#sirius accepting starchaser
adharastarlight · 2 years
Sirius walks into the dorm: why is there a cat asleep in your lap?
James: ...
Regulus, said cat: ...
Sirius: we are dog people in this dorm. Why'd you have a cat!? This is such a betrayal! This would be as bad as you shagging my baby brother!!!!
James: funny story-
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chasingthestarss · 5 months
Regulus: I didn’t mean to fall for you!
James: Yeah well I didn’t meant to call for you either!
Regulus: I beg your fucking pardon?
James: You heard me!
Regulus: You fell for me?
James: You fell for me?
Regulus: Obviously!
James: So… we should go on a date!
Sirius: Yes! Oh my god fucking finally. Good lord you two are dense.
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norry-yippee · 17 days
Dorcas was Regulus’ first black person btw
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Sirius not accepting Jegulus at first but then being one of the biggest shippers is my roman empire
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aithusarosekiller · 2 months
Starchaser hcs :D
Regulus is VERY adamant on no nicknames/petnames at first but eventually James is able to periodically slip them into conversation, progressively getting more cringey and sappy with them until 'Baby' is in his daily vocabulary and Regulus just...doesn't care anymore
The first time James hugged Reggie his brain went into shutdown for about ten minutes and he had to take time to PHYSICALLY recover from it because he wasn't used to enjoying physical touch anymore since his family all grew up before him and had stopped going near him as much
They both wanted to propose around the same time and both asked Sirius for his blessing and the little shit just agreed and kept quiet, wanting to see who would go first. In the end it was James but Reg still proposed right back to him a week later and Sirius thoroughly enjoyed the shock on both of their faces when they realised he knew and kept it quiet.
They have a very long period of 'I love you and it makes me want to VIOLENTLY HURL' before they get together and it lasts throughout the first two months of their relationship too before it fades into just 'I think you're the one and that is mildly irritating'
They both refer to each other as 'my partner'. Idk they just seem the type
James goes through a small phase of convincing himself their relationship is fake and reg could never really like him unless it's a joke. Reg snaps him out of it by straight up yelling at him to not be so dense and accept that he loves him. It's the first time either of them say the word love
James is a 'kiss it better?' Guy through and through. Burns his finger on the stove? Reggie, please kiss it better :( . Scrapes his arm while pissing about in the garden? Regsy, can you kiss it so it will go away :(? Breaks his fucking leg playing quidditch? Baby, I know it's in a cast but can you kiss it better or I won't be able to sleep :(. Purposefully gets hit right in the mouth by a football? Reggie baby, come here real quick, I need you to kiss it better :).
They OBSESSIVELY say they love each other. And it's less of a soppy pda thing and more of a 'I need to know you love me and want me more than anything else in this world' it's a comfort thing and a devotion thing
Regulus is a huge cuddler when he's sleeping. He'll end up sleeping sprawled on top of James every single night to the point where he's practically suffocating. James just wraps his arms around his waist and holds him closer.
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Things I don’t get about the marauders fandom as someone who’s been obsessed with them for literal years
1. How we let so many characters be only children?? like I get that people don’t necessarily want to make OCs but HOW did it get to this? James, Marlene, Peter, Remus, Mary, Barty, Dorcas, Alice, Frank and so many others! Idk maybe it’s just where I’m from but look me in the eyes and tell me you know that many people who don’t have siblings ALSO the ratio is so off and barely any of them have only child energy. It’s just not right.
