#slay girlboss
owanjila 1 day
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Drew my Stardew character happy 1.6 update 馃帀 (ft.Mayors shorts)
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rikoi 23 hours
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me while i write shit abt my classmates :3
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skywalkerrtno 2 months
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Me when someone asks me about my plans on 14th February:
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sadprincessgirl 7 months
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pretty girls love studying {or just being on top}
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saffitaffi 4 months
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Me when I start an animation project with little to no experience animating or storyboarding
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mooncalss 1 year
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kalsyumtulag 1 year
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THE Geminislay!! 馃槍馃拝鈿旓笍
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girlbloggerbby 1 year
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me and the girlbosses馃拫
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2hot444this 6 months
How to be a queen
#1 Stop being desperate. Stop acting like you can't live w/o that person in your life. Stop being desperate for people to notice you. Stop seeking external validation. There's nothing wrong w/ wanting compliments but desperate for compliments from others? We don't do that here.
How do I fix that, you ask? Shower yourself all the compliments you'd wanna hear from others.
#2 Stop toning down your character for humbling others. It doesn't mean you meet a person for the first time and be like look at my superiority complex but know your worth. You don't have to prove it anyone. You let people know your worth thru your daily actions. The way your carry yourself, the way you express yourself. Okay you might be wrong so what? The people who laugh at you for being wrong don't even have the guts to voice their opinion.
#3 Build your character. Write down your moral code and the things you stand for. Nothing is powerful than you knowing yourself. Be a baddie, voice your opinions all that but don't be a menace. Being mannerless isn't hot.
#4 Be assertive about your boundaries. Don't be like 'i'll give them a second chance and then I'll tell them. . .' No. Once a cheater, always a cheater. They cross your boundaries once, might do it again. So let them know and don't be afraid if they walk away from your life. It ain't your fault they chose trash over Gold.
#5 Thoughts -> Choices -> Behaviours -> Change. Revamp your self concept first. Once you change your thoughts everything will shift. If you keep thinking those same outdated, mediocre thoughts you're life will stay the same. People have healed themselves of deadly diseases by changing their thoughts.
#6 Prioritize your goals. Never change your work schedule for the sake of some person, especially a guy. Stop having all these crushes, it's literally embarrassing. Stop putting other people on the pedestal! You are the main character.
#7 Stop being so invested in other people's lives. Have conversations w/ yourself instead. What they do is none of your business.
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zvdvdlvr 1 year
- 饾悶饾惒饾悶饾惉 饾惃饾惂 饾惁饾悶, 饾惀饾惃饾惎饾悶
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饾悞饾悩饾悕饾悗饾悘饾悞饾悎饾悞 : 饾拏饾拏饾挀饾拹饾拸 饾拕饾拏饾拸'饾挄 饾拤饾拞饾拲饾拺 饾拑饾挅饾挄 饾拡饾拞饾挄 饾拤饾拏饾拸饾拝饾挃饾挌 饾挊饾拤饾拞饾拸 饾拤饾拞 饾挃饾拞饾拞饾挃 饾拤饾拪饾挃 饾拲饾拹饾挆饾拞 饾拪饾拸 饾拏 饾拝饾挀饾拞饾挃饾挃 饾拲饾拪饾拰饾拞 饾挄饾拤饾拏饾挄.
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Kenji was the first one that looked at y/n. His jaw dropping and adam's apple bobbing as he swallowed made Aaron and Adam turn. Aaron also felt his jaw drop open and his eyebrows raise. He quickly turned to Kenji. "If you don't stop undressing my woman with your eyes, I will personally see to it that your skull gets crushed," he said blank faced before striding over to his girlfriend.
"My love..." Aaron trailed off when he got closer. y/n's dress clung delightfully to her body. The dark red dress had an intricate sparkly beaded pattern sewn from the waist up. "You look... No words have the ability to describe you, my love," he murmured.
y/n smiled. "You always know what to say, darling. I'm afraid a simple 'you are stunning' will suffice," she replied, taking Aaron's hand to help her down the last stair.
