#skyler x lydia
i love women and i love defending them with my heart especially when they're hated by fanbase... i don't care if she's 'offputting' or 'uptight' or 'annoying'!!!! stop talking to my wife!!!!!!!!!!
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Psycho Analysis: Walter White
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
I went back and forth on whether or not to just review the entire series or just do a Psycho Analysis, but the more I thought about it, the more the answer was clear to me: It has to be a Psycho Analysis. Much like American Psycho, any discussion of Breaking Bad is inevitably going to center around Walter White. It is his story, after all.
And what a story it is! Walter White is one of the single greatest villains in all of modern media, and Breaking Bad is a masterclass character study of just the sort of man he is. He’s egotistical, he’s fragile, he’s toxic, he’s monstrous, he’s sympathetic, he’s irredeemable, he’s still got a spark of humanity left even to the very end… Walter is an incredibly complex character, and maybe I can’t do him justice with this analysis, but by God am I gonna try.
Motivation/Goals: From the very start of the series, Walter makes the claim that his transformation from school teacher to drug kingpin was motivated by a desire to provide for his family once he inevitably dies from cancer. And I think on some level this is true; Walter does care about his family in a very twisted, possessive way. He wants their respect and adoration, he wants to be their sole provider, their knight in shining armor who gives them the life he thinks they deserve. But even early on you can see the cracks in this claim, and as the series progresses other characters like Jesse question this motivation. I mean, if his goal really was to provide for his family, he could have stopped with what he had at many, many points before getting entangled with Gus.
Ultimately, the final season really cements what Walt did everything for: Himself. As Walt himself says to Skyler in the finale, “I did it for me. I liked it. I was good at it. And... I was... really... I was alive.” After  five seasons of weaving the most impressive web of lies ever seen, this impressive moment of honesty in his final meeting with his ex-wife really shows that everything we saw was Walt living through some epic power fantasy to comfort himself in what he presumed were his dying days. He was trying to reclaim a life he felt was stolen to him, a life his ego demanded was owed to him.
Performance: Bryan Cranston would have been seen as the a very unlikely pick back in the day, seeing as his most famous role was as the charming bumbling father Hal on Malcolm in the Middle. But Vince Gilligan had worked with him on The X-Files episode “Drive,” and he knew better than the rest of us I’d say. I think the true brilliance of Walt comes from Cranston subverting what we expect because of Hal; Walt is similar to Hal in a lot of ways, and it is ultimately these similarities that make how Walt darkly subverts what we know Cranston best for all the more shocking. Of course, Walt still gets plenty of goofy moments, from his slapstick moments in “Fly” to the ridiculous faces Walt ends up making thanks to Cranston’s mouth acting. It’s just a stellar performance all around, and one that rightfully catapulted Cranston to the A-list.
Final Fate: From episode 1, it is pretty much a given that Walt is going to die. So the question really isn’t ever, “Will Walt make it out of the series in one piece?” The real question is, “How will Walt die?”
The answer ends up being “Going out in a final blaze of glory and trying to write some of his wrongs.” In the finale, Walt manages to set his family up for life (without them ever realizing the truth), be honest with his wife for once, say farewell to his infant daughter, give the location of Hank and Gomez’s bodies so there can be some closure and so Skyler can be safe from prosecution, free Jesse from his enslavement to the Nazis and kill them all in the process, and oh yeah he also slipped the paranoid bitch Lydia ricin while she wasn’t looking. He’s fatally wounded in the process and then is rejected when he asks Jesse to kill him, but he manages to spend his final moments surrounded by the tools needed to make his special brand of meth.
Ultimately, Walt died surrounded by the things he truly loved most in the world, even if he also died alone and alienated from everyone he ever cared about. And yet, he never truly faces consequences for his actions, dying and leaving Jesse and Saul to deal with the aftermath in their spin-off movie and show respectively. As the script says when the police finally arrive in the final moments:
They're too late. He got away.
