#slytherin!nagumo haruya
inazuma-hpau · 4 years
Anonymous said to inazuma-hpau: I was wondering whether Nagumo Haruya / Burn was best fitted in Gryffindor or Syltherin? I can see him doing really well in both, but I was curious about your opinion!
Sorry this is a super late reply from months ago! But I was asked a couple of times on twitter about this so thought I would answer it!
Short answer, I see him in both. While I lean slightly towards Gryffindor as my main headcanon sorting for him, I actually have two different headcanon situations where he’s either in Gryffindor or is in Slytherin. Nagumo would be one of the hatstall in his year with the Hat unable to decide whether he would be in Gryffindor or Slytherin.
Aliea Academia kids have always been the hardest to sort as they have always been equally Slytherin as they are with a second house. Primarily the reason that sorts them into Slytherin is the event that they played the role of aliens (in which they played the role of a different persona) in the Aliea Academy arc in original Inazuma Eleven. However, we do not want to base their house sorting solely on their actions from those events alone - esp as those events only lasted a few months (with probably a few more months prep time for them train as Aliea Academy).
We also need to consider:
Them being sorted at the age of 10
Their potential of them into their later teens which are not showcased in the anime
Their relationship with other characters including those that they have not canonly interacted with in the anime.
The hat sorts a student based on 3 things - it isn’t clear which in particular as it could be different for all students:
Qualities they valued or admired
Qualities they exhibited or sensed the capability to demonstrate later on
The student’s choice of house
Because of Aliea Academy Nagumo is shown to be (in particular events):
Deceptive: Pretending to be the Flame Striker to infiltrate Inazuma Caravan and deceiving people with his persona as Burn.
Ambitious / Power: For Prominence and then later Chaos to become the “strongest” Aliea team
These are particularly Slytherin traits we learn about him during his time as Burn and very briefly as a member of Fire Dragon. 
However, if you can look at him as a character as a whole, personality and qualities-wise, he is:
Fiery: Self explanatory, not just in his hissatsus, but also personality Slytherin is often associated with the element of Water, while Gryffindor with fire. 
Daring / Brash: I can see him being impulsive and aggressive, especially in his first 2 years, but even developing further into teenagehood - often rushes into things and act without thinking first and what the consequences. Slytherins tend to hesitate before acting, so as to weigh all possible outcomes before deciding exactly what should be done. It has been said that with Nagumo, “he is not afraid to face all kinds of challenges.”
Blunt and bold: He has have a quick and rash temper, but I can see him often bluntly saying things with no regard. In SD he is described as “He's hot-blooded and has an aggressive personality."
Nerve: He’d be the type that often deals situation directly, even with situations that could be have been completely avoided. e.g if he saw someone bullying a friend from Sun Garden (regardless of what house they ended up in), he’d confront the bully up front no matter where they were the moment he knew about it (even if it was publicly in the hallways and Great Hall and even if he’d end up in detention because of it). Slytherin students would be a bit more discreet and cunning, often planning revenge in a way that would leave no evidence that it was them.
Arrogance (however can also be a bit of Slytherin trait as well) and overconfident: Nagumo can come off quite overconfident in his soccer skills saying he wouldn’t be confident about them if he didn’t have good soccer skills. I can see him being the same about his quidditch skills. Slytherin arrogance can often be seen from Blood Purity, but also in the ‘Slytherin is more superior than Gryffindor’ mindset in the rivalry between the two houses. The Nagumo I see when I see him within Fire Dragon and Ares, I can see him being against blood supremacy, but seeing him as Burn, I can see him standing by it. 
Independent: Nagumo doesn’t like people to walk all over him nor being ordered or told to do / act a certain way (e.g Gran). He is rebellious and I can see him wanting to do his own thing (he has said before in the anime “I’ll do what I like” and warns for no one to get in his way) have his own fun rather to follow any rules (while Dumbledore says that Slytherin has a certain disregard for the rules, Serverus Snape considers Gryffindors to have no regard for rule either). However Slytherin is a political house who values pureblood traditional social customs as well as reputation. Their house is filled with many pureblood families  of which most have a large expectation to assure their children act a certain way and to not to dishonour their families. This often impact culture inside of Slytherin itself and quite influences the way Slytherins as a whole should act whole inside of Hogwarts (often leading to a form of peer pressure, unspoken rules on how a Slytherin should act and high standards - wether they come from one the traditionalist families or not). I don’t see Nagumo wanting to go along with these formal rules and acting like a proper pureblood (in the way that Sirius Black would march to the beat of his own drum and be sorted away from Slytherin). As the Sun Garden kids were brought up in an orphanage where pureblood rules were no taught and knocked into him and having to learn that within Slytherin house would irritate him “I don’t see the point in learning this”.
