phoenixmetaphor · 1 year
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Oct 13 &
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Oct 14 - Chreon Aquarium Date (prompt from @cerul-skyefrost ‘s ask to @thebrandywine 😛)
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silvercap-art · 5 months
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Claire let her get sticker sheets at the grocery store
Partially inspired by a comment from @cerul-skyefrost hahaha
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thebrandywine · 3 months
Nine People I’d Like to Know Better
Tagged by @goodpointsandbadpoints - ty!!
Last song I listened to: War Isn't Murder by Jesse Wells
Currently watching: I just recently finished season two of Interview with the Vampire, but I'm mostly a YouTube watcher these days-- have specifically been watching old videos of Therm failing to understand how Baldur's Gate 3 works lol
Sweet/savory/spicy: Why isn't sour an option??? Savory then umu
Relationship status: In a QPR with my partner :p
Current obsession: Resident Evil, which I'm sure is very surprising to everyone. Aside from that, customizing nendoroids? Apparently??
Tagging: Most people have probably already been tagged so apologies if I get people a second time! I tag @strands-of-starlight, @flurrin, @samblerambles, @cerul-skyefrost, @muffintheoverlord and anyone else who wants in!
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silvercap · 5 months
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@cerul-skyefrost I couldn't resist 😭
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colesabi · 6 months
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I totally forgot to post this but @cerul-skyefrost, you were my 69th comment on my smutty chapter of ‘The After’ and yes, I am a child. Lol.
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
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@cerul-skyefrost ;_;7
I'm glad you found me, and I'm glad I can help. Leon's wiki is still closed to editing, so I can't make these corrections in a way that can reach the fandom en masse. I can't believe that, in a fandom so lucky to have such a giant influx of new fans, correct information is being held hostage by a handful of people who want to control the narrative and make everyone believe that their own headcanons and/or particular cherrypicked version of events is the true canon.
I also need to add the "Leon was never STRATCOM" post to the bottom of my wiki corrections post, because that's a big, big, big one.
Please feel free to slide into my ask box at any point if you're unsure of something, and please send more people my way.
I know that I post a lot about ships and in such a way that might people not want to actually follow me, and that's fine, I'm not hurt. But any time I get a question about objective canon, all of that personal opinion and interpretation and headcanon gets shelved, and I'll only talk about actual true facts as they are in the games. It's really important for me to be as impartial and accurate as possible, because I was someone who relied on having objective sources for my own fandom participation for over a decade. I know how important it is to get it right.
I'm happy to be a resource, especially for new folks still trying to find their way.
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The Perks- Mine
Saturday night found Nick in the bowling alley not far from his home, sitting apart from his group. He had been there a whopping ten minutes and already he wanted to go home. Another night out and about with Finnick, who had invited a vixen, and *ugh* Natasha, who hoped the double date atmosphere would warm his friend to the situation. While the other foxes talked about who knew what, the todd scrolled through his phone. Nick had stopped listening after introductions to Finn’s latest interest. He actually hadn’t even paid attention to that. As soon as possible, he moved as far away from them as he could without seeming overly rude. 
Ever since Nick agreed to a movie with her two months ago, Natasha kept throwing herself onto him every time they got together. Her arms wrapped around his neck in a way that had him convinced she was trying to strangle him, with her body uncomfortably pressed against his. Her scent (overdone floral fur spray mingled with her natural hints of sandalwood) took several washing to get out of his clothing. That ridiculously long tail of hers was practically stitched to his lap. It made the skin under his fur crawl from its weight. But the worst was her trying and failing to kiss his lips. Most attempts ended up on his neck or jaw. One nearly succeeded and landed on the corner of his mouth. It made him feel sick inside. The whole thing made him sick inside. 
And it made him want to kick himself for thinking her company was a good idea.
To make matters worse, Dave had stopped hanging out. The wolf had spent about twenty minutes in Natasha’s company while at the beach before storming off. His irritated rant about annoying bitches had moved Nick into following after. If only the vixen hadn’t latched onto his arm and dragged him away! Her proclamations on how ‘wolves were dum-dums anyway’ had Nick considering gnawing his arm off. Looking back, it would have been worth the pain.
Instead, Dave spent more and more time with Brook. Which meant while Nick certainly had the right to choose the vixen’s company, his old friend wanted nothing to do with it. And the todd knew they were seeing Judy on a regular basis. To Nick’s sorrow, she didn’t run her normal routes. Nor was she present at the ZPD youth camp that Saturday. He had shown up bright and early, after spending extra time on his appearance, with a sincere apology on his lips, only to have Judy not show up at all. Dave and Brook had joined him in lineup, but with looks of annoyance, he was mostly ignored. Dave got him alone for a moment during their warm up run to get his side of the story, only for the todd to sped up to avoid answering him. 
In all, it had been a very trying summer; not at all the one he had pictured in the beginning. Leading up to this moment, in this dingy, little bowling alley, with an imaginary clock ticking in Nick’s head. Counting down to when he would eventually crack. Regretfully, it happened sooner than expected. The clock thought it was long overdue.
Her constant squealing, high pitched laugh, and endless babble seemed to drill itself into his skull. It made his temples throb and his ears ring. He brought his phone to his lap, freeing his paws to cover the aching appendages on his head. Finnick pulled away from the conversation to give him a look of both confusion and concern. The muttering that followed was an unconscious decision on Nick’s part. The clock ticked closer to his breaking point.
“....shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up…..” She kept on at it, Finn looking between him and her with increasing concern. “.....shut up, shut up, shut up….”  
Everyone in their surrounding area paused what they were doing and looked at him. Both vixens jumped and turned wide eyes towards him while Finnick gave him a glare that should have withered his friend on the spot. But Nick was far too irritated to notice. He faced Natasha, who looked equally shocked and furious. 
“Excuse you?” She demanded, after she processed what he had asked, her eyes narrowed on him. 
“Looks like I’m up!” Finnick rushed to the lane and rolled his ball, sucking his teeth and grinning when he got a strike. No one reacted. The vixens glowered at the red todd, who glared back with just a hint of teeth showing through his curled lips. Finn gave a small growl and rolled his eyes. “Ignore this idiot, Tasha,” he insisted, strolling back over and giving Nick an angry look. “He’s just being-”
Nick popped out of his seat and waved Finnick away while glaring daggers at Natasha, now gaping at him..
“All you’ve done this WHOLE summer is talk, talk, talk, talk, talk! Seriously! That’s all you do and somehow, you never say anything interesting! Why do you think anyone wants to know about you stupid, fucking fur routine? No one cares which restaurant has the crunchiest croutons or which Snarlbucks-” Nick fixed his expression into a mocking version of hers and changed his voice pitch- “ ‘totally makes my frapp the way I like it so I can, like, take pictures of it to post all over social media because, like, I have nothing important to say or show for my time!’”
Nick was breathing heavily and looking down at her with pure disdain. Standing up, Natasha crossed her arms and glared.
“What the hell are you saying?” The question earned a slow blink from Nick, though his left eye twitched when it reopened.
“I can’t do this,” he said finally, taking his hoodie from the back of his chair. “I can’t sit here and listen to any of this bullshit. Because that’s what this is.” His arms were shoved into the sleeves and the hoodie zipped up. One final look was shot at Finnick. “It’s bullshit. You can go off and add notches to whatever belt fits you, but I’m not going to sit all night listening to Legally Space Cadet over there. It physically hurts. She’s the most boring, annoying mammal I’ve ever met.”
“Like you can do better than me, Wilde.” Natasha stepped forward and put her paws on her hips. Her eyes flashed dangerously at him. “I’m the best a low life like you is ever gonna get. And I’m willing to forgive you and move on if you just apologize.”
“C’mon, Wilde,” Finn pleaded, looking hurt and worried. “I know you’re going through a lot but let’s just get back to our night and forget this happened. See? Natasha still likes you!” 
She nodded slowly but didn’t smile. Her eyes remained narrowed on the red todd who rolled his own and headed for the exit. 
“If she’s the best I can do, I’m fine not being with anyone. Lose my number. All of you can go to hell!” He called over his shoulder.
Once he stepped out of the air conditioned bowling alley, he paused and took a breath before heading towards home. He had been feeling displaced for a while but with that outburst, a sense of serenity came over him. Hopefully Natasha would stay away after this. And there was the sobering realization that he had outgrown Finnick. It wasn’t that painful but it was a bit sad considering all they had been through. But, for now it seemed, the pair would go their separate ways. Nick was free. 
He pulled out his phone and took another breath as he paused at the crosswalk. After a brief debate with himself, he skipped his contacts list and opened Furbook. One quick search later and he had Judy’s profile pulled up. And he was greeted with a photo of her with a ram, who was grinning into the camera with an arm draped around her shoulders. Judy had a small smile on her muzzle, looking slightly uncertain, but seemed to be returning his obvious affection.
‘Hanging with the prettiest gal in Bunnyburrow!’
It hit him straight in the gut.
Judy rolled her eyes down at the picture and smiled. 
‘Hanging with the prettiest gal in Bunnyburrow!’
She was about to scroll by when she noticed the comment right below from one of her sisters.
‘You two make such a cute couple! <3’
‘Thank you! I think so, too ;)’ -Gareth
Her thumbs flew across the screen.
‘We’re a cute couple of friends.’
