#skelekins fics
skelekins · 11 months
Reread Secretary’s Sanctuary again this morning, it’s one of my fav fics I’ve written I think.
:) for those interesting in reading
Synops: Reader(M) is an avian siren living in a sanctuary for Creatures, magical beings similar to monsters. Bara classic Sans starts visiting you in your exhibit.
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skelebagels · 10 months
“Sometimes he doesn’t remember.”
A little fic inspired by @cranberrytea451 ‘s concept for a Scar comic. I may come back to this at some point but I like it well enough now to share :)
Note: if repetition bothers u this fic is not for u
Warnings: body horror - memory lapses - self harm (graphic) - depictions of mental distress - loss of time, somewhat graphic gore
edit: accidentally swapped his eyes in the fic if u read an alt version somewhere. He is blind in his right eye.
Sometimes…he doesn’t remember.
He doesn’t remember why it’s so cold. Why he’s so hungry. He doesn’t remember how he came to be here or where that even is.
And he.
Doesn’t remember…
It’s dark in twilit glow and so cold. Yet for some reason it’s darker to his right.
He lifts his hand and follows it. He shuts his left eye and only meets darkness.
Why can’t he see? Why can’t he see out of his eye?! Why can’t he open it? Why does it hurt when he tries?!
His fingers tremble as they reach up and find the stitches and his stomach churns while his mind aches.
Holy shit someone sewed his eye sh-
Where is he?
Why can’t he see?
Theres stitches by his fingers.
He digs in while his working pupil trembles in its socket. No. No he can’t. He can’t see.
Why is it empty?!
The lid that he pries into is hollow and sunken with no orb below for his fingers to touch.
He lost his eye. It’s gone it’s gone. Gone gone empty and it hurts.
His right ear twitches as his stitches pop.
What’s going on?! He can’t!
He can’t remember…
His face hurts and there’s a warm liquid leaking down his cheeks. From his eye. Is he crying?
No that’s not it but it is. The liquid that oozes down his right cheek is thicker than the freezing flow of his left.
His right pointer and middle fingers are warm and wet.
There’s a slick sound as he pulls them from his oozing socket and his sunken lid sticks to his bloody digits. It makes his aching empty soul roll.
What the fuck happened to his eye?!
What happened to him?!
He reaches up to hold his head only to find more confusion there. There’s stitches on his scalp, there’s stitches on his scalp and he doesn’t have his eye, he doesn’t have his ear, what happened what happened what
Where the fuck even is he?
He can’t fucking remem-
His face hurts. There’s cool liquid draining from his right eye that stings and aches and makes him want to cry and scream. Yet he has no energy and his anxiety spikes at the thought of causing so much noise.
His left cheek is cold with a frozen trail. He stands in a twilit forest of aspen and snow, the sky an ominous black.
There’s stitches by his left hand.
What… why are there stitches? His left hand is on his scalp and there’s stitches. Why. Why are they there. Why are they there.
It aches when his irritation and confusion leads to his fingers digging into the wound. Why was he wounded?
Why are there stitches?
Why couldn’t he see out of his right eye?!
He couldn’t…
He’s kneeling in a snowy twilit aspen forest with the sky an ominous black that drips flakes of snow like water from stalactites…
Why is he thinking of stalactites?
His head hurts and his hand is warm and wet. There’s…a wound on his head. Yet he feels numb. He knows it’s there and that it hurts but. He just.
It just…is.
When he reaches up he blinks owlishly at the pink stained snow before him. His…
There’s a flap of skin peeling off his scalp. It pulls at the stitches at his forehead and brow, and one’s behind his ear. It hurts.
Why can’t he see from his right eye?
His head aches and it’s wet and tacky when he reaches up to hold it.
There’s flesh peeling from his scalp…
Flesh… He’s so hungry.
He can’t remember.
It’s so cold… and he twitches at every sound. Out of the trees. It’s not safe here. Why why. Why does he know that why is he so confused why can’t he fucking remember!
His head burns as he grabs at it and silently screams into the painfully cold snow next to him. He doesn’t understand what’s happening! Where is he? Why?!
Why does it hurt so much?!
He’s crying…
He…doesn’t know why.
There’s…there’s not time for that.
His working eye finds a spool of thread and needle in the snow next to him. His face hurts… his head hurts.
He’s so hungry.
He only moves when the numbness settles completely. When the world feels like little more than a fuzzy dream…nightmare.
The sheet of ice in front of him answers his questions. He doesn’t…feel anything. He thinks he should but there’s no time for that. No energy.
His face is wet with his own blood,both from his torn lid of his empty socket and the gore of his scalp.
He thinks it should hurt when he sees his reflection, that it does, but he’s too cold, too hungry, too exhausted to feel it. He both recognizes himself and doesn’t.
He doesn’t understand.
But he can’t stay here.
His cold hand trembles in exhaustion when he takes up the needle and spool of thread for makeshift stitches. The reflective ice makes a decent enough mirror while he sews himself back together.
His hands pause at his eye, the fresh thread already pulling at his skin, too thin to not cut into it.
Where is his eye?
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skelekinsold · 1 year
New Moss & Mycelium Chapter
Special tumblr note: finally figured out how to copy my formatting from the notes-app I write in >:P
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didderd · 5 months
For the sketch requests maybe something mermaid or siren esc for mermay?
Your choice of character (^^ゞ
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this may or may not be the (dumbo octopus siren) reader of a fic that me and @skelekins may or may not be (slowly) working on. :3
(no name, but they/them pronouns)
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skelekins · 1 year
Secretary's Sanctuary up on AO3
Classic Sans helps out a Creature Sanctuary with an Avian Siren. :) Been sitting in my drafts but the meat of this fic gives me some warmth so I thought I'd share with ya'll.
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skelekins · 1 year
It’s grey outside when there’s a knock on your door. You ignore it because you treat the door like your phone, you don’t answer it.
When it happens again you tiptoe over and squint through the peep hole. Nothing.
You itch your ass and unlatch the locks before cracking open the door. Nothing but must and quiet.
You close the door before your neighbors, that you may or may not have, notice.
You regret opening the door.
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skelekins · 1 year
Which skeleton Au is your favourite one?
Oh no Ah jeeze I gotta decide? But the blorbos ;^;
Probabaly Underfell since it’s what I’d default to but since actually being active in the undertale community aaah
Megalosomnia is so good, I love the concept and details.
…also Snaps is his own AU
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skelekins · 1 year
Heres my take on dreamtale that I worked out. Call it Deitale or Treetale or something.. Fruittale FruitcockTale
This first part is taken from an idea I had for a Haunttale.
Long ago humans and monsters had a great war, but the result of that war was not a prison below a mountain. The result of the war was a mass graveyard below the mountain, where all remains of the monsters were buried and forgotten after they were slaughtered. The magic in the dust of their souls seeped into the mountain; and without monsters in the world, all other magic dwindled.
Recognizing and regretting their faults humans began to return to the mountain to pay respects and honor to the dead and they built various little shrines. This positive flow of energy nourished the soul of the mountain. Charms and special foods containing traces of magic were potent enough to be taken away for up to a year before their effects wore away.