Best Episode: “Ozymandias,” and it’s not even close. The following two episodes are incredible and the catharsis of “Felina” is incredible, but the sheer brutal misery of “Ozymandias” and Cranston’s performance therein is the stuff legends are made of. Walt begging for Hanks life and his memetic reaction when Hank is killed,  the monstrously cruel taunting of Jesse before letting him be enslaved by Nazis, his fight with Skyler… But the most powerful and heartwrenching moment, at least for me, is when he has kidnapped his infant daughter Holly and is trying to comfort her, only for her to begin saying “Mama” over and over. In this instance, Walt truly realizes how deeply he has destroyed everything he claimed to be working for and, in one of the few good decisions in the series, returns Holly. There’s a reason this is the most acclaimed episode of the series.
Best Quote: Walt’s two best known quotes are his “I am the danger” speech and his “Say my name” demand, and on the surface both of these are incredibly badass quotes from our villain protagonist. But when you look below the surface, they reveal a lot about Walt as a character.
The former quote shows just how fragile and deluded Walt is. In it, he claims he’s the one who knocks, that he’s the one who people should fear… and yet, he’s taking credit for something he forced Jesse to do. Jesse is the one who killed Gale on Walt’s orders, and yet here Walt is acting like he’s the ultimate badass force of nature. Keep in mind this is the same man who has a silent hissy fit and essentially screws himself out of getting away with his crimes scot free because someone else might have gotten credit for said crimes.
The latter quote is simpler, in that it simply showcases the real reason Walt does what he does plainly: To inflate his ego. He demands to be called by his cool gangster persona nickname during a drug deal and responds with a “You’re goddamn right” when said name is validated because Walt is essentially an immature manchild who seeks constant validation for his criminal activities despite being one of the dumbest fucking criminals in the world, one who only ever succeeds because he is so lethally stupid as to be unpredictable to the seasoned criminals around him.
There is one quote, however, that is legitimately badass and chilling: The short, simple “I won.” Because in that moment, having killed both Gus and Hector and obliterated one of the most massive drug enterprises in New Mexico out of fear, anger, and spite, Walt actually is every bit the badass mastermind he believes himself to be.
Final Thoughts & Score: Walt is, in a word, incredible.
As the protagonist of the show, we get to see his descent into villainy and all that entails, and it is quite a ride. Now, I do believe that his Heisenberg persona didn’t come from nowhere, and that Walt always had these urges buried away in the darkest part of himself; early episodes show his toxic masculinity slipping through the cracks on several occasions, and even before he commits his truly evil deeds he has moments of unrelenting cruelty, such as forcing his son to continue to drink. But with that being said, I kind of reject the notion that he entirely jumps off the slippery slope so soon.
The first few seasons, most of his evil actions come from a place you can understand. Oh, he kills Krazy 8? The man was a violent drug dealer who was going to murder him in retaliation, hard to fault him there. He let Jane choke to death? She was trying to blackmail him, it’s a dick move but it’s understandable. He sends Jesse to assassinate Gale? I mean, it’s kind of extra but it saved their asses from Gus for a bit… But even then, watching through this, it becomes harder and harder to accept Walt’s rationales and let him slide. Walt’s constant abuse and gaslighting of Jesse really loses him sympathy, as does his treatment of Skyler, but then you get to him doing things like killing Mike just because the man wounded his pride and then teaming up with Neo Nazis to assassinate people in prison, and it’s hard to feel to sorry when the guy is stuck in a cabin with nothing but two copies of Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium for several months.
Going back to Walt’s toxic masculinity, I think he might even be more impressive than Gaston at showcasing this negative trait. Literally everything Walt does is motivated by some sort of latent machismo. There’s the obvious one, the fact he has to provide for his family, only he can do it, but there’s also more subtle things like how he clearly feels emasculated by his son’s respect for his brother-in-law Hank. Then of course there’s his creepy emotional manipulation and abuse of Skyler in the aftermath of her finding out the truth about him, and his numerous childish outbursts when she rejects him due to his lies and schemes (remember the roof pizza?) and Walt really is the embodiment of fragile egos and toxic masculinity.
