorry I need to control my emotions, I just miss Jem so much, and these kids are driving me crazy, also Magnus you are contributing as well now,Jem Jem Jem pls. Anyway I am gonna go sharpen my claws and eat tuna and drown my sorrows in tuna. *Cat/tuna/murderous emoji*
Tag list: @khaleesiofalicante @chibi-tsukiko @megs-readstoomuch @spotsandclawsthings @magnus-the-maqnificent @replayfootsteps @sarcasticmalecfan @simply-ellas-stuff @my-archerboy
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(A very detailed) TMI Hogwarts AU
Cuz it’s been stuck in my head and I don’t have the time, patience, or talent to write an actual fic
This is part 1
Clary’s the quintessential Gryffindor- Good, brave, willing to fight and do anything for her friends, ridiculously impulsive and stubborn
Simon’s Gryffindor
Isabelle’s Gryffindor
Jace’s Gryffindor- It was a tie between that or Slytherin
Alec’s a definite Hufflepuff
Y’know what Imma put Magnus in Ravenclaw. He’s a witty dude, clever, super wise. Does really well in exams even though the teachers see him mostly chatting or distracted in class.  
So yeah Jocelyn ran away. She found Luke, who helped her find a job and a life in the small town he lived in.
She did not try to find a way to suppress Clary’s magic when it did show up. Mostly she just put up a bunch of wards and booby trapped parts of their house, keeping secret Portkey’s in random locations.
And because I hate it when parents keep a super important secret from their kids, and it’d be hard to explain away the weird stuff that happens around her, Clary grows up knowing about her magical heritage. She’s been told time and time again to keep it a secret from her classmates, so she never really found any close friends she could confide in
UNTIL Simon moves into town, and gets introduced to her third grade class. He’s kind awkward and shy (his dad just died, but no one really knows about that yet), so it wasn’t long before a couple of bigger boys decided to pick on the new kid. Clary hated seeing people get hurt, so she quickly stepped in and threw stuff towards them until they ran away. 
She had to get benched for three recesses, but it was worth it, and Simon came by every time to make sure the girl who helped him wasn’t too lonely
They were best friends after that 
Another thing about Simon: Weird stuff happened around him his whole life. It’s actually why his family had to move- people were starting to talk about that Lewis kid who somehow swept a table full of legos clean, made toilets explode into mean kids’ faces, turned lights on and off whenever he started crying
Rebecca, his (wonderful, loyal, I loved her scenes in the series oh my gosh) big sister who walked him back and forth from places, because people they knew their whole lives were starting to look and say and act mean towards her  brother, and she wasn’t having any of it. 
His mom was terrified of him, after the denial wore off. It was his dad who calmed her down, telling her that it was still their little boy, that Simon was just as confused just as confused as she was.  
It wasn’t long before Simon had one of his accidents, but fortunately it was in private, and Clary was there too.
They were playing hide and seek on Simon’s house, and somehow when Clary found him, his left leg was completely invisible. For a moment Simon was quiet, looking at his first and only friend and wondering if she was going to get scared and call him a freak like the others.
But no, Clary’s eyes got big and wide, and she breathed out, “You’re like me.”
The next day Jocelyn came over to Simon’s place, sat his mom down, and explained everything to her: The wizarding world, Simon being a muggle born, magic schools. It took awhile but his mom was on board with it, relieved that there was an explanation, that somebody else knew what was happening.
Rebecca and Simon were eavesdropping. Afterwards they went to the library and checked out as many fantasy novels as they could, with Clary looking them over and saying which ones sounded close enough to the world her mother told her about.
The mom’s became as close as Clary and Simon are, often sharing stories of their kids, with Simon’s mom coming and asking Jocelyn for advice whenever he had accidents.
The Hogwarts letter came when they were eleven. Clary ran to Simon’s house the moment she got hers, and they both jumped around and screamed together. 
The first trip to Diagon Alley was terrifying for the Lewis’s. Jocelyn helped them with most of the shopping list, whispering warnings and tips throughout for the next year, and everyone carefully ignored how they were being stared at- their weird clothes, gadgets, obvious confusion at some of the stores. They got out relatively unscathed, until Jocelyn got recognized by one of her old classmates from Hogwarts, who she pretended not to see and quickly walked away from. 
Clary and Simon, on the other hand, were having the time of their lives. They ran from shop to shop, whispering excitedly about all the candies and toys there. 
The only thing that dampened their mood was when they got to the robe shop for their fitting, and met the meanest, rudest, (prettiest) boy. 
He had looked over at Simon’s and Clary’s clothes, then at the Lewis’s who were standing a distance away, and snorted. Said something about muggleborns and mudbloods with this look on his face, like they were smaller than him.
Even though Simon didn’t know the M word, Clary very well did. How dare this (really cute why does someone this mean so cute it’s not fair) say that about her best friend.
And since Clary couldn’t stand bullies, she shoved him hard, until he fell down. Then yelled at him extensively about rude words, he had no right to say that about his friends, how dare he, until Jocelyn heard the commotion and had to physically drag Clary off of him. 
And Simon was there, not knowing what the big deal was but feeling touched anyways. And then a ridiculously good-looking family came over, finding a boy on the ground and a mother scolding her redhead. Jocelyn saw them, and froze. 
It was the Lightwoods. So the parents kinda both stop for a second, and it would’ve been more than a second if Alec and Izzy didn’t see Jace and run over, Alec glaring daggers at Clary, and Isabelle going forward and preparing to punch the girl for hurting her brother. 
And then after enough prodding, they find out what happened and force the two to apologize. Well, Clary had to apologize to Jace, and Jace had to apologize to Simon. 
Like, I headcanon that the Lightwoods are pretty snobby in this au, okay? 
But they’re trying to get better
Like they look at Simon and his family in the distance, and a part of them still thinks they’re better than them, but they also recognize that it’s not okay 
Backstory on Jace: He was born by Stephen and Celine before Celine died in childbirth, and Stephen got sent to Azkaban (and died a few months later), so he got raised by someone who was really Valentine Morgenstern. 
Michael Wayland is not dead in this fic and he is not used as Valentine’s alias. I want him to live. I got too attached to him too quickly in the short story. 
So he’s been raised on these elitist beliefs, and is still, like, eleven years old, and he’s being slowly trained out of it by the Lightwoods
And getting smacked by an angry (cute) eleven year old girl definitely did help
Or at least it seemed to. Jace got really quiet when they left the shop, but not in a sullen way.
It was similar to the way Alec and Izzy saw him looking at broomsticks, or quidditch matches, or hearing about magical weapons and wars, or when he was listening to the prettiest piano music
I just wanna imagine tiny Jace looking up at a yelling Clary and getting starry eyed, because (barring his sister Izzy) here was the coolest girl he’s ever seen
Like he got fond of Clary when she slapped him “For the other ten percent” tell me this isn’t how Jace gets a crush on her.
They don’t see them when boarding the train, though. The crowd was too big for that. Clary and Simon shared a coach. They kept whispering to each other about all the plans they have, the nights they’ll sneak out of their dorm room and just explore the grounds. 
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mindofharry · 4 years
could u write something about harry and y/n growing up together and then they maybe fall in love👉🏻👈🏻:)
!! 🥺 there is many spelling errors etc in this - it took me three days to write so pls send feedback in!!! enjoy :)
5 years old:
“harry! that’s mine” y/n pouted as her best friend stole her hair tie. it was favourite one, her brother had gotten for her when he went to spain on his school trip and she loved her brother, so it was her favourite thing ever — even if was just a hair tie. “no. sharing is caring y/n” harry said putting the hair tie on his wrist like a bracelet and continued to draw. y/n was going to cry. she could feel it. so she grabbed her painting and decided to head home — which was next door. harry eyes widened when he saw y/n was leaving ( and not even saying good bye either!) “where are you going?” he asked with a slight pout turning around in his chair. y/n glared his way before ripping up her painting “i’m going home” she stated strutting down his hall.
harry immediately followed, nearly tripping himself up in the process. “i’ll come too” he persisted and y/n shook her head. “no you’re not allowed in my home anymore” she stated opening his front door. harry didn’t realise what was happening. anne watched the two bicker laughing to herself, hiding her smile behind her mug — y/n always got her way and had harry wrapped around her little finger. “why am i not allowed?” harry asked holding onto her hand “because you won’t give me back my hair tie you idiot” y/n nearly yelled with tears in eyes. she ran out the door leaving harry there in shock. he wiped his tears on his school uniform.
anne came over to the boy placing a hand on his shoulder before rubbing away his tears “why don’t we make a card for y/n, yeah?” anne asked and harry grinned nodding.
he spent all afternoon on it with anne’s help of course. gemma shook her head when she realised the both of you guys were fighting — again. the both of you were stubborn, but the most caring. both very much little narcissists too, which make both of your parents laugh. “mummy, does the car look good?” harry asked already knowing his card was amazing. anne gasped nodding “amazing baby! now let’s go knock for y/n” anne said practically pushing him out the door.
y/n and her brother were already out the front, her brother andrew trying to distract her from harry — andrew and her parents were used to this by now, y/n was a little...... she was a.... bitch. she could be very demanding and a little bit of a queen bee, but she was beyond kind. but it made people laugh, because she was so blunt especially with harry. harry was really the only one that could handle her in their year. the rest of the kids were a bit scared of her.
anne and andrew waved at eachother waiting for the show to begin. “y/n, i think you have a visitor” andrew whispered turning her around. y/n sighed pouting looking at harry who had a card in his hand and he looked like a little puppy. “i have a card for you” he said shyly giving her the card. it said “i am sorry for stealing your hair tie. love you your best friend harry”
y/n giggled and wrapped her little arms around his neck “come on! let’s go play!”
