#skinchanger thorin
mordellestories · 5 months
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betyloca · 7 months
Imagine: being a skinchanger girl traveling with Thorin's company and thinking that you were the last one until you met Beorn in his bear form.
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You were inside Beorn's house while the company was sleeping, you were very curious about him.
You believed for a long time that you were the last of your kind, you got up from where you were sleeping and walked silently towards the door to leave.
You were excited to meet someone like you. You began to walk cautiously when you felt something behind you watching you. You turned to look and saw a giant bear.
y/n: hello
You said as you sat on the grass not wanting to show any threat.
Y/n: I'm Y/n.
You saw how he approached you until he was inches from your face, you let him sniff you.
Y/n: I'm a skin changer like you.
He looked at you for a few seconds until you saw him leave for a moment you stayed sitting you thought maybe he was upset a few minutes passed until you saw a very tall man without a shirt facing you
Beorn: I'm Beorn.
You stood up from where you were sitting with a smile on your face.
Y/n: what a cute name
He crouched down to your height to look at you, inspecting you.
Beorn: I thought it was the last one.
Y/n: well here I am
you said as you smiled excitedly you saw how he smiled a little.
Beorn: What are you doing with a group of dwarves?
Y/N: I'm on a mission to take your home back from a dragon.
You saw how he frowned, it seems he didn't like that.
Beorn: You're still a child, you can't go on a mission like that, I can't allow it.
Y/N: Well, what a shame, you have a stubborn girl.
Beorn: Will you come back?
you said as he walked into the house.
Y/N: If I plan to come back, I just found a person who can put up with my antics, you won't get rid of me easily.
He smiled as he walked in behind you. It was exciting to see another skinchanger alive, but this one was more stubborn.
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bookloover35 · 1 year
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Legolas Greenleaf X Fem reader- Skinchanger.
Legolas Pov:
War, with a very unhappy ending.
That's the only thing that will happen if we don't get more help.
But who?
Gandalf: I know one person who can help us win this war once and for all.
King Theoden: Who.
Gandalf began to tell us that seven years ago he met a young girl and a skinchanger and that they are still best friends to this day and apparently she saved his life and a very famous dwarf king Thorin Okenshield and his company.
He also told us that she managed to wrestle away 10 goblins who tried to chain her.
Legolas: I remember her.
King Theoden: But I thought all skinchangers were dead.
Gandalf: Not all there are some left out there but very few and she is one of them.
Aragon: Is she strong?
Gandalf: In her wolf form she is stronger than an entire army and in her normal human form she is stronger than a thousand men.
Also more he talked about her also more I remembered her, I never got the chance to talk to her but I definitely remember her strength.
I remember when she fought the white orc by herself.
Gandalf: And believe me when I say this she is also very good at hand on hand comebat, it also includes swords, archery and throwing knives.
Gimli: Gandalf, can you get her here?
Gandalf: of course i can.
Yns pov:
Run faster I have to save Gandalf that was all I could think of while in my wolf form, how lucky I am so much faster like this.
I'm not going to lose my oldest friend and someone who is a very dear family member.
I have known Gandalf ever since I was little he knew both my parents my mother was a very beautiful wood elf and my father was a Skinchanger.
Legolas Pov:
Yn: Gandalf in your message you said it was easy to find here luck that when I'm a Wolf my sense of smell becomes a thousand times stronger than normal.
We all turned towards the young woman's voice and as soon as I saw her all the memories came back her long red hair and her eyes which were two different colors.
(If the hair doesn't match you, you can think that she has the same hair color and length as you).
Her left eye was Silver and her right eye was purple wow she is beautiful.
The wizard and the wolf girl hugged each other and then Gandalf said.
Gandalf: Yn, thank you for being able to come and help us, I had actually planned to come and see you but this happened instead.
Yn: You are family, of course I would come and help.
They both then turned around and we all got a good look at her and she was dressed like she was ready to go into battle, she had black and blue armor.
Gandalf: King Theoden, let me introduce my dearest friend Yn Stormheart.
And Yn this is King Theoden, and the others are Aragon, Gimli and Legolas.
She waved slightly at us and said hello.
Then the questions started to be asked and then I mean there were a lot of questions and then we asked if she could show what she looks like as a Wolf.
She smiled at us and asked us to back off and before you could even blink she had transformed from being a young woman to a wolf the size of a full grown horse.
I have to admit that I am very impressed but one thing is for sure that I did not want to make her angry in this form, she looked at me and I could hear her voice in my head.
Yn: Are you impressed?
Legolas: Very, and I have a very good feeling that we will win this with your help.
The end.
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cyrojelly · 2 years
The Hobbit x magical girl! Reader
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- Alrighty then you kawaii lovelies this is yet again another modern person meets middle earth because I live for that!
-You were out fighting crime with your cute self, your outfit swaying dramatically in the wind, you can practically hear your theme song playing in your mind, your basically golden!
-Until your enemy pulls some frankly disrespectful tactics out of nowhere and next thing you know your careening to a portal and everything goes black!
-You wake up in your normal clothes with whatever you used to transform laying on the ground next to you that and about a few dozen eyes looking at you, the scream you scrumed practically couldve woke up the dead.
-You then learned you were in the presence of the company of thorin oakenshield you then had a mild freakout as the villain you were after was most likely still wrecking havoc in your world unfortunately your powers didnt come with teleportation.
-"Well I'll be damned" "Language!"
- Yeah this sucked royally but atleast you didnt get stuck in the shadow realm!
-Moving on you basically have to explain to them your a magical girl and of course it's like pulling horse teeth.
- "So I use this tool and it helps me transform" "So your a skinchanger!" "No."
-The groups a bit wary of you since A. They don't know who you are B. You claim to not even be of this world and C. Just what in mahals name is a "magical girl!"
-Dori thinks your a witch and some are convinced your lying about your kawaii origins that is until you all are cornered by orcs and they witness your transformation and the absolute destruction of the orcs who DARED to corner you in the first place!
-They are now convinced you are a magical princess of some kind and were absolutely enchanted by your powers and heroic convictions to protect others.
-Overall, it's a fun time since you get to be yourself, and the dwarves won’t judge you at least too harshly! (they think your outfit is a bit too short for their tastes)
-The elves are a bit similar and believe you are a descendant of a ✨️goddess ✨️ and welcome you (atleast the Rivendell ones mirkwood elves are more cautious and suspicious of you)
-Thranduil will most likely attempt to win you over to his side since he views you as an advantage (sneaky sneaky)
-"A human with magical abilities? How peculiar. " "Uh yeah, can I go now?"
- I can see your powers being very helpful to the group, especially for fighting. I mean, who else is gonna vaporize the orcs in a second? Fili? Yeah I thought so.
-Anyways stay beautiful, you adorable thing you!
(Thank you for Reading!) -Neo⭐️
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delicatenightfury · 1 year
Star of the Mountain: Chapter 12
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Warnings: fluff, angst, canon-level violence, spoilers for the Hobbit films
Pairing: OC x Thorin Oakenshield
Beta'd By: @mistys-blerbz
Author's Note: please do not steal my work! I do not own the Hobbit or the characters, but I do own my OCs and the parts of the plot that are not part of the movies. I have worked very hard on this fic. Please be respectful and do not steal.
Please comment, reblog, and like!
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“What are we going to do?”
“He’s practically standing guard!”
“Look at him swinging that ax. He’ll kill us for sure.”
Dwalin crossed his arms, exchanging a glance with Thorin over the heads of the others. Overnight, the skinchanger had come back from the woods, this time as a man. No one had heard him. Except, when they woke up, he was outside chopping wood. Several of the dwarves were anxious about the larger man.
“We never should have come here,” Gloin grumbled. “It was a mistake, I said this myself.”
“Well, I say that we should leg it,” Nori said. “Slip out the back way.”
Dwalin put his hand on Nori’s chest, glaring slightly.
“I’m not running from anyone. Beast or no.”
“There’s no point in arguing,” Gandalf said to them. “We cannot pass through the woodland without Beorn’s help. We’ll be hunted down before we ever get to the forest. Ah, Bilbo, there you are. Now, this will require some delicate handling. You must tread very carefully. The last person to have startled him, was torn to shreds. I will go first. Bilbo! You’ll come with me.”
The hobbit shuffled his way to the front of the company.
“Is this a good idea?” he questioned.
“Yes. Now, the rest of you, you just wait here. And don’t come out until I give the signal. And no sudden movements, or loud noises, and don’t overcrowd him.”
“What next?” Dwalin grumbled. “Don’t breathe?”
He heard Oreliell chuckle lightly behind him.
“Only come out in pairs,” Gandalf continued. “Actually Bombur, you count as two so you should come out alone. Remember, wait for the signal.”
Gandalf stepped outside, Bilbo following closely behind him. Dwalin watched them walk forward, almost timidly toward the skinchanger.
“What signal would that be?” Bofur suddenly asked.
Dwalin groaned.
“We’re doomed.”
“Don’t worry,” Oreliell said with another chuckle. “We are going to be fine.”
“What makes you so sure?”
She shrugged.
“Nothing really. Though if Gandalf’s plan doesn’t work, then Vedis has come up with one as well.”
“And do you plan on sharing?”
“Let’s see how Gandalf fairs first.”
“Everyone pair up,” Thorin said. “We must be ready.”
The dwarves shuffled around, deciding to pair up with their relatives. Balin gave his brother a reassuring look.
“There it is!” Bofur said. “Go! Go! Go!”
Dwalin nudged Balin’s arm and started outside. He saw the skinchanger pick up his ax again, and tried to let it bother him.
“Dwalin and Balin,” he introduced.
“And I must confess,” Gandalf said, “that several in our group are in fact dwarves.”
“Do you call two, several?” Beorn asked.
Dwalin couldn’t quite hear what Gandalf was saying then, but soon Gloin and Oin came filing outside.
“Ah and there’s some more of our happy troop.”
“And do you call six a troop?” Beorn sounded like he was becoming more agitated. “What are you? A traveling circus?”
Dori and Ori came out next, introducing themselves.
“At your service,” Dori said.
“I don’t want your service!” Beorn said.
Next came Fili and Kili. Followed quickly by Nori, Bofur, Bifur, and Bombur. Dwalin crossed his arms and groaned.
“This is going well,” he muttered to Balin.
“Is that it?” Beorn asked.
Finally, Thorin stepped outside. Beorn was quiet for a long moment. Dwalin glanced at Thorin, noticing that Oreliell and Vedis were no longer in sight. 
“Is this truly everyone?” Beorn asked again.
“Well, um, I must admit no,” Gandalf said. “But worry not, there are no more dwarves.”
“Then who else, pray tell, is in your company?”
“Possibly an old acquaintance?”
Everyone turned their heads, for Oreliell’s voice had come from behind them. The sisters had soft smiles on their faces as they approached. Dwalin glanced back at Beorn. The giant man seemed shocked to see the two of them. The women walked past the dwarves, not an ounce of nerves present on them. What happened next shocked the company, Gandalf included.
Beorn let out a laugh as he set his ax down. He stepped forward and hugged Oreliell, then Vedis.
“What is happening?” Bofur whispered.
“By the looks of it, they know one another,” Balin replied, his shoulders relaxing.
“By the gods, it is good to see you two again,” Beorn said. “What on earth are you doing in these parts?”
“Traveling with this company,” Oreliell said, looking back at them. “We hadn’t planned on coming this way, but we seemed to have run into some trouble along the way.”
“Your wizard was talking about goblins. And I have seen an orc pack wandering the forest as well.”