2. How sooo many of you aren’t multi shippers. Like what do you MEAN you can only see James with Regulus and Regulus with James?? What about bartylus? what about sunrose? what about draksun/sunkiller? what about moonwater? what about jily? what about prongstail? WHAT do you read?? Aren’t you bored??? WHAT DO YOU MEAN you only have ONE ship for each character???? As a multi shipper, I can be convinced of any ship with anything ranging from a real good fic or a pretty edit to an enthusiastic rant from a random person on TikTok and it just makes things interesting. Maybe my adhd brain just needs more ships to focus on or maybe some of you just lack flexibility ( or imagination), but we need to fix this cause there aren’t enough fics with the ships I like 😭😭
3. THE SHIP NAMES. I can’t be the only one who thinks some of these suck right? Like why are we saying jegulus when starchaser and sunseeker are RIGHT THERE?? Same with jily and flowerpot, and bartylus and starkiller. ALSO some names make me wonder if some of you just haven’t grasped the concept of ship names or if I just got it all wrong cause marylily and jegulily are just annoying, why are we keeping the L in Lily? The point is to merge the names together not stick them one beside the other, I just say marily and jeguily because it rolls off the tongue so much more easily
4. The Peter erasure. I just don’t get it, it’s so easy to include him in things, you don’t have to make him a main character, but just mention him every once in awhile. Sometimes I’m reading an important scene in a fic and everyone is mentioned EXCEPT for Peter! It’s so easy, just make him roll his eyes at his friends being idiots or something. And it’s not like you’ll get his personality wrong, ALL THESE CHARACTERS PERSONALITIES WERE MADE UP BY FANS but I understand that some people lack imagination so here’s some things about Peter I like to imagine: he’s a HUGE gossip, like my man sees and hears everything and he takes notes!! He likes to randomly turn into a rat and take a nap in one of the other marauders’ pocket, he does it so much that they had to tell the girls that they had a pet rat cause they were asking too many questions. He’s really perceptive and his friends are all oblivious so it leads to funny scenarios like:
Remus & Sirius after YEARS of pining: we’re dating
Peter: I thought you guys had been together since third year?
Sirius: I’ve literally introduced you to people I was dating?!
Peter, shrugging: look mate I don’t question you lot anymore, you do whatever you want, I don’t care what you’re into, I just don’t wanna know about it
He also pulls people, like he’s really nice and will gossip to anyone who’s in his vicinity so he’s friends with basically everyone and he’s funny and pretty and he’s got charisma so he just charms everyone and when I say everyone, I mean everyone, even the slytherins have a soft spot for him (that’s how he gets accepted among the death eaters during the war actually). In pranks he’s the lookout so he often has to distract the teachers so he asks them random things and spits out half-made up facts about anything so he’s besties with most of the teachers which means he doesn’t get many detentions.
5. The Black brothers, more specifically the way the speak to each other in most fics, like they call each other “brother” so often and as someone who has a brother I’ve never called him that. Is it an anglophone thing? Like do people who speak English at home all do that or are fic writers only children?? (That would explain my first point actually) Or is it more a rich people thin?? Cause I know it’s not a francophone thing that’s for sure (also special mention to people who don’t know anything about French writing Sirius and Regulus as French speakers, I can tell you don’t know what you’re writing about but I eat it up everytime anyway)
6. This is actually just about ao3 but I WANNA BE ABLE TO LEAVE MORE KUDOS!!! I just loooooove fics but I can’t leave kudos at every single chapter and I’m bad at writing comments so I can’t show the author how much I love their work, I hate itttt 😭
7. Why there aren’t more fics about the Black family, and not just Sirius and Regulus, but Andromeda, Bellatrix and Narcissa as well like that would be so interesting and maybe like a deep dive into the Black family ideals and all that (if you have fic recs I’m all ears!!)
8. How jegulily is a pretty popular ship (which I LOVE) yet SO FEW people ship Regulus and Lily outside of it! They are a power couple and I love them and they don’t need James to work!!!
9. Why there isn’t more background Minnie x Poppy cause they are my mothers and I wanna see them moooooreeee
If you read all of this I love you 🥰 have an amazing day/night
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de4thbycre4tion · 20 days
Starchaser - wc: 388 - tw: death
Regulus had only ever conjured a single Patronus.
He gathered all of the happy memories he could think of, Sirius telling him he was proud of him when they were kids, meeting Barty and Evan in the train, talking with Pandora in the Astronomy Tower, James confessing his love to him at the same place, years later.