13 years old:
“are you sure you want to do this?” y/n asked harry as they sat on the grass in their local park. harry nodded eagerly “for sure! we’re best friends. we should be each other’s first kiss” harry said quickly and y/n shrugged agreeing. “i suppose” she replied quietly. “ok let’s do it” y/n said smiling as harry blushed.
harry leaned in and quickly pecked her lips. y/n giggled as harry yelled “that was disgusting!” he yelled running away. y/n laughed so hard she fell back onto the grass. harry could listen to her laugh for hours, but he was too busy pretending their kiss was disgusting.
“you’re such a boy!” y/n laughed as he lay beside her. he shook his head “what’s that supposed to mean?” he asked slightly offended. “i thought the kiss was romantic, harry! it was... nice” she smiled poking his cheek “well now that i’ve got the first kiss out of the way! i’m going to kiss all the boys and girls ever!” y/n squealed gushing at the thought.
“girls?” harry asked confused and y/n nodded “yes. girls too harry” she said and he shrugged “i don’t really care either” he said and y/n smiled “i know” she said bringing him into a hug.
“katie invited me to come over and play sims with her tomorrow” y/n said gagging slightly making harry laugh into her neck. “why do you hate her so much?” he asked playing with her long hair “she’s just annoying. like you” she said getting up to run away. he grabbed her quickly “not so fast”
“harry! i have boobs now” she squealed and he rolled his eyes “just because you wear a bra now, doesn’t mean you can use it as an excuse” harry mumbled letting her climb onto his back, he began walking home once she was comfortable. “i’m proud of them. not every thirteen year old has these babies” she whined and harry rolled his eyes again. “are you coming to mine?” harry asked hoping she’d say yes. “i can’t. andrew has his girlfriend coming over for the first time. you wanna stay for it?” y/n asked playing with his hair. “sure, i’ll ask mum”
with permission from anne, they both went to y/n’s house quite giddy, ready to meet andrews girlfriend.
they figured nobody was here yet so they made their way into the sitting room — only to be greeted by two horny young adults. “andrew, you weren’t lying!” y/n squealed and andrew and his practically jumped out of their skin. his girlfriend quite flustered and andrew pissed off.
“of course i wasn’t lying, you git” he said and his girlfriend smacked his arm before standing up to skake y/n and harry’s hand “i’m lydia. it’s nice to meet you both!” she said and y/n hugged her instead suprising her. “i’m y/n, andrews brother and this is my best friend and now officially my first kiss harry!” she blurted out excited and harry hit her arm “why’d you tell her that?” he asked blushing “because it was romantic, you worm!” she mumbled and he rolled his eyes “we pecked each other on the lips and then i ran away” he mumbled back.
“you’ll get used to it” andrew said to lydia.
16 years old:
“haz, you’ll be fine” y/n said holding onto his hand as they waited inline for the xfactor. she was trying to calm down a very nervous harry. she wasn’t very nervous herself, she knew he’d get through. “i’m so nervous, y/n” he mumbled messing about with her hair. “i know you” she paused “but you’re going to get through, ok? you’ve practiced and you deserve to be here” she said holding onto his hand. he let out a breathe and smiled “yeah. yeah” he said holding her hand.
after talking to dermot (the whole family being sort of star struck) they quickly made their way back stage.
harry and y/n were together secretly being filmed for harry’s scene. there was bits of them just talking and laughing. really acting like a couple. soon enough it was harry’s turn to perform. and now y/n was safe to say, she was shitting herself. she wasn’t even going on stage, but she really was nervous for him. once everyone had kissed and hugged him y/n grabbed him and gave him a kiss on the temple “you can do this, hazza” she said patting him on the back before letting him go.
she smiled with gemma and they cuddled close together watching the tv from back stage. her heart was pounding so fast and so loudly, she’s sure everyone could hear it. it was safe to say that the ladies loved harry, the cheers were deafening — it did make y/n a little jealous. after simon asked him a few questions he was set to sing.
y/n rested her head on gemmas shoulder listening to the stevie wonders song play and harry’s voice fill up the stadium. y/n could feel her eyes fill up with tears (she wasn’t quite sure why) maybe it was being nervous or she was just very, very proud. something along the lines of the two.
once he finished the whole stadium filled up with claps and y/n was the first (with anne of course) to clap and cheer still holding on to gemma. it made y/n smile when nicole complimented harry’s voice, because all of it was true. but when louis started talking, y/n immediately booed, gemma having to cover her mouth with her hand. it made y/n beyond upset, because harry was so sure of himself. of course he was super confident, but he had to have some to come on the show. y/n was just holding on that simon would disagree, and boy did he.
harry fucking got through.
once he got out, y/n practically threw herself at him not catching him by surprise at all. she sobbed into his arms placing both her hands on his cheeks “you’re amazing” she squealed kissing both his cheeks and then of course, let his family congratulate him. y/n was beyond proud, she knew he could do this. and she knew he was going to make it big.
she just didn’t realise she would be there with him.
17 years old:
y/n held her phone to her ear while she was studying for her exams. harry was tapping away about something and although y/n loved talking to harry — she just couldn’t concentrate.
“hello? y/n? you there” he teased and y/n sighed rubbing her eyes “yeah, i am. just stressed” she yawned putting down her pen. “i don’t think i can finish a year early haz” she whined into the phone. y/n was always going to finish school early — it was something she decided when she went to secondary school. but now, without harry by her side, and her brother living his own life — she was stressed, sad and very unmotivated.
“y/n. you’ve wanted to do this for so long. you can get through this, you’re the smartest bloody person i know! and i know a lot of people!” harry said sternly and y/n giggled nodding her head “yeah, you’re right. ok, i’m going to go annoy your sister for a bit” y/n said and harry sighed “you’re like best friends with her now aren’t you?” harry teased and y/n smiled “shes like an angel” y/n replied.
soon they both hung up and gemma helped y/n with some study — y/n was now pretty confident about her exams. they both decided to have a sleepover since it was the weekend — and they both had nothing else to do.
“do you miss harry?” gemma asked messing around with her bowl of ice cream. y/n nodded quickly “yeah. definitely” she replied putting her bowl on the coffee table. “and he doesn’t call as much. and when he does i can barely get a word in” she scoffed “and hes always telling me about all these women and such” she rolled her eyes and gemma smiled “you like him don’t you?” she asked and y/n shook her head “no. i love him” she replied casually leaving gemma in shock “i have since the day he stole my pink hair tie. and when we had out first kiss and he called it disgusting i cried all night” she giggled “sometimes i think he likes me back. but then he told me about him losing his virginity to someone else” she paused sniffling “and um. i was gonna confess that day. and tell him how ive been waiting” she finished drying under her eyes “i don’t know, its stupid” she waved it off.
gemma sighed pulling y/n into a hug “harry loves you. i know he does. just give it time, love”
soon enough harry and y/n were able to meet up. and y/n was going to make her feelings clear to him. and if he didn’t feel the same way, then she would move on. it wouldn’t be the end of the world.
she just needed to know.
they were sat in the park they both shared their first kiss in, y/n was laying on the ground harry doing the same leaning on his side to face y/n. “had my first proper break up” he mumbled and y/n looked up biting her lip. “are you ok?” she asked holding his hand. he nodded “i was upset. cried a bit” he paused “but caroline was nice to me. but i think it was right to break up” he finished smiling softly. y/n nodded placing her head on his chest.
“that’s a good way to think” she said as he placed his hand in her hair. “you haven’t been telling me about any of your sexual adventures” he teased and y/n scoffed “because there is none.” she replied rolling her eyes.
“what are you waiting for!” he asked and y/n looked up to him. “i have to tell you something” she said.
“i um. harry just please listen and don’t freak out. please. and it doesn’t matter if you don’t like me back, but i like you a lot. no, i love you. more than a friend. i have since we were kids. i want to be with you. so bad” she finished feeling tears form in her eyes.
harry let out a shaky breath and stood up. he looked up to the sky and y/n cried. “please say something” she asked standing up beside harry. “y/n. i just got out of breakup and i don’t no. we’re best friends” he said and y/n let out a sob nodding her head. “yeah! yeah totally. you’re right” she replied wiping her tears. “we’re best friends. and you don’t love me” she paused “ thats ok” she said and placed a hand on his cheek “i’m going to go home” she said and started to walk away and harry cursed to himself. “fuck” he mumbled beginning to walk home himself.
19 years old:
after being heartbroken for a year, y/n tried to move on. eventually she lost her virginity to a boy she liked. he was gently and soft and took care of her. then she definitely started to abuse sex. she was upset that the person she loved didn’t love her back.
college was not easy for her. she slacked off her work, she drank, she did a bit of drugs. she slept around. she lost her friends, and most importantly she lost herself.
“honey, i’m worried about you” her mum expressed sitting besid y/n on her bed. “well you shouldn’t be. i’m fine” she said laying down. her mum shook her head and stood up. “i don’t know what’s going on with you. you don’t talk to anyone. to me, your dad, andrew! you don’t even talk to harry” she paused “what’s going on?” her mum asked again sitting down pulling her daughter into a hug.
