#since i doubt either of them want to leave sm
sanstropfremir · 2 years
randomish and this might be an unpopular opinion or just something cassies think and never say out loud but i’ve been kinda sensing a disbandment might be coming within the next year or so, their career in korea as a group has been in limbo for a while and the events of last year made it even worse idk i just don’t really see a path for them in korea anymore i feel like they’re gonna do their jpn tour next year finish that maybe release a “special”mini album for the 20th anniversary with a fan meeting and then announce a hiatus which will never end
i mean, there's no real reason for them to actually disband. they can just keep doing solo schedules and performing at smtown, plus whatever toho activities and tours they want, and that's reasonable for a group of their age. since their popularity is waning in kr i think it's very understandable for them to slow down, and now they literally have to bc changmin has a baby and yunho has long covid. but that doesn't mean they have to formally disband or even go on hiatus imo. it's fine to let them live life a bit.
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elmushterri · 3 months
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I filled an entire page of my sketchbook with Nori!
I love them sm!!! This has to be one of my favorite of your rewrites, I seriously did not think I could actually care abt PJ Masks past the age of 6 but now I'm obsessed 😭
On another note, just a random thing I'm curious about, before breaking off from GunnTech, did the main three basically live at the facility since they were initiated? I guess they do from what I’ve seen, but I was just wondering if they ever had to go to like. School or something, when they're not training. And if they ever got to see their family again (though I doubt both the kids and their family would want to lol)
And one more thing, totally important and necessary to ask, how does Nori acquire the kids? (..that doesnt sound right)
Like does he break in to the facility from time to time or did they just bring them with him when they left GunnTech or does he take them in when he finds them just out and about??
NORI… OUR FAVOURITE PROBLEM! The way you draw eyes scratches my brain /positive.
I think the idea is that everyone does live at GunnTech, they have rooms and go to school. GunnTech also has a prison somewhere (like, sci fi, clean, sterile white prison, a glass front-wall for cells instead of bars, and that’s where everyone gets put in Season 4. But, before that, when the main three villains (or at least, just Luna and Nori) escaped, it wasn’t totally locked down so they had to walk out suspiciously/tell the security guards reasons (you need to give reasons when leaving GunnTech so, “I’m hanging out with a friend” comes with ‘who is the friend + give us contact details’) and then probably remove a tracker (unsure as to whether the wristbands are the trackers or the trackers are put into their chest implants), and try to avoid getting caught for the rest of the time (until season 3-4 ofc). The main story probably begins with the three MCs trying to find them and bring them back. Romeo’s wanted cause he stole tech, though, he’s not a mutant.
Nori risks his life basically (not literally but he risks huge punishment) by constantly breaking into the facility to get out new kids. Kids who haven’t yet been mutated all have one room (several large rooms for many kids’ bunk beds basically, not literally one big room 😭) and he goes in and saves one or two each time. Some kids don’t *want* to come with him, thinking this is a cool superhero opportunity. He has an easier time helping kids who are scared and having second thoughts. He’s very gentle.
Also reminder that Nori had their finger prints burned off yipeeee. He’s not letting that happen to the others. (It doesn’t happen to every kid, but GunnTech probably has categories (like, heroes: animals, space, spies, drivers, healers?) and if you’re in the (name is a work in progress) Spies Category (stealth category?) like Nori, you get your finger prints burned off.
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Daisy is canonically one of the only two Ninjalino names we know! I might make her into a small side character so that art isn’t 100% solid but eh!
Also he can’t really just “take them back to their parents”. If you’re a child at GunnTech, your parents either gave you away for money or you’re an orphan.
Nori’s usually a sassy ‘problem’ but they have their really serious and gentle moments.
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flwrstqr · 6 months
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₊˚⊹ notes ~ idol! sunghoon x fem!reader ⋆⭒ warnings: sickness, reader on period, guilty, not proofread, pentanes ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 word count: 400+꩜⋆ ˚。⋆˚ genre: fluff, comfortish | AN: a request from an anon, this was honestly a really cute prompt so thank u sm anon for requesting ^^| LIBRARY FOR MORE...
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YOU'RE HUDDLE ON THE COUCH cradling a heating pad against your stomachas the cramps rage on. It's one of those days where everything feels terrible, and your mood matches the gloomy weather outside. Each passing minute seems to drag on, and you find yourself wishing for some relief.
Just when you start feeling more pangs of pain, the door creaks open, and Sunghoon steps inside. His dance practice ended early today. You barely acknowledge his presence, due to your cramps.
"Hey, angel," Sunghoon greets, his voice laced with tiredness, "I'm home."
You respond with a short nod, still in immense pain.
Sunghoon's brows furrow in worry as he approaches you. "Are you okay?"
"Do I look okay?" you snap, your irritation seeping into your voice.
Sunghoon steps back slightly, taken aback by your sharp tone. "Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"Just leave me alone," you mutter, burying your face in the pillow.
Sunghoon hesitates, his expression troubled. "Actually, I'm not feeling too well either."
You shoot him a skeptical glance. "Oh, really? Got cramps too, huh?"
He shakes his head, a pained expression crossing his features. "No, it's my stomach. It's been bothering me since practice."
You can't help but roll your eyes. "Sure, Sunghoon. Just trying to tease me, are you?God I probably going through worse."
His hurt is evident in his eyes as he meets your gaze. "No, I'm serious. I feel really sick."
"Right," you turned around, annoyance still flaming in your mood. Sunghoon stood up and then left the living room quietly, leaving you alone.