Then there’s his relationship with Jesse. Dear god. It is one of the most twisted forms of love ever put to film. There is no doubt in my mind Walt loves Jesse as the son he wishes Flynn could be, because while Flynn is undyingly loyal up until he learns the truth, he’s not nearly as malleable as Jesse is. Walt loves Jesse because he can undermine and control him, manipulate and mold him as he sees fit. But deep under the evil surface, I think there is some genuine care for the boy. There are moments, especially before he allows Jane to die, where Walt seems to genuinely value his relationship with Jesse, and in the end Walt does save him (though he was perfectly willing to let Jesse die before he saw the state he was in). It really is one of the most disturbing relationships you could conceive of.
I could carry on for hours about Walt, but long story short: He is one of the single greatest villains of all time. His complex relationships with other characters that inevitably drag all those characters down with him are endlessly fascinating to watch, and Walt himself is incredibly compelling even as the actions he commits become more cruel and heinous. He is a modern masterpiece, and deserves no less than an 11/10. Every TV villain protagonist desperately wants to be Walter White, but it’ll be a long time before any can even come close to accomplishing half of what Breaking Bad did (the only thing that rivals it is its own spin-off after all, but that’s a story for another time). Walter White truly is one of the greatest villains ever conceived, and what’s more, one of the greatest characters ever made.
Bravo, Vince. You did a good job with this one.
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enbouton · 3 years
recent conversations with @rars have reminded me that Skyler/Lydia really is It:
— “I’m scared of you but also wildly attracted to you” vs “I hate you and everything you represent but I’m also wildly attracted to you” — Skyler desperately needs someone she can vent about Walt to, and who better than someone who’s in even deeper than her? — and Lydia should be able to relate: she was a willing participant with Gus, but she doesn’t like or trust Walt and only offers to work with him because she knows what will happen if her usefulness runs out — remember when Skyler started an affair as a reaction to Walt trapping her in an awful situation? remember when she said it was the only time that she didn’t feel like she was drowning? — the piquancy of Skyler sleeping with one of Walt’s associates right under his nose, knowing he’s too arrogant and self-absorbed to notice — Skyler watching Lydia’s small, quick hands as she counts stacks of money and feeling her pulse drum in her ears — enemies to enemies-who-have-sex-in-anonymous-hotel-rooms to lovers
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steviatea · 3 years
ok but... kim/lydia/skyler...
i genuinely forgot i had this ask in my inbox so i am terribly sorry to have taken approximately a thousand years to respond, but i am here to answer this and say
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livelovelaug-h · 4 years
Helping the girl next door PT 1
Jesse Pinkman x reader
Summary ? instead of Jane being next door it's you. Jesse moves in & wants to help you from your abusive boyfriend. But is he abusive??? How can he help when you don't let him. Mr. White is an asshole ofc but see what he says.
Warnings: abuse, mentions of abuse.
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Jesse heard yelling again for the- what? third time in four days since he moved in. Hopefully it wouldn't always be this bad. The arguments got very heated and loud, he felt kinda bad for the girl. 
"FUCK YOU, WATCH ME!!" The girl screamed. 
It was loud enough for Jesse to hear. He widened his eyes. 
Your pov 
You opened the door trying to get out of there, you stumbled down the stairs almost falling. You didn't notice the boy next door looking at you from smoking his cigarette. The door slammed behind you. 
"Hey are okay?" he asked rushing over to you. 
You froze trying to hide your bruised eye with your hair. 
You didn't look at him just at the ground "yeah I'm fine thanks." 
"Are you -?" 
You looked up a little, the wind blowing your hair not much but enough for Jesse to see a bruised eye. His mouth dropped open.
"Yo -" 
"Uh, I'm sorry I have to go." You rushed away. 
Normal pov
It was a very long day and even longer for Jesse since he was waiting all day for you to get back. Of course you wouldn't want to go back there. 
Finally he seen you walking up towards the apartment. He had to play it cool though so it didn't look like he was waiting for you. He opened the door slowly and came outside, pulling his pack of cigarettes out. 
You were trying to pretend you didn't see him. 
You were about to go up the stairs when he spoke: "hey.. uh do you want a smoke?" 
"No it's okay I don't want to make you short or anything."
"No yo it's fine here." He handed you one. 
"Thank you." 
"No problem." He lit it for you, you having it in your mouth leaning over. It was silent for a little while, no one really knowing what to say. 
