#sleep >>>>>>>>>>> nerofest
bbnibini · 1 year
I can finally farm the 90+ node on full max petal drops! (+12!!)☺️ It's pretty foolproof even with the support facecards cause of the Crit stars!
Playing Nerofest is giving me so much nostalgia. I remembered playing this when I was stressing over how to study for finals while farming 100+ boxes 😭 Mannn those were the days!
I didn't realise how much I missed this game. I wish I was able to play the English version of the Las Vegas event. Hopefully they can rerun it next time.
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versegm · 1 year
“I am the evil dragon that flies away holding the Grail of Heaven- Disintegrate all! Ákafiloga All-gríð!”
The fire makes quick work of the doors, and then Sieg falls back down on the ground, humanoid again. “How many does this make?”
“Twenty-four.” Caster replies. She’s leaning on her staff for support, staring at the ground. Nerofest season is always rough for people like them. “So… about halfway through.”
… Well. Sieg will just have to do his best, he supposes.
They have a minute or so to breathe while the Master scrolls through their support list. Sieg uses them to stretch his arms. He likes to be useful, but he’d be lying if grinding season wasn’t a bit… much, for him. He can’t wait to get to go home and…
He eyes the Caster next to him, currently feasting on some snacks. Rice balls, oddly enough. Perhaps she’s friends with some of the Japanese servants. What is she doing after all this? It occurs to him that he’d never asked. Or sought her out outside of their team-ups.
“Thanks for the mana transfers, by the way.”
The girl chokes on her food. He pats her on the back until she catches her breath. “The… The what? ”
“The… mana transfers? You know, the buffs? I wouldn’t be able to do this without you.”
“Oh. Oooh, right. Yeah. Uh. You’re welcome!”
She’s not looking at him. Sieg frowns. Did he say something wrong? Perhaps he should drop the subject. But now that he’s realized how little he knows about Caster, it feels weird not to talk to each other more. With how much time they spend together, they should at least know each other’s hobbies.
He decides to press on. It always seems to work for Astolfo, if nothing else. “Do you want to hang out after this?”
This gets an awkward smile out of her. “Frankly, I plan on sleeping for an entire week once we’re done.”
Aaah. That makes sense. “We could sleep together.” He suggests honestly.
And now she’s staring at him. “You… want to… as in, nap in the same bed?”
“Yes…?” Is it odd? He does this with Fran and Astolfo all the time. Not with Mordred, because Mordred always seems to have too much to do to sleep, but otherwise he wouldn’t mind sleeping with them too. “It’s soothing.”
She opens her mouth. Closes it. Opens it again. “You should… be a bit more careful as to how you word things.” Eh? Did he imply something rude? “Besides, that’s not something you should do with strangers first thing. As least hold my hand first.”
He wouldn’t call the two of them strangers. Though maybe he should start calling her by name rather than class at this point. “I can do that too, if you want.” He extends his palm towards her. “It gets a bit big when I use my noble phantasm, but you can hold onto one of my fingers when I transform, if you like?”
She doesn’t take his hand. She stares at it with wide eyes, in an expression Sieg can’t quite read. Man, he’s really bad at this, isn’t he? He just wants to get to know his coworker, but it feels like he’s constantly shoving his foot in his mouth.
“Alright, guys! Back to the front!” The Master calls for them.
Sieg almost retrieves his hand then, already turning around to talk to them- but a small palm slaps onto his own, intertwining their fingers.
“Coming, Ritsuka!” Artoria calls back. Staff in one hand and Sieg in another, she drags him back to the battlefront.
Huh. This feels nice, actually. Maybe grinding won’t be so tedious today.
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6 sq and she came :'D
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lycorisnomori · 4 years
Imagine the Quartet Night lads as FGO players.
Reiji gets cucked by the gacha. Hard. Hell, in his 4 years of playing, he only has 3 SSRs: Saber Artoria, Arjuna, and Scheherazade. How that's even possible is a mystery for later. Despite this, he refuses to level up his 3-star servants to fill in the weaknesses in his roster. He still hasn't finished Camelot because his teams are so bad. His worst banner to date was the first King Hassan one. Instead of the Old Man of the Mountain joining his Chaldea, 5 copies of Stheno made their way in instead. Out of pure despair, he has gotten her skills to 10/10/10 and lvl100. Let's get an F for our fallen soldier.
Ai has extremely good luck. The amount of NP5 SSRs he has gotten for free is enough to make even whales cry (and it definitely makes Reiji cry, too). Since he doesn't need to sleep, he farms events all night and acquires an absurd amount of currency. Oh, a YouTube whale farmed 100k petals for Nerofest? That's cute. Ai farmed three times that amount in half the time. Reiji asks him to roll on his account all the time, but it seems that his luck doesn't work on there. Oh well.
