daily-rayless · 11 months
Tear for the character meme, if you’re still doing that :)
Favorite thing about her:
There's a lot I like about Tear. She's the sort of serious, knightly figure (with a secret emotional side) that I often gravitate towards. I think the game does a good job positioning her between the hero party and the villain party -- primarily through her relationship with Van, but also through her connections to Legretta and Mohs, and even Yulia and the Score that everyone's fighting over. Early in the game, she's very much on her own side, not really aligning herself with Luke until after Akzeriuth. But I'd say my favorite thing is her character design. I think she's just beautiful, the contrast of the ashy brown hair (and so long and sleek) with her piercing blue eyes. I really like that her costume is predominantly brown -- a color that often feels underused in character design -- and her dress variously suggests a sorceress' gown, a knightly tabard, maybe even a nun's habit. (And of course a cello.) You can see at a glance that she's a serious, mature character, but she also loves beauty, which we initially see through her music.
Least favorite thing about her:
I know there's some debate in the fandom over this, but I feel like her English voice actor didn't get the best direction. Tonally, I think the voice is a good fit for her, and it makes sense for Tear's performance to be downplayed and subtle. But I feel like she sometimes sounds a little too lifeless -- maybe if they'd voiced the skits, where Tear gets her more funny and emotional moments, the performance would feel more rounded.
Favorite line:
Having just said that, I think there are some moments where her VA does bring it. Her first scene at Fabre Manor, when she shouts that she's going to kill Van, that's a great moment. I also think the scene in Daath's library before the Tower of Rem, where she tells Luke that she'll hate him if he becomes a hero, the VA does a good job of making her sound both stern and deeply shaken. Her "I love you" is also well done, emotional without sounding sappy or forced. I could pick any of those, but I'm going to go with her screaming "Luke! Stop!" at the Tower of Rem. I love that we've had this build up of her refusing to interfere with his choice, being logical, being his composed, mature mentor -- and then at the crucial moment, she can't do it. She breaks down and tries to stop him because even for her, her heart is stronger than any number of logical arguments.
I've never really considered this. I've always assumed (and the game shows) that she's really close to Natalia and Anise, and I think she always would be. If asked who her best friend was, she'd probably say Natalia. They have a good, contrasting chemistry, Natalia wearing her heart on her sleeve, being very forceful and even naive at times, while Tear probably needs a more upbeat person to bring her out of her shell; despite that, they still have a lot in common, fighting alongside each other, both of them being motivated by a strong sense of service and altruism. But thinking outside the box, it's sad that we never really see her interact one on one with, say, Jade. What's their dynamic like, when none of the other party members are around? I also think it would be really fun if, after the game, she became close to Peony through their shared interest in rappigs. She would shake her head at his eccentricities and (unsuccessfully) try to reel him in from time to time. But I would guess that out of anyone in the game, Tear would be the most enthusiastic about his amazing pets. I'd love to see them going to a rappig show or something together, or maybe picking a new rappig for the imperial pigpen Peony's bedroom.
I wouldn't say I have an OTP for her. I like LukeTear -- I know not every Abyss fan enjoys it, but I think it's a compelling, character-based slow burn. They seem drawn together because of each others' personalities, not just circumstances; they operate as friends as well as a romantic couple; they seem to bring out each others' good traits. And I've always liked how Abyss takes the idea of the stern, professional soldier protecting the softer, untested noble, but flips the typical genders. And of course Luke grows until he's strong enough to protect her in turn. But while I like it, LukeTear doesn't rise to the level of an OTP for me.
Nothing too fancy for this one, not her immediate family or anything. Thinking over the fandom, it's a bit surprising there isn't more variety when it comes to shipping her.
Random headcanon:
I don't have one. Though in turning the question over, I realized I'd love to know what was going through her head when she was standing with Luke in her garden and he asked for a knife. She's surprised by what he does, so what was she expecting? That could be an interesting character moment to explore.
Unpopular opinion:
As much as I like her costume, I think it looks kind of bad when animated. It's so stiff, all these weird flaps and angles sticking out. It looks great when she's standing still, awkward as all get out as soon as she goes faster than a walk.
Song I associate with her:
"Let Her Feel the Rain" by Tara MacLean. It's more about the mood than the lyrics. (Though some of them do feel Tear-ish -- they say when she cries her teardrops turn to ice; you will kneel before her at her altar imageries.) Ages ago, I did one of those memes where you had to randomly pick ten songs and draw a fan art during each song's duration. "Let Her Feel the Rain" made me think of Tear, and ever since then it always has.
