labyriinths · 2 years
@singcanary ❛ this act of yours is getting old. ❜
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Ollie knew she was just being impatient. But this was a part of his process. If his sole purpose was to please her, he could have easily stopped and gotten dressed right then and there. Instead, he found shaking things off his chest with yoga helped him to be in an overall better mood. He fully intended to keep their plans-- that wasn't going to change. She just had to wait...a little bit longer.
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"You're blocking my chi."
His tone was serious, but a quiver of laughter twitched at the furthest corner of his lips, threatening to break through. Even then, he continued to take deep breaths. “Join me,” he instructed. “You could benefit from optimal flow.” his eyes remained closed, but this time allowed for a small smile to penetrate through in hopes to get her to sit down next to him.
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hcpefell · 4 years
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“I DO NOT still have a thing for him,” Gwen groaned, tearing her eyes away from Peter then, a little pout on her lips. She could NEVER lie to Dinah, that much was for certain now. “Okay, fine, maybe a little, but I can totally go the entire afternoon without even MENTIONING HIM, starting now,” she shrugged before gesturing towards her best friend. “Unlike certain people who I know who are totally SMITTEN with each other,” A wiggle of her brows then. “I swear Bruce looks like a lovesick puppy around you.”
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quentinchasearchive · 4 years
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     “You know if I bug you at any moment you can just tell me to shut the fuck up, right?” It was kind of strange saying something like that to her mother - but this woman wasn’t her mother. It was another doppelganger and like with all doppelgangers of her family, Quentin was curious about their lives. After the tragedy that was the Earth-1 versions of parents and the Earth-X that she was horrified by, she figured it couldn’t get much worse than that. Though this version was in Gotham city and Quentin loathed it here, she had only been once and it was on Earth-1, Batwoman was really cool though she didn’t seem to exist here and that was a bummer. “I get told I talk a lot - kind of chirping consistently like a bird...”
◤ @singcanary ; starter call ◢
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labyriinths · 2 years
@singcanary ❛ one of us is gonna end up with a broken heart. ❜
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He wasn't thinking as ahead as she was, but her words weren't any less true. His band was due for a tour in a few weeks, then he was going to be in school. She, of course, had her own schedule. Gunnar couldn't really expect her to stick around knowing that could he?
"That's one way to look at it."
He got up and rubbed the back of his hand as he walked to the window, leaning his back along the sill to half sit on. "I prefer to look at it as, We both know we've got different paths ahead. We have all this time to make every moment count. It won't catch us off-guard."
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labyriinths · 2 years
@singcanary​  ❛ this feels like a terrible, terrible idea. ❜
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“I know. I know.” Chrissy looks down in desperation. All she wants to do is sleep. Meditation, music, going to the guidance counselor’s...nothing was working. Her body felt tired, strung out. Every moment she finally dozed off, she’d fall prey to the nightmares that kept haunting her. Sometimes it was so vivid, so cruel she couldn’t distinguish it from reality. It was even happening at school. Something had to be done, and she was quickly feeling like she was losing her mind. Pulling the knitted hat down she curled her fingers into the long sleeve of her shirt and wrapped her arms around her knees as she brought them forward to her chest. “I have to do something. You know I would never do drugs, but what else is left? It’s been two weeks like this.” Her eyes were moist but the tears hadn’t fallen just yet. “I just want to sleep and forget for a little while. Have a different dream.”
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labyriinths · 2 years
@singcanary​ [ HUSH ]: while standing close to one another and hiding from pursuers, the sender reaches up and places a finger against the receiver’s lips to prevent them from speaking and revealing their location.
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The moment Dinah hushed him, he nearly stepped back a step or two because they’d been going through the alleys so quickly. The smog hit past them, and it was heavy to breathe from the air pollution. Times like these he wished he had the high tech mask he’d been working on. That along with so many other of his altered gadgets were probably confiscated by now. Heroes were in such few numbers, it was a miracle himself and Dinah had gotten out relatively unscathed. 
