#since i finally decided on a farrah ship
xoteajays · 2 years
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the mcu rewrite: sunverse | get-to-know ships | pt.2
template by gibbarts (slightly edited by myself).
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scarfacemarston · 2 years
Halloween with the Van Der Linde’s - Part Deux
This is part 2 of a Halloween post I did a while back. There are some lame memes of mine that reference part 1 but it’s of course not a necessity to read the first part. If you want to read it - here it is. Arthur - a pilot from Top Gun - he always thought it would be cool to fly and he loved the movie growing up. He thought about becoming a pilot himself as he loved freedom. However, he hated the idea of joining the air force and he didn’t want to be a commercial pilot.
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Dutch and Molly - Molly *really* wants to do Bonnie and Clyde. Badly. So badly. Dutch thinks the idea is too basic. He thought about doing Elvis briefly. Finally, Dutch decided on King Henry VIII and Molly as a princess. Henry VIII was known for his romantic notions of courtly gentlemanly love and all things grand.......but is more famous for how his wives ended up and his politics. (No, that’s not commentary on Dutch but I suppose you could make an argument for some minor similarities). Molly’s dress is indeed based on the deleted Ball Gown dress.
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Hosea- David Bowie 100%. He loved David Bowie for decades and since people have said he resembled David, he thought, why not?
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John - Like every year, he didn’t want to dress up. He finally “forced himself” to choose a Yellowstone employee shirt....which then caused the family to goad him into adding pizass to his costume...which was a jacket and some spurs.
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Abigail -Lara Croft, She watched the kids in one of her foster homes played Tomb Raider and she loved it. She always wanted to be like Lara. The only thing she changed was the shorts into longer pants.
”’My legs get cold, Gosh dang it!”
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Sadie - She saw Pearson and Charles dress up like pirates last year and knew she could do a better job. You bet she’d be the most bad ass pirate queen you’ve ever seen....her epilogue outfit even looks like a pirate’s outfit. 
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Charles - A Jedi and he’s comfortable as hell. He was a comfy pirate last year and intends to be comfty again. He almost convinces Arthur to join him, especially since “Jedi fly ships”. Star Wars gave Charles a lot of comfort growing up and he stills enjoys it through the ups an downs. Then Uncle appears....
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Uncle -  is a Jedi, too doing bad Obi-Wan Kenobi impressions.......just to follow Charles around and annoy him.
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 Sean, Lenny and Javier - the three Spider-Men so they can do the Spider-Men pointing meme....just with three Spider-men! Lenny’s back up was Marty McFly, Sean’s back up was Elton John and Javier’s back up was Legolas. Yes, I FIRMLY believe Javier is a “nerd” in the best of ways. 
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Jack - wanted to be involved, but remembered he was spiderman last year and the year before that so now he’s decided he’s Batman. He was not allowed to watch the Robert Pattinson film, but he’s watched the Kevin Conroy original Batman the Animated Series and loved it.
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Kieran - One of the classic Riddler styles, baby! He loves that Jack is Batman - the same version he grew up with. He tells lame riddles all night which annoys some of the gang members, but Jack has a ton of fun trying to figure them out.
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Josiah Trelawny - lost a bet and did not get to pick his outfit. He was horrified until…….it was the ladies who picked it out. They picked out Dr. Stephen Strange.
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Tilly, Karen and Mary-Beth - Charlie’s Angels. Mary-Beth wanted it last year and they didn’t do it so she INISTED this year. Note: I l literally do NOT know ANYTHING about Charlie’s Angels except that Farrah Fawcett was extremely famous because of it. If you know how to match characters to their personalities, go ahead!
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Susan Grimshaw - Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland. It’s a fun costume with so many different interpretations so she gets to pick what pieces she wants.
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Micah - the Joker Heath Ledger version because he likes doing the impressions. He is monitored around Jack. (Oops, didn’t know I had 3 batman characters on here. Sorry, but I think it works!)
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Mr. Pearson - Bob’s Burger and people actually like it! 
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Reverend Swanson - Gandalf. He has a rivalry with the “Star Wars nerds”, but it’s all in good fun.
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Leopold Strauss - doesn’t dress up. He thinks it’s a waste of time. Some of the less festive gang members agree with him. However, he does hand out items like pencils which....is useful at least?
Bill - Freddy Kruger - but does not wear the mask around Jack and his sister. He wants to be able to choose when he’s scary and when he’s not...besides, the Marstons and co would kick his ass. (Jack would probably think it’s cool, though.) (Doing a collage image because watch someone report me for posting a horror costume lol I know people who have been reported for less.)
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Rufus -  Jack and Abigail decide Rufus will use his good boyness for good and make up for John’s lack of celebration.
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Amelia Marston - My name for Abigail and John’s daughter. Abigail and John want to raise a strong little lady so who better than a feminist icon like Rosie the Riveter? (To those who don’t know, Rosie the Riveter was a World War II propaganda figure who encouraged all women to work outside of the home for the war effort - usually in factories.
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Could you write a Joseph one where you've been part of the cast of Stranger Things since the first season and but in the fourth your character becomes Eddie's love interest and with that you start to spend more time on and off camera with Joseph in which during production everyone of the cast realizes that you have a chemistry together to the point that you start dating but keep the relationship a secret from the public but the cast knows and keep this secret that you are together and during the interviews you two do together with Joe, Natalia and Maya or only with two of you , the public begins to realize that have something going on between the two of you and then pictures come out on the internet of you leaving a restaurant together holding hands, and during the red carpet you both decide to assume your relationship, thus breaking the internet since the public ships you together
New Love [Joseph Quinn x Reader]
A/N: sorry, this took long to write. I work fulltime at a day care, and it has been pretty hectic that I barely had time to write anything. I hope you enjoy it. I think this might be one of my longest that I have written.
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You were finally returning to work on Stranger Things 4. You had been a regular on the show since season 1 and were definitely excited to see where this season takes your character. You had heard around that there were going to be some new characters, therefore new cast mates. You loved meeting and collaborating with new people. You make your way to set and excitedly find Maya and Joe Keery. Everyone was so happy to see each other, and you couldn’t wait to welcome the newcomers. “How are you guys? I feel like I haven’t seen you guys in forever.” You exclaim at the two. “I am so excited to start filming, the script sounded so good.” Maya said excitedly. You notice a cute curly headed guy walk on set and start introducing himself to the others. You had never actually seen any of his work before and therefore, weren’t too sure about who he was. he started making his way over to where you were talking with Maya and Joe. “Hello, I’m Joseph.” He begins to shake Keery’s and Maya’s hands. “Nice to meet you, I’m Joe and this is Maya and Y/N.” Joseph sticks his hand out for you to shake but you were lost in your thoughts. ‘Wow, he’s super and English’ you thought. Keery snaps his fingers in your face to get your attention. You shake away your thoughts, slightly embarrassed. “Hi, sorry.” You apologise. Joe just smiles at you, which makes you feel slightly weak in the knees. ‘How is this man having this effect on me?’ you question yourself.
Everyone gets called into a huddle by the Duffer brothers, ready to give a welcome back speech and direct everyone on what is going on. You look around at everyone’s faces, listening and super focused. Your eyes land on Joe once again, admiring the way he looked in the natural light. He catches you looking and shoots you a small smile. You blush and smile back. After the quick meeting, you make your way to the hair and makeup trailer. You knock on the door softly and wait for an answer. You are greeted by Amy, the head of the hair department, smiling wide at you as she lets you in. “Hey, how are you?” she gives you a small hug and you sit down in the chair. “I’m good, how are you?” you answer back. “I’m good. Excited to be back and working?” you smile wide at her. “Of course, it’s so good to see everyone and to finally be working on the show again.” You reply happily. You had to admit that you were a bit of a workaholic when it came to the show. You had studied the script tirelessly before coming into work today, wanting to be prepared. You go over your lines for the day while gets started on your hair. This season, your hairstyle would be different than the past seasons, going from black, curled Farrah Fawcett styled hair to more of a Joan Jett style mullet as your character was beginning to have a bit of a rock n roll vibe. You hear a soft knock on the trailer door and then the sound of it opening then closing. In walks Joe Quinn, catching your eye once again. You started to feel a little nervous in his presence, what did he think about you staring at him earlier? Did he think it was weird?