Favorite picture of her:
Oh, there are so many good ones, her basic character portrait from the original booklet, art of her in new outfits from escort titles... How about this one from one of the light novels?
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Thank you for the ask!
Meme taken from here.
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~2023 Symphonia Fic Recs~
Wanted to start off the new year (a little late, haha) with some fic recs for Tales of Symphonia! This is going to be focused on fics that were specifically published/updated in 2023, so some of these stories will vary in length as well as in rating, and you'll most likely see some repeating authors. A small disclaimer: I like to read stories that are in-line with my general preferences and likes (such as fave ships and characters) so I'm admitting some bias in these recs, but I also believe these fics are very much worth reading and want to share them! Much of this is also from the top of my head, so apologies in advance if I miss some additional fics!
Each will be a link to the story and author, rating and word count, and with a very brief summary of the fic. These are in no particular order.
With that, let's go! All fics are under the cut! (And just past New Year's Lloyd):
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And A Sense of Guilt I Can't Deny by AdeptArcanist (G, 1.7k) - Frank was never the sort of man to consider himself extraordinary. He was just another boy who grew up under Iselia’s auspices, taking the peaceful days for granted. He never expected that he would be the father of the next Chosen. A character study revolving around Frank Brunel, his upbringing under the Church, and his connection with Colette. A beautiful fic that gives more of a voice to one of Symphonia's overlooked minor characters.
Passed between these hands of ours by Umbry2000 (G, 3.2k) - The passing of joy from one person to the next, like stones pressed from hand to hand. Lloyd and Colette meet with a young member of the Chosen lineage and teaches her how to skip stones, interspersed with wonderfully written flashbacks to them as children. Takes place post-canon.
Wings of the Dawn by FrostGlaive (T, 56.9k) - Yggdrasill is determined to have his Angelus Project completed. In a frantic bid to save his son, Kratos tries a temporary measure. But plans never go as intended. A canon-divergence fic where Lloyd is captured in Welgaia by Yggdrasill, his key crest then removed from his Exsphere by Kratos. A very interesting take where Lloyd is unwillingly put on the enemy side and has revelations differently from canon.
Rewind by ignitible (T, 20.9k) - "A person’s memories is tied to their time. -- There will be nothing for them to remember." A post-canon fic that mixes in an adventure/mystery plot with the age regression trope in such an engaging way. Begins with most of the party searching for missing persons in the Shadow Temple before they get separated-and discovering who gets hit with the trope is half the fun in reading to find out! Currently an ongoing fic.
Forever and Always by kimberriez (G, 6.6k) - Lloyd was raised by a blacksmith, he knows all sorts of things about metal, about craftsmanship. What he can't quite figure out is why Kratos has a wedding ring, and what about it looks familiar. A dad reveal, set right after Colette is kidnapped in Ozette. A canon-divergence fic that plays with the timeframe of when Lloyd realizes who Kratos is, and gives some really touching interaction between the two as a result. Part of a series of different dad reveals.
stargazing by almost_home (G, 2.3k) - Lloyd invites Genis for a sleepover. Pre-game. A small and sweet fic about Lloyd and Genis as children, spending time together at Lloyd's home. Overall a really adorable portrayal of their friendship.
Like Starlight by MannaTea (T, 5.4k) - Aithra Brunel is sixteen when she accepts the oracle and her new title: Sylvarant’s Chosen of Regeneration. A really beautiful and tearful story centering around one of the past Chosens of Sylvarant, particularly detailing about her journey and the tragedy that ultimately befalls her.
A Good Luck Charm by sistaofpeace1 (G, 1.3k) - A simple trinket turns out to be far more meaningful. A cute feel-good Kratos/Anna fic with Anna helping Kratos fight off some bandits, as well as Kratos not knowing what a mistletoe is. Hilarity ensues, leading to some nice fluff.
just down the dirt road by Baron_Ali (G, 1.1k) - Memories and nostalgia shrouding his childhood home give Lloyd pause; Colette sets her dork back on track. This story takes place one year after Lloyd and Colette's Exsphere journey, and delves deep into the difficulty of the quest and how it's beginning to weigh down on Lloyd and his confidence in tackling it while Colette reassures him. An incredibly sweet and warm fic that has a lot of lovely imagery in its storytelling.
