#skamverse ranks
calliettes-posts · 10 months
If you had to how would you rank the skams wlw couple? With mayla season 6 (let’s forget about s9)
1. Kieutou
This is me being incredibly biased, but watching Fatous season live did something to my brain, because as long I can remember there's never been a black main character like her on german TV, and that's why I'll defend Fatous season with everything. Also I loved how Kieu My and Fatou talked about being children of immigrants and how they related to eachother about that topic. And I loved that it wasn't a season about coming out, but that in s5 and 6 at least, everyone was casually gay and it was no big deal and they could talk openly about it. Additionally, even though the general audience may have not liked it, i absolutely lived for how the season was catered to non-white people, and our struggles, and for that druck s6 will always be the best skamverse season for me.And also, the symbolism. I lived for all the symbolism regarding Kieu My being the ice queen and the axolotl, and Fatou the warmest person ever, and how they complemented each other. And lastly for now, Kieu My climbed on a fucking roof for Fatou, alone for that they'll be always my top 1 skamverse couple
2. Anobbie
I don't think I've ever seen a skamverse couple in general having such great communication, and I don't think there's a skma season where a couple is already together early in the season and staying together and growing together throughout the clips and episodes and learning more about each other. And just like Fatou and Kieu My, Anais and Bobbie really complement eachother and I love that. And I also love how Anais season is lowkey Fatous season from Kieu Mys perspective and I also love how there are so many parallels between those two seasons. I also love how Bobbie tries to help Anais to stand up for herself, and just how much she cares for her, and also how much they can't get enough of eachother, they're just really cute so far
3. Mayla
First of all, Lola really went through it in her season, I don't remember everything from s6, but her suffering is what I remember because there was so much, I love how cute Lola and Maya were together and honestly I just watched skam france for them, I didn't even watch the other seasons, which shows just how popular they were as couple
4. Crisana
I've actually never watched Skam España before, but I've seen edits of crisana, and I know their season was iconic because it was a wlw of an isak season. Honestly they're really cute, but I need to watch the season to make a better judgement
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noorengels · 4 years
I’ve left the form up for 24h and these are the results from fandom!
Top 10 Skamverse Characters:
Isak Valtersen - 75.93%
Sana Bakkoush - 75.59%
Robbe IJzermans - 72.54%
Even Bech Næshim - 70.85%
Sander Driesen - 69.83%
Zoë Loockx - 62.37%
Isa Keijser - 61.02%
Matteo Florenzi - 60%
Eliott Demaury - 58.31%
Amira Naybet - 57.29%
Skam Top 10
Isak Valtersen
Sana Bakkoush
Even Bech Næshim
Noora Sætre
Eva Mohn
Jonas Vázquez
Eskild Tryggvassen
Yousef Acar
Magnus Fossbakken
Vilde Hellereud
Skam France Top 10
Eliott Demary
Lucas Lallemant
Basile Savary
Imane Bakhellal
Daphné Lecomte
Lola Lecomte
Alexia Martineau
Emma Borges
Maya Etienne
Wtfock Top 10
Robbe IJzermans
Sander Driesen
Zoë Loockx
Senne de Smet
Yasmina Ait Omar
Milan Hendrickx
Noor Bauwens
Jens Stoffels
Jana Ackermans
Luca Lomans
Druck Top 10
Matteo Florenzi
David Schreibner
Amira Mahmood
Jonas Augustin
Hanna Jung
Mia Winter
Sam M’Pelé
Carlos Schmidt
Kiki Machwitz
Mohammed Razzouk
Skam España Top 10
Amira Naybet
Cris Soto
Joana Bianchi
Eva Vázquez
Viri Gomez
Nora Grace
Lucas Rubio
Jorge Crespo
Hugo Centeno
Alejandro Beltrán
Skam NL Top 10
Isa Keijser
Liv Reijners
Engel Beekman
Lucas van der Heijden
Esra Aydin
Janna Mertens
Kes de Beus
Ralph Hansen
Noah Boom
Imaan Elami
Skam Italia Top 10
Giovanni Garau
