#slight injury
greyfoxowo · 1 year
5th prompt of Flufftober!
Bit late but cold weather got to me... but back to the drawing and back to Hades game!
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3 kisses from Ares
1 kiss from Thanatos
(On the 2nd one I've meant to portray "Sisyphus Incident")
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subukunojess · 5 months
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Trope/Prompt: Lifted By The Neck
Fandoms: Super Mario Fandom, Mario & Luigi: Dream Team
Main Character: Luigi
Content Warnings: Near chokeholds, near electrocution, romantic tension
Word Count: 609
After centuries of not writing, here is another entry for the Bad Things Happen Bingo. This one (which went through many changes) was inspired by the Luigi and Bowser film scene and saying, "What if this happened in Dream Team and how we thought the context was?" Since I like giants, monster/human relationships, and realizing you have a crush, I used that as the jumping point for the prompt, Lifted By The Neck. By far, this is the shortest and possibly least dark of the entries so far, but I'm glad how natural the scene went while writing it.
Thank you and Please Enjoy~
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dominimoonbeam · 2 years
What are you doing here?
Huxley/David have a meet cute in the wildness with a bear.
Slight AU! No Angel. No Darlin drama, so they’re just a solid part of the pack. Early in the audio timeline. Hux hasn’t met FL yet and David is still an asshole.
tags: getting together, meet cute with a bear, slight injury, care
What are you doing here?
Huxley hiked up the incline to the vantage point he’d found last year. It was early summer, the sun still high when he broke from the trees and stepped up to the drop off. It sloped down, giving a beautiful view of the forest stretching below and a long valley of tall grass.
He was surprised to see movement down there, soon followed by the yips and howls.
Wolves. Dozens of them. They were running and playing. It was chaotic order. And then out to the far side, a campsite of tents, coolers, chairs, and grills, with a bunch of kids and a few adults.
Not wolves. Werewolves. Huxley smiled. He had met werewolves in Dahlia, of course, but he’d never seen them wolfed out. He wondered if he should leave. Was it rude to watch them? He’d heard wolves in the woods before, but this was the first time he’d seen them here. They look happy. Running to run, playing.
“What are you doing here?”
Huxley spun around, his heart jumping into his throat. He hadn’t heard or felt the other guy coming up behind him. But there he was. And he was big. As big as Huxley. His energy howled wolf, even if he was standing on two legs. “Wow. What?”
The guy took a step forward. Huxley wondered if it was supposed to be threatening. He had his back to a cliff edge and this guy closing the space between them. A lot of people would definitely be worried right now. But Huxley felt the ground under his shoes, deep and rich. “I’m camping, dude. What are you doing here?”
“Bullshit,” the wolf snapped. His voice was deep, a low rumble in his broad chest. “You’ve been out here when we were here before and now you’re here again. You expect me to believe that’s a coincidence?”
“It’s a good spot.”
“Why are you watching us?”
Huxley glanced back over his shoulder, at the pack playing in the valley below. He felt the other guy move closer this time and when he looked forward again, they were within arm’s reach of each other. His eyes were so dark and so clearly pissed that he’d looked at them again. Did he really think Huxley was a threat somehow? To wolves? They outnumbered him. They could rip him apart if they wanted to—not that he thought for a second that they would. He hadn’t done anything.
“I’ll leave,” Huxley said. He liked this spot for the stars but he knew of others. He could move if he was making them uncomfortable.
“You didn’t answer my question,” the wolf said, the words grinding.
Huxley sighed, staring right back at him. “Yes, I did. I’m just camping, man.”
Huxley was surprised by the little jab of pain in his chest. They guy was asking like it was absurd. But he was a wolf with a pack. Of course it would sound absurd to him. It wasn’t like Hux wouldn’t have liked to go with other people…he just hadn’t met anyone in Dahlia who liked to hike. Honestly, he’d had trouble making any real connections in Dahlia. Either people didn’t like him, he didn’t like them, or, in quite a few cases, they’d like to have him in their beds but that was it. “Yeah. Alone.”
“What’s your name?”
“Huxley. Yours?”
“David Shaw.” He said it like it was supposed to mean something.
Huxley blinked.
“You don’t work for the department.”
Huxley almost laughed. “No, dude. I go to DAMN. I’m just hiking on the weekend. I promise.” He offered his pinkie before he could think better of it. It was something his moms always did.
David glared at the offer, curled his lip, and turned away.
Huxley watched him shift. His wolf was huge. He disappeared into the woods, fast and silent.
When he was alone again, he sighed and collected his bag. He’d move south and give them their space. He hadn’t gone that way before. Maybe he’d find an even better spot.
 David waited until the elemental moved out, heading in the opposite direction.
Was he telling the truth?
Was David going to put up with this guy lurking around his pack for the second year in a row?
He headed back to the valley. It was a spot his dad had found when he was a kid. They had actually found it together. His dad had decided it was a great spot to bring the whole pack and so they had, every year. …Almost every year.
Asher was waiting for him when he came back, standing in human form with his arms crossed and his eyebrow raised. “Well? Was he a department spy? Or maybe some wolf-hating elemental hoping to pick us off one by one?”
David shifted human. “Fuck you.” He had never said anything like that. But maybe he’d thought it. Why did Asher have to know him that well?
“Was he hot?”
David shot him a look. “Are you looking to replace Babe?”
Asher curled his lip. He would have growled if it had been anyone else. “I wasn’t asking for me…”
“I told you, I’m not dating anyone. I’ve got enough on my plate.”
Asher frowned. A real frown, tinged with worry. “David… Do you really feel that swamped still?”
David sighed and stopped just when he was about to walk past Asher and back toward the camp. For a moment they were alone, everyone else playing and laughing. “No. It’s not that.” He knew how much everyone had tried to pick up the slack, to help him get the security company off its feet and stable. And it was. “I just…I don’t need that. It would be complicated.”
Asher looked unconvinced.
“Jesus, Ash, this is sort of a heavy conversation to take on just because I ran some elemental off.”
Asher smirked. “Yeah, I made that work for me. We should talk about it.”
David rolled his eyes.
“I’m not saying you have to jump into a relationship with the next person you see. I’m just saying—”
“Yeah. Yeah. I hear you,” David hurried to cut him off, not really wanting to hear him at all. He’d decided he wasn’t going to have a mate. His full focus needed to be being alpha of this pack and keeping them together. At least, that’s what he’d said when he started. Now it was just…safer. He had been grateful that he hadn’t been interested in anyone in his pack when he became alpha. The power imbalance might have driven him away from them anyway. But finding a mate outside seemed impossible. It would be hard to find a person he loved that was also good for the pack, good with the pack, and good with him and everything he needed to be to his pack. It was a lot to ask of a person.
He hoped he never found anyone he liked enough to ask that much of them.
 Huxley had walked a straight line away from the wolves until he was deep in a part of the woods he hadn’t been in before. He finally let himself slow down and explore when it had been a while since he heard the howls of the wolves.
He found some black berries along the edge of a little clearing and considered it as a possible spot to make camp. He’d be able to see the stars. He liked that. In late afternoon, he started collecting downed branches and twigs, making his way back toward that clearing.
He realized the bear was there at the same moment she realized he was there. Too late for either of them to make a quiet exit.
Huxley’s heart rammed his ribs. She was beautiful but he was way to close. She huffed, staring hard. He dropped the dry wood and spread his arms, taking a step to the side and back. He was about to take another when he saw one of her cubs roll out from under a bush and knew that this was really bad. “Don’t,” he said, even if she couldn’t understand. He wished he could explain. He would leave. He wouldn’t cause her any trouble and she could go on. But bears weren’t werewolves and there could be no conversation between them.
