biconicfinn · 8 months
hey yall im wanting to do some writing and get back into the swing of things so drop a drabble request in my askbox!!! i will pin this post and reblog some drabble prompts! i will be doing rwrb, pjo, and malec so drop a ship/character in the askbox and i will save it for writing next week!
EDIT: search the tag skywritesfic on my blog to the prompts!
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biconicfinn · 6 months
“The only reason I haven’t done that is because they asked me not to.” for rwrb?
anon, i am so sorry this took forever, i swear i had the most cliche ao3 author's note type of life bullshit happen so i'm so sorry this is late but i hope the length makes up for it!
Alex watches as Henry paces his study in their brownstone, his even-spaced steps quick with the same agitation that furrows his brow and forms that pinch in the corner of his mouth. Alex longs to reach over and kiss and touch and hold him until his steps halt and forehead smoothes out, wants to kiss that corner of his boyfriend's mouth until it no longer pinches and even more after to soothe the ache it will leave behind.
However, seeing as how he is currently on a conference call with Philip and the old white men assholes associated with the Crown, he stays where he is, curled up with a napping David in the plush armchair that has quickly become Henry's second favourite reading spot in their home. 
Alex's heart pangs in his chest where he can see the slump of Henry's shoulders as he argues back and forth with everyone trying to get him to attend more pointless events for the Crown–well, the various monarchists of the palace are arguing that actually Henry must absolutely attend whatever gala dinners and fundraiser events have been deemed appropriate for him to attend, and his suggestions to get out of them have been constantly shut down. 
First, he argued that instead of paying whatever insane amount of money to cover costs for gala tickets, security, travel, styling, etc., that sum could just be donated to the charities of choice on top of the initially agreed-upon donation.
It was shot down with claims that the Crown would appear aloof and impersonal; like they were just throwing money at the charities without a thought. Henry argued that they were in fact giving even more by cutting costs and anyway it's not like the actual beneficiaries whom Henry would love to meet would actually be present at these events anyway. However the Crown's image is paramount was a refrain parroted back through the phone speakers in a Received Pronunciation accent so often it would probably feature in Alex's nightmares.
Then Henry brought up how the optics of him constantly flying back and forth over the Atlantic would look like regarding his relationships with both his family and his boyfriend (Alex will never tire of hearing people refer to him as Henry's, especially by the man himself). Alex could not lie and say a little thrill did not run through him at Henry turning the Crown's usual arguments of protecting their reputation on them, grinning at the way Henry's eyes shine with hope and the sliver of a triumphant smile that graces his lips as their eyes meet. Alex clasps his hand over his mouth to prevent himself from bursting out laughing.
Their momentary glee is dashed however when it is brought up that they can simply spin the story as Henry balancing personal with his work and public life–even royals have to strike a balance! The hope and spark and smile drains right out of Henry, and Alex watches as his boyfriend practically deflate with his (their) dashed hopes. There's some snide remarks about how Henry should be residing mainly in London anyway, and then Philip mentions how he can't let his dalliance with The AmericanTM (and yes, Alex can hear the capitalisation and trademark in those voices). At that very remark, which at this point in his life rolls off of Alex's back like water, the lines of Henry's body go rigid and he stands up straight, shoulders back, chin tipped-up in proud defiance and the same bravery that stood up to Queen Mary and won, he takes a breath and Alex settles in with so much fucking fondness and pride and love to see his Henry stand his ground—and for it to be while swooping in to defend his honour? well, Alex has now revised their Wednesday evening date night plans to include a request for Henry to take that Prince Charming royal authority into bed later, or maybe after this call, depending on the outcome of this Philip-induced hell.
"I must be mishearing things over the trans-continental phone call, but I hope Philip that you weren't implying that my relationship with Alex, and yes I would like to remind everyone that he does have a name, is something temporary. We have just moved to the same city together and we are planning on living together soon."
"Now Henry,—"
"I would also like to remind everyone that I am not here in New York on an extended holiday, but am in fact working with Percy to set up the first of our shelters for queer youth. An undertaking that is not only a joint effort on part of both the Henry Foundation and the Okonjo Foundation to provide a much needed service to a terribly disadvantaged community, a community that I myself am part of, but the news of which has dramatically helped to improve the esteem of The Firm in the public eye."
