laviexenrose · 1 year
* . ⊹ @skyler-bane // continued from x
Isabelle could only offer a less than enthused smile at his words, somewhat appreciating the candor. Rather than waste her breath chiding him or questioning what happened, she walked to the freezer and pulled out a reusable cold pack. “That really doesn’t look so good,” she tutted, holding out the pack now wrapped with a clean kitchen towel. “You’re not in any real, serious trouble, are you?” As she spoke, it was difficult to mask the concern ripe within her tone or suppress the worry from her eyes. 
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twistedhxart · 2 years
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@skyler-bane send ♫ for a friendship aesthetic of our muses
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ayakoito · 2 years
Your favorite form of potato is what I need to know about you lmao
Oh I think that would be roasted potatoes sliced or as sticks! And fries! *.*
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parvamundi · 2 years
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유 Who was your first muse?  ✈ Is it easier to write angst, fluff, or crack with your muse? ⌚ Is it easier for you to write as canon characters or OCs? | ( @skyler-bane​ )
유 Who was your first muse?
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✈ Is it easier to write angst, fluff, or crack with your muse?
          Depends on the muse, but honestly, I think I find angst to be the easier, in general. Probably because I’m a secret edgelord or something.
⌚ Is it easier for you to write as canon characters or OCs?
          OCs, without a doubt or hesitation. They’re mine. I know them because I created them. I find that getting into their mindsets is so much easier. Even the underdeveloped ones. There are canons I love and I find fairly simple to write, but overall, it’s definitely OCs.
( MUNDAY STUFF | no longer accepting. )
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People in Joanna's Life
☔️ - Someone who Can “Turn Lemonade into Lemons”
Joanna's mom, Suzanne Hebert (Joanna got her dad's last name and her parents were never married). Especially in the past, she had a pessimistic attitude, particularly as Joanna started growing some rebellious urges, which had a particularly strong impact on Joanna.
☀️ - Someone who Can “Turn Lemons into Lemonade”
Katherine Landry, Joanna's (half) sister. She handled issues much better than Joanna did and doesn't hold on to things the same way Joanna often does. Not going through the same level of rebelliousness that Joanna did meant she didn't get quite as negative feelings from their mom as Joanna did.
(Joanna's somewhere in between them. She has a certain cynical outlook about some things, but wants to be an idealistic romantic type about life.)
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fourcriminals · 1 year
@skyler-bane asked for a starter
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Leaving a man dead in the alley wasn't her usual. Rose had slipped into the bar after following an unexpected crowd. Tomorrow morning she'd have some explaining to do. The client wouldn't be happy. Mistakes like these were heartbreaking. After her sixth round of whiskey sours, she eyed her neighbor. There was a commotion. Some ditz had stumbled upon a body. "What do you think that's about?"
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man-peach-reborn · 2 months
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Say hi awesome action heroes
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can-i-roll-for-it · 1 month
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[An image of the "I see no difference love is love!" Meme. On the top corner is pictures of Jack and Lucy edited togther and it says "normal couple". Next to them is a Vicki and Liv edited togther and it says "Yuri couple". On the bottom left is Johnny and G13 edited togther and it says "yaoi couple". On the bottom roght is Damien Bane and ot says "I see no difference, love is love!". End ID]
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moistvonlipwig · 3 months
i normally don't believe in capital punishment but i do think whoever invented loud-ass leaf blowers and grass cutters should be shot
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ravagercherri · 1 year
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music is blasting through headphones ( space age love song by the seagulls ) could be heard even to someone not sharing a headset with her. It was by pure luck she jumped on this ship , but now she had to concentrate on figuring out where they were going , how she was going to get back home. But there was really no rush , was there? Instead , she plays with a contraption in her hands that obviously connected to somewhere. Wires were her forte , and finding out where they connected to spanned curiosity , a blessing and curse for her.
Her guard is let down.
( starter call for new and old mutuals -- accepting !! )
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justaprick · 8 months
dec. 12th
he had to keep flying under the radar for as long as he could. the noose was beginning to tighten around vince's neck and if he didn't do something soon everything he'd been running from would catch up with him. he wasn't giving up his freedom--he wasn't going to be a fucking lab rat again.
using his bruised shoulder as an excuse, vince had been able to get out of helping with any of the technical work that came with administering the tests and reading the results; but... being a doctor, and one who was supposedly working with the CDC to understand this new and dangerous virus, he'd been able to lurk around the closed off rooms that had become an impromptu laboratory. the only problem in his way had been sev, but the researcher had become so preoccupied with the soldier that had accompanied him to the wexley that vince was able to get in and out by the skin of his teeth before sev returned.
he'd read through the list of residents with the results he was looking for and his eyes had been drawn to one in particular: bane, skyler.
it was nothing personal.
if anything, vince should be buying the guy a damn drink. he was really saving his ass here.
the lack of technology was the only thing making doctoring the results possible. they were relying on the basics here. even vince could figure out how to go in and change a few lines of data, move results from column a to column b and vice versa.
when the results were read tomorrow skyler would be one of the handful of residents with delayed immunity and vince would be just another unlucky sob who's blood was completely unremarkable.
dec. 16th
probably the most important part of any lie was ensuring there was nothing and no one left to contradict you. the recent cold front provided vince with the perfect opportunity to dispose of the last thing that stood in his way. vince wouldn't be volunteering for another blood test any time soon and if skyler passed from an unfortunate accident he couldn't volunteer either.