“he doesn’t love me back, mum” y/n sobbed out “harry doesn’t love me. and i tried to get over it. i tried, i did. i tried to make peace with it. but i can’t, because it just hurts so much” she cried and her mum sighed kissing her forehead. “you shouldn’t have to forget about it. or make peace with it. you should be angry, and sad. you aren’t allowing yourself to be annoyed, love” her mum said and y/n nodded “i am angry. but not at harry. just sad that i’m not allowed to love him” she replied drying her eyes.
after getting that off her chest, she felt better. much better. she met up with a few of her college friends, that she lost along the way. and she had a great time. she started to concentrate a bit more on school, changing her major to fashion. something she was more passionate about. she did some therapy, her mum said it was completely normal to do so. she had a tough two years, but shes back and better than ever.
her therapist told her, that making peace with it now, is ok. that she should talk to harry. see how he is. y/n was reluctant, but with a little push, she ended up texting him.
y/n :):
are you in the area? wanna meet up? x y/n
after waiting for around 15 minutes she heard a ding coming from her phone, god she didn’t want to come off as desperate (because she really was) she was going to be calm, and try and get her best friend back.
harry ✨:
i’m in the area! love to meet up with you, meet at the park in 5? x h
y/n respond with a simple ok! and squealed. god she was desperate. she quickly got changed and brushed her teeth before kissing her mum goodbye. she practically ran to the park. bad idea, because she was very out of breathe now.
“y/n! hey” harry called out smiling. y/n could cry, he looked even better than before. this was the man she fell in love with. y/n inniated the hug — and she felt harry stiffen, maybe he was surprised? with the way she was treating him, it was like he never said he didn’t love her back. she was so careful, so gentle too. “harry, you look good” y/n replied letting go of the hug and sitting down on the grass (in their usual spot) harry smiled, before sitting down beside her. “i’ve been working out” he laughed and y/n giggled “america’s changed you” she teased earning a scoff “oh shut up”
“so how have you been?” harry asked. she wanted to lie and say she’s been fine. that she handled the situation well, but the anti depressants in her bottom drawer say something else. “um, ive been ok” she lied smiling at him. he nodded “yeah, same! travelling the world is such a dream, but when you get to perform too. it’s amazing” he ranted and y/n giggled “i’ll say” she paused “i’m really proud of you, harry” she finished looking up at him. when he finally got a good look at her, he noticed the changed. the way her eyes didn’t light up, or her cheeks weren’t as flushed. she had tattoos and a nose piercing. her hair was no longer brown, it was blonde. she had changed so much in the span of 2 years. and he knew exactly why.
“how have you been really, y/n?” he asked again more sternly. she sighed placing her arms around her knees. “i’ve been. i’ve been good right now. seeing a therapist and all” she nodded looking at him. he just looked, didnt smile laugh or tease. he just stayed silent. “i wasn’t well. drank and did a load of shit that wasn’t good for me. but i’m ok now” she smiled “spending more time with my parents, don’t have a lot of friends” she nodded and harry raised his eyebrows “really? you used to have so many friends in secondary school” he replied and she laughed “well. i am an ex drug addict harry” she laughed at it like it was a joke. but harry didn’t think it was funny. “please. don’t hurt yourself again.” he asked keeping the tears in “don’t think i could lose you” he replied as she put her head on his shoulder.
“eh. i’ll always be around, one way or another”
21 years old:
“baby, have you seen my tie?” harry called out from their shared bedroom.
“here” y/n said smiling brightly. she was beautiful. her dress was black and skin tight, her beautiful blonde hair, she had kept dying was curled. and god don’t him started on her lips.
“you’re an angel” he grinned pecking her lips twice. “hmm. i know” she hummed fixing his hair, which he recently just cut. he got a role in a movie (which y/n still can’t believe) and he had to cut his beautiful long hair — somehow he looks even sexier.
when the two reconnected three years ago, they agreed to just let things happen. they wouldn’t force anything. and one thing led to another and here they are, happy, in a 2 year relationship and living together. anne was so happy when they told their families. somehow everyone knew they would end up together — even if harry took a little longer. they were soulmates, as friends and lovers. they were meant for eachother in every possible way.
“what are you thinking about, princess?” harry asked pulling her into him once he finished putting on his tie. “just how much i love you” she smiled and he giggled kissing her head “you make me giggle, you know that” he said bringing her head up. “i love it when you giggle” she teased and he scoffed bringing her in for another kiss.
“let’s go”
once they were at the event — to see dunkirk. harry had lots of photos to do, small interviews to have etc. so she stayed with his manager for the most part, getting in pictures with anne and harry when they were going inside. y/n didn’t mind the cameras, she wasn’t particularly keen on everyone knowing every detail of their relationship, but she didn’t was to be completely private. there was pictures of her on his instagram, well when he used it. and now it was like her account was a fan page for him. at the start she didn’t post about him at all — but she wanted to show him off. he was incredibly sexy.
after the movie was finished anne and y/n were a mess. not because it was sad or really terrible, they were just incredibly proud of their boy. he had just gotten out of the band, he was working on music etc. and now he acts in Christopher nolan movies, how cool is that, y/n thought.
“hey! hey! bubba, why are you crying?” harry asked grabbing her face kissing her lips softly. “i’m just so proud of you haz” y/n replied laughing “it’s good. it’s a good cry” she said and he kept looking at her. so she stood on her tippy toes and placed another kiss on his lips.
2020: 26 years old
“bubba, you can have one or none” y/n said softly and their boy giggled “mama i want all” he huffed and looked to his dad, harry just laughed and shrugged “how are we meant to discipline this child, if you keep shrugging at everything” y/n pouted and harry sighed sitting down next to her.
he kissed her head softly “this kid is 3, and he’s the most well behaved child in the world. it doesn’t to let him have a few more chocolate bars” harry said shrugging. y/n looked over at the baby infront of her who was looking at her with puppy dog eyes “ please mama, i be good for all day” he said excitedly and y/n gasped “all day?” she asked and he nodded “you promise?” she asked again and he nodded climbing over the table to sit on her lap “i promise mama”
“ok! harry you get to deal with the sugar rush though”
“ok- wait what?”
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Tma season 2 notes baybeee
I made myself take several breaks so I could give my frie d who is listening to it at the same time as me a chance to catch up. Honestly just posting them so I have them saved somewhere but whatever.
ep 41: real graham wrote keep watching before he was replaced. Jon feels like he's being watched. But they werent replaced by things related to the eye. It's the web that's on the box that replaces them. Endless hallways and doors to nowhere. I bet nicholas will have ideas what entity this relates to. If it even does. They're like the tunnels in the one with the builder guy. Tunnels closing in etc. Also like the cave diving one. He's assuming it's just one
ep 42: so 100 gecs? (IM SORRY I LIKE 100 GECS BUT LMAO) so there's some entity related to music right? There's the piper episode and the 27 w/ the calliope. Ah yes, this season is gonna be the season of Paranoid!Jon
ep 43: section 31? fucking books. god no. smashed lights? cult lady did that. covered the lights too. she mentioned a spooky clown doll. thats not random.
ep 44: is this that same circus that got mentioned before? it is! the pipe organ! pop off organ! pipe off! mouth on the stomach! yes! mouths in unusual places my beloved!
ep 45: antiques! like that one ep!
ep 46: every time books get mentioned i sigh. hhh sus smells. it got brighter. I get the vibes occasionally that the dark and the eye are sorta at odds with eachother. GRRR BARK BARK LEITNER. ayyy ex altiora. entity go brr. which entity do we thing it is? my guess is The Dark. The book buyer's name is Mike. He has scars? Electricity? The childhood friend of the guy who got it later on perhaps? The Vast? its formatted like an entity idk. This happened before the other one. He got trapped in the wood carving. a win for the web lol spiders go brr
ep 47: did i hear spiral? ITS THE NOT THING FROM THE EPISODE WITH NOT GRAHAM "it didnt move, it shifted" is like the exact same sentence as before. ay john's starting to remember. the laughing woah thats weird. is "michael" one of the entities? "you make it seem like theres a war" supports my theory that theres a struggle between a couple of the entities. I said i thought it was the eye and the dark i believe but im not sure. its whatever entity michael is vs the worms? what did nicholas say the worms were again? The Corruption? still dont know which one michael is tho.
Had to take a break after that episode. smth about the quality of michael's voice makes me feel like im gonna slip into one of those states where it feels like nothing is real, so i got a nice cold glass of water.
ep 48: jesus ok this one's kidna corny. you're telling me love made the crowd go away come on now. Ur losing it big J. also shouldnt it be more sus that "sasha" is so unaffected by the worm incident/ finding of gertrude's body
ep 49: haven't we heard hector's name before? oh is he the crime guy? fucking jared... so it's a throat? chompa chompa. (it's just a little bit hot) the good part about these episodes is that we know whoever's telling the story isn't gonna die. even if it's a close call, they're not dead. hotworth? ok not jared keay. it bothers me how theres so many repeated names, can they not come up with other names? "sasha"'s computer is breaking... sus. Elias our favorite weed man! jon ur so paranoid lmao
ep 50: robert smirk, at it again. this is like that one episode with the old dude who locked his door. who said idle beforehand? was it smirk? fingertips. thats so weird lmao. bahahah tim
ep 51: simon fairchild. im sure jon will mention the name at the end i cant remember where we've heard it. this is just like the cavediving episode. a hand? there was a hand in the last one right? the scalpel! and an eye thing. she's trying to throw them off.
ep 52: thats the guy from before! with the hearts! god i hate this guy writing the statement hh. lights blowing, and brackish water. we know how this ends but its still tense. rainer? reigner? rain man. we've seen him before
ep 53: pls not a leitner. oh boy mans scratched out his eyes. rip skelly. why would gertrude have had this statement off the books? jon stabbed himself?? bruh im? big man are you okay
ep 54: cockney boys! ayy its our favorite delivery men. she cut out their eyes. she knew that the eye was a thing?
ep 55: oily residue like the retirement home!