"Well I would like to remind you, Henry, that the previously-lowered esteem of the Crown in the public eye was due in no small part to your own actions."
"My actions? You mean my deeply personal and intimate private correspondence with my partner? The same correspondence which was cruelly and callously leaked for public consumption? To be picked apart and analysed and plastered across the media for everyone and their mothers to read? As if I asked or wanted any of it?"
"Is it so wrong of me to want to slow down a little? To keep my head down and do my work and live my life with as little of a public presence as I can manage it for now? To want to have some infinitesimal shred of normalcy and calm? And to spend some time away from the awful slander of the tabloids?"
"Well then why don't you just abdicate! You had no qualms about waving that threat about in Buckingham in front of the Queen herself? Why not follow through? Or is it just some empty threat because try as you might to hide it, Henry, you actually can't stand the thought of being separate from us and everything we have given you; everything you have gained from just being the spare! Are you attempting to spare our family's feelings? Or are you simply waiting for that boy of yours to give you the go ahead to petition parliament, hmm? Or perhaps Mother and Beatrice are pulling your strings?"
"Enough! For your information Philip, I have thought about abdicating, considered giving it all up for years now and no one else has ever put that thought in my head. in fact, the only reason I haven’t done that is because they asked me not to!"
Alex gasped softly, rising from his seat to stand next to Henry, gently hovering a hand above his love’s now shaking hands, waiting for Henry to seek his comfort when he’s ready. The sight of Henry’s anger flushed face and trembling hands makes Alex’s own temper rise and he wants more than anything to scream at Phillip, cut the phone off and then drag Henry and David into a cuddle pile in bed until the world forgets them. 
But he can’t risk making the situation worse so he, at Henry’s tiny nod, does what he can and holds his boyfriend’s hand through the storm. 
“The only reason I have not already petitioned parliament and informed the Queen of my intention to abdicate is because of Alex and Bea and Mum, Phillip. They told me to wait a little while to let the dust settle from everything that’s happened and wanted me to just live a little as an out member of the royal family. I wanted to say to hell with everything and let it all go, but they convinced me to stay, to see how things would be, to try and make life work. Alex is the one who told me to not let my emotions from being outed in such a traumatic way and yes trauma is the only word to describe the impact, to let myself process and recover and learn to live with everything before I made such a decision. We agreed to give it a few years and then I would evaluate again and that is what I have been working towards. I have been focusing on healing, on repairing my bond with Mum, on learning to deal with the ridiculous media scrutiny, on learning how to live together with my boyfriend, on setting up the queer youth shelters with Pez, I even wanted to work on repairing my relationship with you Phillip but it seems clear to me now that not only do you not hold any respect for my partner and our relationship nor my wishes to step back from royal duties for a while to adjust to my new life, you clearly do not value or respect our bond as brothers and how before you were Mary Mountchristen-Windsor’s grandson, you were the son of Arthur and Catherine Fox, my older brother, and I was not your subject to lord over but someone who would support and love you in the same measure you showed me. It is clear to me now that whatever rifts have formed between us are not things you wish to bridge. And I will not stand to be treated like this when you are only concerned with the standing and image of the crown and not the happiness and wellbeing of your own family. Only contact me if you have decided to change that but otherwise, goodbye.”
The call is swiftly ended and as Henry angrily jabs at the red button over Phillip’s spluttering and the advisors’ shocked silence, Alex throws himself into Henry’s arms and wraps himself around him, and Henry folds himself tightly over Alex, as the latter drags him over to curl up in the comfy armchair he previously sat in. A long since awoken David settles at their feet, nuzzling into shins and ankles to comfort his dads. 
Alex just hums as he rubs a warm palm over Henry’s back, tender touches of his lips ghosting over Henry’s cheek and temple, waiting for Henry to match his breathing with the movement of his hand, for his heart to stop racing and slow down to the pace of his own, once again in sync. And though the words are clawing at his throat and tongue and teeth to be set free, he chokes them back in favour of humming half remembered songs from his dad’s record collection, fairly certain he’s creating some butchered mashup of Ella Fitzgerald and Billie Holiday. 