Martino Rametta
Niccolò Fares
Eva Brighi
Filippo Sava
Sana Allagui
Elia Santini
Eleonora Sava
Edoardo Incanti
Luca Colosio
Skam Austin Top 10
Shay Dixon
Jo Valencia
Zoya Ali
Tyler Nunez
Grace Olsen
Megan Flores
Kelsey Russel
Eve Olsen
Daniel Williamson
Marlon Frazier
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nolabballgirl · 3 years
Hey, im curious. Based on the quality of the story and the character arc alone, what are your top 3 seasons of any skam season. Mine are: (1) Skam, S3 (2) Druck, S5 (3) Skam, S1 and based on those same criteria what are your bottom 3? Mine are: (3) Druck, S7 (2) Wtfock, S5 (1) Wtfock, S4. If you don't mind i'd love to know why
hi, Anon! thanks for your ask! so this ask is about to turn skam españa pro/wtfock anti really quickly 😅. but here we go:
top 3:
skam españa s2: nothing else comes close to the the experience watching this season live. that eskam chose to prioritize the girl squad above all else is one of the best decisions a skam showrunner could ever make. giving cris the isak storyline was brilliant and highlighting joana's bpd to the point where we have artwork and resources (you know i love a good resource!) and no season has ever treated a sana character better than eskam s2. "iftar" remains my fav skamverse clip. period.
skam españa s3: taking my least favorite skam storyline (noorhelm) and turning in into harrowing, must-see tv. shining a giant spotlight on the red flags in relationships. not glamorizing toxic traits in partners. yes, this season is hard to watch, but it's an important watch. and the "live" party that was re-filmed in real time. whew eskam's social media. *chef's kiss*
druck s5: wow, what a way to introduce a new squad and have it flow so seamlessly. that the showrunners addressed prior criticisms re: mental health and racism to have such an interesting and diverse set of characters. yes, this was also hard to watch at times, but it came together so well.
(honorable mention) skam españa s1: this is such an underrated season (maybe b/c of how it was filmed?) but it's my fav eva season. all the changes from the original were so spot on. such a believable eva/lucas friendship and that lucas wasn't the snake this time around. alejandro's entrance. 😅 the eva/inés confrontation. how important the girl squad's friendship is to one another. sigh.
bottom 3:
wtfock s4: i mean i doubt many people will disagree with this ranking, but it was so bad. not just cringey bad, but a whole racist mess. with one of the worst mains in skamverse history. mostly i just feel bad for noa, who deserved better.
wtfock s5: the absolute worst sana season ever. not only does the season keep excusing racism, gaslighting the main, giving yasmina the strictest/homophobic parents, where yasmina is more concerned about upsetting them than about her religion(?!) but then they have amber (vilde) physically assault yasmina on top of that? yeah, nope. it just further confirms that the wtfock showrunners/production have no interest in actually confronting racism or islamophobia. and again, nora dari deserves so much better.
skam france s2: i hate the noorhelm storyline with a burning passion, and this is the worst version of it. charles is the worst william. it's like you take a copy and paste job from the original skam, but then make it worse? no thanks.
(dishonorable mention) druck s7: if you take a problematic main (isi, tiff, etc.), then you sure as hell need a damn good redemption story. um, what an incoherent mess. isi remains a problematic character and never acknowledges or faces consequences. what's so troubling is the show's move away from it's characters of colors to going back to the general skamverse/druck old gen's ways of prioritizing white characters, and i fear this trend will continue during s8. finally, ava is so shortchanged, it's criminal.
anyway, those were my rankings based on story and character. thanks for sharing yours!