A message bubble popped up from Gareth.
Gareth: hey, I’ve been thinking, we’ve been getting along so well and been spending a lot of time together. What about making things official?
She read and re-read the message. Her siblings had gotten messages like that all the time. Whenever it happened, there was usually an excited squeal from the bunny in question, followed by a lot of jumping up and down with whomever was around. Before this summer, she would just smile and join in on the excitement. Judy had always assumed she would have the same reaction if it ever happened to her. As much of an oddball as she may have been, it was nice knowing someone out there had feelings for someone like her. 
But this just made her feel low. Maybe because it wasn’t Nick sending the message...
Judy: I can’t. I’m sorry. Please, don’t hate me, but I’m not into you like that…
Her mind lingered on their brief time together. How fun the todd was, how he listened to her, challenged her, encouraged her, and shared many of the same goals and interests. Judy was a smart bunny. She may have only been thirteen on the cusp of fourteen, but she knew perfectly well what it was she felt for Nick. And it was a lot more than a little infatuation. By this point, she couldn’t care less what her parents thought. 
After everything that happened, Judy had expected them to fly off the handle over pictures with male who was not a bunny. Her brothers and sisters had been teasing her about spending so much time with Gareth, there was no doubt Stu and Bonnie thought there was something more between them. But after a couple of months with no reaction, Judy figured out they just had problems with predators. They were always tense when they saw Gideon with her now, and thanks to her misadventures in Zootopia, they were ready to all but threaten the young fox to stay away from their family. Gideon, however, was smarter than most gave him credit for. He had figured out what their feelings were and had made himself scarce around the Hopps warren when he came back into town. Which meant Judy was spending most of her summer at Sharla’s with the two of them. 
And that only perpetuated the Gareth rumors.
She was dragged from her thoughts by the message bubble popping up. 
Gareth: so why are you always hanging out with me? Laughing at my jokes and going out of your way to spend time with me? Im getting mixed signals here!
Judy: Because we’re friends? That’s what you do when you’re friends with someone. You spend time with them. At least, that’s what I thought.
Gareth: its because of the fox, isn’t it? Your parents like me more than him, just fyi. and we look better together. i think you should give us a chance.
Her eyes rolled.
Judy: if this is how you're going to be, then I really have no interest in being your friend. Bye, Gareth.
She exited out of Furbook before he could respond and briefly wondered how Sharla would take this exchange. A light knock on her bedroom interrupted her thoughts and she looked up just in time to see her mother enter the room.
“Hi, honey. Can we talk?” Repressing a sigh, Judy sat up on her bed and made room for Bonnie to sit. The older doe settled in and took a breath before turning to her daughter. “I wanted to talk to you about Gareth.”
This time, Judy did sigh. “And there it is.”
Bonnie wrinkled her brow. 
“Excuse me, young lady?”
“I was wondering when you were going to talk to me about him.” Her mother gave her a look of irritated surprise. “I mean, who cares about how happy your kits are as long as they date who you want them to. I’m guessing because he isn’t a fox, you were okay letting me get closer to him. But not too close. We wouldn’t want to seem like we’re open minded in the countryside. Interspecies fraternization is what’s dragging this world to hell in a basket, right?”
“You listen to me, Judith Lavern Hopps!” Bonnie stood up and towered over her daughter. Judy gave her an almost bored look, even though her heart was hammering against her chest. “You have no idea how dangerous foxes can be. And it’s about time you grow up. I understand you’re curious and want to experiment. But there are things that we just don’t do! Bunnies can’t become cops and they certainly do not date outside their species.” She took a breath and composed herself. “Imagine what the neighbors would say. What your grandparents would say.”
Judy looked up at her mom with a clenched jaw. She took a deep silent breath before answering.
“I know what you did to Jack.” Bonnie stared at her with a stricken expression. “And I just wanted you to know he chose me. Because that’s the type of brother he is. He loves and forgives unconditionally. But whether you like it or not, he’s going to end up marrying her. And they'll most likely adopt as many babies as they can. If you can’t accept that and start making your peace with it, now, you’re never going to see your son or his family again. Because that’s the type of father he’s going to be. He’s going to make sure no one can hurt the ones he loves the most. Which means you’ll be cut out of his life completely when it happens.”
Bonnie’s mouth fell open but Judy wasn’t done. “And it’s going to be entirely your fault.”
She and her mother exchanged one last look before the older doe left in stunned silence, leaving her daughter to lay back on her bed. The door closed, Bonnie trying to hide the tears in her eyes, matching the ones in Judy’s. There was a twinge of satisfaction mixed with guilt brewing in the young doe. The situation with her parents and Jack had been haunting her for a while. She still wasn’t up to speaking with him just yet, even though she had forgiven her brother a while ago. He had been caught between a rock and a hard place. Judy was still irritated he hadn’t spoken to her first. But on this side of things, she understood.
Brook had called her again not long after leaving Zootopia to apologize and she had forgiven her almost immediately. Nowadays, she, Brook, and Dave hung out online, the preds carefully not mentioning Nick. Or the vixen who was always with him. 
Just as she closed her eyes, her phone pinged.
Brook: Sooooo…… Something happened….. :)
A link followed. A furbook post of Nick’s face popped up on her phone. Judy sighed longingly. He was just as gorgeous as she remembered. She had avoided his profile all this time and now that he was right there in front of her, all of the loneliness she felt from being away from him, Jack, and Zootopia hit her full force. But she smiled when she saw the caption. 
Nick felt himself recovering quickly when he saw Judy’s comment. He smiled in relief as he came through the door of his apartment. The sky was dark but the apartment aglow, with the sound of Skye getting ready in their mother’s bedroom in the background. Vivian was at work and Greg had left earlier in the day for another date, leaving Nick alone in the living room with his thoughts.
There’s still a chance! He thought eagerly, throwing himself onto the couch.
Clicking to his profile, he went through and untagged and removed himself from any and all pictures of he and Natasha. Once that was done, he turned his camera on and posed. The selfie was posted, one he was actually very pleased with. He was fairly certain Judy would see it, if not from her own feed, then from Brook’s or Dave’s.
‘Face of a todd who’s finally free and ready to make up for past mistakes. Hopefully it’s not too late.’
I really hope it’s not too late…. 
He clicked out of Furbook and went back to his contacts, debating on calling Judy. The todd craved the sound of her voice. But a throat clearing had his eyes looking up. Skye stood in front of him with her arms spread and an expectant look on her face.
“How do I look?”
 Nick smiled and nodded. “Very pretty.” 
She smiled back and gave him a kiss on the head. 
“Thank you, Nicky.” Her phone gave a small beep as she pulled on her coat. “That’s the car. Mom is going to be home in an hour and there’s money for pizza on the counter.” She took her bag and went to the door. “I love you. Be safe.”
“You, too.” That earned him a smile. “Don’t do anything Mom wouldn’t do.” Her blue eyes gave him a look equally amused and exasperated. 
“It’s ‘Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do’.”
Nick grinned and shrugged. “I’m thirteen. There’s way too much I wouldn’t do. Well, can’t do.” Skye laughed and opened the door. “And don’t do anything she would!”
He caught more laughter as the door closed, happy she was at least smiling again. But now that he was alone, he looked back down at Judy’s phone number. Everything he had said to her was echoing in his head with alarming clarity. He clicked on his messages and paused, staring down at the blinking cursor in near panic. There was a lot he wanted to say to her and he owed it to both of them to get his thoughts in order. 
Jack had been sitting quietly for the entire car ride. It was no longer odd for Sandra to experience, even given how close they normally were. But he sat in the passenger seat of the rented delivery van in silence, wrapped up in his beat up jacket and worn out jeans, head propped in his paw and staring out the window at the passing world. His eyes saw nothing. He wasn’t a chatterbox in the best of times and these were certainly not the best of times for the rabbit. If her guess was right, he was on day two of no sleep and hadn’t eaten for an alarming portion of that time. One could argue alcohol counted. Sandra vehemently disagreed. Especially since he was drinking it like water.
And Sandra could trace it exactly to his breakup with Skye. 
It was something so bizarre, Sandra and her coworkers debated on the possibility of it all being some strange, shared dream. But given that the vixen in question had all but fled the cafe in tears, with Nick right behind her, it was regretfully true. Judy leaving right behind them coupled with the angry slap she had dealt out only further skewed their version of normal. And now they were left in wonderment at the shell of their boss the trio left behind. 
The doe pulled into a parking spot and killed the engine. Unbuckling, she turned in her seat to face Jack fully, feeling the need to say something- anything, really. Anything that may help snap him out of his funk. But he sat with a paw poised to unbuckle, his eyes cast down and head slightly ducked. From what she could see of him in the dim light of the parking lot’s lamps, his eyes glittered with tears. It scared her slightly. While he never really held back his emotions, it was usually due to happiness that he cried. On reflex her paw went out to him, only to pause midway, unsure on what to do. It made some of her own anger at his most recent choices dissipate.
“I’m sorry...” he murmured in embarrassment, bringing a paw to his face to clear it of emotion. “I… I just... “ Jack looked up at her and gave an exhausted shrug, “I wanted to marry her.”  Sandra’s jaw dropped but she couldn’t speak. “I loved her more than anything. Letting her go was supposed to be the right choice. But nothing about not having her feels right.” He looked away, still strapped to his seat, trying to compose himself. His tears spilled over and it brought her own to the surface. “I made the worst mistake of my life, Sandra. And I can’t take it back.”