“Hey Y/N, hair is looking good.” He gives you a small smile. He sits down in the chair next to yours. He notices that you’re reading the script again. “So, which character are? Sorry, I haven’t really seen the show so I’ve been asking everyone who they play” you giggle at him, and you can see him relax little. “I play Dustin’s sister, Amelia Henderson. Who are you playing?” you ask him, you weren’t able to attend the table reads but playing a reoccurring character, you were allowed to miss it. He smiles wide and replies “Eddie Munson. Looks like we fall in love this season.” You laugh and start to blush again. Eddie was described as the metalhead misfit of the season; you couldn’t wait to see how he looked as the character. You could see the various different concept pictures of his different wig styles, but you weren’t sure about what his final look was.
You left the trailer before Joe did, so you weren’t able to see his final look. You waited for your cue to walk into the scene you were shooting. As you walked into camera view, you had spotted Joe and suddenly forgot your lines. He looked amazingly hot in his Eddie attire. You pull yourself together before anyone notices you staring. You act out your scene, executing your lines perfectly. Once you heard ‘cut,’ you notice Joe smiling at you from the side. He was admiring your acting skills. You blush to yourself again, hiding it better this time. You knew Maya was watching you intently as your scene was alongside her. You gave her the side eye as you knew she was teasing you in her mind what she was witnessing between you and Joe, you knew you would get a grilling from her later. Joe was called to set to film the next part of your scene, your characters were meeting for the first time. Quiet on set was called, followed by action and you and joe were in full character. Your characters were meeting in the school cafeteria after Eddie gives the instructions of finding a sub to Dustin and Mike, you walk over to where the boys stood. You deliver your lines, ‘Hey Dustin, mom is gonna be home late tonight, so I’ll pick you up after Hellfire.’ ‘Hey there Henderson’ you could feel the butterflies starting to form in your stomach from Joe’s gaze. ‘Munson, I’m just trying to have a conversation with my little brother.’ Joe walks over to you, grabs your hand and gives your knuckles a gentle kiss. The feeling of butterflies gets stronger, and a genuine blush appears on your cheeks. ‘Eddie seriously’ roll your eyes, you turn back to Gaten, ‘I’ll see you later Dustin.’ You walk off set as the cut is called. You walk to your cue, ready to hear feedback on whether you’ll need to film it again. “Well done guys, we’ll move on to the next scene.” Matt Duffer calls out. You head back to your trailer to wait until you’re needed again. As you’re walking, you hear someone call out to you. “Hey Y/N, wait up.” You turn to find it was Joe. He jogs over to where you are standing. “Do you want to hang out and maybe go over our lines together?” He seems nervous as he waits for you answer. “Sure, I’m cool with that.” You smile at him.
That became the daily routine for you and Joe, doing scenes together or just hanging out in either your trailer or his, going over lines. Maya would tease you in the evenings about how close you and Joe had gotten, how cute you would both be together. Your response was either you blushing or giving her a small shove. She was one of your best friends on set. You and Joe had eventually become so close that you both decided one night to make it official, but you kept it private from the fans. Filming had been wrapped for a few months now and it was time for the cast to start promoting the new season and going on press tours. You were obviously teamed up with Joe for most of the interviews but there were a few where you were both partnered up with Maya and Keery. The four of you always had lots of fun in the interviews, goofing around, making jokes and reminiscing about all the fun everyone had on set.
Tonight was the red carpet and you decide to sit on Tik Tok as your hair was being styled. You always came across fan edits about you and Joe’s characters, the fans loved them together. Some videos started to come up of the fans shipping you and Joe, some theorising that something was going on between the two of you. An image pops up on one video of you and Joe leaving your favourite restaurant hand in hand after your last date night together. You felt a pang of nervousness inside you, you weren’t sure whether Joe had seen this or not. Then you hear a knock at your hotel door. “Come in, it’s open.” You call out, you weren’t worried about who it as your whole hotel floor was had security. In walks Joe, also looking nervous but very handsome in his Kenzo suit he had chosen to wear. He gives you a quick kiss and then sits down on an armchair close to you, admiring you with loving eyes. You show him the video you just saw. He watches it a few times, focused and in thought. “Maybe we should go public tonight. I mean they already suspect it.” He shrugs, like it was an obvious option, but you didn’t think he was actually ready. “I’m ready to if you are.” You look at him in the mirror. He gives you a comforting smile, as he reaches for your hand. You enjoy this moment for a minute, as you both acknowledge that you’re ready to share with the world that you’re in a relationship. You nod your head, then stand to change into your outfit for the red carpet. You were wearing a beautiful navy-blue, floor-length dress that hugged you in all the right places, matching with Joe’s suit. As you walk out, you notice Joe gawking at you, completely enamoured by your beauty. He walks over and captures you in a passionate kiss, surprising you. He’s given you many kisses but this time, it felt different; filled with more love and longing.
The ride to the red carpet seemed like it took forever as you were definitely filled with nerves about revealing your relationship with Joe. You knew you had nothing to worry about as the fans already expressed how much they’ve wanted you and Joe to end up together. Once you pull up to the venue, Joe gets out first. The flashing lights puts you in somewhat of a daze, then you focus on Joe reaching his hand out to help you out of the car. The camera flashes started getting crazier and questions are flying in your direction. Many asking if you were both dating and how long it has been going on. Joe gives your hand a gentle squeeze as he notices you getting a little anxious about it all. He was such a sweet and supportive boyfriend; you were head over heels for him. You just knew that your phone would be going crazy with notifications as you and Joe walked the carpet hand in hand, in your own little bubble of pure love and happiness. You greeted your castmates as you reached where they were all standing, ready for a group photo.
The next morning, you spent covered in the blankets with Joe, just holding each other. You hear your phone ping on the bedside table. A message from Maya, telling you to check twitter. You and Joe were trending after last night, the fans in shock and awe over the news. It was so hectic that your app kept crashing, unable to keep up the amount of traffic going through your newsfeed. You show Joe and you both just smile wide at each other. Finally happy that you don’t have any secrets from the fans but still some privacy to enjoy each other.
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dollsorwhatever · 4 years
Tarina Tarantino Barbie OOAK  2008
I can’t believe how surreal this is for me LOL story and photos below the cut!! In 2008, jewelry designer Tarina Tarantino collaborated with Mattel to create a collection of Barbie jewelry pieces... and a Barbie Collector doll:
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Let me tell you, this doll was EVERYTHING to me. I was thirteen, about to be fourteen, and this doll was the only thing I wanted for my birthday, period. I spent hours just looking at her online; the fluffy, curly pink hair, the incredibly detailed jewelry, all of those amazing clothing pieces and the stunning box, her gorgeous face.. I would have died for this doll lol. To this day, she’s my favorite Barbie Collector doll ever released, and one of my favorite Barbie dolls to ever exist, I was so giddy when I got her! The good parts are below the cut:
When the doll was launched at Tarina Tarantino’s studio in 2008, there were six OOAK custom dolls on display at the party as well, to be auctioned off for charity. They’re the same base doll as the general release Tarina, but the hair and jewelry are unique and they each came with a fully bedazzled car (or a Moped in one example), and a piece of jewelry from the collection.  The six dolls were: Candy Cameo Barbie 
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Sparkling Star Barbie
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Peace, Love and Sparkle Barbie
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Hippie Princess Barbie
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Glam Rock Barbie
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And finally, the subject of this post, Popstar Barbie
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I can’t even describe how much I LOVED these dolls, particularly Popstar and Sparkling Star. I had their pictures saved on my computer and I would just look at them all the time, google pictures of them from the launch party and think about how lucky I would be to own one of them.  Sadly I wasn’t very careful with my dolls when I was 14, and eventually my Tarina became a little busted and I got rid of her. I did get a second one at Big Lots when I was 15, but I kinda destroyed her too lol.   What’s funny is that Tarina is actually the #1 reason why I became a member of the online doll community; I tried washing her (curly, kanekalon) hair, ruined it, and in searching for ways to fix it I found and joined the Flickr doll community, without which I never would have learned about doll photography, hair restyling or any of the amazing dolls I discovered through this community. She quite literally changed my life when I was 14 lol.  Anyways, I’ve always wanted to get a new Tarina to leave NIB but it was never the right time, until last week when I decided to go looking at pictures of her...and then, at the top of Google Images, was a listing for Popstar Barbie, with her Swarovski encrusted Corvette, on a secondhand designer clothing website for about 340$.