ep 56: worms? no. spiders?? bruhh. aaah yelling :(( aww martin anyways yeah i called it about paranoid!jon he needs to take a nap and drink some hot chocolate and calm down for once please
ep 57: just remembered, i think theres an entity called The Lonely?? This feels pretty lonely idk. fairchild, lukas/ lucas, some spooky place in norway idk. "sasha" knew he was recordinig hmm suspicious cmon jon figure it out. Sasha and tom. hm sus. for records sake i feel liek i should note here that I did have it spoiled to me simply that that's not sasha, but thats really all. i assumed it was like the thing that happened to graham in S1
ep 58: i feel like i recognize the name eustice (?) wick. someone please tell me im not just watching jon's descent into madness over the course of this podcast. im hoping it isnt so but, (and pardon the dsmp reference) im getting real wilbur vibes from this one.
ep 59: oh dear ok account from the fielding house. swirling designs? Spiral time? oh boyy. oh wait! 6 inch hole in the middle! is it not a spiderweb type design on the table? thats what i had assumed but that description sounds more like a spiral thing. cobwebs is a Web thing. ayy nicholas was right! the box goes in the table! the place that she kissed him was burning. Raymond is an avatar of The Web and agnes is the burning one. Lightless Flame! Why did she save him? i guess she was against this guy eating ppl or wtvr but why was she at the halfway house then? I think she's like michael.
ep 60: the eye go brr
ep 61: breacon and hope once again. tom. sasha's boyfriend. vampires sleep in coffins. the guy just walking in seems similar to the mind control of the vampires
ep 62: bones! its that one leitner. is this mother keay? the mom of gerard? this is what happened to her right? her skin was found on hooks? oh yeah thats what i thought the pages are made of skin. yeesh. The End!! sounds like an entity. phrased like one, and i think i remember it. are the people trapped in the pages? or... kept?
ep 63: eaten by the darkness! cavediving episode! (just like eaten by the sky) did my brain make up one called The Vast? it feels like it should be one, and all these episodes have some similar description about their feelings when they do whatever chosen hobby they have. ok now this one kinda feels like the dark. lights going out and all that. ok so not really a The Vast thing, its more of a Dark thing. feckin smirk gah.
ep 64: dice! the death guy! the death game thing! the person tricked somebody else into becoming death and then they were immortal? but if the egyptians wanted to kill him or punish him or whatever couldnt they just kill him? it worked in the end when he had the person giving the statement stab him, that did the job and actually killed him
ep 65: finally jon is actually acknowledging something is wrong.
So we know Mary Keay was revived most likely with the book by gerard.
Gertrude was way more aware of the entities than Jon. mary keay referenced The End openly and she cut the eyes out of her magazines and all that which makes me think she was aware of The Eye
ep 66: please not buried alive pleeaase not buried alive. lukas of the tundra? didnt we hear the name lukas before? she wanted it to be difficult to find important files because that way bad people couldnt find them?
ep 67: agnes... the girl in the hilltop house? agnes poppin off!! he's really not gonna question how she knew where he lived?? oh no D: the tree. were they the ones working on the house? aww they kissi- OH DEAR. why did she kiss him? it seemed like she cared about him? also she could kiss that other dude on the cheek and he was fine, but maybe it was cuz she was younger? lightless flame go brrrrr.
ep 68: oh god books. yup its bitchboy leitner. mans said "this seems supernatural, its a werd book!" bruuh.
ep 69: heh nice. aw cmon jon listen to martin. gahhh spiders. is that the class we heard about in the other doctor one with the teeth apple? some kind of psych class? oh dear. fucking spiders. aaaah. web do be goin brr. it's like the girl in the homeless shelter! who made the guy leave and she took his bed.
ep 70: is this gonna be the book that mary keay had? Most likely a leitner no matter what. Oh boy latin. Why did it start in latin then become old English? I'm guessing people put them in the book? He cant burn it. Phrophecies go brr. He says eh it's a decade in the future it's fine. Its gonna have changed. Ayy called it. Just accept it, it's a magic book. His death is getting closer. Leitner didnt make them but just collected them? Gertrude burned the book! She burned them down there so no one would know.
ep 71: oh boy tunnels. Our favorite thing /s. is The Buried a thing? Idk this seems pretty buried. Oh dear he's trapped here isnt he. "Not enough space to move, never enough to breathe" is that from the computer episode? With the guy who uploaded his consciousness? Somebody living down there. Hmmmm. Guesses: tom, sasha's boyfriend. Gertrude herself? (Though I doubt it)
ep 72: sweeney todd moment. Meat. The slaughter? Idk we'll see what the supernatural part is. Meat is meat. Similar to the slaughterhouse episode. Is it fucking Jared I swear to God it better not be. Hooligan teenagers, you know how it is. Meat is me lmao. Is the kid gonna be in the freezer. Ok that's good. OWW. Oddly textured candles. Made from people? Human fat or smth? Tom from the meat processing plant!
ep 73: outer bay shipping. Bet it's a subset of breacon and hope delivery. The Dark go brrr. Uh oh mans is gonna die. Leo or whatever. Cult ppl go brr. The people's church of the divine host. Who is the divine host? Is it reigner or whatever his name is? I dont think Jon can quit tbh. Probably an anonymous tip but from who?? One of the entities?
ep 74: fucking teeth hhh. I dont know which entity is related to teeth. Spiral. Isnt the spiral an entity. It feels like it could be related to many things idk. Yeah this sounds like the spiral. Heart attack at 29? Jesus... michael! That's kinda what I was thinking. Sasha goin in the tunnels. Hmm sus. They move the floor. Wack. Bet its tom.
ep 75: Man with a lightning scar. Has one of the leitner books. The childhood friend of the one who first introduced us to leitner. Oh my god that sounds terrifying. Michael crew.
ep 76: scalpel? Hmm spooky. NotSasha... think jon think.
ep 77: another double! NotThem, The Stranger. Not related to the table?
ep 78: what was that at the beginning? Question mark?? Oh boy more NotThem. Decker... what is the deal with the table. Does it contain the creature? Fucking Michael. Bitchboi himself.
ep 79: yes pop off martin. Ugh fucking Michael just leave man. I hate that dude. New person. Hmm. No idea who it is.
ep 80: shitener himself! Ok sir tell us the entities. Ayy The Spiral. Ok we know what that one is. The Eye is the beholding! Oooh. The Stranger. Did elias just kill leitner? Popping off honestly.
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kunderdogs · 4 years
Take A Chance VII
Simon Dominic (AOMG) x Y/N (Reader) Genre: Romance / Angst Count: I didn’t count lol sorry Warnings: None Rating: Mature (suggestive, swearing) Summary: Who would’ve thought a one night stand with Simon D would turn into FWB? It only gets more complicated when you developed feelings, against your better judgement.
This gif of Simon D is one of my favs. Pls don’t hate me for the ending. :) Two more chapters left! 
Had to post this early because I got called into work today.
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Chapter One. | Chapter Two. | Chapter Three. | Chapter Four. | Chapter Five. | Chapter Six. | Chapter Seven.
Driving around aimlessly at 9AM was not how you pictured the start of your weekend to go. Then again, you could’ve never imagined Simon would stroll up to your place, drunk as hell and picking fights with you in the middle of the night either. For now, you felt your nerves settle as you drove around the town. You figured you could drive around and get some fresh air. Anything to get your mind off of your intruding thoughts. 
Being in that house with Kiseok just felt so suffocating.
You were cruising through some of the residential neighborhoods when you noticed you were close by Nicky’s house. You smiled and pulled on the side of the street, immediately grabbing your phone and dialing her number. She picked up at the last minute, groaning and complaining of a hangover, before launching into retelling you all of the drama from last night.
“So what do you want to eat? I’ll pick something up for you.” You connected the call to your car before pulling off the street. 
Nicky yawned a bit, “Eh, don’t worry about it. Wouldn’t want you to come all the way over here just to get me breakfast.”
“I’m in your neighborhood anyway so just tell me what you’re in the mood for. Cinnamon rolls? French fries?”
“Why are you in my neck of the woods at,” she paused on the other end, most likely to pull the phone back to check the time. “9:27AM? Couldn’t sleep?”
You sighed a little louder than you intended to, “You could say that. Since you won’t tell me what you want, I’ll surprise you.”
She hummed in agreement, “Don’t forget the OJ! Thank you, love. See in you in bit.”
Saying your goodbyes, it didn’t take long to get to a small cafe about ten minutes from Nicky’s apartment. It was early enough that there wasn’t much customers so you were happy to be in and out of there within a few minutes.
Upon arrival at Nicky’s place, you found her sprawled out on the couch, clothes from last night wrinkled but still in place. Her makeup was wiped off and smeared onto makeup wipes that were on the coffee table. You laughed to yourself, nudging her with your foot when you got closer. She was such a beautiful disaster.
“You look like you’re barely hanging on over here,” you teased, putting the food down on the coffee table before cleaning up the makeup wipes.
Nicky mumbled something in the pillow and reached blindly for the food. “So what’s bothering you, hm?” Her voice followed you into the kitchen.
Washing your hands in the sink, your mind worked to find the right words but they got stuck in your throat. Everything was still so confusing to you.
Yes, you had deep feelings for Kiseok but the reality was that you couldn’t be together.
It was just cruel of your mind to even picture him involved with you in the way you wanted him to be.
Part of you was relieved that you ended it but the other, much larger part, almost immediately regretted it. That part of you wanted to run back into his arms and confess your feelings to him right at this second.
You didn’t realize how loud you sighed until a cold hand wrapped around your wrist. Nicky pulled you to the living room, and began searching for a movie while you got comfortable on the couch
“Does it have anything to do with Lover Boy?” She guessed, eyeing your downcast mood. When you pouted without answering her, she plopped next to you. “Wanna talk about it?”
