#slowly getting to all my asks in my dash again yup
chevvy-yates · 1 year
hello hello swetty 😚💕
oc asks: character design edition
for (the best) Vijay
face arms makeup alternate
You love Vijay very much it seems. <3
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face: Describe your OC's face. What's their smile like? Are their orbs cerulean? What would someone notice first when looking at them?
man I'm so bad at describing faces … that's why I take pictures! I had Ryder (when he was still totally fresh out of the CC creator) once describe V in this answered ask, where he talks about his smile though:
"[…] That smile. His laugh! — Vijay literally radiates something that feels like uhm — how do I best describe it?" Fiddles out a cigarette he places between his lips and lights it up. "Like when it's been cold and rainy for months and then the sun comes out shining onto your face and skin and warms you up. I bet his sunbeams would even brighten the darkest parts of the Schwarzwald." Takes a puff. "He's like pure vitamin D3, if you want it that way. Once you felt or even had it, you'll never want to miss it. I know whereof I speak. […]"
Reading this I should ask Arki about it — he could tell something really beautiful about Vijay's face for sure! Noted.
arms: Does your OC have any weapons? What weapons do they carry, and how do they wear them when they're not fighting?
Vijay only uses revolvers and pistols, both power. 'Amnesty', Malorian Overture (Power Revolver) with unique modifier that increases fire rate by 60%, decreases reload time by 20%, bullet spread by 65%, aim-down-sight time by 50%, recoil by 50%, effective range by 25%. For the revolver he mostly carries it around without any holster. It is stashed most of the time in the hatch of the front passenger seat in his car. When he takes it out he mostly holds it in his hands or he places it behind his back tucked in the rim of his pants. For the pistols he goes with: 'Dying Night', Militech M-10AF Lexington* (Power Pistol) unique modifier that multiplies headshot damage by 50% and reduces the reload timess by 10%, bullets can ricochet off surfaces. plus a second one as standard version because he's mostly wearing that gun holster for two pistols when on a job that might end in shooting. On Jobshe prefers the two pistols over the revolver. Revolver is more for hunting down urban legends or a tricky situation when he's in his car.
makeup: Does your OC wear makeup? How often? What kind? Why do they wear makeup, and do they like it?
Vijay rarely wears makeup. He's eating very healthy so his skin is also very pure and needs no coverage at all. He only adds a light gray eye shadow that is barely visible at all (at least I have selected that in the CC for him) and that's basically it. He used to add some black eyeshadow under his eyes back in his teens and young adult phase when he was in Portland with the gang, but after that, he stopped and went back to a natural look.
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alternate: What would your OC's alternate universe look be? If they're a fantasy character, what's their modern look? If they're sci-fi, what's their fantasy look? What AU would you want to see your OC in, and how would they dress themself? Bonus: Prompt an AU!
Oh boy, I never thought about that. Vijay is currently only imaginable for me in Cyberpunk. I cannot imagine him in a fantasy AU neither a scifi AU. The only AU that would come to my mind is him in the real live 1980s but lets be honest, Cyberpunk has an 80s touch because the genre boomed in the 80s and I am always trying to give him an 80s look as well since it is his interest, so even a irl 80s AU doesn't work out bc I included it into the my version of the game already. :,D
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wheels-of-despair · 5 months
Heaven and Hell (Or: Eddie and Evil Woman Do… Prom?!) Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie and Evil Woman are *checks notes* going to prom? Like normies?! Contains: A high school prom, two nervous freaks, an ill-fitting wardrobe, an unfortunate zit, dancing, references to other E/EW fics nobody will remember, relentless teasing, a happy ending. Words: 4.5k
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"Prom's next month."
You stop playing with Eddie's hair and look down at the head lying in your lap in surprise.
He keeps his eyes on the TV. A blush creeps into his cheeks. Is Eddie Munson seriously thinking about going to prom? You fight a smile and start working your fingers through his hair again.
"Yup… that's what they said on the morning announcements."
Silence. No way he's that interested in the orange juice commercial you've seen ten times today. Eddie Munson is thinking about prom, and he's in the process of chickening out.
"You ever been?" you ask.
"Nah," he says, eyes still on the TV. "You?"
He bites his lip. You can't take it anymore.
"You thinkin' about going?"
He shrugs.
If you were a more patient person, you could poke and prod at him until he finally asked you. However…
"Well, if you were planning on asking me, you're too late."
He finally looks up at you, confusion on his face.
"I've rekindled my romance with Chief Hopper."
A smile spreads across Eddie's face.
"I'm sorry, Eddie," you sigh. "What we had was fun, but you just don't have the stamina. Sometimes a girl just NEEDS full night of porking."
You both snort at the same time, which leads to a fit of giggles.
When you recover, you brush his bangs out of his face. He sighs.
"So, uh…" He licks his lips while he tries to find his words. "If the bacon falls through, would you maybe think about going with me?"
You open your mouth to respond, but he cuts you off. "Because it's kinda my last chance, and I know it's stupid, and it goes against everything I stand for, and it'll probably be miserable, and the music's gonna suck, and you probably have a way better idea of what we could do that night, but… ugh, never mind."
Eddie turns back toward the TV, shaking his head so some of his hair hides his burning face. You gently brush it back behind his ear, looking down at him with all the love in your heart.
"You're the only person I'd think about going to prom with."
"Really?" He looks up at you with an uneasy smile.
"Yeah," you answer, tracing the shell of his ear.
"We don't have to."
"I know," you smile. "I want to go with you." He smiles back sleepily. "But if I get Carrie'd, I can't promise I'll spare you."
"Kay," he chuckles.
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"Mother?" you ask, hovering in the living room doorway.
"Daughter?" she responds from the couch, without looking up from her book.
You take a deep breath and stare at the floor.
You sigh and raise your head. "I need a prom dress."
Her book drops to her lap, revealing wide eyes behind her glasses.
"What did you just say to me?"
"I need a prom dress," you repeat with a roll of your eyes.
"Oh my god! I have a child who's voluntarily attending a school function!"
"What's up?" Gareth asks from behind you.
"They're going to the prom!"
You slowly turn and see him looking at you in amusement.
"Shut up," you order before he can even say anything.
"She's even gonna wear a dress!" your mother shrieks.
"Shut up," you repeat, glaring at Gareth's stupid smirky face. "Kay, I'm going to bed, open to shopping suggestions and financial contributions, good night."
You squeeze past him and make a mad dash for your room.
"They're all gonna laugh at you!" Gareth warbles in his best Piper Laurie impression.
"Shut up!" you repeat one last time, then slam your bedroom door.
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"He's heeeere," Gareth announces as he passes by your bedroom door.
"You look perfect," your mom assures you.
She's been working on your makeup for fifteen minutes, and it's finally the way she wants it. And you have to admit… you look pretty damn good.
She'd taken you to the city for a day of shopping, and after several hours of hunting, you'd actually found a dress without puffed sleeves, ruffles, or tulle.
"Give me a minute, I want the camera on his face when he sees you," your mom says excitedly.
"Mother, it's a high school prom, it's not our wedding."
"Let me have this!" she whisper-yells. She grabs her camera and leaves the room.
You take one last look at yourself, stand, and slip on your shoes. Heels. You're even wearing fucking heels.
You walk down the hall and turn into the kitchen…
Eddie Munson is wearing a suit.
You'd offered to help him look for one, or find him something in the city, but he said he had it covered. And he did. He's even wearing a tie, and he's tamed his hair somehow. He looks freakishly presentable (for Eddie) and is holding what you imagine is a corsage in a box.
You stand there and stare at each other. Awkward. It's awkward.
"Eddie! Give her the corsage!" Your mom stage-whispers.
He tries to hold it out to you, but fumbles it and drops it on the floor. You both reach down to get it, and you hear a RIIIP tear through the kitchen. You both stand immediately, looking and feeling your outfits.
"Was that you or me?" you ask, trying to feel the back of your dress. You knew this fucker was too tight. But your question is answered when all the blood drains out of Eddie's panicked face.
"Let me see, honey," your mom says gently, putting a hand on his shoulder to turn him. The seam in the back of his jacket has ripped.
"Dude! You Hulked out on prom night," Gareth laughs from his seat at the kitchen table.
You give him a warning shush, and for once, he obeys.
"Slip that off, I'll have it as good as new in no time." Your mom helps Eddie out of his jacket and takes it in the direction of her sewing machine. You carefully retrieve the corsage from the floor and put it on the table.
"Uh… that's for you," he mumbles, the color returning to his face.
"Thank you," you smile, leaving the box closed until your mother can return and witness this sacred and not-at-all stupid prom ritual.
You turn to Eddie and lift a hand to run through his suspiciously tame hair.
"Don't look at it," Eddie mumbles.
"Don't look at what?" you ask.
"His third eye," Gareth supplies helpfully. That's when you notice the zit between his eyes. Eddie's face reddens so much that it almost blends in. Gareth snickers. You pick up a damp kitchen towel, ball it up, and throw it at him. It hits him in the ear.
"Don't you have some place to be?" you ask pointedly.
"Nope," he grins, leaning back and lacing his fingers behind his head. "Mom's taking me to Jeff's after you leave."
You roll your eyes, reach for Eddie's hand, and pull him to your bedroom.
"Sit," you instruct, pointing at your desk. He drops into the chair with a defeated sigh. You start digging through your extremely elegant shoebox full of makeup, then realize what you need. "I'll be right back," you whisper with a kiss to the top of his head.
You return with a cotton ball.
"What's that?"
"Wite-Out. My make-up's too dark for you," you joke.
Eddie's brow furrows, and you apply a dab of peroxide to his unfortunate growth. When it dries, you reach for the concealer.
"What are you doing?" he asks nervously.
"Covering that up."
He sits silently and watches you reach for this and that to cover his bump, and when you stand back and smile, he frowns.
"What's wrong?" you ask. "I can wipe it off if you want, I thought you wanted it gone."
"I feel like a clown," he grumbles.
"You are a clown."
He pouts. You point at the mirror, and he leans over to see his camouflage… and his jaw drops. You lean down until your head is next to his, so you can see what he sees.
"Witchcraft," he whispers.
"You know it, babe," you wink.
"One freshly tailored suit jacket for the young lad," your mom announces as she steps into the room. Eddie stands, and she helps him into it. She brushes her hand along the seam. "Good as new!" she declares. "But no break-dancing tonight." Eddie laughs.
After the official corsage and boutonniere exchange in the kitchen, you're marched into the living room for pictures. Each pose is goofier than the last, but you aren't allowed to leave until your mom finishes off a roll of film.
You both breathe a sigh of relief when the van doors slam shut.
"You still wanna do this, or do you wanna go get blazed and hide out at my place?" Eddie asks, probably about 40% joking.
"What time is it?" you ask. Eddie consults his watch and reads the time back to you. You pretend to consider it for a second, then shake your head. "Chief Hopper is expecting me in 15 minutes, and my little piggy does not like to be kept waiting."
Eddie snorts and starts the engine. Hawkins High Prom 1986 it is.
"Where'd you get your suit?" you ask a few minutes into the surprisingly awkward drive.
"George. The thrift shop guy. Told him I needed something prom-worthy. This was his grandson's. 'He's a lanky thing, just like you,' he said."
"It's nice," you admire.
"It's a little small, but… y'know." Eddie shrugs. "Price was right."
"Is it uncomfortable?"
"It's… a little tight," he admits.
"Baby, you don't have to wear stuff if it makes you uncomfortable."
"It's fine… as long as I don't have to move my arms much."
"Is it the shirt too, or just the jacket?"
"Mostly the jacket, the shirt's got some stretch to it."
"Ditch it."
"Ticket says jacket and tie required."
"Ditch it as soon as they let us in."
"This is why you're the brains of this operation," he mumbles as he pulls into a parking spot.
"Correct," you grin.
"Stay," Eddie orders, hopping down and scrambling around the front of the van to open your door. You're suddenly reminded of your first official date; he'd tried so hard to be someone else, but you didn't want someone else. You wanted Eddie Munson, and you wanted him just the way he was. You take his hand and slide to the ground, wincing as your heels hit the pavement.
"Is your battle armor in here?" you ask, nodding toward the back.
"Of course."
Eddie smirks and walks toward the back, and you shut your door and follow him. He grabs his leather jacket and patch-filled vest, and hugs the pair to his chest.
You reach for them, and he hands them over. You separate the pair while he watches nervously, like you're separating conjoined twins that he personally gave birth to.
"Lose the child-sized suit jacket," you instruct. He tries, but gets stuck almost immediately. You muffle a laugh and step behind him to help him out of it, then slide his plain leather jacket on.
He looks more comfortable already. And considerably more Eddie-like. You go to transfer his boutonniere to his jacket pocket… but he doesn't have one. A bit of quick thinking and one rip later, his dumb little flower is attached with a strip of duct tape. You step back to admire him.
"There he is," you smile.
"Now he's gotta find his girl," Eddie says, "and then they can go do this damn prom thing."
You look down at your outfit and back at him, but he's already digging… through your overnight bag?
"Eddie, what--"
He cuts you off by slapping the soles of your favorite sneakers on the floor of his van.
"You've been wincing with every damn step since you walked into the kitchen. Lose the shoes."
You grin and sit down to swap your heels for sneakers. Sneakers that Eddie vandalized during a particularly boring assembly. It was one of the reasons why they were your favorites; the boy's a ballpoint artist. The other was--oh, that's nice. You stand comfortably and breathe a sigh of relief.
"You want a little liquid courage?" Eddie asks, shaking a bottle of liquor at you.
"Sure," you answer. You each take a swig in hopes of making your night a little more bearable. Eddie stashes the bottle in the van and slams the back doors shut.
"M'lady," he says, offering an arm. You take it, and walk toward the Hawkins High gym doors. Any time now, alcohol.
A cheerleader-in-training eyes you warily, but takes your tickets and lets you pass by her table into the gym… decked out in streamers and balloons. Wicked classy, Hawkins High.
"And you say I never take you anywhere nice," Eddie grins.
"I have literally, not once, ever said that."
Eddie laughs and takes your hand.
"Munson?!" a voice shrieks.
"Yeah?" he asks uneasily, turning to see Mrs. O'Donnell.
"What are you doing here?"
You look at each other, and back at her.
"Whatever people usually do at prom, I guess?"
"I'll have no shenanigans from you tonight, Munson."
"Wouldn't dream of it, O'Donnell."
"Don't even think about going near that punch bowl," she warns.
"Why, what's in the punch bowl?" he asks. You try to keep a straight face.
"Just punch, and that's the way it's going to stay. Isn't that right, Mr. Munson?"
"Yes, ma'am," he says innocently.
Mrs. O'Donnell looks you both up and down, sucks her teeth in disapproval, and walks away without another word.
"Like I'd waste good liquor on these ungrateful assholes," he mumbles. "Do have an emergency flask in my pocket, by the way."
"Aww, and I thought you were just happy to see me."
"That's in the other pocket," he winks.
"C'mon," you laugh, pulling him to the other side of the gym. Once you're in a quiet spot, you scan the room for familiar faces. You knew you were pretty much on your own - all of the other Hellfire boys were having a movie marathon and sleepover at Jeff's - but you thought you'd look for potential allies anyway.
"There's Nancy Wheeler," you notice.
"And the Elder Byers," Eddie points out.
"I think we're on our own, babe."
"Just how I like it," he grins.
"You gonna dance with me, or just stand here lookin' pretty all night?" you ask.
Eddie responds by flipping his hair over his shoulder dramatically.
"C'mon," you smile, nodding toward the dance floor. He balks.
"This song sucks."
"Every song's gonna suck," you remind him.
"This one sucks more than average."
"Then how 'bout we visit the snack table and lay a curse on the punch while we wait for something that sucks slightly less?"
"This way, m'lady," he says nerdily, holding out his arm. You roll your eyes and take it anyway, working together to assemble a plate full of cheap snacks and two cups of unspiked punch. You retreat to the bleachers and pick at your bounty.
"So… this is a high school dance," he remarks.
"Yup… imagine, some people's entire high school careers revolve around this thing."
"I'd kinda rather be at home," he confesses.
"In our pajamas," you add.
"Watching shitty movies," he continues.
"Eating shittier pizza."
"Maybe fooling around a little?" He waggles his eyebrows and tilts his head toward the door.
"We went through a lot of trouble to get here, Edward. I went shopping. With my mother. You put on a suit. And a tie. And grew a stress zit."
"Shut up," he grumbles, hand instinctively touching the bump between his eyes. You lean in to kiss his cheek.
"Let's give it an hour. You've gotta dance with me at least once."
"Fine," he pouts. You feed him crackers, and he starts to relax a little.
When the opening chords of "Footloose" blare through the speakers, Eddie cringes. The people on the dance floor go wild.
"C'mon," you order, standing up and reaching for his hand.
"Absolutely not."
"Eddie Munson, you get your spastic ass on this dance floor with your dumb-ass classmates right now."
He whines, and looks… nervous? You sit back down, face full of concern. He scans the crowd, and you look too. Eyes keep darting to you. Not outright staring. Just keeping an eye on you. Like your whereabouts are a matter of public safety. You've been so focused on Eddie, you haven't bothered to pay attention to everyone else.
"It's just…" he starts, and then stops.
"Eddie?" you ask quietly, turning your head back to him. "This is our prom, too." You slide a little closer to him and hold his hand. "And I'm glad I'm here with you."
Eddie leans his forehead against yours and squeezes your hand.
"You think they're upset that we had the nerve to show up?" you smirk.
"Probably ruined their whole night," he grins. "Dear Diary, the freaks crashed prom."
"And ate all the fucking snacks," you laugh.
A flash makes you both jump.
"Sorry," Jonathan Byers smiles apologetically from behind his camera. "You guys were being cute, and Nancy demanded a photo for the yearbook."
"It's cool, man," Eddie grins. "Can we get a copy of that?"
"Sure," Jonathan nods. "They hired a professional photographer for portraits, by the way. Over in the corner. It's included in the ticket price."
"Cool," Eddie says.
"Anddd Nancy's waving me back," Jonathan groans. "You guys have fun tonight. At least some of the freaks should."
You and Eddie both chuckle as Jonathan goes back to Nancy for his next assignment, hearts in his eyes completely undermining his complaints.
"Well…" Eddie puffs his cheeks and blows out a breath of air. He's experienced all that prom has to offer, and is clearly not impressed.
"One picture, one dance, and we're the fuck outta here," you propose.
"Deal," he agrees.
You walk, hand-in-hand, over to the photographer's corner and get in line behind three other couples. Well, two. Kimmy Little sees you standing in line behind her, and drags her date off in the other direction. You and Eddie share a knowing look, but say nothing.
When the time comes, the photographer instructs you to assume the traditional prom photo position, and you do. You let Eddie hold you around the waist and smile like a total fucking jackass for several seconds while you wait for the flash. You and Eddie stumble away with spotty vision and hands tightly clasped. He's your lifeline, and you're not letting him go.
When your vision returns, you look from the bleachers to the exit. Is it really worth walking all the way back over there to sit and be bored, when you could just leave and have this lame night be over with?
Cyndi Lauper's "Time After Time" starts playing through the gym's shitty speakers, and you smile. You're a sucker for this one. Eddie looks at you with dread. He knows what's coming.
Silently, you slip backward into the crowd and pull him with you. He doesn't protest this time. He follows, eyes not leaving yours. The crowd must have parted for you. Perhaps there are advantages to loving the resident freak. You stand close and put his hands where they belong, and then yours. You stare into Eddie Munson's eyes and sway slowly to a song he tolerates, only for you.
You're glad you came. You're glad you're with him. You're glad this is the song you got to dance to. You're glad he made you swap your heels for sneakers.
But mostly, you're glad when the song is over, because you come together for a quick kiss and make a mad dash toward the exit.
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"You son of a bitch," Eddie growls, trying to force his suit onto a hanger.
"Leave it, gremlin, I'll do it."
"Thank you," Eddie grins, throwing his suit on the bed and kissing your freshly scrubbed cheek. You'd washed off all your makeup and hair products together, had a little fun in the shower, put on pajamas, and smoked a joint to wind down. You were thrilled to look and feel like yourselves again. "I'm gonna go pop a pizza in the oven. Put something good on, I need to cleanse my poor ears of the top 40 garbage they were subjected to tonight."
"Yes, dear," you deadpan, hanging up your dress as he exits the room.
"Music!" he whines from the hallway.
"FINE!" you yell back. You pop in the first mix tape you find and turn up the volume. You force Eddie's suit on a hanger, put the formal-wear in the hall closet, and join him in the kitchen.
He's sitting on the counter, watching the clock and drinking directly out of a nearly empty two-liter pop bottle.
"You really know how to treat a girl," you smirk.
He burps in response.
You feel like you should roll your eyes or pretend to be annoyed, but you're so in love with this fucker, you find every dumb thing he does to be charming. You lean on the counter next to him, and he hands you the bottle. You take a swig, then pretend it's a microphone.
"I'm here with Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin, who has just been to his first and last school dance! Tell us, Eddie, how was the Hawkins High prom?" you ask, placing the open bottle by his mouth.
"Sucked dick, thanks for asking!"
"It did not suck dick!" you protest, slamming the bottle on the counter with a slosh.
"It sucked some pretty major dick," he argues.
"You got to spend time with the woman you love! In a formal setting! She wore a damn dress for you!"
"I like her better in pajamas."
"Only because I'm not wearing a bra," you scoff.
"Well… I mean, yeah," he says, hopping off the counter and taking your hands in his. "Don't get me wrong, the dress was great. Have deposited the cleavage situation in the spank bank, so thanks for that. But this is just… better. 'Cause this is us."
When you're right, you're right.
The opening chords of Black Sabbath's "Heaven and Hell" play through Eddie's bedroom speakers, and a wave of appreciation for where you are and who you're with washes over you.
"No bowtie-wearing jocks or frilly little bitches staring at us," you smile, sliding your hands to his shoulders and pulling him close.
"No restrictive clothing," he smirks, letting his eyes linger on your chest as he settles his hands on your waist.
"Eyes are up here, Munson," you remind him as you begin to sway subtly.
He looks up and grins. "Those are pretty okay, too, I guess."
You smack him in the chest, and he laughs.. and then his face falls.
"You tricked me," he accuses.
"How did I trick you?"
"This is our second dance!"
"Yes, but its to our music, so it's counteracting the pop-adjacent one at the actual dance."
"Ugh, fine," he pretends to cave with a roll of his eyes.
You keep dancing until the song starts to pick up, and Eddie looks at you with his eyes full of mischief. He starts moving just a little faster from side to side, swaying with the music as it builds. Before you know it, those spastic moves you tried to coax out of him at prom were coming out in his kitchen. You would have been perfectly satisfied to just watch him dance like a dweeb, but he grabs both of your hands and forces you to join him. You do so happily.
You dance, you spin, and you laugh together in the Munson's kitchen to a mixtape of Eddie's own making. It's the most fun you've had in weeks. Why did you spend so long stressing over prom? Prom was nothing. Prom was a bunch of rich kids in tacky, overpriced clothes that you'd be laughing at in twenty years. This is real. This is what you should be living for.
When the song begins to wind down, you and Eddie are nearly out of breath from all the head-banging and jumping around. The slow dancing resumes without complaint.
"I think this is the Heaven part," you observe.
"Heaven and Hell," you say, looking up into his beautiful red face. His bangs are stuck to his sweaty forehead. His zit has lessened in intensity after a post-shower application of peroxide. His eyes are big and round and curious. This boy is perfect, and he's all yours. "Prom was Hell. Other people are Hell. This, right here? Me and you? This is the Heaven part."
Eddie's eyes crinkle as he smiles. He pulls you in close and crushes you in a hug. You squeeze him back and breathe in the calming, familiar scent of him. You love this boy more than anything.
"I love you," you mumble into his shoulder.
"I love you too," he responds. "Even if you did make me go to prom."
"This was your idea, fool," you laugh, giving him a backwards shove.
"Not how I remember it," he grins. He laces his fingers and holds them under his chin, bats his eyelashes, and continues in a high-pitched voice that sounds nothing like you: "'Oh Eddie my love, please, won't you take me to prom? It would be the highlight of my life!' Pretty sure you begged. Groveled, even."
"You are insufferable," you laugh, pushing him away from you.
"You're the one who made me go to prom!"
"You know, Munson, according to the pamphlets that everyone's been throwing at me all week, most teenagers have sex on prom night. But I think you're gonna have to get your ass kicked instead. C'mere."
"No!" he yelps, backing into a corner. "Please! I have children!"
"We don't have to share our pizza with them, do we?" you laugh, too lazy to engage in a play-fight with him.
"Pfft. No." He relaxes. "I wouldn't even share with you if I didn't have to."
Your jaw drops.
"I'm kidding!" he insists, coming forward to envelop you in a hug. You go rigid and refuse to hug him back. "I'm kidding. You know I'd save my last Fudge Round for you."
"Oh, really?" you smile, looking up at him.
"Eh… Nutty Buddy, maybe?" He screws up his face in concentration. "Nah. Oatmeal Creme Pie?"
"You are unbelievable," you scoff with a shake of your head.
"You love me anyway."
"Yeah, I guess," you sigh in defeat. "But please don't tell Chief Hopper. It would break his heart."
"Oh my God," Eddie groans, pushing you away and rolling his eyes toward the ceiling.
You cackle, and the oven timer dings.
This is definitely Heaven, but you've still gotta give him a little Hell.
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Sweet sensation
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warnings: brief insecurity, mirror sex, spitting, light spanking (f receiving), cumming on mirror (m doing), licking cum off mirror, pet names “good girl” and “pretty girl”, tasting one’s juices, public sex (in office but within store with customers present), swearing umm…yup. You may be wondering how the hell I’m able to listen to a smooth tune like this, and write filthy snit…I dunno.
“And I said, that it’s out of stock.” You scoff and huff at the prissy customer. This whole argument has been on going since the damned lady came up to you with a bitchy attitude about how out of stock of her favorite lipstick.
Her wrinkled, lipstick-stained lips curl and her nose scrunches, pissed off, “Well then why don’t you get fuckin more?” She barks back, jabbing her chunky fingers into a fist on her hips. You glare back at her and open your lips to snap, until you feel a whoosh of air behind you, as if someone has walked up behind you suddenly.
You feel a stiff hand that curls and molds perfectly onto your shoulder, and there’s immediately silence. The customer only scoffs, rolling her eyes and walking away unamused and pissed off. You turn around when the hand loosely slides off of you, so you turn to whoever was behind you.