Sandra shrugged. 
“I wish I had an answer for you, jefe,” she said sadly, clearing her throat of tears before continuing. “But the only thing I can say is, let's get this thing over with, then we can go home and drown ourselves in booze.” She put a paw on his shoulder and gave him a shake. “Or maybe a decaf in your case.” That brought a reluctant smile to his face as he closed his eyes and nodded. He took a deep breath and composed himself. His paw finally unbuckled the seat belt.
“Let’s do this.” The bunnies exchanged a fist bump and a watery laugh.
As a team, they climbed out of the delivery van… And promptly bumped into the pair of polar bears waiting for them. 
Both gulped as they were towered over, the predators unsmiling faces holding each rabbits' gaze. Jack was vaguely aware of another group of mammals stepping forward to unload the wedding and groom's cake. His blue eyes were quite wide as the polar bear in front of him reached one large white paw into his jacket and pulled out two relatively tiny keys. They were dangled until the rabbit buck opened his paw, allowing them to be dropped into his palm.
“It is Mr. Big's wish that you join us in celebrating his daughter’s marriage,” he explained gruffly. 
Sandra came to stand next to him; the polar bear giving her the stare down remained place until their mammals unloaded the van and vanished with the cakes. Her hazel eyes looked from one to the other before accepting one of the keys with a puzzled look on her face.
“One of our guys will show you to your rooms. There will be many interesting mammals at the reception,” the bear continued, “and prey friendly food. Fru Fru would be honored. Enjoy the party as our guests.”
The bunnies were given a nod before he followed after his comrades. 
“Oookaayyy,...” Jack watched him vanish before exchanging looks with Sandra, who shrugged and slipped her arm through his for warmth. “I guess that means we're staying for the party." He looked down at his sloppy outfit and frowned. "In… our… work clothes…"
“At least you’re dressed for Tundratown,” Sandra complained, shivering in the thin long sleeved shirt and jeans she wore. “This was supposed to be a 'go in, drop off, skedaddle back to reasonable temperatures' type of job.”
“I’m not looking much better, though. We’re going to stick out like sore thumbs,” Jack observed with a chuckle as he slipped the jacket off and draped it over her shoulders, tugging his hoodie closer around him. “The entrance is just over here.” 
They shivered as they fled the cold driveway and stepped through the door, sighing with relief when the warmth enveloped them. A smartly dressed arctic fox todd stepped forward and gestured for them to follow. They were explained the amenities of their rooms and given directions to the reception and time they should be present before being left at their doors across the hall from each other. Exchanging one last shrug, Jack turned and unlocked his room.
It was exactly what he expected. Gorgeous and tasteful, the plush, creamed colored carpet, the impossibly soft looking bed a combination of rich blues and whites. And in the center of the room, was a tux ready for the bunny to put on. Jack paused to admire it. His paws ran over the fine cloth before he undressed to change. Once he redressed, Jack examined himself in the mirror. It fit like a dream. His eyes moved over his reflection thoughtfully...
He cut that thought off, only for it to come back with a vengeance when his gaze landed on his jeans. They, along with his shirt and hoodie, were picked up and folded, the black box from the antique shop tucked safely inside his jacket. There would never come a time to use it. It's weight, heavy in his pocket, would be a constant reminder of what he gave up. 
Like the chains of the damned, he thought. A paw rested just outside of where it lay, the buck's eyes squeezing shut. 
Just breath….
Skye tugged the fine coat closer around her as the car came to a stop in front of the Big Mansion’s entryway. The frigid weather of Tundratown was closed out for now, but facing such a formal event alone racked her nerves and made her shiver in spite of the warmth of the car. A smartly dressed arctic todd stepped forward and opened her door. A paw was offered and accepted just as the vixen gathered her nerves to make her entrance. 
Her coat was checked, revealing the light blue silk dress hugging her curves. The spaghetti straps (combined with how much curve, fur, and leg was shone off) left Skye feeling shockingly naked. Naked and exposed. More so as some of the guests gave her second and third glances. She kept her head held high and feigned indifference as she glided into the reception. The center was overtaken by a platform devoted to the bride and groom, their families, and more diminutive friends. The various rodents danced and mingled while Mr.Big, Fru Fru, and her new husband stood together at the center for others to pay their respects. 
Joining the receiving line, blue eyes scanned the room in admiration. It was catered to mammals around her size and larger and they spared no expense. The pure white of the table cloths were softened by the candles and winter roses that adorned them. The crystal chandeliers sparkled like diamonds in the dim light and champagne flowed freely. It was intimate and romantic and caused a sharp jolt of pain to shoot through her. Checking her composure, she turned away from tables, instead seeking out the groom's cake. The wedding cake was proudly displayed on the side of the platform, but the groom’s cake took a place of honor just beside the entrance.
And the first mammal she saw was Jack.
The breath left her the moment she recognized those ice blue eyes gazing at the work of art he had created. Dressed in a tux that did everything for him, his ears lay flat against his back, eyes moving thoughtfully over the cake. Sandra stood next to him, in a blush pink evening dress, with a cream colored paw on his shoulder. Jealousy filled the vixen as she watched the doe give him a squeeze and kiss on the cheek. It didn’t matter that Sandra had never (and would never) look at him that way and vice versa. 
Jack was hers.
He was….
Her brain corrected her, though it did nothing for the scowl etched on her muzzle. Sandra must have felt the daggers of Skye’s gaze, because she looked up suddenly and made eye contact. Skye’s face dropped and her eyes averted briefly before she looked over at the bunnies again. Sandra kept her eyes on the vixen as she whispered something to her boss. The buck nodded to whatever she had said yet kept his gaze on the confection. He was lost in thought.
She was so captured by him she had forgotten about the doe approaching. Nor did she notice that mammals were stepping around her to keep the receiving line moving. The vixen was mildly shocked when Sandra appeared before her, but still let herself be led away from the line to stand off to the side. The doe kept a paw lightly on her elbow once they were safely out of the way.
“Hey, Boss,” the doe greeted nervously. She shrugged when Skye’s attention focused in on her. “Long time, no see.”
Skye considered her sadly. “You look lovely, Sandra.” That earned a smile from the doe. "And I'm not your boss anymore. "
“You always will be to me.” A paw plucked the fabric of her dress uncertainly. “I’m not use to looking this nice. It’s really, really weird.” Her hazel eyes looked over Skye’s shoulder as a smile curved her muzzle. “But I can’t argue results.”
Skye’s own followed her gaze and chuckled. An arctic rabbit doe dressed in catering attire was trying to furtively steal glances at Sandra. The rosy hue of her blush when she was caught was absolutely adorable. But the bashful eyes she batted at her held a definite spark. The vixen fought through another wave of emotion to keep the mood light. 
“Well,” Skye began, “you are a hottie and a half dressed like that.”
“You’re one to talk.” Sandra gave her an appreciative look over. “You might outshine the bride.”
That earned Sandra a tired smile. 
“Yeah,” she responded dryly. “I definitely feel like a heartbreaker in this get up.” 
Her eyes looked towards Jack who had turned to walk towards his table, snagging a glass of scotch from a waiter on the way.
“He’s been a wreck for the last few weeks,” Sandra mentioned. There was a sadness in her voice that caught Skye’s attention. She tried and failed to look uninterested and detached. As if sensing her struggle, Sandra carried on. “And he’s been on a liquid diet, so to speak. I don’t think he’s said more than a few words to anyone since…”
The silence lingered for a moment as the pair watched Jack seat himself in a chair heavily, fresh drink in paw. A doe approached him, full of interest, only to have the buck look her in the eyes and shake his head firmly. 
“Since he dumped me.”
She could hear the tense swallow from Sandra. 
“Yeah.” Jack pulled his phone out while his free paw moved to his chest.  “He-”
“I’ve been wracking my brain,” interrupted Skye, “trying to figure out why. I’ve met some smooth talkers in my day. But none that were able to get me out of my apron and into bed in under six months let alone two weeks.” Sandra looked up at the vixen. But Skye’s eyes were still on the buck at the table, who sighed and put his phone away. Slumping against his seat, he now rose his head and took in the room. “It felt too genuine.”
“Because it was, Skye.” The vixen finally turned away from the buck, ducking a bit to hide behind a crowd of taller mammals. Sandra copied her, carefully pressing herself into the side of a bison who stood next to her. His gaze missed them by centimeters. But Sandra’s words made contact. A small paw landed on her shoulder in comfort once they crept out of the shadows. “No time like the present to talk to him.”
Skye straightened and took a deep breath. The rollercoaster of emotions was almost overwhelming.
Cool. Calm. Collected. And once she conceded to fake it until she could make it, Skye responded.
"Tonight is not about me. It’s about Fru Fru and her new husband.” She looked at Sandra and gave her a hug. “It’s great seeing you Sandra.”
Without another word, she rejoined the receiving line. The doe studied her for a moment before moving towards the bar, where the doe waitress was working. 
Sandra’s words barreled through her mind. 
Because it was, Skye…
It took all Skye’s discipline to follow the line and not seek out Jack again. But her efforts felt like nothing with how haywire her nerves were going. She was three away from greeting the happy couple when she was suddenly grabbed by her arm.