Oreliell nodded. She lowered her voice then, so that the others could not hear. A minute later, Vedis departed from the two and returned to the company.
“Well?” Gloin said. “What does he say?”
Vedis took a deep breath and gave a few hand motions. The company stared at her for a long moment.
“She’s saying to be patient,” Thorin said. “They’ll explain everything shortly.” Vedis nodded. “Let’s move inside.”
The dwarves moved back inside the house and into the dining room. A minute later, Beorn and Oreliell joined them. Oreliell encouraged everyone to grab a seat while Beorn grabbed some food for them. Soon everyone was settling down with mugs of milk in their hand and plates of food in front of them.
“So you are the one they call Oakenshield,” Beorn said, looking at Thorin. “Tell me. Why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?”
“You know of Azog?” Thorin looked up at him. “How?”
“My people were the first to live in the mountains, before the orcs came down from the north. The Defiler killed most of my family, but some he enslaved. Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skinchangers and torturing them seemed to amuse him.”
“There are others like you?” Bilbo asked.
“Once there were many.”
“And now?”
“Now, there is only one.” He looked over at the sisters. “It was thanks to Oreliell and Vedis that I am still alive.”
“I just wish we were able to do more,” Oreliell said. She was sitting against the window ledge behind half the dwarves.
“I know you do,” Beorn said, “but I am thankful nonetheless.” He set down the jug he had been using to pour drinks and sat down in a large chair. “You need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn?”
“Before Durin’s Day falls, yes,” Gandalf said.
“You are running out of time.”
“Which is why we must go through Mirkwood.”
“A darkness lies upon that forest. Fell things creep beneath those trees. I would not venture there except in great need.”
“We will take the Elven Road. That path is still safe.”
“Safe? The Wood Elves of Mirkwood are not like their kin. They’re less wise and more dangerous. But it matters not.”
“What do you mean?” Thorin asked.
“These lands are crawling with orcs. Their numbers are growing, and you are on foot. You will never reach the forest alive.” Beorn stood up and began to slowly approach Thorin. “I don’t like dwarves. They’re greedy and blind. Blind to the lives of those they deem lesser than their own.” He picked up a mouse that had tried to crawl over Dwalin’s arm. “But orcs I hate more. What do you need?”
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Thorin had met with Beorn, Gandalf, Oreliell, and Balin to discuss provisions. Oreliell had requested they stay another night to recover from their travels. Beorn had agreed. He also provided herbs for medicine so they could further treat some of their wounds. 
After breakfast, the company found themselves outside. Oreliell and Vedis were with Bilbo, showing him how to properly grip and use his sword. Oreliell was coaching him while Vedis acted as his sparring partner. It was a rather amusing sight to see the hobbit flail around. He was improving, but still looked unnatural.
“Thorin,” Kili said, “how was it you knew what Vedis was saying earlier?”
“Aye, she was just using hand gestures,” Fili added.
Thorin chuckled. “It’s similar to how Bifur communicates. I traveled with them for over three years, so I should hope that I know how to communicate with Vedis without her sister present.”
The few surrounding dwarves who had heard him stared and gaped at him, making him chuckle.
“Three years?” Kili cried. “How did we never know about this?”
“I have to agree with Kili on this one,” Balin said. “You wrote to us back in the Blue Mountains many times, yet never once did you mention traveling companions, Thorin.”
“What good would have come from it if I had?” Thorin asked. “Like I’ve said before, you were aware of my grievances with elves in the past, and would have thought that I was with them against my will. But Vedis and Oreliell gained my trust and respect as we traveled together.”
As the dwarves took a moment to ponder over Thorin’s words, Bilbo joined them. He was breathing heavily, but had a small smile on his face.
“How are you fairing, Master Baggins?” Dori said.
“Well enough, I suppose,” he replied, plopping down on a log. “I don’t know if I’ll ever get the hang of wielding a sword.”
“These things take time,” Bofur said. “From what I saw, you were doing well!”
“Thank you. I must say, the sisters are very good teachers.”
It was then that a loud clang echoed around them. The company looked up, slightly startled, to find Vedis and Oreliell locking blades with one another. Their movements were fluid and fast, yet easily controlled. Every attack was parried with a counter and responded to just as quickly. They were dangerous looking; it was understandable to see why the goblins had been afraid of them. It was beautiful to watch.
“My word,” Dori said. “Are they trying to kill each other?”
Thorin chuckled. Dwalin looked at him with a raised eyebrow, but his friend merely smiled. The company watched the sisters closely, commenting every now and then about the fight. Eventually, they began to cheer for them. Several debated starting a betting on who would win. The sisters appeared to be evenly matched, so it was hard for them to decide on a winner. They were still debating when Oreliell and Vedis paused.
“Master dwarves,” Oreliell called. “Are you content betting on such a close match, or would you rather upping the stakes?”
She immediately caught their attention. 
“What do you mean?” Ori said.
The elf shrugged.
“My sister and I are evenly matched. We’ve trained and traveled together most of our lives. However, I believe I see some worthy opponents amongst you.” She directed her gaze to Thorin. “That is, if you think you can handle it.”
Thorin smirked.
“I’ll have a go!”
“So will I!”
Dwalin rolled his eyes at the Durin princes. They readily jumped to their feet. Fili and Kili confidently walked toward the sisters, who welcomed them with amused smiles. However, Oreliell turned her gaze back to the company. She raised an eyebrow, a challenge clear in her eye.
Thorin chuckled again. He tapped Dwalin’s shoulder before standing up. Dwalin glanced at him in confusion. Thorin motioned for him to stand as he pulled out his sword. 
“You can’t be serious,Thorin,” he said, slowly standing as well.
“I’m not the one who requested it.”
“Four dwarves versus two elves?” Gloin said. “That hardly seems fair.”
“Then be glad they did not request four versus one,” Thorin said.
“If that’s what the people want, then we can do that too,” Oreliell spoke up. She twirled her sword a little. Behind her, Vedis looked highly amused. “Perhaps after this first bout.”
Dwalin followed Thorin to where the princes were, standing across from the elves. He could hear the company already beginning to place their bets. Dwalin adjusted his grip on his ax, getting into a ready stance. The others did the same. They were all smirking at one another, ready for the fight to come.
“Whenever you’re ready,” Thorin said.
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Let's (re)Read the Hobbit! Chapter 7
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The next morning Bilbo woke up with the early sun in his eyes. He jumped up to look at the time and to go and put his kettle on—and found he was not home at all.
Guess my joking predictions of last thoughts of home are dashed.
After a good while the eagles must have seen the point they were making for, even from their great height, for they began to go down circling round in great spirals.
They're lucky Bilbo didn't hurl.
"I may look in on it again before it is all over, but in the meanwhile I have some other pressing business to attend to."
I assume he's trying to ruin the lives of some other innocent people, but this is a very silly assumption to make because of course he's going off to deal with the Necromancer's fortress of Dol Guldur. He's also probably got to recruit Galadriel because she wasn't chilling around Rivendell except in the shitty films, I think.
Then they took off their clothes and bathed in the river, which was shallow and clear and stony at the ford.
Nine hours of film and not one bit of gratuitous skinny dipping. Simply shameful on Jackson's part.
“And why is it called the Carrock?” asked Bilbo as he went along at the wizard’s side.
Because the Celtic root word for Welsh "carreg" and English "carr" is an anomaly that doesn't match the normal sound-changes of the language, which got Tolkien's attention.
“He called it the Carrock, because carrock is his word for it. He calls things like that carrocks, and this one is the Carrock because it is the only one near his home and he knows it well.”
Or that, I guess.
“What! a furrier, a man that calls rabbits conies, when he doesn’t turn their skins into squirrels?” asked Bilbo. “Good gracious heavens, no, no, NO, NO!” said Gandalf.
I don't even think Gandalf snaps this way at Pippin later, which is some credit to the young idiot. Bilbo clearly doesn't know enough about furries. I mean wargs. I mean skinchangers.
He keeps hives and hives of great fierce bees, and lives most on cream and honey.
I'm not a nutritionist by any means (or is it dietician that's protected? I'm not whichever one is protected and am totally the one that belongs to shysters and other disreputable sorts, please send 17 payments of $19.99 to hear my dietary and/or nutritional advice - anyway), but is cream and honey really a great diet for a person or a bear?
They were bigger than hornets. The drones were bigger than your thumb, a good deal, and the bands of yellow on their deep black bodies shone like fiery gold.
Well, I'm out of here. Fuck bees of this size.
"Bombur is fattest and will do for two, he had better come alone and last."
Come on, Tolkien. Just... come on.
“I am Gandalf,” said the wizard. “Never heard of him,” growled the man.
I admire anyone who can stay away from celebrity culture.
“I have heard of you, if you have not heard of me; but perhaps you have heard of my good cousin Radagast who lives near the Southern borders of Mirkwood?”
"Cousin" is an interesting way to describe their relationship, but in a way virtually any family relation would be eyebrow raising for one reason or another.
“I was coming over the mountains with a friend or two...” said the wizard.
The way Gandalf shamelessly lies to most everyone makes me wonder why he's particularly welcome anywhere. Makes me think that Wormtongue's castigations had more basis in reality than Gandalf wanted to admit.
"...(son of Thrain, son of Thror, I believe)..."
You don't know Gandalf but you do know Thorin's family tree. Is there a really weird and selective "Who's Who in the North" getting published?
“Troop of ponies? What were you—a travelling circus? Or were you carrying lots of goods? Or do you always call six a troop?”
Beorn, buddy, stop giving him chances to overwhelm you. It's so obvious he's got a host of dwarves with him that even an actual bear would be able to see what was up at this point.
"Fifteen birds in five fir-trees ..."
This is your reminder to listen to this song every chance you get. There's not much more to say with this chapter - it's a lot more obviously for kids than most of the others, as only children would delight at Beorn's slowly and excruciatingly getting strung along like this.
He refused to wait five minutes, and followed immediately after the other two.
Good for you Bombur, don't be fat-shamed.
Inside the hall it was now quite dark. Beorn clapped his hands, and in trotted four beautiful white ponies and several large long-bodied grey dogs.
I forgot that Beorn was a Disney princess. Good for him.
(Also this whole sequence is quite nice even though it's still pretty kiddy.)
There they had a supper, or a dinner, such as they had not had since they left the Last Homely House in the West and said good-bye to Elrond.
Sadly, the dinner itself is not described, but it clearly must be more than cream and honey since knives are involved. Maybe Beorn's a regular vegetarian?
The wind was on the withered heath, / but in the forest stirred no leaf: / there shadows lay by night and day, / and dark things silent crept beneath.
Such an upbeat song for after dinner. Still better than elf bullshit though!
Bilbo wondered what it was, and whether it could be Beorn in enchanted shape, and if he would come in as a bear and kill them.
It's definitely Beorn buddy, but it sure as heck ain't the case that he's gonna eat ya.
Just before sunset he walked into the hall, where the hobbit and the dwarves were having supper, waited on by Beorn’s wonderful animals, as they had been all day.
Another day passed and not a menu described. It's stuff like this that GRRM resents far more than tax policies and resurrections.
They must have looked very queer from outside, popping out into the air one after another, green, blue, red, silver-grey, yellow, white; big ones, little ones; little ones dodging through big ones and joining into figure-eights, and going off like a flock of birds into the distance.
Gandalf says "Gay rights!"
...he had eaten two whole loaves (with masses of butter and honey and clotted cream) and drunk at least a quart of mead...
Aha! Beorn and his animals bake! This explains everything.
“Little bunny is getting nice and fat again on bread and honey,” he chuckled. “Come and have some more!”