Mr. Presley. Your eyes widen but you immediately stay composed when you see the frown on those precious lips, and a sigh escape from your boss. “This is the 6th time you’ve upset a customer.” His buttery, honeyed accent speaks out to you, and you just cross your arms over your chest. Ruthlessly, carelessly.
He takes a step closer to you, and you can almost inhale his tangy, spicy cologne that lingers on his suit that he wears. A dark violet v-neck, with a dangling chain that rests against the nestles of chest hair that peaks out. You bite your lip, now he’s definitely got your attention. “I said, this is the 6th time you’ve upset a customer.” He speaks out, more firmly and stern.
You finally raise your chin and glance up at him, with a shrug of your shoulders. “I don’t know what to tell you, they’re all here and gettin’ at me as if it’s my fault the items are out of stock.” You say, standing your ground. He inhales deeply and breathes out, clearly bothered and sick of your attitude. “But the least ya could do, is tell ‘em nicely. Do you not care?” He sighs, and your eyes meet his blue, dashing gaze.
There’s a silence that grows, before he smirks softly and steps a little closer. Your plump breasts nearly touching his broad chest. “Unless, it’s for a different reason?” There’s teasing in his voice. And you purse your lips, “No Mr. Presley, I do care…and besides what other reading could there be?”
A smirk widens on his lips, chuckling lightly, “you could be wanting my attention, huh?” His voice drops to a sultry low. Your cheeks immediately run warm, burning pink. You then decide to cock your hip out slightly with a little “humph”, grazing his hip with yours. “Maybe I am?” You play his game a little further.
You’re suddenly pressed against the wood of his office door, his arms surrounding around your head. He’s dangerously close to your face, breathing hotly against your cheek. “Hun, m’gonna ask ya this okay? Do you wanna go further?” He whispers for consent, finally glancing up into your eyes. With a plead in those blue orbs. You smile and nod slowly, “yes, I do”
You dare, and he gently presses his plump, soft lips to yours. His fine, perfect nose smooshes against yours and he softly groans again the kiss.
He pulls away, breathing heavily through his nose and he smiles. With pink, hot cheeks and a toothy grin, he grabs your hand and guides you to his office chair that’s planted across a large mirror. Plopping down onto the cushion, he pulls you in to snugly sit on his lap.
Lowering your round, tight ass onto his lap. You both glance over at your reflection across, and his eyes fixated on your clothed asscheeks pressing to his growing hard, prominent bulge. He bites his lip and he bucks his hips into your ass, gasping softly at the sweet sensation.
It’s in no time that you both are half naked down, his pants are hung at his calves while you still keep your seat at his lap. He smirks and hooks his smooth, freshly shaven chin to your shoulder. He delicately peels off your panties, and his eyes widen. He stares at the reflection of your beautiful body, while you flutter your eyes closed. insecure.
Your flushed lips that glisten under his office lamp, shadow beneath the locks of curls from maturity. Your dark, wiry, curls of pubic hair. He chomps down onto his lower lip with a mute whine at the back of his throat, as his eyes bore into the delicious sight.
With your eyes still closed, the cool air onto your sensitive parts make you shiver slightly. You stammer out with quick embarrassment, “l-look, I-I uh know, it’s not what uh you like maybe have thought- I-I just d-don’t shave down th-“ with not even the time to explain yourself, you feel his fingers dig into your cheek. “Open your eyes,” he says in a deep, aroused voice. You feel his clothed cock twitch heavily beneath your thigh.
You flicker your eyes open just to have your chin forced to drop down and glance into the mirror. You gasp softly at how wide your legs are open and exposed, your vagina pratically on display for him. “This is what beauty is, ya hear? Dontcha doubt it.” He speaks out firmly, before pressing his lips to your shoulder. “Okay, hunny?” He whispers warmly, his tone a little softer that moment. You nod slowly and he smirks. “That’s better, pretty girl.”
It’s not long til his tip prods at your sticky, wet and warm entrance. Your pubic hair curls and tickles at the shaft of his cock, and the sight alone makes him whimper softly. “Okay pretty girl, wantcha eyes open and on the mirror. Watch me fuck you nice and how a man should, ya hear?” You nod weakly, flickering your eyes up to the cloudy mirror across. The jaw dropping sight ahead.
His hairy, thick and jiggly thighs all spread and between yours to secure your place atop of him. His red tip pressing against the delicate skin of your shiny, wet womanhood. Both glistening from the evident arousal of yours and his. You gulp and swallow before you drool an even messier lake on him.
His fat, red and tender tip slowly enters, and his eyes already roll to the back of his skull from just the feel of your walls engulfing his length into you. “F-fuckkk,” he heaves out and bites his lip toughly. Grabbing your hips to stabilize you, “taste your delicious self, pretty. Taste yourself.” He sneaks a tan hand to your thigh, dipping his fingers between your joined bodies. Your sticky juices gather on his fingers before he finally picks up his head and glares into your eyes through the mirror, ignoring for now the burning and sweet sensation of your pussy. “give ya self a nice good lick, ain’tcha sweet?” You both watch as your pink, wide tongue drags against his fingers. Lapping up your own tangy, yet honey savored arousal. You swear you feel him twitch inside of you, milking out more precum to join your sticky walls. He quickly lingers a hand down, and gathers more arousal to his fingers and brings them to his own lips. He makes sure to create fine contact as he puts them into his lips and sucks them eagerly, moaning at the taste.
“Fucking hell, is this why you wanted my damn attention? To taste this delicious pussy of yours?” He groans out, popping his fingers outta his mouth and wander his wet digits to press directly to your sensitive hooded clit. You nod lazily and he eases his cock into you with a smirk.
His balls press to your pussy lips when he bottoms out and you both string out guttural, throaty moans out of you. His jaw dropped and breathy pants escape his lips as he watches himself fucking into you through the reflection.You can’t help but stare with half-lidded eyes as you slightly jump with every thrust of his.
And he only picks up his pace.
”this why ya being bitchy to them goddamned customers? Ya wanted mah attention didn’tcha?” He gasps out, his fingers hooked onto your meaty hip and he moans. The sticky sounds of his pounding fill the air. He feel one hand release your hip to smack a firm palm to your fine ass.
“answer me! Ya wanted this didntcha? Tell the fucking truth.” He growls through gritted teeth, you both still watching the mirror and panting in sync. You nod vigorously and grip the armrest to the creaky seater. “Yes! Oh gosh, y-yes! I wanted this!” You scream and blurt out, not giving a rat’s ass if customers were just outside his office door. Especially that bitchy old lady.
He smiles and kneads your stinging ass cheek into the palm of his hand, then mapping his hands to the mound of your pubic hair and lightly tap on your sensitive clit. “Pretty good girl, aren’t ya?” He smiles and hums out, rubbing then tight circles on your nub and you immediately throw your head back. He lets you, wanting not to bother you while to watch this mesmerizing image.
His cock sinking in and out in a rhythmic pace, his cock glistening between your spread pussy lips as he quickly stuffs himself back into you. You feel a sweet bubbly sensation in the pit of your stomach, and your vagina wall’s immediately squeeze his cock. He moves his fingers faster against your hood, and you whine out, “oh, s-shit, shit, shit!” Your head rolls back and forth, glancing at the mirror heavily with ragged breaths. And he only goes on.
“Now ya as tight as a Virgin? Gon’ come on my cock like a good girl now right?” Is all he says, before you see stars flooding your vision. Sex has never felt this good, and you don’t know if it’ll ever be again. He rides you through your orgasm, chasing his high.
A loud groan echoes through the room, popping his cock out of your sweet pussy to release spurts on spurts of white, creamy, strings of sperm. There’s a moment, to catch your breath, and your eyes flutter open to meet the sight. The mirror now messy with his seed that drips down slowly. Feeling brave and teasing, you wobbly crawl off his lap to kneel on the floor and lap up his cum on your tongue. You pull away, to swallow and his eyes widen.
He smiles a big one on his handsome face, his blue, now navy blue eyes speak only lust. Clicking his tongue and shaking his head, “now you’re a real good girl, not wasting a drop of my cum now? All’s forgiven. Hell.” He sighs out, his shiny cock soften against the light bush of his dark curls and you only hum softly.
“Sounds good”
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ladykailitha · 2 years
The Places We Hide Part 3
Part 1 Part 2
Yup, yup. no more posting right before bed. Oops! This was part 3 and I accidentally skipped part 2. Sorry. :(
Eddie and Steve had set up a system. If Steve got overwhelmed and needed to take break from the party, he would tap Eddie on the forearm, then Eddie would get up about twenty minutes later and come find him. Eddie would bring him back around and they’d have a smoke and come back, so they could just past it off as needing a cigarette.
If Steve was home alone or elsewhere and got overwhelmed, he’d call Eddie and say “Come find me,” with a location. And off Eddie would go, he’d grab his keys and be off like a shot.
It wasn’t perfect. There were times when Eddie would be out with his band or doing Hellfire Club and he couldn’t just up and leave, so he call a break and talk to Steve until he felt better. Those times were harder to hide from the party and their friends, but they managed.
The worst times were at night.
The phone rang startling Eddie awake.
“Fuck!” he swore diving for it, hoping to hell it didn’t wake Wayne, too.
“Yeah?” he murmured.
“Eddie...” the pain voice said on the other end.
Eddie closed his eyes. “Hey, sweetheart.”
“Come find me?”
It was always a question. Like after all this time, Eddie was just going to give up and leave him hanging.
“On my way, darlin’,” Eddie promised. “Where to?”
“Quarry,” was the only response before the line went dead.
Eddie squeezed his eyes tightly before he opened them again. He quickly got dressed and grabbed his wallet and his keys. His hand reached the front door knob when Wayne cleared his throat.
“Where ya going?”
Eddie turned around slowly and grimaced. “I’m sorry the call woke you.”
Wayne raised an eyebrow. “Thank you. But you didn’t answer the question.”
Eddie’s shoulders slumped. “It’s Steve.”
The other eyebrow rose to meet the first. “What’s Steve?”
Eddie shuffled closer to sofa. “He blanks out sometimes, needs help getting out of it. He can say things when he’s under, but can’t really understand why he’s saying it. So we’ve developed a system so I can help.”
“Is that what’s happening when he calls and you’re not home?” Wayne asked gently.
Eddie nodded. “He doesn’t want everyone else to know. The adults like Joyce Byers, Chief Hopper, Mrs Henderson...they’ll baby him. And he hates that.”
“And he can’t go to the rest of his friends, why?” Wayne asked.
Eddie started shifting back and forth. “Can we talk about this later, he’s waiting for me?”
Wayne shook his head. “I’m not letting you go until I understand.”
Eddie let out a low whine. “Fine, it’s because they’re all younger than he is. Nancy, Robin, Jonathan, Argyle are all a year younger. And the rest have barely entered high school.”
Wayne rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “I see. You can go.”
Eddie eyed him suspiciously, before he dashed out the door.
He made it to the quarry just as it began to rain. He pulled up along side of Steve’s beamer and then hopped from his van to the passenger side of the car. He slammed the door.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said soothingly. “Can you come round for me?”
Steve let out a sigh. Eddie took his hand and began to rub it with his thumb in short circles.
“Come on, darlin’,” he coaxed.
Steve’s whole body shuddered and then relaxed. “I shouldn’t have drove, I’m sorry.”
Eddie shook his head. “It’s early enough that most people wouldn’t be out. You wouldn’t have hurt anybody. And you are the most careful driver I know.”
Steve closed his eyes. “Thanks.”
“What happened this time?”
Steve opened his eyes. “The light in the hall was going out when I got up to get a drink.”
Eddie pursed his lips. “The Upside Down is gone, baby, you know that.”
Steve nodded. “My rational brain knows it, but lizard brain was telling me I was being attacked.”
Eddie covered Steve’s hand with his other hand, twisting in the seat to do so. “I know, sweetheart. I’m glad you recognized that you needed me.”
Steve looked down at their clasped hands and gave Eddie’s hand a squeeze. “Me, too.”
Eddie smiled. “They’ve been coming less frequently, too.”
Steve reared his head back. “Are you sure?”
Eddie nodded. “Yeah man. It used to be three, four times a month. But your last one was a two weeks ago.”
Steve cocked his head. “I guess it’s because you bring me out of them instead of living inside my head until it passes.”
“Happy to help, Stevie,” he murmured.
Steve dislodged his hand and began making his way to the back seat.
“Where are you going?” Eddie asked with a huff of laughter.
“If I’m going to be all mopey and upset,” Steve explained, throwing himself against the back seat, “I’m going to at least be comfortable doing it.” He pulled out a large blanket from underneath the driver’s seat. “Care to join me?”
Eddie looked at the large, pink monstrosity and then shrugged. “Sure, why not?”
He climbed over the center console and hopped into the back seat. He waited until Steve had rearranged the blanket before he held out his arm. “Come on, darlin’.”
Steve wasted no time in settling into Eddie’s side. He laid his head back on his shoulder and sighed.
“Do you think the others have this problem to?” Steve asked softly. “The blanking out?”
Eddie knew what the real question was. ‘Why is this happening to me?’
“You would have noticed, Stevie,” he said kindly. “I think it’s all the hits to the head.”
Steve let out a shuddering breath. “Yeah. I know I should talk to someone about it, but I worry about being put on medication.”
“Why, if it helps?” Eddie asked.
He squeezed his eyes shut. “I was given a narcotic when Billy bashed my head in, for the pain, you know. My dad came home and thought I was using. Despite the fact that the bottle was mostly full and the name was mine.”
“And he flipped out on you?” Eddie guessed.
Steve nodded.
They lapsed into a quiet, comfortable silence.
Eddie had almost thought that Steve had fallen asleep when he spoke.
“Do you know why I come out here?” he whispered.
Eddie looked down at him in surprise. “Why’s that, sweetheart?”
“This is where it all started,” Steve said looking out at the pouring rain. “When hell decided to make it’s home in Hawkins.”
“Will and El are safe now,” Eddie murmured. “The only things that they have to worry about now is who gets to cut Mike in half. I personally volunteer.”
Steve chuckled. “You’re his favorite, you know?”
Eddie laughed. “Well, I don’t think he’s anyone’s favorite but those two, so...”
“I know he’s going through shit,” Steve murmured. “But between him and Dustin there is just too much sass.”
“And then you add Max and your negatives are in the negative,” Eddie agreed.
“I love them though,” Steve said as he curled into Eddie’s side.
Eddie kissed the top of Steve’s head. “Sleep now, sweetheart. I’ll be here when you wake.”
A few minutes later, Eddie looked down to see that Steve’s breathing had evened out, his eyes were closed and his body relaxed.
“There you are, darlin’, I found you.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
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sunder-soul · 4 years
hii what about Tom Riddle being fucking jealous about reader ?
So I got massively carried away with this one lol, apologies if this isn’t what you were expecting, my imagination went wild!
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.  
Summary: Reader has to tutor an insufferable jock and Tom Riddle starts acting very strangely indeed. Wordcount: 1.8k Content warning: none.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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The Great Hall was bright and lively with morning sun and the chatter of students, spoons clinking against bowls and butter spreading on toast.
“What is he doing?” you whisper to Margot sitting next to you at the table.
“I think he’s attempting to show off,” she giggles back.
You were both watching Austin Varrowe, the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, obnoxiously demonstrate his Beater swing for a series of very bored looking Ravenclaw girls who weren’t paying him any attention in the slightest.
“Slughorn’s making me tutor that idiot,” you grumble.
“No way,” Margot grins, rounding on you.
“Yup,” you sigh, “can you believe it? Two evenings a week for the rest of the term… I think I’ll brain myself with a cauldron by Friday.”
Margot pats your shoulder sympathetically.
That evening, you reluctantly set off for the dungeons to meet Varrowe with your bag slung over your shoulder, but as you round a corridor you very nearly bowl straight into someone coming the opposite direction.
“Riddle,” you say, surprised, “sorry, didn’t see you there.”
Riddle takes a step back and tidily clasping his hands being his back. “You’re out rather late,” he said smoothly. “And in the dungeons, no less. Are you lost? The library is that way.” He nods back down the corridor.
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. Riddle was such a know-it-all. “I’m meeting someone, actually,” you say dismissively, checking your watch. “In fact, I better get going or he’ll think I’m standing him up.”
Riddle looks very briefly surprised, and then a cool look of disapproval settles on his fine features. “I don’t suppose I have to remind you that curfew is in two hours,” he says stiffly, “you wouldn’t be intending on breaking that, would you?”
You snort a laugh and step past him. “Thanks for the reminder,” you say sarcastically, “see you later, Riddle.”
You manage to get away before he can say anything else.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
“Varrowe,” you call, giving your friends a quick wave as you dash to catch up to him in the throng of students making their way to their next class. “Are you free tonight?”
“Oh – right,” Varrowe says, looking dispirited. “Sure. Seven o’clock?”
You nod and lean closer. “Please make sure you actually bring your textbook this time,” you mutter, managing to keep your exasperation off your face. “You do in fact need to read it at least once to pass the class.”
Varrowe grins and reaches out to ruffle your hair. “You’re smart,” he says loudly, “barely understood a thing you said last time.”
“Right,” you say through gritted teeth, trying to tidy your hair. “Well, see you this evening.”
“Sounds good,” Varrowe shrugs, wandering away.
You sigh. Slughorn better appreciate your sacrifice; tutoring Varrowe was the equivalent of torture. You turn on your heel to catch up with your friends, but once again you come face to face with –
“You have got to stop sneaking up on me,” you say dryly, “seriously, Riddle, it’s creepy.”
Riddle’s eyes slide from Varrowe’s retreating form to your face. “Is Varrowe the one you were meeting last week?” he asks smoothly.
The question surprises you. “Yeah, why?” you frown.
“And you’re meeting him again?”
You arch a brow at his decidedly clipped tone. “Yeah but don’t worry, I promise I won’t break curfew, I know that’s of the utmost importance to you –”
“An odd choice,” Riddle interrupts, something uncharacteristically irate in his voice, “Varrowe.”
You stare at him. “…Is he?” you ask pointedly, unable to think of anyone more in need of tutoring. Only yesterday Varrowe had lost his phial of Flobberworm mucus and had asked Slughorn if he could just use some of his own instead. “I think he’s the perfect choice.”
Riddle’s eyes flash. “I should be going,” he says curtly, “see you in class.” He gives you a single, stiff nod and leaves without another glance.
You blink after him, shaking your head in confusion. Riddle was acting very, very strangely.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
“So if you overboil it, it’ll turns green,” Varrowe said slowly, peering at the notes on Veritaserum on the desk between you, “but if you underboil it, it’ll get those weird lumps?”
“Yes,” you say with great relief.
“Is it better to overboil it or underboil it?”
You immediately regret having felt relieved. “It’s better to do neither,” you say flatly.
Varrowe heave a great sigh and carelessly leans back in his chair. “I’m too tired for this,” he complains. “Did I mention that we had an extra Quidditch practice this morning?”
He had. Six times.
You slide your things into your bag and stand. “You’re right, it’s late,” you mutter, “we can pick this up again on Monday.”
Varrowe gleefully stands too and is out the door of the Potions classroom in a heartbeat. “Are you coming to the game next weekend?” he asks you in the corridor outside, unsubtly flexing his shoulder muscles as he pretends to roll them out.
You very nearly roll your eyes. “Sure, I’ll be there.”
“Excellent,” he grins, “I’ve been working on this tag-team move with Procker that’ll really have Slytherin guessing, I’ll have to show you later –”
The voice is crisp and cool, and it doesn’t take a genius to guess who it is.
“Riddle,” Varrowe says, looking disgruntled. “Why are you here?”
“I’m a prefect, if you recall,” Riddle says in a glacial tone, “patrols are part of my responsibilities.”
“How very fortunate indeed that you were patrolling this exact corridor at this exact time,” you say with a hint of sarcasm. “Merlin, imagine if we’d forgotten about curfew.”
Riddle’s dark eyes flash to you, and you impassively hold his gaze. “You should return to your common rooms,” he says delicately, “or I will be forced to give you both detentions.”
“Steady on Riddle,” Varrowe grins, “we’ve got half an hour yet, give us a second to say goodbye.”
Riddle wrenches his eyes off you and fixes Varrowe with a very cold look. “You will go at once,” he says in a dangerously soft tone, “do you understand?”
Varrowe bristles, standing taller and pushing his chest out in a way he clearly thinks is intimidating. Riddle looks utterly unfazed.
Sensing trouble on the horizon, you grab Varrowe’s sleeve and tug him back. “Come on, Varrowe,” you say quickly, “let’s go. You’ve got practice in the morning, right?”
Varrowe glares at Riddle who was yet to move an inch, his expression still cool and blank. “Right,” Varrowe growls, “yeah, let’s go.”
Varrowe turns and stalks off, not noticing that you don’t follow. Instead, you round on Riddle.
“Will you explain what the hell is going on?” you whisper angrily.
“Watch your tongue,” Riddle says sharply.
You glower at him. “So sorry – I mean, will you please explain what the hell is going on?”
His eyes narrow. “It would not be wise to antagonise me,” he says icily.
“Would it not?” you breathe, stepping closer. “What are you going to do, dock me points? Give me detention?”
Riddle’s eyes are dark and hostile, and something works in his jaw as he glares back at you.
“Back off, Riddle,” you snap, “I don’t know what your problem is with me, but seriously, drop it.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he breathes.
“Oh? You always threaten people with detention when they’ve done nothing wrong? I’m sure Slughorn will be overjoyed to hear that his favourite prefect is abusing his power like that,” you hiss, leaning closer.
Riddle visibly grits his teeth with fury on his face. A tense silence falls, and you suddenly realise that the two of you are standing far, far too closely together.
You step back at once, trying to ignore the strange feeling that swells in your stomach. “Goodnight, Riddle,” you mutter, turning to hurry away.
“Why Varrowe?” he says sharply, stopping you in your tracks.
You look over your shoulder at him. Riddle’s hair looks even blacker in the dark corridor, his burning eyes on yours, the flickering light from the torch on the wall beside him throwing shadows down his cheekbones. “What?” you frown. Now was definitely not the time to get distracted by Riddle’s good looks.
“Why Varrowe?” Riddle repeats stiffly. “He’s a simpleton.”
You blink. “Exactly,” you say slowly.
Something hostile flickers on Riddle’s face before he quickly tempers his expression back into composure. “I appear to have misjudged you,” he says coldly, looking away.
“What are you talking about?” you exclaim in exasperation. “Do you not understand how tutoring works? If he wasn’t absolutely thick I wouldn’t have to waste my evenings explaining to him that Cough Potions are for curing coughs and not inducing them.”
Riddle stares at you. The silence drags on.
You sigh impatiently. “I’m going to bed,” you grumble, turning away again.
“Wait,” he says sharply.
You wheel around, annoyed. “What?”
But your frustration is wiped away in an instant because Riddle is once again much too close. So close, in fact, that you can see the shadows his eyelashes are casting down his cheeks and the heat in his eyes as he looks down at you.
“You’re tutoring him?” he asks quietly.
You nod silently, your throat suddenly thick with nerves.
“That’s why you were meeting him.”
You nod again, unable to look away from him.
Riddle hums contemplatively, his expression smooth as his dark eyes roam your face. “Good,” he murmurs.
“Good?” you whisper.
Riddle’s lips curve into a small smirk, his head tilting slightly, and you absolutely do not blush at the sight. “Weren’t you going to bed?” he asks silkily.
“Worried about me breaking curfew, are you?” you say with a flicker of a taunt, trying to ignore your heart pounding quickly in your chest.
Riddle’s smirk grows. “I told you not to antagonise me,” he says smoothly as he steps in even closer, so close that his robes graze against your arms and you can feel warmth radiating from him as he looms over you.
“I don’t know,” you whisper, “seems to be going pretty well for me so far.”
Riddle’s eyes flick between yours, and for a single burning moment the tension is so thick that you can hear your pulse thrumming in your ears, your gaze dropping to his full lips and seeing his do the same to yours – and then just like that, Riddle steps away.
“Goodnight,” he says evenly, “I trust you can get back to your common room without supervision.”
You nod blankly but Riddle is already turning away and disappearing down the dark corridor, melting into the darkness. You stand there a moment frozen in place, your cheeks burning and your heart still racing as the cold air rushes in where his warmth had been brushing up against your skin.
Riddle was acting very, very strangely indeed.
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.
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Proceed With Caution // Evan Buckley
IN WHICH: The reader doesn’t expect to become involved in a hostage situation with her fiance’s older sister, the older sister’s best friend and the best friend’s date from hell. With the addition of a SWAT member, how will the taking of dispatch change?
Warnings: Swearing, blood, threats, angst, guns, hostage/kidnapping
Words: 5.9k
A/N: Recently got into the tv show 9-1-1 and completely fell in love with Buck so here I am writing for him as well. This takes place during the season three episode ‘The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1’. Reader and Buck are already in an established relationship.
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The apartment was quiet as the sound of your keys clattered in the bowl on the countertop. It was pretty early in the morning, so you had no doubts that Buck would be just waking up. On his days off, he would use the first day to catch up on sleep; based on prior times, he would be up in half an hour.
“Buck?” You called out from the kitchen. You heard a groan from the loft where Buck was in the process of waking up, “I forgot to drop off that book Maddie wants to borrow. When I get back, do you want to get breakfast?”
A grumble you somehow translated to approval was what you received in response. You jogged up the stairs to the loft to grab the book from your bookshelf. Buck’s bare leg stretched out from underneath the comforter on your side. The soft sighs Buck made in his sleepy state tugged at your heart; the sighs grew louder when you bent to kiss his head.
“See you in a bit.” You whispered to the sleepy soft male. He sleepily grinned in response before curling into your pillow.
The sound of your footsteps softened on the steps back to the main level of the apartment. Your keys snagged from the bowl before you gently closed the door behind you. The sun was gorgeous to be awake to see and had Buck not worked a long shift, you’d have adored watching it with him.
Your car pulled out of the parking spot in the Los Angeles Service Center’s direction that Maddie worked at. Your lips quirked as the radio spewed out the station that Christopher listened to in the car. You could even pick up the book in the backseat where he called his spot. The book could be found in Buck’s Jeep as well.
It had maybe three days since you’d seen the young Diaz, and damn did you miss the kid. Christopher has his enigmatic quality that demanded you love him for all that made him simply Christopher. The second you’d met him, you knew he would mean a lot to you.