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YOU'RE ABOUT TO HEAD OUT TO THE convenience store. As you grab your bag and keys, Sunghoon's earlier words echo in your mind. His stomach ache. At first, you brushed it off as him teasing you, but now, a feeling of doubt creeps in.
You pause, your hand hovering over the doorknob. Glancing back at Sunghoon, who's slumped on his bed looking paler and more tired than usual, a wave of guilt washes over you. Maybe you've been too quick to dismiss his discomfort. After all, he's never been one to complain about minor ailments unlike you.
With a heavy heart, you leave the apartment, your mind racing with worry. What if he's really sick? What if you've been too caught up in your own discomfort to notice his suffering?
As you make your way to the convenience store, you try to focus yourself to get the stuff you need and maybe a couple of snacks.
Inside the store, you mechanically grab the pads, your mind preoccupied with thoughts of Sunghoon. As you head to the checkout counter, you catch sight of the antacids on display. Without hesitation, you add them to your basket.
Back at the apartment, you find Sunghoon exactly where you left him, looking even worse than before. His pale skin and pained expression tug down your heart, filling you with a sense of determination to make it up to him.
"I got you something," you say softly, handing him the antacids.
He looks up at you in surprise, his eyes widening. "You didn't have to—"
"I know," you interrupt, taking a seat beside him in the bed. "But I wanted to. I'm sorry for not taking you seriously earlier. You were right, and I should have listened."
Sunghoon's expression softens, his gratitude evident in his eyes. "Thank you, baby. I really appreciate it." You give a soft smile leaning in for a soft kiss on his cheek.
"I love you so much," you whispered softly.
"I love you too," Sunghoon replied, holding you tightly.
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lukolabrainrot · 17 days
It has been a busy couple of weeks with nuggets of information that keeps us guessing and send us in panic. I wanted to summarise these and add my thoughts on here and see what other people think.
L's IG post from Spain to me looked N coded, I can see it in almost every picture he posted.
All the pictures were essentially stripped of any suggestion that this could be a couple's holiday which to me is VERY telling.
His reaction to the Cake picture was almost instant, which clearly shows that he’s got his priorities straight. He will never let us question his relation/friendship with N nd to quote another comment from here "he couldn’t for a second let anyone think he would do something hurtful to her."
The resort posted IG video in July with Bridgerton music and based on public knowledge there is no one else from the cast that has visited this place this year.
To me it looks like he was there with A before the trip in Italy.
In her holiday dump pictures that A posted on the last picture her hair is much longer than the picture from the Spanish resort which further supports the theory that these pictures were old or at least her's is.
There must have been some time limit on when this promo for the resort must be done by and by the looks of it A knows about it so she did post her story before.
There is SM silence from R&S.
R like all his friends comments on his birthday IG post except from L's, this includes posts that were made after L's.
Something went down in Italy and have caused a chaos in their group.
I don't think the Groomer M have a scooby do about his persona live at this point. She might be a shipper or trying to increase he likes by liking/commenting but she is based in US and I doubt is in regular contact with him or his team at this moment.
JD profile picture does not prove anything apart from him hanging out with N. This could be with or without other friends around.
Wearing each others hats, going for drinks together and hanging out yet again this is as much prove that they are together as it is that they are very good friends. Until I see either the same chemistry and behavior as N&L on WT or at least more intimate pictures or posts I won't be convinced there is more than friendship between them. Plus he seems like a really sweet guy, so I hope people leave him alone.
My take based on this is that there is a change since the beginning of August and we will yet to understand what that is but based on songs posted by N, them both having each other's backs on SM I only hope it is a positive change and with the filming starting I think if there are real feelings there ( which I do believe there are) they won't be able to keep away from each other for long!
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missjashin · 2 years
Steve spending the night at Eddie’s because his parents are home and they’ve been arguing so he doesn’t really wanna be at home. Didn’t go to Robin because her parents might not let him stay the night and also Robin has work tomorrow and Steve doesn’t. The odd case of them not having shift together.
So he ends up with Eddie and in the morning he is having breakfast with Eddie and Wayne and they discuss their plans for the day. Eddie and Wayne have some plans for the day. You know, to spend some quality family time maybe? Or maybe they have just some errands to run, stuff to figure out because of all the shit that went down during spring break.. Whatever, they have plans for the day and Steve.. doesn’t want to intrude any more than he already is so he is not going with them. Even when they say he can come too.
And it’s summer time so the kids are busy with whatever the teens are busy with. And Steve loves them dearly and loves spending time with them but he tries to give them space and not smother them with his worrying so yeah he can’t spend the day with them either. They’ll come to him if they need him.. He could always go bother Robin at work but going to your work place on your free day because you have nothing better to do sounds a little sad.. So maybe he’ll just have to suck it up and go back home then.
But then Eddie offers that he could stay. You know he doesn’t have to leave just because Wayne and Eddie do. Like he could stay, it’s fine. They’ll be back by 6 or so and they could have dinner together then? And since Steve really really really doesn’t want to go home right now he accepts (after asking about thousand times if it’s really okay tho).
So soon he is left alone with a “Feel free to educate yourself with my music collection while we’re gone” and see you laters. Steve didn’t really have any plans for today and he kinda left in a hurry too so he didn’t bring much stuff with him but oh well he’ll figure something out.