As the animal materialised in front of him, he was surprised to see a small black bird. It looked like a crow, but it was smaller than one. It was the peak of irony, he thought, a bird, a symbol of freedom, something Regulus had never had.
He whispered a message to it, and he watched it fly away and disappear into the air. He wished he wouldn't have to do this, but he had chosen his fate and it was too late to back down. With a heart full of regrets, Regulus entered the cave.
When James received the message, it was late at night. He was reading in his bed, unable to sleep. He was having a lot of trouble sleeping these days, which was new for him. The war had taken a toll on everyone.
As he was daydreaming, his eyes still on his page, he saw a translucent bird land on it. Even if he had never seen this Patronus, he knew who it was from the second he laid eyes on it.
Right before disappearing, the bird opened its mouth and Regulus's voice came out of it, softly whispering to him the words James would never forget:
“I love you, I'm sorry Jamie.”
In a panic, with his vision blurry with tears and his voice shaking, James sent a Patronus of his own, hoping it would get to Regulus in time.
As Regulus was being pulled down by what felt like thousands of hands, he was screaming into the water as loud as he could, even if he knew that no one would save him. It was too late, he was going to die. Right as he accepted his end, he saw a massive stag float towards him. The last thing he heard before falling into unconsciousness was James’ wrecked voice.
“I love you Regulus. I’m going to miss you so much.”
He was smiling as he rested his eyes and let himself be pulled under.
This is the first microfic I've ever written, I hope you like it! There was no prompt for this btw the idea hit me while in the shower
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My Marauders Headcanons <3
James Potter
Mom friend, super overprotective of remus (especially after the full moon, like he would fuss all over him <3), Daring, a leader and COMPETITIVE
Top ships (in order): Jegulus (agshshrfthh<<<3333)and Jily(<33)
Top platonic relationships: PLATONIC STARCHASER MY ROMAN EMPIRE <33, James and Marlene (The Gryffindor quitch team’s worst nightmare frfr), James and Lily ((platonically)OMG THEIR BANTER THO<3), James and Remus<33, James and Peter (childhood friends and James tried his best to be nice to Peter, especially when Sirius was being a dick), James and dorca (<3 expalined later)
Sirius Black
Dark brown eyes
GAY But had lots of gfs cus he was in denial for years lmao
Kinda a jerk, but yk that happens when you grew up where he did.
Top ship: Wolfstar<3.
Top platonic friendships: STARCHASER, Sirius and Mary (exes who have now met their true loves<3), Sirius and lily (Smoking on rooftops, rivals but they care<3), mary and sirius
Regulus Black
GAY (Much more accepting than his brother lmao)
Grey eyes, curlier hair than sirius
Cold but has a VERY SENSITIVE heart <3
Top ships(in order) : Jegulus, Barty/evan/regulus
Top platonic friendships: Pandora and regulus <33 (mlm & wlw solidarity, they're so sweet), moonwater (Remus and him are so special too me), Rosewater (best friends 😭 Crimson rivers ifykyk)
Lily Evans
freckles <33
Pookie is like deffo a BADASS BITCH! Like i love her charcaterisation in ‘The last enemy’, ‘Crimson rivers’ and ATYD the best. Feisty but chaotic asf lol.
Top ships (Not in order): Jily, Lily/mary, lily/marlene (from 'The Last Enemy' mostly)
Top platonic friendships: Lily and remus (OMG JUST THEM), James and lily, Mary and lily (in ‘The Last Enemy’), lily and marlene (‘The Last enemy’)
Evan Rosier
Gay asf
Doesn't get attached after sex
Older brother to Pandora's <3
Regulus's One Comfort Before Jame's  
Top ships: rose killer (perfect toxic couple lmao), rosewater.