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fatoujallovv · 3 years
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hey hi besties 🥺 i recently hit 500 followers and i wanted to take a moment to thank everyone that has hung out with me for the past 10 months. whether you’ve helped me learn to gif, supported my writing, humored me when i do a billion ask games, or just been with me along the way, i’m so so grateful for the amazing family i have here 🥺💛 this lil blog is my safe space and i wanted to let you all know how much you mean to me 💗💗💗💗
i’m doing a few things to celebrate 💛 first is one of those as ranked by my followers things 🤪 i’ll prob leave the form for a couple weeks if u wanna vote :)
vote for ur fav of my top 15 skamverse characters here!
next is gif requests! this is inspired by @fatoudixon’s lil christmas present series bc it was so adorable 🥺 
give me a gifset idea that would make you happy, or send me a mutual you love and an idea for a gifset you think would make them happy. you can just give me a character/music video etc, or you can describe color(s) you/they like, a fav character’s trademark lil mannerism, a theme, a quote, parallels, literally anything and i’ll do my best to bring your idea to life! 
if you don’t know what to request, a list of skamverse seasons and musicians i'll gif is under the cut! if we have a mutual interest i didn’t list, u can totally go rogue 🤪 if ur requesting a gift ideally i’d be mutuals with them bc i wanna do a Good Job and not seem like a weirdo gifting to people that don’t know me lmao so feel free to read thru things under the cut as I should (hopefully) have tagged all my mutuals unless they've been inactive for 200 days bc I don’t wanna to bother them akjfghjgakj butttt if in doubt feel free to dm me to check! 
last i want to send loving brainwaves to the mutuals that have made tumblr such a fun and comforting place for me, so that's under the cut as well :’)
things I'll gif :)
skam: skam france (i haven't watched the new seasons tho eek), druck s3 + new gen my beloved, og s3 and s4, skam nl (i just started the other day so i've only watched isa’s season but by the time i finish these i hope i’ll have watched both ajhfahfj) music: troye sivan, conan gray, hayley kiyoko, dua lipa, dodie, lennon stella, one direction & solo harry, and i like plenty of others just these are the ones i feel like i know and like a significant enough portion of their discography 😌 but i love giffing music stuff so don’t feel limited to the list !!!
alrighttttttttt time to get sappy 🤪✌️
to my mutuals:
whether we frequent each other’s asks or we only ever interact telepathically by liking each other’s posts, thank you. thank you for putting awesome things on my dash, thank you for the amazing things you create, thank you for hyping up my personal posts, for tolerating my very long tags, for sharing all your lovely personalities. a lot of you feel more like pocket family than pocket friends. thank you for allowing me a space to be myself for pretty much the first time ever and being the most amazing and kind and talented friends I could ask for 💛💛💛💛 without further ado, here’s my bizarre way of saying i love you: mutuals superlatives.... kind of.....
mutuals i want to sip tea and watch the sunset on a porch swing with: @wilderness-solace @tawmlinsun @katzen-kinder @evilhersxlf @sanabakkoushd @saltyflowr @awake-dreamer18 @lesbianearn​ @fireflysxx​ @katnisseverden​
mutuals i want to take me to a museum and tell me about all their favorite pieces of art: @luxandobscurus​ @nyttvera @smblmn @lepetitepeach @nellsdani @blanxkey @beachbathe @fatoudixon @vexedtonightmares @clairdelalune @demauryss​
mutuals i would go on a rollercoaster with if they asked even though i hate rollercoasters with everything i am (i will protect u at all !!!! costs !!!!!!): @kritiquer @vanillalipstick66 @ffriluftslivv @sunflouwermoon @lesbeanadiamcnll @isakeijjser @maxberninis @birthdaysentiment @letisnotonfire @sandersdocs @thenerd10​ 
mutuals i want to adopt me like pls i literally have the paperwork ready: @spiritinanitecap @alwayskissmeatnight @caroldanvr @lallemcnt @buckywilsn​
mutuals i want to be my cool older sibling pls and thank u <3: @alexauriant​ @tsjernobyl​ @ayarambles @lifeisevak @germericangirl​ @bethisneckdeep​ 
