fanghuas · 7 months
5. Su Daji / Creation of the Gods I
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She's in the last spot because, while many things she does might appear unhinged to us, the viewers, they are perfectly rational from her own perspective. On the other hand, brother does she ever have me clawing at the walls 😳
4. Du Pusa / Word of Honor
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She's a mean scary assassin lady. Every time she's on screen next to another woman things become 90% more homoerotic. And she wears this outfit.
3. Qiu Congxue / Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
No picture sadly but my homegirl is a skeleton. She gets unskeletoned once, is extremely pissed about it, and works to lose all the flesh in her body again as quickly as possible.
2. Shu Yanyan / Devil Venerable Also Wants to Know
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Sexual cultivation extraordinaire. Needs enrichment in her enclosure or she starts plotting. Badly. Tells the "female lead" to kill the guy she's in love him and date his reincarnation when he grows up. No one's doing it like her.
1. Jiao Liqiao / Mysterious Lotus Casebook
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My wife. My deranged little rabbit. My goodtime girl. My Jiao-jie. I support women's wrongs. She should have done more crimes 💖
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I am sure I forgot some relevant film... But I also included some of the ones lower on the list, so it evens out.
Thank you, @sirenofthegreenbanks for tagging me! I am tagging @deneb-al-giedi, @fayet, @apprenticesofdeweyhigh and @zwergenmaedchen to partake if you want! (I, too, am curious to see everyone's favourite films, ha!)
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Fic Writer Q&A
Can you imagine that *I* got tagged at a *fic writer* q&a? Yeah, me neither! Thank you, @sirenofthegreenbanks!
Perhaps I should precede this with saying that I barely write, I have published 5 works or so. And when I write, it is very short, perhaps because I am a mathematician, perhaps because I talk so much on a daily basis. My longest work is <1k and three of the five works are drabbles (like, the old school 100-word pieces). Also, I can ironically already feel that this is going to be an essay. You were warned :)
How many WIPs do you currently have?
I usually don't have WIPs, or if I have a WIP, I usually only have it for a few days, as my pieces are very short. I have fragments that I wrote for myself that I do not intend to publish. There will not be progress there, so they are not WIPs. But currently I actually have not only one, but two fragments that I would consider WIPs! That's infinitely more than on average!
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
Most of my fics so far are based on more or less stupid jokes and are in general light-hearted, funny or cracky. I think in general, I find it hardest to write earnest stuff to a satisfactory level. Perhaps that is because that might be inspired by me projecting, which leads to things being too out of character. Perhaps I just find it hard in general to hit peoples' voices, which might have a greater impact in serious topics. Perhaps it's also that writing always feels like a striptease of my soul and I deal badly with the perceived vulnerability that it brings, which is worse when it is about more serious topics. So out of the two WIPs I have, I expect the one that deals with some insecurities to be the one that is harder to finish or to finish to my satisfaction, even though it is the shorter one.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
Öhm. If it is about how I find inspiration, I don't know. It either comes or it doesn't, and I am very chill about that because I am very much not ambitious with my writing. Once I have a situation in my mind, I aim to note the gist of it down on my phone, but I am a master procrastinator but also forgetful, so that will take some time.
Then if I feel like I want to get creative and challenge myself at some point, I look up my list of ideas and pick one that feels doable at the time. (Rarely, I sit down immediately to write up a first version, but it needs to be a special idea for that to happen.)
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
No. With the length of my fics, it would take way longer to curate a playlist than I would have time to listen to it.^^ I tend to not have any music on when I am writing or only music without lyrics. I think I wrote the last few drabbles late in the night when I procrastinated going to bed or something and some invisible force possessed me to open my document with my drabbles and I just started writing and stopped when I had a decent not-quite drabble. I was just in this pretty weird, awesome mood you sometimes get into when it is in the middle of the night and you don't know what the time is even if you check the clock and you feel like you are the only alive thing in this world and it is just somewhat... tranquil? I tend to not be in the mood for music in this state of mind.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
With the length of my fics, there's no other choice but balls to the wall XD. I think this is also a big reason why I prefer extremely short formats - you don't have to plan. Sometimes, I picture the entire situation in my head and collect a few phrases I could use beforehand so that most of it is already in my head, in case that counts as being organized.
I used to have a list in my mind of situations that I wanted to collect in a longer fic, but I think by now, I forgot it all. Damn. Why did I not write it down? But then, the fic would never get written because I am still not creative enough for a some overarching plot to my collection of situations.
Overall, I feel like I am not enough of a writer to answer these questions, actually, but for that, I wrote a lot I guess XD
Of course, I am curious about @deneb-al-giedi's answers. And about everyone else's that wants to talk about their fic writing process.