She roared and rushed him.
Huxley backpedaled fast. It would never be fast enough, not even if he tried to run. He shook the ground underfoot, sliding the soil beneath her beating paws to slow her down and trying to roll her, stop her, scare her off. But she was singularly focused now.
He never stopped taking steps backward, trying to create space between them even when she was shrinking it. He pushed more power out, lifting and felling a tree in her path. It startled her but not enough to stop her for more than a few seconds. She climbed over it, scoring deep gashes into the trunk. Her body thudded on the ground when she landed in a run again. She was huge. She was doing exactly what instinct told her to do—protect her babies.
But what she didn’t know, what she couldn’t know, was the rules between humans and animals. If she mauled him, animal control would hunt her down. Huxley didn’t want to kill her, he didn’t want to harm anything.
He continued to lift and roll the ground, slowing her down but only making her angrier. She snarled and roared, clawing at the ground when it lifted in waves and beating her way through. He thought, that if they both survived this encounter, he would marvel at these memories—at how easily she slammed her body through those walls of dirt and roots. She was unstoppable. But he had to stop her.
She was so close—too close. He could smell the reek of her breath and see the black of her gums against those thick white teeth. He pushed both hands forward and she swiped the air at him, they nearly touched, and then he lifted the ground under her high and hard to throw her back, rolling her.
At the same time, one of his backward steps didn’t connect with ground.
He fell, with no idea how far he would go. The sky filled his vision and his hands grabbed at nothing but air. He was horizontal and then his hip hit stone, followed shortly by his back.
Huxley had had the air knocked out of him plenty of times, but this was worse than when he’d hit the ice in hockey or the ground in football. For long seconds, he couldn’t inhale.
He’d been playing sports, and exploring the woods, and doing shit he shouldn’t be doing since he could walk. One of his moms had taken up healing even though it wasn’t her natural gift and though she never said it, he knew it was for him.
He tried to relax and slowly, finally, inhaled. He couldn’t move yet, but his vision was coming back into focus. He could see the ridge where he’d fallen. It was only six or seven feet from where he’d landed, but he’d landed on a slant of rocks. He could hear the river somewhere below, beyond his head. His hips were higher up than his shoulders, leaving him at an angle.
He watched the spot where he’d fallen, willing the bear not to come for him. The only thing he’d be able to do now would be to use what he had left to throw her off the cliff. He didn’t want to do that. The sky darkened as the minutes slid by. No bear.
He moved his arms slowly. His back ached in a sharp jolt and he winced. He rolled onto his side, the one that hadn’t hit the ground first. He had to get up and figure out how to get down. Going back up was probably a bad idea. His head throbbed in a way he was all too familiar with. Had he hit it? Huxley reached up slowly, palming the back of his skull. His fingers came away wet. “Oh shit,” he mumbled before leaning into the heavy pull of sleep.
He woke up sharply and the sky was full dark. It could have been a matter of minutes or hours. The moon was bright, which was good since his flashlight was in his pack somewhere in the woods. Something rustled up above, on that ledge where he’d fallen. Huxley held his breath, like maybe the bear wouldn’t know he was there. When a large, dark head poked over the edge to look down at him, he had every intention of playing dead. It wasn’t like he felt like moving anyway.
But it wasn’t a bear that looked down at him.
It was a wolf.
 They’d felt the tremors in the ground even at a distance. Some of the younger members of the pack giggled about earthquakes but the adults knew better. It was a slight difference—earthquake and earth elemental. But once a wolf had felt both, they never mistook one for the other.
Another tremor.
David realized Asher and Milo were staring off in the same direction as him. It was too far away to have anything to do with them.
“You said he was alone,” Milo said. It wasn’t really a question. He was pointing out a detail that brought up other questions. The real questions. What reasons could they think up for why the elemental was doing that? And was it their business? He was so far away that the unempowered might not even feel the tremors.
“Earth elementals might move the ground to make the hike easier…” Sweetheart suggested, but didn’t sound entirely comfortable either.
Another tremor, this one bigger, and then nothing.
David sighed. “I’ll go check on him.” His whole fucking camping trip seemed to be checking on this elemental.
“I can go,” Asher offered just when Milo was about to.
David snorted, even though he had to fight back the smile that pulled at his mouth. They were always ready to help out. He couldn’t have handled the last couple years without them. He still wasn’t sure that he was good enough to be alpha but they seemed to believe he was. Sometimes that was the only thing that got him out of bed in that first year after his dad passed. They believed in him. They needed him to try.
“No, you two stay with the pack. I won’t be long.”
Sweetheart huffed a laugh, crossing their arms. “You’re really going alone?”
David turned and raised an eyebrow. He would have been furious about that snarky question when they first showed up at Milo’s side eight months ago. But now he knew them well enough to hear the note of worry wrapped in amused judgement. “You want to come with, Stealth?” he smirked around the question. They both knew, that for all of Sweetheart’s incredible abilities and skills, they couldn’t keep up with a wolf in a run.
“It just seems silly to go alone when you have a whole pack right here…”
“He’s scared I’ll outrun him again.” Asher smiled, eyes lighting up. The sun had dropped below the trees, the sky losing color every minute that passed and more stars beginning to appear.
Milo laughed, but tried to hide it by ducking his face and pressing it into the back of Sweetheart’s shoulder.
David sighed but nodded. “Milo comes with. Asher stays put.” He exchanged a glance with Asher. The other was still smiling the way he often did, but there was something sharp in his gaze. He understood his role. He always had when it mattered. He was going to stay with the pack and make sure this wasn’t a distraction. It was far-fetched, but they didn’t take chances. Asher and Stealth would keep an eye on things while David and Milo watched each other’s back in the woods.
“I knew you were scared I’d outrun you…” Asher commented, to make the exchange easy even when he nodded once, agreeing to the responsibility that fell on his shoulders when David was gone.
“Maybe I just trust Milo not to run into a tree and knock himself out.”
Asher laughed, the sound loud enough to earn them the attention of some of the others. They were lighting fires and opening ice chests near their campsite in the clearing. “One time!”
Milo snorted. “Twice, Ash… You always forget the second one.”
“He was concussed. He forgot that whole weekend,” David reminded and then shifted and ran toward the tree line. Milo was with him, both wolves darting through the dark woods toward the origin of those quakes.
David expected to find the elemental, probably settled into his camp and looking innocent again.
The moon came out, the sky completely drained of daylight.
Milo growled low when they both picked up the scent of the bears.
For the first time, David allowed himself to worry. He’d told this elemental to get out of their space. He’d forced the man to move his campsite.
I don’t smell blood, Milo said what they’d both be able to sense. He could feel David’s worry through their link. If the elemental had been mauled, they would be able to smell it by now.
They found a downed tree, pulled right up from the ground. A whole stretch of ground was churned up, plants and stones all rolled together. The elemental was strong. So why hadn’t he buried or crushed the bear? It wasn’t dead.
It’s close by still, Milo told him. He knew that too, but he also knew that Milo was asking what he should do about it.
Stay close but keep track of the bear while I look for him, David said. He’d yet to meet a bear that would pick a fight with a grown werewolf, let alone two.
He followed the wreckage on the ground. He knew his scent from earlier and from a year ago when they were both in the area at the same time. Now the scent was spiked with panic and adrenaline.