mutuals i want to take on a petting zoo date SO BADLY: @sonderthroughthestreets @harubirus @lololil @racoons-hedgehogs-and-pixiedust @polarisrodulv @yaraaimsakul @genjasafin​ 
mutuals i want to literally kiss on the lips: @lieverobbe @graceryders @hidden-joy @arzkiya-hai @ijzerengels​ 
mutuals i want to be at the sleepover after i kiss the other mutual on the lips: @alinaoretscv @starryfreckles @fatousjallow @isakeijzer @theflowerisblue @dagcutie​ @franboos @gucciboner @torisgf​ @sandersyasmina​ 
mutuals i would call if i needed to dispose of a body: @lucasotteli @noorengels @thegirlyouknow @lolasluquette @womenstan @herlade​ 
mutuals im scared to even call mutuals bc holy shit I am Unworthy: @veerledejaegers @noramachwtz​ @marjvn @fatoujallow @floraflorenzi​ 
my wedding bc why not it’s my post bride: @hidden-joy ofc <3 wedding party: @luxandobscurus @lucasotteli @sandersyasmina @vexedtonightmares @clairdelalune​ flower girls: @thenerd10 @arzkiya-hai @ijzerengels​ @yaraaimsakul​ ring bearer: @genjasafin​ officiant: @fireflysxx​ wedding planner: @katnisseverden​
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formerprincewille · 3 years
Which evaks could break up; least likely to most likely:
6) Sobbe. Let’s be real, there is nothing coming between these two. They are simply it for each other, honderd procent voor altijd in elk universum. They still act like honeymooners, they’re boyfriends and best friends, solid as a rock, as drama free as you could hope for a young couple, and one of the most stable in all of skamverse. The jaws of life could not separate these two.
5) Evak. Another very stable couple. They had their drama in Sana’s season, but they also live together and are planning a future. After sobbe they have the most “soul mate” vibes imo and I can’t imagine them truly being happy with anyone but each other.
4) Nicotino. Personally, I think they got over whatever hump could come between them in season four. They had a temporary break up but came back stronger and that was the proof that they will choose each other even when something might threaten their relationship. It felt like a true commitment.
3) Crisana. Listen, these girls are a lot. Both of them are dramatic, argumentative, and sometimes very difficult to be around-both for one another and everyone else. They are definitely one of those couples that is going to argue a lot. It’s just kind of who they are. That being said, they have been through a lot together and weathered it. They love each other enough to put the effort into making it work. Will there come a point in time where the effort feels like more than they want to give anymore? It’s possible. But I still think they have a good chance of making it.
2) Elu. As annoying as season six was with them and their relationship, I did like that it showed that they do argue sometimes and they do still have issues in their relationship. Things weren’t magically solved just because they love each other. Lucas has major trust issues, and Eliott hides things to spare him the worry. Both of those things are understandable but they’re not exactly healthy. And they cannot be sustained long term.  I don’t doubt their love for each other and I don’t see them wanting anyone else. But I think things will only work if they really make a point to work on their communication.
1) Davenzi. I hate to even say this because I love them so much, and they own my heart in so many ways. And the evak relationships always feel like this kind of fantasy of a high school first love that is made to last. But I never felt that way about davenzi. They never felt like forever to me. Yes they love each other. Yes they are happy together. But I don’t see either of them looking forward long term into the future. I could easily see the relationship running its course and them splitting amicably. They would definitely still remain friends. However, that’s just one scenario. There is nothing to really say they won’t last other than an inkling I get. If, for no other reason, I can see them working out because they can’t really stand most other people. 
Anyway, that’s my opinion that nobody asked for. I might do more lists like this in the future, it’s pretty fun! 