You hummed in time with the song that was currently Christopher’s absolute favourite. Slowly you went from humming to singing along when the light turned green. A handful of songs came and went on the admittedly long drive due to traffic.
It was about forty minutes after leaving your apartment that you parked next to Maddie’s car in the parking lot. Lucy was sitting at the front office with a grin you matched. The woman buzzed you before she clocked out with her reprieve Jake.
“Hey, Sue!” You grinned at the older redhead. Sue had absolutely no problem seeing you, given that you were welcome in the building.
Sue’s first interaction was when you came to the centre to pick up Maddie when she came to work sick. Maddie had managed to keep it under wraps for an hour before Sue caught on. Ever since, Sue was fond of asking Maddie about her brother and you.
“Maddie’s not in just yet.” Sue spoke with a kind smile, “If you’ll excuse me, I have to meet with one of our sit alongs.”
You nodded towards her while beelining for the woman’s bathroom, hoping to catch Maddie after using it. You’d drank too much water on your run earlier this morning. Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate in the time you’d entered the bathroom, several things happened. Lucy ended her shift, Jake started his shift, and a group of strangers entered the building.
Your hand went to push open the door when through the crack, you saw two men you’d never seen before. Years of your job gave you enough feeling to know that something wasn’t right. That being said, you eased the door closed and attempted to find a hiding spot.
The garbage was too narrow and had no lid. The few seconds you had left, you glanced up. The ceiling hadn’t been renovated in many years. Rectangular sheets could be raised. Thankful of the rock climbing lessons you’d done with Maddie, you managed to crawl into the ceiling just as the two men entered.
“Nobody’s here.” The one-man with his head as pale and shiny as a cue ball. He gave off the most creepy vibe; the shorter Hispanic man wasn’t as violent looking, “Kinda hoping someone tries something. I’ve wanted to try out this.”
The man waved the large gun in his hand with a sick smile that twisted your stomach. That was the moment you’d realized something was very wrong. The second they left, you gently dropped back on the ground. Your first instinct was to send a message to Athena, but there was a fatal flaw. You’d expected to be in and out of the building quickly, so you’d left your phone in the car.
“Fuck.” You swore. One hand roughly running over your forehead as you contemplated figuring out a plan.
The building had many cameras throughout that you knew the blindspots for. The year after high school and during the summers, you’d worked in the building. Despite having worked here when you were younger, it was never during Sue’s shift. Over the years, you’d come to know the blind spots and a few cameras that were decoys. You even remembered Maddie and her friend Josh complaining about three cameras not fixed yet.
“Think.” You breathed, making a pattern of pacing, “They’ll need a lookout. They’ll take out the security guard first. The front doors are out. It’s a team, so they’ll also need eyes on the building. Terry is definitely a hostage.”
Of course, you’d end up in a volatile situation during the first half of your day before your shift started. The only comforting thing about the situation was the holstered gun on your hip and the badge on your belt. Maybe you should backtrack to why you had a gun and badge; you were an LAPD member, specifically SWAT.
“The changeroom.” You breathed, recalling it was down the hall with no camera. All you needed to do was pretend to be a dispatcher. The changeroom, now mostly a file room, had a few extra maroon and blue uniform shirts.
You timed it. The man holding Sue’s tablet was in the process of talking with his cohort, so you dashed to the room. You took no time in changing into a loose maroon shirt with your thick sweater overtop to hide the gun in the small of your back.
Your holster, badge and personal shirt tucked in the bottom of a box for safekeeping. As soon as you saw your entry, you sat with the group of hostages a hall over. A few looked surprised but let it go when you raised one finger to your lips.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Maddie hissed from the other side of a startled Josh. Both of them were surprised at seeing you here, “Oh my god. Buck is going to kill me.”
“I was dropping off your book before I get breakfast with Buck, but it appears my small bladder saved my life.” You snarked with your eyes scanning the room, “What’s going on?”
“That is my date from hell, Greg.” Josh inconspicuously pointed towards the man, clearly giving orders. The anger flared inside you, “You need to get out.”
“Josh, no offence, but I’m an officer with the LAPD. I work with SWAT. I’m your best bet of making it out alive.” You informed the dispatch duo, who went still as Cue Ball patrolled the hallway with a sadistic glint in his eyes.
“They took control of the building for a reason we don’t know about. We’re still working but under strict monitoring. They said it will be an hour, but we’ve seen their faces.”
“No witnesses.” You finished for Maddie with a deep sigh, “Unfortunately I left my phone in the car. Did they take yours-”
“They took Linda’s EpiPen. Of course, we don’t have phones.” Maddie sighed, leaning back to rest her head against the wall. Not even having a SWAT member by her side was comforting; your badge put a more significant target on you.
“We have to warn someone.” Josh mumbled to both Maddie and you, “You’re on shift Y/N?”
“Not for a few hours. I was supposed to drop off the book and get breakfast with Buck before my shift. This was supposed to be five minutes tops, so I left my phone in my car.”
“I already did.” Maddie spoke with a sad look on her face that overtook the fear, “I just hope he gets the message.”
Your hand reached out to squeeze the woman you’d had a hand in raising Buck more than their parents. Maddie had become family when you first started dating Buck. The in-law part of her familial relationship to you never crossed your minds; you were simply sisters to each other.
“Chim. I told him I loved him.” Maddie finished with a teary gaze. It made you sick seeing that look again after Doug.
You remembered seeing that haunted look when she stumbled out of the thicker woods covered in blood. You’d stayed by Athena’s side when Buck clutched her so tight and sobbed with her. It had been before you’d become serious with the man, but it was that frightening day that Buck fell for you. You’d just finished a taxing shift with your team when you heard about Maddie was missing, and Chim was in the hospital. You’d ignored the exhaustion to search high and low through your work contacts before narrowing the search area.
“Good thing Chimney obsesses over the little things.” You spoke, slouching down against the wall, “We’ll get throu-”
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Maddie warned you with her brows furrowed together, and you saw what she was doing. Despite your years of experience and the gun you had, she pushed her fear down behind the concern that a big sister shows her young siblings.
“I won’t.”
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At 8am, Buck was just entering the apartment building from grabbing the mail addressed to both you and him when Chim had called.
“Yup, go for Buck.” Buck spoke, opening the door to the apartment he’d only temporarily left. His morning had been late after his long shift the night before. The most productive thing was dressing for his breakfast date with you and grabbing the mail.
“How come 9-1-1 doesn’t respond when I call?” Chimney questioned the younger, now confused male.
“Uh, is that some kind of riddle? Like who watches the watchmen?” Buck asked, closing the door behind him. His eyes scanned around for any indication you’d returned home, but the bowl was vacant of your keys.
“Neither of those things are riddles. Okay, I just tried calling 9-1-1, and I got the high call volume message. Did I miss an earthquake or something?”
“Nope, pretty chill morning.” Buck responded as he closed the fridge door with a bottle of water in hand. The entire conversation wasn’t concerning to him, given that Chimney was often like this.
“Where’s Y/N? She’s the police she’ll know-”
“She’s not home right now. Wait, why are you calling 9-1-1? Is everything okay?” Buck slowly asked with his brows coming together. The sigh of frustration from Chimney was answer enough.
“Your sister said that she loved me.”
“Yeah. Wasn’t that uh, the whole point in that big date you had last night?” Buck inquired on his way to the table. He had a feeling this was going to be a long conversation that would hopefully pass the time until you got home.
“You declare your love, and she declares hers? That’s how it went with Y/N and me.”
“Yeah, I know, okay, but she didn’t, all right? At least not last night. Look, she made this big deal saying that she couldn’t say those words, and then this morning, she blurts them out and hangs up on me.” Chimney speaks, pacing in his own apartment. The side by the side of Chimney and Buck’s separate apartments told different tales of their states.
“It’s still not quite sounding like an emergency.”
“’Cause I sound insane.” Chimney spoke, staring up at the ceiling with a battle in his mind. He wants Buck to talk him out of this, but he also wants Buck to agree with him, “She’s at the call centre. What could happen there? You know what, forget it, I’ll try Y/N again.”
“Again?” Buck questioned just as his co-worker ended the call. Buck tugged his phone away from his ear to stare at it confused.
You always answered the phone if you weren’t working at the moment, but given you still had hours, he found it unsettling. After seeing the news report with the ladder truck on top of him, calls weren’t ignored between you two. That feeling of concern grew when you didn’t answer his call either. Nor the second one.
“Nah, she’s probably talking with Maddie.” Buck spoke, but that second-guessing feeling didn’t dissipate. 
In the call centre, you’d been marched to one of the stations with a deep hope that you’d remember everything. It had been years by then since you’d worked as a dispatcher. It didn’t help with the gunmen patrolling the room.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” You calmly questioned the caller.
“Hi, my cat is up the tree by my house. Could you send someone?”
“Can I get your name?” You went through the motions of getting her name and address before you informed the woman, “Okay, the LAFD and LAPD no longer respond to calls of cats in trees. The cat will make its way down on its own. If the tree is in your backyard, I’d use the time to garden or read a book on this beautiful day.”
“Oh, thank you. I’m sorry for taking up your time.”
“It’s no problem. Having a wonderful day Susan.”
In no time at all, you’d been rotated into the board room away from Josh and Maddie. It gave you time to inspect everyone you hadn’t made contact with yet. No one appeared harmed other than in distress with the situation.
“Downtown. They don’t want anyone downtown.” Linda whispered as Maddie was guided onto the floor by the elbow. You’d only gathered her name from her near-silent introduction to you when the hired guns had been far from your area.
“Let’s go.” Greg snapped, roughly pushing you towards the conference room. Something deep in your gut already predicted that someone was going to be stupid.
It was your sharp eyesight catching the minuscule agitation in Greg’s interactions with the Cue Ball guy. The slight tightening of his grip on the gun, the tension in the room growing stifling. And everyone knows that when emotions run high stupid things happen.
“Why do they keep moving us around like this?” The man beside Maddie questioned. He was definitely the most shaken of the group. He was basically shaking like a chihuahua.
“To disorient us.” Maddie spoke, staring at the group monitoring the dispatchers currently in play. Her eyes refused to leave them.
“So, we can’t make a plan.” You finished for your sister-in-law. Objectively out of everyone, Maddie, Sue and you were the most collected individuals for various reasons.
Maddie had lived in a volatile house with a man that could be unpredictable if a situation called for it in his mind. Sue had been working in the centre for years to navigate the emergency while you walked into dangerous situations.
“Jamal.” The shaking man spoke, holding his hand out towards you, “Are you new?”
“No.” You spoke as you shook his hand, “I’m Y/N. Maddie’s sister-in-law. I’m filling in as a favour for Sue.”
The lie slipped off your lips a little too quickly. You decided to come to this hostage situation as if you were undercover. It meant having to ignore that Maddie was in the situation with you.  
“Worst day for a favour.” Jamal snorted with his eyes pinned on one of the armed men holding all your lives in their hands. You’d have spoken, but Jamal checked out mentally from the conversation waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The shoe dropped when the IT Specialist announced numbly, “Jake’s dead. They shot him.”
It didn’t matter how long you’d been working for the LAPD, any death, whether it was a civilian or a criminal, it was still was startling. Jake, the security guard that alternated shifts with Lucy, wasn’t someone you spoke with. He was on shift when you weren’t here or just missed the shift change.
“We need to get a message out.” Jamal spoke, glancing at the only people in the right state of mind, and those were Maddie, Josh and you. Terry had seen the violence these men had no issues with.
“I did.” Josh breathed, thinking of the arguably cute security guard he sometimes liked to stare at, “A woman called about onions in an omelette. I dispatched an officer.”
“To the restaurant?” Maddie inquired with her pinkie connected with yours for comfort. Both of you would prefer your SO’s hand instead.
“Not exactly.” Josh replied, staring at his best friend with a glimpse of hope in his brown eyes.
Hope may be the only way you could get out of this without hurting anyone in your admittedly surface level plan.
“Buck will think something is up.” You added 
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Buck had begun pacing the kitchen of the apartment with Chim adamantly telling his friend his plan to go to the centre. Buck had joined Chimney in the concerned department when you had failed to return to the apartment, return calls and to make matters worse, so was Maddie. His texts had gone unanswered as well, not even having the read receipt on.
“She’s not picking up either. I tried Y/N and Josh, but neither replied. When I tried Maddie and Josh, it went straight to voicemail.”
“Now, I’m definitely going.” Chimney announced, shoving his wallet into his pocket just as someone began knocking on his door.
“What if something is wrong? I know Y/N is a member of SWAT but radio silence? No text to let me know she was called in early?” Buck thought aloud with his finger dragging along his thigh, “Maybe we should call the police.”
“I...think someone already did.” Chimney informed Buck as he stared at the sudden appearance of Sergeant Athena Grant at his door.
“What? What do you mean?” Buck hastily questioned, leaning against the kitchen island. He could just faintly hear Athena speaking on Chimney’s end of the phone, “Chimney? What’s going on?”
“Athena was sent to my apartment. Hang on, Buck, I’m just gonna tell Athena what’s going on.”
Buck stepped away from the island to settle on the stairs to the loft, impatiently waiting for Chimney to finish speaking. That fear of losing pieces of his life expanded deep in his gut, just like the times Maddie left in his childhood. That fear of being left behind.
“What’s she’s saying now?”
“She’s making her case.” Chim whispered as he continued to eavesdrop on Athena’s call with her higher-ups, “Now she’s folding like a cheap suit.”
“All right, let me talk to Athena.” Buck demanded antsy to figure out the situation that clearly had something wrong. That fear he’d thought of early flared catching the tail end of Athena’s conversation, “No! No, no. We can’t just send in SWAT. If there is someone inside the call centre doing something, they’ll know we’re onto them.”
Unfortunately, Buck was correct in this thought process, all thanks to living with a SWAT member. He knew these things after the years he’d been with you.
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“Maddie? I think I can sneak up to Terry’s computer. Maybe get eyes on the place-”
“No!” Terry nearly shouted, stiffening when Cue Ball hesitated in the doorway at his sudden shouts. You all held your breath for his reaction, but thankfully he was called away by one of the men, “They have-”
“Terry, I need you to calm down. I’m familiar with these types of situations. I’m SWAT. I need to get on top of this. Don’t be a hero.”
Maddie’s head began to shake when your arm was roughly grabbed by Greg, “Your turn.”
You were separated from Josh and Maddie, but instead of being pushed into one of the dispatcher seats, you were pulled to the original hallway.
“I don’t like how friendly you are with them.” Greg spat, shoving you to rest against the wall, “Don’t move.” 
You catch the eyes of Maddie with an apologetic expression before you used the pacing routine to sneak away. You didn’t release your breath until you were attaching your holder to your hip in the change room. By now, your team would be aware that something was wrong, Hondo would be hell-bent on finding you.
Until you had help, you were on your own.
You used each blindspot of the cameras in the halls to the stairwell, and you used a broom to adjust the cameras. The cameras not kept you from view but not appearing suspicious. Once at the floor where Terry was practically always at you softly closed the door. 
You’d only started to sit down when you heard the ding of the elevator, “Shit.”
You slipped into the closest containing extra parts if anything broke. Through the crack, you saw Terry being held at gunpoint. The gunman that had been holding the tablet on the floor, Ellis as you’d heard.
“You’re telling me every cop in the city has just disappeared?” Ellis demanded as Terry, and he disappeared around one of the corners. The tapping of a screen indicating Ellis was searching for something with Terry’s involuntary help.
“I’m telling you, I don’t know!” Terry snapped back, creating even more tension in the room, but Ellis didn’t move to grab his gun.
Ellis appeared to the only one reluctant to discharge your weapon, unlike Cue Ball, who just happened to join the party.
“Figure it out!” Ellis spat, turning on his heel at the sound of approaching footsteps. You could see him roll his eyes at his team member walking into the room.
“What’s going on here?” Cue ball questioned the duo in different kinds of distress, and you swore Cue Ball enjoyed the intimidation from his teammate and the IT specialist.
“That police car’s not the only one that’s gone dark.” Ellis nervously spoke, stiffening for the volatile reaction that one could expect from Foster.
“You think they know we’re here?” 
“Foster, it could be a system glitch.” Ellis offered keeping one eye on Cue Ball while monitoring Terry’s work as well.
Cue Ball spoke a sentence that sent chills up your spine, “Time to cut our losses.”
As Foster and Ellis began going over their personal plans made out of Greg’s knowledge, you noticed Terry glance over. His eyes widened slightly before quickly looking away when you raised a finger across your lips.
“We can go down the back stairs. I have a car waiting around the corner, we split the art up between the five of us, and we go our separate ways.” Foster spoke, revealing his plan to double-cross Greg, which in all honesty made sense. Greg was ill-fitting to be in charge of their operation, unable to control his lackeys.
“I like that part of the deal.” Ellis breathed, skirting around the trigger happy criminal only to halt in his steps, “Wait, you’ve got a car parked down the street? You were always gonna double-cross Greg.”
“You weren’t?”
“If we’re gonna do this, you can’t just sell famous works of art on eBay.”
“You can’t sell them from prison either.”
At that moment, something almost shifted in the area, something that made you pull your gun from your holster. Your body telling you something was about to happen. It happened in a split second. Foster fled the room leaving only Ellis just outside. With Terry frantically shaking his head, you tiptoed to the unsuspecting criminal.
“LAPD!” You shouted, pointing your gun towards the shocked man, “Put the gun down and put your hands up.”
“Aren’t you a dispatcher?” Ellis questioned, blinking in surprise.
“Aren’t you supposed to be intelligent? Next time check the schedule I haven’t worked here in years.” You spat, keeping your gun pointed on him, “Do I say-”
The sound of two guns going off made Terry flinch and scream as he instinctively dropped to the ground. IT was supposed to be safe, but Terry had now heard three gunshots in under two hours. He really didn’t want to see the outcome of the shots.
A moan coaxed Terry to peek out through the privacy glass. Ellis was on the ground while you kept your gun on him. He didn’t see anything else when the power went out. He didn’t see you drop to your knees, but he heard you.
“Terry...get down. Lay on your stomach with your hands insight, and don’t move.” You informed the terrified IT just as the floor was swarmed.
“Put the gun down!” The sound of Tan’s voice was welcoming as you slowly placed the gun on the ground. “25-David I have Y/L/N. The suspect is down, need medical.”
You got back to your feet when Tan nodded his head, “Thank god. There’s a possible body in the IT room along with the It Specialist Terry.”
“You got your badge on you?” Tan questioned as he cuffed the moaning Ellis up, “Street can you escort her down?”
Street nodded from his position, watching Tan’s back before guiding you to the stairs with hawk eyes. Even off duty, you kept your head on a swivel.
“You caused quite the commotion.” Street spoke halfway down the stairs when you barely mumbled. He caught you as you went down like a sack of potatoes, “Y/N!”
“Adrenaline is crashing.” You moaned, looking at your shoulder where the maroon had grown darker, “I think he shot me.”
“26-David I’m in the stairway. Prepare a medic.” Street spoke into his radio before he strapped the gun away and swept you into his arms, “Think you can have my back?”
“When don’t I?” You wheezed, with the sweat starting to bead on your forehead. As you crashed from adrenaline, you barely noticed being placed on the ground at the main entrance.
A paramedic cutting your borrowed shirt to reveal the bullet hole in your shoulder courtesy of Ellis, the only member who’d thought wouldn’t shoot his gun. You could vaguely hear Maddie calling out your name as you were loaded onto a gurney.
“M-Maddie?” You spoke, tilting your head to see Chris holding Maddie back from, “Chris! That’s my sister in law.”
Chris only let Maddie go when Hondo gave the all-clear, and you were so thankful when Maddie’s hand encased yours.
“Don’t close your eyes.” Maddie pleaded sick with the amount of blood on your skin and soaking through the gauze, “Who’s gonna help me put up with my little brother?”
“Buck.” You breathed sluggishly, blinking as the artificial lights changed to natural with the gun shining through the glass front doors.
“You didn’t let me close mine in that ambulance, so I need you to do the same. Don’t close them. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” Maddie cried as an officer pulled her aside as you were stopped. You wouldn’t remember it, but Maddie had to watch as you coded right in front of her.
Maddie had to watch them perform CPR on you and fight for a pulse. She had to think of how’d she’d tell her little brother she’d killed his fiance. The counting of the paramedics sounded as if underwater, and as they did, the world went quiet. Her mind checked out as the trauma settled in.
Maddie stumbled out of the building into a zoo of officers, medics, and news reporters almost robotically. She barely felt Chimney hug her, but she wrapped her arms around him and sobbed.
“It’s all my fault.” Maddie gasped, collapsing against him, “If I had-”
Chimney felt Maddie stiffen at the sound of Buck’s voice amidst the multiple voices milling around. Maddie raised her gaze to meet Buck’s blue eyes dripping in relief and question.
“Maddie, where’s Y/N? Her car…” Buck trailed off, catching the utter heartbreak in his big sister’s eyes. A look he’d come to know in his line of work as a firefighter. The utter devastation that came with watching someone you love die, “No. No.”
“I got a pulse!” Came from the nearest ambulance, and Buck skirted around his sister and Chimney, “Ready to transport!” 
Your eyes slowly blinked at the white ceiling of the ambulance with pain in your midsection courtesy of chest compressions. Breathing came painful, and the bullet wound throbbed, but it all faded when you saw blue eyes above you.
“Buck.” You sobbed, more like groaned, as he was urged to sit on the bench holding your hand, “Maddie?”
“She’s okay. Chim’s got her. Can you keep your eyes on me? I need to see those big beautiful e/c eyes.” Buck soothed, bringing your hand to his lips, “Did I ever tell you my favourite colour?”
Despite Buck’s best attempts, you continued fading in and out of consciousness but continued to be stable. He spoke about the funny video Eddie had shown him of Christopher at the end of their shift last night. He talked about everything and anything under the sun during the short ride to the hospital.
The last thing you saw was Buck being held back as the paramedics pushed the gurney into the ER. Everything turned black.
The beeping was the first thing you heard before your eyes fluttered open to a stark white room and that unmistakable hospital scent. You noticed the second thing as Buck holding your hand in both of his with his forehead pressed against them.
“Buck?” You moaned to the one person you had wished to see. The man whose eyes were bloodshot from crying, “What’s wrong?”
“Your heart stopped beating twice. I thought I was gonna lose you.” Buck cried with his lips pressed against your hand, “I was so worried.”
“Hey. I’m fine. I’m here.” You cooed, tugging one hand away to run through his messy hair with a soft smile. His blue eyes brighten at the familiar feeling of your digits in his hair, “I’m not going anywhere. This isn’t here for decoration.”
His eyes found the ring he’d gently placed back on your finger from when the nurses had removed it. It only left your finger when you were on duty, in which it was slung on a necklace hidden under your uniform.
“Better not be.”
“Does the hospital have a chapel?” You questioned out of the blue leading to Buck snorting as you giggled, “I’m serious. When I was bleeding in that building, all I could think about was you. If Maddie is anything like you, she’s waiting in the waiting room with Chimney.”
“You aren’t wrong. All the chairs are taken. Our family was waiting for you to wake up.” Buck breathed, leaning closer to press a sweet kiss to your lips, “Are you sure?”
“About marrying you?” You softly questioned the man who couldn’t help but believe this was a dream. How he’d somehow got the girl of his dreams to agree to marry his ass, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. All I want to share is your last name for the rest of my life. You are it for me, Evan Buckley. All the flaws you see are beautiful to me.”
“Only you would want to get married after being shot mere hours ago.” Buck chuckled with a sigh pulled from his pink lips, “I’ll get the doctor for you and find out if we can be married here.”
While you were checked out, Buck left the room to go back to the waiting room where the 118 and your co-workers waited. Everyone perked up at his appearance, Christopher asleep on Eddie’s lap.
“Is she okay?” Bobby questioned as the tension in the room grew more and more. It shattered into relief when Buck grinned.
“She’s sore as expected. She’s gonna catch some sleep, but she’d like to see Maddie.” Buck replied, pinning his gaze on his big sister with her curled into Chimney’s body. Her cheeks flooded with tears of absolute relief, “C’mon.”
The waiting room started emptying with Buck’s promise to keep everyone updated, but before Bobby could step away, Buck asked for him.
“Do you need a few days off?” Bobby questioned just as Buck came closer to the seasoned firefighter.
“No. But could you spare an hour?” The expression on Buck’s face was enough for Bobby not to ask any further questions. He simply followed Buck back towards your hospital room, where Maddie and Chim waited.
“What’s going on?” Bobby inquired, with the addition of the hospital assigned Priest holding the standard bible. Chimney could only shrug in response to whatever was going on.
“I know there have been times we haven’t seen eye to eye, but Bobby, you’re like a father to me. You gave me chance after chance when anyone else would have given up. You guided me on how to be a man. Y/N and I would like it if you’d be here for this.”
“Wait, are you getting married? What about the wedding?” Maddie spluttered, flicking her gaze between her brother and you. Her question surprised her boyfriend and Bobby.
“We’ll still have it. But I want to marry her without the pressure of our parents. Just a private ceremony with some of the people that mean the most to us.” Buck answered for the two of you, “Would you stay?”
“Of course.” Maddie softly spoke with a slideshow of memories playing in her mind of watching Buck grow up.
Watching Evan go through all kinds of injuries, all in the name of attention but never getting it the way he deserved it. She remembered giving him advice for asking out Donna and holding him when he was rejected. The little toddler with the impish grin somehow turned into an idiot in the hospital.
Maddie saw the man her little brother had turned into with the help of the 118 and you.
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Buck’s fingers made quick work of buttoning his short-sleeve uniform with the sudden appearance of his friend.
“That’s new.” Eddie spoke from his opened locker holding his uniform and a picture of his family on the door. It was a picture of Christopher, Buck, you and Eddie from the zoo a couple months back.
Buck looked over at his best friend, “Hm?”
“The ring.” Eddie snorted dramatically, looking at the ring that had been living on his finger since he married you five days ago, “Did my invite get lost in the mail?”
“Nah, we just got married in the hospital. We’re still planning the wedding to appease both sides of our family. And I promised Christopher he could be in the wedding. With Y/N on medical leave, the planning will be faster. She’s going stir crazy after five days.” Buck finished tucking in the shirt into his work-issued pants. Lastly, he slid his ring onto the metal chain he had bought recently.
Like you did, he would wear it around his neck when working for safety reasons.
“I’m happy for you, man.” Eddie told his friend just as the bell rang, “You’ll have to tell me how you’re liking the married life.”