Top platonic friendships: ROSEWATER, Dorcas and Evan (IDGAF chill + Teenage dirtbag chill), Evan and James (like idk they would just get along so well, like banter and fake flirting and shit), Evan and Pandora
Mary McDonald
Had a lot of relationships like Sirius but she never toyed with their hearts cus she felt actual attraction for the opposite gender.
She had an on and off relationship with Sirius, and rlly she was just doing this to help get Sirius out of his denial phase and into remus’ bed.
Rlly put together.
Dark skinned, ‘thick’, shirt curls and Blue eyes 😩😫. Like no wonder they all falling for her 😫😫
Top ships: Mary/lily (Chill and put together badass X feisty but chaotic badass)
Top Platonic relationships: Mary and Lily (THEY WORK AS BESTIES TOO 😭😭), Mary and Sirius (let's be rl she was the one who.slapped him and told him to go ask Remus out)
Barty Crouch jr
Bisexual ICON
Has tongue piercing 
He definitely wears skull earrings. Just a piss of his father. Cuz it reminds his father of the dark mark
kinda physco tbfr
Top ships: rosekiller, Barty/regulus/Evan
Top platonic friendships: Barty and Evan (I feel like Evan was Barty's closest friend), Barty and regulus, (Fuck buddies be frfr)
Remus Lupin
GAY. That boy is the definition of ‘the gay best friend’
Bro is done with life be fr rn
Top ships: WOLFSTAR<33
Top platonic friendships: lily and Remus(THEM😫), James and Remus (like i hc they would get along so well and have this special relationship but no one ever mentions them???), Remus and Peter (He was the only one who included Peter for the first few years + James ig, but sometimes he got too caught up with Sirius) 
As you can see with this one most of my HC are based of ATYD remus.
Marlene Mckinnon
Blue eyes, blondy choppy hair, pink highlights 
Similar aesthetic to Sirius
Surprisingly doesn't smoke<3
Rough and touch girlboss <3
Top ships: Marlene X Dorcas (alot to handle X loves handling it. CAN YOU TELL I'VE JUST READ CRIMSON RIVERS 😭🙏), Marlene X lily (only in ‘The Last enemy’
Top platonic relationships: James and marlene (NO BCS THEY ARE SO BROTHER/SISTER CODED), Sirius and marlene (They have a bunch of pictures of them both in matching leather jackets and earrings, arms around eachother, tongue out, winking and holding out the rock hand 🤘🤟), Marlene and Peter (only one she was always sweet with 😭🥹, this is rooted from lily mentioning that Peter was probably sad bcs of Marlene's death in that letter, he prolly felt even more guilty the bish 😔), and ofc lily and marlene (‘The last Enemy’ especially)
Peter Pettigrew 
Token straight friend LOL
I'm not sure he was like rlly all that much of an ally like sure all of his friends were gay asf, but it's not like he had any other friends??
He was such a cutie patootie 😭🙏
You can't convince me he wasn't such a sweetheart before he betrayed them. Like oh Peter WHY 😭
Top ships: I don't rlly ship him with anyone, but I think he had a few casual gfs throughout his years (CUS HES A CUTIEEE)
Top platonic relationships: Peter and james (peter’s cloest friend, they were childhood friends, and Peter tended to not appreciate remus’s attempts to include him, rather he was over appreciative to every small thing James did), Peter and Remus (the two secondary marauders 😭🙏), Peter and marlene (sweetheart and badass ❤️🙏)
Pandora Rosier
Looks SO sweet, acts SO sweet, but at the same time is a such a badass <3
She swear alot, cant convince me otherwise <3 (gets it from her (HEADCANON) brother, Evan)
Luna is practically a clone of Pandora's (physically and partly personality wise) like xeno’s genes did NOT put up a fight???
I Also hc that xenophilius is gay or aromantic and so they married eachother bcs they were rlly in love but platonically. Plus they always wanted children and couldn’t imagine it with anyone else<3.