David’s heart dropped when he saw the edge ahead, the ground tossed in a wave and the dirt-packed edge scuffed by a shoe dragging back over it. Fuck. He rushed forward and leaned over. He didn’t know what he’d find. He didn’t know if he’d be looking down at a body far below, or treetops and no sign of the body beneath. It was a mix of horror and relief when he saw the elemental on his side maybe seven feet below on a rock shelf. But he wasn’t moving. His heart was beating, David could hear it when he tried, but he could also smell blood now. Fuck, he thought louder. He felt Milo tense. I found him. He fell. Hang on.
The elemental. Huxley. His name was Huxley. He opened his eyes and blinked up at him, surprise clear on his dirt-smudged face in the moonlight. “Oh,” he said, voice rough and barely getting out. He coughed like he was trying to clear it but cringed. He tried to sit up.
David shifted human and jumped down. “Stop moving!”
Huxley sat up but had to stop to catch his breath, pressing his eyes shut like the world was spinning.
David crouched beside him, putting a hand on his shoulder to steady him. “Just breathe for a minute.”
Huxley did, but the breaths didn’t come easily, like his chest was too tight.
David looked back up at the ledge, imagining him falling backward off that. “Can I touch you?”
Huxley blinked at him, glancing once at his hand still on his shoulder.
David scoffed. “To check if you broke anything.”
It took him a few seconds too long to answer. David couldn’t tell if that was hesitation or a concussion, but then he shrugged and nodded. “Sure, but you don’t have to. Arms and legs are fine. I can get out of here.”
David snorted, doubting that. He was moving too stiffly to be able to just climb out of there like it was no big deal. He kept the hand on Huxley’s shoulder to hold him steady while the other gently touched his head through thick curls that had mostly escaped their messy tie. Huxley winced when David’s fingers brushed the cut on the back of his head. David muttered an apology.
“You might have a concussion…”
“Oh, I’m definitely concussed, dude.”
“How the hell would you know?” he argued even though the elemental was agreeing with him. David continued to roam his fingers down the back of the guy’s neck, watching his face for reactions.
Huxley smiled. “If they gave out punch cards for concussions, I’d have so many free yogurts by now.”
David continued to stare, not sure if that made sense or not. “I guess that explains a lot about you,” he spat and saw the other man’s expression when his words hit. His smile fell, a polite ghost of what it had been just seconds ago, and his eyes looked away, down. “I’m sorry,” David said, voice low with regret. He hadn’t actually meant to hurt this stranger’s feelings. He was just… well, he was an asshole sometimes. “I didn’t mean that.”
Huxley shrugged, easy expression back in place. He winced when David’s hand was low on his back.
“How did you land?”
“Hard?” Huxley smirked.
David tried not to. “Har har, asshole.”
“On my back, I think. No, hip first, then back.”
“And then head?”
“I don’t remember hitting my head.”
David frowned. Great. At least Huxley hadn’t passed out, thrown up, or started rambling yet. He let go of his shoulder and unzipped the elemental’s jacket.
Milo snapped off a bark and a growl somewhere overhead, warning off the bear when she got curious.
Huxley jerked a little, his gaze going high and toward the woods up there. “It didn’t bite me.”
David lifted the man’s shirt, getting a look at a huge patch of bruising on his side coming up from the waistband of his jeans and spreading over the side of his back. It looked bad, darker in spots where his ribs had taken the brunt of it. He ghosted a hand over them and the guy flinched away automatically, hissing a breath. Broken. He had at least two broken ribs. God, David hoped they weren’t puncturing anything. “What?”
“It didn’t. Just leave them alone.”
David put his shirt back down and looked at his face, wondering if his concussion was kicking in. What the fuck was he talking about? “Who? What are you—”
“The bear. She has cubs. She didn’t touch me so we can leave her alone, right?” I’ll climb down instead of going back up if—"
“Are you insane?” David snapped. Climb down? Maybe he hadn’t looked, but David had. If he hadn’t hit this ledge, or if he’d rolled a little farther, he would have fallen straight down a thirty-foot drop. There was no climbing down. He remembered the path of wreckage above, the overturned ground and the felled tree. “You didn’t hurt the bear.” It had been a choice. He could have but he hadn’t.
“It wasn’t her fault, man. She was just doing what she thought she had to.”
“Are you stupid?” David snapped before he could think better of it. Huxley winced. “You could have died!”
“I didn’t.”
“Because we found you! What if we hadn’t been in the area?” Although, if they hadn’t been in the area, David wouldn’t have pushed this guy out of the area he knew and straight toward a conflict with a bear. Guilt gnawed at the wolf’s heart, but Huxley didn’t even seem to think of that argument.
“I would have gotten up eventually, dude.”
David gawked. He was sure that if Huxley wasn’t injured, he would have shoved him.
“Not to downplay your help,” the elemental added again, as though worried for David’s feelings. It was salt on his wounds. “I really appreciate you guys coming all the way over here to check on me but I’m alright.”
“The hell you are,” David growled. He stood up and looked at the ledge. There were enough rocks piled together to create steps up to it. “Can you get up or do you want me to carry you?”
Huxley laughed before wincing and clutching at his side, still smiling despite the tears that pricked his eyes. “Don’t joke, dude. I think I busted a rib.”
He had busted two. “I’m not joking.”
Huxley dragged a couple careful breaths. “You can’t carry me, man.”
David stared at him, confused. “Yes. I can.”
Huxley met his gaze, looking for a joke and then…was he blushing? Huxley was a big guy. They were roughly the same size. David realized he was used to people being smaller than himself, which meant Huxley probably was too. David couldn’t remember the last time someone had carried him. It had probably been his dad. He pushed that thought away. He supposed Huxley wasn’t used to the idea of being carried. But David definitely could. If it wasn’t for those ribs, he would have already put him over his shoulder and started up the incline and back to the woods.
The bear left, Milo told him over their psychic link. Do you need help getting him out?
Huxley climbed to his feet and David caught is arm by the elbow just in case he fell. He swayed for a few seconds but then nodded, jaw tight as if determined to keep the world from swirling under him.
“So,” David said, trying to start some conversation that might help distract this guy from his own pain. “You fall off cliffs a lot?”
Huxley blinked at him.
“You said you’ve had a lot of concussions…”
Huxley huffed a thin, almost-laugh, and shuffled toward the stone wall. Every step he took looked stiff and pained, but he started climbing. “No, this is a first. I do a lot of sports though and I mean, I did fall out of a tree once. That was kind of like this.”
David laughed before he could stop himself. Jesus. Another Asher…
Milo stood at the top of the drop off in human form. He crouched and offered Huxley his arm.
Huxley blinked at the stranger and the arm. “I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want to pull you down either…”
Milo looked confused.
David snorted, standing behind Huxley with hands hovering near his back. He didn’t want to touch or push if he didn’t have to, afraid it would hurt him more. “Milo this is Huxley, Huxley this is Milo,” he introduced them gruffly. “Milo could carry you if he needed to. You’re not going to pull him down even if you try.”
Milo’s gaze flicked between the two of them, his smile growing. David wasn’t sure if it was purely amusement or maybe a little pride too. If it was pride, then it deserved to be there. Milo wasn’t big for a wolf but he was still a wolf.
“Oh,” Huxley said in that odd tone that made David wonder if he was blushing again. He surprised himself by how much he wanted to see if he was. Huxley took Milo’s offered arm. “Nice to meet you, dude.”
“Same.” Milo carefully but steadily helped Huxley up over those last steps and onto the ground, not letting go of him until he was away from the edge.
“Thanks,” the elemental sighed, glancing around at the dark woods.
“It’s gone, went that way,” Milo said, pointing south. This would be a pretty elaborate ploy if he was out here trying to spy on us… Milo thought, smirking. David rolled his eyes to himself. Yes, he had been wrong about Huxley. And his mistake had nearly killed the man. If he got attacked by a bear and threw himself down a cliff just to get close to us, I say we give it to him.
