#sims4 disney legacy
ginovasims · 1 year
A twelve generation legacy challenge based on the current thirteen Disney Princesses. Each generation will have a different set of goals and requirements before the new heir takes over.  Disclosure: I know there are other Disney Princess Challenges out there, but I wanted to create my own which I feel fit the films more and flowed nicely between each princess and generation. I've tried my best to add as many game features as I can to match their stories, but a lot of it may be down to your own storytelling. Some details have been left out because I don't want the challenge to be too strict, or all our games would be the exact same! Feel free to adjust any rules as you see fit for your stories, it's supposed to be fun. Tell your own stories and add your own elements, but my rules should hopefully help guide you. 
As you may know with a lot of the older princess films, the mothers often die when the princess is quite young. I know a lot of people hate the idea of their sims dying, so if you would like to forgo this rule, that is fine! I would instead recommend moving the mother out of the household and having no contact with them again.
Every generation has a prologue and then a set of rules. The prologues are there to establish the generations, and typically require more storytelling and gameplay with family members. You can use the prologues in any way you would like to set up your princesses' stories. The requirements are for when the main part of their stories would begin.
Aging must be turned on, but you can have it at any length you wish.
Each goal must be met before the new heir takes over, unless specified in the rules.
Despite being 'princesses', the heirs don't have to be female. You can have any gender follow the requirements. Same goes for sexuality and romantic partners. You don't have to strictly follow the films in this sense unless you want to.
The Princesses can look as much or as little like their film-selves as you would like. Same for their names.
Mods and custom content can be used to help the story and gameplay.
The generations will offer three traits, you do not need the heir to have all three traits, but they MUST have at least TWO of them.
If you do not have all of the packs required to complete the requirements for each generation, either find a similar alternative or skip that rule.
If you do this challenge, please credit me (@ginovasims).
(OPTIONAL) Use the hashtag #GiPrincessChallenge on tweets, posts, and videos.
Thank yous:
Once again there are some lovely simmers I would like to thank for helping me with this challenge!
@SimBexBlue - you inspired me to start writing my own version of the challenge after I started watching your LP on YouTube! You have been there in DMs from the start and giving me feedback and ideas, and you’ve always been so enthusiastic and keen.
@Jackiester626 - your notes and feedback for each generation were so detailed and helpful and honestly really inspiring! You put in a lot of effort to help me out and it’s very appreciated.
@nicolesulsul - you sent me some excellent additions for the challenge which helped pad out the generations and make them more like the films. Your interest in the challenge has always been so encouraging! WATCH HERE: https://youtu.be/-jSmoQYqHZk I posted a video talking about this new challenge and created all thirteen princesses based on their original animation film-selves! You can also download my versions of the Disney Princesses for FREE on my patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sims-4-disney-84319256
Generation 1 - Snow White
Optional Prologue (child):
Snow's mother dies when Snow is a child. Her father should remarry a jealous/evil woman. When Snow becomes a teenager, her father must die so that Snow is left with only her stepmother to raise her.
Have an awful relationship with your stepmother who makes you do all the cooking and housework.
Never leave your home neighbourhood. 
Meet a teen sim in your neighbourhood who you build a friendship and romance with, but never kiss/woohoo.
Move into a cottage as a YA, and have no social interaction with anyone (including no contact with stepmother or boyfriend/girlfriend). This includes never answering the door to strangers.
Adopt seven toddlers (dwarves) in one go.
Give the children traits that match their dwarf persona (i.e. happy = cheerful, sleepy = lazy etc.).
Never eat apples or anything to do with apples.
When the dwarves are teens, you can finally meet your partner again. (If you would like, you can have them rescue you from your stepmother who visited your cottage)
Get married and move into your lover's castle.
Have one daughter (Cinderella).
Master parenting and baking skills.
Complete Big Happy Family aspiration.
Traits: Cheerful, Loves Outdoors, Good Aspiration: Big Happy Family
Generation 2 - Cinderella
Optional Prologue (child):
Snow White dies when Cinderella is a child. Cinderella's father should remarry an older lady who already has two daughters. Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters hate her and are always mean to her when her father isn't around. As if history repeats itself, Cinderella's father must die when she is a teenager, leaving Cinderella to be raised by her stepmother who hates her.
Must live in the attic and do all the housework and care for the animals.
Have completely negative relationships with your stepmother and stepsisters.
Knit and wear your own clothes.
Never leave the home lot.
As a YA, you must sneak off to the magic realm in the middle of the night and meet all the sages and another powerful (but evil) spellcaster.
Befriend all four spellcasters - this is important for the next generation.
Attend a party off your home lot, disguised so your family doesn't recognise you - they must also be guests.
Meet and fall in love with someone at the party, but you must be home before midnight.
You must wait for the person you met at the party to knock on your door at home before you can run away from your family.
Get married and have one daughter (Aurora).
Master cooking, knitting and cross-stitch skills before being rescued by your lover.
Complete Soulmate aspiration.
Traits: Romantic, Neat, Animal Enthusiast  Aspiration: Soulmate
Generation 3 - Aurora
Optional Prologue (infant): Cinderella must throw a baby shower when Aurora is born, inviting the three sages, but not the fourth 'evil' spellcaster. Cinderella and the spellcaster must lose all relationship. Cinderella must send infant Aurora to live with the three sages in Glimmerbrook to protect her from the other spellcaster.
Have no contact or relationship with anyone except the three sages. This includes your parents.
Meet a mersim as a teen in the Glimmerbrook forest. Fall in love with them but never kiss/woohoo, and they can never visit your home.
Never leave Glimmerbrook until your YA birthday.
As a YA, meet with the 'evil' spellcaster. She drains you of all energy and traps you in the attic of your family home. (Aurora is now unplayable until the curse is lifted)
Each spellcaster must defeat the spellcaster in a duel, and at least two of them must win.
Sages must find your lover naturally and they are the only one who can break the curse. Aurora is playable again. (The lover must either be found by searching the worlds/neighbourhoods, or they can arrive without being invited. You cannot call them over, or directly visit their home lot)
Marry your lover and move to Sulani.
Become a mermaid.
Have seven mermaid daughters, close in age, the last one being Ariel. (You may need to live separately from your lover as the household limit will be maxed with seven children)
Master singing and dancing skills.
Complete Beach Life aspiration, but you can only start working on it when you become a mermaid.
Traits: Loner, Family-oriented, Lazy Aspiration: Beach Life
Generation 4 - Ariel
Optional Prologue (infant): Aurora must die when Ariel becomes an infant, leaving Ariel's father to raise his daughters alone. He must befriend another mermaid who will help with all the children. When Ariel becomes a child, her father must cut ties with this mermaid and not allow the children any contact with her.
Live on the small island in Sulani.
Only have friendships with mermaids on your island.
Befriend a dolphin.
As a teen, sneak out every night to visit the mainland and mingle with regular sims.
Meet a regular teen sim who you introduce yourself to, but do not build any friendship or relationship. Leave immediately after you meet them.
Return home and lose friendship with your father - don't enter the red, but have no green left.
Runaway from home and meet the mermaid from your childhood.
This mermaid will help you become a regular sim and find the teen you met before.
Only use romantic interactions with your crush, no friendly/funny interactions.
Discover the mermaid who helped you flirting with your love interest. Lose all friendship with them.
When you have a full romance bar with your love interest, only then can you kiss them, and after this, you can start using friendly interactions. 
Rebuild a relationship with your father.
Stay human, get married and have one daughter (Belle).
Complete at least two collections - ideally at least one from Island Living.
Master singing skill while still a mermaid.
Master fitness skill but only ever by swimming.
Complete The Curator aspiration.
Traits: Socially Awkward, Child of the Ocean, Clumsy Aspiration: The Curator
Generation 5 - Belle
Optional Prologue (child): Ariel must die when Belle is a child. Belle and her father move to a small town and he must focus on robotics. Belle mustn't have any friends growing up. She should spend her time with her father and reading books. There is an attractive teen, Gaston, in the small town who has a crush on Belle, but she has no interest in him and she always rejects his advances.
On your YA birthday, your father unintentionally runs into a rampaging werewolf.
You must move in with the werewolf in their castle, leaving your father alone.
Have a fully negative (-100) relationship with the werewolf.
You can never leave the castle.
Befriend the maid and butler, and have no friendships outside of the castle.
Slowly build a friendship with the werewolf.