He starts collecting the breakfast dishes and well he could wash them. He has the time and it would be just nice little gesture since the Munsons let him stay and all. And then it just makes sense to wipe the counters and the table after that. Like who would wash the dishes and then just leave crumbs all over the place? Oh. And I guess he just got some of those crumbs to the floor now. Well it’s just a quick little sweep. Could vacuum the whole place now too since he started. But first he needs to declutter a bit because goddamn Eddie why are your clothes and books just everywhere. Might as well do some laundry while he’s at it.
When Eddie and Wayne come back home around 6pm the place they’re in for a quite a shock. Not only is the place spotless but they’re greeted with the smell of food as well. “Oh you’re back! I’m making dinner, it’s just about done” Steve welcomes them enthusiastically but start to doubt himself a little after seeing the surprised faces. “I.. hope that’s okay”
Only then Steve realizes he may have got little carried away with his cleaning spree. Like maybe cleaning the windows was a tad bit too much.. Ugh he so hopes they’re not too weirded out.. Honestly he didn’t even realize he basically spent all day doing household chores that and it’s not even his own house. He glad the Munsons don’t comment on it too much tho, other than “you didn’t have to” and slightly awkward thank yous.
They start eating and now they drown Steve in compliments. (“Wow this is so good, what brand is this?” “Uhm.. it’s not a-.. I made it” “…Like from scratch?!” “Yeah..” “Holy shit dude this is seriously so fucking delicious” “Language. But he is right son, this is fucking delicious”)
At some point during dinner Wayne makes a comment about it starting to rain and Steve lets out a shocked gasp “my laundry!” and rushes out to collect it from outside where he hung it to dry. Wayne asks amusedly if Steve is a housewife or something, just ready to crack little jokes there but then spots the dopey smile on his nephew’s face, gaze still lingering in the doorway where Steve run off to. He smiles knowingly at Eddie when he finally looks back at him, now starting to blush and trying to stammer some sort of reply.
Steve comes back in and they finish dinner and hang out a bit together until Steve and Eddie go to Eddie’s room. Steve again apologizes because he got so carried away and hope he didn’t cross any lines. Eddie little amusedly asks if Steve really thinks they’d be mad at him for tidying up the place? Just helping them out a little so they can relax? Like in all seriousness, after all that shit show that happened during spring, Wayne could use a little break and just relax.
(“And you couldn’t?” “Well sure I could, but in this case he needs it more. If you haven’t noticed I’m not much of help in the cleaning department” “Oh yeah, I’ve noticed” “Hey!” “What? You asked!”)
Eddie then asks if Steve “educated himself” with the music. Steve tells to educate him himself. Eddie takes that as a challenge.
Steve spends the other night.
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bangsinc · 7 months
I am so starved for btas scarecrow content and you're the best blog that writes him the best way in my opinion, can you do head canons for when btas scarecrow is jealous? (General Scarecrow is so underrated and btas version is more 😭)-🩷
🎃Jealous!BTAS Scarecrow x Reader🎃
Sorry this took a bit, but thank you so much for all the sweet words!! IT MEANS SM LIKE ACTUALLYYY!!
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Jonathan doesn’t find himself to be a very jealous man. He’s mastered most of his emotions, and is quite in tune with them more often than not. After all, when’s the last time anyones seen that professor smile?
Of course, he’s quite the soft romantic for his partner. He has no qualms breaking his comfort zone for your own comfort, even if he very openly begrudgingly does so. He’s supposed to be self centered, and finds that you make this increasingly difficult.
I could imagine that, maybe while as ‘Scarecrow’ (if we’re going with the idea that Jonathan Crane and Scarecrow are the same man but different mindsets), Jonathan is significantly less handsy with his partner and more reserved. Being threatening simply doesn’t correlate to being doting, though it doesn’t mean we won’t take care of you. After all, it’s hard to stay fully in character when you’re with him. Surely, many would assume you’re not spoken for as a result.
If he’s jealous, he’ll keep you under scrutiny. It’s not that he’d believe you’d be unfaithful, however.
He wouldn’t want you to leave his side, and as Jonathan, he’s more emotionally vulnerable and communicative with this. It just depends on the situation since he’d like to imagine, despite his flaws that he’s very comfortable and secure in his relationship.
If someone’s bothering you, he can take care of it, though he doesn’t doubt your ability to do it yourself. He might either get said person isolated or just take you away from the situation alltogether. He’d rather not scrap with another right now. (He’s very easily intimadated).
Maybe he’s a bit more touchy afterwards. A hand on your shoulder as he guides you or his hands fixing your hair. He wants to be closer, and finds that it works doing it subtly without indicating his insecurities. He doesn’t need verbal reassurance. You recriprocating affection is enough for him.
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mazzystar24 · 5 months
Bestie im worried again, like I’m glad Eddie looked proud/supportive of Buck for the kiss, but I can’t shake the feeling that they’re going to continue on with that and just have him be “supportive best friend” even though that would make no sense after how he was acting at the party.
I feel like they keep luring us in with subtext and setting up plots, just to flip the script completely and rip the rug out… like they did in ep 4 with building up the fact that Buck wanted Eddie’s attention the whole episode and then suddenly out of the blue…. it wasn’t Eddie’s attention he wanted?
None of it is making sense to me, and I’m scared they’re doing what other network programs always do and are just baiting us with the ship most of us want when they’re just going to leave us with something rushed snd watered down that has had like zero buildup or foreshadowing… like Buck’s sudden devotion and interest in Tommy came entirely out of left field and it feels so weird to me thst they’re keeping him here because it just doesn’t make sense.