“But first, we have a job to do.” Buck supplied all the while jogging to suit up in his turnout gear with Hen and Chimney.
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lholland14 · 3 years
I'm Sorry (Jessie Fleming x reader)
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Hey recently started reading your fics and I really love them. I was wondering could you do maybe a reader x Jessie Fleming. Where they met in college and both play for their national teams and have been dating for a while. And they both play in a friendly against each other but they end up going into a rough tackle with each other so the reader has to be taken off for a light injury. Basically the team gets really protective of the reader at the hotel and is shocked to find Jessie at the door with a bunch of goodies and flowers for the reader and is shocked to see how affectionate and cuddley they are until they tell them they are dating.
How to describe Jessica Alexandra Fleming? She's sweet, kind, smart, and insanely talented. She's my sweet, kind, smart, and insanely talented girlfriend.
We met in collage when I was on scholarship for soccer. She asked me out by placing a soccer ball in front of two soccer nets with sign "Yes and "No" while she held up a sign that said "Will you go out with me?" I accepted of course. We've been dating ever since.
Two years later I made the USA national team, Jess however, was already on it. Sure we've versed each other before, but today it just felt different.
I can't explain it but today I just had a bad feeling as I walked up the field looking for my girlfriend for some comfort.
When I finally found her lined up next to one of her teammates. When I saw her I instantly grinned at her, she gave me a goofy smile in return.
Right before the game started I turned to Jessie to wish her good luck.
"May the odds be ever in your favour." I told her.
"May the games begin." Jessie replied giving me a rare smile.
Half time ended quickly and we went to set up on the field again. I still had that bad feeling I couldn't shake. It didn't take me long to figure out why.
In the 70th minute of the game when Quinn slid in front of Julie causing her to lose the ball. I was closet and started running towards the ball to regain possession. I sped up when a noticed a Canadian player close to me, they started to catch up so I slid, but so did they. We crashed right into each other, I cried out in pain as their cleat hit my face and stomach. Within seconds teammates from each side began circling around us all concerned and a few crying.
I had no idea why they were crying until I felt the blood. Crimson red all over my hands and jersey, I felt liquid running down the side of my face, from my mouth and nose.
I could faintly see the person I clashed with. Their face was blurry but I'd recognize her's anywhere. Jessie. My Jessie.
I woke up in my hotel bed with some of the USWNT surrounding me. Apparently the doctor cleared me and I begged them to take me back to the hotel, which was where I was now.
A sudden knock on the door has your teammates all turning away from you and towards the open door where they're all surprised to see Jessie Fleming standing, holding flowers and chocolate in her hand.
"Hey...Can I come in?" She asks and you nod not even holding back your smile smile, your teammates part so the 23 year old can make her way to you.
I bit my bottom lip, a smile stretching across my face as I looked up at the girl who glances away in shame.
"Of course." I grinned at her, then glaring at my teammates to get out.
They quickly got the hint and left, but not with out casting one last worried glance my way and giving Jess a glare and cold shoulder.
When they left Jessie spoke up
"I'm so sorry Y/N... I-I-I didn't mean to hurt you... I just-"
I cut my girlfriend off by kissing her,  right away her arms wrapped around my neck playing with the hair at the nape of my neck. My arms wrapped around her waist holding on tight.
"It's okay, it was just an accident." I reassured her when we parted.
"Come here," I gestured to the pillow next to me "I wanna cuddle."
When Jess heard my request she dashed over to the pillow and immediately put her head on my chest as I entwined our hands.
We stayed there like that for who knows how long.
I was distracted by Jess I didn't even realize my teammates had came back to check on me and had watched the exchange between the two of us.
"What the f-" Kelley started until Sam put her hand over Kelleys mouth giving her a look.
Sam stopped one, unfortunately she could not stop the cacophony of voices made by other surprised teammates.
When they all finally shut up Tobin asked a question that had been. in her mind ever since she opened the door.
"Are you two...dating?" Tobin asked slowly.
"Yup." Not even paying attention to the question.
"Who asked?" Julie inquired.
Jessie blushed before muttering, "I did." then hid her face in my neck.
Again, the cacophony resumed.
Only when Alex yelled for them to shut up and gestured for Jess to come out of the bed and meet her outside.
I could tell Jess was nervous so I squeezed her hand, feeling some of the tension leave her body she got up and went outside to meet up with some of the vets.
Jessie's prov
I had a feeling that I would be getting The Talk from Alex since Y/n was always telling me the she was, in fact, her team mom. However I hadn't expected it to be more than one person giving it to me as well. Alyssa Neaher was the first one to start talking before the other vets circled me.
I froze as they all started talking at once. I easily caught the general drift of their speech being about Y/n and that I could never hurt her.
"Hey," Chris yelled out. It wasn't until Tobin whistled that the others got quiet. They all turned to look at me, but only Alex spoke.
"If you hurt Y/n, we hurt you. Trust me, we can. Got it?" She spoke solemnly, other nodding along to her words.
I gulped but nodded my head.
We went back in and found Y/n eyes already on me. I gave her a small smile, before looking at some of the rookies, they stared back at me before Sam walked over to Jess.
"Since they already gave you the talk I suppose its only fair that I-" she started only before Sonnett interrupted her "Dibs!"
The cacophony resumed...again.
I slowly shuffled over to where my girlfriend stood and hugged her out of reflex Y/n kissed the side of my head before resting her chin on my shoulder.
Y/n and I stood  there lost in our own world not realizing that the players had stopped arguing and stared at us, most of them giving us soft smiles. It wasn't until I heard a click that we pulled away.
"What?" Kristie asked innocently "we have to documant the historic moment of when Baby Canada and Baby America became an official WOSO couple."
I looked at the ground blushing, while Y/n went over to Kristie to ask for her to send her the photo.
All and all we were met with lots of supportive teasing. The US players back towards the door, some of the rookies giving Y/n winks and a couple of thumbs ups before they leave.
Y/n shook her head, grinning before turning back to me.
"If I asked you to stay, would you?"
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arrowflier · 3 years
if you still taking prompts, I wish you could write something about... since Ian's always over-worrying about Mickey's safety, what if he gets a call saying something happened to his husband? maybe Ian's freaking out thinking Mickey could be locked again or hurt so he runs to get him? Thank you!!
Spoiler alert--nothing bad actually happens to anyone in this ficlet.
Ian is at Whole Foods when the call comes.
They usually go together, Mickey whining about rich privileged fucks and overpriced organic shit but coming anyway to, and he quotes, “make sure you don’t drop our whole paycheck on fuckin’ tomatoes this time.” But Mickey had begged off today, claiming he didn’t feel up to “dealing with those judgmental dicks at the checkout actin’ like cash is fuckin’ dirty”, and Ian hadn’t pushed.
Now he’s wishing he had.
“You need to come now,” Sandy is saying into his ear, voice tinny and thin through the cheap speakers of his second-hand phone.
“Where are you?” Ian asks her numbly. He kneels down on autopilot, picking up the now-bruised oranges he had been holding when she greeted him with the words, “hey, it’s Mickey.” The tile floor is as unforgiving on his knees as it was on the fruit. He turns one of the oranges over in his hand. He had been planning to make Mickey fresh orange juice with that later.
“That little corner store by your apartment, you know it?” Sandy is asking him.
Of course he knows it. That’s were they run to in the middle of the night when they run out of lube, or beer. Where Mickey bought him flowers once and tried to pass it off as an error by the cashier, until Ian found the receipt in the bottom of the bag. Where they take Franny to pick out candy every other Friday when they pick her up from school.
“Yeah,” is all he says. “I know it.”
Then he’s hanging up, and running out of the store, leaving an overturned basket and the handful of oranges on the floor in his wake.
His heart is pounding as he runs toward home. Not toward the apartment—toward Mickey.
His heart is pounding and his legs are churning and his feet are slapping the pavement with every step, chest aching to force air into his lungs. But his brain is moving faster.
He doesn’t know what happened. He should have kept Sandy on the line longer, gotten more of the story, but it only would have slowed him down. But he doesn’t know if Mickey is hurt, or in trouble, or in danger of being carted off to prison again for daring to live his life on parole.
And Ian’s mind has never exactly been his greatest ally to begin with, so it’s no surprise that the scenarios it comes up with as he runs aren’t exactly comforting.
As he rounds a corner, narrowly missing an old woman and her shopping bags, he pictures Mickey injured, collapsed on the floor of the shop, like back at the Kash and Grab when they were just kids. He won’t let anyone near him like that, no one but Ian, and he’s bleeding out onto white tile waiting for his husband to save him.
Crossing the street between cars and ignoring the honks, he pictures Mickey backed into a corner by his father’s cronies, refusing to look for an escape as Sandy frantically tries to call for help. He still doesn’t know how to back down, would never back down from men like that, would never let them take what they have and try to turn it ugly. He’d held a gun to his own father’s face, more than once, but thanks to Ian he didn’t even have one now.
Approaching the shop, finally, only to see the familiar red and blue flash of police cars, he pictures Mickey cuffed to the counter inside, glaring at the officers and spouting curses to the questions they ask. Knowing that despite living clean for over a year, they could take him in any time they wanted, with no more evidence than his last name and his rap sheet.
Ian dashes across the last street, desperate now, only to come to an abrupt halt as soon as he’s close enough to take in the scene.
Because there’s Mickey, all right. Not hurt, not cornered, not arrested.
But stuck.
Ian’s mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water, and he bends over, hands on knees, to catch his breath and his heart. Mickey is whole, and healthy, and right in front of him. Well, in front of him and up a little, pacing along the edge of the single-story shop roof.
“Hey!” Sandy calls out from the entrance of the store. Ian keeps his eyes on Mickey, who starts at the sound and looks down, gaze quickly finding Ian. He grimaces when he sees him, and starts pacing faster.
“Uh, hey Sandy,” Ian manages, finally looking to her just long enough to take in her shit-eating grin before he’s back to watching his husband. “What exactly is happening here?” The question might come out a little unhinged sounding, but sue him, he’s allowed.
Sandy comes up next to him, shielding her eyes from the sun with one hand as she joins him in observing the roof. “Apparently,” she tells him, voice raised enough that Mickey can probably hear, “Mickey here got robbed.”
Mickey can definitely hear, if the finger he throws up toward them is any indication.
“Robbed,” Ian repeats faintly. “On the roof?”
Sandy snorts. “No, you moron, in the store. Some kid swiped his bag on his way out, then went up the maintenance ladder. Mickey followed, but,” she shrugs. “Little fucker started jumping rooftops, and Mickey couldn’t keep up.”
“Uh huh,” Ian says, nodding once. “Okay. So why hasn’t he come back down?”
“Ladder broke,” Sandy offers, and Ian closes his eyes.
“The ladder,” he parrots. “Broke.”
“Yup,” she says, popping the P.
“And your first thought,” Ian continues, “was to call me, and tell me that Mickey was in trouble, giving me a heart attack in the middle of the fucking grocery store, instead of finding another one?” His voice rises until he’s nearly yelling, and when he opens his eyes, Sandy is wincing.
“Um,” she answers. “Sorry?”
Ian just sighs, deflating immediately.
“Mick,” he calls up to his husband.
The response he gets back isn’t even addressed to him.
“The fuck did you call him for?” Mickey shouts down to Sandy instead, finally stopping his incessant pacing. “It was supposed to be a fuckin’ surprise!”
“Well, I am surprised!” Ian yells back. “Thought you didn’t like heights?” That just earns him a middle finger, as expected.
“Why aren’t the cops helping?” Ian asks Sandy at a normal volume, but Mickey catches it and responds before she can.
“Cops ain’t here for me,” he grunts, rubbing at his nose and looking to the side. “Shopkeep called ‘em about the burglary, they got the kid ‘round the other side of the building.”
“What did he steal, anyway?” Ian questions, but Mickey goes silent.
Sandy tells him anyway. “He had a big order come in,” she whispers to Ian. “Told me all about it, had me come help pick it up. Something about some fancy booze and chocolate you like?”
Oh. Ian’s heart, now recovered from its scare, warms.
“Come on, Mickey, come down,” Ian cajoles. He wants to hold his husband.
“Oh, brilliant fuckin’ idea man!” Mickey rants. “Why didn’t I think of that?” He pretends to think for a second, then adds with an overdone gesture, “Oh yeah! Cause I don’t wanna break my fuckin’ neck!”
“It’s one story, Mickey,” Ian points out. “I could probably reach the gutters if I jumped.”
“Yeah, well, not all of us are giant gangly fuckers like you!” his husband shouts back.
Ian rolls his eyes.
“I meant,” he says slowly, “that if you hang down off the edge, I can reach you, dumbass.”
Mickey is silent at that, then promptly sits and scoots so his feet are hanging off the roof.
All the warning Ian gets is “don’t drop me, fuckhead,” before Mickey is sliding down right into his arms, sending them both stumbling backwards until Ian regains his footing.
They stay like that, pressed together from knees to chest, Ian’s arms around Mickey’s waist and Mickey’s looped around his neck, until Sandy coughs from behind them.
“Adorable,” she drawls, and they both flip her off this time. Ian hold Mickey tighter instead, and kisses his hair.
“So,” he whispers into Mickey’s ear, “Sandy scared the shit out of me about this.”
Mickey just hums into his neck.
“I think you might need to make it up to me,” Ian adds. “What’s this I hear about a surprise?”
Mickey pulls back just enough to scowl at him. “Surprise got pinched,” he mutters. “Evidence now or something, greedy pig bastards.”
Ian grins. “I’m sure you can think of something else,” he muses, shifting to that they’re side by side, and starting off in the direction of their apartment. He waves over his shoulder at Sandy, a clear dismissal. “You’ve never lacked for ideas before.”
Mickey sighs, but leans into him as they walk.
“You’re gonna make me buy you fruit again, aren’t you?” he asks, resigned, and Ian thinks of the oranges he had left at the store, and the tomatoes that Mickey liked to tease him about.
“Maybe,” he answers, and smiles all the way home.
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calpalirwin · 3 years
Permanent Vacation
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Summary: Calum falls for a musician.
A/N: I just really wanted an excuse to use Arrows in Action newest releases in a fic. (They’re bangers. You should go give ‘em a listen.)
Word Count: 2.8k
And away, and away we go!
The sun was hot as it beat down on my neck, the line for the beerstand long, and the noises of people chatting excitedly were loud in my ears. But I didn’t care in the slightest. After the isolating shitshow that was quarantine, I was more than happy to be out at a festival with, wait for it, live fuckin’ music. The only way I could be happier was if my band was in the lineup, but this was still a pretty close second. To be surrounded by musicians and people who loved music was a breath of fresh air after so long. A breath of very hot fresh air. But still.
Behind me I heard the girlish giggling and whispers of my name, which drew the attention of the group in front of me: three guys, and a girl around my own age, two of the guys a good shoulder and head taller than the other man and girl. The shortest of the guys whispered, “Could you imagine if we got noticed like that?”
The tall brunette’s eyes went wide as he pulled a face and shook his head. “No, thanks. I think I’d cry.”
The other tall one with purple hair laughed loudly, “Aw, c’mon, that would be rad! His band’s not even in the lineup and he still gets recognized. Could you imagine?”
“He has a name, and can hear you, J,” the girl hissed with a playful eye roll. Then, she flashed me a smile before calling out in a loud voice, “Hey, man! Good to see ya! How ya been?” to me, before taking a step forward and stretching up to wrap her arm around my shoulders like we were old friends. “Just go with it,” she added under her breath. “Nobody’ll bug you for pictures and autographs if you’re with a bigger group.”
“Thanks,” I laughed at her rescue attempt. “But it’s fine if they do. I don’t mind.”
“Yeah, but they can at least let you buy a fuckin’ beer first.”
“Well, thanks again,” I said, not sure of what else to say, or do so I let her pull me up with her friends who were all staring at her with I’m sure the same look of soft shock I had on my own face.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.” She let go of me as she started introducing her friends to me. “And this is Jesse.”
“Hello,” the tall one with purple hair smiled warmly.
“That’s Matt,” she nudged the other tall one.
“And this is Vic,” she finished, looking at the shortest man who waved.
“Nice to meet you guys. I’m Calum,” I said, then realized how stupid that was. “But, you already knew that, huh?”
Y/N grinned, holding her thumb and index finger close together. “Just a smidge. But it’s cool. So, any bands you’re particularly excited to see?”
“The Maine and All Time Low mostly. I’m a huge fan of The Maine, and All Time Low are friends of mine.”
“Both are great bands. And the All Time Low guys are good friends to have, for sure.”
“Oh, you know them?”
“Yeah, we worked with them a few times.”
“Worked with? Fellow musicians, huh?”
She laughed. “We’re up and comers, yeah.”
“Your cool aunt’s favorite band,” Jesse grinned at me.
Y/N laughed more at the confused look that crossed my face. “That’s one of his favorite ways to refer to us. Like we’re the band you find out from word of mouth from the cool relative that’s always discovering new music.”
“Ah,” I said, nodding in understanding. “Been there. Are you guys in the lineup?”
“Yup!” she chirped happily as we got to the front of the line. “5 beers, please,” she told the person working the counter.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” I tried to decline, reaching quickly for my wallet.
“Relax, it’s just a beer,” she told me, passing me one of the cups being placed on the counter. 
“Well, thanks,” I said, raising the cup and taking a sip. “I’ll getcha guys next time.”
“I’ll hold you to it,” she grinned around the rim of her own cup. “Enjoy your beer, Cal. See ya around.”
I took the last swallow from my beer, cursing myself for not having stopped her to get the name of her band, or at the very least her last name. But before I had a chance to get the words out, I’d been bombarded with requests from fans for pictures, engaging in small conversations with them, and by the time I was done, Y/N was long gone.
So I resigned myself to walking around the festival grounds, my head reeling. It wasn’t often a woman pretended to be my friend to rescue me from the onslaught of fans. In fact, I couldn’t recall one time that's ever happened. I also wasn’t used to being bought drinks, even if I was still fully intending to return the favor. Although that would require me to find her first. But something told me that wouldn’t be too difficult.
I was grateful I’d come on my own, and not with Ashton who would have no doubt teased me about how hooked I was on the girl. The cynic with a crush? Whatever were the odds? And was it even technically a crush when I’d only interacted with her for maybe five minutes? Okay, maybe Ashton being around wouldn’t be the worst thing if he could help me make sense of the jumble of thoughts in my head. The way that man could bounce from crush to crush almost seamlessly was enough to give me a case of whiplash. 
I sighed as I tossed my cup in the trash. Whether or not it was a crush was still to be determined. All I knew was that I liked her energy, and wanted to see her again. And… that was a crush, wasn’t it? God. Fuckin’. Damn it.
A guitar chord rang out loudly, and there was a mad dash of people running towards the stage. Slowly I pushed my way through the crowd of people towards the front, grinning when I noticed it was her on stage, and grinning even more when I noticed the instrument in her hand. A bassist? Fuck, I was definitely in trouble now.
The shortest of the men, Vic, I recalled, started singing, with the other three providing backup harmony on the chorus. Until they got to the bridge that was all Y/N, her voice ringing out “Tomorrow’s a nightmare, I’m dreaming today. And my head is haunted, the past just can’t stay. The devil you know, yeah he comes and he goes. I’m selfish, and vapid, I hide in my prose!” before they launched into the final chorus.
“What up, Anaheim?!” Vic yelled into his mic to a scream of cheers and applause. “We’re Arrows in Action, and that was our newest single, Only Be Mine. I’m Vic. We got Matt over here on guitar. Jesse’s on the drums. And Y/N’s over there on bass. We got a few more songs for you all. And if you’re an awesome crowd, we might have a special treat for ya at the end of our set. Sound good?”
We answered him in whoops of cheers and loud applause, causing them all to grin as they launched into their next song.
They played seamlessly through about three more songs, enjoying the feeling of playing live in front of people again, before Y/N whooped into her own mic. “Whoo! It’s hot! Anyone else hot? Y’all staying hydrated out there?” she asked us, before flickering her gaze across the stage at Matt who was wiping his forehead. “You good, Matt?”
“Dude, it’s like a million degrees up here,” he commented, before taking a huge swig from a water bottle.
Y/N laughed. “Right. Y’all gotta understand. Matt’s from the cold states. Then there’s Vic and I who are California natives, technically, right Vic?”
“Yeah, I was born here. But I didn’t live here as long as you did.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. So Vic and I are used to the heat. Matt, not so much. And Jesse? How you doing back there, J?”
“Me?” the drummer pointed at himself in confusion “Oh, I’m great!”
“Great enough to give this crowd a real surprise?” she asked, her voice laced with playful trouble, as she looked at all her bandmates. “C’mon, boys what do ya say? Wanna give this crowd something special before we go?”
Again, we all cheered and applauded as encouragement for whatever surprise they had in mind. “Alright!” Vic laughed. “Alright, you wanna go ahead and introduce it then?”
She smiled wide as she turned towards us. “Alright, everybody! We’re Arrows in Action. We’ve had a great time with y’all! So, as a thank you, we’re gonna play a new song that we haven’t released yet. Is that cool with you?” She laughed as she awaited the response of screaming, whistles, and applause. “Alright. This is called Permanent Vacation, which will be available on all listening platforms this Friday. Let’s go!”
Matt started playing a series of chords that sounded incredibly familiar, while the other three clapped to the beat. But right before the lyrics were supposed to come in, Vic started talking into his mic. “Wait, wait, wait!” he laughed. “I don’t know the lyrics to this!”
“So it’s just like every other song,” Y/N teased him with her own laugh.
“Nah, I think it’s cuz that one’s not ours.”
“Be rad if it was though,” she said, and I swear she shot me a wink. “Alright, alright. So, that one’s not ours. But this one definitely is. And it’s definitely called Permanent Vacation. And it’s out Friday.”
A new guitar and drum beat started up and Vic immediately started singing, again with the rest of the band providing back up vocals until the bridge where it was all Y/N. A soft build before a wild yell that would have torn my own vocal chords to shreds.
“I’m locked and loaded, fire away! Permanent vacation from my brain. Extend my stay another day. Far from home, not alone,” they all finished with a flurry of chords. “Thank you!” Vic croaked into the mic. “Thank you guys so much! We’re Arrows in Action, enjoy the rest of your night!”
With tired but happy smiles, they all bowed before exiting the stage. I moved to follow, but thought better of it, going to hit the drink stand first where I bought 5 beers and 4 waters. A small challenge, made slightly easier by the person working the stand putting the water bottles in a grocery bag for me. With that hanging off my arm, I held 2 beers in each hand, and my own in my teeth.
“Cal!” she laughed, her face flushed when I found them lounging in the grass. “You didn’t have to do that,” she told me as she rose to her feet to help me distribute the beers.
“I said I’d get the next round,” I offered up simply, setting down the bag and taking a seat with them all. “I brought you guys water, too.”
“You really didn’t have to do that,” she laughed, tossing the bottles out anyway, and sitting back down, this time next to me. 
“Shut up, Y/N, let the man do what he wants,” Jesse said, downing a water bottle in 2 gulps before turning his attention to his beer. “You’re rad. Thank you.”
“For real, man. This was really cool of you,” Vic said.
“Yeah, huge thanks,” Matt nodded.
“What they said, I guess,” Y/N laughed again, following Jesse’s lead of downing her water bottle before going for her beer. “Fuck,” she sighed. “That’s good. Thank you, really.”
“Happy to do it,” I answered. “That set was amazing, by the way. And that joke at the end was pretty clever. How long were you planning that?”
She giggled. “Uh, well Jesse and I are much more the 5sos fans than Matt and Vic are. But we’re all familiar with your music. And when we were writing the song, and settled on the title, I suggested that it would be funny to start playing your version if we ever got the chance to play it live. Which meant bugging Matt to learn the guitar parts.”
“So you’re the troublemaker of the band?” I guessed.
She shrugged, and hid behind the rim of her cup. “I mean… Depends on the day.”
We continued to lay in the grass, making small talk as we all finished our beers, before Jesse cleared his throat. “Uh… Matt, Vic. You guys wanna come with me to get a good spot for the rest of the acts?” he asked, the suggestion in his tone heavy.
Matt and Vic shared a look, before nodding. “Yeah, yeah of course,” they said, all three of them getting up.
“You assholes are just gonna leave me?” Y/N asked, looking up at them.
“Just come find us when you’re ready,” they winked. “Thanks again for the beers, Cal.”
“Assholes,” she muttered again as they all made themselves scarce. “Sorry about them.”
I laughed, waving it off. “Nah, it’s cool. And kinda nice, maybe?”
“Oh?” she asked, her eyes wide. “Uh…” her face flushed. “I mean…” she started to stammer. “Yeah. Yeah.”
I gave a half chuckle, scratching at the back of my neck. “Look, it’s fine if you’re not… I mean, I figure you probably are if they did that for you, cuz they have no reason to do it for my sake. I mean, they’re your friends and bandmates, not mine. But I know a wing man set up when I see it. But if it’s more of a meddling wing man set up, like that’s fine,” I spilled out, before realizing I was rambling.
“No!” she rushed. “Oh, no, that’s not what I meant at all!” She covered her face in her hands, groaning “Oh, this is so embarrassing…” Her hands moved to push through her hair as she took a long breath to steady herself. “Of course I like you, Cal. Like before I even met you. One of those embarrassing fangirl crush type of deals. And I mean, I’m a bassist in a punk band, so you’re also someone I idolize and take inspiration from.” Slowly her gaze lifted from her lap to lock onto mine. “And then I met you today. And  you’re everything I thought you’d be. Thoughtful. Generous. A bit shy, and quiet at times. Nice. And it makes the crush that much stronger, and harder to deal with. Cuz now it’s real. And I feel like I know you. And it’s just… Ugh, it spirals from there, ya know?”
“A good spiral, or a bad spiral?”
“Bit of both? Like the insecurities in me say that you’re an A-list celebrity, while I’m more of like… not an A-lister. My band’s not on the same level yours is. I mean, we play bars and small day festivals. You sell out stadiums and have world tours. There’s a clear discrepancy. But then, another part of me doesn’t give a shit about that. It sees how we’re like-minded. It sees all the ways we click, and all the ways we could work. And that’s where the cocky part comes in, where it sees the like-mindedness and the reasons we could work, and calls you an idiot if you can’t see it too. That, uh, screwed up defense mechanism of it being your loss, ya know?”
She sighed. “Sorry. I said a lot. Point is, I do like you. And, that’s that.”
