#sirius as vampire
srs-moonage · 1 year
sirius as a vampire
remus *he saw Sirius biting his victim in his library: oh my god!
sirius: h-huh?
remus *sweating*: can't you see that sign? *points the sign that says “No food allowed inside the library”
sirius *utterly confused stands straight, dragging his victim*: oh... sorry, sorry! It won't happen again:)
remus, annoyed: as it should!
sirius after he got out of the library as he already figured out what's confusing him: wait... what the fuck?! HEY, ISN'T HE SUPPOSED TO BE SCARED OF ME?
meanwhile, Remus: Oh my god, that scared me! I almost blurted out he's so hot!
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adharastarlight · 1 year
The marauders as things my best friend has had to put up with me saying
remus: okay I'll add it to my notes on you "if we discover vampires, would throw himself at them"
regulus: with my legs spread
remus: i hate you so much
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water1oggedcorpse · 2 months
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This could be us but
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evyltalks · 1 year
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These are little vampire footprints
telling me
he was here and
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green-lights-33 · 2 years
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-🧛🏻‍♂️ rawr
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s0urw00lf · 1 day
This is a PSA. From here on out I write for all women (because I have yet to explore gender neutral writing and I don’t want to accidentally slip up and say something that might make it seem like it’s only woman based)
MEANING. Black, White, Asian, Brown, Hispanic etc.
And if I’m writing about a certain race it will be specified. As a black female it really angers me to see x readers with an obvious target audience that doesn’t include myself, all my life myself and so many other women watched as others were in the spotlight and I rarely saw any representation of myself on screen, let alone ACCURATE. It always has to be stereotyped into the story. Why can’t we be written as an heir to a long line of lawyers or doctors. Why does it always have to be we made it from the trenches and we don’t belong.
Wrote all of that to say. My fics are for ALL women, unless I say otherwise. I just want people to feel more accepted and show that change is happening.
Yes I will be writing WOC for EVERYONE I write for.
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myrows · 1 year
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Jegulus vampire au? Yes thank you
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sun-kissy · 2 months
Hi! Could you write headcanons for marauders with a dhampir reader(half vampire half witch) whos a part of the marauders? No romance if possible xx
hello!! thank you for the request, this was really fun to research about and write. let me know if there’s anything i got wrong :)
headcanons of marauders x half-witch, half-vampire!reader
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tw: mentions of blood
• james goes starry-eyed whenever you do even the slightest of cool things, like one-handedly lifting a large stack of books because of your enhanced strength
• he forces you to play quidditch with him, happy that there’s “finally someone who can give him some competition” with your fast reflexes
• he’s insanely protective of you, and immediately gets riled up when someone is mean to you
• and he protests that you should speak to dumbledore about getting safe sources of blood to consume, frustrated when you keep insisting that it’s okay
• sirius can’t keep his eyes off of you when you move because you do it so gracefully that he wonders if you’re even real
• he thinks your being a vampire is the coolest thing ever. like when he’s introducing you to someone new, he never forgets to mention, “oh, and she’s a half-vampire,” and he’ll wrap his arm around your waist proudly as you die of embarrassment
• he hexes anyone who dares to say a word about your vampire identity
• you and sirius have the same dark humor. essentially matching each other’s freak
• sometimes he just shows up with big bottles of blood for you to drink and never tells you where he got them from
• remus asks you to teach him all about the dark magic you know, the two of you spend hours in the library pouring over books about enchantments and darkness
• if someone discriminates against you, he’ll just silently glare at them, but later he’ll cast the nastiest prank ever known to humankind on them
• remus and you just get each other, both of you having that one dark part of yourself you can’t seem to love
• the two of you go on walks late at night and sit near the black pond to talk about how deeply you hate yourselves
• remus is eternally grateful to you for helping to heal him with blood magic after full moons. he acts like he hates that you’re doing this, but he’s so thankful he has to blink tears away
• he offers to kill people (with a straight face) in order to satisfy your blood cravings, which you hastily decline
• he spends hours researching until he finally finds a spell, which he casts on you when you’re asleep every morning, so the sun doesn’t affect you as much throughout the day
• on the off-chance that remus forgets to cast the spell, the boys overreact when you start to burn up in the sun
• sirius shrieks and grabs your hand, running and pulling you to shelter while screaming about how you’re dying and melting away
• james immediately tries to stand tall and shield you from the heat, hurriedly ushering you back into shelter before he worriedly takes a look at your burns
• peter just lathers some magical sunblock on you which he carries around with him
• peter was terrified of you and your abilities when you first met, but slowly grows fond of you
• he’s the only one with common sense when it comes to your need to consume blood, and charms goblets to automatically produce it
• he always has vials of blood in his bag for you
• you’re the marauders’ secret weapon when playing pranks because you’re really good at sneaking around and detecting when someone’s gonna catch you
• they make sure you never feel like a burden, and always do their best to help you, whether it’s by finding shaded paths to walk on or by staying up with you when your nocturnal tendencies act up
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smuttyazrael · 4 months
Masterlist (18 plus all Smut)
About me
Harry Potter
T or D
T or D rules
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
After the game
The day after
A few days later
Professor!Remus x Student!Reader (Essays an excuse)
Part 2
Professor Snape x Reader (Pregnancy kink)
Stepbro! Draco Malfoy X Reader (The Summer Parade)
Brother! James Potter X Sirius Black X reader. (Loving Jamie)
Stepbro!Sirius x reader (Russian Roulette)
On the Run
Remus Lupin x reader (Ddlg, fluff, no smut.)