Hey bestie!
I wouldn’t worry babe like it makes sense for him to be supportive even if they do go the buddie route, like he loves loves loves him, so the fact that he saw him not a week ago awkwardly lie to HIM and doubt himself sm he asked “is that weird” when coming out to him and now seeing him happy and carefree and coming out in the most buck way imaginable? No matter what he may feel or whether he realised it or whatever else, he’d be feeling enormous amounts of pride because that is his best friend and someone he truly loves regardless of anything else
As for episode four I think the fact that Eddie is SO heavily embedded in the episode was so hopeful for us, like the man’s name being used hit a record high in that episode istg😭😭 (saw someone say it’s the bechdel test except try not to talk about Eddie edition and that is the funniest and truest thing😭😭)
Like before 7x04 came out even and people were speculating bucktommy being a thing I was saying that the second they make one of them queer I would feel more sure that buddie canon is coming or is rather more definitely on the table and nothing I’ve seen since has changed my mind tbh
As for buck being suddenly devoted to Tommy, buck falls hard and fast like we know this about him so it makes sense I’m not saying that like oh yeah he’s in love with him and yada yada butttt he is enjoying his time and this new relationship and that’s good to see. Like the audience is meant to kinda feel what Buck feels so every scene with that relationship gives you that new relationship energy where it can go either way you know?
Anyways I’m yapping but the point is I honestly think that things have been looking up for buddie fans and I would be cautiously optimistic 🫡
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graniteknight · 7 months
Oh boy clay analysis part 2 (because I clearly have NOTHING better to do with my spare time)
I mentioned how I wanted to go more into depth with Clay and especially with the flaws and missing pieces of his main character development. which yes, I still want to kinda talk about. I get he was the main MAIN character but it feels as if it took way longer to learn about his family compared to other characters.
(I say this as we don’t even know what Aaron’s parents look like)
okay, in knights of the realm,.. we learn about why the 5 of them were at the academy, and the reason they became knights. But it didn’t really give us enough to fully understand the characters. (Which sucks, I genuinely love the two episodes sm, but I can’t not point out some flaws here and there)
When I say Clay has flaws I mean it, his character is overall focused on him being a good, strong knight, and not the character he is when he isn’t doing all of that. (I know this is the case for all 5 of them, but hear me out)
His character development is definitely interesting (the change from ep4 to ep29 when it comes to helping macy saving her parents etc) it just feels like we barely have him NOT being a stuck up stubborn asshole. (politely)
When I mentioned other things I also wanted to mention involvement of his family, especially since we don’t know what happened between the disappearance of his family and being taken in by Merlok.
This is where the moorington analysis comes in (off topic from the Clay analysis but everything I said yesterday can really just be slammed here)
We know that Fletch and Clay either slowly forgot eachother over time or never actually met eachother, which understandably makes sense depending which way you see it.
but because of the incredibly messy nature of the canon timeline, it’s hard to put things together and actually have them make sense., especially with Wanda being turned to stone by merlok and the aftermath on her sons.
Clay and fletcher couldn’t have actually met eachother when they were younger, and I know this sounds complicated but for the actual timeline to work, they couldn’t actually have met eachother.
The only way I’m assuming it’s going to work is Wanda disappearing after Fletcher was actually born, as Fletcher was placed in the orphanage without Clay. and I doubt they would just.. ignore Clay when they initially took Fletcher in. Merlok is incredibly important to the Moorington timeline, as he was with Wanda as she began turning evil, initially he was the one to turn her to stone, in hopes of finding a spell to help her.
Now understand I am NOT blaming Merlok for taking 5 years to find Clay, because that’s wasn’t his fault. At this time he had also lost his sister, and the entire wizard’s council. I doubt looking for a child was really at the top of his priorities at that time.
Understand that it makes sense for merlok to take so long, while yes it didn’t take long for the initial search. The village that Clay was initially located in is off the maps of knighton as a whole, there’s a reason it’s “the dullest village in all of knighton” because barely any fucker knows it actually exists, I doubt it would be the first place Merlok would reasonably look.
Wanda makes this much more of an interesting case, because wouldn’t merlok have some sort of knowledge about his own nephews? perhaps he slowly forgot over time, whatever the case is, it barely makes any sort of sense.
We know Clay was influenced from a young age to become a knight, before Merlok even found him. which leaves the question as to if he was influenced by his father, just before said father disappeared?
* Understanding the reason that Merlok lied to Clay about his magic makes sense, to him, Clay is the he only alive family member he has left, and he didn’t want whatever happened to his sister to happen to his nephew too.
I apologise to every fucking nk fan for me absolutely overthinking this wacky family, but somebody gotta be the insane one here.
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majaloveschris · 1 year
Maybe it's me being cynical in all this..but I think something bad is coming, why buy all those followers on IG, you follow a theatre company just yesterday and then use someone else's post to say you quitting SM for the "SUMMER"...sorry but this is the period when he has her birthday, the supposed wedding in PT...and he miraculously decides to quit SM. I'm 100% PR since day 1 but this is just plain odd, he's hardly on SM yet announces his departure for a few weeks and then deactivates...why not just not posy, why announce it, that is attention seeking if you ask me
Okay, I doubt that if something bad was coming, he wouldn't have known about it earlier.
My theory is that he either didn't want to post about Alba or that the PR shitshow has ended and that social media has become a bit too much for him.