Gosh maybe Beorn is trying to eat him each night.
So much they told him when he forced them, but he guessed there was more wickedness than this afoot, and that a great raid of the whole goblin army with their wolf-allies into the lands shadowed by the mountains might soon be made to find the dwarves, or to take vengeance on the men and creatures that lived there, and who they thought must be sheltering them.
Note again that so much of this chapter is just about setting up the final conflict. It's good to have downtime after all the intensity, but this is one of the books' largest chapters and it's just kinda going in circles. This middle section could really have used some overall tightening.
"And in the dim shadows of that place I don’t think you will shoot anything, wholesome or unwholesome, without straying from the path. That you MUST NOT do, for any reason."
Guess what happens when they get there? Still though, this is a better use of this chapter's word count than other things have been. Foreshadowing goes a long way.
As the light faded Bilbo thought he saw away to the right, or to the left, the shadowy form of a great bear prowling along in the same direction. But if he dared to mention it to Gandalf, the wizard only said: “Hush! Take no notice!”
Protection, or Beorn's last attempt to eat Bilbo? You decide!
It is no use arguing. I have, as I told you, some pressing business away south; and I am already late through bothering with you people.
Off to Lothlorien to get the rest of the council ready for Dol Guldur? Or did Elrond take care of that and it's straight to the Necromancer? Did I already make this note? Will this chapter ever end?
“What about the horse, then?” said Thorin. “You don’t mention sending that back.” “I don’t, because I am not sending it.” “What about your promise then?”
"Just because Beorn can wreck your shit doesn't mean he can wreck mine," said the wizard.
"You have got to look after all these dwarves for me..."
Sure, Gandalf is laughing about this, but it's also pretty much true that Bilbo has a much better chance of keeping the dwarves alive than vice versa thus far.
Stick to the forest-track, keep your spirits up, hope for the best, and with a tremendous slice of luck you may come out one day and see the Long Marshes lying below you, and beyond them, high in the East, the Lonely Mountain where dear old Smaug lives, though I hope he is not expecting you.” “Very comforting you are to be sure,” growled Thorin.
Dammit Thorin if you hog all the snark what am I even here for? It's not like I have much else to say about this overlong chapter. The scene setting was nice but we've long passed foreshadowing and I feel like Tolkien was just including a few of these things to entertain himself while he told this tale to kids.
Then he galloped away and was soon lost to sight. “O good-bye and go away!” grunted the dwarves, all the more angry because they were really filled with dismay at losing him. Now began the most dangerous part of all the journey. They each shouldered the heavy pack and the water-skin which was their share, and turned from the light that lay on the lands outside and plunged into the forest.
And so ends another chapter. This middle part of the story is a lot more uneven than I really remembered. It does pick up again but when I compare the amount of detail and words spent on this section compared to the visit to Rivendell - which by all accounts should be the superior vacation destination, as it were - I have no idea why they're so lopsided as they are. It IS important to have levity between the caves of the Mountains and the spiders of the Mirkwood but this again derails the flow of the plot compared to the quick and breezy first few chapters.
Next time, another really long chapter with giant spiders, so in theory I should hate it but we'll see I guess!
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ao3feed-thehobbit · 2 years
Redemption of the Regicide
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EVy7Frn
by murderedcrow
[Regicide]: someone who commits regicide; the killer of a king. killer, slayer - someone who causes the death of a King/Queen
“Chaos and order. They may clash with each other but the balance of them both make an unstoppable force. Those who follow the rules and those who don’t.”
Raigon lifts his chin. “Then what am I to you?”
“I wasn’t certain under which you would fall for a very long time. You seem eager to follow orders, but aren’t inclined against using other methods to get what you want. I’d say you’re more chaos hidden behind order. You’re unpredictable, but make everyone believe that you are. Now for your balance you just need to find your rules. The very ones you want to follow.” The Notary smiles as he leans back so very sure of himself, “Or the right person to follow.”
Words: 5013, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Original Male Character(s), Thorin's Company, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins, Beorn (Tolkien), Original Characters, Azog (Tolkien)
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Original Character(s), Thorin Oakenshield/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: All OCs have a purpose i promise, During The Hobbit, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Original Character(s), Not Beta Read, long chapters, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, skinchanger, Past Violence, Past Abuse, Redemption, Villain turn good, Slow Updates, will add more tags as the story continues
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/EVy7Frn
0 notes
ao3feed-tolkien · 2 years
Redemption of the Regicide
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/k1sEc7W
by murderedcrow
[Regicide]: someone who commits regicide; the killer of a king. killer, slayer - someone who causes the death of a King/Queen
“Chaos and order. They may clash with each other but the balance of them both make an unstoppable force. Those who follow the rules and those who don’t.”
Raigon lifts his chin. “Then what am I to you?”
“I wasn’t certain under which you would fall for a very long time. You seem eager to follow orders, but aren’t inclined against using other methods to get what you want. I’d say you’re more chaos hidden behind order. You’re unpredictable, but make everyone believe that you are. Now for your balance you just need to find your rules. The very ones you want to follow.” The Notary smiles as he leans back so very sure of himself, “Or the right person to follow.”
Words: 5013, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Hobbit - All Media Types, The Hobbit (Jackson Movies)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Thorin Oakenshield, Original Male Character(s), Thorin's Company, Gandalf | Mithrandir, Kíli (Tolkien), Fíli (Tolkien), Bilbo Baggins, Beorn (Tolkien), Original Characters
Relationships: Thorin Oakenshield/Original Character(s), Thorin Oakenshield/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: All OCs have a purpose i promise, During The Hobbit, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Slow Burn, Original Character(s), Not Beta Read, long chapters, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Mutual Pining, skinchanger, Past Violence, Past Abuse, Redemption, Villain turn good, Slow Updates, Mature rating for now, will add more tags as the story continues
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/k1sEc7W
0 notes
blankdblank · 4 years
Durin Sitting Pt 6
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Pt 1 - Pt 2 - Pt 3 - Pt 4 - Pt 5 -
So I got some questions about how this story would have gone so here’s the finished plotlines that I originally had to finish off this series. Hope you like it. :D
Things had never been better. And with three naked Durins inside the cage the elder Wolves eyed Fili, Kili and Ori in their dart from the cage that the confused Dis sat outside of with finger on the tape to the book you had been reading them and eyes fixed on her sons’ backs. Not since they were small boys did they miss a shift and not without additional stress and confusion to the week as they sat downstairs just in case they would shift again. Simply listening to the book while their mother sat down in the chair brought for her, refusing to leave them no matter how far along she may be with their baby siblings. She knew, their father and grandparents knew how terrifying the first missed change after lessons had gone.
While they were forced to shift once a month tips on Wolf mastering had been asked in each family outing and evenings in to fold you into the clan even more. Again methods seemed to vary from how the Elders had mastered their Wolves yet on your second time sitting for the Wolves a blackout from a storm had the cage opened and that was your opening. For the first time the scent of earth, grass and everything green and in between enveloped each of the Wolves who raced on frantic paws to soak in the wilds around them. Just hints of white fur on the ends of your tail were spotted through every swivel of their heads to sniff and search all they could.
For whatever they could have imagined their Wolves would do to wake up on their beds in an open cage to dirt on their bodies inside the clearly mopped basement to the fail of the cameras there were no answers to what happened. By scents alone ignoring the dirt they had all been outside and had they been in that form they could feel the urge to shift their tails in glee and bound around to the group flashes of memories of discoveries on the land. It was a start, and on the second night Thrain was there to watch the oddly content Wolves who continued to chatter on about all they would double check upon their next weather aided escape. Their Wolves were more than just calming and had grown excited rather than agitated and all of their lives around the nightly changes improved in the relief of it all.
Things had never been better. At least until three words were whispered tearily after the fifth public official outing amongst the clan had just barely begun, “Oh no, Mom.” For charity an auction was to be held in a lavish event hall in a notorious architectural marvel of a sky scraper and turned away to keep from weeping openly in public your body turned to face Thorin’s chest. Over your head his eyes locked with his father’s for a silent agreement and back he stepped with arm around your back.
Lowly he hummed post press of a kiss to your temple, “Let’s get you back to bed.” Just in and now out again back to the hotel suite for the both of you that Thorin had called ahead to have food delivered and in the back of the car he kept you close to his side humming, “Adad will ensure we bring her home for you.” The quiet continuous tears from you was his only marker that you were still lost in the painful discovery and sea of memories with the woman killed for sport and draped on the wall for praise to the ego of the hunter and owner of her pelt.
Not until you got to the bed and there was no one else in ear shot did you speak the most painful words he’d expected to never hear you say, “When we get home I need you to leave me alone.”
To a knee at your feet he collapsed with hands that cradled yours on your lap with tearful eyes locked on yours, “Please let me help you with this. Don’t push me away. Don’t abandon us out of pain.”
The next tear down your cheek that fell to his hand drew his gaze that snapped up again to your saying, “You don’t understand.”
“Explain it to me.”
“I, can’t,” you managed to crack out in the scrunch of your face, “There are rights. You can’t be there. None of you.”
His lips parted in a sliver of relief that you weren’t ending your relationship with him, “How long do you need?”
Another set of tears fell as you squeaked back, “Three weeks.”
He wet his lips and inched closer to your lower legs asking, “And that is no contact? Or can I call or text you?”
“It has to be complete silence outside of my clan.”
“But,” he shook his head and said as empathetically as possible, “I know clan laws are strict, but you would be alone, for three weeks to face this.”
Softly you sniffled and said, “My uncle messaged, he will be home when I get back.”
“That is good,” he sighed out and lifted your hands to press your curled fingers to his lips in the drop of more tears.
Squeaks crackled in your voice through saying, “I ruined your evening.”
Again he shook his head, “You ruined nothing. Adad will handle the evening without me easily. Would a bath help?” Dinner, a long soak in his arms came before the tuck of you into bed to sleep in his arms while he laid awake in turmoil for the forced three week break and over your head he watched Dwalin ease the door open to peek inside.
Hushedly he shared that the pelt was purchased and the purchase card with information on it with who the hunter was along with the former owner, carefully it was being loaded up to be shipped to your address and
Hushedly he shared that the pelt was purchased and the purchase card with information on it with who the hunter was along with the former owner, carefully it was being loaded up to be shipped to your address and then slipped out again with a pained glance to your blotchy tearstained face rested on Thorin’s shoulder. He would hold you as long as possible and keep a hand on your leg all through the breakfast that a weak smile of a mask was held to not spoil the full mood of the trip. One toast from the clan and again you were held, this time by several of the clan who shared they would be with you in this however required and long after when you were granted time to be with them again.
Three weeks. At the masked gates the car stopped to your warning while the enchantment on your land had again barred visitors with no view of your home at all in its own mirage enforced wall of open fields swaying on the breeze. Regrettably a warm lingering goodbye kiss was trailed by a tight embrace. Deeply Thorin inhaled to fight a sniffle to keep you from crying again and his hands left your hips on a mission of their own. From around his neck the chain with a pair of rings he had recently begun to wear was removed and eased over your head and underneath your curls. “I want you to borrow this.”
Wide and full of tears your eyes met his in a pained but curious silent plea of what they meant to the loss of your voice. Lowly he rumbled as he drew your long braid from under the chain, “I can’t explain these yet. But I’m here.” He said with a gentle press on the rings now seated above your heart. “Until I can hold you again, I’m here.” You nodded and simply closed your eyes to lean into his chest for a final hug before bags were lifted and between two colorful soap rainbows of curtains the gate and house was viewed then vanished again from sight. Against the car you saw him in a stare laced in tears imagining that he could watch your walk up to the door until you were safe inside.