Sirius Solo
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Wolfy Problem
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Wolves 10
The Diner
Field Trip
Quils Day Out
Class is in session (Seth x reader x Sam)
Sam loving Part 2
Stepbro!Paul Lahote
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Vampire Academy
Dimitri x innocent!reader
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The gang is hunting horcruxes
Mary: Is anyone else a little creeped out? Dorcas: So then leave. Out of everyone, your presence is the least necessary. Regulus: Please don't start. Dorcas: I'm merely stating the facts. James, Sirius and Peter and animagi, Lily is the smartest witch of our generation, Barty is a master transfiguration, not to mention his father works for a ministry, Pandora makes her own spells and potions, Remus is a werewolf, Regulus and Evan are from the most powerful noble houses, also Regulus has the biggest knowledge about this whole horcrux thing, out of everyone here I know the most about dark magic and Sybill is a seer. Mary, wonderful as she is, has no point. Marlene: What about me? Dorcas: You have a nice behind.
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Sirius (to James): Excuse me? Who made you the boss of the group? Remus: You did. Peter: You said "James should be boss." Remus: And then you said "let's vote" and it was unanimous. Peter: And then you made him this little plaque that said "Boss of Us" and you put little sparkles on it. Sirius: Valid points, all.
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Life Did Not Treat Us Well 🌙 | Harry Potter Imagine
set during the events of HP 3 & 7
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HP Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: all platonic—Harry Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Minerva McGonnagal, Albus Dumbledore
Content Warnings: angst, hurt/comfort, implied character death, cannon divergence | Female!reader (she/her) | wc: 6k
When the dust clears at Hogwarts, Harry searchers for the one person who can relate to him, now that all close to his parents were dead. She was the last remanence of the family he could have had, if life had treated them well. Now they were two lost souls, carrying the weight of reality on their shoulders. But while Harry would one day greet death as an old friend, she was bound to the Earth forever.
Harry found his Godmother in the Astronomy Tower. Or what was left of it really. Seated on the edge with feet hanging off, the cool breeze blowing through her hair. As he got closer, he saw the blank look in her eye, staring out to the distance at the river and trees. Smoke from the fires sizzling out until disappearing forever. 
He announced himself as he approached, although Harry knew she was aware of his presence. “Thought I might find you here.” Coming beside her, Harry crouched and swung his legs off the ledge to sit next to her. 
“This used to be my favorite spot in the castle,” She replied without looking at him, but Harry heard the small smile in her voice. The tone one has when recalling happy memories. “I loved coming up here after hours to admire the stars. It was the one place I found solace in, and what I missed most after….” 
Harry understood what she referred to, tilting his head down. The question left his lips without thinking, “Did you ever hate them? Dumbledore, Sirius….Remus. At any point?” He glanced up with curious eyes, “For what happened that night.” The boy received a sigh, emanating the exhaustion she felt after the long, devastating battle. It was laced with grief and sorrow. Making Harry regret asking. He went to apologize but she cut him off. 
“To say I didn’t want to would be a lie,” the confession hung in the air, a tightening in her chest despite the weightlifting off her shoulders. “Especially in the beginning, Harry. It’s why many years passed before I returned home. I was enraged.” Turning to him, she pressed her lips together, “I feared what I’d do, and it didn’t help that my emotions were not only all over the place, but heightened and made me uncontrollable.” 
A shiver migrated down her spine, the memory of her early years after the transformation resurfacing. Along with the fear, guilt, and despair. Sniffing, she panned back to the river, “But you must know, I do not-- did not, ” she corrected with a crack, “hate Remus. Nor did I harbor any blame for what he did. He wasn’t in his right mind, as you’ve witnessed when there’s a full moon.”
Harry shuddered, thinking back to his third year. The night of many revelations. Sirius’ innocence, Peter’s betrayal, Remus’s lycanthropy…and Y/n’s vampirism. 
“But Sirius and Dumbledore…..”
He heard her sharp intake of breath, her voice growing lower, “It pains me to admit it, Harry, but…..I wanted to kill them. ” Of course that feeling disappeared a long time ago. After a long journey of reflection, acceptance, and resilience. Y/n forgiving Sirius for his actions that led to her nearly dying at the hands of Remus when she saved Snape from falling into Sirius’ trap. Their reunion in 1993 was a bittersweet moment. Filled with apologies and hope for the future. 
As for Dumbledore, part of her--especially now after everything that’s happened, after everything she’s lost, deep down Y/n wishes he had let her succumb to the injuries. 
“What do we do, Albus!” Madam Pomprey shouted, on the verge of hyperventilating as she attempted to aid the girl in front of her. Blood poured from multiple parts of her body as she laid on the bed. Withering, shivering, turning paler by the second. 
James and Sirius stood frozen in the corner, covered in Y/n’s blood from hauling her to the infirmary, watching the scene unfold with horror. Snape, laying in his own bed, mirrored their expressions as Professor McGonnagal tried to block his view. The older woman had a hand covering her mouth, “God be with us.”
Y/n groaned, face becoming drowsy as her body desired sleep. Madam Pomprey’s dress painted deep red, pleading to the headmaster with her eyes. “This is beyond my reach, headmaster. We must take her to St. Mungos.”
Albus refused, “She’s in no condition to apparate, nor travel by Floo. She’ll die before we’d set foot inside.” He thought deeply, glancing between the girl and his colleagues with an unreadable expression. Then, as though fighting the thoughts in his head, Albus sighed in defeat. “There’s only one way to save the girl.” As he reached into his pocket, retrieving the vial he’d grabbed on his way out of his office in case of the worst possible outcome, Albus motioned for Filch. “Send an owl to the Department of Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Tell them they must send a representative to Hogwarts before the sun rises--it is a matter of the highest urgency.” 
