#since Iceland was the first to recognise Latvia's restored independence in 1991!
islandiis · 1 year
"it’s lemonade. it won’t hurt you."
love this one | always accepting
The heat that creeps up Fannar's neck and spreads across the bridge of his nose is plain to see, and he turns his head away so that he can cough into one hand. The path of least resistance would just be to shut up and drink it, and he worries that if he doesn't do just that that he might come off as rude — but even water sounds painfully unappealing right now. It's been three days since he's eaten or drank anything, he's pretty sure, but he always gets quite averse to everything when his geology plays up. This isn't anything new, and no need to draw attention to it.
"Y-Yes, um — I'm sorry," He answers for lack of anything better to say. Fannar coughs into one hand again, and then smiles sheepishly. "I don't think I'm going to drink it. Would you like it, instead?"
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