A tree had grown over the main hole that the corpses and dust had been thrown. It grew and grew was and considered a shrine itself. One day fruit began to grow on the tree, assortment and all different kinds.
Overnight the first fruit dropped and cracked open. From the fruit the first reborn monster stepped forth, fully formed as a young adult, with the knowledge of their duties ingrained into their soul.
Initially humans were afraid but it was found that the monster was extremely kind and powerful. They went out of their way to seek, protect, and heal the sick and weakened. They became deified as a mother to all.
And then the next fruit fell. And like before a new monster stepped forth from the cracked fruit. They were also very kind, but instead of healing they brought warmth, fire, and strength in family (found or otherwise). He was deified over the hearth.
When the heated monster stepped forth from their fruit, the initial monster bid goodbye to the people of the mountain. With a new guardian to protect the soulfruits, the initial one would go and spread their magics across the world.
And so the cycle continued. Anytime a fruit ripened and dropped, a new monster would step forth and their predecessor would leave to spread magic back into the world.
Not all births were so well received. Complacency and greed seeped into the humans that patroned the mountain and this bled over into the tree. An anxious monster was born, an angry one, a vain one. They all had their place and things they helped with, but the highlighting of their faults soured the humans.
And then the "apple" fell.
When the fruit split in two a monster stepped froth from each half. Identical and opposite to one another. Daydream bubbled with aspirations, ideation, the light of the sun, and general delight. Nightmare blanketed with sleep, contemplation, fear and anxiety, and the night sky. Fears and Aspirations. Balance personified in two.
The humans, while enamored by Daydream, found Nightmare to be repugnant as his presence made them more aware of their faults, fears, and anxieties, and they did not want to meditate on these things and deal with them. And with the other monsters that the tree had birthed, Nightmare was the straw of suspicion.
If the fruits were so powerful and starting to make dangerous beings, then the humans needed to have some kind of way to fight back. In their opinion.
With Daydream distracted, and an assumption he would take Nightmare who usually tagged along in the shadows, a group of humans approached the tree seeking to eat the soulfruits for their power.
Nightmare tried to stop them but as this was still an Undertale universe, and he was still a monster, he was bound by the laws of the world. The sinister intentions of the humans overpowered Nightmare, and his aggressive defense of the tree and violent confrontation "proved" to them that the tree was actually "evil."
So to stop anymore evil they needed to destroy it.
Nightmare tried to fight back, and his head gets dashed open in the fight. He is semi-conscious while they hack at the tree and fruits begin to fall. Unripe, they do not split open and reveal new monsters and souls, but instead begin to rot almost instantly.
Confused, hurt, angry, and upset, Nightmare does the only thing he can think of when he sees the soulfruits rotting. The souls dieing.
A fruit that carries the soul of a monster. Eating one is akin to cannibalism.
Nightmare devoured the quickly decaying fruit. Then another. and another. and it eats away at him from the inside. Its painful and his soul burns like acid. But he can't let the humans have them.
When Daydream returns its to Nightmare having melted with the terror and curse from having cannibalized his fellow monsters. He shoots Night out of a sense of duty to protect and fight off evil when he sees him baring down on the humans. After some fighting, Dream manages to get to the last fruit on the felled tree.
Instead of eating the fruit like his brother, he gently takes it into his soul to try to keep it alive.
Unfortunately this causes roots to burst from his own soul, anchoring his body in place, and petrifying his body. But not his mind. Or his soul.
Their universe responds poorly to this second magic-breaking event, and the universe itself shatters, helped along by different sects of humans betraying the other deified monsters and killing (metaphorically or literally) them.
Nightmare and Daydream both technically died that day. Nightmare when his head was dashed open and he lost himself to the overpowering hatred, and Daydream when he sacrificed himself for the last fruit.
Despite the shattered reality of their realm and his own madness Nightmare visited his petrified brother twice a year. Once on their initial birthday, and again on their second birthday, the day of the "incident".
Inside the petrified Daydream the fruit of the unborn monster grows. After hundreds of years it is finally ripe enough, and the roots and stone finally crack.
That's it. That's what I got :) there's some gaps here and there but its the general idea I was happy with.
Original Dreamtale is by Jokublog Referenced - Apple Incident by TheGrinningKitten
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skelekins · 1 year
Why did the sperm cross the road?
Because I put on the wrong sock this morning 🥁
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skelekins · 1 year
A microfic / concept.
Skeleboy meets a human and they get on swell.
They’ve got a ribbon on the back of their neck and when asked they say it’s for a special occasion.
Then spooky season comes around and they get excited. At the eve of spooky month they invite their bone friend over to show them something cool.
And they ask the bone friend to untie their ribbon.
What follows next almost has the skeleton leave. The wet sloughing sounds, the way the flesh sticks to itself and the organs inside. The oozing way it clings to bones. The eyeballs try to stay in the sockets before they pop.
Their date mate made a very cute skeleton and their nudity from sloughing off their human skin coat and clothes with it brought heat to the skeleboys face.
But fuck was that disgusting.
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skelekins · 1 year
Haven't been able to work on M&M but wanted to share some of the random writings I've been thinking on.
Heres a cleaned up draft/sketch of harpy!siren concept I was thinking on. mafiafell!red x siren!reader(m)
5.6k words (fuckin whoops)
Your feet weren’t meant to grasp trees. You weren’t meant for this small tall room with weird scents and foliage and fake scenery painted to make it seem bigger.
It was too small, too tall, the trees too thin and branches not thick enough. You could balance, sure, but it was all wrong. Nothing like your home.
It was made worse by the large transparent wall that let that disgusting human stare at you. You had no true privacy. None of the foliage enough to really hide you away.
You hated hated hated. It made your skin itch just as much as your face did under the mess of leather that covered it. It wasn't in its worst orientation. You had free reign of your face at the moment.
But you hated it.
Your glared back at him from where you dug your talons into your current perch. Too small. You had to use your hand to steady yourself on the trunk while you crouched in the branch.
The tree swayed with your weight.
He was grinning. Was he laughing? You wouldn’t be surprised. You chose not to respond other than the constant hateful stare you gave him.
His attention diverted to his desk and you watched him stride over and press a button on it. His mouth moved, he was speaking, and then he rounded the desk once more.
By his posture you knew he was meeting someone. Humans, for all their technology and superiority, really weren’t any different from your kind. This human was meeting someone important. That much was obvious by the way he gave his clothes a once over, made sure everything was in place, and seemed to both relax and puff himself up at the same time. Preened and standing tall with a wide stance to assert his dominance.
You just watched him bored and unimpressed. He didn’t pay you any attention with all of it consumed by the door.
Since he wasn’t going to stare at you anymore you stopped too and followed his gaze curiously to the door. The wide wall of your room gave you a good view of the entirety the office. Something you were more disgusted with than grateful for. At least it gave you a good vantage of the door and incoming visitors.
Your crest lifted in shock when the door opened and a large cleaned walking carcass followed a shaking human through. It was massive and dressed just as keenly as your supposed owner. It dwarfed the terrified human, enough to strike terror even if it wasn't some odd amalgamation of bones in a suit. The feathers along your face and body ruffled when the magic cadaver turned and looked at you. Bright red pricks of light stared back from the impossibly black sockets.