Nicky always wanted to talk about her problems, which you were completely willing to listen to but when it came to you sharing...It was a little more difficult for you to open up. She was never offended or put off when you didn’t want to talk about your feelings but she was definitely surprised when you nodded.
As Iron Man played in the background, you spilled everything that happened last night. Her sky-colored eyes grew in size as you vented about everything that was said yet she didn’t interrupt you once. By the time you were done, you took a moment to catch your breath and her mouth was hanging open in shock.
“Dear lord, I leave you alone for two seconds and all this happens huh,” she teased, causing a smile to crack on your lips.
Taking a bite of her food, Nicky thought about what she wanted to say before looking at you fully, “So, are you going to tell him or leave it at that?”
Looking to the hanging TV, you sunk back into the couch. What good would come out of you telling Kiseok your feelings for him? Other than getting it off your chest, it would change nothing. If anything, it may even ruin your chances of being friends with him in the future.
If you couldn’t be with Kiseok romantically, you still wanted to be friends. He was always there to listen to you and give you advice, even make you smile when you were stressed or having a bad day. Above all else, you enjoyed his company, even when you two just sat and did absolutely nothing.
You huffed when you noticed Nicky was still waiting for an answer, “There’s nothing more for me to say. I feel like I’ve said all I had to...”
She snorted, “You didn’t say anything of importance. You should go back to your place and talk it out with him.”
“What good would come from that?” You dismissed.
She shrugged, “Maybe he feels the same way. Close mouths don’t get fed.”
The orange juice you were drinking almost came back up through your nose as you snorted. “Yeah, right. If Simon even had an ounce of feelings for me, he wouldn’t be out with that other chick.”
Nicky couldn’t really argue with that point and shook her head, “You know how men are. They don’t realize their feelings until it slaps them in the face. From what you tell me, Simon D is the type of guy to not recognize it right away.”
Sighing again, you felt the tension in your shoulders. “I’ll figure it out later. I just want to rest for a bit. All this is so emotionally draining.”
With an understanding smile, a foot suddenly kicked into your side, forcing you to lay down on the couch. You glared playfully at your best friend while she tossed a throw blanket over your lower half.
“Take a nap. I’m going to shower. Gotta wash away all the bad decisions I made last night.”
Without further ado, Nicky skipped off to her bathroom, your laughter following her down the hallway.
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Usually, you had a hard time falling asleep now that Cookie wasn’t with you, but something about Nicky’s apartment was so cozy that you were out like a light in under five minutes of laying down. It was probably because her couch was just so warm and comfortable.
Either way, you woke up hours later to another Avengers movie playing and Nicky eating brownies at the other end of the couch. You checked your phone to see if Cookie had called or texted, but they were at a water park today so you weren’t expecting a call until they got home, which would be late at night for them. It made you a little sad to not talk to your mini all day but you were glad she was having a good time with your ex’s family.
Sleepy eyes glanced at the time on your phone. “Shit. It’s already 1:30? How long was I out?”
“Since like 10, dude. You must’ve been dead tired.”
Yawning, you sat up and snuggled the blanket into you again. “Still am. I think I’m gonna head home and go to sleep in my own bed though.”
“Are you saying my couch isn’t an acceptable bed?” She teased, knowing damn well you loved her couch more than your own.
“I will steal this one day and replace it with mine.”
“Sure. Text me when you get home. Drive safe! Woah- HEY! Leave the cinnamon rolls!”
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The drive back to your house was uneventful. Oddly enough, there was hardly any traffic out which was a bit odd for a weekend, but you thought nothing of it.The once blue sky was now gray with even darker clouds hanging low. It felt like the calm before the storm. 
You were in no rush to get home, and the feeling only amplified when you pulled up to your apartment and noticed Kiseok’s car still parked in the guest parking.
Sighing, you dragged your feet up to your place and as soon as you were getting off the elevator on your floor, your phone rang. A wide smile broke out on your lips.
“Hi, sweetie! I was waiting for you to call me!” You answered, leaning over the rail that over looked the courtyard garden. “Oh yeah? How was the water park?”
A few minutes into your conversation, you were so engrossed with listening to her ramble about her favorite rides, that you didn’t notice the opening or closing of a door down the hall. Heavy footsteps came closer to you, but you paid it no mind. Other than yourself, there was two other families that lived on this floor so it wasn’t out of the ordinary.
“Mommy missed you too. Your daddy being nice to you?” You laughed when you heard a huff on the other side of the phone. “No, I didn’t have dinner yet. I’ll have some later- oh, okay. Tell your grandmother I said hi, okay?”
The sound of someone clearing their throat alerted you to the body leaning on the rail a few feet from you.
Jung Kiseok, still in his clothes from last night, peered down at the garden beneath you two. When he noticed your attention on him, he glanced to you. “Can we talk?”
Jesus, he literally came out of nowhere! Noticing your jaw hanging slightly, you swallowed before agreeing with your daughter. “Yes, baby, it’s okay. Go shower and go to sleep. Thank you for calling me. I love you. Goodnight...”
The ending dial tone sounded much too loud for your ears as the silence in the hallway was almost suffocating. It was quiet for sometime, since the two of you didn’t say anything. Kiseok was trying to find the words to say, and you had too much you didn’t want to uncover.
This conversation was inevitable but you still wanted to avoid it. The lump in your throat only grew when he sighed deeply. It seemed like he was about to say something, until the elevators opened and two small blurs sprinted out. “I-”
The Choi twins were your neighbor’s kids and it was only another two seconds before you saw their mother chase after them. You giggled after them, those two were always giving their mother a hard time.
“Sorry about that,” A deep voice apologized. You nodded to the twin’s father, who was holding a tiny baby wrapped in blankets to keep him warm.
“Don’t worry about it,” you waved him off with a smile but didn’t miss the double take he did to your company.
“Maybe we should go inside?” Kiseok pushed off from the rail and waved slightly to a wide-eyed Mr. Choi.
You took the advice without a word, leading the way to your front door though he would’ve had no problem finding it himself. Once inside, you kicked your sandals off and dropped your purse on the entry table.
The door shut tightly behind him, entrapping the both of you in a thick silence that didn’t go unnoticed. You sunk into the couch, giving him enough room to sit near you without touching you.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
You weren’t sure what you expected him to say, but it surely wasn’t that. Could you really be surprised though? Suspecting what he was asking, you had to make sure you two were on the same page.
“Tell you about what?”
Tired dark eyes stared you down, “Let’s not go back and forth. I know you have a daughter and I’m not sure what kind of problems you and your husband have, but cheating is never the way to go about it.”
You tried to stop the loud laughter that spilled out of you, but that was so far from what you thought he would say. You honestly couldn’t help it, and soon, you had tears in your eyes as you were literally rolling around the couching laughing.
Kiseok did not look amused in the slightest - his lips thinned into a hard line, brows frowned to display his seriousness of the topic. “This really isn’t something to laugh about. I refuse to be some kind of homewrecker.”
You had finally got your giggles under control when he said that, launching you into another fit of laughter. “What! You think-?! Oh my god, I haven’t laughed like that in a while,” you giggled, wiping the spilling tears from your eyes.
Feeling his glare, you sat up and took a breath. The tension was a bit less in the room. “I’m not married.”
He didn’t believe you. “You have family pictures-”
“In my daughter’s room, yes.”
He dismissed your interruption, “I saw that man at the airport when you ran into Jay Park. He hugged you and you were crying.”
You paused, blinking slowly. How did he see that? “How do you know that?”
The way he sighed with finality made you feel a bit defensive. “Jay was FaceTiming me and Loco. The main point of this is I don’t want to be in the middle of whatever you have with your husband.”
Eyes rolling, you crossed your arms under your chest. “Stop saying that. I’m not married.”
“Why are you lying? You have a child with him.” The tone of his voice raised slightly but you frowned at him.
“You can make a kid without being married to someone. Me and my daughter’s father aren’t together. I’m no cheater. Unlike you, I don’t have a list of hoes I can run to.” The words left your mouth but you regretted it immediately. Your personality didn’t allow you to apologize or take it back, especially with how heated you were becoming.
Sitting less than a foot away from you, Kiseok couldn’t really argue with that. You were right. He called Nayoung because she didn’t care for a relationship and he had wanted to...hurt you the same way he had been hurt after seeing you in the arms of another man.
It was childish of him, he’ll admit it, but it happened. He was only human and he had acted on his emotions. It wasn’t one of his proudest moments. Once you brushed past him at the restaurant with tears in your eyes, he had felt sick to his stomach about the whole thing. It wasn’t like he knew you would be there that night, it was honestly a terrible coincidence. After that night, he couldn’t even look Nayoung in the eyes without seeing your heartbroken expression.
Prideful at heart, Kiseok still felt the need to defend himself even if it was a weak defense, “I don’t have a list of hoes. That was me being an idiot.”
“Whatever, Kiseok. I don’t care anymore.” Calling him without an honorific gave you a sinking feeling in your stomach but you looked away from him. “What more do you want from me?”
With that, he faced you fully, “Everything. I want to know everything, about your daughter, your past, the truth about all of it.”
Startled, you faced him with doubt clouding your face. “Why? Why does any of that matter to you? Why do you even care?”
For the first time today, you saw Kiseok smile. Not a smirk, or half grin that he liked to flash you when he teased you, but a real smile with his teeth showing. Looking closer, he also was a little rosy in the cheeks a bit. “I-Well...I thought it was obvious now, but you’re really dense.”