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fudgetunblr · 4 years
Ranking the wlw couples in the Skamverse
1. I
2. Love
3. Them 
4. All
Please give me more wlw couples, pretty pretty please 
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maxbernini · 3 years
once again thinking about bilal realizing what jo needed in that specific moment and steering the convo away from her diagnosis and back to dinner, but doing so in a way where there was no risk of her finding it condescending or emotionally overwhelming. there wasn’t any “i know you don’t want to talk about this, so what do you want to talk about now?” or “do you want me to help you plan how you’ll tell your parents?”. neither of those are bad responses, but they’re not what she needed then and he knew that. so he makes a joke about how she promised him dinner and he won’t let her bait him into coming over for food without actually getting it. he breaks the tension whilst indirectly letting her know he’s not judging her, he’s still her friend, this doesn’t change anything. by taking charge and changing the convo, he’s also, in a way, actually giving her all the power: if she wants to talk about it further, he’s shown he’s happy to listen, but he won’t push it; she can decide when she’s ready again.
and now thinking about how many times bilal has had to navigate difficult conversations and learn how best to read specific people and their specific emotions in his short life :)
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painfully-oblivious · 5 years
Hi can you rank the vlides?
This is gonna be a shorter list because I’ve skipped a lot of seasons with Vilde development:
Viri, This might be unfair because she’s the only one with regular POV clips but she’s precious and must be protected at all costs 
Daphné, absolutely not without her flaws and faults but I’m a simple gay, in love with her.
Kelsey, I haven’t seen a lot of Skam Austin but I love this dumb bitch so much
OG Vilde
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The last few days I spend a lot of time thinking about the season. I've come to the conclusion that I still like it. Its probably one of my lower ranked Druck seasons for me but there are worse skamverse seasons out there. But I also realized that with just a few changes they could have made the season so much better. So after the cut I wrote down my thoughts about this season.
First of all like so many people already pointed out they shouldn't have introduced two new characters. For Lou the 'quirky' friend aspect could have been Zoe and the gnc aspect (which in the end was almost ignored) could have been shown through the youth center. For Sascha the 'loyal best friend' aspect could have been Kieu My (who is probably also close to Ava after a year of dating Fatou). And I am still not convinced that a love interest was necessary this season. I don't want to bring people against me, I just think depending on the focus they could have get rid of at least one or maybe both new characters.
Secondly, they should have never made Ava and Isi childhood friends. It's already bad enough that the bully got a season before the victim but without them being former best friends and with more focus on the apology they could have maybe gotten to the point at which Constantpain and Isi are right now. Friendly around each other at parties.
Then focus more on the toxic friendship aspect without using Lou as a vessel. Now the Construction/Isi fallout is more about jealousy than about the toxicity.
Additionally the writer should have had more confidence in their writing and the characters. All characters were already fleshed out and loved from the previous seasons. The ground work for all storylines was layed. Give us a bit more pov and don't be afraid to show us the main alone. People are speculating that Isi doesn't like to be alone and therefore that never happened. But after 10 weeks we shouldn't have to speculate about these things. I get that writing scenes alone is hard. You can't rely on dialogue or put music over people hanging out. But that's where the characters usually develop most.
Last but not least focus more on the gender storyline. I've seen a lot of people arguing that it's not realistic to figure it all out in 10 weeks. And I think that's true but Druck is still fiction. And from what we have seen the last two seasons it's nothing completely new to Isi. I am still unsure why it had to be a coming out story but even that deserved more focus and time. They threw in the youth center, they could have used it more. Let Isi meet other queer people and learn about queer culture.
With these fixes it probably still wouldn't have been the best season ever and not what we are used from Druck but maybe a good one.