Your head twitched and turned while you looked from the skeleton, to the door, then back. It was alone. So it wasn't being controlled by someone. You watched its chest expand and contract with breath, before it opened its mouth. It wasn't like a normal skeleton the more you looked at it. There was some odd malleability along with the spongy looking bone where cheeks might be. You also realized there was some sort of lid on its socket that was currently at a lazy hood.
Its mouth opened and those red lights slid away from you. Talking to the human you could only assume.
You moved quickly. A light jump away from your current tree, some cramped flaps and flutters, and then you were perched over him in the closest tree that could hold your weight.
It was uncomfortable.
But it gave you a good vantage to see his surprise when he turned back to find your previous spot empty. The red lights, that seemed to function as eyes, flicked around the room curiously. You tipped your head back and forth while you scanned over him, your version of flicking your immobile eyes. He spotted your long hanging streamers first and you cracked your face in a subtle grin-like expression when his eyes met yours.
His sharp grin perked up a little and you watched him before you slowly kept stretching your grin. He didn't emote as much as humans, but that smarmy look got a little tighter when your lips stretched and stretched while your beak pressed forward and the bones shifted in your skull to full extend it. Your human-like nose flatted and pushed up and back and you knew that he could see the way your bones shifted into place under your skin. His grin fell.
Your talons dug into the too-small branches to help hold you up while you loomed closer to the window. He was bigger than you... You may have not felt so bold had there not been the barrier.
But then again this was your territory. As unwanted and pitiful as it was. And you had to make sure everyone knew it.
So you loomed over him, staring into his eyes while your crest rose and feathers fanned around your face, making you appear much bigger, and your beaked maw pulled into a terrible grimace. You stretched the feathers on your arms out. With how unsuited the tree was you had to use your more dexterous fingers to help grasp and balance yourself, so you couldn't show off your wingspan. But you could increase your size by puffing them up.
You snapped at him a couple times, clacking your beak noisily. He couldn't hear it. But the vicious motions weren't tempered by the sound-dampening window. You were very pleased with the stock still expression he gave you... Up until his grin pulled into a viscous grin. His mouth parted and his eyes squinted. You couldn't hear him but you knew the motion.
You launched before you could help it. Throwing yourself off the branch to fling legs first at the glass right at his laughing face. The grass squealed under your dagger-like talons, the first pane actually cracking when your talons managed to pierce through. There were multiple panes though... Each thicker than the last. You were honestly a bit proud of the damage even if you knew it would cause trouble.
It got that fucking laugh off his face.
Your feathers shivered on your body angrily while you sneered at him from where you hung onto the window, flexing your claws into the quickly breaking glass. It wouldn't hold you for long.
He was twice your size. You hated it. You hated he was on the other side. You hated that you were stuck here. You hated that you were entertainment.
You screamed and kicked with your free leg and then flinched when the combination of your shriek and kicking burst the already weakened panel. You fell heavily to the ground and had to quickly shield your body and face from the falling shattered glass around you. You panted in the still silence afterwards. Your body shaking, your toes cut and hurt, shattered glass shards around your body. You were...extremely lucky that none of the shards actually punctured you. Your plumage actually protected you from most of it, the thick scaling on your legs prevented any scratches.
...The human was going to be pissed.
You slowly brushed anything that might have been around your face away and then sat up and looked at your surroundings. You saw the pointed shoes still facing you on the other side of the remaining glass panels. You were just sitting up when the shoes shifted and one was replaced by a knee. You really didn't like that you had to look up but you slowly did.
You kept your hard defiant gaze while you glared at the staring red-eyed skeleton. He still looked shocked, good. You bared your beak at him again and rose your crest aggressively. You flexed your feet warningly, but you stopped yourself from kicking at his dumb weird face. Your aggression didn't get what you wanted. He didn't look more terrified or move away. Instead he rose his eyebrows, shocked, before his sockets hooded again and he got a wide grin on his face.
Was he going to laugh at you again?
You could see his body shake a little bit, but his expression wasn't like before. He regarded you, not just watched you, and eyed you over like another predator would. Good. You kept unblinking eye contact while you reoriented yourself until you had your feet back under you. The glass hurt under your already cut underfoot, but you ignored it. He stood back up when you did the same, and despite the fact that he dwarfed even you, you stood strong and proud and aggressive.
Those red eyes watched you, calculating, and then that grin hitched up just a bit more. He slowly turned to the human but just as he did his socket that was away from the human winked at you. Your third eyelid blinked, rewetting your now very dry eyes. Your head tipped this way and that, but he didn't look back at you again. He didn't turn his back to you either however. Instead he kept his body angled to give the human his attention, but so you were always in his periphery.
Good. You ought to be respected as a threat even if the glass could save him.
Your attention flicked to the human and your bravado iced painfully in your chest. Your feathers smoothed back against your body and you redirected your eyes and carefully stepped away from the mess you'd made. You knew that expression. Icy cold and filled with rage. You hadn't meant to break the glass...
You picked your way away from the glass, keeping the two in the other room in your vision the whole time. You ended up huddled in the sort of ground-nest you'd managed in the tiny room. Tucked in a corner and behind a tree. It didn't really hide you but it made you feel at least slightly better.
Red wasn’t dumb. He could see the humans humor was lost with the property damage his little pet cost him. Maybe he should rethink what he treats as a pet… but Red could see the burning anger there.
The bird had gone to “hide” in that sad shack of an artificial forest. More like a glorified closet. He still kept them in his peripherals. He didn’t actually feel threatened but. Well. Better safe than sorry. He noticed the way it relaxed the bird. A desire for respect that was easy enough for Red to provide.
“Didn’t mean ta’ upset yer little pet there,” he drawled, watching the man carefully. He settled the obvious anger easily enough, returning Reds stare with a confident calm gaze.
“It’s very territorial,” he said, voice proud though he let a little annoyance in. “It doesn’t like strangers, usually it doesn’t attack the glass like that.”
“What kinda Creature is it?” Red hadn’t seen one like it before. He had a few guesses but this human seemed to pride in his pet, so asking should open the man up to him a bit more.
“It’s an avian siren,” the man grinned proudly and Red had to raise his eyebrows to that. He glanced back over to the hiding Creature. Those deep dark eyes with hints of scarlet when the light shone just right stared right back at him.
“thought those were fish… ain’t he a bit dangerous?” Most Creatures masked and preyed on humans, so he wasn’t really concerned for himself. Much. He could still be affected by their magic if they were strong enough.
“Dangerous and rare,” Red flicked his gaze back to the preening human. As though he were a bird himself. Red wondered if his sparkly teeth turned to glitter when shattered. “Only one of his particular kind we found so far.”
Red hummed and eyed the man. He was more sure to boast the exotic than the danger but there was something there with the acknowledgement. The man grinned sharply back at him.
There was a reason, after all, this man chose to have his meetings in front of the Creature. While Red was much larger than the bird, many humans would be closer in height or even just a little shorter.
“d’ya want more?” He rose a brow and the human glanced over at the bird as well. His grin fell to a closed smile. Tighter.
“It’s pretty but a wild thing, domestication would be easier with a chick,” Red took a breath and just grinned when the man looked at him.
