#sirs pls i cannot do this tonight.....please be normal so i can go to bed xx love and light
marciliedonato · 2 years
*remembers that we have horrors tonight after the tpk leaks in TEXAS* [trent reznor voice] it is unfortunate that my chemical romance have done anything...... -_-
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Shhh its past midnight at my place but i just had the idea:: wash has has nightmares about alex getting himself killed and when he wakes up all is angst and despair? Pls pls plss but yahh take ur time with all the reqs and have a merry christmas!
Hi! First off, merry Christmas! Thank you so much for the request! Before I begin this I NEED to mention that my friend @stegekay has a piece that’s like this and it’s one of my favourite things to read - I can probably recite it by now. So definitely go check that out.
Here’s a link!
Washington dreams of bullets and blood and bandages.
It’s all he’s known for a large majority of his life, of course he does.
Tonight, he wakes up in the peace of a misty morning, the fog not quite lifted yet outside the tent. It’s cold, his breath puffs in front of him in little bursts of dragon’s breath, and yet it’s serene, peaceful.
How ironic, that there might be peace in the midst of a war.
Washington breathes, and he assumes he does his morning routine as usual - hazy memories of dressing and taking up a few letters flashing through his mind in the blink of an eye - before he is overlooking the landscape miles away from camp.
Hamilton accompanies him, his generals, a few other aides.
“We’ve the high ground here,” Washington says mostly to himself, but Hamilton nods anyways, “it’s good. We can see the British coming.”
“What of the treeline sir?” Hamilton takes a step forward, ever curious eyes scanning the aforementioned expanse of trees. “It offers them cover.”
“Not for an entire army, boy.” One of his generals rumbles, casting a disapproving glare towards Washington’s aide-de-camp. Washington takes notice but does nothing, what can he do?
It is most likely because he believes Hamilton out of line, and he might be but Washington is rare to reprimand the boy for things like this, disobeying orders however…
Never one to let a challenge go unanswered, Hamilton juts his chin upwards and doesn’t move back behind Washington. “You don’t need an entire army to get through the trees, just a few men can kill His Excellency; it only takes one bullet.”
“Easy Alex,” Washington murmurs, just for Hamilton to hear.
It is like the mere suggestion is enough to manifest the redcoat that appears from the wooded area, Washington only has time to catch a glimpse of the red of his uniform before the soldier’s pistol is out and aimed. Aimed at him.
Hamilton draws his pistol just as quickly, pointing it at the redcoat and firing without hesitation. The redcoat’s finger twitches against his trigger and Alexander’s movements draw his attention, the aim of his gun, and- no.
The British soldier also fires.
Hamilton is thrown back, black spreading through his dark blue uniform. It doesn’t matter that the blood is spreading, the boy - Alexander - is dead, was dead before he hit the ground.
George is pulled away from him, there’s shouting. They don’t know if there’s more. He must go, he must be brought to safety. He doesn’t hear much over the ringing in his ears, can’t see much besides the- the corpse.
He can’t tear his eyes away from Hamilton’s glazed gaze, unseeing of anything in his world any longer, body bent unnaturally and looking waxy and fake it looks fake fake fake. Dead. He’s dead. Oh, his poor boy.
It was so fast and he’s dead and he was protecting Washington.
God no. Please. Please,please,please; please wake up.
He doesn’t. Washington cannot hold his screams any longer. “No! No! Hamilton! Hamilton! Alex! Alexander!”
He bolts up in bed.
It takes a few moments for his racing heart to calm itself, for his breathing to return to normal and not the panic he’d felt not moments ago.
Hamilton is fine. He’s alive.
They’re not even residing in tents at the moment, rather they’ve a house rented for the use of the war efforts.
Hamilton is fine. He doesn’t need to check. He’s fine.
But this is war, men are shot every day, and perhaps it will not happen in so unexpected a nature, but every day that Hamilton begs for a command, begs to fight, he risks meeting such a fate, welcomes it even.