They probably tried to find a loophole, and how could you post something when he has no Twitter or Instagram, the two most important social media accounts he's had? And if this is the case, which I think it is, saying he won't be active isn't enough. Until his account is up, he is able to post, even if he says he won't. But with him saying he is off for the summer and deactivating his account, he won't be able to post anything.
Or maybe it's over. I wish. And right now he is the "heartbroken, lonely" man who needs some time off because his "happier than ever" relationship didn't work out.
And I'm pretty sure that he's also had enough of social media, for which I don't blame him. I agree that we should call him out for being associated with a racist, but the way some people have been talking about him is discouraging. Call him out for being associated with her, but the body shaming and bullying that have been going on in the past months are crazy and disgusting. Nobody is or should feel entitled to leave those types of comments about his appearance.
I think it was nice of him to let his followers and fans know he was going to disappear. He obviously wanted to deactivate his accounts, and he knew that meant people wouldn't be able to find them. Attention-seeking would've been that. Not telling people that he is leaving or why he does that; he just disappears, leaving people guessing what's happened and why he's left. If this had happened, people would've been calling him a selfish prick who doesn't care about his own fans. But for some people, he can't do anything right, can he?
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kitsune-oji · 1 year
I loved your headcanon of Diavolo having a crush but what would it be like if he had a crush on an angel?
Diavolo Crushing On An Angel
Ooooh that's a good one! Thank you sm for requesting
Gn! Angel person x Diavolo
Warnings: a bit sad?
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From the moment he realised that he's crushing on an Angel, Diavolo pretty much already gave up
Even if they did like him back, Diavolo is in no position to have a relationship with an Angel considering he's the future King of Demons. Which, it's not a problem he's a demon per se - Diavolo is all for a strong unitiy between the realms as we all know - but instead that he is supposed to lead the devildom.
Not only would there be opposition about the matter of how he would make an heir (because even if they do get a child together, it wouldn't be a demon. With a human it's more like... They don't live that long so most demons of the upper class who have the "right" to voice their complains just believe that Dia will get another, better partner in the future)
But there would also be the demons doubting Diavolo's ability to reign because what if he's influenced by his Angel partner, right? Every little thing will be scrutinized even more than before and from the Celestial Realm side, the Angels wouldn't be very happy about it either
Talk about how he's "corrupting" their fellow Angel sibling would surely circulate. How his endavours to bring "peace amongst the realms" is actually just a ploy to hurt Angels (and humans) and maybe he has an Angel fetish and-
It just won't work out well if he doesn't want to keep it secret and Diavolo understands this, but it still hurts him. At least, he thinks, he can make them happy in other ways
So he pays attention to what they want, what worries they have, anything that could give him a clue or two on what he can do to make their life easier, happier
Inviting them over often under the excuse that he wants to understand Angels better but it's a bit obvious that he doesn't do the same with the other Angels he could also talk to
Still, he just says that they're very pleasant to talk to if anyone asks... Which isn't a lie, he's just leaving out a bit of the reason...
If they find out about his feelings and reciprocate them, it just hurts even more. If they want to try having a relationship anyway, they would have to do a loooooot of convincing for Diavolo to possibly cave
He doesn't want to keep it secret but being open would, as said, become very difficult for them (especially him)
Basically, even then he wouldn't go for it and if they do manage to convince him, it would make for a very dramatic and turbulent love story with not too high a chance for a happy end
If they fall for someone else and he finds out/notices or they get together with the person they like, Diavolo will put up a front and throw himself into work. If anyone asks why he's acting strangely, he will just say he's incredibly busy and then change the topic
It won't stop him from still trying his best to make them happy and their life easier in any way he can. It's just not as much as before, mostly because thinking about them hurts and he needs time to feel better + throwing himself into work does actually make him busy so he sees them less -> less opportunity to find out what they need or want
To some extend, Diavolo also worries that he's making them uncomfortable but doesn't know if asking them would be considered weird, since maybe they didn't even notice that he's been doing all those things? After all, he did try to be somewhat subtle about it
So he just keeps quiet. There's a chance that after they get together with their new partner, Diavolo and his crush grow apart/don't see each other much anymore
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david-powers-simp · 1 year
Headcancon: how the lost boys keep clean
Alright so this is probably the most crack head fic I've ever written, but you know I've had this thought on my mind and i couldn't stop thinking about it so here we have its. Let's hope I don't suck at writing
So first let's talk hygiene. I swear on my life that despite what is said by the frog brothers. The boys are moderately clean. I know good and well they aren't filthy but they might not be the cleanest all the time,they are vampires for crying out loud.
However sensibly speaking the boys have to bath at least once a night do to them feeding. As we see they boys are exactly the most clean after feeding. They are covered in blood, looking awfully disheveled. Clothes torn,hair all messy.
Under no circumstances could they stroll down the boardwalk looking like that, even if, let's just say they return to the cave after feeding which I sort of doubt considering the amount of darkness they still have to prowl around. Driving home looking like that wouldn't be ideal.
So I feel strongly that the boys bathe after feeding. Which Paul and Marko absolutely love! Those two really enjoy getting clean.
But how do they get clean?