The paw was not rough. It was just as gentle as she remembered. And paired with his voice and the scent she had been inhaling from the shirt she still had, it was enough to make her stomach drop. She froze before turning to look at him, his paw still gently grasping her with his thumb lightly brushing over her fur, his eyes meeting hers. The disbelief that flooded them was vast, but they were soon overflowing with excitement. It only fueled the anger and embarrassment she had been burying deep down. She forced herself to keep her face blank. With a slow blink, her arm was pulled free and she turned away from him, determinedly focused on the receiving line.
“Mr. Hopps,” she answered curtly. Jack either missed the hint or wasn’t put off by it. He remained by her side, paw still outstretched as though he was debating reaching out to her again.
“How are you?”
Skye almost laughed. “Just peachy, thank you. I lost a lot of weight a couple of months ago.” She gave him a cold smirk. “Lying snake weight. You know how it is.”
“Skye, I-”
“OH!” Fru Fru’s squeal of delight interrupted their exchange. Both mammals pasted smiles on their faces as they greeted the diminutive couple and Mr. Big himself. “You made it!”
“My children!” The patriarch greeted with a smile. “Thank you for joining us on this blessed occasion.”
“Thank you so much for having us,” Jack greeted, bending to kiss his paw, while Skye kissed Fru Fru’s cheeks. The vixen noticed he pointedly refused to acknowledge her glare.
“And thank you for the dress,” she added.
“I knew you would look amazing in it!” Fru sighed happily and clapped her paws together. “Oh, I don’t know how the guests aren’t gushing over you! This dress looks ravishing!” The shrew looked over at Jack and winked. “I bet you’re having a hard time keeping your paws off her, huh Mr.Hopps?”
“Oh, we’re not together,” Skye corrected quickly. Jack’s ears fell but he didn’t add anything other than a sad glance in her direction. The shrews gave the pair surprised looks before she continued. “But thank you again for the invite. Fru Fru, you look gorgeous!”
“Very,” agreed Jack, though he kept his eyes on her, unnerving the vixen.
With final kisses and thank yous, they moved out of the line towards the tables. Skye refused to acknowledge him and kept her gaze towards the table she was assigned. He flustered her when he stayed by her side, eyes still stuck on her, mouth opening to speak. Her belly was full of butterflies thinking about what he might say. And the fact that he smelled and looked good enough to drag into a broom closet was making what could have been a lovely night out only more difficult. 
Maybe leaving after finishing the receiving line counted as attending...
“Excuse me, miss?” A velvety voice stopped the pair, Skye trying her damndest to not look at the buck who suddenly became tense beside her. The todd who stopped them was well deserving of the jealous glare the bunny gave him. His deep red fur was covered by a well tailored tux and his grey eyes were alight with interest as he moved into her space.
“I couldn’t help but notice you were unaccompanied tonight,” he gave her a charming smile while his long tail flicked around his legs, coming to rest on top of her feet. Jack glared down at it for a moment. “And we just happened to have been sitting at the same table. As a gentletodd, I can’t possibly let such a,” his eyes moved over her with appreciation, “lovely vixen such as yourself remain alone on such a night.”
That seemed to be all Jack was willing to handle. He suddenly stepped forward, taking her paw in his, and got into the todd’s face.
“Actually, she’s with me,” he said aggressively, “and we were about to have a private conversation.” The todd’s eyebrows shot up. Jack turned to leave, dragging Skye behind him towards the hallway that led to their rooms. “Skye, we need to talk.”
The response she had ready died on her lips when she was pulled away from the todd, her eyes going instead towards the male dragging her away from the party. Out of their sight, the todd turned and winked at Fru Fru Big. He slipped his wedding ring back on his finger and rejoined his husband at their table.
“Jack,” protested Skye once they crossed into the hallway. He didn’t stop, just continued to march with her in tow. “Jack!”
Now in an alcove just off the hallway from the reception, he released her, panting slightly while she straightened herself out. 
“What the hell is your problem?” she demanded angrily.
“We need to talk,” he insisted again, his expression determined and blocking the exit. 
"Last time we 'talked', you told me you wanted forever then dumped me." His expression fell with his ears. Skye tried to hang onto her anger and not succumb to tears. "So you'll have to excuse me if I don't want to talk to you."
She made to move past him but he held up his paws to stop her. 
"Please," he begged. "Let me explain. It's not what you think…."
All he received was a huff and eye roll, though a few tears did escape. 
“Not what I think? You told me what I wanted to hear so you could sleep with me. Then broke up with and fired me the next day, remember? The Bellwethers were right. All you wanted was to satisfy some sick fantasy so you could, what? Brag to your friends back in Bunnyburrow about the silly vixen you sweet talked into dropping her panties?” 
"No," he insisted, breathlessly. 
"Well, as well rehearsed as your excuse is, I'm sure, you're going to have to find another silly, little vixen to love and leave again."
Jack fell silent, giving Skye a chance to push through him, moving towards the reception. But his next words had her pausing before rejoining the party.
“What if I told you I didn’t have a choice?” She looked at him over her shoulder, ready to dismiss anything he had to say.
“Why wouldn’t you have a choice? Everyone has a choice. And if this is your way of trying to justify hurting me, then I really, really don't want to hear it.”
“They were going to take Judy from me….” That made Skye stumble again as she tried to continue her exit, turning fully top give him her full attention. Jack's eyes glittered with tears. He swallowed and continued in a choked voice. "My parents gave me an ultimatum. Either I break up with and fire you or…." He trailed off and looked at his feet. 
Curiosity got the better of her. "Or?"
Looking back up, with tears dampening the fur of his cheeks, he continued. 
"They take Judy away from me and I'm essentially banished from Bunnyburrow. I could live with banishment, but Judy…"
The sadness in his eyes broke Skye’s heart. A stripped paw passed over his face, rubbing his temples, then eyes, before falling away. He was a bit more composed though he continued to look at her as though she was the only mammal in the world worth looking at. Among the sadness and exhaustion was desire and longing… and something that made her heart skip a beat with hope. 
“I’m so sorry for hurting you, Skye. Please believe me, I’m so, so sorry. I just couldn’t stand the thought of my smart, capable little sister growing up around mammals who would spend their time discouraging her from her dreams. I know what it’s like to grow up in Bunnyburrow and I was lucky to have moved to Zootopia on a whim for college. My family didn’t have time to talk me out of it.” He shook his head but kept her gaze. “They won’t make the same mistake twice." 
The buck took a breath to clear the emotion from his voice. "I couldn't let her think she was trapped in a life she didn't choose. She needed to know there was a friendly place she could go to if she ever needed it. If she ever needed an escape… So, after making one of the biggest mistakes of my life, she chose to go back anyway.” Jack gave her a dismal smile. “I did what I thought I had to. And it wasn’t worth it. Losing you… it wasn't worth it."
"You did it for Judy?" Skye asked incredulously. 
He nodded. "I just wanted to protect her. And I lost the only two mammals that matter to me because of it. If I could take it back, Skye… You're the only mammal I ever truly loved. And I broke your heart..." 
With trepidation, Jack fell silent waiting for her to say something, breathing heavily to keep himself composed. Hell, he half expected her to just turn and leave for the reception again. He wouldn’t have blamed her if she did. But he certainly didn't expect her to stride to him and crush her lips to his. As surprised as he was, he only took a few seconds to respond. His paws went to her face, fingers tangling in her fur while her own gripped his jacket. She kissed him deeply, hungrily, like a starving vixen to a feast. And he encouraged her enthusiastically.
Jack was left gasping when she finally pulled away. Skye’s lungs were demanding oxygen. Prying her eyes open to clear the haze of lust took far more effort than necessary. They had been so engrossed in their kiss they hadn’t realized they backed into the nearest wall. Her knee had risen up to his hip, one of his paws traveling down to hold it in place. The other paw was still gripping the fur of her head while both of hers had moved to the back of his shirt, pushing his jacket down his shoulders. It took a full minute before he opened his own eyes and met her gaze with one of his own. Both of them had the same thought.
The party going on down the hall was completely forgotten. 
Skye wasn’t even sure how they got to Jack’s room. One minute, she was trying to not fall to pieces upon seeing him; the next she was stumbling over the threshold of the room with him, still tangled in his embrace. Once inside, his hindpaw kicked the door shut and he stumbled with her towards the bed. Skye made quick work of his clothes, bow tie already undone and shirt unbuttoned. Jack’s own paws were unzipping her dress and slipping it off her shoulders and down her hips. It was left as a puddle of blue silk on the plush carpet, his jacket and shirt following. His pants and boxers fell in tandem with her panties. The couple landed on the bed in a panting heap.
Skye's paws reached down to grip and guide him between her legs. Adjusting his body, Jack‘s paws went to her face, kissing her while his hips bucked forward, taking her with a thrust of his hips. 
“Jack,” she groaned against his lips, gripping his back in pleasure. Her legs wrapped around him, dragging him as deep as he could go. His forehead dropped onto the pillow and he took a deep breath to steady himself. Why had he ever thought losing this was worth anything? This was worth everything. This was completion in every sense of the word. He was meant to be hers and she, his. Slowly, his hips inched back, till only the tip remained, before thrusting again.