The place of our dreams (let's go there) by holy_kami (T, 6.3k) - He probably thought he did a good job of hiding his pain from them, but Colette was all too familiar with feeling alienated because she was so starkly different from everyone else. In fact, she and Zelos were more alike than anyone else she knew. A Zelos and Colette fic that takes place before and after Zelos' betrayal. Incredibly great introspection between both of their roles as Chosen and how it brings them both an understanding of each other.
complications you could do without by almost_home (G, 3.7k) - Raine is injured in the Temple of Ice, and Zelos has a rough time with it. A really fascinating fic about Zelos experiencing past trauma when Raine gets injured. This story does a great job portraying his dynamics with the entire group overall, along with a touching scene between him and Raine for a bit of closure.
Heart Beats by Umbry2000 (G, 1.7k) - She counts the steady beats of his heart, and promises to always protect him. The style of this fic winds around Colette and Lloyd's physical interactions, and written in such a genuine way that leads to a bittersweet ending. A great mixture of fluff and angst.
Vita by MannaTea (E, 4.1k) - Half-elves can now attend formal schools as well as teach in them. They can join the church, attend the theater, walk into any medical facility and receive treatment, and practice medicine. But they cannot marry humans. A Regal/Raine fic where Regal's own unique healing magic is put to good use while he and Raine meet secretly. Takes place in the backdrop of a vote where it would be decided if half-elves and humans can get married, making for a suspenseful and emotional story.
The Great Interdimensional Curry Quest by VSSAKJ (G, 1.1k) - Filled with a burning yearning for the universe’s spiciest delicacy, Symphonia's Spice-Loving Gnomelette leaves the Temple of Earth behind, setting off on a journey through time and space (and other Tales of games) to treat his taste buds to even hotter and heartier meals. This story technically spans over other Tales of games, but is focused on the silly gnomelette from Symphonia that demands something spicy from the party. Just a really fun fic where this NPC travels across different worlds and dimensions for the spiciest food in existence!
A Cowgirl Comes-a-Ridin' by Night Sky (E, 7.3k) - They called them Lloyd the Kid and Colette the Angel. A notorious couple wanted by the authorities in all of western Sylvarant. Slipperier than a snake in slime oil and luckier than a mimic chest in a seemingly looted ghost town, these two had the highest bounty on their heads in the west: One million gald reward for each. Dead or alive. As the title implies, a really hilarious but also sexy fic set in a Western AU, taking place while Lloyd and Colette are out on the run and settle for the night. Both are adorable goofballs just having a good time with the writing style making this such a fun ride to go on. Also, Sheena is the sheriff tracking them down!
Break Open the Sky by MannaTea (M, 102.5k) - What kind of “Hero” of Regeneration would she be to leave an infant to fend for itself? Someone had to have left it here for a reason. The question was, of course, why? But as she lifted the little thing carefully into her arms, the motion reminding her of nights so far in the past, now, the why seemed almost tragically clear: this baby was of mixed blood. A Raine-centric fic (with eventual Regal/Raine) where she must take care of an abandoned half-elf baby that was left to her. An incredibly well-written fic that deals with Raine's issues of abandonment and past trauma, combined with a good deal of worldbuilding for Symphonia and examining the still-thriving deep-seated prejudices for half-elves.
Pretty Ribbon by CamTheYaoiFan (G, 492) - Presea grapples with the intricacies of female friendship, and wonders why she fumbles even more around Colette. But Colette is patient and kind, and Presea finds herself feeling especially drawn to her. A very cute little fic about Presea navigating her feelings for Colette and what she means to her. Perfect for a short and sweet read. Includes fluff and also some fanart in the story.
Snow Angel by amuk (T, 1.1k) - Colette was clumsy. Sheena had known this for a while now. Every place they’d ever visited had a Colette-shaped imprint. Yet, for some reason, she thought that teaching her how to skate was a good idea. A really light-hearted Sheena/Colette fic where the two go ice skating together. Clumsiness happens, but for a really great and romantic effect. Expect sweet fluff.
sings the tune without the words by MannaTea (T, 23.3k) - 4,000 years after the events of Tales of Symphonia, our heroes have been reborn. This tale belongs to Lloyd and Colette. A Lloyd/Colette multichapter fic that takes place in a modern AU, but with the twist that it's also a reincarnation AU! Follows along Lloyd and Colette's lives from childhood to old age, with some familiar faces along the way, with both uplifting and tragic moments in-between.