He didn’t see the bags drop however or your run and crash into the chest and arms of your uncle beyond at ease to have you with him again. Time did not help, distance did not make the heart grow fonder it made them burn and bleed and post crack of the nailed lid to the crate being opened as you should onto the floor you fell, fingers clutched into the fur now woven around your body in a decades ached for mock embrace from the woman who carried you. Tears and pain. Three weeks of sacred rights were to be carried out and the glimmering tears melted into the pelt that a wind coursed through rippling its fur and gave life to its shape to melt around the cosmic cloud of a polar bear that in its own glee folded around your now curled body lost to a fit of tears.
She could not be here in her other shape but as a bear you were granted time and by sun and moonlight this was how you could say goodbye. Until the final week. Until the blood and the bonfire. Mud, pots of it, to sacred words that made the earth tremble to the sinister glow from the bare skin on yourself and uncle. Blood had been shed and now payment was due, mud once brown ran blood red in each cakey slide of hands to coat your torso’s and arms in sacred runes, symbols and streaks to the polar bear’s roars now joined by those of your animal shaped ancestors. Deep into the earth the curse spread like roots of an unseen tree aimed direct for the skyscraper and dozens of mansions in a country far away. Sharp and sudden the pelt was torn from your mother’s cosmic form and in the eruption of flames it was gone to seal the curse of vengeance and justice to the instant drop of all the mud from your flesh that left you naked and cold with eyes still locked on hers in the few moments you had left until she was called away. Just a tap of foreheads and three tears and she was gone again.
Across the table to a silent break for tea your uncle smirked in notice of the rings on the chain now rested on the table from around your neck those rights had forbidden speech outside of the sacred words or those to your mother’s soul until she had passed on. “Who gifted you those markers?”
Up your eyes snapped to his with another tear that fell down to your newly added baggy shirt that you had taken from Thorin’s bag on the way back from your last trip that pooled on top of your crossed legs. “The necklace is Thorin’s. He couldn’t come or speak to me so he said I could borrow it.”
His smirk deepened, “He must love you very deeply to have been wearing clan markers.”
That had your eyes drop in a lift of the rings that since his wearing them always seemed blurry and hard for your eyes to bring to focus to know what markers your fingers felt in slides across them. “Is that what they are? I can’t see what’s on them. Pesky eyes won’t focus on them.”
Lowly he chuckled and said, “No, Wolves are very careful in their tokens for Mates.”
“Wol-,” in a look up you gasped in a sudden realization. The distance between the Wolves and the Durins and why the clan was never around when you were required to sit for the pack. “They’re Wolves! That, how did I not see that?! Right in front of my face down to the pack using their own names.”
He chuckled again, “Do they? When I trained Thrain and his daughter to master their Wolves they both chose different names in their Wolf form. How have you been bonding to yours? I am far more intimidating you must be making ample progress at your size.”
“I’ve been reading to them. They have a cage they lock them in at night.”
That had him huff, “I told them not to keep the cage. Old habits I suppose. Good choice something morbid or depressing to hone their focus for hidden meanings I would presume. Have you taken them out yet?”
“Once. Power went out. We’ve gotten a good but through Little Dorritt.”
“Lovely choice. And that run should have worked wonders.”
“They seemed pleased, beyond pleased really like they’d never seen the woods before.”
“Can’t imagine they would have. Wolf clans are quite protective of their young and don’t wish to harm anyone or risk a chance to.”
“No way to live.” You said in another glance to the rings on the chain you now knew were his way to build up the courage or rights to ask you to become a member of his clan. To change the subject from a heart racing topic of such a serious step with the stunningly adoring man that you’d yet to trade firm loving sentiments with yet you asked about the torn patch of earth beside the cottage you’d noticed since your return home. “What happened to that torn patch? That is not part of the rights.”
“No,” he said with a clear of his throat to your glance at the new burned in trail of stars that sat between your index finger and thumb on the back of your hand to match the diamond trail along the arch of your right foot from your father’s funeral rights. “I tore up the foundations for your new cottage.”
“Oh, you want me to move...” escaped your lips in a pained murmur that brought his equally star scarred hand to fold over yours rested on the table.
“No, I don’t. This home will become rather crowded soon enough.”
“Because of Thorin?”
Again he chuckled and answered, “My friend Luna agreed to be my surrogate decades past,” you nodded, “And since her Mate passed last season she has reached her last heat and agreed it was time to aid in my cubs. We will have twin cubs by next spring.”
“Oh that’s such good news!” You replied with a wide smile that spread his.
“So you will be requiring your own home seeing as the Wolf has made himself at hone by the scent of things. You may bear more of the clientele while I mind the cubs. And mine will grant you ample practice for when your own cubs arrive.”
“We are too soon for cubs.” You retaliated only deepening his grin.
“Three weeks without his Mate and that may change drastically. I have cleared some trees we can begin on the cottage in the morning. Have the whole thing completed by month’s end.”
The week came in handy and tucked in the back of the barn you smirked at the hoard of supplies he had been gathering on his travels just for this. Animals all in joint efforts to a common goal and the porch and exterior of the home were built up. A plumber had been arranged for the following week along with a group of friends who would lay the tile and carpet where it was wanted as in your sleepless nights doors and shutters for the windows were carved by you to Beorn’s glass blowing hut being lit up to make all the door handles you could ever make use of.
12:01 am : Off to the zoo today but I hope your day goes well. :)
Wide eyed the beyond pissed boyfriend of yours who had been experiencing rage fueled shifts after each half day at work that had him on his back inside the cage turned his head to the lit up phone laid just on the other side of the bars. Right away he popped up to your ring tone and rushed to a knee on the ground to snatch the device up and plop back with a creeping grin to your first contact. Onto his lap he dropped the phone to run his hands over his face and through his hair. Every muscle in the hunch flexed and stretched to a joint release of pressure of all had been kept inside for weeks now where his Mate was suffering and outside of his aid as he had not built up the nerve to secure your bond as one of his clan. A move that would have joined him into your clan as well had you accepted. A move he couldn’t force to simply hold you while you mourned.
Self loathing for the lack of that step and internal lashes to his mental self had backed his Wolf into a corner and to the slightest trouble at work had him nearly tearing out into full fury mode with fangs tail and all for everyone to see until his clan had calmed him down. So half days were mandatory and in his own funk he had banished himself to sleep down here in the cage. Where he belonged, without you he was just an animal, a furious heartbroken animal who simply wanted his Mate, his true love there were so very many signs that he could very well die if the fates destined you to part.
Head back up he inhaled and got to typing, “How are you?”
“I think I broke my toe.” That had him pause a moment as for the puzzling response until you added, “I walked into the tile stack.”
“Tile stack?” He muttered and typed in a try to recall what you could be referencing in that house.
“My uncle and I have begun to build me my own cottage. Plumbers come today.”
“Why do you want your own cottage?” He asked with a twinge of hope in his chest it could be for privacy for the both of you or a possible dwelling for the both of you he might be invited to move into one day should he live up to any test you grant him.
“My uncle found a surrogate he will have twins by next spring. Wished for me to have my own space as to not be crowded out of the cottage.” Vague, but a possible hint to a logical invitation that and the former grump grinning at his phone. “How are you?”
Sore, broken, hollow, left with a crater right where you would fit in his arms and heart on top of the obvious rage that threatened to roast him from the inside out had he not heard from you. “I’m in the cage” he sent then added, “without you.”
“I never meant to hurt you,” you responded now knowing how deeply you had effected the love of your life clearly in a struggle against the control of his Wolf, now tougher than ever in the week of the full moon.
“I don’t blame you. Adad has been hounding me to gain control for decades now and I have been digging my heels in refusals.” He paused then asked, “How are you? When do you get off work?”
“Headed in about ten minutes. Be back by noon. They need a night feeder for an expecting Wolf.”
“Can I come for lunch? Adad has me on half days.”
“The walls will be dropped when you arrive.” That had him smile and wish you well today and turn to curl up on his cot to get some sleep still clutching his link to you to do so just in case you changed your mind and wished to talk more so he wouldn’t miss a moment.
‘More on the devastating phenomena that has wiped what was imagined to be an endless family that reached back to the beginnings of Middle Earth off the map after this break.’ Impenetrable roots had torn through hundreds of homes and had brought a sky scraper to the ground with every living member of a historic clan being taken with them in the apparent sinkholes that ate every ounce of their homes and those inside except for innocent guests who were able to scramble out of the dirt to safety from other lines. None of them had the answer, save for one elderly Man, the keeper of records of Gondor and aid to their King Arathorn who spoke the words none dared to admit, ‘This was not the first time those who are known to cross the Ruun and their kin have been erased and eaten by the earth.’
Nonsense, no one had the strength or stomach to say that as the world of Men reeled in reminder of old magic that had since been shielded from them and lurked in every shadow, under every bed and inside every fable they adored and absorbed since childhood. This has happened before and had never been explained beyond the same symbol on a rock to be found in the center of every memorial site left unbuildable after each devastating attack.
A rock with a single drop of a blood red something in the center of it and nothing else. A warning. That all those clans with known hunters of great beasts had been wiped out of existence. They may not believe in Fairies or that Vampires or even Trolls and Goblins existed yet while they dressed as werewolves and skin changers for annual festivals no one dared to try and impersonate or search out the Ruun. Not a one. They were not to be questioned or harmed or there would be devastation to pay. The Men as usual would face a break of caution and then be back to their careless ways in no time. While each magical being laid their respects and under the light of the first moon since the attack filled baskets to lit lantern boats they set loose loaded with fireflies and small carved tokens that now was littered on ribbons strung throughout your flowering tree branches all through your property to light your nightly work in the sea of fireflies admiring their new home. Tokens not for those killed on the collapses but for the unknown Guardian they all mourned the precious soul taken without reason by such cruel beings they were forced to live amongst.
“Morning,” Thorin said in taking his seat at the table that turned everyone’s head to his pleasant mood.
Vili, “Well don’t you seem downright chipper. Who are you and why are you wearing Thorin?” Answered by a sharp exhale by his brother in law in taking a piece of toast.
Dis, “Especially after you almost bit me yesterday when I tried to give you lunch through the bars.”
Thorin gave her a playful glare in return for hers proving he was miles beyond where he had sunken to without his Mate. “What you get for putting your fingers inside a cage with a wild animal.” He accented with a fake snap of his teeth at her across the table that had her roll her eyes.
Dwalin, “Spill.”
Thorin grinned saying, “Jaqi texted me just after midnight.”
Thrain, “Oh how is the dear one?”
Thorin lowered his mug of coffee from a sip and answered, “Good it would appear. Though possibly with a broken toe. Her and her uncle have been building her a second cottage on their land it would appear. He has obtained a surrogate and conceived twins.”
“And?” Everyone asked at the same time deepening his grin.
“There seemed to be a hint of an invitation in the future.”
Thrain, “Well that is simply marvelous. I am proud for you son. When are you seeing her?”
“Today,” he sighed out, “She accepted a night feeder spot and was off to work shortly after we spoke but will be home by noon and accepted my request to drop by.”
Fili and Kili asked, “Are you going to propose?”
Glares were sent their way and Kili pointed to him saying, “Hey! He’s been looking like death for days now! He needs to get hitched before his fur falls out and he’ll be left to gumming the wedding cake when he finally gets around to it.”
Thorin rolled his eyes and said, “I will offer my marker, just offer, give her time to consider all that entails. Even though she may be building this matter in clans is delicate at the time.”