Top ships: Pandora/Mary/lily (one of the only polys I ship), Pandora X rodolphus (crimson rivers)
Top platonic relationships: Pandora and xenophillius (expalined above),Pandora and regulus (AHHHAVHSD MY LOVEE <333), Pandora and Dorcas (Dorcas would be so overprotective of her🙏), Pandora and Barty, Pandora and James (James would be another brother figure for her <3).
In short everyone one is super overprotective of Pandora even though she is a GIRLBOSS
Dorcas Meadowes
Lesbian (Though no one ever guesses it lmao)
Long dreadlocks, hazel eyes, siren eyes, long eyelashes; HOT ASF 😩😩
IDGAF energy and #BADASSMF, like Voldemort, HIMSELF, killed dorcas and she put up A FIGHT you can't tell me otherwise ✨
Top ships: Marlene/Dorcas (<<3333 ESP IN CRIMSON RIVERS)
Top platonic relationships: Dorcas and Evan (explained before), Dorcas and Regulus (The reliable older sister), Dorcas and James (Them in Crimson rivers>>>>>)
Dorac and james:  She at first hated James because, for one, he was a jerk in the earlier years,two, he had a prejudice against Slytherin, and three, because Regulus had a huge crush on him and she was overprotective of regulus. But then she discovered how loving and caring James is, and she decided he was perfect for Reggie. She became the one James went on a drink with when he just wanted to relax and not talk.
I didnt write siblings in teh platonic relationships things, cus it just like more than that yk?
Sirius and regulus - So, SO complicated, so much unrseloved problems 😭
They still love eachother DEARLY <3
Srius kept on trying to get regulus to hang with hima nd teh marauders, he tried to stay as close with regulus as he once was. But sirius just coudln’t look at regulus once he got the dark mark 😭. ("What happened to my innocent baby brother who wouldn’t hurt a fly?" )
Evan and Pandora
Evan is so overprotective of her <333
She’s like the only one evan deosnt constantly pick at and be rude with (even with regulus and barty he’s cynical and blunt)
Pandora loves him SO SO much, but wouldn’t talk to him once he got the dark mark. 😭
Siblings are so complicated 😭esp when one of them is on the good side and one is on the dark 😭
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Attached are Picrew depictions of what Iheadcanon them to look like <3
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snapeingturtle · 1 year
Rating some of the Marauders era / snera™️ ships (ships involving ppl the Marauders and Severus went to school with) I've been exposed to because I'm drunk and feeling spicy. Romantic ships only, I have different opinions on the brotps. I could talk about this all night but I chose not to make a long post.
Disclaimer: this is heavily influenced by headcanons I've convinced myself are canon and generally my opinions. Not in order from best to worst because I am drunk and I'm not proofreading this.
Prongsfoot/Starbucks/James x Sirius 10/10. James is just as inobservant as Harry. Of course he didn't notice that Sirius had a crush on him. James didn't even notice he himself was into Sirius. Love it.
Jily/James x Lily 2/10. In my heart Lily is a lesbian. Jily has some potential as a comphet storyline where they're both actually gay and think of each other as the man/woman they're supposed to like. Other than that it's a no from me.
Wolfstar/Remus x Sirius 1/10. Unpopular opinion again, I know. I see Remus having a one-sided crush on Sirius before the prank, but honestly I'm a Ronks stan because I can project my insecurities on Remus and have been in love with Tonks for years and I hate the idea of them being in a relationship with anyone else but each other. Plus, I really don't see Sirius committing and definitely not to Remus. Sirius is a bachelor for life and I identity with that. Another reason to dismiss this ship.
Snily/Severus x Lily 1/10. The only reason I don't rate this at 0 is because they're one of my favourite brotps. She's gay and not his type, they're sister souls, just look at the doe patronuses, they found security in each other like does in a herd etc. and I hate it when people say there were romantic feelings involved. I could accept this with fem!Snape though.