“Skye,” he gasped when her thighs tightened and she rolled them. He landed on his back, paws falling to her ass and squeezing. The vixen arched herself while on top of him and dragged her claws down his chest.
“Jack,” she groaned, opening her eyes and panting slightly. Her blue eyes were dark with lust as she smiled down at him. 
He smiled back and her hips began to move, his own moving to meet hers. Their pace picked up, but they moved together, pleasure mounting, nearly overwhelming them. Jack sat up, pulling her closer, pushing himself deep inside of her as their movements became more frantic. Their mutual climax bore down on them, their names on each other's lips as they finally reached their peak. She collapsed against him, Jack’s arms wrapping around her, falling back onto the bed together.
“Skye!" He gasped, panting into her neck. "Gods I’ve missed you." 
He stroked his paws down her back, her nose pressed against the fur of his shoulder. Skye moved to sit up again, her lips pressing another kiss onto his as she did. Straightening, she stretched on top of him, enjoying the feeling of his paws sliding up her body, stroking the soft, white fur that covered it. They moved back down, coming to rest at the base of her tail.
“What makes you think I’m taking you back?” she asked coyly with a smile. Her blue eyes held humor while they moved over his naked chest, her claws slipping through the fur that covered it, lightly scratching the skin beneath. He pulsed inside her, still hard, the sensation rekindling her lust. Jack grinned back. A paw moved between her legs, his thumb landing in just the right spot to make her close her eyes and rock her hips with a slight hitch in her breath.
“Maybe it’s just wishful thinking,” he whispered back, gently thrusting up again. A groan was suppressed in favor of movement. Talking was a chore at this point, but by gods, he was going to win her back and damn the effort it took. “Maybe I just misinterpreted what this all meant.” She whimpered as he increased the pressure of his thumb, matching the slow pace of his hips. "Maybe I should spend tonight making you as addicted to me as I am to you. Show you how little sense it makes to not be together after all this. Make up for letting you think I could ever live without you. In bed or outside it."
"What if your family disowns you," she gasped, trying to stay focused while he pleasured her. "What if they-"
"You're my family," he said simply, thrusting harder up into her, biting his lip to keep his own peak at bay. “You make me laugh and make me think. You’re strong and ambitious and loyal. You drive me crazy and I can’t live another day without you.” He flipped her and thrust his hips, kissing her deeply before continuing. “You make me a better mammal, you make everyone you meet a better mammal. You’re my reason for living, Skye.”
“Jack!” Sensation overwhelmed her and spiraled out of control. She tightened around him as she descended into orgasm.
“I love you, Skye!” Those words rocked her to her core. It was everything she needed and wanted to hear from him. Even spoken in a moment of passion, she knew Jack meant it.
Skye clung to him, legs tight around his waist, his arms wrapping around her, repeating the words into her ear as he fell over the edge, his thrusting starting to slow. 
Jack was fairly certain he was in heaven. There was no way this could be anything less. The couple lay in a heap on the bed, panting as the afterglow settled in. Jack rolled them onto their sides with his nose still buried into her neck. Skye nuzzled him back, moving to kiss his lips. Both pairs of blue eyes opened to one another and they shared a smile. Her leg was still draped over his hip, though he had grown soft and retracted back into his sheath. One of her paws went to his face and brushed the black fur of his stripes.
"You know, there’s no way Judy would have just accepted your parents' decision,” Skye said softly, still stroking the fur on his temples. “She’s too stubborn for that. It runs in the family.” She pressed her nose into the fur of his neck and took in his scent. 
“Hindsight is 20/20,” Jack whispered back, returning her nuzzle with one of his own and drawing her closer. “I think we can both agree I’m not a smart mammal.”
A giggle escaped her as she pulled back. “I would have done the same if it was either of my brothers.” A kiss was pressed to his lips before looking into his eyes again. “And I’m not going to lie, your devotion to your family is a huge turn on.”
Sadness glimmered in Jack’s eyes but he continued to smile and stroke her fur lovingly. “After tonight, we’re most likely not going to be welcomed back to the Hopps Warren.”
“Then we’ll just have to start our own.” They laughed quietly together, nuzzling and kissing each other before falling into brief silence. After a moment, Skye spoke again. 
“You lost weight," she commented with a hint of concern. Early farm life and a career made of standing, lifting, and constant movement had kept him lean and fit, but he had certainly not been treating his body well in the last couple of months. Even the smallest bit of weight loss was concerningly noticeable. 
Jack's eyes studied her own, seeming to drink in her every little detail. 
"It happens when rabbits break a bond." His response was quiet and sad. "Everything seemed so trivial without you. Even eating." He smiled softly, his heart warming when she returned the gesture. "I'm a mess without you, Skye. I understand if it's too little too late. But I love you. I need you in my life."
"Forever?" she asked with a smile. 
"Forever," he agreed. Relief and hope filled him when she tugged him towards her for a kiss. Only to be interrupted by a loud growl from his stomach. 
Both were reminded of their first date when they giggled, lips still pressed together. 
"Do you think anyone would notice if we sneak food out of the reception?" Jack's voice had a hint of mischief in it. 
"Let's find out," was her devilish response. 
Both felt the bite of hunger as they redressed, admiring the other's nude form as they did before they yanked open the door… And were greeted by a dinner cart, complete with champagne and a note from Fru Fru Big.
'Love begets love. Thank you for helping make my wedding day so special. Please accept this as a token of my gratitude.
Fru Fru'
Skye passed the note to Jack after he had pulled the cart inside the room. He smiled when he read before looking up at her, her blue eyes sparkling back. They unloaded the contents onto the small table in the room, Jack pulling out her seat before taking his own. The vixen popped the cork on the champagne and filled their glasses. After clinking together, she smiled as he dug into the food eagerly before joining him with enthusiasm. Very little conversation was made until their hunger was sated.
“Wow,” he mumbled around his final bite, “I didn’t realize how hungry I was.” A light blush spread over his cheeks and ears when he looked up at her with a smile. “Sorry I was so gluttonous. I probably have food all over my face.”
Laughing, she swallowed her last bite and wiped her mouth.
“You’re in the clear and awfully cute when you’re blushing,” she said, with a soft smile of her own. Standing from the table, she walked to his chair, his blue eyes wide and following her, moving from her face to her body, hugged once more in the blue silk of her dress. Skye stopped in front of where he sat and grinned down at him when his gaze traveled back up to hers. “Now, where were we?”
Jack stood to join her, his paws moving to cup her face and kissing her lips. After a long moment, they parted. He angled his muzzle to his ear, whispered “Right about here,” and slid his paws from her face down her neck. 
They moved over her shoulders to let the straps of her dress fall. It puddled around her feet. His clothing swiftly followed and, once more, they found themselves in bed, joined together as one. It was in the early hours of the morning before exhaustion had them collapsing together in a panting heap. Snuggling closer, Jack smiled and closed his eyes, her scent in his nose and feeling contentment and peace for the first time in two months. Skye listened as his breathing evened out before reaching up to brush the fine fur of his temple with a smile curling her muzzle.
“I love you, Jack,” she whispered, leaning close to place a kiss on his forehead. She kept her lips pressed against him for a moment before moving back to her pillow. “Will you marry me?”
His eyelids twitched and opened. They met hers and his smile widened. With an alarming burst of energy, he suddenly sat up and scrambled out of the bed. Skye watched with bemusement as he lunged for his jacket. A small black box was fished out of the inside pocket before he dashed back to the bed.
“Sandra and I had gone to an antiques shop,” he explained, sitting on his knees beside her, naked, with the small box in his paws. “I saw this in the display counter and it made me think of you. I figured I’d be carrying it with me for the rest of my life as a reminder of what I gave up. I’d dream of being able to give it to you.” 
Skye sat up in bed, her eyes wide and paws on her muzzle in disbelief. The box was turned towards her and opened. Inside, nestled in a bed of black velvet, was the vintage sapphire ring, the blue stone sandwiched between two smaller diamonds. He carefully removed it and took her paw.
“I love you too, Skye,” he breathed, slipping the ring onto her finger. “Yes, I will marry you.”
Tears of happiness spilled as she flung her arms around his neck. They whispered words of love and devotion to each other, punctuated with kisses and strokes that lead to another round of lovemaking.
Sated and exhausted, but still basking in the afterglow, they savored the feeling of belonging to each other…until a dark thought crept into Jack’s mind.
“My parents are going to do everything they can to stop this once we start planning,” he told her, pulling her closer to him.
Considering his words, a thought of her own occurred. “I may have an idea…” 
She moved her head to grin at him. Knowing what she was thinking, he grinned back.
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savannacentralperk · 6 years
The Perks Chp 10 Bust A Move pt 2
A/N: A special thanks to ScaraMedn and Kt_valmiri for beta reading and editing. Another thanks to Mooseman from DeviantArt for letting me bring his original character Jason into the mix. And of course, a huge thank you to everyone who reads. Much appreciated, from the bottom of my heart! …………………..
The rest of the afternoon was a happy blur. As it got later, the line was no longer out of control, though it stayed steady. There was enough time for Jon and Jack to replenish the baked goods and keep the counter staff on their toes. Skye handled it like a pro, her sweet charm and beauty putting everyone ease. Any customers who showed trepidation towards her or Kari had their fears dispelled after only a few words with the lovely vixens.