“She loves you how could she refuse?” Fili said in another slice of his food.
To himself Thorin chuckled and murmured, “She’s told me in so many silent ways. Still, patience.”
Fiery and passionate was how he wanted to greet you when he entered your cottage porch. How did he find you instead? In the kitchen while he stood face to face with a massive naked man freshly turned from his bear form with free hand clutching the kilt that once their handshake was through was tied on around his waist to make the newly arrived guest welcome. Into the couch he settled across from your uncle and the pair of them spoke in what grew to be a friendly banter upon the mention of Thorin’s awe for the hives, blooms and orchard.
Pie in hand to the couch you moved and against Thorin’s side sunk in a sideways lean sharing the dessert by use of the spare fork on the plate. All the while his other arm kept you against his side with pure joy in his heart to your every nestle and nuzzle closer. Plumbers however took your now furrow browed uncle from his chair in their arrival down the driveway. “Enjoy your rest little one, I will wrangle this task into shape.”
Soon as the door between you closed Thorin tilted his head down to ask you, “Are you sore still? Your foot?”
“Not broken. Just bruised.”
“Not what I asked.” He said with a reach for your curled legs to lay them over his lap. “I’ll rub your legs and feet. Extra careful on the toes.”
“Are you okay?” You asked in his next glance your way when he’d taken hold of one of your feet.
With a nod he replied in a sweet smile your way, “I am with you, how could I not be?”
You didn’t have and answer and simply turned your head to look around the house while his gaze was focused on your legs and feet to avoid the numerous olive bruises lingering from your hard work on the cottage. Up to your knees his hands moved along with his body that inched closer to not cause pain by pulling you closer instead. Out of the small bundle of flowers you’d pulled from the window that Tuki had kept flying into and nearly ended up knocking into your breakfast a single purple and yellow daylily was lifted. Right behind his ear a sliver of his brushed back hair that a grin eased across his lips at the braid you worked there to hold the flower behind his ear.
“You know I love you right?” You asked a hair above a whisper.
Instantly his eyes lifted and in a smooth move he turned your legs off his lap to twist and slide you onto his lap mid loving kiss to relax back into the back of the couch. Warmly his hand cupped your cheek to linger there until its dip to trail along your neck to the slide of your hands up his chest and onto his shoulders. Around the back of your neck underneath your hair his fingers found the chain clasp there he unhooked and caught it with his other hand in its drop to your lap. The moment his lips left yours tenderly his nose stroked yours on both sides between gentle taps of his forehead to yours. “So very much so, my darling love.” For a blurry check your eyes opened to his multicolored blob of a face with glimmers of stunning blue from his own timid check.
Again his hand moved to cup that same cheek in his shift back to get a clear view so he could say, “The moon pales in comparison to the beauty of your soul. From the moment I first saw you I knew we were kindred souls and destined to be one, or had dared to dream such heavenly things as a love such as yours. Even the words don’t seem enough, I love you in such a deeper feeling than love. These past three weeks, burned, to not be there for you. And I understand, I do. I wished to say it then. Merely I didn’t wish to add stress to the moment.”
“How could you stress me? Doesn’t sound possible at all.”
That had him smirk and circle his fingers around the rings in his palm to find yours he brought forward. “I wished, for so long, to share my feelings and intensions. My clan has strict rights of their own and I would wish to offer you myself. And this, if you aren’t familiar with our laws is not a proposal of marriage, this is so very much more. A joining of clans, I will be yours and you mine, we will be whole in and out of our clans a part of the both of them.” Hastily he wet his lips, “And there will be another proposal later, but this is a devotion of our beings.” Into your palm on the hand he eased down from his shoulder he pressed the ring into your palm he folded around it. “I am offering you myself. And please take time, as much as you need. And when you are ready you place it on your index finger. As much time as you need.”
Down your eyes sank to the ring now focused and clear. The edges wavy around the knot bodies ended at wolf heads aimed at one another mid howl etched into the mithril band with each gap filled in by shimmering emeralds and small onyx stones to fill the swooped lines around the face to fill in the eyes, cheeks and ears. “It’s beautiful. Must have been expensive.”
Lowly he chuckled and said, “We are all gifted upon adulthood the rings for our Mates. It is yours, always has been.” Again you looked at the ring and simply slipped it on your finger that won you a warm kiss the both of you lingered in until the cuddled embrace with his forehead pressed to yours. Lost for words the now beaming puddle of hearts could only let out a breathy chuckle to your blind addition of his ring to his finger behind your back.
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(Just imagine the gaps in the design have gems not metal.)
Two days later, the Durins had insisted you take another couple weeks off to ensure you were settled again as per the usual bereavement leave their company. The absence held the technical label that had those in the lower levels with access to trigger the fetching of a card that was handed around to be signed along with a fruit and chocolate arrangement. The zoo however treasured your situation at home and used it to their advantage and that of their latest rescue, a silver fox pup that had to be kept separate from the others due to its overly playful nature and size twice of the barely weaned litter that had arrived inside their mother the month before it had. The fox had been dropped off and was pleased to have bunnies and puppies and the hounds to play with safely in your haven of a property.
Evening however came to a cusp and while Beorn was a town over to confirm the order of tubs he had chosen from a craftsman he was good friends with who made them by hand to sit perfectly inside the raised platform around the tub to give you that sunken feel you loved without burying it in the ground as the house was on a solid stone platform that joined with Beorn’s. All greatly expanding the bunny haven that was underneath your home. Sinks had already been made and delivered long ago and the craftsman was pleased to repay the clan that had kept his baby girls safe with charms and pheromone diluting tonics for decades now and had handed over the first for his young grandchild to continue the important friendship.
A third stroll through your floored, piped and wired home you imagined the walls being plastered and smoothed into the mix of mint and indigo shades around the peach kitchen with each room settled to utilize the sunlight and views around your home with the pantries settled in the dead on view of Beorn’s cottage to keep from spoiling someone of any views of your heaven. While his was a single floor yours was two stories to grant you a higher view in all directions from the undecided rooms on that floor with a wrap around balcony that gave you tons of arches and pillars for more climbing flowers and vines to make their way up to the turf roof to help insulate the place no matter the weather. Already like his home you could picture the shaggy grasses and vines that from certain angles vanished into the scenery like your own tiny Hobbit Holes to form a hill of its own and it made you proud to have helped raise it up yourself.
Chimneys lit up to welcome the sunset would just finish it off right for the first night in and to another stroke of your finger across the ring from Thorin obviously a sunken armchair matching yours would be settled with him in it. But that was a discussion far off even with the ring. Taking trips and sleep overs were one thing but to move in together and to be honest you’ve been anxious to have the place to yourself to break it in and warm it up to visitors.
A phone call split into your daydream and from your palm against the bicep on the opposite arm your hold broke with a grin to the expected contact from Thorin surely freshly returned home after a busy meeting across town. “Hey handsome, meeting go well?”
“You said you could handle the Wolves without a cage right? Were you joking?” The stress in his voice evident and parted your lips.
“No, I was serious. What’s happened?” You asked shifting weight from one foot to another.
“We got stuck in traffic and the moon’s rising soon and it wants out, I need your help.”
“Alright, do you need me to come over?”
“No, we’re nearly at your house.”
“I’ll see you when you get here.” From your empty cottage to your uncles you strolled with phone hung up to make yourself some tea. “Nearly,” you sighed, “How far away is nearly?”
The wolf whistle from Tuki outside alerted you to the cars that had come down the driveway. Three sips was all you had gotten and you set the mug down to head to the door that once opened revealed Thorin in the front of the line of young Durins who strolled in at your step aside. “Are we alone?” Thorin asked in the tug on his tie to begin the process of stripping naked.
“My uncle’s at a craftsman for my tubs. Just me and the fox pup the zoo asked me to watch for them.”
Outside the sky had darkened entirely with hints of the soon to rise moon and from that you turned back to the now nearly naked bunch that had organized their layers on top of the coffee table with shoes tucked underneath it. “I am sorry. I wouldn’t do this unless it was absolutely necessary. You can control it, you are certain?” Thorin asked with eyes fixed on yours in a pained plea and hope that you were being truthful and he wouldn’t end up attacking you by mistake and sealing you to painful shifts out of your usual form that like other shifters who had been mauled were unable to ever turn to their natural form again and often were disowned and cast out to be adopted by their attackers for decades of repairing the damage to make them feel welcome and secure in their new reality.
He didn’t let you answer and didn’t have much of a choice to the jaw dropping split of his collarbone. Tightly you clenched your lips and up your fingers curled against your lips withholding your urge to cry in the painful ripple of bones and muscles adjusting underneath the layers of fur that grew over the bodies of the silver eyed Wolves that all looked you over. In their midst the young brothers who stood with hands over their groins and sheepish glances your way, Fili broke the silence by saying, “This makes three moons now.”
“You haven’t changed in three moons?” You asked and he shook his head, “Well that’s a plus.”
Kili said, “To an extent. Still, I guess we can get dressed if you like. Don’t want to over run you.”
That had you smirk and say, “If you would like to shift on your own you are welcome to. You’re quite docile even if you don’t believe it.”
The pair glanced at one another and drew in deep breaths with eyes that shut in a means to shift on their own only to flinch at your move closer with hands raised to cup a side of their necks to guide their heads straighter. A few subtle tips and the brothers both melted into their other forms, one with bright blue eyes ringed in silver and the other with hazel ringed in silver for a stunning first where the duo were fully in-tune with their Wolves. “Not bad for your first try,” you said to the pair who eyed their silver eyed relatives who once they had circled you to sniff then begin a search through the house to inspect your dwelling.
Another sip of tea was necessary and a few later Thorin had found you with a curious once over and rise up a bit on his back feet to sniff the cup you had drank from. Dwalin, Ori and Nori were next to lift up and sniff the mug settled onto the counter to Thorin asking, “Where is the bear?”
“My uncle is at a friend’s house.”
“Hmm,” Nori said in a turn of his head.
Ori asked, “What is that smell?” Inching closer to the half door with the top folded back granting a view to the yard.
“Well that’s a bit of a loaded question, we have bee hives and an orchard and gardens and even more animals in the forest and a stream with fish that I can catch for your supper.”
Dwalin, “We are free to run here?”
“If you like. Just don’t eat anything but the fish if you can help it.” You said in the turn of the knob in your hand to open the door for the pack.
Thorin however did not move and asked with a puff of his chest clearly showing off the ring he’d removed to set on the chain still around his neck that he refused to remove. “Will you be running with us again?” He asked gruffly in a foot shifting request with eyes fully on you as if the Wolf was willing to beg if necessary.
“Sure. I can show you around.” To the living room you strolled and added your things to theirs until you reached your ring and Thorin’s eyes from over the back of the couch with a ring of blue in the center of the silver drew attention right away and had you turn to fetch a spare bit of ribbon you made a necklace that the ring was hung around your neck. The sight alone of the ring there even in your change had his tail wag in a deep knowing that the pair of you were bound. Around the couch to his side you trotted and joined on the path to the now parted Wolves who giddily got to exploring on each pathway in the new lands. Miles of new things and a stop to fish where Fili kept hold of your necklace to ensure it wouldn’t be lost you dove to catch and toss the fish up onto shore until each Wolf had their own pair of fish they carried back once you wiggled the necklace on again post drying shake.