With a nod, Filch makes haste out of the infirmary towards the owlery. Leaving the remaining members of the group confused and worried. Minerva approaches the man, “The Department of Magical Creatures? What in Heaven's name are you thinking, Dumbledore? Remus didn’t bite Y/n--.” She then notices the vial in his hand, face dropping, “What is that?”
Albus briefly glances at the boys before focusing back on Y/n. Preparing himself for the negative reaction he was sure to receive. “ Vampire venom .” Air catches in all their throats, Sirius looking like he wants to throw up. The women gasp, Minerva absolutely appalled. 
“Are you suggesting turning the girl into a vampire?!” her voice carries with an unfamiliar tone no one had ever seen from the professor. It was like she didn’t recognize the man in front of her. In disbelief he even possessed the venom when only three known vampires were alive and located away from England. 
“It’s the only way to save the girl, Minerva.”
“That is illegal!” She shouted, making even Pompfrey flinch. James and Sirius felt their stomachs drop, hearts pounding against their chest. Seeing their head of House look genuinely frightened on top of their best friend dying ignited a fury of anxiety. Minerva stepped closer to Albus, voice stern, “If the Ministry doesn’t see fit to kill her they will surely send her away. They will remove her from Hogwarts--and her family! To be alone for all eternity,” Minerva’s heart already broke for the girl. Her favorite student and protegee. “If you do this you are sentencing her to a fate worse than death, Albus.” 
He was quiet for a moment, as if debating what to do. But then brushed past the woman to move beside Y/n, uncorking the vial. “Likely so. But it is a risk worth taking.”
Minerva had to turn away, squeezing her eyes shut to not watch the man do the unthinkable. Meanwhile James steps forward, sweat still beading his forehead and yells, “You can’t do that, headmaster!” Albus’ hand pauses in the air before it could pour the liquid in Y/n’s mouth. Glancing up to find James’s horrified face. The young Potter had read a bit on vampires along with the stories his father told him. 
The most notable details being vampires were hunted all over the globe to the point only three were known to be alive. Living off the grid and nomadic. And that not every human bit survives the transformation. More often they die before the venom reaches the heart depending on their state. 
Knowing this, James feared for his friend. “What if she doesn’t survive the change?” Albus simply looked at him and replied, “And what if she does?” James said nothing, gulping as he took his place back beside Sirius. 
They watched intently as the headmaster leaned over Y/n, gently parting her lips to open her mouth. “I am truly sorry about this, my dear.” Pausing, he glanced up to Pompfrey, “Clear the room. Anyone with open wounds and covered in blood will be her target.” With urgency, Pompfrey had the boys help her lift Snape out of the infirmary. Leaving only Minerva and Albus with Y/n, who was moments away from death.
“Are you sure about this, Albus?” Minerva asked one last time. Her eyes glossed over, saying a mental prayer for Y/n and for herself in the case the transformation works and Y/n attacks them in a bloodlust. 
Though sure of himself, Albus felt his heart skip a beat the moment he let the venom fall into Y/n’s mouth, “Regardless if I am sure…there’s no turning back now.”
“I hated them,” she voiced with emotion, picturing the moment she awoke to a new reality, Harry noticing the way her eyes glossed over. “Dumbledore especially. Sirius I forgave because at the end of the day he was just being a stupid kid who didn’t think his actions had consequences. But Dumbledore…I never looked at him the same again. After all, he was the one who made the choice. Yes, he saved my life, and you’d think I’d be grateful,” she shook her head, turning back to Harry with sorrow filled eyes, “but how can I, when he sentenced me to walk the Earth for all eternity. Stuck with the same face I had at eighteen. Never to grow old while those around me live their lives until death comes to greet them.”
And now she was the last Marauder. All of her friends were dead, leaving her alone in the world. 
Harry’s heart broke for his Godmother. With his parents, Sirius, Remus--and even Snape--gone, Y/n was the last person close to his parents living. The only family he had left--save for his muggle aunt and uncle who really could care less about whether he lived or died in the war. 
It was just him and Y/n. The Boy Who Lived and the Lone Vampire.
Harry thought back to the first day of his third year. The day he and his friends met Lupin. Enjoying their dinner with their house in the Great Hall and how curious everyone became at the mention of another guest roaming the halls.
The Frog choir had just finished their song, the room erupting into applause as Dumbledore took to his podium. 
“Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts!” He announced with raised arms, “Now I’d like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First, I’m pleased to welcome Professor R.J. Lupin, who’d kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.” He motions to the man, who stands from his chair to smile and wave to the crowd. “Good luck, professor.”
Beside Lupin, Snape offers three simple claps while remaining stoic, while the other teachers beam at the newest edition to their faculty. 
Dumbledore continues, “Our Care of Magical Creatures teacher for many years has decided to retire, in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I’m delighted to announce that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid.” As the half-giant stands, shaking the table as he does, the Gryffindor table erupted into cheers. Some whistling and shouting with glee. 
“Finally,” The headmaster quiets the crowd, “on a more describing note. At the request of the Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts will until further notice play host to the Dementors of Azkaban until such a time Sirius Black is captured.” Murmurs echo against the walls, students whispering in hushed voices. Faces painted with concern. Most notably Harry, who turns to his friends, also visibly worried. 
“The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now, whilst I’ve been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities…,” he pauses slightly, eyes catching a figure walking past the entrance of the Great Hall. Dressed head-to-toe in black leather, heels barely clicking against the pavement with how light her footsteps were. Behind Dumbledore, the demeanor of the entire faculty shifted. Lupin and Snape tensing, while Minerva visibly paled. 