Only when the friendship bar is in the green can you start looking for a cure for the werewolf.
Start romancing when you are friends, but do not kiss or woohoo.
When you and the werewolf are lovebirds, Gaston visits and he must fight the werewolf.
Only after the werewolf beats Gaston in a fight can they take the cure and become a regular sim.
Have your first kiss with your lover now they aren't a werewolf anymore.
Marry your lover, have one daughter (Jasmine), and have your father move into the castle with you all.
Have a perfect quality rose bush.
Write books either as a freelance author or as a hobby, but do not join the writer career.
Master writing and research and debate skills.
Complete Bestselling Author aspiration.
Traits: Bookworm, Loyal, Genius Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Generation 6 - Jasmine
Optional Prologue (child):  Belle must die when Jasmine is a child. Jasmine's father is still scared of the outside world because of his past, so should keep Jasmine locked in the castle for her safety. When Jasmine's elderly grandfather dies, Jasmine's father is left alone to raise her. He must enlist the help of an adult spellcaster, Jafar, to help him look after Jasmine.
Have no friendships outside of your family. Your best friend is your ginger tabby cat.
Go on blind dates that your father arranges, and always end them by making the other sim angry.
Sneak out in a disguise to a community lot and befriend a poor sim with the kleptomaniac trait.
Go on a date with them the next day, who is now dressed entirely differently in fancy clothes.
End the date with a kiss.
Jafar finds you the next day and traps you in a room with your father. (Jasmine is now temporarily unplayable)
Your lover arrives with a friend who is a spellcaster, who must duel and defeat Jafar. (When Jafar is defeated, Jasmine is playable again)
Marry your lover as a YA and stop living as royalty. Move to the forest and live off the grid with at least two other YAs who have one baby.
Have one daughter (Pocahontas).
Master charisma and mischief skills.
Complete Chief of Mischief aspiration.
Traits: Hot-Headed, Self-Assured, High Maintenance Aspiration: Chief of Mischief 
Generation 7 - Pocahontas
Optional Prologue (infant): Jasmine must die when Pocahontas is an infant. Pocahontas should be raised by her father and the tribe they all live with. There is a young boy who is a similar age to Pocahontas. The two must grow up as best friends.  
As a teen, get engaged to your childhood best friend, but never kiss or woohoo them, and have zero romance - you can cheat this up to get engaged, but then remove all romance after.
Befriend a stranger in the forest who is completely opposite to you, in  both appearance and personality.
Quickly build a friendship and romance with the stranger, but do not kiss or woohoo.
Your tribe must hate the stranger's family, so continue your relationship in secret.
Get caught with the stranger, so your fiance fights them.
End your romantic relationship with the stranger and never have contact with them again.
Break off your engagement with your childhood friend
As a YA, fall in love with an adult sim who is a retired soldier.
Move in with them and their mother.
Get married and have one daughter (Mulan).
Live off the grid your whole life until you move out and get married.
Master painting, gardening and fishing skills.
Complete Angling Ace aspiration.
Traits: Love the Outdoors, Ambitious, Green Fiend Aspiration: Angling Ace
Generation 8 - Mulan
Optional Prologue (child): Mulan never has any interest in tradition or expectations. She grows up very active and playful, and never has any romantic relationships as a teen. Mulan has a strict relationship with her mother, who wants her to be more 'normal', but has a stronger and closer relationship with her father.
As a YA, completely change your appearance and move out of your family world.
Move in with a group of men, who are all in the military, and join the military yourself.
Befriend all of the men, and develop a crush on the leader of the group.
Constantly try and prove yourself by pushing the limits and becoming the strongest soldier in your household.
Fight your enemy who is in a rival household and win. After this fight, you must change your appearance back to how it was before.
Have an argument with the leader, who kicks you out of the household. You must return home to your family.
Sneak out one night to see your friends, and find them with the rival group. Fight and defeat all of the rivals, ending with your enemy.
Move back into the household with your soldier friends, who have accepted you back for saving them.
Fall in love with the leader and both quit your jobs in the military.
Marry your lover and have one daughter (Tiana).
Max your body muscles using the training bot machine.
Master fitness and wellness skills.
Complete Bodybuilder aspiration.
Traits: Active, Loyal, Bro Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Generation 9 - Tiana
Optional Prologue (child): Tiana should have a very close relationship with her father growing up. After leaving the military, he wants to pursue his dream of opening a restaurant, so he should join the culinary career. Before he can reach level 5 of this career, he must quit and instead join the military again and die. Tiana should be left to be raised by her mother, Mulan, who is poor since she and her husband left the military.
Cook with your father as often as possible before he dies.
As a teen, join the barista part-time career.
Have a childhood best friend who is rich and very different to you, but stay close your whole life.
At a costume party dressed as a princess, meet a royal sim who has been cursed with the curse of repulsiveness. You are now also cursed.
Befriend an old female spellcaster and a musician in a bayou/forest.
Befriend and romance the other cursed sim.
Visit Selvadorada with the cursed sim and explore the jungle.
Only when your romance and friendship is full can both of your curses be lifted.
The spellcaster officiates your wedding.
Open a restaurant using your new partner's wealth.
Have your restaurant reach at least four stars.
Become royal and move into your partner's castle and have one daughter (Rapunzel).
Master cooking and gourmet cooking skills.
Complete Master Chef aspiration.
Traits: Foodie, Ambitious, Overachiever Aspiration: Master Chef
Generation 10 - Rapunzel 
Optional Prologue (infant): Because of her parents' curse and connection to magic, Rapunzel is born with powers and long golden hair. An old lady kidnaps Rapunzel when she is an infant, running away to a locked tower, hidden away from Tiana's castle. The old lady, Gothel, is immediately young again, and will always stay this way when she is around Rapunzel.
Never go to school or work, and never leave the confines of the tower.
Have no relationships with anyone except Gothel, and this must be negative.
Have long blonde hair your whole life.
Spend your time playing guitar, painting, baking, singing, gardening, playing chess - anything to pass the time!
On your YA birthday, when Gothel is at work, a stranger makes their way into your tower. Quickly befriend the stranger and escape with them to the woods and eventually the town.
Make lots of friends along the way, and slowly build a romance with the stranger, but not kissing or woohooing.
Get found by Gothel, and both of you are trapped back in the tower.
Gothel kills your lover, but you are able to bring them back with a death flower which you have grown.
When your lover is brought back to life, you must immediately change your appearance to have short brown hair.
Gothel instantly becomes an elder and dies of old age - you will probably want to cheat this!
Move back to your family castle with your lover, meeting your parents again for the first time.
Marry your lover and have two daughters, close in age (Elsa and Anna).
Master guitar, painting, baking and singing skills.
Complete Renaissance Sim aspiration.
Traits: Creative, Paranoid, Cheerful Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Generation 11 - Elsa and Anna
Optional Prologue (children):
Elsa inherits her mother's magical abilities and is born a spellcaster. Anna has no abilities, but the girls still have a strong relationship. The girls' parents are worried about Elsa's abilities after Anna gets hurt one day. They lock Elsa in her bedroom and Anna isn't allowed in. When the girls are teenagers, their parents both die.
Elsa (E) and Anna (A) must never have any friends or relationships growing up. They have zero relationship with each other. Neither girl can attend school.
(A) when you become a YA, meet a stranger and instantly become friends and start romancing. Get engaged on the same day.
(E) throw a party honouring your new job and invite Anna's new fiance.
(E) argue with Anna about her engagement and run away to the mountains in Mt. Komorebi.
(A) befriend a stranger in Mt. Komorebi while looking for your sister.
(E) freeze your sister when she finds you (chillio spell). While Anna is frozen, her fiance arrives and argues with Elsa. Elsa is trapped in a basement by Anna's fiance.
(A) return home after thawing and let Elsa out. Rebuild your friendship and become best friends.
(A) breakup and fight with your fiance. Start romancing the stranger from Mt. Komorebi.
(E) stay living in the castle and make friends with people in the world.
(A) marry your new lover and move in with their elderly mother and family in Sulani.
(A) have one daughter (Moana).
(E) master singing skill and learn all the untamed spells.
(E) complete Inner Peace aspiration, but only after becoming best friends with your sister.
(A) master charisma and comedy skills.
(A) complete Friend of the World aspiration.