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I can’t even describe how FRANTIC I became lmfao. I had to wait about 4 days to buy her, until I got paid, and then I bought her as quickly as I could.  She just got here today and frankly, I can die happy now. Sorry for these rough pics lol I have a migraine and didn’t want to set up to take good photos today. She came in a plain white cardboard box with a Tarina Tarantino sticker on the top, wrapped in pink tissue paper:
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She is in EXCELLENT condition, even her hair looks completely untouched.  Here’s a photo of her that was taken around the time of the launch:
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She’s in the same condition as she was, all those years ago when this photo was taken! As previously mentioned, her base is identical to the general release; the only differences are that her hair is rooted with a side part and (expertly) cut and styled into a Farrah wave, her jewelry is entirely different and custom made, and her purse is covered with little rhinestones to match.   Also her stand is signed by Tarina!! She’s incredibly beautiful, ughh
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I think her jewelry might actually be Swarovski, since Tarina really likes to work with their stones. She’s absolutely pristine, actually I’m quite certain she was put in the box immediately after the auction and never touched again.  Much to my delight and surprise, she also came with the original auction card, the pedestal it stood on, and her COA, all wrapped in official Tarina Tarantino tissue paper (as well as the necklace, still in the little drawstring baggy):
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This was SO exciting for me to see as I never expected the card to be included, but I’m so pleased to have it! And last but not least, the car!!
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It was fully wrapped in plastic in the shipping box, and I re-wrapped it after taking this quick/messy photo.  It’s the 2008 TRU exclusive Corvette, but absolutely SOAKED in crystals. The rims and tires, the headlights, even the seatbelts and windshield edges are just absolutely covered in different, individually placed stones (mostly Swarovski AB crystals I believe) Also! That black thing on the front is a resin SKULL with gemstone eyes!!!! Absolutely incredible.  I find it absolutely, completely 100% unbelievable that I own this doll, this doll that I’ve coveted since I was 14 and NEVER thought I would own in a million years, this one of a kind doll that was physically displayed at Tarina Tarantino’s studio and signed by Tarina herself...and she’s mine. It frankly feels like destiny considering how much I love the original doll, and how big a part she’s played in my life as a doll collector.  I also purchased a general release Tarina Barbie shortly after getting her, to keep NIB and display with the OOAK (and also because I really, really, really missed owning her lol)
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The current plan is to keep this doll NIB, and then purchase another NIB Tarina- that way I’ll have one to debox and restyle, and I can repackage the OOAK in her box for permanent safekeeping and display. Actually I plan on purchasing two more Tarinas haha; one NIB to steal her box and leave stock, and a loose one to restyle and rebody lol.  As for the car, I plan on packaging it to remain pristine and safe, perhaps in a clear acrylic case, and putting it in my closet for safekeeping when it’s not on display in my room. I plan on setting up my lightbox (the one I’ve owned for years and literally never use) and taking a shit ton of detailed, HQ photos of both Barbie and her Corvette for documentation purposes; I feel absolutely honored to own this doll and I really want to capture every detail for people to see.  Anyway long post, thanks for reading sksksks
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theofficialcunt · 7 years
Simplicité - Chapter 1 {Biadore}
Hi everyone! I’ve had this idea in my head for awhile, and I’ve decided that this is going to be my main focus for the time being. I’m going to try my best to update this every Wednesday night/Early Thursday morning.
This is a lesbian AU, set in Chicago during present day. Bianca, 26, is a successful business owner of the fabulous Simplicité Salon & Spa. Adore, 21, is her new personal assistant/makeup apprentice from Southern California. The two are close in age but couldn’t be more different, but they might end up surprising one another as they get to know each other, as well as themselves. Adore and Bianca are both on their own paths to acheiving personal growth, and have the help of Courtney, Bob, Farrah, and more. 😽 This will have a few side ships, and I already have it partially outlined because well, some of these experiences actually happened to me personally.
This is mainly a teaser chapter, its 3.9k so somewhat lengthy so I really hope you enjoy!!
“Goodbye Mom!”
Adore was dressed in her signature red flannel, ripped shorts, and ripped tights, embracing her mom tightly in the middle of LAX. Her mom squeezed her back extra hard, rubbing her floppy straw hat and kissing her forehead one last time.
“Do you have to do this Adore?” Bonnie asked tearfully, moving a strand of fire engine red hair behind her ear.
Adore gulped, nodding solemnly as she clutched her hello kitty bag.
“Yeah mom. I do. It’s for the best.”
Adore had been in a slump since her high school days. She was stuck in an economic wasteland, known more commonly as southern california. She had a hard three years; from trying and failing to complete community college, to not being able to get a job due to her lack of experience, and on top of that being a raging lesbian with no love life in sight.
She had been desperate for change. She had tried everything from joining a baseball league, to partying in downtown LA by herself, to even trying to make friends through a stupid app called Bumble.
It wasn’t until she began looking online at the job boards, for any sort of opportunity that stuck out to her - where she unexpectedly found a new adventure.
Wanted: Personal Assistant & Apprentice in Makeup Artistry at Simplicité Salon and Spa
Salary will be contingent on candidates ability to perform daily tasks effectively, such as: heavy lifting, graphic design, answering phone calls, managing social media, greeting clients, and participation in off site events. Candidate must be able to work weekends, weekdays, and long shifts, as well as multi-task effectively. They must be open minded, and willing to learn new things daily. Experience not necessary. Room in house will be included as a part of employment, due to unpredictable demands and long hours.
Location: Chicago, IL
“Mom!” Adore yelled, as she ran down the stairs excitedly. She ran around the corner to the kitchen, where Bonnie was preparing Chilé Quilles.
“Yes?” Bonnie asked, lips pursed patiently as she waited for her youngest daughter to tell her what was happening.
“There’s this job opportunity and I think I’m going to go for it!” Adore exclaimed, jumping up and down wildly. She didn’t know why, but when she saw the job posting she got the chills - and just felt like it was a good fit. But she didn’t want to apply for it without her mom’s approval.
“That’s great baby!” Bonnie squealed, clapping her hands relieved. “Where is it at? And what will you be doing?”
“See the thing is, is that the job will be in Chicago but I think it’d be totally cool for me to get out of California for awhile!” Adore said nonchalantly , twisting a red curl around her finger. “I’d be a personal assistant for a fancy ass salon though, and I’d get to do makeup!”
“Chicago?” Bonnie frowned, turning the flame off on the stove. She turned to face Adore with sad eyes. “Why do you want to move so far away?”
“Mom,” Adore sighed, frustrated. “I don’t, but it’d be totally temporary and I’d get to live in a brand new state! The job is an amazing oppurtunity, once in a lifetime-”
“Where will you stay? How will you afford rent? And groceries? Adore it’s not as simple as you’re making it-”
“A room to rent is included if I get the job. Apparently my new boss would need me at random times, which means I’d need to be at her disposal at all times.” Adore explained.
“That sounds a bit sketchy. Are you sure this is a legit listing?” Bonnie raised an eyebrow as she handed Adore a plate.
“I thought the same thing, but I looked on the salon’s website as well and the same listing is there. Did you know that it’s one of the top 5 salon and spas in the midwest?”
“No, because I don’t even know the name of the spa mija. We live in California, not Illinois.” Bonnie deadpanned.
“Oh it’s called Simplicité.” Adore said, unknowingly failing to do a horrible french accent. She shoveled the chile quilles into her mouth as her mom pondered silently over the news.
Of course for Bonnie, the move was going to be hard - especially since Adore is the last one left at home. But, she knew Adore was miserable here in Southern California, and maybe the change of scenery wouldn’t be such a bad idea for her.
Adore had been through alot in the last 3 years, and Bonnie had watched all of the unfortunate events happen to her. First it was the ruthless bullying for her alternative fashion sense, which Bonnie will silently admit wasn’t the best. Adore had been bullied so much, she had ended up dropping out of high school and going to continuation school instead.