Milo ducked away and came back with a hiking backpack. Huxley’s backpack. The elemental wheezed a thin laugh and took it by the strap from the wolf. “Shit. Thanks. You guys really saved me.”
David grunted and took the bag from Huxley before he could try to sling the heavy thing over his shoulder. He was busted up. The walk was going to be hard enough as it was. Huxley looked confused but didn’t fight him over the bag. David pointed north. “We have a healer.”
Huxley blinked and then that blush was back. “Oh. No. I don’t need that. Thank you, but you guys really did enough. I’ll just head back to the parking lot and get out of here.”
Milo shook his head. “That’s a bad idea. You hit your head, right? Have you passed out or thrown up?”
“I didn’t throw up.”
David rolled his eyes and put on the other guy’s backpack. “We already established that you’re concussed, right?”
“I’ll be fine. I’ll go straight for the DAMN clinic. They’re open twenty-four hours and—”
“And that’s a three-hour drive from here,” Milo pointed out before David had to. “What if you pass out and crash?”
Huxley frowned hard, definitely not liking that idea, only David suspected it was more out of fear of hurting someone else in a crash than hurting himself. It definitely wasn’t that Huxley didn’t care about himself. He obviously took care of himself. David had gotten a pretty fucking good look at his chest earlier. No one accidentally had abs like that. And Huxley wasn’t pointedly reckless, he either just prized the lives of others so highly above his own or he didn’t actually think he could die. Maybe it was a bit of both.
David slid a hand under the other man’s elbow and started walking in the right direction. They let Huxley set the pace and David tried to decide on the best way to carry him without causing more damage or pain if his legs finally gave out.
He knew Milo was resisting the urge to make conversation. Huxley’s breathing was obviously a struggle.
He made it a lot farther than David expected him to, even keeping up a good march. Even in the dark and in pain, he was surefooted in the woods. A little more than halfway there, he stopped. Milo had been leading the way and jerked to a stop, turning back.
David had never let go of Huxley’s arm, his grip tightening as he stepped in closer to his side. Huxley closed his eyes, swaying on his feet.
“Go get Marie,” David said, not taking his eyes off the elemental.
Milo shifted and was gone. A howl ripped through the woods, calling to the other across that distance.
The sound forced Huxley’s eyes open again, pressed wide like he could will them to stay open this time. His heart was beating too fast. David stepped into the space in front of him, holding onto both arms now. “Do you want to sit?”
Huxley shook his head, blinking, seeming to try to get his vision to clear. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
David held on to him. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” David had been the one that ran him off. David had been the one that pushed him in that direction and led him to this. “I’m sorry for… I shouldn’t have made you go. This wouldn’t have happened if I’d just left you alone.”
Huxley’s eyes were closed again but he smiled, dragging sharp breaths. “Instinct,” he wheezed.
David blinked. “What?”
“Like the bear, man. You were just protecting your family.”
David stared at him. Yeah. That was what he had been doing.
“You didn’t know,” Huxley added. “And you didn’t hurt me or anything. I’m responsible for my choices. I chose to keep backing up.” He didn’t sound like he regretted it either.
He hadn’t wanted to hurt anyone.
David should have just left him alone.
Huxley started to say something but it broke off when his legs gave out. If his eyes had been open, they probably would have rolled back into his head.
David slid an arm around the back of his shoulders, above the bruising he’d seen. Shit. He curled his other arm under the man’s knees and lifted him, curling him into his chest, his head high on his shoulder and his curls against his neck and cheek.
Another series of howls in the distance. Marie and Milo heading back.
David started walking to meet them, terrified that every second might count. Huxley had seemed like this was no big deal, like maybe he got hurt like this all the time. But David had begun to realize the guy didn’t like to be a problem for anyone.
He felt the moment Huxley woke up, but David didn’t lose a step.
Huxley dragged a few breaths, they were tighter now. He grabbed at David’s shoulders, trying to sit up and look around. And then he made a sound, like maybe he was laughing but his chest was too tight. “You’re carrying me…”
David snorted. “I said I could.”
And then he saw Marie. She shifted from wolf to human, still hurrying to meet him. “Oh my,” she said, and David wasn’t sure if it was the damage of the human or the size of him. David stopped and gently set Huxley down, on his knees next to him.
Huxley blinked blearily at Marie. “Hi,” he said, swallowing hard and trying to introduce himself.
Marie smiled gently at the stranger. “Hi. I’m going to take a look at you and see what we can do, okay?”
Huxley sat awkwardly, like he wanted to slouch but his ribs wouldn’t go for it. “Sorry,” he mumbled.
David frowned.
Marie just hummed softly, gently passing her hands over him, checking his neck first.
“He hit his head, and his side is all bruised up, and I think his ribs are broken,” David said, pointing at the side that had taken the worst of the fall.
She nodded like that was no big deal. He supposed, compared to some of the wounds they’d been brought to her with when they were teens, it wasn’t. Darlin had managed to impale a leg on a fence once. They’d tried to pull themselves off of it and David had threatened to punch them if they kept moving. While they were screaming at each other, Asher trying to calm them both, Arden had had the sense to go get Milo and his mom.
David’s dad had to lift Darlin off the fence before Marie could mend that hole in their leg. Asher had thrown up and Darlin had laughed and made fun of him for two years.
Marie’s hand was around the back of Huxley’s head. She paused and David felt the magic moving between them. Huxley’s eyes closed and this time when they opened they were focused, pupils blown from the magic but otherwise good. He dragged another tight, pained breath but nodded. “Thank you, ma’am.”
She smiled brightly. “Have you been in Dahlia long?”
He exhaled. “A little over a year.”
Marie nodded, opening his jacket and carefully lifting his shirt to get a look at his ribs. “Are you studying at DAMN?”
He nodded. “Yes, ma’am.”
She poured magic into him.
He tensed like he expected pain that hadn’t come, exhaling slowly at first and then, when it didn’t hurt, dragging a deep breath. He took another and sighed. “Thank you so much.”
Marie smiled brightly. “No problem, dear.” She moved her hand down his side but he gently caught her wrist and drew her hand away from her goal.
Huxley held her hand between both of his. “The rest is just bruising, I promise. And I more than earned it. You’ve already used so much energy putting me back together, and I’m so grateful, but my moms would be pissed if I let you drain yourself.” He got up while he was talking, suddenly agile again and gently lifting her to her feet too.
David would have rolled his eyes and called him overly charming, if he wasn’t so blatantly sincere.
Marie beamed, squeezing his hand. “Okay, but only if you promise to tell me if anything smarts? I want a real promise.”
Huxley smiled and nodded. “I promise. Thank you. I’m totally good to go.”
David assumed he meant good to walk until he stared at him, awkwardly gesturing to his backpack on David’s shoulders. “I can—”
“I’ve got it.”
Huxley blinked. His pupils were huge. He was probably feeling pretty great despite the bruising because of all that magic in his blood. He’d be sore tomorrow though. “Um. I kind of need it, man.” He laughed a little. “My keys are in there.”
“Still not good to drive!” Milo reminded, already walking away and heading back toward camp now that crisis and danger were all averted.
Marie hummed in agreement but left David to deal with it.
“Oh. Yeah,” Huxley realized they were right, nodding. “I’ll sleep in the truck and head back tomorrow.” He still had his hand out, waiting for the bag.
