tearsofsyrup · 4 years
a made-up fic title for you, vi: the stars won’t fall for us
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the stars won’t fall for us.  soonyoung.  angst, fluff.  283 words.
Soonyoung has never been of the greedy kind.
He remembers how he used to wish for good food and laughter when blowing the candles on his birthday cakes as a child - cakes he would dip his fingers into and smear their cream across your cheeks. He did not complain when you gave your first kiss to someone else or even when you gave yourself too, despite how his throat would clench and tighten. He bit his tongue black and blue when you spent college under another man’s arm.
But as your hand lies embraced by his own, moonlight accentuating the way your lips are pressed into a firm line, his thigh warm where it touches yours atop the lone bench you occupy, he cannot help but want. He wants to rewind time and spend every birthday candle on a wish to own your heart as you have always owned his. He wants for every star in the charcoal sky to draw descending lines so he can ask them to give him you.
The tips of his fingers tingle with desire, wanting nothing but to hold you forever and forever and never let go.
“I'll visit soon,” you remind him.
Every birthday candle remains extinguished, every star remains immobile. And Soonyoung remains wanting.
He should let be, he should let go, he should discard this newborn greed and support the life you choose to lead as he finds his own, come to terms with every wasted wish and every steadfast star.
And he will not.
He senses your confusion as his fingers tighten around yours, gaze warm and piercing as he watches your wide eyes, fire burning in his chest.
“You can’t go.”
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secndlife · 4 years
🌹🌹🌹 i want snik piks 🌹🌹🌹
He would be lying if he said he hadn’t thought of this before. Especially after that one kiss in a truth or dare game. He thought about how you would shiver under his touch or about how pretty you’d look after he kissed you. From his understanding and hard thinking, it was nothing with a romantic aspect, but not based on pure craving either. He would dwell on that one later. Now, he’d rather focus on the feeling of your lips against his neck.
- colors, wonwoo
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thepixelelf · 4 years
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I was tagged by @skydivingstars, which: 😭 thanks I adore you
This was way harder than I thought it would be??? Like I’ve written my fair share of brother’s best friend but there’s just something so satisfying about a good redemption arc??? But then there’s the lovable hero because I love love love when a hero gets to be happy and goofy. Roommates/only one bed/office romance because those are such good tropes for the transition from friends to lovers.... this took me way too long
Anyways I don’t have that many mutuals but I’ll tag: @photosynthesuns @ph0ebevix @shionwrites @ismycapsloudenoughforyou @babiesanshine and @dvoz-writes
Do it if you like, even if I didn’t tag you, just say I did :D
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dearkartists · 5 years
dear @skydivingstars,
your exes series /glass heart shatters/. i think it's quite hard to tell a story with just dialogue but you pulled it off brilliantly. thank you for sharing it with us! ♡
love, anonymous. 
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littleight · 5 years
lskdjfjd i just read your tags on the rb about your bias and can i just say that process of denying another member is ur bias bc you dont want to be a TRAITOR is so real,, is it a svt thing? it’s definitely a svt thing. (it’s nice to meet you over the interwebs btw 🙆🏽‍♀️💖)
sjfghasf omg i was trying so hard not to bias minghao because i felt SO bad. wonwoo didn’t do anything at all to make me change my mind. i just couldn’t get over minghao. i literally was just into them for a couple of weeks so it wasn’t even like i was really into them yet, but i still felt so bad anyway lmao sakjfhsafh
seems like we are just a bunch of softies here in svt land and that’s Okay!
its nice to meet you too omg 💕💕🥺🥺
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lunatens · 5 years
GASP LUNA!!!! you’re infp as well 👀👀👀👀 dude i was so excited when i saw svt were doing the mbti tests im such a SUCKER for personality types (also cute new layout 😍)
KEYSAAAAA OMG YES INFP TWINS !!! also right ?? i got the notif that they were doing it and i was like 👀 hello?? but yeah personality types are so rAD AHH I LOVE THEM!! (also thank u 🥺 i keep forgetting it’s different and then i see it and i’m like oh! 🥰)
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tannie-bell · 5 years
can i just say that i always see you in my notifs and i just wanna tHANK you for actually paying attention to the things i post im so 🥰❣️ i hope you’re having a good day!!!
aaaaahhhhh you are more than welcome~!! 💕💕 i really love your writing (and all the other things you post/reblog ^_^), so like, why would i not pay attention, ya know? but THANK YOU~!! it’s been pretty good so far! i hope your day has been/is just as good!
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dreamy-skz · 5 years
bella you’re here!!!!!!!!!!!! 💓💘💗 (idk if you’ve been back for a while and it’s just me being slow) i’ve missed seeing you on the dash!!
omg HELLO ❤️💝💝❤️ i haven’t been writing lately but i’ve been reblogging my boys 🥺 i missed u too !!
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lxveille · 5 years
hi hello im trying to figure out the best way to binge read through your entire mlist without burning my eyes off bc 1) svt writers are soo underrated even though their writing is some of the most beautiful ways to string words together and 2) apocalypse aus? magic aus? sci-fi aus??? the best kinda aus out there!! im so excited just by reading your summaries,, i loOoOve your writing (from the few i’ve read) and i wish i’d found your blog easlier!
this is a delayed reply because i’ve been an exhausted germ bomb lately, but this was such a pick me up to read !! thank you so much for your kind words. i’m always happy when someone who enjoys different aus stumbles across my stuff, because i love writing all sorts of different things. i hope you’ve enjoyed the things you’ve read and that you might continue to enjoy things i post in the future!