Both Jack and Bobby found themselves glaring at other males who offered to spend their free time with them. Needless to say, Sandra and Jon had a ball with teasing the pair. Kendall and Lucian, the mink and grey squirrel (respectfully) who worked on call for Jack, didn’t need to be brought up to speed, both capable of filling in the blanks.
Judy was excused not too long after and she bounced up the stairs to get ready for her …date.
Jack tried not to cringe at the thought of it. He had enough younger siblings that the idea of one of them going on dates wasn’t new or even strange. It was just the fact that it was Judy. His little Bun-Bun. Someone so different from the family they grew up with, the idea of her being interested in intimacy seemed wrong. Part of him was so used to her dismissing dates that it shocked him, especially when someone she claimed to hate got through.
Tom and Maple would have a field day with his reaction. It was just like Stu Hopps. So like his father, who cried for weeks whenever he found out one of his children were engaged. Stu cried at the drop of a hat over the smallest things where his kits were concerned and it made Jack anxious to think that he had inherited that trait. Another bout of denial told him he didn’t.
But he found himself hard pressed to argue when his baby sister came down the stairs in a dress he knew his mother had snuck into her luggage. Her fur was carefully brushed and her lips a bit shinier than normal. His eyes grew misty as he watched her smooth a paw over the soft peach colored, cotton material as Skye walked around the counter to compliment her.
To his horror, a few tears fell as the vixen pulled her to the side with a mascara wand and a pocket mirror. She taught his sister how to apply it, straightened a strap on her dress, and then grinned over at him. Only to have it turn sympathetic at his emotions. Rolling his eyes, he left the kitchen doorway.
“Oh, you bunnies,” Skye said with humor. “So emotional.”
“I’m not made of stone,” Jack said sadly. He smiled at her before turning to Judy. Reaching into his pocket, a few bills were pulled out and passed to her. “These are your tips, be home by nine at the latest, and keep your cell phone on at all times. You hear me?”
Judy smiled and nodded. “Yes, Dad, I hear you loud and clear.”
“I’m nothing like Dad,” Jack argued without heat. He opened his arms and was comforted when his baby sister dove into them. “Have fun.”
“Thank you, Jackie,” she whispered as she pulled away.
The trio looked over to the door as the bells jingled, Nick walking through dressed in a nice pair of khakis and green, short-sleeved button down. His heart clenched as she drew in a breath at the sight of him. And Jack had to hand it to the kit: Nick looked sharp.
The todd waved and walked up, a nervous grin on his face.
“Hi,” he greeted, green eyes on Judy, who grinned back at him. “You look …wow.”
His sister blushed but didn’t look away. “So do you.”
The two stared at each other, grinning before Skye cleared her throat. Jack did a double take at the sight of the vixen’s own eyes sparkling at her brother.
“All right you two,” she said in slightly choked voice. “Get out of here and have fun.”
Judy looked up and pointed at Jack, whose paw slipped into his jeans pocket.
“Don’t call him!” she warned. With a sigh and laugh, the buck held up his paws in defeat.
“Then don’t be late!” he warned back.
After hugs, the teens left for the door. Skye’s smile faded as she watched them disappear. Jack put a paw on her’s, causing her to jump and look down at it. He smiled sadly and jerked his head towards the back door. The cafe was slow enough for them to slip out for a few minutes.
“You ok?” he asked once they were in the relative quiet of the alleyway. Skye stood with her back to him, one paw on her hip the other clamped over her eyes. The distant sounds of musicians tuning their instruments at the bar behind them weren’t enough to muffle the quiet sob he heard.
“Yeah,” she said finally, if a little shaky. With a sniff she lowered her paw, keeping herself turned away while she cried. “It’s just, Nick…. He looks so much like him. He has a lot of Mom, but…. sometimes it’s hard to look at him and not see Dad, too.”
He came up behind her carefully, as though afraid she would pull away if he moved to quickly. She gave a small start when his paws landed on her hips and slid over to her front. Though he couldn’t see it, she smiled tearfully as he drew her to him and he buried his nose into her shirt.
Her paws covered his in a tender stroke, both swaying as the unseen band started to play.
“I love this song,” she whispered as she closed her eyes.
“Me, too,” he agreed. She turned in his arms and wrapped them around his neck, the pair of them dancing slowly to music as the sun set over The Perk. ………………
Nick looked down at her with a soft smile. She moved further into the museum, her eyes moving around the open space of the atrium. The windows had all been shuttered, every beam of setting sunlight blocked from entering. Lights were set at their dimmest to allow mammals to navigate to their spots for the lecture.
Ordinarily, there wouldn’t be too much to look at.
In this case, however, the whole area was lit up with stars. Donated to the museum by an obscenely wealthy hippo, a large projector was set up in the center of the room. Loaded with the stars, planets, and constellations visible this time of year, it had been flicked on as a teaser for the mammals slowly filling in.
Trying to seem as casual as he could, Nick stopped beside a larger mat, not unlike the ones they sparred on that afternoon. With a happy grin, he lowered himself, stretching out on one side and giving the space next to him an inviting pat. Judy raised her brows at him and smiled as she took a seat next to him, careful not let her dress ride up.
“So, what is this?” She asked once they were comfortably laying under the projected night sky.
“Stargazing isn’t very good in the city,” he explained, folding his paws behind his head, eyes moving from star to star. “And most mammals are too busy to travel far enough to escape the light pollution. So, once a month, the museum does Star Night. They download a sky map and project it while an astronomer describes what we’re looking at.”
“That’s so cool,” she whispered, her voice laced with excitement. Pride filled him as he looked over at her.
“Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?” she breathed as the lights went out completely and the stars become more visible.
“Every time I look at you.”
Whispered as quietly as it was, Nick felt himself flush when she turned to look at him. With shy smiles, they turned to focus on the presentation.
And she was the perfect audience. The todd found himself struggling to pay attention with Judy next to him. She was obviously listening to the bear leading Star Night, her own paws helping Nick point out some harder to spot star groups. But all too soon it was over and they found themselves filing out of the museum into the darkening streets of Savanna Central.
Judy tried to feel alarm at how nice it was to be there with him.
“So…” started Nick as he strolled next to her.
“So…?” she mimicked with a smiled as she watched him squirm at her question.
“Do you like me?” Part of her wasn’t surprised at what he asked. But another part of her remembered their first meeting.
“When you’re not being a complete jerk…” she responded, pausing under a street lamp to look up at him. She watched his ears fall at that as he turned to face her. The sudden embarrassment on his face made her muzzle curl into a grin.
“Yes. Yes, I do.”
Nick looked at her with the same smile he had when he stole a kiss from her. It was exciting how it made her want him try it again. Maybe that’s why she didn’t move away as their muzzle inched closer. Because, for all his charm, he could really be such a dumb fox, spurred on by even dumber actions.
Or, in this current case, words.
“More than Kody?”
Withholding a laugh, she rolled her eyes and started walking again.
“Well…” She clasped her paws behind her and looked up at the dark sky, pretending to think. “I’ve only known him for a few hours and he has yet to call me cute. Or hustle me into an absurd bet. Or make a move without permission.”
She finished with a pointed glance at the todd. His face was creased in a frown as he considered her words.
“Sounds boring.” He gave a firm nod of his head, a satisfied smile on his face when she gave into laughter.
“It’s called manners,” she chided, her voice an over exaggerated
Zootropolis accent. “It is what gentle mammals possess, good sir, I must say!” Nick gave a chuckle before putting on an air of over refined sophistication.
“Oh my, my little crumpet!” Judy snorted at that, watching the todd brush imaginary dust from his make-believe waistcoat. “How in HEAVEN’S name to do you put up with such GHASTLY individuals?”
He thrust an elbow out to her, bowing at the waist as she accepted it.
“To the ice cream shoppe, Lovey!” She laughed again as they sashayed down the sidewalk, arm in arm.
Judy laughed a lot that evening. She laughed every time Nick tipped an imaginary top hat to mammals passing them on the street. She laughed when they paused by a street magician who confused him with a card trick. And she laughed when the sly fox scooped her up without warning and gave an impressive leap over a flooded sidewalk curb.
Ice cream was purchased by Judy, though Nick had pulled his wallet out to stop her. Reminding him of the bet, she laughed again when he gave himself brain freeze. She laughed hard enough during the course of their outing that she missed the subtle glare Nick gave to those who huffed in disgust at them. But they were easy to forget about.
Because the laughter was addicting.
So, with paper cups filled with ice cream in their paws, the pair slowly made their way back to The Perk. The conversation tapered off as they ate, both of them trying to steal glances of the other and blushing when they were caught. Nick felt himself starting to become nervous again when they reach the front door of the shop, it lights dimmed to show it was closed for the night.
Mindful the many pairs of eyes on them, including Skye’s and Jack’s, the todd moved as close to Judy as he could without seeming too overbearing. He looked down at her, watching as another bite of ice cream vanished. She smiled around her spoon, pulling it clean and setting it in the now empty container.
“So…” she started.
“So….” he repeated.
“This is me.”
Nick laughed at the cliche line, both looking towards their audience who watched them in suspense, not even pretending to clean the vacant cafe.
“I had a great time tonight.” The observation had her looking down shyly before raising her eyes again.
“Me too, Nick. And I was thinking… Well… It wouldn’t be too terrible if we did this again…” Her ears suddenly dropped, though not before he spotted the tinge of pink inside them.