He didn’t show his disgust. While Creatures were little more than animals, as far as he’d ever known or been told, something just rubbed him wrong when it came to their captivity. And breeding…
He’d heard that that could be very difficult and touchy. Once again, he didn’t know a lot about Creatures. Didn’t have a lot of experience or care to seek it out. But general knowledge got around.
Creatures, especially the carnivores like sirens, almost never did well in captivity. Or breeding. They were particular about their mates and they preferred to mate for life. Taking a clutch from one…
Red’s eyes trailed over to the pretty bird. It wasn’t his business. So he let it brush over him like many things in this business and turned up his charm along with his grin.
“g’luck with that,” he didn’t mean it. “names red serif, nice to meet ‘cha mistah teak.”
The Teaks had a solid hold on their city and the gangs within. They also had good contacts both local and abroad. It made the city less of a likely candidate to take over… But at the same time Red wanted to anyway.
It wouldn’t be smart. The Teaks seemed open to working with Monsters but there was just something off. He’d tried to check the bastard but it’s not like he could read the man’s mind. All the check told him was what he already knew. Teak was a business man. Stars damned helpful.
Maybe it was the Creature he saw. How intelligent their pretty ruby eyes had been. It rubbed him wrong and he knew there were Monsters that felt that way for many Creatures.
They were very similar after all.
The only difference… well Creatures were more primitive. Their essence was encased in a physical organ, the rest of their bodies made from the same dust and magic as a monster. They couldn’t be pulled into encounters and on record it seemed they didn’t speak. Except in mimicry.
It didn’t help that the majority were extremely reclusive. And due to their dust-made bodies, the only thing left were dried husks of their fleshy souls.
The birdy was gone the next time Red came. He’d glanced around the empty forest room after he was led to the meeting room and he found nothing. When Teak entered Red made no comment even though he was very curious.
Teak didn’t mention it either. It bothered Red. He let it go.
He was almost glad when they fucked up. The Teaks had been far too accommodating when dealing with them. Teak himself had a smile of stale flowers and rot.
They’d found them scheming with the Dreemurs. But Teak didn’t know they knew yet. So Red was easy and relaxed while he entered the estate for their final meeting.
His brother and the cousins were already in place. Red honestly was surprised when the Classies came along too, but Fell territory would still be Serif territory. Keeping their bonds strong would be good.
As usual he was led back to the meeting room. It had been weeks since he’d seen the bird, over a month, so he was a little surprised when he noticed movement in the forest-room after entering.
“It’s been recovering,” Red hadn’t caught sight of the bird yet and he slid his gaze over to Teak. As usual he had that candy sweet smile and brimmed with pride. Though he looked a little annoyed when those brown eyes tracked to the glass wall.
“Little brat won’t just take it,” he snorted. As though talking about a misbehaving child. Red rose his eyebrows and then turned back to the glass.
There. A single dangling ribbon feather. It was further in the back, by the corner.
“…fought back from breeding?” Red asked slowly. His lights trailed up the single streamer and to the bird.
Feathers displaced. Scratches on what he could see of the legs - impressive with the protective scaling. He couldn’t see much of their upper half apart from tangled feathers.
The bridle muzzle thing was different. It was tight and dug into their skin with three strapped across the front of the face vertically. Red realized it kept them from extending their beak. Hell. He didn’t even think they could open their mouth like that. The leather was tight enough to pull their lips back and show the hooked tip of the beak.
Dark eyes met his own before the bird flicked its head down and away. Not so proud. Shamed. He was missing a couple feathers from his crest which he didn’t raise at Red this time.
Red didn’t think it would be subdued so easily. Guess he was wrong.
“Yes,” Teak sighed and watched the raggedy bird. “This was the third time,” he’d tried to breed the Creature three times? “I thought a larger specimen could subdue him, with help of course,” Red really didn’t want the details.
He wasn’t saved by the sounds of his family however. All remained quiet outside. No signal. Ideally he’d move the conversation on but he was a little curious.
“oh yeah? shame… what ya do with the other one?”
“He smashes their skulls open so there’s not much to be done with them,” the man said flippantly and Red was once again a little shocked. If anything that was pricey. “We had him tied down and sedated. Broke one of his wings getting free,” ah. Red hadnt seen that. Maybe that was why the bird was clinging and hiding behind the tree like that. Red couldn’t see their right arm.
“Now the issue is locating another avian,” the man rolled his eyes before he shrugged and turned to Red. “If your people hear of any I pay a premium.”
Red stared at him.
“‘sorry teak,” he didn’t know if he actually managed to keep the derision from his voice. “we dun deal in exotics,” he shrugged with a dumbed down grin.
The Monster was back. You hadn’t seen him since before your “owners” most recent attempt to force a mate on you. You felt shamed by how you hid but you weren’t nearly as intimidating sight to behold now.
The fucker had ripped your feathers when you’d fought back after you finally tore and broke through your restraints. Your crown crest broken and your streamers just a single sad ragged ribbon.
They weren’t looking at you anymore, the human and the monster, so you slid down the tree with your right arm tucked close to your side. It was still tender and healing… They’d sedated you to put it in a sling. You didn’t bother it.
You slowly reached back where your streamer started between your shoulder blades. You were gentle and careful while you felt your three dexterous digits along to try to groom it into a more acceptable state. It was going to take a long time to replace the missing ones and it made your soul-heart ache at how they’d ruined you.
You still gave them the bliss of death. Your talons dug slightly into the turf under your feet in memory. You wouldn’t make another of your kind stay here. Better to rest than suffer the indignity. Besides. They shouldn’t have tried to claim you.
You ruffled your feathers, fluffing a little both in pride and to help while you tried to slowly groom yourself with your remaining usable hand. You couldn’t even use your beak…
Your hand quickly flinched away when the door to your room suddenly opened. You peeked wide-eyed around your tree only to see the enormous skeleton in the doorway. You couldn't see behind him but there was blood staining his shirt and pants. You could smell more wafting in from the office.
His grin was wide and sharp when those red lights found your ruby eyes. You curled your lips back, despite your inability to actually use your beak, and let out a guttural growl in warning. You were greatly disadvantaged but you would still defend your pathetic territory.
"heya pretty birdy," his voice was wet and husky and your feathers fluffed unbidden. You growled back louder, your crest raised aggressively. He huffed a short laugh.
“oh yeah you’re real big and scary,” your snarled back, the leather on your face stressed as your beak tried to push into place. His teasing angered you. It stung your pride and was quickly discoloring your thoughts.
“yer not gonna like what happens if you try. now are ya gonna be good 'n come with me or are ya gonna be difficult?” Why would you go with him? You narrowed your eyes and then very carefully started to twitch your head, and your vision, around.
It wasn’t like the window didn’t exist.
The study was a little out of sorts, but most importantly was the dead body lying across the desk. A bloody hole in your owners chest was all the information you had for what killed him. A small muffled trill left your mouth in your shock. You were… You didn’t know how you felt. Excited but also angry. You wanted to be the one to do it…even if you weren’t sure you ever could.
You could at least do one thing.
You stood taller and snapped your gaze to the waiting walking cadaver blocking your path out of the room. Your attention was all the hint he was given before you dashed for him. Most beings were shocked by your speed and this skeleton was no different. What was different was how he shocked you by vanishing right before your dagger-like talons could pierce his blood stained shirt.