"So you're the new neighbor. What made you move over here?" 
"Just wanted to get away from my old house. Bad memories." 
"Ah yeah I get it. Well how do you like the place ??" 
"It's nice, I like it. Just need to get some furniture." 
"do u at least have a bed?" 
"Uh, no Actually?" You narrowed your eyebrows. 
"really?? What have you been sleeping on the floor?" 
"Yeah but don't worry I'm like getting one today." 
"Oh good." You looked at the time. "Oh! I really should get going, I need to clean up before Christian gets home." You looked worried. You put your cigarette out and ran up the stairs. 
"Well it was nice talking to you." The boy says rubbing his neck. 
"Nice talking to you too." 
He totally forgot to ask your name. 
Of course the next morning you two argued loud enough for Jesse to hear. 
Two days later -
Jesse hasn't seen you around Lately. He looks out the Window hoping to see you every few moments and he even waits for you longer when he smokes. He hasn't seen or heard anything from you guys since that morning fight, and that was two days ago now. He was starting to grow anxious. He was pretty sure your boyfriend was abusive, so what if he killed you or something else happened. 
He went to work being quiet all day Mr. White finally asked "what's wrong Jesse? you're not usually this quiet. Did you run out weed?" 
"No man. I'm just concerned about my neighbor." 
"Your neighbor? Didn't you just move in." 
"Yeah but I think her boyfriend is abusive. I heard him hit her and she has bruises yo. Man what should I do? I haven't seen in two days what If he did something to her?" 
"Woah slow down alright. You don't know if he's actually abusing her... Look Jesse it's best to just not get involved." 
"Not get involved? Dude she could need my help alright!" 
"If she needed help she would have gotten it by now." Mr White says coldly. 
"You're an asshole you know that."
"All I mean, is that you don't want to get in the middle of things, you could end up making it worse or he could end up killing you. I don't think you want that, do you?" 
Jesse just scoffs. 
Walter puts his hand on his shoulder:
"Don't do anything stupid like I know you want to okay? Stay out of it." He says and walks away. 
Now he's flustered. 
Jesse's pov 
Once I got home I made some dinner. I looked around, I really do need some chairs so I can eat yo. 
I was about to start smoking from my hookah when I heard the yelling. 
Yes okay she's alive. I gotta get my mind off of things, It's been driving me crazy on how I can help her. So of course getting high is the answer. 
I called badger "yo badge get down here man I got weed!"
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sluttynurse · 3 years
what if i made skyler x lydia a thing
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hogibebeleri · 5 years
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- N -
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- O/Ö -
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- Q -
- P -
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- R -
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- S -
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Shelley Hennig - Nora Simmons
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- T -
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Torrey Devitto - D
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- U/Ü -
- V -
Victoria Justice - Lotus van Boven & Selo
- X -
Xavier Samuel -Â August FridtjofÂ
- W -
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- Y -
- Z -
Zendaya - Izzy McGowan
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perfectlyrose · 7 years
fanfic writer wednesday: june 7th
some of the wonderful fics that i’ve read this week! finally catching up on a little bit of my reading :)
Pyrite by @sequencefairy -- Bad Wolf fic, Ten x Rose -- read this immediately if you haven’t done so. it’s breathtakingly beautiful and thought-provoking and such a uniquely wonderful take on the ramifications of Bad Wolf
the breach by @lesbidar -- Buffy Summers x Rose Tyler -- lydia writes these two beautifully and i just love the way the interact and connect and !!!
Tying Laces by @tryingthisfangirlthing -- Nine x Rose, nsfw -- like all i can say about this is HOT DAMN. this is everything i wanted and more from that corset smut prompt :D
Fem!Doctor/Rose ficlet by @dimensionhoppingrose​ -- Fem!Doctor x Rose -- this is such a cute little ficlet and Rose’s reaction to experiencing Pride for the first time was just !!!!