The students, particularly the Golden Trio, took the change in behavior in regard to the Dementors & Sirius Black. Who could blame them really. Sirius Black was the talk of the town. Then there was the incident on the train with the Dementors. None were aware of the mysterious woman disappearing from sight as she passed the entrance to continue her journey throughout the castle.
Dumbledore cleared his throat, “A word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They will not distinguish between the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving,” he pauses once more, lifting a finger, “but you know, happiness to be found even in the darkest of times.” His hand waves over a candle, distinguishing the flame, “One only remembers to turn on the light.” waving his hand again, the flame returns. 
“With that being said, we’ve taken the necessary precaution to further ensure your safety in the castle.” Albus glances over his shoulder and meets Minerva’s eyes, then quickly does the same to Remus and Severus before returning his attention to the crowds. All three appear nervous. Deep down, Albus feels the same, but puts on a fake smile. “We are pleased to welcome another guest to Hogwarts.” 
This piques the interest of everyone, and Harry straightens in his seat to look around the faculty for an unfamiliar face. However he falls up short, narrowing his brows in confusion. 
“A fellow alum, who’s recently returned to England after many years abroad. Miss. Y/n L/n…” murmurs once again fill the room, mostly laced with wonder when they notice Dumbledore had not motioned toward a woman to provide face to a name, like he did Lupin. Harry frowns, looking at Hermione who just shrugs in response. “Has graciously accepted the position of taking over nightly surveillance from Mr. Filch. She’ll be roaming the halls after curfew and is expected to report any and all suspicious activity. Including any students out of bed. Therefore, I advise you all to not leave your dormitories after hours,” Dumbledore’s voice suddenly turns serious, “unless you wish to receive the proper punishment.”
Off to the side Harry overheard the twins, Fred and George, mumble something along the lines of, “That’s rubbish. How are we supposed to see if she’s fit if she’s only in the castle at night?” A statement which had all the girls in proximity roll their eyes and glare. 
Ron leaned over to Harry, whispering loud enough for Hermione to hear, “that must suck. Imagine being the only one awake the entire night while everyone else is asleep. Quite a boring job if you ask me.” 
Dumbledore ended the announcement, expression slightly troubled, “Miss. L/n will not be joining us for day-to-day activities, her duty is required at night. 
While Ron and Hermoine fell into conversation as the feast began, Harry’s attention was rather occupied. Noticing something strange those around him failed to see. 
The guilty faces of his teachers. Including Dumbledore and Snape. 
It would be a few months into the term that Harry would first meet Y/n. Dumbledore wasn’t joking about her reporting all activity after hours. Several students had breached curfew. Some go to House parties, others to get a glimpse of Hogwarts mysterious security guard. Each was met with detention that week, and all were shocked having never spotted the woman lurking about the castle. 
It was as if she were a ghost. But even the ghosts of Hogwarts were lively. 
She was all but a mystery. 
It was a bad idea. He knew better than to sneak out of the dorms after hours. But seeing the name Peter Pettigrew, a man known to be dead on the Marauder’s map, Harry had to investigate. So, with his wand leading the light in front of him, he made his way into the halls toward ‘Pettigrew’s’ location. 
“Put that light out!”
“Sorry,” he apologized to the portrait, bringing the light in front of the map. There it showed Peter moving towards him. Harry paused, staying in his position while flicking his wand outward, but caught nothing in the darkness. 
His heart pumped faster, breathing heavily as he felt the anxiety rise. What was he supposed to do? Peter Pettigrew was supposed to be dead. What would it mean if he was alive? What did it mean for Sirius Black?
The footsteps on the map closed in on Harry, until they were right in front of him. Then Harry turned, lifting his gaze expecting to see the culprit but scared himself as he met his own reflection in a mirror. Confused, Harry looked back at the map to find Peter’s name scurrying away, turning the corner moving away from Harry. 
Then another name appeared.
Severus Snape approached the intersection of the opposite corridor, Harry mentally cursing as he waved his wand over the map, “Mischief managed. Nox,” the light went off, plunging him into darkness. 
Unfortunately he was a second too late. Severus non-verbally casts ‘Lumos’ and flashes the light in his face. “Potter,” he snarled. “What are you doing wandering the corridors at night?”
“I was sleepwalking,” was the first thing that popped into Harry's mind. A horrible excuse he was sure Snape wouldn’t believe but tried anyway. 
“Extraordinary like your father you are, Potter,” Snape muttered, tone laced with displeasure. “He, too, was exceedingly arrogant. Strutting about the castle.”
“My dad didn’t strut,” Harry sassed, “and nor do I.” Matching Snape’s hard stare, Harry never lost eye contact, “Now if you don’t mind, I would appreciate it if you lowered your wand.”
Almost like he was impressed with Harry’s attitude, Snape made a face, pointing his hand downward so his wand was directed at the floor. “Turn out your pockets.” When Harry didn’t move, Snape repeated the order sternly, “Turn out. Your pockets.”
Sighing through his nose, Harry removed the map from his hoodie, but did not offer it to Snape. 
“What’s this?”
“A bare bit of parchment.”
“Really,” Snape didn’t believe him. “Open it.” A second paused before Harry complied. Then Snape placed his wand directly over the parchment. “Reveal your secrets.” They watched as lettering appeared, revealing the names Harry already became familiar with but instead of a map, there was a message. “Read it.”
“Messrs. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs,” Harry began, briefly flicking his eyes up , “and Missus. Hops, offer their compliments to Professor Snape and--.” Harry cut himself off, unsure to continue as his eyes scanned over the next sentence. 