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sebongie-loves · 7 years
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no one requested this but yo gurl is bursting with random ideas in daily basis so
words: 1.6k
enjoy! <3 
the videos hansol produces are not like the talking-and-dramas-and-clickbaits-vlogs but it’s telling the viewers where he has been
his style probably is like shay mitchell’s shaycation (which is my inspiration for this au. check it out she’s my bae)
hansol doesn’t really like talking infront of the camera unless there’s a script or if he already knows what to say
he never really tries to be funny but everyone on the comment section always say he is pretty funny in his own way
he does voice over and sometimes he talks in his videos 
his appearance is what’s the audience wanted but the boi is very shy
beside the travelling itself, the editing takes alot of time especially when he messed up stuffs considering how clumsy he is
his sister or his friends are usually the one he took everytime he’s travelling
hansol’s goal is like to inspire people and makes people think that your life is not only in your small town you live in or that one school building or work place
there are so much in this world that you can experience
and if you can’t, just watch his videos 
it makes your room feels alot bigger than it is due to how great everything
travelling is not easy though for him
cameras and drones are not light and easy to bring 
however for the sake of his videos’ quality? why not
the money itself used to be a problem 
fortunately, his youtube sensation grows really fast
people come to see his videos 
whether it’s for the content itself
his poetic words voice over 
or his beauty
words spread about him being such a good vlogger so his popularity grows
which makes him earn more money 
which also means that he can travels more for content
despite of the luxurious trips, he also does small trips
like going to small city or the less crowded part of the world
usually he does not really take alot of equipment for this which he is more thankful about it 
but still, hansol is truly thankful and happy that he can does what makes him happy
this is the tale of you meeting this clumsy boy 
you met him during your vacation 
you’re alone 
this is your first time travelling alone and it gives you shit ton of anxiety
however you’re already like, “okay i’m rEADY”
hansol is also alone but he is pretty used at travelling alone, unlike you
you two meet in a restaurant
you’re eating alone, enjoying the taste of the foods that originated on the place you’re in 
and you see a person coming in
it’s hansol
obviously you two have no idea about each other but the boy is cute
you noticed him because he comes in and he does not notice you because he doesn’t really do a quick skim at the place 
so he sits near you and orders his foods very quickly 
he’s not in a rush though, that’s just how he is
when the foods come, you can see from the corner of your eyes how excited he is like his face is beaming when he sees those foods
he takes a shoot of the foods and talks to the camera which you find rather odd but well you don’t judge people like that it’s their life
hansol seems like he’s enjoying his food but still eating it faster than a normal person
you just think to yourself, he’s probably has a place to go but like that’s just how he is
he gets up first, leaving the bills and leaves the restaurant
you’re technically finished too yet you stayed because you’re too immersed at the guy 
so you decided to leave as he left
then saying stuffs like
“handsome guy during vacation? i am lucky or nah”
but with your witty eyes you can see black box thingy from hansol’s table and it’s his camera
the worse part is, hansol does not realize it so he is currently walking in ease 
you ran
for the sake of the cute boy you see in a restaurant
hansol automatically turns his head and sees you running towards him
as you get closer,  you catch your breath and hansol looks quite confused
“you.. l e f t your camera sir”
his eyes widen in disbelief as he looks at his mini backpack 
when he realized it, he almost screamed and just bowing at you countless times
“oh thank you so much what can i do to repay this kindness let me buy you a coffe or a meal please i’m so thankful over this”
“you’re welcome but my mom told me not to go with stranger?”
you jokingly say that and a smile forms on hansol’s face. the most blinding and heart warming smile
“i’m hansol! nice meeting you and thank you for helping me”
“i’m y/n!”
“so are you up for a meal now?”
“well we literally just came out from a restaurant and i’m not really that hungry but if you really want to treat me, i’ll be happy to accept that. not now though”
“i have my flight back tommorow evening. just give me your number so i can text you tonight or you can text me tonight if you’re feeling hungry”
he says, giving you his phone
you’re feeling skeptical with the whole thing but what can gone wrong?
alot actually, pls don’t give your phone number to a stranger even the one with a name guys
so you decided to contact him later and you return to your hotel room
guess who is standing on the door room beside yours? :)
it’s mr.hansol himself
“oooh it’s you?”
he says, noticing you. “how did this happen?” said you, replying to him
hansol only chuckles but enough to makes your heart races
“have a goodnight”
then he gets in his room
those words are enough to make you blushed and having your heart flutter 
he’s handsome and he seems nice 
but like you remember you’re here only for the holiday, so does he 
as the night falls, you could feel your dinner is not enough and you do remember hansol’s offer so you texted him
‘are you up for room service foods?’
it does not take a long time for hansol to reply but it’s not fast either
‘sure! i’ll go to your room now’
it’s dangerous but like you’re lonely for being away from home and loves on so like if you can make a friend will you refuse that?
but if this boy is a killer bye world you lived your life happily and die in a foreign country killed by beautiful man
when you hear the bell rings, you open the door and you can see him smiling with his hair kind of wet which you figure why he didn’t reply your text  immidiately is because he was showering
you just finished showering too when you texted him so your hair is also still moist wet and you’re wearing some casual tshirt and sweatpants
he’s more relaxed than you though? he’s wearing a tshirt and a short which is pretty reassuring that he’s not a pyscho or a killer
hansol just looks like a normal person 
so you two ordered some foods from your room and just talked
talking with hansol is a lot of fun
when you say alot, it means ALOT of fun
you’re getting to know more about hansol like how his full name is hansol vernon chwe and the vernon is his mother’s middle name, how he’s currently living in korea because his father is korean, his youtube channel 
like quite many informations about him which makes him gain more of your trust
you don’t want him to go so you’re like “how about we watch this movie before you return to your room?”
hansol, not gonna lie, is enjoying your presence as much as you enjoy his. it’s nice to have someone and talk to someone when you have been travelling alone. especially someone that he found attractive and nice. so he is just like ‘sure’  
as the movie goes by, you can feel your eyes getting heavier and it finally closes and you’re resting your head on hansol’s shoulder
hansol was like ‘hey you cool let’s be friend’ but now this is another next level even for a person as easy going as he is. it’s not like he’s burdened by this. more like, ‘you shouldn’t be this comfortable near a guy that you just know but i’m actually enjoying this’
he waited until you finally asleep before he’s trying to pat your head. he’s shaking and good thing you cannot see that. but you still can feel it so you’re like, “oh i’m sleepy” then back to sleep
just like a good person hansol is, he carries you to bed from the couch in the room and put on a note near the bedside table
you woke up with an utter confusion
after awhile you decided to text him something like
‘hey! sorry for falling asleep last night, thank you for yesterday and i also gonna catch a flight back home for this evening. if we’re really fated, we’ll see each other again. ahaha, have a safe flight!’
as figured, you see him again
this time he notices you first, when you’re putting your bag on the compartment above your seat 
“hey you cool person”
who would’ve guessed his next destination is your place and you would ended up being in one of the famous vlogger’s video? 
not you
since then your relationship with hansol grew even more and even distance lost the battle between it and you two’s relationship
thank you for reading!
should i make this for another members too? 
have a goodday/night! < 3 
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