Once home on the deck by the grill you lit up, shifted back in the apron hung by the door each fish was cleaned and deboned for the Wolves that ate every bit of the meat and organs you warmed up for them in the process of burning the scales, bones and heads. Against his try to nudge one of his fish your way Thorin huffed and ate the offering only once he saw that once you’d gone inside a dinner of your own was fixed up to be eaten in their joint plop on the ground around you to his place seated, chin on the table to speak with you. From apron to the discarded clothes again you changed and closed the doors eventually freshening up to climb onto your bed the pack joined you on. Sunrise soon enough came and to grumbled the Durins’ set alarms on their phones awakening naked in bed, except for Ori, Fili and Kili still in Wolf form who in the groggy squints of their relatives through a stubborn huff at your body’s try to remain asleep.
Torn between not waking you with hands on your hip and back from the doorway Beorn’s voice turned their heads to the Wolf trapped trio in their waking stretches on top of their sections of the bed. “Morning, I have breakfast ready you must be hungry.” In a glance over the trio that bounded off the bed and trotted closer to him he crouched saying, “Ah, look at you halfway to control already.” Hushedly in a rumble he gave them tips and the trio were soon on a stroll to the living room. Up he stood and smirked in his turn to leave Thorin for a few more moments of cuddles.
Nice and sweet on your cheek he pressed his lips and hummed, “Stay in bed my love. I will come by later.” Again he kissed your cheek in his ease off the bed afterwards he turned to ensure your contently purring self was covered up once again without his body to warm you in his absence.
Beorn in the kitchen once again dressed Thorin joined them with ring slid on his finger to complete his full look and flashed him a quick grin. “We got stuck in traffic.”
Beorn shook his head, “No explanation necessary. You are always welcome. Little One’s efforts are certainly paying off with the young ones in your pack. And do not let that dampen your moods where efforts are concerned each Wolf has their own stride.”
Ori asked, “All she had done was sit with us and read, how is this possible?”
Kili, “And that run, we ran once before last night.”
Beorn chuckled answering, “Trust. Trust in her, yourselves and your Wolf. Methods vary, and freedom upon occasion can work wonders. Explore new surroundings outside of a cage and the Wolves grow stronger and you with them.”
Dwalin, “So, if cubs were raised out of a cage then by adulthood,”
Beorn shook his head, “Cubs are different. Teens and older only or they won’t understand the complexities of it all.”
Soon enough they were off to work and had shared what Ori, Fili and Kili had shared on what had occurred in the night. Baby steps had been taken of control where their Wolves had been growing stronger and bolder by the month. This generation would be stronger and more certain of themselves and their own magnificent prowess. Yet Thorin for all his admirable pride sat timidly and walked as if on eggshells with daily checks on your new home that was now being plastered and soon to be painted led up to a weekend of furniture shopping. Baby steps would complete your home and get him one step closer to the question that would require his grandmother’s ring his parents had gladly given him just for that purpose.
All the same he smiled to the internal reminder from his Wolf of the sight of your Tiger form with paired rings hung around your necks. Together you would build a future that one day would be shared, one day with adorable children of your own with question of what sort of animal forms they could hold. Questions, plans and daydreams all started with an offer for lunch. Down the driveway he drove with a bag of food and some wine with smile spreading to the sight of you in shorts and t shirt splattered with stains from plaster and stains for the molding. A wide smile spread across your face just warming his heart instantly to the dance of stray curls that swayed across your face on the breeze. Once parked out he climbed just basking in the scents of the honey hives and orchards with distant echoes of the future, the first fire you would light here that he would love to cuddle up with you to enjoy, evenings in, late sunlit mornings, and the giggles and footfalls of children to come.
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All –
@himoverflowers​​, @theincaprincess​​, @aspiringtranslator​​, @thegreyberet​​, @patanghill17​​, @jesgisborne​​, @curvestrology​​, @alishlieb​​, @jogregor​​, @armitageadoration​​, @fizzyxcustard​​, @lilith15000​​, @marvels-ghost​​, @catthefearless​​, @imjusthereforthereads​​, @c-s-stars​​, @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore​​, @mariannetora​​, @shes-a-killer-kween​, @ggbbhehe4455, @xxbyimm​
Hobbit/LotR – @abiwim​, @jotink78​, @pastelhexmaniac
x Thorin – @evyiione​, @deepestfirefun​, @queenoferebor​
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rattyoakenbitch · 4 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐰𝐧 ➳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐯𝐢: 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐜𝐡
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— summary: the pale orc returns, rendering the company helpless. when thorin is taken down by azog, aramina has to make a tough decision,  while also putting her life at risk. — warnings:  fic will include smut, language, angst, ptsd, depictions of gore.
— pairings: thorin oakenshield x female oc (oc info here) masterlist
Breaking Aramina and Thorin’s moment, Gandalf spoke up. “Where is our Hobbit?” The Company frantically looked around for the little creature. “Where is our Hobbit?!” 
Dwalin growled, “Curse the Halfling! Now he’s lost?!” Aramina shot Dwalin a dirty look, shutting him up.
“I thought he was with Dori!”
“Don’t blame me!”
Gandalf asked, “Well, where did you last see him?”
Nori piped up, “I think I saw him slip away when they first caught us.”
“What happened, exactly? Tell me!”
Thorin scoffed, stepping away from Aramina’s side. 
“I’ll tell you what happened! Master Baggins saw his chance and he took it! He’s thought of nothing but his soft bed and warm hearth since first he’s stepped out of his door!”
“Don’t say that,” Aramina said barely audibly, biting her lips. Could he be right? Would Bilbo really abandon them?
“We will not be seeing our Hobbit again,” Thorin went on mockingly. “He is long gone.” The Company looked down, an upset look on their faces. 
“No..” Bilbo walked away from his hiding spot, into the sight of The Company. “He isn’t.” Thorin’s face drained of all color as he stared down the smug Hobbit. 
“Bilbo!” Aramina didn’t hesitate to rush forward and lean down to hug Bilbo, resisting the urge to throw him up in the air like a baby. Bilbo was clearly taken back by the gesture, considering they weren’t very close, but he kindly returned the embrace. Thorin grumbled under his breath at the action, a pang of jealousy in his heart. The Company disregarded their brooding leader and watched Bilbo in awe. 
“Bilbo Baggins,” Gandalf smiled. “I’ve never been so happy to see anybody in my life!”
“We’ve given you up!” 
“How on Earth did you get past the Goblins?” Fili added.
“How indeed,” muttered Dwalin. Instead of Bilbo answering their questions, he sent them an awkward smile, followed by a chuckle. After the silence got too uncomfortable, Gandalf broke the ice. 
“Well, what does it matter? He’s back.”
“It matters,” Thorin steps forward. “I want to know. Why did you come back?” Aramina and Bilbo exchange a weak smile, then Bilbo turns back to face the whole group.
“Look, I know you doubt me. I know you always have. You’re right, I often think of Bag End.” He shrugs. “I miss my books.. And my armchair. My garden. See, that’s where I belong. That’s home. And that’s why I came back.. Because you don’t have one. It was taken from you. But I will help you take it back if I can.”
The Company stand in silence, speechless upon hearing Bilbo’s sincere words. Even Dwalin didn’t follow up with a rude comment.
But their little moment is interrupted when a certain pale Orc and his Wargs ride into sight atop a hill, looking down at The Company. The beasts’ howls echo, alerting The Company of their presence. 
“Out of the frying pan..”
“.. And into the fire. Run!”
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Azog’s company chased Thorin’s down. They climbed the trees near the ledge as there was no where else to run, cornered by their hunters. Aramina was the last to prop herself up with the help of Thorin, of course. He pulled Aramina close, practically hugging her against his chest. If this was any other situation, Aramina would have made a clever comment about it. But she kept her mouth shut as Azog neared, a malicious smile on his face as he looked up at The Company. Thorin stared at Azog in disbelief.
“Azog.. It cannot be..”
Azog looked up into the trees where Gandalf hid, shouting in Black Speech before the Wargs lunged forward into the trees, clawing and climbing their way up. One tree collapsed into the other until the whole Company was forced to take refuge in a single tree on the very edge of the cliff.
The Wargs came closer to The Company, getting ready to finally seal their fate, when Gandalf lit up a pinecone and threw it down to the Wargs, causing them to back off. 
Soon enough, the whole Company was lunging pinecones at the Wargs. One Warg was unfortunate enough to catch on fire and go running off in a panic. The Company’s celebration was cut short when their tree started to collapse. It hung right over the cliff, threatening to fall into the valley beneath them. The Company clung on desperately, sure they were going to die. 
Thorin got on his feet, catching Azog’s attention. He took out his sword, about to charge towards the pale Orc with a battle cry. The Company could do nothing but watch Azog’s Warg leap forward, pushing Thorin to the ground. Aramina’s eyes widened in horror as Thorin got caught in between the Warg’s jaws, groaning in pain. The Warg threw Thorin’s weak body aside. 
Azog looked down at Thorin while he commanded an Orc in Black Speech, followed by said Orc to hop of his Warg and walk towards the helpless Dwarf. Aramina gulped as she watched all this happen. She knew if nobody stepped in, Thorin would be dead meat. 
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The Orc took out his blade, positioning it over Thorin’s neck before lifting it up in the air, about to hack Thorin’s head off. Right before the Orc could strike, he was pushed out of the way and over the ledge, falling into the depths below.  Azog let out a growl in anger, looking at the creature who dared step in to save Thorin. 
There, Aramina was. Her frail-looking, yet well-built deer form guarded Thorin. She stood tall before the Wargs, ready to sacrifice her own life for Thorin’s. One Warg dove forward in an attempt to tackle Aramina, only for her to effortlessly shove it off the cliff with her antlers, as if the Warg was nothing but air. Bilbo too joined her side, seeing she was outnumbered. Four more Wargs surrounded them, ready to tear them apart, when The Company finally got up and attacked the beasts with a war-cry. 
Azog’s eyes focused on Aramina as she crept forward, facing down the pale Orc and his beast. The Warg pounced on Aramina, pinning her to the ground briefly until she slipped out of the Warg’s grasp and thrust her antlers into its side. The beast let out a howl of pain and clawed at Aramina, causing her to back off. When she did, the Warg lunged forward with full force and drove Aramina off the cliff. Before Aramina could even hit the ground, an eagle swooped in and caught her in its claws, gently handling the weak deer.  Aramina’s eyes darkened as she slowly faded into unconsciousness. 
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“Oh, Mahal. Is she dead?”
“What happened to her?”
The Company surrounded Aramina, her real form laid out on the cold stone. The eagles rescued The Company, leaving them atop a large stone ledge where they got a good view of The Lonely Mountain. But right now, they could care less about the view. They gathered around Aramina’s body, checking for a pulse. 
“Move!” The Company backed off upon their leader’s orders. Thorin came forward and knelt beside Aramina. Her dress was torn, exposing her ribs and abdomen where several shallow wounds were, inflicted by Azog and his Warg. Aramina’s chest subtly rose and fell to her slow, short breaths. Thorin breathed a curse as his hand came in contact with Aramina’s skin. She was cold to the touch. 
“G-Gandalf, can’t you do something?” Bilbo stammered. “Like what you did with Thorin..”
Gandalf shook his head sadly.
“I’m afraid not. But do not worry; Aramina will survive her wounds. It is the shapeshifting that’s weakened her.” Bilbo nodded his head in understanding, but Thorin let out a huff of frustration. 
“I don’t understand.. Why did she do this?”
“To save your dumb ass.”
The Company looked down at Aramina, who was weakly smiling at Thorin. They laughed in relief as Thorin held her in a tight embrace, ingoring her snarky remark. Aramina winced as the pain from her wounds settled in, prompting Thorin to pull away. 
“I’ll be fine.”