Traits (Elsa): Loner, Proper, Erratic Aspiration (Elsa): Inner Peace Traits (Anna): Goofball, Outgoing, Family-Oriented Aspiration (Anna): Friend of the World
Generation 12 - Moana
Optional Prologue (toddler):  Moana grows up in Sulani with her whole family. She loves the water and is closest to her grandmother, more than her own parents. The island is filthy and destroyed by environmental changes. Moana vows to make a change when she is older, but her parents think she should focus on the family and the land they live on. Moana's grandmother agrees that she should go off and follow her dream, but she dies when Moana is a teen.
As a teen, leave your family to clean Sulani. Have no contact with them until the island is saved.
Meet a YA man on the island, but have a negative relationship to begin with. 
Work together with the man to clean Sulani, and turn your negative relationship into a completely positive one.
Join the conservationist career.
Become best friends with the man.
Find The Heart of Sulani (treasure collectible).
When the island is clean and you are at level 5 of your career, return home to your family and live off the grid.
When you reach level 5 of the conservationist career, quit and join the civil designer career (green tech branch).
Influence your neighbours to always vote and live in a green neighbourhood.
Master logic and fitness skills.
Complete Eco Innovator aspiration.
Traits: Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Adventurous Aspiration: Eco Innovator
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Ariel Hair by MiikoCC
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moonfaunagames · 1 year
Sims 4 Disney Ancestor Challenge (Choose Your Own Adventure)
Sims 4 Disney Ancestor Challenge (Choose Your Own Adventure) 
Welcome to the Disney Ancestor Challenge! There are a lot of Disney Sim Challenges, but none fit exactly what I wanted. I created a challenge with the legacies in historical era order and with multiple generation characters from which you can choose to play! This is a very long challenge, but no worries you can always cut movies you don’t want to play (Just make sure to check any requirements from the previous generation). Each of the 37 Legacies (number subject to change with future movie additions) offers 2-3 characters to choose from. I am very excited to play and hope you enjoy it! To see the full challenge click the link to the google Doc.
Always read ahead one generation so you don’t miss anything while playing the current generation. This is especially important when choosing the different character options. For Example: If you play as Ariel for Gen 14 then Gen 13 needs to have seven children, but if you choose to play as Eric then they only need to have one child. This will also help in not having repeat aspirations and careers if you pick the character you want to play beforehand. 
Must Complete Aspirations and Careers unless specified.
If you are playing for historical accuracy then you may change the aspirations and careers to better fit the era, but must still complete these. 
If your sim is an orphan then they start with no simoleons.
Some categories do not specify marriage. If it is unspecified then it is up to you to determine what fits your storyline best.
Have fun! Remember to play the game in a way that makes you happy. If something doesn’t work for you or you don’t have a pack then change the rules to better suit your gameplay! 
Hercules - (800-1200 BC Greece)
You begin as a romantic. You find a partner that you are smitten with and would do anything for them, including dedicating your heart and soul to reviving them after they die in an accident. You bring them back only for them to waste no time indulging themselves in everything life has to offer…including other people. You catch them cheating on you. Heartbroken and jaded you have a difficult time trusting anyone. 
Traits: Loyal, Self-assured, Jealous
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Secret Agent
Find a partner and have a higher romance than friendship 
Have your partner die, and resurrect them(if pleading with the grim reaper fails, must bring them back by other means)
Have your partner cheat on you, leaving you heartbroken
Become a secret agent and choose Diamond Branch 
Reach level 8 of your career to unlock romantic interactions
Meet the love of your life, be mean to them
Max friendship before becoming romantic
Max romance before marrying and having at least two kids
You have always felt different than the rest of your family. You discover you are adopted and set out to find your roots as a teenager. Upon discovering your birth parents you realize your true aspiration is to become…a hero! Whatever that means? Time to become a bodybuilder. Become SUPER strong. Capable of defeating any foe! 
Traits: Active, Bro, Socially Awkward (optional)  
Aspiration: Body Builder
Career: Athletic (Body Builder)
Start as a lanky Teenager with no muscles 
Meet birth parents as a teenager (be gifted a pet named Pegasus, doesn’t have to be a “real animal” if you don’t have a correlating pack) 
Find a mentor to “Train” you for your aspiration 
Win at least 3 Fights before seeing your Birth Parents again 
Find a non-commital Sim 
Become best friends before becoming romantic 
Have your partner die and revive them
Receive gold on a date
Max romance before marrying and having at least two kids
Your expertise lies in the arts. You love being creative and influencing the people around you with your talents. You endeavor to create a lasting mark for your future lineage to be inspired by for generations to come. 
Traits:  Creative, Gloomy, Dance Machine 
Aspiration: Must Complete a minimum of 3 creative aspirations (Ex: Musical Genius, Painter Extraordinaire, Best-Selling Author, Master Actor/Actress, Master Maker, Lord/Lady of the Knits, Joke Star, Master Mixologist, etc.) 
Career: Freelancer and/or what is needed for aspiration
Max Singing
Max Dancing
Complete 3 Creative Aspirations (Difficulty Level: Hard) 
Must Mentor at least 3 sims in a creative skill
Must use each of the 3 aspiration rewards at least once
Use a telescope or the backyard observatory at least 3 times (Additionally, Stargaze and Cloudgaze for fun) 
Must have at least two kids 
The Sword in the Stone - 400s England
One of your parents has the mentality of Brawns over Books. They encourage you and your sibling to develop your brawn. Your sibling isn’t always the nicest to you growing up and tends to tease you a lot. One day you meet an older mentor who encourages you to learn about more than just fitness. They become a mentor to you. Their knowledge and life lessons help you to become a just and fair “ruler”. 
Traits: Outgoing, Ambitious, Good     
Aspiration: Renaissance Sims 
Career: Politician (Politician Branch) OR Business (Management Branch) 
Toddler Trait is Charmer
Have the Rambunctious Scamp Childhood Aspiration
Must be friends with an older spellcaster (They will become your mentor)
The mentor must help with homework, school projects, and character values
Have a close-knit group of friends (Knights of the Round Table)
Your spouse has an affair with your best friend
You learn of it but stay with your spouse
Have an heir
You dream of being the most powerful wizard in the world. You devote yourself to learning every magical object, spell, and potion. You may develop a rival or two, but that happens on the way to greatness. As you get older you have a premonition about the future. You discover you are to be a mentor. You become an educator and eventually mentor the next generation in everything they need to know to become well-rounded. 
Traits: Ambitious, Bookworm, Clumsy
Aspiration: Spellcraft and Sorcery
Career: Education
Must have the Sixam Owl Familiar (Archimedes) 
Must own a Telescope
Max Logic Skill
Must learn every spell
Must lean every potion 
Have a magical enemy whom you duel (Until you win) 
Mentor a child in homework, school projects, and character values
Have Heir
If you choose the Eilonwy path it may be better suited to have this heir with a spellcaster 
If you choose the Taran Path then you must move to a farm for your heir before they are a teen.
The Black Cauldron - Early Middles Ages [476 is the beginning] In Prydain
Eilonwy (Realm of Magic) 
While Eilonwy is in the movie we get more of her character and life from the books, “The Chronicles of Prydain” which is what the movie is based on. The Eilonwy generation will be based heavily on the books than the little we get in the movie. 
As a child you are wild and unkempt, even forgoing shoes. You are known for being confident, outspoken, and having an excellent moral compass. You are often mistaken for a “Damsel” in distress, but that couldn’t be farther from the truth. You come from a long line of formidable enchantresses. Passed down to you from your ancestors is your “Bauble” (familiar) which you are never without. However, your knowledge of magic growing up is limited, but you are never without your magic Bauble (Your familiar). As a teen, you visit your ancestral home for “proper” training. You become friends with your future love, but you don’t admit your feelings until years later. 
Traits: Self-Assured, Cheerful, Vegetarian 
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante 
Career: Paranormal Investigator 
Must have high character values in Empathy and Emotional Control
Meet your future love as a teenager in a spooky place (Ex: a haunted house, graveyard, etc.) 
Become friends, but you don’t admit your feelings until you’re an adult
Must have a familiar (Common Fairy as the Bauble)
Must Learn 5 spells 
Max Medium Skill
Must choose a mortal life of love over an immortal life in the enchanted realm (Give up your magic forever) 
Cannot marry until after you give up your magic
In your youth, you live on a farm tending to the plants and animals, but you have a restless spirit. You long for adventure and leave the farm before becoming a Young Adult. You learn and develop the Medium skill to help with your paranormal investigations. You meet your love interest when young, but don’t admit your feelings until you’re an adult. 