the hardest part had been tracking the fireplace back to the correct chimney. he may have asked the caretaker a few interesting questions about the building's layout, but hopefully he'd come off inconspicuous enough that he didn't have to add another body to the growing count. but after this... did one more really matter?
he'd spent the better part of an hour piling together what he hoped would successfully block the fireplace. bird nests, leaves, twigs, debris. it had to make sense in case anyone found it. he couldn't just toss some plastic and bed sheets even though it would've made his life a lot fucking easier.
when the smoke began to lessen vince knew he was on the right track. he added a few more twigs and paused to watch, waiting until the stream of smoke stopped altogether.
it wouldn't take long. maybe twenty minutes? less?
there were other units connected to the same chimney system. other people who would have to die to ensure his secrets remained.
he had to remind himself that none of this was personal. none of it was a choice. he was just doing what he had to for the sake of his own survival. vince looked at his hands and realized he'd become caked in grime. he needed to get inside and shower. hide the evidence.
in an hour or two, someone would discover the tragedy. people who died in their own homes. carbon monoxide. something no one could predict--something no one could prevent.
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irrfahrer · 1 year
What is Your Curse?  Something walks behind you. Something twists through your spine. Something that marks you, mars you-- something you can never be without. You bear a curse. Your Result: The Lantern You hold it up so high that your arms ache. You strain to hear above the winds for the calling of your name, but all it carries is a low and painful moan. This is your light. One day people will come to it, like you have seen so often, those swinging lamp smiles and rolling laughs. You know that a spirit with lanterns in its eyes cannot help but be adored. It hurts to hold it for so long-- the long wick nips at your palms-- but you know that this is in you. You are good. You have the heart of a king. You have to be something But it must look easy, or they will not come-- those who are seen always look so easy. Your arms tremble. You raise the lantern higher.
Tagged By: The Force Tagging: @sithisms  @mando-of-esverr @lighthouseborn @general-kalani @peacefaithed @strongfuck  @starfaithed  @talesgolden  @tellstales  @retrocognizantrecreant @cnlyluck @space-hecate @asycuwish @skyler-bane @survivorsofthegalaxy @bewitchingbaker @hopexncarnate  @beskar-himbo  @ofthestcrs @honorhunt  @lady-proudmoore  @savior-of-humanity  @fallesto @outcaststar @jedilovcd @poewingsdameron @cardinal-carvings @smertzimy @visceratorn @infernusfuror @inkedstone @kyberllcore  @cfmartyrs  @luminousxbeings  @thaneirstaer @ensgn  @gwiazdowe @lvkexskywvlker   @ariadne-inthesky  @sxbaist @lightfaithed @trueheartofarebel  @hunters-house   @envychosen @masterofthelivingforce @startrailed @bladelancer     @hosnianleft   @sithdestined  @safrona-shadowsun  @stubborn-amphibian @ncxile @skywlkrr ��@jedixamidala @chromium-siren @aetcrnus   @bountyborn  @memcriaes @thrawnur @creaticn @thestupidmeanone @fatewills…and everyone else who blinked today!        
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twistedhxart · 1 year
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"I don't think Skyler is interested in a relationship, but that doesn't mean we can't have some quality time together, right?"
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ayakoito · 2 years
🐷 Junk food you can never get enough of - I think I have a normal craving for fast food, but if I had to choose one, it would be kebab!
📸 Post a selfie
I rarely take selfies so here have one my friend took of me in Greece:
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Very fabulous I know!
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                                             ✧・゚ 𝐃𝐀𝐒𝐇 𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄.
TAGGED BY: @lxvefrxmthextherside (( thanks <3 )) TAGGING: @ask-thedepressedkidatthetable @brokenblondeprincess @cursedvessels @heretoboogie @itsalltoobeautiful @myriadxofxmuses @sirxnx @skyler-bane @nanlanmo
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rioreeve · 5 months
summing it up for Zach - season one
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status: alive
active threads status: dropping, up for hc'ing things
//Zach's team might have brought some goods with them but he's disappointed they have lost Dalton. the situation they come back to dampens his mood further, but instead of comforting his friends and brother, he locks himself up "for a quarantine", trying to process everything that happened that day.
he tries to comfort Eric ( @denverdav ) when he learns that Cilla ( @cillalicia ) is missing, and talks to Ria ( @rhianwells ) about her husband, but he can't bring himself to talk to Ember ( @emberwexley ) about Skyler's ( @skylerb ) death despite knowing that the longer he waits the more difficult their conversation will be. he only helps her retrieve some of the items from Bane's apartment before anyone else finds it, so his criminal side remains secret.
some time passes and Zach finally finds it in himself to talk to Ember, knowing how painful losing someone is and tries to comfort her. they end up kissing but she breaks into tears. after a bit of talking they agree they should wait until their feelings for Skyler and Courtney allow them to move on.
certain that Vince ( @justaprick ) must have been responsible for Courtney's death and the most recent outbreak, he goes back to his 'investigation' - mostly to keep himself occupied with something and not focus on what went wrong. he shares his doubts with Ria and Ash ( @ashton-ryder ), but decides the community's morale is low enough already and all the theorizing should stay between them. for now, at least.
spring is almost there and Ria starts complaining about her dark blonde roots reaching her jawline, which results in Zach giving her the rest of his hair products. he helps Ria dye her hair cool light blonde and makes a spontaneous decision to shave his blue strands off.
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