“So the ball’s in my court?”
“Only if you want it to be. And if you don’t, then no. There’s no ball. No court. Just two people who have a few things in common.”
“You wanna hear what I think?”
“Go for it.”
“I think your friends left us for 2 reasons. 1 being that they’re loyal to you, and know how you feel about me. 2 being that they’re also guys. Which gives them a pretty good insight for how I’m feeling too.”
“Uh-huh…” she nodded slowly. “And how you’re feeling is…?”
I could have said the words. But I settled for leaning in, brushing my lips softly against hers for the sweetest of moments, listening to the way her next breath got stuck in her throat. I pulled away, smiling softly at her and shrugging my shoulders.
She traced her lips with her thumb, bewilderment written on her face. “Okay, you really didn’t have to do that.”
“Relax,” I chuckled, stealing her words from earlier. “It’s just a kiss.”
“Well, thanks. I’ll, uh, getcha next time.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
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atths--twice · 2 years
Mother’s Day, 2022
Mother's Day this year is spent with friends, relaxing at a spa, discussing important thoughts and feelings, and being with family.
Hey hey! Talking with my bestie, I realized I needed to write a Mother's Day story, so four days ago I began a mad dash to write a fluffy domestic story.
Hope you all enjoy it! ❤️❤️
These stories make my heart so happy.
Number 46 in the Family Life Series 
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May 8, 2022
“Oh, you all are so adorable!” the waitress said for possibly the fifth time, shaking her head as she smiled and cleared away their plates. “Just so adorable.”
“Thank you,” Rachel replied with a smile of her own as the waitress walked away.
Scully smoothed Faith’s hair as she stood beside Jacob’s high chair, giving him a bite of carrot purée.
“I helping Raycho. Jacob is very hungry. He likes carrots.” She gave him another bite and he smiled, drooling out most of the carrots down his chin. “Oh Jacob, you made a mess. Raycho, he need a napkin.”
“I got it, Faithy,” Rachel said, using the spoon in her hand to collect the carrots and place the spoon into his mouth. “You’re such a good helper. I know that Uncle will appreciate your help today.”
“Yup!” Faith said, looking at Skinner with a smile and a twinkle in her eye. “I help you, Unco. I play with the babies and help you today.”
“You sure will,” he said, smiling at her as he fed Elizabeth her own container of carrots. “The babies always love when you play with them.”
“I know. I make them laugh and smile. You smile, Jacob? You happy today?” She looked at Jacob with a smile and he grinned a carrot grin, squealing and banging his hands on the high chair.
Scully laughed softly and smoothed Faith’s hair again, leaning close to kiss the top of her head. Breathing in the scent of her shampoo, she closed her eyes, remembering when Faith had been small like the twins. It seemed so long ago and yet like yesterday all at the same time.
“Hey,” Mulder said near her ear as he came back from the bathroom and sat down.
“Hey,” she said, turning her head to look at him. He smiled and she reached for his hand, giving it a squeeze.
“Oh, you’re helping feed Jacob, my love?”
“Yes, Daddy. He likes carrots. I like carrots too, but not carrot soup.”
Rachel laughed and pulled Faith close to hug her.
“It does look like carrot soup doesn’t it?”
“Uh huh,” Faith agreed with a nod, stirring the carrots with her spoon. “It’s not fiscous.”
“Did she just say viscous?” Skinner asked, staring at Scully with wide eyes.
“Yeah, she did,” she said with a grin.
“Faith, what does ‘viscous’ mean?” Mulder asked, grinning at her and squeezing Scully’s hand as he chuckled.
“Fiscous means thick. Like lava when it moves.” She waved the spoon around to imitate the movement of lava and carrots dripped onto the ground. “Lava is fiscous, the carrots are drippy.” She held the spoon and watched the carrots slowly drip and fall down.
“Viscous, love. Vis not fis. But you’re exactly right,” Scully said, reaching for the spoon and redirecting her back to the container of carrots. “The carrots in here are a liquid because Jacob and Elizabeth don’t have teeth to chew things up yet. You didn’t have teeth when you were a baby. As they start to get their teeth, they will be able to eat thicker, or viscous, foods.”
“Yeah. They like it not viscous right now,” Faith said, giving Jacob another bite. “You don’t have teeth, Jacob. You have to eat the drippy carrots.”
They all laughed and the twins screamed excitedly in response. Skinner shook his head as he wiped Elizabeth’s face clean.
“Her preschool teacher is never going to be bored with her around,” he said. “Viscous… Jesus.” He looked at Scully and she shrugged with a smile.
“She can educate her classmates and send them home with new words, helping to expand their vocabulary.”
“Oh, she’ll do that alright,” he said with a heavy exhale. Looking over at Faith he smiled. “She’ll be the smartest one in the classroom.”
“Aside from the teacher,” Scully teased and he shook his head.
“I don’t know about that,” he admitted and she laughed.
The twins finished their food and were wiped clean. Items were gathered, the table double checked for anything that may have been left behind and they left the restaurant, saying goodbye to the waitress and thanking her for her service.
At the cars, Skinner and Mulder got the kids all buckled in their car seats, Faith speaking to the twins, from her place between them, when they started to fuss.
“We going to the park, babies. Daddy and Unco are taking us to the park. The big park, right, Daddy?”
“Yup! The big park, Squatch. You ready?”
“Yeah!” she shouted, raising her arms into the air. “And Mommy and Raycho will be back later.”
“Yes, love,” Scully said as she walked up to say goodbye. “Rachel and I will be back after we go to the spa.”
“They will paint your toes? And your fingers?”
“Well, maybe just toes, but yes it’s for toes and fingers, like we talked about, remember?”
“Uh huh,” Faith said, nodding her head and playing with the buckle on her car seat. “I want to go with you.”
“With me? Or go to the big park?” Scully asked and raised her eyebrows. “The big park with the big slide and the long bridge and the zipline?”
Faith stared at her and Scully fought back a smile as she watched her contemplate the options. She nodded at Scully and then smiled at Mulder standing on the other side of the car.
“Daddy? Can you push me really high on the big swing? And spin me fast on the tire swing?”
“Of course I can.”
“And be the dragon with fire breath?” He growled in response as he narrowed his eyes and she giggled. “I want to go to the park. Bye, Mommy.” She waved at Scully and smiled happily.
“See you later, alligator,” Scully said, reaching over Elizabeth and squeezing Faith’s hand.
“Bye bye, butterfly,” Faith replied and squeezed her hand back. “I love you.”
“Love you too. Have fun.”
“I will. We have fun at the park, babies. We go on the swings and on the slides. Yay!”
Scully stepped back and smiled, letting Rachel have her goodbyes. Mulder came around the car and grabbed Scully by the waist, dipped her to the side and kissed her soundly as she laughed through her nose.
“Goodbye,” he whispered, kissing her once more. “Take your time.”
“We will. Or as long as Rachel will feel comfortable.”
“Hmm. True.” He stood her to her feet and smiled as he stepped back. “Have fun, honeybun.”
“You too, bunnyboo,” she replied, smiling when he put a hand on his heart.
“Oh, Scully,” he said, shaking his head and humming.
“Get going before those babies get restless,” she said as Rachel closed the back door.
“See you guys later,” Rachel said, waving to Mulder.
He got in the car and Skinner started the engine, rolling the back window down.
“Bye, Mommy! Bye, Raycho! I love you!” Faith called out, waving to them and grinning.
“Bye! Love you too!” they both called back as they waved to her.
They backed up and drove out of the parking lot, honking once as they turned right. Scully looked at Rachel, smiling as she watched her take in and let out a deep breath.
“It’s a weird feeling, isn’t it?” Rachel asked and Scully frowned.
“What is?” she asked.
“The feeling of wanting to have just a moment, and then when you get it, you also want to be in that car on your way to the park…” She sighed and shook her head. “Emotions are fucking stupid sometimes, aren’t they?”
Scully laughed and linked her arm with Rachel’s, nodding as they began to walk toward her car.
“I could not agree more. But we have a few hours to ourselves and I am ready to take it.” She took the keys from her pocket and unlocked the car.
“Oh, me too,” Rachel said, as they got in and buckled their seatbelts. “But also, I don’t want to miss anything, you know?”
“Yeah,” Scully said softly. “I do.” She started the car and Rachel covered her hand on the steering wheel, giving it a squeeze, but saying nothing. Scully smiled and nodded, letting out a deep breath. “So… which way to the hotel spa?”
Feeling incredibly relaxed from her massage, and smelling of lavender, Scully closed her eyes as she leaned her head back, warm water now bubbling around her feet.
“Manicure too, yes?” a voice said beside her and she opened her eyes, smiling at the woman standing there.
“Yes, please.”
“Same color as your toes?”
“Oh… no,” Scully said with a small chuckle, looking at the robin's egg blue color she had chosen for her toes. “Just clear polish will be fine.”
“Okay. I’m Kelly. Can I get you anything? We have tea, coffee, cucumber and lemon water… champagne.” Kelly smiled and raised her eyebrows. Scully shook her head and then changed her mind.
“Actually, yes. Do you have sparkling apple or grape juice? My friend is breastfeeding and I know she would love champagne, but won’t drink it.”
“I can see what I can do. I’ll see if the hotel has it. I know we don’t here.”
“Thank you so much, I appreciate it.”
“Not a problem.”
Scully smiled as she watched Kelly walk away and then looked around the room with a sigh. It was very calming and quiet, considering there were quite a few women there receiving pampering pedicures. Perhaps they were out on their own and relished the quiet.
She took a deep breath and glanced at the nail polish she had chosen, smiling at what Mulder would say when he saw it. Or more importantly, the look he would give her, knowing how the blue color of her toenails affected him.
Lost in her thoughts, remembering a rather steamy moment, she did not notice Rachel joining her until she exhaled a loud hum.
“I feel near to liquid,” she said in a low voice and Scully laughed as she looked at her. “Seriously, that was such an amazing massage. I had a woman who specializes in postpartum massages and holy shit… I know I’m past the timeframe of it, but damn. She was so good. I’m glad I don’t have to drive back, we might end up in an accident.” Scully laughed again as Rachel sighed happily and closed her eyes.
“Oh, hello,” Kelly said, smiling at Rachel and Scully as she walked up, carrying drinks on a tray. “I found sparkling apple juice, but I put them in champagne glasses for you.” She winked at them and Scully smiled her thanks as she took her glass off of the tray.
“Oh,” Rachel said, opening her eyes and sitting up to accept her glass. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome. How was your massage?”
“Beyond words,” Rachel answered, taking a sip of her drink. “I feel like I could melt into a puddle. Do you think she would consider moving in and being on call?”
They all laughed and Kelly walked away, the manicurists coming over to begin their pedicures and manicures. Not speaking much until their legs and arms were placed in a warm paraffin wrap and left to sit for fifteen minutes, Rachel smiled at Scully.
“How was your massage?”
“It was good. I’ve started running more and my calves really appreciated the attention.”
“I’m sure,” Rachel said with a chuckle. “I was aching all over, in places I didn’t know existed. Walter’s good… but those massages tend to become something else and well…” She shrugged and Scully laughed with a nod.
“Yeah, I uh… I know what you mean. Although, there are times when it is just a massage and then I’m the one seeking him out afterwards,” Scully admitted and it was Rachel’s turn to laugh.
“It’s hard not to want more, even if we insist we only want the massage.”
“True,” Scully said with a nod and a laugh.
“You know, I was thinking while I was getting my massage.”
“What about?”
“Lots of stuff, but mostly about how fast things change. Time going by so quickly and all that.” She turned her hands over and back and then sighed. “The babies are seven months old. Seven. It seems like they were just born. Well, not to my vagina it doesn’t, thank god, but in nearly every other aspect.”
Scully laughed and nodded in understanding.
“They are getting big.”
“I follow this woman on Instagram and she also has a boy and girl set of twins. They are the cutest, happiest babies. I know they have their moments, but they are just always smiling and so squishable. They have animals and live on a lot of acreage. The mom is so lax and chill with the babies, it’s a goal to live up to for myself.”
“She sounds great. And you do, Rachel.”
“Thank you. I sent her a message and we’ve chatted a few times. I like her a lot.”
“That’s good.”
“Yeah. And then…” Rachel shook her head and let out a deep breath, laughing softly. “Dovy, the massage therapist, said I was suddenly getting tense and I had to physically make myself stop thinking about something that was stressing me out.”
“What was that?” Scully asked with a smile.
“Short answer: videos I’d been watching the past few days,” Rachel said, her cheeks slightly pink.
“Oh? What type of videos?” Scully asked, chuckling as she thought of the videos Mulder always claimed were not his when she had found them.
“Oh not that… Jesus,” Rachel laughed loudly and shook her head.
“Well…” Scully shrugged and wiggled her fingers in the paraffin wrap.
“You’re hilarious, but no,” Rachel said with a sigh. “I’m still pumping every morning at two a.m. I do it right after the babies go down to sleep, so about seven thirty, but every morning like clockwork I wake up needing to pump. When I do, I go down to my office and do it there. It’s quiet. I can relax. And it’s the one time, or I try to have it be the one time, where I spend time looking at Instagram or TikTok. It’s easy to get lost and spend hours there, but I try to limit it to the time it takes me to pump.”
“Okay,” Scully said, smiling at her.
“Well, the past few weeks people have been discussing Mother’s Day and what they will be doing and before that it was Easter and ugh…” She shook her head and sighed. “People were going way overboard with baskets and gifts and Jesus Christ… it was a lot. That was annoying, but nothing compared to recently and I have been more irritated than usual about videos I’ve been seeing.”
“Is it bad?”
“Not bad… but…” Rachel shook her head and sighed. “It’s people talking about their partners and it’s mainly husbands and wives that I’ve seen. Women talking about how their husbands don’t help and they should pick up on cues and if he really wanted to do it, he would.”
“Oh,” Scully said, nodding as she saw where the conversation was going.
“Yeah. So… I’m watching these from many different perspectives: as a wife, a mother, a woman in general, and as a therapist. My livelihood consists, well consisted, of helping people to change areas of their lives with which they were struggling. I’ve talked to many different people and I have always stressed the importance of communication. Between partners, families, coworkers... whoever it is with they may be having issues.” She took a breath and then looked at Scully. “I know it’s hard, Jesus, of course I do. I know being honest and forthcoming can be scary, but the alternative… that’s when problems start to develop. To fester and cause a wedge.”
“I know,” Scully whispered, looking down before meeting Rachel’s eyes again.
“No one is a mind reader and without communication, no one will ever know what a person wants, in every relationship, but especially in a partnership or marriage,” Rachel said, smiling at Scully. “These videos… it’s women highlighting their husbands and the ways they are lacking with and without children. The way they fall short and how they can do better. And then the comment section… everyone agreeing and laughing snidely at the husband. Now, do I sympathize? A small bit, but I also grumble and say just tell him what you want. Not everyone sees there is a problem or knows what needs doing.”
“That’s true.”
“Also, as we all know, it’s easy to just do instead of asking and then that builds up and causes problems. Then with social media, it’s easy to post a video and vent, putting out a distorted image of their partner. People judge, offer their keyboard diagnosis, and I find my anger rising.”
“Maybe not the best idea to watch it late at night? Or not at all?” Scully asked and Rachel laughed softly.
“Maybe,” she agreed with a nod. “But you know, it’s also made me aware of things around me. My own life and relationships, not only with Walter, although mainly with him. We have had a rather quick time from dating to where we are now.”
“I’d say so,” Scully laughed.
“But I’ve loved it all, even with the times of frustration, especially at the beginning. Getting to know someone is hard, but it’s worth the effort if you really love them. And I did love him. Do love him. Jesus.” She widened her eyes and Scully laughed. “We had rather a crash course and I think it made us stronger for it. We know each other very well. I know that he doesn’t like dirty dishes in the sink and while I don’t care, I make an effort to not leave them there. I hate taking out the trash, so he does it. It’s small things like that, when not discussed, that lead to big things. Little time bombs waiting to go off.”
“I completely agree with you,” Scully said, thinking of the times in the past when the small things became giant problems between her and Mulder.
“The women on the videos who say if he wanted to, he would… they aren’t wrong exactly, but there are many factors to consider as to why a person “fails” us,” Rachel continued, raising her hands and holding them like air quotes for emphasis. “So yes, that mentality is understandable, but do they do things for their partner? Do they make an effort? Probably not, but they are quick to complain.”
She let out a breath and then she smiled.
“I don’t wake Walter when I get up to pump, even though he has said many times that I should. But I don’t do it for a few reasons: he’s just as tired as I am but I’m the one with the anatomy that’s needed, it’s not the most dignified of moments to be sitting around having a chat, and also I like the quiet and being the only one awake in the house. It feels almost taboo to be walking around in that silence.”
She smiled at Scully and she smiled back, remembering the nights of nursing Faith, enjoying the silence, aside from the squeak of the chair and Faith’s grunts and sighs.
“But you know, while I don’t expect and therefore don’t admonish should it not be done, every time before I sit down to pump, I go to the fridge and my big cup from the hospital is filled with ice water. There is also some kind of snack left beside the cup: pre-shelled pistachios in a bowl, a smoothie, a bowl of fruit, or a note that there are ice cream sandwiches or mochi in the freezer,” she said, smiling. “I never asked him to do that, but he always does. If he forgot though, I wouldn’t be mad or ask where my treat was, that he should be doing that for me, that I expect it.” Sighing, she shook her head.
“I understand where you’re coming from,” Scully said, nodding her head. “You’ve heard our past, well Mulder’s version of it mostly, but you know us. You’ve seen as well as heard it. It’s work, even if it’s not always hard work. Bottling things up or going online to complain and get support from strangers instead of speaking to your partner is not the best way to handle problems, it just puts them forefront in your mind. You know it’s a problem, but they don’t and so you’re immediately defensive when they do the thing that bothers you most. Then an argument occurs and it begins a crack that sometimes can’t be fixed. Or you think it can’t…” She drew in a breath and shook her head, too many past memories presenting themselves.
“But sometimes it can,” Rachel said softly and Scully looked at her. She smiled and Scully nodded with a small smile of her own.
“Yes, sometimes it can.” She reached her wrapped hand out to Rachel and she grasped it as well as she could, both of them laughing.
“I think I need to find better things to watch in my alone time,” Rachel said, letting go of Scully’s hand, laughing again and raising her eyebrows. “Maybe those other videos you were talking about?”
Both of them laughed loudly, Scully’s head dropping back as she placed her hand on her chest. The manicurists came back at that moment and they had to try and stifle their glee, glancing at one another and chuckling softly.
Soon their time at the spa was over and they walked out feeling refreshed and happy.
Driving back to Rachel and Skinner’s house, they walked in to the sound of laughter and the scent of nail polish. Taking off their sandals, they looked at each other curiously, as they walked further into the house.
At the kitchen table sat Mulder, Skinner, and Faith, her legs swinging back and forth. A bowl of half eaten ice cream was in front of her and she had chocolate on her face, her spoon in her hand.
“Hey!” Mulder said, looking over at them and smiling. “How was your spa day? Or afternoon?”
“Wonderful,” Rachel said with a contented sigh and Scully nodded in agreement.
“How about your afternoon?” Scully asked, spying the various bottles of nail polish on the table and nodding to them.
“Well, we’ve had a spa day as well, isn’t that right, Faith?” Mulder asked and Faith giggled with a nod.
“Mommy! I painted Daddy’s toes! And Unco’s too!” She giggled louder and covered her mouth with her hand, her own fingernails sparkling.
“Did you?” Scully asked as she walked closer and kissed the top of her head. “Let’s see it then, boys. Come on.”
They both stood up, hands in their pockets, and stood in front of Rachel and Scully. Pants rolled up to mid calf, they proudly showed off their pedicures. Faith jumped down, abandoning her ice cream and knelt down beside them.
“See? I painted Daddy’s in a pattern: blue, red, purple, blue, red, purple, blue, red, purple, blue. Unco’s are only two colors: red on this foot, purple on this foot,” she said, pointing to each of them in turn.  
Scully looked at the messy job she had done, the paint on each toe as well as the nail itself, and she grinned. It was perfect.
“You did such a great job, Faith. I love it.”
“Thank you, Mama.”
“That’s not all though,” Skinner said, looking at Faith with a smile. “What else did you paint?”
She looked up at him and grinned, biting on her bottom lip as she stood up.
“I painted your fingers too!” she said, clapping her hands together.
“Did she?” Rachel asked with a laugh. “Show us.”
They took their hands from their pockets and held them out, Rachel and Scully both laughing at the sight of them.
They were nearly as messy as the toes, but here there was also gold, silver and multicolored sparkles painted over the colors she had chosen. It was thick and sometimes smudged with small thumbprints that could be seen where Faith had pressed into the paint to test if it was dry.
“What do you think?” Mulder asked, wiggling his fingers around.
“I think that it’s perfect,” Scully said, smiling at Faith and pulling her close for a hug. “You did it so well, my love.”
“Thank you. I like the sparkles.”
“Yeah… those sparkles,” Rachel said, frowning slightly as she smiled. “I know the other bottles are mine, but the sparkles… no. Where did those come from?” She looked at Skinner and he huffed out a breath.
“Well, you can’t have sparkly unicorn nails without the sparkles now can you?” he asked her, shaking his head. “So, I had to go get some in order to fix that.”
“Of course you did,” she said softly and wrapped her arms around his neck. “I love you so much, you big softie.” She kissed him as he pulled her close, Scully smiling as she turned her gaze to Mulder.
“He’s right. We couldn’t not have the sparkles.” He grinned with a shrug and she shook her head.
“Of course not.”
“Mama. Mommy, look,” Faith said, showing her toes and hands to Scully. “Daddy painted my toes and fingers too.”
“Oh, that is very fancy,” Scully said, holding her hand and inspecting the delicate nails now painted in many colors and topped with every sparkle option. “Daddy did a good job.”
“I picked allllll the sparkles because I love them all the best. They are all my favorite.”
“It’s a good choice. I think it looks beautiful.”
“You don’t have color on your nails, Mama. Why?” Faith asked with a frown, looking at Scully’s hand.
“I just got it on my toes, love.”
“Ohhhh, you got flowers too,” Faith said, dropping down and looking at Scully’s feet, touching the delicate white flowers.
“And you chose blue polish,” Mulder said quietly and she grinned as she looked up at him.
“I did,” she said, licking her lips. “I think I remember you having a predilection for blue polish?” He exhaled slowly, staring into her eyes, and her stomach quivered.
Bending closer to her, he kissed her softly, then placed his mouth at her ear.
“If you’ve forgotten, I’ll have to remind you later,” he whispered and she moaned softly, pressing closer to him, her hands on his chest.
“It may be necessary,” she whispered back and he laughed quietly, kissing the shell of her ear.
“Mommy? Can I give you sparkles on your fingers? The gold sparkles? Or the silver? All of the sparkles?” Faith asked, pushing between them and tapping Scully on the stomach. “Mommy? You want sparkles?”
Mulder chuckled as he pulled back, cupping Scully’s cheek and rubbing his thumb across it twice, before stepping back.
“It’s a date,” she said and he glanced down at her toes again. Taking a deep breath, he nodded as he met her eyes.
“It is.”
She smiled as Faith took her hand and pulled her to the table and told her to sit down. She did as told and Mulder came to help Faith get the bottles ready.
Glancing up, she watched Skinner showing Rachel pictures and videos he had taken of their afternoon at the park. Rachel smiled and laid her head on his chest as she wrapped her arms around him. She laughed at a picture and Skinner kissed the top of her, smiling happily.
Her attention brought back to Faith, Scully smiled as she watched her carefully wipe excess polish on the side of the bottle and then slowly apply it to her thumb on her left hand.
“You like it, Mama? You think it’s pretty?” Faith asked, looking up at Scully, her eyes so blue.
“I think it’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” she answered, rubbing Faith’s cheek with her other hand, not meaning the nail polish in the slightest.
“Yeah,” Faith said with a grin, putting the nail polish brush back into the bottle.
Scully looked at Mulder, his chin resting on his hand as he watched Faith with a smile, his own colorful and sparkly nails on display.
If he wanted to, he would… she thought, thinking of what Rachel had said earlier, and she smiled.
He had changed, his focus not on what was out in the universe, but right in front of him. She had become his primary concern and at first it had been daunting, something she did not quite believe, the past hard to forget.
But over and over, he proved himself to her and now…
She smiled as she looked at Faith, thinking of the joy she had brought into their lives. The path back to one another was cemented at the discovery of her existence. She was the evidence of hard work and dedication to change.
He wanted to and he did.
She tried to blink back her tears as she swallowed past the lump in her throat and looked at Mulder. He pointed out a spot to Faith that she had missed, smiling as she fixed it. He glanced at Scully, then looked back, raising his eyebrows and silently asking about her tears.
She shook her head and put out her right hand. He grasped it and squeezed gently, tilting his head slightly to the side. She looked down at their joined hands, the sparkles on his nails catching the light, and she laughed softly as her tears spilled over.
“Scully,” he whispered, squeezing her hand again. “Honey…”
“Thank you,” she whispered back and he frowned.
“For what?”
She shook her head and let out a breath, squeezing his hand and holding it tight.
“Next hand, Mama. I all done with this one,” Faith said. “Daddy, let go of Mommy’s hand. I need it.”
“Mommy needs to let go, love,” he said, smiling at Scully. “She’s the one holding on.”
“Mommy, let go. I need your hand to paint the sparkles.” Faith put her hand on top of theirs and Mulder opened his hand, grabbing it quickly, all of their hands now together.
“Daddy, you silly,” Faith said with a giggle as Mulder held Scully’s gaze and nodded, squeezing gently before opening his hand, releasing both of theirs.
“Thank you, Daddy,” Faith said, taking Scully’s hand and laying it closer to the nail polish bottles.
“You’re welcome, love,” he replied to both of them, but his words held more weight for Scully.
She wiped the tears from her face, mindful of the wet nail polish on her fingers, and smiled at him.
“I love you,” she whispered very softly and he smiled, rubbing the side of her pinky gently.
“I love you too.”
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zarara · 3 years
something else?
