minraed · 4 years
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Crispin Aquilo, his name means Icy North Wind which may be foreboding. He is a survivor of the Murkland Snowpocalypse so I’ll be exploring his backstory and his ultimate survival story. 
Crispin Aquilo is in my gallery in both this younger form and his post survival version. ID Minraed
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simscognito · 5 years
Chapter eighty eight: Guilt
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Hi everyone, here’s the next chapter of Friends of Foes.
Chapter eighty eight: Guilt
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rainesims · 5 years
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My stories are now on WordPress. 
If you’re looking for a sim story with crime & romance... thats gonna be developing into a mystery with a supernatural element. Then i have a story for you! Check out my newest story “Worlds Apart” 7 chapters in so far but it’s going to be a long running series. 
The story follows Dorian Lothario, Oasis Springs mob boss and Madison Dent. 
A follow on from Dorians story, it seems like a reboot right now but things are gonna be getting weird soon.
Can good love evil? Is there such a thing as good and evil? Can Madison trust Dorian? Can she cope with his psychotic tendencies ? Can someone pure hearted LOVE someone who’s heart is dark? Will Dorian take the right path THIS time? Will he overcome his own dark nature? Will he be able to keep Madison or will she see the monster that lies within? Is there redemption for him?
Can anyone be trusted, in the dog eat dog world of the Oasis Springs Mafia, will madison be able to protect her family in the future when ‘SHE’ comes knocking. 
The story has just started and there is lots to be revealed, murder, mafia, betrayal, lies, love, spooky mysteries yet to be discovered, will they live happily ever after or will madness take them? 
Follow me on WordPress if you’re interested <3 
New chapters every week <3 
also if you got this far i just want  to point out that Madison is not all beaten up from abuse, its not an abuse story :’) she just had some hitmen come for her <3 
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