Then there was the community college incident. She had decided to go to school for psychology, and ended up dropping out after one semester. She hated it, despised how she felt lost within the crowd and ended up trying to find a job instead.
Adore was into makeup, there was no secret about that. Bonnie would come home to her sitting cross legged in front of her laptop, practicing a smokey eye or contouring and highlighting. It was one of the only times she would ever see a smile on her daughter’s face. She had attempted to get a job at MAC in the mall, but she ended up getting cut because of -you guessed it: her interview attire.
Adore was young, and if this spa was willing to give her a chance - then she should go for it. Despite how hard it would be on Bonnie as a new empty nester.
“I think it’s a great idea.” Bonnie finally admitted, looking sternly into her 21 year old’s eyes.
“Yay! Thanks mom!” Adore squealed, tackling Bonnie into a bear hug before she ran back up the stairs.
A few weeks later
“Hello Miss Delano, this is Bianca from Simplicité. After careful review of your application and resume, I would like to extend an official offer of employment to you. I was very impressed with your charisma and charm over the phone, and think you would be a great fit for our team. Please give me a call back if you are still interested in the position. You would begin your employment on June 16th, and your airfare will be taken care of as a courtesy since you had mentioned how costly it is. Thank you and have a nice day.”
Adore dropped her phone in stunned silence as she realized it was happening. It was all real now.
She was finally going to have a chance at happiness again.
“Call me as soon as you land okay? I love you mija, show them all what a kickass chola you are.” Bonnie gave her a kiss one last time, before watching her daughter walk through the shiny glass doors of LAX. Adore looked back one last time, tearfully as she waved goodbye to her mom.
Her mom had been her best friend all throughout childhood. They had done everything together from the time she was born up until this very day, her moving day.
A part of her still couldn’t believe she was going through with this, who just packs all of their shit and moves 2,000 miles across the country? Who applies for a job in Chicago when they live in Southern California? Apparently Adore Delano does.
It was hard leaving her mom by herself, but she knew if she were to stay - she would never move out of her mom’s house and become independent. She would stay there forever, and never find someone to be with, and never get over all of the past trauma she had to deal with.
“Flight 329 to Chicago, boarding in 5 minutes.” The stewardess announced from the terminal. Adore shuffled across the airport, scurrying as she cut a dozen people in line to get through security.
“Miss, you can’t cut me!” An angry old man yelled.
“I have a plane to catch and if I miss it, my entire life will be ruined. Do you really want to fuck up my destiny man? It’s already bad enough mercury is in retrograde right now.” Adore snapped back bitterly.
“I could give two shits about your life and your planets!”
“Fuck off!” Adore yelled, throwing the middle finger up defiantly as she was ushered through security from TSA. She tore her converse off quickly and shoved her purse in a plastic bin, throwing her middle finger up again as she heard the old man muttering obscenities to himself. A guard pushed her gently into the full body scanner, telling her to hold still.
Stepping out of the scanner, she grabbed her bag and shoes quickly and began running towards her gate. She was slipping on the linolueum as her tights rubbed against the shiny surface. She cursed herself as she slowed down to a brisk walk, locating her gate and making a run for it.
“Group B, please stand up and get in line.”
Adore looked down at her ticket, and noticed she was group A. Fuck! She had missed her group. The odds of her getting a window seat now were slim to none. She ran made it to her gate, just in time for the stewardess to begin scanning all of Group B’s tickets. She slowly followed the line of group B’s and finally made it onto the plane, barefoot and all.
She looked around frantically, hoping she would find a window seat near the front. Luckily, she managed to slip into one near the wing. She sighed, excusing herself as she climbed over the overweight man and the small blonde teenager who couldn’t’ve been more than 15 to get to it. She slid her purse underneath the seat, and sighed in relief. She had made it. She was on the plane and she was about to start her new life.
She wouldn’t be arriving to Chicago until late at night, around 11:30 to be accurate. The flight was 5 hours from SoCal, which was the longest non stop flight she had ever been on. She pulled her ipod out of her pocket and popped the earbuds in, as she leaned her head back in the seat and drifted off peacefully.
“It is 11:45 pm currently in Chicago, thank you so much for flying with us tonight. Goodnight!”
Adore rubbed her eyes sleepily as she woke up to the bright fluorescent airplane lights. She had slept the whole time! That was actually really nice! As she began to get up, a flash of light illuminated the airplane from outside.
It was storming outside?
Thunder cracked loudly overhead, causing Adore to jump - and she hurriedly grabbed her purse and phone.
2 new messages
Bianca: I’m downstairs by the baggage claim. I have red hair. I’m also holding a sign with your name on it, hopefully you won’t miss me.
Sassy, Adore thought. She scrolled to the next message and smiled.
Bianca: Your flight was clearly delayed due to the weather. You’re going to experience your first midwestern storm tonight.
Adore hated storms with all of her heart. They hardly ever got them in SoCal, but when they did she would refuse to go anywhere because of how unpredictable the lightning was. She put her converse back on and scurried out of the airplane quickly, doing her best to not look scared as she followed the crowd towards baggage claim.
A wave of nervousness washed over her. As she looked for Bianca, she couldn’t help but wonder why she was chosen for the job. She had no previous work experience, and on top of that Bianca had to pay for her flight out here.
She wondered how her new boss looked. Was she tall? Short? Fat? As she pondered it, she realized she had made it to baggage claim, and that there was a short red headed woman near the corner with her name on a piece of paper.
Adore gulped as she walked over to her timidly, holding her purse close to her.
“Ah, you must be Adore.” Bianca smiled, folding the piece of paper and putting it in her black purse. “I’m Bianca, it’s nice to meet you.”
Adore shook her hand softly and smiled shyly. Bianca was much prettier than she imagined, and much more intimidating. She was dressed in a sheer high low black strapless dress, a cardigan with a silver brooch on it, and black pumps. Her makeup was done heavily, and her sleek strawberry hair was tightly styled into a bun on the side of her head.
Adore was kicking herself for not dressing up, as she stared down at her worn black converse and ripped tights. She felt vulnerable now.
“God, you call that a handshake?” Bianca scoffed, “Try again, and this time try not to let your hand flop in mine lazily.”
Adore’s eyes widened, shocked at her crassness. She gripped her hand firmly again, shaking it with confidence as she met her beady brown eyes. She was tired, the heavy makeup distracted an untrained eye from it - but Adore found it easy to see through that.
“Long day?” Adore asked, studying Bianca’s eyes carefully. A look of surprise flashed across her face for just a moment, before she composed herself.
“Everyday is a long day when you’re a business owner.” Bianca said, plastering on a smile. “Grab your bags and let’s go. We need to get home, especially since we have an early start tomorrow.”
An early start? They were starting her training already? Wow, not even a one day’s break, Adore thought. She wasn’t expecting to be thrown in immediately.
Bianca smirked at the younger girls panicked expression. Clearly she didn’t realize she would be starting so soon.
“There’s no rest for the wicked, Miss Delano. We have a lot of work to do.” Bianca said, studying her new peer. She had dry, brittle, red hair that looked like it needed a brush ran through it six months ago, as well as 5 or 6 other products. Her choice in fashion was… interesting to say the least. Definitely still trying to make a statement, she noticed as she scanned the mismatched prints of her flannel and polka dot tank top.
Once Adore grabbed her bags, they settled into Bianca’s suv - a Hyundai Santa Fe with a couple of various items littered in the backseat.
“Is that..a nightstand?” Adore asked confused as they loaded the last bag into the trunk.
“I like to get crafty,” Bianca smiled toothily. “That’s actually one of your projects for tomorrow. I’m looking to switch up the spa a little bit.”
“Great.” Adore said as enthusiastically as she could for someone who had been traveling all day. She was suddenly exhausted, finally feeling the impact of her day.
“Don’t worry, we’re gonna be home shortly.” Bianca comforted as they pulled out of the airport parking lot.
Adore surprisingly dozed off as Bianca drove through the city, despite the storm. When the car finally stopped moving, Adore jolted up noticing that they were parked in another parking garage.
“This is where you live?” Adore asked, bewildered.
“Where WE live.” Bianca corrected, opening the trunk as she grabbed one of Adore’s bags. Adore stretched her arms outwards before she got up, flipping her red hair over her shoulder nervously.