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pairings: dense!diluc x traveler!reader, a little kaeya x reader moment plot: read it and find out (pls my brain is laggy but one day i will write a summary) genre: fluff, angst perhaps note: i am apparently capable of writing fairly straightforward stories
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if there was anything in the world you would pay to have an endless supply of, it would have to be tea… though the idea of infinite mora sounded as interesting, you were sure your talents in combat would make sure you didn’t find yourself broke or clueless like zhongli.
it’s just that tea was perfect — coffee was a close contender but the bitter aftertaste always found you having to pile it up with more sugar than healthy. tea also had no aftermath on your already deranged sleep schedule. it tasted sweet but rich, it was efficient, and it was warm.
you usually enjoyed your daily cup of tea in the solitude of your chambers but today you were making an exception because kaeya, your superior and over-the-top flirt of a friend, insisted you take your evening snack with him at the tavern.
“there isn’t even a snack provision at the tavern! it’s a tavern for archon’s sake!” kaeya is great at ignoring your complaints as he pulls you into the seat next to him.
“i asked sara to bring some honey roast over for us,” kaeya winks at the young man handling the counter in lieu of an order and you hurriedly pipe up a “tea for me please!”
“now, would you please stop your whining, you baby?”
your mouth drops open, “i’m the baby? you were the one begging to take me to drinks instead of helping me finish that pack of hilichurls!”
“i did mention that i got rid of that abyss mage for you when you weren’t looking.”
“i don’t understand you, kaeya,” you take hold of the cup that the man behind the counter sets down, “but anyway, what is it you want from me?”
kaeya smirks over his glass of dandelion wine, “ah, quite straightforward, aren’t we?”
you kick his shin ungently, “let me ask again: what do you want?”
kaeya takes a sip and becomes uncharacteristically quiet. in fact, he doesn’t even comment when you keep staring at him.
before you can continue to investigate what’s up with him, you hear a familiar voice behind your shoulder.
“well, what have we here?”
“diluc!” the red haired man takes place of the young man who looks relieved to not have to bear witness as a bartender.
“hello, y/n, how do you do?”
you smile, the warmth in diluc’s voice going unmissed, “i’m just fine, although a certain someone has taken it upon themselves to ruin my ritual of tea and silence.”
kaeya props a hand around your shoulders, “i’m just repaying you for getting rid of all those gnarly hilichurls.”
whatever was bothering kaeya a moment ago seems to have disappeared, especially in the presence of his arch rival, diluc.
diluc calmly reaches over to lift kaeya’s hand off your shoulder as if it’s the corpse of a slime he’s picking up and hurls it away. “please, kaeya, i thought you didn’t pursue women who’d clearly expressed their lack of interest.”
“and i thought you were too superior to everyone else to stick your nose in their business.”
“well,” you butt in before the two can actually slit each other’s throats, “i thought it was reasonable to agree to work under jean but i guess we all have things we’re wrong about, don’t we?”
diluc’s expression dampens into something like sadness when you mention your overworked state but you brush it off by chugging the rest of your tea. “oh, before i forget,” you rummage through your meagre backpack before removing a package, handing it over to kaeya, “this is for you.”
kaeya looks perplexed, looking between you and diluc, and slowly places a hand on the package, “for me?”
“a client painted the scenery from luhua for me because i found his paintbrushes and supplies, and i know you like your souvenirs, so you can have it.”
“....” kaeya is still speechless and diluc has you pinned with a look of suspicion.
“but why would give it to him?”
“because i go to luhua way too often already and i know kaeya is usually stuck around monstadt so…”
“that’s incredibly sweet of you, my love,” kaeya regains his senses and as you stand up to leave, he pulls you into a hug.
“you’re welcome, boss,” you smile as you pull away, “anyway, i must be on my way.”
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“do you think the traveller is with someone?”
maids at dawn winery sure do love to gossip.
“with her looks and strength, for sure! my bets are on master diluc.”
okay, look, you didn’t meant to eavesdrop on them but they were right there when you came out of the washroom. you were going to walk out and pretend like you hadn’t heard them but hearing diluc’s name shook you.
“no,, what about mr kaeya? i heard they hang out after long, tiring quests all the time.”
“but she and master diluc love to discuss-”
all righty, time to evacuate.
you manage to keep a poker face as you throw the door open in their faces and stride past them, making your way to the room with diluc.
you quickly dash in, closing the door behind you. you knOW your face is flushed so you turn away from diluc.
diluc frowns. that’s weird. why are you hiding from him?
he rises from his chair, “y/n? is everything okay? are you hurt?”
“y-yeah, i’m just embarrassed.”
you feel yourself being turned around by two big hands on your elbows.
diluc’s concerned eyes meet yours and you almost melt into a puddle of slimy plasma because he’s so hot even though he’s just worried.
“you’re red. why are you red?”
“...i’m fine.”
as if he’s aware of your flustered state, he moves closer to your face in order to look into your eyes which makes a new batch of blood flow to your face.
“y/n, you need to tell me what’s wrong. is it a fever? i can call—”
“nO! it’s nothing. just—!” you break away from his (very intense) hold and move away into the room for fresh air. “stupid me.”
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“no way, she did not!”
diluc is immensely frustrated with venti. he has the most unusual reactions to everything diluc says and usually he doesn’t give a shit, but this is about you and your weird state yesterday, so yES he gives a shit!! >:-(
“yes, she did. i’m telling you she did. why are you—”
“oh, i heard you, i just can’t believe that the calm and strong little traveler would lose her cool and around you of all people!”
“heY, what do you mean? i’m perfectly fine as a person to lose one’s cool around.”
yep, diluc has no idea what he’s saying.
it’s just
he thinks the world of you
he really, really likes spending time with you (even when you guys are just talking about the fatui’s next move! or how you found new cool ways to take down an abyss mage!)
you’re so sweet and you don’t take his words for what they’re not. you’re not taken aback by his bluntness and you’re able to make him laugh.
what more does he need in life
well, apparently, venti because he has no idea what to do after you suddenly left the dawn winery that day.
“you’re really worried, huh?”
“was that not crystal clear by now? i came all the way to windrise to talk to you!”
venti chuckles his annoying chuckle
“okay, okay, i’ll help you,” diluc sighs as he waits venti to go on, “here’s what i think: she likes you back.”
diluc.exe has stopped working
man just blanks out
short-circuits, fireworks, malfunction — you name it.
“what do you mean, no?”
“first of all, why did you say ‘likes you back’? i- i don’t like her or anything. and secondly, no, she does not like me.”
“i’m going to pretend like i didn’t even hear the first part. about the second thing, here’s a question for you: why?”
“because she likes kaeya!”
venti pauses, “i was not aware there was another contender. diluc, you bastard, tell me all the details next time.”
“does this mean she just hates my guts?”
“no, it just means she may or may not like you. back.”
“i told you—!” venti stands up breaking off diluc’s sentence midway, brushing grass off his palms.
“take her to dinner or something tonight and ask her.”
“ask her? ask her what— wait, where are you going, you stupid bard— ASK HER WHAT?”
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life is hard for a traveller
you’ve just managed to finish delivering grilled fish to a jack who wants become more manly when katheryne sets you thREE more commissions saying there was a crazy influx of requests suddenly.
you barely manage to uproot two hilichurl camps, and by the third quest, you’re quite dead inside. if only some rogue eye of the storm wasn’t terrorizing civilians.
you’ve gotten in a hit or two in when you skip over a stone and fall right on your face
ouch shit
that hurt
you manage to twist around and keep the eye away with a half-earnest windblade attack and try to sit up.
damn it, is this the pitiful way you die? dammit, you at least wanted to drink your evening tea—
a flash of fiery thunder catches your attention
is that…?
“y/n! stay where you are!”
yup, it’s diluc in all his dark knight hero glory. he finishes off the stupid green eyeball in less than three fire-charged strikes.
you sigh in relief, falling back against the grass.
“hey, hey, hey,” diluc enters your field of vision, red strands falling into his face as he leans down to cradle your head in his lean arms, “where did you injure yourself?”
you tremble a little as you try to lift your foot, “a-ah, my right foot. i twisted my ankle probably. thanks for fi—”
“shh-shh, you’ll have plenty of time to thank me. come on, can you sit up?”
you grab his wrist and prop yourself against his chest so that you’re practically in his lap.
“that’s great, let me take a look at—”
“mhm!! don’t move. please,” you can feel diluc’s breathing tense behind you as you lean into him, “i think the eye hit me while i was down- my neck— ah, fuck—” your hand comes away from your nape soaked in red, “it’s bleeding.”
“it’s all right, you’ll be just fine. just get comfortable and i’m going to lift you up. think you can manage?”
you nod as one of diluc’s hands comes to rest under your knees, folding them and the other tenderly embraces your upper back.
“tell me if it hurts too much.”
he heaves the both of you up and the shock stings your exposed neck a little but you’ll survive.
everything is beginning to become blurry so you lift your hand to feel diluc and meet his chest. despite everything, you smile, aware he’s speaking because you can feel him vibrating but the words are all mushed up and you can feel yourself slipping away.
even though usually you would panic at feeling your consciousness fading but right now, it’s okay because it’s diluc who’s holding you and you know it’s him because just before the black collapses on you, you hear him.
“you’re fine, kitten.”
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“—up! y/n, it’s me.”
mhhm, what a sweet voice. so soft and melodious.
“y/n, i can see you smiling in your sleep,” the voice comes closer, “come on, everyone’s really worried.”
the world materializes in front of you as you fight against the closing of your heavy eyelids. “barbara?”
“y/n! you’re alive!”
“i am?”
why would you not be alive?
the eye
stupid thing
wait a minute,.,.,.
you remember diluc saving your arse.
oh righT
that’s because he did!
he was holding you?
you were in his lap????????
wait a minute!! that sounds wrong
“am i dreaming?”
“really, of all the people you know, do you really see yourself dreaming of me, traveller? last time i saw you, you wanted to steal the holy lyre from—”
holy shit
that’s the voice of your saviour
stop the clock
you’re not ready to meet him!!!!!!!
“ah, it’s master diluc! he was so worried about you the whole time you were dead— i mean, asleep,” you redden as the tall man appears in front of you, “kaeya had to force him to leave and get some food but—”
“ahem!” diluc cuts barbara off with a strong clearing of his throat and she throws him a look before standing up from your side.
“i guess i’ll leave you two alone then!”
“wait, barbara, you should stay—”
and she’s gone.
you slowly look up to face diluc
“how are you feeling?”
“much better,” he sits next to you and you smile, “thanks to you.”
diluc frowns as if remembering something unpleasant, “i really wish you wouldn’t just bear all the load.”
“you found out from…”
“kaeya mentioned he hadn’t seen you around the town square as he usually does and when i went to speak with katheryne, she said she’d had no choice but to send you off on extra commissions.”
you look down, “i’m sorry. i wanted to ask someone to come along but everyone seemed busy and—”
“you never checked up on me though,” you bite your lip, “i would have known.”
“that’s- that’s because you’re always busy, what with the winery and your dark knight—”
“y/n,” you stop speaking with a pout and diluc raises your chin with his finger, “promise me you’ll tell someone next time things get so overwhelming. tell me, i’m never going to be occupied enough to not help you out.”
you blush agaiN
stupid kind diluc
“thanks, diluc.”
“and you can stop feeling sorry for me.”
when you look at diluc he looks he’s just caught you red-handed.
“i wanted to help you,” you nod, “what’s more, i think i quite enjoyed it.”
“enjoyed. . . carrying an injured woman to safety? you might have a saviour complex, diluc. or perhaps, some sort of a kink.”
you expect diluc to lash back with a defensive retort but to your absolute and complete surprise, he smirks.
the man smiRKS
he’s all ;)
“oh? i won’t deny that,” your stomach suddenly feels queasy all over again as diluc inches closer (and you’re wondering in your head WHEN DID SATAN, OR WORSE KAEYA, POSSESS THIS MAN?!), “but while we’re on the topic of kinks and enjoying ourselves, you seemed to quite like sitting in my lap.”
“diluc!” your exclamation is one of disbelief because you cannot believe that diluc, the man who has never once made an inappropriate joke around you, is openly accepting that he has a kink and is accusing you of having one.
“what? am i wrong? when i tried to move, you stopped me immediately.”
“y-yeah, i did, but—” you’re trying with all your heart to defend your actions but diluc has managed to come close enough to tap his fingers against your outstretched knee. “it was— you were warm and my neCK was bleeding. was i supposed to just die out there?”
“i suppose you’re right, i am warm.”
you seemed to have dodged a disaster because diluc is distracted by the cuts on your knee and the bandage around your ankle. his slender finger dance down your shin to touch the fabric of the white material tied tightly and he gently holds it.
“does it still hurt?”
“i don’t know, i haven’t tried walking.”
“do you wanna?”
you nod eagerly and diluc offers his hand but before you can be tempted into taking it, you cross your arms.
“why should i hold your hand?”
“because we need to first test if you can even walk without help.” diluc looks confused and you decide that whatever demon possessed him moments ago is long gone.
“correct answer,” you take his hand, and slowly stand up.
“hmm,” your right foot hurts a little but it’s better than you imagined. you tell diluc that.
“that’s a relief,” you reach the door of the empty cathedral and diluc puts his hand on the door, “would you like to take a walk?”
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“is diluc around?”
“ah, he said he’ll be back in five. he’s personally delivering some paperwork to the acting headmaster.”
“alright, thanks!”
you’re excited!! it’s friday and today, you and diluc are going aLL the way to liyue to get dinner and stargaze as a post-dinner activity. diluc said he was friends with xiangling who’d always wanted him to come and try her dishes out sometime and he’d asked you earlier if you’d be interested to join him.
of course you were. it sounded like a date! in fact by the way you had spent all afternoon choosing the deep maroon skirt and contrasting white blouse, you were convinced to view it as a date.
“y/n, i apologize to have kept you waiting,” a breathless (and dashing) diluc appears by your side and you smile.
“no problem, diluc, i heard you were doing some important work.”
the both of you leave the tavern, “not exactly important, but let’s just say that while i may not be interested in the knights of favonius, i do value my life somewhat.”
“jean’s scares you, too, huh,” you laugh.
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it’s not like diluc is realizing this for the first time but: you’re beautiful
like yeah, you have great hair and dazzling eyes that are bright when you’re happy and a dangerous smile but in the night, in this ethereal lighting, you’re taking his breath away.
“this place looks so fancy,” you’re seated across from him as you play with the ends of your hair. “when i come to this inn, i usually remain on the periphery but wow, this is quite impressive.”
“well, xiangling did say she got pretty famous as a cook around here.” diluc feels dazed especially since half his attention is occupied by how adorable you look.
the night progresses like this; diluc captivated by your blinding beauty and you trying to wrap your head around the fact that you’re on a daTE with diluc.
“oh, hey, look, it’s a silk flower!” you run over to the short, maroon plant, plucking a few flowers out, “xingqiu was telling me how much he loves these.”
he kneels next to you, smiling, “they are quite the pleasant plants.”
“they sorta remind me of you.”
diluc touches the stem as you play around with the buds, “yes. for starters, you’re both red. and you both smell nice. you make wine, these make clothes. and if you think about it, wine is the silk of alcohol.”
his fingers collide against yours in the quaint flower, “that’s an intriguing comparison. wine and silk. . .” before you can pull away, diluc takes hold of your hand, pulling you up after him.
he can feel you stiffen a little and then mold back into place, your tiny hand squeezing against his bigger one. the road has become quieter as you travel further from the inn, and more stars start to peek out from the sky.
“thank you for taking me out to dinner, diluc.”
“thank you for having dinner with me, y/n.”
you suddenly giggle a little as if remembering a memory. “what’s funny?”
you look at him and then back down, biting down on your lip — a terrible habit really but especially terrible right now, because it only draws his attention to the soft pink lips he was trying not to look at the whole night (which was made even harder when xiangling decided to serve you the spicier dishes).
“that time you saved me from the eye, you called me something right before i fainted.”
diluc smiles fondly, “kitten?” he is pleasantly surprised when you giggle again, cheeks tinting the loveliest pink. “what’s this? could it be you enjoy being called kitten?”
you squeeze his hand slightly, “maybe…”
diluc’s heart almost gives out on spot
he’s sO whipped for you it hurts physically
before he can say anything else, you pull him ahead with you because well,,,, you’re embarrassed
“come on, we should go stargaze before it gets too late.”
diluc smiles and allows you to drag him to the clearing at the edge of a cliff.
“i remembered this cliff from one of my adventures,” you plop down onto the grass and hesitantly, diluc follows
“hmm, it’s very peaceful here. i’m going to have to note this down as one of my future hideouts.”
you grin, “don’t reveal that to me. i might end up following you here and you won’t have any of your good ole introspection time.”
your tone is teasing but for once, diluc feels that his needs for alone time are being acknowledged by your light-hearted threat. he shifts closer, heart on the verge of bursting.
“i like you, y/n,” it comes right out of his mouth, clear and loud, the way diluc always dreamed of confessing but never managed to nail during his endless practices
you, on the other hand, are at the risk of a heart attack. you don’t want to pretend to be clueless and dense — diluc did ask you out for dinner when he could be spending the evening doing something more intellectually enriching — but at the same time, you feel like you can’t be sure enough
because it’s diluc!! he’s so complicated, he has so many layers
“you like me?” you keep your gazed fixed on the stars above just so you can mask your disappointment in case he clarifies that he likes you but, of course, as a friend who easily gets in trouble and happens to be around his tavern all the time
but inside diluc’s head are alarms. literal ALARMS. red, blaring alarms.
“i- you have no obligation to accept my feelings or give me answer but i’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now. i really like you in a way i didn’t think possible. you’re so kind and funny and you make profound judgements about people, without being swayed by the biases that surround them and you’re so brave. but i know you have many men courting you and you did seem to have a soft spot for kaeya so this is—”
“i like you, too, diluc.”
diluc.exe has stopped working part 2 the finale
no more brain cells for him
“you’re being honest?”
“of course i am. i’ve liked you ever since you took down that abyss mage with me. i don’t know how i’m expected to not fall for the dark knight hero.”
despite his dislike for the nickname, diluc blushes and you laugh at his small adorable smile
but the next moment it’s as if a switch has been flipped and suddenly his flustered face turns into a look of lust
his hands are on your waist, pulling you close until you can feel his hot breath against your lips
your hand comes up his face, tenderly cupping it and your lips crash
diluc groans against your lips when your other hand gingerly finds his hair and to say the least, you are extremely attracted to the sound of him groaning, low and deep
“come closer,” your plea is almost petulant as your grip on his hair tightens. diluc lifts you into his lap, arms around you
but he suddenly pulls away and it kills him to do so because you are a sight to behold, lips redder than ever, mouth half open, and breath heavy
“what in the fuck—” your dismay is clear as you frown at the concerned expression on diluc’s face, “hey, what’s wrong? did i—”
“why did you give kaeya that gift?”
for a moment you think you must be dreaming because it would be absolutely ridiculous if the man stopped your make-out session just to ask you—
“i mean, why not… me?” diluc’s voice has become small, gaze averted as if he’s scared he messed up
you sigh, bringing both your hands to cup his face, squishing his cheeks slightly to make him look at you
“listen, diluc, i have no feelings for kaeya. he’s just one of my nicer superiors and i wanted to thank him for being understanding. and i meant what i said that day — it genuinely reminded me of how he’s stuck around the favonius headquarters.”
diluc processes what you have to say and then, after a few silent beats:
“he’s only nice to you because he’s into you.”
“diluc, will you please just make out with me?”
you pull him back into a kiss and this time, he returns with more passion, one hand boldly cupping your ass and you can’t help but shiver at the sensation of his warm hand
you begin to reach under his shirt when you realize something
“wait, diluc,” you sit up, twisting to look up at the sky, “we were supposed to stargaze. you seemed so excited about it, you even called it the post-dinner activity.”
diluc caresses your arm as he slowly restores the distance between you, eyes on your lips.
he whispers against the nape of your neck, “i’m sure we can think of another post-dinner activity,” his fingers graze your stomach, “right, kitten?”
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avtrbee · 4 years
Unexpected Secret
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inspired by the tumblr post above!
this fic defies almost everyhting that is canon but its really cute and fluffy in my opinion so idc idc idc
Petra was furious.
I’m gonna kill her, Petra thought, mopping away the last of the dirt from the stables. I don’t care how but I’m going to make it look like an accident.
Petra was furious.
Putting her anger on the mop she had gripped in her fist she aggressively wiped the stable floors clean, but her thoughts were somewhere else. Y/N L/N was the reason why she was stuck cleaning the stables during a Friday night when she could’ve spent the day in the market with Oluo buying cute clothes or enjoying a new café or getting drunk or just about anything. 
Petra loved her friend but no matter which way Petra tried to twist the situation, Y/N was the sole reason to blame. Y/N was the one who suggested getting drunk in her room that night, Y/N was the one who suggested the game, Y/N was the one who proposed the punishment, and Y/N was the one who called her a pussy for backing out, so of course Petra had to do it. Petra had to run through the hallway, from the stairway and back to the room naked. 
It didn’t help that Y/N’s room was the farthest room from the stairwell. Petra didn’t have a problem getting naked around Y/N and their friends- they’ve seen each other’s bodies enough with the communal showers and the occasional first aid outside the walls. Petra isn’t ashamed of her own body either, she may look petite but she was hardened muscle from all the training she endured to become the one of the best. Though Y/N had her own private room as one of the Survey Corps’ Section Commander, her floor was also near the other superior’s private spaces. 
Once Petra made it out, she dashed to the stairs as fast as she could before turning back and running like there was a titan behind her to the privacy and safety of Y/N’s room. Until Hange, Levi and Mike came out of Erwin’s room from their own private party only to stare at Petra like she was a dog with three heads. 
Petra could’ve died right there. In fact, she would have preferred it if she did. Hange laughed (“Oh, it’s one of those nights, eh?), Levi looked away with disgust evident in his face and walked to another laughing Y/N, who witnessed the entire incident, instead. Mike just stood there with his brain probably short circuiting and nose occasionally twitching. To make matters worse, Erwin came outside to see what Hange was laughing about.
I’m gonna kill her, Petra thought, mopping away the last of the dirt from the stables. I don’t care how but I’m going to make it look like an accident.
Petra looked up from her hard work and wiped her forehead. She smelled like horse shit and probably looked like one too. A few yards away from her clean stable stood Y/N and Eren together under the sun with Mikasa not so far running towards them.
Petra watched as Mikasa hastily put herself between Y/N and Eren with a glare on her face. Was it really a glare or was it just Mikasa’s usual stoic face? Petra didn’t care- a plan was slowly starting to form in her head. 
Petra didn’t bother rushing to the cafeteria to get first in line like she usually would. Instead she ate some heavy snacks before and took her time. Thinking back, Y/N was the only one out of her superiors to sit on another table other than the space designated for them. She usually sat with Eren, with Levi occasionally joining them. 
Once she strolled inside, the place was packed with soldiers along with hundreds of conversations going on at the same time. Perfect. Just as she planned. Just as she thought, Y/N and Eren were chatting away alone on one table with Mikasa several tables away shooting them looks every now and then.
Petra smiled. Victory tastes so sweet. She slowed down her steps and savored her way to victory as she walked over to Mikasa. “Oi, Mikasa.” she said obnoxiously loud, gathering the attention of several people.
Mikasa turned her head from Eren and Y/N’s table, and stared at her with her cold gray eyes. “Yes, Petra?”
Petra giggled, unable to keep her mood down. “Y’know, Y/N told me a secret.” She said, voice getting louder with every word.
Behind her, Petra heard Y/N speak. “Done from the stables, darling?”
Faint snickers from around the hall erupted. No doubt the story has already gone around. Petra felt a nerve in her head pop. That almost got her. Almost. 
Ignoring the rest of the people, Mikasa kept her eyes on her. “What did she say?”
She crouched down and put a hand on her cheek like she was about to whisper. “She told me that she loves Eren, very, very much.”
Utter silence. 
From the corner of her eye she sees that Sasha had a spoon halfway through her mouth filled with seconds of today’s dinner, while Jean and Connie’s eyes were darting back and forth to her and Y/N, who had gone up from her seat and was walking towards her.
Petra stood back and let herself smile a truly evil smile. That’s what you get, Y/N. You bitch. To be honest, Y/N was probably going to beat her up. Petra didn’t care. She could try if Mikasa won’t get to her first.
Mikasa blinked. “Well, I sure hope so. Eren and I love her just as much.”
Wait- “What?” 
That wasn’t the reaction she was expecting.
“Oi, oi, Mikasa. You’re going to make your mother cry. I’ve never heard you speak like that before.” Y/N clasped a hand on Petra’s shoulder. Y/N had this smirk as if asking oh is this what you planned?
Huh, wait- “Mother? You mean-”
At the same time, Mikasa looked at Y/N. “Okasan, I have told you I loved you many times.”
“What do you mean okasan- are you-?” Petra turned her head to Y/N. 
Y/N leaned shifted her weight on one leg and crossed her arms. She was smiling, probably enjoying Petra’s confusion. “Yes. I am.”
“But-” Petra stuttered. “Eren too?”
“Yes.” Y/N laughed. Petra should’ve been furious, but at this point she was too focused on solving this familial situation she accidentally uncovered. Plus, everyone was listening in. They were curious too.
Petra shoved her hands in her hair. “They’re siblings?”
“Well, I thought we’ve established that before.” Y/N replied. 
“But I thought- Mikasa was charging at you because you were with Eren just a while ago!” 
Y/N deflated. “Oh, that. I was scolding the brat. He was reckless during the last expedition again. You’d remember, you were the one who saved him.” Fuck. Yes, Petra remembered very well. She almost lost her right hand because of that boy. “Mikasa just came over to protect her brother. I might’ve gone overboard too…”
“Then why isn’t Mikasa sitting with you?”
“Oh, I’ve been encouraging her to interact with people other than family. She barely has friends, y’know.”
“Don’t they have different last names?” Petra asked. She was losing her sanity. 
“What, Jeager? L/N was my dad’s. Jeager my mother’s name, I had him when I was young. And, well, technically, Mikasa isn’t mine by blood.” Y/N sat down beside the girl and slung her arm around Mikasa. “She came with my marriage. She’s still my daughter though.” Petra saw Mikasa hide a smile under her scarf.
“Married?” Petra asked. “You’re married?”
“Yup,” Y/N replied, popping her words. “When are you and Oluo gonna tie the knot, by the way-”
Petra couldn't even be bothered to blush at the question. She saw Oluo choke on his food from their usual table though. “Is he in the military?” 
“Yes. We met years before he was in the military though.”
“Is he in the Survey Corps?”
Y/N grinned. “Yes.”
“Is he a superior officer?”
Y/N’s smile grew wider. “Yes.”