A Held Note by fowl68 (G, 11.5k) - Dirk poured tea for their ghost. She never sat with him, but she would drift closer, drawn in by his voice and conversation. She talked, sometimes, endless questions about her baby and where was her baby? She never absorbed the fact that her baby was sleeping in the bed just upstairs. A story that examines the 'what-if' scenario of Anna and Martel being wandering ghosts during the events of Symphonia, interacting with the cast during different points in their lives, from childhood to adulthood. A really introspective look at how their deaths affect Symphonia's story overall.
Mirage by Umbry2000 (G, 2.7k) - The role given to Colette Brunel had been that of the Chosen. It was a role only she could play. And she played it to perfection. An introspective-fic about Colette with an incredibly well-written look into the pressures of her role, and how it affects her even after the events of Symphonia. Has some brief Lloyd/Colette as his presence helps her break from the shell she's built around herself.
Rather Be Happy by Phylarologist (T, 4.6k) - Lloyd and Colette take a break from their Exsphere-gathering journey to have the worst date imaginable. Just as the summary explains! But with the added angst that eventually occurs near the end and the very reasoning for why Lloyd and Colette are on a bad date. A wholesome fic with that dash of hurt/comfort.
Missing the Ground by sapphose (G, 1.9k) - The group's journey to the Temple of Earth is interrupted by a long detour to the Toize Valley Mines. Can Zelos and Regal face what awaits them on the southeast continent? This fic is part of an ongoing role-reversal AU series with Zelos as the Chosen of the declining world. The story is a brief look into his journey, where Zelos is already losing some of his humanity, as well as dives into his dynamic with the party. A really intriguing portrayal of Symphonia's worldbuilding if the situations were reversed.
Strangely Sacred by fowl68 (G, 19.6k) - The power of the Summon Spirits takes a toll if you're not careful. Sheena can't always afford to be. How the party learns to support each other. Each chapter of this fic examines Sheena's bond with a Summon Spirit and their power--but is also a really wonderful exploration of Sheena's dynamic with each party member, using the Summon Spirits as the connection. Very well-written one-on-one character interaction.
Formative by sykilik101 (G, 6.3k) I am who I am because of you. And, maybe, you are who you are because of me. A story that examines Lloyd and Colette's relationship at different points during their childhood years together. Beautifully captures the nuances of their friendship and blossoming feelings for one another, all while learning about what the Chosen role entails and how Lloyd gradually goes against it for Colette's sake.
Oblivion - We are all monsters here by KujaTribal (M, 25.5k) - Kratos had Lloyd during the ancient war and Lloyd sacrificed himself in order to protect Martel. Several thousand years later, Kratos rules over both Tethe'alla and Sylvarant and Zelos is set on the journey to regenerate the world. An AU where Zelos as the Chosen is sent on a journey, but with a twist! The entire story is extremely canon-divergent, where a lot of characters are shifted into entirely new roles. (For example, Forcystus and Magnius are Zelos' best friends and have major roles, and Zelos is a half-elf!) Very fun to read just to see how familiar characters are set-up in this new imagining of Symphonia's world. Currently an ongoing fic.
To Those Left Behind by LiaLox (T, 5.6k) - A collection of short stories on what it means to feel time flow differently, on what it means to love, to leave, and to be left behind. This collection has two chapters so far, but they both examine some unique themes and characters in the Symphonia universe. First chapter is told from Phaidra's perspective and her realizing Kratos' identity from her deceased sister's letters, while the second chapter focuses on Emil from Dawn of the New World and his future with Marta.
Innocent Little Secrets by KujaTribal (G, 1.1k) - Raine shares a tiny little secret. A very adorable Zelos/Raine fic that takes place during canon. Both Zelos and Raine show a little of their vulnerabilities to each other that leads to some really great fluff. Another great short and sweet read.
The Unexpected Dog (Protozoan) Father by shibabunny (T, 2.9k) - A few months after Kratos and Anna settle in Luin, the couple, along with Lloyd and Colette, who are now engaged and in town visiting the older couple, discover a pile of puppies surrounding Noishe. And some seem to have an uncanny resemblance to the loyal protozoan. This is a really adorable fic taking place in an Anna-lives AU about Noishe having puppies. What makes this fic really engaging is how much Kratos doesn't want to give away the puppies, showing a very soft side of him! A super cute read.