David growled. He didn’t like the gesture because it felt like he was denying him something. He was not ready to unpack what that was about. “You can camp with us tonight,” he decided what he’d already known was the plan. He’d known it since he saw his busted ribs. “It’s late. I’m hungry. Can we just get moving?” David tried pressing and then winced at how heartless it sounded. “If you’re good to walk.”
 Huxley stared. His skin was buzzing from the healing and he felt pretty great after feeling really bad for a while there. David was really inviting him to camp with them? After practically chasing him off earlier that same day? He could see how uncomfortable the other guy was, so he nodded and turned in the direction the other two had gone.
They walked.
David was still carrying Huxley’s backpack.
“It’s really not your fault, dude. You know that, right?” Huxley asked, voice low.
David jerked a little and stood straighter, his eyes fixed ahead. “Yeah. It is.”
Huxley sighed, bumping his shoulder into the other man’s. “Okay. It definitely is. You sent me toward that bear on purpose. Now you owe me food and someplace to sleep.”
David’s head whipped to the side, staring at him in so much surprise that Huxley couldn’t help but laugh.
“I’m sorry. But now that we’re talking about it, I really am tired.”
David relaxed a fraction, nodding once. “It’s the healing magic. It—”
“Makes you tired. Yeah. Not my first time,” he reminded lightly.
David smirked a little. “Right. You’re an expert at getting injured. How many times have you broken a bone?”
Huxley whistled. “Let’s see…” He started listing them off, not in any particular order, but as they came to him. Just when he was worried he’d droned on for too long, David prompted him. He’d been keeping count.
They left the woods for the clearing. It wasn’t as lively as it had been earlier that day. Huxley figured most of the kids had gone to bed, the parents too. Only a smaller group still hung out around the fire.
Huxley slowed down. “Dude. Really, if I’m intruding—”
David grabbed the back of his arm to keep him moving. “You’re fine. I’m the worst of them. Well, except for Darlin, they actually bite.”
Huxley laughed, hoping that was a joke but not really sure.
“A bear?” one guy shouted, almost falling out of a foldable chair in his scramble to get to his feet. “I stayed behind and you got to see a bear?”
David rolled his eyes. They arrived at the group and the group went quiet, staring at Huxley and then at David.
Huxley felt like he usually did, like he didn’t belong, like he was trying to fit in places where no one had asked him to be.
David introduced people and Huxley could see the others relax, like they’d just been on edge until he spoke—something in his voice assuring them that this was okay. They weren’t all wolves, he realized. Milo’s mate was a stealth and Asher, the guy that had almost fallen out of a chair, was with an unempowered human. As soon as he’d gotten everyone’s names, David put his bag down by a chair and then headed toward the table with food. Hotdogs that had lost their heat and buns that were getting dry. They tasted fucking amazing. Huxley was so hungry.
Asher was easy to talk to, which somehow made it easy to talk to everyone. Asher offered him a beer, but David took it away and handed him a bottle of water. “Hydrate first.”
Huxley laughed because he was just thinking that. He pulled on a hoodie from his pack and a bunch of them sat around the fire talking. It had been about the whole bear situation at first but it turned into an exchange of stories. Theirs and his. When he finished the water, David offered him his beer back. It was half-drained but he took it.
He was exhausted, his eyelids heavy, but he still tried to stay awake longer. Some of the others had gone to sleep shifted, curled up around the camp, while others ducked into tents.
“Do you have a tent?” David asked, skeptical.
Huxley followed his eye to his backpack and smiled. “Nah. The weather’s good. I just have a sleeping bag.”
Something in David’s expression hardened again. “Do you always go camping alone?”
Huxley tried to keep smiling. He shrugged. “It’s not like a rule or anything. But I like being outside, you know? Can’t always wait for someone else to want to go too.”
David watched him for a while before nodding once like, even if he didn’t get it, he accepted the answer. He got up and stretched. Huxley watched him. This guy had literally pulled him off a ledge and then carried him to safety. Huxley had never expected that to happen.
David walked closer and Huxley held his breath, those dark eyes reflecting firelight when they flicked over him. He leaned down, closer still, and Huxley stared back. His heart beat faster. His skin and his head still felt gauzy from the healing magic, but it would take a lot more than clouded senses not to see how hot David was. He was close, really close, like he had been before. He’d had a hand on Huxley since he found him, until they reached the camp. It had never been bad, never threatening or grabbing. Just there, steady and reassuring.
David’s mouth twitched. Was that a smirk?
Huxley almost leaned into him. Almost.
And thank fucking god he didn’t, because David picked up Huxley’s bag and then straightened again, unzipping it to pull out his sleeping bag.
Heat rose to his face and Huxley jumped up from his chair with another laugh. “I can do that,” he said.
David rolled it out for him all the same, not too far from the low burning fire. “Things will get loud pretty early, as soon as the kids start waking up, but you’re welcome to sleep through it if you can.”
Huxley nodded, gravitating toward his bedroll. He really was beat. “Thanks,” he said and then stopped to look at David again. “Really. For saving me back there but also for letting me hang out tonight.”
David smiled a little, like he was trying not to. Why was he always trying not to smile? “Better than sleeping in your truck?”
Huxley laughed, dropping himself carefully down onto his familiar sleeping bag. He sighed, stretching out. “Way better.” He was almost out as soon as he was settled, but managed to stay awake just long enough to see David shift into a wolf again and settle on the ground not far from him.
( @zozo-01 I was so excited that I forgot to tag you when I posted this. Hopefully this works... <3 <3)
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tereox · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody, Tooka Characters (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Tooka Cats (Star Wars), Order 66 Didn't Happen (Star Wars), Post-Canon, Married CC-2224 | Cody/Obi-Wan Kenobi, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, except palpatine. zillo beast went nom, Banter, Blood and Injury, cody gets scratched but it ain't bad, Fluff, Cute, Canon is a ghost and I am Pac-man Summary:
"Cyare, did you adopt a tooka?" Cody called out from the living room. Obi-Wan looked up from the fruit he'd been getting ready for consumption and blinked. "I don't remember adopting a tooka, dral'kar." There was a pause. "Well, there's one in the yard."
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underratedgrapeju1ce · 2 months
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new look, same old punching bag
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shiut · 10 months
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Comparison of Makoto's inner dialogue towards various objects between chapters 5 and 6, because he just get so angry and weird and neurotic in chapter 6. He just really goes off the walls after his botched execution
or maybe it's the untreated concussion from falling down a garbage pit...
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valverii · 1 year
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🎊 the great dazai birthday bonanza !!
special thanks to all of the creators of the au’s for letting me doodle their silly little guys!! list of the au’s are under the ‘keep reading’ along with their lovely creators (please please please go check them out)!!
from left to right
poet!dazai: @nikosaamu
medical apprentice!dazai: @wormwood-circus
TLOU!dazai: @frenchonionsoop
skk switch!dazai: me :]
magical boy!dazai: @perianthkat
high school!dazai: @evermorethecrow
and lastly the picture frame is just beast!Dazai from the og author
thanks again for letting me include their design’s and sorry if i wasn’t able to add any au’s that were suggested—i tried to fit in any that i could find references for!
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sttanish · 3 months
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can’t rlly sleep rn and it’s 2 am so i drew pookie a little injured
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allmightluver · 10 months
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I see people talking about this image in the bottom right corner.
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Yup. That be a giant empty hole ladies and gentlemen. Where his organs should be.
You can also see the amount of blood he’s coughed up along the side of his face. This man literally should be dead right now. Like his heart had to be right there.