“I’ll have Oin patch you up.” Thorin stood, helping Aramina up. He held her close to his side as they, including The Company looked forward to The Lonely Mountain, their future. “I’m glad you’re with me.”
- - - ♡  taglist ♡ - - - @tschrist1​
a/n: let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist for ‘the fawn’. reblogs and feedback would be appreciated!
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konoriart · 5 years
Chapters: 20/? Fandom: The Hobbit Relationships: pre Thorin/Bilbo (the slowest burn to ever burn) Alternate Universe - Skin Changer Bilbo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Summary: Bilbo could have left Lake Town without ever meeting the Master and his rat bastard and been perfectly fine with it. Of course, he doesn't get his wish. Thorin's gold sick head isn't helping the headache brewing in Bilbo's any better either.
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Sneak Peek
In the House of a Skinchanger
Chapter 4 excerpt -
Ushmar huffs and rolls his eyes before shaking his head slightly, making tokens fall to the floor with heavy thuds. “You’ve gotten good at this Prince Legolas.”
The Company all pause, some of them dropping their food as they turn eyes to the Elf in their rooms.
Thorin swallows the eggs he’d been eating, now feeling like ash in his mouth as he watches the Elf and Dragon in their game. Bilbo had made promises to him last night but Thorin still had doubts in the back of his mind and this was Thranduil’s son.
“I had a great teacher.” The Prince praises Ushmar, smiling fondly at them as the Dragon scoffs.
“One that’s teaching you how to cheat.”
“Is that not the point of Grib?” Legolas asks, humor lacing his tone as he puts down his cards.
Ushmar chuckles. “See, now you get it; but, in the spirit of the game I ask you to empty your sleeves.”
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sketch-mer-6195 · 2 years
Forsaken: Chapter 13 (Thorin Oakenshield x OC)
Word Count: 2088
Warnings: None
Characters: Sisilla, Bilbo Baggins, Thorin Oakenshield, Gandalf, Beorn, mention of Azog, Lord Elrond.
Tag List: @luna-xial @lathalea @tschrist1 @laurfilijames @ocfairygodmother @werelywrites @notlostgnome @blulemonades @i-did-not-mean-to @myselfandfantasy @sirmacbethbeth @fizzyxcustard @ruthoakenshield @girl-of-many-fandoms​
Summary: The Company had finally gone to sleep, but visions begin to plague Sisilla’s mind. With meeting Beorn and having to go to Mirkwood and take the Elven Road, the tides are starting to churn for Sisilla and Thorin for she may be the greatest asset for them if they are to encounter the elves of the Woodland Realm.
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After the company congratulated Thorin and Sisílla in their new courtship, which many were surprised it didn't happen sooner, everyone settled in for the evening knowing that the Skinchanger was out, protecting his home from Azog and his pack. But it all was for nothing for Sisílla. As she laid on her bedroll, Thorin next to her, she began to whimper in her sleep quietly. Her head was lolling from side to side. Her words, although slurred, were Quenya. The ancient Elvish tongue. Thorin stirred from his sleep as he heard her speak in the Elvish language and looked over to see her in a cold sweat and her eyes clamped shut. Sitting up, he reached over to her only for her to thrash in his arms and let out a scream. Startling the company awake, everyone saw Sisílla struggle against Thorin which made everyone jump and try to help them both. But as everyone was out to help, Gandalf bellowed.
"Do not touch her!" His voice booming like thunder.
Everyone, including Thorin backed away from Sisílla as Gandalf came close to her and rested a hand on her forehead. Muttering under his breath, Sisílla slowly calmed and then jolted awake. Gasping for air as if she came out of the water.
"THORIN!" She called out in a panic.
Gandalf furrowed his brow and glanced over at the said Dwarf, nodding in approval for him to approach her. Taking only a few steps, Thorin was at her side and grasping her small and clammy hand in his own.
"Ghivashel, I'm here." He reassured her as he brushed away the stray hairs that clung to her forehead.
All she could do was follow the length of his arm and finally hook around his neck to hold him close. Her free hand feeling across his face and lips for any evidence of injury. Everyone could only watch her as she was comforted by Thorin and whispering in Khuzdul that she was safe and well. Bilbo was heartbroken and confused at what was before him, but when he looked up to Gandalf, he noticed the wizard had a concerning look in his eyes even though he was trying to be calm. As everyone calmed down and went back to sleep, Thorin kept a close eye on his beloved as she finally fell back to sleep. Gandalf had watched the two, specifically Sisílla as she finally eased into a much needed sleep. Bilbo had made his way over to the wizard and followed his line of sight to Sisílla’s sleeping form.
"Is she going to be alright?" Bilbo asked, worry etched onto his features. He had grown fond of her, and she with him as they had many great conversations about where they lived, reading many books, and small adventures they had before following the great Thorin Oakenshield.
Gandalf snapped out of his many thoughts and looked down at the hobbit and flashed a warm smile, or as warm as he could muster. "She will be just fine, Bilbo. Now, get some rest. We have a long journey still ahead of us."
With a slight nod, he began to head to his bedroll. But not before glancing over his shoulder and watching Thorin be so attentive to Sisílla. This was probably something Bilbo would have seen if Thorin was engaged… or courting. It was a nice change to see him like that. As he felt Gandalf staring at him, Bilbo wished him a good night and finally went to his bedroll.  As Gandalf nodded at Bilbo, he turned his gaze back to Sisílla. Sleeping soundly and Thorin relaxed and with his eyes closed, Gandalf couldn't help but wonder.
What did she see?
~Rivendell, 8 months ago~
"Are you absolutely sure that she will be safe?" Lord Elrond asked right after the White Councils meeting. 
Gandalf huffed, unsure how to answer his good friend. Of course she was, she had the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. Though, he hadn't the slightest idea how well it would be taken for a woman such as herself to be in the midst of this treacherous journey. And with dwarves already being secretive and stubborn. Who knows how they would react. Especially Thorin! But she also had insight of what is yet to come, and she had such confidence in the young king. But could it be the infatuation that was blinding her deepest thoughts? It was most uncertain and he couldn't give a direct answer for Lord Elrond or to himself.
The Elven Lord seemed to have had his answer, loud and clear. "Then it is settled, she stays in Rivendell."
"My lord…"
"I cannot risk the life of her just so she can succumb to what her heart desires." Lord Elrond started. "Gandalf, you know as well as I that the budding romance that she and Thorin has begun between them will never work. Not with her celibacy and her duties as the Oracle."
"She knows of this as well. It is simply too risky for her to travel with the likes of Oakenshield. If anything was to happen to her, either it be from the Dragon, Azog, or worse. Then the fate of Middle-Earth may be in jeopardy."
"I swear to you, no harm will come to Lady Sisílla. She is in the safest hands, if not within the company, then most certainly with myself." Gandalf reasoned, although it was far out there.
He knew it was a far cry to have her come, but Gandalf knew as well as her that she was destined to be at and in Erebor. Her place was there for however long. With a low and quiet sigh, he muddled over to his bedroll and carefully made himself comfortable before scanning across the large room. Counting each dwarf, then Bilbo, and then Sisílla. With validation that she was well tended to, the gray wizard soon drifted to sleep along with the others.
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As morning came and unlikely introductions to their host, Beorn, the entire Company quietly gathered around the enormous large table to have breakfast and discuss where they were going to the Skinchanger. As he had asked about where they were heading off to and Gandalf being direct but also discreet, Beorn couldn't help but wonder why a woman such as her standards were in a company of dwarves. Thorin, who had leaned against the enormous beam near Sisílla and Fíli glanced to Beorn and then to Sisílla.
"If I may ask why a woman such as she, in the presence of dwarves?" The Skinchanger asked with curiosity.
As Thorin straightened himself to defend Sisílla, she tilted her head in Beorn’s direction. “To help not only reclaim what was stolen from them, but to also help what is yet to come.”
Her words were something that caught everyone off guard. Especially Gandalf, and most definitely Thorin’s. Was there something that was yet to come and she had seen the outcome? What was it? Now they had more to worry about.
As they finally gained the assistance of Beorn to use his horses and ponies to ride to the Edge of Mirkwood. Sisílla and Gandalf spoke to Beorn in private, something Thorin, although against not being by her side, understood the reason. Eventually she would tell him. He hoped. With word of the Necromancer in Dol Guldur along with the orcs growing more and more with each passing moment, Sisílla shuddered and closed her eyes as Gandalf and Beorn continued. The vision she had was still fresh in her memory and the taste of death as raw as reality. Caught up with what her vision was, she was taken back to the present moment when she felt a rather large hand on her shoulder.
"What do you see, Sisílla? Seer of Middle-Earth?" The Skinchanger asked.
Gulping, Sisílla laid her tiny hands, compared to Beorn's stature, on his forearms for support. "I see death… but life as well. It is too far off to give a clear answer. I am sorry."
With a gentle grunt, Beorn guided her hands to Gandalf’s carefully. "You must go, while you still have the light." 
And if on cue, the howls of wargs rang across the treetops. Sisílla rode with Gandalf as they and the Company galloped to the edges of Mirkwood. Her visions came back as they drew closer. A different vision, of cinders and fire destroying people. Sudden cold and wet feeling. And a pair of arms holding her to keep her warm. It wasn’t clear who it was, or where they were. She had more questions than answers once again. The last time was when she had her first dreams of Thorin. But now another man? Of Men!? Or was it an elf? The vision was in its infancy and she hated those types when things are not clear, but evident that it was important for her and the person she was to meet. Whoever it was, she had to clear her thoughts as they were getting closer to Mirkwood.
As the forest's edge became visible, the company slowed to a halt and dismounted the horse and ponies. Thorin made his way to Sisílla who was looking out to the vast lands that they had just traveled and looked up at her. Her usual calm demeanor all but lost as her brows were knitted and her eyes looking so focused than he has ever seen them. Her hair windswept from the ride as some loose hairs fell out of her braid that he had worked on first thing in the morning. His crystal blue eyes followed down her arm to her hand where he could see that she was doing her best not to clench them.  How he longed to know what she saw in the visions, just to share the burden with her so she wouldn't have to be the only one to see what is yet to come. Was it maybe to gain some leverage on his enemies and maybe his own kingdom? Possibly. But to know that Sisílla was the only person across this land to have such a duty to all, he wanted her to be at ease and not be plagued by the visions.
Sliding his hand into her smaller one, Thorin could see how she visibly relaxed and smiled a smile of relief. He would never grow old of her smile which also placed in a sense of ease for the time being. But as soon as Bilbo commented on how the woods looked sick, Gandalf stated that he had other business elsewhere. Everyone was in shock, especially Sisílla for she knew who awaited for them in those woods. As Gandalf was about to gallop away on his horse, he looked over to Sisílla as she was now their guide and saving grace if anything was to happen.
“My lady, you must help them. Do not lose the path.” Gandalf informed.
Craning her head up, she furrowed her brows and looked as though she was panicking, and she was. Never had she guided anyone, it was someone guiding her. And to lead a group of dwarves, it was hard enough as it is just traveling.
“I can’t. You know that it’s redundant to have the blind leading the sighted.” She exclaimed.
“My lady, you will be their greatest asset if you are to meet with the elves.” He explained, knowing of her reputation among the elven kingdoms. 
Lowering her head, she nodded and turned her head to where Thorin stood only to feel him squeeze her hand for reassurance. Gandalf knew she was not confident being on her own for being a diplomatic figure alone. But, he needed to make sure that Thorin and his short temper wouldn’t lead them to their doom. As Gandalf left, Thorin looked over to his men as they heard about Sisílla’s new role in guiding them along the Elven Road. Kneeling down, Sisílla unlaced her boots one by one and slid her socks off before placing her bare feet to the earth. Thorin slid her boots into her rucksack before guiding her to the stone flag path that was the Elven Road. Feeling the cold stone under her feet, she leaned down and touched the stone with her finger tips before looking straight ahead and standing upright.