You thought you knew where this was going so you sighed, “Look, I’m not a charity case, okay? I can-”
“I really like you, ___. Not just in a sexual way either. I like you on an emotional level...I really, really like you,” he confessed in a rush, sounding just like you felt at the moment - breathless.
And then your heart started to ache.
“Kiseok...we can’t...we can’t be together.”
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whumpthisway · 5 years
Pliers 04
OC Monster Whumpee and OC Master fic
Link to 01
A/N: This is set in the present, with Whumpee’s current Master, and Whumpee gets a name! (fcking finally lol) <3
Whumpee heard New Master’s footsteps clunking up the steps and they lifted their head from where they were curled up on the bed. They hadn’t dared mess up the sheets into a nest. Instead, they lay on top of the pale fabric, dangling their paws carefully off the edge of the bed so they wouldn’t get any dirt on the sheets.
There was a knock on the door and Whumpee whined softly in answer, still not sure why Master chose to knock, though Master had been doing it for weeks.
“There you are, lad,” Master said, as he came inside. Whumpee stilled, unsure if that meant Master was displeased with them for not being where Master had left them. But Master, as usual, didn’t seem annoyed, and his heart beat steadily as it always did. Still, Whumpee slid off the bed and landed on all fours on the wooden floorboards with a clink of their claws. Master had given them permission to use all the furniture, but Whumpee didn’t want to abuse the privilege and have it taken away.
“We need a name for you,” Master mused, leaning against the doorframe. Whumpee startled. What did they need a name for? They curled their tail around their paws. “What did your parents call you, hm?”
Whumpee hackles rose slightly and they turned their head away. They didn’t want to think of their parents. But Master had ordered it, and he was waiting for an answer. Whumpee pressed their eyes shut and swallowed around their dry throat.
“Can’t- remember, Master. Sorry,” they whispered.
They remembered their parents, but the memories hurt so much that they’d tried to forget. But they couldn’t remember ever being named; Whumpee’s parents had just called them ‘sweetling’ and ‘treasure’, and silly names like ‘fluffpuff’, which their father would say, laughing, as he threw Whumpee up in the air before catching them. He’d always been careful with his claws and they’d felt so safe.
“Alright,” Master said softly. Whumpee sniffled, their eyes burning but determined not to cry. Masters didn’t like weak pets. “What would you like to be called, then, lad? Any ideas?”
Whumpee lowered their head submissively, not knowing what to say. They didn’t think it was their place to decide something like that, and yet Master had asked them and seemed to want an answer. Whumpee often missed being silent, in that at least they hadn’t had to scramble for answers to Master’s difficult questions.
“I like…” they started warily, not daring to meet Master’s eyes, “Pet, Master.” That was a safe answer, wasn’t it? And it was true. ‘Pet’ was kinder than some of Old Master’s names for them, and some pets were loved by their humans.
“Oh…I see,” Master said after a long pause. Whumpee risked a glance up at him and their heart fell at the frown between Master’s dark brows.
“Sorry, Master,” they said quietly.
Master sighed and Whumpee flinched. “Easy, lad,” Master said, in that low, gentle way of his that made Whumpee relax without thinking about it. “Nothing to be sorry about, is there?”
Whumpee didn’t know what Master wanted from them so they kept quiet, even though Master had asked them a direct question. Trembling, Whumpee waited for Master’s reaction.
But as ever, Master stayed calm. “Come with me, lad,” he said and Whumpee obediently trailed at his heels, wondering where Master was headed but not feeling overly anxious, especially as Master took them to the book room, and not, say, outside or to the garage.
“Here we are.” Master picked a yellow book down from the shelf and Whumpee blinked at the black marks on the side. There was something different with human eyes, Whumpee had realised a while ago, that humans could see something in these marks that Whumpee never could.
“This was the baby names book my mum used to choose my name, and my brother’s,” Master said. The frown was gone entirely but there was a wet sheen to Master’s brown eyes. Worriedly, Whumpee very gently headbutted Master’s thigh from where they were crouched at Master’s side, tail curled around them.
Master glanced down at them and smiled in a way that made Whumpee feel like they were sitting in the sun, before he rubbed Whumpee’s head in just the right place and Whumpee purred deep in their chest.
“Let’s have a look at this then, eh?” Master urged gently after a couple of minutes. Whumpee reluctantly straightened as Master stopped petting them and instead went to sit down in the armchair by the window. Whumpee padded over to curl up on the soft rug at Master’s feet. It was made of colourful, twisted threads, unlike the thick, white, fur rug Old Master had had. Whumpee had refused to touch it, feeling sick at the sight of it, and Old Master used to like to point silently to it when Whumpee was bad, with his cold eyes telling Whumpee, That’ll be you if you don’t shut up.
“Alrighty,” Master said, settling into the chair. “I’ll read some names out, hm, and you can tell- well, you can tell me to stop, or just nudge me if you like one of them? Sound fair?”
Whumpee nodded quickly. This whole situation seemed bizarre to them, what with Master wanting Whumpee’s opinion, and to name Whumpee at all, but Master seemed set on it so Whumpee would do their best.
Master frowned, flicking through the book’s pages, his gaze moving quickly over the pages. Whumpee wondered what Master saw there and wished that they could see it too, but the marks refused to reveal themselves, even when Whumpee glared at them.
“Do you want girls’ or boys’ names, lad?”
Whumpee stilled. They…didn’t know.
Master left room for Whumpee to answer, but he broke the silence after a short while. “I’ll read some of each, and you tell me what you fancy.” Whumpee, relieved, nodded and dropped their head back down on their paws. Their ear flicked towards the window as a large lorry went past the house, though Master never seemed to notice the noise.
“A’s first then…Adam. Alex. Alister. Andrew.” Pause. “Abby, Alice, Amy…” Master continued to read and Whumpee listened quietly, repeating each word, each name, over in their head. But they couldn’t imagine Master calling for them with ‘Amy’ or ‘Andrew’ and meaning them, none of them felt right. They were too human, too odd. The words didn’t mean anything to them.
“Samuel, Saul, Simon- oh, and Stephen, but you can’t have that one,” Master laughed quietly, “that’s mine.”
Whumpee rolled Stephen around their head and found that they could put Stephen together with Master’s face. Not that Whumpee would ever get to say Master’s name like that.
“Have you gone to sleep down there?” Master asked quietly, after he’d been reading for some time.
Whumpee whined softly in disagreement; they were awake and paying attention, but nothing fitted.
“Don’t you like them?” Master said and Whumpee ducked their head. Master had been so kind to spend time doing this for them and Whumpee knew they were being ungrateful. They searched for one of the names Master had said at random, vowing that they’d just get used to it.
“George,” they blurted, remembering that one first because it had sounded so odd in their head.
Master was quiet and Whumpee worried they’d messed up again. Maybe Master just wanted them to say, ‘Whatever pleases you, Master’, like they’d been trained to say when asked for an opinion. They’d almost forgotten that until just now; Old Master had never asked for their opinion, and their training had been a long time ago.
Master closed the book. “You don’t like them, do you?” Master said. “They’re naff names, right? Apart from mine of course.” Master chuckled quietly. “Don’t you worry, we’ll find something.”
“I’m s-” Whumpee started, upset that they’d wasted Master’s time, even as Master didn’t seem to mind.
“No more apologising,” Master said. “There’s nothing the matter, lad.”
Whumpee swallowed their apology. “Thank you, Master,” they said instead, somewhat warily. Master banning apologies wasn’t something they’d expected.
“Let’s get some food, hm?”
Master made dinner, as he always did, and fed Whumpee the same as he ate himself, which Whumpee was forever grateful for. Whumpee ate on the floor though, plate in their lap, because sitting at the table, even on Master’s orders, had made them feel too sick with nervousness to eat.
After, Whumpee thought the names over again as Master finished washing up, and kept thinking about it after Master put on the television and Whumpee curled up on the sofa at his side, their head on Master’s thigh. Old Master would never have allowed Whumpee to do that and Whumpee relished the closeness, and the way that Master stroked them without ever pulling on their fur.
Watching the characters on screen, Whumpee perked up suddenly, their ears pricked towards the screen and chin lifted up off Master’s leg.
“Something wrong?” Master said.
“Can I- Could-” Whumpee struggled to get their words to work. “Huck,” they blurted, mimicking the name on screen. It was short and easy and it felt right. “Could I-? Please?”
Master was frowning at them and Whumpee’s excitement dimmed. But when Whumpee nervously pulled away a little, Master’s frown softened and he ran a gentle hand over Whumpee’s fur.
“You’re not making the best sense, lad,” he said, but gently. “You like ‘Huck’ as a name, is it? Or do you mean something else?”
“As a name, Master,” Whumpee murmured, wary now, that Master would say it wasn’t good enough.
But Master smiled. “I like it,” he said warmly and Whumpee smiled.
“Yeah? Master? You do?” Whumpee checked.
“I sure do,” Master said, smiling still. “Huck it is.”
Master rubbed their head and Huck leaned into it, purring contently.
Tagging (omg tagging people I love u all):  @gimmethatsweetwhump @smolnarwhal @free-2bmee @ffaerie-dustt @mortifiedwhump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @usernames-suck-but-i-like-whump @whumpity--whump--whump     <3 If anyone wants to be added to the taglist, pls just ask :D
ALSO very open to continuation suggestions!! I’m working on the next bit, but lemme know if you have any things you’d like to see (though no promises sorry <3)
-- i’m gonna be calling this mess ‘Huck and Stephen’ from now on, rather than ‘pliers’, I think :3
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miafic · 5 years
OOH WAIT "blanket/shirt collar shifting just enough to reveal bandages" with jawn and Lucas 👀 (unless you don't wanna write that kind of thing which is totally cool)
we’re in new-boyfriend territory here 
For two full minutes, Zakk had begun watching Lucas like a hawk. Lucas had dropped off the face of the earth after lunch - claimed to be “running errands” for about five hours - and returned seeming extra tired. He was moving slow, which was, honestly, the most alarming thing. Aside from the way that he was making such an effort to stay away from the boys, that is. If any of them came toward him at all (maybe to retrieve a stack of plates while he was standing near the oven) he got well out their way. 