He made sure to disable all of Queen’s satellite surveillance in fear that it would be used against them while they roamed the city. All he needed was to get to a new base where he could hopefully reboot it and come up with another plan. Right now it was getting out alive, and not being seen by one of Zod’s men. Clark wasn’t to be trusted. Unless they could get the red kryptonite ring off of him. Not only was it keeping him emotionless but highly susceptible to Zod’s commands. Lois was at an abandoned health clinic trying to smuggle as many innocents as she could without being caught. While he was worried for her safety he knew better than to doubt her willpower. They would all reunite soon enough. They just needed to put enough distance to ready a shelter or some kind of base to continue helping people. Time was not on their side.
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As he scanned the area, Oliver couldn’t help but smirk at their closeness. He did so ever so slightly still maintaining the focus on getting them through the next block. He noticed a billboard about a mile away and if he could hook up an arrow well enough, he could launch them to a location with less air pollution. Reaching behind, maneuvered his fingers around to find the grappling hook arrow. He whispered in Dinah’s ear to hold onto him as he held the position. Adjusting the angle with his bow and arrow, he launched the grappling hook to the other side. Instantly they were propelled upwards, while a swarm of gunfire and explosions were met on each side. Lowering the heads avoided most of the debris. He let go of the grappling hook just as they hit the corner of the billboard. He took a step down, and offered a hand to help her down out of habit, not because he assumed she needed his help.  “A few more blocks and I think they’ll stop following us.”
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labyriinths · 4 years
☠ What keeps you happy?
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the hella sweet munday meme
Honestly? The stories. I love being surprised and super involved in creating threads that are not common, or just different. I love it when a writing partner just sends me random stuff that has to do with our threads and it just makes it so much easier to connect and write when there's that follow through.
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labyriinths · 4 years
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@singcanary​  🎃 Our muses carving Jack-O-Lanterns (Selina)
Autumn Prompts 🍂
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Selina had the pretty bird over her corner apartment for Pre-Halloween festivities. The Cat enjoyed a good carving, so she was eager to put her creative energy to some good use. She’d also just sharpened the claws on her special gloves so she wanted to be a little messy. They were after all, in her private abode so there really was no where else she could be so blunt with her alter-ego. Had Selina gone a little too overboard? It was entirely possible. Because when she opened the door to let her in, the lights were dimmed with a purple-blue glow. There was a gentle fog in the corner of her living room, and she might have had Vincent Price in the background. Boy did she love his voice. Dressed in yoga pants, barefoot, and a long sleeved shirt with moons on it, she grinned brightly at her welcomed visitor. “Come on in. I was just about to start narrowing down the drinks for tonight. I was thinking maybe we switch it up and have The Witch’s heart.” she beamed with a smirk, closing the door behind the blonde.
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labyriinths · 4 years
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@singcanary​  🌽 Our muses navigating a corn maze (oliver)
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There were few parks in Star City that went the extra mile for festivities such as corn mazes for the holidays. It didn’t surprise him that Dinah of all people would be the one to find one. Complete with hay rides through a ‘spooky’ forest, and pumpkin carving contests, they would have plenty to do. To ensure just that, he brought up the notion of silencing their phones and delivering themselves to the day. He knew she’d get a kick out of that one. While Oliver wasn’t a social media guru, he did have tons of networks and databases he could launch into his phone. Especially should he need to access his Satellites. But, crime fighting was off limits today. He’d hope the city would give them that at least. Walking up to the entrance, he grabbed her hand, and gave her a twirl. Dipping her, he smiled. 
“Why, Dinah. Will you get lost in a maze with me?-- Where we’re likely not see civilization and start seeing hay people at every turn?” he arched a brow with humor in his eyes. “A guy’s gotta know. I mean, the competition is pretty stiff. That scarecrow guy is a real looker.” 
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labyriinths · 4 years
⛵ What genres do you like writing the most?
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the hella sweet munday meme
Honestly? I haven’t written all that much mystery in threads. But I love it, and I realize it’s not so easy to roleplay-- to a certain extent there has to be some godmodding so it has to be with someone you trust but in any case that's like a guilty pleasure i don't do enough of.