She stepped out of the car, feeling the sticky humidity grab her skin. The rain had stopped, but left it overly humid. “Gross.” Adore muttered quietly under her breath as she grabbed her bags.
“Get used to it. This is pretty common here.” Bianca chuckled, leading the way to the elevator, where there was an attendant standing inside.
“Good evening. Late night Miss Del Rio?” The blonde perky attendant, Alisha asked.
“Yes. I had to grab my new roommate from the airport.” Bianca smiled widely, elbowing Adore.
“Welcome to Chicago, Adore. I’m here in the evenings, for your convenience.” Alisha smiled at Adore. “ Floor six right?”
“Correct.” Bianca responded, as they settled into the elevator.
It was silent in the elevator as they awaited their floor. The two women were both exhausted, Bianca was amused at the younger girl’s attire. She was about to be in for the transformation of a lifetime. She wanted so bad to touch her hair, to see what exactly she would be working with, but the elevator dinged indicating that they had reached their floor.
“Good evening.” Alisha nodded, watching as the two women exited with their collection of luggage.
Bianca’s heels clacked on the marble tile in the hallway. This was a very nice building, Adore thought. Much nicer than anything she had ever been used to.
Bianca stopped in front of their apartment, a giant 305 was sprawled across the dark wooden door in elegant gold cursive.
“This is us.” Bianca chimed, unlocking the door with ease.
As Bianca sauntered into the home, Adore stopped and stared as she took in all of the sights around her.
In the entry way was a beautiful antique chandelier, it had to be a couple of hundred years old at least. But that’s not all. Bianca had pictures sprawled across the narrow hallway - pictures of her with famous people, in front of the salon on opening day next to a very attractive blonde and a sassy looking black guy wearing a fedora.
“That’s Courtney.” Bianca mused, watching Adore study the picture closely. “She’s a cunt.”
Adore laughed, surprised at her ubrupt description of Courtney. “You’re always one to keep it classy aren’t you?”
“Well of course. A southern belle like me always minds her manners.” Bianca said sarcastically.
Adore let out a long hearty laugh as she closed the front door behind her, settling into the hallway. Her jaw dropped at another picture, eyes widened with envy.
Bianca froze when she saw her gazing in awe at one of the pictures in particular.
“Ah, you must have found one of my celebrity meet and greet photos.” Bianca smirked, closing the distance to see which picture she had discovered.
“I can’t believe you got to meet Anna Nicole. She was my idol.” Adore gushed, tracing her hand longingly over the picture frame.
Confused, she looked up at the girl. How did she even know who she was? She wasn’t that old.
“Aren’t you only 18?” Bianca asked confused.
“I’m 21.” Adore said hesitantly. “Didn’t you see my age on my background check?”
Oh. That meant she was only 5 years her junior. She acted much younger than her age, which really threw her off. She would be lying if she said she didn’t envy the young latina’s genes, she had smooth porcelain skin and bright blue eyes that dazzled. Her hair was a choice, but that was an easy fix. It was really too bad that she was hiding all of her natural beauty underneath the giant dry heap of red hair.
“I guess I should have. Well great.” Bianca said, taking the rest of her bags. “Let me show you to your room. I’m fucking tired.”
Adore raised her eyebrows as she followed her down the long hallway. Their rooms were across from each other, she discovered that Bianca’s door was closed.
As they entered the chic room, Adore was in shock. It was much bigger than the room she had lived in at home. She had a large window next to her bed; that had a great view of downtown Chicago. On top of that, her bed had brand new comforters, string lights hung around the vicinity, and scented candles from bath and body works were littered on her bedside table. As well as a notepad, a journal, and a planner.
“I got my inspiration from tumblr.” Bianca grinned, “You like?”
“Bitch, I fucking LOVE this! It’s totally me.” Adore squealed, kicking her shoes off and letting her feet sink into the shaggy black rug in the middle of the room.
“You might have noticed the notebook and planner on your bedside table.” Bianca cleared her throat uncomfortably. She didn’t know Adore very well yet, but felt weird about switching the conversation to a more business like setting. “You’re going to need to take notes. In the car, at work, wherever I am.”
“Notes? Why?” Adore asked.
“Well,” Bianca started, sitting on the edge of the black and white checkered bed. “You see, my mind goes a million miles an hour. And sometimes on a whim, I’ll get a really good idea and forget all of the specifics about it. So at any given moment, I’m going to need you to take notes as soon as I say basically. As you get to know me, you’ll know when my mind will start to go off the rails and when to start writing.”
Holy shit. Not even here for an hour, and Bianca was already telling her her expectations. It was midnight for fucks sake. Adore could barely process the fact that she was in a luxury apartment in the middle of Chicago, let alone taking notes and listening to every word Bianca says.
“Also,” Bianca continued, not waiting for a response. She grabbed the planner from the side table and placing it in Adore’s hands. “This is really important. My schedule is constantly changing, and I’ll need you with me pretty much at all times. You are basically my scheduler. This is where all of my meetings, appointments, etc should go.”
Adore nodded numbly, thumbing through the pages quickly to see how much room exactly she would have to write things out. She was a very detailed person when it came to notes, unfortunately the planner did not have very much room. It was going to be quite an adjustment.
“Dress code is black, white and grey only.” Bianca stated, eyeing Adore’s suitcases suspiciously. She had a feeling she hardly had anything appropriate for working in a salon, but she decided for now she would give her the benefit of the doubt.
“Also, hair and makeup needs to be done. I wont let you go into work with frizzy hair.” Bianca let her eyes linger on the wild red mane before moving on. “While I’m cutting and styling hair, you’ll be working the front desk. You need to look like a 10 at all times, got it? We work in the beauty industry, not the ugly industry.”
This was a lot to take in. Adore could feel herself getting overwhelmed. Bianca had a lot of strict rules and expectations for her. She couldn’t blame her, if her apartment was this nice she could only imagine how upscale the salon looked as well. She had to do her best to fit the bill.
She was feeling very insecure and very unprepared. She thought a couple of nice pairs of black pants would suffice, but she was starting to feel like that wouldn’t be enough for Bianca’s standards.
“A response to any of this would be nice.” Bianca snapped, rolling her eyes.
“Sorry. It’s just a lot to take in.” Adore gulped.
“You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” Bianca chuckled to herself, standing up. “I’ll let you go to sleep. Gotta get up bright and early tomorrow. We’re out the door at 8:00. I expect you’ll dazzle me with your first day outfit.”
“I’ll do my best man. Goodnight Bianca.” Adore smiled weakly.
Bianca flashed a tight smile before she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.
There was no doubt about it.
Adore was fucked
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thegangismyfamily · 7 years
Hi can I have a ship? My names Farrah and I'm 5'2" and have long thick brown hair and I have brown eyes. I have a bit of extra "fluff". I'm very intelligent and I'm apparently very kind. I can get feisty and bossy sometimes though. I love animals
A/N: im so mad, I had literally finished your ship last week and I wrote this whole story with it and it was so cute and perfect and then my computer died -.- but yeah I hope you like this ❣️also you sound so so adorable 😅
Significant Other: Darry Curtis alllll theeee wayyyyy
You and Darry had been best friends for since the first grade, which wasn’t surprising seeing as you two lived next door to one another. You and Darry had grow up through the awkward phases, and the rebellion phases, and stuck though them with each other. However, when the Curtis brothers’ parents died, everything seemingly changed. Darry could hardly make time for you with his busy schedule of trying to provide for his family. You watched Day in and day out as he worked himself to the brink. But when you finally got hired to a local library not far from Darry’s roofing business, you two quickly picked back up where you left off. Darry would walk you to your job, or give you a lift, and sometimes you would bring extra food and walk down to his work on your lunch break so y'all could eat together. Seeing you was the highlight of Darry’s day and the feeling was quite mutual.
However, the only setback was that Darry got off later than you did, so he couldn’t always be there to offer you a ride on those scorching days in Tulsa. One particular day, it started pouring down rain around the time you were supposed to head home. You stood under the overhang of the library before kicking off your shoes and dashing through the rain, your bag and heels clutched to your chest, your hair matted down. Darry had been let out of his job early, seeing as business was slow and he was evidently exhausted. As he walked out the front door, he caught a glimpse of your matted hair and clinging dress. He smiles and waves to his boss before jogging to his truck and starting it up. He slowed his truck down to a stop next to you and grinned as you scowled at him.