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riant-draws · 8 months
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hi I'm alive o/
backwards through the snow? stellar fic. and the author MADE AN AU OF IT that's like 200% more angst - unfeeling feelings on ao3! These are some doodles based on UF soooo
yeah go read it too
been working on a long project ehe (it wasn't supposed to be long but here I am, still grinding a month later) so expect that soon-ish? hopefully no later than a week or two but life is busy rn so yeaaaah
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yummycrummy · 5 months
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p1 stuff
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dominimoonbeam · 2 years
Ooooh, so many good prompts…. How to choose….. *chews thumbnail*
You know…. Rather than going with my usual predictable choice, Imma request some Hux/Darlin out of you X3 Please & thank you my love lol
Specifically “How many fingers?… Yes I’m serious! Shut up and answer the question!” - but with Darlin being the one holding the fingers up to Hux X3 Because Darlin’s always the one getting hurt and fussed over, it’s time for them to fuss for once lol
CHAR! Thank you so much for sending an ask. This one came out pretty damn sweet and I'm rather pleased with it. Hux deserves care! Hope you like it!
tw: light injury, fussing, worrying, fluff
Darlin came home early, stepping out of their boots at the door and shrugging off their jacket. They hung it up next to Huxley’s hoodie. His gym bag was on the floor by his sneakers, but the apartment was quiet. No lights on. No music playing. Nothing. “You home, babe?” Darlin called.
There was a pause before a hum answered from the bedroom and then, “Yeah. Home.”
Darlin smiled, thinking they’d woken him up from a nap. They were suddenly very happy they’d gotten home early, slinking down the hallway to his door.
“Is it eight already?” Huxley asked just as they pushed the door into a full swing. His room was unlit like the rest of the house but the afternoon light from the window should have told him it wasn’t evening yet.
“No. I’m—” Darlin started to explain, knee on the mattress when he turned his face toward them, blinking blearily up. He reached for them, his big hand finding their hip and palming it, fingers sneaking under their shirt to find skin. “What the fuck happened?” Darlin straddled his hips, hands hovering near his face. His right eye, temple, and cheekbone were dark red with clouds of purple.
Huxley sighed, one hand still on their hip but the other touching their wrist. “It’s okay.”
“If it’s okay then why are you laid up?”
“I’m not. I’m just taking a nap, tough stuff.”
“Can I touch?” Darlin asked.
Huxley hummed, smiling a little.
They framed his face, touching everything that wasn’t bruised or welted. “Did you get hit with something?”
“Hockey stick.”
“Who hit you?” Darlin demanded.
Huxley smiled, squeezing their hip gently. “Not like that. It was an accident. It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” they argued, casting their glance over his neck and arms in a fast search for any other marks. Huxley always had a few scratches and bruises, but there was nothing else out of the ordinary.
“It was an accident,” he repeated.
Darlin sat back and lifted his shirt up his chest.
Huxley pried his eyes open and almost laughed, letting them search all they wanted. They touched his ribs carefully, frowning seriously. His heart swelled. “I’m okay,” he promised. It really had been an accident. He got hurt sometimes. It wasn’t a big deal.
Darlin huffed and returned their attention to his face. They worried their lower lip thoughtfully, a scar there paler than the rest of their mouth. Darlin got banged up even worse than he did sometimes and definitely had more scars. Worse scars. They shouldn’t even bat an eye at his bruise.
“Do you have a headache?” Darlin asked.
Huxley did. He almost lied but that didn’t feel right. “Yeah.”
“Did you take anything for it?”
“No. I figured I’d just sleep it off…”
Darlin held a hand up in front of their face. “How many fingers?”
Huxley laughed, suddenly not caring about his headache or the physical throb in his face when he did. “Are you serious?”
“Yes, I’m serious! Shut up and answer the question.”
He tried to temper his amusement, both hands settled on Darlin’s thighs now. They were still sitting on his hips. “Two.” They changed their fingers. “Four.” Darlin dropped their hand. “Okay. I’m going to get you some water and then I’m calling a healer.”
He held tight to their thighs when they tried to get up off him. “No. No healer. I promise if it’s still bad tomorrow I’ll go into the clinic on campus and let the students have at it.”
Darlin’s eyes widened. “Students? No! They’ll scramble your brain or something.”
He realized they were whisper yelling and smiled. He loved them. They hadn’t said that stuff, but he knew it. “I don’t think they can scramble my brain. It’ll be okay.” He rolled them, tangling their legs together and settling them on their sides facing each other. “You don’t have to fuss over me. I’ve seen you try to put band-aids on worse.”
“That’s different,” Darlin countered, reaching up to gently trace fingers against the side of his face, along the perimeter of the bruise.
“How? Because your tough?” he smirked.
“No. Because you deserve better,” they countered.
Huxley stared at them. They looked so serious—still so focused on the bruise.
“You’re sure it was an accident?”
He stroked their side. “Yes. I promise.”
They relaxed a fraction. “Okay. I’ll give Marie a call—”
“You wouldn’t even call Marie that time your hand was broken,” he pointed out. “This is just a bruise.”
“It could be a concussion.”
“It’s not.”
“How do you know?”
“I’ve had a concussion before.”
Their eyes grew huge and he knew that was not the right thing to say. “What. The. Fuck.”
“So have you…” Huxley reminded, trying not to laugh.
“If you’ve had one before you might be more likely to get one now. It could be brain damage.”
He wasn’t sure anything they were saying was true. But it sounded like it could be… But Darlin had a habit of spitting up things that sounded true in an argument. There was no reason they would know, since they seemed even worse about getting help for this sort of thing than he was. He combed their wild hair back from their face with his fingers, leaving his hand in their hair, against the back of their head. “Stop spinning out, tough stuff.”
Darlin looked very close to sulking.
Huxley kissed them. “You’re already making me feel better.”
Darlin sighed, kissing him back, their arm snaking around his side to hug him tighter. He closed his eyes, still smiling softly. After a few minutes, when he was close to sleep, Darlin asked again, very softly, “Who swung the hockey stick?”
His smile grew but his eyes stayed shut. He squeezed them tighter in his hug. “Nope. Accident.���
Darlin frowned even though he couldn’t see it, but resigned themself to snuggles. After he napped some more, they’d make sure he got a big glass of water in. They’d heat up some leftovers and if he still had a headache they’d text Milo about getting either Marie or the stealth to stop by.
They were aware of the hypocrisy. He wasn’t wrong. Darlin had had worse and fought tooth and nail not to waste some poor healer’s energy on the task. But this was different. This was Huxley.
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violetmuses · 1 month
Safe Haven - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Title: Safe Haven - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: Armando Aretas meets you for the very first time after escaping law enforcement. @deja-r @probablyintensemuses 🏷
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Brackish air continued greeting every single corner when Armando Aretas discovered this beachfront home located steps from the ocean.
His motorboat capped for good, but two oars set just in case. Given no other choice, Aretas rowed through exertion until this moment happened.
Using more strength to keep surviving, he pushed that motorboat out from sea and grounded this vessel near sand, dumping the oars with his spot.
Limping through each step, Armando barely reaches that front door of this unknown place and feels exhausted for the first time in quite a while.
Seeing the doorbell, his bloodied finger pressed the chime and its own sound brought melodies that could hopefully wake someone up tonight.
For once, I need help. Aretas thought, genuinely nervous.
Interior lights brightened through the gorgeous house at last. Armando sighs relief as this silhouette moves closer and closer up front.
“Oh my…” The door nearly swings open when you realize what's going on.
You know exactly who is bleeding on your doorstep tonight.
Dangerous criminal and fugitive Armando Aretas showed up out of nowhere.
“Hey, hey! It looks bad right now, but please don't be scared. I won't hurt you, okay?” Armando lifted both gloved hands through complete surrender.
