ask-morpho-knight · 2 months
Opinion on necrodeus and he’s “skull gang”?
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gethoce · 29 days
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Some unfinished art that was originally going to be for the Morpho ask blog that I was too unsatisfied with.
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dark-mega · 1 month
Here is necrodeus giving some motivation to Necro knight for the second chance
(I completely forgot about the second chance)
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quanblovk · 2 years
Happy Necrodeus day!
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What? What do you mean it's supposed to be christmas?
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skull-gang-000 · 6 months
Skullord fell down the stairs
And Skullseer is laughing
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ask-morpho-knight · 7 months
Dearest knights… what exactly is “Yomi”?
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gethoce · 2 years
Question what’s necrodeus relationship with the skull gang? (Skullys,Skullseer,Skullord,The other undead enemies of mass attack,buzzy bat and the mini bosses who also get revived by necrodeus in buzzy bat level)
Long ago, when Necrodeus was still amongst the living, he would gather the souls of his fallen soldiers and reanimate them as Soul Matterborn.
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He had promised them Paradise, but what they got was death. This was unacceptable to him. To this day he reanimates his people to fulfil his promise… with different results.
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The Skull Gang consists of those he promised Paradise to so long ago. They're the most loyal to him and he considers it his duty to keep them protected.
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While some of the same rules and promises apply to his other underlings, he's less forgiving towards them and will forget his friendship with them if they dare to harm a member of the Skull Gang.
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dark-mega · 4 months
@kirbyoctournament A long time ago there was a small sunny planet in the edge of the universe
In that planet lived a farmer, unaware of everything happening on the galaxy, only caring about his farm
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Then, one day the sky became dark and his plants started to die for lack of sun and his animales started to go crazy for the darkness.
He looked for the source of the madness and founds a sinister figure surrounded by a army of dark creatures
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Necrodeus, the leader of the skull gang.
What the farmer didn’t know is how this was the first invasion the skull gang ever did to a populated planet, the first time they meet actual opposition
But even if he knew, the farmer didn’t care and flew to the sky’s with his grass fork at hand to save the light of his world
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The brave (or foolish) farmer stood in front of the first necromancer and used all the little skill it had to push back the undead gigant
Then he was crushed and died
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The skull gang kept the remains as a trophy for their leader which didn’t actually want to carry a corpse around but he allowed it since it seemed to make them happy to give him a gift
As the years passed Necrodeus made hundreds of schemes to destroy all light and made unrepairable changes to the universe with his necromancy and his scheming
But one time that wasn’t enough for Necrodeus to win
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On that moment of defeat, weakness and despair, the skull king remembered something
Remembered the legendary knights in the universe, he hide from some, faced others and planned to kill a few. Then he remembered their race
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Necrodeus took his first kill and turned it into his biggest weapon, something able to destroy entire galaxies, devour souls and do everything he commanded
It took decades of work, but it was done
Necrodeus unleashed his weapon upon the brightest galaxy In the universe and…
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That was the moment Necro knight’s age of terror started and the life of that galaxy ended
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quanblovk · 2 years
After the events of Kirby mass attack, Necrodeus remains paralyzed in a comedically large hospital bed. He's still recovering, unfortunately......while also suffering from Morpho's bullying.
Necromancer reguarly sends Necrodeus fruit baskets though! That's something good!
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skull-gang-000 · 7 months
Question for reference:
What do you all have against light? What’s bad about it? Why go to such lengths to destroy it?
You see when a skully touches light it feels… wrong
Like if we are being covered by fire ants while we fall into a uncontrollable state of hysteria making us run into the nearest shadow… I’ve always had necro nebula, so I’ve never suffered like that but I know some who have existed even before that
The story’s of skully’s staying scared inside of dark forests and ruins of destroyed villages, and our predators using light as a way to corner them and give them a grim end
Then a giant appeared, unaffected by light saved a skully and that skully made them all follow him. After many attempts of escaping from light we understood the only solution was getting rid of it, no matter what will happen to the living since is either them or us!
So The skull gang was made and while there’s several other story’s between then and now, but you know what they say “the rest is history”
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somekirbyaus · 11 years
You have found skullseer
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Apparently surprised by the floating skull, though he had definitely seen things like it before, Kirby jumped back. Watching it for a few moments, he tilted his head, wondering if it could talk.
"...Hello!", he greeted, deciding the best way to find out was the most direct way, "I'm Kirby...
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ask-morpho-knight · 7 months
Good evening/morning, Morpho knight! How are ya?
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dark-mega · 1 year
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Kirby mass attack:bad ending
My fanfic just finished releasing the epilogue and is now finished. You should check it out
Also spoilers for the fanfic below
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skull-gang-000 · 2 years
Today in honor of a very special event (the creator of this blog’s birthday) we are having a special! In which you will be able to ask any question you want to the high ranks of the skull gang including the lord of the undead itself
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quanblovk · 1 year
Morpho Knight: Hey Necrodeus I-!
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Morpho Knight: But I haven't even said anything yet!
Skullseer: Take a hint, insect! Your presence is already enough to stress him out!!!!
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skull-gang-000 · 2 years
I got the ¡25 posts! Thingy but since tumblr is being dumblr, I’ll instead just say I got it
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This is the greatest moment of my life! I wanna thank lord necrodeus,Skullseer,zombon 1963, all the buufuu’s Skullord killed by accident last week, buzzy bat, buzzy bat… kids? Minions? Clones?, the skully with a pet rock and maybe Skullord because I feel kind today
Thank you so much
(Out of jokes thanks all of you for giving some attention to This dumb ask-blog with barely 10 followers at most, but the best and most loyal followers ever)
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