“I know you like the rain in all, but maybe you’d like a ride,” he joked. You rolled your eyes as you hopped into his truck.
You looked over at Darry as he drove and he cracked a grin, causing you to fall into a fit of giggles. As he parked in his driveway, you gathered your belonging, just wanting to get home so you could get out of your tight dress. Darry grabbed your arm before you could jump out his truck. You looked over at him, curiously.
“What’re you doing this weekend,” he asked, chewing on his bottom lip.
“Why,” you squinted at him playfully.
“Do you wanna hang out this weekend.”
You rolled your eyes and smiled, “We hang out every weekend, of course.”
“No. I mean just us. None of the other boys, just me and you,” he said suppressing a smile.
“Darrel Curtis are you asking me out, “ you said awestruck. He nodded and you felt a blush travel up to your cheeks.
“Well I’d be honored Mr. Curtis,” you said in a fake southern accent. He chuckled and nodded, a faint blush on his cheeks. You smiled and kissed him on his cheek before hopping out his truck and walking across the yard to your house, a grin on your face.
First Date: Picnic 
Darry hardly relaxed, so you wanted to make this date really count. You decided he needed to get away from his house at least just for a while, so you stayed up all night cooking and baking a cute little meal for just you and him. When he came to pick you up, you thrusted the basket of food into his arms and your skipped out the house, an excited grin on your face. You hopped into the passengers seat and waited for Darry to start up the truck. You gave him directions to a cute little meadow you and Darry used to go to when you were kids. You visited frequently, but you knew Darry had long since forgotten about it. You had him park at the edge of the forest and you walked him through the trees and bushes. When you started getting closer to the destination, you told Darry to close his eyes. You grabbed his hand and led his cautiously through the opening to the meadow. When he opened his eyes, he was evidently shocked. He put the basket down and kissed you, picking you up off the ground and spinning you around. You laughed manically and blushed bright red. After you both sat and ate the meals you prepared, you both laid in the grass, staring at the clouds that passed overhead. Eventually Darry fell asleep, and you smiled as you looked at the rare look of peace and solitude on his face.
Best Friend: Dallas and Two-Bit
Secret Admirer: Soda
Enemy: No One
-Admin Mikayla
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milquetoast-on-acid · 8 years
Bastille Day, A Reactionary Post
Battlestar Galactica S.1 E.3, Episode Review
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Tigh as a functioning alcoholic The episode opens up with Tigh starting off his day with a couple of shots. And just how easily it is for him to function on a normal level with that alcohol running through his veins.
It's interesting to note that despite finding water in Water they are down again or hadn't found enough water. This is a nice and wonderful contrast to a little known sci-fi show that RDM previously worked on called Star Trek Voyager. In which they never ran out of torpedos, food, water and had a endless supply of scuttle crafts. Just ask Chakotay about that last one.
Solving the water crisis...with criminals I love Laura here. She takes charge here as President. There still is a power struggle here between her and Bill. And she doesn't back down, nor does she defer to him here. Even though things are better between them and they have started to bond and find some common interests. It is vitally important for her to maintain power. That she can and will.
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Also her response to Billy suggesting Anastasia go with the crew to the prison ship. Mary McDonnell is a master in reactions. Later her teasing Billy is just too adorable.
Laura's hair
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Looks like they are still trying to figure out a good hairstyle for Laura. It's better than the mini but looks very farrah fawcett circa 1970's. Not my favorite style for Laura. That'd be season 2 "Laura is dying so she doesn't give too much attention to her hair" so it looks pretty natural.
Choosing sides: Lee, who do you want to be? A Battlestar Commander like Daddy or the President like Mommy?
Lee is a young man who really doesn't know what he wants to do. He has a strong set of morals but I think at this point he doesn't really know who he is. And here he finds himself torn between his father and Laura.
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Honestly I'm not quite sure why Bill has such a big bug up his ass about Lee being Laura's representative. Maybe it's a bit of Bill not wanting to lose Lee to politics. Despite having both of his sons follow him into the service, one is dead and the other one seems to be contemplating what he wants out of life. And that just may not be a commander on the battlestar.
Although maybe Bill's point of choosing sides may have to be that Lee will have to pick on whether he wants to be a pilot or a politician. He can't be both. Which of course I agree with Bill on that he can't. But for now Lee will do a bit of both before he has to ultimately decide on who he wants to be.
"If they volunteer but these men are not slaves and I will not have them treated as such."
Also knowing what I now know about Lee. It’s not hard to see Lee being swayed by Laura. She’s very much for democratic rights at this stage in the show and that’s something that’s very much at the core of what makes Lee tick. So she’s someone for him to look up to verses his father’s rigid stance on democracy (he really doesn’t believe in it) especially when he lives in world where taking and giving orders is life. In that world there is no room for democracy.  
I am Tom Zarek and today is the first day of the new era I remember when I was first watched the show last year. There was such a big deal with Zarek's introduction scene that I knew he had to be someone but he wasn't any kind of actor that I had recognized. If you had watched the original BSG then you'd recognize him as the original Apollo.
Apollo verse Apollo
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I could never get a handle on what exactly Zarek wanted. Here he pumps Lee for information on any weaknesses between Roslin and Adama. He appeals to Lee's strong morals to sway him towards his agenda. I suppose my assumption would be that Zarek wants power and to gain control of the fleet. Although why, I'm not exactly sure. To have power? Because he's power hungry?
The thing about Zarek is that he always brings up some really great points about the current political situations whenever he pops up. He's got a point that Laura was never elected and that there should be elections. However, he's waaaay over dramatic about it and he is completely wrong that her presidency is illegitimate. Laura's assent into the presidency was in fact legal with her being the next in line for the presidency and there for legitimate.  
The thing about Zarek is his way of going about things to prove his point. He more often than not uses violence to force change and for what reason? For Power?
Boomer and the Chief: a forbidden love story
It's only obvious to everyone that Boomer and the chief are hitting the sheets or rather hitting the deck plates. Their illicit affair is having consequences.
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“Your his superior officer, we're at war this is a combat unit and your his superior officer. Put a stop to it. That's an order." 
Tigh is finally putting his foot down and as we later learn Adama knew about their affair and let it go on. Another way that Tigh and Adama differ. Tigh doesn't let anyone get away with their shit. Adama is a softie at heart and really just wants people to be happy. And if that means giving them more room to do their thing than they should then so be it. Also the Irony of what is being said here to what happens in season 4.
Caprica City, Caprica I have to wonder if Caprica is so yellow due to the radiation from the bombings or is Caprica naturally that bright and yellow.
“He's your son.” “He's your advisor.”
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Mom and Dad fighting over their kid already. You send the kid in to deal with the situation and what does he come back with? Not the solution that you had in mind. Much like a later episode (which is considered the worst episode of BSG, and you know what I'm talking about) Lee's solution to the problem is not to actually resolve the problem. Instead of dealing with the prisoners he decides oh. Let's let them go and be free men. Even if none of them have earned it. Even if some (lets face it probably all) of them are dangerous.
Lee's compromise is that they are dependent on the rest of the fleet for food and fuel. Yes that's true but what's stopping them from hijacking a transport to their ship and wreaking having on the rest of the fleet. Nothing. 
I will give him that yes, I agree. They should eventually have an election once the remainder of Adar's term is up. But on the downside of this...actions have consequences and the result of Lee's actions means that ultimately Gaius Baltar becomes president. And in a strange twist of fate New Caprica and this shit that happened there is precipitated by Lee.  
Kara and Tigh and the water that was not booze. I love Kara here and her little fake out. By giving Tigh water out of a flask and everyone (including Tigh) thinking that it's booze. This is really Kara's way of coming to common ground with him. Not necessarily resolving their issues but at least they are in a better place than before.
Laura and Lee, 
“The truth is I have cancer.” “I’m going to fight this but there is a great need for secrecy. Whether or not I survive this illness it is a great importance to me that there is a future for the people. And I fear that knowledge of my illness will erode hope. So this has to stay between you and me.” - Laura
“You can count on me.” - Lee
irony...oh Lee.