Finally I think as a whole, the Aliea kids being sorted into different houses which best fit their personality, than what happened to them solely in the Aliea Academy and FFI arcs are much more interesting in the context of writing and head canons as a whole. There’s more room for development both in their characters as well as relationships with other Aliea kids and other Inazuma Characters.
Not to mention that the house with the largest amount of Inazuma members sorted into it is Slytherin. This means there will be a lot more competition to find a place on the 7 member quidditch team (14 if you’re willing to expand to a First team and Second Team). 
For me the factors that have separated the two different scenarios of which house Nagumo would have ended up in is:
His relationship with Suzuno Fuusuke Suzuno is a friend that he’s grown up with at Sun Garden, but depending on how much of a rival Nagumo views him and what is the nature of that rivalry. Depending if the rivalry exists before Hogwarts or just after if they are sorted away from each other, if there is even the beginning of a positive or negative tension based rivalry between each other. Regardless, rivalry would always be initiated by Nagumo while Suzuno would be on the more indifferent end to begin with and later getting into the rivalry as much as Nagumo. Their rivalry would grow throughout Hogwarts, but I’d see them becoming more mature and not a childish rivalry the older they become. They However, if both Nagumo and Suzuno were both in Slytherin, I would kill to see them as a ‘chaotic’ beater duo.   Ares Nagumo and Suzuno were more on friendlier terms than in the original and yet he was also less of the personality traits listed above, so I wouldn’t have mind him in Slytherin either. 
The relationship he has with the other Sun Garden kids Depending on how close the Sun Garden kids are they may hope to be in the same house (especially with poor scared Midorikawa not wanting to be by himself), or be eagerly debating which house they’d be sorted in on the train towards Hogwarts - which regardless of house, I still see Nagumo teasing Midorikawa that he’ll end up alone in Hufflepuff. 
What house Kira Hiroto is sorted into This is only a minor one and one which is mostly here for ‘writing’ purposes I guess. Both Ares Kira Hiroto and Original Nagumo Haruya are both hatstalls for both Gryffindor and Slytherin and have similarities in personality - and I can see them in situations when sorted in both houses. I have a preference not to put them in the same house because of these similarities - I just think it would be more interesting story wise and let Nagumo stand out a bit more from the rest of the Sun Garden kids (as in Slytherin, often the others may take the spotlight).
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zcyler · 7 years
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Inazuma Eleven ☆ Harry Potter AU  |  https://inazuma-hpau.tumblr.com/
↳ A new side project in which sakka boys are qudditch boys in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry 
I was supposed to do adult things today, but a new project happened instead. *cough* 
Inazuma Eleven Hogwarts Headcanons:
Endou Mamoru
Endou as an excited first year, running around on the train to Hogwarts trying to make new friends with all the first years and asking who is into quidditch.
“KUIDICCHI YAROZE” to just about anyone who says they enjoy quidditch. 
Endou being sorted into Hufflepuff just like his grandfather, Endou Daisuke.
The Hufflepuff quidditch team not having won a Quidditch cup since his grandfather played for the team.
The Hufflepuff team always at a constant loss of quidditch players and Endou having to form a team from scratch when all the seventh years leave in his third year. 
Endou charming quaffles as Keeper practise back before he could find people to play on the Hufflepuff team.
Endou receiving an old book of quidditch keeper techniques originally owned by his grandfather at Christmas as a present without a name. Turns out, his head of house Hibiki Seigou sends it to him.
The Hufflepuff team suddenly becoming better over a few months and none of the other teams can figure out how it happened.
A clumsy hufflepuff Tobitaka Seiya accidentally finds the Room of Requirements and the team turns it into the ultimate training room. 
Even when the other houses look down on Hufflepuff, Endou builds their team to become the best defensive teams Hufflepuff has seen in years.
In fact, the best chasers from the three houses (like Gouenji, Kidou, Hiroto and Afuro struggle to get their quaffles past him). 
Despite initially finding Endou quite annoying, many the other students who play quidditch befriend him - it’s kind of hard not to especially due to his personality and ultimate love of quidditch.
Gouenji Shuuya and Kidou Yuuto eventually becomes best friends with him despite them originally competing for the top of the class and rivalling quidditch teams. 
Endou constantly bothering Gouenji and Kidou at the library.
Gouenji and Kidou forcing Endou to study otherwise he would not be allowed to play quidditch.  
Break trio going to hogsmeade together.