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cosmic-starfall · 1 month
Rating: Explixit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Categories: F/M, M/M
Relationships: Wen Kexing/Zhou Zishu, Cao Weining/Gu Xiang, Wen Kexing & Zhang Chengling & Zhou Zishu, Gu Xiang & Wen Kexing, Gu Xiang & Wen Kexing & Zhang Chengling & Zhou Zishu, Gao Xiaolian & Gu Xiang
Characters: Wen Kexing, Zhou Zishu, Gu Xiang, Cao Weining, Zhang Chengling, Gao Xiaolian
Zhou Zishu already had a doomsday bunker when the zombie virus hit. But after living in isolation for months, he makes the ill-advised decision to let a strange man who stalked him home live with him.
WenZhou and their pack of adopted kids live in a bunker together during a zombie apocalypse.
I'm tagging everyone who hyped up the original au post with tags about how they wanted to see it, hope y'all don't mind:
@sirenofthegreenbanks @cryptidafter @calamity-talvi
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aiyexayen · 13 days
fic writer q&a
thank you @sirenofthegreenbanks for tagging me in this fun little interview
How many wips do you have currently?
okay i had to go count and i counted 108, technically. but if i only count the ones that have significant notes/outlines/writing to them and that i'm actually likely to pursue to completion someday that number can probably be slashed in half at least.
Which one are you finding the hardest to finish?
a long long long story that will be told. it's the one that i've already posted some of and need to finish. i keep reworking and revisiting the rest and then getting distracted. i have learned my lesson about posting before i finish a fic.
What does it usually look like when inspiration strikes for you?
sometimes it looks like being mid-episode and pausing and shouting "WAIT. whAT IF..!"
sometimes it looks like reading someone else's fic or some meta online and getting that spark and running into my discord dm's to say "HEY. AU WHERE--"
sometimes it looks like staring intensely at a prompt someone has given me and cranking the gears in my brain until they spit something out that i can work with.
sometimes it looks like drowsily slipping into sleep and then suddenly sitting bolt upright and clawing my way back to awakeness to jot down the idea that came to me.
sometimes it looks like tossing a hundred memes and crack ideas back and forth with a friend until suddenly i go "haha jk........unless........"
Do you curate playlists for each fic or is your process different?
nah. i have a shitload of playlists for various moods and themes and characters and vibes and artists and holidays. mostly those are for cleaning or hanging out or background music but sometimes i turn one of those on to write to. half the time i just end up writing to the same chill one though, when i do music at all. it's very soothing and gives my brain room to do its thing.
more important than any music is vibe-noise. birdsong and running water and vague cafe human noises like indistinct talking and shuffling and clinking dishes are the best, especially when combined. i'll almost always have that on, even if i put music on top of that too.
Do you go balls to the wall and write as you go or are you more organized?
okay i cannot figure out what this question means. is it asking if i plan out my fics before i write them? if so, then it really depends on the fic. i have no set process for outlining and drafting, but i am often doing some version of both either before or during a fic.
tagging @sundaeserenade @cloud-somersault @ahhhnorealnamesallowed @rustycreekspoon in case y'all want to do a mini q&a too.
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sweatsnervously47 · 9 months
Sometimes I scroll on my mutuals blogs and wonder who they are IRL. Just me at the masquerade of the internet wondering, "Just who is that masked man?"
@fullmetalfisting @emotionalsupportexgf @emotionaldisaster909 @dreamydespair @essekknits @klavlock @sirenofthegreenbanks @mossybxi
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specialability · 6 months
footloose (1984)
watched footloose (1984) last night on @sirenofthegreenbanks's recommendation although I don't think I have anything particularly interesting to say about it. it's the kind of soft, safe "subversive" that Hollywood loves. the good "bad guys" are just misguided and the "bad" good guy hasn't actually done much bad stuff. there are no black people or queer people being lynched or people of religions other than Ambiguous Denomination Christian being discriminated against. which is fine, when all you're making is a fun movie about dancing and music. it's a fantasy. and taking it as it is, the idea that Kevin Bacon is a heartthrob is tough to buy but otherwise the secondary characters are interesting and the main romance, while it does feel a bit comphet, isn't terrible. the women still need someone to save them. the plot moves along at an ok clip with a good mix of humour and emotion. I was running around in my replay of Shin Megami Tensei V while watching and was thinking about how you could do a very easy Persona 5 AU with this. so it's a perfectly competent movie, didn't make me feel any particularly deep emotions, music and dance scenes were fun, 3.5/5 stars.
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fanghuas · 9 months
🦊 (but im a silly creature and easily intimidated)
WOW that's my highest so far dhsjsjs please don't be!! I am silly and forgetful and at any moment that I may appear cool I am feeling so so awkward inside
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geneticcatalyst · 13 days
last line meme
@sirenofthegreenbanks (<3) tagged me a bit ago so this is a double feature, at the time of tagging it was
"That's exactly it," says Lu Shen. "If they're watching, and it seems like they are, we give them a little show."
but now that i have gotten around to makign. the post. it is
"Not your jurisdiction," Lu Shen reminds him.
i just thought it was funny that they were both lu shen. he is very in this fic. i like him :)
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Ask game
thanks to @sirenofthegreenbanks for tagging me, and sorry it's a bit late!
