#slight chat noir salt
Chloe is a child. She doesn’t get to make adult decisions, no matter how “spoiled rotten” you think she is.
But Andre IS an adult. He gets to make adult decisions.
And as an adult, you don’t let a child make them for you.
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red-balloon12 · 9 months
Everybody Hates Lila (And Why It’s Concerning Sometimes)
Lila Rossi is not a stranger in the Miraculous fandom. In fact I’d argue she’s more infamous than Gabriel in some cases. She’s despised by nearly everyone and while some reasons are more justifiable than others, she’s all around not a good person and a mid at best character.
But here’s my deal with it. The fandom hates this girl to I’d like to say an….unhealthy degree. Like the amount of salt this character gets is unmatched. And I feel like the causation of all of this salt doesn’t really live up to the response.
Lila is a liar who causes characters to act out of character very often. And not only that but she also is Marinette’s main rival now and is a jerk to her. She’s underutilized and her lies aren’t that convincing and yet the story wants to convince us she’s more important than she really is pre butterfly miraculous.
This is Lila’s character summed up. At the most I’d expect is frustration mixed in with mild dislike. Reasonable but not over the top. Instead though, I see SEVERAL people make so many salt fics and talk so much shit about her that I just have to sit down and say….y’all need to chill. You all seriously need to chill.
The fandom talks about this character like she’s the spawn of Satan, something we’ve been criticizing Astruc for doing with Chloe, all because she doesn’t have as many redeeming traits as her. Did we forget that they’re BOTH kids? Both of them still have room to improve on themselves.
And I’ll admit it, I was one of those people who kept on saying “Why demonize Chloe when we have Lila” but thinking on it now, neither of them deserves to have that fate. If we REALLY need a character to do the whole “people don’t change” thing, why not Gabriel?
It’s so much better to have this lesson taught to adults to not be like Gabriel, to accept change and loss and to be better. To teach how heavy the impact of a lost love can be and how old age isn’t an excuse to be “stuck in your ways”.
Plus the lesson works better for someone who’s older than for teenagers who’s literally at the stage of their lives where change is everything. And I’m not saying Lila needs to be redeemed or she isn’t allowed to be a villain. What I’m saying is that the over salting on her character, a character that can be easily fixed and patched up, is kinda dumb and kinda annoying to see…especially when some people do like Lila.
SPEAKING OF WHICH, don’t think I’ve forgotten what happened years ago with that one fan that claimed that they loved Lila. That’s what happens when you take salting on a character WAY too far. And I can say that it’s only gotten a little better.
I just don’t understand why people can’t spend their energy talking about how to make a character better instead of salting on them 24/7 and this goes for all of the characters in ML.
I’m gonna be in the minority when I say this but Lila doesn’t deserve to be salted in as much as she does. She deserves reevaluation and a true villain arc. The constant bashing and insulting her at any chance ain’t it.
But you wanna know the thing that frustrates me the most about the Lila salt? How she started getting salted on in the first place. Aka, her being another barrier to Adrienette.
If y’all don’t know already, I don’t like the lovesquare and even back then I didn’t like it. And when I started seeing people hate Lila for this reason, I got very annoyed. It’s the same reason as to why people hated Kagami and it’s a stupid reason (imo). At least the other reasons why she’s hated had some foundation and sense.
TLDR: Lila is a mess but she’s not a mess that’s beyond repair but the constant salting on her and her character isn’t going to do anything. (If you really wanna salt on someone, salt on the writers for making her writing so subpar)
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bloomskullberry · 1 year
Ok you know what i just gotta write out my feelings on the new Miraculous movie. I have both good and bad things to say. I will be rewatching it cause i was pretty biased (we'll get to that) and maybe reposting this with my new thoughts afterwards cause this is a lot.
THUS: READ MORE AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION and understand that most of this is based on personal perception, preferences, and an element of nostalgia/frustration (ive been watching this show since season one, would not have made it this far if I didnt have FEELINGS about Miraculous). but take everything with a sprinkle of salt.
1. Pacing felt like the biggest issue. A lot of stuff was happening, and a lot of big moments were happening, but there was nothing inbetween that made them feel like they flowed into eachother, and a lot of the character/relationship "development" relied on the viewers previous knowledge of the show, even tho its pretty clear the movie was doing stuff very differently in terms of characters and relationships. Do i understand this is a 1hr 40min movie trying to encapsulate the slowburn romance and 5 seasons worth of content in a way that caters to the fans of said 5 seasons? Yes, its a huge ask for what is essentially 5 episodes (average 20 mins long). Especially with the amount of exposition the concept of Miraculous requires. Is it still disappointing, considering the movie left out information because of its audience and still rushed through important stuff to just get to the "juicy" moments? Yeah
2. Visuals were lovely, as was the music and specific moments. Honestly if the pacing wasnt such an issue and everything was developed more, the Ladybug and Ladynoir songs (maybe even the Hawkmoth one too) would be really enjoyable as a way to progress stuff and show development. Im also a sucker for dramatic visuals during musical numbers to help emphasize the feelings/emotions of the characters, and it really showcases the potential benefits the animation could add to the show as a medium
3. I actually really liked movie!Marinette (partly cause she wasnt a stalker and creep about her crush on Adrien) qnd because she had a much more sarcastic and bantering attitude, even outside of the costume, which made Ladybug an alter ego more than a complete other person (which is a slight issue ive had with the show). The scene of her growing into her civilian persona and becomign more confident actually made me really happy, especially her standing up to Chloe
4. Movie!Chat Noir kinda pissed me off ngl, and felt very disconnected from movie!Adrien (or at least how he was shown). People have said movie!Adrien is much more depressed/isolated and acts appropriately as to his home life (and dont get me wrong, i loved his scene where he stood up to Gabriel), but i think thats why his relationship with Ladybug and complete 180 as Chat Noir feels so off to me? Like his almost "meanness" with Ladybug at first from being super cocky and then doesnt even apologize for his treatment of her even after he falls for her just throws me off (tbf ive always been biased against the "cocky assholes falling for people who put them in their place" trope, so this might just be a me thing). Idk, it just doesnt sit right with me
4b. Anyone else notice Adrien didnt even get chosen for being kind? Plagg just appeared in his bedroom? Like Marinette almost got ran over from saving Master Fu and then Adrien is just like Yo A Cool Ring. Idk, its funny but that felt weird to me
5. The stupid freaking montage. Yall cannot even imagine how much I hate the montage. If they had replaced the montage with one scene and maybe cut down the magician and mime fight to add another scene in to focus on marinette + adrien friendship and then adrien personal life development or chat noir + ladybug bonding/respect for EACH OTHER i think it would have elevated the movie to new heights. The montage essentially was the movie pressing fast forward x3 on any development of characters. Its because of montages like these that make me appreciate filler or fun episodes in any show, because when you just stick a montage in then you feel like youre watching coworkers kiss when the movie is trying to convince you theyre starcrossed ride or die lovers. Made me feel like i watched the origins episode and then the season 5 finale with just the stormy weather 2 episode inbetween. Hate it.
6. Movie!Tikki has personality and movie!Plagg is a fart machine. I think its clear theres a favorite. Feels like it reflects the focus on Marinette and lack thereof on Adrien as a character present in both the show and the movie. Hardly a new observation, just food for thought.
7. ¿¿¿¿¿¿movie!Hawkmoth/Gabriel???? That basically sums up how I feel about him but to explain theres just very little done with him i feel. Plus it seems like all his Hawkmothing around actually takes a toll on his wellbeing, which is really cool and interesting, but it just comes out of nowhere afTER THE STUPID MONTAGE. Like id love to see the kind of degradation of his health, mental physical and emotional, as he works to revive Emilie, cause you cant tell me thay wouldnt make stuff a lot more interesting (i know he got catacylsmed but the show just treated it as an outfit change and checking his arm like a clock until the season finale, so it doesnt really count for me), but mans just shows up looking like a wreck and fights with Adrien
7b. Also i was pretty confused about how him breaking/rejecting his akuma at the end of the movie worked, and him just having all the powers ever while akumatized?? But that's just me being picky at a superhero show where magic animal jewelry exists
8. Movie!Chloe and movie!Sabrina felt more real in a way? Like Chloe was just stuck up and self centered, not actively making everyones life hell, and Sabrina didnt just blindly follow her along (i ADORED when she let Marinette escape and when she shrugged at her during the ball, you go girl you have that personality and self-consciousness the show never allowed you to have until the last moment), it was more a reluctant follower ignoring a friend's red flags ya know? Movie!Chloe wasnt the mayors daughter who had control over every adult in Paris and would literally become a dictator if elected. She was just freaking out at Marinette for "ruining" her sweater. Shes still a bully/mean kid, but shes dialed back, which i think makes her much better.
9. Alya and Nino were just kind of chilling, i dont have any feelings about their characters except how terrible Nino is at advice, and Alya was set up as a good friend throughout the movie, so i appreciate her supportiveness of Marinette. Tom and Sabine were set up to do more/be more important in the movie (I was so sure Tom was gonna be akumatized at the fair, but nope), but were kind of dropped halfway? Like Tom was set up as the overprotective and loving kinda helicopter father who would go all the way to the fair in disguise to watch over Marinette, and then he was just never mentioned again after Marinette felt embarrassed by him at said fair. Wasted opportunity and time for a movie with so much issue in pacing
10. I saw buggachat say this movie felt like an animated fanfiction of MLB and I have to say i completely agree. I dont mean that in a bad way, i love fanfiction with all my heart and you can clearly see that the movie and a lot of fanfiction fixes the issues many fans have with the show. But the thing is, this is a full movie, not a collection of one-shot specific scene rewrites. Thus, for it to be successful in "rewriting" or creating an alternate version of MLB, it has to include those in-between moments, not just the juicy identity reveal, or the "my heart belongs to another " moment, or even the "Gabriel actually cares about his son" moment. Is the movie good at those moments? Goodness yes. It definitely has its humor, its enjoyment that you can tell is a gift to the fans. But as a movie, a whole animated film, it disappoints.
10b. I mean for goodness sake they didnt even mention that Catacylsm was a thing until it was used, and Lucky Charm wasnt utilzed at all, just the fixing power (that might just be a genuine change they made so Ladybug wasnt too unbalanced with Chat Noir tho)
OK IM DONE, phew. Those are my major thoughts from the day after watching the movie, and im going to watch it again more carefully later. Ill not to be so personally biased and to just enjoy it. Who knows, maybe ill think differently afterwards.
Definitely gonna listen to the songs again, and definitely gonna burst out laughing at Careless Whisper tho
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lawbreaker13 · 2 years
Elation Exaggeration
No, don’t get me wrong, I have nothing to “fix,” I loved every single moment of this episode and it was PERFECT. And this fic is NOT Marinette salt in any way. She recated just like anyone else in her position would have. Girl is stressed, it’s fine. However, I am and have always been a sucker for Marichat, and as much as I respect Adrien’s acknowledgement that his romantic endeavors as Chat Noir will always be somewhat of a parasocial relationship because he can’t ever delve any further into who he really is, I do think that there was potential for the rest of the season to have a whole lot more Marichat rather than what it’s so obviously about to do, lean entirely into Adrinette. Again, I AGREE WITH THIS EPISODE. And I am not mad at the direction that the show will take from this point forward. Marichat was officially executed for one episode and one episode only, and it did so perfectly, and ended with good reason. But like…indulge me for a moment, won’t you?
Anyway, this is my (less climactic) version of that scene that basically answers the question, “What if Marinette was like. A year older and had the wherewithal to think for like. A second?”
Be warned, there is much, disgusting, sappy fluff. Read and vomit at your own risk.
Note: I do not speak French and will be updating all the canon dialogue once the English dub is released, but this is my understanding (and slight interpretation) of what the true English script will be based on transcriptions, subtitles, and honestly, the way I think things should probably be best worded.
Read it on AO3 or FF.net
They were kissing. They were kissing. Her hand was on his face and his mouth was on hers and they were kissing. Man, if you’d have told Adrien this morning that he’d be kissing Marinette on the beach that very night, he might’ve had a heart attack right there on the spot. BUT THEY WERE REALLY KISSING. Sure, he wasn’t Adrien right now, he was Chat Noir but—
Oh shoot. He was Chat Noir.
Chat Noir opened his eyes and pulled away quickly. “Wait, what are we doing?” he exclaimed. “I can’t do this.”
Marinette was vaguely surprised as his sudden lack of confidence. “No, no, you were great!”
“No,” Chat began to explain, “I know who you are, but you don’t know who I am. I’m taking advantage of the fact that you’re a fan.”
Marinette almost laughed at the idea of her being just another fan. He had no idea.
“No, not at all!” she replied. Chat sighed.
“But you are,” he resigned. “And that’s wrong.”
Marinette closed her eyes and growled under her breath. Then she sighed. Of course he thought she was just another fan. And he was right after all, Ladybug was the one who had told him exactly this. This is exactly what she and Alya had been arguing about earlier, too. Their identities would always get in the way, no matter how they swung it. She opened her eyes and looked at him solemnly.
“Chat Noir, listen to me.” Marinette reached for his hands, but he pulled away. She felt her a pang in her heart, but swallowed it. She pulled back. “Of course I’m a fan. No one in their right mind—and Monarch certainly isn’t in his—no one in their right mind would be anything but a fan of the guy who saves Paris from evil ten times a week.” Chat Noir let out a small chuckle and smiled just a bit. “And I don’t know about you, but I don’t think I’m ‘just a fan.’ I mean, how many other fans have you gone to the movies with?” Marinette swallowed as she asked it. The thought that there were other girls in his life hadn’t really crossed her mind until this moment. What if she was just another fan?
Chat Noir shook his head. “None.” She felt the weight lift off her chest. Thank goodness. “But Marinette—”
“How many fans have you tried to get ice cream with?” she asked, this time much more confident in her point. Chat looked down.
Marinette smiled softly. “How many fans…have you kissed?”
Chat Noir swallowed and looked back up at her. “Just you,” he said. She tilted her head and looked at him sweetly. “But Marinette, it’s just too complicated.”
“Life is complicated!” she laughed.