Kidou Yuuto & Otonashi Haruna + Teikoku Kids
Despite Ravenclaw being the fitting house for Kidou Yuuto, he asks the sorting hat to put him in Slytherin due to his step-father’s expectations.
Everyone in the Kidou family/Kidou Financial Group has always been sorted into Slytherin. Just because he wasn’t born a Kidou, it isn’t an exception.
His sister, Otonashi Haruna however does gets sorted into Ravenclaw the following year. 
She becomes a writer/ photographer for the Hogwarts school paper and hopes to become a reporter for the Daily Prophet someday.
Kidou becomes a Slytherin prefect in his fifth year and quidditch captain playing as a chaser.
Haruna comes to watch him at every Slytherin game, wrapped in a bundle of his brother’s Slytherin scarf.
He then later becomes head boy alongside Gryffindor’s Raimon Natsumi. 
Kidou and Fudou Akio meeting each other for the first time on the train to Hogwarts in their first year. 
After spending a good five minutes in the same compartment, he finds that his sarcastic and cynical peronality annoying and barely tolerable. He hopes that somehow he gets sorted into a different house to him.
Sadly for him, Fudou also ends up in Slytherin AND becomes his roommate.  
Fudou purposely going out of his way to irritate Kidou.
After living with him for a few years, he realises Fudou is not that bad and not to mention a pretty good quidditch chaser. 
However, he is not happy with the fact that he hits on his sister.
In fact, Kidou is never happy that a lot of boys at Hogwarts fancies Haruna. 
Protective brother Kidou.
Needless to say, anyone who does ends up with a hexed body part. 
Fudou Akio taking girls (or boys, who knows?) to the Room of Requirements for a late night rendezvous. 
Sakuma Jirou and Genda Koujirou are both childhood friends of Kidou’s. When Yuuto was taken in by the Kidou family, Sakuma helped him ease into the world of purebloods (Kidou only being a halfblood). Despite his high potential of being a talented wizard, many of the other pureblood kids did not look at him on an equal level because he was halfblood.  
Sakuma ending up in Slytherin alongside Kidou being sorted with the same reason of family expectation. 
Genda instead ends up in Gryffindor. His family aren’t too strict about where he ends up as long as he does well in his classes. 
Sakuma as a chaser for the Slytherin team while Genda becomes keeper for gryffindor. 
They stay friends despite the house rivalry and enjoy playing against each other when their teams play.
Gouenji Shuuya
Gouenji not attending Hogwarts till his third year. He transfers from Dumstrang.
Tends to spend a lot of time in the library when he isn’t playing qudditch.
Constantly competing with Kidou for the best grades in their year. 
Someoka getting pissed off at Gouenji for transferring and suddenly gaining a starting position on the Gryffindor qudditch team.
Although his dream is to play quidditch professionally, his father wants him to become a Healer. 
Gryffindor Toramaru idolising Gouenji and aims to become just as great a chaser.
Sun Kids
Kiyama Hiroto, Midorikawa Ryuuji, Nagumo Haruya, Suzuno Fuusuke, Saginuma Osamu and Yagami Reina all grew up the Sun Garden orphanage. 
They would always be isolated by the rest of the children who lived there as strange things would always happen around them - especially if you made one of them upset. 
Because of their experiences at Sun Garden, the six of them decided they would stick together.
They enter into Hogwarts a year after Endou, Gouenji and Kidou’s year. 
Hiroto figures out that since Nagumo, Suzuno and Saginuma would most likely end up in Slytherin and his step father being a Slytherin alumni, the best house for them to go would most likely be Slytherin.
Hiroto would probably have been sorted into Ravenclaw otherwise. 
Obviously Midorikawa goes wherever his best friend will go and ends up in Slytherin too. 
Nagumo always teasing Midorikawa telling him he should have ended up in Hufflepuff.
Yagami Reina wishing to go to Gryffindor deep inside, but decides she doesn’t want to be separated from the rest of the sun garden kids.
The Slytherin/Gryffindor rivalry as strong as ever as Nagumo always tries to go head to head against Gryffindor’s ace chaser Gouenji.
As Nagumo is a beater, he always aims to hit the bludgers at Gouenji. 
Nagumo and Suzuno Fuusuke makes one of the best beater duos at Hogwarts next to the Fubuki Twins. 
Saginuma Osamu becoming the keeper of Slytherin.
Yagami Reina becomes a chaser of the team and is the first girl in years to make the team. 
Hiroto becomes a prefect in his fifth year and later becomes the head boy in his seventh year alongside Otonashi Haruna of Ravenclaw. 
He plays as a chaser for the Slytherin’s quidditch team and becomes captain when Kidou graduates. 