Favourite Colour: I love green, especially the dark, forest-y ones
Last song: I'm literally listening to the TGCF ost rn, I am on absolute brainrot hours
Last Movie: I think My Neighbor Totoro? It was playing in the cat cafe I went to a few weeks ago
Currently watching: TGCF Season 2 (aformentioned brainrot)
Currently working on: A novel or two. Outside of the world of my little blog, I write original fiction. Also working on healing my knee, if that counts.
Current obsession: TGCF; it always seems to come back around, and I re-read the novel while I was in the hospital because of my knee. It might've been because of the time of my life when I first watched/read TGCF, but something about that unhinged, romantic, silly, tragic, and long story rewired my brain, healed something within etc. It's the story I turn to when I'm going through something difficult, and I feel like I get something new out of it every time I read/ watch it. As for who to tag.. I'm terrible at remembering people and I have no idea who's already participated but? @sokkalore and @pretty-dianxia
or anyone else! I'd love to get to know people better
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catch-up tag!
@deneb-al-giedi tagged me, thank you!
fav colour: yelloooooooowww! (and I also really like green, especially for clothing, even though I don't have anything in proper green right now)
last fun activity: just now playing the piano, but yesterday evening playing a game with my parents, and a couple of days ago going to the pride together with d!
song stuck in my head: nothing completely but then also 5 modern church songs (they are ideal to practice playing a melody with accompaniment), night book and lady labyrinth by ludovico einaudi and for whatever reason, haven't listened to it in ages, rondò veneziano by rondò veneziano. it's like someone is playing randomly with the frequency control of my internal radio
fav food: yes. who has a clear answer to that?? i still love red cabbage with bohemian dumplings. but i also love salads and sushi and korean fried chicken and falafel-döner and curries and.
sweet/spicy/savory: sweet or savory! spicy can be nice as well, but i want a perfect amount of it that is hard to hit, too little and it's boring, too much and it just hurts.
last thing I googled: Katastrophenschutz (disaster management - perhaps they are looking for a mathematician? spoiler: they are not.)
current obsession: word of honor, but i feel like that might be slowly petering out TT_TT apart from that, i have short bursts of passion for mathy topics that i want to learn more about, like
optimization (it's useful! i love when you can optimize shit without machine learning! i hated it before!),
machine learning (easier to get a job with! and the theory is actually interesting!) and
geometric group theory (my long term love affair! it can be pretty! look at all those symmetries!)
but i very rarely act on it :(
something you're looking forward to: uh. a job? (okay, having money.) right now, i am also looking forward to physiotherapy, i am always curious what she comes up with next.
i am tagging @sirenofthegreenbanks, @apprenticesofdeweyhigh and @striving4mikey, if you are feeling up to it!
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intertexts-moving · 1 year
tagged by @sirenofthegreenbanks ty!!! ^__^
tag whatever many people you would like to know better
last song: lonely soul by UNKLE, one of my favorites ever :}
currently watching: adventure time (yay!), futurama, stargate: atlantis, code geass
currently reading: hamlet on the holodeck: the future of narrative in cyberspace by janet h. murray, cybertext by espen aarseth, ancillary sword by ann leckie, can ci pin by priest, watership down, inkheart by cornelia funke
current obsession: ok this is probably like supposed to be about whatever stories ive been into lately. but ive been like.. finally moving into our new house & unpacking stuff that's been in storage & i haven't seen for.... two years now?? and its so cool?? ive been having so much fun reorganizing my bookshelves & finding new plants & scavenging antique mall stained glass windows & unearthing my cd and cassette collection & repairing one of my great grandma's quilts & finding my favorite sweaters again & its been so cool :] + other current faves are trigun, mo du, arabic folklore, final fantasy 8, adventure time, jdm cars !!
tagging @false-anachronism @stuck-in-the-ghost-zone @weirdgrrlgerard @froggxxam the beloveds if u want :3c
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username change
u-like-mian-mian   ->   sirenofthegreenbanks
former: u-like-mian-mian
now: sirenofthegreenbanks
u-like-mian-mian to sirenofthegreenbanks
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aiyexayen · 2 months
tagged by @sirenofthegreenbanks
*note: i'm not good at picking favourites so really these are just the first movies i remembered i like
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orioleonabranch · 1 year
hi! i think your idea for your tgcf danmei paper is pretty cool. i loved the question and i took full advantage of the chance to ramble a little. i would be interested in the final product and, if possible, your creative process writing the paper. is there a way to learn about both?
@sirenofthegreenbanks hi! sorry it took so long for me to get to this (ugh, life stuff), but thank you so much for your enthusiasm and your thoughtful answers!!!!!!! i'd be happy to share the final product and talk about the creative process— feel free to email me at [email protected] !!!!!
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