Fem!Nine/Rose ficlet by @escapadesofanaskboxficfairy​ -- Fem!Nine x Rose -- this was such a welcome surprise to find in my inbox!! all of the ficlets by this wonderful fic fairy have been stellar and this tiny piece of fem!nine heaven just warmed my heart <3 <3
Hairpins & Old Lace by @sequencefairy​ -- Ichiruki -- so... i don’t go here but i’m always up for some of Jess’s beautiful writing and this was a treat. the language is just gorgeous and the emotions on point. instant classic, i think <3 (i say as i do not go here but i’m calling it anyways)
that we whisper by @lvslie​ -- Ten x Rose -- i’m just going to live in this fic. like... this is where you will find me forever because i love every single syllable of it. nightmare h/c is always a weakness of mine but this... this is a whole other level and it’s perfect.
like golden stars by @rose-tylers​ -- Ten x Rose x Clara -- ahhh the imagery in this is just spectacular and gorgeous and the love they all have for each other is palpable and i adore it <3
Unprecedented Spark by @skyler10fic​ -- Ten x Rose -- the demi!Doctor fic that i’ve always wanted!!! skyler did such a beautiful job of handling this topic and it is actual perfection and i think i’ve read it like fifteen times. it just resonates.
Ficlet by @goingtothetardis​ -- Nine x Rose -- such a beautiful little reunion ficlet. hit me right in the emotions with so few words!!
Minuet, Part III by @megabadbunny​ -- Ten x Rose -- i LOVE this fic and i was so excited to see a new chapter!!! emotions everywhere!!! this is just such a delightful and different take on the GitF fix-it and aftermath and i loved getting Mickey’s knowledge of how the Doctor acted when Rose was gone!!
if we were the last by @lauraxxtennant​ -- Hardy x Miller -- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (okay, full disclosure, rows of exclamation points is how i feel about every single fic by laura but that doesn’t make it any less accurate!) this fic just felt so cozy and right. it’s them and it’s perfect and i haven’t even watched s3 of broadchurch but i’m going to revel in this fic anyways <3
As Long As We Both Shall Live by @chocolatequeennk -- Tentoo x Rose -- I adore the way Nancy writes bonding and telepathy and this is no exception!!! This chapter featured a beautiful bonding scene and Bad Wolf and it’s amazing!!
Nature of War by @cryofthewolf -- Eight x Rose -- I’m so excited for this fic!!! it’s a fobwatched Eight fic and i’m really looking forward to  how it plays out!! love a good eight fic, me <3
Ficlet by @lastbluetardis -- Eleven x Rose -- ELEVEN/ROSE REUNION FIC!!! WITH A BOND AND TELEPATHY!!! AND NERVOUSNESS ABOUT REGENERATION!!! i loved every bit of this, hit all of my buttons <3 <3
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coppermalleus · 5 years
Even if no one else sees the video, Skyler agreeing to help Walt make it seems like a Point of No Return moment for her. It pretty much severs her relationship with Hank and Marie. Right, but it’s not necessarily that Skyler has strong feelings of love for Walt. What Skyler wants is for her family to be okay. Walt has this cancer diagnosis and, for me, Skyler’s clinging to the thought that if she can just make it until he dies of the cancer, everything will be okay. The kids never have to find out what they’ve done.
When Marie suggests that Walt kill himself, Skyler says that’s not a solution. Her reaction is about suicide being a horrible thing to do to your children. It would traumatize them. Dying of cancer is horrible, but it’s not an act of violence. I don’t necessarily think it’s “I love Walt and I don’t want him to die.” It’s “This is not a way to get away with this.”
. . .
In the beginning of the episode, Todd is checking in with Walt. But that’s one-sided, right? Yeah, that’s kind of it. The thing I like about Todd is he’s obviously not really a functional member of society in a lot of ways. He seems morally neutral. But at the same time, he’s super polite and respectful. The idea of the call was just, he really admires Mr. White and respects him, and you know, he just wants to make sure he’s up to speed! Just in case! [laughs] One of the things I loved in the previous episode is when he’s helping Lydia make her way through the bodies and he’s super, super nice to her. If you just saw that part, you’d be like, “Oh, he’s a super sweet kid.” But he also just shot a child for no reason. He tells that story about how the train heist went off perfectly and doesn’t even mention that he killed a kid.