The six of them becoming their generation’s Marauders: Sneaking around the school, finding the secret entrances/ passageways, late night kitchen trips and giving themselves nicknames (Gran, Reize, Ulvida, Gazel, Burn and Desarm.
Fubuki Shirou and Atsuya 
Their auror parents were killed by dark wizards at a young age and Shirou promised them to look after his younger twin Atsuya.
They both see Thestrals from their first year of arriving at Hogwarts.
Shirou knows he can fit into Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff, but he decides that wherever Atsuya gets sorted, he gets sorted their too. He has nothing against Hufflepuff, but with his father in Gryffindor and his mother in Ravenclaw, he’d prefer either of the two. 
Atsuya has his heart quite set on being in Gryffindor and wastes no time telling Shirou that Hufflepuffs are for losers and Ravenclaws are for swots.
Atsuya getting sorted first since A comes before S despite being the younger twin. Due to his bold, daring and often reckless personality, he gets sorted into Gryffindor with the hat barely touching his head. 
The sorting hat spends a longer time on Shirou, debating to send him to either Gryffindor or Ravenclaw. Shirou politely asking the hat to send him to Gryffindor, before he runs off to sit next to his brother. 
Both the twins can play bother Beater and Chaser respectively. Their position for a game depends on which house they’re playing against.    
Tsunami getting sorted into Gryffindor. He loves the feel of riding wherever his broom takes him - normally over the Black Lake. He often gets into trouble, dragging an unwilling Hufflepuff Tachimukai along with him to detention.
Kino Aki owling Ichinose Kazuya every week as he starts his wizarding education at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in America.
When he transfers to Hogwarts in his fifth year, he gets sorted into Ravenclaw. 
He is also the youngest player on the American representative quidditch team. 
He co-captains Ravenclaw with Afuro Terumi where he plays as a Seeker. Afuro himself plays as a Chaser. 
Their childhood friends, Domon Asuka and Nishigaki Mamoru both transfer a few years prior and gets sorted into Slytherin and Hufflepuff and both play beaters for their respective houses. 
Kazemaru at one point is the Captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team. He is probably the fastest seeker the house has had in a decade. 
Kogure is the school’s local prankster. His cunning and misleading trickster personality lands him in Slytherin.
Heads of Houses: Kageyama Reiji (Slytherin), Kudou Michiya (Gryffindor), Hibiki Seigou (Hufflepuff), Kira Hitomiko (Ravenclaw)
Kudou teaches Defence against the Dark Arts, a position which Kageyama wanted. Kageyama teaches potions instead. 
Hibiki teaches either Arithmancy or Ancient Runes
Kira teaches Transfiguration or Charms
During their first year, one of the quidditch teams (Ravenclaw or Slytherin), uses a potion with the code name Aqua of the Gods before their quidditch games and they win all their games for the season suspiciously. Turns out the Aqua of the Gods is actually Liquid Luck and the team forfeit their Quidditch cup victory. The members of their respective teams are banned from quiddich for the rest of their time at Hogwarts. 
As Endou was still in his first year and unable to play quidditch, none of the banned members of the team are known. 
Not my complete set of headcanons there! But that’s what I’ll leave for now.
There are a couple of headcanons if certain people got placed in different houses (Ravenclaw!Hiroto, Hufflepuff!Midorikawa, Ravenclaw!Kidou ) and I probably may write drabbles and whatnot with them in the future! 
Hope some of this sounds interesting :D I’ll be working on this project on the side while I try to sort out some adulting life things.
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midorikawawas · 8 years
Nagumo Haruya!
Hell yeah! This is a nice surprise!
general opinion: fall in a hole and die | don’t like them | eh | they’re fine I guess | like them! | love them | actual love of my life hotness level: get away from me | meh | neutral | theoretically hot but not my type | pretty hot | gorgeous! | 10/10 would bang hogwarts house: gryffindor | slytherin | ravenclaw | hufflepuffbest quality: I believe in him being a tsundere, he hides his feelings under that kind of bad boy mask but he tends to worry about his closest friendsworst quality: Too rough sometimes, can’t control very well his tounge ship them with:Suzuno and Suzuno and maybe a little of Midorikawa but at last, Suzuno.brotp them with: Natsuhiko (Nepper) , Suzuno, Midorikawa (I like when he teases him), and , yeah even if its weird, Hiroto (Tatsuya) (They may hate eachother but i love situations when they both have to work together) needs to stay away from: Fire....
misc. thoughts: I likde him since the begginign and WHY HE DIDN’T APPEAR WITH SUZUNO IN GO???
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