The blond man looked at her as if she'd grown four heads. "'Stunning'? That is the bare minimum, y/n. I'm thinking more along the lines of absolutely ravishing." He shook his head like in a dissapointed way. "Absolutely blasphemous," he muttered to himself.
Laughing, y/n fixed a stray hair while Aaron led the pair over to where Kenji, Adam, and James were waiting. "I just put this dress on. I'd like it if it could stay on for at least an hour."
Kenji let out a loud wolf whistle before Aaron could respond. He bowed dramatically before offering y/n his hand. Aaron regretfully let go of y/n as she took Kenji's hand. Kenji twirled y/n gracefully, making James giggle at Aaron's glower. Adam couldn't help but chuckle at the way Aaron's jaw clenched when Kenji dipped y/n, making her shriek and cling to him.
"You're horrible!" y/n said when Kenji brought her back up. However, Kenji just laughed and nudged her with his shoulder.
"I like to think I'm quite outstanding," he replied smugly. "James would probably agree, yeah?"
The kid nodded, just barely easing Aaron's scowl. "I thought you were gonna drop y/n, though." he commented. He laughed harder at Kenji's offended gasp.
Adam sat back and watched Kenji and James banter while y/n retreated back to Aaron.
She easily slipped one of the blond's arms around her shoulder. "What's wrong, lovie?" y/n asked, having an idea of the look on his face.
"Just not one for watching Kishimoto twirl you around like that," he said.
y/n couldn't help but smile. "I think it's really cute when you get jealous," she said, looking at Aaron with a bright smile that he couldn't help but reciprocate.
After that, Aaron fell in a daze. The only thing on his mind was the view he had when Kenji dipped y/n. Yes, Aaron wasn't a fan of Kenji swinging his woman around like that, but he had a nice view of y/n's cleavage. Aaron criticized himself for being a pervert.
Somehow, y/n found herself sitting on Aaron's lap. Adam had wandered off, leaving James in the care of y/n, her lover, and Kenji. He sat beside the first two on hid own chair, picking at a pitiful piece of apple pie.
"You smell so good, love," Aaron murmured, resting his chin on y/n's shoulder. He pressed kiss after kiss on the sensitive skin around y/n's ear, delighting in the shiver that ran down y/n's spine. "Smell like... me," he groaned. Aaron barely withheld a smirk at the feel of y/n swatting his arm awkwardly as she tried to hold a conversation with Kenji.
Kenji yammered on about fuck knows what as Aaron wrapped his arms around y/n's waist, pulling her into him. "Aaron," she whisper-yelled.
She shifted in her spot to reach for her glass of water. Aaron kept his hold on her, giving her only a sliver of room to adjust. As y/n set her cup back down, Aaron clenched his jaw after y/n ground down on his crotch.
Seconds ticked by. Aaron had his face buried in y/n's neck while she conversed with her friend. James was slumped in his seat, eyes closed.
Aaron barely tuned in for the last part of his girlfriend's conversation.
"-better take James to his room. Kid's slumped," Kenji observed.
y/n nodded. She couldn't see Adam through the clumped groups of people but figured he'd be nearby. "See you tomorrow, Kenny," y/n said joyously. The pair watched Kenji shake his head, finish off his drink, and stand up.
"I'll get you back for that," he said, picking up James and wandering off.
"May I finally take you to bed?" Aaron asked in a low voice.
"You act as if I've been starving you," y/n mumbled back, leaning back into her lover.
The man scoffed. "It feels as if you have," he replied. "I felt positively disgusting watching Kishimoto dip you like that. Your pretty tits- Please, my love, let me take you to bed."
"I love when you beg."
He couldn't help it: Aaron whimpered. It was a quiet sound, no doubt. It came from deep in his throat, a whine that couldn't be stopped. "Please," he pleaded weakly, eyes fluttering closed.
"Take me to bed, my love. Show me how much you want to, as you said, 'ravish' me."
With that, Aaron stood up. He held y/n in his arms and happily took advantage of the crowds clearing so he could get to the elevator faster. y/n clung to him, arms thrown around his neck, watching his eyes darked considerably as he carried her to his room.