Petra felt dread creep down her spine. “Is it Commander Smith?” If Petra really did just try to call out the commander’s wife in front of everyone, she’s dead meat. She’s probably gonna clean the stables on Fridays forever. 
To her relief Y/N said, “Pssh, Mikasa isn’t blonde y’know.”
Petra was losing her patience. “Then who the fuck is it-”
“They literally have the same last name Petra.”
Only this time, Petra wasn’t smiling. Her brain was probably overheated from all the information Y/N gave her.
“Oi, Petra” said Levi who was coming inside the cafeteria. “What the hell is going on?”
“Captain!” She squeaked, not expecting his voice. Perfect timing too. 
“Don’t tease her anymore, Levi. It’s my fault, I was just telling her about our familial situation.” Y/N said. 
“Tch,” Levi lightly slapped Y/N at the back of her head. “What happened to keeping it a secret?” 
“Oh, well, they were bound to know anyway. Your son over there can’t keep his mouth shut, I’m surprised he lasted this long.” Y/N nodded to Eren back to her table while the latter hid his face on the table, occasionally banging his fist on the wood. “Though I didn’t expect them to find out this way though...and the entire Survey Corps for that matter.”
“You’ve caused us a nuisance.” Levi deadpanned at Y/N- at his wife? Petra was still trying to comprehend everything.
“Let’s go home.” Levi announced, heading out of the cafeteria. “I can’t stand to be stared at any longer. It’s making me feel like a pig with fucking wings.”
At the words of their Captain- Father?- Mikasa and Eren stood up and picked up their empty food trays. 
Oh, that's right. Petra knew that Y/N and Levi had a separate house somewhere near their HQ; she just didn’t even consider the possibility that they were living together. Fuck, she has seen them leaving too, but she just assumed that they were walking each other because they lived in the same neighborhood or something. 
Petra even spotted Mikasa and Y/N together in the market shopping for vegetables, but she thought it was only a kind gesture. Y/N can be like that sometimes. She even spotted Eren and Levi inside a cleaning shop when she was buying a new mop once. And Mikasa and Levi’s surnames? Petra didn’t even suspect anything because it was common knowledge in the Corps that two of their strongest soldiers had the same last name- had none of them suspected anything?
Looking around, Petra spotted similar confused faces like her own. Ah, so no one did. 
She felt her legs give up on her and plopped on the seat Mikasa previously sat on. She watched as Levi, Y/N, and their children walked out the cafeteria with a blank stare. What the fuck just happened? 
btww,,,the vibe of reader and petra here are like really close friends that tease each other a lot. i can understand why people think that petra seems like the “villain” here but i swear its just that kind of friendship 😭 im sorry if it didnt deliver properly but ill try better next time !!
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nishiisenpai · 4 years
birthday forgotten - tsukishima kei x reader
REQUEST: “Hi babes! Another Haikyuu writer here! I saw you posted about doing requests and I was hoping on giving you one! Maybe an angst with fluff at the end fic where it’s the reader’s birthday (who is the karasuno manager and is also dating Tsuki cause I love that man) and they (the team) all forget, and when they find other later they feel bad because she has always made their birthday’s special. Then ending in fluff of them trying to make it up to her. Sorry if it’s not good I usually write and don’t request lmao. Hope you see more of your stuff in the future! - @nataliahaslosthershit “
A/N: I seriously can not thank you enough for sending in this request(deadass cried about it for a whole 10-15 minutes LOL - because i thought this blog was gonna flop ._. ) but thank you again for sending this in and i hope i didn’t disappoint you or anything!
WARNING: Angsty but with a fluff ending!
WHO: Tsukishima Kei x Karasuno Manager! Female Reader
“Morning Tsukki!” you smile at your salty dinosaur who had just entered the classroom. You followed him to his desk where he sat down and placed his bag, taking a book out.
“Morning.” Tsukishima said while giving you a small grin and paying attention to his book.
“Whatcha up to?”
“Oh- uhm, do you want me to stay here or like?” You said as you were about to get up and leave though Tsukishima’s hand held onto your wrist.
“No no, it’s okay. You can stay here.” He looked at you with his norm straight face and you nodded sitting back down.
“I heard it’s a special day today...” you hinted. Today was your birthday and you were really hoping your salty dino got the message.
“Oh really?”
“Yup!” your eyes beamed with sparkles as Tsukki didn’t pay attention. “Hey are you ignoring me?”
“What? No! I was listening still. Keep talking.”
“Oh uhm, well today is a special day! A very very special day.”
“Is that so?” his eyes stayed on the book as he turned the page.
“Yes it quite is.”
“Well if you’re going to say something that mentions about practice then I think you’re mistaken.”
“No, silly! It doesn’t have to deal with practice. Something more exciting!”
“What is there to be excited about?” ouch.
“Well I don’t know, it seems that I am forgetting something...” you mumbled but screamed in your head to shout out the answer to your question. As much as you love this dinosaur, he sure is dumb to recognize the importance of your birthday.
“Well all I know is that today’s a normal and regular day, and there isn’t something special that I remember happening today.” suddenly the words Tsukishima was saying faded into a fuzzy noise. No longer were you able to connect back or hear anything around you, all you heard was the sound of your heartbeat slowly beating and your hurried breathes.
“Y/N? Hello? Are you okay?” Tsukishima snapped you back into reality.
“Huh? Oh yeah... I’m fine. Class is about to start, I’m going to head back to my seat and I’ll see you later yeah?”
“Okay, see yah.”
Class ended awhile ago and it was break. You had just left the washroom to see Kageyama and Hinata together bickering.
“What are you two boys bickering about, today?” as you walked up to them.
“Kageyama is calling me an idiot.” Hinata shot a glare at him.
“Again?” you chuckled.
“If you hadn’t ruined my favourite sweater Y/N got for me on my birthday by puking on it I wouldn’t be holding such a grudge.”
“HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO SAY SORRY!” Hinata jumped up and down.
“It’s alright, Kageyama. I’ll get you another one on your birthday!” you said with a small smile and Kageyama’s eyes lit up.
“Wait actually??? Th-Thank you.” he gave you a small bow and you laughed.
“WHAT? NO FAIR-“ Hinata started saying but you interrupted him.
“I’ll make your birthday even more special, Hinata.” That’s all it took to have stars shine in Hinata’s eyes.
“NOT FAIR-“ you probably shouldn’t have mentioned or said that as they continued to bicker.
“Hey- BOYS!” you stopped them and they apologized. “Get to class, you’ll be late.”
“Yes, Y/N.” as they trudged back to class. Hinata had turned around.
“Oh by the way, Y/N.” maybe he would remember or say something about your birthday.
“Yes, Hinata?” you waited for the words to come out.
“Are you ready for-“
“Yes! I am so ready and excited!”
“See Kageyama, I told you Y/N would be excited to see our quick.” wait-what? I thought he would say something or remembered.
“Tsk, whatever.”
“See yah Y/N!” Hinata waved. You tried not to look upset and waved back with a small smile.
“Bye, Hinata. Bye Kageyama. I’ll see you two at practice.”
You knew these two boys would be forgetful. What type of hope did you clutch onto? If Tsukishima didn’t even remember your birthday, how would the others?
“Oh hi, Y/N!” Sugawara had said.
“Hey! Where are the others?” you said as you saw Daichi, Asahi, and Tanaka.
“They’re just coming.”
“Ahh I see.”
“So are you doing anything after practice?” yes, I’m going to celebrate my birthday by myself.
“Uh, just studying for an upcoming test. How about you Suga-san?”
“Good luck with that! And uhm.. I don’t think I have anything in mind today. Maybe just take a shower and sleep when I get home.” Suga laughed and you chuckled a bit before putting a small smile hiding away the pain. 
Even Suga forgot your birthday... This is honestly one of the most heartbreaking thing because he’s never the type to forget things. Especially when it comes to birthdays...
“Takeda-sensei, I think I’ll head out first. I still have homework to work on.” You said.
“Okay, thank you Y/N for coming.” He said before turning around. You went towards the door to open it quickly as tears were streaming down your cheeks already and you didn’t want to be seen with such emotion displayed on your face. You accidently hadn’t seen where you were going as you bumped into someone.
“Oh Y/N, are you okay?” Kiyoko asked. You wiped the falling tears from your eyes quickly and inhaled a breath of air before facing her.
“Huh? Ah, Kiyoko-san, yes. I am alright. I’m just going to leave early because I have homework to finish.”
“Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yep! See yah!” As you quickly turned away from her and walked your way home continuing to have tears stream down your face. The slow mind process of doubt, and overthinking started playing in your head as to how this could have led you to such event.
“Alright everyone, good job today! Make sure to rest up well, eat a well balanced dinner and get enough sleep.” Coach Ukai had spoken before continuing to speak, “Where’s Y/N?”
“She said she had homework left to do.” Takeda-sensei spoke out.
“Shoot, I wanted to gift her this.” Coach Ukai was holding a bag of your favourite snacks from his store.
“What for?” The team questioned.
“For her birthday... Why else?” Coach Ukai looked at the team in confusion looking at the faces of shock and guilt before widening his eyes.
“Did you idiots forget it was her birthday?!?!?!?” Coach Ukai slightly raised his voice making everyone panic.
“Wait- what? It’s today?” Tsukki checked his phone and spat out his water.
“Holy shit, I’m a bad boyfriend.”
“Tsukishima! How could you forget!?!?!” Yamaguchi yelled at his best friend before slapping him on the back of his head.
“So that’s why she was crying...” Kiyoko spoke out and everyone froze.
“S-She was crying?” Tsukishima’s eyes enlarged before grabbing his bags and heading towards the door.
“Where are you going?” Daichi asked stopping at the door.
“To go apologize to my girlfriend and to spend the rest of the day with her, why else?” As Tsukishima stared down at his captain. 
“We should all go and make it up to her. We as a team forgot so we shall go do what’s right.” Sugawara had spoken as Tanaka and Nishinoya had aggressively nodded their heads.
“Let’s go to Coach Ukai’s shop to purchase more snacks and drinks.” Hinata said while looking at Kageyama. “I’ll beat you there first.”
“Not unless I do it first!” As the two started sprinting towards the doors and to the shop.
“You sir,” Tanaka and Nishinoya said while looking aggressively into Tsukishima’s eyes, “Need to be a better boyfriend or we’ll take your girl.
“As if you can.” Tsukishima smirked heading outside before dashing to your place.
You were laying in bed after finishing your studies and staring at the ceiling thinking about how today turned out. 
“Am I not important? Do they even know when my birthday is? I mean I had mentioned it before. Does Tsukki even know it’s today? Am I not special enough?” all these clouded thoughts were blocking out the noise around you but suddenly your phone vibrated next to you snapping you out of your thoughts. The caller ID showed a picture of you and Tsukishima on your second date at the park mindlessly being slight idiots at night.
“Open your door.” Tsukishima’s voice said.
“Huh, why?” As you got up and walked towards the front door.
“You’ll see.” The call ended and you stared at your phone questioning what Tsukishima meant.
You opened the door revealing your boyfriend.
“What are you doing here at this time?” You said looking up at your boyfriend and tilted your head in confusion.
“Hold on, you can come in guys.” Tsukishima mentioned and you cocked your eyebrow at him.
“Happy birthday, Y/N!” Hinata came in giving you a plastic bag. In came the rest of the team and you were suddenly now holding plastic bags and poorly wrapped gifts in your hands as each of them said happy birthday to you.
“What is this..?” you chuckled nervously looking at them all for an answer.
“We felt really bad for forgetting to say a happy birthday to you. Mainly that tall blonde over there.” Tanaka said and Tsukishima sent a glare to the older boy.
“Aww thank you guys... I will admit I was a little upset, but that doesn’t matter anymore because you guys are here now! What are we waiting for? Let’s get this party started!” you exclaimed and their moods brightened.
“I’ll go set up the board games.” Daichi said with Sugawara following behind. The rest of the boys went to set up the snacks meanwhile you went to your room and placed the gifts there before heading to the kitchen to get some cold drinks.
“Y/N...” Tsukishima said out of nowhere scaring you.
“Tsukki, you nearly gave me a heart attack.” you said as you placed a hand over your heart chuckling.
“I’m sorry.” your chuckling stopped.
“It’s okay, babes. You didn’t know.” you said placing the drinks onto the kitchen counter.
“No, it’s not okay! Today is significant and an important day. I am so stupid for forgetting that it was your birthday.” Tsukishima looked down. This wasn’t like your boyfriend. The Tsukishima you knew wasn’t all apologetic and or so soft?
“Tsukki, it really is okay...” you went over to him and stood right in front of him before wrapping your arms around your salty dino.
“But it’s not.” he said mumbling. You sighed before bringing your hands to Tsukishima’s cheeks pulling him down a bit and bringing your lips together for a light kiss and going back into a hug position.
“Baby, it’s okay. I already forgave you for coming and you guys making it up to me by purchasing all this stuff and bringing all this stuff too. I promise.”
“Really? Cause I feel like a shitty boyfriend right now.”
“You will if you keep being all pouty and soft. That reminds me, since when were you so caring and soft?” you push your head away from Tsukishima’s chest giving him a puzzled look before he placed his hand on the back of your head and pushed you back to his chest.
“Shut up.” he grumbled while blushing and you giggled.
“WOAH- TSUKISHIMA’S BEING ALL CUTE IN THE KITCHEN WITH Y/N!” Sugawara said telling the group and from there started chaos.
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eleanorbloom · 3 years
Moonlight: Part One.
Disclaimer: Open Heart and most of the characters are owned by Pixelberry. Matilde is a creation of mine.
Book/Pairing: Open Heart / Bryce Lahela x F! MC (Matilde Luna)
Word Count: 1.9k Warnings/Rating: Few curse words/Teen.
Author's Note: I must confess I'm scared AF of sharing this with you. First POV is a challenge. Matilde has a whole different personality compared to Eleanor. And with her I'll share some of my deepest struggles and insecurities. That's why it took me so many months to finally realease this story to the world. Anyway, hope you enjoy it ❤
Taglist: @dalishessence @curiousconch @chocopeppermintcake @utterlyinevitable @secretaryunpaid @kachrisberry @romereadingshop @choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
Let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist!
Part One. Encounter with the Sun.
When you spend so much time in the darkness, it's inevitable to feel blinded by the light.
It’s dazzling.
You don’t see anything at first, your eyes hurt. They burn.
Then, when you’re able to detect the things around you, you feel good, even amazed by the new perspective, the colors, the depths, the lengths, the shining. The new world before you.
After a while, however, you feel overwhelmed by it. By the spotlight that gives you. How observed and judged you feel and how out of place you realize you are.
So you miss your old friend, the darkness. The intimacy of it. How it covers your flaws, your fears, your insecurities, your lackings. Your secrets. The secrets you don’t even know you’re keeping.
When you're invisible it's just you and your deepest thoughts and desires. No exposition, no need to cover your flaws, or make an effort to fit in.
You're safe from the constant awkwardness for feeling different.
That’s what happened to me when I met Bryce Lahela. His light dazzled me. It made me see the world bright, as I'd never seen it before.
But soon I realized it wasn’t for me. I belong to the darkness, and there’s not so much a person from the darkness can do with a person with so much light like him.
Or that's what I thought.
It was my first day of Residency when I met him, walking hurriedly to the locker room, covered in blood and lost in my thoughts. Orientation with the new interns was about to start in five minutes, so I couldn’t show up with my scrubs stained with blood from the Thoracotomy I just had done.
I was so deep in my thoughts and worries that I didn’t realize there was someone around the corner of the lockers until I bumped directly into him, my face almost burying on his toned, bare chest if it wasn’t because he had quicker reflexes than me.
“Woah there,” he said, surprised, and then his firm hands grabbed me by the arms.
“Sh…” I stopped instantly, reminding myself I was in my workplace, so I couldn’t be cursing as I pleased, much less in front of a person I hadn't met before.
“Damn, I’m…” I tried to say instead, but as I looked up, my words choked in my throat.
Damn indeed.
A pair of brown eyes looked at me curiously but warmly. But damn, damn, damn. He was handsome, so handsome it seemed like a hallucination.
Fuck, people can be this handsome in real life? I thought, as I was taking in the sight of him: dashing broad smile, eyes wrinkling in a playful grin. And all that was complemented with toned, perfect abs, illegal triceps, and divine hair. I could swear my hair never looked that gorgeous.
But the way he looked at me, even casually, was disarming. Just one look and he had me all inspected. And for some reason, I couldn't stop staring at him. There was something hypnotizing about him. Inevitable.
“Are you okay?” he asked a few moments later, as he noticed my speechlessness.
I blushed instantly. Oh my god, how much I stared at him like an idiot?
“Or are you already getting all the fun without even starting your shift yet?”
I sighed, thanking internally that he was talking about the blood on my scrubs and not about my embarrassing loss for words because of his appearance.
“I’m sorry, yes,” I said, shaking my head as I kept walking toward my locker, my cheeks flushing in a beet red in a matter of seconds, “Just a thoracotomy in the waiting room, that’s all.”
He chuckled as I was opening my locker to put my things inside, ignoring the anxiety washing over me slowly.
“Way to start the year, are you new too?”
“Y… Yeah,” I stuttered, begging internally he wasn’t looking directly at me at that moment. I didn't dare to check if it was the case.
By this point, I was used to changing clothes in front of lots of strange people, but it was always difficult doing it for the first time in a new place, so I tried to overcome my self-consciousness and simply tugged my stained scrubs out, ignoring the fact that he could see my curvy body in my simple black underwear.
After a lot of effort, I was a couple of years past feeling embarrassed by my body. I had finally accepted it the way it was -way off commercial beauty standards: chubby, fluffy, full of stretch marks and cellulitis-, but coming to terms with the fact that other people wouldn't think the same is completely different. There are always looks and awkward smiles, sometimes opinions. So this time I couldn’t help but feel a little shy about it, much more considering how handsome and sporty he was. It made me feel judged even if he wasn’t even judging me at all.
“Internal medicine?” he asked once I was with my fresh scrubs on. I turned around and found him with green scrubs instead, leaning against the lockers with a relaxed smile. There wasn't anything uncomfortable about his features.
“Yup,” I said sharply, giving him a quick glance before sitting down to lace up my black Chuck Taylors.
But then I felt the strange need to say something more.
I don't know why.
Any other day I would've replied and then acted like that conversation never happened. I hate small talk. But there was something that persuaded me to ask him something in return. Maybe it was the fact that I wasn’t expecting he would keep talking to me. Maybe I just wanted to repay the kindness. He could've just ignored me but he didn't.
“Surgery,” he said grinning, fixing his hair with enviable naturality.
Oh, of course. Of course the living embodiment of Adonis would be a surgical bro. I should've known.
I couldn't help but chuckle as I shook my head.
“What?” He asked, with a puzzled look.
“Nothing,” I assured, still smirking while I was closing my bag before putting it back inside my locker.
“If you say so,” he shrugged before standing straight and checking his watch, “Are you ready? We can go to the Atrium together if you want. Considering we’re going to the same place.”
I froze in place for a moment.
I never expected something like that.
First, to interact with someone in my first hour at the hospital. Socializing wasn’t my forte so this felt like I was doing my first friend at playschool, even if this would bethe first and last time I'd talk to him in my life.
Second, to keep interacting with him after the usual pleasantries. He could’ve just greeted me and then done as nothing happened. Like I would’ve done it if it wasn't because my brain was pushing me to talk to him.
Third, that he would want to keep interacting with me despite how weird I acted and that I somewhat laughed at his face a few seconds ago.
“Y-Yeah, sure,” I said trying to conceal the slight shaking in my voice, and followed him outside the room.
“I’m Bryce Lahela, by the way,” he added, extending his hand to me as we started walking towards the exit.
“Matilde Luna,” I said in response, shaking his hand. His caramel skin felt smooth and warm on my palm.
“Nice to meet you, Matilde Luna. You have a really beautiful name.”
“Your name is pretty nice too,” I said without thinking too much of it, in my effort to hold the conversation even if I didn’t know what else to say.
When I turned to look at him, I could swear the ghost of a sad smile was concealed behind his -seemingly- signature smirk.
I frowned, wondering why that was. It was just a compliment to his name, how could I be wrong about something so simple as that?
But a moment later, that sadness was gone. As if it never happened, he grinned at me again.
“Do you have any friends or acquaintances from Med School here?” he broke the silence again, as we were reaching the stairs.
“I… I actually don’t know much,” I confessed, looking directly on the staircases before me. I couldn't care less about my classmates, honestly, but at that moment I felt bad for not knowing. Maybe guilty for my indifference. “I think a guy is in Peds and another girl is in Neuro?”
“Where are you from?”
“U-Dub. Washington.”
“Ah, cold and rainy. You won’t suffer too much with the climate here then.”
“Yup, I like it rainy.”
“You’re nuts!” He exclaimed, with an overacted shocked expression.
“Oh, let me guess why the gratuitous insult, you're from California, right?”
Bryce turned to me, perplexed, “Guilty as charged, what gave me away?”
“Mmm besides your tan and your surfer highlights?”
“Ouch, talk about gratuitous insults!”
“Just payback, ” I laughed heartily, “No, actually it’s your accent. I did my undergrad in Berkeley.”
“Oh,” he chuckled, “Makes sense.”
“Which part of Cali?”
Surgical bro from Stanford. La crème de la crème. Why was he even talking to me?
Just he replied, we entered the Atrium and found interns of all sorts of specialties gathered around place, waiting for the Chief to make her appearance.
My stomach churned at the huge amount of people before me. All these new people I'd have to meet and work with. To deal with.
But it didn't matter. If this was the price I had to pay to do what I love, to make her proud, so be it.
I took a deep breath, psyching myself to what was about to come, “This is for you, mama.”
And just the thought of her seemed to soothe whatever anxiety I was feeling at that moment.
“Well, Matilde Luna,” Bryce announced, after both observed the crowd in silence for a couple of seconds, “Time to meet my competition now. Good luck with yours.”
I looked up at him instantly, surprised by the slight tremor concealed in his voice. But there was nothing there. Bryce was already grinning at me, his caramel skin glistening against the morning sunlight. Melting as if they were just the same thing. But I could tell his smile wasn't reaching his eyes as before.
“Thank you, you too, ” I said as I watched him striding toward a group in green scrubs, each step taken with resolve.
But after a few feet, he stopped and slowly turned in my direction, a twinkle of honey piercing directly at me, “See ya later? ” he quizzed.
I arched an eyebrow at his question.
See ya later.
And made an effort not to snort.
With the sea of interesting people in this hospital, you won’t even remember my face by the end of the day, so don’t bother.
But I played along, it was the least he deserved for being so friendly with me that morning.
“See ya later,” I promised, convinced it was in vain. This would be the last time I would exchange words with him.
At that moment, though, I couldn’t even imagine how wrong I would be.
Thank you so much for reading!!!
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sandwichrin · 3 years
A Little into You (Junkyu x Reader) (Ch. 23)
Chapter 23 - Pure Drama
Word count: 4.1k words
Genre: Fanfiction, PG13, Comedy, Romance.
A/N: Surprise! Here’s the next chapter! And uhh, like the title of the chapter itself-- this chapter is literally pure drama :’)
Treasure and Y/n’s Apartment Block (Lobby)
“Y/n! Heyyyy it’s been a while!” the familiar cheerful voice said, making you turn around.
“Ah, Hyunsuk! Hi!” You greeted him back with a smile. “Getting your mail?” You asked him.
Hyunsuk shook his head, “Nope. I’m going to the office to retrieve my parcel from them.”
“I see. I’m heading there too, actually. An old friend of mine sent me some snacks from our hometown,”
“Nice! Let’s head there together!” Hyunsuk said happily, making you grin from his excited behaviour.
The both of you walked side by side, making small talk with each other.
Once you’ve both arrived in the building’s office which was located right beside the main entrance of the building itself, Hyunsuk hurried in front of you to help open the door for you.
You giggled at him, “Wow, I didn’t know you’re this much of a gentleman,”
“But of course.” Hyunsuk grinned.
You entered the office first, Hyunsuk following behind you now. The moment you approached the counter located in the office; you informed the staff on duty that you wanted to take your parcel.
“I’m here to pick up my parcel? I think it arrived yesterday. The name’s (insert y/n’s full name).” you glanced over at Hyunsuk who was standing beside you before adding, “Oh, and another one is under the name of Choi Hyunsuk.”
Hyunsuk smiles at you and pats your head. “Thanks.”
“No problem,”
The both of you waited for a minute or two before finally receiving both your parcels. After collecting the parcels, the both of you thanked the staff and left the office together.
“Your parcel seems kind of big, y/n. You sure you can carry it?”
“Yeah, I’m good. It’s big but it’s not heavy. They’re all just snacks anyways,” you assured him.
Hyunsuk nodded at you, holding his medium-sized box in one hand. He helped press the elevator button for the both of you.
Entering the elevator doors, Hyunsuk helped press the buttons to both your floors as well.
“Thanks Hyunsuk. You’re a lot of help,” you complimented him.
“Yeah, sure. No biggie.”
While waiting for the elevator to reach your floor, Hyunsuk suddenly had an idea.
“Hey, y/n,”
“Have you had lunch?”
“Well…I’m ordering some takeout later. Why?” You turned to face him now.
“Ah, it’s just.” Hyunsuk paused. “The boys and I are all having lunch at my dorm.”
“Ahh I see. Sounds fun!” You smiled at him.
“Well I was wondering…if you’d like to join us?”
“Oh? Is that really okay?”
“Why wouldn’t it be okay?” Hyunsuk snickered at your question. “It’s been a while since we all hung out together, I’m sure the boys would be happy to have you join us,”
“Hmm.” You thought to yourself for a while.
Ding! The elevator reached your floor.
“Oh, it’s my floor.”
Hyunsuk pressed on the button to keep the doors open for you.
“Thanks,” you said to him. “I uh…I’d love to join you guys,” you added.
“Ah, but can we stop over at my place for a bit?” You said, giving him an apologetic smile.
 Treasure’s Dorm #1 (Main Entrance/Living Room)
“Just wait til the boys see you, they’d be so happy,” Hyunsuk said to you as he closed the door behind the both of you, his cute smile beaming at you.
You nodded back at him as you took your shoes off at the entrance.
“I’m back! Where is everyone??” Hyunsuk called out as he entered the living room.
“I’m in the kitchen, hyung!” you both heard Doyoung answer from the kitchen.
You followed Hyunsuk into the living room and there you saw Asahi, Haruto and Junghwan sitting around chatting with each other.