“Go on,” Snape drawled, and Harry lifted his head to look at him. 
“And request that he keep his abnormally large nose out of other people’s business.”
Snape saw red, “Why you insolent little--.”
“Professor,” Remus announced himself, Snape turning so fast Harry thought he ought to have whiplash. Black hair pretty much covers his eyes.
“Well, well. Lupin . Out for a little walk….in the moonlight. Are we?” 
Remus ignored Snape, offering only a smirk as he approached the two. “Harry. You alright?”
“That remains to be seen.” Snape, again, turned hastily and snatched the parchment out of Harry’s hands. Leaving the boy stunned. “I have just confiscated a rather curious artifact from Mr. Potter. Take a look, Lupin,” he extends his hand, allowing Remus to take it. “It’s supposed to be your area of expertise. Clearly, it is full of dark magic.”
Remus rolls his eyes at the accusation. “I seriously doubt it, Severus. It looks to me as though it’s merely a parchment designed to insult anyone who tries to read it.” His chuckle echoes. “I suspect it’s a Zonko product. Nevertheless,” he moves his hands away when Snape attempts to retrieve the parchment. “I should investigate any hidden qualities it may possess. “‘Tis after all, as you say, my area of expertise.” 
As Remus goes to have Harry follow him out, they are interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching, causing all three of them to freeze. Severus points his wand out, light emitting into the darkness. They follow the light as he points it in the opposite direction, where they see nothing. Then, as they turn back to the original direction they were facing, the three men stagger back when they’re greeted with the sight of a woman standing directly in front of them.
She was dressed in all black. Beneath her long trench coat, she wore a turtleneck, gloves, and heeled boots. Striking facial features. So youthful; skin clear and smooth like fine China, a jawline and cheekbones that could cut through wood and eyes void of color. They were a bright gray, nearly white. And the moment she spoke Harry noticed how white her teeth were. Reflecting against the light from Snape’s wand. 
“Gentlemen.” Her voice was feathery. Almost a whisper with a slight echo. Unlike anything Harry ever heard. She sounded far away despite being so close. 
Harry saw the way the men reacted to the arrival of their guest. Relaxed, but somewhat uneasy. Remus’s head slightly tipped down, “ Y/n.” Harry’s face contorted to shock, despite assuming the moment he saw the woman that it was Y/n. But what made the boy think otherwise was how young she appeared. As though she were a student and not faculty. Physically looking like she belonged with the seventh years. “Apologies for disturbing you this evening.”
Y/n’s expression was stoic, “Your apology should be directed to those hanging on the wall trying to sleep. Something you all should be doing as well.” Eyes flickered over to Snape, then to Harry, causing the boy to tense under her gaze. It lingered on him for a moment before returning to Remus, “It is not safe to be out at this hour.”
“Agreed,” Snape drawled, glaring at Lupin slightly. “We were all just leaving. Isn’t that right, Lupin?”
“Yes,” the DADA professor cleared his throat. “That’s right. I was actually going to request Harry’s company back to my office to answer a few questions regarding this item he came into possession of,” he waved the map in his hands. Casting a knowing look to Y/n, who merely raised a brow at the parchment. Then her lips curled up while lifting her hand. 
“Might I?”
At first he was hesitant, but then Remus slowly lowered the parchment into her palm, her delicate fingers taking grasp before analyzing the piece up close. “Well, well,” she hummed, a glint in her eyes. “What a peculiar thing. With a sense of humor.” She ignored the annoyed reaction from Snape, making Harry hold back a snicker. 
“Yes,” Remus murmurs with a small smile, but it’s filled with emotion as he looks down at her. When she met his eyes, the man straightened, clearing his throat. “Again, our apologies for the disturbance.” 
Y/n hands the map back, nodding sharply, “Quite alright. At least it was you all responsible for the noise.” She smirks, “I’d hate to report the Weasley twins again for the third time this week.” Remus chuckles and Harry smiles while Snape just rolls his eyes. 
“Been having your hands full, I take it?” 
A scoff escapes her, “Like you wouldn’t believe. These students are more rebellious than I imagined. Though I have to give it to them. They’ve become rather creative in their ways of sneaking out after curfew.”
Remus tilts his head, “More so than how we were,” he whispers so Harry doesn’t catch it, but knowing she would. Her nod confirms so, and Remus shakes his head with a chuckle. “Well I can only assume Filch is pleased to have the nights off now.”
“Oh, he makes it well known when we trade off at dusk.” They share another laugh, but she cuts it off when she spots Harry watching them with curious eyes. “I’ll leave you gentlemen to it then.” Her eyes traveled to Harry, making his breath catch as they lingered on him. Pinning him to his spot as he caught the way they softened. “It’s a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, Harry Potter.” 
The boy stuttered out a response, “It--it’s nice to meet you too, Miss. L/n.” 
“Please, call me Y/n.” She approaches him, stopping short and before anyone could react, she was lifting a gloved hand to his face. Gently brushing a finger over his cheek, causing Harry’s heart to skip a beat. Even with gloves on, her touch was chilling. 
Behind her Harry saw the professors stiffen, meekly sharing a glance. Then Y/n’s voice echoed once more against the silent, almost a kiss of a whisper. “My, don’t you look like your father.” Harry swallowed, processing her words which were nothing but a shock to him that the woman knew his father. Then again as she, with a pained tone, added, “But those eyes… those eyes are all Lily .”
Harry wanted to know more about Y/n after that night. About her relationship with his parents. How she knew Lupin. And Snape when she appeared no older than Percy Weasley. Why was she confined to patrol the halls of Hogwarts at night and could not join them during the day. He tried asking Lupin questions when they got to his office but the man was reluctant to answer. 