And that's a lot of recs! If you'd like to check out any of the above fics, definitely give them a read and leave a kudos/comment. I haven't read every fic that was made in the past year either, so you can always check AO3 for more fics!
...And if you've read this far! I'll throw in an extra bonus of some of my own fics that I wrote in 2023 and particularly like for anyone's interest.
Being an angel is pretty inconvenient, huh? (T, 36.1k) - Lloyd had never been too fond of his wings. But they were still useful, and convenient when they needed to be. It only made sense to use what he had. Until his wings changed one night, and became permanent, with real feathers attached to bone. And they were heavy. A Lloyd/Colette fic spanning seven chapters, focusing on Lloyd's mana wings and their transformation into permanent ones. Deals with some brief body horror, party dynamics, themes of change and acceptance, and an eventual happy ending.
To Sow the Seeds of Love and Adoration (T, 8k) - Tabatha knew that a doll that failed in her purpose must be discarded. She was flawed, with a voice that continued to halt and assess every syllable, with a body that refused to house the soul of the woman she was made in the image of. Focuses on Tabatha both before and during the events of Symphonia, along with a look in to her and Altessa's close relationship. Was an art/fic collab with @frayed-symphony which is included in the story!
Resemblance (G, 2.7k) - During a rainy day in Asgard, Kratos takes up cooking for the party. Colette notices quite a few things. Just as the summary says; Kratos cooks for the party, (specifically seafood stew!) Meanwhile, Colette makes a few connections between him and Lloyd throughout. Lloyd also gets caught in the rain.
Thanks again for reading and hoping for a great 2024!
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sistaofpeace1 · 2 months
Gonna try going live hopefully later today or tonight with Tales of the Abyss! At the night before the final battle… ;)
Drop a follow for notifications!
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yume-x-hanabi · 4 years
Hi! So do you have any hopes of hearing any TotA news later this year (in honor of the game's 15th anniversary)?
I have no idea XD
Switch port would be nice, I think Namco should port every past game on the Switch (& PC), but tbh I want that more for Xillia haha. Being able to replay Abyss would be nice though. Oh, you know what, if I’m allowed to dream, an actual remake on the newest consoles would be amazing. Imagine Abyss with current gen looks x)
But anyway, I’ll be looking forward to anniversary costumes in Asteria and a couple of similar stuff, but I don’t know if we’ll get more...
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mercy-angel-09 · 5 years
Hey I think I got a notification saying it was your birthday?? If so then HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Hope you have a great day today~
Yes, today is my birthday! Thank you!
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rivailles · 5 years
Hey! We've put together a Mena Massoud update blog and will be posting and reblogging regular Mena updates 😊 We're fairly new to Tumblr and would appreciate if you could give us a shout out! Thanks!
Oh my gosh hi! It’s so nice to see a Mena fansite!
@love-menamassoud @menamassoudstrash @sistaofpeace1 @giosweetdreamz @disney-regally-royal @habibharry
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blasteriidx · 11 years
sistaofpeace1 asked you:
Hi there, thanks again for sharing your Tales goodies~ I was just wondering if you happened to know how to collect older issues of magazines--Dengeki Maoh for instance? I'm looking for an issue back from around '09 specifically. Thanks for any help~
Hmm, it's gonna be hard. Unless some retailers like Amazon Japan or such still have them in stock I think you'll have to look for them through secondhand market. But even then it's gonna be difficult to find that one issue. Though I know that in Japan you can go to stores like Book-off and ask for something so they can help you find it, so if there's someone you know in Japan maybe you could ask him/her?
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yume-x-hanabi · 4 years
#23 for the video game meme!
23. Have you gotten 100% completion in a game? 
Nope. I think I got really close with Abyss (missed one sidequest and then cooking titles, I think), and I wanted to do it for Xillia but tbh some title requirements are tedious as heck, so no.
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yume-x-hanabi · 6 years
sistaofpeace1 replied to your photoset: tales-of-asteria: [Guild Event] Girls Talk About...
Who’s the girl with the blue hair? Don’t think I have seen her before
She's Paraiba Tourmaline, a major NPC in Hearts, in her casual outfit :)
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yume-x-hanabi · 6 years
  Apparently someone opened fire on police and took...
Hope the hostage is safe too!
She is. He ‘only’ made three victims; two policewomen (targeted) and a young man who was at the wrong place at the wrong time.