He opened the door quickly, stepped in, and locked it. Aaron set y/n on the bed carefully, as if she was made of fine porcelain. After taking off his tie, Aaron tossed it to the side, something to be found tomorrow morning.
Immediately after that, Aaron dropped to his knees, pressing kisses to y/n's legs before stopping aproximately three inches from her ankle to undo her shoes.
"Aaron..." y/n whispered. The man looked up, swallowing. y/n looked at him with such lust in her eyes Aaron felt overwhelmed with admiration for her. "Aaron please," she whispered again.
Aaron set y/n's shoes aside and stood up to kiss his lover like his life depended on it. He nipped at y/n's bottom lip and groaned when she gasped. When y/n finally pulled back, she let Aaron slide her so her head was supported by an array of pillows. "Love, flip over for me," he murmured.
When y/n complied, Aaron took his time taking bobby pins and hair things from y/n's hair. He set everything on his nighttable before he returned his attention to his lover's back. Aaron slowly unzipped the back of the bloodred dress. When he was done, he pressed kiss after kiss after kiss from y/n's neck to her shoulder to her back.
"Please, Aaron," y/n murmured. Her broken plead made Aaron feel overwhelmed.
"Tell me what you want, sweetheart. Tell me what you need me to do to make you feel good," he whispered, easing the dress down.
The cold air made y/n shiver. "I need you... I need you to eat me out," she shuddered. "Please."
Aaron cooed. "My love's asking so nicely."
"Aaron," y/n whined. After chuckling silently, Aaron finally 饾槯饾槳饾槸饾槩饾槶饾槶饾樅 pulled the dress off. He leaned back, letting y/n turn over bashfully. Her shadowed complexion made blood rush... down.
Aaron's eyes wandered. They, like two unstoppable forces, traced every curve and dimple and scar and pimple from the top of y/n's head down her neck to the dip of her collarbone. His eyes marveled at every feature on her body, unconciously swallowing at the vulnerable beauty laying in front of him.
"You're staring."
"You're... unexplainable." Aaron's mouth answered before he could think about an answer. "So beautiful, my love," he went on. "That complex mind of yours, always thinking things through." With that, he tapped y/n's temple. "These eyes- dear God- the way you look at me..." He trailed off, cupping y/n's face with both hands. "And your mouth, my love. I love your voice, the way you talk to me. You make me feel so 饾槶饾槹饾樂饾槮饾槬," he whispered, staring straight at y/n's lips. When he finished his sentance, Aaron leaned down and kissed y/n.
"I need you Aaron. I need your mouth, please," y/n begged between kisses, legs wrapping around Aaron's waist. With each groan and whimper, y/n couldn't help but grind up on Aaron's crotch, a part of her relishing in the way his pitch grew higher and high with each movement.
He shushed her when he pulled back. "I know, sweetheart, I know. Lay down, love. I'll take care of you."
Panting, y/n did as she was told. Butterflies erupted in her stomach while watching Aaron watch her. His eyes were so dark they looked like the darkest, shiniest, crystalized piece of the night sky on a person. His jawline was accuented as he clenched his jaw and ground his teeth against each other (a habit y/n noticed when he was stressed, horny, or worried). A pitiful "please" escaped it's way out of y/n's face when Aaron hooked his fingers on the waistband of y/n's ordinary pair of underwear. Her thighs shook with every intentionally faint graze of Aaron's fingers.
"You gotta stay quiet, you know. There are a lot of important people here, lovely, and who's the only person in the world that can hear those pretty sounds of yours?" His dark, commanding tone scratched an itch in y/n's mind that she didn't know she had.
"You, Aaron, you. Only you, only you."
A smile spread across Aaron's face. "That's right, love." With that, he peppered y/n's sensitive inner thighs with kisses. With one hand, Aaron unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned, and unzipped his dress pants. When he pulled away, he saw y/n biting a knuckled to muffle her whines. "Good girl, being so quiet for me," he praised.
