#sisyphus making tumblr posts daily
Interview with SWITZON S. WIGFALL III (2/2)
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Read part 1 here : 
In an interview with thirdeyedrops, you have cited Albert Camus: “The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man’ heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy.” Why is it so important for you to work so hard?
Well, I kinda look at it like this: To be “great” at anything will require sharp focus and an everyday commitment working on your craft and skills daily and having fun in practicing.
I think I got so much into enjoying the whole process that I don’t even look at it as working hard anymore.
To some of my friends I seem like a “mad scientist” even...my big curly hair looking all crazy and shit, working long hours in my man-cave studio with lightning sparks coming out of nowhere and a mysterious laugh coming from all of these screen I’m working in (like a digital fort of screens)
lol...so I kinda just acknowledge and respect the idea of “working hard” because being in the game for years I’ve seen myself grow and become better from it as an artist and as a man who loves his people, tribe, culture and community.
I love my career so much that it just kinda seems like second nature. I believe this is important for anyone in their career: If you enjoy what you do in your profession and you practice and prepare then hard work won’t seem like hard work anymore...it’ll just lead you to success because you simply love what you do.
But I said all of that to say this: “Hard work pays off”...Always.
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You seem to have a special history with Rubik’s cube…
Haha - yes! Definitely...I learned a lot from going to school for graphic design and understanding the importance of logos and branding but having your own as an independent artist and creator also.
I always had a love and curiosity for rubik’s cubes and the idea of solving them or “trying to” at least since I was a child. Growing up and playing with them is the reflection of my passion and curiosity to apply the same to graphic design, motion graphics and music.
So in the fall quarter of 2019 I started working on creating a logo and brand for myself understanding the niche and industry I wanted to be and excel in: which was the rubiks cube.
In 2010 I did the old-school copyrighting thing where you put your creation design or whatever on a disk and mail it back to yourself without ever opening it. I re-designed the entire rubiks cube in illustrator and added a different angle to it so it would be way different from the actual rubiks cube manufacturer's one. I look at design, music, ideas, inventions, technology and all things I create with like a rubik’s cube. When you create something new from scratch or even remix it in your own way there’s alot of twists and turns plus experimenting you have to make to create the perfect match (in your own terms). 
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Do you remember your child dreams? 
Yes - i sure do and I’m living them now (one day at a time). Edit: lol, I know it sounds fucking cheesy but it’s true. I couldn’t be any happier.
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What are your next art projects to release?
I’m working on a new live-stream monthly series where I feature a few music artists knee-deep in the beat scene from my living residency in Los Angeles to all over the world: celebrating self-expression in our own production of music where I’m vj-ing to their streamed sets (live). Some of them will be in real time and some will be pre-recordings (just depends - there’s alot of ways to do it with this new exciting field). The first one will premier on Twitch only for May 23rd following with the official multi-stream being on YouTube, Twitter and Facebook for May 30th.
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Aside from that, I’m working on a short film (instrumental music / storytelling type) where I’m creating all the renders for pre-production in Cinema 4D following with production in After-effects and then the post production in Premiere - that one’s a monster and is currently kicking my ass, but I love and appreciate the challenge lol...Hopefully I’ll be done w/ it soon and it can be released so I can check that off as one of my goals for 2020.
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Where should we go to discover your creations?
All of my socials:
My portfolio website: http://switzonwigfall.com (All of my creations in one place.)
Facebook: http://facebook.com/sswlll (a great place for the family watching me grow into an older-millennial weirdo).
Instagram: http://instagram.com/switzonthegreat (i’m not that great, it just “sounds” great.)
Twitter: http://twitter.com/sswlll (artist rants and everyday art process frames.)
Behance: https://www.behance.net/sswlll
Tumblr: https://switzon.tumblr.com/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sswlll (I’m adapting to it finally...I’m making my niece and nephew proud.)
Thank you so much for sharing your tim e and creations with us! #youRock
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