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mochikis · 5 years
hi bb!!!! i read the tags all! the! time! but thank you so much for your request in the first place 🥺🥺 i hope it didnt end up being TOO fluffy..... soulmate spell...... (i cringe at myself) but i really hope it made some sort of sense and that you enjoyed it 💓💓 (i was just about to go to bed too so goodnight!!)
ohmygahh im- ;w;
nono there can never be too much fLUFF it is a blessing upon me us uwu. + the alliteration for the title is cute uwuwuwuwu.
i hope u slept well!! uwu
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utopianvoices · 5 years
🏆 This is the Amazing Person Award 🏆 ✨💛 Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💛✨
this is too sweet plS T^T 
you’re the sweetest love~~~ 💗💖💗💘💕
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jinterlude · 5 years
16, 26, 31, 80 for the fanfic writer asks!!! aaa what an insightful set of questions!!
Ahhh thank you for participating ;-; I usually get nothing lol 
#16 - where is your favorite place to write? I honestly don’t have a favorite place to write since I do most of my writing in my room. There was one time where I wrote a quick ZELO one-shot while in class LOL greatest achievement.
#26 - do you like to write one-shots or series, and why? I personally love writing series since I have time to dive/develop into the character development, plot, and description. I noticed that whenever I write one-shots, I tend to rush things. I honestly have no clue why I do that. Though, one-shots are good for when I have an idea and I don’t see it becoming a series. However, I lean towards writing a series. 
#31 - tell us about one of your characters who’s an absolute joy to write. Ooh that’s a hard one to answer since I do love all my characters, however, if must pick one, then I hands down love writing Our Second Chance Sumin since she starts off as this spitfire with little to no filter. Oh! Can’t forget her acting chops when it comes to behaving like a doting fiance to Namjoon. However, where she is at now, she’s completely crushed by Seokjin’s “lies” but still is head over heels in love with him. I’m excited to write the rest of the series, though, I’m not ready to say goodbye to that universe. ;-;
#80 - do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc in your writing? if so, how do you go about it? I actually do put themes/messages in my story. It’s not on my Tumblr but on my AO3 account, but I wrote a college!BTS/GOT7 story where it contains harsh issues of campus sexual assault (especially at my school -_-), and I wanted to shed some light on that subject since while most college!AU stories, I have seen on here, do not contain such elements, and it’s sad since there are dark sides to the whole college scenery. Now, how I wrote it, I just heavily implied a certain scene without going too descriptive since I didn’t want to trigger anyone, especially the OCs are named after my Tumblr Family. 
[ask game for fanfic writers]
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secndlife · 4 years
im greedy, here’s another (obnoxiously long) fic title: when the flowers on this path withers away
jihoon knew she didn’t belong to him. he knew, between the shared kisses and the nights she spent at the studio, that this was just temporary. she’d deny it with all her being, but he knew better. he knew she didn’t settle for anyone or anything. he knew she’d go away, as she did in all the times before. still, he fed on the pain that consumed his heart whenever the spring of her was to bloom somewhere else. to someone else. so he agreeded to her dovey eyes and her plump, wet lips. he agreeded to share nights of longing and loving. he agreeded because it just felt too good. even the hurting was too good. he couldn’t give that up. he knew he loved her and he knew she loved him too. still, she had other paths to drop her petals beside his.
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thepixelelf · 4 years
friday + saturday + minutes for the time asks casey!!!!!!!
friday: most self-indulgent fic you have ever posted?
Ummmmmm probably my Stray Kids theatre au series. It’s not done, but it’s all based off my own experience in technical theatre as a stage manager. (Except I never dated anyone lol) It’s definitely fun indirectly complaining about all the stuff that went on that year
Also Jae’s high school reunion request because I love love that episode of Psych and I’ve always wanted to write a psych au but I can’t, so I came up with the next best thing :)
saturday: what gets you excited whilst writing?
(spoilers for Kim Seungmin’s Dream of Me When You’re Awake ahead)
I almost never plan out my works in detail, but there are these moments sometimes when I’m just writing and suddenly a tiny idea for symbolism or something that could convey a detail for a relationship pops up and I’m like!! Yes!!! For example, in “Dream of Me When You’re Awake”, I planned to have the reader not know their name from the beginning, but the idea that they lost their nametag (ergo losing their name) in the accident showed up in my head in the middle of the night and I kinda clapped myself on the back. I don’t know if it’s that good of an idea to outsiders, but I like it a lot. Anyways, what gets me excited are those little strokes of “genius”
minutes: how long does it normally take you to complete a fic?
Very much depends on the length and the idea. Because I take requests, some are short and some end up being way too long. Honestly, every one is different. “Talk to Me”, the first fic I ever posted, took me about a month and a half, and it’s 5.9k words. But “Dream of Me When You’re Awake” also took about a month at 14.6k words. AND THEN “Pansy”, 7.4k, was written in under a two weeks. So  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. Most of my shorter fics (3k and under) are written in a few days unless I’m really at odds with the idea flow, but then again, my Seungmin theatre au has been killing me for like two and a half months 😭
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dearkartists · 5 years
dear @skydivingstars,
lemme start by saying you're so awesome and a great person. i wish you nothing but the best! your blog makes me so happy inside and i just want you to know how much you mean to me! your work is so amazing and always puts a smile on my face to read (even the sad stuff) and i wanna thank you for that!
love, anonymous. 
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dinoshaur · 5 years
actually crying under the blanket together sounds tempting,, i'll bring the ice cream,,,, but seriously my dude that was sooo well written. i really felt the entirety of chan and reader's relationship, it was so real - one of the best i've read on here i swear 💕
i’ll bring a fluffy ass blanket even though it’s summer rn oof we gon get this crying fest ON!!!! everyone is invited btw as long as they bring ice cream and blankets
:((((( thank you :(((( i just wish chan and the reader could have their forever y’know? :((((((
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