You skidded onto wood floor of the office, talons digging in while your head snapped to where the skeleton's presence reappeared. He was across the room, wide eyed, and he looked mildly annoyed. All you needed was that he was away from you. With a lunge and a flap of your left arm you landed on the desk and petulantly gored the wood with your talons while you clicked to loom over the body.
Glassy eyed, blood from the mouth. No breath. You snapped your gaze to the skeleton when he moved and he raise his palms towards you.
“he’s dead,” you were aware and you inclined your head derisively at the monster. He rose his brows back. “what?”
You didn’t answer. You probably could whisper words behind your beak but he wasn’t your kind. He didn’t deserve your voice unless it was a song to lead him where you wanted.
You growled and then turned your attention back to the human, only to snap back to the skeleton when he shifted, but it was just to lean against the wall. He sighed and waved his hand at you before he lit up a cigar like you’d seen the humans do.
“i ain’t gonna invade yer space, birdy,” he grumbled and you watched him. Your head tipped and twitched while you thought and examined him before your eyes met his own. "better hurry up though, won't be long before we gotta go."
His grin was tipped up but he didn’t laugh at you, just rose his brows when you made eye contact. You held his gaze firmly before you very deliberately nodded to him. You ignored the surprised look and how he almost dropped his cigar.
You had a much more important task at hand.
Your foot fit oh so perfectly around the humans stupid face. One of your talons easily punctured and oozed those dead fish eyes before it readjusted to grasp at his temples. Your other talons rendered flesh and bone to dig and break into the skull.
You improved the meaning of defacing.
With a wet tearing and crunching sound you ripped and tore the human's face from their skull, breaking bits of orbital bone, cheek, mandible, and teeth with it. You crunched the mass of flesh and bone in your foot before tossing it away. The gore underneath didn't interest you. Not even the succulent tongue that flopped free. You'd seen the things he'd done with it. Instead you you foot right back down into the remains of the faceless skull.
The force punched a hole in the desk under the exploded gore.
You grunted and readjusted, flapping your left wing to help get your foot out of the hole.
It left you with an headless body from the force. Bits of what was left of the squashed melon still oozed from the neck but most was splattered around the splintered damage. You didn't care.
Your focus redirected and you easily rendered the man's shirt to scraps to reveal his succulent organ filled torso. He disgusted you but you wanted to follow through on the mental promises you'd comforted yourself with.
You heard a door open while you dug your talons in and tore a long strip from his abdomen. You grabbed it in your hand while your head cocked to the doorway.
There was another skeleton monster. He looked similar to the red eyed one but his were white and his teeth blunt. His sockets scrunched up in disgust while you shoved the strip of flesh past the leather straps and into your beak. You tipped your head and maintained eye contact while you swallowed it down whole.
“what the hell red,” the new skeleton didn’t move from the door. You looked to the smoking one who just looked entertained. Red apparently. You tore another strip of flesh and ignored the dirty look the new skeleton gave you.
“told ya he had a Creature.”
“so you let it out?” The strips of flesh gave you easy access to the interior of his abdominal cavity and you eagerly fished around for his liver. You easily ripped it free while you balanced on your other foot. You preferred to only use your hands to transfer the food from talons to mouth.
“well yeah i’m taking him with me,” Red shrugged and your head zipped to him this time while you shoved the liver into your mouth. He just watched with lidded sockets while you tipped your head back to swallow it down. “yeah you're comin with me,” he grinned back.
You stared at him, then snapped your attention the instant the blue-eyed one shifted. You growled lowly and Red snickered.
“prolly don’t wanna come in comic, he’s pretty viscous.”
“ya don’t say,” you fished the humans heart out this time. You couldn’t help the excited chirp when you found it and ripped it free.
It was honestly difficult to shove everything behind your muzzled face but you still did your best. You ignored the gore and splatter as you tore and shoved to get it in.
“just hurry up red, we’re leaving soon,” the white eyed blue shirted skeleton left after giving you one more hard look.
You swallowed the meat down while Red snickered. Your foot already digging away for other organs.
“ya heard him birdy, we gotta get goin,” you stared at the skeleton blankly while you fished around. Who said you agreed with any of that?
“gonna act dumb now?” Eh, you'd only given him a nod before, that didn't say a lot to your intelligence. You grabbed the kidney you’d fished out and maintained eye contact with Red while you shoved it in your mouth. Red sighed and stubbed out his cigar before he pushed away from the wall.
“d’ya like being treated like an animal?” That…caught you off guard. You blinked at him and your head began twitching and tipping in thought while you watched him. He didn't approach further, hands in pockets, watching you process. You didn't know a lot about monsters... Your flock hadn't encountered them often. They weren't your prey and they weren't predators so you'd had no reason to consider them much.
“if ya stay here no tellin where you’ll end up,” the monster hummed, grinning at you. “not sure if anyone else’ll wanna bother with you,” he rose his hands in a shrug, “could end up in a zoo or something.”
You growled at the threat and finally stepped away from the carcass and to the edge of the desk. You could hear more movement outside. You may not understand much of the society you’d found yourself trapped in, but even you could tell some big event was happening to your current location. The human was also dead leaving your future uncharted.
And you were still injured.
“ya wanna come with me birdy?” He grinned and stepped closer, boldly, and you inclined your head at him again. Watching. On edge. Your crest half raised and ready to intimidate.
“i can still treat ya like an animal,” you didn’t respond, “if that’s what you want.” He offered as though agreeing to a game.
You weren’t sure why but the playful tone actually struck you. Perhaps it was his assertion of your intelligence with the way he spoke to you. He treated you like a person.
You shook your head to him, slowly, deliberately. His grin stretched wider but his posture relaxed. Eased. Despite the noise outside the room.
“then i won’t treat ya like one,” he paused and his gaze slid over to the partially eaten carcass. He chuckled and looked back at you. “much.”
You couldn’t be mad at that. Your eyes squinted proudly and your feathers ruffled. You appreciated that he would treat you as a person but even you couldn’t deny that you seemed to have more visceral instincts. He laughed at your preening before he took another step closer and held his hand out to you. Palm up. Inviting.
Perched on the desk he didn't look so much bigger, so you were a little miffed when you finally stepped off and had to look up to meet his eyes. His amused grin didn't help either and you could feel yourself puff and ruffle. Still, you stood in front of him, staring at those eyes, before you tipped your head back and forth at his palm. Just...bones. It was so weird. It was very human though, not like yours.
You looked back up at his face and lifted your lips behind your straps again and clicked and gouged your talons aggressively into the wood floor. You were...trusting him. Your right wing was healing...
You very carefully put your left hand in his own, your three digits so tiny compared to his own, while the extenders of your wings fanned out to the side. His grin actually looked a little softer while he grasped your hand back and you were surprised by how gently he pulled you closer. It was not a gesture you were used to and it made your feathers puff unbidden.
"we're gonna take a shortcut outta here," he winked. "it's gonna feel weird and i'm going put my arm around you. understand?"