Traits: Adventurous, Dog Lover, Outgoing
Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante
Career: Paranormal Investigator 
Have high character values in Conflict Resolution and Empathy
Live on a farm in your youth
Must move from the farm before becoming a YA
Get a dog with the traits Glutton, Jumpy, and Loyal when you move
Must keep the dog alive/bring it back from death through the entire playthrough
Max Medium skill (instead of Hen Wen) 
Meet your love interest in a haunted or scary place
Must go anytime someone invites you somewhere
Must Live in 3 different places (not counting the farm) 
You become friends, but don’t admit your feelings until you are an adult
Cannot marry until aspiration is complete
If you choose to follow Sisu’s path you must have five children
Raya and the last dragon - “Several Thousand Years Ago” in Kumandra
Your parent(s) has always strived to teach you about trust and unity. However, there is an evil unleashed that breaks the land and the people living there. You lose your parent(s) due to this evil. You set out to discover a way to end what is dividing your world and bring unity. 
Traits: Adventurous, Active, Loves the Outdoors
Aspiration: Strangerville Mystery AND Mt. Komorebi Sightseer
Career: Sell things on the yardsale table and dumpster dive. When Strangerville 
  Aspiration is complete can join a career (if you want) 
Learn a soup recipe with a parent
Have a pet
Have a childhood friend who becomes your enemy as a teen
Loose Parent(s) as a teen or young adult (Doesn’t have to be through death) 
Explore the world (after parental loss) and make good friends along the way
Make soup that you learned with your parent and serve it to all your friends
Reunite with childhood friend/enemy and rebuild the relationship 
Complete Strangerville Mystery to fix the divided world 
Reunite with Parent(s)
Have an heir
You are kind and fun-loving, but can also be naive. You have a big family and love your siblings very much. The land you live in has always been prosperous, but something evil has begun to hurt the people. You and your siblings set out to discover and stop this evil. 
Traits: Goofball, Cheerful, Child of the Ocean
Aspiration: Mt. Komorebi Sightseer AND Strangerville Mystery 
Career: Sell items on Yard Sale Table 
Optional: Mermaid Form as Dragon Form 
Swim once a day
Have a strong relationship with your siblings 
Start Strangerville mystery with your siblings, but lose contact with them (and your parents) 
Travel and make good friends along the way 
You are a compulsive gift-giver (Give gifts to your friends when you see them) 
Reunite with siblings once Strangerville Aspiration is complete
Have Heir 
Mulan - 386-586ish China 
Growing up you have always been a bit of an outcast. You are taught to follow the status quo, but following rules and traditions is not your cup of tea. You deeply love your family, even though you don’t feel like you can ever be their kind of perfect. This love for your family leads you to run away and join the military career to protect them. Your social skills and clumsy traits cause you some difficulty, but you are brave and will overcome your fears. 
Traits: Family Oriented, Socially Awkward, Clumsy
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Career: Military 
Must have tea/dinner with your parents and grandparents once a week (Except for when you run away)
Must have a makeover as a young adult 
Run away and join the military (Do not see family again until after you have reached one fame star)
Have at least one pet
Reach minimum level 6 in Logic Skill
Gain at least One Fame Star (For bringing honor to the family) 
Marry after reaching the top of your career (Partner must also be in the military) 
Have Heir
Li Shang
 You dream of being a great leader. You develop a no non-sense personality and constantly work toward your dream. You meet a coworker who balances your personality and brings out the best in you. 
Traits: Proper, Perfectionist, Ambitious 
Aspiration: Goal Orientated
Career: Military 
Max the fitness skill
Mentor 4 Sims in the fitness skill 
Gain at least one Fame star (For Honor) 
Reach the top of your career 
Marry a coworker 
Have a big family dinner with your family and your partner’s family once a week 
Have Heir
Aladdin - Middle East 800s 
Your family does their best to protect you and follow the laws. For your safety, you are kept at home, even though you long to see the world. Due to tradition, you are also expected to marry a wealthy suitor whom your parents select. You are a romantic and want to fall in love and not force it. Fed up with the same routine you take matters into your own hands. 
Traits: Cat/dog Lover (Depending on your Raja), High-Maintenance, Romantic
Aspiration: Serial Romantic 
Career: Actor/Actress OR Education (Disney Princess Enchanted Tales: Follow Your Dreams she is a teacher BUT there are several legacies with teaching) 
Have an animal Best Friend (Raja) and become companions as a child
You are only allowed to leave the house for school 
Use a telescope for stargazing
You are allowed on dates approved by parents (for aspiration)
Sneak out of the house and meet your future partner
Find a partner with the kleptomaniac trait
Complete serial romantic trait before marrying
Marry the kleptomaniac partner (do not take any of their household funds since they are a poor street rat) 
Have Heir
 You lose your parents and to make a living you develop survival skills to stay one jump ahead. You steal only to survive, and while you develop severe insecurities, you remain good at heart. Your insecurity leads you to believe no one would want to be with a street rat. That is until you meet someone who could change your life. 
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Outgoing, Goofball
Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy 
Career: Steal for money
Become an orphan as a teen or young adult (If you choose Moana to play next then do not kill your parents to become an Orphan. Instead, run away from home.) 
Start with low funds and steal to make a living
Have a loyal pet and become companions
Level Logic skill to a minimum of five
Level the Fitness Skill to a minimum of six
Complete Message in a Bottle Collection
Become friends with a “Genie” (can be any occult but preferably spellcaster) who helps you with their magic
Have a makeover with Genie’s help 
Marry a rich person with Genie’s help
Have Heir
You possess phenomenal cosmic power…and an itty-bitty living space. You grow up isolated and refrain from making friends. People tend to want to use you for your powers and not genuine friendship. However, this doesn’t stop you from continuously reaching out and being good to those around you. You meet a street rat kleptomaniac who surprisingly changes your life for the better. 
Traits: Goofball, Loyal, Good
Aspiration: Joke Star 
Career:  Entertainer (Comedian) 
Become a Spellcrafter
Must never: kill someone, make people fall in love, or revive the dead
Must grow up isolated (Do not make friends until you are a Young Adult) 
Complete Message in a Bottle Collection
Must live in a tiny home (Tier 1 or 2) 
Must use the magic carpet rug
Be bestfriends with a kleptomaniac 
You must give your best friend a makeover and help them marry someone rich
Have your best friend live with you until they marry
Must learn a minimum of three spells and use them each at least once (Do not break the three Never rules with these spells) 
Move/Retire to Sulani. This does not need to be a tiny home. (Optional: Complete Beach life Aspiration) 
Have Heir
Moana - 900s Polynesian island (3000 yrs in past as of 2016)
The Ocean has always called to you. You care a great deal about your family and friends, but long to voyage beyond your home. The land needs saving and you don’t know how far you’ll have to go, but you’ll do everything you can to heal the land. 
Traits: Child of the Islands, Child of the Ocean, Self-Assured 
Aspiration: Angling Ace
Career: Conservationist (Environmental Manager) 
Must live in Sulani
Have a close relationship with a grandparent 
The same grandparent must pass before you leave home
Use Lot Trait Island Spirits and Commune with them
Must use the Conservationist Canoe at least 3 times 
Meet your “Maui” by a Volcano and become BFFs 
You and your best friend travel 
Heal the island (Preserve and restore Sulani’s ecosystem) 
Find the “Heart of Sulani” (The rare green Heart of Sulani necklace)
Watch the turtles hatch 
Have an heir
You seek constant love and validation. You must perform increasingly grand feats to sustain your fame. Once you reach the top it can be hard to maintain the love of the people. You go to an isolated volcanic island where you meet your best friend. They force you to join them in healing the land and doing what is right (not because it will gain you fame). 
Traits: Active, Self-Assured, Child of the Islands 
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity AND Beach Life 
Career: Lifeguard AND Must do Island Living Odd Jobs (Can also Fish and dive for $$)
Must Live off the grid in Sulani (With the Volcanic Lot Trait) 
Have the Island Spirits Lot Trait 
Practice Singing 
Use a Speargun for fishing (Found by clicking on the buoy) and/or the Admiral’s Fish Trap 
Meet your “Moana” by the Volcano and become BFFs
Use “Beach Flex” from the lifeguard career on at least three sims 
Have a canoe 
Help Clean up the island and restore Sulani’s ecosystem with your best friend
Commune with the island spirits
Have an heir 
Brave - 900 (10th century Scotland) 
You are brave, bold, and extremely stubborn. When you are younger you get along great with your parents, but when you become a teenager your relationship with one of your parents becomes strained. Wanting the best for you they try and arrange suitors for you, but you could care less about relationships. You want to have adventures and change the fate your parents have planned for you. 