“This way, and stay close. These woods are no longer safe.” She explained. ‘We are not alone…’
And off the company ventured into the depths of Mirkwood.
Chapter 12
Master List
Chapter 14
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imnotevenhere9 · 4 years
Comfort time {Thorin x reader}
Type: fluff
Summary: untangling his hair and redoing his braids
Word count: 327
Warnings: none
A/n: I haven't written anything for Hobbit for quite some time now, so I'm sorry if I made Thorin too much ooc xd
Masterlist • Prompts • S/o match ups • Taglist
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"Thorin....?" You softly called him out, not wanting to disturb him much from his thoughts
"Hm?" He hummed in response. Your husband wasn't exactly happy to be at skinchangers house for a long time, but the company needed some rest
You sighed as you sat next to him and started to run your fingers through his slightly tangled hair. You knew Thorin for a long time, long before Smaug attacked Erebor. And when you started courting, you quickly learned that you doing his hair was one of his biggest comforts.
He emmediately relaxed at your touch, leaning more to the side so you could have better access to his hair. You smiled, gently untangling his hair. It was really messy as there was minimum time to care about these things. It didn't make him look any less honorable tho.
"Would you like me to redo your braids too, dear? They aren't in the best shape anymore..." You whispered near his ear and chuckled as you saw the goosebumps you gave him
"That would be wonderful, amrâlimê..." He sounded really exhausted and honestly, you didn't blame him. Leading the company to reclaim Erebor with a possibly still alive dragon wasn't easy task itself, but dealing with trolls, goblins and Azog was something else...
You unclipped both of the beads and placed them safely in your pocket. You started slowly undoing his braids, not wanting to pull his hair too much so it wouldn't hurt. Then you took two strands and began braiding it, clipping the beads back on.
"Done." You smiled at him
"Thank you, love." He turned around and kissed you. You giggled as he pulled you closer to him and rested his head on your chest.
"Tired, are we?" You asked teasingly
He just hummed in response, hugging you tightly. There wasn't much time on the journey to spend time together in private, so he was glad for every opportunity he got to hold you close....
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thotinshield · 3 years
Danny’s Bagginshield Fic Recs (2021)
I haven’t done a fic rec in literal years, and I keep meaning to, but then I... don’t. This is a massive list - so I will put it under a read more to save your dashes.
Modern AUs
A Remover of Obstacles by MistakenMagic
"Dis often chided her older brother for being a misanthropist. She did it so often it had become a term of endearment. It was true that Thorin struggled with people; he struggled to form and maintain relationships. Dr. Grey had diagnosed him with this and Thorin hadn’t the heart to tell him this wasn’t a symptom of his PTSD, it was a symptom of his personality. He exercised a sense of apathy with almost everyone he met… But Bilbo was different. Thorin actually found himself wanting to know more about him."
(Note: This fic deals with a lot of mental health stuff, panic attacks, etc, so please please mind the tags.)
By Request by HildyJ
As a musician, Thorin's life can be summed up in tempos. For instance, the concerto he's perfoming on Friday is Allegro - quick and bright, followed by Andantino - slightly slow, and then back to Allegro again.
On the other hand, his relationship with his cute neighbour? Larghissimo - very, very slow.
Stepping Stones by misplacedkisses
It feels like it's fate Thorin's trying to resist, his destiny, his bloodline.
Fresh out of inpatient, Thorin's struck with the urge and maybe it's fate (or therapy) that has him stumbling into a late-night cafe instead. It may be the start of a new life.
Write Me Down Easy by lucyraebrown
Bilbo Baggins, a simple man with a wish for something more than his life teaching high school English, is obsessed with a famous author by the pen-name Oakenshield. Although he knows the future is dim for his chances of finding out about the man behind his favorite book, it's reassuring to know someone has the same thoughts about the world.
I'll Die to Care for You by thehufflepuffhobbit
His gaze landed on Mahal's eyes once more. "You did your best, Thorin." It was tempting to look away; he wanted to deny that with everything he had. It certainly didn't feel as though falling into Gold Sickness and then dying was doing his best. Mahal smirked, as though he knew Thorin's desire to contradict him, and pinched his cheek before walking over to a table. "Aye, I didn't think you would believe me. I'm not lying, it certainly could have gone better. More according to my plan, but I know you really did try."
"Your plan?" He didn't know if he should ask, really. Knowing that his Maker had set a course for him, he didn't want to think about the ways he had done everything wrong. There were too many examples of mistakes in his long life, too many opportunities that he had missed that had probably been planned for him from the beginning.
Mahal feels like Thorin fucked up his legacy and gives him a do over.
Roses of Iron by Porphyrios
Two years after Bilbo returned from his adventures, he's made his peace with being back in the Shire. He still wonders what might have happened if things were different, but figures all that is behind him now. A mysterious visitor turns out to be someone he never thought he'd see again, and he's shocked by the news he hears.
Beside Myself by bliboboggins
"What are you doing? Just who do you think you are?" Startled, Bilbo turned around slowly. And there, in a familiar patchwork dressing gown, brandishing a fire poker wildly about, was... Bilbo.
i wouldn't have danced like that with any but you by Percyjacksonfan3
Thorin has survived the Battle of the Five Armies but his relationship with Bilbo is uncertain and precarious, especially in the newly reclaimed kingdom of Erebor. With Kíli set to marry Tauriel, and the Dwarves of Erebor still holding prejudice against outside races, Thorin must choose between his nephew's happiness or his own.
Though he believes sending Bilbo back to the Shire is for the good of everyone, he and the rest of Erebor are thrown into turmoil when 5 years later his nephews secretly plot to bring Bilbo back. Coming face-to-face with Bilbo again makes it impossible for Thorin to stay apart from him any longer- but is Bilbo still willing to be with Thorin once more after he broke both of their hearts?
A Matter of Payment by heartshapeddog
"And Thorin rose from the little table, keeping Bilbo’s fingers crushed gently in his own, and went down to his knee before him. Bilbo was struck with the likelihood that no creature greater than a farm-dog had lowered its head before a Hobbit since the birth of Eä until this very moment. He looked down, fascinated, at the crown of Thorin’s head, bare of royal circlet, and felt at once humbled and strong.
“I swear it,” Thorin said, and Bilbo thought of the vows from Elven history, of the type which followed the oathkeeper to the ends of Arda as a deep and binding magic. Then, he took Bilbo’s knuckles up to his lips. The rasp of his beard and his soft mouth were shocking in their immediacy and contrast. Bilbo could not help his racing heart."
Feet that Wander Have Gone by WednesdaysDaughter
“Run away with me.”
Bilbo turns to see who would say such a cowardly thing only to realize it was his own traitorous mouth which has run away with his heart: They’re already down the mountain and past Mirkwood by the time he realizes no one has objected.
“What a delightful solution my dear boy,” says Gandalf who looks to the east where the eagles are skimming the horizon.
Other AUs
between synapses and circuits by MistakenMagic
Different diagnostic results slowly trickled through and Thorin swiped them all to different corners of the screen depending on their relevance and evidence of abnormality. He paused when a particular chart appeared and smiled to himself.
“What?” Bilbo murmured, sounding genuinely worried.
“Your heterochromia,” Thorin explained, meeting Bilbo’s green and blue gaze. “The irregular algorithm that causes it has been running for almost half a century.”
“Most mechatronics offer to fix it for me,” Bilbo said, looking away, seeming suddenly self-conscious.
“Then they’re idiots.”
(Note: I just love MistakenMagic’s works. That’s all. This one is good and she writes angst so so well.)
past one hundred thousand miles (feeling very still) by childishinquiry
Commander Thorin Oakenshield is the leader of the first Mars mission, Project Golden Eagle, with twelve crewmen. Back on Earth, Specialist Bilbo Baggins is their communications specialist. Making history is easy; it's much harder to deal with falling in love with the person on the other end of the signal.
Hallowbit by batherik
As simple pawn shop owner in the human world, Bilbo isn’t all that thrilled to find himself lost in Thorin’s magical undead kingdom. Lured there by an old man dressed in grey, who turned out to be a wizard, Bilbo is charged with doing a job no one wants to do: fetch the King’s head from the corn maze. The King often loses his head when his temper boils over.
In the House of a Skinchanger by Bardic
Thorin and Company have finally reached a safe house after a few crazy weeks on the road. After three days of goblins, orcs, and a massive bear that's chased them into the home of one of Gandalf's acquaintances the Company is quite exhausted and quite tired of surprises. Unfortunately for them, or fortunately there is another staying there.
Master Baggins is not who the Company expected to find, especially when he claims to be one of the only outsiders Durin allowed a title and a rank to. Although that's the least surprising thing about him.
Thorin makes some discoveries and has some observations.
Basically an AU where Bilbo is a skinchanger and the Company meet him at Beorn's on accident.
It Runs In The Family by Imagined
At first, Bilbo is very glad to hear of the new alliance between Erebor and the Shire. He is even more excited when he learns that some of his family members are coming to the Lonely Mountain to discuss the details.
That is, until the dwarves (and Thorin, who is decidedly not and never shall be his) start getting along a little too well with one of his more adventurous cousins, and Bilbo starts doubting about his place.
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toymvker · 3 years
It wasn’t an intentional thing - which was, really, what startled Bofur the most about it. 
The carved figure in his hands had been an ongoing project, started when they’d departed from Erebor. The Ur family had decided that Bilbo needed an actual escort, and much as they knew Gandalf was a wizard, and powerful, they couldn’t in good conscious see him off without entrusting that he made it safely home. They all had their own reasons for wanting to head back west, of course. Bombur wanted to return to Ered Luin, bringing the good news to Nali and their babes himself, before they would return, and Bofur had heard Bifur repeatedly saying mugr. Bofur?
He didn’t want to say goodbye to Bilbo just yet. In due time, he could return to Erebor, to Thorin and the company, but what harm was there in accompanying their burglar? None, he’d told himself. Nothing wrong with it. 
They’d traveled through Mirkwood without trouble. The elves had even escorted them, though he could tell just from a peek at their faces that it was for Bilbo, and not the dwarves. That time had been mostly occupied by Bifur’s broken Westron. He’d taken to conversing with Bilbo frequently, testing out his regained ability to speak in another language. His Khuzdul was, at least, more understandable than it had been, though he mostly used Iglishmêk still. 
Once they’d arrived at Beorn’s, delayed by the onset of winter, Bofur had continued working on the carving. Sometimes, he let his hands guide him. Most dwarves agreed that this was the only way to truly craft - to let Mahal guide your hands as you created. So, when the figure formed under his careful fingers, finished in the gardens of the skinchanger, he stared in wonderment at it. 
As tiny as the figure was, he could pick out the smallest details he’d carved. It was Bilbo, poised as if he were fighting, Sting wielded in one hand, a smirk caved onto his small face. It would have been a perfect replication of the hobbit, besides the braid that he’d unintentionally carved, flowers seemingly woven into it. 
His thumb traced it, his heart thudding treacherously hard. 
To have carved the hobbit without intending to, and if Bofur were to believe that Mahal had guided his hand in such, why hadn’t it occurred to him before? He was in love with Bilbo, he realized, studying the small figure with a beaming smile. Bofur set the figure down, set so the tiny face of Bilbo looked at him as he fetched another leftover piece of wood and took to carving at it intently. 
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