“The news...” Your voice continued trembling with so much fear. Headlines warned about this dangerous man over and over again.
“I know, I know, but please…” Armando nearly stammered to repeat himself.
As Armando still wears this tactical uniform from battling James McGrath, his knees buckle against the bridged porch steps, and your heart drops.
Drying blood painted your entry scarlet red when Aretas fell down and curled his own weakened body, devastatingly injured at this point.
“I'm right here. Grab my hands!” You knelt toward his eye level in an effort to reach out before Armando could lose immediate consciousness.
By some miracle, Armando kept using strength to pull himself back up. You then help Aretas enter the house and hobble right beside this stranger.
Your own sense of kindness refused to watch him die.
The First-Aid kit and other essentials salvaged wounds as Armando took up space on your couch.
“Mission?” You offered this possibility while finishing up.
“Yeah, we…” Armando struggles through slightly accented English while the injuries persist. “Shit!”
“Sorry.” You've apologized to this man during every single painful moment.
“It's okay, baby…” Armando slips the endearment, but your thoughts don't even notice what happened.
You just wanted his pain to settle down.
Sitting with Armando for this late-night meal, you both stay in the living room for obvious reasons.
“Is your motorboat waiting on the beach?” You still questioned the situation once Aretas explained what happened with Miami's AMMO squad.
“Mmm-hmm.” Shirtless for bandages while taking careful bites, Armando nodded. “No more fuel.”
“Where are you going?” You have no clue where his destination stands.
“I don't know.” Aretas clenched his teeth while sitting up for a moment.
“Stay here.” Your words cautioned. “You can't risk leaving in daylight anymore.”
“You sure?” Armando squinted.
“Yes.” You reveal this smile and hope to protect him.
No matter what happens next, you want to offer peace.
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pistachions · 25 days
Hi guys I've injured my foot so like normal I've drawn milo
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cardinal-crossing · 1 year
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Here we go, another picture I drew over. This time with some AUs I haven't drawn yet, Worm! Ingo by @blaiddraws, Inky also belongs to them. Dragon! Ingo by @drag0n0fbutt3r Agee by @raisans-art Mouse! Emmet by @evtraininguniversity Selkie Emmet Au by @acatpiestuff Misfits Au by @hehe-hoho-ohno And finally, the It Takes Two Au, by me! Also, the dog's name is Chloe, and she was a wonderful model for the photo.
Anyway, I had a lot of fun drawing, and an extra/sequel is under the cut!
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Also, side note, if I'm getting annoying, please let me know; I love these aus, and I love to draw them, but I tend to feel like I draw them too much or am starting to annoy people. If I am I deeply apologize
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Best and Worst of both worlds (Part 4) [Choice: GO TO UNIVERSITY]
tw: yandere, slight injury
damn yall iam tempted to add a third mid yandere like not as slayer girlboss as Yves but not as cringefail Montgomery, but fr idk how to slot it into the story because i think its gonna get 2 crowded
anywahys enjouy and pleas id appreciate them reblogs
part 5
You gave him the address of your university. He may now know where you frequent, but at least he doesn't know where you live.
"Alright, buckle up."
"Here ya' go." He pulled up right to the entrance.
You muttered thanks, but as you were unbuckling yourself, he told you to wait for a moment.
You watch him fish a ballpoint pen and an old flyer from somewhere, he removes the cap of the pen using his teeth before scribbling something on the piece of printed paper. He took something out from the side pocket of his door before shoving it into your hands.
You opened your palm to see that he had written his phone number on a torn brochure of the countryside. You quizzingly looked at the crumpled $20 note between your fingertips.
"I'm... actually not done workin' for the day. I'll have to work extra hours to make up the ones I lost. I don't know how long you'll be here, but I bet you're gonna get hungry or thirsty."
You said that you can't accept this, it's a lot of money!
He laughed right at your face.
"Don't worry about it! I'm workin' full time, that's just a little change for me. You just focus on settin' your grades straight. I'll probably clock out at ten in the evening. Give me a call and I'll pick you right up if you're still here by then."
Well, if he insists. You shoved the cash and his number into your pocket as you opened the door. He got out and opened his trunk, he retrieved your backpack with a grunt.
"What's is IN here?" He mumbled as he found it abnormally heavy for someone of your stature to carry daily. You replied that it's your study materials, he only shook his head in pity.
"Are you sure you're alright on your own?" He helped you get your arms into the loops of your straps.
You assured him that you're fine and you're used to this. He opened his mouth about to say something, but you already took off running. You looked back and waved goodbye, he scratched his head in bafflement as to how someone like you can run that fast with that much load.
The next bus is in an hour.
Sitting under the bus shelter is definitely not ideal in this severe weather. You wiped the sweat off your brow.
The only place you know you could lurk around without seeming strange is the library or one of the university's many cafes. You checked the time, it's still just half past three in the afternoon. Yves doesn't leave until six.
The cafe it is.
You don't know what to expect, whatever they're selling is always out of your budget. So you never bothered going near it, as it only made you hungry and bitter that you weren't born into generational wealth. But since you're a rich person today thanks to... what was his name again? You had a small spring in your step as you made a beeline to the cafe.
Perhaps you were too excited, you were too fast and too distracted by the various blackboard easels around promoting their respective cafe's dishes. You weren't paying attention to the man leaving the establishment
You bumped into something, rather, someone. Your collision is followed by the sound of a hot liquid spilling and a metal clanking. You gasped, trying to take steps back but you ended up stumbling over your own feet, tripping over your own ankle and falling backwards.
A sense of deja vu washed over you as a strong arm wrapped itself around your waist, keeping you steady and unharmed. But your dignity is definitely bruised to death.
You were afraid to look up. You know who this chest belongs to. Who else would wear a black turtleneck in this scorching hot weather and not break a sweat?
You muttered apologies as he lets go, realizing that not only did you commit accidental assault on your biggest crush, but you also made him spill the golden brown, clear, steaming tea that he's probably looking forward to drinking.
He grabbed you by the wrist and began inspecting you for any burns. Your eyes trailed to his other hand, which is now reddened by the scalding liquid splashing onto his skin. His fingers are still wrapped around his half empty, reusable stainless steel thermal cup. The rubber lined lid is now on the floor, sitting still in a puddle of wasted tea. The smell of jasmine permeates the air and into your nose.
Once he deems you unharmed, he lets go. And you rushed to pick his lid up, flicking any remaining liquid off before nervously presenting it to him.
"Thank you." He plucked it out of your hands and entered the cafe again. Through the pristine glass door, You watched him talk to the employee behind the cash register, they nodded and accepted his cup. Soon after, someone came out with a mop in hand.
They smiled and greeted you as they placed the mop onto the puddle. You panicked when the staff opened the door and invited you in.
At this point, you wanted to run away and hide in a ditch. But Yves is staring at you as he wipes his injured hand with a cool, damp towel provided by cashier. There doesn't seem to be any discernible emotion present on his face, but when you tried to flee- even only a single step, he narrowed his eyes at you.
Defeated, you hung your head low and went in. Setting your kiloton bag onto a nearby chair before making the walk of shame to the counter.
You tried not to look at his face, knowing that you're going to burst into tears out of severe embarrassment and guilt. You went straight to the cashier and asked to pay for his replacement.
"No worries! You don't have to, we replaced his drink free of charge. It was an accident, after all!" She chirped.
That came to you as a surprise. Aren't they supposed to be money hungry? Well, whatever. At least you don't have to pay extra, but you asked about their pastry choices. You wanted to buy him something sweet to make it up for the bitterness.