You initially didn't. A shortcut just meant a different path out... But if you felt weird. You stared at him, bewildered, only to immediately be distracted by the soft feel of his thumb against your hand. Your eyes were wide while you watched his thumb, beak softly clicking from the depths of your skull.
Nothing ever really...touched you like that. It made you feel weird but not unpleasant.
"hey," you looked up again and noticed his grin seemed a bit more amused. "did ya understand?" right. You...did and didn't.
You frowned and stared back hard, watching his lights, before looking down at his hand, and then back up at him. Slowly you moved closer, into his personal space, which caused his sockets to go wide.
"Shortcut?" You whispered. Apparently not only his sockets could go wide but those red lights could blast into hazy red rings. His mouth actually hung open for a second while he stared back at you. He recovered quickly, lights contracting while his sockets narrowed in satisfaction.
"magic," ah. That made more sense. You kept his gaze, watching him carefully, considering... He freed you. Let you have your organs. ...Held your hand. Your focus twitched back to your connected hands. His thumb continued to brush along the back of yours, careful not to disrupt any of your feathers,or gently stroking along the smaller ones. He hadn't hurt you or shown the desire...
He remained impassive as your head snapped back up at him, before his grin stretched wide as you fully invaded his space and pressed against his front. You gave a firm nod. You understood and agreed.
You still had to curl your talons into the wood floor when he wrapped his other arm around your waist. You tensed but stubbornly wrapped your digits around his hand that held yours and pushed your body closer to his own. You didn't want to be afraid, so you'd fight it boldly. Red let out a brief amused chuckle, before he firmed his grip around your waist and looked down into your eyes.
"ready?" The fuck did he think? You glared and his grin took on that manic edge to it. "'course," and then the world dropped out from under you and your stomach with it.
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skelekins · 1 year
Question,chew ice or eat raw snow?
The door slams open.
A big burly skeleton walks through and looms over you. His single rose light shines under the darkness of his hood.
He looks down his nasal bone at you.
You stare back.
He kneels and lowers his hood.
“Your snow cone.”
There’s a little spoon sticking out of the lost part of his skull. He got you dragons blood flavoring.
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skelekins · 1 year
had a reader leave multiple comments while they made their way through chapters
;A; its so sweet
i need to do that more
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skelekins · 1 year
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Fanart for @dracoria-nebulae's Abyssal Lights - check it out here :D its such a fun fic
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skelekins · 1 year
since I've referenced it a couple times here's a portion of Sanctuary Bird specifically of them using their voice.
This one is more directly inspired by zoo!siren fics, but I wanted to explore a more caring facility.
He whistled as he entered the exhibit, both to draw the birds attention and to calm his own nerves. Of course they’d glanced over to see who was at the gate and initially Sans watched them lower their head back to their nest.
Only to stop and do a double take.
Sans wasn’t wearing the protective headgear.
And he didn’t get more than that double take to prepare himself before that maw opened and the first notes of spell wound tightly around him like an angels caress.
Sans soul relaxed and his mouth dropped open while he stared at the gorgeous divinity above. It’s voice was like a choir that pulled at his very soul and he was mindless as he walked into the trees. Where he was wanted. Where he was needed.
His bones felt warm and fuzzy as he approached the nest-tree. He’d never come this far before but now his lord was gracious enough to pull him in and let him kneel before it.
The divine Creature was gorgeous when he heavily landed on the ground in front of Sans. Sans whimpered in blissful ecstasy as their much closer voice wrapped him in its arms and held him in a comforting embrace while loving hands caressed his bones. His hands were the only thing that kept him from face planting into the dirt.
The siren’s hands were so small when they cupped his face and Sans stared up with hearts in his lights. He couldn’t read their expression past the blinding beauty. Though as he watched the song faded and horror began to creep into his soul.
He was on the ground. At the base of the tree. The siren had his face in its hands but it’s taloned foot was resting threateningly over his rib cage. Sans wasn’t sure if he’d be able to react in time to get away from the threat or from another song.
He was speechless while those bright amethyst eyes regarded him cooly and he struggled not to pull away when they leaned in close.
Their feathers tickled this skull and he shivered at the feeling of their too long lips pressing against his bones.
“Why?” He did tense then, his own sockets wide while his lights shrunk. Their voice was odd and whistled in their whisper. Like it should be deeper but the whisper pulled it high.
Ah. There was the croak. From deep in their throat they made a guttural croak and their lips tickled his bones when they parted so that he could hear their beak snap from inside their maw.
“Why are you here?” They had a thick accent which he probably should have expected.
“trying to help you.” They reared back and stared at him bewildered and Sans could only grin in return. He shrugged. He winced when their talon flexed into his shirt, tearing it and pressing against a rib now. Their frown pulled tighter and he felt himself begin to sweat.
“you haven’t been doing well. the staff here care about you but they know you don’t trust them… and that’s okay,” the talon pulled back a bit while their eyes narrowed a little. “i want to help you.”
Sans stared back while the bird studied him, their violet eyes calculating. Finally the bird huffed and pulled its talons away before it leaned in closely again.
“…I don’t need help.” Huh.
“you don’t want freedom?”
“To where?” Their whisper was dropping into a guttural croak. “I have nowhere.”
“what abo-“ Sans was cut off by a swift but, from what he knew about this creature, shockingly gentle kick to the chest. It made him grunt but didn’t actually hurt.
“No,” the croak was mixed with a predatory hiss and Sans nodded absently. So, their life before captivity was off limits for now. Fair enough.
“…do you like it here?” Silence. The bird didn’t pull away to look at him either. Sans didn’t think they’d respond until they whispered once more.
“No…” of course not. Surrounded by humans and one-way glass. Sans also realized that they apparently knew they were recorded, which made his sockets widen once it struck. That’s why it was so close… and why he was at the tree. There weren’t any recording devices the humans had been able to put in its close vicinity.
“i can help,” Sans couldn’t help the shiver when the bird breathed a croaked growl against his bones.
“Liar,” they sneered and Sans didn’t blame them. So he laughed, which seemed to startle the bird from its aggression, and then he actually lent his head to the side so he could rest it against the birds own. Their feathers were so soft, and he had to huff another laugh at how they jolted and tensed at the affectionate gesture.
“nah, i’ll prove it, just wait,” he snickered into the feathers. He half expected the Creature to push him off and flee. He was surprised when it just stayed tensed, before it carefully and slowly rubbed its cheek against his skull.
He could feel it trembling.
The fear and anxiety radiated off the predator and Sans couldn’t help the smile on his skull. He didn’t know this being, not well not really, but he still felt pride in them for their efforts. For allowing the gentle touch despite the terror coursing through them.
“Okay,” Sans hadn’t expected them to speak again. They pressed their cheek against him once more, as though to savor and take it with them, before they moved away.
They were gone in an instant, Sans eyes wide. They’d be difficult to avoid even with a shortcut. They were also terrifyingly silent.
He glanced up and saw them watching him from the nest again. He hadn’t heard them take flight or their talons in the woods to climb.
But he gathered himself, smiled, and then nodded up at the Creature. Well, now he’d actually have to follow through. Which may be…difficult.
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skelekins · 1 year
Felt like sharing this rough draft from Birdy. This was a very different take on Red's "rescue" along with the injuries Birdy sustained.