“I have too many secrets,” he tried rebutting. “I have a whole identity you know nothing about, and I don’t know when I’ll ever be able to tell you. It’s too dangerous for you to know, and it’s not fair to you that I know you and…” Chat thought about trying to get ahold of Marinette this morning as Adrien. She clearly didn’t want to spend time with him anymore. She didn’t like him anymore. She’d just said so herself. “…and you may never truly know me,” he said. “I can’t use you like that.”
“You’re not using me, Chat. And I don’t think that…I don’t think either of us think that I’m just a fan.” Marinette hesitated for a moment, but reached out for his hand again. This time, he let her take it. She placed her other hand on top. “Look, we all have secrets. I have secrets. I have big secrets. Ones that I don’t know who I’ll ever be able to tell…or when. You may think I don’t get it, but I do.” She pulled her clasped hands closer to her chest, and Chat Noir put his other hand on top. Marinette let her gentle smile return as she continued. “Life is complicated. Everything you do is dangerous and complicated. But my life…it’s a lot less complicated when you’re around. I don’t think about my secrets. I don’t think about danger. All I can think about is you.”
Chat Noir’s face softened, now looking some mix of love and concern. “I feel the same way, Marinette. But it just feels so manipulative a-and wrong! You may never know who I am—at least not until Monarch is defeated—and you are a fan. It doesn’t matter what I feel. I just cannot take advantage of your feelings like that. I can’t take advantage of you.”
Marinette was about to cry. Yes, of course his insistence was heartbreaking. But this was also why she liked him so much. He was just so sincere. So caring, genuine, sweet. She held back her tears and tried one more time.
“You could never take advantage of me, Chat Noir.” She removed her hands from their intertwinement and gently curled her left hand up against his cheek. He leaned into it ever so slightly and she ran her thumb along the bottom edge of his mask. “I may not know who you are here,” she said, lifting her other hand and placing her open palm over his heart. “But I know who you are here.” Chat Noir closed his eyes, and nuzzled up against the hand on his face a bit more. He placed his right hand over her fist and looked back at her. She had never looked so radiant. “You’re a good guy, Chat. I know there’s someone under that mask who is, too.”
Marinette removed her right hand from his chest and pushed his bangs back. She stood on her tiptoes for a moment and kissed him on the forehead as he locked their fingers in the hand he was still holding, pulling their grasp down in between them again. As she pulled away from the kiss and placed her feet back on the ground, he leaned down and rested their foreheads together. They both closed their eyes.
“Thank you,” he said. It almost sounded like he might cry, too. Marinette was worried. “But we still can’t be together. It’s too dangerous. Monarch can and will hurt you if he finds out. It’s just…the casualties of the job I guess. I’m really sorry…” His voice was shaking. Marinette kissed him on the cheek, then pulled away and looked back up at him.
“It doesn’t have to be now,” she sighed. “Although I don’t know how he’d find out, ‘hopelessly in love’ doesn’t seem to be the strong emotion that Monarch’s looking to exploit.” They both laughed.
“Thank you, Marinette.” Chat Noir said sweetly. The sadness seemed to pass, at least on the surface. “I had a great time tonight, really. And I would love to do it again sometime…eventually.”
“Me too.” Marinette grinned.
“Come on. Let me take you home.” Chat Noir grabbed Marinette by the waist again and she put her hands around his neck. He extended his baton, pushing against the sand, and leapt off toward the bakery.
 As they landed on her balcony, there was a commotion in the distance. They both turned to see a familiar ice cream monster rising up from the very area that they had just come from. They both rolled their eyes. Chat Noir sighed and looked back to Marinette. He leaned down and kissed her on the cheek.
“This isn’t goodbye forever,” he promised her. “Just for now.”
And with that, he jumped back off in the opposite direction to take down the man who’d made them have a stupid “heart-to-heart talk.” How dare he.
Marinette watched him leap off to battle and swooned. She then shook her head, realizing there were more important matters at hand. She jumped back down into her bedroom.
“Thank goodness!” Alya shouted. “WHERE in the world did you get off to??” Just then, Alya’s Alliance ring piped up with a Megakuma Alert.
“As always, I’ll explain later. Timing just sucks. But right now, timing couldn’t be more perfect. Tikki, spots on!”
A flash of light and Ladybug went right back out the way she had just come in. Alya ran downstairs to try and get some footage of the battle, and maybe try to help out in any way that she could. As she ran across town, she thought about Marinette’s supposed crush.
Eh, Alya thought to herself, at least ‘Marichat’ has a nice ring to it.
And thus begins two seasons of Marichat secret flirtationship antics.
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ao3feed-ladynoir · 1 year
Now That We're Friends
Now that we're friends by megetstoread
With their newly found friendship and talking about their respective SOs, how long will it take the heroes to slip up and say something revealing?
The show (probably): ten years, give or take Me: I give them three days :)
Words: 1060, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Miraculous Ladybug
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Relationships: Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Additional Tags: Identity Reveal, Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir Identity Reveal, Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug Identity Reveal, Post-Episode: s05 Exaltation | Elation, post s05e17 Adoration, writing fanfics if therapy for me, just let them reveal, still don't know the tagging protocol, slight Nino salt, like I'm still mad at him for spilling, Chat Blanc references, but not a lot, Not Beta Read
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46390579
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silvia7272 · 5 years
6 ~ The Second Akuma
So, I think I’m going to have to upload this one before the salt SongFic because it has one spoiler that will make sense if I upload this before the SongFic.
The episodes Timetagger, Chat Blanc, Felix, Loveater and Miracle Queen will not happen. If you haven’t guessed. I might add more but I’m not sure, I’d have to go through each episode. Also, I don’t really care what happens in season 4 I’m going by my ideas.
Word Count: 4361
Tags: @queenmj10, @fangirl39, @animegirlweeb, @northernbluetongue, @daminett4life, @raisuke06, @indecisive-mess-named-me, @luleck @themamaravenclaw, if you wish to be tagged all you have to do is say. Sorry, it's different but this was the reason I started posting in the first place.
The limo was a first for our sliver-eyed hero. She was used to being on foot or using her ‘special’ transportation, and a limo was too big to construct. Instead, she looked out the window, she could see so many different sites she hadn’t seen before, she so had to take her newfound friends there, until she remembered that they had probably already visited.
“Rosina, do you have any idea why Father invited you? Not to be rude but Father never invites any of my friends, he’s normally too busy for this, but now it seems different.” She looked back at him and he did genuinely feel confused, but then she saw something else.
She wondered why he would think that, but then she remembered what Chloé had said.
“He’s Adrien’s Dad and a famous fashion designer. He never lets him out of the house except for school, photoshoots and fencing lessons. He doesn’t even allow his friends to come over and visit”
“I’m as much in the dark as you are, but don’t worry Adrian, no matter what happens, we’ll get through it together, so there's no need to worry” He looked almost hopeful, just how bad was Gabriel she mused?
Until the limo stopped.
“We’re here”
The door opened courtesy of the Gorilla with Nathalie by his side. She looked around, amazed by its structure and area.
“Wow, this is like, two houses stuck together” Nathalie and the Gorilla gave questioning looks while Adrien was gently guiding her towards the door.
“Sensational, it looks even bigger on the inside. I’ve never been in a house so big”
“I appreciate the compliment Miss Scoats” They turned to see the famous fashion designer before them.
“And I’m pleased you came on such short notice” He held out his hand, shocking Adrien the most, he’d never willingly made contact with anyone, not even him.
“It wasn’t a problem Sir. I just hope I haven’t done anything that would damage my image. I am confused about why you decided to invite me, however”
“Let us discuss matters privately” He started walking towards the room he spent most of his days in, Nathalie followed despite the privately being said, and Adrien was about to be whisked away by his bodyguard. That was until he felt a tug on his arm.
“I’m sorry but I would feel a lot more comfortable with Adrian with me, Sir.” You couldn’t tell if Gabriel was annoyed or considering it but nodded after a moment.
Adrien, however, was glad he was included, plus he didn’t really want to be spending all his time in his room when one of his friends was downstairs, the last time his friend had a meeting with his Father… It didn’t go so well.
“It’ll be alright” He squeezed her hand comfortingly before they made their way inside.
“By your indication, you don’t have any idea why you’re here?” They both nodded as Adrien spotted Nathalie on her tablet, it looked like she was pulling something up on the screen in front of them.
“There was something that had caught my eye when it showed that my Son was included in this video, does this jog your memory?”
“Our fencing match? I remember Alya posted it on her blog” Adrien reasoned with himself while Rosina was still confused.
“What's a blog?”
“Ahem, I have to say I’m quite intrigued by your impressive set of skills. And I’m willing to make an offer.” They both looked surprised, well more Adrien than Rosina.
“If you will become Adrien’s bodyguard where our other cannot, to protect him in school hours, your payment will be substantial. With the rising activities of Akuma’s I wish he would be protected more than I’m able to give him.”
Adrien.Exe has stopped working.
Was this?
Was this his Father’s way of providing him with another friend?
So, the gods did love him, he knew his Father cared about him, he knew it.
Now he wouldn’t be alone as much, he could spend time with one of his friends.
“I’m sorry Sir but I can’t” Her head lowering into a sort of bow.
And then he stopped again.
Why? Why couldn’t she stay with him?
All he wanted was to hang out with someone.
“Why not?” Gabriel’s voice was callous. And Adrien really hoped Rosina would be emotionally strong enough to withstand an Akuma.
“I-I mean I don’t need to be paid, I already have enough money as it is, and I still need some time for my friends and Aunt, plus I wouldn’t want to agree to something without Adrian’s approval. I’m very sorry Sir, I hope you haven’t wasted too much time with me” She didn’t want another decision to be forced on Adrian, he had all his choices made for him already, he didn’t want him to resent her, plus she kinda wanted to leave and be with Marinette, Chloé and Kagami. It was hard enough getting here in the first place she didn’t want to make them wait anymore.
“Wait, Rosina, I don’t mind, I really wouldn’t mind having a friend near me. I think it would be good for me someone as strong as you. And I’m sure Father won’t mind you having as much free time as you want. Right, Father?” He turned and prayed to whatever god was out there now. He felt happy when Rosina wanted his opinion, it felt nice someone wanted him to be heard rather than someone speaking on his behalf. But he hoped his Father wouldn’t mind.
“Really, I was really worried, that and I don’t work so well cramped inside all the time, would there be a way to have some lessons outside? At the park perhaps?” She wondered out loud, it was like all of Adrien’s prayers were being answered right now, Father would have to let him go outside for Rosina’s proposition. Wait, could she read his mind? He’d have to get his foil hat from his emergency box.
“I believe there are some aspects I can negotiate on, but is this a deal?” His hand was still stretched out.
“Of course, although there was something else, I’d like to mention” Gabriel was getting a bit restless here, how many times would she add to her previous comments?
“What would that be?” Everyone sans Rosina could tell Gabriel was getting mad, there weren’t a lot of hints, but they were there.
“I was wondering if I could help Adrian with his languages?” He rose an eyebrow, even if he wouldn’t have believed she had super fencing skills he couldn’t place her with being multilingual as well. There had to be a test.
“Is that so?” Adrien paused, if he had to guess that sounded German, and then the panic-struck in, he was testing her! Oh no, there was no way he could be this lucky in a day, maybe it was his destiny to be alone.
“Of course, Sir,” They all seemed surprised.
“That wouldn’t be all you know would it?” He switched again, Italian?
“If not, I would be Trilingual but as I said I’m Multilingual” Her smile never wavered.
“Impressive, a number of all the languages you know will be helpful” He ordered, but Rosina didn’t seem to mind.
“Of course, Sir: Morse Code, Binary, French, Italian, German, English, Mandarin, Russian, Japanese, Arabic, Latin, Spanish and Thai.” They looked at her in disbelief while she rubbed the back of her head.
“I travelled a lot when I was younger, and Aunty still makes sure I remember all of the languages on top of… Other things.” She seemed to trail off, Gabriel and Nathalie noticed but either didn’t care or didn’t comment.
“Then I suppose I can allow this to happen, now Adrien, if you would like to show our guest around, I have some important matters to attend to.” He couldn’t keep the smile off his face.
“Of course, Father, c’mon Rosina I’ll show you the dining room first” He offered his hand out as they walked off.
“And that’s how Rosina became my tutor/bodyguard” All of Adrien’s friends were on his computer screen, looking ecstatic.
“That’s great dude, at least now you’ll have some company.” He nodded.
“Wow Rosina, thanks so much for doing this for Adrien, that’s so nice of you” Rose praised as our red-haired heroine rubbed her head again.
“I didn’t really do anything, Mr Agreste was the one who gave me the offer, I don’t even get why though.”
“But don’t you see? This is perfect, with you having to spend more time with Adrien that means we’ll all have to spend more time with you. And that means we’ll all soon become closer friends” Lila presented the idea as they all praised her like they had become accustomed to.
“Plus, whenever me and Adrien have our photoshoots, I’m sure I can tell all of you the location of where we’re stationed. That way we’ll have more time to hang out outside of school. Wouldn’t that be amazing?”
“Lila I can’t believe how smart you are, why didn’t any of us think of that before?”
‘Because you’re too dumb’ She wished she could’ve retorted but held her tongue.
“I don’t know, I don’t think my Father would be too happy about that.” He grimaced; he would hate to see his Father angry.
“Oh, don’t worry Adrien your Father loves me, I’m sure he’ll let it slide. And besides, after the many times you’ve had to cancel on get-togethers don’t you think it's fair?” There it was again, the disappointing stares of his classmates. Why did it hurt he wondered?
“Fine, I’m sure he won’t mind, I hope.” He muttered but no one heard that part. Except for the girl next to him.
“And don’t worry girl, we haven’t forgotten about you, how about we all go out to the arcade next week?” This worried the girl. A, she didn’t know how her other friends would react, B, her Aunt had made it clear they needed to find the Trinklets and C, what the hell was an arcade?
“I’m sorry guys but I err already promised to hang out with Mari and Chlo, we’re bound to have a sleepover at one point I just know it.” God, she looked adorable, they really wished they didn’t have to ruin their image of her ‘friend’.
“I hate to tell you but there is an 83.98% that Marinette will cancel on you?”
“Why?” She tilted her head.