With little warning, Aaron slipped his pointer finger right into y/n's glistening pussy. A breathless gasp escaped the woman as she tried her damned hardest to be quiet- something Aaron internally admired her for. He slowly pushed in, out, in, out while watching a blissed expression bloom over his lover's face.
When he was satisfied with one finger, he slipped in another. "You're doing so well for me, angel," Aaron mumbled. y/n couldn't tell if he was talking to her or her cunt.
He was caught in a trance, dazed by the glistening liquids on his hand that were equally spread all over y/n's thighs. "All mine," he whispered to himself. The pace which he moved his fingers sped up, and he grinned when y/n's (normally shy) hands threaded themselves into his hair to push his head down.
It made Aaron actually throb to know y/n felt comfortable enough to take her own pleasure from him. The hands that have been doused in the blood of hundreds, curling into the g-spot of his favorite girl. His lips that had uttered hundreds of millions of insults and orders to people unworthy of his time had a new purpose: to bring his woman pleasure.
Aaron's fingers kept moving as he basically made out with y/n's clit. It seemed that with the way the blond was moaning and groaning, it gave him more pleasure than y/n.
For her credit, y/n was... semi-silent. Because her hands were occupied, the only thing she could do was bit down on her lip or tongue to stifle the squeals that begged to emerge from her throat.
By the way y/n's thighs were tensing up and pressing against Aaron's head (and the way her cunt was tightening and fluttering around his fingers), Aaron knew y/n was close. Just to be an ass, Aaron slowed the pace of which his fingers moved the tiniest bit. He couldn't help but smile when y/n whined desperately: she was so responsive.
After a minute, though, Aaron had mercy and returned back to his previous pace, sucking and licking right were she needed him to.
Words were an unknown factor at this point. Aaron was hell bent on giving y/n the best head she'd never dreamed about, and y/n was trying her damned hardest not to outright squeal. The air in the room was as hot as fire- or maybe that was what this kind of lust felt like.
And then that fire bloomed into something else; something made out of love and hate, bloodlust and admiration, darkness and obliviousness.
The white hot coil snapped- shattered, was crushed and destroyed.
With Aaron's face buried between y/n's thighs, he didn't get to see the way y/n's mouth opened in a breathless scream. Her grip on Aaron's head slackened and her thighs shook.
Aaron's fingers kept up the assult, despite the dull ache in his wrist. A sweet liquid suddenly filled up his senses, filling his nose and mouth and ears, slowly sinking down his throat. It filled his heart and soul and sank into his lungs. Once again he felt the overwhelming feeling of love and lust as Aaron lapped up every last drop of y/n's release from her sensitive thighs.
Above him, y/n panted as she came down from her high. Her stomach fluttered at the pornographic squelches coming from Aaron playing with her pussy and loudly sucking hickies onto her skin. "I love you," y/n whispered, tears rolling down her face. "I'm so in love with you Aaron."
A few seconds later, Aaron tore himself away and sat up. He hovered over y/n's body, his muscular, scared body versus the softer, curvier frame of y/n's showed the beautidully imperfect juxtaposition between the two. "Love," Aaron cooed, pulling y/n's hands from her face. "Sweetheart, I love you too. Come on now. Dry your tears, lovie. You did so well, staying quiet. I need to clean you up, okay? Are you here with me, lovely?" His soft voice asked. With enough care to make a grown woman cry, Aaron slipped his arms under y/n's waist and the other supporting her unclothed back. He picked y/n up without waiting for her answer and started to the joint bathroom that was redone.
"What about you?" y/n murmured into Aaron's neck.
"I'm fine, love, don't think about me," he responded. Even if his brush off was abrupt and y/n felt bad, she didn't have the energy to say anything else.
While Aaron moved around, y/n traced the numerous scars on Aaron's back. She heard a bath being drawn as she dozed off.
"Sleep, y/n. I'll take care of you" was the last thing y/n heard before she fell asleep in her lover's arms.
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rikoi 7 days
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sadprincessgirl 6 months
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saffitaffi 6 months
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The Spectre cuz she cute lol
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countingstars-17 8 months
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the backward cap is back!
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