Im so glad you asked my friend. There are a few options really. First and for most, the boys could easily find a secluded part of the beach and jump in the water and wash up, this in particularly is Marko and Paul's favorite way of getting clean they really like the big open water and how fast and efficiently they can get clean, they also definitely get into a splashing fight. Dwayne absolutely destroys them both and 100% wins the splashing game. Even if there really is no way of "winning" Dwayne wins. Its safe to say Dwayne does enjoy the ocean as well he likes all the space and all the cool shells he finds is a plus too ( yes. Dwayne has a shell collection don't judge him). david on the other hand...he doesn't hate it but its his least favorite way of getting clean. For one david hates the cold he's also not the biggest fan of sand either. He will tolerate it especially since his brothers do enjoy it sm but if david had to pick it were they got cleaned it would not be the ocean. He does however like to join in on the splash fights he just acts like he doesn't.
if david did get his way his favorite way to get clean is a nice hot shower. And I know what you're saying. How does he shower? Now while the boy's cave doesn't have a shower, max's house does. So a good bit of the time especially in the winter. When the boys are dirty aka coverd in blood, they use max's shower at his house. Since max works at the video store at night its a breeze for the boys to get into his house and use his stuff.
Now David enjoys himself a hot shower. He can properly get clean while staying warm. He doesn't mind the fact he smells good after either. A shower gives him enough time to wash his hair thoroughly. So after words he can style it back. I feel like david rummages through max's medicine cabinet and steals his cologne. What can I say david likes smelling good.
Although david doesn't wash his hair everyday, he just doesn't like too. However he will do it at least twice a week.
Now that leaves dwyane. His favorite way of cleaning up is definitely a good warm bath. I don't want to hear it from any of you. I feel in my soul that dwayne loves baths, I mean its relaxing.  The water has to be just right tho.  dwayne is picking about the temperature and who can blame him.
He likes bubbles too. dwayne loves good smells so naturally he likes the sent of the soap and bodywash being a vampire and having enhanced senses makes bathes all the more delightful for him. While he's soaking in the tube he likes to have a good shave. This however is sometimes damn near impossible.
Since he can't see himself in a mirror he relies a lot on feeling his face and the stubble thats there and when he's managed to very carefully shave it off, once he believes he's gotten it all he'll run his hand all across his face to make sure its all smooth. Once his face is all shaved and smooth. Dwayne begins rinsing off and getting out.
There you have it my lovelies. 💖💫 :) I hope you guys enjoyed it. I think it honestly is a dumpster fire. Let me know what you think and how I can improve my writing id really appreciate it. :) But i hope you guys did like it. This is how I will be writing my headcanons I have for the boys. If you have any requests just send them too me. I want to try and write an even mix of headcanons, preferences and imagines but we shall see.
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luvyeni · 5 months
They are even pulling in names of groups she worked with at SM. I've seen SHINee, f(x), EXO, SNSD, Gfriend, Le Sserafim, BTS, TXT, BND, TWS, Illit, RIIZE, and NewJeans all being dragged into this. So far, Enhypen and &Team and Seventeen are the only Hybe groups that hasn't been dragged into it, but I have no doubt she'll find a way too, like say Jake copied Hanni and Danielle by also being Australian or something.
The whole thing is a hot mess. She wants to be a CEO without an overseer, and decided the best way to do that was sabotage other groups and try to force Hybe's hand into selling the Ador shares. Like point blank, I can tell this woman has a god complex, and she believes she deserves everything. She has a press conference and it was a big mess, like her lawyer should have cut in and told her to shut up at some point, since it was just a yap fest. What really gets me is if she wanted to be a CEO, she could have done what the others did and build her label from the ground up, but instead she decided to take all she could and leave destruction in her path.
Also the obviously lack and breach of trust she achieved by leaking artists and trainees personal information. Like that is some low level stuff, but it also proves a rumor that has been going around for a while, that the reason sasaeng find things out like where idols are and everything is from internal leaks from people within the company.
I feel like it also shows how stupid she is, like you create a document about your plan to take your sublabel away from it's parent label and you save it on your work computer. It's also being said there might be emails of her taking shit about Hybe to other Ador employees. Which, like I'm not a Hybe stan, I'm not a corporation stan, like eat the rich and all, but you must be stupid as fuck to plan a take over and talk shit on your boss using the company network which they have complete access to, even if they deleted it and all, they could still find it.
She's trying to drag the other groups into it, instead of just taking responsibility and apologizing and resigning to save face. This will end one of two ways, she'll either win or lose, but in the end she's going to be a pariah whether she wins or not. Which from what I've seen, it more than likely will not go in her favor, Hybe has physical evidence, meanwhile most of her evidence is just word of mouth.
honestly im the furthest from a company stan , i hate all of them BUT hybe is a company with so many connections and a lot of money and if mhj continues doing this and name dropping nwjs it won't end good for those girls, she should know how brutal the knetz are. her relationship with them is odd.
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aimbutmiss · 8 months
Saw this post of yours: https://www.tumblr.com/aimbutmiss/740229617026220032/maybe-this-is-just-me-projecting-on-buggy-because
and I have to say I love it sm?? yk what it makes me think of? The song I can’t help but wonder from epic the musical, where Telemachus and Odysseus (a father/son duo who haven’t seen each other in TWENTY years) finally meet again. And it’s like, giving Buggy and the ghost of Roger or smth.
First of all, thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it 😁 and oh boy this one's got a kick... You shouldn't have brought up greek mythology AND buggy like I won't shut up ever after this.