They made it through dinner prep and the entire meal without incident. Dinner cleanup, though…
Zakk was standing on Lucas’ right side, watching the kids clear the table and rinse the dishes. Lucas leaned forward to scratch his knee, and the collar of his sweatshirt fell away from his chest, just enough for Zakk to see-
“What the hell is that?!” he hissed. 
One of the boys - Simon, who always seemed to hear everything - turned around and looked at them. Zakk gave him a smile and ignored the sound of Lucas quietly walking out of the room. 
It was three more hours before Zakk could confront Lucas again. The boys were in bed with the lights off, and Zakk let himself into Lucas’ room without knocking. Lucas was already in bed, but the light was still on. Zakk sat down next to him on the mattress and asked bluntly, “Why do you have gauze taped to your chest?” 
Lucas stared down at the covers, not speaking.
Zakk gently took his hand. “You were gone all afternoon, and you didn’t answer your phone, and all night, you’ve been… weird. I saw Megan drop you off, and she won’t tell me anything even though I told her you’re acting like you’re in pain.” 
Lucas still didn’t respond.
“Let me see it.”
“Lucas, I’m worried that she hurt you-”
“The car’s fucked,” he interrupted, a very upset look settling onto his face.
Lucas covered his face with his free hand. “The car - she’s fucked. I think we’re gonna have to…” 
He trailed off, and Zakk, in an attempt to keep calm, gave his fingers a squeeze. “You were in an accident?”
“Yeah, some twenty year old kid rear-ended me.” He motioned tiredly toward the gauze. “It’s just a seatbelt thing. No big deal. I was gonna take it off, actually, but I forgot.” 
“That’s a lie,” Zakk said evenly. 
Lucas looked at him in confusion.
“You told the truth up until that very last thing. And then you lied.” He studied Lucas for a moment. “It’s really hurting you.” 
“I’m not an idiot,” he noted shortly. Then, “Let me see it.” 
“There’s no reason for that.” 
“And there’s no reason not to. If I know what you’re dealing with, then I-”
“Then you’ll treat me like a baby.”
“Is that so bad?” Zakk asked. He’d seen Lucas sick before, knew that Lucas liked being treated like a little kid in those times. Zakk couldn’t imagine that his being injured would be much different. 
Lucas was quiet for a moment. Finally, he said, “It is when we’re working.” 
“Well, the kids are in bed. We’re not working.” He nodded toward the place where he knew the gauze was. “Let me see it,” he said softly. 
Lucas took the sweatshirt off, and there was an ACE bandage wrapped around his wrist in addition to the gauze. He winced as he peeled the tape off of it, and Zakk’s hands flew up to cover his mouth. 
Zakk took his hands back down and reached out with shaky fingers. Lucas flinched away, but Zakk instantly calmed him, assuring, “No, no, I’ll be gentle.” 
How could he not be? Lucas’ skin was a marble of angry red and deep purple bruising. 
“Oh my god,” he whispered, fingertips brushing over the thick, harsh line. He demanded, “They took you to the emergency room?” 
“Yeah. They said I had whiplash but that I could go home.” 
“And your wrist?” 
“I banged it against the door. It’s just a little sore. They x-rayed it, and it’s fine.”
Zakk leaned forward and - careful to avoid the bruise - hugged him. Then he asked the question he should have led with: “Are you okay?” 
Lucas nodded, but it was halfhearted.
Lucas’ deep frown returned. “I just think,” he whispered, but then he stopped. He swallowed thickly. “I think he totaled the car.” 
“Oh, Lucas…” 
“But I don’t care - I wanna pay whatever it is to fix her. I don’t want a new one.” 
Zakk had to smile at that. Of course Lucas would do anything to hang on to that ugly, green bucket of rust. It was his first car, and it had been old when he got it. Now more than fifteen years had passed, and it only turned on if you cranked the key two or three times. But Lucas loved the damn thing, and so they kept it. 
“I’ll handle that, okay?” Zakk said, stroking a hand over his hair. “You rest.” 
Lucas shut his eyes with a sigh. 
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” Zakk whispered. He leaned down to kiss Lucas’ cheek. 
Lucas hugged him with one arm, and Zakk hugged back, sure to be extra gentle. 
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strawbebyjam · 5 years
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@arissayoo​, hey!!! it’s ur atiny christmas angel!!!!!!!! i thought that since you’d be getting to open a bunch of presents earlier in the day, i’d give you your gift a little later. recency effect, you feel? (definitely not a product of my procrastination, no maam, not here. we do not know that word.) i’m gonna be honest—this isn’t my best work. but i tried to write out something that you might like, so i hope you enjoy! i apologize for it not being too sappy or holiday-themed 🥺; i felt like that friendly, comfortable feeling was what worked best. please let me know if you’d like any changes! i hope the rest of your holidays go wonderfully~ (also, your pets are adORABLE oh my goodness…pls giv nala an extra kiss for me….)
LIL PLAYLIST!! 맘 편히 (comfortable). G2 ft. GRAY & Simon Dominic  //  dancing like butterfly wings. ATEEZ  //  i swear i’ll never leave again. keshi  //  LOVE?. ELO & PENOMECO ft. GRAY  //  she likes spring, i prefer winter. slchld  //  sims. Lauv  //  stay with me. ayokay ft. Jeremy Zucker
“I’m so sorry about this,” Yeosang says for the fourth time that minute. “I totally forgot what day it was. I was planning on getting my license before I moved out, but—“
Sira grins, nudging his shoulder with hers as she grabs her keys.
“Don’t worry about. What would I be doing otherwise? Road trips are fun.”
Yeosang glances between her and the garage of luggage on his left, opens his mouth to say something, but then turns back to the luggage to gape for a moment.
When he’s done with that, he looks at her again, eyebrows furrowing. He has somehow managed to look even more apologetic, and Sira lets out a breath that’s stuck somewhere between a laugh and a sigh.
“It’s okay, Yeo. I’m serious. I’m glad you’re with me and not some random moving dude who you wouldn’t even feel comfortable telling the address.”
“I would be totally —“ he starts, but after a second thought, goes silent. When he speaks again, he sounds solemn. “I would be totally screwed. Damn.”
Sira grins, dragging a few boxes over to the trunk, and Yeosang piles the rest into the back seats.
Once they’ve settled in, Yeosang having thanked her another five times, and Sira having asked him to connect his phone to the stereo in a futile attempt to calm his nerves, they finally start the drive to his new house.
That is, until Sira asks if they locked the door and Yeosang notes that their lunch is sitting on the patio floor. Neither of them realize the garage is open until they’re backing into it again without moving a finger. Then Sira heads in to lock the door and registers that the door isn’t just unlocked – it’s wide open.
She reminds herself to check in on Yeosang’s new place at least three times before every other trip. And to remind the other boys to remember to check in on him a lot. And then realizes she’s standing in front of the door, still open, muttering to herself. She shakes her head, widens and then shuts her eyes, then takes a breath and shuts the door.
Yeosang is grinning at her from outside the patio when she looks up, keys on a finger as he steps up beside his old shoe-rack.
“You forgot the keys.”
Sira blinks blankly as he slips past her and locks the door, then lets out a slow exhale and waves at the door.
“Bye, bud.”
She squints, head tilting the slightest bit, lips apart.
“Are you trying to be cute, or are you really gonna do that every time you move?”
Yeosang feigns a sad look, pouting, puppy-eyed, the whole lot, as he heads out the door (forgetting lunch again, Sira notes with a fond grin, grabbing it herself) and he pats the door as it shuts behind them.
“I’m really gonna miss the house. I did all my dumb university stuff here. Like use tuition savings on drones. And then play with the drones instead of studying.”
Sira clicks her tongue, buckling back into the car as he shuts the garage.
“And decide to move out on Christmas eve?”
Yeosang whines, pout back on his lips as he grabs a seat.
“I said I’m sorry. I thought it was November.”
Sira sighs, then nods, lips parting slightly as she backs out again.
“No worries. It’s also why everyone’s getting their gifts late, and why I’m gonna be on the road instead of staring at my beautifully decorated Christmas tree with my even more beautiful babies.”
“I’m sure the cats will be fine for a day.”
“You're forgetting Nala?"
"Not forgetting," he notes, smiling softly. "We both know she already misses you like hell, and we're just getting on the freeway now."
"Well that's reassuring."
He doesn't answer, just looking out the window, but a minute later, he’s slouching again.
“I really am sorry.”
Sira glances between him and the road, eyes flitting around before she declares,
“Every ‘sorry’ equals one episode of Goblin you have to sit and watch with me.”
Yeosang’s eyebrows furrow, head lilting to one side.
“Every sorry is an hour of time? That’s a little—“
“Your sorries are worth less than an hour of your time?”
“Well, no, but Goblin is bo—“
“Stop right there for your safety, Yeo.” When Yeosang looks up and notices the way Sira is trying to glare at him, then the road, then the rearview mirror, and then him again, he struggles to keep from giggling, but breaks off the sentence all the same. He can see a mirroring grin slip onto her lips too, but he pretends her facade's functional.
“Sorry,” he says, and then his eyes widen. Sira stifles a laugh herself, and in a matter of seconds, they’ve both dissolved into fits of laughter.