Warnings: body horror, broken bones, violence, references to unwanted advances
Red was trying hard to keep his grin easy and smooth while he talked to the walking dead man. He was here to distract the guy while the other Fells took over the perimeter. He hadn't expected to see the little birdy again, having dissapeared about a week ago, so he was taken by surprise when he noticed the Creature back in its small room.
Except for it looked awful.
Feathers lost, mouth tightly bound by those head straps so that their mandible was immobile. Their purple eyes were hazy and grey and the Creature didn't even look at him as he entered. It had just shuffled further behind the tree and bushes that it tried to use as some sort of hide. It didn't work. The room was set up that way.
Breeding gone wrong.
Fought back.
Red had never thought too much about Creatures but it pissed him off. He'd liked seeing the strange gorgeous creature when he'd come for their little meetings. It was always so proud and curious about him, and he couldn't help but grin at it and watch as it tried to intimidate him back. Now it was...
Did this guy say he fought back from breeding?
Red found out that teeth did not sparkle like glitter when smashed under heel. The blood got in the way.
"RED GOD DAMN IT NOT YET," ah well they were close enough. Red shrugged while he made his way around the room to the glass wall. He could find the door but...
"you got the perimeter, boss?"
Red grunted, surprised at the exertion needed to break the glass. It was thicker than he'd realized. Still nothing magic and bone can't take care of. He expected humidity to hit him after the glass broke but found the "forest room" surprisingly dry.
The mangled Creature was standing. Shivering and shaking but trying its best to look big. Broken feathers fluffed and sticking up, making himself look bigger. His arms weren't raised as high as usual, closer to the body. More defensive. The Creatures head kept twitching this way and that, shocked and trying to process exactly what was happening and problem escape. Red sidestepped into its line of sight evertime it tried to see around him.
"hey there, beautiful," he purred, and those dull violet eyes shot to his face. "yer gonna be comin' with me," he grinned.
It was fast.
Red was stunned when the Creature was in front of his face before his grin could even fall, and he barely had time enough to shortcut away before it had flapped and then tried to snatch his chest with both of its taloned feet. It landed smoothly and, though it already seemed winded, it was obviously ready to put up a fight as it took up stance again once it found him. He'd only gone a few yards away, his sockets wide.
"whoa there," he shortcut just out of range of another swipe of the talons. "little aggressive, aren'tcha?"
Away again and then farther away once more when he noticed their stance change. They panted, legs farther apart, and swiveled their head around to watch him. Their body was shaking even harder now. He rose a brow while they studied him.
“do ya wanna stay here?” Silence though he noticed their head twitch just a little. They watched him then their head twitched while they looked around the room. Their eyes found the dead man and with a quick look back at Red, the bird walked over the man’s corpse.
Red watched, not moving from his spot. He was curious. He was more impressed than disgusted when the Creature rose their leg and then lightning fast smashed it into the man’s skull. It caved in like a melon before those brutal talons flexed inwards and popped it.
Red found those violet eyes staring hard at him while the talons shook off some of the gore. Ah. A threat? He grinned and held out his hand.
“ive been nice birdy,” interesting that they paused. Their eyes went from his face to his outstretched hand. They cautiously stride forward. “but yer still planning to be a rude lil shit ain’t cha?”
He recognized the stance this time and he flicked his fist right as they moved. He still only caught them midair and midway to him.
Fucking fast.
But he gripped onto that growing component inside of the Creature. It was odd at first to not pull their soul free until he remembered that their soul was very real and physical to them.
That’s what the trophy husks had been.
Creature Souls, dried and drained of their life force. The only thing left when a Creature died.
He guessed that since it was such a physical part that would explain the absolute blind panic he’d triggered in this Creature. They flailed and clawed and made muffled noises through their forced shut jaw. One of their hands gripped over the glow in their chest. A literal physical organ that held their essence.
Red was curious about what he could do with it but now wasn’t the time. He heard commotion in the halls and he didn’t have time to play around. So he fisted his hand, making the Creature go rigid, before he slammed them back into the wall.
Their head snapped back with a crack and then their body slid limply down. Perfect.
Your body ached. Your head ached. Everything ached and you didn’t want to wake up. You didn’t want to see your drab plumage or feel the way you couldn’t open your beak.
You didn’t want to feel the ache in your mouth and the fear that came with it.
You most certainly didn’t want to open your eyes and see unfamiliar surroundings.
You were in a room that was similar to your non-forest room. Where you went when you’d caused problems. Clinical. You recognized the style of cot you were on however the way your legs were tied down was horrifying.
You could still fight. They hadn’t tied down your wings. Though when you scrambled with the bindings at your ankles you found them locked.
“pretty bird,” that wasn’t the human. Your back shivered and your head shot in the direction of the voice. That impossibly large moving carcass of cleaned bones was in the doorway. Teeth pulled in that viscous grin and red lights pinned on you.
“glad ya woke up, thought i hit ya too hard at first,” you stared at him unblinking. You gave no indication you understood.
You did. But you stared at him silently.
You had no intention of speaking. Of giving any information to this monster. You found his presence less of an affront than the humans but monsters were no more trustworthy as far as you were concerned. They were just an unknown instead of an immediate threat.
“ya got fucked up pretty bad,” the other had it worse. Perhaps. They’d at least been granted eternal rest. “didn’t wanna show tail and just take it?”
The grin was so knowing and you had so much trouble not reacting. You watched him and let out a shuddering steadying breath.
He watched you steadily then too a pointed step forward. You didn’t appreciate the way those lights trailed down your body.
“…ya couldn’t do much in yer current state though could ya?” The threat hit home and your chest ached with how tight it squeezed. You reacted before you could help it, one leg steadying while the other struck out for freedom.
The metal bars that connected the strong leather whined as they bent. That skeleton was over you before you could break it however. Their hand extended and then your body felt wrong again.
The organ in your chest was that deep dark blue, glowing under your skin, and you felt so heavy. Your legs slid back and your soul ponded away in terror. You didn’t want this!
“hey hey, cmon, cmere it’s okay,” it wasn’t it wasn’t! You couldn’t move and you ached and you didn’t understand and you didn’t want it. There was a presence over you and no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t get enough power in your legs to fight.
You parted your mouth in the only defense you had left. You still had that harness on. You couldn’t open your jaw. You couldn’t project correctly.
Instead of a commanding melody of demands and power, all that came out was a horse broken whispered tragedy compared to how your voice used to be. It sang an easily ignored request, not even a demand, a request to just…leave you alone.
You were scared. You were ashamed. You felt humiliated in the melody that escaped your lips. You felt hurt by how unfamiliar your own voice sounded.
“‘m not gonna hurt you,” you didn’t believe him. “wanted ta see how well ya understand,” you knew that. You’d known that. You fell for it too…
You flinched when you felt hands on your face, your eyes refocusing it’s stare at the far too close skeleton. He was cupping your face and your eyes went wide. You couldn’t look away from him as your soul pounded.
You struggled and tried to pull your head away, your arms scrambling at his hands while you tried to bat him away with your wings. He actually grunted and huffed, but he didn’t let go. You only stopped when he jerked your head harshly by the bridle.
“Quit it,” he snarled, those sharp teeth inches from your face. Your bodies reaction was instant. You froze. Not even a breath, and stared at those far too sharp fangs.