I actually cried listening to the song while thinking about Buggy and Roger. It just fits too well. I want to point out a few lyrics that I thought fit like a glove:
"for twenty years, I never could outgrow you" I think its safe to say that Roger's death in Loguetown affected Buggy on a fundamental level. No one could handle watching their father's neck get sliced live. Something like that could never not change you. From the 20+ years that have passed since then, at least part of Buggy is still that 16 year old standing in that crowd, crying. He never fully outgrew Loguetown, and for the record I don't think Shanks did either (I couldn't not bring him up I'm sorry) The main difference is that they experienced very different Loguetowns... Buggy still had hope that Roger would somehow dodge death like he always had, because unlike Shanks he didn't understand why Roger would willingly go to his own death. However, as the one who left, Buggy suffered a lot less after their fight. That's not to say it wasn't hard to leave, or he wasn't sad about it (he cried a lot as he ran away from Shanks) But Shanks suffered a different way, from the whiplash he had from seeing Roger die AND losing his best friend on top of each other. He only expected one of those, and we know which one that was.
"i can't help but wonder (...) if I have your strength in me." Buggy has always been a character with deep self esteem issues. A part of that certainly comes from having Roger's legacy behind him. Roger was strong and smart beyond words, and Buggy definitely felt insufficient, like he couldn't reach that ideal. That's why there's a deep rooted jealousy in him towards Shanks, because he sees so much of Roger in him. This also mirrors Odysseus and Telemachus perfectly, because the son never reached his father's level of intelligence and strength by the end of the Odyssey. However, it is implied that he is on his way there, getting better and better as the story progressed. We see this with Buggy too, with his amazing talent of failing upwards. (I have to say, I don't think all of it can be accidental. Buggy is actually quite clever in his own way) Roger's soul must be watching with pride, but not surprise. I have no doubt in my mind that Roger truly believed Buggy would make it big one day. The kind of trust only a parent could have in their children.
"used to say I'd capture wind and sky for you" Not much to say here but Roger would definitely say something like this. There's not a single thing that man wouldn't have done for his boys. I'm so normal about them haha 😅 ...Also more on the Roger and Odysseus parallels, there's just something so beautiful about a man who chooses his family over and over again, no matter how many good options keep presenting themselves. Like, nothing in the world could get in the way of him and his child no matter what. The similarity just hurts. And even though Roger couldn't live to do that for Ace, at least he experienced fatherhood with Shanks and Buggy.
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himejoshiangels · 2 years
more duke things bcs I'm so normal abt Him I promise
duke was in the foster system for years while not being able to mourn his parents, knowing that they were missing while only being able to search for them to the best of his ability, often being moved from home to home bcs of how often he got into fights and being mistreated or abused in some of the homes he was sent to
what I'm saying is, duke probably kept to himself because he was moved around so often that it made keeping relationships hard, in batman and the signal he straight up says that he doubts that his situation will last already putting up a wall between the rest of the family and him
eventually when he does settle in or at least get comfortable with the rest of the bats he stops being rigid and is able to be himself for the first time in a while, this is his first stable living situation since his old apartment and a small part if him is sure he's gnna fuck it up like his previous foster homes
when he first arrived he was awkward and cold, so when he started getting comfortable and everyone was exposed to his blinding smile and cuddly habits
as for relationships w the other bat kids, cass and duke like to tell ppl they are twins for the fun of it, they know nobody believes them but no one's been brave enough to question it either
Jason is dukes lame big brother who wants to look cool so bad but duke is so so dedicated to never letting Jason find out that he finds him incredibly cool and also lame, Jason will do the wildest shit for dukes attention and then ask what duke thinks and he'll go "eh it was aight"
duke and dick don't interact a lot but whenever they do dick is trying to banish all of duke's insecurities like it's his fucking career, they cannot go a single conversation without dick praising duke and duke preening and shit
tim is so awkward w duke at first he has no idea how to interact w him at all. instead of just talking to him like a normal person he'll just leave gifts in duke's room that say shit like 'I heard you wanted this shirt so here you go' only they didn't have a conversation at all and the shirt was in duke's online shopping cart - its so weird but it's growing on duke, he won't say no to free stuff
steph and duke are not allowed to be alone together anymore because last time they were there was a category 4 incident with the riddler and it was just hell for everyone involved esp nygma, bcs they were having the time of their lives
one of the many reasons duke is able to get away w sm is bcs babs has a soft spot for him and will cover his ass without hesitation, if some wild stuff went down on dukes patrol there will be no evidence bcs oracle wiped anything that even mildly incriminates duke from existence, they get lunch on weekends
damian is dukes #1 info dump victim but it's ok bcs duke is damians #1 info dump victim, now the other has more knowledge abt movie analysis and animal facts than they'd like
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supermaks · 1 year
I wanna hear all of ur thoughts on 3344!!! Please tell us everything!!!! my only addition is that that copse crash changed the trajectory of their lives immediately like they could be fighting for p15 and would be all up in each others business. there is a special kind of distrust and contempt and anger for the other that no one else recives bc they reserve it all for each other and this is why they’re best f1 rivalry of all time 😋 sorry alain
omfg yes lets go a lil crazy🌷🌷🌷🌷
My 4433/441 thoughts are always all over the place like I truly havent been able to pin them down since l started watching f1 because these 2 are both like super weird in very different ways and they have zero bridges u can cross between them except for this unreal fucking level of on sight hating that makes a rivalry soooo good u feel it in ur tummy
When I tell u in Austria the moment I heard Lewis impeded Max I knew the baddie was gonna unleash the wrath of an old testament god upon this incredibly inconsequential fl0p vehicle number 44 like. Sorry to the haters and losers but its very funny to ME 😭😭 Inspector Hamilton didnt even make much noise about this which is even funnier because either he knows he'll catch a stray for impeding first or he just cannot handle Max and his Raytheon hamilton sensors anymore like he's tired and his own tp is telling him to shut up like leave him alone. ((I doubt its the last we'll hear of it tho))
And yes 2021 like u said prolly changed the trajectory of their lives forever not just copse but like monza, brazil, Jeddah. Whats so fascinating about Max and Lewis is that for such enormously talented drivers they simply cannot let each other race normal. They leave each other more space and will still fumble because they want to pass so bad. As u put it, its distrust, but its also just racing. Its the purest form of racing there is lmfao these are both karting prodigies and they still revert back to that when they race each other. I said this once they're like 2 maddies from euphoria in 1 show. But this whole dynamic of uneasiness between them started way before 2021 tbh.