“Heyy, where’s Yoshi?” Hyunsuk asked the maknaes with you still following close behind him.
“Yoshi-hyung went to help clean Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk because they kept making snow in the kitchen using flour,” Asahi answered him.
“Ahh, that seems like something they’d do,” Hyunsuk snickered.
Junghwan stopped looking at his phone to look at Hyunsuk, and that’s when he noticed you.
“Noona!” Junghwan immediately got up from the floor, rushing towards you.
You lift a finger to your mouth, signalling him not to be too loud since you were planning to surprise the rest who hasn’t known you’re here.
Junghwan nodded and pointed at the paper bag in your hand. “What’s that?” he whispered.
“It’s Junkyu’s shirt that I used last time,” you replied.
Junghwan was about to talk to you further but then Hyunsuk had already excitedly pulled you with him towards the kitchen.
The moment the both of you had approached the kitchen’s doorframe, you could already see your other friends’ faces and you were happy to see them since you haven’t seen them for days. Well, most of them.
You smiled at them but then none of them returned your smile, making you wonder what they were so immersed with.
You recognised the person that was speaking in front of you, the guy that you had sort of missed these couple of days—especially since that weird incident that happened between him and Chani which had resulted in you rarely seeing him around you anymore.
Your grip on the paper bag in your hand tightened, you felt hopeful now that you’re finally seeing him again.
Now, of course you didn’t know the whole dispute that begun in the kitchen at the time—where Junkyu was being all bitter about Chani leeching on to you but instead of lashing out about Chani, he had made the mistake of venting his feeling of annoyance towards you.
And so, the timing when you entered the kitchen was when Junkyu was already saying this:
“…doesn’t care anything about us. We’re always looking out for her, but what do we get in return??”
You tilt your head, wondering who he was talking about. Hyunsuk, who was beside you also seemed confuse as to why everyone looked so tense in the kitchen.
You were about to step further into the kitchen when suddenly, Junkyu said—
“Y/n is annoying,”
You immediately stopped your foot from advancing. Your eyes lift up to see Yedam, Jihoon, Doyoung and Mashiho all staring at you, fear clearly showing on their faces because this time, they all realised you were directly behind Junkyu. Which meant…you clearly heard what he had said.
Suddenly, you saw Jihoon bursting out in laughter. “HAHAHAHAA very funny Junkyu! Look at you! What a horrible joke to make!” he laughed.
You took a deep breath, thinking maybe they were pulling a prank on you.
You opened your mouth to say something, but before you could say anything, Junkyu had already spoken up again—
“No, I wasn’t kidding! Y/n really is annoying. She’s a bother—”
“HYUNG STOP!” Yedam yelled, noticing how your expression changed drastically the moment you heard Junkyu’s words this time.
Hyunsuk immediately placed his hand on your shoulder, feeling shocked. But right now, he was more worried about you because you heard it all.
The air felt heavy in the kitchen…everyone going silent for a few seconds.
And then slowly, Junkyu turned around, his eyes meeting yours.
“Y-y/n…” he said, his voice slightly shaking now.
You stood there quietly, your fingers fiddling with the paper bag in your hand.
You blinked a couple times, your gaze slowly avoiding his. What is this feeling you’re having right now? Why does your chest hurt so bad?
Junkyu could hear his own heartbeat sounds ringing in his ears. He felt bad. He felt really bad. He saw how you slowly looked away from him, making him feel even worst.
Junkyu couldn’t handle the heavy tension going on in the kitchen so he immediately dashes out of the kitchen, leaving everyone else behind him.
You felt his presence leave you, as he passes by you. You bit your lower lip, holding in the tears that were forming in your eyes now.
Everyone else exchanged glances with one another, wondering what they should do now.
Mashiho switched off the stove, knowing that he should at least save their meals from getting burnt since he had a feeling that what had happened would take up some time to be solved.
Yedam lets out a heavy sigh, deciding to approach you since you wouldn’t stop staring at the paper bag in your hands now.
“Damn,” Jihoon muttered to himself as he tossed the knife that he had been holding since just now. He shook his head as he made his way to leave the kitchen.
As he passed by Hyunsuk, his hyung raised a hand, implying him to stop.
“What is it, hyung?” Jihoon said in an exasperated tone.
“Go easy on him,” Hyunsuk adviced, knowing that Jihoon would definitely go to console his best friend.
“Hm.” Jihoon hummed as he nods. He leaves the kitchen, not sparing a glance at you.
 Treasure Dorm #1 (Junkyu’s Room)
Junkyu closed the door behind him. He started breathing raggedly, his breaths uncontrollable by now. Is he having a panic attack right now?
He tried to walk towards his bed, but instead, his legs failed him. He ended up kneeling on the floor instead, trying to catch his breath.
He kept imagining the pained look you gave him earlier. He knew, he had hurt you. He had hurt you bad. He messed up badly this time.
Junkyu clenched his fists, his chest hurting, his head throbbing. He felt pain all over. Why? Why did he have to utter all those nonsense about you? He didn’t mean all of it. He really didn’t. He cares about you.
Junkyu lets out a soft sob, unable to hold his tears this time. He felt his tears streaming down his cheeks by now.
“Junkyu!” He heard Jihoon’s voice calling his name.
Jihoon hurriedly closed the door behind him, quickly approaching his best friend who was close to collapsing onto the floor.
Jihoon wrapped his arms around Junkyu, pulling his best friend up to his feet, dragging him over towards the bed.
Once he had made sure Junkyu was already sitting comfortably on the bed, Jihoon sat down on the floor, facing Junkyu.
Junkyu covered his face with his hands, softly sobbing into them.
“Stop. Please, stop. I know. I know,” he said, his sobs getting louder.
Jihoon placed his hand onto Junkyu’s knee, patting it gently. He couldn’t bear watching Junkyu cry like this. It’s rare enough to see Junkyu cry about something but right now, seeing him as a sobbing mess, Jihoon couldn’t help but sympathise him.
“I hurt her, hyung. I hurt her. I’m a horrible person!” Junkyu tried to speak up this time, his sobs a little under control now.
Jihoon shook his head. “No, no Junkyu. You’re not a bad person. You slipped, that’s all. Okay? You didn’t mean what you said, did you?”
Junkyu wiped the tear streaks on his face with the back of his hand. He shook his head furiously, “No way! I don’t! I really don’t. I just—I was just upset when Yedam said Chani and y/n looked like a couple…I…I don’t want to have to picture them being together, hyung!”
“I know, I know…” Jihoon answered softly, his hand still patting Junkyu’s knee gently.
“Hyung….how do I fix this…? Y/n must hate me right now,”
“No…she wouldn’t, okay? Y/n is a nice person, she wouldn’t hate you in one day,” Jihoon assured his best friend.
Junkyu shook his head again. “No! She would, she deserves to hate me!”
Junkyu took a deep breath, trying to control his own ragged breathing.
Pushing his hair to the back with one hand, Junkyu continued, “I told you…I told you, didn’t I? That liking her would bring us something like this,”
“Junkyu, there’s nothing wrong with you liking y/n, okay?”
“No, hyung! You know this. You can see it too, right?”
Junkyu lets out another heavy sigh.
“Yah…Kim Junkyu…it’s all gonna be alright, get it?”
Junkyu kept quiet for a while, sniffling once or twice. He contemplated for a while before asking his hyung another question.
“You said last time that you had a feeling that someone would like y/n among us, and you said that you knew who it was going to be, right??”
Jihoon nodded, remembering the talk they had after you all had that first lunch-meet with y/n.
“That person…who was it?” Junkyu’s eyes were now staring into Jihoon’s.
“I—” Jihoon lets out a sigh. “What are you talking about? Of course it’s you! Why do you think I keep pushing you to talk to her? Why do I keep teasing you about y/n? I even made sure y/n sits opposite you most of the time whenever we eat together, just so you both could stare at each other’s faces,”
Junkyu wiped his tear-stained eyes again. “W-what?” he sniffled.
“Duh! The moment we first met y/n, I had a feeling you both were attracted to each other. You both just needed a little push, that’s all.” Jihoon was no longer patting his best friend’s knee now, seeing that he had stopped crying.
“Aigoo! Look at you, crying like this. Yah, how are you going to face y/n later?” Jihoon chuckled softly, teasing Junkyu.
“Y-yah. I’m still handsome,”
“Pfft, yeah sure. Tell that to your red nose and puffy eyes,”
Junkyu swallowed the invisible lump in his throat, a small smile creeping on his lips as he succumbed to Jihoon’s teasing.
Jihoon lets out a sigh.
“Hyung…can I ask you a question?”
“Hm? What is it?”
“You see it too, right?
“See what?”
Junkyu clicked his tongue. “Tsk, you know, hyung. I know, you know.”
“Junkyu I don’t have time for your out-of-the-world curiosity,” Jihoon said as he shook his head.
“Aw come on hyung. You know. You know…that I’m not the only one who likes y/n, right?”
“Duhh, of course! It’s you and that Chani kid,”
Junkyu shook his head again. “No. Someone else. Someone else in our group.”
Jihoon’s eyes widened. “W-what?”
And as if on cue, Junkyu’s bedroom door opened.
Both of them turned to see—Hyunsuk entering, closing the door right after.
“Hyunsuk-hyung.” Both Junkyu and Jihoon said at the same time.
 Treasure Dorm #1 (Kitchen)
When Jihoon left the kitchen to go console Junkyu who had stormed off, Yedam and Hyunsuk stayed by your side to make sure you were okay.
You were still staring at the paper bag in your hand.
You had planned to return Junkyu’s shirt today, and maybe talk to him. It’s funny how you sort of miss him, when in reality, the both of you usually only made small talk with each other.
“Y/n, I…” Yedam tried to speak, but then he stopped. He shook his head. He wouldn’t know how to fix this right now. All that he knew was that you must have felt sad after hearing what his hyung said earlier.
Hyunsuk pulled you closer to him, wrapping one arm around you, causing you to lean your head against his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry y/n” he whispered to you.
Yedam stood still beside the both of you, his face still showing concern over you. He should have stopped Junkyu much earlier, he thought.
Doyoung and Mashiho, who were still near the kitchen stove too, watched over you, not continuing their cooking.
You tried your best to not feel sad, you didn’t want your friends to worry over you too much. But how? You still felt the sharp pain in your chest, and you know it’s not a heart attack that you’re having right now.
You let yourself lean comfortably in Hyunsuk’s arm that was wrapped around you, and without realising, a tear flowed down your cheek.
“Y/n,” Yedam said in a sad tone when he noticed you crying.
Hyunsuk immediately wrapped both his arms around you, hugging you close to him. “Shh, shh, I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry y/n,”
You closed your eyes and you felt your tears wetting your cheeks even more now. Crap. You’re crying now.
Yedam looked around the room, noticing that both Doyoung and Mashiho were looking super sad as they watched you silently crying in Hyunsuk’s arms.
“I…I just…” You said softly.
“Hm? What is it, y/n?” Hyunsuk leaned close to you, wanting to hear what you were saying clearly.
“I just…” you stopped to swallow a silent sob before continuing, “I just wanted to see him…I just wanted to return his shirt, that’s all. I didn’t know…that all these while I was annoying him,” your voice straining as you said the final words that pained you.
Hyunsuk and Yedam exchanged glances with each other.
After a few minutes of silently sobbing, you slowly lifted your head from Hyunsuk’s embrace, making him releasing his arms from you gently.
You wiped your tears and took a deep breath. “Hyunsuk,”
“Could you help me return this to him?” you asked, as you pushed the paper bag in your hand to his.
“Anytime works. I…I don’t think I should see him for now. He’s…clearly annoyed with me being here,” you said half-jokingly. You tried to giggle when you said this, but it only made you sound even sadder than you look right now.
Hyunsuk held onto the bag that you gave him. “Sure. I’ll give it to him. Don’t worry, he’s not annoyed with you, I’m sure of that,” he said, trying to assure you.
You chuckled softly. “Clearly he is, but it’s okay.”
You took a deep breath and pushed your hair behind your ears. Forcing yourself to smile at your friends, you tried your best to sound okay when you said, “So, you both making lunch today?” You asked Doyoung and Mashiho that had been staring at you.
“Uhh, ah yeah. We’re making kimchi jjigae…” Doyoung answered you.
“Smells good,”
“Thanks,” Doyoung said as he nodded slightly towards you.
Mashiho turned towards the stove again, “We’ll resume cooking, alright? And then we’ll all eat together.” Mashiho turned to look at you, flashing his warm smile at you.
You smiled a small smile and nodded.
“Yedamie, you take y/n to the living room, okay? Let her rest up there. I’m gonna go check on Junkyu for a bit,” Hyunsuk said to Yedam.
“Okay, hyung.”
Hyunsuk leaned down close to you, his face levelling with yours. He stroked your cheek with one hand and said to you gently, “I’m gonna go first, okay? Don’t cry no more. It’s gonna be okay.”
You stared into his eyes for a couple seconds before nodding slowly.
And with that, Hyunsuk left the kitchen, your paper bag consisting of Junkyu’s shirt in his hand.
Yedam linked his arm around yours, “Come on y/n. Let’s rest up in the living room, okay?”
Treasure Dorm #1 (Living Room)
Now, bringing you to the living room isn’t really the best idea as of the moment—
Well, you see, the moment Yedam and you approached the rest of the kids who were in the living room, they were all shocked to see your tear-stained face and flushed complexion.
Unlike the rest who were busy gaping over what they were seeing, Junghwan immediately got up on his feet and rushed over to you.
“Noona! What happened? Why…? Did you cry earlier??”
“Shh, let y/n sit first,” Yedam said softly to the maknae.
Haruto got up from his seat on the sofa and pointed towards the seat, telling you to sit there.
You were still in a daze after your crying earlier so you simply complied with whatever they told you to do.
Finally sitting down, you leaned back against the cushion behind you.
Yoshi, who was sitting closely beside Jeongwoo and Jaehyuk after helping them clean up earlier, decided to go to the kitchen to get you some water since you looked restless at the moment.
Asahi, who was seated beside you right now, turned to look at you—his usual expressionless face showing.
“So…what exactly happened…” Jeongwoo said slowly.
Yedam sat down on the floor, close to the boy asking the question and lets out a sigh.
“Something…happened in the kitchen.”
“Just…something.” Yedam answered simply.
“That’s not very helpful Yedam,” Jaehyuk said this time. “How are we supposed to know what happened if you don’t tell us,”
You bit your lower lip as you felt it quivering again. It’s all happening again. You could still hear Junkyu’s voice in the back of your head, even when you’re shutting your eyes right now.
“Y/n is annoying.”
Your chest felt tight once again. You opened your eyes and sat up straight, surprising the rest who were still prodding Yedam to tell them what happened.
You stood up from the sofa and looked around you. The faces of your friends showing a mixture of concern and confusion.
You shook your head. “I…I think I’ll leave now,”
You were about to leave but then Yedam quickly grabs your hand. “Y/n? Aren’t you joining us for lunch?”
You shook your head slowly. “Maybe next time, okay?” you said, your voice shaking now. You looked at Yedam, your eyes glossy with tears that you were trying to hold back.
“It’s okay! I’m okay!” You said as you faked a laugh.
Yedam hesitantly lets go of your hand. He didn’t want you to go. But he also didn’t want to force you.
You quickly walked towards the house entrance, not looking back and immediately grabbing your shoes in your hand, as you leave the front door.
Yedam lets out a heavy sigh once you were gone from their sight.
“Hyung, what happened…?” Haruto asked this time.
Yedam sighs again before saying, “I’ll tell you all about it in a bit. I need to go tell Hyunsuk-hyung that Y/n left,”
 Treasure’s Dorm #1 (Front door)
The moment you stepped out of their dorm, the door shutting behind you, you walked as fast as you could, hoping that you’ll be far enough from them for now.
It was at least few metres away from their dorm’s door that you stopped to lean your side against the wall of the corridor to control your breathing.
You felt out of breath because you had been holding in your tears, and now…it’s just hurting you.
Slowly, your shoulder still resting against the wall, you slide down to your feet. By now you’re already kneeling on the floor with your palm holding onto the wall for support.
A loud sob escaped your lips. Ah crap. Now you’re starting to cry out the tears you’ve been holding in. And you’re doing it in public too.
But could you blame yourself for being this sad and dramatic?
“Y/n is annoying.”
You shook your head, trying to stop yourself from hearing to those words over again.
Is this your first time being called annoying? Maybe. But would you care if anyone called you annoying? No.
Then why was this hurting you too much?
Was it because you thought that Junkyu and you were finally becoming friends?
You thought the both of you were already clicking. You thought….that maybe, Junkyu had liked being friends with you. He was more open with you recently…then why? Why did he say that about you?
You thought…ah, that’s right.
You thought.
You kept thinking that everything was working out fine with you both. You’ve never clearly thought if Junkyu himself was enjoying being friends with you.
You swallowed your sob, wiping your tears with the back of your hand.
“Silly me. He’s clearly annoyed with me all this while. He’s just too nice to say it to my face,” you muttered to yourself.
You blinked and again you felt your tears wet your cheeks.
You’re starting to feel annoyed with yourself too by now, considering you wouldn’t stop crying.
Why are you this sad?? You shook your head softly. Could it be…that you have some feelings for him? Have you caught feelings for Junkyu and yet you never realised it?
You pushed your hair back and took a deep breath, trying to stop yourself from crying again.
Slowly, you got up on your feet and tried to stand up properly now.
You should just hurry and return to your apartment unit, you thought. Maybe make yourself a cup of warm drink and just calm yourself down.
And just as you stepped forward, you suddenly felt a pair of arms pulling you from behind.
The arms hugged your waist tightly, and you felt the back of your head resting against someone’s chest.
The familiar voice said to you softly, “You’re not annoying. You were never annoying. He’s stupid to think of you that way.”
You then felt yourself being hugged closer by the boy behind you. “You…you’re so nice to us. You don’t deserve to be told as annoying at all,” he added, sounding upset.
 To be continued…
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Can I ask for 3rd Life Scott angst? Idm who with, thank you :)
cw: blood
i feel like this one is a little darker than usual but that may just be me lol
  “Ow!” yelps Jimmy, pulling away from his friend.
  “Hold still,” Scott chides, continuing to clean the jagged cut in Jimmy’s neck. 
  “It hurts!”
  “Well then, you shouldn’t have tried to disarm a bomb by jumping on it!”
  Jimmy sulks. “You’ve got no sympathy for me. I died twice in half an hour and all you’re doing is telling me where I went wrong.”
  Scott gives a quiet sigh. “I’m sorry. I do have sympathy for you, but it’s hard to express it when both deaths were caused by your own stupidity. And the second time, you took two other people out with you.”
  “This is just making me feel worse, Scott!” Jimmy snaps. “I don’t need you to remind me that I’m stupid, okay!”
  “Jimmy, you’re not stupid.”
  “You just said I was!”
  “Well-.” Scott breaks off. “Okay, I kinda did. I’m sorry; I didn’t mean that. I just meant that sometimes, you don’t think before you act. There’s a reason I didn’t do Tango’s death game, you know.”
  “Yeah, yeah,” mutters Jimmy. “Whatever.”
  Scott takes this as his cue to shut up and get on with his task.
  Just as he’s patching up Jimmy’s last wound, they both hear a voice from above: “Hello there!”
  “It’s Scar,” Jimmy whispers. “Pretend we’re not here.”
  “I know you’re there,” comes Scar’s voice. 
  Scott gets up and heads outside Jimmy’s house to find Scar and Grian standing on the hill above them, in the middle ground between the valley and the highest point. 
  “Great,” he mutters. “What do THEY want.”
  Jimmy comes up behind him. “I only just turned red a few minutes ago. Surely they don’t want to finish the job… right?”
  “Well, only one way to find out.”
  Scott and Jimmy go up the hill and meet Scar and Grian near the edge that overlooks the river. “What can we do for you?” asks Scott warily. 
  Scar ignores him and goes straight to his companion. “Jimmy! I’m sorry to hear about your unfortunate death, and so soon after your first one. How are you doing?” 
  Jimmy shoots a panicked look at Scott, who shrugs back. “Um… it’s been a rough day, but… I think I’ll be okay.” 
  “That’s not what I meant,” says Scar. “I meant how’s the bloodlust?”
  “Wait, what?” 
  “The feralness stirring inside you, the desire to go after people and kill them, the lust for blood. You’re not feeling it?”
  Jimmy slowly shakes his head. 
  Scar frowns. “Huh. It usually kicks in pretty quick.”
  “I don’t want to hurt or kill anyone,” Jimmy says nervously. “I just want to carry on with my life.”
  “Oh! Maybe it’s not kicking in properly because you went from green to red so quickly. We might need to give it a bit of a kickstart.”
  Jimmy frantically shakes his head. “Nononononono, I don’t want you to. I don’t want you to! I don’t want to be bloodthirsty like you!”
  Scar ignores him and turns to Grian. “What’s the best way to activate the red life bloodlust?”
  “Well… the easiest way would be to actually spill blood, I guess,” Grian replies reluctantly.
  “That’s a good idea.”
  Scar turns to face Jimmy, who fearfully resumes shaking his head. “No, no, no! Please!” 
  “I can’t hurt YOU, Jimmy, don’t worry.”
  Jimmy relaxes slightly, until he realises what that means instead.
  Scar turns to Scott, who has been watching this in silence. As he walks slowly towards him, Scott realises what’s about to happen and backs away, but quickly bumps into the cliff face behind him. He reaches for his sword, but Grian appears on his other side and snatches it from him.
  Left with nothing, Scott is unable to defend himself as Scar grabs his wrist and forcibly stretches his arm out. 
  “No, leave him alone!” Jimmy yells desperately. “Scott!”
  “Get off me!” Scott snarls, struggling to pull his wrist out of Scar’s grip.
  In response, Scar lifts his sword and slices a deep cut diagonally across Scott’s forearm. 
  Scott and Jimmy both scream in unison as blood gushes from his wound. Scar releases Scott, who automatically drops to his knees and clamps his hand over the wound to try and stem the blood flow, but the injury is larger than the area his hand can cover. He hangs his head, trying to hide the tears leaking from his eyes at the horrific stinging pain.
  Scar turns to Jimmy, who is staring at Scott with both hands clamped over his mouth in shock. “Do you feel it, Jimmy? The sight and smell of blood. Has it awakened something in you? It has, hasn’t it?”
  Jimmy’s eyes flash red. Scar’s words ring true; something HAS awakened in him. Something has snapped. Red hot anger is starting to surge through him, threatening to explode outwards at any moment.”
  “Let it out, Jimmy,” urges Scar. “Let it out.”
  So Jimmy does.
  But instead of targeting Scott like Scar expected, Jimmy charges straight at Scar and knocks him to the ground, his hands flying to Scar’s neck.
  Before he can do any damage, however, Scar quickly regains his senses and wrenches Jimmy’s hands off his throat. The two grapple on the ground for half a minute or so, before Scar finally manages to shove Jimmy off him and scramble to his feet.
  Jimmy immediately attacks him, raining blow after blow on him. Scar lifts his shield but the pure fury behind the red lifer’s strength breaks it within seconds. 
  As Scar twists round to start attempting to flee, Jimmy charges at him again and knocks both of them off the edge of the cliff. 
  They both roll down the side of the cliff for at least ten seconds before they finally hit the river at the bottom. Jimmy grabs hold of Scar under the water and tries to hold him down but Scar manages to get free and escape the river, leaving Jimmy to drag himself out on the other bank.
  Battered and bruised from his fall, Jimmy determinedly climbs back up the hill, passing Grian running in the other direction on his way, and finds Scott still bent over, clutching his arm. A worrying amount of blood has pooled on the grass under him.
  “Scott!” Jimmy calls, stumbling over to his friend. 
  Scott looks up as he approaches, his face pale. “J-Jimmy? Are you g-gonna kill me?”
  “What?! No! W-We gotta get you back to your house, Scott.”
  “No,” Scott responds shakily, through gasping breaths. “Go get the first aid k-kit. Quick.”
  Jimmy immediately dashes back to his house, almost falling over several times in the process, and retrieves the first aid kit. He brings it back to the mountain, where Scott has managed to move himself away from the patch of drying blood, sitting propped up against the cliff face.
  Kneeling down beside Scott, Jimmy takes out an antiseptic wipe and starts cleaning up the wound. Scott hisses with pain as it stings his skin, tensing his whole arm. 
  “Hold still, Scott,” Jimmy says teasingly. 
  Scott lets out a quiet chuckle. “How the tables have turned. As I recall, I was the one patching you up less than fifteen minutes ago.”
  “Yup, you were.”
  As Jimmy works, Scott clears his throat. “So, um… That was a thing that happened…”
  “Yeah.” Jimmy takes a deep breath. “Scar tried to get me to turn against you by activating my… my red life bloodlust, I think he called it.”
  “It really backfired on him,” remarks Scott. “I reckon he’ll think twice before trying to mess with you again.”
  “And you,” Jimmy says, starting to wind a bandage around Scott’s forearm. “I hope he knows now that if he tries to hurt you again, he’ll get another butt-kicking.”
  Scott nods approvingly. “You really did kick his butt. Honestly, Jimmy, I’m really proud of you. I think it’s fair to say you’ve never been the strongest fighter but I was really impressed by the way you handled yourself. I’ve never seen someone’s demeanor change quite as fast as Scar’s changed from smug as hell to absolutely terrified in about half a second.”
  Unable to hold back a proud smile, Jimmy finishes bandaging Scott’s arm and sits back on his heels. “There we go. That should be good.”
  Scott inspects his friend’s work. “Wow, this does look good. Thanks, Jimmy.”
  “No problem.”
  As Jimmy helps Scott up, the latter grips his arms for support, sudden dizziness overcoming him. “Oh boy…”
  “Looks like you lost a lot of blood,” says Jimmy worriedly, steadying his friend. “You should rest and get your strength back. Come on, I’ll help you back to the base.”
  “Wait.” Scott takes a deep breath, fighting against nausea. “Before I become delirious, I need to say something, so you know I mean it. Thank you for saving me, Jimmy. And just for being my friend. I get that I’m not the easiest person to live with, but I just need you to know I really appreciate you.”
  Jimmy blinks back sudden tears. “Oh, Scott… That means a lot. Thank you. But you probably are getting delirious so let’s get you back home, okay?”
  Scott gives a quiet chuckle. He’s never felt safer than he feels with Jimmy right now.
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