Humor is something I think I lean towards quite a bit, mixed in with Romance but another I’d love to do is Adventure (goes hand in hand with mystery) but those need a heck of a lot of plotting so I’m so down for it. whenever! :D 
Hint, Hint: Our Dinah/Selina Thread. lol
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labyriinths · 4 years
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@singcanary​  👻 Our muses tell ghost stories around a campfire (for thea)
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The last time she’d gone camping was probably when she’d been in prep school. But the idea to just getaway for a while with no real plan other than enjoy the outdoors? Let’s just say it was extremely appealing. It could be said she might have packed more than she needed, as a result of it. But, Thea didn’t care. As she grabbed one of the sticks, she mushed a marshmallow at the other end of it. With the fire crackling, she hovered it over, as she thought up a good story. “Okay, I got one!” Thea eyed Dinah playfully before becoming quite serious. Perfectly in character for the story. 
“A laundress, newly moved to Charleston following the Civil War, found herself awakened at the stroke of twelve each night by the rumble of heavy wheels passing in the street. But she lived on a dead end street, and had no explanation for the noise. Her husband would not allow her to look out the window when she heard the sounds, telling her to leave well enough alone.” She did her best to read Dinah’s expression, before taking a bite of out the toasted marshmallow. Before swallowing she chuckled a little. “With me so far?”
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hcpefell · 4 years
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“Can’t we PICK OUT your bridesmaid dresses instead?” Gwen let out a small groan, shaking her head a little. The last thing she wanted was to talk about what was happening between her and Peter; and sure, he was acting STRANGELY but she would be lying if she said she didn’t want him back in her life... nor that she didn’t LIKE IT. “Come on, Dinah, is it really so bad for me to be RECKLESS once in a while?”
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labyriinths · 4 years
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@singcanary​, Dinah observed Selina aloud, “You-You’ve got kind of a — kind of a dark side, don’t you?”
Batman Returns Sentence Starters
“Who, me?” Selina eyed Dinah playfully over her shoulder, as her hair swooped to the side. “I wouldn’t call it a dark side, per se.” She glanced down, picking up a lipstick from her clutch, as she carefully traced her lips. “I rather like edgey. There’s a certain allure of pitter patting the line of uncertainty. Thrill, really.” she graced her with a full smile, before offering her the lipstick. “Something tells me, you’re not that far off from that either.”
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hcpefell · 4 years
❛❛ I brought blankets, takeout, and your favourite movie. I know it won’t fix everything, but it might help. ❜❜
sad and soft sentence starters | accepting | @acanarycry
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Going through a breakup was ONE THING; what with everything going on, having Dinah by her side was probably the ONLY THING Gwen had going for her right now... and she was grateful for it. “You just thought about EVERYTHING, did you?” she chuckled softly, a small shake of her head then as she bit down on her lower lip. She wanted to pretend like everything was fine when she WASN’T-- and really, she couldn’t quite lie to Dinah when the other girl KNEW how much Peter and their relationship meant to her. “But thank you, D. I don’t know what I would do WITHOUT YOU,” And really, she didn’t want to find out.
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hcpefell · 4 years
❛❛ Shh, shh. It’s okay. You’re alright. You’re safe now. ❜❜
sad and soft sentence starters | accepting | @singcanary
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What she didn’t KNOW was that she was thrashing and screaming in her sleep for the better half of the hour-- when she’d AGREED to sleep over at Dinah’s that night after everything that happened with Harry and her finding out that he was the Green Goblin-- his attempts to KILL her? She didn’t quite want to be alone... nor did she want to rely too much on Peter. She woke up SWEATING, flinching at her friend’s touch with tears streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks as she caught her breath, focusing on Dinah’s voice and reassuring touches before she’d melted against her chest, wrapping her arms TIGHT around her. She should have listened to her-- to Peter, to Bruce. “I’m-- I’m SORRY,” she choked out between sobs.
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labyriinths · 4 years
“ smartass just kept pushing it, and i… i snapped.” (for oliver aksjd uh oh)
“Oh, you did, did you?” Oliver’s eyes couldn’t be more amused than they were right now. Dinah had a pension of keeping her cool better than anyone he knew. It was why she was such a great vigilante and confidant of his. It was rare the case that she lost it, so instead of him being worried or concerned about her, he was actually amused. A little sad even that he hadn’t witnessed it himself. “So...in this story of you snapping. There’s no chance that one of my many eyes in the sky might have recorded it? Because I’m thinking this sounds like one of Dinah’s Top Five home videos...”
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