“Because she’s always flaky, she’s never where she says she is, I’ve checked too. It's one of the reasons why we aren’t friends. Plus, both of them are just as bad as each other, Chloé would bully all of us constantly, but because her Dad is the Mayor of Paris, she was able to get away with it. She’s never been punished. Just ask Sabrina” It was then she noticed the ginger held a worried expression.
“It's true, I was always there for her beck and call and I could never have any time to make any other friends, she pushed them all away, but please Rosina, don’t fall into the same trap I did, everyone forgave me before it was too late, and I know they’ll forgive you too. Don’t fall for Chloé and Marinette’s lies”
Rosina paused, she felt a new emotion in her, but couldn’t place it, she was normally always excited and happy, why did she feel the same feeling of when Chloé and Marinette were arguing in that supply cupboard on that trip? Why did they have to be so mean to one of her first friends? What was the reason?
“I hate to put this short, but I think me, and Rosina should start studying now.”
“Ok, we know how your Father can be, we’ll expect your answer at school ok girl, please come to your senses” They all hung up.
“Why are they so mean to Mari?” She whispered this to herself. But Adrien was able to hear it.
“Hey, don’t worry about it, it will all work out in the end. We’ll all become friends just like the old times… Just as soon as Marinette apologises.”
“Apologises? What for?” Adrien winced knowing he’d have to tell her the truth.
“Lila is lying to everyone for attention. Marinette and I are the only ones who know about it and while she wants to call her out, I think we should let her have it her way. She’s not hurting anyone, so I don’t understand why she won’t take the high road?” Now Rosina was just confused. Unless you had to lie for certain situations, her Aunt always told her lying was bad, why did he have to overlook it?
“And I know it’s a huge favour to ask you, but do you think you could overlook it as well? I would hate it if you became despised because of this. Please?” He put his hands together in a praying position as she stared at him.
But before she could answer, Adrien got a notification, and he knew what that type meant.
“Oh no,” He took his phone out to see what type of Akuma he would be facing off today.
“What is it?” Rosina looked puzzled and Adrien was quick to understand why.
“Oh right, this is your first Akuma attack right?” She nodded and Adrien sighed, how was he going to get away now?
“You should stay in the bathroom, it’ll be safer” Before he could retort she was already pushing him into his bathroom. And with her out of site Plagg flew out.
“Well now looks like you’ve got yourself another friend huh? How many girls are in your corner now?” Plagg snickered out as Adrien rolled his eyes.
“There's no time for that, now Plagg! Claws Out!”
“I should be getting paid for thiiiiiiiiisssssssssss” But as he was transforming, he could’ve sworn he heard his bedroom window open.
But he paid it no mind, it must’ve been something else.
“Well, Bugaboo what seems to be the situation?” He seemed to slip right in the battle while Ladybug swung her Yo-Yo around to avoid a blast.
“I told you before, stop calling me Bugaboo!”
“You know you love it M’Lady” He winked as he blocked an attack on his end whilst Ladybug rolled her eyes.
“So, what seems to be the situation? Another love Akuma perhaps?”
“In your dream’s Kitty, their actually called SleepSis. Make sure you don’t get hit or you’ll end up as a sleeping statue. The more statues the stronger she gets” They were back to back as they awaited her next attack. She seemed to attack from the shadows, but her next attack would be unknown to the two superheroes.
“Ladybug! Watch out!” It was a familiar voice, more so to one than the other but familiar all the less.
It had looked as if the voice had stunned the pair as she mysteriously hit one of the blasts away.
“Are you ok Ladybug? I really hope I wasn’t late to the battle” She worried as Ladybug approached her.
“Its fine, Chat Noir only just got here as well” Chat blinked, hadn’t he seen her before?
“Hey, haven’t we met?” He scratched his head as all three had to defend themselves from the Akuma.
“Yep, I’m Crisono Tassa, I’m new and here to help. I wish we’d met under better circumstances. Oh, and by the way, I love your ears, are they real? Can I touch them pretty please?” Now, why did that sound so similar?
“Crisono you need to focus; this is your second Akuma battle and they’re all different.”
“Ok Ladybug.”
“Wait wait wait. You seriously can’t let her stay Ladybug? She’s just a civilian, she can get hurt. I’m sorry Crisono but you have to leave” He wasn’t usually the stern one, but Ladybug wasn’t being reasonable.
He saw how they both glanced at each other before continuing on, did they just ignore him?
“Don’t worry Chat, I thought that too, but she is a capable fighter, I’ve seen it myself” He didn’t want to believe it at first but if his Lady did then so would he.
“Okay, then I hope we get along Crissi” He was able to place a kiss on her hand as Ladybug had to yet again block an attack.
“Chat! Focus!”
“Ok ok, so what's the plan then M’Lady?” To make up his mistake, he then blocked an attack that was meant for Ladybug.
“I think her mask is the Akumatized object, I need you to distract her while I sneak up and take it”
“Sure thing, but I will need my cat nap soon” Ladybug groaned at his joke, while he heard Crisono giggle.
“At least someone appreciates my humour, well shall we go Crisono?” He offered his hand out, she inquisitively looked at it before smiling.
She pulled him along instead, Ladybug couldn’t help the little bit of laughter she let out. She called out her Lucky Charm only to be given two planks of wood. She looked around but couldn’t find anything with her Ladybug vision. Did she have to wait? But for how long? What did she have to do?
Meanwhile with the adventures of Crisono Tassa and Chat Noir.
“This isn’t how it works but ok” She laughed as she threw Chat across the street.
“Hey, I’m not just some ragdoll you can throw. No matter how far you throw me I’ll always come back”
“Really? But what if I threw you out of Paris? I say I can beat SleepSis before you can run back here” The attacks were getting more and more havoc as the two newly acquainted heroes teased the other.
“How dare you two treat me like a joke, I’ll show you the real power of SleepSis”
“Then show us your power, I wish to see what else Hawkmoth can do” A pink mask appeared on her face but before Crisono could register that, she became the more prominent target.
“Hey, I’m here too! You want a piece of me!?” Chat would be lying if he said he wasn’t at least a little bit worried about the newbie. He was still ever so slightly mad that Ladybug knew about her and didn’t tell him about it, but maybe there was a reason for that. He tried to apologise but couldn’t find her anywhere. And besides, his Lady would tell him eventually, they were partners.
“C’mon, just a little further.” His ears picked up to Ladybug, ahh the sight could put his mind at ease. The love of his life, he would do anything for her. To admire her beauty was something he could do forever.
“Chat lookout!” His Lady’s voice was captivating as well. He would’ve continued his thought process until he was unpleasantly shoved aside.
He expected to be able to joke about not paying attention since she had stolen it, but he didn’t. because his Lady wasn’t the one in front of him.
It was Crisono.
And she had been hit.
“Crisono!” Ladybug had to stop her plan as a fear of dread kicked in. She heard Chat shout out her friend's name and panicked when she saw Crisono on the ground.
“Oh no,” But then something happened, her vision was showing her a plan.
The wood.
Her Yo-Yo.
Chat Noir’s Baton.
Rosina and her Sabre.
“Chat I’ve got a plan. Grab Rosina and come back” She blocked some more attacks as she was in SleepSis’ vision.
Chat did what he was ordered, and they made their way onto a building.
“I’m sorry M’Lady, she took the hit for me”
“Its fine Chat Noir, we’ll sort this out together I promise.” He smiled at that as he helped Ladybug with whatever her plan was.
For the time being, SleepSis was trying to track the fellow heroes down, but she couldn’t find them.
“Hurry, Ladybug’s time limit will be up. Find her immediately!” Hawkmoth ordered.
“Yeah yeah I know.” She heard a thud behind her and released an attack which made contact. She smirked in victory, but it vanished as she saw what she hit.
“Damn it, Ladybug using you as a shield was clever. But don’t think it will stop you from winning.” She looked up to see Ladybug and Chat Noir giving a smug look. That wouldn’t last.
She jumped to meet them but was stopped, by… The redhead?
“What?” She was being moved by Ladybug like a… Like a puppet?
“It won’t be that easy SleepSis” She was controlling Crisono almost perfectly, SleepSis was on the edge.
“Chat now!” What? Wasn’t Chat with- No he’s gone! Where is-
“Gotcha -Grabs The Mask- Cataclysm!” He destroyed it making the woman become De-Akumatized.
“Time to De-Evilize!” She did her usual routine as she cast the Miraculous cure over Paris. The ones asleep awoke and continued on their day as it had become the norm.
“Crisono are you ok?” She awoke to the worried voices in front of her, they were surprised when they were trapped into a hug.
“The plan worked, oh how wonderful” They smiled. She must’ve been aware of what was happening.
“Sorry about that Crisono, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again next time. I’m paw-sively sure of it” One groaned as the other giggled softly. The duo stuck their hands out, signalling for her to join.
“Like this? I’ve never done a fist bump before?” Chat would’ve been shocked until she uttered a Faa Lalalala. He gasped as he held her hand.
“You’ve watched Big Hero 6 too?” She had to shake her head.
“Sorry, I overheard some children do that to each other, is that not how normal fist bumps work?” He was slightly deflated but maybe he could get her to watch it, he wanted to hang out with other heroes now and again damn it.
“Ladybug what do you think, can it be an extension to our routine? As our newest friend, it would be nice to change some things. It would be a cat-astrophe to say otherwise” She rolled her eyes before nodding.
“Sure, but I’ve gotta go, Bugout” She swung her Yo-Yo away as Chat Noir blew a kiss in her direction before turning to Crisono.
“So how did you meet Ladybug? And how come you’ve decided to come to Paris? Are you going to help us with Hawkmoth?” She nodded to the last part.
“My Aunt said we’re going to stay here till Hawkmoth is defeated, plus it was our next location anyway. We travelled around the world, defeating crime. France just so happens to be next.” He would’ve asked more questions, but he remembered his Miraculous time limit and had to get going.
“Sorry if I stay then the cat will be out of the bag, Cya next time” He was about to take a leap.
“Wait?” He stopped to be polite, but she could see it couldn’t take long.
“Err, did you mean it when you said I was your friend?” She pushed her index fingers together, seemingly looking nervous.
“Of course, a friend of Ladybug’s is a friend of mine. I hope to see you next time” He had to quickly leave but he waved goodbye.
‘A new friend and a new hero. What else can happen?’
“Claws In” He made it back.
“So, what happened out there, you seem happy now?” When their chosen transforms, their Kwami is unable to see anything that happens outside, all they can do is concentrate on giving their special power when the time comes.
“I saw Crisono again, and we’re friends. She likes my puns as well, maybe we can hang out after battles?” He seemed as giddy as a kid on Christmas.
“Ohh so it looks like another type of cheese has entered the fray. Huh~”
“Plagg” He wined. Seriously why does every girl he meets have to become a love interest; it was getting annoying?
“And besides, she’s just a-”
He opened his door.
“Ahhh, ouch, boy did that hurt.”
“Friend?” He only questioned himself as he saw a figure come tumbling through his window. Not that he was one to judge, he would sometimes trip and fall onto his floor. He was glad that at times like that no one could see Chat’s accidents.
No, he was questioning the fact why Crisono was in his room in the first place!? Did she follow him and now she knows who he is? Did that mean he’d have to give up his Miraculous? No, anything but that, he’d rather have Lila’s clinging onto his arm than give up his freedom.
“Ah, Adrian it is all safe now, Ladybug and Chat Noir have defeated the Akuma. You have no more reason to fear, should we get back to our lessons?” Ok, now he was confused.
“Yes? Is something wrong Adrian? Do you need to lie down?” It clicked.
“You’re Crisono Tassa!?” He exclaimed, no wonder he liked her, they were already friends.
“Oh no I forgot to switch out of my costume again. Oh, Adrian please don’t tell anyone, my Aunt will kill me about this mistake, I know exactly what she would say too.”
“H-Hey don’t worry about it, I promise I won’t tell another soul” He held out his pinkie, but she was puzzled.
“Why are you showing me your pinkie? Is it hurt; do you require medical assistance?” He laughed nervously, and people thought he was sheltered?
“It’s a way to signify a big promise, if we cross our little fingers together, it means we’ll remember/keep it forever.” At least, that’s what his Mum used to say before…
“Ohhhhh I see now, ok.” She made her first-ever pinkie promise while they smiled. Oh, the happiness radiating off the two newfound friends. And since Plagg was hiding somewhere else in the room, he was able to see who it was. And knew that he would just have to see that old Lady soon.
She still owed him that cheese. He would never forget that.
Hazar. The 6’s chapter is complete, please don’t worry, the SongFic will be out afterwards, at least it should be. I needed to make it clear that Plagg now knows who Crisono was. You can decide how I’m going to use that in the next SongFic.
I hope you all enjoyed this and stay tuned for the next one, I know it may not be what you lot wanted but I had to get info out somehow. Plus, this is my main story. Cya later.
Also 100 Followers? Thanks so much guys I’m so happy.
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celestialtitania · 5 years
So I'm pretty sure that ending in chat blanc is where Chat Noir tries to make Ladybug jealous with a fake girlfriend. And this is after she's just found out that she can't be with Adrien until she defeats Hawk Moth since otherwise he'll reveal her identity. Which is what causes her to tell Andre to make ice cream for Adrien and Kagami.
So not only did she give up on her crush for him, he then made her feel bad about not loving him. Great move there.
But as for Adrien not choosing Marinette over Kagami, I'm pretty sure he think Marinette's in love with Luka. I mean if he got the present it would be pretty clear from the hearts on the beret that she likes him. Otherwise he has nothing to make him realize Marinette's love for him. So I don't think that Chat Blanc means that Adrien will never notice Marinette without knowing she's Ladybug. More like...he'll never have a reason to think anything could happen with Marinette until he's convinced she doesn't like Luka.
And besides remember when he thought Ladybug was Chloe? He was horrified, not melty the way he got when he realized it was actually Marinette. It's not like he was really going to be in love with any random girl who was under the mask. Love Square still has hope.
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goggles-mcgee · 2 years
Replaced: It’s The Latest News
Second Chapter of the story for @miner249er
Last Chapter                     Next Chapter
Summary: Alya prided herself on being the Number 1 Ladybug journalist in all of Paris. She was the one who got exclusive interviews, she was the one who got recognized in a sea of reporters and news channels on the scenes of akuma battles and she was the one who had been trusted to be Rena Rouge. So imagine her surprise when a rival Ladybug blog has the latest Ladybug scoop, not just a scoop, no, they had Ladybug as a guest and she gave them the honor of hosting her announcement. 