Traits: Hot-Headed, Slob, Non-Committal 
Aspiration: Extreme Sports Enthusiast 
Career: Use Video Station and drone to record adventures (If you Ski you can 
  teach ski classes at level 10, but otherwise use a drone to record   
  adventures for snowboarding, hiking, climbing, etc.) 
Learn to play the violin (Level 4, Dislike it)
Max Rock Climbing
Make it to the top of the peak (“Drink from the fire falls” in reference to the movie) 
Have a minimum of 6 in fitness
Have a rocky relationship with one of your parental figures
Have three younger triplet siblings  
Have 3 Suitors chosen by your parents (Refuse all three)
Find the will-o-the-wisp insect
Find the Hermit’s House and become good enough friends until they give you a recipe (Use them or find a witch to change your fate) 
Get your parental figure you have a rocky relationship with cursed (Have them eat a baked good and then change them into a bear costume or transform into occult) 
Also, transform your 3 younger siblings (into bear costumes) 
Become Best Friends with the parental figure before breaking their curse and your siblings 
Unlock Brave Reward Trait
Have an heir, adopt, or use a sibling's child as an heir 
 You are the eldest of four siblings. Growing up you have always felt superior as you expect to inherit a large plot of land with a house/castle to rule as you see fit. However, your parents have a different plan. They expect the four of you to take care of the land together. You become enraged and plot to change your fate. 
Traits: Evil, Mean, and Jealous
Aspiration: Optional depending on Gameplay (Do not have to complete) 
 If you change into a werewolf you can choose Lonewolf
If you use a bear costume can begin as one aspiration and then change to a new one once you are a bear 
Do what fits your gameplay best
Career: Optional (Ex: military or bodybuilding) Until turned into a bear (Must  
  survive off the land after that) 
You are the oldest of 3 siblings (Traits: The youngest is a genius (Wise), the third is good (compassionate), and the second is loyal (Just) 
You inherit a large plot of land with a house/castle (But you are told you must share it with your 3 other siblings) 
Become enemies with 3 siblings
Have one child before finding the witch 
Fiind the will-o-the-wisp insect
Find a witch and demand a spell for strength (Must find the Hermit’s House and become good enough friends until they give you a recipe)
Transform into bear and cheat strength. Or transform into an occult sim
Must defeat siblings and remain alone on your land
Cannot have any friends and must never take off bear costume (or always stay transformed as occult sim) 
Must live off the land (live off the grid, lot challenge simple living, forge, fish, etc. ) 
Be openly hostile to anyone you encounter 
Witch Carver
You become a witch and move to a cottage in the woods. Here you live with your Raven familiar. You create potions, but your real passion is woodworking. Too many unsatisfied customers when it comes to potions. However, you will sell both (even if some customers leave in a bear costume). It is a simple magic life. 
Traits: Art lover, Erratic, Maker
Aspiration:  Purveyor of Potions 
Career: Sell potions and woodcarvings (Optional: Own Retail Store) 
Must live in the woods 
Must sell potions and woodcarvings 
Max Handiness
Reach a minimum of level 5 in cooking or baking
Learn all Potions (and a minimum of 5 Practical Spells) 
Never conjure where you carve
Must have Familiar (Raven) 
Must have a broomstick
Must travel on Vacation at least once
Optional: Find a will-o-the-wisp insect
Have Heir 
Emperors New Groove - 1300s-1500s
Your caretaker(s) spoil you rotten as a kid. You grow to become arrogant, conceited, and selfish, but with a flair for style. You rarely take things seriously and tend to make enemies due to your attitude. Unfortunately for you, you upset the wrong person too many times. 
Traits: Self-Absorbed, Snob, High Maintenance (OR Lactose Intolerant, but     would be better to avoid cheese without it) 
Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity AND Jungle Explorer 
Career: Social Media (Internet Personality) 
Have a Vacation home in Selvadorada and spend most of your time there (Can use mods or cheats to stay there if you want) 
Max Dancing Skill
You dislike cheese and frogs (Avoid both) 
Upset Caregiver, Parent, or just the wrong sim and be “turned” into a llama
Must wear llama costume
Have a rabbit enemy (“squirrel”) 
Make friends with a local in Selvadorada 
Max Selvadorada Culture
Must Completely Explore the Jungle and Unlock the temple before removing Llama Costume 
Once you are no longer a llama, you become more understanding and kind
Have an Heir 
You are a loveable and kind person. You enjoy the simple things in life and appreciate the people around you. You have always wanted to be a good parent and dream of having your own farm where you can raise several of your kids and your beloved animals. 
Traits: Family Orientated, Loyal, Animal Enthusiast 
Aspiration: Country Care Taker
Career: Farmer 
Have a Llama Farm
Become Best Friends with a Llama
Marry early 
Have at least 3 kids
Explore the Selvadorada Jungle
Meet a sim in the jungle and at first, dislike them (and then slowly become friends) 
Stay in Selvadorada as long as possible (Can use cheats or mods) 
Max Selvadorada Culture
Learn about the food, music, and all local customs
You have always loved the outdoors. From a young age, you aspire to spend as much time in nature as possible. You join scouts and are determined to be a Llamacorn. In your outdoor adventures, you find your love of animals and your love for fitness. When you’re older you take a job because they need muscle and you got plenty of that. However, the people you work for aren’t exactly the best. You still maintain your kindness even when you have to argue with the devil on your shoulder. You develop several hobbies and discover your true passion in life. 
Traits: Foodie, Loves Outdoors, Neat
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast 
Career: Criminal (Until Level Six “The Muscles) then pursue a dream as a Chef 
Become a Llamacorn in Scouts 
Become a minimum of level two in dancing (2 Semesters in the back with your weak ankles) 
Level fitness skill to at least an 8 
Complete Chef Career 
Become Friends with each of the woodland creatures, especially the rabbit (Rabbit, Fox, Birds)
Adopt a cat
Explore Selvadorada and attempt to stay there as long as possible (can use cheats and mods) 
Max Selvadorada Culture
Have an Heir
Sleeping Beauty - 14th Century England
Aurora (Briar Rose)
To avoid a curse, you are spirited away as a toddler to a secluded area and are raised by three magical beings. There you grow up innocent to the outside world. You always avoid strangers during your woodland outings. However, one day when you are singing through the forest (as one does), you come across a stranger who seems so familiar. As if you walked with them once upon a dream. 
Traits: Music Lover, Romantic, Lazy
Aspiration: Soulmate 
Career: Florist (And Make Jam) 
Your parent makes an enemy with an occult sim when you are a toddler
To avoid occult sim and their “Curse” you are sent to the woods with three guardians to raise you (Guardians are magical) 
Do not talk to or interact with strangers (Especially this enemy sim)
Sing to and befriend the birds (Cottage Living) 
Befriend other woodland creatures (when you come across them)
Pick berries (and other harvestable plants) 
You can gather and wander in the woods, but cannot go into any town (except for school)
Meet your future spouse while singing in the woods (This is the first time you break your guardian’s “No Talking To Strangers Rule) 
Do not see this love interest again until you officially see your parents again
Go with three guardians to meet the parent(s)
Must hate knitting and cross-stitching 
Attempting knitting or cross-stitching and then fall into a deep slumber
Be awoken by your future spouse and become best friends
Go to a Ball with friends and family 
Be married 
Have Heir 
You grow up to be brave and heroic, but easygoing by nature. You are extremely charismatic and love meeting new people. You want to meet your soulmate and marry for true love! Unfortunately, you and your soulmate have an enemy that you must defeat. 
Traits: Romantic, Creative, Cheerful
Aspiration: Soulmate
Career: Actor
Max Charisma Skill
Find a spouse either in the forest or randomly singing 
Must dance with potential spouse the first time you meet (Do not see them again until you defeat the enemy)
Have a magical enemy 
Fight said enemy until you win 
When your future spouse and their family are sleeping, you must awaken them all
Dance at a ball with your future spouse 
Marry and have an Heir
Hunchback of Notre Dame - 15th Century
You are cunning, confident, and a kind, loving selfless soul. You love dancing, performing, and anything involved in entertaining. You also deeply believe in doing the right thing and want justice for your people. You use your voice to protest what you don’t believe is right and you promote the causes you know are what the world needs. 