“Breaking Bad Writer Gennifer Hutchison on Jesse’s Best Interests and Saul’s Hello Kitty Phone” (x)
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enbouton · 3 years
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mission statement
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enbouton · 8 years
that “two moms in the raw” stevia blueberry granola bar package is the most soccer au thing I’ve ever seen and I’m still laughing about it
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enbouton · 8 years
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enbouton · 6 years
Character meme! Kim, Gus, Lydia.
favorite thing about them
Where to begin? She’s so smart and determined and real. She’s reserved but loving. She’s serious and professional but has a dry, quirky sense of humour. And the show never lets us forget how hard she has to work.
least favorite thing about them
I’m trying to think of one and coming up with nothing. Kim isn’t perfect, but her flaws just make her more interesting to watch and root for.
favorite line
I have to acknowledge “I save me” and “let’s do it again”, but can we get some recognition for the absolute delight that is “I’m in the bar at Forque… and I’ve got a live one on the hook”? (And the implication that she kept up the Giselle act with Dale for the full hour it would have taken Jimmy to drive from Santa Fe to Albuquerque?)
Kim and Paige!
McWexler, but, like, in a sad, “they’re doomed” way. Kim and Jimmy have such a strong bond, but I don’t love the idea of Kim staying with Jimmy after he becomes Saul. Ethical issues aside, I think it would be too painful for her— imagine watching the person you love embrace their worst qualities to the point of building a whole new identity around them.
Kim x not getting the personal and professional fulfillment she deserves.
random headcanon
She’s been a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 ever since “keep circulating the tapes” referred to actual tapes. She likes the black-and-white sci-fi movies best and prefers Joel to Mike.
unpopular opinion
The only controversial Kim Opinion I have is that she’s from Kansas, not Nebraska. I don’t have any rationale for it— I was just looking at Google Maps for small towns near the state line, saw Bird City, KS, and went “oh, cool name!”.
song i associate with them
A year ago I, uh, wrote a shot-by-shot sketch of an entire animated dream sequence about Kim set to the Beach Boys’ “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”. I keep doing this with different ideas and characters even though I don’t know how to animate or have any music rights. It’s a problem.
But also, “Another Day of Sun” from La La Land. It’s superficially a bright, happy song about chasing your dreams and never giving up, but the lyrics are largely about frustration, alienation and fear.
favorite picture of them
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Every picture of Kim is a good picture, but I had to pick one from the scene where she tells Jimmy she got Mesa Verde, because she’s just so happy it’s wonderful.
favorite thing about them
She’s brittle but strong! I also like that she’s socially awkward in a way that isn’t played as cute or attractive.
least favorite thing about them
She murdered a lot of people and was passive-aggressively rude to Delores. Also, chamomile tea with soy milk is a cursed drink.
favorite line
The entirety of her monologue about the train, because it implies that she just had all that stuff in her head ready to rattle it off at a moment’s notice, and/or she’d thought in depth about the logistics of train robbery before.
Gus— I choose to believe (curt phone call notwithstanding) that they share a special bond. Also Mike, because they contrast each other so well. (Fun fact: in the Czech BrBa dub, Mike and Gus address each other using the formal “you”, but Mike and Lydia use the familiar “you”.)
It’s a dead heat between Skyler and Kim. I love Skyler/Lydia but most of the iterations I have in my head are really dark and bleak. Kim and Lydia would play off each other in some interesting ways, at least until Kim found out about Lydia’s unrepentant life of crime.
Walt/Lydia, I guess?
random headcanon
She had a special interest in space as a child and probably wanted to work in mission control at the Johnson Space Center when she grew up. She still loves planetariums. 
unpopular opinion
I mean, I fully accept that the show portrayed Lydia’s poisoning as a murder, but ricin poisoning is more survivable than you might think. She lives!
song i associate with them
Muse - “The Second Law: Isolated System"
favorite picture of them
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this is an awful screencap but it’s my favourite pic of her. ta-daaaaa~~
favorite thing about them
His calmness, particularly because he seems to have to work at it, as opposed to being naturally laid-back.
least favorite thing about them
His sadistic streak, and/or treatments of him that emphasise it.
favorite line
“I don’t think we’re alike at all, Mr. White.” IMHO, Gus is most compelling when we can see him shift between modes— the very first time he dropped the polite, mild-mannered businessman act was electrifying.