Even when Max was a teenager wid a cap and a dream and the rawest dawg inside that literally bit people and Lewis was settling back into the record books wid a glass of wine and an established, tamed dawg, he still made a point not to rate Max ever. Max was taboo. Didnt even call him by name sometimes like to his face literally called him 'guy' which is such an Hamilton ass old school way of acknowledging an Opp like look at this
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F1 drivers are so insane. Anyway I think Max still feels some type of way about all that. A job will have u 19 years old getting bullied by a 33 year old that refuses to say ur name. Max pissed everybody off those days. He just wanted to do the lil debrief and the old heads truly did not give a fuck they were so mean to him. Lewis went thru a divorce too so this was all wrong person wrong place wrong time wrong car wrong team wrong wrong wrong. All wrong.
They were doomed from the start like they were set on a collision course since Max was born that was as inevitable as he is. And the noise around them has always been too loud. But they do try which I find very charming and kind of sad. Like one thing about Max and Lewis they're gonna have a lil giggle together about something dumb and that hasn’t changed
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((I am convinced whatvr lewis showed him on his phone here was like deeply illegal))
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((this presser is soooo like at some point Lewis leans over and whispers that theres a lot of girls there for the weekend and Max is like umm and Lewis is like oh u have a girlfriend right ew 🙄))
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🫠🌷this was so cute pls
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They share sm history together in the one thing that matters the most to both of them which is racing. Like the way Abu Dhabi happened bro, all that led to it, the amount of new eyeballs on the sport just thru sheer force of narrative and hubris. They built that together. Nobody else cud have done it. Like they share thirty five 1-2s in F1. 35 times one of them was first and the other was second. I think 3 more times on the podium and they break a record for most podiums shared oat. Thats not unimportant it’s not meaningless especially not to these 2 in particular. They’re special. They’re both so special and mercurial and they save the worst parts of themselves. the best part of themselves. to each other . Everybody else takes scraps. The spray aligns
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Yeah. Like yk. the spray aligns
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anxiousgaypanicking · 2 months
sure why not?
so roman being arthur. logan being sally. patton being ollie. virgil being margaret. janus being uncle jack. let me explain.
there was never any doubt roman would be arthur. he's an inherently selfish character - its his entire personality! he took care of his disabled brother, but ultimately abandoned him on a train alone when he switched their passports. (the only real issue here is that percy was older than arthur, which is how arthur got away with using his passport, but we can say remus and roman are irish twins since thomas/the fandom celebrates their "birthdays" on different days anyway lmao). holds childish resentment for sally for doing something that truly she had no choice but to do (bitter exes, much?) but still comes to him for help anyway, only to abandon her when she can't leave immediately. when he eventually escapes, he's still given the choice to go back and forget, and live his life in oblivion
logan as sally is something i truly was back and forth on. both patton and logan would be great as sally for different reasons, but i decided i liked patton as ollie more. sally is great with chemicals, but also has a baby. she sleeps with the general for favors, while also supplying him and the constables drugs that they threaten her over. while taking care of her baby is what her gameplay generally centers around, shes a very self-sufficient character, and very smart, getting herself out of negative encounters with the general on separate occasions!
patton as ollie, whos mind has been so fucked by drugs that he hallucinates his supposed dead daughter. but margaret isnt his daughter, and is instead uncle jacks daughter, whom he got killed out of spite after uncle jack was making comments about the war. after this, he felt so guilty that he took a ton of drugs to make him forget it. he hates uncle jack with a passion, but is inevitably the one to expose uncle jacks last show where he implores everyone to go off their joy (a pill that makes them happy)
virgil as margaret - uncle jacks dead daughter. she's ollie's voice of reason, even though she's mainly a hallucination. ollie got her killed - not intending to, but it being done anyway - and so she sort of haunts his mind until he eventually overcomes this grief, remembers what he's done, and plays uncle jacks last show
and janus as uncle jack. he's a tv personality who interacts with sent-in questions, gives advice for living in the town, talks about joy, and in his last show - after margaret has been killed - exposes the town for starving to death because the joy keeps them from even realizing theyre hungry. he goes from a charming, charismatic face to someone distraught by reality. he also argued against surrendering during the war, which is what eventually led to his daughter - who he was hiding, after the town demanded that everyone's children be sent on a train over to germany - being found and killed
anyway yeah idk i love the story of we happy few sm and think the sanders sides characters fit so neatly into it <3
victoria byng was another character i thought either janus or patton could be. she's the one who initially made joy, and after no one was taking it, spiked the water supply with it so people would get addicted to joy even if they didn't want to. eventually she's forced off her own joy by ollie and realizes that the town is in ruins because of joy and so eventually destroys it all which people hate her for because what gives her the right, though they do eventually realize they were all going to die if they stay on it
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