They sit together like that for a moment, quiet in the Brooklyn afternoon save for David’s quiet snuffles and Alex’s humming and Henry’s deep breaths. Alex waits, patient in the way he only ever is for Henry, for his love’s breathing to ease for the thudding heartbeat he can feel racing in his chest to slow and steady, for Henry to find the ability to speak the words he gasps in a panic. And with the soothing sound of his boyfriend’s humming, the steady movements of his hand up and down his back, and of course, the warm weight of his beloved dog curled up at his feet, henry calms down slightly, the vice grip of panic easing from around his throat his head his heart. 
“Love, thank–“
“You better not be trying to thank me for being a good fuckin’ boyfriend and helping you come down from the edge of a panic attack, Wales, I swear to fuckin’ God!” cries Alex as he pulls himself away from where he’s wrapped around Henry to look him right in the eyes, dark brown eyes ablaze with love and righteous anger Henry knows isn’t directed at him, not really. 
Henry huffs a laugh against Alex’s forehead where he presses a kiss filled with unspoken gratitude. A kiss that eases the furrows and creases of Alex’s emotions, and Henry bites back a fond snicker as Alex melts a little in his arms at the press of lips to his skin. “Of course not love, I only meant to thank you for being such a wonderful human weighted blanket,” Henry’s tone is light and playful but those blue eyes betray a sincerity that steals Alex’s breath, “but in all seriousness, thank you so much darling, for being there for me through all the bullshit the Crown throws at me, for calming me down when it gets to much, for letting me just…be. I wish it got easier to fight back against their horridness, and I am so very sorry you have had to hear the absolutely ghastly things they say about you, about us,” Alex glares at him, “and yes about me too. It’s usually easier for me to stand up to them, especially after what happened with Gran, but I just, I just lost it when Philip said that you and Bea and Mum were manipulating me to not abdicate, as if you’re some power hungry, social climbing, gold-digger! As if you three weren’t the ones who convinced me after everything calmed down to give staying as an out gay Prince a chance, to see how I felt about living this life I never thought I could have! You three, and of course, Pez, who I suspect would be thrilled if I hung it all up tomorrow, have been so damned supportive, encouraging, and loving that I really wanted to give this a chance, to let myself find my footing a little. And for that, I am endlessly grateful. Endlessly, my love.” 
Alex can’t help but lean forward to kiss Henry at that, attempting to pour every ounce of love and affection and admiration he has for him into the kiss, losing himself in the press of lips that always makes his heart flutter and flip and drives all rational thought from his head. Henry kisses him back with his usual passion and love, like it’s a fucking Olympic sport, and they both let themselves just exist in this for a moment, let arms hold each other close, let fingers tangle into dark curls and blond strands, let bodies press close and limbs tangle. 
As they break apart for air (sadly breathing is necessary for living and one cannot survive on kisses alone), they rest their foreheads together, just letting themselves breath the same oxygen for a minute, not yet ready to part from one another. 
“So what do you need now baby? Still up for our date night out? Or do you just wanna have a night in? I could teach you how to make that mac and cheese you liked the last time I made it, and I mean the real Texas shit, none of this ‘elevated’ crap. Or if you don’t feel up to that we can get take out, your pick. I’m gonna follow your lead on this so you just say the word and that’s the plan for tonight,” Alex holds Henry’s face in his hands and gently rubbing thumbs on his cheeks as he looks Henry straight in the eyes as he talks.
“As tempting as it is to have you teach me some new culinary skills, I have to admit that I’ve missed our date nights out, and I really do want to see you in that new outfit you picked out and have been really poorly hiding from me. I want to dress up nice with you, head to that French bistro we have reservations at and wine and dine you, and just hold your hand and show off to the whole world that we’re together and happy and in love. Maybe we could even go out dancing afterward! So what if we make front page headlines of the tabloids tomorrow morning? Maybe one more viral moment is what it takes to prove to Philip and all those utter arseholes in the Palace that yes I’m serious about you and no, that isn’t changing anytime soon,” Henry resolves, reaching to press a tender and sweet kiss to Alex’s knuckles on one hand, while the other squeezes just a little where it’s wrapped on Alex’s waist. 