Traits: Dance Machine, Outgoing, Party Animal 
Aspiration: City Native
Career: Start off Busking for tips and then join the Politician Career (Charity Organizer Branch)  
Max Dancing Skill
Max Charisma 
Have a minimum level 5 in logic skill 
Attend all festivals at least once 
Start a protest 
Have a dog, max training, and have them perform tricks with other sims around (Djali the goat) 
Have a friend who has a crush on you (keep your relationship strictly platonic) 
Have an enemy who is both elderly and evil (Kill off this sim, they deserve it) 
Marry someone who believes in your cause 
Have an heir 
You are raised by an Evil sim instead of by your parents. Despite being raised by an evil sim, you are kind, gentle, and trusting in nature. You are also extremely shy due to being raised away from society. You are scared to venture out of the house, but eventually, sneak out to a festival. You meet someone who helps to change your life for the better. 
Traits: Loner, Good, Gloomy
Aspiration: City Native
Career: Sell things on Plopsy (Optional: When Evil Sim dies you can open a retail shop) 
Grow Up with an Evil Sim who isn’t your parent (Optional: Make the Evil Sim an Adult, instead of a young adult, so they age quicker) 
Do not leave the house unless for school
Do not make any friends until you are a teen
Can befriend three children's toys 
Minimum fitness skill of 6
Max Handiness Skill with the workbench for carvings 
Sneak out and attend a festival where you meet a sim who you develop a crush on 
Fall in love with sim, but only ever be friends (They marry someone else) 
When Evil Sim is an elder, kill them off early (they deserve it) 
Start making more friends after Evil Sim’s death 
Have an heir 
To see all 37 Legacies visit:
If you decide to play I'd love to know and see your characters! Feel free to share with me or on my other social media. Please make sure to cite me in any created content.
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paasimkiez · 10 months
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The Disney Princess 10 Generation Challenge by MissPlaying
Inspired by @kimbasprite
designed and translated by me😊
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zootplayz · 5 months
Easy Street
I'm transitioning us into generation two territory. Our version of Maleficent, Damien, isn't here very long. The evil super parent hung around just long enough for his kids to grow up and that's where we start. The twin girls whom noone has any expectations for because this family prizes male heirs. Ally
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And Sally!
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While Ally has become the quintessential spoiled simoleon hungry child only interested in herself.
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Her sister Sally is a really good kid. She's smart helps out around the house, loves to garden and actually takes an interest in her baby brother Alvin. The child the whole family has forgotten.
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For his birthday there was little fanfare because it meant once the heir had his own birthday his parents could retire.
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Just ignoring the fact they still have a child not just teens that could really use some guidance. Alvin is trying real hard to be the best kid he can to just try to get some sort of praise or attention from his folks but to no avail.
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They have put all their focus and future in the hands of Simon. Who has captured the eye of a wannabe reach girl, young Melanie Erwin. Simon doesn't particularly like her but if she's willing to put out, what harm could it do?
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When he's not working out or being a total thot Simon tends to play ping pong a lot with his childish sister who is the queen of the nag when she doesn't get what she wants.
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So as far as the family is concerned just give her what she wants. Which makes her mighty happy and the house that much quieter. Everybody wins.
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It's a policy Simon will be keeping in practice now that the house is under his control.
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Happy sister, happy life.
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He just spends all his time in the gym not really giving two flying llamas about what his siblings are doing.
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Sometimes the girls do homework with their brother but it's really only under pain and threat of failure that gets Ally to read a book.
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Usually they have the house full of fellow teenagers and just do whatever whenever they choose.
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But as I said Sally is the exception she hopes to become a freelance botanist so she spends a lot of her time outdoors. Someone has got to make sure these dogs get their walks.
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She's also the only child who has shown any interest in going to school which has made her dads favorite.
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Like always, Alvin tries to emulate his father and is especially close to Sally. Maybe those dad liking genes will rub off on him.
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Try as he might to fit in with his older siblings Alvin just always feels alone and spends his time accordingly.
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Meanwhile, Simon can do no wrong. Quickly climbing his way up the ranks in bodybuilding.
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How does he make everything seem so easy? Gen 01 Part 02 Read the full article
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bthirstypretzel · 7 months
We Need A Nanny! || #DisneyPrincessChallenge || Alice Ep 47🐰
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simsynoora · 2 years
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stitchsimss · 2 years
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Cinderella & her mother, Snow White. Housewarming party with family.
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mcximoffss · 5 months
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Hello hello,
Les beaux jours du mois de mai ont donné à la joueuse des envies de soleil mais aussi de faire honneur au mois de la franchise Star Wars. alors son nouvel écran de loading, et donc notre design, est inspiré du monde de Oasis Spring. Un beau désert et une chaleur étouffante, non sans rappeler la planète Tatooine.
De plus, une petite surprise vous attend il s'agit du festival des épices. Celui-ci débarque pour une durée indéterminée, suivant si beaucoup de monde y participe. Il s'agit d'une catégorie entièrement dédiée à l'événement, de quoi faire en sorte que les personnages puissent se rencontrer. Et oui, la Joueuse a eu la merveilleuse idée de faire venir tous ses personnages sur un même terrain, brillant non ? Alors n'hésitez pas à y participer. Et si vous n'avez pas d'idées pour lancer un rp, n'hésitez pas à en faire la demande au staff, qui vous trouvera un petit contexte et une personne avec qui entamer un sujet.
Les univers présents à ce jour sont les suivants : Anastasia, Disney, Hogwarts Legacy, Into the Badlands, Liv and Maddie, Marvel Cinematic Universe, the Hunger Games, Totally Spies et Veronica Mars.
ITS c'est toujours:
Guerre de voisinage à grande échelle qui tourne en concours les plus ridicules les uns que les autres, c'est ce que vous offre Into the Simverse. le moins que l'on puisse dire c'est que les townies des sims ne sont que moyennement heureux de voir débarquer dans leur petites vies tranquilles les personnages de vos univers préférés et ils le font savoir. Quelle team serez-vous, plutôt team sims ou team crossover. lLs personnages de vos séries, films, etc... préférés chercheront-ils à rentrer chez eux, savent-ils même qu'ils ne sont pas d'ici, à vous de voir, votre imagination est la limite.
Pas de minimum de mots requis par rp ; un certain nombre de triggers interdits au jeu ( liste à trouver dans le règlement ) ; administratrices à disposition pour toute question ; pleins d'endroit pour plus de possibilité de jeux (de nouveaux lieux ajouté à chaque nouveau monde ajouté dans les Sims4 — aussi rapidement que possible) ; Un recensement des membres actifs une fois tous les mois (peut fluctuer en fonction de de l'emploi du temps du staff) ; Un rp demandé par mois
Rejoignez nous : https://intothesimverse.forumactif.com/
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simseatingpizza · 2 years
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disney all stars legacy challenge 🌟
I recently created my own legacy challenge for the sims 4 called the ‘‘disney all stars legacy challenge’‘, based on my favorite disney channel tv shows. 💗
If you wanna see me play it make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel atm i’m about so start gen 2: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCK3Ah5t7lCUFpgL2SUeI_dg
I wanted every heir to be inspired my one tv show’s main character and eventhough they’re all female you are of course welcome to switch it up and play as any gender you’d like! :) I might also change some rules depending on how my own gameplay experience is and depending on future sims packs maybe so check this blog every now and then to see if there are any updates.
general rules:
don’t cheat for money
every heir has to have at least one negative trait, some of them already have a specific one assigned, with the others it’s your own choice
have fun!! :)
gen 1: jessie legacy ❤️
You were born and raised on a small farm in the countryside. You’ve never seen anything besides your small town and even though you loved it there and got along great with the towns people you’ve always wanted more. Your dream is to move to the big city and make it as an actress so one day you decide to take that step. But unfortunately it’s not as glamorous as you thought it would be...