Starchaser (wtf is this name)/Jegulus/James x Regulus 4/10. I think it's funny to have James falling in love with his best friend's brother. I don't have any negative feelings about the ship itself. HOWEVER. As someone who has been exposed to Jegulus content despite not looking for it and Snily content despite not looking for it. Jegulus feels like m/m Snily for people who hate Snape. The content (I've seen) has the same vibe and I cannot get over that.
Remus x Lily 3/10. If I were able to see Lily as not a lesbian I would love this, not as an endgame thing but more as a teen romance that ended on ok terms before they both moved on. No strong feeling about this tbh.
Snegulus/Severus x Regulus 4/10. They're definitely not in love but they're both sluts so they probably fucked and it was probably hot. That's all.
Lily x Mary MacDonald 3/10. I would consider this as another one-sided crush situation. Mary is the token straight in their dorm and that's unfortunate for Lily.
Snucius/Severus x Lucius 8/10. They're not endgame. But they fuck. I refuse to consider Sirius calling Severus Lucius's lapdog anything but calling him his sugar baby. I don't rate this higher because Snucissa is better than just the men.
Lily x Pandora Lovegood 10/10. I don't know if they ever interacted or if they even went to school at the same time but I'm in love with the idea of them together.
Severus x Mulciber 3/10. Another one-sided crush sitch. Snape was infatuated with Mulciber at a certain point, Mulciber (forgot his first name sorry) knew and took advantage of it. That's Snape's slut origin story.
Snupin / Severus x Remus 3/10. They would never date. Doesn't fit my fantasy or the reality of their relationship. But hate-fucking in one of their offices while Remus is employed at Hogwarts? I see that. I dig it.
I also headcanon Dorcas as queer but I don't see her with Lily but I don't have any feelings about that ship in either direction so 3,5/10 maybe?
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adharastarlight · 2 years
James: what's honey in french?
Sirius: miel, why?
James: no reason
James: can I add an annotation to your book, miel?
Reg, holding back laughter: what?
James: what!? I read!!!
Reg: did you just...
Reg: I think you meant cheri, you were calling me literal honey, not the petname.
James, bright red and grumbling: stupid french
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snarky-magpie · 1 year
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I wrote a short Starchaser fic, and you can find it here :)
“Hey. How about a bit of trust here? I’ve fancied you for years. So yeah, maybe I’m a bloody moron who was scared out of his skull to admit this to himself, and to you, for a long time, but I’m telling you now. If Sirius doesn’t understand that the best guy for his brother is the one who’d do anything to see him smile, then he’s a twat, and I’m going to make him accept the inevitable. Because that’s what we are, Regulus. Inevitable.” 
James concludes, somewhat flustered and a lot trembling, scared he divulged too much. Scared that Regulus will smirk and proclaim this all a prank and leave him alone with his heart bleeding all over the cold stones. Nothing seems further from Regulus’s mind, however. His eyes blow wide as he stares at James, a timid smile bowing his lips and his hand stealing into James’s hair.
“Do you mean that?” 
All James can do is nod. The power of speech has left him for the moment. 
“No one has ever chosen me. I thought I was defective because no one wanted to keep me around, so I started pushing people away to protect myself. No one can reject you if you reject them first.”
James’s heart ties itself into a painful knot as he listens to Reg’s confession. He strokes his cheek, letting his fingers linger on the soft skin for a while before he brings his hand lower and places it on the small of Reg’s back.
“I’m sorry, Reggie. I can’t change the past, but I promise you that I’ll keep choosing you every day from now on if you let me.” 
“Of course, I’ll let you, you bloody charming prat. Have you ever doubted that?” 
James gives a thready laugh and brings Regulus closer so their chests are flush and the heat of their bodies mingles freely. 
“You’re not the easiest person to read. I didn’t so much doubt as I thought you utterly despised me.”
“And yet you considered it a clever idea to follow me to an abandoned tower where I could dispose of you easily, with none the wiser.”
The glint in Regulus’s eyes leaves James doubting if his new boyfriend is only joking.
“You’re a little scary, Reggie.” 