Harry had told Hermione and Ron of his interaction with the woman the next day. Igniting surprise in friends as well as curiosity. Hermione particularly found Y/n’s predicament quite questionable. And all the more suspicious when Harry mentioned her youthful appearance. 
“I’m telling you she knew my parents,” He said, placing the goblet on the table. Glancing up he was met with her penetrating stare, brows furrowed.
“That’s impossible, Harry,” she leaned over after checking to see if anyone was listening. “If what you’re saying is true, she’d have to be the same age as Lupin--in her thirties. The only other thing I can think of is she was a child whose parents were friends with yours. Are you sure it wasn’t just your eyes playing tricks on you?”
He shook his head, crossing his arms over the table as he thought back to the night’s events. “No. The way she and Lupin interacted…it was friendly, but tense at the same time. Same with Snape--like they were old acquaintances.” He sighs, scratching the back of his neck. “Whatever, you’re probably right. She must’ve graduated the year before we came here--that would make sense why Snape knew her too.” 
Hermione felt like something was still off, “but…you said she didn’t look older than Percy.”
“So?” Ron cuts in.
“So,” Hermione repeats with an edge to her voice, “It doesn’t make sense for her to be the same age as Percy, but graduated three years ago and knew Harry’s parents the way he’s implying she did.”
“Then she might be twenty or something,” Ron swallows a mouthful of food. At their expressions he lifts his hands with a shrug, “Look all I’m saying is some people age differently. There’ve been times where I can’t tell if someone is eighteen or twenty-five.” 
Hermione slumped in her seat, no longer feeling the energy to argue. Ron did have a point, but her intuition was screaming at her there was more to the story. She’d have to do some digging.
The Golden trio discovered many revelations the night Sirius Black came to Hogwarts. After Sirius dragged Ron into the Shrieking Shack, where Hermione and Harry followed them too, they were stunned to their core upon the arrival of Remus and Y/n. Hermione nauseated at being in the same room as Y/n once more. Having met her the night after Harry when she snuck out of the dorms to the library. It led her to investigate the years Harry’s parents were at Hogwarts, at the same time Snape assigned an essay on werewolves . Resulting in Hermione to uncover two shocking discoveries. 
And seeing the two with Sirius brought an overwhelming fear to consume her. 
“No!” She shouted, still blocking Harry from the three. “I trusted you! He’s a werewolf!” She points to him, glancing over her shoulder to her friends. “That’s why he’s been missing classes.” She gulps, moving her gaze to the woman beside Lupin. Her voice went lower, “And she….she’s a vampire .” The boys’ stomach plummeted, shudders running up their spines as their mouths went agape. 
Lupin was a werewolf. And Y/n was a vampire.
Lupin creeps closer, removing his hand from Sirius shoulder while Y/n stays put. “How long have you known?”
“Since Professor Snape sent the essay,” she pauses again, a cold chill upon her by the way Y/n was staring at her. Intimidating her with those blank eyes. “And when I found the yearbook from when you were all at school. She’s looked the same for fifteen years!” Hermione took a step back as Y/n moved beside Lupin. “Minus the eyes. It’s why she only walks the castle at night. And why Dumbledore’s been having blood from blood banks donated to madam Pomprey.”
The adults are impressed, Y/n holding back a laugh as she mutters, “Clever girl.”
Remus smirks, “Well, well, well Hermione, you really are the brightest witch of your age I’ve ever met.” From behind, Sirius loses his patience.
“Enough talk, Remus, c’mon. Let’s kill him!”
“I did my waiting!” The words echo off the walls, bursting out of Sirius's chest like an explosion. “Twelve years of it! In Azkaban!”
The night had been full of so much chaos. Not only was their professor a werewolf and nightguard a vampire, but Peter Pettigrew was alive and Sirius was innocent. Then Sirius revealed to Harry once they left the Shack that Y/n had actually been named Harry’s Godmother. Filling in the blanks Harry conjured as he tried to piece together the relationship she had with his parents. 
Sirius didn’t want to talk about the night she turned, but informed Harry that she’d left England by order of the Ministry. They put her on their record of living vampires and told her she’d have to request permission to return each time she wanted to visit. Sentencing her to a nomadic life across the globe. The one time she did come home was shortly after Harry’s birth when Lily managed to track her down. Three years after becoming a vampire, her self-control had improved. 
Their conversation was interrupted when the group had the horrifying realization it was the night of a full moon. Lighting up the sky as it broke through the clouds. Casting down its curse on the man bound to it. 
Harry will never forget the image of watching Remus in full transformation going toe-to-toe with Y/n’s true form. The black veins under her bloodshot, blackened eyes. The gray disappeared from the dilation of her pupils. Fangs protruding from her gums, jaw practically dislocated and hissing like a wild animal out for the blood she craved. The two ripping at each other’s flesh, their strength inhuman. Y/n obviously holding back to not kill Remus by accident, who was fighting her with the intent to kill given his mind was lost to the moon. If either of them bit the other it would end in tragedy. 
And while at the time Y/n had 15 years of self-control under her belt, there was always the risk she could lose it.
Even Snape was terrified. Seeing the creature in replace of the girl who saved his life all those years prior. A painful reminder of what could have been his reality. In the years following the incident Snape felt guilt and remorse for Y/n--who’d been the only one in James Potter’s friend group to show him kindness. Often scolding the others for their behavior. She was close to Lily and even sat with her and Snape in class or the Great Hall.