Alya tried her best not to feel betrayed.
Alya prided herself on her journalism skills. Her blog was the culmination of those skills. It was definitely a step up from going around her old neighborhood with an old tape recorder (her father’s) and a little handheld journal to write whatever she found that caught her eye or ear. She upgraded to using an app on her phone to record herself or whatever juicy lead she was following and a note app that let her type out quick notes that she would later transfer to her computer so she could flesh out her story. It was a beautiful if not meticulous process, one she found almost methodical. Oh it was hard work don’t get her wrong but it was work that paid off and it was work that deserved to be recognized. Alya had a talent and she knew that, ever since she was a little girl she knew she had wanted to be a reporter. It was different than most kids her age, especially when her and her family had been living in Louisiana in the States.
Moving to Paris had been a big move but when her mother had gotten the job offer by the mayor of freaking Paris to work in his hotel restaurant it had been an easy decision to let her mom follow her dream, the whole family had agreed. Besides, from what her mother had told her and her sisters, their ancestors had lived in France for a substantial amount of time before they fled to the States and settled down in New Orleans. When Alya had asked why their ancestors had fled her mother had been particularly avoidant of the whole thing, she always said it wasn’t the kind of story she wanted her little girls to know. Of course her father had agreed with his wife, that was what led Alya down her path of journalism. Down her path of justice. Her ancestors were her past just as much as her mother’s, she should be able to know why they had fled to the states in the first place. 
War had been ruled out pretty fast, as it was something her mother denied when asked and she knew her mother wasn’t lying. When her mother lied she tended to bite her lip and scrunch her nose. It was an obvious tell. When her father lied his left eyebrow would twitch just the slightest bit. Nora rarely lied, her older sister was someone who wore their emotions on their sleeves, but on the rare occasions she did lie she would give this awkward smile. Now the twins were still at that stage where if they lied they looked off to the side or giggled, it was horribly obvious. Alya knew all her family’s tells so she knew when her mother lied or told the truth, her mother quickly caught on to that fact and just refused to talk about their ancestors all together. She wanted to know the story, no, she craved the story! She needed to know and so she set out to find the truth. 
It made her feel like a secret agent! Hunting down the clues, following leads if she got any. It was thrilling. In the end it wasn’t that big of a shock, Alya had honestly been expecting the fleeing of her ancestor (who she found out was a woman called Fayette) to be something big and shocking like running away from an assassin or an arranged marriage to a wealthy family and her ancestor had a torrid love affair! Something dramatic! In the end it was because Fayette wanted to travel while her father firmly denied his daughter’s wish because, though she was the youngest daughter, she had responsibilities. The family had a farm and Fayette knew she would either live a life on the farm or have to marry to get away from the farm and that wasn’t something she wanted so she ran and caught a boat to the States. 
Though it wasn’t the story she had been wanting nor expecting it was still something that she had hunted down and found herself and it had made Alya feel so good and accomplished. Her mother and father hadn’t been so happy with her, nor had her grandparents but nothing could have dulled her flames that day. She told everyone about it, even those not in the family, it was a story she found, so she figured she had every right to share it. Nora had been interested to hear about it but when she found out Alya was telling her friends at school and the neighbors, she got mad just like their mom and dad. That was the night that Alya got lectured about what she shared, because that was a story about the family, one that was supposed to stay in the family. 
Alya really didn’t see why it mattered. It’s not like Fayette did anything bad, so she saw no problem with sharing the story about her ancestor, but her parents told her it would have been fine if she had asked permission. That was also the night that Alya decided it was better to ask for forgiveness than to beg for permission because she knew her parents never would have given her their say to share the story. Okay maybe she didn’t know for sure but she liked to think she knew her family members well enough to know they wouldn’t have so she stuck to her thought to ask for forgiveness. Plus, reporters never asked for permission to follow stories they just did! And she was going to be the best reporter ever. 
Maybe that was a childish thing to still believe in but Alya knew she had the skills and the drive to reach for it. Sure she had some hiccups but those were merely bumps in the road towards her shining future! Alya had grown since those small mistakes and so had her blog, her blog was truly her greatest accomplishment. Her blog would also be the key to getting her future, it was her portfolio, her experience, it was her everything. A large part of her success she credited towards Ladybug, if it wasn’t for the hero, her blog wouldn’t have found its focus nor its audience, but it was her who built it to what it was today. It was her hard work, her editing, her research, her talent that made it what it was. Perhaps she sounded smug but Alya firmly believed she earned the right to.
Lately though her posts weren’t getting as much traction as they usually got. The numbers were still high but not nearly as high as they had been months ago and Alya had no idea why. She hadn’t done anything differently. She still posted the latest akuma fights, she still posted random facts that correlated with the animal or whatever thing the Kwami of a Miraculous represented, she still posted interviews with Lila. Her content was the same perfect formula she had created and observed as being her most popular, so there should have been no significant drops, and yet there was. Sure Alya could go to her comments and try and see what the people were displeased with but it was getting harder to find the actual constructively critical comments and the haters. 
Ever since her first interview with Lila she had been getting massive hate, that’s not to say she never got any before but that interview seemed to set off a chain reaction of hate comments. They called Lila every name under the sun that was synonymous with ‘liar’ and they called Alya many names too but more often than not she was labeled with ‘sell-out.’ Lila, of course, apologized for the hate her interview brought. Apparently she had quite the following of people who hated her and tried their best to denounce everything she did. Alya had brushed it off but to be honest it was a pain because those comments took up so much of the comment sections of her posts that she basically gave up blocking people and deleting comments. It was just too much work. What made it worse was that Alya’s best friend seemed to believe those people. 
Marinette was never someone who didn’t give someone a second chance or believed rumors right off the bat, and yet she was whole-heartedly against Lila. It hurt. It hurt because Lila was amazing and kind and generous and just everything that Marinette was and if that girl could just open her eyes, Alya was sure they would be friends. Apparently that wasn’t going to happen, or at least not any time soon, so until Marinette could grow up Alya had decided she needed space from her BFF. The girl squad knew and agreed so they too held Marinette at arms-length when they interacted with her. They hoped it would make the girl realize she was in the wrong and apologize but she hadn’t. 
It hurt to admit but Alya missed Marinette, she missed how they would pass notes during class (well back when they sat together), she missed how Marinette was always ready to help her if Alya needed her, and she missed their sleepovers. There was so much she missed but those were the things that first came to mind because in class her and Lila didn’t pass notes, Alya had to take class notes for Lila and herself because of Lila’s wrist issues. Alya loved Lila, she really did, but Lila promised help but she had so much already going on that she often forgot. And sleepovers, Alya missed not stressing out about them, every time Lila came over for a sleepover she felt like her house, her very room, wasn’t good enough. It wasn’t a very nice feeling so somewhere along the way she stopped offering sleepovers. 
Another thing she missed was how excited Marinette got for Alya when she got a new scoop on Ladybug and the Miraculous Squad. Her joy amplified Alya’s. Nino was always excited for her but it wasn’t really the same, and so was Adrien, another local Ladybug Fan, but again, it wasn’t the same. 
Speaking of Ladybug it seemed like the hero was avoiding her. Lately after an akuma battle the hero left the space no matter if her Miraculous was beeping or not. She would  give a couple of answers to the press and then yo-yo away. Usually she would give Alya a little interview or at least wave to her camera but lately that stopped. It stopped and Alya wasn’t sure when it actually started to stop and that scared her because that meant her attention slipped. Her focus slipped and as a reporter focus was crucial.
“You good babe?” 
Alya blinked out of her thoughts and gave Nino a small smile and a shrug. “Yeah I guess. Just a little anxious I think.” 
“Of the upcoming announcement?” Adrien asked from his spot next to Nino. 
They had all headed to the park next to Alya’s house when Mireille and Aurore notified everyone at school and on their blog (MiraculousTales another blog about Ladybug and the other heroes that defended Paris-Alya was loathe to admit it was a good blog) that they had an interview with Ladybug who wanted to make an announcement. 
“Partly.” She admitted as her focus went back to Nino’s laptop that had said blog on display. “But I don’t really want to talk about the other thing right now.”
Nino gave her a knowing look but nodded anyway while Adrien just looked confused. The poor boy always looked confused these days. No not confused, well okay, yes he looked confused but he also looked frustrated a lot. Alya and Nino just chalked it up to problems with his dad, it seemed like the model had a new event or photo shoot going on each week. Alya had half a mind to report it to her parents and see if anything could be done because surely that had to be illegal. She had even considered writing a piece on it but Alya wasn’t stupid, she knew if she wrote about Adrien and his awful work hours that she could very well be sued by Gabriel Agreste and really her blog didn’t need that. Plus she didn’t exactly have proof, nor was her source confirmed, two things that were very important in the field of journalism. 
“Oh look! It’s starting!” Adrien announced as he bounced in place. Alya couldn’t help the fond smile that slipped through, if she didn’t know better she would say Adrien was a bigger Ladybug fan than her. 
“I wonder what this whole announcement is for.” Nino mused as they heard the voices of Mireille and Aurore greet the viewers from the screen.
“I don’t know…Usually they let everyone know what their next videos are going to be about, same with announcements. I mean they at least give a brief synopsis of the announcement or if it’s a surprise they say it is. This feels like something else.” Alya mumbled as she stared hard at the screen. Whatever Ladybug had to announce she knew it was going to be important so of course she had her notepad and pen out just in case. 
“Hey Lovelies! Aurore here, I know, not who you wanted to see, but before we bring in our special guest Mireille and I had a couple words we wanted to say.” Aurore said with a bright smile, Alya felt a little bad when she wished the girl would hurry up and announce Ladybug already, but well, they promised Paris’ number one hero and if there was one thing Alya understood about running her own blog was that the people were impatient for their content. 
“We know you guys are eager to see our guest and hear her announcement,” Mireille said softly, “but we just wanted to take a moment before that to let you guys know how grateful we are to each and every one of you for following our blog.”
“Yes, we are so grateful. We never imagined the blog gaining popularity so fast. So we just wanted to thank you, our wonderful followers, as well as those who helped us set up this blog. A special thanks goes out to Claude Beauréal, my cousin, for doing the coding and technical stuff for the blog as Mireille and myself are awful with technology not related to our phones.” Aurore admitted with a laugh as she held up her phone to show a picture of said cousin to the viewers. 
“See, if this wasn’t an important announcement Claude would have edited a picture of himself on the screen so you guys could see him better, though I’m sure you will see a picture of him somewhere on the blog following this video.” Mireille said with her own laugh.
“Very true Mireille! We would also like to give a special thanks to the designer of the blog who helped with the layout and the icons, Paris’ own Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” Aurore made a heart with her hands towards the camera before her smile broadened and she straightened in her seat. “Now that the thanks have been given, please welcome our guest, the beautiful, the talented, the miraculous…Ladybug!”
Alya felt like she had been on a rollercoaster back in the States, one that traveled with a fair. It looked fun but you still looked at it with skepticism because while it looks fun you don’t know how much you trust it despite the fact you know the machinery is constantly being checked over. Alya had willfully boarded that rollercoaster and already her stomach had dropped, Marinette had designed their blog’s layout? She didn’t know how she felt about that. The first emotion that came up was betrayal followed by rage followed by this chest clenching sadness. All to end with numbness, but then the introduction of Ladybug had her heart swooping, her pulse rushing and she pushed all thoughts of Marinette away in favor of her favorite hero. 
“Thank you for the warm welcome you two.” Ladybug smiled at the two girls as she strode into frame and took a seat across from both Mireille and Aurore. Alya bitterly thought of all the times Ladybug gave her that smile and how it always made her feel so warm, so special, so important. 
“Huh. That’s weird.” Nino mumbled.
“What? What’s weird?” Alya questioned right away.
“Uh, well, there’s a lot of seats there for just three people.”  He replied.
“Maybe they didn’t have time to take out the other seats?” Adrien said, though he posed it as more of a question. Nino just shrugged while Alya frowned. 
There were a lot of seats.
“You are always welcome on our blog Ladybug.” Mireille gave the spotted  heroine a shy smile.
Ladybug returned the smile with one of her own. “You’re too kind. Now, I don’t want to take up too much of your or Paris’ time but I felt like this needed to be addressed. There may be some of you who have noticed and those of course who haven’t, but…there have been some changes as of late to do with what you have dubbed us as, ‘Team Miraculous.’”
“Changes?” Aurore asked.
“Yes. First off, it has fallen to me to let you, the people of Paris know that Chat Noir has decided to be a solo hero. We are no longer partners. I can’t nor will I, disclose his reasons why. Those are his own. So just know his actions are also his own and are not affiliated with myself and the new ‘Team Miraculous’.” Ladybug was as she always was in her interviews, business as always but her words were like a rock being thrown at a window.
“New team?” Alya whispered in horror.
“Dude…I wonder why Chat left.” Nino said as he shook his head like he still couldn’t believe Ladybug’s words. Adrien…Adrien was oddly silent and very focused on the screen with a scowl on his face. Alya felt for him, she figured it was because he was such a big Ladynoir supporter like herself and this was like a cannonball to the ship. It seemed like it was well and truly sunk. 
“Maybe she’s just announcing that the temporary heroes are going to be permanent? I mean they haven’t been called in a while but with Chat ditching her she is going to need help.” Nino mused in excitement, one Alya shared, maybe Ladybug was just too stressed with Chat leaving to notify them of their new status’ as the permanent heroes! That had to be it!
“Now I noticed the not so subtle air-quotes over ‘Team Miraculous.’ Why is that?” Mireille asked.
Ladybug hummed as she leaned back in the chair she had been provided. “You’re observant. It’s because the old team was disorganized, we never had an official name. Frankly it was a hot mess. The new team does actually have an official name now and this is a good time to introduce you all to them, I would like to introduce you all to 'The Court of Miracles’.”
Alya’s hopes dropped as fast and hard as her heart and stomach. 