“Oh, thanks for the heads up.” He rests his head against James’s shoulder. “I was going for extremely scary. I’ll turn it up.” 
James barks out a laugh, then whispers into Reg’s hair.
“Bring it on, baby Black. I don’t frighten easily, and I thrive on a challenge.” 
“Good.” Regulus lifts his head and places his hands on both sides of James’s face, where they burn more than human skin should, but James revels in the sensation. 
“Because I think I might enjoy challenging you.” Then he captures James’s lips in a kiss that goes from sweet to fiery in a second flat, and they keep kissing until the storm arrives in earnest and drives them to seek shelter inside the castle.
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cheeryknots · 1 year
A little Starchaser scene from October & The Moon <3
I just posted a tiny part of this earlier but here’s more of the full scene :’)
Then one summer day, after what felt like months without him, Sirius came soaring through the airport, little brother in tow. James had thought he’d been prepared, having been thoroughly briefed by Sirius by what was to come with Regulus’s presence. ‘He’s quiet, but will pounce on you like a cat when threatened. And he cuts right to where it hurts, Jamie. Don’t provoke him, or he’ll lash out like you’ve never seen. Don’t overwhelm him, or he’ll go into hiding. But don’t ignore him, either. There’s a fine line, I’m sure you’ll find it.’
While some of it held up, James found rather quickly that Sirius’s assessment had been missing some vital information. For instance, a few months after his arrival, when Regulus had finally gotten comfortable, he’d shown a bolder, cunning side that constantly left James in shambles, yet confusingly, wanting more. James thought at first it was his way of finally accepting others as friends, as James had tried to put his best foot forward and ensure Regulus was taken care of. But he quickly realized the stolen glances, the soft whispers, the sweet touches he received from Regulus were a bit too friendly to be considered platonic. 
The first time it happened, James had been so shocked he had later convinced himself it was a dream. He hadn’t given Regulus any signal, so he thought, at the time that he may be interested. How could he, when he hadn’t even realized himself that it could be possible for him to be interested in a boy? But Regulus had decidedly picked up on something from James, and had taken a rather strong liking to it. 
James had been baking a cake for his mother’s birthday, utter concentration seizing him as he propped the cook book up on the counter and mixed the batter. He was not born a baker by any means, and had to substitute a few ingredients because he hadn’t been able to find exactly what it had called for in the grocery store, despite wandering the aisles over and over again. But how hard could it be? The subsequent mix looked a bit questionable, and he had turned to find Regulus leaning on the counter behind him, book cracked open but forgotten in one hand, full attention on James. 
“Oh, hello, Regulus. Didn’t know you were there. Say, can you taste this for me?” James had asked him.
“What’s it for?” Regulus had asked, book immediately deposited on the counter as he approached James and peered into the mixing bowl. 
“My mom,” James said. “But I think I messed it up… hey, what the fuck?! Use a spoon, you maniac!”
James had watched in absolute horror as Regulus dipped two fingers into the mix and brought them to his mouth, smacking his lips a few times as he crooked an amused brow at James’s reaction. “Tastes good to me,” he’d said, feigning a look of innocence.
“Did you even wash your hands,” James groaned, almost losing it as Regulus took the same fingers that had been in his mouth and put them back into the mix James had worked so hard on, and why, God? James had whined in his head. He had been so focused on his internal debate of whether he should just scrap the whole thing and start again that he didn’t realize what was happening until he could taste the batter himself, on Regulus’s fingers, in his mouth. He felt his eyes blow wide, heart stuttering wildly as Regulus kept his eyes on him, a look of contentment and something else James had never seen before on his face, and, oh, God, James had closed his lips around his fingers, tongue swirling lightly to gather the batter off of his fingers, even sucking lightly and to his horror as Regulus slowly eased his fingers out. 
“How does it taste to you?” 
James could only stare back at the boy who had said next to nothing his first few weeks here, only to open his mouth and say something wicked James felt himself go red upon hearing. 