young adult moves to san myshuno with 0 Simoleons
can only work the babysitting career
has to become friends with all their neighbours
has to reach top of the babysitting career
then can persue dream of becoming an actor/actress IF they have at leat 10000 Simoleons saved up (new rule) then pay 5000 as a fee to get an agency (just cheat to subtract the money)
has to have at least 3 kids 
learn all of the city living recipes
complete the poster & snowglobe collection
final goal: move into a penthouses & reach level 10 of the acting career 
gen 2: wizard of waverley place legacy 💜
You’ve lived in the city your whole live and are a real city native. You grew up with two siblings and even though you fight and prank each other a LOT they’re your whole world and you love your quirky family. You’re popular, witty and charming but you like to keep a small, close circle. Overall you have a pretty deep personality and there is a lot more than meets the eye. You’re not super ‘‘girly’‘ but you like ‘‘girly’‘ things. You’re chaotic but creative. You’re lazy but passionate, selfish but love helping others, you’re ‘‘too cool to care’‘ but care a lot. One day you discover that there is even a little magic inside of you...
grow up in San Myshuno
has to become a spellcaster, either by birth or as a teenager
work the fast food career as a teenager (or parents can run a restaurant if you want that gameplay)
has to have traits lazy & glutton
has to like mischief
have bad grades and skip school a lot
reach at least level 5 in painting
has to date at least three different people in their life
has to have at least 1 kid
final goal: become the highest level spellcaster
gen 3: lizzie mcguire legacy 💛
Growing up you had a relatively normal childhood. Your parents are a little chaotic but they mean well. As a child you’ve already made some really deep friendships with your three best friends. Especially you and one other person seem to be inseparable, that is until hormones come in and you become (pre-) teens. This is where your story begins. Who you thought to be your best friend betrays you to become popular and the two of you become enemies. Luckily you still have your two other friends who stick by your side through thick and thin and that brings you three even closer. You still can’t help but to want more though. Your style is colorful and a little out there. You want to stick out, become popular and make that enemy jealous!
has to get a popularity aspiration as a teen
can’t have more than two close friends 
move out as young and go to university
become popular there and live that uni life
eventually make up with your enemy and become friends again
final goal: get a degree & have at least 2 kids (potentially with one of your best friends but not mandatory)
gen 4: hannah montana legacy 💗
You grew up in a warm and loving household. Your parents support you, your sibling teases you and you grow up in a small town. You’re living a pretty simple life and everything seems perfect. Even as a child you already know what you wanna be when you grow up: a singer! You pick up every instrument that crosses your path and are naturally gifted. But it doesn’t stay perfect forever. A tragedy occurs and your mother gets sick. After that everything happens so fast and she eventually passes away when you are still a child so now you are being raised by a single parent. Your living parent is determined to give you and your sibling(s) the best life possible, supports your dream and would do anything for you. Your family decides to move to escape the tragic memories and starts a whole new life. By the time you become a teenager you’re already well known in the music industry but that’s only the beginning…
grow up on the countryside / small town
complete creative aspiration as a child
mother must die before you become a teenager
move to a different world & give everyone makeovers
start working on fame as soon as they become a teenager 
get at least level 5 in every instrument and eventually level 10 singing skill
first ever spouse must cheat on you and you get major trust issues, therefore you then get the jealous trait
choose entertaining/music career
have at least 1 kid
final goal: move to del sol valley mansion and become a 5 star celebrity
gen 5: that’s so raven legacy 🧡
Your whole childhood you’ve always lived and loved the glamorous life. But even though you could afford all the designer clothes in the world you love making your own clothes (we can’t to that in the sims but just pretend lol). Clothes are a form of self expression to you and it’s really important to you that you’re unique and always 100% you, which comes easy to you because you’re so self assured and rarely insecure. You also love to dance and you’re very creative and passionate.
side note: Unfortunately there are no psychics in ts4 but there is this mod if you wanna play the psychic storyline which i probably will do: https://www.patreon.com/posts/psychic-sims-v0-39499163 
have a unique style and as many different outfits as possible
work retail career as a teenager
as a young adult either enter the style influencer career or use a mod like this: https://modthesims.info/d/617644/ultimate-fashionista-career-updated-added-modeling-track.html 
marry your first love
have 2 kids
then get a divorce and move in with your best friend
final goal: reach top level of style influencer career (or mod career)
that’s it for now, i couldn’t think of any other shows that could be incorporated well into the sims that are NOT also about singing/acting/fame but if you have any suggestions i’d love to hear those! :)
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ginovasims · 1 month
I can't find the rules for your Disney princess legacy challenge. Can you help?
here you are!💛 https://ginovasims.tumblr.com/giprincesschallenge
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sims4challenges-de · 2 years
Disney Legacy Challenge
Die Disney Legacy Challenge ist eine abgewandelte Version der Legacy Challenge. Es werden verschiedene Generationen gespielt, welche jeweils eine der Disney Prinzessinnen thematisieren.
Benötigte Erweiterungen: Die Gameplay-Packs “Elternfreuden”, “Hunde und Katzen”, “Werde berühmt”, “Inselleben”, “Werwölfe”, “Dschungelabenteuer”, “Ab ins Schneeparadies” und “Gaumenfreuden” ermöglichen zwar ein verbessertes Spielerlebnis mit einer detaillierteren Geschichtenerzählung, jedoch ist es auch möglich ohne diese Erweiterungen die Challenge zu spielen.
Ziel: Die Challenge endet wenn alle Generationen erfolgreich durchgespielt wurden.
1. Generation: Schneewittchen Zu Beginn der Challenge erstellt man den Gründer-Sim - in diesem Fall Schneewittchen. Der Sim muss weiblich sein. Die Challenge beginnt zwar erst, wenn Schneewittchen eine junge Erwachsene ist, wenn man jedoch die Geschichte detaillierter durchspielen möchte, kann man auch als Teenager anfangen und z.B. die böse Stiefmutter ebenfalls in die Welt einfügen.
Schneewittchen darf Fremden nicht die Tür öffnen sowie nicht mit älteren Frauen reden
Sie muss 7 Kinder bekommen (Zwerge)
Das letztgeborene Mädchen wird die nächste Generation (Cinderella) fortführen
Jedes der Kinder muss ein negatives Merkmal erhalten
Jedes Kind muss denselben Vater haben
Jedes der Kinder muss etwas erreichen bevor es zum Teenager wird (entweder Level 3 in allen Kleinkinder Fähigkeiten oder Level 5 in einer Kleinkind Fähigkeit oder in der Schule die Note 1 erhalten oder ein Bestreben im Kinderalter absolvieren)
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Elternfreuden" habt, lasst die Kinder erst altern, wenn mindestens ein positives Zusatzmerkmal durch maximierte Charakterwerte erreicht wurden.
2. Generation: Cinderella Cinderella ist eine der 7 Kinder, die Schneewittchen bekommen hat. Auch wenn sie 6 Geschwister hat musste sie als Kind schon immer kochen und putzen. Die Story beginnt sobald Cinderella ein Teenager ist.
Sie muss die Merkmale “Ordentlich” und “Genießer” haben.
Muss jeden Tag das Haus aufräumen und jede Mahlzeit zubereiten.
Sie darf erst heiraten, wenn ihre Mutter (Schneewittchen) verstorben ist.
Sie darf maximal drei Kinder bekommen.
Das letztgeborene Mädchen wird die nächste Generation (Tiana) fortführen.
3. Generation: Tiana Die vorherigen Generationen haben zwar nicht viel erreicht bisher, doch Tiana wird das ändern. Sobald Tiana eine junge Erwachsene ist, beginnt die Story.
Sie muss das Merkmal “Ehrgeizig” haben.
Bevor sie zu einer jungen Erwachsenen altern darf, muss ihr Vater verstorben sein.
Sie muss das Bestreben “Meisterkoch” erfüllen.
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Gaumenfreuden" habt, muss Tiana ein eigenes Restaurant besitzen und damit Geld verdienen.
Sie darf nur einen Mann heiraten, der eine grüne Eigenschaft besitzt (z.B. Haare, Haut, Klamotten)
Das letztgeborene Mädchen wird die nächste Generation (Aurora) fortführen.
4. Generation: Aurora Dank der harten Arbeit von Tiana (Auroras Mutter) hat sie alles - außer Liebe. Der Vater war sehr überfürsorglich und hat sie selten aus dem Haus gehen lassen. Die Story beginnt sobald Aurora eine junge Erwachsene ist.
Sie muss das Merkmal “Faul” haben.
Sie darf nicht mehr als drei Freunde haben.
Sie darf ihren zukünftigen Partner nur nachts treffen, wenn ihre Eltern schlafen.
Optional: Sie rennt von zuhause weg.
