#skye's wartortle
pkmn-downtheline · 7 months
Fun fact of the day! Skye's Wortortle isn't a Wartortle by choice. Due to experiments via Team Rocket that involve forcibly inducing Pokemon evolution, Wartortle's evolution cells were destroyed in the crossfire.
In our headcanon, Pokemon who are able to evolve possess evolution cells. When they get enough cells, they're able to change form. The most common way to duplicate cells is through battle, but cells can also grow via stones with special powers or trade as well.
Skye's Typhlosion was a Pokemon originally owned by Team Rocket that was forced to evolve. Skye has to help both Wartortle accept the fact that it will never evolve, as well as help Typlosion who evolved before it was ready.
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toasty-coconut · 7 years
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As is my tradition every year, time to post about my Anime Boston experience! Sorry for not live blogging it this year. Things were really busy since @ikarikari, @noodlerama, and @ada254 all came out to come to the con with @kasuria and I!!
Simply put: we had a lot of fun!!
Anime Boston was a blast, as always. This is my eighth year going (I’ve gone every year since 2009, but I’ve only saved my badges as far back as 2010 since my mom threw out my 2009 one), and once again I had a great time and plan to return next year! Hynes security and Anime Boston staff were excellent this year, making for a far more enjoyable convention experience than the mess that was Line Con 2.0 last year. We were able to zip in and out of the convention center every time, which made planning a lot easier. The hallways were a little crowded on Saturday on the first floor, but that was to be expected since it’s right near the Dealer’s Room.
Speaking of the Dealer’s Room, I was able to pick up some sweet merch! My first purchase was the Bokura wa Ima no Naka de Honoka nendoroid I’ve been dreaming of getting for months now! She was a little pricey, but she’s finally mine! I’m hoping to buy Chika’s Aozora Jumping Heart nendoroid to match her in the near future! I also got a mini version of the adorable You SEGA plush. The bigger one was around $50, so I settled for the little one! She’s my favorite in the plush set. I love her expression and she’s second best girl! I also purchased a Typhlosion key chain from an artist who I bought a Wartortle keychain from last year! Now I have keychains of both of Skye’s mains! Maybe next year I’ll get Charizard for Briar, or Infernape for Lizzie. My final Anime Boston purchase was a cute little Charmander plush. His quality is very nice, and he’s soft to the touch! I also included the lovely Chika SSS figure that @ada254 gave to me as a gift in the picture! She’s really beautiful and is going to look amazing next to my Good Smile Honoka!!
My biggest complaint about the dealer’s room is there were a few vendors selling stolen or knock-off merchandise. There were wall scrolls with stollen art, and I even saw a bootleg Pikachu dressed as a Gyarados! He was much lower quality than the real thing and the vendor said he was $30, which is insane. Hopefully AB gets that figured out next year and prevents people selling merch like that from getting in. It’s definitely happened at the con before, but there seemed to be more of it this year. I’ve seen at least one person already complaining about it on the AB forums. Might leave a comment there myself to draw more attention to it.
The AMV contest was just okay to me this year. Possibly the weakest out of all the years I’ve been. There were maybe only 5 or 6 AMVs that really blew me away. The others were good, of course, but I’ve been more impressed in past years. It’s really obvious there was a huge bias towards Yuri on Ice this year. There were five AMVs in the finals for it, and it was featured in a few others as well. I actually did vote for two of the YOI AMVs, but the other three felt VERY lacking, and not Anime Boston AMV contest finalists material. It felt as if they were only picked because they were YOI, when I’m sure there were better AMVs that were submitted (heck, probably even better YOI AMVs). But I’m not one to judge too much. I don’t know how they coordinate the contest, and I’m not enough of a pro at AMVs to know what makes a “great” AMV and what doesn’t. Plus, the AMV coordinator said that there was over an hour’s worth of YOI AMVs submitted. Holy smokes. However, I can say that I was really glad for the AMV that won best in show. It truly deserved it. That doesn’t happen a lot. I’ll post the video later!
The Masquerade was also spectacular this year! Bravo to everyone who entered!! My favorite skit was the “Just Peachy!!!” skit between Princess Peach and Bowser. The cosplays were wonderful and the acting was on point! I had a good laugh! Flash Step Dance Crew was amazing as always, too. Their theme this year was Pokémon, and they even had the entire crowd sing the Pokémon theme with them, which was possibly my favorite part of the masquerade. Roady was awesome, of course. Glad to see him get some bacon jerky and bring out the old shirt again this year haha Very sad to see Mario go, though :( It broke my heart when he sang Stand By Me. I got a little choked up. But I wish him the best in his future endeavors!
Besides the convention itself though, I had a really amazing weekend spent with friends I get to see so rarely! I had a lot of fun, and just getting to be around all of them was the best part for me! I can’t wait for Anime Boston 2018!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Pokemon Fankid Week Day 2: Pokemon Partners
Here are the main 12 kiddos with their signature Pokemon! This one took a while to finish haha
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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I commissioned the lovely @nerdinsandals to draw Skye, Lizzie, and Wartortle! She did an absolutely amazing job! They all look fantastic!
Thank you so much, Laura!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Pokemon Fankid Week Day 3: Friends/Companions
The Trio decided to do a photobooth. Their Pokemon decided to photobomb.
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Fankid Week Day 4: Rivalries
I couldn’t decide which rival trio I wanted to do, so why not both? The Pokemon Trainers and the Pokemon Coordinators, plus their mons!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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“Come on, future hero! Let’s run with the winds at our backs!”
Day 7 marks a wrap on Pokemon Fankid week! This has been a lot of fun!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Pokemon Fankid Week Day 5: Romance/Shipping
Happy Valentine’s Day! I like to think that in the Pokemon world it’s tradition to give chocolates to someone you like inside of a Love Ball on Valentine’s Day!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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I spent the weekend practicing drawing expressions with Skye. It was fun and I felt like I learned a lot! Skye is a very expressive girl...
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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“Aim to be a Pokemon Master!”
I’m a little late, but the 24th was Skye’s birthday so... happy birthday!
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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“Whose gremlin child is this?”
Skye is basically Bell’s babysitter during the first half of Sinnoh.
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
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Honorary squad member.
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pkmn-downtheline · 5 years
Does Skye’s Wartortle hold an Evoilite to stop it from evolving
I’ve actually never thought about it before! It’s possible he has something like an Evoilite or Everstone, but I haven’t considered it in detail... I’ll think on it some more! I’m sure there’s a reason why it hasn’t evolved.
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pkmn-downtheline · 6 years
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Skylar Ketchum’s Pokemon Team
Just like how I made stat sheets for the kiddos, I decided to make some for the Pokemon, too! They were a lot of fun to make. It also helped me get to know her Pokemon and their personalities a little better, too! I really enjoyed coming up with move sets, especially!
Skye’s main team is full of fast boys and hard hitters, which is probably pretty expected when it comes to someone like her! Skye is a big follower of her father’s motto in terms of strategy--the best defense is a good offense!
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pkmn-downtheline · 6 years
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I caught Skye’s Wartortle today 😎 He’s got beefy attack, Aqua Jet as his signature move, and is cool as heck--just like our main boy! Maybe Skye’s Wartortle needs to get a sick pair of shades from Ash’s Squirtle haha
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pkmn-downtheline · 4 years
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Mermaid AU!
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