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flodaya · 4 years
kieu my best skamverse love interest? it's true it's true
YES and here is my long overdue essay on why I actually think she is not only the best skamverse love interest but one of the most complex and compelling characters ever
this got embarrassingly long so..... keep reading under the cut i guess
I love fatou, I love her with all my heart and she is my comfort character, has been since the moment she was introduced in season 5, but on a very personal level I relate so much more to kieu my than anyone else in the skamverse. I would have never expected to love her as much as I do, back even just in the beginning of season 6 I ranked her quite low compared to other love interest but now she is not only my favorite love interest (sorry david and David stans) but one of my favourite characters in the skamverse. I was on the fence about her during s5, she seemed so removed and unattainable, like I know I was totally hyping up fatou and kieu my ever since their first interaction and I stand by that, but that was less because I actually connected to kieu my as a character but more bc cool popular girl and skater girl is my favourite wlw trope
during s5 she was this fun party girl who didn’t seem to care much about anything but drinking and having out with zoe. like @deafmatteo mentioned in his amazing character/pov change analysis, kieu my represented nora’s fear of zoe (and herself but in connection to kieu my I feel like her fear was more for her sister than herself) would turn into their mother so all she saw was a fun pretty party girl in kieu my. but then we get to fatou’s pov and she isn’t that at all anymore, she is so much more grounded and so much more in her head and serious, not at all a drinking buddy because fatou isn’t focused or scared of that side of kieu my, she sees her as this beautiful smart girl she has a crush on. writing this also made me realize that the thing that kieu my is insecure about aka being seen as just a fun party girl is exactly how fatou does not see her evident by the fact that since the pov shift we haven’t been focusing on that side of kieu my at all anymore
okay now onto some things I love (and relate to) about her
1. she is complex and flawed in a believable yet compelling way. her actions, the good and the bad, come from a place of insecurity, a place of trying to please everyone and to stay in everyone’s good graces, to avoid people seeing her as anything less than a good person
- The way she stayed silently while her friends bullied ava is absolutely in line with this, she didn’t actively participate because she wouldn’t want to hurt anyone but she didn’t speak up bc she also didn’t want her friends to start disliking her, trying to make right by everyone, and I’m glad she has since come to understand that she really did not do right by ava and that she needs to apologize
- when she said her and fatou’s kiss was just a stupid kiss, it was in a moment where her “friend” kept insulting someone she liked and she just wanted him to stop, so to appease him she said something to shut him up, again trying to keep him from saying mean things about someone but at the same time too afraid to get into a conflict with her friend to actually speak up (I still can’t believe you all acted like she said something horribly offensive, like i get it calling the kiss stupid hurt like hell but.... it was also just a super petty high school thing to say 🙈)
2. she is incredibly empathetic, mostly seen by how much she cares for fatou’s well being, she is the only one who keeps asking fatou how she is feeling, no one (not even her parents) ask for fatou’s feelings, but at the same time she can be overbearing and almost too solution-oriented, and oh god do I relate to that
3. she is so insecure about so many things
- we have been shown a confident and popular kieu my during season 5 that seeing her be insecure in the first clip of season 6 was such a change of character but at the same time not really out of character if that makes sense
- she has felt very intimate by fatou bc of her lack of experience with girls. I think one of the reasons I still love the horror movie clip so much is because it shows a different power dynamic between them for the first time, we see fatou be the one who is more confident in the subject they are talking about (lesbian flirting) and we see kieu my admire and look up to fatou; or the moment when she wrongfully called dressed up fatou butch, such a hard-trying baby bi
- in general she feels very objectified, she is afraid people she is interested in only see her for her fun pretty side. every time she says something along the lines of “I’m boring you” I want to hug her and tell her to keep rambling on about nerdy space stuff, she deserves the world
4. she is way more than meets the eyes, and I love how the writers are constantly subverting our expectations when it comes to her
- we thought fatou was more interested in kieu my but nope, turns out kieu my has been crushing on fatou for quite a long time too
- okay the “ghosting fatou for a week” was very much what we expected but I sure as hell did not expect her to chase after fatou so vehemently for a week after she realized that she has hurt fatou and might have lost her chance with the girl she likes. the way her text messages got more and more vulnerable with every day, “somehow I’m always thinking about you” is still one of the rawest things ever texted