"Right this way!" She walked to the display case. They all look exquisite, but you felt like your eyes are about to pop out of your head with the prices. Unfortunately for you though, the option which is the most presentable and the cheapest is a large slice of fresh cream fruit cake, for the price of exactly twenty dollars.
You tried to hide your hesitance as you told her you wanted a slice. Good lord, and you see people eating their baked goods every day. She prepared one on a quaint little ceramic plate, placing a miniature fork next to it.
"That will be twenty dollars." You bite your tongue to prevent yourself from grumbling, knowing that Yves has some sort of superhuman hearing. You fish the $20 out of your pocket and try your best to smoothen out the wrinkles.
The woman's customer service smile faltered a bit when she felt a little resistance trying to take the note from you. It took a few more seconds of you mourning and tugging it before you finally let go.
"Thank you!" She beamed again.
Finally, you have no choice but to face him. At least you have a plate of cake with you.
His gaze softened and the straight line formed by his lips was replaced by a pleased smile. You followed him to the table where you placed your bag.
He set his bag down on the chair next to him and took a seat. You placed the dish on the table, you're actually unsure if he wanted you here or left alone. So you awkwardly stood nearby, waiting for the next social cue.
"It's been a while since we last talked. I missed you." He purred. His words and body language is enough to tell that he's accepting of your presence. But you're still cautious, it could just mean he's being nice for treating him to a scrumptious dessert.
"Please." He gestured towards the chair opposite of him. "Take a seat. I would love to catch up with you."
It would be rude not to. You settled in your chair, completely disregarding the rule you set for yourself to not mingle with him.
The table is... smaller than you thought. You're physically a lot closer to Yves than you would like, the table barely served as a barrier between you and him.
"How have you been?" He asked while taking a bottle of hand sanitizer from his bag. Yves applied a decent amount on his palm and rubbed it in thoroughly, going gentle on his recent injury.
You said you were... fine. Not wanting to reveal too much about yourself. The last time that happened, you managed to act a like fool in front of Montgomery. You don't want to look stupid in front of Yves. So you threw the question back at him.
He hummed in response. "I suppose... it could be better."
Yves left it at that. You don't know what to say next, trying not to look at the fresh burn. So you apologized again.
"You're forgiven." He shot you a teasing smile. "How endearing of you, treating me to a slice of this decadent sweet." Yves picked up the fork to cut and retrieve a piece.
"And, It's my favourite. Why don't you have a taste?" He brought the fork closer to your face. You tried taking the utensil, but his other hand went ahead to hold your chin. Applying a gentle pressure to silently signal that he wanted you to open your mouth.
'Why is he like this?' You internally screamed as you allowed the detectability of the cake to sink onto your taste buds. You might be biased, thinking that the dessert is a thousand times better due to him feeding you. You thought that this is the best thing you ever ate in your life.
Your face is probably hotter than his tea at this point. Curling your toes in your shoes as the embarrassment becomes nearly unbearable.
He released his hold as soon as he felt a little tug from your head, knowing not to go too far with his actions; just enough to excite your growing infatuation with him.
You give him a thumbs up as you repeatedly wipe your face with your sleeve as if trying to wipe away the blushes under your skin. Your ears perked up at his chuckles, it was something that you would like to hear often. But you don't think it's worth having heart attacks over.
"Your classmates were discussing about the exam." He cut another piece for himself. You watched him with widened eyes as he used the same fork to eat the cake; daintily covering his mouth with his hand. Yves didn't seem to care that the utensil was smeared in your saliva and proceeded with his train of thought. "They were lamenting over it in the library."
Then, he stopped. Bringing his piercing gaze back up to you.
You freaked out, realizing that this is the cue for you to respond appropriately. You let slip out that the paper was atrocious and you were fully expecting to fail your course. Blood ran cold in your veins as you realized he now knows more than he should.
"That's a shame." He replied. "But, you're being unfairly harsh on yourself."
He was interrupted by a staff member handing Yves his thermos cup filled with his Jasmine tea. Yves thanked them and they went back to their post.
"You're clearly dedicated to your studies." He nonchalantly fed you a piece again, this time without having to hold your face. Only when you bit into a slice of strawberry among the fresh cream did you realize what you had done. Yves slid the metal fork out of your mouth and took another scoop for himself.
This is extremely unsettling how you suddenly felt that comfortable accepting his antics.
"I know you did well." He took his time chewing his food behind his fingers. "You will not fail."
You found comfort in his words no matter how much you thought he didn't know anything about your life. It was nice to have someone recognize your efforts for once without resorting to fake pity.
However, unless your marker accepts tear stains as coherent answers, you are definitely going to fail.
Though, there is a small part of you that found it weird Yves is so sure of himself. It almost feels like your valid worries are simply sleep talk to Yves. But in the end, you dismissed it and convinced yourself that he's just a huge fan of toxic positivity.
You and him continued the day chatting about each other. Mostly about you, though. There were many times that you caught yourself oversharing, the majority of which you either downplay or overplay depending if it made you look good or bad.
Yves would only have a mysterious, even knowing smile on his face when you grossly upsell some of your best moments. You don't know why you did that, maybe subconsciously you tried to impress him.
Eventually though, you don't seem to mind sharing forks with this man who you spoke to twice and counting in your life. You realize if he wanted you to shut up about something, he feeds you a piece. You were offended, but humbled because you would immediately realize how ridiculous you're sounding at that moment.
You swear, Yves must be a practitioner in the dark arts. He made you act in ways you don't normally do, you're unusually attracted to him and he always seems to know how to control you.
You made a mental note to check your bag for any stray crystals, strange leaves, rocks or jewelry when you get home.
Yves sets the fork down on the empty plate before taking a sip of his tea. He listens attentively to every word you tell him about your interests in your favourite colour, your favourite TV show, your favourite song-- things that you knew would bore just about anyone.
Because if someone you don't really know were to rave about whatever you're raving to Yves, you would be fucking bored out of your mind. Your friends and family would be bored too, why is Yves so different? You're completely self aware that whatever you're blabbering right now should cease.
But somehow couldn't stop for the life of you.
It was like a projectile vomit of words, you kept yapping endlessly while Yves nodded and occasionally interjects with his own opinion at the most appropriate times.
In the end, the only thing that snapped you out of this mania is overhearing one of the staff members complaining about having to take the filles trash bag out back.
You knew that food establishments usually do that at the end of the day and you were instantly reminded of something important.
His smile fell into a thin line again when you suddenly whipped your phone up to check the time.
Two busses has gone by and you're still here. The next bus is in five minutes.
You scrambled to gather your belongings, hopped off the chair, and said a quick goodbye to Yves- right after explaining that your bus was arriving soon. He didn't look too happy with your sudden departure, all he did was observe you unspeakingly with his posture straight. Both of his hands were resting on the table atop each other.
You felt chills down your spine as he looked straight into your eyes with no anger, no sadness, but none of that warmth from before.
It scared you, but missing the bus again scares you even more at this point in time. So you took off running, leaving him alone in the cafe.
He spent a few more minutes sipping on his stone-cold tea before, collecting his cup, standing up, and leaving the building. Yves closed the door behind him and from his handbag, he drew out a familiar piece of printed paper with a certain construction worker's phone number scribbled onto it.
Yves took his time to tear it to shreds with controlled, fluid movements of the wrists. He repeated enough times to give him a handful of thin, even strips. There was no way of knowing what the document was anymore, which satisfied him.
He dropped his handiwork into the trash can he walked past. Yves sanitized his hands before heading in the direction of your bus stop with slow, relaxed strides.
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