After the clouds cleared and the sun replaced the moon, Harry found himself in Remus’s office, alongside Y/n. It was the first time she’d been out in the daylight, though her body was covered head-to-toe, and sunglasses masked her eyes. Staying along the walls where the shadows seek shelter from the sun. 
“What happened?” Harry asked her when Remus left the room, but not before giving Y/n a friendly hug with the promise to write to her. She would be returning to Hogwarts, continuing her position as night guard. The Golden trio added to the small list of people aware of her condition. “How did you…” he bit his lip, unsure of the right words. “Become what you are?”
If she was bothered by the question, she was good at hiding it. Face never wavering from its expression. “It’s not a pleasant story to the ears, Harry. And I don’t,” she gave a sad smile. “I don’t want to ruin the image you have of your Godfather and Dumbledore--and even Remus.” That had him confused. 
Why would it ruin his image of them? Especially Dumbledore?
“You’re my Godmother,” Harry defended, still reeling in the happiness of knowing he had some family besides his abusive aunt and uncle. People who cared for him. “I want us to not have secrets with each other. I want to understand you--and know how to help you.” 
Y/n chuckled, bringing a cold hand to push some hair from Harry’s face that fell between his eyes. Gently stroking the scar on his forehead as she did so. “I’d expect nothing less from a Gryffindor. You were very brave last night. Saving Sirius and coming between Remus and I.” He flushed, rosy cheeks painting his face. Y/n sighed, removing her glasses so Harry could see her gray eyes. “What I’m going to tell you is not a story for the faint of heart, Harry. Remus, Sirius, Snape, your father….” her sharp inhale lingered a moment. “Life did not treat us well. And we’re still dealing with the consequences.” 
By the end of the tragic story, Harry was at a loss for words. Disbelieved by the truth of Y/n’s origins of becoming a vampire. Initially he thought the group had stumbled upon a rogue one and it targeted her. No, it was deeper and more personal. 
Sirius tried pranking Snape during a full moon. Snape took the bait. His father and Y/n went to save Snape from being killed and Remus attacked her. Leaving her half-dead by the time they reached the infirmary. And Dumbledore made the life-changing decision to transform her into a vampire rather than let her die. 
Sentencing her to a life of eternity, feeding off the blood of humans and to watch her loved ones die while she remained. The same face of an eighteen-year-old girl walking the Earth forever. 
Harry’s heart shattered. 
“What now?” came the question minutes later. Wondering how Y/n managed to stay at Hogwarts, working for the man she clearly loathed by the way she talked about him. Still angry by his decision. “Why are you staying when Sirius is free? Don’t you want to get away from here?” 
‘Away from the painful memories?’ He wanted to add. 
All he got was a shrug and a small smile. “And leave you?” His chest burst with emotion. A statement so simple, but worth a thousand words. “You’re my Godson are you not? Other forces are a threat to you, Harry. And I will not let your parents down.” 
And she didn’t. 
Four years later after that fateful night and here the two were sitting on the edge of the half-destroyed Astronomy tower. Overlooking the river while a lone Phoenix flew across the sky. Embarking on the silence, honoring their loved ones. 
Unsure of what future laid ahead of them, but one thing was for sure. Life may not have treated them well, but the best they could do was move forward. Not let the deaths be for nothing. Make sure the peace withstood to prevent another war. 
The history books would go on to write about the Boy Who Lived and his Godmother, the Lone Vampire. Her name and face, however, are hidden from the public eye. And as the decades pass more and more of her friends join the souls lost in the castle. Leaving only those lucky enough to cross paths to have a glimpse in their memory.
For she would forever be a mystery, with the moon and stars as her companion. 
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jaioes · 1 year
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More stickers!!
These costumes were suggested over on insta and it fits them so well lol.✨🐈‍⬛🐕🌟
And yes family line is the black family song . You cant change my mind on that
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betweendyingstars · 1 year
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thursdaygxrls · 1 year
A Lesson in Biology
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summary — sirius has a midnight craving.
pairing — vampire!sirius black x fem!reader
disclaimer — i don’t own sirius black (sighhh) or the gif used
warnings — mentions of blood, oral (fem receiving), general smut, and (say it with me now) unedited
no one asked for this but sirius is literally so yummy i couldn’t contain myself
He comes to her at night — he always does. It’s stupid, and he chastises himself for the giddy feeling that warms his frozen body. She makes him feel like a fucking teenager and it’s disgusting.
He can see the dim, yellow glow of light coming from her window when he arrives. He climbs the trellis with ease and perches near the outer windowsill. Through the glass, he makes out a hunched figure seated at the desk. She’s in her baggy joggers and a tank top — lovely. Another quick glance around the room and he sees that it’s empty except for, no roommate in sight. Even lovelier.
Deep down, he knows how wrong this is. It's not wrong because he feels silly, or he didn't warn her before he got here. It's wrong because everything about her brings him closer to insanity: her scent, the outline of her body through the tank top, the trail of glistening salvia on her lips that her tongue leaves. He brings his hand to the lip of the window and is delighted (but not entirely surprised) to find it unlocked.
"Sirius!" Her tone is shocked, maybe even scared, but it wraps around him in a way that feels like a hug.
"Hey there, Lovebug," he grins widely as he slips through the window, his feet hitting the floor far too gracefully.
"Sirius, I didn't know—" She shoots up from her seat, "—You didn't call, right?"
"No, no," he chuckles, his voice thick as honey, "I didn't. Is that a problem?"
"Well, no," she sighs, "You just scared me, that's all."
"And you left the window unlocked." Sirius closes the space between them, raising his hand to gently stroke his thumb against her cheek, "Sure you weren't expecting any visitors?"
"Of course not." She knows he's only teasing, but the very thought makes her want to laugh. Someone else?