“I would like that,” the todd whispered, stepping closer. Inside the cafe, Jon stood behind the counter and clenched his apron.
“Kiss her, you idiot!” he muttered anxiously. Two paws shot out to smack him upside the head. Jack and Skye scowled at him, though for very different reasons.
The group collectively held their breaths as the two teens stared at each other. As one, shouts of either victory or disappointment echoed into the deserted space as Judy shot up to plant a kiss on Nick’s cheek. Breaking away from their spots, paws were shaken and money exchanged.
As the jingling of the bells sounded, everyone gave another cheer at the sight of the young bunny doe stroking her blushing ears. With an embarrassed smile, she waved at them before darting up the stairs to the apartment. Outside, Nick gave those who turned towards him a wink and a salute, before strolling casually away with a grin.
Jack sighed and smiled ruefully. He looked over at Skye, who was gathering the aprons and bidding everyone good night. Leaning against the counter, as the others left talking and laughing about their plans for the evening, he watched her move around his cafe as though she had been working there her whole life. As though it was where she was meant to be.
Feeling his eyes on her, she paused to look at him questioningly.
“I was just wondering what a buck’s gotta do to buy you a drink?”
She tipped her eyes upward and lifted her paw to her chin as she pretended to think about it.
“Dance in conga line with the mayor while dressed as Carmen Mirancat.” She answered with a smug grin.
The buck laughed at her response. “Sad to say there’s probably a video of me doing that from college.”
“Really?” She asked laughing. “With the mayor?”
Nodding, he pushed from his spot. “I’ll tell you about it over drinks?”
Skye eyed him suspiciously before grinning and holding out her paw. “Done.” …………
Nick stood in front of the entryway to his building, breathing in the warm summer air, high on life. He couldn’t even find it in him to be annoyed that his phone started to ring, pulling him out of his reverie. Not even bothering to look at the screen as his thumb slid over the answer button.
“Hey, Nicky!”
The todd’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Tabitha’s voice. He gave a quick glance at his caller id with a frown before putting the phone to his ear again.
“Hey, Tabs. What going on?”
“I actually was hoping you had a moment to talk?”
“Uh, sure!” Half curious, half impatient, Nick turned to take a seat on the steps leading to his building. “What’s going on?”
“It’s about Natasha.”
A paw went to the bridge of his muzzle to ease the annoyance that flared up. He had a feeling he knew what was coming…
“Listen, Nicky. Natasha really, really likes you and I really think you two would be good for each other. I was wondering if you would consider asking her out? To maybe a movie or something? I just know that you two would have an amazing time.”
“Thanks for your opinion, Tabs,” Nick took a deep breath trying to control his rising anger. “And here’s my thoughts on that. I’ve never liked Natasha. Ever. And as flattered as I am that she likes me, I’m not going to go out with someone I don’t feel anything for.”
“But if you just give her a chance, you might feel something! It’s not really fair, Nick, that you’re spending so much time and attention on a bunny and not even giving someone of your own species an opportunity!” He furrowed his brow as she sighed on the other end of the line. “Why can’t you see how crazy that logic is? Especially considering how much Natasha likes you.”
Doubt started to creep in as Nick took his own deep breath and closed his eyes.
“I’ll talk to you later, Tabs.”
He hung up before she could respond. Good feeling gone, his phone was considered for a moment before he stood again and headed inside. The door stuck slightly when he unlocked it, a firm push revealing his brother hanging upside down on the couch. Greg’s own phone lit up his face, a small smile on his his muzzle as his thumbs typed.
“Hey little brother!” he chirped, eyes never leaving the screen. “How was your date?”
The younger todd felt himself blush at the question, mind flashing back through what was definitely the best night of his life. Blue eyes left his phone to grin at his little brother. But Greg’s expression fell at the look on Nick’s face.
“What’s wrong?” The question was asked as he scrambled to sit properly on the couch, the space next to him patted. Obeying the wordless request, Nick sat down and gathered his thoughts.
“Greg,” he began with hesitation. “Do you think it’s weird that the female I like isn’t a vixen?”
Whatever the older todd was expecting, it wasn’t that.
“Uh…” Snapping out of his surprised stupor, Greg shook his head and cleared his throat. “Well, it’s a little strange.” Nick’s eyes closed in shame at that. “But-” They popped back open as his big brother put a comforting arm around him. “There’s nothing wrong with it.”
“Did you have a good time tonight, Nick?”
“I can’t remember when I had more fun.”
“Listen, being different is always going to make people nervous. Especially when it’s obvious like dating someone outside the species. But I knew you’ve had a thing for this bunny since the moment you saw her. I knew from the way you would just stare at her whenever you saw her around town. You’d get this dweeby, moon eyed look on your face and sigh. And the fact that you would spend hours afterwards talking to yourself and rehearsing what to say to her? Anyone with half a brain could see you were a sucker for her.
“So, don’t let the dip shits who live in this city make you feel bad because the female you’ve been pining after happens to have longer ears and a shorter tail.”
Greg’s grin returned as looked down at Nick.
Seeing Nick still lost in thought, he gave his little brother a small squeeze. “So, what prompted this question?”
Nick hung his head. “Tabitha Peaks called and said Natasha liked me and I should give her a chance because it’s only fair.”
“No,” came his older brother’s stern voice. “That’s not the way anything works.” Green eyes looked up in confusion at that.
“The only one being unfair in that story is Tabitha, Nicky. You don’t owe anyone a date, you don’t owe it to anyone to try to fake something you don’t feel. And you especially don’t owe anyone your time and affection just because they like you. If that’s the way the world worked, it would be crazier than it already is.”
“Then… you don’t think I’m being unreasonable for not going out with her because she’s a vixen?”
“Does she make you feel how the same way Judy does?” Nick shook his head.
“Then there’s your answer. It’s not that she’s a vixen. It’s that you don’t like her.”
The younger todd looked up at his brother with crinkled eyebrows.
“So, I’m defective?” he asked in a slightly defeated voice.
“Oh, definitely.” Greg laughed at his brother’s horrified expression. Though his humor died quickly  in the face of Nick’s exasperation. “But we’d rather you be defective than miserable.”
With an appreciative smile, the younger todd hopped off the couch towards his room.
“What are you up to, anyway?” he asked his older brother. “Normally you’re long gone or getting ready to be long gone.”
He tossed his phone onto his bed and turned to look at Greg in the door way. The older todd smirked and crossed his arms.
“Just about to head out now, actually. Mom’s still working. Though she reminded me there’s some food in the fridge, in case you were hungry.”
Nick’s cell phone started beeping from the nest of blankets, making his ears perk towards it. He dived towards the sound, wrestling the covers to find it as Greg watched with amusement. With a cry of triumph, he climbed free, phone in paw. Green eyes lit up at the screen as he smiled at the message.
“It’s her!” he said excitedly. “Judy texted me!” His eyes snapped up to his brother, who came up to peer down at the screen. Nick suddenly bristled and began pushing him towards the door.
“Out! Get out, get out, get out! I need to message her back!”
Greg laughed as he was spun and shoved towards out of the room. Digging his heels into the carpet, he let his body relax and fall back on his little brother.
“Oh, no!” he declared. “Gravity is increasing on me!”
“Oh my gods, no it’s not!” Nick cried in exasperation trying to keep his brother from falling onto him.
“Yes it is, Nick, the same thing happened yesterday.”
With a grunt of annoyance, a final shove was given propelling Greg out of his room.
“You’re the worst,” shouted the younger todd, scowling at him. “Why are you so weird?”
And with that, his door was slammed, leaving Greg dying of laughter on the other side. After composing himself, he gave the door a final fond glance. His own phone beeped, letting him know his date was outside. Wallet, keys, and jacket gathered, he left his brother to his own devices, happy that Nick was moving forward at last. ……………..
Male up, wolf!
With a determined stomp, Dave marched up to the apartment door and gave it a decisive knock. Which was met with silence. Arms folded to wait out the answer. After a few moments, when no one came, his ears and tail dropped as his paw timidly went to knock again.
It was less than an inch away before it swung open, the large tiger on the other side making his mouth grow dry. All the young wolf could do was gulp and stare up into a pair of suspicious blue eyes.
“Can I help you?” he growled as he folded his arms.
“Um,” squeaked out Dave as he tried to swallow past his nerves. “I… was hoping to, um, talk to Brook.”
The tiger looked him up and down. “You wanna talk to my sweet, innocent, little niece, Brook? Why?” he asked quirking his eyebrows.
It was a simple question that had him stuttering to find the answer. An indignant voice came from behind the larger male that had Dave’s ears perking.
“Uncle Jason!” The tiger turned to look at the speaker. Brook stood just outside a hall, dressed in jeans and a sweatshirt, with a mischievous smirk on her muzzle.
“Are you tormenting my friends?”
“Of course not, sweetheart!” His grin turned to a scowl as he turned back at Dave.
“Just making sure you’re not wasting time with any of the riff raff.”
“I think that’s my job!”
Another male tiger came from kitchen, his brown eyes narrowed at the wolf. He came to stand next to Jason, their glares pushing the smaller predator close to heart attack. Ears and tail down, all Dave could do was try not to faint.