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yume-x-hanabi · 8 years
More spoilery asks to reply to~~
Sorry for not responding yesterday; it was bed time in my timezone ;)
Spoilers, read at your own risk, etc etc.
@sistaofpeace1  I'm assuming Velvet as the MC is very central to the plot (and not just someone tagging along)? How is it compared to Luke from Abyss (as he had undoubtedly one of the strongest Tales MC roles) (Hope I'm not bothering you with all the questions!)
Yes, it’s like Luke in that the whole story focuses on her. They’re very different, goals and personality-wise, though. The party composition is also different. Luke grew into a leader with everyone rallied toward a common goal. Velvet was the leader from the start and most of the others tagged along because it would be mutually benefitting to ally (e.g. their goals, while different, takes them to the same place).
(You’re not bothering me, I’m glad to answer ^^)
@sistaofpeace1  I know that it's not necessary to have played Zestiria in order to enjoy Berseria, but now that you've seen all the connections (and possible cameos) that Berseria has to Zestiria.  Would you recommend playing Zestiria at all just to fully appreciate Berseria? Or would you even recommend playing Zestiria AFTER Berseria?
Don’t play Zestiria after Berseria; as Bers was made later, the connections work better when you do them in release order. And yeah, I’d recommend playing Zestiria, because finding the connections can be quite fun. Or just watch the anime, I’ve heard it’s bridging the gap even better.
Anon: So what do u like about Eleanor? What's her personality like? She seems like such a cool character! ^^
She’s someone who’s very hardworking and earnest. She joined the Abbey to save people. She blindly believed a lot of things the Abbey preached (daemons are evil, malaks are tools etc). But even then, she was already unsatisfied with some things at the start (she found it hard to adhere completely to the ideal of “the whole before the individual”, and found it hard to discard all emotions for reason, because she’s a pretty emotional person).
Being forced to join the party was the best thing that could happen to her, because it made her question her worldview and start looking for her own answers rather than simply believe anything she’s told. She also learned the importance of emotions, and decided what to fight for for herself. She’s quite sensitive and has a lot of empathy for people’s plight, which is why it didn’t take that long for her to stop dismissing daemons are simply evil and realize that daemons and malaks were not that different from humans. She cares about the party members and often tears up when she learns about what they have been through.
She’s a really sweet person with a strong will, and I really love that about her.
Anon:  Berseria: So what would you say is everyone's relationship be the end? Are they friends? Who's closest to who? What's Velvet's bond with the overall party like after all the development? Which ones did you like the best?
I don’t think they would define themselves as “friends,” it’s not really their style, but they do care about each other in their own way and yes, I think they have a bond that is most definitely friendship, even if they wouldn’t say it like that. 
Rokurou and Eizen got along quite well from the start, especially when it comes to sharing a glass. Laphicet was quickly adopted by everyone; I especially like his relationship with Eizen. Being an older malak, he really acts as a mentor to him. Magilou was the odd one out, but over time they all came to trust and appreciate her, even if they still love to tease her.
They had at first a very antagonistic relationship with Eleanor, as they were enemies and she was not there on her own free will. But as she started to sympathize with them and changed allegiances, she became one of theirs. I love how she and Velvet disliked each other at first, but grew to be quite friendly by the end.
Velvet was not one for party interactions at first. She slowly started opening up, though, and progressively joined in. She had a set back after the big reveal, but after she came to terms with everything and found some internal peace, she was more like her old self and was quite at ease within the party.
Her relationship with Laphicet is complicated. He reminded her of her brother, so while it brought back her caring self to the surface, it was also painful for her because her actual brother isn’t there anymore. And on his side, it was hard for him to feel being compared all the time. But they really care about each other.
Anon:  How did u like Berseria??? :D (also is it confirmed that Laphicet is Maotelus??)
I love it! And yep, it is ^^
Anon: what exactly is going on with rokouro and his brother??
They both want to cut the other down. It’s not really out of hatred or anything, it’s their way of life.
In their clan, the way to succeed as the leader is to beat and kill the previous head. It’s something they accept, and are usually happy when someone does and surpasses them. It’s their own family dynamic.
Rokurou, however, became obsessed with beating his brother and taking everything from him (rank, status, etc). He plotted against him and had him branded as a traitor to the noble family they served. However, he was not able to kill him and was thrown in prison for his failed assassination attempt (well, he was emprisoned because he failed, not because he tried to kill him - he’d gotten orders to do it from the noble they served). That’s where he became a daemon whose purpose was to kill his brother.