"Was I interrupting anything?" He asks, taking her hands into his. He brings them to his lips to press a soft kiss to the skin. His sharp teeth scrape lightly against her knuckles.
"Just a bit of homework," she sighs.
"Well, don't let me get in the way, Bug," he grins, "Go on, get back to your work."
She knows better than to think he's just going to let her work in peace. He shrugs out of his leather jacket, hanging it from her bedpost as he takes a seat closer to the headboard. He lays down, taking one of her pillows into his arms.
"You all alone tonight?" He asks as he smoothes the wrinkled fabric of the pillowcase.
"Liv's spending the night at her girlfriend's," she responds as she settles back down into her desk chair.
"Does she ever sleep here?" He tilts his head back to look at her, "She's less roommate, more occasional guest."
"You don't seem to mind." Though Sirius can only see the back of her head, he knows there's a smile on her lips. Her gorgeous, delicious lips.
He's tired of the pillow in mere seconds. The sound of a pen scrawling on paper calls him to the desk like a siren song. His hands are freezing against her bare arms. They rub up and down slowly, though, it's not as soothing as intended. Goosebumps erupt on her skin when his lips meet her ear.
"What class is that for?" He whispers.
"Biology." She swallows. Hard.
"Hm, interesting," he hums. The sight of her neck pulsing is not lost on him. His fingers, still cold as ice, trail her throat. It would be so easy to take her now. Her roommate wasn't home and likely wouldn't be until at least tomorrow morning. He could keep her silent enough that no one would hear a think, not even the dorm next door. Sirius's lips met her neck, and she let out a sigh. It would be so easy to take her, yet, it would be the most difficult thing he's ever done.
He'd created a routine over the years. When he was really thirsty, it wasn't hard to find a snack in secluded alleyways or dark corners. What he enjoyed most, though, was the chase; he'd find a new man or woman to pursue every once in a while. He'd charm them, butter them up, then drain their blood after fucking them into the mattress. He expected her to be no different.
Sirius met her outside a coffee shop on the edge of the campus. She smelled so sweet, so tempting, he couldn't just let her walk away. And so he proceeded as usual: he was charming, she was smiling, a date was planned. Somewhere between romantic dinner and vicious murder, though, his routine began to derail. When they talked, he didn't have to fake his laughs, nor did he notice the ache in his cheeks from how wide his smile had grown. He told himself he would just delay the inevitable—treat her to another date, give her the best sex of her life, then end it all there.
"I'm almost finished," she spoke quietly, glancing up at him. It was nearly three months later now, and he was still making excuses.
"Are you now?" He grinned against her neck, "My lips that good, Bug?"
"With my homework," she clarified with a roll of her eyes. He only let out a soft chuckle as he pressed open-mouth kisses to her shoulder. He couldn't be more thankful for the tank top she was wearing.
"You think you could wait another ten minutes?" Her voice was soft as she asked the question. She didn't want to give in when she was so close to finally finishing her work.
"No," he answered honestly. Wordlessly, he pulled her chair out, eliciting a squeak of surprise from her. He slipped into the small nook under her desk and kneeled before her. His misty grey eyes met hers.
"We can both get what we want, though." His tone was low as his fingers trailed to the waistline of her joggers.
"Sirius..." She trailed off. Sirius, yes? Sirius, no? Sirius, wait? Sirius, please? She didn't know what she was going to say, all she knew was that she was lifting her hips so he could slide her pants down.
He could feel her quickening pulse under his lips as he kissed her inner thigh. Sirius worked slowly, never once taking his eyes off of her as he delved further between her thighs towards her clothed heat. Nimble, callused finger yanked at her panties. He was gentle with her as he let them fall down her legs; it was like he was delicately plucking away petals from a flower. Even when she was fully exposed to him, he remained where he was, nibbling at the flesh of her thighs. It took him a minute or two teasing a few whines to give in.
"Oh, God." Was her cry when he finally pressed his lips to her folds. His tongue licked a stripe from the bottom of her cunt all the way to her clit where he focused his attention.
"I like the new nickname," he grinned up at her, halting his actions, "Am I your God now, Bug?"
She was halfway through grumbling at him when another moan tumbled from her mouth. Sirius was good, far too good. He had decades of experience under his belt and could find how to make anyone tic within seconds. Pride bloomed in his chest as her hands clawed their way into his long, black hair. Homework forgotten, she let herself fall into the trap he'd so easily set.
Before, he'd thought about silencing her, now, all he could think about was finding a way to make her louder. He fed off the sounds she made, relished in the shaky breaths and whimpers. His hands held her thighs apart with an iron grip. There would likely be bruises there next morning, but he didn't care. In fact, he pressed further, icy fingers burning marks into her skin.
"Sirius," she whispered, her voice hoarse with pleasure.
"I know, love, I know," he cooed, "Are you gonna cum for me?" He didn't wait for a response. His tongue slipped into her, prodding at her hole before returning to her clit. He knew she was getting close—the sound of her blood pumping rapidly mixed with the clenching of both her thighs and walls gave it away.
She came undone on him, soaking his his face from the nose down. He helped her come down with a few gentle licks and soothing rubs against her legs. If he wasn't undead, his heart would've exploded at the way she looked at him. It was selfish to keep her to himself like this. It was wrong to leave her ruined.
"Finish up your homework, Bug. I'm gonna need you to return that favor."
It was wrong, and Sirius couldn't care less.
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Bitches be like "I want you, I need you, my every being, my every atom  gravitates toward you, I don't know what I'd do without you, I cannot breathe when you are near-" and still be 10000% convinced that they're Not In Love.
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