Love that dialog "Stay Frosty, there Billy." I feel like that was a saying back in the day. Stay frosty. I love it even if I don't know what it means. Stay cool maybe? Don't let shit get to your head?
"Where's your mommy?" - Saul "Dead. Where's yours?" - Useless kid who I forget his name, oh yeah it’s Boxey. What the hell kind of name is that!?
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- I swear this kid is so useless except for giving awesome one liners and thank goodness he's gone from the show after this episode.
"Zeus is calling." The first time that Adama is called Zeus, god of Olympus and god of the gods. A pretty fitting title since this show loves mythology and religious references. Adama is the father of humanity (Olympus) and father to those under his command (god of the gods). And the man with (along with Laura) holds the power.
The Sad Bill segment
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why so sad?
What I liked about this episode? I was never the biggest fan of Apollo's character but after seeing the whole entire series. I do think I like this episode better than the first time I saw it. We also get introduced to a wonderfully slippery Zarek. Who we always know has nefarious motivations but does bring up excellent points. He's power hungry and able to read people.
What I didn't like about this episode? Wasn't much that I didn't like except maybe the focus on a character that I don't care for all that much. Meaning whiny Lee.
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artificialqueens · 7 years
¡Escándalo! - {Farrah x Valentina} C*NT
Hi guys! It’s been awhile, this is my first time writing a pair other then Biadore 😁 I don’t know why, but I really ship these two season 9 beauties. Flashbacks in italic. 2k+ of drabble, a teeny miniscule amount of smut (if you can even call it that), and TW for spanking! Enjoy!. Btw, I use Valentina’s boy name James in the begining, just to clarify that I’m not referring to Jaymes Mansfield or anything like that. Not sure if I will write another part to this, let me know if you guys are into it.
James laid face down on his hotel bed, frustrated. He had been having a hard time ever since he first arrived, most likely due to the high intensity of the challenges and runways. He needed something to take his mind off of the stress, but the only thing he could think of was to look through his fashion magazines he had brought with his to the hotel.
After about 5 minutes of looking through the same pictures over and over again, he decided that wasn’t what he had wanted to do after all. He sighed and got up to wash his face with some real soap, instead of the flimsy makeup wipes he had used in the workroom.
Patting his skin dry, he thought back to that little blonde queen that had intrigued his from the moment she stepped into the workroom.
A young blonde queen peeked her head out before entering the brightly lit work room. She smiled for the camera, letting it swallow each and every angle the lean queen had to offer. Her dress was a short number, glittering silver crystals reflecting the light off of each stone beautifully. Her cheekbones were high and swept with a blinding white highlighter, making her skin look dewy and supple. Once she was done posing she approached the other queens very shyly, despite her dazzling appearance and glamourous dress. Valentina later learned her name was Farrah Moan from Las Vegas, and wondered why she had never traveled to Sin City as she approached her, hand outstretched.
“If you’re from Las Vegas, I can only imagine how the other queens there look.” Valentina gushed shaking her hand. “I’ll have to come visit.”
Farrah let out a bubbly laugh, making Valentina’s heart swell unexpectedly.
“I wouldn’t mind girl, I’ll show you around!” Farrah winked as she introduced herself to the other queens.
Season 9 had started out with a bang. The girls had met Lady Gaga, as soon as everyone had entered the room. Meeting Lady Gaga was one of Valentina’s dreams, and that had been accomplished within an hour of entering the workroom.
From there, the competition picked up and Valentina noticed Farrah was very whiney, pouty, and often needed Eureka’s help. She would give anything to bend her over and shut her up once and for all. A good smack would help level that queens head, or so Valentina believed. Despite that minor drawback, Farrah was still amazing eye candy for her to look at day in and day out.
Little did Valentina know, Farrah had been just as intrigued with her. When Valentina had won the second challenge in a wedding dress, Farrah knew she was a queen worth watching. Especially after she was underestimated by everyone for only doing drag professionally for 10 months.
Farrah was captivated with how classy Valentina had behaved, even when Aja went on a jealous rant in Untucked an episode later. She could have easily shot an angry string of insults back at her, but instead chose not to say anything. Farrah was impressed with her level of self control, and wished she could be more like her instead of always wearing her emotions on her sleeve.
The next day, the queens entered the workroom and awaited their next challenge. Valentina had awakened refreshed and rejuvenated, ready for whatever the competition had in store. She decided she was going to channel her inner frustration into the next challenge and try to forget about her stress. For some reason today had felt different though, when Ru had walked in and they did their first mini challenge of the series they realized today was going to be a long day.
Shortly after they finished, Ru announced that their main challenge would be Kardashian the Musical. It was the perfect challenge for Farrah to conquer, while Valentina had never even watched an episode. Farrah had basically grown up watching America’s controversial fashion forward family, so she knew she had this challenge in the bag. Teams were picked rather quickly, she was given the part of Kylie Jenner which was perfect for her: she had a small frame and a similar face shape.
Valentina had been cast as Kendall, which meant the two of them would be working together a lot in this challenge. Farrah didn’t know very much about Valentina, other then she had been doing drag for 10 months and that she was a force to be reckoned with despite that minor detail. Valentina had prooven herself when she won the second challenge, and she had Aja fuming over her in the last Untucked. Farrah was nervous, and she couldn’t deny that she felt a little insecure about Valentina outshining her.
The two of them sat together awkwardly at first as they listened to their part of the song. Both of them were secretly fascinated with one another, but neither one of them knew how to break the ice.
“Why don’t they have Tyga in this?” Farrah asked, finally breaking the silence.
“Who?” Valentina asked, looking up at Farrah confused.
“Tyga! He’s Blac Chyna’s baby daddy. He got Blac Chyna pregnant, and then cheated on her with Kylie Jenner; and now Blac Chyna is getting married to Rob Kardashian.” Farrah said matter of factly.
Valentina was even more intrested by the bubbly blonde, but never watched a single episode of Keeping up With the Kardashians so she didn’t really know what to say.
“Escandaló!” Valentina exclaimed finally, realizing she hadn’t commented on what Farrah had said. Farrah laughed, and Valentina felt her lips curl up; even though Farrah had been really whiny lately she sure had a cute laugh that was endearing. Valentina couldn’t help herself around her.
The two of them then had a conversation about the rest of the Kardashians before they went back to memorizing their lines, and soon they were called out to the main stage to rehearse their parts.
After going through a complicated choreographed set, Farrah was feeling discouraged about her performance. Todrick didn’t seem too impressed with her, and Farrah wasn’t feeling confident in their ability to deliver.
“Valentina, we have to do good.” Farrah whined as they walked back to the work room.
“Well let’s get practicing then mija!” Valentina exclaimed, annoyed. She wasn’t about to coddle her ego, there were plenty of other queens in the work room to do that.
They practiced for as long as they could, even on the shuttle ride home. Farrah noticed that Valentina had let her hands idle a little bit as they practiced. She was enjoying the physical contact, and was no stranger to trade but Valentina seemed too classy to want to join her in her hotel room. Soon, they had got their choreo down well enough for Farrah to be confident and thankfully, right as they pulled up to their hotel.
“Gosh, y'all have been practicing all day - get a room.” Trinity teased.
Valentina blushed and shook her head as she quickly said goodnight to everyone. Get a room?She wouldn’t be opposed to sharing a room with someone as gorgeous as Farrah Moan, even if it meant hearing her whine and cry.
Farrah was watching Valentina as she followed her down the hall to their rooms. There was something so sexy about the way she walked, even out of drag her hips swayed back and forth like a woman’s. It was mesmerizing, and Farrah shook her head as she realized she had been staring far too long. She slid her card into her door and as soon as she laid down on the bed, sleep overtook her.
The next day had come and gone. Coming back from the main challenge was leaving Farrah feeling down. She had messed up really bad with their choreography, and she felt like she didn’t really stand out much which was heartbreaking to her.
“Are you okay?” Valentina asked concerned, as Farrah was putting on her outfit for the runway.
“I don’t know. I think I did shitty and it sucks.” Farrah sniffed.
“At least you could move during the performance girl. I’m probably lip syncing.” Eureka said sadly, looking down at her knee as she gripped onto her crutch.