“Yeah, yeah, it’s good. Good,” James said, watching Regulus intently as he smirked at him, then turned to pick up his book and go. 
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themantisnextdoor · 3 months
My name is Cove (though I do prefer to be referred to as Jeremy), I'm and 18-year-old trans man who will not accept Homophobia, racism, Sexism, and etc on my page <3
★¸.·¯Other Accounts¸¸.•*´¨*•.¸★
@Themantisnextdoor234 - Marauders AU
Starchaser (Regulus x James)
Wolfstar (Remus X Sirius) + (duh)
Rosekiller (Evan Rosier x Barty Crouch Jr.)
(What do I make?):
-I usually make Marauders content (sometimes fanfictions?) including a few theories and random info dumps. I usually won't answer questions but if i do get sent any, i'll try my best to answer!
-If I don't make Marauders content, I might just make character descriptions or maybe my own OCs?
-This is my own AU so if anything seems off or doesn't match up well with another person's views, it's because they are my own views and may or may not offend some people.
(When am I active?):
-I'll post at least once every 2 weeks? If not, once a week.
-I might end up just posting something then ghosting this blog lmao.
★¸.·¯Introduction for myself¸¸.•*´¨*•.¸★
Male (He/him +They/them)
Taken (This one might seem like a flex but there's some people sliding into the Tumblr messages asking me if i wanna do it with them 💀
18 (Yes, still no sliding into my tublr messages unless it's a question..)
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Regulus: Guys, I’ve been meaning to tell you… James and I are dating.
Sirius, Remus and James: *gasp*
Regulus: James, why are you surprised?!
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rosyreggie · 2 years
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The house rivalry among the different houses was no secret and had been ongoing for what felt like eternity. What started as an innocent fight between friends, during the time of the founders of Hogwarts, slowly turned into a hatred between their houses’ students that would last on for centuries.
They were now writing the year 1976, yet nothing had changed at all. The seventh years seemed to only wake up each day to provoke each other, yet insist that they were the innocent ones when asked. The sixth years went even further and sent hexes flying at each other as soon as they saw each other in the hallways, called each other names and went far beyond what would be considered innocent pranks. Even the fourth years and younger were already affected by the rivalry, switching between throwing each other curious gazes and murderous glares when egged on by the upper years.
And right under everyone’s noses, the fifth years were acting rather strange. When others engaged in fights, pranks and duels, the fifth years kept their heads down, always walking away from the action. However, everybody else was too caught up in their rivalry to notice the oddity that were the fifth years.
If anybody had asked, the fifth years would have simply smiled secretively and went on with their day. Perhaps, if one was lucky, one of them would cheekily say that ‘the fifth years were above such childish things’ or ‘engaged in way more interesting matters’. Because the fifth years had their very own secret shared between all of them.
And it was a well-kept secret too, protectively and possessively guarded by the Slytherins, causing giggles among the Hufflepuffs, pride among the Gryffindors and satisfaction among the Ravenclaws.
Their shared secret was none other than Regulus Black, who unbeknownst to the rest of the Wizarding World, had recently been appointed Lord Black after his parents’ unexpected and tragic deaths and who was now using his family’s power, knowledge and history to form a new generation of tolerant, skilled, open-minded and knowledgeable wizards.
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psychogirl87 · 2 years
Harry: So dad only ever liked or dated mom!!? Really!!!
Sirius:Oh no Harry you see your dad and I have always been close the only time I remember us fighting was when he committed a crime that I could not forgive
Remus: Sirius don’t
Sirius:Ah yes the time he dated Reg I still can’t believe them
Harry:wait wait you had a problem with him dating a guy!!!!!*worried*
Sirius: I could never do that and even if I did I would be the biggest hypocrite ever
Harry :then????
Sirius:Regulus was my younger brother!!
Harry: so ……. You hav a problem with people dating their best friends younger sibling
Sirius: Yes why?
Harry: WoUlD u LoOk aT tHe TiMe
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