The first to appear on screen was a new Bee hero. She strode in with her two high pigtails swaying behind her. Her pigtails had black streaks curl around them to end at a point and she had ribbons near the base that came up to slightly curl above her head like antennae. The ribbons were black and ended in little yellow pom poms. The black of her gloves came up to about mid-bicep, her black boots came to about mid-thigh. Her body suit was striped black and yellow like a bee but it did have a white fur collar and it looked like she had poofy shorts reminiscent of Victorian bloomers, the stripes on the shorts were vertical instead of horizontal. Above the shorts seemed to be a silver belt that looked to be like a honeycomb design. 
“This is Honey Bee.” Ladybug introduced and said hero waved to the camera before taking one of the empty seats.
Next came out another girl, the new Mouse hero. Her short hair was in a half-up half -down style with the part that was half-up was styled into little buns, the color of her hair was black that faded into a soft pink. Around the buns were false mouse ears, the outside of the ears were gray while the inside were pale pink. Her gloves were black and slightly puffed out at the wrists with gray ribbon on the wrist, you could faintly see pink mouse paw-prints on the hand of the gloves when the hero waved. Her boots resembled her gloves and her suit was mostly gray with pink details. The shoulders of the suit were puffy like a fancy dress shirt and it seemed like there were edges of sleeves that, like her gloves and boots, fanned out. Only instead of gray ribbon for detail there was black ribbon. 
The collar also resembled that of a dress shirt only rounded and black. There was a pink bow there on the collar and there was a bigger bow wrapped around her waist, much bigger, tied in the back and the end of the ribbons wound around each other to mimic a tail. If you looked closely you could see what looked like a jump rope tied under the ribbon on the waist. Alya distantly thought she kind of looked like a magical girl from an anime. “This is Merry Mouse.”
The hero that followed Merry Mouse was like a punch to the gut for Alya, she barely even felt her eyes tearing up as she saw the new Fox hero. He was tall and his hair was an ombre of burnt orange to white, it was a little long so it was pulled back in a little ponytail, fake fox ears were attached to what looked like a Newsboy cap sat atop his hair. His suit looked like a three piece suit that Alya had seen men wear in the orchestra, though it looked a little old fashioned she noted, she wasn’t quite sure what made it so, but they were meshed together it seemed. It wasn’t a bad look she bitterly admitted to herself. Hell, she herself had given her Rena Rouge look a tailcoat somewhat. To top off the look, the Fox hero had ankle length boots. Of course everything stuck to an orange, white and dark brown color palate.
“The new Fox hero, Foxtrot.” Ladybug said with a warm smile at the replacement. 
“Hello.” Foxtrot said softly with a wave as he took a seat.
Another hero came out briefly after Foxtrot and Alya had to bite her lip so she didn’t make a sound or worse yell something out in outrage. The next hero was the Turtle hero. She was elegant as she walked out, her head high, her short hair was a dark green that looked almost black. The suit itself was a bit intimidating to Alya for being the Turtle but it did look cool. The suit under was dark green like her hair but she had what looked like a black kimono over it. Over the kimono in sparcing pieces were what looked like armor in the fashion of samurai armor. They looked like turtle shells, spiky turtle shells and they too were black like the kimono. Her hands were covered by the dark green material but if you looked closely it looked like she had claws. 
“This is Genbu.”
“It is an honor to be here.” Genbu said as she took her seat.
“It’s an honor to have you.” Mireille said.
“Wow. The new Turtle looks…” Adrien muttered. Alya flinched when he spoke, she completely forgot he had been there. Alya turned to look at her boyfriend who was staring at the screen intensely, she knew the feeling. She grabbed his hand and gave it a soft squeeze, one he returned. 
“Next we have Striker.”
Striker seemed to be the new Snake hero. He walked on screen with a quiet confidence, his hair was a little hard to see because of the hood that covered it, it was no surprise that the teal hood looked like that of a snake. The hood itself was attached to a tunic vest, the front of the vest looked like the belly of a snake and was a pattern of aquamarine and seafoam. The suit underneath the vest was dark, clearly it was a mix of green and blue too but Alya honestly only knew a handful of colors because of Marinette’s fashion rants. The boots that went to mid-calf were the same color as the back of the tunic vest and hood and also that of the gloves. It was a simple but effective look. When Striker sat and waved at the camera it was the hair that shocked Alya, the hair was pure white. 
“And finally we have Vouivre.”
Alya didn’t know if she could handle any more new heroes. How could Ladybug replace them all? Not just temporarily, she made that perfectly clear, these clowns were there to stay and it burned Alya. And yet, she couldn’t look away. The last hero walked on screen, the first thought Alya had was, wow this chick is tall. The second thought she had was, I would not try to take that girl on in a fight, Miraculous or not. Vouivre had short fiery red hair that looked like it was slicked back due to the wind and nothing else. Two black horns sat in her hair and in the middle of her forehead was an eye shaped ruby. Her suit was this gorgeous emerald green and the pattern looked like scales, the green and scales wrapped around her left leg and vanished into her boots. It was very reminiscent of a tail. Around the ankle of the left boot was a golden ring. The boots themselves and the right leg of the suit were black. Around her waist and neck were what looked like strings of pearls and to top off the look were the symbols of the chest.
“This is the Court of Miracles. We are Ladybug, Honey Bee, Merry Mouse, Foxtrot, Genbu, Striker and Vouivre, along with our two Chamberlains who work in the shadows we swear to protect the people of Paris.” Ladybug said with such conviction that Alya flinched. 
“Marinette?” Now that caught Alya’s attention and she silently thanked Adrien for the distraction no matter how distraught the boy sounded. She felt like she was about to have a mental breakdown. When she got home she was certain she was going to be sobbing into her pillows but for now she was going to indulge in whatever caught Sunshine’s attention. 
The sight that greeted her however threw her for another loop, one just as big as the damn announcement. Now Alya would be the first to admit it had been a while since she had seen Marinette and to be honest she hadn’t really paid that much attention to the girl but she didn’t think much would have changed. Evidently she was wrong. There Marinette was walking with Luka Couffaine like there was no where she would rather be, with long fucking hair. Since when had her hair gotten so long? And when did she dye the underside of her hair pink? The same pink that matched her high-waisted plaid skinny jeans. She wore thick heeled silver boots that gave her some height, though she was still smaller than Luka. She wore a black cropped Jagged Stone shirt that Alya knew she had cut herself and she was wearing Luka’s jacket. 
The trio of Alya, Nino and Adrien watched the two teens walk by as they remained oblivious of their audience and talked animatedly about the same announcement they had been watching. Alya felt her heartbreak when Marinette didn’t even glance at them but she also felt this overwhelming fury, she turned to complain at being unnoticed but caught sight of Adrien frowning at the retreating forms of Marinette and Luka while he rubbed at his chest. 
“You okay there Sunshine?” She asked in lieu of complaining. 
“What?” Her question seemed to snap the boy out of whatever thoughts he had been drowning in. “Oh…yeah. Yeah I’m fine.” 
Alya didn’t know if she fully believed that but she was more than happy to let the issue go in favor of talking about the new heroes and how there was no way they would be better than the old ones. 
Honey Bee- is Aurore if you guys did not guess. I considered also giving her the name of Honey Queen but I decided she wanted to distance herself from Chloe's version of the Bee. Though her aesthetic does have some parts to it that are reminiscent of royalty.
Merry Mouse- is Mireille. Her appearance is based on a headcanon I have for the girl and that is she loves Magical Girl animes/shows, and since the Miraculous Transformation takes your ideas and wants into mind she has a more Magical Girl look than most of the heroes. 
Foxtrot- is Luka. I gave him this Miraculous because after Miracle Queen he can't keep the snake and he holds a creative patient soul that I believe would mesh well with the Fox Miraculous, add to that his mischievous side and I thought it was a good fit. His look is inspired by men's fashion from 1914, because that is when the Foxtrot started up and was popular. (he is also the one that cast illusions of Mireille and Aurore as their hero selves partaking in the announcement.)
Genbu- is Kagami. I gave her this Miraculous because she is fiercely protective of those she loves and is loyal too and because Genbu (who was worshipped as a God and known as Black Warrior/ Black Turtle) is seen as a warrior deity. This is because the shell of a turtle is like a suit of armor. So it is no surprise that Kagami wanted to look like a mighty warrior. 
Striker- is Marc. I gave Marc this Miraculous because he is patient and more than willing to hang back and observe so he can help out. He chose the name Striker because it sounded like a cool superhero name from the comics he loves so much and because he liked to compare being the Snake Hero to that of the snake "sudden striker" in Sunzi's Art of War. His look is based more on a traditional hero look mixed with a rogue look since he thinks himself a background hero.
Vouivre- is Ondine. I gave her this Miraculous because she is a fighter and determined and loyal. Her look and name are taken from the description of the vouivre in The Drac: French Tales of Dragons and Demons. I headcanon Ondine being obsessed with fairytales so when she was given the Dragon Miraculous she immediately remembered the stories of the vouivre and thus her decision for her hero look and name was made. 
The two Chamberlains that Ladybug mentioned in her Court are Chloe and Sabrina, they offer the heroes support from the shadows. Chloe still wanted to help the hero but knew she couldn't do that as a hero anymore so she offered her aid in support and finances if the hero needed it and where Chloe goes, Sabrina follows. 
Next Chapter
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sugarshackpeasant · 3 years
this blog is a safe space for other bitches who watch silencer for the ladynoir and not the lukanette
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twin-books · 3 years
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So like I made this art because I had this idea, right? Okay, okay... I did it to try and let the idea go but it was nagging at me. But one of my friends made the mistake of freaking asking me about it, alright. I nearly wrote a whole fan fic. So here I am to share it with all of you. The only things you need to know before you read on are... There is no salt (or nothing intended to be salt) so read along happily knowing that this is salt free and just my imagination going freaking insane.  Also, I really like mysteries... Like... a lot. And this only came to be because I desperately want a mystery in miraculous for no reason. Be warned the following is a bit long but hopefully worth it. Oh yeah... btw... this is an AU that I tried to keep as canonically accurate as possible but obviously not everything can be perfect (especially since I haven’t watched most of season 4 and though I am well aware of many of the big twists I haven’t seen them in action to see how they truly work), hence why it’s an AU. And it’s called Fragmented. 