However, as a daemon, he doesn’t care anymore about his greed etc and just wants to kill him to prove his worth as a swordsman.
Shigure, on his end, has a lot of fun fighting his little brother and seeing him progress.
Anon:  is it okay if i ask who the traitor was, if there was one? from watching streams it seemed like a couple of characters spied on or betrayed the party over the course of the game. or am i misunderstanding?
Do you really want to know? XD
Well, Eleanor had orders to bring Laphicet to Artorius, but she was their enemy and they knew it, so I wouldn’t really call her a “traitor” to the party since she wasn’t their ally to begin with. That said, she did end up as a “traitor”, to the Abbey XD
And Magilou did babble about what we were doing at the beginning, but they’d barely met and she wasn’t even a playable character, so...
Anyway the only spy/traitor to the party (and it was due to a controlling spell) is... Bienfu XD Yes, the Tales mascot we just thought was there to look cute and be comedic relief. Good one, Namco.
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mercy-angel-09 · 9 years
1, 23, and 39 for the meme! Really hard to choose though :)
1.) First game you played obsessively?
Tales of Symphonia, Tales of Symphonia, TALES OF SYMPHONIA.
23.) The game that you’ve logged the most hours into?
TALES OF SYMPHONIA. I’ve replayed it countless times, and it takes something like 80+ hours to do all of the side quests and whatnot and that’s not even counting hours spent running around the world map triggering battles for level grinding. I’ve probably spent a couple of months of my life on that game.
39.) A sequel that you would die for them to make?
I’d seriously love a Tales of the Abyss sequel (and no, this isn’t pandering to the asker XD). Not only would it give some proper resolution to Who Came Back (FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT’S GOOD IN THE UNIVERSE, NAMCO-BANDAI), but I think it’d be interesting to see the consequences of the world moving away from the score and how that affects things through out the world. Most people probably had no idea what was really going on and there has to be some political fallout from the sudden change. I think there could be a lot of potential for a TotA sequel. A PROPER sequel, not this escort title bullshit we got with ToS 2.
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yume-x-hanabi · 9 years
Dunno if you answered these already but D, I, K, Z for the meme~
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
Aruju because it’s everywhere and would make my shipping life so much easier but I just can’t orz
I and K were answered
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go (prompts optional but encouraged)
I’d really like to start writing fics again. And more than that, to start fantranslating again. I want to try getting a Xillia short story out one day, and I’d also like to go back to Abyss stuff one day. But mostly I want to finish everything Chimeriad related already!
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mercy-angel-09 · 9 years
(For the meme) I actually just recently discovered that I need very specific conditions to have a good night's sleep. I can't sleep in anything that exposes my legs. I also need to be covered in thick blankets regardless of how warm it is.
So for whatever reason, I cannot sleep when my thighs touch. This is something I apparently developed as an adult, because when I was younger I slept in night gowns and night shirts all the time. I have exactly one night gown now, and I can’t sleep unless I’m wearing pants or shorts under it.
The biggest problem I have right now is finding shorts that are long enough that my thighs don’t touch, but aren’t so long that I’m roasting in the summer (it was 102º out today so the lighter the pajamas the better). At this point I think I need to make my own sleep shorts and then just buy sleep tees and tanks at the store (because I don’t want to sew knits or jersey because eff that noise).
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mercy-angel-09 · 10 years
sistaofpeace1 replied to your post:Things just went from "complicated" to "hella...
:( There has to be other options…I apologize if you already discussed this but is in vitro a possibility? (Not sure if having cysts would interfere with that so again I’m sorry for my ignorance if that’s the case)
I'm sure IVF is an option, though that's something I need to talk to my doctor about further. Adoption is also an option, though my husband and I will need to discuss a timetable and at what point we decide that it won't be worth it (so we're too old, or we're going to be moving around a lot because of his job).
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mercy-angel-09 · 10 years
sistaofpeace1 replied to your post:TMI health post part who knows anymore
I was wondering about if anything happened since I know you talked about having children a while back. I hope everything turns out okay, good luck!
Yeah, since it's been a year and nothing (and really, I could have started this process six months ago, I just didn't get around to calling my doctor), it's time to start the process in earnest. I'm really hoping that everything comes back normal. Well, as normal as things can be expected for me, anyway.This will probably definitively confirm the PCOS diagnosis, at any rate.
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