Camus does have all of the SSRs in the game... but man, some of them were really expensive. He's pretty infamous as a whale and has every servant levelled up, NP5, and bond 10. He's also Gilgamesh's biggest fanboy, seeing as he's max-grailed every varient and currently working on getting them all to bond 15. The others bet on how much money he'd spend to NP5 a summer version. Ai tends to bully him, saying weird things like "stop flexing your Caster Gilgamesh" and "at least put your Zhuge Liang on All instead of Kid Gil"? Yeah, no clue what he's talking about.
Ranmaru gets SRs and SSRs from time to time like any other player with Rank C Luck, but he could care less. Any SSR or non-event SR he gets on his main account is immediately burnt. The only exceptions so far have been Siegfried and Beowulf, but Siegfried's on thin fucking ice. Beowulf, on the other hand, has been fed many grails. He specialises in shitting on bosses with either 3 star and below teams or with his absolute unit of a Berserker. He appreciates Reiji's sacrifice and uses his Stheno as often as he can. Don't bring up his NA account. He doesn't want you knowing he actually has 5 star Serva
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siverfanweedo · 5 years
Nerofest ruined my sleep schedule
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verganno-a-blog · 6 years
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ok i have to sleep gsdasf got a super early alarm and i should have been sleeping for a while now. remember the best santa. since nerofest is ending and my back hasn’t been hurting much lately i’ll get some stuff done ic wise here tomorrow!
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Gotterdammerung Lostbelt Chapter 3(5/7)~Chapter 5
One device grinding on NA, and another on JP for this. If Anastasia Lostbelt was a Singularity with mostly debuff bosses and piercing invincibility... 
This Lostbelt is just going to be seeing stars from painful crits while getting roasted hot from burn status.
Burn status is still too early to say since I have yet to arrive at that certain boss stage... But the crit hell is really here. If anything, time to buy some telescope to start seeing stars here
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Chapter 3
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Gotten more or less a hang in dealing with this damn giants now... Until I realized after just looking at the wiki that Hokusai is actually a Divine spirit? I’m more confused with lovecraft works... They’re gods but...
Well that’s another discussion for another day, but at least now I understood why she become my tanker for this entire two fight. I went with Arthur for AOE NP since he does have huge boost in blasting large enemies like them.
But I should had brought Merlin to hasten his NP gain... Hokusai was no doubt MVP considering she keeps getting beaten with her Divine status. Hopefully it’s only this lostbelt that targets Divine Servants...
Or, I’m seeing DW trying to kill out users who decided to keep throwing in Foreigner Servants to fight Berserkers. At least until some are patient to wait for MHXX to be out so they could use her as a replacement from Abigail and Hokusai.
Chapter 4
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And this, is where I’m seeing stars! Not from Jack and her star generator, but the Walkure and her high crit damage!
Carmilla nearly getting killed her before I had to finish her off with Shiki + her own NP. Because even without the damn buff, this one is critting for stars >.>
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The final two however, seems like best area to start bringing AOE assassin like Shishou or Shuten to wipe them clean... At least still bring a tanker to take in their crit because that still hurt like a bitch.
For some reason, the wiki didn’t put at the final arrow/round with the walkure in this chapter you get bonus buff for your entire team.
Chapter 5
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If anyone wonder where the hell Sieg/Cardboard-kun shine... It’s here. Bring the local favorite George with Sieg, have a giant become a breathing dragon and let Sieg fire blast him with his NP.
There’s no Dragon-type Assassin... And giants like this are pain in the ass, so might as well bring George + Siegfried/Sieg-kun and start turning them to breathing dragon.
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............. My library had a small book of visual mythology and history... I had read a brief part on Semiramis... I never went to read further of how she’s possibly a Divine Servant.
Which, the whole entire fight in second wave was her become the unwilling tanker for the giant. Near dead before Shiki’s NP and Semiramis’s poison killed it...
I’m really in need of making a mental note to remember which of them is a Divine Servant before turning anyone into an accidental tanker. But before that, sleep and is back to grinding hell for Nerofest!
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maegaman · 6 years
I did it.
I told my friends that I would die until i killed.
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all I did was kill.
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it took some savescumming and one command seal, but I completed the final exhibition match without retrying the quest.
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there's not much time left in the event, I haven't done very many lottery boxes, I haven't done the scathach exhibition or the Hassan Parade, but I did the finale match, and guess who got the spoils.
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that's right, my boi Angra Mainyu.
but wait, there's more.
before I did the exhibition match, I rolled in the nerofest banner, and look who the fuck decided to pop up in a flash of gold on the very last summon.
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I now have 5 gold berserkers.
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to be frank, I have very low expectations when I roll in the sq gacha, so I always think that my rolls are going to be shit.
I think I'll go to bed now. the shock and feeling of triumph after getting Vlad III and winning the finale match has me feeling such a way that I just want to sleep. by the stars and stripes, how fortunate I must be. ah, geez... I'm gonna have to farm homunculus babies for Fran when I log back in tomorrow. that's okay, though.
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