The story starts off one day  when Adrien Agreste enters the school. He’s different. Well, no, not different... Marinette can’t explain it but there was something about his eyes. It was almost as if... there was no light in them at all.  She didn’t truly suspect anything even when the next akuma attack hit. Where, through the chaos, she found Adrien Agreste frozen in shock. Though saving him was admittedly a pleasant experience she couldn’t ignore the fact that it wasn’t normal. Adrien normally fled as soon as an akuma made its presence known. Of course, that was one attack so she didn’t overthink it. Perhaps he was just taken off-guard. It was by the third attack that she started to worry. So she brought it up with Chat Noir, hoping he had noticed. “Don’t you think it’s strange?” “What’s strange, Milady?” Chat Noir asks. “How Adrien Agreste has been acting?”  “How has he been acting?” “Like... like...” She hums, trying to figure out how to explain it. Eventually she finally comes up with an answer. “Like he’s rarely seen an akuma before. He just stands there, shocked. He used to just run away.” “Hmmm? Why are you paying so much attention to that pretty boy?” She blushes and clams up in response to his question which makes Chat Noir laugh, though she can detect a twinge of jealousy. “Sounds like a normal scared teenager to me, LB. Don’t worry about it too much. If he starts acting fishy... then we’ll worry, okay?” And that was the end of the discussion. Despite her gut feeling screaming at her otherwise she excused it as normal behavior and moved on. That is until she could’ve sworn she saw Aspik in the sewers. Of course she panics! Why shouldn’t she panic? How on earth did Adrien get the snake miraculous again? Was that why he’s been acting so strange? She’s the guardian! How could she let a miraculous get stolen under her watch? Chat finds her in her anxious state and places his hands on her shoulders, taking deep breaths as he did, coaxing her to follow his lead. She does and once she’s calm he asks what happened. She explains it the best she can but is shocked to learn Chat Noir has never heard of Aspik. She could have sworn she had mentioned him before. She supposed it slipped her mind. Chat suggests that maybe all her anxieties with handling her duties as a guardian are catching up to her and she only thought she saw Aspik. That makes her feel better but, of course, she’s Marinette. She needs to be sure. The first thing she does when she gets home is check the miracle box only to find the snake miraculous is still there. She then asks Sass who insists he remained in her room the entire time, as per her orders. So then... What did she see? Marinette is convinced, after a few days, that she is just paranoid. She’s overworked herself between playing guardian, playing Ladybug, and playing Marinette. She’s tired and not thinking clearly. Tikki even shares her sentiments. So her next order of business after fighting off the most recent akuma is to take some time to herself. She already made all her friends aware of her plans and after the battle was won she told Chat Noir that as well. He made a promise not to disturb her unless it was an emergency.  Perhaps that is why it was so shocking that as soon as she got home, and her miraculous was on its fourth beep, Chat Noir called her. She picks up the phone expecting another one of his jokes, maybe even a prank. Instead she hears, “Remember you mentioned that snake holder the other day?” His tone is one far more serious than she is used to. She knows this is serious and that makes her nervous. “Yeah?” “Well I was out on a patrol and-” “-Patrol? Chat we just got done fighting an aku-” “-I saw him, so I chased him down an alley but he must have used Second Chance. He predicted all my moves and he got away from me. Is the snake miraculous still with you?” Ladybug is silent as she stares directly into the eyes of Sass. Chat Noir is screaming at her through the phone because she went quiet. She doesn’t notice. The only thing on her mind is the snake miraculous she now holds in her hand after pulling it from it’s drawer. “I’ll call you back.” She says, with the last beep of her miraculous. “What? Ladybu-” She detransforms and offers Tikki a macaroon. She imagines Chat Noir is not very happy with her now but that doesn’t matter.  “What’s going on?” She asks, looking to Tikki and hoping for answers. “I don’t know, Marinette.” The kwami answers, as she eats her food. Marinette sighs and then looks to her Adrien pictures. “Maybe we should go to the source...” She mumbles. “Tikki! Spots on!” Once she reaches the mansion she almost presses the button at the gate to ask the secretary to let her in. But then she remembers... Ladybug doesn't need permission when the situation is dire. And it's dire. So she swings up to Adrien's room and notices him at his desk. Banging on the window grabs his attention and he quickly rushes over to let her in. "Ladybug?" As soon as he opens the window she can hear the music playing through his speakers. Adrien seems surprised but clearly not unhappy to see her. "Is there something wrong?" She doesn't answer and just looks at both his wrists. Nothing. It occurs to her that she never asked where Chat saw Aspik so she has no clue if it was even possible for Adrien to be there. So she has to ask, "Do you remember when I gave you a miraculous?" His reaction isn't a reaction she expects. There's not hint of shock, nor guilt, nor a hint of trauma. But perhaps what's most damning... "What's... a miraculous?" No recognition. Her bug phone rings at that moment. She picks it up and notices it's Chat. She sighs. Ladybug looks away from Adrien and answers it. “Is there something I can help you with?” Adrien asks but she could barely hear it over Chat Noir’s screaming and the music. "Are you okay?" Her partner cries. She smiles and nods, before realizing he can't see that. "Yeah... yeah, I guess." "You guess?" "Can I get you anything? Water?" Adrien asks, momentarily distracting her. It's then the music Adrien has playing in the background mixed with Chat Noir’s probing questions begins to drive her insane.  "Could you... could you just shut the music off, please?" She asks as she assures Chat she's on the case and she'll explain everything once she has something to explain. As she finally gets Chat Noir calmed enough to joke once more she watches Adrien's hands as he turns the music off. She notices something. As she hangs up on Chat she absentmindedly speaks her thoughts. "Hey... what happened to your ring?" "My ring?" Adrien turns to look at her and she realizes she has spoken aloud. It also occurs to her that it's probably weird that she knows Adrien wears a ring. "I-I mean... uh.... I saw it... the last time I... saved you! And in your-um... Ads! Yes! Ads. I just noticed you, uh,  never take it off." "Oh yeah... right... I actually don't know where it is." Adrien said, laughing, awkwardly. "I lost it a week ago and I kind of forgot about it." "Oh. I'm sorry." "No, don't be. It's just a dumb, old ring anyway. I'm not even sure why I wore it. Can't even remember where I got it." She nods in response as he laughs. What he was saying makes sense but... that ring always seemed so important to him. She just assumed it was gift from his mom. She never imagined he would be so calm about losing it. Perhaps she was wrong... "Anyway, you were asking about a... miraculous?” Ladybug suddenly remembers why she was there. "Oh yeah! Um... You... really don't know what a miraculous is?" "I'm sorry. I really don't." He blushes but she doesn't notice. She's staring through him now, trying to detect any little hint of a lie, a trick. It occurs to her that this is no longer a safe topic to discuss with him. "Heh, never mind. I must have gotten you mixed up with some other hot, blond model- Not hot! I meant um... rich. Not that you aren't hot, I mean, of course you are but I- I'm just confused." She yanks out her yo-yo and tosses it out the window hoping to escape while she still has a bit of her dignity left. "Are you sure?" Adrien asks. "Because if I can help you in anyway, I'll be happ-" "-No, really. It's fine! I'll see you, uh... the next time I save you! Yeah..." She swings off. Unbeknownst to her, under the dresser, was that very same ring Adrien seemed so nonchalant about losing. Had she been just a tad more curious, she may have noticed it. She also may have noticed that right now it looked much less like Adrien’s ring and much more like some other ring she knew of... Ladybug does eventually catch Chat Noir up on everything she knows. Since Adrien was no longer the snake wielder there was no harm in compromising his identity so she even makes him aware of the bigger picture. They agree that further investigation into Adrien Agreste is in order. Chat Noir is the one, surprisingly, who reminds her of their earlier suspicions of Gabriel Agreste being Hawkmoth. The surprising part being, he would even want to discuss it. Previously he was adamant the Agrestes had nothing to do with Hawkmoth and refused to discuss it every time she tried to bring it up... so she stopped. And then she forgot. She doesn't question it, however. Rather, she agrees it's a fair point. It means Adrien very well could be related to Hawkmoth in some way. A possibility that still did disgust her but one she could no longer ignore. A month of following Adrien Agreste around brought no leads. Every once and a while they would spot Aspik as well but they never did catch Adrien transforming into him. And every day she checked to make sure the snake miraculous was still there.  She even had Luka dawn it once just to be sure she didn't somehow have a fake. She even began to suspect Sass was sneaking out while she wasn’t at home. Though, admittedly, that was mostly paranoia. Perhaps it was unfair to assume Sass would sneak off, especially since he never showed any rebellious nature before. But, by this point, she was desperate. If she hardly rested before she certainly didn't get much rest now. It was a miracle she made it through the day anymore. Her being so tired, however, could explain why she didn't notice the speeding car heading for her only to watch it be turned to dust in seconds by Chat. It could explain why she didn't notice the dust never fell. It could also explain why it didn't immediately hit her when Chat addressed her as LB when, currently, she was Marinette. But tiredness couldn't save her from noticing that it wasn't, in fact, Chat Noir who saved her. One glance into those familiar icy blue eyes, the ones that haunted her nightmares, was enough to shake her tiredness. Of course, Marinette panics seeing Chat Blanc again, especially because it doesn't make sense. Chat Noir was fine yesterday. And last she checked, they didn't start dating. So... just what could have upset Chat Noir so badly he would turn into Chat Blanc? Again? He approaches her cautiously, carefully, and creepily. She is immediately terrified and knows running won't do her much good as Marinette, seeing as he has ranged attacks. She doesn't get much time to go into full panic mode before Chat Blanc is immediately smacked in the side of the head with... his own baton? Her eyes follow the baton as it shrinks back into its owner's hand. That being... Chat Noir? "Get somewhere safe." He says, smiling. He seems to notice her reluctance and says, "Don't worry. I got this handled. Dealt with my fair share of copycats." That was a comment she would normally roll her eyes at under normal circumstances. But these weren’t normal circumstances. Regardless, she doesn't look a gift horse in the mouth and uses the opportunity to run off and transform.  Returning to the scene doesn't give her anymore answers. However, she is, for once, thankful that Chat Blanc is bright white and not identical to her partner otherwise she swears she would've punched Chat Noir in the nose. "Hiya, Bugaboo! What do you think happened this time? I don't remember ticking off any buckets of white paint but I'm sure there's a first time for everything!" She doesn't acknowledge him. She can't find the humor in this situation. "His bell! The akuma, amok, or whatever it is, is in his bell!" She cries. He pauses, giving her a puzzling look, "How could you possibly know that? You just got here..." She notices Chat Blanc prepares a ranged attack and aims for Chat Noir. She doesn't have time to figure out how that could even be possible she just knows she doesn't want to lose her partner. So, for once, it is her jumping on top of him as the blast buzzes over their heads. "Chat, we don't have time for questions right now! Just trust me! Activate cataclysm! Now!" After that spectacular display, and the fact she was somehow fully aware of how their opponent worked despite only arriving moments ago, Chat Noir doesn't question it at all. He does as he is told. "I'll distract him so you can go in for the bell!" He nods slowly before he finally takes in what she has said and begins to refuse but by that point she is already facing Chat Blanc alone. She doesn't think about how this probably isn't the same Chat Blanc she knows. That doesn't even cross her mind. Perhaps it's the trauma, the longing for some reconciliation with him instead of what originally happened, that makes her so sure. Regardless, it doesn't matter. What matters is her approaching him works. Her soothing him with sweet nicknames and promises of help, works. His undivided attention is on her and she only feels remorse when she has to take advantage of those trusting eyes. "Now, Chat!" Chat Noir doesn't hesitate, not for a second. Immediately he grabs the bell and watches it crumple to dust.  But nothing happens. There's no butterfly. There’s no feather. There’s only her, Chat Noir, and a pale copy of her partner. It's then, while both Chats are confused, that she takes the moment to look over Chat Blanc, finally pushing her emotions aside. And when she locks eyes with him once more, instead of trying to focus on something else, she stares into them fully. She finds that those icy blue eyes, previously lit up with sadness and anger... have no light in them at all. They’re almost exactly like... She doesn't get to finish the thought as she hears the beeping of Chat Noir's ring and watches Chat Blanc raise his hand, charging up another attack. It all happens so fast. But she's faster. One toss and one yank of her yo-yo has Chat Noir by her side. They both have the same thought, "Run." So they do. Losing Chat Blanc wasn't easy. Finding a safe spot to talk was even harder. "We have to get back out there! He could hurt more people!" Chat cries over her jumbled thoughts. "No. He wouldn't hurt anyone. Or, he doesn’t want to, at least." She says, calmly. "We have some time." "How could you possibly know that?  He just tried to kill us!" “He tried to kill you, Chat. He wants to hurt you!" "What? Why?" That was her same thoughts as well. It would make sense if it was some random person akumatized into Chat Blanc but the way he had responded to her... No, it had to be her Chat Blanc. But then that doesn't make any sense! He seemed angry seeing her and Chat Noir together. Like he was jealous. It's like he thought Chat Noir was a totally different person... The beeping of Chat Noir's ring grabs her attention once more. His last pad is blinking away. Her eyes widen. "Leave! You're going to detransform!" Chat Noir refuses, much to her annoyance. Her insistence doesn't convince him and eventually it's too late. His last pad disappears...  Seconds feel like hours as she stares at Chat’s ring, waiting for the flash of green. Waiting to see gloveless hands. Waiting to see Plagg appear. But one beep later and suddenly that ring is back to five paw pads as if cataclysm had never been used. "What?" She looks up as Chat Noir continuously refuses to leave. Looking into his eyes it hits her. "Get away from me!" She cries, pushing him away. "What's wrong?" "They're the same! They're all the same!" “What is?" "Your eyes! Their eyes!" She’s in hysterics now. She feels like crying. "I don't understand!" He tries to approach but she stands, defensive. "Stay away from me! I mean it!" "Milady-" "Don't call me that!" And before she knows it, she's running. She's running away from Chat Noir. But this time she doesn't know why. She wishes she knew why. Eventually she manages to lose him and summons her lucky charm. What falls into her hands is nothing but a broken mirror. That seemed absurdly unhelpful but she looks around anyway and unsurprisingly, gets no answers. The only thing she can think to do now is get to the miracle box and get some help. Any help. When she enters her room, she is surprised to find Plagg there but far too tired to react. He's holding Chat Noir's ring. He doesn't wait for her to speak, instead he gets straight to the point. "I don't know how long I've been gone but judging by your face... you met them.” He pauses, ears flat against his head, before he finally looks her in the eyes once more. “I- We need your help."                                            (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Done! That’s all I have for the story kind of portion at the moment. Though it’s a tad messy I hope you enjoyed it.  I do know what happened and I have an idea for the solution but haven’t thought about how it will go. If you have questions I’m happy to answer them but there ya go. : ) Thanks for reading! Hope everyone is having a good morning, day, evening, afternoon, night, or whatever time it is where you are! <3
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blessedfatui · 3 years
she’s done all that she could, so why is she misunderstood?
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✐ AUTHOR’S NOTES: time to speed run more death threats and harassment from the miraculous fandom again 🤪✌🏾lila character study because i relate to her so much and she’s such a cool character
TW: neglect, some marinette salt, miraculous spoilers, implied abuse, mentions of death; any negative comments will be deleted and you will be blocked.
be sure to support me on ao3
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Loneliness isn't a new feeling to Lila, but it certainly isn't a pleasant one. The house was quiet—too quiet as she scrolled the web, wondering if her old classmates remembered her. If they bothered to reach out to her and wonder who she was doing these past few years.
She almost laughed; no one would remember her. Lila was a distant memory to the old students in Italy. None of them had even bothered to call her when she left for France.
Instead, they lied, saying that they would miss her. They spoke such pretty words that filled the brunette with hope.
Hope that overflowed and filled her veins with euphoria. Every night, Lila would wait with her phone in hand, excited for one of her so-called friends to call. If they didn't call that night, the brunette would brush it aside and hope they would call the next day. The cycle continued for months, and Lila remained hopeful. Waiting and praying that any one of her old classmates would call as promised.
What a fool she was, thinking anyone would care. Lila's mother didn't care to keep her promises. Her father didn't care to remain in her life—no, he fled like a coward instead of being a responsible parent.
Why would anyone give a damn about poor Lila Rossi, anyway? She was a boring girl. So why would anyone waste their time on her?
She wouldn't waste any more tears on those lying bastards. No use crying over spilled milk, and nothing was going to change the past. It would be funny if she could wave a magic wand, turn back the hands of time, and convince her mom to stay in Italy. But, a girl can dream, can she not?
All she wanted was a friend. Someone who would always be there for her—someone Lila could confess her deepest, darkest secrets. Someone that would laugh at her stupid jokes as they Skyped.
A friend that she could call no matter where she was. Someone who would never give up on her.
Someone would care for her, unlike her neglectful mother.
To feel someone hug her and rub her back whenever she was upset. A shoulder to cry on—a confidante.
Lila hated the empty void that ate her heart and stomach. She wanted someone to fill the growing gap. But would it be too much to ask for a true friend?
Apparently, the universe thought so.
It gave her the middle finger, laughing in Lila's face and watching her suffer. The universe lived off her pain, taking away everything and everyone she ever held dear. Nothing precious would last long with Lila.
It died and withered away like a rose in the winter. Friendships died like her love for her father and mother. It died and still sank its fangs in her chest.
So, Lila knows what it's like to be alone, and she hates it.
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Lila didn't even last a week in school.
So, she may have lied to boost her social standing. She was grasping at straws, and Lila couldn't help it. The words flowed from her lips like rich honey, and almost everyone ate them up without a second thought.
No, she didn't know any directors in Hollywood, and no, Jagged Stone never wrote a song about her. She didn't know any manga artists or DJs—Ladybug never saved her life. Lila was a boring girl with a boring life.
They were all lies to make herself look good, especially in front of Adrien.
But Ladybug had to ruin that. She called Lila a super-liar and embarrassed her in front of Adrien, ruining her chances of being with him. Maybe Lila did deserve to be called out for lying, but the insults weren't needed. Ladybug didn't know what it was like to be alone; all of Paris loved her, even Adrien.
Lila just wanted a crumb of what Ladybug had—of what Marinette had.