Sie darf nicht mehr als 2 Kinder bekommen (bevorzugt sind zwei Schwestern für Anna und Elsa)
Das letztgeborene Mädchen wird die nächste Generation (Anna) fortführen.
5. Generation: Anna Ihre Schwester hat sie weggesperrt und ihr nie erzählt, wieso. Als Kleinkinder waren sie noch beste Freunde, aber jetzt kann sie nur noch von einem guten Verhältnis zu ihrer Schwester träumen. Sobald Anna das Kindesalter erreicht hat, beginnt die Story.
Sie muss die Merkmale “Fröhlich” und “Kindisch” haben.
Bis sie eine junge Erwachsene ist, darf sie keinen Kontakt zu ihrer Schwester haben.
Wenn ihre Schwester und sie zu Teenagern heranwachsen, sterben ihre Eltern bei einem Unfall.
Muss sich in einen Kriminellen verlieben.
Muss sich mit ihrer Schwester anfreunden und danach einen neuen Partner finden.
Muss mind. ein Mädchen für die nächste Generation (Belle) bekommen.
6. Generation: Rapunzel Rapunzels Mutter hat ihr nie vertraut und sie nur wenig rausgehen lassen. Wenn Rapunzel ein Teenager ist, beginnt die Story.
Sie muss die Merkmale “Kunstliebhaber” und “Einzelgänger” haben.
Muss mind. Level 8 der Malfähigkeit erreichen.
Sollte nur für die Schule das Haus verlassen dürfen.
Ihr zukünftiger Partner muss ein Dieb sein (Beruf oder „Kleptomane“ als Merkmal)
Darf erst nach der Hochzeit Freunde haben.
Muss mind. ein Mädchen für die nächste Generation (Belle) bekommen.
7. Generation: Belle Belle hat schon immer Bücher geliebt und besucht auch gerne des öfteren die Bibliothek. Die Story beginnt sobald Belle eine junge Erwachsene ist.
Sie muss das Merkmal “Bücherwurm” haben.
Muss mind. fünf Männer gedatet haben.
Heirate einen hässlichen Sim, welcher (durch CAS) nach dem erstgeborenen Kind, attraktiver wird.
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Werwölfe" habt, muss Belle einen Werwolf heiraten.
Muss mind. ein Mädchen für die nächste Generation (Mulan) bekommen.
8. Generation: Mulan Ihre Eltern wollten immer, dass Mulan Ehre für ihre Familie bringt. Die Story beginnt sobald Mulan eine junge Erwachsene ist.
Sie muss das Merkmal “Aktiv” haben.
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Schneeparadies" habt, muss Mulan ebenfalls die Eigenschaft “Korrekt” haben.
Muss die Astronauten-Karriere einschlagen und das maximale Level erreichen.
Muss sich in einen Kollegen verlieben.
Muss mind. ein Mädchen für die nächste Generation (Jasmin) bekommen.
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Werde berühmt" habt, muss Mulan positiv bekannt sein.
9. Generation: Jasmin Der Reichtum hat ihr noch nie viel bedeutet und ihr Vater wollte sie schon immer dazu bringen einen reichen Mann zu heiraten. Wenn Jasmin ein Teenager ist, beginnt die Story.
Muss sobald sie ein Kind ist einen besten Freund (Raja) haben. Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Hunde und Katzen" habt, ist Raja eine Katze.
Sollte nur für die Schule das Haus verlassen dürfen.
Muss einen armen Mann heiraten. Er muss ein Dieb sein (Beruf oder „Kleptomane“ als Merkmal)
Sie darf maximal 7 Kinder bekommen.
Das letztgeborene Mädchen wird die nächste Generation (Arielle) fortführen.
10. Generation: Arielle Sie hat nie verstanden, wieso ihre Mutter ihren Reichtum für einen armen Mann aufgegeben hat. Arielle hat schon immer das Wasser geliebt und davon geträumt eine Meerjungfrau zu werden.
Sie muss einen Pool besitzen.
Muss jeden Tag schwimmen gehen.
Muss das Merkmal „Liebt die Natur“ besitzen.
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Inselleben" habt, muss Arielle zu einer Meerjungfrau werden und das Merkmal “Kind des Meeres” haben.
Ihr zukünftiger Partner muss ein Merkmal haben, was sie auch besitzt.
Sie muss ihn heiraten und mind. ein Mädchen für die nächste Generation (Pocahontas) bekommen.
11. Generation: Pocahontas Liebe inspiriert und Gegensätze ziehen sich an, auch wenn die Eltern das nicht gut heißen.
Sie muss einen okkulten Sim heiraten (z.B. Alien, Werwolf, Vampir...)
Lasse Pocahontas mit diesem Sim durchbrennen.
Muss mind. ein Mädchen für die nächste Generation (Vaiana) bekommen
12. Generation: Vaiana Vaiana ist sehr neugierig und entdeckt gerne selbst die Welt um sich herum. Wenn Vaina ein Teenager ist, beginnt die Story.
Muss das Merkmal „Liebt die Natur“ besitzen.
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Inselleben" habt, muss Vaiana zusätzlich das Merkmal “Kind der Inseln” haben.
Sie muss das Bestreben “Der Kurator” erfüllen.
Wenn ihr das Erweiterungspack "Dschungelabenteuer” habt, muss Vaiana ebenfalls den Dschungel erkunden.
Renne von Zuhause weg und freunde dich mit Maui an.
Sie darf maximal 4 Kinder bekommen.
Das letztgeborene Mädchen wird die nächste Generation (Merida) fortführen.
13. Generation: Merida Ihr Verhältnis zu ihrer Mutter war noch nie das Beste. Wenn Merida ein Teenager ist, beginnt die Story.
Sie muss das Merkmal “Selbstsicher” haben.
Sie verliert ihre Geschwister und Mutter bei einem Unfall.
Durch den Unfall verliert sie den Glauben an die Liebe und stirbt einsam.
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firetaffy · 2 years
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First Time meeting each other
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thesimsdollhouse · 3 years
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Early Access: Disney Collection - Aurora
Inspired by Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty
- New mesh
-12 different colours
- Child
Click here to download it now 
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zootplayz · 8 months
Unsuccessful Success
Welcome to Not so Berry/Disney where everything is just hunky dory. All of the families pets are being out and out spoiled.
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Julie's Glee
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Bungees Boxcar And of course our main man, Lump.
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Spork and his princess are still extremely enamored.
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Even her little sister Mabel is so happy for her sisters luck in finding her soulmate.
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Spork is only two skills away from completing renaissance sim and of course as a result he has gotten quite buff.
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Life is perfect, which is strange for a Not so Berry post. The only problems that occur happen at work.
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You better save Clarice, Spork. Sporks even attempting to teach his little girl to be a good Berry.
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Though she's not really listening.
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This kid is driving me bonkers, with the cackling and the refusal to eat anything. Maker forbid any of the adults in the house take a stand and teach this kid something! They are far more interested in each other and celebrating Love Day.
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Generation Grey had a great day but things didn't start out too well for Julie. She ended up contracting Rabid Rodent Fever and had to fend for herself to find a cure.
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Eventually, she did manage to get the antidote and proceeded to pamper her *ahem* Doctor husband for the rest of the holiday.
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Ignoring her child all the while. But she managed to complete her aspiration so it wasn't all bad. Pandora really can't be bothered with these so-called adults and spends most of her time with the pets.
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Bungee's birthday came around and now generation grey is truly grey.
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During the festivities Julie let Spork know about how she's completed her ultimate goal.
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Little did she know what this supposedly exciting news would mean to her supposed soulmate. In the middle of the night, he woke up angry and started a fight.
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How dare you finish your lifetime goals before me! The usually calm and subservient Julie soon had enough of this ridiculous tirade and snapped herself.
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It was Love Day! It was for us! And I almost died! Some doctor you are! Had to cure a fatal illness on my own! After the anger, came the tears.
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The couple that has been obsessed with one another since they met, called it quits right then and there.
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In quite a turn for a Disney Princess, Julie now has nothing. No husband, no home to call her own, no one to care for. Pans a Beri she can't be uprooted at a time like this. They don't handle things well. Julie's no fool, she knows this. So, she gave her girl one last kiss goodbye and headed back to Newcrest
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Hopefully, her big sister Bridget and Darling will take her in and help her through this. Previous Read the full article
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sirin-sims · 4 years
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Chalis works so hard until the late evening. But she believes in her dream and is not going to give up  ♥
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