“You don’t know what the judges thought of your performance yet. Think positive thoughts, don’t get yourself worked up for nothing.” Valentina flashed a smile as she squeezed Farrah’s shoulders encouragingly.
Farrah smiled at her in the mirror, enjoying the physical contact and leaning into her ever so slightly. Valentina was beautiful, she had a mysterious timeless vibe that Farrah couldn’t help but be addicted to. She would do anything for a few moments alone with her, and wondered if there was anyway they could make that happen.
After the runway, and after listening to the terrible critiques she had gotten, Farrah realized that she was most likely lip syncing for her life. She grabbed a cocktail as soon as she walked into the room, joining the rest of the queens. She stayed quiet as they talked, but after awhile someone asked her if she was okay.
“I’m probably lip syncing, they hated my performance; and for the first time in my life someone told me I was wearing too much highlighter!” Farrah cried, smiling as she wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. The girls laughed and they all tried to comfort her as she put an earbud in. After Alexis was done speaking, she went over to the corner to practice her lipsync where she was then joined by none other then Valentina.
“Hey doll.” Farrah smiled weakly as she listened to the song, fixing her makeup.
“It’s going to be okay.” Valentina comforted. “You’re too talented to go right now.”
“Thanks Valentina, but I really do think it’s my time.” Farrah smiled weakly before she let out a sob, wiping a tear away from the corner of her eye again.
Valentina looked sadly at the red headed queen. She was a mess, but a damn beautiful one. One that she would like to help clean up. She stared intensely at her in the mirror as Farrah wiped the tears from both eyes.
“Okay, I’m going to be that one bitch. Stop crying.” Valentina said fiercely, grabbing her shoulder and pulling her into her. Farrah gasped at the sudden roughness, albeit a bit turned on by it.
“Focus!” Valentina pointed into the mirror, as Farrah looked up to the ceiling to stop the tears from trickling down her face. She took a deep breath and nodded, continuing to watch Valentina in the mirror.
Valentina paused and gulped, realizing she really didn’t want to see the younger queen go. She was going to do everything she could to fire her up, because the thought of Farrah leaving now was terrifying her.
“Whatever it takes. Get your motherfucking ipod and learn those lyrics. Show the world who Farrah is.” Valentina encouraged, shaking her gently.
“Drink that cocktail for inspiration while you’re at it.” She added. Farrah laughed and Valentina smiled in relief, delighted she had finally cheered her up.
“I’m gonna give you a kiss and let you get back to it.” Valentina pressed her lips to Farrah’s cheek, which was surprisingly soft despite how much makeup was on it. She let her lips linger for a few extra seconds, and let her hand brush against Farrah’s as she began to walk away.
“Wait.” Farrah grabbed her hand, eyes smoldering into hers seriously. “I’ve suddenly been inspired. Come to the bathroom with me.” Farrah whispered in her ear, winking at her.
Valentina raised an eyebrow but eventually agreed, following the queen out of the Untucked lounge and into the hallway. The two queens walked into the bathroom and shut the door.
Farrah walked up and down the length of the room, looking underneath the two small stalls to make sure that there was no one else in there. She nodded to herself absently and smiled.
Valentina could sense where this was going, so she turned around and locked the door firmly as Farrah’s heels clicked against the tile. She strode closer towards her, dangerously close, in fact. She could smell the scented lotion and perfume Farrah had slathered all over her body before they had walked the runway. It was intoxicating.
“Now, what can I do to help inspire you?” Valentina asked sweetly, enchanted by her beauty, and her sweet scent.
Farrah giggled and threw her deep red hair over her shoulder as she pulled down her tights.
“I need you to give me the best blowjob of my life.” Farrah purred, as she began to untuck.
Once she was finished, she stood there in the middle of the bathroom with her pants down, blurring all signs of gender, but still just as beautiful.
Valentina approached cautiously, like a lion stalking her prey. When she reached Farrah, she gently brushed her red hair aside and pressed her lips softly to her collarbone, trailing up to her ear.
“The judges tell me I’m beautiful, but I disagree. It’s definitely you.” Valentina murmured. She pecked her cheek softly, slowly making her way to her soft plump lips. She caught her bottom lip with her teeth, sucking on it softly as she pulled Farrah into a tight embrace.
“I’ve been checking you out this whole competition, you’re just so intimidating.” Farrah gasped in between kisses.
Valentina growled with pleasure and slapped her ass, making Farrah yelp.
“Good, you should be intimidated by me.” Valentina murmured, sliding her hand down Farrah’s lean torso to her cock. Farrah jumped startled, and let out a moan. Valentina pressed a finger to her lips silencing her.
“No more whining. I can’t stand it any longer, and if I hear it one more time you’ll get another smack on the ass, understood?”
“Yes Tina.” Farrah whimpered, lips trembling.
Valentina bent down slowly but gracefully in her heels, positioning herself so that Farrah’s dick was centered to her face. She gripped on and was pleasantly surprised with the wide girth. She hadn’t gotten a very good look at it until now anyway. She smiled as she let her nails skid up and down the length as Farrah gasped with satisfaction.
“Ay dios mio mija, I haven’t even gotten started yet.” Valentina groaned annoyed.
“I can’t help myself, you’re just so sexy!” Farrah exclaimed. She was letting herself get lost in the moment, who knew when the next time she would get any action would be.
“Shh!” Valentina smacked Farrah’s small but plump ass, silencing her for the final time. She started by pushing the tip into her mouth, letting her tongue get used to all of the curves and edges. She still had a firm grip on Farrah’s ass, in case she tried to start whining or whimpering again.
Valentina began to bob her head up and down along her length, feeling the width go in and out of her throat with ease. In this moment, she was thankful she didn’t have a gag reflex.
Farrah began to thrust herself into her mouth, breathing heavily as she filled Valentina more and more. Valentina really knew what she was doing, which was a huge turn on for her; especially since she usually attracted men who had no idea how to pleasure her. Valentina dug her nails into her cheek as she thrusted inside of her, and was so worked up she was ready to explode.
“Tina, can I come?” Farrah pleaded. She usually wasn’t one to be done so quickly, but she was so turned on by her expertise she just couldn’t help herself.
“Sí mi amor.” Valentina said huskily, clearly turned on as well. Her cock was starting to throb against her tight tuck, and was worried it would all come undone just as Farrah let herself come into her throat. Farrah arched her back, letting out the quietest moan Valentina had ever heard in her life as she pulled away slowly. Ultimately, Farrah ended up losing her balance and fell backwards hitting the hard bathroom tile.
Even collapsed on the dirty bathroom floor, completely undone from the waist down, Farrah Moan was the most beautiful creature Valentina had ever laid eyes on.
“Are you okay?” Valentina asked concerned.
“I’m fine, j-just give me a minute.” Farrah said, out of breath.
Valentina smirked at how well she had done putting the younger queen in her place. It didn’t take long for Farrah to jump up and begin re-tucking again. She sighed heavily as she did it, which concerned her.
“Was that not good enough?” Valentina asked annoyed.
“No no, that was amazing Tina! That was like the best bj I’ve ever had. I’m like relieved.” Farrah laughed as she pulled on her tights. “Thank you.”
Valentina grabbed a paper towel from the machine, walking over to the mirror to clean herself up but Farrah stopped her. She smiled at her sweetly, taking the paper towel.
“Here, it’s the least I can do.” Farrah said, gently cleaning the fluid off from Tina’s mouth and neck. When she was done, she pecked her on the lips softly; but was surprised when Valentina pulled her closer and dipped her as they kissed passionately.
When she lifted her back up, Valentina readjusted Farrah’s beautiful red wig that had gotten messed up during their embrace.
“Why are you so nice to me?” Farrah asked.
“You’re beautiful and beautiful things need the utmost care.” Valentina shrugged. She readjusted her fur coat and unlocked the door.
“Remember, the judges like vulnerability. Show them that tonight in your performance. Not the whiney bullshit you’ve been giving the camera’s.”
She looked back at a confused looking Farrah, and winked before she exited the bathroom.
How Valentina could go from sweet to savage with the utmost class was beyond comprehension for Farrah. All she knew was that there was something about Valentina that she just could not hate, even after all of the cut throat advice.
Farrah finished cleaning herself up, idling for a few minutes, and re-entered the Untucked lounge as if nothing had happened.
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