After the Volpina/Ladybug fiasco, Lila cooped herself up in her room for months, not daring to leave. She didn't want to go back to school and run into Adrien again and have to explain herself. She knew he would ask questions, ask why he lied to her about knowing Ladybug and being a superhero.
She told her mom that the school was closed because the amount of akumas Hawkmoth was sending out daily. Her mother believed her—or wasn't listening as usual. So her mother whispered another lie in her ear, promising to be back before dinner, and they would hang out this weekend.
Lila smiled, saying goodbye to her mother. She knew her mother wouldn't back before dinner, and she knew that her mother would have other plans. Oh, like hanging out with her co-workers on the weekends or deciding to work overtime at the embassy.
Anything besides taking care of her fucking daughter.
How the universe cursed her, mocking her very existence. It wasn't fair; Lila just wanted someone to love her. Her mother—her flesh and blood—couldn't take the time to act like a parent and would rather stay at the office, avoiding Lila and her duties.
She filled Lila with hope—burning, shining, radiant hope only to knock her flat on her ass. She whispered cruel lies into Lila's ear, expecting the brunette to stuck it up, and pretend she was okay. To pretend that she was the luckiest damn girl in the girl.
Yes, how fortunate was Lila to have no one who cares about her?
How blessed was she to have an absent father and deceitful mother who neglected her? A mother who did the bare minimum for her child?
Truly, Lila was lucky to be alone, forced to make up stories so her life seemed entertaining so people would like her and want to be her friend.
Forced to lie and never be her true self.
Forced to wear a mask and dance in time to the music to blend in with the crowd.
Forced to be anyone but her true self.
She didn't want to go back to school. Lila was sure everyone would have forgotten about her like always. No one texted her or called her to see if she was okay. And why would they? She wasn't anything special—just another pretty face to admire for a moment and forget the next.
The festive music blaring outside caught her sudden attention, and Lila strolled to the window. She frowned, watching the giant Ladybug balloon pass by her window along with the Queen Bee, Carapace, Rena Rouge, and Chat Noir balloons. The people in the streets screamed the heroes' names, praising them and celebrating their existence.
Thanking them for protecting them from Hawkmoth's terrorism.
Lila could feel the anger rise up, spreading across her skin as she closed the blinds. She didn't want to see that stupid bug again—Ladybug had no right embarrassing her like that in front of Adrien. Lila despised that pesky girl in red, but yet, she envied her.
Ladybug would always be remembered. No one would ever forget her. Even her worst enemies would recall her face and remember how they were defeated by Ladybug.
Getting on the computer was no better. Lila was greeted with thousands of channels praising Ladybug, thanking her and her team for their services. Gabriel Agreste has the nerve to call her—Volpina—a fake hero, an imposter.
Lila hurled her laptop at the wall in a fit of rage, and the tears rushed down her burning cheeks. Hatred and fury flowed through her veins like molten lava. She was so caught up in her fit, Lila didn't notice the butterfly until it was too late.
There he was again, offering her power. Saying he was going to give her a second chance to bring her illusions to life. Hawkmoth had a way with words, soothing and intoxicating as he promised her power and so much more.
But that mattered little to Lila.
The villain remembered Lila. Such a thought shouldn't have filled her heart with overwhelming, warm joy, but it did. Lila was filled with a strange happiness that flowed throughout her veins, a happiness that could illuminate a thousand worlds.
Someone remembered her.
Lila was so happy, she accepted Hawkmoth's deal without a second thought. She didn't care about the consequences. She gladly let the blackish-purple smog consume her and dress her in the orange spandex. The familiar power flowed through her veins, and Lila leaped out the window with a smile.
Maybe Lila wasn't alone after all. Sure, she had a terrorist who could remember her name, and didn't that count for something? Wasn't that good enough?
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To Lila's surprise, her classmates welcomed her back with warm arms and friendly kisses. Her heart throbbed, but deep down, Lila knew they only remembered her because she lied. She lied to boost her social standing and so she wouldn't be a distant memory in their thoughts.
Maybe the class knew she was lying and decided not to say anything about her lies, or they were incredibly gullible. Either way, no one brought it up, and Lila would bask in the attention for the moment. It would fill the hole in her chest—the cold, growing gap would be filled for a fleeting moment.
Again, the lies flowed out her mouth like smooth honey, securing a seat next to Adrien while Marinette was forced to sit in the back. Lila didn't feel too guilty, but she did feel bad for separating two friends. Not too bad, as she flirted with Adrien. She kept redirecting the conversation whenever he brought up the interaction with Ladybug.
Lila did not want to think about her right now. That was the last thing she wanted to focus on.
She wanted to stay close to Adrien; Lila didn't want to lose her relationship with him. Maybe she could convince him that Ladybug was in the wrong? Perhaps she could steer him away from the girl in red. It was worth a shot, but Lila remembered the look on his face when they met in the library. He was smitten; Lila didn't stand a chance as of now.
It didn't matter now. Lila got what she wanted, and that was a seat next to Adrien and happiness when her classmates remembered her name and greeted her with hugs. Treating her like she belonged even if she did lie (not that anyone knew that she lied beside Adrien).
Maybe the class would grow to love Lila. Maybe there was hope for her after all. Maybe, she would be able to make friends and be her true self.
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She noticed the burning glares from Marinette and her aggressive nature. Lila didn't know what she did wrong; she had never even interacted with this girl until today. More or else, Lila was curious about Marinette. The baker didn't fall over her words and questioned everything she had to say. Hell, even when Lila video-called her class, saying she was visiting Prince Ali in Achu to organize a unique project, Marinette tried calling her out.
Luckily, Lila hid her tracks, but it still baffled her. Marinette had no evidence that Lila was lying, yet she kept trying to expose her. Trying to destroy the very facade the brunette had built, threatening to reveal her true colors—to reveal her ugly nature.
Panic settled in Lila's chest. She couldn't lose to Marinette—one simple girl who practically had everyone in the class, besides Chloe and Sabrina, groveling at her feet. The lies weren't hurting Marinette in any way, so why did she care? Why was Marinette sticking her nose in places it didn't belong?
What kind of self-righteous brat did she think she was?
Instead, Lila forced Marinette against the wall, threatening to steal her friends away if she got in her way. Her words were cold and rolled off her tongue smoothly, enjoying the fear in Marinette''s eyes. It was just a warning—Lila couldn't have this pesky girl ruining everything she crafted.
She finally had friends and people who acknowledged her presence. Lila could enjoy warm hugs and friendly kisses, feeling the warmth spread across her chest and throughout her entire body. She didn't want to lose that incredible feeling; she couldn't.
Lila was not going to be alone again. If she had to rip Marinette apart to keep her facade intact, so be it. A small price to pay to ensure her own happiness.
She thought Marinette would be her only problem until Adrien told her to stop lying, and he would be more than happy to be her friend. Lila frowned, folding her arms across her chest. Adrien didn't understand—it's not like she wanted to lie; the words just poured out of her like smooth, rich syrup, dripping off her tongue.
He wouldn't understand the loneliness she felt. Adrien was a supermodel, and what was Lila? At the bottom of the barrel—scum in a pool of piranhas. Adrien would have to understand that Lila didn't mean to lie; she just couldn't control it, and she hated being alone. No matter what she did, Lila always ended up friendless whenever they moved. She just wanted one friend, one person to care about her and say that they'll be there for her.
Was that too much to ask for? Couldn't Adrien see that Lila was alone and didn't mean to lie? Couldn't he see the hurt that pooled in her olive-green eyes?
She stormed up the stairs, grumbling about how pesky the heroes are and how Ladybug ruined everything. Fury raged through her veins like a storm, rocking crashing inside of her, threatening to bubble over. They didn't understand her pain—they were loved and praised, and everyone would remember their names for years to come.
And what about Lila? She would die, and no one would remember that she existed. What a bleak future she led, and it terrified her. Knowing that one day, she would die and no one would know who she was. It was a sad realization that dawned on her.
Trudging down the halls, Lila noticed the black butterfly fluttering in the wind. There Hawkmoth was again; perhaps, he sensed he distressed and wanted to offer his aid once again. Offering Lila that sweet, delicious power that would fill the empty void in her heart.
She smiled, chasing the butterfly, and let it seep into her earring. The buzzing static filled her ears before she heard Hawkmoth's smooth and inviting voice. Lila offered her help, telling Hawkmoth that they had more in common than she initially thought.
He called her Chameleon. What a suiting name for a liar such as herself. Able to blend in with her surroundings to survive. Nature's biggest liar, Lila, found the title ironic, but it suited her.
Letting the black smog consume her, Lila let out a laugh, shivering with the power flowing through her veins. Finally, she wouldn't be alone anymore.
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Getting alone time with Adrien was easier than Lila thought. She was good at math, but she wanted to clear the air between the two. She couldn't have Adrien believing that Ladybug was right about her being a liar; she just wanted to be closer to Adrien and get to know him. It was supposed to be a harmless, white lie, but Ladybug blew it out of proportion.
Well, Lila wouldn't have to think about the annoying bug right now. She got to go inside the Agreste manor and see Adrien's home. Her heart dropped, lying to Nathalie to get inside, and she realized how lonely Adrien was.
His house was not home. It was a prison, and his father was his jailer, Gorilla the security, and Nathalie was the warden. Maybe Adrien did understand the same pain; Lila noticed the hurt flash on his face as they trudged to his room, Lila trailing after him.
Lila squeezed his hand, still wearing her facade, as Adrien tried helping her with their homework. Now, she didn't care about the work but wanted to know more about her crush. Why did he hide his feelings? Why did he lie? She could tell that Adrien was hurting just like she was.
They were one and the same, two sides of the same coin separated by a razor-thin line like hope and despair. If Adrien was her hope, then Lila was his despair. They needed each other to survive; Lila needed to balance out his despair so his hope can shine.
Maybe, she wasn't so useless. Perhaps, Father Time had a reason for her to move to Paris. Maybe, it was so she could meet other, poor unfortunate souls such as herself so they could learn how to cope with their pain.
And suddenly, Lila didn't feel so alone anymore.
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It’s just so bizarre that Thomas really wants us to care more about a school bully traumatizing Marinette than a full grown gaslighting butterfly adult terrorist who basically FORCED her into the hero role, just because he was a sawd babu who wanted his wifiey back…by manipulating everybody’s emotions and taking an advantage of them. That especially included children and his OWN SON.
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cornholio4 · 3 years
Lukanette: Tales of Ladybug & Black Feline: Origins
Luka Couffaine went to Francois Dupont along with her smaller twin sister Juleka though they were in different classes. On the way to school he walked with Juleka he had found an elderly man struggling for directions and so he separated from his sister for the time being so that he could help the man. School had gone on as normal but to the shock of everyone there was a giant stone monster calling himself Stoneheart attacking the school and everyone was sent home for their saftey.
Luka and Juleka were now at their boat home the Liberty and Juleka was freaking out and was outside in the fresh air; watching their mother Anarka keeping the cannon in working order just in case they were needed if Stoneheart was to come their way. Anarka had to fight hard at City Hall to get the permit to be allowed working cannons on her home and truth be told Luka had no idea how she had managed to do so.
Though on the outside he was acting more calmly than his sister was; inside he was as freaked out and scared as everyone else. He was wondering if any of the Superheroes from the US were going to have to come here to Paris in order to take care of it. He decided to try and play a song that he had been working on and had went into his bag to take out the song sheet but at the bottom he noticed a black ring to his confusion.
Curiously he inspected it and put it on but was surprise to find a black colored mouse creature floating about with cat ears. "Hi there, I'm Plagg and I am going to be your Kwami. Do you have any camembert here because I am famished?" the creature asked as Luka was taking it quite well.
"We don't have camembert but we have sliced cheese in the fridge." Luka told him and Plagg groaned in response as he shook his head, "Kwami, is this like a spirit in the Ring? Plus what can you do?" Luka asked as Plagg looked hungry.
"Okay look, you have been chosen to gain powers which I can give you. Say 'Plagg, Claws Out' and I have to be sucked into your ring and you transform into a superhero. You get your own staff and if you say 'Catacalysm' you can do a punch that can pretty much destroy anything it touches. I have to warn you that doing so will pretty much give you a limited time before you transform back. Say 'Claws in' when you want to go back to normal yourself." Plagg explained as Luka thought it over.
"There is a monster attacking the city calling himself Stoneheart, do I use these powers to stop it?" Luka asked and Plagg nodded.
"The Butterfly Miraculous has been misused and its power has turned an unlucky person into a villain. He will be wanting your Miraculous and the one of your new partner's. Have to say you can't tell anyone about your powers." Plagg explained some more and Luka nodded thinking it will be good to know that he won't have to do this alone. He asked if he was ready to transform and Plagg replied "If we have to but later we must really talk about getting some decent cheese around here."
Luka sneaked out the window of the liberty and jumped over to the pavement, making sure that his sister and mother was not looking he went to hide an alleyway and transformed. He looked at himself in his new black suit and tried out his staff, using it as a tightrope to walk between buildings but then saw a screaming girl in a black and red suit crash into them and were entangled in the girl's yoyo.
The girl apologised saying that it wasn't on purpose, "So are you my new partner that Plagg told me about... I'm... The Black Feline..." Luka introduced himself as the girl got her yoyo free while stammering and it hit Luka on his head. The girl then saw a building being destroyed as the girl gave her name as Ladybug and asked if they could come up with a plan together.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was surprised at how everything worked out; everything went wrong when she wasn't able to purify the Akuma butterfly and it created so many Stonehearts. She was all ready to give up and give the Miraculous to her new friend Alya but had to take it back and they were able to fix her mistake and send a message to the villain Hawk Moth.
Black Feline it seemed looked like he will be a good partner; he looked determined to help and allowed her to take the lead when she thought of a plan to fix all this. Plus he was very encouraging saying that it was natural to make mistakes on her first day. Perhaps she will be getting the hang of this after all...
She was out in the rain sighing noticing Chloe Bourgeois hugging Adrien Agreste as he was going into his limo to go home. Seems that his father her idol Gabriel Agreste would be willing to let him come to school in her class and she was not really excited about that; the gum incident earlier and him being childhood friends with her school bully.
She fell down in a puddle groaning but was helped up by a taller boy who smiled at her which made her melt as he offered his jacket to her. "You... Don't really have to... How about you getting wet?" Marinette asked.