- the way I expected her to be the axolotl in the relationship (though looking back the very first clip of season 6 was called “Das Axolotl” so we should have seen it coming that fatou is the axolotl) but turns out kieu my is all in, she is being vulnerable and open, she talks about her dreams and fears, she is basically handing fatou her whole heart. one of my favourite moments was right before their second first kiss when she completely unprompted started talking about her childhood trauma, she really trusts fatou so much and has this need to be absolutely see through with her
- and then my favourite moment of subverting our expectations, I don’t even know why we would ever assume this but we all got it into our heads that she would get mad at fatou for messing up the presentation, why we would ever expect that of her I don’t know anymore but I love how she did the opposite, she couldn’t have cared less about her grade, all she wanted was for fatou to be okay
- and now everyone keeps expecting kieu my to dumb or stand up fatou, but she doesn’t, she is the most support fatou has right now, she is one-hundred-percent in this, and she’s she has her moments when she pulls back because she feels hurt and insecure but even after today’s fight she didn’t just ghost fatou when she apologized, she is there for fatou
5. last but not least I love how the writers handle her bisexuality
- i feel like for her realizing she is bi happened in the middle of season 5, my personal headcanon is she started to like fatou around that time and (like she now constantly admits out loud) couldn’t stop thinking about fatou and one day it just hit her that the reason she keeps thinking about this random girl her best friend’s little sister is hanging out with might be because she is attracted to her, so it’s not a big “I hate myself for this, i need to go on a ten week personal growth journey” but more of a “ohhh that explains why I had a lifesize Ashley Tisdale poster in my bedroom when I was 10” moment 
- but her sexual orientation is also not just trivial like it was for Mia, it influences her everyday life, i love that she gets to talk about internalized biphobia. just, yeah, all around very well written queer rep, and you can tell she has been developed by bisexual women
okay I will stop now, this is getting excessive, if you have read all this congrats you’re a kieu my stan, also I should have been writing my 8-page essay for psych class, so if I fail it’s kieu my’s fault
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calliettes-posts · 9 months
I’m so sad seeing a lot of people ranking mayla so low on their list of wlw skamverse. But I guess season 9 tarnished their relationship for a lot of people. But maybe I’m biased being french and Lola being my favorite character.
Lola is truly an interesting character and I'm sure she's a fave of many people, but I agree that some people aren't fond of mayla because of s9, I'll never understand the teams decisions for that ,like there was no reason
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noorengels · 4 years
in honour of my new url i’m going to rank the emmas:
noor bauwens - queen, i have a crush on her, the only emma with rights
everyone else
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nolabballgirl · 3 years
what do you think is the best sana season?
hi, Anon! thanks for your ask! so druck wins by default here. (actually if we are being really honest, my fav is skam españa season 2 when you really think about it, though it’s technically not a sana season…) but anyway, mazzouk’s chemistry is first-rate, amira was not physically assaulted or treated like crap/gaslit by the girl squad, mohammed’s refugee status and connection to lack of faith make sense and he has a realistic way forward in coming back to the faith to be with amira, mohammed didn’t kiss mia/sam/hanna, and amira’s family/muslims as a whole are not portrayed as homophobic. of course, the season is still terrible in many other ways, and what missed opportunities for arcs with sam and essam, but at least we have some more positives.
honestly, all of the sana seasons are such disappointments for a variety of reasons, and they rank among some of the worst skam seasons of all time, but alas. i did an interim ranking of the seasons in this post, and i more or less still hold true to this rank, throwing eskam’s season towards the bottom and wtfock dead last!
i see some praise for skam italia’s sana season on tumblr, but i honestly don’t understand why. (to be fair none of the praise comes from my muslim/hijabi/woc/trusted mutuals, so that’s telling in and of itself!) besides the whitewashed sana (which gets glossed over wayyyy too much for my taste - seriously, read @rumaan’s post on that), you introduce a gay conversion therapy-esque storyline but, of course, give it the xenophobic/anti-muslim treatment (because clearly italy/the catholic church love the gays(🙄)) when we could have skipped the muslim homophobia that keeps coming up in almost every season in favor of a drama-free, out and proud practicing gay muslim; you have sana taking her hijab off in front of men (it’s just the flippancy of it all/slippery slope of expanding when a practicing hijabi can take off the hijab that leaves a bad taste in my mouth when muslim women are fighting across europe as we sit here today to keep it on - what message does this send?) but overall, it’s just a copy of the OG but without fixing the problematic elements of the OG. so if i’m going to watch the same problematic storyline, then i’ll assign a higher rank to the OG muslim queen, iman meskini. i suspect if netflix wasnt involved, and the clips dropped one by one as per the usual skam format, there might be slightly more critical thinking. but everyone got the “happy ending” and moved on, i guess.
anyway, Anon, all in all - a giant, flaming garbage heap of seasons with some rays of light here and there. mostly i feel for these (almost all) muslim actresses who really deserved so much better!