“Mmm I do love being part of a plan to spite dusty bigoted white men. And I am not even being a little bit sarcastic! Also, dancing? Is that really my Hen who’s open and ready to head to the club? So if I said we find the biggest loudest gay club in the city and danced the night away you’d be fine with that?” Alex laughs, tone teasing.
“Alright, maybe I got a little excited with the sticking it to the Crown of it all, but truly, one day I would love to go out with you to the clubs properly, I know we usually go with the rest of our friends but I can’t lie that the thought of having you all to myself with your frankly, illegal dance moves isn’t tempting at all,” Henry teases back, raising a playful eyebrow at Alex, who preens in acknowledgement of his superior dance prowess.
“We’ll save that for another night, I have plans for us tonight, because while my outfit may have been spoiled, I think I still have a couple of other tricks up my sleeve that would work,” Alex playfully nips at Henry’s jaw, light enough there’s no marks but with the promise of teeth that sends shivers down his boyfriend’s spine.
“Oh? And would those tricks involve anything from our little chest at the foot of our bed?” Henry counters archly.
Alex snorts with playful derision, “First if all, ain’t nothin’ about that chest little, so jot that down. Second of all, if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?”
Henry’s voice drops low in the way that always thrills Alex, never failing to make him putty in his love’s hands, “And if I didn’t want to be at your tender mercies tonight? If I wanted to take the reins as it were?”
“Well then thqt would just mean you and I are thinking along the same lines, Wales,” Alex smirks, fluttering his lashes at Henry ever so slightly to make his breath hitch.
At that, Henry can do nothing else but pull Alex in for another kiss, content to let his hands roam as he gasps out, “Christ love, those eyelashes of yours are as lethal as ever” in between heated kisses and teases of tongue and teeth. As Alex moans into Henry’s mouth and reaches to tug at the hem of his shirt, they’re interrupted by David huffing loudly as he gets up from where he was curled around Henry’s ankles and feet to leave the study, which makes the two tangled-up men on the couch fall into helpless laughter at the sight.
“Nooooo our poor baby David has been scarred for life and now he’s left us!”
“Darling, I think it’s more likely poor Davey is fed up with us and has decided to let us know how unimpressed he is with our behaviour.”
“He’s so judgemental; definitely our son, I’m so proud.”
“Right well, I’m going to go take him out for a bit and maybe give him a little treat to apologise, and you can go finish that memo you wanted to send Zahra before we get ready for dinner.”
“Will you please–“
“Set an alarm so you know when to go get ready in case you hyperfixate? Of course love, don’t worry I’ll make sure to remind you”
“God I love you so much”
“I love you too. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to go convince our son that we still love him.”
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biconicfinn · 8 months
once again i would like to apologise to anyone who left a prompt in my inbox but its been super busy between trying to settle my uni stuff and going on the wedding shopping trip for my cousin’s wedding and now some family stuff cropping up i have not had barely any space or time for it. i will do my best to get them up when i can but please please be patient with me. thank you
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biconicfinn · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Shadowhunters (TV) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: pre-Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood - Relationship Characters: Alec Lightwood, Original Characters, the rest of the lightwoods are mentioned in passing and there is the tiniest bit of izzy Additional Tags: Angst, Angst and Feels, Homophobia, Pre-Canon, Queer Themes, Canon Queer Character, Brief mention of homophobic violence, implied panic attack that's very much blink and you'll miss it, this is just alec finding out about pride and how the mundane world celebrates it, and accidentally finding a family with strangers who dont even know he is there Summary:
Alec Lightwood discovers what Pride is, fights demons (both mundane and otherwise), and finds a family in a community he doesn't know yet but is ready to welcome him with open arms whenever he is ready.
first fic for shadowhunters and it’s pride angst for everyone’s fave inquisitor; alec lightwood!!! ft me projecting all over him!
big love to @tothetrashwhereibelong and @maiaisbia for beta-ing this fic! hope yall enjoy!