"Don't worry about it, you look like you need it more than I do. I'm Luka and do you come here?" Luka asked as Marinette's cheeks turned red as she nodded and stammered out her name. "Well nice to meet you Ma-Ma-Marinette." Luka told her and she smiled.
"Marinette, Luka?" asked Juleka coming over with her umbrella with Rose not far behind with Marinette blinking in shock. Marinette asked if Juleka knew him. "Of course I know him, he's my twin brother. Luka, Marinette here is in my class." Juleka explained and Marinette stared in shock as she glanced between the two of them a hundred times in a second trying to see any similarities or anything to suggest that they were twins.
"I will catch up with you later Juleka, Marinette do you think that I can help you walk home so I can get my jacket back afterwards?" Luka asked as Marinette stammered out yes and Juleka said she was alright with that. Rose and Juleka watched as they began walking on the sidewalk and Luka asked "I can feel the music in your soul Marinette and if you want i can play what it feels like later." Luka offered.
"So you play guitar, what music do you like? Because I love Jagged Stone..." Marinette stammered out as Luka said that he does as well.
"Oh my Juleka, Marinette and your brother... It looks like love at first sight!" Rose squealed as Juleka was grinning as well.
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cassava-49 · 4 years
Death 1
Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4/ Part 5/ Part 6/ Part 7
The water looks so inviting mostly after all that has happened to you. Marinette felt numb, not really caring whether or not people, other than her family, would care. She didn't feel like the bubbly girl that she was since the start. She didn't feel the responsibility of being Ladybug surge through. All that filled her head was how everyone in class turned against her because of Lila's lies.
"Marinette can you stop being so jealous and possessive and manipulative for once!" Alya shouted at her. "Alya, can you stop blaming Marinette for once!" Adrien shouted back. "I know that Lila's lying and I know Marinette's telling the truth. Can you stop! For once, stop thinking that Lila's such a perfect angel!" he added. "Adrien, just stop, please," Marinette pleaded him. "I-i-it's a-alright Alya, Ma-ma-marinette didn't mean to," Lila cried, hiding her victorious grin. "Sh, sh, don't worry Lila, but it's not okay," Alya comforted her. "Dude, you should apologize," Nino said to the pair. The two then scowled at their ex-best friends, but before they could retaliate, Natalie appeared to the scene. "Adrien," she sternly called. He flinched, knowing what will happen. He then took Marinette by the wrist and walked towards the exit with Natalie following behind. "I'm sorry Adrien," Marinette said as he got into the car, he then gave her a sad smile and a curt nod.
That night she waited for his call. Anxiety teasing through her body, finally after dinner, she heard her phone ring. She immediately answered it and heard Adrien's shaky voice on the other line. "What happened? How did it go?" she asked. "H-he, m-my father," he stuttered. "He's pulling me out of school," he said. "What! Why?" she asked, worry slowly sunk in. "He said that you're a bad influence and so is the school, he's sending me to New York," he replied. "I-I'm so sorry Adrien," she replied, feeling the tears attempting to escape. "It's alright, it was my choice anyway. It was either going to school but ignore you, or go to a different country but be able to contact you," he replied. "If I chose the former, it would break my heart seeing you, and it's not like I have any other friends," he added. "Promise that we'll keep in touch," she whispered. "I promise, but I've got to go now, I need to do something," he answered. "Yeah, sure, good night," she replied. "Good night," he responded.
Once the call ended she summoned her transformation to vent out by swing across the city. She arrived at their rendezvous point to find a crying Chat. Without hesitation she walked to him and wrapped her arms around him. "Chat, are you ok?" she asked. "My lady," came his response. She then sat beside him as she let go. "What's wrong?" she queried. "I'm leaving," he replied. "Why?" she asked. No please, not Chat, I can't lose them both at the same time, she thought. "My father, he wants to transfer me to New York," he answered. "That's why I have to give up being Chat Noir. I'm sorry," he said in between sobs. "When?" she pressed. "Tomorrow, he already got the papers done this morning, with all his connections and money, I never doubted it," he let out a strained chuckle. "I planned to give up my miraculous after patrol. One last taste of being Chat Noir. Never had I wanted an akuma attack so badly," he cried. He then felt Ladybug pull him up to his feet. "Let's go have one last run together, until you come back," she said with tears in her eyes as she wiped his. He gave out a small smile as they raced on the rooftops of Paris.
After their run they heard a blast, making both of them smile and eagerly defeated the akuma. With five minutes remaining, they raced on the Paris rooftops with Ladybug leading. Ladybug grabbed his arm and pulled him onto her balcony. "Why are we at Marinette's?" Chat asked. "I want to tell you who I am," she replied. "A-are you sure?" he asked. "I've never been more sure. I want you to know," she replied as both of their transformations fall. If they were not crying earlier, they were crying now, crouched down in each others arms. Adrien Agreste WAS Chat Noir, Marinette Dupain-Cheng WAS Ladybug. They smiled at each other and hand in hand entered her room The two then spent their time in her room as Plagg floated next to Adrien, knowing that he'll miss his presence. It was one in the morning when Ladybug returned Adrien to his room with a longing kiss goodbye, promising to be together once he's back.
That was our plan, Marinette thought as she leaned on the railing if the bridge. The bridge where she and Adrien bought ice-cream from André's. This was the bridge where she and Kagami became friends. This was the bridge where she shared her ice-cream with Luka. Unfortunately, Adrien's plane crashed in the Atlantic, the cause was still unknown. If he had the horse miraculous, he would have survived, she thought again. Ever since his death, she gave up her miraculous giving it to the new ladybug holder as she apologized to Tikki. She also told her parents the truth and asked them to be part of the order of the guardians, and taught them the secrets to the miraculous.
It's been weeks since Kagami and Luka became the new Lady Luck and Monsieur Noir of Paris, they still reminded Paris about the original Chat Noir and Ladybug, who will always remain in their hearts, they even asked the mayor to make their debut Ladybug and Chat Noir's day. As for Lila, she began making more lies as to why Ladybug quitted like, "She felt too much pressure and wanted me to become the new ladybug but I had to refuse since I didn't feel worthy and it would be too obvious because I'm the new Ladybug since I'm her best friend, but I helped in picking out the new recruits."
Lies, lies, it was all lies, Marinette was the one who gave Kagami and Luka the cat and ladybug miraculous. It hurts, it hurts, so much. With one last look at the stars, she fell into the icy cold water of the Seine. She didn't feel anything else, until her head collided with a sharp rock at the bottom.
Marinette woke up with a massive headache. She found herself in an hospital ward, but her clothes were what she had been wearing when she tried to commit suicide. She watched her parents stare animatedly at her but said nothing. She then realised something, her parents were not looking at her, but something behind her. She followed their line of sight to find herself. She had her head wrapped up in bandages, her hair was down, a pipe was in her throat for food. Her nose also had the typical dexterous to help her breath, another was connected to her large intestine for excretion. That was when she knew, she was in her astro form. Her soul left her vegetable body and is free to wander since she was in a coma.
She got up and began walking towards her parents. Their tear strained eyes watched her wistfully, hoping that she would wake up soon. Her grandfather's bread was in a basket next to her bed. Her Nona's helmet was found in one of the chairs, signifying that she was there. She touched her father's cheek, only to have her hand pass through his face. She was a ghost, or a spirit, either way she was neither dead nor alive. She went to her mother who was walking towards her body taking her hand, she felt warmth, a sign that she can still feel and not exactly dead. She watched as the monitor showed that her heart beat was normal and resting.
All of a sudden her classmates, along with Lila were inside her room. All with devastated faces, even Lila, which surprised her. Alya and Nino was crying along with Rose, Mylène, Chloé and basically everyone was crying except for Lila who still had shock written all over her face. Although the same couldn't be said for her parents. Tom got up as Sabine moved closer to Marinette's body. "Leave," he said. "What? Why? Marinette is our friend, we have to be here for her," Alya exclaimed. "Really, so you have no idea as to why she committed suicide?" Tom asked with a growl this time. "Isn't it obvious? It's because Adrien died," she answered. This time Sabine got up and threw her Marinette's note. Alya dropped to her knees as she read it out loud, causing everyone to cry harder. There she explained that Adrien was not the reason as to why she died. He was the reason as to why she still lived even though he passed, but she said that she could not take it anymore, all the bullying, all the rumours, all the lies and the threats. After reading the note, Alya turned to Lila asking for an answer. But this time she was crying, was it guilt or were they real.
"Get out," a growl erupted from behind them, to find Marinette's grandfather. "I-I'm so so-" Alya tried to say. "Don't give us your half assed apology, the damage has been done, now get out!" Sabine shouted. They all but rushed out of the room with Marinette's ghost. Once the door was closed they all turned to Lila for an explanation and as if some divine intervention, Jagged Stone appeared with his mascara dripping down with his tears as he pushed past the teens to enter her room.
"Mr. Stone?" Kim asked. "What! Can't you see I'm in a hurry to see my niece!" he exclaimed. "Niece? But isn't it just Marinette in there?" he asked. "Just Marinette," he says in a low voice. "Just Marinette! This is my niece we're taking about, the sweetest, kindest girl I'll every meet!" he exclaimed as Penny arrived. "But what about Lila?" Kim asked. "Lila? Lila! That crazed girl who thinks I have a kitten and deliberately bullied my niece! She's here? Where is she!" he exclaimed with outrage only to be held back by Penny.
If Marinette was still alive, she would have enjoyed watching Lila's lies crumble down, but now she doesn't feel anything. "What a mess?" she heard someone say from behind. She turned to find a boy around her age standing beside her. Not really minding, since he couldn't see her, she returned her attention towards Jagged and her classmates. But she turned her attention back to the boy when she saw a nurse pass through him. "Y-you're a ghost?" she asked catching his attention. "You can see me?" he asked. Now looking at him she thought that he resembled Adrien, like a lot. He was blond with green eyes, a head taller wearing a grey Polo shirt with a black vest she tie. "I'm Marinette Dupain-Cheng," she introduced herself unconsciously. The boy stared at her and replied, "I'm Felix Graham de Vanilly." They turned their attention back to the commotion as they watched Alya punch Lila letting out her anger once she found out the truth.
"I'm sorry, they're my classmates," she huffed. "What's the deal with the girl in the glasses and the Italian?" he asked. She sighed and replied, "It's actually a very long sob story. Are you sure you want to hear it?" she asked. Felix smiled and replied, "There's nothing wrong with a long story, it's not like I'm going anywhere." Marinette smiled as Felix lead her away from the commotion as she began telling him her story.
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Octodad: Another Fox Part 1
I know I put the "Alya salt" tag here, but it's super light, and this is most definitely not a bash fic! This more of a "a problem is pointed out, with hints that they will be fixed" type of "salt" fic. Anyway, please enjoy!
"We need the Rena Rouge."
Ladybug, Chat Noir, and Mollusk were currently hiding from the akuma on top of a building, behind an air-conditioning unit. The akuma had the power to.... Punch hard? The team weren't entirely sure how they work, but they understood that they couldn't afford to get close.
Which is probably why Ladybug is insistent on needed Rena Rouge.
And Chat Noir agreed! But Mollusk however...
"She shouldn't be given a Miraculous!"
"And why not? I thought you trusted my choices."
Mollusk sighed. "Ladybug, I do trust your decisions. If I didn't, I wouldn't go though any of your convoluted plans."
"Then what's the problem here? Let go get Rena Rouge-"
"The problem is I don't trust Rena Rouge."
Mollusk crossed his arms and looked in the direction of the akuma. "I know who she is," he then turned his head back to Ladybug, "so I know what her current... Endeavors, are. Not something I exactly want to work with."
Chat winced at that, since it was a valid point with the Ladyblogs current quest to figure out their identities.
"My lady, Mollusk does have a point there..."
"Then what do you suggest we do?" Ladybug asked the two of them. "We need a fox, and I don't have anyone else who can work with illusions that well."
"I actually have someone in mind."
Chat Noir snapped his head to Mollusk while Ladybug's eyes widened.
"What? You do?" Ladybug asked as she crossed her arms.
Mollusk nodded his head with a grin. "Yup. She's a master of misdirection. Very sneaky too. A bit more suited to this type of akuma to."
Ladybug brought her fist to her face with a look of concentration. "... Fine, but this is temporary."
Mollusk nodded. "Of course."
"I also want to know who this person is."
Mollusk shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, I want you both to know."
Ladybug nodded her head. "Right," Ladybug then turned to address both Chat Noir and Mollusk. "Then I need you two to do some damage control while I get the fox."
"Of course My Lady!"
"You can count on us."
-------------------scene shift-------------------
Sylvia was holding Sophie, her newborn girl, while she and Aizen watched the news coverage on the akuma from their living room.
"Glad this is happening a good distance away from here." Aizen commented while Sophie played with his hand.
Sylvia pursed her lips as Aizen looked at her, prompting him to sigh.
"You wish you could do something, don't you?"
"Can you blame me? You at least have a job that has you active during stuff like this. I used to be active with the last supervillain!"
Aizen raised an eyebrow at her. "You also said you quit doing so because of your kids."
"I mean, yeah. But-!"
"No buts! You said if you don't have powers, don't let out for akumas, remember?"
Before Sylvia could respond, someone spoke up from the balcony.
"Well it's a good thing that I can make that happen."
Sylvia and Aizen got up quickly, with Sylvia shielding Sophie from from the new person with her body, and Aizen push her behind him with his arm. They both relaxed when they saw Mollusk standing in the doorway to the balcony with Chat Noir and Ladybug on the railing behind him.
Mollusk smiled at the two of them. "It's good to see that you two have protective instincts, considering I need Sylvia's help today."
The two adults looked to each other, then back to Mollusk.
"What do you..?"
"Sylvia Hessenpy," Mollusk then held out an octagonal box. "This is the Fox Miraculous of illusions. With this, will you help us today to defeat this akuma?"
Part one complete! And like I said at the beginning, there is slight Alya salt, but it's definitely not supposed to be a bash fic.
@fantasyfandommaiden @elmokingkong @agentofscifi @chatnoirismycinnamonroll @sparklyaxolotlstudent @crazylittlemunchkin (if you want to be tagged for anything, just ask me!) (My asks are always open to questions as well!)
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