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fatoujallovv · 3 years
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MY TOP 15 SKAMVERSE CHARACTERS (as ranked by my followers)
TIE: #5,6 (6.48%) ⇒ isak valtersen - skam
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jorgecrespo · 3 years
💖I feel like I have to say skamverse. give me a ranking if you must or feel so inclined. for old times sake
you should have gone anonymous for full nostalgia ooa 4 lyfe 💪
1. isa keijser. she's a loser and we need more loser representation in the female community let's rise up girls let's lick those phones
2. matteo florenzi. i hate this dude and wanna shake him around like a ragdoll and then push him off a building he's my lil guy
3.cris soto. she's not a good friend or girlfriend or person but nobody else is allowed to say that because she's a little meow meow or whatever you people say
4. sana bakkoush. she's proof that i can love characters that aren't stupid and pathetic. she's my best friend. she could kill me and i wouldn't care. shout-out to yousef since he's in my top ten yousef i'm free on thursday etc etc
5. fatou jallow. VERY close race between her and her bestie nora but i need to support lesbians and their #rights and she's perfect and also my best friend
send me a fandom and i'll tell you my fave character
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fudgetunblr · 4 years
Ranking Skam Remakes OG Seasons because I can
1. Druck Season 5
Nora has really done more for the Skamverse than the other 3 OG seasons combined. It’s not even done yet, and I can still confindently say that it’s the best 🤷🏻‍♀️
2. Skam France Season 6
Season 5/6 of Skam France both suffer from similar problems, such as too much fkn plot. They also have separate issues that are unique from each other. One thing season 6 had that 5 didn’t was Maya, the superior love interest because she fit with Lola, and also Lamifex. True icons. Sure things could’ve been handled better, but Lola as a character was just a relatable little queen whom we all wanted to see succeed, and at least no one got hit by a car. (The SA storyline that never got acknowledged thooo). The reason I’m putting 6 over five is simply because at the end of the day, Lola was the more sympathetic main through all of it. That and the Daphne/Lola relationship which kicked ass.
3. Skam France Season 5
I don’t hate this season. It had a strong beginning, the concept of it all was super cool and great representation, Basile being the best character in all of Skam France, and let’s be honest, at least we cared for Arthur. But it also suffered immensely from a lot of things. First of all, Alexia was a terrible choice of Love interest. I do adore her as a character, but she did not fit the mold of the Skam love interest where she helped Arthur through what was happening in his life / contrasted him. Noée would’ve been the standard for that (but no ones ready for that convo yet). There’s also the problem of two major storylines, such as having an abusive parent and the whole deaf storyline that sort of collide with something so petty as Relationship drama in the form of a love triangle. The season could’ve really thrived on having no love interest at all. (Let’s not talk about the fucking car). I was gonna put season 5 & 6 on the same spot, but changed my mind because Arthur really went from someone we loved to someone we almost hated in his season. He became a cheater, and let’s be honest, no one was having that. So third he goes. Rip lost potential.
4. WtFock season 4
Look, we all knew this was coming. The biggest sin of this season is not that it’s bad but instead the fact that it’s fucking boring. Skam France Season 5 & 6 were train wrecks in many ways, included too much plot most of the time, but at least it was entertaining. At least the characters were likable and present, actively playing a part in the storyline that didn’t include villainous roles. At least they had sympathetic mains even when they fucked up. WtFock Season 4 is exhausting, and not even fun to talk about. No matter how much Skam France could suck, there was always something funny to be found in it, but not here, no. This shit is just pathetic, and I’m not sure anyone will ever hit this kind of low ever again. (I sure hope not)
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