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biconicfinn · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn, Nakari Kelen/Luke Skywalker Characters: Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Kylo Ren, Nakari Kelen, BB-8 (Star Wars), Chewbacca (Star Wars), Han Solo Additional Tags: Force-Sensitive Finn, Jedi Finn, the finnpoe is hinted at but not the main focus, Finn Skywalker, Canonical Character Death, post-TFA fic bc tlj? i don’t know her, Finn-centric Series: Part 1 of Finn Appreciation Week 2018 Summary:
Finn finds himself, finds his family, finds love and finds the Force that resides in him.
For the Finn Appreciation Week 2018 Writing Prompt: Free
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biconicfinn · 7 years
finnpoe: "What do you mean, it wasn't turned on?!"
“When I say it wasn’t turned on means it wasn’t turned on, Finn!” Poe exclaimed exasperatedly, turning around to face his annoyed (but still beautiful, always beautiful) husband. 
The telling sign of eyebrow creases and a sharp intake of breath signalled Finn’s incoming panicky rant, “Well, it was your job to switch the oven on and now the cakes won’t be ready in time for the kids’ bake sale! So what do you suggest we do? I mean it’s not like we can whip up another one of those cakes just like that and still make it fit in the whole gluten-free, sugar-free white people nonsense that damn school is insisting on and we’re running late and the kids still have to get ready and, and, and–” 
“First of all, it’s not like we even listened to the damn sugar-free guidelines and all that crap–okay maybe we listened to the vegetarian one and the thing about allergies, so I’m suggesting store bought super fudgy double chocolate chip brownies with chocolate ganache frosting? I mean it’s not like there will be any of that kinda good sugary sweet things at this goddamned white people bake sale… plus it’s probably cheaper than that absolutely sinful huge-ass chocolate cake with that really nice chocolate glaze and white chocolate chips and oreoes inside. Bonus! we get to keep the cake all for ourselves,” Poe interrupted, making sure to flash his most disarming smile at Finn, praying his on-the-fly skills as a pilot would pay off, eyebrows slightly raised and waiting for realisation to dawn upon Finn. 
And with a smile so bright, the sun and the stars envied it, Finn smiled and embraced Poe, “Poe Dameron-Skywalker you absolute fucking genius I knew there was a reason I married you!”
Pretending to look affronted, Poe playfully asked, “My good looks? My charm and charisma? My piloting skills? My very much impressive comic book collection?”
Smiling at his husband’s playful pout, Finn said,“Well, those of course, and your ability to calm me down over a panic attack over a bake sale, of all things. I love you, sweetheart,” sharing a brief, but tender kiss with Poe, tasting cake batter and chocolate frosting. 
Poe hesitantly broke the kiss, grinning at his husband and stepping out from his embrace, “Aww, I love you too, baby. Now, let’s grab the cake from the bakery and get the kids to school!” 
Finn nodded and paused, considering something. 
“Do you think I should buy some extras in case we end up being the best-sellers? I mean I heard some of the PTA moms saying they were doing some weird broccoli-kale-brussel sprouts smoothie thing and another said she was going to make some spinach brownies.”
“… definitely going to pick up an extra cake, babe” 
So, that definitely wasn’t 5 sentences so i’m sorry in advanced bhav! but really i couldn’t help myself and this got out of my hands really quickly so i hope you enjoyed it!
also i am writing this in school instead of doing homework rip me
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biconicfinn · 6 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Finn (Star Wars), Poe Dameron, Prithi (Star Wars), Mentioned: - Character, Rey (Star Wars), Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa, BB-8 (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Force-Sensitive Finn, Finn Skywalker, Fluff and Angst, Pre-Poe Dameron/Finn, Pilot Finn, tw: mentioned killing of children Series: Part 2 of Finn Appreciation Week 2018 Summary:
FN-2187 learns to fly in dreams with a mysterious someone, and Finn learns to fly on his own and reunites with a not-so-mysterious someone.
(see beginning note for warnings)
For the Finn Appreciation Week 2018 Writing Prompt: Flight
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