Lydia— see above.
Gus/Max, of course.
Gus/Anyone Other Than Max
random headcanon
He was born in Arica in far northern Chile, where his mother’s family was from, but grew up mostly in Santiago. His birthdate is March 24, 1956. His full birth name is Gustavo Fring Leyva. He washes his hands like a surgeon and smells of fine wool, soap and vetiver.
unpopular opinion
Gus himself was never involved with the Pinochet regime. I’m still hanging on to this one, although the coati monologue put paid to my headcanon that he was the sheltered scion of a high-ranking officer.
song i associate with them
I invite you all to put on “Head Over Heels” by Tears for Fears and think about young Gus and Max in love in the eighties. You’re welcome.
favorite picture of them
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any picture where he wears this expression while nurturing one of his Crime Children
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coppermalleus · 5 years
What is Walt’s state of mind at this point? He’s done being Heisenberg, but he’s still able to lie to Jesse and threaten Hank. Walt has always been able to justify his actions, but what does he think of himself at this point? How does he see himself? I want to preface this by saying the audience has as much right to an opinion on this as I do. This is just one person’s opinion, and no more valid than anyone else’s, but I think that he means what he says when he says to Hank, “I’m just a car-wash owner who is dying of cancer. What would be the point?” He is out of the business. Now, yes, indeed, he lies to Jesse, and he lies very capably because we know that’s one of his superpowers, as it were, but even if you’re the world’s best liar, the trouble with living that existence is, once people catch on that that’s what you’re good at, no one believes a word that comes out of your mouth. Jesse plays along but doesn’t seem to really believe it.
I think Walt is sort of bewildered at the end of the episode — like, “Hey, I’m not the bad guy anymore!” It’s almost as if he feels a disconnect between who he used to be and who he is now, and basically he’s saying, “Don’t punish me for what I used to do — that’s ancient history. I’m just a car-wash owner now.” It really troubles him that Hank would be so upset. Nonetheless, when you poke that particular hornet’s nest that is Walter White … when you’re Hank Schrader and you say, “Bring your kids over to my house and then we’ll talk,” Walt reverts to a little bit of the old Heisenberg, doesn’t he?
. . .
When Walt proposes a second car wash, Skyler has this look on her face as though she might be hatching plans (maybe getaway plans) of her own. But then she tells Lydia to scram. Is she suspicious that Walt might not be out of the business? It seems to me she more or less believes what Walt is saying in that moment, which is that this woman is someone he used to work with, and she wants him back, and he told her no. But, you know, there’s just an endless amount of damage that’s been done to this relationship. It’s amazing Skyler can even be civil to Walt. She’s the most pragmatic character on the show in a great many ways. She does what she does for the family, including getting along with Walt, trying to put the past behind her. When that unfortunate past rears its ugly head in the guise of a former, uh, meth co-worker [laughs], she’s ready to shut that down tout de suite. But she’s always going to sleep with one eye open because Walt has put her through the mill.
“Breaking Bad Postmortem: Vince Gilligan on Walt’s State of Mind, Fame, and Poor, Poor Jesse” (x)
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enbouton · 8 years
because I'm already on the roll of bothering u with asks! can u explain to me about Skylar Kim and Lydia? didn't watch BCS yet, but Skylar and Lydia sounds intresting. and tbh wlw is always good, especially Skylar wlw! so, ???(sorry for spamming !)
I haven’t written anything with Kim yet, but I love her (she’s one of my favourite parts of BCS, especially in the second season). Skyler/Lydia is just an idea I get a lot of pleasure out of, whether they’re interacting in a tense sad messed-up way or in a happy AU where no one does any crimes. I’m not really much of a shipper but I’m all about “what if X and Y ran into each other?” and writing scenes between characters who barely/never interacted on the show just to see what happens. All the characters are so vivid and distinctive that it’s easy to imagine what kinds of dynamics they might have.
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enbouton · 8 years
The nymph floats face up, eyes open skyward, and hears the sea as stirred leaves.
Still her lover lies curled in the crook of the oak, her white skin all scratched.
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