The golden one was pretty.
He kept his teeth bared at you, not the grins he did before, but an actual threat of that sharked maw. It kept you still and staring while he fumbled with your head.
You couldn’t stop the gasp when the bridle fell away, the pressure in your face lifted. The sigh of relief that followed was also unbidden.
You most certainly weren’t expecting this monster to be so brazen as to grab your face again. But you couldn’t deny how nice it felt when his thumbs firmly rubbed around where your beak and muscles had been compressed.
You cooed. It was so embarrassing but you were also so tired. It felt so nice and you ended up leaning into the cupping hands that eased the tension from your muscles.
Your beak finally relaxed from where it’d been shoved and stressed further than it naturally rested. You didn’t extend it.
You were afraid what would happen.
You clicked it dazedly behind your malleable lips. You were still hazy headed when you heard the looming chuckle and you knew you shouldn’t look up.
But you did.
And instantly remembered the threat of the brick house skeleton looming over you with his hands on your face. You tensed and he snorted.
“yer cute when ya relax y’know,” you were so out of it that your feathers fluffed unbidden to the compliment. You tugged your head free to avert your eyes and the rising heat in your face.
“c’n ya speak?” You resolutely did not look at the skeleton. Your lips drew back to expose some of your beak when he gently grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him.
You glared and he lidded those odd sockets. He leaned in close and you more aggressively bared your beak. You could still bite with it unextended.
“gorgeous little birdy ain’t ya,” he huskily breathed along your face, hot air infiltrating your feathers. You were so shocked and taken aback by the heat of the others words and body that you had were helpless to how your feathers fluffed and the skin on your face grew hot.
The humans had called you that too. But it had been different…usually. You didn’t know how you felt about monsters so you were surprised and flustered by your bodies reactions.
“if ya didn’t understand,” he rasped and you tried so hard to pull away and back into the bed while that skull got closer. He put his odd semi firm cheek against your own. His hands were grasping your face firmly, keeping you from biting or escaping while he nuzzled up close.
“ya wouldn’t respond like that,” he whispered right along your auricular feathers.
It got him exactly what he wanted. Your entire body shivered from the ticklish feeling and your skin felt impossibly hot. You had very few interactions with Monsters. Were they all so intense?
He pulled back but kept his hands on your face. It felt so controlling. He brokered no room for your snapping beak. Not that you tried.
You were terrified. Pinned and trapped and found.
“Gonna ask ya again, lil birdy, can ya speak?” he purred down at you. You stared back, eyes blown while you tried to get your mind working. Monsters were not your kind…
You shouldn’t speak. Even if found out. Your reactions weren’t too telling with his actions. He wasn’t your kind so you should be silent-
His hands moved and then he was gripping your lower jaw tightly. Keeping it shut wile his other hand moved and stretched your lips wider and wider. Showing your beak and the muscles behind your elastic lips.
It honestly terrified you and you didn’t realize too were shaking. You tried to keep your beak shut tighter while you stared at those focused red lights. He wasn’t looking at you though. He was staring at your beak.
You felt pressure. It wasn’t a lot but it caused you to snap. He’d pushed his thumb along the muscle of the hinge on your jaw. Trying to encourage you to open… or he’d force it.
You shoved at him and your beak snapped out. He backed up just enough so the deadly hook of your beak was mere inches from his face. But it hurt.
It did hurt.
Tears ran down your face and you swallowed down the pained noises that tried to escape while you glared at the skeleton. You felt blood in your mouth… and your beak felt too weak. The upper kinesthetics of your beak not locking like it should.
It hurt and it felt wrong and that made you hurt in all sort of other ways. You knew it had to look wrong too. It didn’t move the way it should and it hurt it hurt it hurt to know you were wrong.
That they’d broken something so important.
You hadn’t realized when your attention slipped from the monster. He’d retreated enough that the pain in your chest overwhelmed your aggression and fear.
Your hands were trembling when you carefully came up to cradle your beak. It hurt to touch and you couldn’t stop the soft noises now. It hurt like this and it was so… it was so humiliating. To yourself to your pride… that you had to gently push your beak back.
You couldn’t retract it yourself.
It made you want to vomit.
And your hands couldn’t stop shaking and it was making it worse and your tears were making everything wet and it hurt it hurt while you tried to fit your face back the way it should while you sobs shuddered your body so you missed and your beak hurt more and you could feel and hear the bones scraping in your own skull
Warm heavy hands covered your trembling ones. Steadied you. Followed your fumbled movements and help slowly, carefully, gently slide your beak back into its hidden resting position.
The sharp pains of your broken (missing missing was it missing?) bone abated without the direct pressure irritating it. Toning down into an ache that only the adrenaline of your tears and pain currently soothed.
You didn’t pull away from the careful hold this time. The encompassing presence that terrified you. The soothing sensation of those hands gently massaging your face and the aches in your muscles there was intoxicating after your terror and pain.
“…didn’t realize it was that bad,” muttered above you. He let go do your face and you opened blurry eyes to see him pull a cloth out of his breast pocket.
Those red lights found yours, before moving onto your hands. He grasped one and put the cloth in before he guided your hand to your own mouth.
Your mouth that was still drooling blood.
You swallowed some of it thickly. It made you feel sick. But you understood and you gently started to dab at your mouth. You tipped your head away, averting your eyes.
You don’t know why but he started massaging your face again. You didn’t fight it. It felt good… amazing now with the ache that he couldn’t reach.
“was tryin to play with ya,” he murmured over you, “gonna see if they took yer tongue. y’know, so you couldn’t speak,” you did know. You’d seen the human cut the tongues of other humans before.
He’d threatened yours.
The fact that this monster wanted to check just terrified you. You already felt so queasy from the pain, so shaken. Would he take it if you talked? Would he take it if you didn’t?
You wanted your legs free.
“hey,” he snapped his fingers in front of your face a few times and you warily turned your head to him. His face was set serious, no mirth in his eyes, the thin emotive lips around the skeletal grin pulled flat.
“…’m not gonna hurt ya,” he stared right into your eyes. “i dunno shit about your kind, an if ya c’n speak that’ll make this whole thing a lot easier.”
You glared and he laughed and hooked his claw under your jaw. He paused however and then gently cupped your cheek instead. You couldn’t pull away when he leaned in close again.
“yer cute when yer angry too, pretty birdy,” he breathed, “but ya suck at playin’ dumb.”
End Notes:
I really liked this injury and how awful it was, and had kind of forgotten when I posted Birdy up. I could probably bring it into the story later, but I can't really see it happening.
Sanctuary Birdy, a different AU that stars Classic instead, will probably have the injury in their backstory instead.
PS - The break/locking mechanism was designed because most animals with strong bite force don't have kinetic skulls. So to give Birdy's more OOMPH I thought of there being a moveable bone that locks their beak in place to give it more force. Birdy's is shattered due to their opponent forcing Birdy's beak back into his face.
Without assistance the injury would leave them extremely handicapped.
Lmao last note: you may notice Birdy has purple eyes here instead of red. I thought itd be cute if their eyes matched Red's and the other Fells. Sanctuary Birdy has the purps instead.
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