The rest of the ride goes quick, with Yeosang ricocheting through topics—calling to mind all the new songs he wants to show her, asking random questions about car insurance, and even trying to budget video game money. Sira drives, he talks, Sira listens, and then, somehow, they’re there.
It takes them a few hours to unpack, so despite their attempt at an early departure, by the time the apartment rooms are livable, the sun is setting. Yeosang hasn’t bought balcony chairs yet, so they sit on the balcony floor, clad in parkas and toques, and they keep talking.
When the sun falls past the horizon, Yeosang can see the way Sira stops halfway through sentences, blankly blinking before her earlier topic returns to her, and suggests they head inside—so they do.
Sira’s filter starts waning around then, and she declares, walking into the mostly empty living room, “This isn’t Christmas eve.”
Yeosang raises an eyebrow, and a half-grin rises onto his lips instantaneously. “Really? That’s great news for me. I’m about…” he trails off, pretending to count off something on his fingers. “8 presents behind.”
Sira shakes her head, laughing as she starts scrimmaging through boxes. “You need lights and stuff. Do you have any in here?”
Yeosang hums in thought before shaking his head, grinning sheepishly. “Sorry.”
“That’s three episodes so far.” Yeosang tsks, feigning a frown, but he can’t help dropping it for a grin when he sees the way Sira’s smile grows every time he slips up.
“Sorry. That was my bad. Sorry about that.”
She knows he’s messing around, so she stops counting, grabbing her phone and humming in thought.
“We can just watch the whole thing together, since you seem to love it so much all of a sudden. Anyways, it’s late. ‘m tired. Are the pillows in the car?”
Yeosang shakes his head, opening up a few boxes. “There’s some over here, with the blankets. Are two okay? Just one each?”
She nods and he drags over the box, grinning as he pulls them out. “My mom got these before I moved out.”
Sira’s fatigue is fairly visible at this point in the way she nods, pulling a pillow under her head and looking up at Yeosang with a slow-mo smile. Her blinks are slow, but her gaze lingers, steady, around his eyes.
“Mhm. Cute. Real—” a yawn.”—really cute. ‘m gonna sleep. Merry Christmas.”
Yeosang’s eyebrows shoot up, and he’s about to offer her some hot chocolate before he remembers he hasn’t bought a new microwave yet. He decides to just set the blanket over her, mutters a ‘merry Christmas’ back, and tries to keep from looking over at her too much.
It proves more difficult than he thinks – she takes her glasses off before sleeping most of the time, setting them aside neatly, but at the moment, they’re halfway down her cheek, sliding steadily. It's ... cute. He tries to pull them off as gently as possible but she groans and turns over anyhow. Setting them on a box, he grins back over at her before remembering again that she’s asleep and flushing, turning away to grab himself a pillow.
He's giving into temptation within the next minute — setting his pillow beside hers, sliding an arm under it, and letting his cheek rest on the pillow so they’re facing each other.
She looks so cute. He muses, still smiling. He feels dorky, but he doesn’t let himself worry about it too much, preoccupied. Really cute.
After some more silent contemplation, he decides that the jeans he’s in are pretty uncomfortable after his eyes flicker open with every movement around them, and decides to change into what he hopes Sira will accept as holiday-enough.
When he’s back after rummaging through his suitcase and then trying to find a laundry hamper, Yeosang slides onto the floor next to her. A hint of a smile sneaks past his lips and he mumbles,
“Thank you.”
There’s no answer – though it isn’t as if he’s expecting one. His smile only grows in the silence, and he finds his cheeks are warm again. He sets his elbow on the floor, cheek in hand, humming a familiar, unidentifiable tune under his breath. His eyes glide across Sira’s eyes, nose, mouth, hair, and then flutter shut. He grins sheepishly to himself when he finally works out a present he can get her in time for Christmas.
He doesn’t sleep too well, though, after his mind wanders through the different ways to share his feelings, and uses none in the end, but the embarrassed kiss he earns for his groggy confession is more than enough validation for him.
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pipsqueakparker · 5 years
i’ve never written snowbaz fic before but i fell into a deep hole of reading it for the past few weeks and apparently started writing one before bed last night cause i woke up to find it in my notes - pls note i have only the vaguest ideas of where this came from, based from real life events and thrown onto these two dumb boys i love so i present
A SnowBaz Drabble: Confetti Dildos & Communication
(content warning: mentions of sex toys if that’s not obvious, but other than that pretty tame tbqh)
“You know if you own a ‘confetti clear dildo’ I’m legally required to make fun of you, right?”
Baz’s head jerked up from the book he had been reading (for pleasure) as Simon traipsed into the room, phone in hand.
“What on Earth are you on about, Snow?”
There was a glint in Simon’s eye as he fell less than gracefully onto the foot of the bed, next to Baz’s feet. Baz wasn’t a fan of that glint, at least not when it was targeted at him. (That was a lie, he was a huge fan of it, but he’d never admit it.)
“We share an Amazon account, Baz.” Simon made a show of swiping through the app on his phone. “Including wishlists, and search history.”
Baz would definitely be blushing if he could at the moment, thankfully it had been too long since he’d fed, so Simon couldn’t see the heat rising in his cheeks. He managed to keep his face calm and cool, returned his attention to his book, as he drawled, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Like hell you don’t.” Simon reached out and snatched the book from Baz’s hands, earning himself a glare. “Are you too embarrassed to admit to searching Amazon for a dildo?”
“No.” Baz took his book back in as harsh a movement as the words spitting from his mouth. “I’m not embarrassed, because I have nothing to be embarrassed about. Must’ve been Bunce, or someone else you’ve ‘mistakenly’ given out the password to.”
Baz had plenty to be embarrassed about. It wasn’t like he was exclusively looking on Amazon, it was just one of the links that came up in a precursory search, and he followed through with researching what all it had to offer. He hadn’t even considered the fact that he shares that account with Simon, and Bunce as well, now.
As much as Baz tried to remain nonchalant, Simon was getting good at seeing right through him.
“You don’t have to be embarrassed, babe.” Simon reached out again, this time to push some of Baz’s hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear. It would fall again in just a few seconds, but it was a nice gesture, and Baz could feel his defenses begin to fall. “Are you really thinking of... getting one of... those?”
Baz looked into Simon’s face, the soft, curious expression there. Simon’s astonishingly-boring blue eyes searching his for an answer, his brow creased ever so slightly, not from worry or anger, just from his concern and curiosity. He probably began wondering why Baz was staring at him for so long without saying anything, in fact, that’s just what he was thinking.
“Perhaps.” Baz mumbled, dropping his gaze to the crumpled duvet spread over Simon’s bed.
“Oh,” Simon was silent, for once, for only a moment. “For what?”
“For a bloody paperweight, Snow, what do you think what for?” Baz rolled his eyes and moved back from the other boy, uncrossing his legs and moving to slide off the bed.
“Wait,” Simon grabbed his arm. “I didn’t mean - I mean... uhm -“
Baz was tempted to snap at him to spit it out, tell him he was ruining a perfectly good storm out, but the way his eyes fluttered around the room and his cheeks grew a rosy pink - maybe it was worth the wait. Whatever he was trying to get out.
“I just - mean... that’s kinda hot.” Simon barely dared to look at him, more glancing at him from beneath his lashes as he kept his face down. Baz’s trained expression fell for just a moment, eyes widening a bit, before he schooled himself again.
“What was that, Snow?” A smirk crossed his lips when Simon’s blush grew deeper, a darker red, and his eyes fell to the floor.
“How is it I come in here to tease you, and you still manage to twist it around?” Simon’s words were barely audible, and there was no real heat behind them.
“It’s what I do, love.” Baz moved back on the bed, scooting closer to the other boy and dropping a kiss on his cheek. “Years of repressed childhood trauma had to leave me with something.”
Simon let out a breath of a laugh and leaned into Baz. “That’s not fair, all I got was the inability to pick up social cues.”
“Don’t forget your horrendous communication skills.”
“I thought those were getting better.” Simon frowned. Baz hummed, twisted one of Simon’s bronze curls around his finger. “Right?”
“Why were you going through the search history?”
“I - I wasn’t. It just - came up.”
Baz raised a brow, in that somehow flawless way he had. “Did it?”
Simon shrugged.
“Stellar communication, Simon.”
Simon stuck his lower lip out in a pout and it took every ounce of self-control for Baz not to kiss it away. He shook his head and reached for his book, a signal the conversation was over, and Simon momentarily panicked and grabbed his arm. Baz stopped, looked over at him, fighting an amused smile.
“Need something, Snow?”
“My initial comment stands,” Simon started. “If you get... that one.”
“Noted.” Baz tried to move again, but Simon’s hand tightened on his arm.
“So, maybe keep looking.”
Simon didn’t say anything for another long moment, so Baz tried once more to move away.
“AndmaybeifyouneedhelporsomethingIcoulddothat?” Simon blurted out. Baz’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline and Simon’s face was burning.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
Simon buried his face in his hands. “You know what I said, Baz. For the love of Merlin don’t make me do it again.”
“Communication, Simon.”
“Are you asking to shop for sex toys with me?”
Simon looked like he wanted to be anywhere but in this conversation, he was red to the tips of his ears, but he wasn’t necessarily regretting the topic.
“I mean, it makes sense, yeah? We’re... you know, so... I mean, unless you wouldn’t want to... I-I guess, that was a big assumption, that you’d even want-“
Baz finally did kiss him, cutting off his embarrassed rambles with his lips.
“Don’t be a numpty,” Baz muttered. “Which of them would you prefer then?”
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