“You gotta give me something, Keith,” growled Jason. “It’s bad enough you married my baby sister. I gotta defend my only niece.”
“Mom!” shouted Brook, still unable to see who was at the door. “Dad and Uncle Jason are scaring my friends!”
Both males straightened in alarm at the voice echoing from the kitchen.
“Both of you knock it off and get in here! Jason, you promised to help me put this cabinet together and Keith, you better get that grill started and those burgers cooked! NOW!”
With jumps and gulps, they raced each other back to kitchen, though they did pause to give threatening looks back at the smaller male. Brook laughed and shook her before looking back to the door. Her smile dropped as her eyes met his. She bit her lip and rubbed the back of her neck before she found the courage to speak.
“Sorry about that. I’m the only cub in the family so they get a tad protective.” A ghost of a smile made itself visible as Dave responded with an uncomfortable laugh.
“I understand,” he responded. “I’m the only male in a family of six females. And I’m the oldest so I have to look out for them.”
The tigress studied him for a moment in silence. “So… what are you doing here?”
She asked quietly, walking towards him and crossing her arms.
“I just… I wanted to. make sure you’re okay,” he muttered. His eyes cast down to the threshold. He kicked his feet a bit before continuing. “And to… maybe…. ask you what I did. And if there’s anything I can do to get you to forgive me.”
A small sigh was given as she looked to the kitchen doorway, with her mother, father, and uncle poking their heads out to spy on them. Three pairs of eyes widened in surprise and they vanished from sight. Rolling her own, she gestured to the hallway.
Once the door was firmly shut behind her, she sighed again and tapped her foot.
“So?” Dave asked. “What did I do?”
Brook looked down.
“Brook? Please tell me…”
Her silence filled him with frustration, his paws going to the fur on top of his head to give it a tug. “You know what?” he growled and squeezed his eyes shut before popping them open. “Fuck this. Seriously, Brook. Fuck this and fuck you. I was under the impression we were friends. Under the teasing and the stupid jokes, I actually thought we were buddies. And… and we could tell each other anything!”
He glared at her. “But if you’re going to phase me out and not tell me why, then fuck it. You don’t want to be friends? Fine! We’re not friends. Happy?”
Brook watched him turn and storm away, tears filling her eyes.
But he paused when she finally found her voice.
“I like you!” Dave stumbled a bit before turning to look at her.
Looking equal parts guilty, embarrassed, and terrified, she wiped her eyes and looked to the floor. “I like you and I saw you talking to Marie LaFurre and you both looked so perfect together and you were obviously into her and I just…”
A small giggle had her lifting her eyes in confusion. Dave had his paws over his muzzle and was trying to hold in his laughter. He doubled over to laugh briefly before trying to compose himself. But once he straightened and looked at her again, he dissolved back into hysterical laughter.
“Oh my gods!” cried Brook. “What is so funny?”
“Y-you think-” He snorted into his paw. “You think th-that Marie LaFurre is interested in… in m-me!”
Confusion grew in the tigress as she watched him loose it to his mirth. All she could do was cross her arms and impatiently wait for him to get it together enough to explain. When his laugh became a quiet chuckle, she cleared her throat expectantly. One finger was held up as he wiped his eyes and grinned at her.
“I get it now,” he said with a nod. “You were jealous.”
Brook scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“You were jealous over nothing, really.” She wrinkled her brow at him as he put his paws in his pockets and strolled back towards her. “Marie is great. She really is. And she’s just my sister’s type.”
Eyebrows shot up in surprise at that. Dave gave another nod. “Remember how my sister, Darla, got into that upscale art school last year?” Brook nodded.
“Well, I knew she and Marie had a thing going on before she left so I was letting her know when Darla would be back. And how to surprise her.”
“Soooooo,” Brook looked back down again and clasped her paws behind her back. “You’re not interested in her?”
The wolf shook his head. “Not at all.”
“Not even a little bit?”
For the first time in days, Brook smiled at him. Really smiled. Radiantly smiled.
And Dave smiled back, his just as big and goofy as hers.
“Wanna grab some ice cream?” she asked.
“Yes, I do,” came the happy response. She turned back to open the door, only for it to creak open and a large paw to jut out with her purse.
“Be back by eight thirty,” growled a low voice.
The teens laughed and turned to walk down the hall. Feeling better than he had in days, Dave took a deep breath and smiled again. But paused when a curious scent hit his nose.
“Brook?” he asked as they walked down to the elevator. She smiled down at him. He sniffed her again. “Are you… are you bleeding?”
There was muffled laughter from her apartment door as the tigress facepalmed.
“Dumb pup,” she muttered. ……………..
“You didn’t!” laughed Skye.
Jack nodded, laughing along with her as he shared some of his exploits from his brief stint in college.
“Yes I did.” He assured. “I’m a mammal of my word. So, I put on the skirt, my sister’s favorite sparkly top, and a fruit hat, and marched right up to the mayor, grabbed his paw and started dancing. Next thing I knew, we’re leading the reception in a conga line.” The vixen dissolved into laughter as the buck looked on. “My boss was so proud!”
Still laughing, she tried to shake off the amusement and compose herself on her bar seat. An elbow propped up on the bar itself, her other paw reached for her wine glass, gesturing Jack to do the same. They touched glasses and smiled at each other.
“To stories that make us laugh,” she said as she leaned into him, her eyes still sparkling as she looked into his.
“And a future filled with more of them,” he completed, letting himself forget the wine in his paw as their lips met again.
There is saying among rabbits: When we first met, I had no idea you would be so important to me.
With the majority of his species happily hopping from bed to bed, when a mate was found, it truly was a surprising thing. Most rabbits, both male and female, were floored by the amount of emotion they suddenly felt when they met their one and only. Mostly because, when they met them it was supposed to be only for a brief good time before the next fling.
This saying didn’t apply to Jack.
From the moment he met Skye, she was important to him. Perhaps it was even before her interview; back to the day Kari handed him her application, excited that a vixen had applied. A well-qualified one, too. Back to the day he had read it over, unconsciously inhaling the scent that clung to it. Thinking she was too good to be true.
Kari had said most foxes waited to find their mate before going further than paw holding. The younger crowd were more open to casual sex, but, with few exceptions, they were still very picky. Everything Jack felt for Skye, she was returning with vigor. And she made him feel… Happy. Complete. Powerful..
And he would need that feeling when the time came to stand up against the look of outrage his sister Maple was wearing when she walked into the bar and spotted them.
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spelviin · 6 years
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artistofberk-blog · 5 years
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My custom Light Fury species, the Frostlight Fury!
(Other pic is my main HTTYD OC, Marahbeth, and her Frostlight Fury dragon, Skyefrost. She is also pictured in the ref, but there is more of her kind; she isn’t the only one.)
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Tagged by @capncapncapncapn, thank u!
Rules: if you can, list the Top Ten songs you are listening to lately, and tag ten mutuals to do the same!
1. To the Moon and Back - Savage Garden
2. Pepper Steak - OFF ost
3. Sweet Disposition - The Temper Trap
4. Dare ka, Umi wo. (feat AImer) - Yoko Kanno (ZnT ost)
5. Reaper - Muse
6. Love on the Brain - Rihanna
7. Hoshi To Bokura To (星と僕らと, With the Stars and Us) - P5 ost
8. Sora ni Utaeba - amazarashi
9. Green Light - Lorde
10. Counting Bodies Like Sheep To The Rhythm of the War Drums - A Perfect Circle
Tag?: @wadefuckingwilscn @cerul-skyefrost @milkbottle8 @kimarisvidar @zerhys @todoiizuku and whoever else wants to do this cuz tag machine broke apparently (school has brought my already low level of social interaction to its record lowest, srry bout that!) 
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colesabi · 2 months
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@cerul-skyefrost yesssss! Arcanine stans for life!
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thebrandywine · 4 months
Five songs I've been listening to on repeat!
thanks for the tag @silvercap :]
i tag @cerul-skyefrost @strands-of-starlight @catgirladjacent @leonisdumbasallhell @phoenixmetaphor and anyone else who wants to play along at home!
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thebrandywine · 1 year
TY @silvercap and @lightenupcowboy AND @sunhatllama !!! I LOVE SHARING MUSIC.
Rules: shuffle your repeat playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten ppl (or more!)
I tag: @strands-of-starlight @hallowmemer @catgirladjacent @agent-yolk @spinitback @flurrin @cerul-skyefrost @r3zuri @fonulyn @snailcomicz
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thebrandywine · 1 year
@cerul-skyefrost im 3k into the final part of [like classical music] -- wedding and honeymoon are on the horizon
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thebrandywine · 1 year
9 people you want to know better
Tagged by @no-thanks-bro! Sorry for the lack of formatting-- I'm on mobile and am a computer idiot 🫡
The last song I listened to: Once In A Lifetime by All Time Low. Nostalgia! Also im making a playlist for Mr. Carter Parker 😗
Currently watching: ... nothing! I did rewatch the first episode of Star Trek Enterprise a while back because I have vague plans of forcing my partner to watch all of the shows chronologically, but then I started writing again sooooo
Currently reading: technically The Jungle? But I haven't touched it in a while 😬
Current obsession: Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon Leon
Tagging @fonulyn, @sunhatllama, @cerul-skyefrost, @strands-of-starlight, and anyone else who i forgot because ive only had one cup of coffee today!
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